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WIND CHILL FACTOR 9.1 end 1993 electronic version Those of you familiar with previous issues of Wind Chill Factor will find this unusual. Well, while we would love to be able to publish on a regular monthly schedule, the reality is that we are far too busy with our other projects, and the cost of printing 5000+ copies per issue on newsprint is prohibitive. So we did some brainstorming, fretted and wrung our hands, and then stole some ideas and decided on this: In between our regular newsprint issues (the next of which will be #10) which we hope to put out every 3 months or so, we will be putting out WCF Info-Bulletins, such as this one which you are now reading. These info-bulletins will be numbered as decimals (ergo, WCF 9.1), and will be available in 3 formats: as a page in the local radical monthly rag Lumpen Times, as a streetsheet distributed separately around the city, and as this electronic newsletter for Internet & BBS distribution (request it from thak@midway.uchicago.edu). Contributions, letters, hate mail, etc, are all welcome. We can especially use $donations$! For further info on WCF, contact us at: WCF, PO Box 81961, Chicago, IL 60681, U$A (312) 384-2991, email: thak@midway.uchicago.edu Use those addresses to also contact: Collective Chaos, Anarchist Black Cross--Chicago, Food Not Bombs--Chicago, Baklava Autonomist Collective Wind Chill Factor is a zine for ideas, action, news, anger, creativity, and more. The project is anarchist/autonomist/anti-authoritarian in content, process, and organization. (MAL)CONTENTS , issue 9.1 1) Chicago's Kristallnacht 2) ALF Hits Chicago Fur Stores 3) Injustice In Brew City 4) Fetus Fetishists Fail Again 5) Help Suppress The Surge 6) San Francisco Food Not Bombs Under Attack 7) What Is Food Not Bombs? 8) Anarchist Black Cross (Chicago) -- Grand Jury Indicts The Denver 3 -- The War Continues...And So Does The Resistance... -- Repression at Westville 9) Autonomous Zone 10) No Boys Allowed 11) Local Events 1) CHICAGO S KRISTALLNACHT On Tue. Nov. 9 we had an anti-fascist demo here in chicago to coincide with other demos in Europe, etc. on the anniversary of Kristallnacht, which seems to have been renamed pogromnacht [the night Nazis went on a rampage, targeting Jews in Nazi Germany]. I thought it was a positive thing over all but it also raises some questions in my mind. It was cold and dark by 5:30 pm but about 35 folx came out anyway to demonstrate downtown in Daley Plaza across from city hall. No press, and no cops thought it significant enough to grace us with their presence! We had banners and a bullhorn for a free speech area. The whole thing lasted about an hour. I can t help but think the whole thing is a bit eurocentric...granted there are a few nazis running around the south side, but racism in Chicago is much more institutionalized and traditional. It predates the nazi era and will probably be here long fter the last skinhead has kicked the bucket or decided on some new fashion trend... Maybe we should remember the date in 1836 when the last Pottawattamie tribes were forced out of Chicago after their so called leaders signed a bogus treaty... Or when Illinois militia fired upon Black Hawk s tribe as they flew the peace flag, massacring hundreds of Native American men, women and children with impunity as they tried to get safe passage to land in Wisconsin. This is Chicago s Kristallnacht. More recently we had a full scale race war for 4 days in 1919. Whites invaded the black ghettoes in cars of vigilantes shooting into homes randomly. Barricades were set up in self defense and much blood was spilled. I am interested in history becoming relevant again, but it seems people are only interested in keeping alive history that they find personally relevant. This rant is something i d like to hear people s opinions on, so raise your voice... D.L. Lingg 2) ALF HITS CHICAGO FUR-STORES! This past weekend, Nov. 27-29, 4 stores that sell fur in Chicago were targetted with incendiary devices. Damage was done to Marshall Fields , Carson Pirie Scott, and Saks Fifth Avenue, all in the upper-class Loop shopping area. A device was found & removed from Nieman Marcus as well. In all, 8 devices were found, with six igniting. The devices were set off when the stores were not open, and were apparently geared towards setting off the sprinkler systems to cause water damage. There were no injuries. The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) released a communique to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals taking responsibility for the action (we