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[PAGE 448]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

                                 CHAPTER XXI

                           MARRIAGE AND OFFSPRING

   There was a time when man-in-the-making was male-female and able to beget
children  without the assistance of another,  but when one pole of the  cre-
ative  force was directed upward to build the brain and the  larynx  mankind
ceased  to be bisexual and thenceforth each male or female had to  seek  its
complement to accomplish the begetting of children.   Therefore marriage was
instituted  by the angels as a sacrament and the sacred rite  of  generation
was  performed under their supervision in great temples at certain times  of
the year when the interplanetary lines of force were propitious for propaga-
tion.   The rest of the time all lived together in the paradisiacal bliss of
chase  companionship.   Therefore parturition was painless and sickness  and
sorrow were unknown.

   But when,  under the guidance of the fallen angels,  the Lucifer spirits,
mankind commenced to exercise the creative function for pleasure  regardless
of  the stellar ray,  death entered and the woman began to bring  forth  her
children in sorrow and suffering.   For though a minister may LEGALLY  marry
people,  he,  being ignorant of the stellar script,  cannot see if the basic
harmony necessary to truly mate two souls is present.  Therefore, alas, most

[PAGE 449]                                            MARRIAGE AND OFFSPRING

marriages  fail to bring the happiness and satisfaction of soul  which  mark
the companionship of true mates.   Besides there is the pain of  parturition
incidental  to  mismating and the increased suffering of the  ego  which  is
building its body under inharmonious prenatal conditions.   Surely,  a heavy
toll to pay for ignorance of the stellar science!  Worse still, in the great
majority of cases where people do know astrology or where they are  informed
of  its pronouncement in their case,  they refuse to heed it  warning  voice
when it is contrary to their desires.   They often even hate the  astrologer
who  has  the  temerity to tell them that sorrow is in store  if  they  wed.
Therefore it is at best a thankless task.

   But this matter is so important at our present stage of evolution, it has
such far-reaching consequences both for the individual and for society, that
it is really criminal to leave to chance the choice of a mate.   Fortunately
we are nearing the Aquarian Age and there is no doubt that people will  then
study  the stellar script;  perhaps they will institute matrimonial  bureaus
maintained by the church or state,  with a view to guiding the growing  gen-
eration in the right direction.  If children whose nativities are harmonious
could visit at each others'  homes and become playmates the attachment would
undoubtedly ripened into love with the years.   Then marriage would not  end
the  romance as it unfortunately does in the majority of unions  consummated
at the present time, but it would intensify love and happiness year by year.

[PAGE 450]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

The  bond of affection would grow stronger and aid the soul growth of  those
under its magic spell as no other relation can.

   Children would not be accidents then.   They would be loved into life and
they  would  scarcely miss the heaven they had left for they would  find  in
their  homes a heaven on earth.   Therefore we pray that the time  may  soon
come when each community will have its matrimonial bureau conducted upon the
astrological  basis where parents may send their child's birth data and  re-
ceive in return the name and address of another child who will be harmonious
as  a mate.   If the parents of both feel satisfied with respect  to  family
connections,  etc.,  the children could be made acquainted,;  if not,  other
names could be submitted by the bureau until one suitable according to  both
the  social and astrological standards was found.   The children could  then
become playmates,  and there is no doubt that in time their affection  would
grow  into  a love that would satisfy the youthful  sentiments  of  romance.
Later an ideal marriage would crown their happiness.

   Nor  should we wait for the church or state to take the  initiative.   If
parents who believe in astrology would form associations, maintaining a cen-
tral  bureau  where  horoscopes of their children could  be  kept  on  file,
grouped and classified with a view to finding true mates for them,  it would
give such a practical demonstration of the worth of astrology that in twenty

[PAGE 451]                                            MARRIAGE AND OFFSPRING

five years enough cases could be pointed out to arrest the attention of con-
servative people.

                             HARMONY AND DISCORD

   Man is,  as Paul says, spirit, soul and body.   Therefore the blending of
two  beings  in  perfect  harmony requires that they be  in  accord  on  the
spiritual, moral and physical planes, symbolized in the horoscope by the Sun
and  Moon (Spirit or Ego),  Mars and Venus (soul or sex) and  the  Ascendant
governing  the physical body.   These significators taken together with  the
sign  on the Seventh House and the planet therein show the innate  agreement
or  discord  between people so far as the matrimonial relationship  is  con-

   The  physical harmony is judged by comparison of the rising sign  of  the
two  persons  involved.   Fiery signs agree, so do earthy,  airy  or  watery
signs.   But a person with a fiery sign rising cannot successfully mate with
one  who has a watery or earthy sign on the Ascendant.   It is  like  mixing
fire  and water,  or heaping earth upon fire.   Fire will only combine  with
fire  and air.   People having a watery sign on the Ascendant may  harmonize
with a person having an earthy sign rising, or vice versa.   But neither the
earthy nor watery signs will mix with the fiery triplicity.

   On  the moral plane the relationship is governed by Mars and  Venus.   If
Venus in  the horoscope of one person is the same sign and degree as Mars in

[PAGE 452]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

the horoscope of another person, there will be love at first sight when they
meet,  but the attraction will be sexual and unless there are other powerful
signs of harmony,  Mars will dominate Venus,  especially if Mars is situated
in  the Seventh House or highly elevated above Venus in the  other  person's

   When the Sun in one person's horoscope is on the place of the Moon in the
other person's chart harmony is shown on the spiritual plane.

   The  ideal marriage requires the blending of the two charts in all  these
particulars  and the happiness will depend upon the measure of agreement  as
indicated.   There are unions where people are sexually mated but  have  en-
tirely  different characteristics in other respects and vice versa.   There-
fore  the two charts must be examined in their entirety to give  a  reliable

   The following will explain the indications for marriage in the individual
horoscope of both sexes.

                               MEN'S MARRIAGES

   An early marriage is indicated in a man's horoscope:

   (1)   When he is born in the light of the Moon,  at the time she is  pro-
gressing  from  the new to the full, provided she is placed in  the  Fourth,
Fifth, Sixth, Tenth, Eleventh, or Twelfth House.

[PAGE 453]                                            MARRIAGE AND OFFSPRING

   (2)   When the Moon and Venus are strong and well aspected with a  number
of other planets in the fruitful signs, Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces.

   (3)    When the Moon and Venus are in the Fifth or Seventh  Houses  which
rule courtship and marriage.

   (4)   When a fruitful sign is rising with Cancer,  Scorpio,  or Pisces in
the Fifth or Seventh Houses.

   (5)    When  Venus  and Mars are dignified,  elevated,  strong  and  well

   (6)    When  Jupiter or Venus,  or both,  are in the Seventh  House  well

   A late marriage is shown in a man's horoscope:

   (1)   When he is born in the dark of the Moon;  that is to say,  when the
Moon is going from the full to the new and she is placed in the First,  Sec-
ond, Third, Seventh, Eighth, or Ninth Houses.

   (2)    When the Moon or Venus are afflicted by Saturn,  Mars,  Uranus  or
Neptune,  especially  if either of these planets is placed in the  Fifth  or
Seventh Houses.

   (3)   When Saturn,  Mars,  Uranus or Neptune are in the Fifth or  Seventh

   (4)    When  the Moon is square or opposition to Venus  or  Jupiter  they
bring trouble in courtship and consequent delays of the marriage.

[PAGE 454]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

   Marriage is denied or is accomplished with great difficulty:

   (1)   When Saturn is in Scorpio which rules the genitals,  or if the Moon
is there parallel, conjunction, square or opposition to Saturn the planet of
obstruction,  for then there is little or no desire for sexual  intercourse,
hence such people generally remain bachelors.

   (2)   When the Moon,  or Venus,  the planet of love,  is afflicted in the
Saturnine  sign Capricorn,  especially if the affliction comes from  Saturn,
the planet of obstruction, many obstacles to marriage present themselves and
it is doubtful if they can be overcome, hence it is unlikely that the person
will marry.

   (3)    When the Moon is square or opposition to the Sun it  is  difficult
for the person to make up his mind on any subject, and if the Moon is placed
in the First, Second, Third, Seventh, Eighth or Ninth Houses, this will make
it particularly difficult to come to a decision regarding marriage.   If  at
the  same time there is an affliction from Saturn he will never make up  his
mind, hence marriage will not be consummated.

   (4)    When the Moon is in the last degrees of a sign she is said  to  be
void of course,  and if at the same time she makes no aspect to other  plan-
ets,  it shows a lack of attraction to the opposite sex, which will probably
prevent the person entering the marriage relation.

[PAGE 455]                                            MARRIAGE AND OFFSPRING

                              WOMEN'S MARRIAGES

   An early marriage is indicated in a woman's horoscope:

   (1)   When she is born in the light of the Moon, that is to say, when the
orb of night is going from the new to the full, and the Sun is placed in the
Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Tenth, Eleventh, or Twelfth House.

   (2)    When the Sun and Venus are in one of the fruitful  signs,  Cancer,
Scorpio, or Pisces, and well aspected.

   (3)    When the Sun,  Venus,  and Mars are well aspected in the Fifth  or
Seventh Houses which govern courtship and marriage.

   (4)   When a fruitful sign is rising with Cancer,  Scorpio,  or Pisces in
the Fifth or Seventh Houses.

   (5)    When  Sun,  Mars,  and Venus are  dignified,  elevated,  well  and
strongly aspected.

   (6)   When Jupiter or Venus is in the Seventh House well aspected.

