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Spunk150: Anarchist electronic contact list version 6.5 Last updated by Jack Jansen, 6-Jan-96 Anarchist and related contacts on the Internet. This contact list is maintained by Spunk Press. It is updated continually, and the latest version is always available on various places on the Internet, along with the rest of the Spunk Press archive of anarchist and alternative material: WWW: http://www.spunk.org/ http://www.cwi.nl/cwi/people/Jack.Jansen/Spunk/Spunk_Home.html the latest version of this contact sheet is at: http://www.cwi.nl/cwi/people/Jack.Jansen/Spunk/Spunk_Resources.html FTP: ftp://etext.archive.umich.edu/pub/Politics/Spunk the latest version of this contact sheet is there, in texts/contacts/sp000150.txt Please email short descriptions for lists, organisations and publications, corrections and additions to <jack@cwi.nl>. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spunk Press - Anarchist internet information sources ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sites here are ordered by their main information content, but will often contain other stuff as well. Sites that support FTP or Gopher only are listed separately at the bottom. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- General anarchist text collections (WWW) Spunk Press http://www.cwi.nl/cwi/people/Jack.Jansen/spunk/Spunk_Home.html If you are reading this contact sheet on paper: the latest version can be found at http://www.cwi.nl/cwi/people/Jack.Jansen/spunk/Spunk_Resources.html The Seed http://web.cs.city.ac.uk/homes/louise/seed2.html This is not being update but worth one look. Nadir Archive http://www.nadir.org/ A large archive of German texts on social and political movements, and they are working on other languages as well. Maintained by Infogruppe Hamburg. Anarchy Archives http://www.miyazaki-mic.ac.jp/faculty/dward/Anarchist_Archives/archivehome.html Similar to Spunk Press, and there is quite a bit of overlap in documents too, but also stuff Spunk Press doesn't carry. The organization of the site (and the layout of the pages) is probably also quite a bit better than ours... Samizdat http://www.anet.fr/~aris/ "Le premier serveur alternatif en fran?ais". Information on ECN, Anti-facist groups, etc. Peter's E-texts http://www.cs.oberlin.edu/students/pjaques/etext/home.html A collection of writings by Goldman, Bey and others. (An) Anarchy Home Page http://www.duke.edu/~eagle/anarchy/ A very nice page with articles, writings and lots of anarchist links. Liberty for the People http://tigerden.com/~berios/liberty.html Texts concerning the goal of liberty and freedom for the working class individual. Critiques of Libertarianism http://draco.centerline.com:8080/~mrh/liber Mike Huben has written a FAQ which gives background information on Libertarianism from the point of view of a non-believer. The site also contains other documents critical of libertarian doctrine. Though there is no real anarchist slant to the info here, it's a good counterbalance for the various anarcho-capitalist sites on the net. The Memory Hole http://www.serve.com/~thales/tmh/ Items on anarchism and related issues, plus links to other interesting sites. Anti-Capital Web Articles and discussion items, from the Against Sleep and Nightmare magazine and other sources. Situationist in slant. Information on specific groups/subjects (WWW) Direct Action http://www.channel1.com/users/jay/hpdirect.htm A calendar of actions and events in the whole world. World-Wide Free Press http://www.wwfreepress.com/ A publication for freedom fighters in the 90's, in the tradition of the LA Free Press of the 60's. Also available thru email, contact <kunkin@cinenet.net>. Hakim Bey http://www.uio.no/~mwatz/bey Lots of work by the author of TAZ, and also a link to the Moorish Science Monitor which has yet another collection of Bey stuff. Chomsky http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu:/usr/tp0x/chomsky.html Emma Goldman http://sunsite.Berkeley.EDU/Goldman/ A project to collect, organize and edit texts by and about Emma Goldman. They have a number of interesting items available online. Situationists International http://www.access.digex.net/~spud/SI/si.html The Diggers http://www.webcom.com/~enoble/diggers/diggers.html This is information about the SF Diggers from the sixties, not about the english diggers from the 16th century. Prominent anarchists and left-libertarians http://tigerden.com/~berios/libertarians.html Biographic information and pictures of some well-known anarchists. This site also has other anarchist images at http://tigerden.com/~berios/archive.html. Haymarket homepage http://www.interlog.com/eye/Misc/Labor/Haymarket/ Information on the Haymarket massacre in 1886. Russian Anarchism http://iww.org/~jah/russanar.html Information on anarchism in Russia today. Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) There are a number sites with ABC info. A good starting point is http://www.cs.oberlin.edu/~pjaques/prison/abc.html. Marx and Engels online csf.colorado.edu, /psn/Marx Lots of writings by the old fellas. There is another webhome for Marx in Australia, at http://online.anu.edu.au/polsci/marx/. Marxism and Leninism http://www.idbsu.edu/surveyrc/Staff/jaynes/marxism/marxism.htm Biographic data, writings and links to other sites related to Marxism and Leninism. Groups, activities, local information (WWW) Infoshop Home Page http://www.wam.umd.edu/~ctmunson/Infoshop.html Chuck Munson maintains this, it is a collection of links to infoshops worldwide, and some other interesting links besides. If you run an infoshop or another anarchy-related project contact Chuck at <cm150@umail.umd.edu> to get listed. Anarchism and Irish Politics http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/2419/ Information on Anarchism, Irish politics and the combination of the two. Also the home page for the Workers Solidarity Movement. Freie ArbeiterInnen Union (FAU, Germany) http://anarch.ping.de/FAU Utah Anarchist and Activist home http://www.cs.utah.edu/~galt/revolt.html News on activist events in Utah, general articles and links to other websites. Quebec anarchists http://COMM.qc.ca/Centre/Reseau/ Les pages du 'r?seau anarchiste qu?becois' essayent de r?pertorier toutes les organisations anarchistes au Qu?bec, que ce soit des groupes qui publient un journal ou une revue, ou des groupes qui ?ditent et diffusent des ouvrages sur l'anarchie, ou encore des groupes qui sont li?s de quelques fa?ons au mouvement anarchiste. Nous esp?rons ainsi cr?er des liens plus forts entre les diff?rents anarchistes ? travers la province et le reste du monde. Anarcha-Feminist page http://www.wam.umd.edu/~ctmunson/afem_kiosk.html Information on anarcha-feminism and interesting links. Still under construction... European Counter Network http://www.xs4all.nl/~tank/ecn/index.htm A europe-wide group of activist BBS systems and internet nodes. News and counter-information from the self-organized movement and the social centers. Portland Anarchist Web page http://www.ee.pdx.edu/~jason/ This site has Portland specific stuff (like the Sentinel archives) but also heaps of general anarchist stuff. Moreover, the layout is good, too. Be sure to check out the other sites section there, it has quite a few links not included here. Also, some material you might expect in the Spunk Press archive can be found here. Anarchistische Internet Zeitung http://www.uni-jena.de/~c5stho/aiz.html A periodical on anarchism, both in theory and in practice. In german. pHreak UK http://www.phreak.co.uk/ "the Web-coast of pHreak, the UK's most totally sorted underground bulletin board". Their bulletin board also carries the complete Spunk catalog. Contact <internet@pHreak.co.uk> for more information. AFRANet http://www.gn.apc.org/afranet/ An Anti-Facist and Anti-Racist site with news on events, background information, links, etc. UK-based but lots of international stuff too. Cybernet http://cybersight.com/cgi-bin/cs/s?main.gmml. They have a some nice links under their Cybversive section (but there is quite a bit of garbage too). Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) http://www.bluemarble.net/~mitch/iww.html Information on the One Big Union. There are also mailing lists and other (regional) contacts for the IWW, see below under the relevant sections. IGC Progressive Directory http://www.igc.org/ A very nice directory of lots of Net- and other resources with a progressive/activist slant, much like this one. Maintained by the IGC (PeaceNet, EcoNet, ConflictNet and LaborNet). Yahoo http://www.yahoo.com/ A general comprehensive directory of WWW resources. They have an anarchy subsection (under Government, Politics, parties and groups, of all places:-). EZLN (Zapatistas) http://sccs.swarthmore.edu/~justin/Docs/ezln/ezln.html Lots of info on the liberation movement in Chiapas, Mexico. Some stuff in spanish, but most documents translated into english as well. Left side of the Web http://paul.spu.edu/~sinnfein/progressive.html Lots of information resources for left-wing activists, slanted towards the USA. Also lots of info on right-wing groups like the militia's. Feminist Activists http://www.clark.net/pub/s-gray/feminist.html Information for feminists who are political activists. Also contains links to stuff interesting to people who fall in only one of the categories. Animal Rights Resource Site http://envirolink.org/arrs/ References to many groups worldwide that focus on animal rights, such as ALF. This group incorporates the old Animal Defense Network (which merged with the ARRS). Greenpeace http://www.greenpeace.org/ Statewatch http://www.poptel.org.uk/statewatch/ A database that monitors the state and civil liberties in the UK and Europe. Silja's page http://www.well.com/Community/sisu/index.html Interesting stuff and links, many anarchy-related items. Crafty's Crossing http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/1381/ Toward an anarchist praxis of development work descended in part from Narodism and centered on politics, ecology and economics of food production. TAO http://www.lglobal.com/TAO/ The TAO Collective, home to the Anarchives, Freedom Press, A-Infos and Anetdev mailinglists, and a score of emerging resources spawning from the enabling effects of the new media. Propuestas desde Nicaragua http://ibw.com.ni/~dlabs/ Publicaciones sin un inter?s comercial, la mayor?a de Nicaragua, como boletines de j?venes, mujeres, ecolog?a y anarquismo. Solidaritygroup Political Prisoners http://www.xs4all.nl:80/~tank/english.htm Lots of information on political prisoners and activities to help