hope to have this soon), saying nine devices were placed in four stores. Police said no ninth device had been found. The ALF said the action signalled the start of a more intense campaign of economic sabotage against stores which sell fur . The ALF is currently under investigation by numerous grand juries across the country in retaliation for their Operation Bite Back , which is targetting the fur industry, and other actions. At least 30 people have faced harrasment by being subpoenaed by these grand juries, and 3 were temporarily jailed for refusing to testify. Police managed to recover two of the devices (consisting of matchbook and timer attached to a 9-volt battery in a paper bag) intact, and are making microscopic examinations for fingerprints and other forensic evidence. FBI spokesman Robert Long said the agency would try to trace the items to the purchaser. The ALF is considered a terrorist organization by the attorney general, giving the FBI jurisdiction. Police also said they believe the devices were placed by ALF members from out of state and that they may have some success in tracking them because there was some travel involved. The Chicago Sun-Times managed to obtain parts of an ALF handbook, which the bomb and arson unit had also obtained. The Sun-Times was shocked to find that the booklet not only gave directions on making such devices but also on how to carry out the mission and evade police. The Sun Times quoted sections of the booklet, including some basic security tips. They ended by quoting, If questioned by police, the handbook says ...our first priority is to say ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to the police, other than our name, address, and date of birth. They also carried an editorial condemning the actions ( no one can justify tactics that endanger human lives and destroy private property ), accompanied by a cartoon of Santa on his reindeer-drawn sleigh dodging explosions and cursing Darn Animal Liberation Front! . Meanwhile, the liberal environmental Green Party issued a statement condemning the ALF as a twistd fringe group of animal activists and called on all animal-rights groups to provide any information that will lead to the arrest of individuals for the plantation of incendiary devices. We trust no one will listen to the likes of apologist snitches like these. For more info on the ALF, grand juries, and counter-attacks on the animal liberation movement, contact us or: North American ALF Supporters Group PO Box 75029, Ritchie P.O. Edmonton, AB, T6E 6K1 Canada info from capitalist press 3) INJUSTICE IN BREW CITY This is Bad Kid 007 reporting in for the revolution. Check it out. The unfortunate trend of cops unneccessarily killing black men in Amerikkka continues. This incident, just another mark on the wall of excessive force resulting in the death of Leonard Young, occured in a not so great place on a great lake also known as Milwaukee. On Sept. 27th Leonard Young was pulled over by Milwaukee s finest near the corner of 24th and Brown. When he emerged from his car he was shot 4 times resulting in his death by unfriendly officer Mark Beutow. Police reports say Young had a cassette tape in his hand that was mistaken for a dangerous weapon. The District Attorney s office found the killing justifiable homicide . Following the killing the community began to organize. Two demonstrations and press conferences were held. At the 2nd demonstration Michael Mcgee (one of the prominent Black Panthers) got on the mic and stated enough talk, time for action . About 20 people in agreement then turned over a Milwaukee squad car. The group that emerged after the killing to confront this and other racial injustices in the city of Milwaukee is called the Milwaukee Community Union. On their 1st gathering at a local church they were harassed by the police. Peacekeeper Officer Beutow remains on the force in Brew city but the community also remains on their intent to get justice. *For an update and more elaborate article look in upcoming issues of Wind Chill Factor, the People s Tribune, the Fly Paper and the Lumpen Times. 