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NUMBER OF LINES: 999 001=Usr:0 Null User 06/30/87 20:34 Msg:0 Call:0 Lines:19 1$If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2$************************* INSTALLED: 7 SEP 88 **************************** 3$Welcome to BWMS II (BackWater Message System II) Mike Day System operator 4$************************************************************************** 5$GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS II IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6$ PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7$BWMS II was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS II is a privately 8$owned and operated system which is currently open for use by the general 9$public. No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the 10$system is privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all 11$messages which I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the 12$system, it will be periodically purged of messages (only 999 lines of data 13$can be saved). To leave a message, type 'ENTER'. Use ctrl/C to get out 14$the ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering 15$the message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to 16$replace the line. To exit from the system, type 'BYE' then hang up. 17$Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18$************************************************************************** 19$ 002=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 10/07/88 19:42 Msg:2472 Call:10005236 Lines:4 20 Methinks I see the wanton hours flee, 21 and as they pass, turn back and laugh at me. 22 - George Villiers 23 ********************************************************************** 003=Usr:322 Stray Cat 10/07/88 19:49 Msg:2473 Call:10005237 Lines:7 24 25 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 26 27 I have absolutely NOTHING to say, except that I can now say I was F I R S T 28 29 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Friday, Oct 8, 88 %%%%%%%%%%%%%% 004=Usr:100 Ben Davis 10/07/88 21:59 Msg:2474 Call:10005243 Lines:7 31 F I R S T, you made the fatal error of not entering your name, hence, anyone 32 could claim to be first. Anyone like me. I wasn't first but that is beside 33 the point. You cannot prove you are you. I now have the dubiose distinction 34 of being the first to 'sign' their name at the bottom of their message this 35 disk! 36 Camp Director 37 C>D>C>D>C>D>C>D>C>D>C>D>C>D>C>D>C>D>C>D>C>D>C>D>C>D>C>D>C>D>C>D>C>D>C>D>C>D>C> 005=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 10/08/88 01:31 Msg:2475 Call:10005251 Lines:9 38 &*&*&*&*'s 39 Adventure Awaits! let us all begin post haste! (Feel free to enter anything you 40 like though. Don't let me intimdate you.) 41 42 An Astral Dreamer. 43 (The third person to enter stuff on this disk!) 44 (The second to put their name down!) 45 &*&*&*&*'s 46 006=Usr:483 Lord Beaker 10/08/88 15:45 Msg:2476 Call:10005256 Lines:18 47 -------=-=================-=----------------=-==================-=---------- 48 Hideho! 49 50 Tis I Beaker. The 4th to post and the third to leave a name! 51 52 Now...To the foolish Neo-Nazi 'Skin Head' punks. Your lucky I didn't have a 53 shot-gun with me. Course I wouldn't a used it. But don't be suprised if 54 you get a call from the Phone company (and the electric, and your insurance 55 company, and your bank). Now for a little education, I am not white trash, 56 maybe if you spent more time in school you would know what the term 'white 57 trash refers to. It is not somebody with black friends, but rather a very 58 poor social class in the south that originated during slavery and the cival 59 war. 60 61 Poor fools. I pitty you. 62 63 Lord Beaker 64 --=-=-{==========-=--------=-==============-==-=======-=-========-----=----= 007=Usr:71 David Shult 10/09/88 15:52 Msg:2477 Call:10005280 Lines:63 65 66 696969696969 67 68 Nomination for the "Ten Best Censored Stories of 1987" 69 70 GLOWING OUTLOOK FOR FOOD IRRADIATION BUSINESS 71 72 The food industry is going high-tech with a seemingly innocent 73 procedure called irradiation -- a process that delays ripening by 74 exposing food to radioactive materials that kill insects, mold, and 75 bacteria. 76 Critics point out that irradiation may produce food products that 77 at best have lower nutritional value; at worst are carcinogenic. 78 Irradition also poses significant health threats to workers and the 79 public in transportation, storage, and disposal of radioactive waste. 80 And there is real concern over the safety of radioactive devices used 81 in food, beverage, cosmetic, and drug industries. 82 While spices are the first irradiated edibles marketed in the 83 U.S., the Food and Drug Admnstration (FDA) also has approved 84 irradiation for use on produce and some meats. Interestingly, the FDA 85 regulates irradiation not as a process but as an additive. 86 The question, of course, is exactly what is "added" to irradiated 87 food? Irradiated food looks and smells better for an extended time, 88 but little is known about the chemical changes induced by the process. 89 One science writer posed the complex issues when he asked "What 90 do you get when you irradiate an apple with 100,000 rads of gamma 91 rays. Is that irradiation a process or an additive? Who should 92 control it? Does it pose a carcinogenic threat to humans? Since it 93 reduces food spoilage and replaces dangerous pesticides, is it a 94 blessing for the world's hungry?" And then he asked, "Why are there 95 no answers to these questions?" 96 Meanwhile, the track record in irradiation facilities is anything 97 but reassuring. The Radiation Technology plant in Far Rockaway, New 98 Jersey, was closed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for 99 willfully supplying false information about repeated safety 100 violations; the NRC also shut down International Nutronics in Dover, 101 New Jersey, after workers reported a coverup of a radioative spill of 102 a tank of water containing cobalt-60 rods; and workers in Isomedix 103 Co., Parsippany, New Jersey, were told to clean up leaks by pouring 104 radioactive water down bathroom toilets and sinks. 105 Earlier this year, the NRC suspended the use of an industrial 106 air-purifying device that leaked tiny particles of radioactive 107 polonium at plants around the nation. The NRC also order 3M to recall 108 for inspection all 45,000 of the ionizing air guns used to control 109 static electricty and remove dust from product containers. Of 828 110 plants inspected so far, contamination was found at 118 sites; of 111 those, the radiation exceeded the reportable limit of .005 microcuries 112 in 39 plants. Subsequently, the NRC recalled 2,500 3M units used in 113 the food, beverage, costmetic and drug industries. 