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1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ************************* INSTALLED: 29 JUN 86 *********************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 no restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 to leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 *********************************************************** 19 20 HI KIDS!... GUESS WHAT TIME IT IS? 21 22 I BE HERE... 23 I WAS HERE... 24 HEE YA 25 HELLO WHOEVER 26 Well, I almost made it to the top this time. maybe next time... 27 28 ZARDOZ 29 {+|+} <029> 860630^0002 30 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 31 Doctor: 'Toccata and Fugue in D Minor' sounds much better on home stereo 32 probably because it isn't drowned out by your lawn-mower engine in the 33 landslug... :-) ). Now all I need is a better stereo. 34 Argh, nearly 12:30 and I must work tomorrow. ("I owe, I owe, so off to work 35 I go...")I Buenos noches, 36 ++++++++++++++++++++ Milchar ++++++++++++ June 30, 1986 @ 12:24am +++++++++++ 37 969696969 38 AND WHAT ABOUT THAT PENNY HARRINGTON AND HER HUSBAND GARY??? what 39 an incredible sense of humor they both seem to possess. Let us all rally 40 behind her as the shining fine example of administrative competence she 41 OBVIOUSLY demonstrates. Of course, If she was a man she wouldn't have had 42 the chance to show us all how the best 43 woman for a job is a female. 44 969696969 45 MIKEY: Assembler source would be appreciated. For that matter, I'd *really* 46 like a copy of the source to the ROMS in this beast. That way I can 47 borrow' routines & save valuable RAM. 48 see you at the meeting! 49 ___06/30/86__________Leonard_JD 2446612.5687_________18:38:58_PDT_______ 50 51 **************************************************************** 52 Leonard: Unfortunatly, I don't have the source to those ROMS. I don't have 53 source to anything close. The best I have is the listing you have. I don't 54 know if Joe has anything close either. He might have the source to the 55 "house" PROMs, which were the ones used for developement, and is basicly 56 the listing you have. Either way, I'll bring you two disks Thr, one with 57 the assembler, and one with the latest utilities, which you can do with 58 as you please. 59 ********************* CISTOP MIKEY ********************************** 60 P.S. why does 9393 not answer? 61 HI Mikey; are you there? This is Bill G., the sign maker. 62 how are things going (i.e. job hunting). 63 64 ****************************************************** 65 Hi Bill! Been a while. What's been going on? 66 **************** CISTOP MIKEY *********************** 67 +++++++++++++Milchshiftingintolurkmode+++++++++++++++++ 11:08pm June 30, 1986 68 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (9393) 69 Mikey, there is a reason why the line doesn't answer... I'm not there. 70 for the longest time (mmm, about four weeks) I've been whisked off to some 71 soul satisfying retreat. And I took all the hardware with me. Ha! Who 72 says you can't take it with you? Anyway, I shall be returning, hardware 73 in tow, by the end of the week. (Hear that the rest of you?) 74 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->the Guardian (181:03) 75 76 ............ ............. ............. ............. 77 Fellows: One of these days you must return to Macrobius[sp]. Important. 78 Secretary should fill you in on what you don't already know. 79 Parity: Boo. 80 ............ ............. ............. ............. 81 -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. 82 Milchar: I've got your tee-shirt, and I'm holding it for ransom. If 83 you want it, you'll have to come up with 3,291 box tops from 84 Faker Oats Natural Rat Flakes (with seven essential entrails). I'll 85 be waiting to hear from you... 86 -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu 87 (%$_)#*%_@)#*%)@_*^_)!*^%_)*%_!)#%*_!)#%_)@#&^_)*&^_#)&^!_)^&_#)^*_^&!_#)^_^)*!^&!_)^@$_)&^_)^&!#_^ 88 Mikey: Yes, mng gave me the disk and now I can MM to my hearts content. I tried the first three 89 menus but didn't find the exact one I needed yet. I'm working with a Z80 SBC (z80 cpu, sio, clock, 90 dma, etc) with a good old WD controller. It must be a strange CPM because I have had very little 91 trouble in the past talking to machines like this. Four more menus to go, but the last couple won't 92 do me any good. As of now, we are not missing any files. The last archive disk was 75 (apr 5th), so 93 if 76 and 77 are ready, we'll bring the cash, WON'T WE FELLOW ARCHIVERS? See you at the meeting 94 Thursday. I suppose we should be buying the pizza in honor of your new job! 95 %)_#@*%)_*)%_*@#%_)*!)