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NUMBER OF LINES: 999 001=Usr:0 Null User 06/30/87 20:34 Msg:0 Call:0 Lines:19 1$If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2$************************* INSTALLED: 29 DEC 89 *************************** 3$Welcome to BWMS II (BackWater Message System II) Mike Day System operator 4$************************************************************************** 5$GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS II IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6$ PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7$BWMS II was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS II is a privately 8$owned and operated system which is currently open for use by the general 9$public. No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the 10$system is privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all 11$messages which I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the 12$system, it will be periodically purged of messages (only 999 lines of data 13$can be saved). To leave a message, type 'ENTER'. Use ctrl/C to get out 14$the ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering 15$the message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to 16$replace the line. To exit from the system, type 'BYE' then hang up. 17$Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18$************************************************************************** 19$ 002=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 12/29/89 19:30 Msg:4774 Call:26474 Lines:3 20 Knowledge is power, if you know it about the right person. 21 Ethel W. Mumford 22 ************************************************************************** 003=Usr:13 voyeur 12/29/89 23:13 Msg:4775 Call:26479 Lines:5 23 :::::::::O O:::::::::12/29/89:::::::::::::::::::::::23:35:44:::::::O O:::::::: 24 If it were three days later, I could have the honor of starting the first 25 disk of the year, first disk of the '90s. Maybe if we try hard enough, 26 I'll have another chance. That's only 500 lines/day. 27 :::::::::O O::::::::::::::::::::::voyeur:::::::::::::::::::::::::::O O::::::: 004=Usr:322 Stray Cat 12/29/89 23:34 Msg:4777 Call:26481 Lines:3 28 29 at least 250 lines 30 005=Usr:402 DELTA.FIVE SHANN 12/30/89 03:30 Msg:4778 Call:26487 Lines:13 31 [*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*]DELTA FIVE [*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*] 32 The old man leaned back in the leather covered chair behind his massive teakwoo 33 desk, sighed slowly, and, after a moment of silence, addressed the man befoe 34 him. His whispy white hair fluttered in the breeze from the open window. Outsi 35 e in the distance was the sound of small arms fire punctuated by the hammering 36 of heavy machine guns. Ok, Eric, I'll get it for you, but you owe me a big one. 37 The bullet headed man spoke" You know you got it. Now give me the file on Allbr 38 ight". 39 A few minutes later, the bullet headedman emerged from the front door of the 40 private reading room amidst the dust and rubble of Beirut.A waiting car pulled 41 to the curb, and Delta Five jumped in. "I got it. Let's get to the airport". 42 "Have you heard from Parity yet?". The driver's silence indicated that he had 43 not been able to contact the NET man. [*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*] 006=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 12/30/89 19:21 Msg:4779 Call:26501 Lines:7 44 *@)_#*%@)_#(%)_#(@%)@(%)_@^*()$(%)_#@(!_#)$_#!)$#@()_$#@(_)%@#_%@+_)%@_+)%@#%(@ 45 daveo@distopia: System resetup go Ok? I hope everything is working well. My 46 tape drive started acting up again, but right *now* it is working. Also, the 47 big UPS arrived via UPS :-) and that is all hooked up as well. Give me a call 48 as needed! 49 *(@#%*@)_(@#)_%(@#)_%@_)#(@!%)_ L'homme sans Parity $(_)~(#_)!@($+!)$_)$(*)!($ 50 007=Usr:32 JOHN SILVERMAN 12/30/89 23:15 Msg:4781 Call:26510 Lines:9 51 #$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# 52 Just a quick hello from my self-imposed exile down south. It's good to see 53 some of the old voices active again. Eugene is okay, but there's no damn 54 decent writing boards! Sniff... 55 56 Merry new year and have a happy 1990! 57 58 J.D. Silverman 59 #$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# 008=Usr:92 Katherine Dohert 12/31/89 10:05 Msg:4782 Call:26516 Lines:1 60 *************************happy**new**year!!****kathyD************************ 009=Usr:4 Milchar 12/31/89 20:02 Msg:4785 Call:26529 Lines:3 61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 62 Oooh, look! Familiar faces! A very happy New Year to you all. + Milch + 63 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 010=Usr:368 Nemesis Warlock 12/31/89 22:53 Msg:4786 Call:26532 Lines:59 64 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==== 65 The glimmer of lights from the revelry in the city below him disturbed 66 Leichter to no end. Angrily, he slammed closed the large glass window and shut 67 the blinds, turning his back on the cries of joy and happiness that tormented 68 his soul, if not his ears. 69 Storming through his plush penthouse apartment, Leichter quickly reached 70 the living room and sank down into a disheveled heap in an oversized chair. 71 The charred fingers of his left hand tapped out an idiosyncratic rhythm on a 72 table of imitation oak. 73 Reaching out to the small night stand to his right, he grasped the 74 papers that he had been studying earier, as if he had not memorized them 75 already... Anything to destroy the wall of despair that was already beginning 76 to creep into his consciosness... 77 The phone rang, like a demonic bell, from its place on the nightstand. 78 Without allowing it to complete its first ring, Leichter picked up the 79 reciever. "Hello." he muttered. 80 "Leichteer?" 81 "Oh," he replied, grimacing. "Dawson. You didn't have to call... I've 82 talked to Sandis about things. He's filled me in." His mind wasn't 83 concentrating on the wordds, lost as he was in his melanchooly mist. 84 "Yes, he told me. But there're some other things I'd like to clear 85 up if I can help it." 86 "Shoot." 87 "Specifically, the logistics of what you're to be accomplishing. We 88 can't have you gallavanting about like a deranged policeman. The NET 89 business isn't your affair. You needed to be aware, and if they come running 90 after we've reached our goal they'll have to be dealt with. But until then 91 I don't want to see any personal vendettas getting in te way..." 92 "Spare me the detective show monologue. It's a cliche'." 93 "And you're addicted to them. and you know it. Don't lie to me, and 94 don't lie to yourself." 95 "If this was the only reason you-" 96 "Listen!" the voice on the other end of the line was rapidly becoming 97 agitated. "ZEPHYR can stand on its own without you on this NET problem, if 98 that's what's necessary. We'd like you to be in on things, but I'm starting 99 to think that it might be better if we sent you off smewhere else-" 100 Leichter considered it for a few moments. "Like?" 101 "Nothing in particular. Routine assassination of some rival drug 102 peddlers. Our concentration in Miami was thinned out a little by the 103 Vice Squad bust... and some of the natives there have been sowing their wild 104 oats and reaping the benefits. A buncha KIDS, for chrissake. Not one of them 105 older than 21. What say you go down there and show 'em your piano wire 106 collection?" 