them. Interestingly designed, too. Stop Prisoner Rape http://www.ai.mit.edu/people/ellens/SPR/spr.html A US-based support group for combatting rape of prisoners and providing assistance to the victims. McSpotlight http://www.McSpotlight.org/ McSpotlight is the latest and most dynamic weapon in the fight against McDonald's global domination. Nazism Exposed http://www.cs.uit.no/~paalde/NazismExposed/ Information about right-wingers on the net and beyond, plus lots of links to other antifacist sources on the net. Stonehenge Campaign http://www.kingsway.ac.uk/kiss/stonehenge/CAMPAIGN.HTM A campaign for the reinstatement of the Stonehenge Peoples Free Festival and of religious access to Stonehenge itself, and to protect the Stonehenge landscape and environment. Magazines ZNet http://www.lbbs.org/znet.htm A home for Z magazine, LBBS and other related left-wing groups. Love & Rage/Amor y Rabia http://www.nmia.com:80/~bright/ An electronic home for the magazine, buth in English and Spanish. The Lumpen Times http://www.interaccess.com/users/edmc/lumptime/ A cool 'zine with alternative/progressive stuff. Fun, too. Gray Area http://w3.gti.net/grayarea/ A webhome for the Gray Area zine, wich is dedicated to "subject matter that is illegal, immoral and/or controversial". Radikal http://www.xs4all.nl/~tank/radikal A newspaper from -and for- the radikal left, in German. Music, art, etc (WWW) Machina Amniotica http://www.eva.it/machina/machin01.htm No Copyright Poetry in Italian. DiskArt http://www.gate.net/~diskart A gallery of Art and artists on computer disk, including political poetry by caribbean writers. As of December 1995, it appears this page has disappeared. Kultcha http://www.mindspring.com/~street/detour/kultcha.html An online version of an anarchic wallnewspaper which is both serious and funny. Geekgirl http://www.next.com.au/spyfood/geekgirl/ A cyberfeminist magazine. Zion Train http://www.china.co.uk/china/ziontrain/ A home page maintained by the band of that name. They have a really nice collection of links, political and otherwise. BabyfishNet http://www-personal.umich.edu/~babyfish/ Home of the anarchist art zine "Babyfish... Lost its mama" and Trumpbull Theater. Global Mail Art http://www.well.com/user/soapbox/eglob95.html "Mail art is art that goes all over the world through the use of the postal service". Their site has addressing info for many zines, anarchist papers, projects, etc etc etc. Madness http://www.channel1.com/users/jay/welcome.htm MADNESS is a WWW political community inspired by and featuring the Web's premier work of collaborative, episodic, (SUBVERSIVE) hypertext fiction. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOPHER SITES Site: etext.archive.umich.edu etext.archive.umich.edu, especially the Politics section is interesting. This site carries most, if not all, of the electronic newsletters and other material listed below, including Spunk Press, Love and Rage, Autonome Forum, Non Serviam and the BAD Brigade. The information here is also available via FTP, see below. Contact: Paul Southworth <pauls@umich.edu> Pathfinder Press ftp.std.com, choose FTP, then "World FTP sites", then Books, then "Pathfinder Press" Works by "revolutionary fighters whose struggles against capitalism, racism ... point the way forward for humanity": Marx, Engels, Malcolm X, Mandela, etc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANONYMOUS FTP SITES Site: etext.archive.umich.edu etext.archive.umich.edu, directory /pub/Politics Also accessible through gopher, see above. Marx and Engels online csf.colorado.edu, directory /psn/Marx A large collection of the writings of Marx and Engels Chomsky online ftp.cs.cmu.edu, directory /user/cap/chomsky Lots of info on Noam Chomsky, including articles, lectures, reviews of those by other people, etc. Note: As of late 1995, this location appears to be empty. Feminists ftp.eskimo.com, directory /feminist. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spunk Press - Anarchist mailinglists and newsgroups ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWSGROUPS Note: not all these newsgroups may be available everywhere, since sites tend to drop 'alt.' groups for which there is no known interest. Ask your news administrator for details. alt.society.anarchy alt.politics.radical-left alt.society.revolution alt.society.labor-union alt.society.resistance talk.politics.theory talk.politics.misc alt.amateur-comp alt.activism misc.activism.progressive alt.org.food-not-bombs alt.zines alt.fan.noam-chomsky talk.environment alt.politics.socialism.trotsky ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTERS AND DISTRIBUTION Autonome Forum (various) <aforum@moose.uvm.edu> Practical Anarchy Online (electronic newsletter) For subscription, contact <cm150@umail.umd.edu> Spunk Press Distribution List (alternative and anarchist literature) <spunk-info-request@lysator.liu.se> This is the information mailing list, where we send out occasional messages when a new catalog is finished, etc. Love & Rage/Amor y Rabia (electronic newsletter) <lnr@blythe.org> (Todd Prane) There's also a WWW home for Love and Rage, see that section. Baklava Autonomist Collective, Wind Chill Factor paper/zine <ugwiller@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu> NY TRANSFER NEWS COLLECTIVE Publishers of Love & Rage, Wind Chill Factor, ECN, socialists, Trotskyists, Maoists, etc. 212-675-9690 212-675-9663 GET INFO from ftpmail%transfr@blythe.org <nyt@blythe.org> Hard Response http://turnpike.net/emporium/H/HR/index.htm A satirical journal " ... dedicated to clobbering the Right in as many avenues of creative expression possible ...". ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAILING LISTS Unless stated otherwise the email addresses listed here point to people or automatic response systems who can subscribe you or give you more information. In the case of automatic list-subscribers the text to send is also given. If the list appears to be managed by a human being it is probably a good idea to state clearly which list you want to be subscribed to, and at what address. Anarchy Discussion Subscription address: <anarchy-list-request@cwi.nl> Archives under WWW: http://www.cwi.nl/cwi/people/Jack.Jansen/anarchy/anarchy.html Organiser: <jack@cwi.nl> Anarchist Research Subscription address: <listserv@bred.univ-montp3.fr> (send SUB RA-L 1stname lastname in the body of the message) This list is moderated, and was started because the anarchy-list can have a rather low signal-to-noise ratio at times. Organizer: Ronald Creagh <rcreagh@alor.univ-montp3.fr> OneUnion (Syndicalist) Subscription address: <OneUnion-request@list.lever.com> (send subscribe in the Subject: field). Organizer: <mlepore@mcimail.com> A-INFOS Subscription address: <MAJORDOMO@LGLOBAL.COM> (send SUBSCRIBE A-INFOS in the body of the message) News, reports and analysis of any subject of interest to the anarchist community. Items are generally meant for inclusion in anarchist publications, and should be considered public domain. A-INFOS-D Subscription address: <MAJORDOMO@LGLOBAL.COM> (send SUBSCRIBE A-INFOS-D in the body of the message) Discussion on what is posted to A-INFOS. ANETDEV Subscription address: <MAJORDOMO@LGLOBAL.COM> (send SUBSCRIBE ANETDEV in the body of the message) This mailing list is meant as a forum to discuss matter related to setting up an internation anarchist computer network, linking BBSes, internet sites, etc. ACTIV-L Subscription address: <listserv@missouri.edu> (send SUB ACTIV-L 1stname lastname in the body) This is a mailing list with the same content as misc.activism.progressive, so the newsgroup is probably preferrable. Alternative Institutions Subscription address: <altinst-request@cco.caltech.edu> Non Serviam <solan@math.uio.no> Electronic forums for those who do not intend to serve any higher cause. Different aspects of egoism are elaborated, mainly from the perspective of Stirnerite egoists. Archives available. IWW Mailing list Subscription address: <Majordomo@igc.apc.org> (send subscribe iww-news in message body) AIT/IWA mailing list Subscription address: <AIT-IWA-list-request@list.lever.com> (send a message with subscribe in the subject line) Discussion on the International Workers Association, also known as the Associacion International de Trabajadores. Not officially affiliated to the IWA. WSA Mailing list Subscription address: <WSA-list-request@list.lever.com> (send a message with subscribe in the subject line) Discussion on the Workers Solidarity Alliance, the US affiliate of the International Workers Association. Not officially affiliated to the WSA. CNT mailing list Subscription address: <cnt-news-request@iww.org> (send a message with subscribe in the subject line) News and discussion (in english or spanish) of the CNT of Spain. Informal, not officially affiliated to the CNT or IWW. Squatlink Subscription address: <pepe@iww.org> Anarchocapitalist Discussion List <extropians-request@extropy.org> Socialism Discussion List (Trotskyist) SOCIAL-L Subscription address: <listserv@mitvma.mit.edu> (send sub social-l 1stname lastname in message body) Organizer: Felix Kriesel <KREISEL@PFC.MIT.EDU> Left-Wing Political Discussion List LEFT-L The Left List is an uncensored forum for the discussion of building a broad democratic left in the United States and within the world that can seek fundamental change in our economic and social system. Subscription address: <listserv@cmsa.berkeley.edu> (send sub left-l 1stname lastname in message body) Organizer: Nathan Newman <newman@garnet.berkeley.edu> Left-Wing Political Organization Discussion List LEFT-ORG Subscription address: <listserv@cmsa.berkeley.edu> (send sub left-org 1stname lastname in message body) Progressive News List PNEWS Subscription address: <listserv@sjuvm.stjohns.edu> (send Subscribe PNEWS-L yourfullname in message body) There is a webhome for this list at http://www.shadow.net/~odin/ Organizer: Hank Roth <odin@shadow.net> Marxism Discussion List MARXISM Subscription address: <majordomo@jefferson.village.virginia.edu> (send info marxism in message body for information) Archives are available on jefferson.village.virginia.edu, directory /pub/pubs/listservs/spoons/marxism.archive Alternative Institutions <AltInst-request@cs.cmu.edu> Chiapas, Mexico (and the Zapatistas, specifically) CHIAPAS-L Subscription address: <majordomo@profmexis.dgsca.unam.mx> (send sub chiapas-l firstname lastname in message body to subscribe) Archives available under gopher on profmexis.dgsca.unam.mx, "foros locales", "Chiapas". McLibel Defendants mailing list Subscription address: <majordomo@world.std.com> (send subscribe mclibel