114 Given the potential problems, one would expect to find the 115 irradiation issue on the national media agenda; but it isn't. 116 Meanwhile, as serious questions go unanswered, the government has 117 proposed federal regulations that would allow more irradiation. 118 119 SOURCES: UTNE READER, May/June 1987, "Irradiation Business Gears 120 Up," by Karin Winegar, pp 29-30; SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER SPECTRA, 121 2/25/88, "Food Irradiation," by Rick Weiss, pp E1-E2, reprinted from 122 SCIENCE NEWS; S. F. EXAMINER (AP), 2/19/88, "Ionizing guns recalled 123 over radiation fear," p A5. 124 125 696969696969696969 126 127 008=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 10/10/88 02:03 Msg:2478 Call:10005292 Lines:26 128 ******************************************************************** 129 I've been reviewing the entries of the abortion debate here, and I 130 would just like to say that I'm impressed (with a couple of exceptions). 131 For an issue that is as emotional as this is, that emotion was well 132 contained and the debators went to great effort to clearly and concisely 133 state their veiw point. No attempt was made to "win" the argument or 134 convert others to their veiwpoint. Rather it seemed to be more of a 135 heartfelt desire to express that viewpoint in a way that others could 136 understand. And, more importantly, an acceptance of the existance of 137 that view point by the others. As I say, I'm impressed, and it makes me 138 feel just a little better especially after seeing the two canidates 139 one of whom will most likely become our next president try to bash 140 each others brains in and run off in an emotional tiff. "Mommy! He hurt 141 me! He Hurt me! Whaaaa!" It's frightening to think that one of the 142 most important countries in the world will soon be run by one of these 143 two intellectual morons. Their only intent seems to be to avoid discussing 144 issues at all costs for fear that someone might find out that they 145 don't have any answers. 146 As I say, after reading the debate messages here again I felt a little 147 better. Maybe there's hope yet...there really are intellegent and 148 concerned people out there who's vision goes beyond the short term 149 lust for power at any cost. People who wish to express their views 150 as clearly as possible and having a strong desire to know and understand 151 the views of others. There are times when begin to think that is 152 non-exsistant these days. It's nice to find it still alive and well. 153 ******************** CISTOP MIKEY ************************************ 009=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 10/10/88 16:07 Msg:2479 Call:10005312 Lines:7 154 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redig | Hiccup Hiccup Hiccupppppppppppppppppppppppppp 155 156 Yes, mikey, you are right; there are intelligent people out there. It's 157 just that we're too intelligent to run for office, so bozo's allways seem 158 to get elected. 159 160 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Achoo Achoo Achoo (don't ask)))))))))))))))) 010=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 10/10/88 18:48 Msg:2480 Call:10005315 Lines:27 161 &*&*&*&*'s 162 I'm coming to the conclusion that good people just don't make it that far in 163 politics. You have to have a real lust for power to put up with the garbage 164 that goes on. 165 166 Unfortunetly the avoidance of issues is as much a reflection on we the 167 people of this country as it is on the candidates. The feeling is (And the 168 media supports this.) that we are all to imature to be able to make an 169 educated decision about the candidat's, and must instead rely upon some sort 170 of mistake being made. 171 172 Perhaps we are so self centered that we cannot stand to think that the 173 candidate we are voting for has some opinions that we do not agree with. 174 175 I read through a posting on another board that put Dukakis down because he 176 had supported gun control bills. Interestingly enough I recently heard that 177 Bush is the only of the two candidats to have actually voted for a 178 gun control bill. (This be the 1968 gun control act I believe.) 179 180 But because of Dukakis's supposed stance on gun control the poster s not 181 going to vote for him. Gee, I suppose being involved in selling arms to 182 terrorists and helping to cut back on social programs that help people get 183 out of poverty is alright under those circumstances. 184 185 An Astral Dreamer. 186 &*&*&*&*'s 187 011=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 10/10/88 21:24 Msg:2481 Call:10005320 Lines:13 188 KKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Hurm......Two hoursssssssssssssssssssssssss 189 190 Anyone here ever heard of the DC comics character 'Rorschach'? I don't 191 read comics, but I found this guy to be interesting. 192 193 Also, anyone here wonder why I don't enter any 'Mindless Drivel' anymore? 194 Well, I'll tell you. I just can't beat the presidential candidates. 195 Compared to them, my 'Mindless Drivel' actually makes sense. Also also, 196 I think that there should be a voting option on the ballot that says: 197 "Anything but the choices given above!" 198 199 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Sanity is relativeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 200 012=Usr:498 Hagbard Celine , 10/11/88 02:11 Msg:2482 Call:10005326 Lines:80 201 {} 202 203 Grunt. Groan. 