💾 Archived View for gemini.spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › messages › BACKWATER › bw860609.txt captured on 2022-07-17 at 09:14:46.
⬅️ Previous capture (2022-06-12)
1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 ************************* INSTALLED: 9 JUN 86 ************************ 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 Mikey: 21 I've been checking prices on the parts for the board. There sure is a lot of 22 variation. Only two ads list 1771's. One wants $15.95, the other $4.95! 23 ____06/09/86__________Leonard_JD 2446591.7922_________23:00:50___________ 24 {+|+} <024> 860610^0029 25 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppstill lurking peacefullyppppppppppppppppppppppppp 26 {+|+} <026> 860610^0814 27 7e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e1 28 29 "That will be $40.90 sir." The desk clerk smiled as Parity reached for 30 his wallet and handed over two twenties and a one-spot. 31 "Keep the change." smiled the agent. 32 "Oh no sir, this could be your lucky dime. You ought to try it in one of 33 our slot machines." returned the clerk. 34 "Come on Parity," continued Fellows, standing behind Parity and carrying 35 the CD/ROM case, "give it a try. One never knows, does one?" 36 "Of course, 'one' never knows. Sure I'll take the dime. Thank you very 37 much for your kind service." 38 "My pleasure. I hope you enjoy your stay at the Westward Ho." 39 40 "Slot machines, eh? What a colossal waste of money Fellows. Do you 41 realize the chances of winning anything are..." 42 "Astronomical Parity. Which is precisely why you should try. Hey, what's 43 one stinkin' dime anyway?" 44 Parity shrugged. "OK, lead the way, oh gambler of the west." 45 46 The two agents walked past one set of slot machines. "What about these?" 47 Parity asked. 48 "No, not yet. We want the slots on the other side of the casino. They 49 recently redid this place you know. It's at least three times as big as it 50 used to be." 51 "Now wait a minute Fellows. I thought you hadn't been here in awhile. On 52 the plane you said..." 53 "On the plane I said I hadn't tried to fill an inside straight in awhile, 54 I never said anything about other forms of easy money." 55 "Easy money? Fellows, I think we need to have a talk. This gam..." 56 "Not now OK? Besides, I want a drink." 57 58 Parity could not believe his eyes. Sitting in the middle of the casino 59 was a large fountain. Champagne instead of water flowed through its intricate 60 works. Dipping glasses were neatly arranged on a white linen-covered table 61 next to the fountain. 62 "Partake Parity!" Fellows motioned towards the fountain. Parity obliged, 63 got a glass, dipped it in the fountain, swirled the champagne in the glass 64 the prescribed amount, and took a sip. 65 "Well? How it is? Never thought champagne from a fountain could taste 66 so good?" By this time, Fellows had also readied a glass and was now drinking. 67 "Hmmm." Parity wrinkled up his noes and took another sip. "Oh, it IS 68 passable, just not up to what I'm used to. But rest assured it is the best 69 champagne I've ever had from a fountain. Leave it to Las Vegas to have such 70 a contraption." 71 "Come on, the slots are over this way, next to CA-fae." Fellows took 72 Parity by the arm and pulled him along. While walking, Parity spied one of 73 the many high-stakes blackjack tables. 74 Blackjack, Parity thought to himself. 75 76 "Finally, here we are." Twenty slot machines lined the wall just outside 77 the entrance to the main casino. A fancy eatery, CA-fae, complete with 78 latticed walls, attractive tilework, ceiling fans, and lots of ferns stood 79 to the left of the slot machines. 80 "After you spend your dime, we'll go get something to eat." 81 Parity picked a machine that was not occupied, gave the sack containing 82 Ian's belongings to Fellows, rubbed his hands together, put the dime in the 83 slot, and pulled the handle. The machine displayed the message "Easy Come, 84 Easy Go" on its electronic screen for just a second, then the digital wheels 85 began to spin. 86 <LEMON>.....<LEMON>.....<BAR> 87 "Sorry Parity, you lost." Fellows grinned. 88 "So did Ian, Fellows. Listen, I know what you are trying to do. But I don't 89 need it. We have to report in. We have to find out what happened to Ian. We 90 have to find out what happened. We have to get into that bloody ROM case. This 91 little excursion through casino gambling land is just wasting time!" 92 Fellows could see by the look on Parity's face that he was serious. "Sorry 93 Parity. I was just trying to..." 94 "I know that. And I'm sorry to for blowing up. But we have business to do, 95 and time wasted is time lost." Fellows gave back the sack to Parity. 