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1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask....
2 ************************ INSTALLED: 4 SEP 86 *************************
3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System)  Mike Day System operator
4 ************************************************************
6                     PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM.
7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned
8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public.
9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is
10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which
11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be
12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved)
13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the
14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the
15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace
16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up.
17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system.
18 *************************************************************************
24                -DONOVAN- (THE COMPUTER WHIZ)
26 =+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+=
28 What a SCUM BAG!!!!!
30 It looks like we have another kiddie board on our hands out in the South
33 			*************
34 			*Triple Five*
35 			* Was Here! *
36 			*************
38 =+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+=
39 Hello! 
40 Are you
41 there, 
42 Mike?
43 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
44         Elforson's mind reeled and spun, and his jaw hung slack.His eyes
45 well beyond any normal width, he blinked, to try and change what he saw.
47         "Ah yes, mighty white man, you are indeed looking upon the face of a
48 pigmy, the 'orrible savages infamous throughout your world!!"
49         And, at that point, his friend's face creased into a smile, then he threw back his head, and laughter spilled forth lon
50  loud.His shoulders still quaking, he took Elforson by the hand, and led him
51 down towards the earth below.Elforson took quick, darting glances out of the
52 corners of his eyes, trying to take in his friend's appearance.He stood about
53 three foot two, probably eighty pounds, well proportioned muscles, high forehead
54  and very alive and intelligent eyes, which were steadily obseving Elforson
55 every time he looked at his face.After perhaps ten minutes of silent walking,
56 he span around to face his diminutive colleage, and burst forth with:
57         "This is no good.My name is Halfdan Elforson, I'm twenty- nine,
58 and British born.Who are you, if I may ask?"
59         His friend looked at him intently for a long moment, then, with visible
60 relaxation in his face, said very queitly,
61         "Whilst you may not have the manners of your brother, you are, I
62 think, as honourable, and with probably as much integreity.I will trust you.
63 This wiil be hard for you, I'm sure.I learnt my english from him, as I also
64 gained reading material from him, and learnt several other languages."
65         "Wait for one God-damned minute, you, what the hell are you trying
66 to say, that my brother was involved with you?C'mon, I'm no fool.Anyway, how'd
67 you find out I had a brother in the first place.And, you still haven't explained
68 who you are!!"
69          The little man facing him had smiled at this outburst, a smile with
70 a touch of nostalgia to it, and, his head on one side, with a broad grin,
71 he replied, "Exactly as i expected.He was right about your temper.He said
72 something about how 'Haffie always fancied himself as quite the viking,
73 what with our ancestory!!', and it seems he was right."
74          Elforson shut up.He might be a touch arrogant, but he wasn't stupid.
75 There was aboslutely no way that this person could know his brother's favourite
76 saying about him without intimate contact.His head spinning, he apologised 
77 profusely for his rude outburst, and begged to be told how the other knew
78 his older brother, Leif.Leif had been an astronaut, one of the best, before
79 the test-ship he was in became involved in the Komarov docking accident.Pain
80 filled memories weled up in his mind, and Elforson's eyes were suddenly wet.
81 He looked down in surprise as his friend sobbed also.
82          "Your brother and I were in close collaberation to the end, and he
83 was a good friend.I hope you will start to help us where he left off."
84          "Help?How?Of course, but doing what?"
85          "Do not speak before you know what, for it is dangerous work he was 
86 doing.In fact, it gives me panges of guilt to realize that he died doing our
87 mission."
88          Elforson's brain, which had been on the edge of a precipice yawning
89 beneath him, fell into the sickening depths, and he nearly lost conciousness.
90 They had been walking, and had entered a village of rude huts, of woven leaves
91 and vines, all around.No-one was in the huts, for all were at the center of the
92 octagonal village square, all doing highly organized things, but there were so
93 many that it appeared a hive of furious activity, surrounding something that
94 Elforson's brain refused to accept.Huge, glinting in the sun, greenish dappled
95 light reflected in its polished surfaces, it formed the centerpiece of the village.The huge engine nacelles pointing offf to 
96 lforson's left, the entrance hatch a staggering four hundred feet above his haed.The size seduced his brain, led it along, and
97 efeated ti totally, causing almost total mental collapse.He finally opened his
98 eyes for a second look, hoping it had gone away, but it stubbornly had refused
99 to vanish, or change.It was still the largest, most compex, and, above all
100 ALIEN spaceship he had ever seen.
102                                                                    Adric.
104 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
105 ____09/04/86__________________JD 2446678.7407_________22:46:39_PDT_________
106 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
107 Busy, Busy, Busy.  And so is Backwater, as I see.  Just popped in to visit
109 briefly- I've got a project due soon and time is scarce, if you'd wondered
111 where I'd gone.
