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NUMBER OF LINES: 999 001=Usr:0 Null User 06/30/87 20:34 Msg:0 Call:0 Lines:19 1$If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2$************************* INSTALLED: 24 OCT 87 *************************** 3$Welcome to BWMS II (BackWater Message System II) Mike Day System operator 4$************************************************************************** 5$GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS II IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6$ PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7$BWMS II was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS II is a privately 8$owned and operated system which is currently open for use by the general 9$public. No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the 10$system is privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all 11$messages which I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the 12$system, it will be periodically purged of messages (only 999 lines of data 13$can be saved). To leave a message, type 'ENTER'. Use ctrl/C to get out 14$the ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering 15$the message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to 16$replace the line. To exit from the system, type 'BYE' then hang up. 17$Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18$************************************************************************** 19 ***** The stylus is more potent than the claymore ***** 002=Usr:21 10/24/87 21:34 Msg:734 Call:4659 Lines:7 20 FMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFM 21 . 22 At the top! 23 . 24 Fable Master 25 . 26 FMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFM 004=Usr:200 10/25/87 07:10 Msg:736 Call:4664 Lines:4 28 list 29 30 /c 31 005=Usr:174 10/25/87 11:34 Msg:737 Call:4666 Lines:3 32 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THE MUSE^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^quite boffed^^^^^^^^ 33 Fable Master--hi handsome, how's tricks?!? 34@off 006=Usr:188 10/25/87 15:05 Msg:738 Call:4672 Lines:17 35 ===============================Justin the Blue============================== 36 37 Anyone out there know anything about old machines? I mD machines, to 38 be precies, the old Sol20 Terminal Computer? 39 40 ve recently avialed myself of one and it mostly works,problem is when I pow- 41 er her up the screen fills with random characters and the damn thing wont 42 listen to the keyboard. 43 It would be a good thing to geeeet er goin', because it has heaps of good 44 wordprocessing software and a modem to go with it. We'll be visiting with 45 the CP/M Users group for info but in the meantime any help would be welcome. 46 If youre on agora, then I'm eagle@agora:sending things there would be best. 47 But otherwise, if you know, please help! A Sol is a terrible thing to waste. 48 49 ==============================Justin the Blue=============================== 50 I'm incredibly distracted. 51 ============================================================================ 007=Usr:188 10/25/87 18:13 Msg:739 Call:4677 Lines:38 52 ===========================Justin the Blue=================================== 53 On behalf of the denizens of the Salem Metro Area appeals yet again for help.. 54 55 People are needed for the organization of GatherCon1988, which is a outdoor 56 gathering celebrating(among other milieus)Star Trek, Doctor Who, S.C.A.,comic 57 book art, and other s/f and fantasy interests and groups. 58 59 This is scheduled for 30-31 July 1988, tentative location is Silver Falls 60 State Park. This is located 25 miles east of Salem on State Highway 214 or 61 follow State 214 from the Woodburn exit through Silverton(follow the signs) 63 (those of you familiar with Tag Lovejoy have been there already) 64 65 Anyway, if you feel this is a worthy thing, and in my opinion these Salem 66 people are good fun and should be encouraged at every turn, then contact 67 these people: 68 69 Brenda Bail (aka Brangwaine y Celfydd) 70 71 Salem OR 97301 503-363-xxxx 72 Richard Scott (aka BBI Cumquat) 73 74 Stayton OR 97383 503-399-xxxx(Salem#) 75 76 Or, of course, yours truly who will do my best 77 to relay the info: 78 Justin Klein (aka Justin the Blue) 79 %Midgard House 80 81 Ptld OR 97202 503-238-xxxx 82 83 They're enthusiastic, They're from Salem, AND THEY WANT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! 84 Groups, individuals, anyone who wants to help with either ideas or TIME! 85 They'll be out among Mundanes-lets impress these people and show them what 86 we're really made of 87 ==============================Justin d'Azure=============================== 88 Just doing my part 89 =========================================================================== 008=Usr:159 10/25/87 21:05 Msg:740 Call:4682 Lines:1 90 Lurksion.......................... 009=Usr:174 10/25/87 22:03 Msg:741 Call:4685 Lines:39 91 ******************************************************************************* 92 Justin the Blue was overheard in conversation with a young lady at her door. 93 One particular line stood out. "Hi! I have money. I'm here to take something 94 Off of your hands." This undercover agent has only one question: What the 95 heck's going on? 96 ******************************************************************************* 97 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THE MUSE^^^^^^^^^^^^^^still smoochin'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 98 JUSTIN--OMYGAWD!! What are you up to now? Wait...I don't want to know. 99 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .. 100 I think I'm getting a little bolder. Here's my own bad poetry. 101 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 102 Mother 103 104 How do I ask for your blessing? 105 106 I drink the water of the horses' well 107 from my tin cup. 108 I am empty. 109 I am void. 110 What song can I sing 111 to make you smile on me? 112 What shall I dance, 113 or play, 114 or feel, 115 or do 116 to merit your favor? 117 118 What can I give in return 119 That is worthy of your inspiration? 120 Breath of my Mother 121 from whom we all come 122 123 what makes a man worthy 124 of the madness your love brings him? 125 22 April 87 126 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .. 127 Written as a plea to my namesake. Inspiration is divine, you know. And even 128 this earthly muse needs help. 129 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THE MUSE^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 010=Usr:188 10/26/87 04:05 Msg:742 Call:4692 Lines:9 130 ============================Justin the Blue================================== 131 Just one thing to say:I detect a cunning linguist out in the crowd. But where 132 was the hidden camera? 133 134 Isn't it great when one's reputation grows ahead of one???? 135 god licked my brainhoha.........*&^*%*%*&^!(*&)!(&(#%$^#%$!%%@@!^*&^%$# 136 ============================Justin the Blue================================== 137 A little confused but still smilin'. "A brain, a sense of humor, and a religion 138 =============================================================================== 011=Usr:117 10/26/87 13:21 Msg:743 Call:4703 Lines:44 139 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* themnax of lananara *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 140 141 New Lands (Sheji's story) continues... 142 143 Momentarily puzzled the cat pawed tenatively, claws half extended, at 144 Sheji's exposed right hand, the one cluching the instrument case's handle. 