96 "To the room then Parity? We can have room service send something up." 97 "Sure, that sounds fine. Then we can crank up the COMSET and send a 98 message to HQ. This is a gawd-awful message to send too." 99 "I know Parity. I know." 100 101 7e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e1 102 ch /noes/nose/ <- the nose usually knows. 103 They're taking over!!! 104 [O O] -- lurkin' 9-10-86 14:21:55 105 ____06/10/86__________________JD 2446592.6574_________19:46:39_____________ 106 ::::::::O O:::::::06/10:::::::::voyeur::::::::::::22:29::::::::O O::::::::::::: 107 108 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 109 PaPa Smurf is Dead 110 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 111 It was a cold dark night when reality finally caught up with the individual. 112 Many things were thought that night, many dark and un speakable items were 113 exchanged in the darkened house. Was the last six months nothing but a 114 dream? Was it good, or evil? Will we survive? They may. I will not. 115 At least not in this context. The end of an era in his life had been 116 reached. As the previous era's had ended, this one was just an painful. 117 With the closing of July, into the dusty journals of history and our 118 memories will pass the days that we were together. The fun that we had, 119 the sorrow, and the joy. The future will be ours, but not together. 120 Remember me with happy thoughts, for that is how I will remember you. 121 The doors to the Inn is closing now. Never to be reopened by this 122 individual in quite the same way. Baraka Bashad 123 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 124 PaPa Smurf is Dead 125 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 126 127 COMLINK COMLINK COMLINK COMLINK COMLINK COMLINK COMLINK COMLINK COMLINK 128 NX\RF LODNT CLZAI DZAXZ JCVTF NDRXN CPFXL D[CDE XAD_S FRRDY ADFLC NPF^A 129 DGLPF RDNCR RHBMX JSCJI FLZDX ^AJPC OAEDV JXVAJ DRCLI RFLAD [CD_E XJJUD 130 MXJDF LNXL^ ALFAL NAE[\ HB_TW [ND_M GPGJA DPJCL E\FEE FXLED FLDR[ PLD_P 131 TFEDS CEDCD JGETD KXY[\ HBVGN D_FMD A\AJZ ALNU[ LD_NX LLANP DFEDC PDPCY 132 XJDEC MADTX GEAD[ CD_FL NX\FL ZD^XF NADNC RREHB DDDDI AEPFL AIDPX DMCFR 133 [\HBV SND_S FRRDV XEPDC RA][E D_LX[ \_EDE XXL[\ DOFUV JSWLS ULPVW R 134 COMLINK COMLINK COMLINK 06/11/86 04:04:04 COMLINK COMLINK COMLINK 135 136 ----------You know me for who I am------------------------------ 137 The passing of the septade was something that went by 138 smoothly. Three years later, time seemed to be a menace. "How 139 old I feel" was the theme of the day. 140 Now another year has passed and the grimace of the twisting 141 calendar digs yet another notch into the ego. I too feel the 142 passage though I am not at the same point, yet, towards the next 143 septade. 144 Those in cahrge run the risk of disdainment. Many shall 145 remember the times and the efforts expended with satisfaction; I 146 know I shall. If my companion, the indigo canine, could but 147 speak he would recount none but the joyous times. (Even though 148 the companion had been absconded with, that was a joyous time as 149 well.) 150 Resentments have long since past. Say hello to my Queen's 151 father, the Colonel... Or any of her sisters. Her name is 152 missed, although her name here is always missed - even if not 153 the same in person... 154 ------------------------------You know me for who I am---------- 155 156 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 157 Sometimes grief leaves us rather numb -- with the emotional equivalent 158 of the pins and needles feeling that sitting too long in one position 159 gives a leg. Right now I'm in that kind of a condition, missing a kind 160 and beautiful friend from a previous part of my life. She was always 161 kind and cheerful, even when she was filled with pain she held it back, 162 not wanting to inflict it on others. The operation helped for a while-- 163 she submitted to the indignity of the little bag with resignation, but 164 you could tell it wasn't easy. Somewhere, somehow, a few marauding 165 rebel cells were missed by the knife. Deep within her they flourished 166 and grew, a grim travesty of life that gradually leached her life away 167 leaving a nearly transparent husk. She did not die in a hospital. She 168 chose to go home, surrounded by family and friends, to breath her last 169 in air free of disinfectants. She's gone now. There's an odd shape 170 hole in my heart, and my eyes are finally blurring with the tardy 171 tears that have hesitated so long. 172 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 173 {+|+} <174> 860611^0814 174 *+-=*+-=*+==*+-=*+-=*+-=*+-=*+-=*+-=*+-=MAKING UP MY OWN BORDER (BORDAR?) IS RATHER HARD. I HOPE THIS ONE 175 IS ORIGINAL. 