in the message body) Organizer: <coniberr@cs.man.ac.uk> Race Trator mailing list for discussing the need and methods for destroying whiteness, white skin privilege, and the construct "white race.". Subscription address: <majordomo@acpub.duke.edu> (send subscribe fightwhite in the message body) Organizer: <jschultz@acpub.duke.edu> Riot-l articles from Reuters capitalist news service which deal with resistance to oppressive forces (imperialism, patriarchy, capitalism, white supremacy, etc.) and attacks by those oppressive forces. Subscription address: <listserv@burn.ucsd.edu> (send subscribe riot-l FIRSTNAME LASTNAME in the body) Zines Discussion List <zines-l-request@uriacc.bitnet> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Spunk Press - Publishers and publications ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLISHERS, DISTRIBUTORS Loompanics <loompanx@olympus.net> Part of their catalog can be found at gopher://gopher.well.sf.ca.us/00/Business/catalog.asc International Publishers <ipny@igc.apc.org> AK Press and Distribution, Scotland PO Box 12766, Edinburgh EH8 9YE. Phone 0131 555 5165 Fax 0131 555 5215 email: <ad@akedin.demon.co.uk> AK Press and AK Distribution have a homepage at http://www.obsolete.com/ak/, which includes the complete catalog, ordering info, etc. AK Distribution (USA) P.O. Box 40682 San Francisco, CA 94140-0682 <akpress@org.org> AK Press US have a home page at http://www.akpress.org Autonomedia, NY P.O. Box 568 Brooklyn, NY 11211-0568 <dmandl@panix.com> (Dave Mandl) Autonomedia Canada 618-620 View Str. Victoria, BC, Canada V8W 1J6 <uc006@freenet.victoria.bc.ca> Black Rose Books (Canada) 3981 boul. St. Laurent Montreal, Quebec H2W 1Y5 Canada (No email address known) Black Rose Books (USA) 340 Nagel Dr. Cheektowaga, NY 14225 USA (No email address known) Freedom Press, London 84b, Whitechapel High St. London E1 7QX UK http://web.cs.city.ac.uk/homes/louise/freehome.html Pluto Press (UK) 345 Archway Road London N6 5AA England (No email address known) Pluto Press (USA) 8 Winchester Place Winchester, MA 01890 USA (No email address known) E.G. Smith (USA) P.O. Box 82026 Columbus, Ohio, 43202 USA <egsmith@infinet.com> Their catalog is on-line at http://www.infinet.com:80/~egsmith/ Left Bank Distribution 1404 18th Avenue Seattle, WA 98122, USA (206) 322-2868 <jonkonnu@eskimo.com> They have a webhome at http://www.eskimo.com/~jonkonnu. DS4A (UK) Box 8, 82 Colston Street Bristol BS1 5BB, UK (No email address known) Send SAE for a catalogue. An ASCII version of the catalog is available online at http://www.cwi.nl/cwi/people/Jack.Jansen/spunk/othercat/ds4a.txt, but is it big and not too well-formatted. Anticopyright PO Box TR42, Leeds LS12 3XP, UK, -or- BM JED London WC1N 3XX <Jed@pHreak.intermedia.co.uk> Send SAE for a catalog, or download it from http://www.cwi.nl/cwi/people/Jack.Jansen/spunk/othercat/anticopyright.txt (which may not be the most recent version). PUBLICATIONS Please note that quite a few of the publications are international, the grouping on country/region is purely based on the postal addresses. U.S.A: Love and Rage http://www.nmia.com/~bright Libertarian Labor Review <jbekken@igc.apc.org> (this is an anarcho-syndicalist publication, not an anarcho-capitalist one!) Meander Quarterly <STAMM%UKANVM.bitnet@vm42.cso.uiuc.edu> (Ed Stamm) Serf City Black Banner <newt@armory.com> (Corin Royal Drummond) 2600 Magazine (The Hacker Quarterly) <2600@well.sf.ca.us> Industrial Worker (IWW) <jbekken@igc.apc.org> The Industrial Worker is available online at http://iww.org/~iw/. Wind Chill Factor PO Box 81961 Chicago, IL 60681 (312) 455-0707 <ugwiller@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu> Libertarian Book Club 339 Lafayette St., Room 202 NYC, NY 10012 <dmandl@panix.com> AERO-GRAMME Libertarian Education Newsletter <jmintz@igc.apc.org> (Jerry Mintz) Russian Labor Review P.O. Box 8461, Berkeley, CA 94707 Tel: 510-489-8554; Fax: 510-471-4454 <rlrsf@igc.apc.org> (Berkeley, U.S.) <cube@glas.apc.org> <austgreen@glas.apc.org> Blast! <jolson@polisci.umn.edu> Black Fist 15110 Bellaire, Box 317 Houston, Texas 77083 USA <BlackFist3@aol.com>, <BilalCybe9@aol.com> or <frank@hic.net> Black Flag (anarchist magazine) <100517.1573@compuserve.com> Black Autonomy 323 Broadway Ave E #914, Seattle, WA 98102 USA <bd982@scn.org> ICI maintenant / Here and Now <d256344@er.uqam.ca> People's Weekly World (Communist Party USA publication) <pww@igc.apc.org> Political Affairs (Communist Party USA publication) <communistpty@igc.apc.org> Dynamic (Young Communist League USA publication) <yclusa@igc.apc.org> The Lumpen Times 2558 W. Armitage Ave. Chicago, IL 60647 USA <Lumptime@mcs.com> The publication is online on the web, at http://homepage.interaccess.com/~edmc/lumptime/ Wooden Shoe Books 112 S. 20th Str., Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-569-2477 <jdavids@cpp.pha.pa.us> Anarchist zine Peterboroough, Ontario <SFORBES@trentu.ca> Helter Skelter <dteslik@ix.netcom.com> the Shadow <Shadow@MediaFilter.org> This anarchist magazine is also available on the web, at http://MediaFilter.org/MFF/Shadow.html Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed <anarchy@panix.com> Venezuela: Correo A <nmendez@sagi.ucv.edu.ve> Europe: Direkte Aktion, (bi-monthly from German FAU-IWA) Bismarckstrasse 41a D-47443 Moers Germany <da@anarch.do.open.de> <da@anarch.ping.de> The international bulletin of the French Anarchist Federation. A-INFOS (F) Federation Anarchiste B.P.79 59370 Mons en Baroeul FRANCE Fax: +33/ <HumeursNoires@lifl.fr> (FA also have an address in Paris, see under "CONTACTS") Here and Now (Glasgow and Leeds, U.K.) <an52399@anon.penet.fi> Bulletin of Anarchist Studies <pla001@cent1.lancs.ac.uk> (Tom Cahill) Counter Information Edinburgh <ian@tardis.ed.ac.uk> CNT newspaper C/ Molinos, 64, Bajo. 18009 Granada Apartado de Correos 4040. 