145 The sudden thrill of pain shouted jump but Sheji niether flinched nor 146 cried out. With amusement he wondered how the more aggressive of his 147 school aquaintences would have reacted. 148 Instead, gently he sat the case down betteween himeself and the great 149 cat so as to change grip with his other hand. With his own tounge he cleaned 150 the shallow scratches. His blood's rich salty taste reminding Sheji that 151 sooner or later he would have hunger to deal with as well. 152 As an experiment of his own Sheji backed a couple of paces. The cat 153 did not, as he feared it might, fallow. Not even, as best he could tell, 154 stir at all. It seemed to be guarding something. A mother with kittens 155 perhaps or maybe a matter of territory. In eather case he felt ill inclined 156 to press his luck. 157 The cave was not as completely dark as it had at first appeared. He 158 could now make out the cat's relaxed, watchfull form. 159 Slowly to avoid alarm, he opened the case. Good hand holding the far 160 half, with the injured he carefully undid the internal straps and fitted 161 the mouth piece. Hopping to murphy it wouldnt slam shut he let go the good 162 hand and firmly took the horn in both. It waited seemingly stable 163 for the instrument to all but reach his lips. 164 Springing to its feet in alarm, the long fanged cat, now clearly vissible, 165 hissed in his direction. Though in alarm it sprang back rather than forword, 166 curiosity soon overcame both protectiveess ans caution. With nose and 167 wiskers twitching, extending neck, it slowly approached. 168 When the beast was almost too close, Sheji sounded the first note. Its 169 perplexed reaction would have been more amusing had its intentions been 170 morre clearly harmless. With little hope, Sheji began to play. 171 To his great relief the cat relaxed and seemed genuinely to enjoy the sound. 172 An accompanyment soon joined, woorisome at first, till its souce became plain. 173 The great cat was purring! 174 For an eternity he continued, as much to sooth himself as his new and 175 as yet uncertain companion. Not untill the cat sprang to its feet for no 176 immeediatly appearent reason, turned in its own length, and bounded off down 177 the passage away from him, did Sheji stop. 178 The fading echo of the horn's last notes were rreplaced by those of a 179 voice, tone deaf but cheerful, coming from the direction in which the cat 180 had dissappeared. 181 Repacking the horn, Sheji fallowed. 182 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 012=Usr:188 10/28/87 00:30 Msg:744 Call:4744 Lines:67 183 ============================Justin the Blue========the Eagle lands @ Midgard=== 184 I'm a little surprised. A lot of input the last few days and then nothing... 185 I dont care what other people say....I like it here! 186 187 <zzzzz>--- <zzzzzz>--- <zzzzzz>---- Were coming to get you VanderVecken 188 189 The door opened where none had been before. The head that stuck itself in 190 drew little notice even though it wore an extremely confused expression. 191 The confused expression belonged to a female, about 5'8", with green eyes 192 and strawberry-blonde hair that disappeared into the light beyond the door. 193 She looked around for a few minutes. 194 "Tag!", a voice came from beyond the door. "What do you see in there?" 195 "Well, nothing remarkable. Looks like a bar, and a seedy one at that. Like 196 the one out of Blade Runner. Seems harmless, but it still makes me nervous." 197 "Well,"came another voice gruffly from beyond, "will you kindly move your 198 rear so that someone else can come through? I ain't so shy" 199 "Oh, alright, Jordan. It's your life." The lady was clearly reluctant to 200 move through doors that opened without any good reason. The other though.... 201 Jordan Sisk strode in, dressed in black, cape billowing in the draft. Using 202 his good eye, he looked left, then right, then walked over to a table in a 203 dark corner. Seeing that he could do so unmolested, his companions walked in: 204 *The lady. 205 *A short person who in the dim light might be mistaken for female due to his 206 long hair and fine features. A closer inspection would show pointed ears. An 207 elf. 208 *A human with long hair bound in a ponytail and a headband with a solid red 209 circle on. Across his back was strapped an electric bass. He looked as though 210 he was looking for a stage to perform on, as though he were in search of the 211 missing gig. 212 *Another human who also had long hair, unbound, wearing glasses. He carried 213 himself as though he were leading the group, when the reality was that the 214 group only let him believe this. 215 *Yet another human-appearing character, who had an air about him that was 216 most alien. 217 They all walked to the same corner as their friend, and sat down about him. 218 They all looked out of place except Jordan, who with his eyepatch and attitude 219 looked as though he were gathering a mercernary force. The companions about him 220 would make a passerby imagine that he had low standards in such an endeavor. 221 The group then began debating about what to order-or indeed how to order. 223 The conversation was interrupted by a curious thing-a humming noise. It seemed 224 to be coming from the floor. 225 The group looked about. They couldnt see it at first. Then the elf, looking 226 low, spotted something with a start. 227 "Well now!" he exclaimed. 228 "What is it, Eagle?" the lady asked. 229 Eagle held up a hand."Hold on, Tag, its...saying something. I think its... 230 saying?...somthing" 231 The elf bent down. They could all see it now...a small shoebox sized thing. 232 It looked exactly like a tank that had escaped from a video game. It was hum- 233 ming in a modulated fashion... 234 "You want what...or who?" Eagle asked."Oh. Oh. Sorry, I don't think any of 235 us can help you. Sorry. Yeah, you have a nice day too." 236 The elf sat up. 237 "Well," the bespectacled one asked. "What did it say?" 238 "Justin, do you know a Van--derVecken?" 239 "I've run into him. Why?" 240 "Strange...That little thing just wanted to know where it could find 241 VanderVecken. Would'nt say why, though." 242 Justin smiled wide. 243 "I think, my friend, its a good thing we did'nt tell him." 244 245 will be continued if I ever get a real idea. 246 ==============================Justin the Blue=============================== 247 Just woolgathering for now. Maybe someday I'll adress a 248 real moral question. But dont hold your breath 249 ====================The eagle lands at Midgard=============================== 013=Usr:207 10/28/87 19:37 Msg:745 Call:4763 Lines:8 250 To All. Infor on use of Geos ver1.2. 251 I have been using the GeoWrite software and feel fairly comfortable with it. H 252 However I noticed in the manual that I 253 cab set Tabs, but I don't know what keys to use for tabbing, and don't find the 254 information in the book. I have the C-64, 1541, 1525, and Vicmodem 1600. 255 I would appreciate any help. 256 257 c 014=Usr:7 Leonard Erickson 10/28/87 22:21 Msg:746 Call:4765 Lines:5 258 _______________________________________________________________________________ 259 Hmmmmm... An electric bass? I'm not sure that the old Inn would have permitted 260 that. Some rule about "hi-tech weapons". (What?! You don't think a guitar is 261 a weapon? You have obviously never ran afoul of a bard!) 262 ______________________________(who me?_________________________________________ 015=Usr:188 10/29/87 02:56 Msg:747 Call:4775 Lines:26 263 ============================Justin the Blue=============================== 264 PARTEEE!!!!PARTEEE!!!!!!!PARTEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!SPAMF!!!!!!!!PARTY!!!!!!GUMPH!!!! 