176 177 O.K. Folks. (Now that I have the small letters working again) I have an announcement to make: 178 179 We (Michael Hopcroft and myself.) are looking for people to play a new role 180 playing game called "Ghostbusters". If you are interested in fighting evil 181 ghosts, wraiths, demons, poltergeists, or semi sentinent mutant mounds bars, 182 leave me a messgage on this board. You 183 could also leave me messages on the Atari boards(if you have acsess.) Sorry 184 about the spelling, I'm in a hurry. 185 [O O] 9-11-86 14:42:20 186 Mikey: looks like you'll have to restrict code msgs... 187 All: for those of you who don't know, Mikey has the keys to all the "NET" 188 codes. I suspect he knows the others too. So the fake codes aren't fooling 189 him. 190 ____06/11/86__________Leonard_JD 2446593.6314_________19:09:17___________ _ 191 is anybody out there? 192 is this the end of the all the messages 193 No, it's not....This is! 194 [O O] -- lurkin' 9-12-86 10:41:43 195 School's OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 196 If a relativly infrequent user of your 197 system is allowed to complain, I feel 198 that a supposed public board should 199 only have messages on it that one could 200 have at least a glimmering of what 201 the message is about. I really don't 202 think coded messages have any place 203 here on backwater. Why not start your 204 own board with all coded messages. That 205 way only bona fide members would only 206 have acsess. 207 208 IREAL LYTHI NKTHA TCODE DMESS AGESA 209 REEXT REMLY STUPI DANDC HILSI SH!!! 210 211 212 (ZARDOZ) 213 (@)(@)(@)(@)(@)(@)(@)(@)(@)(@)(@)(@)(@) 214 215 Whoa, pretty depressing. Life is such a pain to go through, to remember, 216 the only real fun is in finding the stuff you are going to cry for later. 217 My life story. 218 219 Aris 220 {+|+} <239> 860612^2152 221 Mike: the drive motor comes on and stays on. Drive select light never comes 222 on. Also, I get nothing but gibberish from the terminal port (but it looks 223 like the speed select trace has been cut, I'll have to check and see if it 224 is really at 300 baud.) 225 ____06/13/86__________Leonard_JD 2446595.7062_________20:57:00___________ 226 *************************************************************************** 227 The drive motor is always on on the SAIII, So that is good. The select 228 light should only come on when the head is loaded to read a sector from 229 the disk. Did you find the format command? If you are getting gibberish, 230 then you most likely are at the wrong baud rate. 231 ***************************** CISTOP MIKEY ********************************* 232 {+|+} <251> 860613^2355 233 ::::::::O O:::::::06/14:::::::::::voyeur::::::::::::12:18::::::::O O::::::::::: 234 235 GOT MY NEW DISPLAY IN. 236 237 BEEM 238 BOBBA DOUCHE 239 240 [O O] -- lurkin' 6-14-86 16:00:23 241 Just saw Invaders from Mars. A bit silly (although the original gave me night- 242 mares when I saw it as a kid). Could be retitled Invaders from Tattoine have a 243 Close Encounter with Aliens from Dune, as far as the creatures & sets. 244 +Dante- 245 ____06/14/86__________________JD 2446596.6096_________18:37:48_____________ 246 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* GURU OF BLISS *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 247 The Guru of Bliss, when asked if he were a 'religeos' person 248 replied: I am a creation of the Unknowable. If that is a religeon 249 than I am certainly devoted to it. 250 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 251 Mike: It works! Turns out to have been jumpered for 1200 baud. I'll be 252 dropping by again next week to pick up some disks from Joe. Seems that 253 the development system didn't have the format command in ROM. I have to 254 get a disk to do a 'load & go' from. But it does work... 255 ____06/14/86__________Leonard_JD 2446596.6726_________20:08:32_____________ 256 Leonard, just to be