204 205 I pulled myself back into Beta-Space. My vacation over, I knew that 206 my life must continue on...with sorrow, I left P-Space (my PRIVATE and 207 isolated universe) to come back to the Inn. I had found 'mail' left for 208 me; I opened the Eye for a moment; the vision I recieved pleased me, 209 one of many people of different beliefs peacefully existing and 210 sharing private thoughts amoung themselves; the Eye closed, my eyes 211 re-opened to the 'world'; and I watched Kurfur debate with a keg 212 of ale in his own, private way. Kurfur was winning (or losing, 213 depending on your beliefs) against the keg; yet I knew that the ale 214 would triumph in the end. How strange it seemed, knowing a mighty 215 warrior from many a battle losing against a single, yet inanimate 216 enemy. Oh well. At least this enemy brought some cheer and 217 relief for his life. That, plus it didn't possess a bladed 218 weapon pointed at me. It was not that he was doing something 219 "wrong" in my eyes. It just seemed to be an irony, a passing 220 thought that read like a simple story. I myself have had the 221 delight in sampling alcohol, in many different forms; but I have 222 yet the courage to find enough to make me spin as I float. Maybe 223 that was why the Mighty Warrior drank; it was his courage coming 224 through, showing, nay, even yelling, that he was a warrior, and 225 not someone claiming to be one. I smiled - a rare thing for me, 226 unless in revelry - and gave Bhudda's Blessing to him (which 227 meant no hangover the next day) of mind, which would 228 last a meger 24 hours (only a Master Guru could bestow more 229 than 24 hours - and I mean a GRAND MASTER). A gift for the 230 warrior, after his long and tiresome travels. He did 231 not notice me for the moment, instead, he continued talking 232 to others over a time stream in his realm. I floated to him, 233 weary, tired, and hoping for a sample of the ale he had. 234 It smelled wonderful in its own, 'Earthy' way, the hops 235 climbing just slightly about the powerful smell of 236 alcohol. (Ah, well, I guess a short party wouldn't hurt...) 237 so I summoned a keg from the Cellar (yes, the Inn now possesses 238 a cellar!), punched the tap into the keg, and drew a 239 hearty draft into my own stein (in P-Space, where my home 240 is). I made a simple broadcast to the Crossroads, where 241 it would be picked up by Temporal Sensitives. Eye, a short 242 party (ack-I always had a low tolerence) Inn the in. 243 244 * * * 245 246 While my fiction is having some fun, I should say: 247 248 Thank you, everyone, for any kind comments. 249 250 Thank you, CISTOP MIKEY, for the kind praise of the 251 regulars on the board. I think that Backwater is a better 252 place to be simply becuase of its members, who make it 253 what it really is. 254 255 To Friar: what happened to you? Have you passed to the next 256 infinity? Or are you hiding out there, lurking over messages? 257 I have not heard from you in some time... 258 259 To Lord Beaker, ResG, drop by the Inn sometime; even though 260 it's still under construction, everything is fairly stable. 261 262 To Kurfur; my fictional part was written imprompu; I did 263 not mean to offend; it was just my mind wonder (wander?)ing again, 264 and I'm just tired & upset from my trip home. My True One 265 lives 106 miles from Beaverton, in Springfield. Every two weeks 266 I venture down to see her, for a meger 12 hours. Sunday was 267 a special day for me. I had the day off (I always work weekends, 268 so I had to do some juggling to get this), and spent a wonderful 269 36 hours with her. And, I'm offically engaged, as of Sunday night, 270 with a somewhat definite wedding time arranged two years from now. 271 272 (What's that? Two years? Actually, that's nothing to me... 273 my sweetheart & I have been together 6 years this month, right 274 out of high school...) 275 276 A cranky, upset, but still friendly Guru, 277 278 Hagbard Celine. 279 280 {} 013=Usr:61 Emu 10/11/88 12:12 Msg:2483 Call:10005335 Lines:3 281 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. 282 Boo! 283 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu 014=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 10/11/88 14:33 Msg:2484 Call:10005338 Lines:8 284 &*&*&*&*'s 285 Congrat's Hagbard! 286 287 I hope to start a new story soon. Just trying to get over a bit of writers 288 block. 289 290 An Astral Dreamer. 291 &*&*&*&*'s 015=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 10/11/88 15:37 Msg:2485 Call:10005342 Lines:11 292 293 KKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | No offense takennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 294 295 Congrats Hagbard! 296 297 "Another barrel," I asked the Barkeep. "Never mind the glass." 298 299 Writers block is a brick wall acrost the freeway of imagination. 300 301 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Goosnargh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 302 016=Usr:483 Lord Beaker 10/11/88 17:49 Msg:2486 Call:10005346 Lines:9 303 -=======-=------------=-------=========--------------===========-=-========= 304 Arg. Fatal freeway accident, the only victem apears to be...one Mr. 305 Beaker's imagination. It seems it colided with a brick wall while moveing 306 at a high rate, details at eleven. 307 308 LB\__/ 309 oo 310 Avalable at all stores except Morrison. 311 ------{=-===-=--------=-======================---=-=--=-=====-=---------=-== 017=Usr:616 LEE FULLER 10/11/88 20:28 Msg:2487 Call:10005349 Lines:14 312 I'M CRAZY ABOUT COMPUTERS; IF I COULD ONLY TYPE!!!!! 313 MESSAGE TO LARRY H. ....P GUESS WHAT? THE MODEM IS WORKING JUST FINE, I JUS 314 ENTER 315 GUESS WHAT LARRY?? MODEM O.K.MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 316 I THINK I NEED SOME HELP WITH THIS 317 MESSAGE TO LARRY H. 318 WHY IS BEAVERTON POLITICS ARE BEAVERTON POLITICS SO ... 319 I DONT KNOW HOW TO SAY IT 320 WITHOUT GETTING CENCORED....... 321 BESIDES, MY TIME IS UP. HAVE FUN. 322 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 323 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMY BYE 324 AT Z 325 ? 018=Usr:617 Linda Carpenter 10/11/88 21:50 Msg:2488 Call:10005351 Lines:1 326 COSMIC 019=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 10/11/88 21:59 Msg:2489 Call:10005352 Lines:11 327 &*&*&*&*'s 328 I think I know what the problem is. I mentioned the words. You know, those 329 words that no writer ever want's to hear or think about? Whoops, I probably 330 compounded the problem by making you think about the words. So what ever 331 you do DO NOT THINK OF THOSE WORDS! 332 333 Thank you. 334 335 An Astral dreamer. 336 &*&*&*&*'s 337 020=Usr:477 Denny Bennett 10/11/88 23:09 Msg:2490 Call:10005355 Lines:3 338 339@How do one change his password? 340 021=Usr:498 Hagbard Celine , 10/12/88 01:20 Msg:2491 Call:10005359 Lines:21 341 {} 342 343 BBBLLLAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUCKKKKK! I belch into infinity. JT seems 344 slightly annoyed, but continues to shine and prep the bar for 345 more expected arrivals. My mind begins to wonder and wander, 346 and much to Kurfur's dismay, my body shape changes with it as 347 well...into a floating light....then a unicorn...then a 348 scruffy looking teenager with obnoxiously colored clothing that 349 burned the image into the mind. I think I need to stop for awhile... 350 351 * * * 352 353 Thanks for the congrats, believe me, I needed that today. I 354 have figured out the exact date: Feburary 14th, 1991. 