112 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milchar ++++ September 4, 1986 ++++++++++++
114 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//////////////////////////////////////
115 We need this program on this date!
116 No excuses we'll allow.
117 You've got to work until you drop,
118 It's the honor of our State.
120 But what you ask, it can't be done.
121 It's not the program itself you see
122 but the time frame you allow me.
123 I try to think who could help, there is none.
125 That's no way to talk, you work for us.
126 You'll do what you have to or die.
127 If you think you've heard the worst we can be,
128 Remember, there is a lot more than cuss.
130 I see your point, as you tighten screws.
131 You'll break my back and discard me.
132 I'm just a tool in a gigantic box,
133 like your hammer and chisel and fuse.
135 Oh no, you are much more valuable than that.
136 You get much better treatment than hammers.
137 We realize you have a powerful brain,
138 and finishing what we ask will earn you a pat.
140 A pat. How generous, are you sure you can spare it?
141 Your pay scale resembles are second derivative.
142 Your benefits would make a prisoner laugh.
143 And your work ethic, hah, on that I must spit.
144 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\V///////////////////////////////////////
146 ++++++++++lurk++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Darbon++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
147 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
148   The night had drawn its cloak tight about the rude little camp.  The tiny
149 fire was down to a bare handful of glowing coals, their enflamed hearts covered
150 in thin films of cooling ash.  The piper had scooped a slight depression for
151 his hips and cleared rocks and branches from the forest floor to make his bed.
152 He lay on the unyeilding ground, less than an arm's length from the tiny firepit
153 that had cooked his meager meal.  Sleepless, haunted by memories, he lifted a
154 tiny aromatic leaf from the  forest floor.  He turned the leaf over and over
155 in his fingers, feeling the ridged surface of wooden veins on one side and the
156 flat smoothness of the light-collecting surface on the other.
157   Smiling, he dropped the leaf into the almost-dead fire, brushing a few
158 sweet-smelling crumbs from his fingers.  With tired eyes, he watched the leaf
159 land on the glowing coals.  Idly, he watched the leaf darken an char.  First,
160 tiny coils of white vapor curled from the blackening edges of the leaf, then
161 glowing spots appeared where the leaf contacted the coals.  The volumes of vapor
162 increased, changed to a thick yellow that almost seemed to glow with a light of
163 its own, and drifted up to tease his nostrils with a somehow familiar scent.
164   Intrigued, the piper watched the leaf finally burn with a tiny flame, a flame
165 that seemed to flicker through myriad colors so quickly that he could scarcely
166 believe that the colors had been there.  Looking closely as the tiny flame
167 died, he saw a miniscule speck of brightness.  The piper stared intently at the
168 brightness and saw it wax into a nearly discernable mote, then relaxed his
169 attention and saw it wane almost to nothingness. 
170   "Strange," he muttered to himself.  "It almost seems to need my attention to
171 exist.  What if I increase the attention?"
172   Staring intently at the bright mote in the coals, he sat up and crossed his
173 legs in a posture of meditation.  Several moments of intense concentration
174 caused the mote to grow to the size of a small, glowing pea.  A few more moments
175 raised it to the size of a marble.  Nearly no effort was required to get the
176 glowing object to the size of a golf ball, and the piper began to have second
177 thoughts of the advisability of continuing the exercise.
178   The piper forced his eyes away from the object for a few moments to allow it
179 to contract again.  When he looked again, it had not shrunk, but began to
180 rapidly expand as he looked at it.  Alarmed, he gathered his plaid about him
181 and stepped instinctivly backwards as the glowing object rapidly inflated to
182 a sphere nearly ten feet in diameter.
183 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
184 PorSFiS tomorrow. BPA auditorium 2 pm. It's on the light rail....
185 ____09/05/86__________Leonard_JD 2446679.5417_________18:00:04_PDT_______

186 It's on the Mad-Max line?  What, is that supposed to encourage us?
187 Or discourage us.
189 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
190 The Innkeeper seemed lost in his own thoughts, as I had been in mine.  I was
191 thinking back to younger times, when the world was yet new.  There was no
192 talk then of things all gone astray.  No people saying 'This is my place. 