weird, are you going to set up another BW system? Are 257 you getting that other drive working yet? 258 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 259 22:01/6/14/86 260 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 261 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ 262 Well Hi everybody!!! I just thought 263 I would drop back in and tell you that I just 264 got back from my trip to Calif....I mean Libya! Ya, ya, I had to go talk to K 265 hadafy about the situation of things around here. Why, old Momar and I had a 266 great time. We sat in on a jam session with The Rolling...or was it...ya, ya. 267 ..Luciano Pavoratti and James Brown, it was great!!! Ron probably didn't know 268 that Momar plays one hell of a sax when he bombed him. So anyway, I go to ge 269 t back on the plane, and I remember I left my accordian.. Er..uh... I mean my 270 drum set back at Mo's house, and I head back to get it when I see this strange 271 thing in the shape of a cigar or a saucer..I think...Ya, that's the ticket... 272 a saucer. It dropped down out of the sky and !!POW!! I was back home in Tex 273 as trying to figure out how I was going to break even in the oil business with 274 all these Saudis trying to horn in on my business. So I give Ron a call and 275 say, "Ron, baby, I need some help here." He tells me that he will personally 276 give the saudis hell. Why he even said he might drop a bomb on them...ya, tha 277 t's the ticket! A big bomb. Then all their oil would be sucked into outer sp 278 ace. After I got off the phone with him, my wife Farrah...er uh Morgan...ya! 279 Morgan Fairchild, my wife, she walks in and brings me some coffee and we have 280 a nice chat about astro-physics and the aspects of angular entropy. So next t 281 hing I know, the guys from Genesis are on the phone and I have to conference-c 282 all them with the boys from Kiss. What a mess. All they wanted to know was w 283 hen I was going to gig with them next. So I asked Morgan where my daughter, B 284 rook... I mean Allie Sheedy, was and Morgan said she went out with some friend 285 s from school -- something about a nuclear reactor. I thought next I had bett 286 er give my friend Delorean a call and who answers the phone but Mr. Ferrari! 287 So I asked Enzo how he was doing and he told me that the two of them were work 288 ing on a new super car and that I could have the first few that rolled off the 289 line. So now aobut all I have to do is get this Space Shuttle mess straighte 290 ned out and... oops, Morgan needs me so I had better go, I forgot that we were 291 having the Bhagwan and Charles and Dianna over for dinner. So have a good on 292 e, and I'll get back to you after the upcomming in-space heart transplant I wi 293 ll be doing. 294 295 296 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 297 ]]]]]]]]]]] 298 299 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 300 Strange and bizarre proceedings on BW. Nothing unusual. 301 Well, Finals are over and now I have time to the stuff I want to. Isn't it interesting how college affects people? 302 Most of them spend finals week cloistered in with their books, stressing out when it's beautiful outside, and if they 303 don't know their stuff by then, then they might as well forget it, as it does no good to cram for a test. 304 The nice thing about college is that you meet so many interesting people and make some very good friends in the process 305 of learning one's subject. I could almost spend my whole life on campus, 'Doorways in the Sand' style, but with a 306 different motive. Also, does anyone know of any good electronic music artists similar to Jarre and Schulze in his 307 Transfer Station Blue. Well, it's time to retire and combat insomnia. 308 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 309 -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- 310 Nope, nothing unusual.. Just f.u.b.a.r. if you ask me. 311 _-_-_-_-_-_-_but nobody asked-_-_-_-_-_-abacab_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ 312 313 Spend your whole life in college? Must be a liberal arts major. 314 315 Engineer 316 317 {+|+} <327> 860615^1245 318 319 320 321 ####################################### 322 I agree, most likely a liberal arts dork. The kind of people that enjoy talking 323 about stuff that everybody else takes for granted. They major in education and never know it. 324 What else are these wierdos going to do when they get out of college but teach? 