265 HERE IS THE NEWS 266 It is my excruciating pleasure to announce at the expense of various 267 advanced alien culutres, a party at the milieu of House Midgard... 268 The time space cooridnate: 269 Spatial coordinate---- 270 271 Portland, Ecotopia 272 273 Temporal Coordinate---- 274 730pm (1930 hours) 275 Friday 276 30 October MCMLXXXVII 277 278 You are encouraged to bring friends of all species, also appreciated 279 would be party supplies. Costumes are of course requested if not req- 280 uired, and you may check your Mundane personality at the door. 281 282 As always, brought to you by the House Midgard. Ask for us by name. 283 Our motto:"Mutate now, avoid the rush." *-) 284 ===========================Justin the Blue=============================== 285 Hunting high and low, spreading the news..... 286 "somebody has broken out of Satellite Two. Look very carefully, 287 It may be you............you............you......... 288 ========================================================================= 016=Usr:188 10/30/87 13:03 Msg:748 Call:4803 Lines:16 289 ==============================Justin the Blue=============================== 290 Where did everybody go? When I first got here it was a happening place but 291 lately it seems as though this is like the State Fairgrounds right after the 292 fair has blown throu:real lonely! 293 294 Oh well. anyway..... 295 296 The definintion of Dataware?:A dranged datum(or data) who, under the light 297 of the full moon changes to a human being. These came about when statistics 298 got tired of being treated as mere numbers. USA Today(:A Toady)really 299 egged them on. 300 No more time:Sundial is movin'............... 301 =============================Justin the Blue================================= 302 And miles to go before I sleep....................... 303 Or party for that matter 304 ============================================================================= 017=Usr:206 10/30/87 14:23 Msg:749 Call:4805 Lines:2 305 306 HELLO OUT THERE DOES ANY ONE HAVE A COMMAND LIST FOR THIS SYSTEM BESIDES THE HE 018=Usr:4 Milchar 10/30/87 21:57 Msg:750 Call:4815 Lines:7 307 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 308 Above: If you need additional help, try help <command>. This will give 309 you additional help on the command. 310 %%%%%%%% 311 A passing lurknote. I have not passed on, but am resting this portion of 312 myself while other facets get in their exercise. Right now? Programmode. 313 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% October 30, 1987 %%%%%%%%%%% -swi 019=Usr:13 10/30/87 23:52 Msg:751 Call:4818 Lines:1 314 :::::::::O O:::::::::voyeur::::::::::::10/31/87::::::01:50:10CST::::O O::::: 020=Usr:20 10/31/87 10:23 Msg:752 Call:4847 Lines:2 315 316 021=Usr:20 10/31/87 11:13 Msg:753 Call:4848 Lines:2 317 318 022=Usr:20 10/31/87 11:26 Msg:754 Call:4849 Lines:8 319 ?????????????????????????????????????? 320 Fable Master: 321 You called here at 5:00? Good grief, all good little 322 Munchkins should be asleep by then. Anyway, the party was BORING! 323 (However, the boss/host looked spiffy.) Remind me to introduce you 324 to Mephisto. 325 Feather Sunshine 326 ?????????????????????????????????????? 023=Usr:210 10/31/87 14:47 Msg:755 Call:4853 Lines:10 327 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BRITANNIA<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 328 HELLO OUT THERE! 329 New name on the screen. This is my first time on a system such as this, so be 330 gentle. 331 (If anyone yells "VIRGIN!" I think I'll kill him....) 332 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 333 Yo, Justin! Guess who? Checked your guitar case lately? 334 ............................................................................... 335 By the by; anything happening out there I'd like to know about? 336 024=Usr:159 10/31/87 19:54 Msg:756 Call:4859 Lines:2 337 Lurkin, nonentersion. 338 025=Usr:4 Milchar 11/01/87 01:46 Msg:757 Call:4864 Lines:1 339 'Tis one in the morn on this All Hallows day.... 026=Usr:7 Leonard Erickson 11/01/87 23:29 Msg:758 Call:4882 Lines:6 340 Important notice. Please forward.... 341 342 Dr. Demento returns!!!!!! 343 Sunday nights 10pm on KMJK (FM 106.7) 344 345 ____________________________Leonard____________________________________________ 027=Usr:11 11/02/87 19:07 Msg:759 Call:4903 Lines:6 346 *&%@#*%@#*%_)#@!*%!_)@*%_)#%*!)_%$*!)_%*!_)%!_)*!_)!*%!+(*!+%(*_)@!*%@#*(%@#%*( 347 Milch, what were you doing using your computer on All Hallows Evening rather 348 than partying till you drop out at some wild and crazy locale? Wanna hear a 349 story of total debauchery, tempestuous outlandish acts of uncivilized nature, 350 and an endless supply of inebriates? Naw... 351 *%@_)#*%@)_#*%)_!@*%$!_)%*!_)%* L'homme sans Parity *%@#_*_)*%!@)_%*!)%*#@_%*@_ 028=Usr:4 Milchar 11/03/87 12:55 Msg:760 Call:4923 Lines:5 352 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 353 Who, me? The evening was spent in the traditional manner of a small 354 party (approximately 50 or so people) and watching a good horror movie. 355 Some interesting people live near me.... 356 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milch ++++++++++++ November 3, 1987 ++++ 029=Usr:217 11/04/87 15:33 Msg:761 Call:4959 Lines:2 357@This is a samle usd t demnsrat 358@Scntx 030=Usr:218 11/04/87 15:52 Msg:762 Call:4960 Lines:50 359 360 361 362 363 XXXX 364 X XX 365 X *** X XXXX 366 X ***** X XXX XX 367 XXXX ******* XXX XXXX XX 368 XX X ****** XXXXXXXXX XX XXX 369 XX X **** X X** X 370 X XX XX X X***X 371 X //XXXX X XXXX 372 X // X XX 373 X // X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/ 374 X XXX// X X 375 X X X X X 376 X X X X X 377 X X X X X XX 378 X X X X X XXX XX 379 X XXX X X X X X X 380 X X X XX X XXXX 381 X X XXXXXXXX\ XX XX X 382 XX XX X X X XX 383 XX XXXX XXXXXX/ X XXXX 384 XXX XX*** X X 385 XXXXXXXXXXXXX * * X X 386 *---* X X X 387 *-* * XXX X X 388 *- * XXX X 389 *- *X XXX 390 *- *X X XXX 391 *- *X X XX 392 *- *XX X X 393 * *X* X X X 394 * *X * X X X 395 * * X** X XXXX X 396 * * X** XX X X 397 * ** X** X XX X 398 * ** X* XXX X X 399 * ** XX XXXX XXX 400 * * * XXXX X X 401 * * * X X X 402 =======******* * * X X XXXXXXXX\ 403 * * * /XXXXX XXXXXXXX\ ) 404 =====********** * X ) \ ) 405 ====* * X \ \ )XXXXX 406 =========********** XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 407 408 031=Usr:128 11/05/87 06:55 Msg:763 Call:4972 Lines:1 409 ppppppppppppppppppppp passing through.... pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 032=Usr:174 11/05/87 10:26 Msg:764 Call:4980 Lines:31 410 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THE MUSE^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ah! it's good to be home^^^^ 411 Yes, all ye good people, THE MUSE has returned. Took an unofficial vacation 412 to the land of Neurotica. Yup, you got it. Even sweet little deities like 413 me have nervous breakdowns. Mine last for months. 414 I think nervous breakdowns are a little like malaria. Once you've got it, 415 you've got it. It just lifts off of you for a while, then comes home for a 416 wile, then decides to go to Tijuana for a short siesta, then comes home for 417 dinner, stays put for a fes months, decides that skiing in the Alps would be 418 a nice idea...you get the picture. They may go for a vacation, a little fun- 419 in-the-sun, but it always comes home. Why not move? I hear milions of 420 electronic voices cry,Leave no forewarding address. ah, my friends, carrier 421 pidgeons alays fnd their way home. They have little homing devices tied to 422 thier little feetsies. There's no escaping the GREAT BLACK DEPRESSION. 