193 Give it to me or you and I will both die.'  The sky was for dreaming into,
194 not for bloodshed.  I am tired of hearing the truth these days.
195 Is there a reason for this ?  If I were an advanced soul, would I be able to
196 see the sense in the nonsense ?  Why did I choose this life.  I read in a book
197 that was dear to me that we will know that our mission on earth is not
198 finished if we are yet in this plane.  What is my mission ?  Why are these
199 things happening to me, and to my friends ?
200 A soothing voice came to me.  "Are you not here to learn ?  Is there not
201 something to learn from every experience ?  Perhaps those who fill them-
202 selves with hatred and lust for violence need to learn that hatred and
203 violence only begets hatred and violence."
204 I pondered that for a moment, and then thought "Why should the innocent be
205 forced to share in that lesson ?", and the voice replied, "Perhaps it was 
206 their choosing, perhaps it was not.  The truth is hard to see, sometimes.
207 Other times, it easy to see, but no one wants to believe it.  Maybe the 
208 higher power, what some refer to as God, doesn't care about guilt and 
209 innocence."  "That seems contrary to all of the religions of the world." I
210 thought to myself.  "But then again, religion does not seem to have a very
211 enviable record in peace and harmony, but an outstanding record in the
212 sowing of discontent and hatred.  I myself am a man of peace, but I do not
213 attribute that to my religious training, but to my reading and under-
214 standing on a personal level."  The voice said "You are learning still, but
215 the Innkeeper is looking at you oddly.  He has been a witness to this
216 learning, and perhaps has something to add."
217 I turned to the Innkeeper, my friend of longstanding, and asked, "Ponder these
218 thoughts then, and I apologize for intruding on your own thoughts.  Why is
219 it that only the hatred and violence is made known to us these days ?  Is it
220 that there is more of it ?  Do I just feel it more ?  Is it age ?  Wisdom ?
221 A knowledge of the wrongs I have committed ?"
222 The Innkeeper went behind the bar to fetch us each an ale, and looked 
223 quietly into the distance as I waited for him to speak.
225 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][]   Friar   [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
226 {+|+}  <238>  860905^2034 !
227 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.impending.matrimony.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu
230 ____09/06/86__________________JD 2446679.8165_________00:36:12_PDT_________
231 {+|+}  <243>  860906^1218
232 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
238 I have further plot developements in mind, and, once they are sorted out,
239 will continue the story of Elforson's strange odessey, if so desired,(
240 and possibly even if not so desired!!!)
242                                          hoping for response,
243                                                     Adric.
244 Adric:  Not so desired!!!  Your writing sucks eggs.
245 What you said You can't forget
246 In your mind you'll soon regret
247 I lived forever but I died yesterday
248 This life seems dull in everyway
250 These bullet proof vests don't work
251 The bullets go through to make you hurt
252 I've seen nuclear war in the future dream
253 I died yesterday at least it seems
255 The middle-east sucks royally
256 But I can't see what you believe
257 Nuclear weapons H-bomb mania
258 Reagans a scum and so are you!!
260 Dirt! Dirt! Crawl in slime
261 You don't have a F****** dime!
262 Spend all your money on underwear
263 Spend it all again on your spiked hair!
265 Dream world Russians invade
266 It looks like a panty raid..
267 Suicidal maniacs roaming the streets
268 Killing everyone that they meet
270 I don't know , seems so unreal
271 Trying to forget what I feel...
272 Departure from the present....
273 Global nuclear destruction
275 Russians, Irianians, were not alone
276 They're in this slimy mess too.....
277 Bombs Grenades and your trusty comb
278 They're gonna blow up you know who!
280 The world... self destruct
281 The world.... Good Conduct
282 The world, past, the world, future
283 the world is now under pressure
285 Listen, slimes and freaks
286 Stupid Terrorist bastards
287 It's the game you keepp
289 Devotion and trust
290 left in the dust
291 Why is life so unfiar
293 Do what you must
294 No one to trust
295 Nucear fall out losin my hair
297 destinty, is really free
298 your hands are made of playdo
299 Open your mind you can't see
300 What this world is really made of
302 dude, party on the pation
303 ********************************************************************************
304 I tried uploading this a while ago, but unfortunately less than half made it.
305 Line noise.  For those of you who may have missed it the first time and those
306 who read but half, here it is in its entirety.