325 Oh my, what a waste of ditch diggers. 326 327 328 <<<12Qt99 ON 121688435522 <<<< SR-29B @ 12EFFFG NEG. 2323B __________QX7_______ 860630^1301 329 330 @^*@^*@^*@^*@^*@^*@^*@^*@^*@^*@^*@^*@^*@^@^*@^@^@^*@^*@^@^*@^*^*@^*@^*@^*@^*@^@^ 331 Hey!! Anyone out there wanna play the latest game from the Rip-Off Toys Co. of Walla Walla, Washington. It's called 332 Ghostbuster Busters. This new game involves going and finding all those people 333 who play Ghostbusters and hunting them down. I agree it's like Killer, JAG, TAG, and like games. The one major 334 difference is, you get to use live amunition and shoot to kill. 335 The Joker 336 337 ^*@^*@^*@^*@^*@^*@^@^*@^*@^*@^*@^*@^@^@^@^*@^*@^*@^@^*@^*@^@^*@^*@^@^*@^*@^@^*@ 338 ???: Maybe I am. If so, would I broadcast the fact? As for that *#$%@Q^% IBM 339 drive, it still won't talk to my system. I've been given a few suggestions & 340 I'll have to check them out. 341 ____06/15/86__________Leonard_JD 2446597.4307_________14:20:15_____________ 342 {}{}{}{}[]{}{}{}{}[]{}{}{}{}[]{}{}{} 343 Ghostbusters is copyrighted by pairamount production`s 344 and is covered form duplication in any form ...... 345 by the United state copyright laws. 346 im afraid who ever is responcible of take grandger of this 347 law will be fined, & prosicuted for violation of cordents 367 & 436 of the 348 copyright law manual... 349 A full investigation of this matter will be rreviewed 350 first thing monday mornning, by my staff, & from there I will deside 351 whut action will be taken..! 352 353 THANK YOU FOR THE DISK SPACE 354 AND 355 PLEASE FORGIVE SPELLING. 356 Im in sort of a rush....... 357 {}{}{}{}[]{}{}{}{}[]{}{}{}{}[]{}{} 358 MR. J.R. MORTAN. 359 DISTRICT SUOERVISER OF THE 360 U.C.L.A. 361 {}{}{}{}[]{}{}{}{}[]{}{}{}{}[]{}{} 362 363 364 Day of the Beast 365 by 366 Damian Ritter 367 "How old are you now?" asked the psychiatrist. 368 "I'm twelve." 369 "Where are you?" 370 "In the closet." 371 "Why?" 372 "I'm afraid." 373 "Of what?" 374 "The beast." 375 "What is the beast?" 376 "I don't know. I think it's a 377 g." 378 "Why are you afraid of a dog at 379 age twelve?" 380 "Because it's not ONLY a dog." 381 "O.K. On the count of three, you 382 ll wake up. O.K?" 383 "O.K..." 384 "One...two...THREE!" 385 "Doctor, what did you find out?" 386 Silence. 387 "Doctor, I can't see you..." 388 "The doctor turned around. He 389 ad a dog's face, with the body of a 390 jackal. 391 "NO!" 392 She fainted. 393 The 394 End 395 BREAK 396 My GOD!!!! 397 Wait till you hear my story! 398 Everything is going crazy in my 399 life!!! 400 #1:My dad just got married again 401 yesterday. 402 #2:I'm in love with a girl named 403 Kerry Erdenberger, and more then 404 likely I'll never see her again. 405 #3:Most of the people I've known 406 all my life I'll never see again. 407 #4:I'm paying a $350 phone bill 408 using this modem. 409 #5:I like Stephen king, comedy, 410 and computers at the same time! 411 I'VE GOT TO GET OUT OF THIS LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 412 I agree....get out of this life...just kill yourself and it will all be over! 413 Anyway, nothin' much happenin' on here lately. Whuts up people? Finals are over, and school is out. All the #%@&# 414 seniors get to graduate and I have to stay in school 2 more years.....*sigh* 415 OH well. TTYL. 416 -DK- 417 [O O] -- lurkin' 6-15-86 18:32:43 418 O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+ 419 Couldn't help dropping by and seeing what had become of BW. Well, I think 420 I'll shift back into lurk mode now. 421 O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+ POPPING IN O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+ 422 423 424 ---------- 425 TLITBC 426 TCBY 427 ---------- 428 429 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 430 431 I HEAR SOUNDS OF BOWLING IN THE DISTANCE...DOES IT MEAN?...IS IT REALLY THE END OMIGOD!, OR IS IT ON 432 LY A BAD TRIP? I GUESS ILL NEVER KNOW, AHHH THINGS ARE BACK IN FOCUS OR ARE THEY, HE SAYS AS HE 433 SCRUNCHES (SCRUNCHES?) HIS EYEBROWS, WHO KNOWS I MAYBE LYING MAYBE NOT WHOS TO SAY. BECAUSE AS 434 ALWAYS I AM NOT FROM THIS PLANET.... TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER, JOHN DAVIDSON POPULAR SINGER, EMMCEE 435 REKNOWN THROUGOUT THE GALAXY. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....OH NO! NOT THE VOICES AGAIN AAAGH! 436 437 CLICK..... 