_%*!)_% L'homme sans Parity *)@#*%*!)_*%)_!*%_)!*%_)!*%*%*%!_)*%^&$(^&@()*%@# 96 - - - - - - - - - - - - 97 98 99 PARLEY VOUS FRANCAIS? OF COURSE, MOUSSIER. 100 I can speak a little French. Words like cordon bleau, tete a 101 tete, parley vous Francais. How about entre vous? Literally 102 translated, doesn't that mean: ENTER, YOU! If you ask me that doesn't 103 seem very polite. Hmmm... I wonder how you say please in French. 104 strange how I know words like Escargot - baked snails - but not how to 105 say please. I guess the French just aren't a polite people. That's a 106 lot like the Mexican I've heard on T.V. They'll give a sampling of 107 Mexican (Spanish) words and a thick Mexican accent so I get the 108 flavor, the essence - if you will - of the setting... bull!... 109 For example, here is an actual Mexican conversation. 110 111 Americano: Where is Senorita Maria? 112 Mexican: Senorita Maria is up in her uncle's hacienda with Don 113 Carlos, senor. The bandalitosCare following them. 114 Americano: You're sure? 115 Mexican: Si. 116 117 xcuse me, but what kind of Spanish is that? I know many first-year 118 panish students who can speak better than this supposedly fluent 119 exican. I think the filmmakers are trying for effect when they drop 120 his pseudo-Spanish on us, but why couldn't they be consistent? Pick 121 NE language, guys, and stick with it! More often than not, they'll 122 hrow in a Spanish word I don't know and then I only understand half 123 f what was said. I imagine a Mexican watching the same show would 124 ndersand the other half. 125 Because of this, I have to hand it to Japanese movies. When they 126 ake a movie, they do it all in Japanese. If Americans want to see 127 t, they can dub in English... and we do. There's none of this 128 ubbing in every other word, because half of it was already in 129 nglish. No, they do the whole thing in Japanese. They're not 130 oncerned with being 'international' like we are. Bravo, senors 131 apanese. 132 German is a lot like Mexican. They use the thick accent and a 133 ew German words, like: Kapitan, danke schoen and sauer kraut. 134 espite all this, I think the most well-know German phrase is Heil 135 itler. ...Pathetic... 136 Italians just talk fast. They use words too, but fortunately 137 hey're all food. Words like: spagghetti, fettuccine, lasagna, garlic 138 read, etc... I think I'll award Italian the most delicious language 139 ward. With words like Escargot, French certainly didn't give any 140 ompetition in this category. 141 Latin is like Spanish and German, except that it is used more in 142 ooks than in movies. They have the common abbreviations like i.e., 143 irca, et al, etc... These are usually used in writing to confuse the 144 eader. You see, Spanish, German and French dictionaries are readily 145 vailable to many people. But when was the last time you saw a Latin 146 ictionary? Hard to come by, aren't they? I think this is why Latin 147 s considered the language of intellectuals. Only the people with 148 ood memories can remember any of it. Also, Latin is a dead language. 149 Nobody speaks it anymore. It is just used in reading and writing. 150 nd as we all know reading and writing are dead these days. The last 151 hing that bugs me about Latin is that it has less to do with English 152 han many people think, yet it is ingrained in our national heritage. 153 ook at any U.S. coin and the words e. pluribus unum are emblazoned 154 ratted line noise and ctrl-c's ugh 155 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 156 ne man's drat is another man's thankyou! 157 ?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?) 