   A late marriage is shown in a woman's horoscope:

   (1)   When she is born in the dark of the Moon; that is to say,  when the
Moon is going from the full to the new,  and the Sun is placed in the First,
Second, Third, Seventh, Eighth, or Ninth Houses.

[PAGE 456]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

   (2)    When  the Sun or Venus are afflicted by Saturn,  Mars,  Uranus  or
Neptune,  especially if placed in the Fifth or Seventh Houses,  which govern
marriage and courtship.

   (3)   When Saturn,  Mars,  Uranus or Neptune are in the Fifth or  Seventh

   (4)    When the Moon is square or opposition to Venus or Jupiter,  delays
and trouble in courtship and marriage may be looked for.

   (5)   When the Moon is parallel, square or opposition to Uranus,  the oc-
tave of Venus, that also will bring delays.

   Marriage is denied or accomplished only with great difficulty:

   (1)    When Saturn is in Scorpio,  the sign which rules the genitals,  or
when the Sun is there parallel, conjunction,  square,  or opposition to Sat-
urn,  the planet of obstruction,  the desire nature is held in clock,  hence
when  either of these conditions is found in a woman's horoscope it is  safe
to judge that she will remain a spinster.

   (2)   When the Sun, or Venus the planet of love, is afflicted in the Sat-
urnine sign Capricorn, particularly if the affliction comes from Saturn, the
planet  of obstruction,  there will be many obstacles to marriage and it  is
very doubtful if under the circumstances a marriage will result.

[PAGE 457]                                            MARRIAGE AND OFFSPRING

   (3)    When the Sun and Moon are afflicting each other by square  or  op-
position  it makes the person vacillating on any subject,  and if  the  Sun,
which is significator or marriage for a woman, is placed in the First,  Sec-
ond,  Third, Seventh, Eighth, or Ninth Houses, the will make it particularly
difficult to come to a decision regarding marriage.   Should there be at the
same  time an affliction between the Sun and Saturn it will eventually  pre-
vent the person from making up her mind,  hence marriage will not be consum-

   (4)   When the Sun by progression makes no aspect to the other planets it
indicates a lack of attraction to the opposite sex, which will probably pre-
vent her from entering the marriage relation.


   The masculine Sun is the particular significator of the marriage  partner
in  a  woman's horoscope,  and the feminine Moon signifies the spouse  in  a
man's chart.   Hence when the Sun and Moon are in good aspect to each other,
or to Venus, the planet of love, or Jupiter, the planet of benevolence, hap-
piness  and  joy are assured in the married  relationship,  particularly  if
these planets are placed in the Seventh House.

   On the other hand, Saturn, Mars, Uranus or Neptune, afflicting the Sun in
a female figure,  or the Moon in a man's chart,  indicate sorrow and trouble
through the  marriage relation.  If they are placed in the Seventh House the

[PAGE 458]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

testimony is all the more potent, and it is also foreshown that the marriage
will be dissolved.

   In this respect,  Saturn and Mars indicate death of the marriage partner;
Uranus may also bring about this ending if afflicted by Saturn or Mars,  but
otherwise it points rather to a clandestine relationship which will probably
bring about the dissolution of marriage by desertion or divorce.

                              SECOND MARRIAGES

   If one or more of the malefics, Saturn, Mars,  Uranus,  and Neptune,  are
found in the Seventh House, and the Sun or Moon are in a fruitful sign, Can-
cer,  Scorpio,  or Pisces,  or in the double-bodies signs,  Gemini or Sagit-
tarius,  it is likely that the person will marry several times, and probably
to his sorrow.

   If  the  Sun  or  Moon are aspected to a  number  of  planets  placed  in
double-bodies signs,  Gemini,  Sagittarius,  or Pisces,  especially if these
signs are on the Seventh House,  two or more marriages are likely to  occur.
When the ruler of the Ascendant is placed in the Seventh House well aspected
to other planets and in a double-sided sign, Gemini, Sagittarius, or Pisces,
it indicates a plurality of marriages.


   In  a  man's horoscope the planets to which the Moon makes an  aspect  by
progression  after  birth,  indicate the women to whom he will be attracted,

[PAGE 459]                                            MARRIAGE AND OFFSPRING

together with their character and disposition,  which are determined by  the
signs that the planets are in and the aspects which they make.   For  illus-
tration,  let us suppose that the Moon in a certain person's horoscope comes
first  to  a sextile of the Sun in Leo,  and that the Sun is aspected  by  a
trine to Jupiter,  then we shall find the description of the wife by looking
up  the disposition,  a noble character, a blonde and of florid  complexion.
If  on the other hand,  we find that the Moon after birth makes a square  to
Mars  in Scorpio,  and Mars in turn square to Venus,  then it would  show  a
woman of a very lewd, slothful and slovenly nature who would be domineering,
quarrelsome, extremely difficult to get along with.  Similarly for the other

   In  a woman's horoscope the husband is described by the planets to  which
the Sun makes an aspect by progression, these planets to be taken in connec-
tion  with the sign where they are found and the planets with which they  in
turn  form configurations,  and the method is the same as indicated  in  the
case of the Moon in a man's horoscope.  It should be remarked, however, that
when the significator of the marriage partner,  aspected by the Sun or Moon,
is retrograde or weak by sign, as Saturn in Aries or Jupiter in Gemini,  the
attraction is not strong enough to culminate in a marriage but will probably

[PAGE 460]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

indicate  only  a passing attraction.   Therefore the student must  use  his
judgment in these respects.


   Whether  a person will have children or not cannot be judged from his  or
her individual horoscope with any degree of accuracy for this matter is  not
dependent  on one only,  therefore the horoscope of the prospective  parents
should  be compared and the individuals indications blended,  then  if  both
horoscopes  show a fruitful nature many children will be born,  but if  both
are only moderately fertile,  or if one is very fruitful and the other  bar-
ren, the forecast must be made accordingly.

   The  indications shown i the individual horoscope may be  interpreted  as

   The  Moon is the planet of fecundation and therefore the  most  important
significator; next comes Venus, the planet of love and attraction; and last,
Jupiter,  the planet of benevolence.   If either of these planets is in  the
Fifth  House,  which  indicates children,  and in one  of  the  fruitful  or
double-bodies signs, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Gemini, or Sagittarius,  it is
an  indication that the person has a fruitful nature and will have a  number
of children who will be of good and pleasant disposition.   A similar  judg-
ment may be formed if the Eleventh House is thus invested.   For if we  turn
the horoscope upside down so that the Seventh House becomes the First,  then

[PAGE 461]                                            MARRIAGE AND OFFSPRING

it will show the marriage partner's figure,  and the Eleventh House is  then
his Fifth House indicating children,  therefore both the Fifth and  Eleventh
Houses should be considered in this matter.   But as already said,  the true
state of conditions cannot be forecasted save by blending the actual figures
of both parents.

   When the violent,  turbulent Mars, or Saturn,  famed in ancient mythology
as a destroyer of children,  or the Sun or Uranus, are in the Fifth or Elev-
enth Houses,  they either prevent the birth of children or destroy them dur-
ing childhood.   This is particularly true if Aries, Leo or Capricorn are on
the cusps of either of these Houses.

   When the Moon is in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Gemini,  or Sagittarius,  in
good aspect to Jupiter or Venus, a large family is indicated.

   But when the Moon is in Aries, Leo, or Capricorn, and afflicted by one of
the malefics or by the Sun, the marriage is usually barren.   Saturn and Ve-
nus in the Seventh House is also a sign of marriage without issue.

   If  there  is a difference in the testimonies of the Fifth  and  Eleventh
Houses the judgment must be modified accordingly.

[PAGE 462]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

                                CHAPTER XXII

                        PROGRESSION OF THE HOROSCOPE

                              FATE OR FREE WILL

   When  a chain is subjected to strain,  imperfections in any of its  links
become manifest,  and the weakest link will break first.  Similarly,  in the
case of the body, there are certain inherent weak points and these are indi-
cated in the horoscope.   From the moment of birth we subject the body to  a
constant  strain,  and in time the weakness of the  various  points  becomes
manifest as disease.   The movement of the planets after birth measures  the
time when any particular link is liable to break.   This motion of the plan-
ets in the horoscope is called "Progression."  Study and practice of medical
Astrology require knowledge of how to progress the planets in the horoscope,
and  we shall therefore take up that subject in connection with the  message
of the stars relative to disease.

   When  the Sun rises in the East the day is young and the labors  allotted
to each are still before us.  Gradually the Sun progresses across the arched
vault  of  the heavens,  and mark the time set for the  performance  of  our
various duties,  for keeping our appointments, for taking nourishment,  rest
and recreation, and when it has run it course through the day and has ceased

[PAGE 463]                                      PROGRESSION IN THE HOROSCOPE

to illuminate our sphere of action, its absence invites sleep until the dawn
of a new day shall present opportunities for continuation of the  activities
left in abeyance from the previous day.   If the Sun remained stationary  at
any  certain point of the sky it would not serve as a time marker but as  it
is, all events of our lives are fixed by its progression.