423 So we go along our merry way, pretend that we really don't feel the burden 424 on our back, whistle a cheerful tune, and pray to the gods above that it will 425 all be over soon, and we can go to a better place. It's the great 426 American Pasttime. Doen't you just love feeling you mind rip itself apart? 427 Don't you adore the sensation of tousand of minds pressing on your, swallowing 428 you whole, devouring you very existence? Don't you rejoice when you feel 429 the wet-blanket-cloud of melacholy descend on your heart, tuck you in for 430 your nap, as you listen to the winds shreik and howl with horrid laughter? 431 Oh, I have many miles to go before I sleep. Endless journeys through 432 unseen terrors, all of my own devising. 433 "Why not get help?" The voices cry out again? My sweet, naive friends, who 434 is there to help? Send me to a doctor, He'll say I have the blues, that it's 435 nothing to worry about, and he'll send me away with a pat on the head. A pat 436 that dooms me to the mires and marshes and swamps of my own insanity. 437 I am doomed. 438 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THE MAD MUSE^^^^^^^^^^^^^not quite so amused^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 439 ye gods, I'm morbid when I get in my moods, she MUSEd. 440 ............................................................................... 033=Usr:214 11/05/87 15:46 Msg:765 Call:4988 Lines:1 441@Life's a pickle! 034=Usr:117 11/05/87 16:08 Msg:766 Call:4990 Lines:49 442 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* themnax of lananara *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 443 Seji's story (new lands) continues... 444 The fading tones of his horn were replaced by those of a voice, tonedeaf 445 but cheerful, comming from the direction in which the cat had dissappeared. 446 Horn replaced, he fallowed. 447 The sight to greet him at the passage's enterance was of a figure of 448 adult but otherwise indeterminate age, dressed head to foot in plyable leather 449 of reddish brown. This worthy, scratching the great carnivour behind the ear 450 was plainly talking to it. 451 The figure turned at sedji's approach and like the cat regarded him with 452 detatched but not unfriendly gaaze. 453 The cat came to Sheji's side and rubbing itself besidee his thigh was 454 obviosly begging to be petted. Tennatively he scratched behind an ear as 455 he had seen the other doing. This prompted a deep and throaty purr. 456 "Milords, I see you've met." was the strainger's greeting. 457 "I seem to be a bit lost" Sheji repplied "could you tell me how to get 458 back to Colfax High School?" 459 "Prey forgive my simple manor young lord but your riddle is an odd one. 460 Of any place called Colfax I've not heard and while much is praised as noble, 461 I've heard of no school so worthy. In the temple the priestesses run a kind of 462 school, that's as near as is in my power to guess." 463 Though not quite shattering, this news held little of meaning. That 464 teaching might be an ajunct of religeon was a new thought. Considering 465 that much of his difficulty in learning was due to a tendancy tword prop- 466 igandising and a predisposition toward emotional argument on the part of 467 teachers as he did know them, this boded not entirely well, however exotic 468 thies priestesses might otherwise prove to 469 be. 470 "That doesn't sound quite like what I had in mind but I might as well go 471 find out. Where might this temple be?" Sheji asked. 472 "In the village of Forrest Goat" he was told "which lies 12 miles to the 473 northeast though the quickest way to reach it is by road, 5 miles down the 474 ravine to the west." 475 "Prey no offense" the strainger continued "but have you no master to teach 476 you his trade? Surely be you of an age to apprentice?" 477 th silence might have draged uncertainly on were not they at that 478 moment interupted and sent scurrying for cover by an arrow poorly aimed, 479 or not aimed poorly enough. this was not at once appearent as to which. 480 When sufficient tine had passed to suggest the errent missle had been 481 a strey after all, and not the precursor of some premeditated attack, 482 Sheji's, he began to realize, host, waxed once more loquatios. 483 484 "I prey I speak not out of turn but thats an awfully queer parcel to 485 which your arm seems all but perminently attched to." 486 "Oh that? Just my horn." 487 "A horn?" 488 "Care to see it?" 489 "If you would..." 490 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 035=Usr:188 11/05/87 18:55 Msg:767 Call:4993 Lines:69 491 ===========================Justin the Blue================================== 492 Ye gods! Signs of life on this board at last...............! 493 MUSE:I have a few thoughts on nervous breakdown. When I was being escort- 494 ed out of the Navy I did get to see a doctor Who prescribed me a most 495 wonderful drug, an antidepressant that was powerful enough to give me head 496 rushes from simply thinking about getting up and movin. The world seemed 497 very odd for a while. Kind of a combination of "why bother" and "well, why 498 not. I was then sent to a hospital where I was basically made harmless to 499 myself if not others then given an honorable discharge. Then I became the 500 legend you know me as today. The problem was not solved. The symptoms were 501 merely ameliorated, and as you have said, show up from time to time, gener- 502 ally having much more fun w/life than I am at any given time. 503 It's as the lyric in the Howard Jones song,"no one is to blame": 504 "doctor says youre cured-but you still feel the pain." 505 I guess I'm just a little too cynical sometimes. Sorry. I try not to live 506 up to TOO many incarnations of my name. 507 508 <ZZZZZZ>---- <ZZZZZZZ>---- <ZZZZZZZ>----- Mayhaps have you seen 509 a small furry being with a 510 long hairy name???????????? 511 512 They had taken no watches with them(foolishly) but could easily tell 513 it was getting late in the day. If in fact they had days here. Very prob- 514 ably the sun never set. But no one seems to care.......... 515 The bass player became restive. As time passed the small group could 516 see him picking out scales:first slowly, then faster and faster as the ennui 517 increased. He alone had ordered nothing to drink, stating quite plainly in 518 his Birmingham lilt that "I dont care to be out of control." 519 Sure, Justin thought to himself, not just yet anyway. You havent found 520 a lady or a..... 521 The two looked to the front, beyond most of the patrons. 522 There was a stage. 523 "do you see what I see", said Eagle in awe. "I mean that wasnt there 524 when we came in here was it?" 525 Even Jordan had lifted his eyepatch to bring his weak eye into play. 526 "no, " Jordan said, "at least I dont think so...No, it wasnt there." the 527 rogue began to sink back and blend in with the seat. Apparently his trust of 528 the place was waning from its initial low point to somewhere near the core 529 of the planet. 530 "How wild" was all Tag would say. Justin remained quiet at this point. 531 "I sense a cue here", Rebel said. Needing no more prompting he was beg- 532 inning to rise. "but, i havent got a band you know," he said turning back 533 to Tag. 534 "Look again." 535 The two turned back to the stage to find that there was indeed a band 536 there. 