107 "Tempting..." He considered his options. Unbidden, his left hand rose 108 to his face, and he stared at the black scars that twisted along the palm, 109 the husks of flesh that clung to the fingers. "No, no, I'm fine. I can 110 handle things. I'll be ok, and I won't get involved with NET..." 111 "THAT'S the boy I wanted to hear. Go get 'em, tiger" Liechter cursed 112 Dawson mentally. Althe little creep needed to do was lisp and his character 113 would be complete. 114 "Yeah, right." he dropped the phone onto the stand, where it clattered 115 hollowly. Getting up, Leichter strode into his bedroom, and removed a 116 small box from a drawer. Opening it, he spread the papers it contained over 117 the desk, retrieving one..... a photograph. He eyed it for a few 118 seconds, and pulled a red marker from his pocket. With a quivering hand he 119 scrawled a single word across the face of the picture. 120 NET. 121 122 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==Zephyr::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==== 011=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 12/31/89 23:34 Msg:4787 Call:26534 Lines:8 123 &*&*&*&*'s 124 Well, it looks like BW's clock is nearly thirty minutes slow. But it is 125 now after midnight. And, I have the good fortune and houner of making the 126 first entry of the year, and the first entry of a new decade. Happy New Year! 127 128 An Astral Dreamer 129 &*&*&*&*'s 130 012=Usr:106 unknown lurker 01/01/89 00:29 Msg:4788 Call:26536 Lines:4 131 =================================================================== 132 Happy New Decade! 133 =================================unknown lurker==================== 134 013=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 01/01/89 01:52 Msg:4789 Call:26541 Lines:6 135 Oh no! He's at it again! New software! Check the help listing. 136 And new hidden commands too! Try xyzzy, and East, or West, or 137 North, or South. Golly! And try Help xyzzy etc... such fun! 138 ------------------------------------------------------------- 139 Oh yeah, have a happy whatever. 140 ------ 014=Usr:107 Lyle Dixson 01/01/89 02:11 Msg:4790 Call:26542 Lines:8 141 *** 142 HeLlO MiKeY! ThIs Is ShIfTy. LoNg TiMe No HeAr Eh? 143 So HoWs BuSiNeSs? WhAt ArE yOu DoInG tHeSe DaYs? 144 ************ 145 146 Ps: WhY dOeS tHiS pRoGrAm StiLl LoOk So FaMiLiAr EvEn ThOuGh ThE 147 hArDwArE hAs ChAnGeD? sHiFtY. 148 ****** 015=Usr:277 Schizo 01/01/89 02:23 Msg:4791 Call:26543 Lines:14 149 Greggle spontanity skiglokical spuff master in trouble, send Mr. 150 Noriega immediately stop. 151 Swallow my garbage - eat my huggies! 152 Tis the season to jump into a lake of extremely chilly Jello(tm) 153 Never ending streams of open wounds pour life force into an 154 otherwise empty ooniverse. 155 Maxwell is wrong. (Physics) 156 Gargle with drano - cures heartburn forever! 157 --- The Preceding message has been brought to you by 158 --- the same fool who brought you the "Life, Death, 159 --- Re-birth, re-death, birth again, and utter annihilation 160 --- of the Universe in Two Acts" ca. 1989 161 ... ___ ... 162 (Schizo's On Something) 016=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 01/01/89 02:35 Msg:4792 Call:26544 Lines:4 163 ************************************************************** 164 Wow! a voice from the past! Hello Shifty, how's it shiftin'? 165 Strange how somethings never change eh? 166 ******************* CISTOP MIKEY ***************************** 017=Usr:106 unknown lurker 01/01/89 17:25 Msg:4795 Call:26559 Lines:4 167 ============================================================== 168 Time: 01/01/89 17:34 Dur:3 Remaining:42 169 Looks like a time warp! 170 ===============================unknown lurker================= 018=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 01/01/90 17:33 Msg:4796 Call:26560 Lines:2 171 whoops! It's fixed now. 172 *********************** 019=Usr:272 Talos 01/02/90 00:21 Msg:4799 Call:26570 Lines:64 173 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 174 The sickly sweet stench of candy sugur assailed his nose o 175 as he stuck his head out the window to see if anyone was left in the theater. 176 "Damn," he thought, why is there always two or three people left who wait to 177 watch the credits!" Down in the front rows was a group of three people intently 178 wtching the credits. Shaking his head John Richardson, projectionist, walked on 179 down to the next cinema to see if he could turn that one off. 180 Damn!" he said aloud seeing yet another group of people waiting. He walked 181 back to the desk to file his reports for the night. Finishing them up he looked 182 out to the lobby to see how box office was doing. Suddenly a group of people 183 came out from the theaters into the lobby. "Good, now I can shut the projectors 184 off...." his words trailed off as he noticed that they had masks over their hea 185 ds with hand guns trained at the box person. 186 Knowing there was no phone in the projection booth, John started to head 187 out the back way when he realized they must have someone there. Looking out the 188 side air vent confirmed his fears. Suddenly he realized they were probably 189 sending someone upto deal with HIM any second now. 190 Running with the fear of death in his mind, John ran to the ladder leading 191 to the roof. As he got to the top he heard footsteps on the stairs. John quick- 192 ly pulled himself onto the roof and left the hatch open. "If they don't hear it 193 they may not notice it," he hoped silently. Scanning the roof he felt a tidal 194 wave of depression hit him. Nothing to hide behind except the airconditioning 195 units, six foot by six foot units ony five feet high. TREES! There were tree 196 at the back of the theater, could he climb down one. Running over to the CINEMA 197 sign he looked down, an eight foot drop to the pines that probably wouldn't 198 hold his weight if climbed UP it, much less drop to it. 199 The head popped up behind a cannon of a gun. Covered in solid black except 200 for the eyes and mouth he was nearly invisible. He slowly covered the ground 201 near the HVAC units at a good distance and found no-one around them. He began a 202 check around the edge of the cinema to see if any one had jumped. A good fifty 203 to sixty foot drop, anyone jumping should have broken a leg. As he came to the 204 back he saw foot prints in the metal around the edge, he peered over to see if 205 someone had tried for the trees. Seeing nothing he turned around in time for a 206 large shoe to connect with his face, the las image before he blacked out. 207 208 Steve was upset. Everything had gone according to plan except for the 209 projectionist. They had the theater covered and should be out of there in five 210 minutes. But if the projectionist had somehow gotten away and to a phone they 211 could be on the way to jail in five minutes. 212 A clanging of metal sent him whirling around to see Mike coming down the 213 ladder. "Did you find him?" Steve asked. Mike nodded his head and moved his 214 hand in an pointing arc. "Knocked him over the edge?" 215 Mike grunted a little and shrugged his shoulders. 