438 BUZZ..... 439 440 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 441 ANOTHER EXPERIMENT IN CONTROLLED SCHIZOPRHENIA BROUGHT TO YOU BY ALLIED 442 PSYCHOLOGY STUDENTS OF OREGON 443 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 444 445 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 446 Another voyage from living-space to living-space completed, computer system 447 reassembled, one (1) apartmentfull of miscellaneous junk has been stuffed 448 into a very tiny room. It's time to lurk, and sleep some more... 449 +++++++++++++++++ Milch@estacada ++++++++++++ June 16, 1986 at 12:57am +++++++ 450 For your imformation, the Ghostbusters 451 Role playing game is authorized by 452 Paramount Studio, or whatever studio 453 made "Ghostbusters". It is not a un- 454 authorized rip-off or one of these 455 silly games where one runs around with 456 an UZI look a like squirt gun risking 457 being shot by overly nervous police 458 with REAL bullets in their REAL guns! 459 SO THERE!! NYAH NYAH NYAH!!! 460 461 WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH THE SYSTEM.? IT IS FIVE CHARACTERS BEHIND 462 EVERYTHING I TYPE. 463 464 It seems alright to my Atari though. I kinda have to guess where 80 columns 465 is though, but other than that everything seems alright. If I could get an 466 80 column display modem program for my Atari computer, I would be thrilled! 467 468 469 470 #$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$# 471 "Hey, Eugene," whispered James. 472 "Yes?" said Farley, looking through a rack of CDs and occasionally muttering 473 under his breath, "...Dawn Patrol, Midnight Madness, Seven Wishes..." 474 "How far are you?" 475 "I'm looking at the N's right now. Any luck in the clearance section?" 476 "I dunno." Garret held up a brightly packaged album. "Want a Slim Whitman 477 half-speed digitally-mastered 'My Favorite Yodels?'" 478 Farley grimaced. "I'll pass." 479 James put the record back, kept searching. "What are we looking for, again?" 480 "Something strange. Anything out of place, odd, weird..." 481 "Well, I've found something strange." 482 Farley whirled. "What?" 483 "Us in a store, looking through CDs for something strange." 484 Eugene frowned. "That doesn't count. Keep looking." 485 #$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$# Farley #$##$##$# 86:06:16:12:34:30 #$##$# 486 Entropy Reduction Systems present..... 487 488 THE ENTROPY REDUCTION SYSTEM 489 490 Yes, through our patented state-of-the-art high-tech user-friendly easy-to- 491 operate fully automatic self-cleaning computer controlled high-output fine 492 crafted designer operation we are able to offer this wonderful deal to you, 493 our beloved trusted customers. 494 495 The Entropy Reduction System does just what the name says, reduces entropy. 496 Imagine your world always coming together instead of always flying apart. 497 We have perfected a simple-to-use machine that when operating, changes the 498 laws of entropy by using special-design electronics and artificial intelligence. 499 500 Don't waste your time repairing your life from the ravages of entropy. Never 501 again will you have to deal with a world where entropy rules. Reverse entropy 502 is the name of the modern game, and our company is on the forefront. You too 503 can be on the forefront, but only if you act today. 504 505 Please call our 1-800 number for details. 506 507 Operators are standing by. 508 509 Order before Midnight. 510 511 Not available in any store. 512 513 Call now! 514 ______________________________________________________________________________ 515 So, what is the 1-800 number? I could 516 definitly use one of those entropy 517 reduction machines to help me complete 518 my project. A Multi dimensional chrono 519 relocation device. In other words, a 520 Time and space travelling machine. 521 522 LOOK OUT DR.WHO!!! 523 524 525 (ZARDOZ) 526 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 527 From: HQ To: All agents 528 Subject: Ian MacHinery 529 The following leads are being traced: 530 1. a body found in the Las Vegas airport. 531 2. Use of Mr. MacHinery's phone credit card # in Des Moines, Atlanta, 532 Kalamzoo, Fairbanks, and Munich. 533 3. Use of his Visa card in Macao, Perth, Singapore, Kyoto, and Wellington 534 (New Zealand). 535 4. Reported sightings in numerous areas in North America, South America 536 and Europe. 