537 "Smashing!" Was Rebel Morocco's only response. He proceeded and then the 538 jam session began. They played many of Rebels favorite covers (he loved 539 E.L.O. and the Moody Blues most), but then degenerated into a random but 540 pleasant ramble with heavy fusion overtones. The rest of the group were 541 haveing a pleasant time, and Rebel himself was in a state close to Nirvana 542 But after a rendition of Who tunes where Rebel found himself trying some 543 Entwistle style and (in his opinion anyway) pulling it off quite nicely 544 he found that the interest level was waning, and resolved to practice more. 545 He stepped down from the stage and the band faded from view behind him: 546 Rebel looked quite satisfied. 547 He sat down, his Lady still over his shoulder, very reluctant to let 548 go. plainly it was a peak experience. 549 His Collegues were quite pleased as well. But a little confused. 550 "That was the coolest jazz I've heard in some time" said jordan. 551 "That orchestral manoeveur was magnificent." TAg said. "but wehere was that 552 enchanting string section" 553 "How did you make those things howl like wolves?" said Eagle. 554 "Very good my friend," said Justin, "but I know you know more than 555 just E.L.O songs. 556 Rebel just sighed. He knew true genius was rarely fathomable. 557 But what was this? Eagle was talking again to a tank. 558 "It said It liked that data, nice and solid." 559 Rebel Knew it was time to retire. 036=Usr:188 11/05/87 19:36 Msg:768 Call:4994 Lines:1 560 ========================Justin the Jazz BAssist=========================== 037=Usr:188 11/05/87 23:30 Msg:769 Call:4999 Lines:4 561 Still shaking after last weekend. But watch out, I'm going to be writing 562 again, soon............................................................. 563 TOY...........TOY..............TOY..............TOY............TOY..... 564 =========================================================================== 038=Usr:219 11/06/87 19:13 Msg:770 Call:5007 Lines:6 565 Hello Mikey, I haven't talked to you or anyone for quite some time. Modem went 566 U/S and then sold computer to get new one. Hows by you? I see the stories 567 are picking up again. Last time I was here there was debate over the change 568 to II, and whether it was good or not. 569 Must go, but will call later in the week-end. 570 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Friar [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 039=Usr:11 11/07/87 18:29 Msg:771 Call:5032 Lines:5 571 **@)_%*@_)%*@)+%*(+!%(*+@!(%!|_%(!%*@)_+#^%*#_+%!*|*(!+%*#)+^@+#^@+(+_@(^#+^(# 572 Greetings Friar! Still debating whether we really exist or if this whole big 573 wide world is only a figment of a collective imagination, hypothetically 574 speaking, of course. 575 %#()_(^)_@#(^%@)_^*)%!@)_%(_) L'homme sans Parity %*)_%*@_)*%!_%_!(%_)!%!_%!_)( 040=Usr:196 11/07/87 21:03 Msg:772 Call:5033 Lines:6 576 Greetings and hallucinations, one and all -- it's Cheryl online again. 577 Just playing hit and run today. Wanted to say hi to Justin & co. 578 When's your next party, Midguard. Sorry I missed your last one. 579 Keep up your good work on Tag, Justin. Someday you'll see me on 580 Agora. Bye for now. 581 ****************************Cheryl************************************** 041=Usr:220 11/08/87 10:18 Msg:773 Call:5038 Lines:1 582 OFF 042=Usr:219 11/08/87 19:15 Msg:774 Call:5044 Lines:9 583 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 584 L'homme - Greetings, old friend. If indeed you do exist. I am convinced that 585 I exist, because the Tax man believes in me. SIL. 586 Actually, I have been reading a lot of esoteric stuff which supports my 587 'religious beliefs' that in fact there is a higher power, and it is our 588 'collective imagination'. The basic premise is that thought or conciousness 589 (true conciousness being an amalgam of concious, sub and hyper concious) is the 590 only thing that is real. 591 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Friar [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 043=Usr:221 11/09/87 01:34 Msg:775 Call:5049 Lines:8 592 ||||||||||||||||| You've been spotted by the Metallion |||||||||||||||||||| 593 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 594 ||| The Metallion sends you all Christmas greetings , but dislikes the ||| 595 ||| Commercial response to the immanant holiday rush. Shall I speak in ||| 596 ||| Coherent tones? Nay confusion is a thousand times more revealing ||| 597 ||| than truth. I do not lie, I only speak when I do not know the truth.||| 598 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 599 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| The Metallion ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 044=Usr:117 11/09/87 11:54 Msg:776 Call:5058 Lines:47 600 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* themnax of lananara *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 601 "oh that? Just my horn" 602 "A horn?" 603 "care to see it?" 604 "if you would..." 605 Its sight seemed a source of genuine amazement. 606 "so much metal - it looks a little like a horn - but - What be this - and 607 these?" 608 "There called valves" 609 "Vvalves?" I've heard mechanicians speak of such but this is my first 610 sight of any. Do you play it?" 611 "like to hear it?" 612 "I'd greatly wish it though I've nought to repay save a pan of fish." 613 Sheji required no further prompting. He played Greensleeves, the long 614 version, with variations. When he was done his host sat stuned. 615 "all that from a horn? A fine jest to conciel your calling. Surely you 616 are honored among bards!" 617 Oops again, Sheji thought, repacking the instrument. 618 "I play well enough I guess - but I've got no - what do you call it - 619 stage pressence." 620 Just then the forrest's peace was shattered by a reverberating scrreetch. 621 "What in the seven blue blazes was that?" Sheji asked. 622 "An explanation of much anmnd a ride into town if your quick. A mer- 623 chanter carrivan down by the road calling in his hunters. You've never heard 624 one? No matter; down the trail and quickly." 625 "But what do I say to them?" 626 "Just say your a bard. If any doubt, tell them Thuva of Forrest Goat 627 says so!" 628 Not without uncertainty, Sheji set off. Not running, but walking with 629 a distance eating pace born of a childhood of long waalks alone in the woods. 630 The narrow winding path was easy ennough to spot, though dwelling on the 631 uncertainties ahead he noted little else. He'd come, by his own guess, a good 632 couple of miles when unexpectedly a low voice spoke almost in his ear. 633 Startled, Sheji turned to see a tall adolescent, little older than himself, 634 dressed more in dust then the tattered jerkin and trews thhe dust concieled. 635 His air of assurance and the massive, well cared for, compound bow slung 636 from one narrow sholder contrasted incongruosly. 637 "Who was that old man?" this young streinger asked. 638 "Called himself Thuva. That wasn't you shooting at us?" A question Sheji 639 instantly regretted, too late to unsay. 640 "Not you. That damned cat. Ran off the ringhorn I'd been stalkjkjking." 641 "Thuva shairs that cat's cave like a friend. I'd not be the one to tell 642 him that. Seemed less then pleased." Sheji added for good measure. 643 "Shairs a cave with a cat? Maybe he's a hunter like me. Chulan I'm 644 called, with Jicha's carrivan." 645 "I'm ... 