158 It was one of those hot summer nights, the kind you only get in 159 he Big City. I tossed back and forth in bed, looking for a cool spot 160 n the pillow. I had thrown the blankets off sometime during the 161 ight, and lay now sweating out in the open. I'm the kind of person 162 hat just can't get back to sleep once I wake up. So I climbed out of 163 ed and looked out the window to see the black skyline of the city 164 ighlighted against the glow of the sky. The cries of the Big City 165 roiling in the summer heat drifted up to my third story apartment 166 here a red neon sign flashed outside my window. I live in one of 167 hose cheap hotels. You know, the kind couples rent for the night 168 fter coming out of a bar across the street. 169 I put on my clothes, getting ready for a late-night walk down 170 hird Avenue. I locked the door to my room realizing, of course, that 171 he rusted hinges could be easily broken by any Big City lowlife. The 172 ords 'John Winchester P.I.' were hand printed on the door. That's 173 e, John Winchester, the best P.I. this side of the Big City river. I 174 alked past the desk clerk on the way out. He didn't glance up from 175 eading some cheap book. 176 I walked out the the door of the hotel and headed for the bar 177 cross the street. I don't drink much myself, but I was looking for 178 ome life outside my room. The smoke-filled bar room contained an 179 ssortment of social classes. I sat down at the bar and ordered a 180 in. Halfway through my drink a frightened woman passed behind me and 181 hispered into my ear "please help, men are following me." 182 After getting a closer look at her, I thought I knew why men were 183 ollowing her. Then I noticed two thugs calmly following her out. 184 fter seeing the bulge of a gun underneath one of their suits, I 185 ealized her body wasn't the only thing attracting them. Not being 186 ne to refuse a woman in distress, I cautiously followed the two thugs 187 ut the door. Besides, this is how I get most of my business. As I 188 eered around the edge of the door, they were already grabbing her and 189 orcing her in front of them. 190 I stepped up to the nearest one, who fortunately had the pistol 191 n his right side. Having formerly been a pickpocket, I skillfully 192 ifted the weapon, implanted it in his back and wrapped my left arm 193 bout his neck. 194 "Don't move and release the girl." 195 The other thug, seeing his partner in jeopardy, let her go. 196 "Don't make a sound and go back inside the bar." I ordered. 197 I released the thug and they both obeyed without speaking a word. 198 I kept the gun for safety. I have had so much practice with Big City 199 lime that I rarely get in fights myself. 200 I quickly took the lady to my office across the street, where I 201 new the thugs hadn't seen me gone. If there's one thing I hate, it's 202 uys who think they're tough and if there's one thing I love, it's 203 omen. 204 205 ?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?) J.W. (?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?) 206 207 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 208 GJZAL PDPTC PDUXG DRAC^ ADEUE PA\DF LDVJX PANPD \XIAD DPTAD CYX^A DFEDS TCPHB FDNXG RIDJA NX^AJ [\_DV RACEA D[C_D CRSCU 209 ED[C_ DJA\A \YAJD PXDPU VADXM MDYAM XJAHB EFZLF LZDXM MDPXD GVICP ADPTA DEUEP A\[\_ HB 210 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 211 \@FOA [N@D_ PTFED FEDPT ADMFJ EPDPF \ADPT CPDF[ E_^AD YAALD X@LDE FLNAD 212 SAI[\ HBOVG ]VJ]F @UD@_ _CPD[ VXNV@ FD_VI P@[R[ HB_R_ AXLC@ J@IHB 213 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 214 gee, kinda dead here.... 215 ____07/04/86__________________JD 2446616.6740_________21:10:36_PDT_____ 216 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 217 Emu: Aha, I *knew* that sucker would show up eventually. Alas, Estacada is a 218 long way off and I think it's too heavy to put on a carrier pigeon. Perhaps 219 PorSFiS on the 12th? Or mayhap somewhere with memories, such as CH 53? Name 220 a place and time, I'm collecting boxtops. 221 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milchar ++++++ July 5, 1986 @ 12:15am +++++++++ 222 {+|+} <222> 860705^1250 223 {+|+} <223> 860706^0303 224 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. 225 Where is PorSFiS meeting nowadays? Perhaps I could drop in briefly to 226 make the exchange. I guess I need to know what time, too... 227 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu 228 {+|+} <228> 860706^1257 229 PorSFiS is meeting in the Bonneville Power Administration building Auditorium. 230 Meetings are still at 2pm. 231 ____07/06/86__________Leonard_JD 2446618.3503_________13:24:25_PDT_________ 232 help 233 ? 234 235 236 .