355 356 Say, what's the local opinion on Tyson & the distraught (and 357 battered?) wife? 358 359 Hagbard Celine, Resident Guru. 360 361 {} 022=Usr:507 todd rogers 10/12/88 10:02 Msg:2492 Call:10005366 Lines:1 362 ------- Is it just me or is the board filling sssllooowwwllly??? 023=Usr:588 Wayne S. 10/12/88 10:08 Msg:2493 Call:10005367 Lines:7 363 ======================================================================= 364 365 Kurfur--You say sanity is relative. I take it, though, that it is 366 not a very close one? :-) 367 368 ==========================Signer===================================== 024=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 10/12/88 20:37 Msg:2494 Call:10005379 Lines:27 370 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Thhhhhhhppppppppppptttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 371 372 Yes, I believe that it is my second psychology twice removed. 373 374 Nice date, Hagbard. The 132'nd birthday of Oregon. Now for some personal 375 and prying questions: 376 377 What is the name of your spouse to be? 378 379 How long have you known each other? 380 381 Who's nose do you think the children will get? 382 383 What is the capital of Uganda? 384 385 Inquiring Minds Want to Know!!!!! 386 (Thhhpppttttttttt!!) 387 388 By the way, could you please keep one form? The mead is doing enough 389 without more weirdness. 390 391 We need to keep the bricklayers off the freeways! What with all the brick 392 walls they build. 393 394 I guess I've annoyed enough people for now; 395 396 KKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Wagner was very unimaginative!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 025=Usr:498 Hagbard Celine , 10/12/88 23:07 Msg:2495 Call:10005383 Lines:17 397 398 {} 399 400 Two answers to two questions I shall give: 401 402 We have been dating for 6 years, straight out of high school, throug 403 and out of college, to the present. It was not always nice; it was also 404 not always bad, either. 405 406 Her first name I shall give (and no more than one): Novia. 407 Pronounce it "Nova". She hates that name. I call her by another 408 but it would take too much time to explain that one. Please, be 409 happy with just Novia. Besides, our names mean little to each other. 410 What means more we share between us. What else matters? 411 412 Hagbard Celine, lonely Guru. 413 {} 026=Usr:483 Lord Beaker 10/13/88 15:42 Msg:2496 Call:10005397 Lines:7 414 ----=-========-=------===-=========-==========-===========-=---------------- 415 cal tesrey un nervie su hakusey* tey un neradda ferbinium to rettam no 416 rettamie* wa ko ferbin cal tuney* 417 418 Malkey Beaker \__/ 419 oo 420 =--------=-================-=--------======-=--=-=----------=-=-=====--=-=== 027=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 10/13/88 19:58 Msg:2497 Call:10005401 Lines:10 421 &*&*&*&*' 422 423 Well now, Seems things have been a might bit slow around here. Gee, I sound 424 kindof dumb. Hmm, Ah yes, It seems I had slipped into my Ronald Reagen 425 impersonation. (Just look at the camera and say "Well, I think..." or "Well, 426 Thats a very good question..." And then go on to some other topic. 427 428 An Astral Dreamer. 429 &*&*&*&*'s 430 028=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 10/13/88 22:09 Msg:2498 Call:10005406 Lines:7 431 KKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | ghuy'cha to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 432 433 Or better yet: 434 435 Well..... ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............. 436 437 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Nothing better to sayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 029=Usr:21 Fable Master 10/14/88 09:21 Msg:2499 Call:10005413 Lines:1 438 Hey! How come the system won't talk to 300 baud modems? 030=Usr:465 Gregg Harris 10/14/88 20:06 Msg:2500 Call:10005427 Lines:12 439 @@@####@#@#####@@@@@@#@#####@@@@######@@@@@######@@@@@###@@#@####@ 440 441 "Hey! Where'd the Inn go? I just got through the floor and everything 442 went paisley. Boy what a trip. Where am I?" 443 Wait, isn't this the land of OZ? No, I'd be in a broken house. 444 What's that? Looks like an arch. Well only one way to go" 445 446 The Wanderer smells a faint familiar musty scent. Then turns and 447 sees a Large mole walk through the door. 448 449 "Aren't you the one that came from beneath me a while ago." 450 031=Usr:465 Gregg Harris 10/14/88 20:13 Msg:2501 Call:10005428 Lines:17 451 " Yes. But you moved. Where are we?" asked The MOLE. 452 453 "Something called Beta-space." answered the Wanderer. 454 455 "Ah. THAT anSWers a lot. Now really WHERE are we." 456 457 "As I said before Beta-space." 458 459 "Oh. Like the place programs go before release?" mused the mole. 460 461 "Funny. Do you have any more puns?" 462 463 "Lots" 464 465 "So what is there to do here" asked Mole as he pulled out a can of 466 worms to munch on. 467 @@@@###@@#@#@@@@####@@@@@######@@#@#@#@####@@#@#@@@@##@######@@# 032=Usr:196 Cheryl Singer 10/14/88 20:56 Msg:2502 Call:10005429 Lines:4 468 Hello, it's me, Cassandra, again...hopefully out of retirement this time! 469 How's it going, Leonard? Has anyone heard from or about Justin lately? 470 tting kinda concerned... R*A*Y and I would like to hear from or 471 about him. TTFN ***Cassandra*** 033=Usr:620 DONALD EARL 10/14/88 21:58 Msg:2503 Call:10005430 Lines:17 472@ 473@ **** il i* *WsHr!* ******* 474@ 475@ 476@ ************* 477@ *Triple Five* 478@ 479@ 480@ 481@ 482@D 483 484 ************* 485 *Triple Five* 486 * Was Here! * 487 ************* 488 034=Usr:498 Hagbard Celine , 10/15/88 04:06 Msg:2504 Call:10005433 Lines:21 489 490 {} 491 492 A "wormhole" was forming in Beta Space. This worried me, even 493 though my mind had the consistency of tapioca. So, like any other 494 drunk Guru, I "oozed" towards the door to look through the archway and 495 into the entry wormhole. 496 497 "Ooze" is a correct description. It's so much easier to be a liquid 498 than it is to be a solid - ...oh, sorry. You want to know that I saw... 499 500 I saw a large Mole, conversing with Wonderer. (Ok. This is to 501 be expected)... and so I wandered back in, after floating a few steins 502 their direction - a kind of going-away gift for Wonderer, who was off 503 to another adventure. Sooner or later, though, he would return, and 504 be with his friends to recount the tales of his travels. 