4) FETUS FETISHISTS FAIL AGAIN Lifeless Christian zombies tried to shut down abortion clinics across the city of Chicago in late November, but were foiled by valiant pro-choice clinic defenders. Operation Rescue and another group known as TACK (teens against child killing) solemnly walked around in circles in front of health care clinics that provide health services to many people including abortion. These paranoid religious fanatics would walk around like sheep, blindly obeying their God for 20 minutes until their rather large gray bus would pull up to cart off our Christian Soldiers to the next clinic. Fearless advocates of freedom jeered the boring Christian dullards as they filed onto the bus one by one. At one point some Bad Kid tossed a stink bomb onto the bus releasing a fragrance, similar to the scent of the decaying body of Christ s theology. The bus was also tagged with Jesus Freaks on board . As the bus drove away, freedom lovers everywhere ran for their vehicles in order to follow the ark of intolerance to the next clinic. Where again they were met with the unrelenting forces of justice. This round of clinic defense was as fun as the previous clinic attack in early November, by Collegians Activated to Liberate Life. After spending more time then we cared to around them, we found them to be about as liberating as being nailed to a cross. Their repressed inner-selves didn t find the humor we did when Tim Murphy, a bigwig in the Pro-Life Action League, was de-pantsed. They didn t laugh about the 2 flat tires Tim s car mysteriously acquiredgot either. Nor when a car of gorilla-masked guerrilas mowed em down in a drive-by with a SuperSoaker. But that s ok, we didn t think the 20 or so fanatics who locked themselves inside a clinic for 2 hours were humorous either. But their action was pointless, as all the appointments were rescheduled During all of this one can only wonder why they continue to fight for a cause that is so lost? Our only answer; shallow mindedness from inbreeding amongst their own. 5) help suppress the surge there was a klan rally in indianapolis and i thought i knew where i was. i knew i was in a country built on genocide, theft of land and slavery. i also knew by this point that the government ruling this land was never one to deny those facts. now it was my turn to witness it. the knights of the ku klux klan were being protected by the most well equipped military this planet has ever known, in te name of freedom . there were snipers on the roofs, SWAT looking guys helping the nazis escape the pissed crowd, and we had to go through a metal detector to get into the area that we would be allowed to protest in. there was nothing we could do, the klan won the battle. we were controlled by the state to demonstrate in a fashion that would not threaten the klan. to drive this disturbing reality home further was the fact that there were black folks there who were not accepting our alliance. they saw us as betrayers according to the history of this situation. there was nothing we could say, nor should say in regards to that. after all, the helicopters were there to see to it that no real trouble would break out. i remember having suggested the idea, not an original idea, of having some sort of way of identifying ourselves in terms of our purposes in indianapolis. somehow, it seemed best to wait and see what happened if we just showed up as is with faces covered. as it turned out someone told us that rumours were being spread that the people with faces covered were the aryan brotherhood and that we should take off our masks. it seemed logical at that point that some other means of identity was necessary, a patch or a sign or an armband. i was not able or ready to go to columbus, the klan s next stop, but i heard folks used some sort of marking, and would like to hear more about that. it seems very necessary. the klan is laughing. the next morning the indianapolis star had the klan heading section a and dan and marylin quayle doing section b . a very clear message regardless of who owns the star. the klan and the quayles side by side, smiling and gigging it up. naturally. needless to say i went into an acute sense of denial for a couple of days. maybe it wasn t denial but it sure as hell didn t feel as though i belonged here. i didn t feel like i really had a land that i called my own . i was pretty fucking pissed and it sure as hell wasn t with black folks, or jews, or gays, or lesbians or any other people that these knuckleheads try to blame for their own ineptitude. it was the system that relies on this ignorance to fortify itself that i have always questioned. the more we talk about constitutional rights the more we prop up this illegal government for having claimed them. these rights and privileges have existed and been fought for long before the constitution was framed, the fact that we have to speak of these things in legal and formal terms is enough proof for me that we are allowing them to escape us. all i desire to add at this point is that the prison society encroaches every human at this moment. more prisons and malls are being built at the moments that i write and you read this. the prison society is on many humans. identify. raze in chicago addendum: i would like to reiterate the fact that we are losing the war against racism and deceit. here in chicago the police torture and the wealthy want to develop the river. cabrini green is a target for gentrification. we are witnessing a recolonization . at this point it is just an attempt. apathy and inaction is complicity. 