311      I can speak a little French.  Words like cordon bleau, tete a
312 tete, parley vous Francais.  How about entre vous?  Literally
313 translated, doesn't that mean: ENTER, YOU!  If you ask me that doesn't
314 seem very polite.  Hmmm... I wonder how you say please in French. 
315 Strange how I know words like Escargot - baked snails - but not how to
316 say please.  I guess the French just aren't a polite people.  That's a
317 lot like the Mexican I've heard on T.V.  They'll give a sampling of
318 Mexican (Spanish) words and a thick Mexican accent so I get the
319 flavor, the essence - if you will - of the setting...  bull!...
320      For example, here is an actual Mexican conversation.
322 Americano: Where is Senorita Maria?
323   Mexican: Senorita Maria is up in her uncle's hacienda with Don
324 Carlos, senor.  The bandalitos are following them.
325 Americano: You're sure?
326   Mexican: Si.
328 Excuse me, but what kind of Spanish is that?  I know many first-year
329 Spanish students who can speak better than this supposedly fluent
330 Mexican.  I think the filmmakers are trying for effect when they drop
331 this pseudo-Spanish on us, but why couldn't they be consistent?  Pick
332 ONE language, guys, and stick with it!  More often than not, they'll
333 throw in a Spanish word I don't know and then I only understand half
334 of what was said.  I imagine a Mexican watching the same show would
335 undersand the other half.
336      Because of this, I have to hand it to Japanese movies.  When they
337 make a movie, they do it all in Japanese.  If Americans want to see
338 it, they can dub in English... and we do.  There's none of this
339 dubbing in every other word, because half of it was already in
340 English.  No, they do the whole thing in Japanese.  They're not
341 concerned with being 'international' like we are.  Bravo, senors
342 Japanese.
343      German is a lot like Mexican.  They use the thick accent and a
344 few German words, like: Kapitan, danke schoen and sauer kraut. 
345 Despite all this, I think the most well-know German phrase is  Heil
346 Hitler.  ...Pathetic...
347      Italians just talk fast.  They use words too, but fortunately
348 they're all food.  Words like: spagghetti, fettuccine, lasagna, garlic
349 bread, etc...  I think I'll award Italian the most delicious language
350 award.  With words like Escargot, French certainly didn't give any
351 competition in this category.
352      Latin is like Spanish and German, except that it is used more in
353 books than in movies.  They have the common abbreviations like i.e.,
354 circa, et al, etc...  These are usually used in writing to confuse the
355 reader.  You see, Spanish, German and French dictionaries are readily
356 available to many people.  But when was the last time you saw a Latin
357 dictionary?  Hard to come by, aren't they?  I think this is why Latin
358 is considered the language of intellectuals.  Only the people with
359 good memories can remember any of it.  Also, Latin is a dead language.
360   Nobody speaks it anymore.  It is just used in reading and writing. 
361 And as we all know reading and writing are dead these days.  The last
362 thing that bugs me about Latin is that it has less to do with English
363 than many people think, yet it is ingrained in our national heritage. 
364 Look at any U.S. coin and the words e. pluribus unum are emblazoned
365 upon it.  This doesn't exactly make me feel patriotic.  I speak fluent
366 American and I can't evern understand half the words printed on our
367 currency - they're in Latin.
368      My pen's running out of ink, so I think I'll leave Russian, Greek
369 and Swaheely to someone else.  Besides, languages that consider
370 triangles to be letters are better left alone.  I guess that's not so
371 bad though.  We use circles.
373     Brought to you by
374      Beatrice (Oppose us and we will crush you. -David Letterman-)
375 No, D.L. did not write this.  He just said the Beatrice caption.
377 ch undersand/understand/know/known/evern/even
378 and numberous other typos/misspellings/dropped letters.  e.g. numberous.
380 ********************************************************************************
382 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999
391           LADY EVIL
396     IS NOW KNOWN.
398 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999
399            the KEEPER
400 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999
402 }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
403 ____09/06/86__________________JD 2446680.6661_________20:59:18_PDT_________
404 oo	oo	oo	oo	oo	oo	oo	oo	 oo		
405 Cistop Mikey - If you would like that I create a new account on
406 	Lem., just ask.  It isn't all that difficult; would
407 	only take me a minute to set things up and get things
408 	going.  Oh, and sorry I have little to contribute.