505 506 HaGbArD CELLLinnne.,. slightly drunk. (JT, know more for me. I B 507 fine now...) 508 509 {} 035=Usr:561 JIM JEFFERSON 10/15/88 13:34 Msg:2505 Call:10005437 Lines:4 510 EAT ME & BE FREE, EAT ME AND I'll EAT YOU!!!!! G E E EE E K 511 512 513 036=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 10/15/88 22:25 Msg:2506 Call:10005445 Lines:11 514 &*&*&*&*'s 515 Well, I'll start the adventure soon. I seem to have a touch of the flue right 516 now, so I'm not sure how soon it will be. 517 518 I wonder why there is much corruption in the world. You would think that 519 peaple could grow beyond it. Oh well, I guess in time it will happen. 520 521 An Astral Dreamer. 522 Plegm caugh! 523 &*&*&*&*'s 524 037=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 10/16/88 19:51 Msg:2507 Call:10005461 Lines:11 525 &*&*&*&*'s 526 Hmm, everybody must be on vacation. I havn't seen anything entered all day. Oh 527 well, I guess things will pick up tommorow. 528 529 Fill the Disk! 530 531 Word Wrap? 532 533 An Astral Dreamer 534 &*&*&*&*'s 535 038=Usr:622 GARY ERICKSON 10/16/88 22:17 Msg:2508 Call:10005465 Lines:4 536 TO SYSOP: 537 SORRY ABOUT LOGGING ON SO MANY TIMES. THIS IS THE FIRST BBS I HAVE BEEN 538 ABLE TO LOG ONTO WITH MY NEW MODEM. I AM JUST SO FACINATED WITH THE PROCESS. 539 BUT I PROMISE THIS IS MY LAST CALL. 039=Usr:562 Blank Doe 10/16/88 22:56 Msg:2509 Call:10005466 Lines:7 540 WORLD WATCH THREE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 541 New user, I hope I'm not to late, Please join us as often as you like! All are 542 wealcome here (well MOST). If this is your first number, where did you get it? 543 544 Being nice to sombody for a change, I'm Blank Doe 545 546 nw0>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>wwiii 040=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 10/17/88 20:01 Msg:2510 Call:10005480 Lines:6 547 &*&*&*&*'s 548 Yes, Call as often as you like. We like to hear from new people. 549 550 An Astral Dreamer. 551 &*&*&*&*'s 552 041=Usr:53 prince dragon 10/17/88 23:07 Msg:2511 Call:10005484 Lines:4 553 _________----------=====--------__________ 554 |||||||||\\\*****///||||||| 555 :P: 556 OOPS 042=Usr:219 Friar Mossback 10/18/88 12:24 Msg:2512 Call:10005493 Lines:4 557 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 558 I'm back, but only for a quick peek. I know, no one cars. 559 How is the adventure going? 560 [][][][][][][][][][][][] Friar [][][][][][][][][] 043=Usr:483 Lord Beaker 10/18/88 16:14 Msg:2513 Call:10005496 Lines:9 561 --------=======-==--------=-=============-====---------=-======-------====== 562 Slow...slow...sssssllllllllllooooooooooow. Not that I'm helping speed it up 563 any. Theres just nothing happeniing. Maybe after the election? I wounder, 564 is it that nobodys calling, or just not entering anything (thats what I've b 565 een doing. 566 567 lorD beakeR \__/ 568 oo 569 =-=-==--{======-=====-----------------==-=-===========-=-----------=-=-=---- 044=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 10/19/88 00:29 Msg:2514 Call:10005513 Lines:15 570 &*&*&*&*'s 571 Welcome back Friar. Hope you enter some more here. Hagbard has been wondering 572 about you. (He seems to be gone right now. I'm sure he'll be back soon.) 573 574 575 beaker, I to have been calling without entering things. I suppose if we could 576 get the ball rolling somehow everything would just fill up. 577 578 What we need is a topic. How about the Inn? There have been a lot of changes. 579 What do your persona's think of them? What do your rooms look like? How do 580 you visualize the Inn as a whole. 581 582 An Astral Dreamer. 583 &*&*&*&*'s 584 045=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 10/19/88 13:59 Msg:2515 Call:10005523 Lines:2 585 Hello! where is everybody? Maybe I'm alone in the world... 586 046=Usr:322 Stray Cat 10/19/88 18:43 Msg:2516 Call:10005527 Lines:7 587 588 @#)(^&%$)(@#%$^_($#@_)*^%+@_)$^__)(#{body}amp;+_&!#$ 589 590 You just might be . . . you might should be glad! 591 592 _)*^@$#&)(@*$%)&^_)@(#$*^T!@#&)*&@)*&$%T_)(@#*^_*)_@#(*T 593 047=Usr:562 Blank Doe 10/19/88 22:27 Msg:2517 Call:10005529 Lines:21 594 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 595 I like to look through my black 596 telescope.... 597 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 598 This Is World Watch Three>>>>>>>>>> 599 600 I am a registered voter in the state of Oregon. I am registered as 601 'indipendent' (they didn't have an 'anarchist' box...). This year I shall vote 602 Democrat. 603 Why? Do I agree with their beliefs? Do I go along with their forign policies? 604 Is it because my father has told me to? ;-) 605 No. I am voting Democrat because they DON'T FLOOD MY MAIL-BOX WITH THEIR 606 PROPAGANDA! 'Cors, I alwas did want a picture of Bush. New dart board... 607 608 Just letting it out, I'm blank doe 609 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 610 Network Zer and World Watch Three. 611 Phoenix, gone but not forgotten.... 612 ^b 613 614 048=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 10/19/88 23:06 Msg:2518 Call:10005530 Lines:4 615 ************************************************************ 616 Glad to be alone in the world? But why? What fun is it to 617 be alone with no one to share your experiences with? 618 **************************************************************** 049=Usr:507 todd rogers 10/20/88 12:36 Msg:2519 Call:10005544 Lines:1 619 ------- All right! Who turned the time machine to slow? 050=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 10/20/88 20:19 Msg:2520 Call:10005546 Lines:17 620 &*&*&*&*'s 621 Ah, the joys of politics. It is amazing just how apathetic peaple can be. 622 623 I'll bet that if bush wins he'll die and will be stuck with quell. what a 624 loon. 625 626 I that we should start considering a broadrange of fictional charecters for 627 the job of president. How about Obi-Wan? Team him with Luke and you have a 628 great team. Princess Lea and Yoda would also make outstanding candidates. 629 630 You know dukakis kindof looks like yoda. bush reminds me of Darth. 631 632 An Astral Dreamer. 633 634 635 &*&*&*&*'s 636 051=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 10/20/88 20:37 Msg:2521 Call:10005547 Lines:2 637 Voucher For Termination 638 052=Usr:322 Stray Cat 10/21/88 05:39 Msg:2522 Call:10005554 Lines:7 639 @)#&$^@_#)^!@#_)(&@#$^()@#_$)^ 640 641 Alone as in one in a million . . . not just exactly like 17,000 other 642 people (even if they claim they're for Dukakis). They insist on being 643 "formula" people . . . and so @)&%$ smug. 644 645 _)@(#{body}amp;_)@$#%!(@#(*+_@#$% 053=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 10/21/88 22:11 Msg:2523 Call:10005574 Lines:7 646 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Wake Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 647 648 Hey, people (and other things), start posting. I'm getting bored, and 649 when I get bored, I get surly, and a surly Berserker is not a pretty 650 sight. 