-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-G2PENDRAGON:CALL 237 G2.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-. 238 G2PRINCE DRAGON 239 240 .-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=- 241 242 #$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$# 243 With a violent motion that strained seatbelts, Farley twisted the wheel with 244 the skill that comes with NET training, no matter how brief. Several near- 245 collisions and white hairs later, Farley brought the van to a stop on a 246 deserted side street and paused to wipe sweat clear from his eyes. 247 Elsewhere- 248 IAN4 scanned the RD's communications COMSET station with what would have been 249 a satisfied look if an android were capable of such. Somewhat earlier, it had 250 paid a visit to NET's vehicle division and modified a particular van. It 251 finished its task by placing a violet-colored cartridge back in its resting 252 place. With a quick turn, it moved to the wall that IAN1-3 and IAN5-6 rested 253 against in their niches. It placed itself carefully with its own niche, and 254 set itself for timed awakening. Click. 255 Still somewhere else- 256 Nick Douglas was storming about one of the Experimental sections, angry that 257 precious time had been wasted on a service call for a robot assembly arm that 258 was in perfect working order. Probably someone's idiotic excuse for a joke, he 259 thought to himself as he neared his own workstation again. 260 Back at the van- 261 "James, how did you know...?" Farley whispered, beads still shining on his 262 forehead. 263 "Gut feeling, Eugene. I get them sometimes. Also, I thought I saw a fat guy 264 messing around near the vans as we were doin' the paperwork." 265 Farley thought for a moment. "Something's fishy here. Call the Vehicle 266 section on the COMSET, we've got to get back to HQ." 267 #$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$# Farley #$##$##$# 86:07:06:22:32:20 #$##$# 268 {+|+} <268> 860707^0821 269 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 270 271 "You know this circuit, Parity?" Fellows could barely get the words out. 272 The CD/ROM case whirred away. Two seconds went by. Parity didn't answer. "We 273 can't let this one get away. We have to get those discs, if they are in 274 there." Two more seconds. 275 Parity wasn't paying attention to Fellows. He had enough on his mind. The 276 NET was building state-of-the-art booby-traps these days. The only thing that 277 could save both the agents and the contents was the training NET gave was also 278 state-of-the-art. 279 "Fellows, this is E11, right?" 280 "Yea..yes. You'll need to..." 281 "I know. Hand me the s-free clips. Then get the cutters ready. We have to 282 get the case detached from the explosive mechanism. Start prying the container 283 with whatever you can find." 284 Fellows quickly put aside his fears. "Twenty seconds." With a large screw- 285 driver and a Kershaw knife, Fellows began loosening the CD/ROM container from 286 the rest of the case. Parity continued on the component board, searching for 287 a way to breach the circuit protection and disconnect the firing mechanism. 288 "Fifteen seconds, Parity." 289 "Don't give me any damned James Bond count-down! How are you coming on 290 the case." 291 "Don't worry about me. Stick that fuse!" 292 The only sound in the room was the whir of the timer, the clatter of 293 instruments, and two men breathing hard. The later was ten seconds away from 294 being replaced by a deafening explosion, then deathly silence. 295 "Parity, I got the container!" 296 "Ok, five seconds? Screw the bomb. Open the patio door and duck!" 297 Fellows was closest to the door. He hit the latch, flung the door open, 298 just as what was left of the carrying case flew past his head and out the 299 window. Fellows could see it start to make its descent towards Las Vegas Blvd. 300 South as he hit the wall-to-wall carpeting. The sound of the blast reached 301 his ears just as the device went out of sight. The concussion took out all 302 the windows in the room, as flying glass went everywhere. Fellows could feel 303 debris strike all along his body despite his prostrate position. A sudden 304 sharp pain in his side caused him to shudder. 305 "Dammit Parity! I didn't duck enough." 