409 	Maybe I could help the person you've asked to write the
410 	manuals?  (Are you still out there?)
411 L'homme - Glad to see we've been misinformed.  <chuckle>
412 	See first sentance to Mikey.
413 							so  @   lem		
414 oo	oo	oo	oo	oo	oo	oo	oo	-oo
416 *%)*%@%#@%%@(%+@#%+^*^*&$_*_)*%)!+*(+!($#@!%_|#^($*^_*@%!+_%(_@(%@+*#^*#+@__(@#^#$*+_
417 "Ignore them and they'll blow away in the wind"
418 				David E. Rumelhart
420 so@lem : What's this about needed new accounts on Lem? And manuals? Are you
421          thinking we could write manuals without ever meeting.... nah. Of
422          course that would really be an experiment in electronic communication.
423          I am surprised that National Egyptian Tours hasn't severed that
424          possibility too. They are such baddies.
425 piper  : welcome back to non-lurk writing!
426 Leonard: How did the PorSFiS meeting go? I assume no crazed science fiction fans
427          attempted an armed take over of a MAX-train?
428 *%()*#$%_*){body}amp;)&#@^_#$^*)(+_)#$@^+@#^@^* L'homme sans Parity $#*)$_+)*(`%*_)%*@_**%)_*
429 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
430      I'm a hundred and seven today, Bagoom!
431      I'm a hundred and seven today!
433         Of course, this being me birfday, I'm gonna ignore the Pessamist
434 Poet of destruction and international hatred.It's a damned good thing he
435 doesn't represent all Americans, 'cos if he did, that would make the Ugl
436 y American the true stereotype.I wonder what we capatalist warmongers 
437 are said to be like in the soviet socialist republics!!!!!
438         I hope someone out there can reassure me that all Americans aren't
439 haters of the rest of the world as well!!!
440                                                       hoping not to be 
441                                                       horrified,
442                                                         Adric.
443 =============================================================================
444 Actually the Russians view us about the same as we view them. 
445 mazing what politics and peer pressure can do to warp peoples thinking.
446 And you thought that peer presure was just something for the kiddies.
447 Hardly, it is always there, it just gathers fancyer names and gets
448 more orginaized later in life, but it is always there. Others dictating
449 how yu are to think and feel about everything. Isn't life wonderful?
450 ========================= fred =============================================
451 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
452 Adric - Please continue...  I am reading with interest.  As for basic
453 writing mechanics, practice makes perfect.  I see a good story emerging...
454 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu
455 <o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o>
457          She stands there at the window,
458     looking out into the gloom of the night.  
459  I want to go to her and tell her I understand.  
460    I want to touch her, to tell her I'm there.  
461       I want to hold her, tell her I care.  
462           But I cannot,  I am nothing,  
463              an image without form.   
464               She  cannot  hear me.  
465                She cannot see me.  
466                  She cannot feel 
467                     my touch.  
468                      I don't
469                       exist
470                         .
472 <o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o>
474 God that's depressing, don't you ever write anything upbeat? Sheesh!
476 There once was a lady of Bright,
477 Who could travel much faster than light.
478 She left one day,
479 In a relative way.
480 And returned the previous night.
482 There once was a man of Breen,
483 Who had the fastest machine on the scene
484 Late one night,
485 when the cops weren't in site,
486 He blue shifted the red lights to green.
488 _________________________09.07.86____17.11______________0001.00______________p1
490  W .W .3
491 I hope i shall see
492 for who knowith of the 
493 coming of dejiess.
494 Death & Souls shall pay his tolls
495 for the power hell deeply hold.
496 With eye`s a blaze
497 and in a mindless daze
498 he shall conqure & win
499 the War of Sin.
501                        the KEEPER.
504 /  /  /  /  ?  /  /  ?  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /
505 FRED:  I'm glad that you think of the Soviets in that manner.  I find it inter-
506 esting that many people who use computers--people who are supposed to be looking
507 towards the future--are such nnarrow-minded and angry of 'them.'
508      To find someone that realizes that the distrust is basically mutual, and
509 ttherefore can be altered is a good sign.