537 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 538 ____06/16/86__________Leonard_JD 2446598.6164_________18:47:40_____________ 539 0202020202 well, that certainly narrows it down! 020202 06/16/86 20:54 02020202 540 {+|+} <552> 860616^2330 541 -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- 542 Entropy reduction? Gads, no! There isn't enough of her around to want to 543 reduce her... Oooops, the Watts line is busy, too. 544 -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -JUGGLER- -+- -+- -+- -- 545 546 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ re: !uw-beaver!tikal!sigma!bill 547 - Once again, the Scottish Tartans Society reminds us that 548 - Tuesday, July 1st, is Tartan Day, the 204th anniversary of 549 - the lifting of the proscription against the wearing of the 550 - tartan. An appropriate day for wearing _your_ tartan... 551 As I foresee no wedding days in the near future, I think it's 552 time I found a dozen cubits of Dress Old Sutherland. 553 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ percival!guardian 168:02 554 ::::::::::O O:::::::06/17:::::::::voyeur::::::::::::08:25:::::::O O:::::::::::: 555 Good-bye to you my darling Marnie... 556 I can never tell you enough how much I love you. You have often returned 557 my self confidence to me when even my closest friends were shunning me. For 558 all of your hugs on dark days, I thank you. And for all of the times when I 559 held you as you sobbed your lamentations to me, I leave you with this thought: 560 You are a beautiful person, both inside and out; let no man forget that, for 561 if he does, he has missed one of God's greatest gifts to creation. I love you 562 with all of my heart, forever... 563 ....john 564 John......It figures. 565 566 :::::=====:::::=====:::::===== 567 Entropy: Tried to get through to you, but found out "Entropy doesn'T live 568 here anymore!" 569 ` They gave me new number, but it had been cxanged to a non-published one, 570 so can I gmt the new o~e from you? 571 Lurkin' Legamorph. 572 The Lurker` 573 doesn't lurk HARE anymore! 574 ____06/17/86__________________JD 2446599.5539_________17:17:39_____________ 575 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 576 Why use a device that may fail? As a special offer from Wizard's Helper, 577 Multiversal, you can purchase a sure-fire Entropy-Reversing Magic Ritual, 578 guaranteed to work under most(see footnote) conditions. Order now, and 579 don't be fooled by cheap 'techy' Entropy-Reversing contraptions. 580 Just send a simple telepathic order to: 581 Wizard's Helper, Multiversal 582 1445 Sixty-fourth St. 583 Lexington, NE 68550 584 United States, North American Continent 585 Earth, Sol System, Milky Way Galaxy 586 Local Group, Universe Prime 587 Or send it via your local mail routing system: 588 ...!tektronix!reed!extraplanar!prime!local!sol!earth!usa!ne!lexington!wizhelp 589 +++++++++++++++++++ Milch :-) ++++++++++++++++++ June 17, 1986 @ 10:44pm +++++ 590 Footnote: The ritual works during heavy flooding of the Sahara on days in 591 which total eclipses may be seen in full at Sayr Usa, Mongolia. This 592 guarantee is the best that can be hoped for underANY circumstances and may 593 be void in your universe. Local deities have the right to approve any 594 purchase of one (1) Entropy-Reversing Ritual. 595 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 596 Bad spelling should be a hanging offense. 597 =============================================== 598 {+|+} <598> 860618^0018 599 {+|+} <599> 860618^0820 600 601 *** 602 *** 603 *** 604 ********** 605 *** 606 607 608 609 How interesting. I sent a telepathic 610 order for the Entropy reversing ritual. 611 Unfortunatly, when I tried it it turned 612 out to be an Entropy AMPLIFYING ritual. 613 There is now a large hole in the ground 614 where my house used to be and my age 615 was tripled in a matter of seconds. 616 I have complained to the appropriate 617 authorities and I am promised that 618 action will be taken against the person 619 who left the ad above. They have 620 given me a 3-D spell to cast upon the 621 offending parties. Dandruff, Diareeah, 622 and defenestration. 623 624 625 OMIGOD! Not Diareeah (sic). It is always amusing to see the effects of a mis- 626 spelled spell. One time back in 1036 I witnessed such an occasion. A wizened 627 old coot was going to send a young upstart mage back whence he came. He spelled 628 out "Return to thy wold, oh destoyer of too worlds. Thou hast chastized their 629 intellegent transmition enought!" Needless to say, the result was spectacular. TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 629