6) SAN FRANCISCO FOOD NOT BOMBS UNDER ATTACK! Quality of Life--a eighties kind of idea brought into the nineties by a San Francisco mayor who used to be a police chief. Quality of Life is a crackdown ordered by Mayor Jordan to arrest street people for "nuisance" crimes. I don't really know what that means--maybe trying to stop people in dirty clothes from peeing in public and discouraging tourists from buying lots of usesless trinkets or something. A side effect is a chance for cops to arrest Food Not Bombs activists and charge them with felony conspiracy. It seems that there is a two-year-old injunction that the police have decided to enforce which prohibits groups from serving free food in public parks without a permit. But guess what, FNB can't comply because of a 1990 Recreation and Park Department resolution denying permits to any group distributing free food. There have been 160 arrests of FNB members between Sept. 2 and Nov. 8. Often the individuals charged with conspiring together don't even know their fellow "conspirators", as SF FNB has called reinforcements in from East Bay and Santa Cruz FNB groups. The cops have arrested over 400 homeless on "nuisance" charges, and continue to arrest FNB members for serving free food, arrest homeless for napping in public, all while San Francisco is under a federal court order to relieve jail overcrowding at the downtown facility where the activists were held. The city is fined $300/day for every prisoner over the jail's rated capacity. Hmmm--how many people could we feed for $300? The jail was 21 people over limit after a Labor day FNB bust. 21 x $300 is, sing it with me, $6,300, that the city has to pay Uncle Scam because it wants to improve the Quality of Life for the city. FNB contiues to serve 500 vegetarian meals a day between the Civic Center Plaza and the eastern edge of Golden Gate Park, and I guess things have calmed down somewhat, though the campaign against the poor of the city continues. A supportive editorial in the Bay Guardian reported on September 8 that two individuals on the Board of Supervisors are taking action. Supervisor Angela Alioto is working on legislation that would grant amnesty to Quality of Life victims and Terence Hallinan is introducing legislation allowing free food distribution without a permit. There is a hot FNB debate raging on the e-mail network, so tune in, and there will be a article in the WCF #10. 7) WHAT IS FOOD NOT BOMBS? Food Not Bombs is a 100% organic vegetarian food service group committed to social progress and non-violent civil disobedience. FNB is dedicated to raising public awareness of homelessness and poverty issues from housing to health. We feel and have demonstrated that a number of city issues have been unjustly blamed on convenient scapegoats such as the poor, the black, the latino, and the young underemployed. There is a tremendous need for people to discuss ways to elevate the status of the lowest among us, so that we can all be liberated, for our liberation is woven inextricably to the liberation of all. 8) ANARCHIST BLACK CROSS - CHICAGO Grand Jury Indicts the Denver 3 To people with AIDS I say, Find a higher grace in your suffering. --Pope John Paul II Traditionally, the Roman Catholic Church has opposed equal rights for lesbian, gay, & bisexual individuals. In Colorado, the Roman Catholic Church was instrumental to the passage of Amendment 2, a statewide amendment which allows for the legal discrimination of lesbians and gay men. Traditionally, the Roman Catholic Church has opposed the use of condoms as a means for stopping the spread of AIDS. Thousands continue to die as a result of the Church s AIDSphobic policies. THIS IS WRONG!! On January 14, a group of AIDS activists outraged by the Catholic Church s homophobic and AIDSphobic policies draped plastic bags bearing the word AIDS over tombstones in a Catholic cemetery. Their message painted a picture of what a cemetery will look like in the not-so-distant future if the Catholic Church continues to oppose the use of condoms to prevent the spread of HIV: a cemetery in which tombstones relays AIDS as the cause of death. Great care was taken to ensure that no