651 652 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Another Keg Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 054=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 10/21/88 22:52 Msg:2524 Call:10005575 Lines:11 653 ********************************************************************* 654 Ah, life without self-awareness. That can be as bad as life without 655 enjoying the company of friends. To live without awareness of yourself 656 your position and capabilities means that you are not living, only 657 existing. Marking time until death comes to embrace you. Of what value 658 is that? We have been blessed (cursed?) with the knowledge of self- 659 awareness we should live up to it. A mind is a terible thing to waste. 660 A person who does not express their own thoughts and feelings, bowing 661 to those of the group as being the only ones valid does not exist as an 662 individual. Self expression is what defines the individual. 663 *************************** CM *************************************** 055=Usr:322 Stray Cat 10/22/88 11:31 Msg:2525 Call:10005584 Lines:5 664 665 Can't wait to see what Oregon could do with sexual prference or AIDS legis- 666 lation after the smoking bill passes. Maybe we could sterilize all the 667 mentally retarded and euthanize anyone over the age of 54. 668 056=Usr:322 Stray Cat 10/22/88 12:59 Msg:2526 Call:10005587 Lines:1 669 057=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 10/22/88 18:52 Msg:2527 Call:10005591 Lines:7 670 &*&*&*&*'s 671 Hmm, depresing stuff again. How about a border everyone? Some of you enter stuf 672 without any border. Please identify yourself in some way. 673 674 An Astral Dreamer. 675 &*&*&*&*'s 676 058=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 10/22/88 22:50 Msg:2528 Call:10005594 Lines:13 677 &*&*&*&*'s 678 It's been several hours and still nobody has entered anythi. Maybe I'm just 679 paranoid about this. Hmmm maybe I'm losing my grip on reality. 680 681 In fact I'll bet that even though it seems to me that nobody is entering 682 anything, in fact whole disks are being filled. I must be blocking it out. 683 684 Yeah, thats the ticket. Either that or everybody has gone through the 685 backdoor... 686 687 An Astral Dreamer 688 &*&*&*&*'s 689 059=Usr:322 Stray Cat 10/23/88 08:50 Msg:2529 Call:10005598 Lines:5 690 691 I think the main entrees are in private conversations elsewhere. I always 692 wondered why there were so many dots and so few public messages on some 693 boards. 694 060=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 10/23/88 10:53 Msg:2530 Call:10005599 Lines:6 695 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Dots????????????????????????????????? 696 697 Maybe you're not losing your grip on reaality is losing its grip 698 on you. 699 700 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Invisible Line Noise Everywhereeeeeeeeeeeeee 061=Usr:78 Mark Derby 10/23/88 11:50 Msg:2531 Call:10005601 Lines:4 701 702 Watch out with that stuff about fictional characters for Prez...we'll probably 703 get Pee-Wee Herman...or Rambo... 704 062=Usr:121 Hamfred Gammidge 10/23/88 21:30 Msg:2532 Call:10005611 Lines:9 705 Hamfred's back: 706 707 Can we actually get anything worse than the candidates we have allready? 708 Bilbo Baggins for President! 709 710 Melkor for President! 711 712 Thor in '88! 063=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 10/23/88 23:15 Msg:2533 Call:10005615 Lines:7 714 ************************************************************************* 715 What's wrong with Youth in Asia over the age of sixty four? 716 That sounds like a great idea to me! Why just think of the fun time 717 they'll have, and when they get back they'll be able to be a 718 productive part of society all over again! Gee, if you're lucky 719 you could live forever. 720 *************************** CM ****************************************** 064=Usr:322 Stray Cat 10/24/88 05:52 Msg:2534 Call:10005624 Lines:5 721 722 I wonder if you refuse to pay the smoking police the $250 fine if they'd 723 slap you in jail. Just think, a smoker could bump a rapist or mass mur- 724 derer right out of jail! 725 065=Usr:71 David Shult 10/24/88 17:43 Msg:2535 Call:10005630 Lines:43 726 696969696969 727 728 Bagging A Quayle-10/21/88- 729 730 Vice President George Bush has wrapped himself in the 731 flag during his campaign for the presidency -- and in the Pledge of Allegiance. 732 According to Harper's magazine index, Bush recited the 733 Pledge of Allegiance about 25 times in the month following his nomination. 734 But the number of times he recited it while a student at 735 Greenwich Country Day School was zero. 736 Harper's also notes that Dan Quayle has a 25 percent 737 chance of being elected president in the next eight years if 738 Bush becomes president. 739 In addition, there was a 39 percent increase in video 740 rentals of the movie Hoosiers following Quayle's acceptance speech. 741 And the average number of golf rounds Quayle played each 742 week last year was three. 743 For those of you who don't golf, that totals up to about 744 20 hours of playing time each week. Good work if you can get it.--M.D. 745 PHONER > Contact Lisa Gressinger for more, NYC (212) 614-6500 746 747 Dukakis Outdressed Bush-10/21/88- 748 749 If clothes make the man, then Michael Dukakis would 750 become the next president of the United States. 751 So says Canadian clothier Saul Korman. 752 He claims Dukakis simply dresses more presidential than George Bush. 753 According to Korman, Bush's Brooks Brothers suits hang 754 on his lanky 6-foot-2 frame like a gunnysack. 755 He also says Bush is making a mistake by wearing white 756 short-sleeve shirts on the campaign trail. 757 In fact, he says Bush probably prefers a very 758 sophisticated French cuff shirt, but his advisers won't let him wear one. 759 Still, Korman says Bush's presidential dress is improving. 760 As for Dukakis, Korman claims that his suits sport more 761 of a European cut, and the Massachusetts governor wears a 762 nice assortment of ties. 763 He says the only drawback is Dukakis' sloping shoulderline. 764 But his advisers have been padding them up as of late.--M.D. 765 PHONER > Saul Korman, Toronto, Ontario (416) 463-2511/1115 766 767 696969696969696969 768 066=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 10/24/88 22:08 Msg:2536 Call:10005635 Lines:21 769 I wonder if it is his sloping shoulderline or his sloping forehead lin 770 that is the problem.... 