💾 Archived View for gemini.spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › phreak › NUMBERS › area514doc.phk captured on 2022-07-17 at 10:55:47.
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Exchanges - Area Code 514 - Montreal area (7 December 1991) 55555 1 44 // 2222 2222 000 55555 999 999 5 11 4 4 // 2 2 0 0 5 9 9 9 9 5555 1 44444 // 222 222 0 0 === 5555 9999 9999 5 1 4 // 2 2 0 0 5 9 9 5555 111 4 // 22222 22222 000 5555 9 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------ 22| - - | - - |StCalK| ?L? |Shawbr|Beauha|MorinH|StSauv|StMarg|StAdel|22 23| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |23 24| - - | - - |Knowlt|Knowlt|VenisQ|Napier|Lacoll|Hemmin|Bedfor| - - |24 25| - - |<---------------- Montreal ---------------->|MirStS| Mtl |25 26| - - | - - | - - |Cowans|Huntin|StPoly|Cowans|CotLan| - - |RBeaud|26 27|<--------------------------- Montreal -------------------------->|27 28|<--------------------------- Montreal -------------------------->|28 29| - - |StBlai|Manson|FarnhS|Claren|Dunham|NStanb|Eastma|Frelig|Henryv|29 32| - - |<----------------------- Montreal ----------------------->|32 33|<--------------------------- Montreal -------------------------->|33 34|<------------- Montreal ------------>|<------ St-Jean ------>|34 35|<---------------- Montreal ---------------->|<----- St-Jean ---->|35 36| - - |<----------------------- Montreal ----------------------->|36 37|<Valleyfield>|Granby|Valley| Mtl |Granby| Mtl |Valley|Granby|StPauA|37 38| - - |<----------------------- Montreal ----------------------->|38 39|<--------------------------- Montreal -------------------------->|39 42| - - |Roxbor|Lachin| - - |Vaudre|IlePer|PteCla|StMrtn| - - |Beauha|42 43|StTher|<-St-Jerome->|<-- St-Therese -->|StJero|StTher|StJero|St-Lin|43 44| - - |StBrun|Longue|StLamb|LaPrai|StLamb|Beloei|Chambl|Longue|Bouche|44 45| ?L? |Rigaud|LesCed|IlePer|StRemi|Vaudre|StClet|PteCla|Hudson|StMrth|45 46|Mariev|StBrun|StLamb|Longue|Beloei|<-St-Lambert>|Beloei|Longue|StCesa|46 47| - - |Terreb|<St-Eustache>|Mascou|MirStA|MirAer|Mascou|StAnnP| Oka |47 48| - - |<----------------------- Montreal ----------------------->|48 49| - - |StEust|Terreb| Mtl |PteTre|<--- Montreal --->|PteTre| Mtl |49 52| - - |<----------------------- Montreal ----------------------->|52 53| - - | - - |Valcou|Browns|Bromon|Lawren| - - |StAndE|Sutton|Waterl|53 54| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |ActonV| - - |Roxton|UptonS|54 55| - - |<---- Montreal ---->| - - |[Diry]|Mtrl/?|Mtrl/?| - - | - - |55 56| - - | - - |Lachut|StHipp|StZeph|StJero| - - | - - |Pierre| - - |56 57| - - |[T-TT]|[T-??]|[T-??]|[T-??]| - - |[T-??]|[T-??]|[T-??]|[T-??]|57 58| - - |<-Le Gardeur>|Verche|StMarc|LeGard|Lavalt|Contre|LEpiph|LAssom|58 59| - - |<----------------------- Montreal ----------------------->|59 ------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Exchanges - Area Code 514 - Montreal area (7 December 1991) 55555 1 44 // 66 2222 000 999 999 999 5 11 4 4 // 6 2 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 5555 1 44444 // 6666 222 0 0 === 9999 9999 9999 5 1 4 // 6 6 2 0 0 9 9 9 5555 111 4 // 666 22222 000 9 9 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------ 