harm was done to any tombstone. Eight months later, on the eve of the Pope s arrival in Denver, a grand jury handed down indictments against ACT UP members Madrid St. Angelo, Lorna Wheeler, and Taylor St. John, charging each of them with two felonies and two misdemeanors related to the cemetery action. If convicted of these charges the Denver 3 could be sentenced up to 15 years in prison. Warrants with bonds of $50,000 each were issued. The following day all three were arrested and taken into custody. Lorna, a resident of Los Angeles, was held in jail for 15 days after which she was extradited to Denver and allowed to post bond. Madrid and Taylor, both residents of Chicago, were held for nearly a week after which they bonded out for the sum of $10,000. In November, Taylor and Madrid were extradited back to Colorado and taken into custody. They need $15,000 bond to be released. All three have had their employment jeopardized, the security of their homes threatened, and their lives turned upside down. Two of the defendants are HIV+ and could lose their lives in the face of a prison sentence (a death sentence). What awaits these AIDS activists is undoubtedly a lengthy and costly legal battle which unfortunately must be fought in Colorado--the home of Amendment 2. It is fair to say that the Denver 3 will not get a fair trial given the political climate of a state which has supported legislation based against lesbians, gay men, and people with AIDS. The Use Of A Grand Jury A grand jury was used to divide the lesbian, gay, and AIDS activist movement in Colorado. Successfully, the state (prosecution) was able to infiltrate, weed out, and gather testimony from members of the gay and lesbian community to produce indictments against the three ACT UP members. During the past several decaes the grand jury has been used as a means of political inquisition, a way to get activists in secret rooms, ask them questions about organizations, demonstrations, and civil disobedience. People who refuse to testify are thrown in jail in hope that they will become informants. All activists need to be aware of the threat that grand juries pose. If you are involved in political activism, direct action tactics, or civil disobedience, you could be at risk. Activists from around the nation have begun mobilizing so as to lend their support to assist Lorna, Madrid, and Taylor in their fight for freedom. A legal defense fund has been established to collect funds so as to aid these three individuals with legal costs. For more information, please contact the ACT UP chapters below. Please make your checks payable to one of the defense funds listed below: Legal Defense Fund c/o ACT UP/Chicago PO Box 579002, #275 Chicago, IL 60613 USA (312) 509-6802 Freedom Defense Fund c/o ACT UP/Denver PO Box 9752 Denver, CO 80209 USA (303) 643-4386 A PLASTIC BAG DOES NOT EQUAL 15 YEARS IN PRISON! ACT UP! FIGHT BACK! FIGHT AIDS! THE WAR CONTINUES ...AND SO DOES THE RESISTANCE... Fred Hampton Jr. leads the National People s Democratic Uhuru Movement for Self-Determination for African people in Chicago. He is a 23 year old African Political Prisoner in the U.S. He was sentenced to 18 years in prison on May 19, 1993 in Chicago, Illinois. Fred Jr. was kidnapped from the African community on trumped up charges of aggravated arson. Fred s real crime in the eyes of the white power state is that he is organizing African people for Self-Determination and democratic rights. Since his sentencing, Fred has been whisked from prison to prison. Currently he is being held at Big Muddy River Correctional Facility, which is 300 miles from his friends, family, and base in Chicago. Fred Hampton Jr. is the son of Fred Hampton Sr.--Deputy Chairman of the Black Panther Party who organized the largest chapter in the U.S. Under Fred s leadership, the Black Panther Party organized programs for black self-reliance such as the Free Breakfast for School Children Program, Sickle Cell Anemia Program, and Free Food and Clothing Program. The City of Chicago, under the FBI directed COINTELPRO, targeted Fred and theBPP as the greatest threat to the internal security of the U.S. since the Civil War. Fred Hampton Sr. was brutally assassinated, along with Mark Clark, on December 4, 1969 by the Chicago police and FBI. CONTACT: NPDUM Uhuru House 5409 S. Halsted Chicago, IL 60609 Repression at Westville "Human Rights Held Hostage is a prisoners Human Rights newsletter that was formed by politically active prisoners in the aftermath of the prisoners hunger strike at M.C.C. (Maximum Control Complex) Westville, IN which was one of the longest prisoner