646 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 045=Usr:210 11/09/87 13:43 Msg:777 Call:5061 Lines:13 647 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BRITANNIA<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 648 Open note to the House of Midgard: Thanks! You have my heartfelt appreciation 649 for being so nice. 650 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ 651 NOBODY wants to tell me anything??!!? Surely someone somewhere must want to 652 spread info/ideas/opinions/etc. I'm just a sponge, waiting for something to 653 absorb. Of course, being a sponge means that 654 I'm porus and leak a little, but then we all have our little problems...... 655 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 656 *Justin, you're a genious, man, but stay away from poetry. It is, I fear, the 657 one thing you CAN'T do with proficiency. (No hard feelings, okay?) 658 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 659 One last thing: themnax, buy a dictionary. 046=Usr:7 Leonard Erickson 11/09/87 20:35 Msg:778 Call:5065 Lines:10 660 _______________________________________________________________________________ 661 Contrary to popular belief, a dictionary is practically useless for determining 662 the spelling of a word. You don't believe me? Try to find "noo-moan-ee-uh" 663 (pnuemonia) in one! You have to know the spelling *before* you look the word 664 up. 665 There are however, books that contain lists of *mis*-spellings followed 666 by the correct spelling. They are usually marketed as "bad speller's 667 dictionaries". One of *them* might help. 668 ___________________________Leonard_____________________________________________ 669 047=Usr:222 11/09/87 21:09 Msg:779 Call:5068 Lines:4 670 Dear Nobody, 671 VOTE for PAULATS161 672 Dear NOBODY, 673 Put this in your sponge-VOTE for PAUL SIMON for PRESIDENT. 048=Usr:21 11/09/87 21:22 Msg:780 Call:5069 Lines:7 674 (This Is *NOT* A Border!) 675 Mindless question for the evening: 676 . 677 If I am because I think, then does this mean that I cease to exist when 678 I am unconscious? 679 . 680 (I Repeat: This Is *NOT* A Border!) 049=Usr:219 11/09/87 21:48 Msg:781 Call:5070 Lines:4 681 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 682 Are there yet bugs in the system? FA and FI 683 seem to have problems. 684 [][][][][][][][][][] Friar [][][][][][][] 050=Usr:214 11/09/87 21:54 Msg:782 Call:5071 Lines:16 685 No, not at all. You think while you are unconscious; you just don't realize 686 that you are thinking. (Of course, if you read the Meditations, you find 687 that Descartes is really saying, "I have to exist because I know that I'm 688 wondering if I exist, and SOMETHING has to exist to do the wondering." Which 689 leaves your nonexitence wide open for philosophical debate.) 690 691 Of course, these brilliant passages are immediately followed by such drivel 692 as, "God has to exist because I'm too much of a wimp to imagine an all- 693 powerful being," and, "God has to exist because he's perfect. If he doesn't 694 exist, then that is a flaw in his perfection." Which leads me to wonder how 695 someone so absolutely stupid could sound so brilliant. Of course, it also 696 makes a strong statement about how teaching children that the existence of 697 God is fact really screws up their ability to think rationally about the 698 subject. But don't get me started on THAT ... I'll fill the message! 699 700 -- (I'm supposed to put a border here, right? OK) -- FRED -- (Good enough?) -- 051=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 11/09/87 23:09 Msg:783 Call:5074 Lines:29 701 ************************************************************************** 702 That is however the standard construct used to "prove" the existance of 703 God. My experience has shown though that the real intent of the argument 704 is not to bring over new converts, but rather as a re-enforcement of the 705 concept to those that believe. It provides a loop-back in the thinking 706 process on a path that would otherwise lead to questioning of God's 707 existance. Not that that would be bad in and of itself, but it also 708 leads to questioning of those who proport to expound God's word. Maybe 709 they are really a bunch of con-men out to suck blood from the huddled 710 masses. The minute ideas like that being to seep in the rest of the real 711 (?) world also begins to flood through and in the end the person looses 712 his unquestioning belief in the religous pontif's rantings. Other ideas, 713 other concepts begin to take form. Perhaps there is more to life then 714 following the sayings of some protected pulpit pounder that has never 715 really spent his life in the activities of the people he controls. 716 Or worse to discover that he is only interested in reaping in the 717 money the adulation brings and bask in the glow of insiped belief. 718 Turn your head from thoughts that don't fit my prescribed pattern. 719 They are the thougts of the devil and he will bring you ruin (or 720 perhaps it will really bring the preachin'man ruin since the knowledge 721 that he is not God's gift to the world would cause the poor little 722 sheep to become human once again and wise up to his manipulations). 723 If there is devilishness it is in the preacher for trapping the thoughts 724 and limiting the scope of those he controls. He creates a true hell 725 on Earth by preventing the people from growing and achieving their 726 true self. Instead they are the sheep in his flock passively following 727 his lead. Bleeding a little everyday in payment for him protecting them 728 from the outside world. 729 ************************************************************************ 052=Usr:223 11/10/87 08:38 Msg:784 Call:5082 Lines:7 730 *************************THE BLACK ROSE************************************* 731 732 A NEW USER IS HERE, ONE WITH EONS OF EXPERIENCE 733 RECENTLY TRANSFERED FROM THE DEEEEEEEP SOUTH AND THE AGES OF THE ORIENT 734 HER TO ESTABLISH A FOOT-HOLD ON THE YOUNG AND GROWING WEST COAST 735 ***************************************************************************** 053=Usr:214 11/10/87 14:12 Msg:785 Call:5100 Lines:4 737 So, to whoever wrote the passage ten or so lines above this one. It's 738 obvious that you don't believe much in organized religion. But do you 739 believe in a supreme being? 740 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 054=Usr:223 11/10/87 18:16 Msg:786 Call:5105 Lines:11 741 to person above, 742 I find it hard to believe you took the time to read all that garbage 743 everyone knows there's a supreme being - it's Bill the cat 744 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 745 ****************************************************************************** 746 747 An offer going to any experienced electronic wiz. 748 I am looking for someone to build a hard drive controller board 749 for a Tandy 1000ex. The boards for this machine are smaller then standard 750 industry boards. Also a schematic of the board is needed. 751 ***************************************************************************** 055=Usr:219 11/11/87 08:49 Msg:787 Call:5115 Lines:11 752 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 753 Before we can decide if there is a "supreme being" we first must define 754 what supreme being means. After all, Reagan is the Supreme Commander of the 755 armed forces, but he controls nothing absolutely. (Note the difference between 756 'Nothing absolutely' and 'absolutely nothing', an attribute which some say 757 he has) 758 I believe there is a higher power, but think of it more in the collective 759 subconcious vein. Perhaps there is a God, and we are part of it, or it a part 760 of us? 761 "We have met the deity, and it is us!" 762 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Friar [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 056=Usr:159 11/11/87 11:49 Msg:788 Call:5121 Lines:3 763@ 764@ 765 Turkey lurk ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 057=Usr:117 11/11/87 14:04 Msg:789 Call:5126 Lines:41 766 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* themnax of lananara *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 767 Receintly downloaded from d.j. n+i svc... 768 The former Silver Shamroc novelty Co., long in the Bbrittish equivalent of 769 chapter 11, has recently been aquired from its former receivers; Bracley's 770 Trusts Ltd, in a leveraged buy out by McCain Industries. 