510      I thank you...
511           *** STARPATH ***
512 /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /
513 ==============================================================================
514 I think you misjudge most computer types. Yes there are a some out in modem
515 land that have little knowledge of such things and indeed avoid the subject,
516 But I suspect that most of the ones you think of simple do not have enough
517 years under their belts to have gained knowledge of how the world really
518 works. There are very good reasons why a man is inducted into military service
519 at the young age of 18 or 19 and generally refuse beyond the age of 26. In
520 this case the younger the better, because the younger they are, the more
521 suseptable to the propaganda and brainwashing of the military. And that's
522 the point here, those who echo the blandishments of the popular media seldom
523 assume their own thoughts on matters. But as you grow in years that often 
524 changes as you begin to see it for what it is, an attempt by one peer group
525 to get you to think the way they want you to think. At that point in your 
526 life what usually happens is that you either fall in line and accept their
527 teachings as gospel, or learn to recognize it for what it is and take it
528 all with a grain of salt. Computer folk normally being of a more educated 
529 group usually are more often found in the later group. But don't assume 
530 that just because someone has a modem that they are automatically among
531 the computer lot. It simply means they have a modem, and at $100 or less these
532 days for a computer and modem it doesn't take much for anyone with even the 
533 slightest interest to get in. Thus we get those who must show their own
534 worth by the vandlistic response to the rest of the users. Because they have
535 found in their lives that if they can't get someone to notice them that by
536 doing such they can even if it is negative, at least they are noticed.
537 But we were speaking of computerists, keep in mind that they too are
538 subject to peer pressure, they have their own groups and concepts of what
539 should and shouldn't be done. Of what is right and what is wrong.
540 When a person will not accept the basic tenants of a group they seldom
541 stick around. If not because they don't like the company kept, then by
542 the group itself which rejects and expels a foreign and thereby unwanted
543 intruder. All things in life follow the basic tenants of life principal,
544 the need to reproduce and grow to gain dominance whereever one can. Be it
545 an individual, a group, or system of any sort all follow the life 
546 principle rules.
547 There, now that I've yakked on for a very lengthy period of time and said
548 really nothing I suppose I should shut up and let someone else have access
549 to the system.
551 Leaders lead, and workers work, it is the way of life.
552 ============================= fred =======================================
554 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||???????????????\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
556       We have a new user here, she wants to get on to the Backwash on a 
557 regular basis.....but, as yet she hasn't stepped up to the responsibilty 
558 of a modem.Ah well, as I know 'er an' she an' 'er worthy sis are yer, I 
559 brouhgt 'em up, hence the undecided border......Adric.
560 Now, let them speak for 'emselves, he both of 'em.............
562     Uh, well... Pleasure to be in the presence of such..(shall I say it?)
563 talent?
564 This will take some getting used to won't it?  Me friend, Adric, did say
565 I must be gettin meself a name.  As of now I shall simply be an annonymous
566 type people.
568 hi <I'm the better half the two<(otherwise known as the younger)  I really
569 have no idea of what to write and I am feeling utterly stupid.  oh well that's life living in the
570 fast lane.  SNORT.
571 well the old hag of us two just gave me a wonderful idea.  (to entirely 
572 slew insults at the one who once did the same to me.  HA ha ha!!!!!  This 
573 is the one who has the entire animal population living on her scalp.  
574 She is now informing me that it is time to leave but to hell with her!
576 Hmmm.  There I went introducing me younger sibling to a good (?) friend, who also be a younger 
577 sibling himself....  Saints, but the abuse I do endure.  Ah ha, but who holds
578 the car keys tonight, eh?
579 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
583                              Well, whilst they are a trifle unusual, they've
584 genuine, and interestin' to be around, 'cos their fights remind me 'o me an' me
585 bruvver, an' so I sticks up for de wee'un, so if all goes well, she'll have
586 a series of crushing remarks soon enough added to her present arsenal......
588     (Allowing that her Amazonian sister don't deck me first!!!)
589 That being a SERIOUS possibility, I'm getting the hell out of..Ouch!Damn it
590 Why do elder siblings follow Hitler youth so close as to get all the
591 up-to-date torture methods????
594                                        Running very quickly,
595                                          Adric.
596 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
598                                !!!!!The Amazon strikes again!!!!
600 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
601 I must say, Amazon, that that was very corny... but oh well.   We all know
602 that Amazons have brains in their tails (like dinosaurs, of course)  (You
603 did know that it was younger siblings that made them go extinct in the first
604 place)
606                                           -Zola
607 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------O
608 Well, I suppose I should finish off this disk. 
609 Only a few lines left.
610 Golly, what to say. 
611 I'm really at a loss.
612 Anybody have any ideas? Oh... it's at the end already... oh well.....