216 "Well hell," Steve said, "Let's get outta here." 217 Mike followed silently. 218 219 Downstairs things were finishing up, they had the money and were ready to 220 leave. The six people had just started to leave, but one hang back a second. 221 "Don't move or I'll kill you!" 222 The five men stopped, one turned with a gun in hand and was shot in the 223 shoulder. The other four slowly put their hands on their heads. 224 John pulled off the mask and grinned a devil's grin. Within a few minutes 225 the police were on the scene and took the robbers away. "Not bad," he thought, 226 "I wonder if I'll get a bonus?" 227 228 Okay, I'm tired and I just got off work and improved this on the spot. So tell 229 me, am I beyond hope? 230 231 232 233 Talos Valheru 234 Ruler of the 235 Eagle's Reaches 236 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 020=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 01/02/90 22:00 Msg:4802 Call:26585 Lines:12 237 &*&*&*&*'s 238 I liked it Talos. The scene with the projectionist shooting the 239 villian in the shoulder was somewhat unexpected, and I'm a bin unclear as to 240 how the hero got the jump on the bad guy on the roof. But considering the 241 fact that you improvised I'd say you did very well. 242 243 My next entry will be somewhat delayed, as I'm haveing to do a bit 244 of research. Hopefully in a day or two. 245 246 An Astral Dreamer 247 &*&*&*&*'s 248 021=Usr:92 Katherine Dohert 01/03/90 16:16 Msg:4805 Call:26604 Lines:1 249 *******************************checking*in****kathyD*************************** 022=Usr:272 Talos 01/03/90 21:34 Msg:4807 Call:26617 Lines:4 250@ ao ahr 251 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>< 252 He was on top of the sign next to the edge of the roof. 253 023=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 01/03/90 23:28 Msg:4811 Call:26622 Lines:3 254 255 Oh, I see. Now I feel foolish. :-) (Inbordercognito.) 256 024=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 01/04/90 00:00 Msg:4812 Call:26624 Lines:5 257 *%()@*%_)#@%*)_@#(%)_($_)@+_$)@+_)$@#_+(%#@+_%()+_#@)%+_@#%+_#)@%_#)@%+_@)#%+ 258 Good new year to new faces and old! ShIfTy and kathyD, welcome back after 259 a long hiatus from the hallowed grounds. 260 (*%_)#@(%_)#@(%_)@(%)@#()%(@#)_%@#_)*(%_)^*&_ L'homme sans Parity $*()!$*!@_)!~ 261 025=Usr:31 The Doctor 01/04/90 20:54 Msg:4818 Call:26646 Lines:1 262 ???????????????? Happy New Year!! Little Late... ??????????????? The Doctor 026=Usr:108 RASTUS TYRONE BI 01/04/90 21:31 Msg:4819 Call:26648 Lines:14 263 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 264 265 HELLO EVERYONE ! 266 267 MY NAME IS TIM, AND I AM IN NEED OF SOME ASSISTANCE. I AM NEW TO THE 268 COMPUTER WORLD, AND I AM LOOKING FOR A PARTICULAR TYPE OF PROGRAM. I AM LOOKING 269 FOR A GOOD MATH PROGRAM TO AIDE ME IN TRYING TO UNDERSTAND ALGEBRA, ALGEBRA TRI 270 G AND CALCULAS. IF ANYONE COULD GIVE ME SOME SUGGESTIONS AS TO A PROGRAM, IT WO 271 ULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. 272 273 PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE ADDRESSED TO TIM M. 274 275 THANK YOU ! 276 027=Usr:92 Katherine Dohert 01/05/90 16:57 Msg:4821 Call:26668 Lines:1 277 *********************************************kathyD**************************** 028=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 01/06/90 11:57 Msg:4822 Call:26690 Lines:11 278 &*&*&*&*'s 279 Tim, somebody might have answered this in mail already, but just in case... 280 You'll need to specify what sort of computer you're using first, as not all 281 software packages run on all computers. Given that info I'm sure somebody 282 around here will be able to make a suggestion. Oh, you might also want to 283 include such information as how much memory you're computer has, what sort 284 of storage devices etc. 285 286 An Astral Dreamer 287 &*&*&*&*'s 288 029=Usr:110 HFJKDZS.;FSD HFJ 01/06/90 23:03 Msg:4823 Call:26702 Lines:7 289 ************************************************************************* 290 THE GUY LOOKING FOR MATH PROGRAMS MOST LIKELY IS SOME DUMB C.B.ER 291 THATS STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL! 292 293 SUCH IS LIFE I GUESS! 294 295 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 030=Usr:82 SWORDSMITH 01/07/90 14:26 Msg:4824 Call:26721 Lines:1 296 SS.SS.SS.SS.SS. 031=Usr:272 Talos 01/08/90 22:14 Msg:4827 Call:26742 Lines:11 297 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 298 UGGH! I was helping a friend move earlier today. My father was trying to put 299 the canopy on the truck and he pulled a tendon in his left arm. It's gonna be 300 a long time before he can fully use his left arm again. Being a truck driver 301 that puts him out of work for quite some time. I broke up with my girlfriend 302 a few days ago. The band I had tried to get into fell apart. On top of all 303 that, I had just started to save money for college. Now it's gonna be useful 304 but I'm gonna be out of school for awhile. But other than that it's been a 305 mediocre decade so far! :-( 306 Talos Valheru 307 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 032=Usr:119 TIM MILNE 01/08/90 22:29 Msg:4828 Call:26743 Lines:22 308 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 309 310 HELLO AGAIN! 311 312 I AM SORRY I DID NOT SPECIFY MY COMPUTER PROGRAM PREFERRENCE, BUT I AM LOO 313 KING FOR A MATH PROGRAM FOR A C-64/C-128COMP. 314 315 316 317 THIS COMMENT IS FOR THE PERSON WHO MADE A VERY RUDE COMMENT PERTAINING TO 318 ME STILL BEING IN HIGH SCHOOL AND TALKS 319 ON THE C.B., WELL FROM THE STAITMENT YOU ENTERED YOU SOUND LIKE SOMEONE WHO FLU 320 NKED OUT OF SCHOOL, AND THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN BE ACCEPTED INTO SOCIETY IS TO HID 321 E BEHIND A COMPUTER SCREEN. NEXT TIME, YOUR COMMENTS SHOULD BE LEFT UNSAID, UNL 322 ESS YOU KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT THE PERSON YOU ARE MAKING COMMENTS ABOUT. 323 324 I WOULD STILL APPRECIATE AN ANSWER TO MY QUESTION, UNLESS SOMEONE THINK 325 S THAT I AM BEING TO RUDE. 326 327 PLEASE ADDRESS YOUR HELPFUL ANSWERS TO TIM M. 328 329 033=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 01/08/90 23:41 Msg:4829 Call:26746 Lines:11 330 &*&*&*&*'s 331 TIM M. I don't know of any programs like the one you mention for the C-64/ 332 128. Oh, if possible could you stop entering everything in all caps? 333 It sort of drives some people nuts, though it doesn't bother me all that 334 much. 335 336 Sorry I'm no help, maybe somebody else. 337 338 An Astral Dreamer 339 &*&*&*&*'s 340 034=Usr:120 Dave Hollingswor 01/09/90 05:40 Msg:4830 Call:26750 Lines:13 341 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 342 ** STARPATH * 343 Y'know, I hate to be picky (not true, I love it), but I have to point out that 344 it's not REALLY the beginning of a new decade; that does happen until next year 345 The simple way of observing this is to note that the first year is year "1", an 346 d that in order for the first decade to have ten years, it must end on year ten 347 Therefore, 1990 is the LAST year of the '80s, not the first of the '90s. 348 My guess is that people will also forget that 2000 is NOT the beginning of th 349 e21st century. *Sigh* 350 By the way, the year 2000 is a leap year, although 1900 was not... 351 * STARPATH ** 352 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 353@c 035=Usr:219 Friar Mossback 01/09/90 07:59 Msg:4831 Call:26751 Lines:6 354 But Starpath, you are incorrect too! 1990 is the first year of the nineties. 