   The horoscope is a chart of the heavens for the time when the mystic  Sun
of Life rises and awakes us from the long sleep between two lives,  then  we
are born in the physical world,  to continue the labors of a previous  life,
to  keep the appointment there made with friend or foe;  to reap the joy  or
bear the sorrow which is the fruitage of our former existence on earth;  and
as the progression of the sun marks the changing time of day and year, as it
ushers in season after season in orderly sequence and changes the appearance
of the Great World, the Macrocosm, so progression of the horoscope will cul-
minate  in events;  it measures the periods of prosperity and adversity;  it
warns of impending temptation and tells from what quarter it will come, thus
aiding us to escape if we will but listen to its warning.   The natal  horo-
scope shows unerringly weak points in our character or constitution, but the
progressed horoscope indicates when previous indulgence of harmful habits is
scheduled  to  bring  sorrow  or  sickness;  it tells truthfully when crises

[PAGE 464]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

culminate; thus it warns us to be on the alert at critical moments, and for-
tifies us in the darkest hour of calamity,  with hope of surcease of  sorrow
and  sickness  at a definite time,  hence the importance of knowing  how  to
progress the horoscope.

   But, some may say, if all is thus foreshown, it argues an inexorable des-
tiny decreed by divine caprice; what use is there then of striving, or know-
ing;  let us eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.   If we were born
into  this  life on earth for the first and only time,  to live here  for  a
while and then pass away from this sphere never to return, fate and favorit-
ism independent of justice would seem to rule.  Such cannot be the case;  in
a world where everything else is governed by law,  human existence must also
be reducible to a system, and we hold that a reasonable solution of the mys-
tery of life is given by the Twin Laws of Being,  the Law of Rebirth and the
Law of Causation.

   That which has a beginning must have an end,  and conversely,  that which
is  without ending can never have had a beginning.   If the human spirit  is
immortal  and cannot die,  neither can it be born;  if it will live  to  all
eternity,  it must have lived from eternity,  there is no escape  from  this
truth; pre-existence must be accepted if immortality is a fact in nature.

   In this world there is no law more plainly observable than the law of al-
ternating cycles,  which decrees succession of ebb and flow,  day and night,
summer and winter, waking and sleeping.  Under  the  same  law man's life is

[PAGE 465]                                      PROGRESSION IN THE HOROSCOPE

lived alternatively in the physical world where he sows seeds of action  and
gains experiences according to his horoscope.   These,  the fruits of exist-
ence  here,  are later assimilated as soul powers in the  spiritual  world,;
birth and death are thus nothing more than gateways from one phase of  man's
life to another, and the life we now live is but one of a series.   The dif-
ferences of character,  nobility or brutality,  moral strength or  weakness,
possession of high ideals or low instincts, etc.,  are certain signatures of
soul  power or soul poverty.   Finer faculties are the glorious garments  of
gentle  souls wrought through many lives in the crucible of concrete  exist-
ence  by trial and temptation.   They shine with a luster which  illuminates
the  way and makes it easier for others to follow.   Coarseness  of  calibre
proclaims  the young in Life's School, but repeated existences here will  in
due time smoothe the rough corners, mellow and makes them soulful also.

   The  horoscope shows this difference in the texture of the soul  and  the
aspects indicate how the soul is ripened by the kaleidoscopic configurations
of planets in progression,  which fan the fires in the furnace of affliction
to cleanse and purify the soul of blemish,  or brighten the crown of  virtue
when victory is won,  but though the planets show the tendencies most  accu-
rately  there is one indeterminable factor which is not shown,  a  veritable
astrological  "x,"--THE  WILL POWER OF THE MAN,  and upon that  rock  astro-
logical  predictions  are  ever  liable  to  founder; that, at times, is the

[PAGE 466]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

Waterloo  of even the most careful and competent astrologer,  yet  the  very
failure of well-founded predictions is the blessed assurance that we are not
fated  to do thus and so because our horoscope shows that at a certain  time
the  stellar rays impel us in a given direction.   In the final analysis  we
are  the arbiters of our destiny,  and it is significant,  that while it  is
possible  to  predict for the great majority of mankind with  absolute  cer-
tainty that the prediction will be vindicated,  because they drift along the
sea  of life directed by the current of circumstance,  predictions  fro  the
striving  idealist fail in proportion to this spiritual attainment  of  will
power which rouses him to self assertion and resistance of wrong.

   A  beautiful little poem by Ella Wheeler Wilcox gives the idea in a  most
pleasing form:

         "One ship sails East and another sails West,
         With the selfsame winds that blow;
         'Tis the set of the sail
         And not the gale
         That determines the way they go.

         "Like the winds of the sea are the ways of fate,
         As we voyage along through Life;
         'Tis the act of the soul
         That determines the goal'
         And not the calm or the strife."

[PAGE 467]                                  DIFFERENT METHODS OF PROGRESSION

                                CHAPTER XXIII


                           AND THE REASON FOR THEM

   Besides the physical world in which we live,  move and have our being  at
the present time, where sunshine and rain, storm and snow, heat and cold af-
fect our physical being in various ways,  a world of finer substance  perme-
ates the denser matter, and the forces indigenous to that realm impinge upon
our souls, as feelings, desires and emotions, because the soul is clothed in
substance from that world.   Mystics therefore call this realm in nature the
Desire World.  A still more subtle substance, an ocean of Thought,  pervades
both the Desire World and the Physical World, and as the mind is composed of
substance  from  that region,  it senses the waves of thought  generated  by
other spirits endowed with mind.

   Here  in the physical world,  Time and Space are prime factors of  exist-
ence,  but  in the Desire World distance is practically  eliminated  because
spirits  having dropped the mortal coil travel with the speed of  lightning,
and as spiritual sight pierces the densest substance,  light there is  never
obscured,  so there is no night, neither does heat and cold affect the soul,
hence there is no seasonal division either, to mark time as definitely as in

[PAGE 468]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

the  physical  world.   But nevertheless,  there is a  certain  sequence  of
events.   In soulflights from place to place on the globe,  we sense the na-
ture of intervening country in spite of speed,  but in the World of Thought,
to think of a place,  is to be there instanter, neither is there past or fu-
ture;  events are not separated by time, or places by space,  but all is one
eternal HERE and NOW.

   As  the science of Astrology is founded in cosmic fact,  there  are  also
three  stages in progression from incipient events in the World of  Thought,
to  accomplished facts in the Physical World,  and there are two methods  of
horoscopic  progression  pertaining to the finer realms besides  the  actual
movement of planets observable in the Heavens.

   Suppose  a pole billions of miles long stuck into the earth at the  Equa-
tor,  and at right angles to the poles,  then,  as the earth turns upon  its
axis,  the end of the pole would describe a circle in the heavens;  this the
Astronomers  call the "Celestial Equator,"  and the position of  a  heavenly
body  on this line is measured in degrees and minutes of "Right  Ascension,"
from  the  point where the sun crosses the equator at  the  vernal  equinox.
This axial rotation of the earth brings a new degree to the zenith,  or  Me-
ridian about every four minutes,  and by the rules of one system of progres-
sion we may calculate how many degrees of Right Ascension come to the Merid-
ian  position  from  birth  to  the  formation  of  a  certain  aspect.  The

[PAGE 469]                                  DIFFERENT METHODS OF PROGRESSION

intervening  degrees  are  then  converted  to time at the rate of 1  degree
equals 1 year.

   The other system of progression is founded upon the orbital revolution of
the earth,  but in this system the positions of the planets are expressed in
degrees of Longitude and measured on the ecliptic or Sun's path,  from Aries
0  degrees to Pisces 29.   The measure of time is the same as in the  system
first mentioned:   1 degree equals 1 year,  but there is this important dif-
ference,  that while the earth takes only 4 minutes to turn 1 degree upon it
axis, it requires 24 hours to move 1 degree in its orbit.

   Thus,  by one system of progression all the aspects that govern events in
a  life of 60 years would be formed in 60 times 4 minutes,  which  equals  4
hours or one-sixth part of a day.

   By  the other system,  formation of aspects for the same period  of  life
would require 60 days, or 2 months, or one-sixth part of a year.

   Thus coming events cast their shadows before,  but the shadows varies  in
length according to the exaltation of the sphere of life whence it is cast.

   From  the sublime height of the World of Thought,  where all things  have
their inception in the eternal, the progression of events in a life are sil-
houetted upon the screen of Time while the infant is still upon the  thresh-
old  of  birth,  but the shadow is so short,  1-360 part  of   a  day  being
equivalent to a year,  that an error of 4 minutes in the given time of birth
would throw predictions out a whole year.  Few people know their birth  hour

[PAGE 470]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

to  the minute,  therefore this systems of progression is of little use  and
little used.

   Shadows  of events projected from the denser Desire World are longer  and
more definite;  it does not require great delicacy or precision to calculate
progression  at the rate of 1-360 part of a year equal to 1 year.   By  this
method  an error of 2 hours in the given time of birth would only  cause  an
error of 1 month in predictions; this system therefore gives universal  sat-
isfaction,  and is most commonly used.   In the following pages we shall ex-
plain a simplified method of this system of prediction, whereby mathematical
calculation of events for a whole life may be performed in a few minutes  by
any intelligent child who can add and subtract.

                        THE ADJUSTED CALCULATION DATE

   When a child is born at 7 A.M.,  in New York,  and another at 6 A.M.,  in
Chicago, a third at 1 P.M., in Berlin, a fourth at 2 P.M., in St. Petersburg
and a fifth at 12 noon in London,  the Observatory clock at Greenwich  would
point to noon, at the exact moment when all these children were born,  hence
though  the clocks in their several birthplaces pointed to different  hours,
the Greenwich Mean Time of their births would be identical:--noon.   And  as
the planets' places in the ephemeris are calculated for Greenwich, noon,  it
would be unnecessary to make corrections; we should simply place each planet

[PAGE 471]                                  DIFFERENT METHODS OF PROGRESSION

in the natal horoscopes as tabulated in the ephemeris.   This would be  most
convenient,  but he saving of calculation in a natal horoscope where the  G.
M.  T.  is noon, fades into insignificance before the facility this gives in
progressing the planets for years subsequent to birth,  as required to  pre-
dict events,  for in natal horoscopes where the G. M. T.  is before or after
noon,  the places of the planets must be calculated for each year  just  the
same  as at birth.   We have evolved the following simple method  of  saving
this  calculation  and  of copying the progressed planets  direct  from  the
ephemeris into any horoscope.