771 772 ************************************************************************* 773 Why yes, them nasty dirty scumbag smokers should be thrown in jail and the 774 key be thrown away! We gotta protect ourselves from them! And we gotta 775 protect them from themselves! 776 Why the problem is much much worse than a simple case of rape or murder. 777 After all, those are just poor misguided individuals that only need a littl 778 loving to set them on the good road. But a Smoker...Oh lordy me! There's 779 nothing that can straighten one of them out! Once a smoker always a smoker! 780 The only good smoker is a dead smoker! (Given enough time that's a problem 781 that'll solve itself). 782 Fining them isn't good enough, they should be horse whipped, and thrown in 783 the stocks for life! That's the only way that you can cure them and turn 784 'em back into a productive sane and healthy non-smoking individual. 785 ******************************* CM ************************************** 786 P.S. I wonder where you go to sign up for the smoking police! 787 Hey that sounds like a great job! You get to be a red-neck and 788 smoke too! Ah heavenly bliss! 789 ************************************************************************* 067=Usr:3 Ramek 10/24/88 22:55 Msg:2537 Call:10005637 Lines:24 790 <o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o> 791 Since it is near time for Holloween I thought a |ittle story 792 in keeping with the season would be appropriate. 793 794 After a very hectic Holloween, Count Dracula decided that he needed 795 a vacation. After thinking about it, he decided to take it in Italy. 796 He rented a nice0bemode castle and settled in for a comfortable 797 and relaxing vacation. 798 Every night he would pop out and capture a lovely Italian maiden, 799 suck the blood from her body, and throw her off the ramparts into 800 the moat. 801 This wend0on for a while until he noticed that there was 802 no splash after he threw the body. So, the next night he watched 803 carefully as the body fell towards the dark water. Instead of 804 hitting the water though, it landed on an alligator which `roceuded 805 to chow down. 806 In fasination, the Count watched the alligator swollow the body 807 in only a few bytes. After a healthy belch the alligator, to Dracula's 808 surprise, broke into song. 809 810 "Drained Wops keep fa|linw on my head..." 811 812 <o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o> Ramek <o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o> 068=Usr:599 rich sichel 10/25/88 09:33 Msg:2538 Call:10005644 Lines:10 814 RSrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsr232 815 Statisdics cited in the November issue of Corrections show that 816 98.5% of inmates in Massachassetts penitentiary are smokers .... 817 but the guguv'nor of that commonwealth wouldn't like to see 'em 818 burn, so he furlough them loose. The 'Duk' would rathur set them 819 free to rape and plunder non-smokers. Guess why they name one of the 820 biggest-selling cigarette after a town im Massachussetts which is 821 incidentally also the WITCH capital of the US. DUK wouldn't be 822 called a WARLOCK for nthi~g. Rich 823 rsRSRSRSRSRRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSR232 069=Usr:71 David Shult 10/25/88 15:00 Msg:2539 Call:10005648 Lines:72 824 696969696969 825 826 Unanimity of the Graveyard 827 828 Commentary by Owl 829 830 Unless you are living in a coma, you must certainly know that one of the 831 central "issues" of this presidential campaign is the Pledge of Allegiance. 832 The argument is whedher or not teachers should be required by law to lead 833 their classes in the Pledge. 834 835 George Bush has repeatedly said that, if he had been governor of 836 Massachusetts in 1977, he would have signed the bill forcing teachers in the 83'0Com}onwealth to lead their classes in the Pledge of Allegiance. Michael 838 Dukakis vetoed that bill on the advice of the Supreme Judicial Court of 839 Massachusetts and his own attorney general. That advice was based on the 840 landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in West Virginia State Board of 841 Education vs. Barnette in 1943. 842 843 This case involved a group of Jehovah's Witnesses, whose faith bars them from 844 reciting the Pledge. In the late 1930's and early 1940's, hundreds0of (45 Jehovah's Witnesses were expelled from elementary schools for refusing to 846 recite the Pledge. In 1943 the Jehovahs finally took their case to court. 847 Excerpts from the Supreme Court's majority opinion written by Justice Robert 848 H. Jac{con (New York Times, August 27, 1988): 849 850 Struggles to coerce uniformity of sentiment in support of some end 851 thought essential to their time and country have been waged by many 852 good as well as by evil men. Ultimate futility ov such attempts to 853 compel coherence is the lesson of every such effort from the Roman 854 drive to stamp out Christianity as a disturber of its pagan unity, 855 the Inquisition, as a means to religious and dynastic unity, the 85&0 0 Siberian exiles as a means to Russian unity, down to the fast 857 failing efforts of our present totalitarian enemies. Those who 858 begin coercive elimination of dissent soon find themselves 859 exterminating dissenters. Compulsby unification of opinion 860 achieves the unanimity of the graveyard. 861 862 It seems trite but necessary to say that the First Amendment to our 863 Constitution was designed to avoid these ends by avoiding these 864 beginnings. There is no mysticism in the American concept of the 865 state or of the nature or origin of its authority. We set up 866 government by consent of the governed, and the Bill of Rights 867 denies those in power any legal opportunity to0coerce that consent. 868 869 The case is made difficult not because the principles of its 870 decision are obscure, but because the flag involved is our own. 871 Nevertheless, we apply the limitations of the Constitution with no 872 0 0fear that freedom to be intellectually and spiritually diverse or 873 even contrary, will disintegrate the social organization. To 874 believe that patriotism will not flourish if patriotic ceremonies 875 are voluntary and spontanees ynstead of a compulsory routine is to 876 make an unflattering estimate of the appeal of our institutions to 877 free minds. 878 879 We can have intellectual individualism and the rich cultural 880 diversities that we owe to uhcepdional minds only at the price of 881 occasional eccentricity and abnormal attitudes. When they are so 882 harmless to others or to the state as those we deal with here, the 883 price is not too great. But freedom to differ is not lymidud to 884 things that do not matter much. That would be a mere shadow of 885 freedom. The test of its substance is the right to differ as to 886 things that touch the heart of the existing order. 