355 That appelation is reference only to what the years final two digits are, not 356 to which decade the year is in. You are correct in saying that the decade is 357 part of the ninth decade of this century, though. And I suspect you are right 358 that the "hypsters" will start the new century and millenium early. Sigh. 359 036=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 01/09/90 11:58 Msg:4832 Call:26753 Lines:7 360 &*&*&*&*'s 361 Sheesh, it's only one year. Don't you folkes have something a bit more 362 important to worry about? :-) 363 364 An Astral Dreamer 365 &*&*&*&*'s 366 037=Usr:4 Milchar 01/09/90 18:58 Msg:4833 Call:26758 Lines:7 367 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 368 I figure we come out ahead- TWO super end-of-the-milennium bashes instead of 369 one! The first held by those who can't count <grin>, and the second a year 370 later, held by those who think that whoever thought up a year numbering 371 system beginning with year one instead of year zero was darned silly. 372 373 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milchar ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 038=Usr:272 Talos 01/10/90 00:11 Msg:4834 Call:26762 Lines:7 374 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 375 376 Why not one L-O-N-G party/bash, from nye to nye? 377 378 379 ? 380 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 039=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 01/10/90 16:13 Msg:4836 Call:26773 Lines:6 381 &*&*&*&*'s 382 If you're a C programer it has to be the year 2000. We all know that 0 is 383 the first integer! :-) 384 385 An Astral Dreamer 386 &*&*&*&*'s 040=Usr:92 Katherine Dohert 01/11/90 17:06 Msg:4837 Call:26801 Lines:1 387 ********************************kathyD***************************************** 041=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 01/11/90 21:27 Msg:4838 Call:26804 Lines:5 388 *%()@#*%_@(%_#(_!(_#+_$)_)%(#$^(^(_)(%@+()%_)@$+_)$_(%_)$%(_)(%_)%(_(%_)%^_)^*_ 389 Milch: Leave it to you to think of things to party about! 390 AAD: Remember, God created integers, man all else. 391 %$*()#%(_(%_)^%(_)%(_)%(#$^((@#%()@ L'homme sans Parity (%)_@(%_)(_)($_)(~_)()_ 392 042=Usr:4 Milchar 01/12/90 00:10 Msg:4840 Call:26809 Lines:4 393 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 394 L'omme: I HAVE to think of these things myself. I seem to be low 395 on other people's invitation lists, or something like that... 396 +++++++++++++++++++++++ Milch +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 043=Usr:13 voyeur 01/13/90 00:47 Msg:4842 Call:26828 Lines:3 397@Far out! According to the Call log, L'homme's been *Twit*ed! 398@Was this intentional (i.e. a joke), or is there something one does that 399@causes the *Twit* flag to be set? Inquiring minds want to know. 044=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 01/13/90 01:52 Msg:4843 Call:26829 Lines:2 400@Ahh, it appears that Steve ran into the auto-twit function. 401@If you type the F word you autoamtically get twited. 045=Usr:4 Milchar 01/13/90 19:22 Msg:4845 Call:26843 Lines:1 402 Giggle....<snort>...giggle... 046=Usr:29 The Bard 01/13/90 19:33 Msg:4846 Call:26844 Lines:2 403@Gee, what *other* words can get you twitted? Inquiring minds want to know! 404@Let me guess, the classic 7? 047=Usr:368 Nemesis Warlock 01/14/90 00:12 Msg:4848 Call:26848 Lines:95 405 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==== 406 Leichter dropped heavily into the plush chair, reaching out to sip from 407 the steaming cup of orange tea that rested on the side table. Placing the 408 cup back on the table, he proceeded to examine the small spiral notebook that 409 he had carried with him from the other room, frowning as he opened to the 410 first page and a few stray newspaper clippings scattered onto the floor, and 411 onto the small dog at his feet. The border collie looked up at him with 412 pathetically loyal eyes. "Sorry, Kato, boy..." he soothed, patting the animal 413 reassuringly. Leichter had never been one too be fond of animals, but Kato 414 was an exception. He'd found the poor thing during an incredible rainstorm, 415 the sad creature being hidden behind a pile of rotting boxes. Naturally, not 416 even one such as Leichter could endure the guilt that would have surely 417 weighed upon his conscience had he not taken the vagabond beast in, nursing 418 it back to health after both the injuries of life on the road andd the 419 debilitation of a temporary illness that had afflicted the pup. Sighing in 420 contentment, Kato dropped his head to the ground once more as Leichter 421 gathered the assorted clippings, taking note of each... 422 423 HIDDEN SNIPER KILLS WARDEN... WIFE AND YOUTH DIE IN BIZARRE MURDER... 424 SUSPECTED CRACKHOUSE BOMBED... TEEN GANG VICTIMS OF DRUG WAR... 425 Each one had a story, but the words of black and white did not blot 426 out the words of red that assailed his mind as Leichter's reddened eyes 427 scanned the faded pages. "Forget it." He mused, absently stuffing the book 428 and its contents into a drawer on the table. 429 He sat there, for a few moments, allowing the red to fade, the field of 430 vision to return to California, 1990, the world to return to the point where 431 it only TEETERED on the brink of sheer insanity. His hands cased their 432 quiverings, and with that he picked up the telephone and jabbed at the buttons 433 rapidly. 434 "Hello?" the voice at the other end answered eventually. 435 "This is Adric." he replied. 436 "Leichter?" the voice sounded more than a bit surprised. "What are YOU 437 calling about? It's 1:53 AM!" The shaky voice on the other end faded 438 between sleep and awareness with 439 surprising regularity. 440 "I'm ontto something big. I've already contacted Dietrich and the 441 Associates thrgh my channels. But I do require some information on a few 442 fuzzy matters that I'd like to clear up." 443 "Specifically?" 444 "I need you to get what you can on the NET's activities right now, and 445 that INCLUDES any independent-" 446 "NET? Who sent YOU on something that involved NET?" 447 "Relax. It's controlled. And I'm the only one available to pull it. We 448 can come out of tthis with some goods that'll put ZEPHYR back on the top of 449 the heap where we belong." 450 "I'll check on it..." the voice sighed in resignation. "It's hot?" 451 "Steaming." 452 "So's the pressure on the NET files right now. I'm not sure what's going 453 down with them." 454 "It's not your place to worry about it, is it?" 455 "I'm just giving you fair warning that when I pull this there may be some 456 serious strikes against you in the surprise column." 457 "Take the risk." 458 "You're the boss!" the line clicked and Leichter was greeted with the 459 roar of the dial tone. 460 "I know." he replied to no one in particular. 461 462 463 * * * 464 465 The man in the grey suit adressed those sassembled before him. "As the 466 Associates for the Eyrlin Proposition, your attention to the facts in this 467 operation must be precise and acute. There may be no room for rror. Need 468 I remind you of the unfortunate but necessary circumstances surrounding the 469 tragic loss of Mr. Holland a few short months ago?" 470 Six blank faces stared back at him rigidly. 