                                  THEOREM I

   If the Greenwich Mean Time of birth was BEFORE noon,  it is evident  that
the  planets'  places in the ephemeris are calculated for a LATER  time  and
also that,  as they progress at the rate of a day (of 24 hours) for a  year,
they will reach the Longitude given in the ephemeris some day within a  year
after birth.

                                 THEOREM II

   If the G.  M.  T.  of birth was AFTER noon, it is plainly to be seen that
the  planets'  places in the ephemeris for the year of birth are  calculated
for  an EARLIER time than birth,  and that the position there  given  corre-
sponds to a certain day in the twelve-month BEFORE birth.

[PAGE 472]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

   Furthermore, if we can find the date in the twelve-month before birth, or
after as the case may be,  when the planets were in the degree and minute of
longitude  registered in the ephemeris,  we may use that date as a  starting
point of calculation instead of the birthday,  and as aspects formed  during
the  travel of the planets from the position given on any noon to  the  noon
next following, indicate events in the corresponding year of life,  the same
starting date may be used for any year.  Therefore,  once that adjusted cal-
culation  date  has  been found,  no further  calculations  is  required  to
progress the planets in that horoscope;  they may be simply copied from  the
ephemeris.   It  is only necessary to bear in mind that the  horoscope  thus
erected does NOT apply to the year FROM BIRTHDAY TO BIRTHDAY,  but from  the
adjusted  calculation date of one year to the same date of the next.   There
are  two methods of finding this date; the first is the more  difficult  and
not  so accurate,  but it shows the philosphy of the correction better  than
the second method, and we therefore give examples of both.

   We will use the figure No.  26 (Medical Astrology Section),  which is the
horoscope of a man who died of hemorrhages in June, 1918,  to illustrate how
the  adjusted calculation date is found, but defer description of  the  case
and its crises.  The man was born April 24, 1884, Longitude 95 W.,  Latitude
42 N.,  at 2 P.M., True Local Time.  We first find the G. M. T. by adding to
the local time of birth 4 minutes for each degree the birthplace is west  of

[PAGE 473]                                  DIFFERENT METHODS OF PROGRESSION

True local time of birth, April 24......................2:00 P.M.
Correction for 95 degrees W. Long.......................6:20
Greenwich Mean Time of birth April 24...................8:20 P.M.

   In compliance with Theorem II, we subtract from the birthdate,  April 24,
a correction of 8 hours and 20 minutes which the G. M. T. is past noon.  The
measure of time used in this system is as follows:

         24 hours correspond to 12 months.
          2 hours correspond to 1 month.
          1 hour corresponds to 15 days.
          4 minutes correspond to 1 day.

According to this scale we subtract
from....................................................April 24, 1884
Correction for 8 hours--4 months
Correction for 20 minutes--5 days
                                                      --4 months, 5 days
Adjusted Calculation Date...............................December 19, 1883

   We may,  however, find the Adjusted Calculation Date much more accurately
and with less labor by the following fourfold rule:


   (1)   Find the interval from G. M. T. to the FOLLOWING noon.

[PAGE 474]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

   (2)    To this interval add the Sidereal Time for Greenwich noon  on  the
birthday,  as given in the ephemeris.  The sum of these is the Sidereal Time
of the Adjusted Calculation Date.

   (3)   When the G. M. T. at birth is A. M. of the birthday,  or P.  M.  of
the preceding day,  COUNT FORWARDS in the ephemeris till you find a day hav-
ing the required S. T.; that is the Adjusted Calculation Date.

   (4)   When the G. M. T. at birth is P. M. of the birthday or A. M. of the
succeeding day READ BACKWARDS in the ephemeris till you find the day  having
the required S. T. which designates it as the Adjusted Calculation Date.

   We shall use the same example as before to demonstrate this method.

   Section 1 directs us to find the interval between G. M.  T.  and the fol-
lowing noon.   Please observe this, the FOLLOWING noon, for all depends upon
this being accurately understood.

From.................................................April 25, 12:00 NOON
Subtract G. M. T.....................................April 24.  8:20 P.M.

Interval from G. M. T. to next Noon, 15 hrs. 40 min.

   By Section 2 of Rule:

Add S. T. of birthday
   as given in ephemeris....................................2 hrs. 11 min.

S. T. of Adjusted Calculation Date..........................17 hrs. 51 min.

[PAGE 475]                                  DIFFERENT METHODS OF PROGRESSION

   By Section 4 of Rule:

   As G.M.T. is P.M. we read backwards in the column of the ephemeris giving
S.T.,  until we come to Dec. 19, 1883.  On that day the S.T. is 17 hrs.,  51
min., and the A.C.D. is therefore Dec. 19, 1883.

   Thus,  by both methods we have arrived at identical results,  but  slight
discrepancies may appear in using the proportional method because that makes
no allowances for long and short months,  hence the method last demonstrated
is  more accurate as well as easier.   If this man had been born  two  hours
later,  the  Adjusted Calculation Date would have been  November  19,  1883.
Where children are born LATE in the year and EARLY in the morning,  the  Ad-
justed  Calculation Date may run into January or February of the next  year.
YEAR also, in this case December 19, 1883.

   Now,  that we have arrived at the point where we are to make use  of  our
A.C.D.  to progress the man's horoscope and show how accurately it marks the
crises,  the  first application of the date to the horoscope  is  a  crucial
point,  and the student is earnestly warned to overlook no word in  our  de-
scription so that he may acquire understanding of the principle.   Once hav-
ing grasped the point, an immense amount of labor will be saved,  so it will
pay to follow our instructions to the letter.

   Write  in  the margin of your ephemeris for 1884  opposite  the  birthday
(April 24), December 19, 1883.  Opposite April 25 write December 19, 1884.

[PAGE 476]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

Opposite April 26 write December 19, 1885, and so on, as shown below.  Every
day  after birth corresponds to a certain year of life which starts  on  the
day written in the margin, and the planets in line with any A.C.D.  indicate
the events for twelve months from that date.

Dec. 19, 1883....Apr. 24               Dec. 19, 1897....May  8
Dec. 19, 1884....Apr. 25               Dec. 19, 1907....May 18
Dec. 19, 1885....Apr. 26               Dec. 19, 1916....May 27
Dec. 19, 1886....Apr. 27               Dec. 19, 1917....May 28
Dec. 19, 1887....Apr. 28               Dec. 19, 1918....May 29

   The  motion  of the Sun and planets from day to day is slow,  and  as  we
count a day for a year,  we may liken their progression to the short hand on
the clock of destiny:  they indicate the year when a certain condition shown
in  the natal horoscope has ripened,  and is ready to manifest as an  event.
The  swift moving Moon is the long hand;  it marks the months  when  aspects
culminate  in events.   Therefore we divide its motion during the year  com-
mencing with any adjusted calculation date, by 12, but for rough figuring we
may  consider  the Moon's travel in the progressed horoscope  one  degree  a

   Planetary  aspects alone do not operate, however;  an aspect of the  pro-
gressed  Moon or a New Moon is required to focus the hidden forces.   There-
fore crises shown by the planets are sometimes retarded beyond the time when
the aspect culminated and we may think we have safely escaped, but the first

[PAGE 477]                                  DIFFERENT METHODS OF PROGRESSION

aspect of the Moon which excites it will prove that "though the mills of the
gods grind slowly,  they grind exceeding fine."   The finer forces lose none
of their intensity by lying latent in Nature's lock-box of events.

    Now  let  us see how the planets worked in the horoscope  we  have  just
given.   In the year 1915 we find the progressed Sun,  the  life-giver,  had
reached the conjunction of the Midheaven,  Gemini 5-0.   The New Moon on May
2, 1916 fell in Taurus 11-44, square to the radical Mars; on the 31st of May
the second New Moon was in Gemini 9-40 in conjunction with the radical  Sat-
urn  in the M.C.,  which latter had been obstructing the capillaries of  the
lungs;  thus hemorrhages resulted.  At this time the young man,  who had be-
come  a very efficient astrologer,  began to realize that he was entering  a
critical period and did all possible to overcome its influence.   But a suc-
cession of lunations during the year 1916 afflicted his Midheaven and Saturn
by square and opposition in the sign ruling the lungs,  Gemini,  made a con-
stant struggle necessary.  With the negative sign of Virgo on the Ascendant,
with Uranus in the First House square to Venus in Gemini,  and with  Jupiter
afflicted by a square of the Moon, both the venous and arterial circulations
were restricted,  preventing deep breathing and complete oxygenation of  the
blood in the lungs.

   In the Spring of 1918 this young man, after consulting his own horoscope,
unfortunately made up his mind that he  would pass out on a certain day, and

[PAGE 478]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

made  all necessary arrangements for his funeral.   This state of  mind  was
very dangerous to one in his weakened condition and to one with his negative
Ascendant.   He precipitated the crisis even before its normal time,  as  we
will show.