306 "Glad to hear you are mostly Ok, Fellows. Can you stand?" Parity bent 307 over his friend, his smile disappearing as his eyes fell on Fellows' wound. 308 "Doesn't look too bad, but there's plenty of blood. What did Ian use to call 309 these? Flesh wounds?" 310 "Haha Parity. I'm glad to see you still have your sense of humor. Now help 311 me up." Parity gave Fellows the requested hand. Fellows cringed as he tried to 312 stand upright. "It's worse than you thought, doctor. We better get out of here, 313 shouldn't we?" 314 "Yes. Lean here while I collect our stuff." In seconds, Parity had 315 collected the CD/ROM container, the COMSET, and both agent's packs. "Ok, lean 316 on me. I don't want another run-in with Las Vegas's finest." 317 "Got ya. Say, are those sirens I hear?" The familiar wail of law enforcement 318 and fire vehicles could be heard coming up the boulevard. "We don't have much 319 time. Get us outta here!" 320 "Settle down Fellows. I think you might be going in to shock. The rental 321 car is in the basement. We'll take an elevator down. You just had to much 322 to drink in the penthouse bar. No problem." 323 "And the blood?" 324 "Well, you know how those penthouse bar-fights can get pretty messy." 325 "Parity, we got it didn't we?" 326 "Yes, Fellows. The CD's are ours. And we didn't even get a scratch." 327 Fellows didn't answer. Parity dragged his friend to the elevator, which by 328 some stretch of the imagination, was standing open, waiting for them. 329 330 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 331 332 11:55:45 07/07/86 333 14:11:38 07/07/86 334 <324> ^070786 1413 335 Mikey: believe it or not, the SA III is actually going to be used for it's 336 original purpose. I've got a minor job to do for a friend, but it involves 337 a lot of data entry. Since his machine doesn't have the storage capacity 338 required, but does have terminal capability I'm gonna loan him the SAIII. 339 Then I can load all the data into one of my machines here & work on it. 340 ____07/07/86__________Leonard_JD 2446619.5869_________19:05:07_PDT_________ 341 342 343 I HAVE FINALLY FOUND IT. I KNOW WHAT IT IS! AFTER ALL THESE YEARS, 344 THIS SEEMINGLY ETERNITY OF SEARCHING...SEARCHING FOR TRUTH, FOR MEANING... 345 THE ANSWERS TO ALL OF LIFE'S QUESTIONS. I HAVE FINALLY LEARNED THE ANSWER. 346 I KNOW WHAT IT IS TO LIVE AND I UNDERSTAND WHY WE LIVE, HOW WE LIVE. I 347 KNOW THE ANSWER TO MAN'S MOST BASIC QUESTION: WHAT IS LIFE? 348 HOW LONG HAS MAN TRIED TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION? HOW LONG HAVE PHILOSOPHERS 349 SEARCHED FOR THE ANSWER AND ONLY TO HAVE POOR LITTLE ME FIGURE IT OUT? 350 I KNOW! I KNOW! WHAT A DISCOVERY! 351 352 THE ANSWER TO THE QUESTION: WHAT IS LIFE? IS SO OBVIOUS IT COULD BE HARD 353 TO OVERLOOK, YET MAN HAS DONE IT FOR SO LONG BEFORE I HAPPENED BY TO KNOW 354 THE ANSWER. AND WHAT IS THE ANSWER? I WOULDN'T BE A PHILOSOPHER IF I TOLD 355 YOU, BUT LIKE I SAID, I'M NOT A PHILOSOPHER. SO I WILL TELL YOU WHAT LIFE IS. 356 357 ----> LIFE IS A CABARET <---- 358 359 WISE MAN 360 361 362 363 >>>>>>> AND HERE I ALWAYS THOUGHT THE ANSWER WAS 42....<<<<<<< 364 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 365 366 Gentlemen, 367 368 A first stage risk-alert has been declared. Tenative date of conflict 369 is currently Saturday July 12,1986 7:30 PM. The aggressor from Tacoma will 370 provide confirmation of sacrifice by 6:00 PM 07/10/86. Address and RSVP phone 371 to be posted at that time. 372 The Red Plague returns. 373 374 :::::::::::Alex::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 375 SO LIFE'S A CABARET... I'VE ALWAYS SUSPECTED SO. IF TOMMY TUNE SHOWS UP HERE I'LL KI 376 377 LL MYSELF. 378 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>>><><><><><><><><>>< 379 **************************************************************** 380 Oh please, please, don't kill yourself on my account. Tommy Tune 381 **************************************************************** 382 No, No, No!!! Life is a banquet and 383 most poor bastards are starving to 384 death!!!!! 385 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 386 Lifes a long song -Tull 387 Alex: I think I still owe you some cash, $150 to be exact, are you at the same 388 address you were at around a year or so ago? [Second floor, overlooking swimming 389 390 pool, near Henry ??] 391 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/MiG 392 ()#@*%_!)