471 "I thought so. ZEPHYR is not one to tolerate a lack of attention to 472 detail." He eyed the first man cooly. "I trust you gathered your infomation 473 as you were instructed?" 474 The first man at the table rose nervously, scratching at the back of 475 his neck. "Er, yes. It would seem that we've isolated the rival gang 476 groups to two main areas, Provida and Endel Parks, to be exact." 477 "Gentlemen, as you are no doubt aware, these gangs are becoming a 478 serious, albiet harmless, consideration in our attempts at operations. Now," 479 he smiled grimly. "Admittedly, there have been a -few- cases of sniper 480 hits, stealing, from these groups, and THAT is why we're taking action." 481 The thirdd man looked at the speaker through his reflective sunglases. 482 "We can take 'em in an hour, if you'd like, Sir." 483 The speaker considered it. "No, prolong it a little. Make it..." he 484 paused. "... interesting. Be a bit CREATIVE for once, for crissake. You 485 have tools. USE them just this once and make a killing like Daddy used to 486 do it. I want them dead, but add some human suffering." Again he paused. "Oh 487 yes, and about their families..." 488 The six noticeably shuddered. 489 "Can't have any younger siblings coming into the fold." That his 490 logic failed here made no difference to him. "They buy it, too. AND their 491 parents. In fact, while you're out there, why not incite some good old 492 fashioned rioting and arson!!" The old man's eyes gleamed. "Now get out there 493 and DO this ONE for ME!" 494 495 The assembled cheered, stamping out of the room in unison, all donning 496 their glasses and black overcoats. "So hard to find good help these days." 497 the old man muttered, and proceeded to rearrange his cluttered desk. 498 499 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==Zephyr::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==== 048=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 01/14/90 01:52 Msg:4850 Call:26853 Lines:1 500@Bard, no, only the "F" word is tested. It seems to be enough. 049=Usr:92 Katherine Dohert 01/14/90 16:38 Msg:4852 Call:26862 Lines:1 501 ***************************************kathyD*********************** 050=Usr:286 Jeff Marten 01/14/90 17:22 Msg:4853 Call:26863 Lines:15 502 503 504 CULTURE POLICE ! 505 506 Special Investigator "Smitty" here 507 We'd like you to come downtown 508 and answer a few questions 509 about that crap you got on 510 your CD player 511 512 -+|[ ThingFish ]|+- 513 Just The Facts, Please 514 515 {+}{+}{+}{+} 516 051=Usr:82 SWORDSMITH 01/14/90 18:55 Msg:4854 Call:26865 Lines:1 517 SS.SS.SS.SS.SS.SS. 052=Usr:122 Dave Brunker 01/14/90 21:17 Msg:4855 Call:26870 Lines:1 518 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 053=Usr:122 Dave Brunker 01/14/90 21:24 Msg:4856 Call:26871 Lines:2 519 Are you tired of the tyrany of monotonoous bbs's? 520 Have you just about given up hope of e finding somthing new aand different? 054=Usr:122 Dave Brunker 01/14/90 22:22 Msg:4857 Call:26874 Lines:18 521 Do you like the BAZARRE? 522 523 Call the Asylum 524 771-7360 525 24 hours 526 527 On your first call you can... 528 Talk directly to a staff membe 529 start becomming a staff member 530 Use one of our four conveniently located PAX machines 531 Get Free PAX MAIL (tm) access 532 Get Free AlphaBank access 533 534 Reality. A crutch for those who can't handle the ASYLUM 535 536 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 537 538 055=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 01/14/90 23:44 Msg:4858 Call:26876 Lines:9 539 &*&*&*&*'s 540 Sorry I wimped out on my next entry everybody. I've been wrestling with 541 hardware and new software and havn't had much in the way of mental energy 542 to devote to writting. I'll really try to get somthing done soon, as I 543 do have atleast several parts mapped out in my mind. 544 545 An Astral Dreamer 546 &*&*&*&*'s 547 056=Usr:272 Talos 01/15/90 23:54 Msg:4861 Call:26895 Lines:9 548 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 549 Well, my dad's arm is much better, the tendon was stretched severely but not 550 as bad as previously belived. Meanwhile my weekend is here (Tues-Wed), time to 551 party up for awhile! 552 553 Talos Valheru 554 Ruler of the 555 Eagle's Reaches 556 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 057=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 01/16/90 00:32 Msg:4862 Call:26898 Lines:3 557 Oh wow, Mikey has been at it again. The User command has a new 558 option, it will search for names. 559 --------------------------------------------------------------- 058=Usr:124 fhjkdsahfksdla g 01/16/90 17:22 Msg:4864 Call:26912 Lines:7 560 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ 561 562 The guy looking for a math program, I may be able to help! 563 564 Take your GED class!!!!!!!!!! 565 566 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ 059=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 01/16/90 17:51 Msg:4865 Call:26914 Lines:7 567 &*&*&*&*'s 568 Yawn. (Addressed to mister fhjkdsahfksdla g, the 'man' who left the above 569 entry.) 570 571 An Astral Dreamer 572 &*&*&*&*'s 573 060=Usr:125 Johnson Rolm 01/16/90 18:21 Msg:4866 Call:26915 Lines:21 574@_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- 575@ 576@To Tim M.: In the consrciedprmn,you might try taking an english 577@ lass. In your last note you spelled.... 578@ 579@PEERNE hen it should be --preference--. Also, 580@STAITMENT is spelled --statement--. 581@ 582@ This in conjunction with very poor sentence structure propels 583@ me to make the following assertion. 584@ I know that when a child is in school that the math classes might 585@ emquite fascinating, in conjunction with an over stressed 586@ emphasis on their importance. However in our modern industrial 587@ world, reasonable grammar skills can provide an adolescent with a 588@ far further grasp of the skills neede opoueteepoyment 589@ of their reverie. Therefore Tim, I would like to persuade you to 590@ taeayo h nlsh classes that you have an opportunity to 591@ secure. YES, even in the place of higher math! I believe that 592@ you will find that the result, in the long run, will be well worth 593@ it. 594@ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- 061=Usr:126 Bob Samtonse 01/16/90 18:28 Msg:4867 Call:26916 Lines:23 595 _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- 596 To Tim M.: In the constructive department, you might try taking an english 597 class. In your last note you spelled.... 598 599 PREFERRENCE, when it should be --preference--. Also, 600 STAITMENT is spelled --statement--. 601 602 This in conjunction with very poor sentence structure propels 603 me to make the following assertion. 