62|StGene|StTher|StRose|StEust|StGene|StRose|StGene|LavalO|StRose|PnViau|62 63|PteCla|Lachin|StCons|<- Lachine ->|StCons|<- Lachine ->|StCons|Lachin|63 64|PteTre|Bouche|<-- Pointe-aux-Trembles -->|<-Longueuil->|PteTre|StJulV|64 65| - - |Longue|Varenn|StBrun|LeGard|Bouche|StLamb| - - |Chambl|LaPrai|65 66| - - |StVinP|< Pont-Viau >|<-- StVinP ->|LavalE|<---- Pont-Viau --->|66 67|Longue|<-St-Lambert>| - - |Longue| - - |StLamb|Longue|StLamb|Longue|67 68| - - |<- Chomedey >|<---- Roxboro --->|<--- Chomedey --->|LavalO|68 69| - - |<Chateauguay>| - - |<-Pte-Claire>|StGene|PteCla|<Chateauguay>|69 72| - - |<---- Montreal ---->| - - | Mtl | - - |<--- Montreal --->|72 73| - - | Mtl | - - | Mtl | - - |<---------- Montreal ---------->|73 74| - - | Mtl |<-- Sorel -->|<- Montreal >|Sorel |<--- Montreal --->|74 75| - - |<--- Joliette --->|Crabtr|<- Joliette >| - - | - - |Joliet|75 76| - - |<- Montreal >|CotLac|StJusN|<--------- Montreal --------->|76 77| - - |StHyac|StPie |<-- StHyac ->| - - |Bromon|Granby|StHyac| ?L? |77 78| - - | - - |StVict|BaFebv|StPieG|StOurs| - - |StDeni|StAime|Yamask|78 79| Mtl |StHele|StJude|StLibo|StHugu|StMade|StThoD|StDama|StSimo|StRosa|79 82| - - |[T-??]| - - | - - | - - |Howick|StChry|Frankl| - - |Ormsto|82 83| - - |StJuli| Mtl |StMicS|Rawdon|StGabB|Berthi| - - | - - |StJacq|83 84| Mtl | - - |<-------------------- Montreal ------------------->|84 85| - - |<------------- Montreal ------------>| - - |<- Montreal >|85 86| - - | Mtl | - - |<- Montreal >| - - | Mtl | - - | Mtl | - - |86 87|<--------------------------- Montreal -------------------------->|87 88| - - |PteTre|StTheC|StAlpR|StZeno|StBart|StJeaM|Lanora| - - |StFelV|88 89| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |[T-??]|[T-??]|[T-??]| Mtl |89 92| - - | - - |StJulV|StLamb| - - | - - |StLamb| - - |Longue| - - |92 93| - - |<----------------------- Montreal ----------------------->|93 94| - - | - - | Mtl |StLamb|<----------- Montreal ----------->|[T-??]|94 95|(950S)|<----------------- Montreal ----------------->|(T-PT)|[T-??]|95 96| - - | - - |LavalO|StRose|Terreb|StTher|Mascou|PnViau|Mascou|LavalO|96 97|[T-??]| - - | - - |Chomed|StEust|PnViau|[976S]| - - | - - | - - |97 98| - - |<----------------------- Montreal ----------------------->|98 99| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |<- Montreal >| ?X? |99 ------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Abbreviations for towns and cities in the chart ActonV - Acton-Vale MorinH - Morin-Heights StJeaM - St-Jean-de-Matha BaFebv - Baie-du-Febvre Mtl - Montreal StJero - St-Jerome Beauha - Beauharnois Napier - Napierville StJude - St-Jude Bedfor - Bedford NStanb - Notre-Dame-de- StJuli - Ste-Julienne Beloei - Beloeil Stanbridge StJulV - Ste-Julie- Berthi - Berthierville Oka - Oka de-Vercheres Bouche - Boucherville Ormsto - Ormstown StJusN - Ste-Justine- Bromon - Bromont Pierre - Pierreville de-Newton Browns - Brownsburg PnViau - Pont-Viau StLamb - St-Lambert Chambl - Chambly PteCla - Pointe-Claire StLibo - St-Liboire Claren - Clarenceville PteTre - Pointe-aux- StMade - Ste-Madeleine Contre - Contrecoeur Trembles StMarc - St-Marc CotLac - Coteau-du-Lac Rawdon - Rawdon StMarg - Ste-Marguerite CotLan - Coteau-Landing RBeaud - Riviere- StMicS - St-Michel- Cowans - Cowansville Beaudette des-Saints Crabtr - Crabtree Rigaud - Rigaud StMrth - St-Marthe Dunham - Dunham Roxbor - Roxboro StMrtn - St-Martine Eastma - Eastman Roxton - Roxton-Falls StOurs - St-Ours FarnhS - Farnham- Shawbr - Shawbridge StPauA - St-Paul- Ste-Sabine (Prevost) d'Abbotsford Frankl - Franklin Centre Sorel - Sorel StPieG - St-Pie-de-Guire Frelig - Frelighsburg St-Lin - St-Lin StPoly - St-Polycarpe Granby - Granby St-Pie - St-Pie StRemi - St-Remi Hemmin - Hemmingford StAdel - Ste-Adele StRosa - St-Rosalie Henryv - Henryville StAime - St-Aime StRose - Ste-Rose Howick - Howick StAlpR - St-Alphonse-de- StSauv - St-Sauveur Hudson - Hudson Rodriguez StSimo - St-Simon Huntin - Huntingdon StAndE - St-Andre Est StTheC - St-Theodore- IlePer - Ile-Perrot StAnnP - Ste-Anne-des- de-Chertsey Joliet - Joliette Plaines StTher - St-Therese Knowlt - Knowlton StBart - St-Barthelemy StThoD - St-Thomas- Lachin - Lachine StBlai - St-Blaise D'Aquin Lachut - Lachute StBrun - St-Bruno StVict - St-Victoire Lacoll - Lacolle StCalK - St-Calixte-de- StVinP - St-Vincent- Lanora - Lanoraie Kilkenny de-Paul LaPrai - La Prairie StCesa - St-Cesaire StZeno - St-Zenon LAssom - L'Assomption StChry - St-Chrysostome StZeph - St-Zephirin LavalE - Laval-Est StClet - St-Clet Sutton - Sutton LavalO - Laval-Ouest StCons - St-Constant Terreb - Terrebonne Lavalt - Lavaltrie StDama - St-Damase UptonS - Upton- Lawren - Lawrenceville StDeni - St-Denis St-Valerien LeGard - Le Gardeur StEust - St-Eustache Valcou - Valcourt LEpiph - L'Epiphanie StFelV - St-Felix- Valley - Valleyfield LesCed - Les Cedres de-Valois Varenn - Varennes Longue - Longueuil StGabB - St-Gabriel- Vaudre - Vaudreuil Manson - Mansonville de-Brandon VenisQ - Venise-en-Quebec Mariev - Marieville StGene - St-Genevieve Verche - Vercheres Mascou - Mascouche StHele - St-Helene Waterl - Waterloo MirAer - Mirabel-Aeroport StHipp - St-Hippolyte Yamask - Yamaska MirStA - Mirabel- StHugu - St-Hugues- St-Augustin St-Marcel MirStS - Mirabel- StHyac - St-Hyacinthe Ste-Scholastique StJacq - St-Jacques Other abbreviations and notes ??? - unknown active exchange; local to Montreal ?L? - unknown active exchange; long distance from Montreal ?X? - unknown active exchange; dialable from outside long distance [Diry] - Directory Assistance Exchange [T-TT] - test exchange for touch tone (not necessarily valid throughout 514) [T-??] - unknown type of test (not necessarily valid throughout 514) [976S] - 976 Service (950S) - reserved for special long distance service (T-PT) - reserved for phone tests Mtrl/? - Montreal exchange that may be used for pager or cellular Notes on 514 Any additions, corrections or news in the 514 area would be appreciated. See the Tel Codes general notes for more information. As of December 1991, a few new prefixes were listed since the previous March 1991 release. Mostly, these were a few new Montreal numbers (834, 855, 997, 998) plus a new St Eustache (974) and a new St Lambert (926). Otherwise, 514 is not a massive growth area at this time and will likely have plenty of room for new prefixes for years to come. To make this list printer-friendly, accents have been dropped. Downloaded From P-80 International Information Systems 304-744-2253