*!_)$*_)(_)#(%!+(%)!_%(#*%^&@)#_&!*!_)%*%(+_%*%&_)!%&!_)*_*%!+_(_!+(%*_)%!%*_)%*_)%*!_%*_)&%*!_)%*_%_)&^$_^&_)#%*_) 393 Riskers : Did you hear that? The Red Plague rises again. We thought we had beaten it back before, using military genius 394 and nuclear weapons. We thought we had sent the Red Plague back to the sea, or Japan at least. But no, an ugly head 395 rises in the west. A head of red. A head of death and destruction who would march through Europe, America, Asia, Africa, 396 and Scandahoovia, untouched, unchallenged, and unmatched. This, comrades, can not happen. We must rise to the challenge red 397 has offered us. Yes! Shine up your n-launchers. Prepare the troops. Practice your sixes. There comes a time for every man to 398 come to the aid of his color, be it green, yellow, white, black, or blue. 399 Red : Your challenge has been answered. The Green Horde will relay address and time information and will coordinate appropriate 400 transportation. You have been warned! 401 *%)*%_)%*!_)%*&#^_)%&!_)%*!#%_!&^_!) L'homme sans Parity *&%_#&!%!%*_)^*_)^*)_)*#)^@^*&@^*@^*^&$_)^&_^*@^*_)^*^&)&*@^_)@*^ 402 [O O] -- lurkin' 1 403 L'Homme: I also am readying my massive armies and my n-launchers. The Red plague shall not survive this day. 404 The Purple army has arrived! 405 -DK- 406 :) 407 L'homme: That's about the stupidest entry I've ever seen you make. I can't 408 believe anyone would actually think that it's funny! Ha Ha! 409 Wise Guy 410 411 Ahhh... I woyse guy, eh? -Curly- 412 413 414 MIKEY, CENSORSHIP GOES AGAINST ALL BASIC DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES. YOU GO THROUGH 415 THE WHOLE DISK AND DELETE WHAT PEOPLE SAY, IF YOU JUST DON'T LIKE IT. IT 416 DOESN'T HAVE TO BE PROFANE TO BE DELETED. YOU JUST DELETE WHAT YOU FEEL LIKE 417 ON A WHIM! SURE IT IS YOUR PRIVATE SYSTEM, BUT YOU AREN'T GOD. I'M WILLING 418 TO BET NO ONE BUT MIKEY WILL EVER SEE THIS, BUT IF ONLY MIKEY SEES IT, THEN 419 I HAVE HAD MY SAY. 420 421 422 Anyone remember the number to PSU (computer line). I used to have it 423 memorized but now it's forgotten. Thanks in advance, 424 Jim B. 425 <><><><><><><><<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 426 OK LIFE'S A BANQUET AND TOMMY TUNE'S NOT GOING TO SHOW, BUT I FORGOT TO MAKE RESERVATIONS... 427 428 D.G. 429 <><><><><>><><><><><><><><><><>>><><><><><><><><><<><><><><><><><><><><> 430 G2.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=- 431 CALL 432 G2PENDRAGON PENDRAGON 433 G2 CALL 434 435 436 G2 PRINCE DRAGON TODAY 437 438 TNX 439 440 G2.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-. 441 You are confusing censorship with editorial rights. Censorship is *someone else* 442 telling Mikey what he can or cannot allow on *his* equipment. An editor has the 443 absolute right to not print items that do not meet with his approval. He (and/or 444 the publisher) are supplying the "soapbox". 445 If you don't wish to place items that Mikey finds objectionable on a BBS, find 446 one that will accept them or set up your own. 447 Freedom of the press (or BBS) does not mean that you can force someone to 448 print your views. It means that *they* can choose what does or does not 449 get printed. 450 Before you try to drag freedom of speech into it, please let me remind you 451 that Freedom of Speech says that you can say what you like (and be liable 452 for any libelous comments). It does not say that I have to let you say it 453 on my private property. 454 If you can't abide by the (extremely few) rules that Mikey sets, then you are 455 "tresspassing". 456 ____07/08/86__________Leonard_JD 2446620.5428_________18:01:39_PDT_________ 457 458 DA 459 BREAK 460 HELP 461 What in the ... am i trying to do here ?!!!!!!!!!! Q! 462 463 I sat down to show my Daughter how nice of a system this was and all I could do 464 465 was except the humiliation. 466 So I told her to just leave a message of any sort ; but she seems to be to shy so I'll leave one for her. Is there any body o 467 Is there any body out there that punches holes in their walls, drools 468 , has heart poputations, and ....... over a dude by the name of "ROB LOWW"??? 469 P.S. No offense to this system ment, I just dont no how to get around. 470 Signd:MICROBRAIN via DANATONA 471 ::::::::O O::::::::7/8::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::20:28::::::O O::::::: 472 Alex: uh, yeah, what L'homme said, more or less. 473 Like sheep to the slaughter..... 