771 As many of us know, Silver Shamroc's difficulties begain when its pro- 772 duction facility in Danburry Connecticut was forced to shut down by OSHA who 773 is reported to have mysteriosly received a long list of violations. A number 774 of dissappearances of OSHA inspectors remain to be cleared up. 775 Amid accusations of foul play and counter accusations of sabitage, the 776 plant has remained shut down for over a year. 777 McCain has anounced plans to markit a new line of Santa masks in time for 778 the christmas season. They are to be released under the much clouded but 779 still familiar Silver Shamroc trademark. Unconfirmed rumor has it that they 780 are to be produced at the currently closed Danburry plant. 781 McCain himself was not available for comment. 782 *=*=*=*=* 783 Ambassidor Themnax noted the above item with much interest. Certain 784 'political officers' on his staff, who for obvios reasons shall remain nameles, 785 recently intercepted an unauthorized shipment from sources which must also, 786 for security reasons remain unspecified. The 40 foot van contained packages of 787 a rare extraterestrial fungus. This fungus resembles long, fine cottony 788 silverwhite hairs. 789 On the world of its origeon, this fungus attachess itself to the chin of 790 its host organism, giving it the resaulting appearance of having a long 791 silverywhite beard. 792 What makes the silverbeard fungus especialy insidius is that it invades 793 the central nervios system of its host. Though not itself in any way sentient, 794 the Silverbeard fungus may be readily programed 795 to render its host psycologicaly suggestable in a number of ways. This has 796 long been known to the crimminal communitty in a number of galactic regions. 797 It has been used in a variety of scemes from as an aid to piracy to the estab- 798 lishment of planitary dictatorships. 799 The bill of lading on the confiscate van listed its destination as Silver 800 Shamroc Div., McCain Industries, Danburry Co. 801 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 802 to the 'theoogical' discussion: While the vary nature of the spirit realm, 803 what I've receintly started refering to as third order intangables, makes 804 conclusive proofs unlikely at best, the simple fact that you and I and entropy 805 exist in the same univers is highly suggestive of the existance of SOMEthing. 806 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 058=Usr:219 11/11/87 15:31 Msg:790 Call:5129 Lines:1 807 agreed. 059=Usr:225 11/11/87 15:46 Msg:791 Call:5131 Lines:2 808 call 060=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 11/11/87 17:43 Msg:792 Call:5133 Lines:16 810 ************************************************************************** 811 I don't see how the concept that I or you exist (whether we truely do or 812 not is a whole nother issue) has any relation to whether God exists 813 either as a supreme being or other concept. The personalization of 814 God is just another ploy used by religion to keep the faith. The concept 815 is in fact the under-pinning of many of them. The usual argument is 816 "you must do as I say or God will punish you". God is a nice anchor 817 for them to hang on to and use as a shield from the world outside 818 their shell. If you don't believe in their God you are nothing and 819 God will send you to hell because you don't believe in him. 820 Notice the term "supreme being" saying that God is a "being", and 821 the usual bit from the biblical types that God made man in his own 822 image. I think what is closer to the truth is that man made God in 823 man's image. 824 ************************************************************************** 061=Usr:26 11/12/87 02:21 Msg:794 Call:5138 Lines:4 826 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 827 McCain Industries? Any relation to the infamous Leroy McKane? 828 Coincidence or . . . 829 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 062=Usr:61 11/13/87 12:11 Msg:795 Call:5160 Lines:7 830 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. 831 Oh where, oh where has my NET gone 832 Oh where, oh where can it be? 833 A new McKane 834 With a hairy chin 835 Will NET come quick and save me? 836 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu 063=Usr:219 11/14/87 07:32 Msg:796 Call:5167 Lines:1 837 EMU - I don't think McKane and Chin rhyme. 064=Usr:24 11/14/87 22:22 Msg:797 Call:5177 Lines:2 838 065=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 11/14/87 22:54 Msg:798 Call:5178 Lines:7 840 an "unKaney" resembalance I'd say... 841 Is there any trueth to the rumor that McKane has started a new 842 enterprise called McKane burgers? I hear that the resturants 843 are located under fuzzy arches.... 844 I also heard that Petrov has been seen going out with Merle Sheep, 845 but the person could have just been pulling the wool over my eyes. 846 ****************************************************************** 066=Usr:21 11/15/87 10:43 Msg:799 Call:5184 Lines:1 847 Ooooo! Ouch! 067=Usr:219 11/16/87 17:36 Msg:800 Call:5205 Lines:30 848 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 849 To all: This is a very serious topic. The old folks are running away 850 with the future, and we are letting them. They just sent in petitions 851 to make sure that they get their COLAs in Social Security, and they 852 were listened to. Why? Because they vote. So the self serving 853 politicians do exactly what they want. As a result, the world financial 854 markets are going to look at us with a jaundice eye, and the whole 855 economy will g to hell in a handbasket. When most people are fighting 856 for their lives, who do you think will survive? Not the old people. 857 I propose the following: 858 1. No one can get out of Social Insecurity any more than he or 859 she or spouse put into it. Period. 860 2. Any one who can not provide for them selves in their old 861 age obviously planned wrong. Help them out with minimal 862 housing and food. (Yes, warehousing. At least I'm not 863 into euthenasia.) Families of people in such situations 864 should be *required* to assist. After all, the now old 865 person was once a head of family. 866 3. Be aware that social insecurity is *not* designee to be a 867 handout, but rather an insurance policy. If you are so 868 shortsighted that you fail to account for your old age years, 869 then continue to be productive. 870 871 I know, I'm about to get flamed, but I hate seeing my future and my 872 childrens future ruined by people whose attitude is "I have a right to 873 welfare" 874 875 [][][][][][][][][][][][][] Friar [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 876 P.S. You're right, this one is *really* Reagan's fault. 877 [][][][][][][] 068=Usr:214 11/17/87 06:21 Msg:801 Call:5211 Lines:7 878@One thing to think about is that social security is no just for old people. 