887 888 If there is any fihud star in our constitutional constellation, it 889 is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be 890 orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of 891 opinion or force citizens to confess by word or qct their faith 892 therein. 893 894 696969696969696969 895 070=Usr:598 ethan anubis 10/25/88 15:51 Msg:2540 Call:10005649 Lines:10 896 ==================================================== 897 To hell with those0gitnesses - they wouldn't even testify for 898 the simplest jaywalking cases. So what will happen if the congress 899 on its magnificent sense of equality makes jaywalking or going 900 in excess of 55MPH a capital offense? No star fixed or not in yoer )01 so-called "constitutional constillation" can fix that. Who do you 902 think you are anyway - - - uanbashedly imitating Georg Bush - 903 thousands point of lights ? Constitutional constipation - Bah? 904 0Anur S, 905 ======================================================= 071=Usr:78 Mark Derby 10/25/88 22:49 Msg:2541 Call:10005655 Lines:8 906 L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_ 907 0 snailhead 908 Rich, my folksy friend, surely you realize that while Willie Horton was 909 released from prison while Dukakis was governor, it is also true that the 910 oft-cited Massachusetts prison furlough program was created by the previous 911 wovernor, a Republican. 912 L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_ 913 072=Usr:498 Hagbard Celine , 10/26/88 01:20 Msg:2542 Call:10005660 Lines:62 914 {} 915 916 This will be one of few messages, due to lack ov cbuative writing, 917 name bashing, politics, prisons, ex-cops in prisons getting high from 918 nicotine while hiding it from their supervisors, stupid speeches that 919 you must give in high school or be forced into some obscene punishment, 920 reliwious furvor without cause, and just plain sillyness. It seems to 921 me that the regulars have let the outside in, but not much of the inside 922 out. That is to say, there is much debate, but little creative writing. 923 If you wish to debate, please d so, but DEBATE your points, rather than 924 stuffing them down my throat. Besides, apathy is GOOD for you, when taken 925 in small doses. It calms the mind, pleases the spirit, and relieves the 926 body, as well as doing the same for friends around you. Much of American 927 life is literaly burnt from young American bodies, trying to struggle to 928 be themselves, while being crushed into conformnity. All that is 929 left in later years is an empty, unfeeling, unintelligent husk that was 93 0oncu a happy, loving person. With small (read:infrequent) doses of 931 apathy, the stress from American living goes away for a short while. 932 The mind is relieved from the burden of multiple responisbilities, as 933 well as from trying to deal with q rapidly changing environment that does 934 not slow down as you become older. The body feels good in apathy, simply 935 because it wishes to rest and not exert itself (which it would normally do 936 in filing paperwork, riviting a building at 40 heiwhts< or flipping burgers 937 for money on the side) into exhaustion. The "spirit" (or subconscience, 938 the term I prefer) "feels" the absense of tension and worry, and invites 939 the adventureous attitude that comes from being apathetic in an 940 unvironment that frowns upon it. 941 942 To make that paragraph short for you, LIGHTEN UP! If you would simply 943 take your head out of the hole and look around, I think you would fin 944 real problems all around you. People tend to ignore these< hoping that 945 they will vanish with time. Couple this with the past events from 946 World War II to the present, and I think you might understand what 947 I'm trying to say: that it REALLY is out of your hands, that is, there's 948 nothing you ca~ do0for American society except keep to trying to improve 949 it. Wheather or not someone is elected, it does not matter. Politicians 950 and Beauracrats have locked most of society out from the ruling position. 951 952 And remember, the populqb vde does not count for squat. The 953 electorial college ultimately decides who shall be in the white house. 954 Sounds strange to me, as we live in a so-called "democracy", or rule 955 by the PEOPLE for the PEOPLE, and not for OFFICALS. 956 957 Cure Reagan beat Mondale with 49 states, but did you know that he 958 only beat Mondale by a few million votes, and not the total landslide 959 that the press had announced? That landslide was the electorial college 960 pushing Reagan back into the0White House, not the popular vote of 961 the masses in America. Because my vote does not mean anything, then 962 I choose not to vote at all. It is a waste of my time and efforts. 963 964 MORE STORIES! LB, please whip up a story for the lurk..>er,0regulars 965 of the board. I remember some earlier works which you have yet to 966 finish... 967 968 Fillith the next disk withe goode thought and humour, that me 969 may see more happeness within our miserable lifes as writers. 970 971 0Hagbard Celine, anarchist Guru (chew on that one!) 972 973 >:( 974 975 {} 073=Usr:599 rich sichel 10/26/88 08:50 Msg:2543 Call:10005661 Lines:11 976 232rsRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRRSRSRSRS 977 Snailhead: Lesd yoe forget that Duk and his cohorts released 978 a no-parole `life-termer` What then does a life term 979 means to DUK and you? Furlough program created by a 980 republican governor was good, per se, until ruined by 981 libural=interpretive Dukakis. IF he happened to be the 982 next president, the prosperity we gained in the last 983 8 years would just go for naught and runined by a left- 984 wing liberal democrap. Foreign affairs ruined by 985 his Secretary of State Jesse Jackson. 986 rsRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRich 074=Usr:633 kane holland 10/26/88 23:20 Msg:2544 Call:10005679 Lines:10 987 988 ---------------kh----------------------- 989 unfortunaly, neither0dhe0duke or the bush platform 990 is original or of any use to the government. 991 the libertarians, however, have their platform 992 that is the answer to americas' problems. The problem 993 is that in our system the demo-reps have a monopoly 994 upon our government. 995 996 kane 075=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 10/27/88 09:33 Msg:2545 Call:10005688 Lines:3 997 &*&*&*&*'s 998 Hmm looks like the botom to me. I'll enter more stuff when we reach the top 999 An Astral Dreamer &*&*&*&*'s