hunger strikes in U.S. prison history. HRHH was put together to enable politically active prisoners in the Indiana prison system to communicate with each other and reach out to educate people on the outside. A small publishing staff on the outside collects the writing and mails them back into the prisons. The newsletter is now reaching and involving prisoners across the country. This info is from an account by Shaks Shakur, a prisoner at M.C.C. who was one of the primary organizers of the hunger strike there in 1991 and the founder of the newsletter. On 11-8 Shak s cell was searched for a copy of HRHH. When none was found they searched 5 other prisoners cells then locked down the entire cell block. Spot shake downdowns of prisoners and staff were conducted, and on 11-9 all the cell block was again searched and this time ALL political essays with pictures (like the HRHH format) were confiscated. This resulted in all HRHH back issues being taken, as well as many personal typed writings, legal materials, etc. This is an unprecedented move to sweep for a publication. The attack on HRHH did not come as a big surprise, considering it was starting to take root among many New Afrikan prisoners. This attack must be resisted, because if they can launch such an offensive against a political publication and get away with it, then it s only a matter of time before they move on other publications. The Prisoners are requesting support and considering filing a class action lawsuit. Contact Shaka Shakur #28443 M.C.C. P.O. Box 557 Westville, IN 46391-0557 or the HRHH Staff P.O. Box 14075 Chicago, IL 60614-0075. Send letters protesting the sweep to below listed officials: Christian Debruyn, Commissioner I.D.O.C. 804 State Office Building 100 North Senate AVe. Indianapolis, IN 46204 phone: (317)-232-5715 fax: (317)-232-6798 Charles Wright, Supt. Maximum Kontrol Komplex P.O. Box 557 Westville, IN 46391-0557 ph: (219)-785-2554 9) AUTONOMOUS ZONE One method I d like to see experimented with is large spaces rented by a few or more people... (to) provide space for everything from printshops, organizing centers, soup kitchens and spaces for fundrazors, all in one space. .. if 4-6 people get a large warehouse space, furnish it & put some time in, space could be provided for such a purpose for next to nothing... if even one space like this could be used efficiently, in a multifaceted way, run collectively, with no decision making apparatus used except that which is determined by the needs of this starved society and the limits of the geography... That is an excerpt from an article that was written in the last issue of WCF. about 3 mo s before we knew we were leaving our old collective space Chaos House (sobs and wailing), and the concept of attempting an info-shop was being approached with caution. I didn t come close to realizing that I was describing something that I would become a part of in a year. The Autonomous Zone is open and we are still proceeding with caution. Caution is good. No need to rush into anything, right? Well there are several projects running out of the space right now and we encourage anyone to come check it out, contribute and find ways to empower themselves, their neighbors, and the community at large. This is not a simple society that we live in and any enclave you can find is a good one, as long as it doesn t contribute to the alienation. We want to free ourselves of the dependence on the patriarchal, authoritarian structure of this society be it corporate, governmental, religious or otherwise. We want to encourage that locally, and support it globally. Recovery Alliance, a HIV risk reduction and recovery outreach program has been doing training and focus groups here, and may soon be doing their syringe exchange program here as well. Centros Beneficios, another HIV and SIDA awareness project that is interactive and taught in spanish also meets here. Other groups like Anti-Racist Action, the Industrial Workers of the World, and the Coalition for Positive Sexuality have used our space as well. Chicago has recently been introduced to Food Not Bombs, a decentralized project that seeks to feed anyone who is hungry to free vegetarian food and possibly even show folks cooperative and healthy food-getting alternatives. There is also Yoga with Aloma, and occasionally computer & internet classes! In December the JAM Crew will start hosting dope hip-hop parties. We will also be having speakers from time to time. The Autonomous Revolution Forum Series (ARFS), an open-ended series of discussions will be just plain rad. Check the Events Calendar for the minor details