474 :::::::O O:::::::::::::::::::::::::voyeur:::::::::::::::::::::::::::O O:::::::: 475 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 476 ????????????????? THE DOCTOR JUST LURKIN... ????????????????????????????? 477 *$@#%@%_))*%!%*!_%*!+%()(%+!(%+_!%_!(%*+%!_%(!+%(!%(+_*^*$_^@^*_)^*#^@^@_^*@_^ 478 Ahem, so I did get just a *little* excited over the impending risk game. But 479 hey, wise guy, that's no reason to insult. In fact, of all the names I have 480 ever seen on this system, yours is the strangest because it is such a 481 MISNOMER! Wise? 482 voyeur: No more sheep jokes, fleece? 483 *%)_#%*!_*%)!_)*_^*_)^*@#^_)^*!_) L'homme sans Parity %*)%*@_!)%*_!)%*!)*%!%*% 484 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (rights and lefts) 485 __JD_Leonard__ - You almost made it sound, by choice of preposition, that 486 this was _your_ system. Ah, but we know better... (Just 487 kidding; couldn't resist.) 488 L'homme sans Parity - The MU 92 seems to have a mind of its own... It had 489 enough spunk in it to put forth your latest entrance 490 into The Lift, then it decided to go lame again. Shades of Tabor! I was 491 not amused and am put slightly aback as to the source of my woes. 492 I sure hope C.R. at E.I. (or just 'cr@ei') is a patient sort of guy. 493 494 Kids & Lad - Is this project of interest to be a once-a-month venture 495 towards completion? If so I'll just scribble down my ideas 496 as to a few bells and whistles... Cutesy stuff, just one-liners of course. 497 498 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->the Guardian (189:??) 499 500 "Well yea, people deserve their rights... Although a couple stiff jabs 501 from the left to the jaw wouldn't be a bad idea for some guys I have in 502 mind." F. West 503 BUT THAT WAS THREE LINES!!!!!!! 504 505 {+|+} <505> 860709^1832 506 ____07/09/86__________________JD 2446621.6088_________19:36:52_PDT_________ 507 [O O] -- lurkin' 2 508 I have one question...what the **** is Risk? How do you play???? 509 510 511 Risk? The classic world strategy and conquest game? Fabulous! Stupendous! 512 In order to play, why don't you visit Parker Bros. They make it, I think. 513 514 RISK RISK RISK RISK RISK RISK RISK RISK RISK 515 Is a classic experience that pits the minds of normal gentlemen against each 516 other. Of course whenever gentlemen are pitted against each other, they 517 seldom stay gentle, and begin lobbing armies and warheads 'gainst their 518 neighbors with reckless abandon. Women are not above such actions also. 519 Many a female has lost her cool when threatening armies draw close. All in 520 all, it makes good family fun. 521 RISK RISK RISK RISK RISK RISK RISK RISK RIKS 522 523 524 525 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- 526 The mere fact the Mikey makes this system public is in fact no right 527 giving act. However, the users of the system, in past comments, have 528 left comments that tend to show that most anything is really allowed 529 on BWMS. Within reason of course. Profanity and the like would be 530 expectantly deleted, however I have seen messages and other commnts 531 that are'nt in any way negative or anti-BWMS that become delted twenty-four 532 hours after they are seemly entered. I think the persone who left the 533 (I mean person) censorship message was trying to get the point across that 534 it seem as if only Mikey and his cronies get there messages left on the 535 system. I personally have left messages of non-profane, non-comie and in no way anti-BWMS to friends and seen them 536 deleted 24 or 48 later. Why? Thats the true question here. Why are 537 such innocent messages deleted? I'm not the only one to whom this has 538 happened. I'm not saying that I demand the right to use Mikey's personal 539 equiptment, only that if the system is advertised as being so open as 540 the log on message states, why are Non-Mikey cronies messages being 541 deleted??? If he wants a system for him and his cronies like "JD" why does'nt 542 he make it a closed system with a log on password system and only give 543 passwords to his croonies. then people like me would have no means by 544 which to bitch and he would be free of the need to edit all the time!! He also 545 would be free of twit problems!! Or is the problem that some people have 546 this huge craving for having there name in lights. Being listed on other 547 BBS'es with headings like "Mike Day -- system operator". 