   We will now proceed to find what brought about the crises that terminated
the life on June 1,  1918.   We first find where the progressed planets were
at  that time.   We take the date May 28,  1884 for the places of  the  pro-
gressed planets on the Adjusted Calculation Date,  Dec.  19,  1917.   We now
progress the Sun and Moon 5 1-2 months beyond this date to June 1, 1918.  If
we  subtract the Moon's longitude on a given day from its place on the  fol-
lowing  day,  the difference is its motion during the 24 hours  intervening,
which corresponds to a year of life in progression.   Division of this by 12
gives us the rate of its monthly travel.

Moon's place on A.C.D. Dec. 19, 1917,
   (May 28 in ephemeris for 1884)...Cancer 27.11
Moon's place on A.C.D. Dec. 19, 1918,
   (May 29 in ephemeris for 1884)...Leo    11.14
Moon's travel by progression from Dec. 19, 1917 to
Dec. 19, 1918 ............................  14.03

   Dividing 14 degrees 3 minutes by 12 gives the Moon's monthly travel as  1
degree 10 minutes.   This we add to its place for each month as shown in the
following table:

[PAGE 479]                                  DIFFERENT METHODS OF PROGRESSION

Dec. 19, 1917 CANCER...27.11                        Mar. 19, 1918 LEO...0.41
Jan. 19, 1918 CANCER...28.21                        Apr. 19, 1918 LEO...1.51
Feb. 19, 1918 CANCER...29.31                        May  19, 1918 LEO...3.01

   As we see above, the progressed Moon was in Leo 3.01 on May 19, 1918, and
as it moves 1 degree 10 min.  per month, in the 13 days to June 1st it would
travel  0 degrees 29 min.,  reaching Leo 3.30,  and making a square  to  the
radical Sun.

   On Dec.  19, 1917, the progressed Sun was in Gemini 7.29.   We count for-
ward from Dec.  19th to June 1, 1918, 5 1-2 months,  and as the Sun moves 58
minutes per year, making 5 minutes per month, in 5 1-2 months the progressed
Sun would arrive at Gemini 7.56, conjunction to Saturn.

   The  New Moon on May 10,  1918 fell in Taurus 19.00,  conjunction to  the
radical  Neptune.   This was the day the young man had chosen as the day  of
his death,  but the crisis was not reached until the transiting Sun  reached
the  conjunction  of Saturn in Gemini 8.33, the night of May 30th.   At  the
same  time Saturn was transiting conjunction to radical Mars and  square  to
radical  Sun,  depleting the vitality,  and the transiting Moon and  Neptune
were square to the radical Sun.   All this was too much for him to endure in
his weakened condition and he began to sink.   June 1st when the  transiting
Moon reached the square to Saturn and the Midheaven,  and the opposition  to
the Ascendant, he passed into the great beyond.

[PAGE 480]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

   Thus we see that we cannot base judgment upon merely one affliction.   We
must look to the progressed planets, the strong transiting planets, and par-
ticularly to the New Moon to excite a natal affliction.

                          PROGRESSION OF THE ANGLES

   Besides  the progression of planets which we trust has been  sufficiently
elucidated, we must also note a similar forward movement of the houses,  but
these must be calculated by the same method as when casting a natal  figure,
save that we use the Sidereal Time for the day which corresponds to the year
for which we wish to progress the horoscope.  In relation to the man's horo-
scope we have studied,  the critical year was 1918, and May 28 in the ephem-
eris  for  1884 corresponds.   We bear in mind that birth occurred  at  2:00
P.M.,  True Local Time,  in Lat. 42 N., Long.  95 W.,  for these factors are
used  in placing the degrees on the houses just as in the natal  chart;  the
only change is using the S.T. of the progressed birth day.

S.T. at noon previous to progressed birthday, 1918    H.   M.   S.
(see ephemeris for 1884, May 28)......................4    25    0

Correction of 10 seconds for each 15 deg.
birthplace is West of Greenwich.......................0     1    3

Interval from previous noon to birth..................2     0    0

Correction of 10 secs. per hr. of interval............0     0   20
                                                    ----  ---- ----
Sidereal Time of progressed birth.....................6    26   23

[PAGE 481]                                  DIFFERENT METHODS OF PROGRESSION

   With this S.T.  we turn to the Tables of Houses for the Latitude of birth
place,  and erect a horoscope with twelve Houses in the usual manner; we may
further insert the planets'  places on the A.C.D.  for 1918,  then we  shall
have a complete separate horoscope for the year,  which we may compare  with
the natal chart.   Some Astrologers use that method,  but we advise another,
which  we think facilitates comparison and judgment of aspects  between  the
natal and progressed position of the planets in a degree unattainable by any
other system; it is illustrated in the various figures used in this book.

   We  write  the natal chart in ink, as that is unchanged during  life;  we
also draw a large circle outside it,  to contain the progressed position  of
the  planets.   These and the houses we write in their  proper  places,  but
lightly,  and with pencil,  so that they may be easily erased and the  horo-
scope erected for another year without the necessity of rewriting the  natal

   But no matter how placed, two full horoscopes with 24 houses, 18 planets,
a couple of dragons'  heads, each with its respective "tail,"  and two Parts
of Fortune, make quite a maze, and if the full galaxy of aspects,  including
biquintiles,  sesquiquadrates and other highsounding nonsensicals are to  be
figured  out the astrologer will surely so lose himself in the  mathematical
labyrinth  that he will be unable to read a syllable of the message  of  the
stars.  During the first year of his astrological study,  one of the writers

[PAGE 482]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

being originally of a mathematical turn, had the habit of constructing  fig-
ures,  and tables of aspects,  so fearfully and wonderfully made  that  they
beat  the proverbial "Chinese puzzle;" they were veritable "Gordian  Knots,"
and  the destiny of a human being was so tangled in each,  that neither  the
writer who had concocted the abomination, nor anyone else could ever hope to
disentangle the poor soul involved.   May he be forgiven;  he has mended his
ways,  and is now just as zealous to eliminate all non-essentials  from  the
horoscope,  but having been enmeshed in the maze of mathematics, his experi-
ence should serve as a warning.  Our minds, at best,  are but feeble instru-
ments to fathom fate and surely we shall have the greatest chance of success
by applying our science to the most important facts,  and these are  usually
the simplest.

   If this be granted,  the question presents itself:   What are the  essen-
tials  and  what may be eliminated with advantage to  clear  the  progressed
horoscope of useless, befogging elements?

   First,  with regard to the progressed houses,  only two vital points pro-
duce results when aspected:   the Midheaven,  which is spiritual in  nature,
and the Ascendant,  which is a significator in material matters.   We  shall
treat that subject later;  for the present we confine ourselves to the argu-
ment  that  it will facilitate judgment of the progressed  horoscope  if  we
leave the ten unessential cusps out,  and draw two dotted lines with  pencil
to mark the progressed Midheaven and Ascendant.

[PAGE 483]                                  DIFFERENT METHODS OF PROGRESSION

   In the second place,  the student may readily convince himself by looking
through  the columns of any ephemeris, that the motion of  Neptune,  Uranus,
Saturn and Jupiter,  during the two months which represent progression for a
life of 60 years,  is so slow that they seldom form an aspect not registered
in the natal chart.  In rare cases where an important aspect is formed,  the
fact is easily seen, and the planet should then be entered in the outer ring
of the progressed horoscope, but in the great majority of cases it is better
to leave these planets out,  and enter only the progressed positions of  the
Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus and Mercury.

   In conclusion of our treatment of the method of Progression,  two  impor-
tant  points must be mentioned:   The Midheaven at a given Sidereal Time  is
the same for all Latitudes, so that two children born at the same S.T. would
have  the same sign and degree on the M.C.,  but if one were born in  Alaska
and the other in Mexico, the Asc. would vary much and change the grouping of
planets in the houses very considerably, with the further result that  plan-
ets which influence the First House affairs in one horoscope affect  Twelfth
House matters in the other,  etc.   Thus the lives of these people would  be
very different.

   The same argument applies to the progressed horoscope of a person travel-
ing  North or South from his birthplace.   His progressed M.C.  remains  un-
changed,  but he receives the forces from a different ascending figure,  ac-
cording to the  Latitude  where  he  resides,  and  the  grouping of planets

[PAGE 484]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

relative to the progressed Ascendant varies accordingly.  As examples we may
state that both writers have left their birthplace; one traveled 2,000 miles
West,  but is close to the same Latitude as her birthplace,  hence both  her
M.C. and Asc. are the same as if she had remained in her native city.

   The  other writer was born in Latitude 56 N.,  and now lives in  Latitude
32.   Had he remained in the far North,  his progressed Ascendant  would  in
(1912) be Virgo 6, exactly conjunction to Mars' place at birth,  but the As-
cendant of his new home is Virgo 0 degrees, and in this latitude he will not
feel the effect of the Mars ray for a number of years.

   The  other  important  point we had in mind is  the  necessity  of  being
definite  in  regard to the year for which we progress.   Perhaps  a  person
tells  us that a certain event occurred when he was 26,  and another in  his
50th year.   Such statements are ambiguous, and give no safe working  basis.
The  Astrologer may go home and do an immense amount of work to no use,  be-
cause he thought the person meant that one event occurred when he,  the per-
son,  was between 26 and 27 years of age,  and a later consultation  reveals
that he meant the year between his 25th and 26th birthdays.   Pin them  down
to the year,  1850, 1900, or whatever it may be, but never accept a person's
age as a starting point.