879@ 880@I grew up in a single parent family. My mother received social security 881@benefits because my dad was dead. When Reagan was first elected, he 882@promised that he wouln't cut social security benefits at all. A few 883@months later, mine were cut. Know when? As soon as I finished high 884@school. 069=Usr:231 11/17/87 08:35 Msg:802 Call:5213 Lines:1 885 070=Usr:174 11/17/87 13:27 Msg:803 Call:5214 Lines:30 886 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THE MUSE^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^con-crazy^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 887 my home is MUD* (aka mudsplat,aka midgaurd) 888 _____But my brother exists and he doesn't think.......... 889 Actually, my point is, does an object have to be sentient to exist? If so, 890 we've got an interesting situation. 1) We have constant hallucinations, 891 believing that the "inanimate" objects are really there, or 2) the inanimate 892 objects aren't inanimate--they're just awfully still. and they're laughing 893 hysterically. 894 Do gods exist? (i'm a pagan--equal time for them all) 895 or 896 What is God? 897 898 Good question. We've been believing in superior entities for quite some time 899 now. but I don't think we've come any closer to the truth. actually, I 900@tink that the ancients have a better way of looking at it. All things 901@be they people, rocks, trees, water molecules, have some wonderful property 902@that keeps them in existence. Some thing that keeps the elements together, 903@keeps them from ripping apart, something that actually defies entropy. Neet, 904 think some of the old ideas are better than a lot of the new ones. 905 Ever hear of polarity? 906 Imagine if you can two forces, equal but opposite, always striving to come 907 closer, and always fighting backward. Always in motion, never getting anywhere 908 kinda like yin and yang. 909 Some people call this force energy. 910 Some people call it life. 911 Others call it God. 912 They make up stories, to try to explain their ideas to others. 913 Somehow, the audience gets mixed up, and takes the story too seriously, 914 forgetting that it's an explanation of what's going on in the world around them 915 off 071=Usr:174 11/17/87 14:14 Msg:804 Call:5215 Lines:16 916 since this life-force makes things exist, and this life force is god, 917 EVERYTHING IS GOD. 918 I know it sounds like Heinlein, but can I help it if the man was on the right 919 track? At least in this area? 920 Anyway, tthese are just a few words from the pagan contingent, and even some of 921 them will argue with me. But that's half of the beauty of it--god is whatever 922 you conceive him/her/them to be. Super neet, huh? 923 ******************* 924 thanx Justin. You're neet people. don't know what i'd do without friends. 925 .......... 926 Where ae you, FableMaster. Fur Face and I will be down your way thanksgiving 927 weekend. Hope we canseeyo then, but the schedule is getting filled rather 928 quickly. Sorry I was such a bitch on All Hallows. 929 <ZZZZZZZ>-- 930 <ZZZZZZZ>--- 931 <ZZZZZZZ>--- where'd he disappear to now? 072=Usr:159 11/17/87 20:57 Msg:805 Call:5221 Lines:20 932 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 933 934 Social Insecurity? I think you will find the economy has already GONE to hell 935 in a handbasket. I am going to provide for my future in the following fashion; 936 I'll continue to work till I'm dead. I don't trust any other method. Now I'm 937 going to deliver a message to all of those who are in positions of power in 938 the economy, one that I think most people my age would echo: 939 We (meaning under 25) know what you have done to our economy. We have no 940 hope for our economic future. We do not believe in any of your excuses that you 941 have made to justify the trashing you have done to our economy, and we know 942 that you do not believe in any of them either. We know that eventually, when 943 you are all dead, we will have to pick up the pieces and we don't forgive you 944 for it. The only thing that we can take consolation in is that someday, when 945 you are all dead, and we have spent ourselves in righting the economy, there 946 will never never again be another generation that is as selfish as yours. 947 I hope to God that the Crash will come in your lifetimes, and take you with 948 it, because you will never ever see yourselves as the disgusting economic 949 monsters that you truely are. 950 Your generation is black on the economic pages of history. 951 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++00000001TED+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 073=Usr:232 11/18/87 07:40 Msg:806 Call:5226 Lines:2 952 tell it to Franklin Roosevelt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 953 /?/??//////////%? 074=Usr:21 11/18/87 10:08 Msg:807 Call:5232 Lines:23 954 FMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFM 955 . 956 Greetings Muse, 957 . 958 Glad to see you haven't abandoned us. This board has been 959 getting quite dull of late. 960 I'm still here in the capital of the Emerald Empire. Nothing 961 much is going on. I'm enjoying the foggy mornings and the clear, 962 cold nights. Very nice for stargazing. 963 Hope you and "Fur Face" find the time to drop in while you're 964 in town. We could share some of that cake you left with me. 965 I'm not quite sure what you mean about your behavior on 966 Halloween. I don't remember anything canine about it. 967 Until later... 968 . 969 Fable Master 970 . 971 Post Script: Hey, Fur Face! Did you get my SnailMail 972 communication? Did you enjoy my stationary? Say something! 973 . 974 Post Post Script: Say hi to the Midgard Mob for me! 975 . 976 FMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFM 075=Usr:117 11/18/87 14:41 Msg:808 Call:5237 Lines:23 977 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* themnax of lananara *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 978 23 lines dosn't look like enough room for a story installment soo... 979 a few raandom comments. 980 Every object or phenomina has an entrinsicness or at least an intrinsicnes 981 of type. these intrinsicnesses are sacred in the sense that truth is sacred. 982 This is not to say everything has a soul and or is sentient. I like the idea 983 of all those objects laughing at us. its 'cute'. But - anthhromorphism (which 984 is what such concepts frequently degenerate into) is the collective egotism of 985 a (our in this case) species. This is not a good thing. For one thing it 986 tends to violate intrinscness. Replacing it with arbitrarily preconcieved 987 notions. No objects need not be sentient to exist but we are and seem to and 988 something called entropy seems also to exist making it mighty pecular that 989 anything exists at all. Especialy anything as complex as our sentient selves. 990 My claim was only that this suggests the existance of SOMEthing in (or 991 out of?) 'the' universe that is greater then ourselves. None of this realy 992 in any way specifies what the nature of that something (or somethings) might be 993 On a slightly other aspect: yes polarity is a valid concept and exists 994 within a few narrowly deffined contexts BUT low levels of energy or third 995 order equavilent are NOT ANTIennergies, mierly low levels! 996 Finaly the one absolute certainty that all 'neo pagans' (and any and 997 all other players with cosmic silly putty for that mater) aggree upon is that 998 there is no single point that is universaly aggreed upon! Yup something realy 999 is there but how we perceive it is how WE perceive it!