548 549 BAC... 550 551 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- 552 553 oooooooo.....harsh words. 554 The wardrums beat in the distance! 555 [O O] -- lurkin' 3 556 BAC... Where are all these messages of yours? I never see them and I log on 557 here quite a bit. I am not one of the cronies as you so elequently call them, 558 but I have never had a message deleted. The only stuff I have seen deleted 559 have been blatent sexual, abusive, or threatening messages against Mike and 560 other users of this system. You might compare this excellent record to some 561 of the kid-operated Apple and Commodore boards in town where any messages 562 berating the host computer or software are quickly deleted and the person who 563 left the message flamed and/or deleted from the user roster. The sparks on 564 backwater are trivial compared to some of the childishness seen on boards 565 like Tellstar, Atari club, Hacker Jack, and various AE boards. If you want 566 censorship and excitement, I suggest you take your autodialer over there. 567 As for leaving multi-line diatribes on alleged censorship here, you'll find 568 a system that has as few rules as BWMS is the most open system in town when 569 it comes to the antics of computer users. I don't call the immature adult- 570 boards like REBEL, which means you can swear and tell dirty jokes and boast 571 about your endowment, open boards. I call them kid boards. Just look at 572 their audience. Open your eyes and look at the number of systems you can 573 gain access to in this metro area. Do you still feel a need to be a pain 574 in the ass here? 575 ---------------------long time lurker----------------------------------------- 576 YES. 577 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 578 579 580 Gentlemen, 581 582 We are Go for Saturday night. 583 584 Those who wish to bring VOL do so at risk <<RISK>> of life and limb. 585 586 RSVP at a somewhat reasonable hour at 293-xxxx ... 587 588 L'homme - challange accepted. 589 vouarrg ent.only 590 voyeur- how about some spirit ? ( heh...heh ) 591 Leo - ? ? ? any funny dice ? 592 MiG - Yes & No 593 594 ::::::::::Alex:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 595 596 BAC: From your comment regarding "24 to 48 hours later", I suspect that your 597 msgs were merely shifted to drive B. This happens whenever the disk gets full 598 or neraly full. It is also possible that your messages were victims of the 599 (few) times that Mikey forgot to put the system back in ENTER ONLY after 600 removing garbage (such as a disk full of carriage returns). In ALL ALLOWED 601 mode *anyone* may delete msgs.... 602 By the way, have you ever seen your msgs after you've logged off? If not, 603 you may have forgotten to go back to the Command prompt (">") and type OFF. 604 If you just hang up, your msg may not be saved. 605 Alex: looks like I can make it. How about a few 30-sided dice? 606 ____07/10/86__________Leonard_JD 2446622.6146_________19:45:04_PDT________ 607 ps the name is Leonard, the JD is part of the marker (identifies the rather 608 long number). 609 ______________________________________________________________________________ 610 ???????????????????????????? THE DOCTOR LURKIN' ????????????????????????? 611 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu 612 {+|+} <614> 860711^0819 613 PREPARE THE CANNON FODDER. CAN SHEEP BE FAR BEHIND? 614 {+|+} <616> 860711^0948 615 [O O] -- LURKIN' 4 616 MIKEY, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DIDN'T CHANGE THE DISK WHEN IT IS THIS FULL. 617 Yes! And welcome back folks, to the Quality Teen BBS Show! tadatada tadatada 618 It's time again to recount our stories about those quality systems running 619 around this town. And tonights show has a great line-up. Just listen to this: 620 621 Alhanbra 631-xxxx always busy Black Star 245-xxxx busy 622 Bush Master 629-xxxx always busy Dark Realm 297-xxxx busy 623 Digitron 284-xxxx voice Fido Dog 288-xxxx voice 624 Robak 665-xxxx voice Sequel 659-xxxx ring 625 SPECS 657-xxxx ring Surf country 245-xxxx ring 626 The Count 668-xxxx ring Zoron 252-xxxx busy 627 Vacuum 642-xxxx ring T-Comm 636-xxxx busy Road House 286-xxxx busy !!!!!!!!!!