18080 Granada Espana <egarcia@ugr.es> (Emilio J. Garcia Wiedemann) ZAGINFLATCH Z.A.P. Tkalciceva 38 41000 Zagreb Croatia Phone:+385 1 422 495 Fax:+385 1 271 143 <zap@zamir-zg.ztn.zer.de> rAn c/o NABAT P.O. BOX 318 I-57100 LIVORNO ITALY <nscp19k1@bologna.nettuno.it> La Comuna Ateneu Llibertari del Baix-Sud P.box. 139 08850 Gava (Barcelona) <ellokal@pangea.upc.es> Infinite Onion (Love and peace from ZAGREB) Antiratna Kampanja Tkalciceva 38, 41000 Zagreb, Croatia tel: +385-(0)41-422495 fax: +385-(0)41-271143 <ark_zg@Zamir-zg.ztn.zer.de> De Nar (Belgian Anarchist Magazine) Postbus 104 1210 Brussel 21 Belgium <de_nar@knooppunt.be> or <kris@denar.knooppunt.be> Squall (british travellers' and squatters' paper) c/o 2 St Pauls Road, London N1 2QN, Britain <squall@phreak.intermedia.co.uk> They are setting up a website, at http://www.phreak.co.uk/squall/ El Acratador Apartado de Correos 3141, 50080 ZARAGOZA, Spain Also available on-line in both Spanish and English, at http://apollo.cps.unizar.es/ISF/revistas/acratador/acratador/Home.html Yelah Box 4085, 400 40 G?teborg <verkstan.gbg@mailbox.swipnet.se> They have a webhome at http://WWW2.datatorget.educ.goteborg.se/tids/yelah/. Ekintza Zuzena Ediciones E.Z. Apartado de Correos 235 48080 BILBO - BIZKAIA, SPAIN <barc1_95@worc.ac.uk> (until June 1996) ORGANISE! for class struggle anarchism Anarchist Communist Federation c/o 84b Whitechapel High Street, London, E1 7QX <acfinfo@anon.penet.fi> Journal of anarchist studies Editor: Sharif Gemie School of Humanities and Social Science University of Glamorgan Pontypridd, Mid Glamorgan CF37 1DL, Wales Publisher, subscriptions: White Horse Press 1 Strond, Isle of Harris, Scotland -or- 10 High Street, Knapwell, Cambridge CB3 8NR email: <t.cahill@lancaster.ac.uk> (Tom Cahill) Summaries of the articles (made without permission by Erik Buelinckx) are available at http://www.knooppunt.be/~erikb/anar.html. Russia: Obschina <cube@glas.apc.org> (Mikhail Tsovma) Aspirin Won't Help (in Russian) News&Views from (the former) Sovietsky Soyuz (in English) <cube@glas.apc.org> (Mikhail Tsovma) Trety Put (Third Way, ecoanarchist magazine) <tretyput@glas.apc.org> (Sergei Fomichov) Mother Anarchy <cube@glas.apc.org> (Laure Akai) Bulletin of the EcoAnarchist Network <tretyput@glas.apc.org> (Sergei Fomichov) <ecodefense@glas.apc.org> (Vladimir Slivyak) <nadia@glas.apc.org> (Nadia Shevchenko) Russian Labor Review PO Box 16, 129642 Moscow, Russia/CIS; Tel:(095) 921-0655; <kaskor@glas.apc.org> New Zealand (Aotearoa) The State Adversary (NZ's longest running @ zine) P.O. Box 9263, Wellington New Zealand <gaye@nubm.wgtn.planet.co.nz> Sekhmet (anarcha-feminist magazine) P.O. Box 14-156, Wellington New Zealand <gaye@nubm.wgtn.planet.co.nz> Japan: WARRIOR, ARP,P.O.Box 57, Sakyo Kyoto, 606 JAPAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spunk Press - Contacts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACTS United States: Autonomedia, NY Semiotext(e)/Autonomedia P.O. Box 568 Brooklyn, NY 11211-0568 <dmandl@panix.com> (Dave Mandl) Love & Rage Rev. Anarchist Federation P.O. Box 853 Stuyvesant Sta., NY 10009 <lnr@blythe.org> (Todd Prane) New Society <new.society@helix.eskimo.com> Anarchist Gathering Organizing Group (Aug 19th-Aug 21st 1994) c/o OPIRG, Peter Robinson College, Trent University, Peterborough, Ont., Canada, K9J 7B8 (705) 748-1767 <tmueller@trentu.ca> <jlindberg@trentu.ca> IWW International Editor <jbekken@igc.apc.org> Santa Cruz IWW <sciww@ucscb.ucsc.edu> (Crys-Vad Hyphus) San Francisco IWW <iww@igc.apc.org> (Mike Ballard) Class War Santa Cruz <vittu@ucscb.ucsc.edu> (Matt Miscreant) The Fire @nt Collective P.O. Box 11619 Costa Mesa 92627 <wobbly@liberty.com> Bay Area (SF) Food Not Bombs <andyrose@netcom.com> (Andy) East Bay Food Not Bombs (Berkeley, California) <resist@burn.ucsd.edu> New York City Food Not Bombs <kryshka@newschool.edu> (Marcus) Baltimore Food Not Bombs P.O. box 4309, baltimore, MD 21223 <spud@access.digex.net> Slingshot <resist@burn.ucsd.edu> Infoshop Berkeley, 3124 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley CA 94705 (510) 848-6466 <resist@burn.ucsd.edu> 915E community center, San Diego <nine@burn.ucsd.edu> Anti-border list (immigration issues) <borders@burn.ucsd.edu> Germinal Infoshop, UCSD Student Center 0323-Z, La Jolla, CA 92093-0323 phone: (619) 455-7321; fax: (619) 455-9055 (call first) <germinal@burn.ucsd.edu> Newindicator, San Diego <newindicator@burn.ucsd.edu> Invisible City Freedom Project, 4759 15th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98105 <derrida@u.washington.edu> (Mark Smith) Baltimore ABC P.O. box 4309, baltimore, MD 21223 <spud@access.digex.net> Atlatl Collective and SCUM PO Box 650116 Austin, TX 78765 <SCUM@utxvms.cc.utexas.edu> (Joshu@ DeVries/Chris Kutalik) Agitator Index <jolson@polisci.umn.edu> Emma Center 3451 Bloomington Ave. So. Minneapolis, MN 55407 (612) 729-5498 <jolson@polisci.umn.edu> The Arawak City Autonomous Collective, Columbus, Ohio <wisniewski.4@popmail.acs.ohio-state.edu> Croatan, Baltimore Infoshop and Community Centre P.O. Box 4309 Baltimore, MD 21223 <spud@access.digex.net> Chicago Anarchist Black Cross PO Box 81961 Chicago, IL 60681 USA <uaadams@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu> (Tony Atoms) (also through Wind Chill Factor) Baklava, Chaos collective, ABC, FNB, Chicago <ugwiller@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu> Autonomous Zone (Infoshop and anarchist center) 2045 W. North Ave., CHILL 60622 U$A (packages to: Box 420, 1573 N. Milwaukee) phone: 312-278-0775, fax: 312-404-6906 <ugwiller@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu> Philadelphia Troublemakers & Anarchists <ulrike@vm.temple.edu> Trumbull Theater Collective, Detroit 4210 Trumbull Avenue Detroit, MI 48208 <cstunt@nova.eng.wayne.edu> Boston Anarchists' Drinking Brigade <bbrigade@world.std.com> Nightcrawler, ABC, Newark, NY <loveandrage@igc.apc.org> Affinity Group of Evolutionary Anarchists (AGEA) AGEA is an address exchange network linking individuals who favor education and self-organization as the preferred methods of achieving a voluntary, egalitarian and cooperative society. Ed Stamm, PO Box 1402, Lawrence KS 66044-8402 USA <stamm@ukanvm.bitnet> or <stamm@ukanvm.cc.ukans.edu> Beehive Autonomous Collective 925 U St., NW Washington, DC 20001 (202) MORAL-24 667-2524 <rezek@wam.umd.edu> (Russ) Information Terror Alternative Library c/o Antioch college Comunity Government 795 Livermore Ave Yellow Springs Ohio 45387 <IT@chaos.antioch.edu> Community activism, not restricted to anarchists New York Anarchists Open E-mail Box <create@panix.com> Ideal Order <idealord@dorsai.dorsai.org> (Jeff Harrington) "Marxist-Leninist Books" in Chicago, IL (bookstore) Jack Hill <mlbooks@mercury.mcs.com> LBBS (formerly ZBBS) and Noam Chomsky <sysop@zbbs.com> WSA (US section of IWA) <100517.1573@compuserve.com> R.I.O.T. Collective (Baltimore anarchist punk collective) PO Box 132, 7188 Cradlerock Way, Columbia MD 21045 phone: (410) 720-5305 fax: 410-381-6086 <nuffink@usa.pipeline.com> Blackout Books 50 Avenue B New York, NY 10009, USA phone: (212) 777-1967 <blackout@panix.com> Canada: Adbusters magazine: The Media Foundation 1243 7th Ave, Vancouver BC, V6H 1B7 Canada <adbuster@wimsey.com> Jewish People's Liberation Organization (J PLO) La galerie Fokus / Cafe Kaballah Centre Communautaire / Community Centre 68 est, avenue Duluth Montreal H2W-1G8 Kebek <d256344@er.uqam.ca> Ottawa IWW <indwrk@web.apc.org> Autonomedia Canada 618-620 View Str., Victoria, BC, Canada V8W 1J6 <uc006@freenet.victoria.bc.ca> Sabat Infoshop Box 8137, Victoria BC, V8W 3R8 <ug874@freenet.vic.bc.ca> Arm The Spirit PO Box 6326, Stn. A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1P7 CANADA Fax: (416) 516-4847 <ats@etext.org> Montreal Food not Bombs -and- Montreal ABC -and- Activist Outreach: <Emma.Goldman@myth.org> Venezuela: Colectivo PLUM(A) <nmendez@sagi.ucv.edu.ve> Germany: Omega (contact for infoshops in Berlin) <omega@ibb.berlinet.in-berlin.de> Free Workers Union (FAU/IWA) Germany FAU-Geschaeftskommission Zentralkultur c/o FAU Pfarrstr. 7 Hinterhof D-70182 Stuttgart Email: <fau-geko@anarch.ping.de> WWW: http://anarch.ping.de/FAU/ <fau@anarch.ping.de> mail distributor for all <direkte.aktion@anarch.ping.de> DIREKTE AKTION redaction <fau-geko@anarch.ping.de> FAU GOB and IS <fau-la@anarch.ping.de> FAU Latin America working g <fauac@anarch.ping.de> FAU Aachen local <faualt@anarch.ping.de> FAU Altenburg local <faub@anarch.ping.de> FAU Berlin local <faubbz@anarch.ping.de> FAU Bad Bergzabern local <faubi@anarch.ping.de> FAU Bielefeld local <faubn@anarch.ping.de> FAU Bonn local <faudo@anarch.ping.de> FAU Dortmund local <faudu@anarch.ping.de> FAU Duisburg/Moers local <fauffm@anarch.ping.de> FAU Frankfurt local <faugoe@anarch.ping.de> FAU Goettingen local <faugp@anarch.ping.de> FAU Goeppingen local <fauh@anarch.ping.de> FAU Hannover local <fauhh@anarch.ping.de> FAU Hamburg local <fauk@anarch.ping.de> FAU Koeln (Cologne) local <faum@anarch.ping.de> FAU Muenchen (Munich) local <faumd@anarch.ping.de> FAU Magdeburg local <faustgt@anarch.ping.de> FAU Stuttgart local <fautbb@anarch.ping.de> FAU Nierderrimbach local <fauulm@anarch.ping.de> FAU Ulm local Infogruppe Hamburg Brigittenstrasse 5 20359 Hamburg Email: <ifghh@krabat.nadir.org> WWW: http://www.nadir.org/Gruppen/ifghh/home-eng.html Ireland: Worker's Solidarity Movement (Ireland) <anflood@macollamh.ucd.ie> (Andrew Flood) France: Federation Anarchiste 145 Rue Amelot 75011 Paris FRANCE tel: +33/ (24h/24h) fax: +33/ <HumeursNoires@lifl.fr> Humeurs Noires (FA) is a group of the French Anarchist Federation Humeurs Noires Federation Anarchiste B.P.79 59370 Mons en Baroeul FRANCE Fax: +33/ <HumeursNoires@lifl.fr> CNT-AIT Paris 33, rue des Vignoles, F- 75020 Paris <cnt@altern.com> http://www.altern.com/cnt/ CNT-AIT Marseille Vieille Bourse du Travail, 13 rue de l'Academie, F-13001 Marseille <loiseau@lac.gulliver.fr> CNT-AIT Toulouse 7 rue Saint Remezy, F-31000 Toulouse no current email address known U.K.: 56A Infoshop, 56 Crampton St. London SE17 No current email address known Anarchist