604 605 I know that when a child is in school that the math classes might 606 seem quite fascinating, in conjunction with an over stressed 607 emphasis on their importance. However in our modern industrial 608 world, reasonable grammar skills can provide an adolescent with a 609 far further grasp of the skills needed to procure the employment 610 of their reverie. Therefore Tim, I would like to persuade you to 611 take any of the english classes that you have an opportunity to 612 secure. YES, even in the place of higher math! I believe that 613 you will find that the result, in the long run, will be well worth 614 it. 615 616 _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- 617 062=Usr:368 Nemesis Warlock 01/17/90 16:33 Msg:4868 Call:26929 Lines:11 618 619 -+-+- 620 And now, let us pause for a moment to quietly recall those who have passed 621 beyond the pale.... the forgotten hacker twits that are no longer with us. 622 Join with me, in the following prayer of rememberance.... 623 624 625 Oh, Keypur Uf Sowls, Oh Geyneral Zawd, Oh Digitalian, Oh. . . 626 627 +-+-+-+ 628 063=Usr:322 Stray Cat 01/17/90 19:32 Msg:4869 Call:26931 Lines:3 629 630 And moving right along .... 631 064=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 01/17/90 19:48 Msg:4870 Call:26932 Lines:3 632 ------------------------------------ 633 gee, where's Mr. Spellcheck when you need him?! 634 ------------------------------------- 065=Usr:4 Milchar 01/17/90 20:29 Msg:4871 Call:26933 Lines:1 635 -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Ask. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 066=Usr:368 Nemesis Warlock 01/18/90 11:54 Msg:4873 Call:26946 Lines:1 636 HOW CLEVER! 067=Usr:92 Katherine Dohert 01/19/90 07:45 Msg:4874 Call:26954 Lines:1 637 ************gagmewithalectureonspelling****kathyD**************** 068=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 01/19/90 19:14 Msg:4876 Call:26969 Lines:1 638 ------ yet another one line wise crack ------------------ 069=Usr:29 The Bard 01/19/90 19:58 Msg:4877 Call:26970 Lines:3 639 Please don't tempt fate. There are far worse things than Spellcheck. Ever take 640 a look at the current crop of grammar and style checking programs? 641 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 070=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 01/19/90 20:53 Msg:4878 Call:26971 Lines:7 642 ^()_@#(%_(_@#)%(_)!(!$)()_!#(%_)@(#_(_)($_~)($_)(%_)(%^_$(^$(@^@(^)(_)(!_$)@$ 643 644 i'm back 645 646 (^_#$^_)#(^_)#$(^_)$(^)_(^_^(#$)^(_)^(_)(^(^_()^ L'homme sans Parity *%)$#*%_# 647 648 BIG DEAL 071=Usr:129 Ket Larken 01/20/90 00:28 Msg:4879 Call:26974 Lines:2 649 Some one must care that you are back. BUT WHO and WHY? 650 >=<>=<>=<>=<>=<>=<>=<>= KET >=<>=< LARKN >=<>=<>=>=<>=<>=<>=<>=< 072=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 01/20/90 21:42 Msg:4880 Call:26981 Lines:5 651 *%(@#*%#@%_@#(%_)@#(%)@#(%_)@%_!(%_)%(*@_%*@%(*@#(%@#+_%)@#_+%(@#%(@#_%(@#%(@ 652 After a brief time in the lower levels of userdom, it is nice to be back. 653 But the one-line zingers will always be... 654 *%@#)%*)@%_)@*)%)_%*(@%*@_)%*@#_%*@ L'homme sans Parity *%#@_*%@_%@_)%*@#_%*@ 655 073=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 01/21/90 08:23 Msg:4881 Call:26985 Lines:6 656 &*&*&*&*'s 657 The more things change, the more they stay the same. 658 659 An Astral Dreamer 660 &*&*&*&*'s 661 074=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 01/21/90 19:44 Msg:4884 Call:26994 Lines:2 662 the more things stay the same, the more they change. 663 ----------------------------------------------------- 075=Usr:13 voyeur 01/21/90 23:40 Msg:4886 Call:26998 Lines:2 664 the more things change, the more conservative we become. 665 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 076=Usr:81 Albright 01/22/90 00:10 Msg:4887 Call:27000 Lines:92 666 667 Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al 668 669 Scarlet, Wadsworth and I entered the dimly-lit room. Slowly, our 670 eyes adjusted, and we took stock of our situation. 671 Scarlet glanced here and there, frantically tapping on his little 672 keyboard, apparently unwilling to render a judgement until all the facts 673 were processed. The stuffy Wadsworth stared, wide-eyed, at the scene -- 674 a look of horror blended with exhilaration frozen on his chubby face. 675 As for myself: a primitive physiological reaction was all it took 676 to inform me that we had entered a brothel. We were in a large, luxurious 677 room liberally furnished with couches and cushions. A few men sat in the 678 center, probably waiting for specific hostesses. Around the sides lounged 679 seductive women, who, upon observing our entrance, inevitably began 680 winking and evaluating us amongst themselves. 681 One woman in particular -- a tall, dark lady wearing a low-cut red 682 gown -- caught my eye. Oddly, the little wave and nose-crinkle she 683 directed my way suggested prior acquaintance. In fact, now that I noticed 684 it, several of the females were starting to look disturbingly familiar! 685 I lowered my head to avoid being further recognized. 686 "I think we're in the wrong place!" Wadsworth's nervous little 687 voice announced, an internal conflict playing itself openly on his face. 688 The poor man's scandalized expression was broken only by his eyes, which 689 darted wildly, absorbing all the enticing images they could before his 690 guilt-laden conscience dammed desire's forbidden flood. 691 "What about it, Scarlet?" I asked. "Are we at the right place?" 692 But the thin man didn't seem to hear me. He continued tapping on 693 his keyboard, mumbling to himself, "...preponderance of females... 694 ...approximate percentage of body covered...cross-reference, specific 695 physical features exposed...mm-hmm...cosmetic index...correlate, standard 696 lingerie index..." 697 Within a few minutes, he looked up, startled. "Albright! We're 698 in a brothel!" And as he peered around again, I got the feeling he was 699 seeing the place for the first time. 700 "Are you sure?" I asked. 701 "Hypothesis not rejected at ninety-five percent confidence..." 702 "OK, Scarlet." 703 "...confirmed by the Heffner Variation T & A test..." 704 "Scarlet!" I interrupted, vaguely annoyed that he had missed my 705 earlier sarcasm. "What are we supposed to be doing here?" 706 "Information coming through." Scarlet whispered. "It was blocked 707 until our confirmed arrival at this location." 708 He watched for several minutes as information blurred past his 709 sreen, during which time I stalled the madame with a detailed discussion 710 of activities and fees. Finally, Scarlet pulled me aside. "I can't go 711 into the details, but it would seem we are to establish covers here." 712 I practically laughed. What sort of cover could our unlikely trio 713 hope to establish in a brothel? 714 "It would seem that I am to play the part of a chemist." Scarlet 715 continued, "hmm. That is a noble profession! Wadsworth is my apprentice." 716 H scanned the screen for a few moments, and frowned. "This is strange. 717 All of my specialties seem to involve creating or imitating illegal mind- 718 altering substances. There must be some mistake." 719 I spent the next few minutes describing to Scarlet the type of 720 organization he was supposed to infiltrate. With a look of distaste, he 721 resolved to carry out his mission. 722 Then he started reciting my orders. But just as he began doing 723 so, my eyes met those of the dark woman I'd seen earlier. She was moving 724 toward me with cat-like fluidity. Her dress was slit nearly up to her hip 725 on one side, presenting me at each step with a wonderful view of her 726 entire shapely leg. And that leg was getting steadily nearer, along with 727 the rest of the woman! 