   On  the same principle,  never predict that an event will happen  when  a
person is so and so old; that also is ambiguous and gives  them no satisfac-

[PAGE 485]                                  DIFFERENT METHODS OF PROGRESSION

tion;  give the year and month; never hedge; never predict anything of which
you  are in doubt;  when you are satisfied a prediction is justified,  speak
fearlessly,  BUT TACTFULLY;  believe in the stars,  and the stars will fully
justify your faith.
                            SOME IMPORTANT POINTS

   When  judging the effects of directions it is of the greatest  importance
to bear in mine the tenor of the nativity,  for even weak aspects which  are
in  harmony with the tendencies foreshown in the natal figure will  be  much
more  active than a strong aspect which is contrary to the  radical  indica-
tions.   Supposing, for instance, that there are strong testimonies of sick-
ness and accident, as Mars in Sagittarius in the Midheaven square the Sun in
Pisces  in the Twelfth House and square Saturn in Virgo in the Sixth  House;
then  the progression of Mars to square of the radical Ascendant  would  un-
doubtedly precipitate an accident or a fever of a serious nature, but if the
Sun  were trine Mars and Jupiter the effect of Mars square  Ascendant  would
produce little if any discomfort.   Similarly with all the other directions,
and  if the student neglects to take into consideration  this  all-important
point,  he is likely sometime to make a great mistake and wonder why a seem-
ingly powerful direction produced no result in one case,  while in another a
very  weak  aspect  had  such  a  far-reaching  effect.  Aspects between two

[PAGE 486]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

progressed planets are unimportant.

   Another important point to remember is that aspects of the progressed  to
the radical planets operate in proportion to the power of the radical planet
in the nativity.  Let us suppose, for illustration, that in a certain figure
the Sun is elevated in Leo and aspected to a number of the other planets--it
matters  not  whether  the  aspects are good or bad  so  long  as  they  are
close--then even a weak aspect from a progressed planet to the Sun will have
a marked result.   On the other hand, if the Sun in that horoscope  received
no aspect, or only one or two weak ones, then even a strong aspect of a pro-
gressed planet would have little effect.

   It should also be noted that a good aspect from a progressed planet to  a
planet  that  is much afflicted in the nativity would produce small  if  any
benefit.   In short,  and to sum up,  progressed aspects operate only in the
measure  that  they are in harmony with the trend of the  nativity  and  the
planet wherewith they are blending.

   The third important point to remember when judging the effects of  direc-
tions  is that an aspect from a progressed to a radical planet is  never  in
itself  sufficient  to produce results;  a harmonious aspect from  the  pro-
gressed Moon or a lunation is absolutely essential to bring the tendency  to
fruition.   That is to say, if the progressed Sun comes to square of radical
Saturn, a sextile or trine aspect of the  progressed  Moon  or of a lunation

[PAGE 487]                                  DIFFERENT METHODS OF PROGRESSION

will pass unnoticed; no effect will be felt until either the progressed Moon
or a lunation comes into conjunction,  square,  or opposition to Sun or Sat-
urn,  and vice-versa,  if the progressed Sun comes to a trine of the radical
Jupiter a square or opposition of the Moon will not affect it,  it must wait
for a sextile or trine.  For this reason directions are sometimes delayed in
their action beyond the time of their culmination,  and at other times  they
are somewhat hastened because a lunar aspect of the requisite nature  occurs
slightly  in  advance of the time when the aspects of the planets  are  com-

   It also happens that in cases where the event indicated by an aspect  in-
volves two people the aspects of the planets by progression may be  complete
in one person's horoscope and fertilized by a harmonious aspect without pro-
ducing a result,  because the aspect in the other person's horoscope has not
yet matured.   In this connection we remember the horoscope of a lady  whose
Venus was placed in the Eighth House showing a late marriage.   In her  45th
year the progressed Sun reached conjunction Venus but neither engagement nor
marriage resulted; then the Sun and Venus came into conjunction in the horo-
scope of a gentleman of her acquaintance bringing an engagement quickly fol-
lowed  by marriage.   Thus one had waited for the other,  and unless such  a
contingency  is  taken into consideration the astrologer is most  liable  to
meet his Waterloo when forecasting events.

[PAGE 488]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

                                CHAPTER XXIV.

                         PROGRESSED SOLAR DIRECTIONS

   When the Sun forms a conjunction, sextile, square, trine or opposition to
one of the planets by progression the influence begins to manifest when  the
Sun is 1 1/2 degrees from the exact aspect,  and it is felt until the Sun is
1 1/2 degrees past the point of culmination.  And as the Sun moves about one
degree  a day,  and the time measure of directions is that one day equals  a
year,  we may say that the influence of the solar aspects is felt for a  pe-
riod of three years.   Their effects are particularly strong at times during
this period when aspects of the progressed Moon or lunations vivify them.

   The  parallel is different from the other aspects.   In the case  of  the
slow-moving  planets it lasts for a considerable number of years so  that  a
parallel of the Sun and Saturn may operate for ten or more years, and a par-
allel of the Sun and Jupiter nearly as long.

   It  may  also be noted that the conjunction ad parallel  act  principally
upon  the health,  while the other aspects also affect the business,  social
standing, etc.  Thus under the parallel of the Sun and Saturn there would be

[PAGE 489]                                       PROGRESSED SOLAR DIRECTIONS

a very protracted state of ill-health, while the parallel of the Sun and Ju-
piter would strengthen the constitution materially.


If  the  radical  Venus  was  well  aspected  these  directions  will  bring
a   three-year   period  of  unusual  pleasure  and   enjoyment   into   the
life.   If  the  person  is  not  already  married  an  attachment  will  be
formed and ripen into marriage of an ideal nature.   If the horoscope  shows
artistic ability,  this will receive a great impetus  during the activity of
this direction, and it will bring honor and  social preferment.


If  the  radical  Venus  was  afflicted,   these  directions  will  bring  a
period   of  petty  annoyances,   social  disgrace,   trouble  and   sorrow,
with  a  tendency  to  be  slovenly  and to  look  upon  the  dark  side  of
life,  but it can be overcome if the person will strive to be careful of his
morals and personal appearance.  "Where there's a will there's a way."


If  Mercury  was  well  aspected  at  birth  this  will  mark  a  period  of
unusual  mental  activity,  so  that  the person will be able to further his

[PAGE 490]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

his ambitions and succeed in business by new ventures.   If the natal figure
shows literary ability this is the time to make all efforts to produce some-
thing  worth while.   It is a good and profitable time to travel either  for
pleasure,  in search of inspiration, or for the good of whatever business he
may  follow.   Advertising will be found a most effective way  of  promotion
business success under this direction.


The  Sun  cannot  reach  the  square of Mercury  until  late  in  life,  and
in  comparatively  few  lives  at  that,  therefore  its  effects  can  only
be conjectured and it has no importance.


If  the Moon was well aspected at birth these directions bring a  period  of
success and popularity.   It increases the honor and esteem which the person
enjoys  in his environment,  it brings favors from influential persons,  em-
ployers,  or  the authorities,  and if marriage has not  already  been  con-
tracted, this direction will most likely bring about a successful union.  It
is also an excellent time to form partnerships.

[PAGE 491]                                       PROGRESSED SOLAR DIRECTIONS


If  the  Moon  was  afflicted  at birth  this  marks  a  very  evil  period,
replete with domestic unhappiness if the person is married;  discredit among
the people with whom he is associated in business or socially,  perhaps  im-
prisonment;  loss by dishonesty of the partner,  financial stricture or even
bankruptcy.   He is also likely to suffer severely from ill health,  and  if
either  the  Sun or Moon are in Cancer,  Scorpio or Pisces he may  become  a
chronic drunkard.


If   Saturn  is  well  aspected  in  the  nativity  these  directions   will
bring  a  steadying  and  consolidating influence  into  the  life  so  that
the  person will be able to discharge his duties in a  most effective,  sys-
tematic and tactful manner.  He will have greater opportunities for advance-
ment than before, and will be able to assume the added responsibilities with
credit.  Much benefit may be expected from older people who will be drawn to
him will full confidence.  Investments in land, mines,  houses,  and similar
things  will  prove  profitable  when made  under  this  direction,  and  in
general it gives a very deep insight into all problems of life.

[PAGE 492]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS


If  Saturn  was  afflicted  in  the natal  chart  these  directions  mark  a
period   of  very  evil  influence.    This  is  especially  true   of   the
parallel,   which  lasts  about  ten  years;  the  other  aspects  are  only
active   during  the  usual  three  years.    Under  these  directions   the
person  suffers disappointments and delays in everything he undertakes.   No
matter  how carefully he may plan,  something is sure to crop up  to  thwart
him,  and this is apt to breed a spirit of worry and pessimism  which  makes
life seem a hopeless battle, with everyone conspiring to checkmate him.  Fi-
nancial difficulties make matters harder,  and he is liable to incur the op-
position of employers or the authorities.  To crown it all,  the health suf-
fers,  especially  under the parallel;  his vitality will be very  low,  and
the  recuperative  power  almost  NIL.    All  will  depend  on  whether  he
can  look  for  the  silver  lining  to  the  cloud,  and  strive  to  learn
the   intended  lessons,   or  whether  he  simply  sinks  down  under   the
load and gives up.   Forewarned is forearmed and students of Astrology  have
at least the knowledge that these trials are only passing.   They know  when
brighter days will come.