Communist Federation (U.K.) c/o 84b Whitechapel High Street, London, E1 7QX <acfinfo@anon.penet.fi> Cambridge Anarchist Group (UK) <GWL10@cus.cam.ac.uk> Glasgow Anarchists (U.K.) <cllv13@computer-centre-sun.strathclyde.ac.uk> (Iain MacKay) Leeds Anarchist Group (UK) LAG, c/0 145-149 Cardigan Road, Burley, Leeds, LS6 1LJ TAG/Newcastle ABC PO Box ITA Newcastle Upon Tyne NE99 1TA <P.M.Blackmore@ncl.ac.uk> McLibel Support Campaign 5 Caledonia Road London, N1 9DX <dbriars@world.std.com> WWW: http://www.McSpotlight.org/ Scottish Federation of Anarchists (SFA) PO Box 1008 Glasgow G42 8AA, Scotland <cllv13@ccsun.strath.ac.uk> Kate Sharpley library (libertarian archives) -and/or- Black Flag -and/or- Anarchist Black Cross -and/or- Red and Black Club (Solidarity Fed. exDAM, affil. IWA\AIT, Deptford, London) Black Flag BM hurricane London WC1N 3XX Spain: Joanma El Lokal C/ de la cera 1 bis 08001 Barcelona Spain Phone/Fax: ++34-3-3290643 <ellokal@pangea.upc.es> (Manuel) CNT see under "Publications" section. Ateneo Libertario El Acratador (counterinformative 'zine) Apartado de Correos 3141, 50080 ZARAGOZA, Spain Indian BBS, Tarragona BBS phone: +34-77-550485 fido: 2:343/302. <ellokal@pangea.upc.es> Italy: ECN Bologna (European Counter Network) BBS phone: 051-520986 <fam0393@iperbole.bologna.it> Sweden: SAC International Committee <sacint@pns.igc.org> Link?ping infoshop, Sweden <cardell@lysator.liu.se> Some Anarchist Hackers (N?gra Anarkistiska Hackare) Sweden <cardell@lysator.liu.se> Finland: SAL-AIT (Finnish Anarchist Federation) PO Box 223, 33201 Tampere, FINLAND <mvleppal@paju.oulu.fi> Belgium: A-Koepel Gent Postbus 244 9000 Gent Belgium (only put the adress on the enveloppe, not the name!) Russia: Alexei Borovoi Group/KAS <cube@glas.apc.org> (Mikhail Tsovma) Ecodefense! Group (Kaliningrad/Koenigsberg) <ecodefense@glas.apc.org> (Vladimir Slivyak) Ecodefence Group (Kiev, Ukraine) <nadia@glas.apc.org> (Nadia Shevchenko) Rainbow Keepers <tretyput@glas.apc.org> (Sergei Fomichov) Institute for the Research of Racism, Nationalism and Fascism <cube@glas.apc.org> (Laure Akai) KAS-KOR Labour Information, Education and Research Centre <kaskor@glas.apc.org> (Boris Krazchenko, Kirill Buketov) Israel: Autonomous Left -and- Anarchist Federation of Israel -and- Independent Galilee Movement -and- ANTIFA-Israel -and- All Is Lies -and- Animal Rights <galilee@orixa.mtholyoke.edu> New Zealand: Anarchist Alliance of Aotearoa -and- Committee for the Establishment of Civilisation (Anarchist group) -and- Katipo Collective (Wellington Anarch-Feminist group) -and- The State Adversary (anarchist magazine) -and- Sekhmet (anarcha feminist magazine) P.O. Box 14-156, Wellington, New Zealand <aaa@nubm.wgtn.planet.co.nz> also: <gaye@nubm.wgtn.planet.co.nz> Australia: ABC Australia (in the process of being set up) PO Box 558, Sth Brisbane, Australia fax: 07-2521950 Attn: Phil/Donna <abcbris@byteback.apana.org.au> Xchange BBS PO Box 1052, Preston, Victoria 3072, Australia BBS phone: 03-388 0018 <compcoll@xchange.apana.org.au> Their homepage is at http://www.daemon.apana.org.au/~will/xchange Catalyst BBS Black Rose Anarchist Bookshop 583a King St, Newtown, New South Wales 2042, Australia <cat@lyst.apana.org.au> Jura Books Internet Collective 110 Crystal Street Petersham NSW 2049 <jura@chaos.apana.org.au> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spunk Press - Regional contacts for Spunk Press ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPUNK PRESS REGIONAL CONTACTS Spunk Press New England. <jprovo@barabus.ultranet.com> (Joe Provo) Spunk Press New York <fowler@grist.com> (John Fowler) Spunk Press SouthEast Coast U.S. <thales@netcom.com> (Brad) Spunk Press MidAtlantic U.S. <Chuck_MUNSON@umail.umd.edu> (Chuck Munson) (301) 220-0938 Spunk Press North West Coast U.S. <cdosem@halcyon.com> (Christian Overbey) Spunk Press Canada <tao@lglobal.com> (Jesse Hirsh) Spunk Press California <liz@black-rose.com> (Liz Highleyman) Spunk Press Netherlands <jack@cwi.nl> (Jack Jansen) +31 20 5924098 Spunk Press Germany <da@anarch.ping.de> Spunk Press Scotland <bunnyace@cableinet.co.uk> (Space Bunny) Spunk Press Ireland <anflood@macollamh.ucd.ie> (Andrew Flood) Spunk Press England South West England <neil@lds.co.uk> (Neil Birrell) Spunk Press Belgium <tw41836@is1.bfu.vub.ac.be> (Filip Camerman) Spunk Press Italy <lucpac@freenet.hut.fi> (Luc Pac) Spunk Press Denmark <tammctdk@inet.uni-c.dk> (Tam Mcturk) Spunk Press Sweden <cardell@lysator.liu.se> (Mikael Cardell) Spunk Press Russia <cube@glas.apc.org> (Laure Akai) Spunk Press Spain <alberto@nodo50.gn.apc.org> (Alberto Jimenez) Spunk Press Catalunya <ellokal@pangea.upc.es> (Manuel) Spunk Press Croatia <ZA_ZG@zamir-zg.ztn.zer.de> (Igor) Spunk Press Australia Vacant. Spunk Press New Zealand <Douglas.Newdick@vuw.ac.nz> (Douglas Newdick) Spunk Press Brazil <fernando@edugraf.ufsc.br> (Fernando Bier Melgarejo) If you would like to be the Spunk Press contact for a region not listed above, contact <spunk@lysator.liu.se> AFFINITY GROUPS Spunk Press Edinburgh Facilitator <bunnyace@cableinet.co.uk> (Space Bunny) FACILITATORS Spunk Press WWW Pages Faciliator <jack@cwi.nl> (Jack Jansen) Spunk Press IWW Section Facilitator <mballar@leland.stanford.edu> (Mike Ballard) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack Jansen, Spunk Press, January 6, 1997