728 And then she was before me; her eyes, an intense silver-gray, were 729 staring passionately into my own. I felt like I was going to say some- 730 thing, but she touched a finger to my lips, and then moved it slowly down, 731 to my chin, throat, and chest, and further down, where she let it hang 732 with uncomfortable tension on my belt buckle. 733 She pulled herself closer, so I could just feel her body brushing 734 against mine -- so close I could smell her lilac-scented hair. "Simon 735 Albright," she whispered, "you must come and see me before you leave. 736 Like old times." And, like a breeze, she was gone. 737 738 "Albright...Albright!" The new voice was Scarlet's. 739 "Huh?" I said, suddenly aware that Scarlet had been reading to me 740 the whole time. 741 "I was just saying that it's imperative you don't blow your 742 cover." Then he studied me a moment. "You WERE listening, weren't you?" 743 "Of course." I stated, adding a touch of indignation. I couldn't 744 very well admit that I'd ignored his instructions while flirting with a 745 girl who had penetrated my cover even before I had one. I guessed I'd 746 have to play it by ear. Whatever my identity was supposed to be, it was 747 worthless at this location, anyway. 748 "Why are we doing this, Scarlet?" I asked, changing the subject. 749 "No time to explain!" He whispered quickly, pointing to the 750 approaching madame. "It has to do with a rival organization called 751 ZEPHYR. I've dealt with them before. Their leader is quite rabbit!" 752 "He's what?" 753 "I said, he's quite rabid!" 754 "Oh." 755 Albright 756 Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al*Al 757 077=Usr:368 Nemesis Warlock 01/23/90 15:58 Msg:4888 Call:27016 Lines:90 758 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==== 759 760 Leichter's musings were once more cut short by the resounding scream of 761 the telephone beside him. His bleary eyes darted to a large grandfather 762 clock, which read -6:08 AM-. Insomnia claims another victim, he thought. 763 "Yes?" he growled into the reciever. 764 "Leichter! Glad you're home. Listen, something is coming down." 765 "Details." he replied, his system snapping into attention like a caffeine 766 demon. 767 "It would appear that one of our small-time operations has been... shall 768 we say... infiltrated." An audible smirk crackled across the line. 769 "Specifics." 770 "It would appear, sir, that some covert operatives have managed to 771 break into one of our brothels." A momentary pause. "The Fiends! Our 772 Entire Operation May Be Placed In Jeopardy!!!!" The voice of the man on 773 the other end of the line dripped with camp. 774 Leichter was puzzled. "How were we able to locate them? It's not as if 775 we're alerting groups like THAT to the identities of enemy agents or covert 776 groups." 777 "Oh, you'll love it." 778 "Get to the point, Meyers, or I'll be filing some papers with the Old Man 779 before you know it." 780 "Apparently," a pause... "One of the agents has partaken of the house 781 specialty once before..." 782 "Oh please." 783 "No, truth be told." 784 "All right. Sure it isn't a set up?" 785 "What would they really have to gain in trying to draw us out into 786 the open? They already know that we exist. No, I'd say it was for reall. 787 There's been a lot of computer activity for some time... seems they were trying 788 to establish cover for a bunch oof them. I wouldn't be surprised if they still 789 thought that they weren't all detected by now." 790 "Nevertheless, we can't take any chances. Do we have any specifics on 791 House reaction?" 792 "They're giving you the red lantern... er, green light." 793 "Fine..." he thought for a moment. "How much does the place take in?" 794 "Not enough to say so." 795 "Hit it. Wipe it out. We'll do a public service and we can clean up 796 and rebuild with better stock. The facility can be transferred to the 797 narcotics groups. They'll make more that way, anyhow. Nobody uses those 798 things anymore... It's the '90's, my friend. Safe Sex." 799 "What about 'Say No To Drugs'?" 800 "People aren't THAT stupid." 801 "How many should we send over?" 802 "For a Fire Sale? I'd say about six. I want them to get in, nail the 803 place, and get out. No explanations, no infiltration. Just send them right 804 through the door." 805 "Got it." 806 "Oh, and Meyer?" 807 "Yessir?" 808 "Give me some REAL types. No silly code names." 809 "Got it! Over and out." 810 "And don't forget to use the card this time." 811 Your personal contribution to Deux Film Noir? Why bother?" 812 "The police'll investigate. I want them to know." 813 "What good'll that do?" 814 "It will make things... a little more interesting." 815 816 817 * * * 818 819 A long black limousine came to a silent halt outside the rather shoddy 820 establishment. Six men, each dressed in pinstripes and sunglasses, stepped 821 out, their doors slamming in unison. Walking towards the door, their highly 822 polished black boots clickedin steady, regular rhythm against the cracked 823 concrete. "This is the place." said the first, eyeing the name emblazoned 824 across the door. "Femme De Lapine... Cute." 825 The six each opened the violin cases that they were carrying, and 826 each extracted an odd weapon that seemed to closely resemble a tommygun, 827 more likely than not because of the fact that that was what they were. 828 "Real quick. Real easy." muttered the first, under his reath. 829 "Like candy from a baby." whispered the second. 830 "Like shooting fish in a barrel." 831 "Easy boys." calmed the third. "Let's save it for inside." 832 833 * * * 834 835 836 Far away at that exact same moment, a fragile hand pressed down on an 837 intercom. "Yessir?" the voice on the other end queried. 838 "The Two have entered into the picture. It's starting." 839 "Sure thing, boss." 840 "Get the ball rolling. I want word out to all the various groups, 841 yesterday. Things are going to start snowballing, especially after 842 Leichter takes action against the men in the brothel. I want us prepared 843 for retaliatory strikes." 844 "I'll keep my ears up." 845 "Time's a wasting..." The frail old voice faded into static. 846 847 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==Zephyr::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==== 078=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 01/23/90 20:34 Msg:4890 Call:27023 Lines:61 848 nosun!intelisc!nelsons 849 Subject: Best BBS ad in a long time (from rec.humor.funny) 850 851 like dudez! this is the ****IRON EMU**** leving you this mesg to let 852 you know that the BIRD TRIUMVERATE wich is ME (the *****IRON 853 EMU******, the DEATH SQUID and SINTAX ERROR are still up and writng 854 code which is in our new demoprogramme! so all you VIC20 computer 855 users be sure to check out our new demo called ASTERISKS AND SPACES! 856 if you send computer mail for it i probably wont reply becuase i don't 857 know how just yet (but my older borther will help out ... 