[PAGE 493]                                       PROGRESSED SOLAR DIRECTIONS


If  Jupiter  is  well  aspected  at  birth  these  aspects  are  among   the
most  fortunate  in  the  whole  gamut  of  directions,  for  they  indicate
a  period  of  financial  prosperity,   where  every  undertaking  succeeds,
hence  speculation,   investments,   and  new  ventures  in  business   will
bring success and gain, the person will rise in popularity and esteem in the
community or his immediate sphere of associations,  he may gain much  credit
in connection with philanthropic or charitable undertakings, and he will en-
joy  much  social success and domestic happiness.   There is a  tendency  to
travel or changes which will bring both pleasure and profit,  and  ambitions
that for years seemed impossible of realization are likely to be  gratified.
Under these directions lasting friendships of benefit to the person are  of-
ten  formed.   They  also  strengthen the  constitution  and  bring  radiant
health,  but  the  exuberance  of  animal  spirits  may  later,  under  evil
directions, bring disease.  If this is guarded against the increased flow of
vital fluid given by these directions will have a lasting beneficial  effect
on the health.


If  Jupiter  is  afflicted  at  birth  these  directions  denote  a   period
of trouble and trials.  Someone near  and dear will pass out of the person's

[PAGE 494]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

person's  life,  either  by  estrangement  or  death;  lawsuits,   financial
losses   and   social  disaster  are  threatened,   with   much   opposition
from  other  people.   If  he  invests  money  or  speculates  each  venture
will  prove  a  failure  because  of  deception  and  misrepresentation   of
those  with  whom  he  deals.    If  he  makes  a  change  of  business   or
travels   to  another  city  he  will  meet  with  worse   conditions,   the
health will suffer and domestic infelicity will result.


If  Mars  is  afflicted  at birth these  aspects  mark  an  extended  period
of  a very evil nature.   There is a state of rash and  reckless  excitement
which is apt to lead the person to do the most foolhardy things, hence a li-
ability to squander his money, wreck his prospects in life,  become crippled
by an accident, or indulge in excesses which bring on fevers, boils,  or in-
flammatory  complaints.   He should be particularly careful  not  to  handle
fire,  hot  water,  explosives or firearms,  and  be  guarded  by  insurance
against  loss  by  fire,  sickness or  accident.   The  reputation  is  also
likely  to suffer by scandal,  therefore he should exert all his energy  and
will power to act with all the discretion possible to him and so endeavor to
rule his stars.

[PAGE 495]                                       PROGRESSED SOLAR DIRECTIONS


If Mars is well aspected at birth these directions indicate a period of  ad-
venture  when the person will be imbued with a powerful spirit of  activity,
enterprise and industry; he will become acquainted with people of a pioneer-
ing  instinct or in some way receive an impulse that will start him  upon  a
new venture in life which will bring him success,  friends,  and prosperity.
He  is likely to travel in search of new fields and to be very  restless  in
seeking  an  outlet  for  the  energy which  threatens  to  burst  him,  but
he  is  also  too  prone  to squander the  money  which  seems  to  come  so
easily.   If  he  were  wise  he  would  be  a  little  less  generous,  for
when  this  aspect  passes  off,  it is likely  that  the  golden  days  are


If  Uranus  is  afflicted  at  birth these  aspects  mark  a  very  critical
period  in  the  life.    The  person  becomes  very  irritable  and  short-
tempered.    He   is   liable   to  tax  the   patience   of   friends   and
relatives to the breaking point so that a separation or estrangement occurs.
He will be repellent to others, rash, erratic, liable to do the most strange
and  unexpected  things.   He may rush into litigation when he has  not  the
shadow  of  a case or cause,  just for the mere insane love  of  quarreling.

[PAGE 496]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

Thus  he  is likely to disgrace himself permanently in the eyes of  all  who
know  him,  or,  depending  upon what other aspects  are  in  force  at  the
time,  it  may  be  someone  close to him  who  causes  the  disgrace  which
then reflects upon him on account of the friendship or relationship.


If Uranus is well aspected at birth and the person is of a sufficiently  ad-
vanced  type to respond to this influence,  these aspects mark a  period  of
great spiritual and mental acceleration;  the originating,  organizing,  and
inventive faculties become greatly enhanced, so that he is able to formulate
ideas,  perfect inventions, and organize enterprises in a  most surprisingly
efficient  manner,   with  little  or  no  effort.    There  may  be  sudden
and  unexpected  gains  through  inventions,   investment  or   speculation,
and if he is not already interested in advanced thought or occultism he will
most  likely be attracted during this period and obtain a good start  before
the aspect wears off.


If  Neptune  is afflicted at birth these aspects mark a  critical  time  for
those who can respond to the spiritual influence.  They are then hypersensi-
tive  and  likely  to  develop an undesirable phase of involuntary spiritual

[PAGE 497]                                       PROGRESSED SOLAR DIRECTIONS

sight  or apt to become entranced or obsessed by spirits from the  invisible
world  who seek a medium to gratify their desires,  which are  usually  bad.
The  person  may also most easily become the victim of a hypnotist  and  get
into trouble through fraud,  deception and disadvantageous changes,  or loss
by speculation in large companies where the stock is watered.


If  Neptune  is  well  aspected at birth these  aspects  mark  a  period  of
spiritual  awakening,  when the person may receive an initiation which  will
develop his spiritual powers and open the invisible worlds to him,  if he is
sufficiently developed.   For others it may develop the faculty of  inspira-
tional  music,  and yet other people may experience a period  of  unexampled
love and bliss, but the majority cannot respond to this influence.


These aspects bring a period of profit,  preferment,  honor and recognition,
favors from the authorities or employers, added social prestige,  and a gen-
eral advancement of the worldly affairs.

[PAGE 498]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

This is a good time to make special effort for obtaining an increase of  in-
come  for all endeavors in that direction will have a favorable stellar  in-
fluence  behind them and are therefore more likely to succeed than at  other


These  aspects mark a period of discredit when slander and  enmity  threaten
the  honor and social standing.   It is therefore best for the person to  be
very  circumspect in all he does or says,  for trouble with the  authorities
may  result  in  imprisonment,  or if with employers it may  bring  loss  of
position.  Financial fortunes are also threatened.


These aspects mark a period of general good fortune, radiant health and hap-
piness.  Whatever the person undertakes seems to prosper.


These  aspects mark a period of ill-health,  especially in a  woman's  horo-
scope.  There  is also a great deal of trouble and  general  so-called  "bad

[PAGE 499]                                       PROGRESSED LUNAR DIRECTIONS

                                 CHAPTER XXV

                         PROGRESSED LUNAR DIRECTIONS

   The Moon travels through the Zodiac at an average rate of between  twelve
and  thirteen  degrees a day,  and as the day in the art of  progression  is
9aken  as a time measure equivalent to a year,  we may say that the Moon  by
progression  from birth to death travels at the rate of between  twelve  and
thirteen degrees a year, or about one degree per month.   Thus in the course
of  about twenty-eight years she circles the whole horoscope and  forms  all
the aspects that can be formed to all the planets in the radical figure, and
she  may thus travel two or three times around the horoscope in the life  of
the average man or woman.  It is her passage around the horoscope that makes
the life fruitful of events for the aspects of the planets themselves  which
indicate  the  year when a certain influence is ready to be reaped  as  ripe
destiny  and produce events in the life,  do not of themselves cause  either
good  or ill effects unless an aspect of the progressed Moon or  a  lunation
brings  the matter to a focus and marks the month when the  occurrence  will
take  place.   Therefore sometimes even strong aspects between the  Sun  and
planets, or between the  planets  themselves,  are barren in effect when not

[PAGE 500]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

fortified by a progressed lunar aspect or a lunation of the same nature.

   Neither do the lunar aspects have an influence of their own,  or at least
if they have, it is not very marked unless the lunar aspect agrees in nature
with the primary direction then in force.

   These are important points which the student should always bear in  mind.
It  should  also be noted that the aspects of the progressed  Moon  to  pro-
gressed planets produce little or no effect and the influences set down  be-
low are with respect to the radical planets.


These  aspects mark a rather prosperous period in life,  bringing  important
changes  for the better.   Not infrequently marriage results which  is  both
successful and happy.  An increase of business if the person is an employer,
or a raise in salary if he is an employee,  may be looked for at this  time,
for  superiors  and those in a position to bestow favors are in  a  generous
mood and ready to give the person credit for all that is good in him.


These aspects indicate a time of trouble and loss.   There is a tendency  to
difficulty  with employers or customers which will bring loss of  employment
or business; the mind is vacillating so that  the  person cannot make up his

[PAGE 501]                                       PROGRESSED LUNAR DIRECTIONS

mind what to do, and thus he is apt to lose  opportunities which might bring
gain and instead they bring loss.  He will experience trouble with the oppo-
site sex, particularly the marriage partner if he is in the state  of matri-
mony.  The health will suffer and there is a change for the worse in all the
affairs of life.


If Venus is strong and well aspected in the natal chart this period will  be
one  of pleasure and profit both,  for the person will make new friends  and
have opportunities to advance himself both socially and financially.   These
aspects also frequently indicate the commencement of courtship or the culmi-
nation  of courtship in marriage,  in a man's horoscope.   They  bring  good
health and a happy,  cheerful frame of mind,  so that the whole world  seems
bathed in sunshine.  This is, in short, a period of general success and hap-


If Venus was afflicted at birth this marks a period of considerable  trouble
and  disappointment.  A  courtship may be broken off or a marriage dissolved

[PAGE 502]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

by separation.   The financial fortunes are likely to suffer and the  health
is apt to be poor.   Snubs and ostracism may be expected in the social rela-
tion  and the person should be particularly careful with the  opposite  sex,
for  while  this direction is operative there is considerable  liability  to
trouble from that source.  Knowing what is doing and the nature and duration
of the influence,  he should try to rule his stars by keeping as cheerful  a
frame  of mind as possible,  schooling himself to act wisely in the  matters
which are particularly shown as danger points.