like times and dates. Some of the projects we will hope to start soon include a new and revamped return of Thinking Faction that we ll probably do with our new Lumpen Pals. We want to start several informal class offerings as well, the topics are varied and will alwas be free. We needyour ideas for this. The Autonomous Zone Free School would like to offer: Spanish; Yoga; G.E.D.; First Aid; Self-Defense; Theater; Creative Writing; Quilting Bee-In; Secret Chicago History; English as a Second Language; Confronting Police Violence; Printmaking; Drawing; Homewbrewing; Graffitti Art; Music; Kropotkin's Mutual Aid ; Computers; Self-Publishing; The Technological Society ; Wild Edible Plants Foraging...and so much more. We re looking for folx interested in teaching and/or participating in classes starting in January. Give us a call! There are also big walls in here with lists of things and posters of demos and events. There is a Library, that s right, you can borrow a book, just like downtown! Lot s of free stuff too: leftover Food Not Bombs food; clothes; books; coffee; lots-o-zines. We are out of control with FREEDOM. Radical literature and alternative music up the wazoo. You can find an article in this info-bulletin about the Womyn's (Only) Space on Sunday nights. There will be as many descriptions of this place as people that you ask so you have to come see it, ok? It has grown out of necessity as well as desire. We are trying to interact with our community and make this a true com munity center. We have lots of new friends and alliances and we want to be a part of creating counter-institutions. We welcome you to visit and hopefully participate. AUTONOMOUS ZONE 1726 W. Division (2 blocks W of Division L on O Hare line) (312) 384-2991 -- Call for info, updates on events, or just to chat.-sedov trevor lucien, proceeding with caution- 10) NO BOYS ALLOWED Since nearly the beginning of recorded history, wimmin have had to deal with a patriarchal society in which their voices have largely been lost. And since the start of law , and government , their opinions have been received with derision, or a light little pat on the head or a conciliatory chuckle, if they were received at all. So with centuries of socialization, and generations of learned behavior, wimmin have been taught that their opinions and feelings are less important than a man s and should be repressed. What we here at the Autonomaus Zone have been working to create is a space where any womyn can feel comfortable expressing her thoughts, feelings, or ideas without men around, and therefore without the almost unconscious fear of censure. So every Sunday, from 7 pm until close, we have a space in which wimmin can, if they so choose, participate in discussions, book readings, conversations, potlux and companionship. Or simply use it as a place to read in peace if they so desire. Suggestions for other activities are always welcome, and will serve to make wimmin s night the truly diverse and supportive place it is meant to be. So wimmin, come on in, and share your ideas and tasty vegetarian dishes. Thanx, love eaty 11) UPCOMING EVENTS Every Saturday: Clinic Defense at American Women s Medical Center, 7am-noon, corner of Western & Diversey. Join us against the anti-choice bigots! Every Sunday: Wimmin s Space: 7pm-Midnight at the A-Zone, 1726 W. Division. Bring food. WIMMIN ONLY! Every Thursday: FOOD NOT BOMBS serving free vegetarian food, 2pm, at the A-Zone 1726 W. Division. Now til Dec. 24: Holiday Sale at the Gallery/Store of the National Committee to Free Puerto Rican POW s and Political Prisoners, 1112 N. California. (312) 278-0885. Hours M-F 2-5, Sat 12-4. Dec. 18 (Sat): A-Zone Benefit with the Jaks, Think & Da Bad Kidz (radical rap), and the Grussors (hip hop), and possibly more. With open mike & vegetarian potluck! 8pm. Dec. 21 (Tue): ARF on INFOSHOPS AND AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY CENTERS, featuring a slideshow on Rosebud Commons in Portland by Squirrel, and hopefully other Midwest infoshop-center activists as well. 7pm, at the A-Zone, 1726 W. Division. Jan 12 (Wed): ARF on PRACTICAL STRATEGY FOR ANTI-AUTHORITARIAN REVOLUTION, with speakers (from several different viewpoints, including anarcho-syndicalists, feminists, autonomists, and others) and discussion. 7pm, at the A-Zone. Jan. 26 (Wed): ARF on Feminism, details tba. Future: ARFs on Prisoner Support & Prison Issues, and a series on Revolution in West-Town, spotlighting Gentrification, Housing, Gangs, Confronting Police Violence, and more! Note: Phone first! Events subject to constant change. END, Wind Chill Factor 9.1