858 859 are you like SICK of being turned down acess to buletin boreds like 860 the BIRD TRIUMVERATE is? then call the new bbs i set up last night 861 becuase it is so RAD! it is the EMU CONNECTION and the primary password 862 is PHLEGM. the secondary password is also PHLEGM. the teritary password 863 is STERNUTATION. the quaternarty password is ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM. 864 after that there are no more passwords (but alot of asterisks and spaces 865 for awhile. 866 867 me and the DEATH SQUID wrote the buletin board last night in LESS THAN 868 AN OUR! lets see some other hack group like the SILVER SLOTHS OF 606 869 try to rite such a RAD buletin board on a vic20 computer!!!!!!!!!!!!! 870 all you have to do to get a password is write to us and tell wich 871 buletin boreds you have been refused acess to. ALSO NO MEMBERS OF THE 872 NASTY NEWTS OF 909 ALOWED becuase you dudez SUCK!!!!!!!!!!! if you 873 write to us at byrd@husc2.harvard.edu (it migt be better to use real 874 mail instead of the computer mail sistem becuase we might not get it 875 becuase im still not exactly sure how to read it ... 876 877 soon there will be an opton on the bbs to dwonload vic20 software 878 automaticly but right now if you select the dwonload opton from the 879 main meu i will pick up the phone and read the right program to you 880 and you can copy it down. for this reson you should have a pensil 881 ready when you select the dwonload opton. right now the onley 882 dwonloadable program is ASTERISKS AND SPACES but we are working on our 883 new demoprogramme called AMPERSANDS AND SPACES. 884 885 so dudez! we got a place now where all the RADEST DUDEZ excange the 886 hotest vic20 warez and that is THE EMU CONNECTION!!!!!!!! so call 887 between 4pm-10pm becuase i don't get home from school until 4 (my dad 888 says if we get any calls after 10pm he l'l rip out my modem and feed 889 it to the cat. TERIBLE TYPISTS OF 202 NOT ALOWED becuase you dudez 890 SUCK!!!!!!!! so call our rad bbs, where the dwonload is free, 891 paretheses dont match, redundent excalmation marks are HOT and SPELING 892 DOESNT COUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 893 894 well my dads yelling at me to get off the dam fone so L8R dudez.... 895 896 ************ ********** ********* * * ******** * * * * 897 * * * * * ** * * ** ** * * 898 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 899 * ********** * * * * * ******** * * * * * * 900 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 901 * * * * * * * * * * * * * 902 * * * * * * * * * * * * 903 ************ * * ********* * * ******** * * ********** 904 905 (my real name is I.M. Tenn) 906 907 -- 908 079=Usr:368 Nemesis Warlock 01/24/90 13:56 Msg:4891 Call:27039 Lines:4 909 910 YES, TO MATCH YOUR MATURITY! 911 HOW CLEVER! 912 080=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 01/25/90 16:50 Msg:4894 Call:27066 Lines:21 913 &*&*&*&*'s 914 A funny piece, but let us no rant to much at all those starry eyed ten 915 year olds out there. Some of them might even learn something about 916 computers, and we're not going to be on even ground at that point. They 917 didn't have readilly available personal computers till I was in my mid 918 teens, and I didn't get to buy my own computer untill I was 19. 919 920 Yes, think about it. People who have been programing from the age of 6 or so. 921 I see the same sort of effect in the newer video games. When I was a kid 922 pong and tank battle were hot stuff, and now when I try to play the latest 923 hot shoot'em up I get blown away in five seconds flat. While I watch 924 5 and six year olds rack up scores in excess of 1000 times my own. 925 926 I was a member of the first generation to have the oppurtunity to have 927 and use their own personal computer. (If you had the rather large chunk 928 of free change needed.) And the present generation is being exposed in 929 a much larger way. We're all going to change because of it. 930 931 An Astral Dreamer 932 &*&*&*&*'s 933 081=Usr:498 Hagbard Celine , 01/26/90 04:12 Msg:4896 Call:27077 Lines:41 934 { 935 936 I love the reference to the "harvard.edu" address - just who is this 937 guy/gal/thing? Identify yourself and create an Identity. If you're 938 a clone, don't worry about the individuality bit, just give yourself 939 a collective term (preferably species-oriented) - we (usually) don't 940 discriminate (or do I speak for the minority?), and fiction is more 941 than welcome (ok, folks, so we EXPECT fiction to simply roll off of 942 fingertips like your foot in a soapy teflon tub), so make a bother 943 and express yourself (no exclamations (sp) needed - oh, drat, my 944 Spelle caught that. What tha (sp) hell else will it catch?) 945 to everyone, and do your best. If you can't, you could always 946 do your worst. Come to think of it, most of us are doing our worst. 947 948 AD, it's been so long. What's happened since I was out? Has 949 the Inn returned? Has time stopped? Have I missed anything important? 950 Does a Rolex(tm) tell time? - sure do. (Shut up and get back inside, 951 I told you not to come out until we are alone.) Aw, but I was 952 having so much fun (I DON'T CARE, get your psychosis back in here!) 953 Awrite, I do dat. (Now, stay put. I need to continue work on the 954 portible laser pistol system. There seems to be a problem with 955 the nitrogen cooling jacket around the flashtube...) 956 957 ...and so Hagbard wanders off, unable to regain his balance as 958 a singluar being, struggling to make the laser pistol that he saw 959 on the Buck Rogers(tm) T.V. series. Tune in next time for a dreadful 960 rendition (sp) ( <EXPLICATIVE DELETED> ) of 961 962 "As My Brain Spins". 963 964 Hagbard Celine, half-sold on the establishment but still very, very 965 cynical. (we are not!) yes we are. 966 967 } 968 969 { 970 971 what the hell did I just write? 972 973 Hagbard Celine 974 } 082=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 01/26/90 12:44 Msg:4897 Call:27084 Lines:25 975 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Thot You'd Lost Me, Didn't You???????????? 976 977 H'lo to all you people and other things out there in la-la land! I'm 978 back! Well, actually I'm not back, I still Kurfur, but that's not 979 important. Let's just say that I have returned. 980 981 It's amazing how this disk has been open for the last month. Since 982 Dec-27 I believe. Whaz goin on 'ere? I leave for a bit of bladecraft 983 and everyone goes boring. What this board needs (Odin protect me from my 984 words!) is a couple of immature twits to de-complacensize the populous. 985 Remember how lively the messages would become when there General ZOD 986 lurking about and making himself a wonderful Twit-Bashing Target? 987 988 So, what's with all the new borders. Who all 'round here is new 989 since I last logged on? Glad to see Hagbard and A.D. are still here, as 990 well as Talos Valheru and a few others that I can't remember (I've been 991 making up for sleep with caffiene lately, ok?). There are a few that are 992 notably absent, but that may be because I've not been paying enough 993 attention. Also, what in the name of Midgard happened to Applephilia?!!?? 994 995 On a diffrn't note, anyone here play Shadowrun? I found the book new 996 for only $8.00 ($28 regular price), and had to buy it (gloat gloat :). 997 998 KKKKKurfur Redlig | Schizophrenics Unite. You're Not Alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 999 Looks Like I gotta finish off the last disk of the 80's! :)