If Mercury was well aspected at birth,  these directions will bring out  the
mental  powers  and it is therefore a favorable time to take  up  any  study
which the person may feel attracted to.   If any important changes have been
in contemplation this is the time to make the move,  for under these  direc-
tions success is sure to attend in a much larger measure than under less fa-
vorable  influences,  and  if he has any important matters  to  settle  with
brothers,  sisters or neighbors,  he will reach a favorable conclusion  with
them much more quickly than at any other time.

[PAGE 503]                                       PROGRESSED LUNAR DIRECTIONS


If  Mercury was afflicted at birth the person will need to exercise a  great
deal of care during the operation of these planetary influences,  for  there
will be a tendency to rash and indiscreet speech; thereby the person may lay
himself liable for libel or slander.  It is also likely that if any deeds or
legal  papers are signed during this time it will be to the person's  detri-
ment  and will later regret it.   He should also be very careful of his  ex-
pressions in correspondence and if he is a literary man he should be  doubly
careful  or his writings will be more than likely to cause trouble for  him-
self  or  others.   The mind will be much disturbed and  he  should  neither
travel  nor make changes but endeavor to keep himself as quiet  as  possible
during this time.


If  Saturn was afflicted in the natal chart this is a very critical  period.
In a woman's horoscope it indicates ill-health,  worry and trouble.   In the
horoscope of a man,  if he is married, it indicates domestic difficulties or
ill-health of the wife.   There is trouble,  delay and disappointment in all
the  affairs of life and a tendency to worry over things and  become  morbid
and melancholy.

[PAGE 504]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS


If Saturn is afflicted at birth,  these aspects mark a very evil time,  par-
ticularly with respect to health and the conditions in the home.   They pro-
duce a disturbed frame of mind with irritability and a tendency to worry,  a
pessimistic outlook on life; gloom and despondency seem to be the rule,  the
financial affairs also suffer and care should be taken to make no changes or
investments  at  this time.   The only remedy is to try to  keep  as  philo-
sophical an attitude as possible, looking for the silver lining of the cloud
and  endeavoring to learn the lessons that are to be taught during this  pe-


If Saturn was well aspected in the natal chart these aspects mark a success-
ful and prosperous period when one will gain recognition of a lasting nature
in  his sphere of life.   He will be able to take on added  responsibilities
and acquit himself of the trust with credit.   If any investments in houses,
lands or mines are contemplated this will be a very favorable period to  un-
dertake  such matters.   This time will be epoch-making in the life  when  a
new,  solid and stable foundation for success will be laid,  upon which  the
edifice of a successful life may be reared.

[PAGE 505]                                       PROGRESSED LUNAR DIRECTIONS


If  Jupiter was well aspected at birth, these aspects mark a period of  suc-
cess and general good fortune.   The health is excellent,  or if the  person
has been sick improvement may be looked for at this time.  The frame of mind
will  be happy and he will enjoy all the pleasures of life.   It is  a  par-
ticularly good time to travel for he will meet a friendly and cordial recep-
tion  everywhere.   The financial fortunes will be benefited if  investments
are made under these directions, or if the business is pushed to the best of
his ability.  This is an epoch when things take a decided turn for the  bet-
ter, and if the person takes proper advantage of the opportunities then pre-
sented to him this time will be long felt in the life.


If  Jupiter was afflicted at birth the person should be very careful of  his
diet during the time when these aspects last, for there is a tendency to ex-
cesses which will cause disease by making the blood impure.   He should also
be  very  careful not to lose his temper because if there is any  danger  of
apoplexy shown in the natal figure it is more likely to manifest under these
stellar influences than  at  any  other  time.  Keep as cool as possible and

[PAGE 506]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

avoid all stimulating food and liquors.  Do not under any circumstances  un-
dertake  to  speculate while these directions last for loss is  certain  and
there is a liability to be deceived or defrauded by others.  There is also a
danger  of domestic troubles and loss by lawsuits or similar  matters.   The
social  prestige  is likely to suffer on account of haughty,  bombastic  and
overbearing manners,  therefore the person should be careful and moderate in
everything and also hold himself well in check.


If the radical Mars was afflicted these aspects mark a very evil period.  In
a  woman's horoscope they indicate,  for one thing,  bad health,  and  in  a
man's, violent quarrels in the home.  There is a tendency to be quarrelsome,
foolhardy and reckless,  with the result that the person may sustain  bodily
injuries or accidents,  also a tendency to the over-indulgence of the  lower
passional nature which may bring trouble in its train,  therefore he  should
be  very  careful in his dealings with those of the  opposite  sex.   Unless
great care is taken slander and social discredit are sure to result.   These
directions  also make the person very reckless and extravagant in  financial
matters, liable to form hasty and erroneous  judgments,  therefore if papers

[PAGE 507]                                       PROGRESSED LUNAR DIRECTIONS

are  signed at this time disaster is very to follow.   These directions  are
among  the most reliable in operation and the person rarely escapes  without
suffering loss or injury in some manner,  therefore the greatest care should
be taken during this period.


If  Mars was well aspected at birth thee aspects mark a period of  consider-
able  activity  in the life which will be to the benefit of the  person  in-
volved.   A great deal of vital energy is accumulated and this dynamic force
naturally must have an outlet in some way, hence this is a good time for the
expansion of business or undertaking new enterprises;  they are sure to suc-
ceed if the person is not too precipitate in his efforts but uses a grain of
caution  in the expenditure of this great energy.   These aspects  are  par-
ticularly  active among those who work with or deal in the partial  elements
of iron and fire,  such as soldiers,  surgeons and engineers;  to them  they
bring honor and promotion.


If Uranus was afflicted at birth these aspects mark a very critical  period,
when the person is apt to make a sudden and  unexpected  change  which  will

[PAGE 508]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

have a disadvantageous effect upon the life, therefore he should guard care-
fully against such a contingency.   There is also a liability to the  forma-
tion  of a clandestine relationship which will bring sorrow and  trouble  to
the person, hence he should avoid association with the opposite sex and when
this  is unavoidable he should be very circumspect in his manner and  behav-
ior, for under these directions people are very likely to judge him severely
for the slightest semblance of wrong-doing.  There is a tendency to  irrita-
bility  and cruelty of speech which is likely to cause domestic  unhappiness
and  the loss of friends that will later be regretted very  much,  therefore
the  person should endeavor to curb himself; in fact it would be  better  to
avoid his friends as much as possible during this time.


These  are excellent aspects for those who are sufficiently advanced to  re-
spond.   If Uranus was well aspected at birth,  the original,  intuitive and
inventive  faculties will find an outlet at this time which may be very  ad-
vantageous  to  the person.   If he is interested in the study  of  advanced
thought  or occultism this is a particularly good time to pursue  such  sub-
jects,  for an expansion of consciousness may most easily result under these
directions, friendships are formed with  advanced  people  who  will  be  of

[PAGE 509]                                       PROGRESSED LUNAR DIRECTIONS

benefit  to the person,  and advantageous changes or removals may  be  made,
hence  it  marks an epoch in the life which is likely to leave  a  permanent
mark for good.


If  Neptune was afflicted in the natal chart these directions mark a  period
of  weird and uncanny experiences,  when the person is likely to come  under
the  spell  of  hypnotism or mediumship or have visions  or  begin  to  hear
voices, but all these experiences are of an undesirable character and should
therefore be guarded against as much as possible.   It would be very  unwise
under these directions to enter the seance room of a spiritualistic  meeting
where  the conditions favor such manifestations,  and if the  aspects  occur
from water signs--Cancer,  Scorpio, or Pisces--there is a strong tendency to
form  a drink or drug habit which may operate to the sorrow and  trouble  of
the person for all the rest of his life.   As these aspects produce a mental
and  physical  lassitude,  when  the vital forces are  low  and  the  person
negative,  such  undesirable  influences  are particularly  apt  to  gain  a
foothold.  There is also a danger from plots by secret enemies which tend to

[PAGE 510]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

bring the person into discredit and trouble.   He may even suffer  imprison-
ment  or  be confined in a hospital through ill-health,  for  Neptune  rules
prisons,  hospitals,  insane asylums, and similar places.  Great care should
be taken in all dealings with others.


If  Neptune was well aspected at birth these directions may bring  a  slight
extension  of consciousness and if the solar aspects to Neptune are also  in
force at the same time an initiation may be looked for by those who are suf-
ficiently  advanced to respond to this influence.   But to the  majority  of
people it will probably mean only a pleasant time,  a feast of music or some
similar experience.


These  aspects bring changes in the life, but whether these are good or  bad
depends upon the other influences operating in the horoscope at the time.


If  other influences agree this is a time of beneficial changes,  preferment
and honor, and general success in the various departments of life.

[PAGE 511]                                       PROGRESSED LUNAR DIRECTIONS


These  aspects  indicate loss of prestige,  trouble and  anxiety,  financial
loss,  especially if dealing with women.  It is a bad time to travel or make


These aspects bring beneficial changes,  financial prosperity,  and  general
good fortune.


These aspects mark a period of trouble.   Ill-health may be looked for,  and
if  any changes or removals are made they will be to the person's  disadvan-

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