💾 Archived View for gemini.spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › messages › BACKWATER › bw860520.txt captured on 2022-07-17 at 09:14:39.
⬅️ Previous capture (2022-06-12)
1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ************************ INSTALLED: 20 MAY 85 ********************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************************* 19 20 At the top, and nothing to say since I am lost and presumed dead [*=*] 21 exit 22 #$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$# 23 Farley's face was a blank mask, kept so mostly by a vicious stubborn streak. 24 Other duty called him away from his passion; the strain between them hurt. 25 He resigned himself to the delay, finally composing his emotions into some 26 sort of whole just as the lift doors parted. 27 A few moments walk brought Eugene and James to conference room 10B, five 28 minutes early. Ada was already seated, looking at a CD file viewer. 29 She looked up. Her usually pleasant features sagged a little; she appeared 30 to have missed sleep recently. She did not greet them with a smile as was 31 her habit, but instead came to the point. 32 "Ian's gone, and with him a stack of CD files. I've been going over the 33 index of their contents," she nodded toward the viewer, "and most of the 34 material is the drop-dead-before-reading sort. We MUST regain them, preferably 35 Ian also. 36 "Parity and Fellows have not returned yet, so I am forced to send you two, 37 as a team, after Ian. I'll send Fellows and Parity after you, but someone 38 is needed in the field after him NOW. Any questions?" 39 James spoke up. "Any leads on him yet?" 40 Ada shook her head. "None. NET has been monitoring communication channels, 41 making inquiries, talking with connections. He did not leave an easy trail, 42 gentlemen. So far, we haven't been able to FIND the trail." 43 Farley let this seep in, slowly allowing his self-pity drain out to be 44 replaced with purpose. "I see. Nothing else, Ada?" 45 "Nothing. Good luck, gentlemen, I've told Supply you would be checking out 46 equipment." With that, Ada returned to the viewer. 47 Only minutes later, Garret and Farley were in supply, choosing their tools- 48 of-trade carefully, preparing for one of the greatest chases of NET's history. 49 #$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$# Farley #$##$##$# 86:05:20:14:55 #$##$##$# 50 51 EFF/SI=136 52 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (lemniscate) 53 No time for anything long, just notes... 54 L'homme sans Archives- a message awaits concerning the gathering. Once I 55 figure out if I have a UNIFORM program I'll get on the ball and 56 copy the rest of the disks to my format... and erase the originals? 57 Doctor- I certainly hope your invited guest is willing to join us... 58 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->the Guardian (140:15) 59 of the castle by the lake 60 61 62 done 63 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 64 65 HI EVERYONE!! It's story time! 66 67 I know how hard it is to come in on the middle of a story and not know what is 68 going on. Well, I have the solution. The all purpouse, in one shot medium length 69 story. If you miss this entry, you won't have to labor in trying to catch up, 70 and if you happene to catch this entry, well, it will tell you the meaning of 71 life, the key to happiness, as well as totally enrich and fufill you. So. There 72 it is, and here we go. 73 74 75 Once upon a time, long ago, there was a man. Yes, a man who would change the 76 very course and fibre of the universe. But enough of that: now we turn our 77 attentions to one Phil Jones, a dime and nickle author of childrens books with 78 such stupid titles as " Boober Bear".. " Pitty Penguin ", and of course who 79 could forget, even under heavy sedation, his masterwork " Sleazee Seal "? But 80 enough of that, also. His books are of no interest to this story, but to add 81 some cheap, tawdry gags. 82 Anyhow. One day, Phil, our hero, was looking up a word in the dictionary. But 83 this was no ordinary dixctionary. This was one of those big, fat, dusty kind of 84 tome that you find at the very back of the darkest corner of the library and ar 85 afraid to touch because you are sure that it is about five hundred years old 86 and you have no idea who might have touched it with what, or what might slither 87 , scurry, scramble or fly, out. But Phil, being that kind of person that 88 actually LIKES to look under big rocks at all the slimy creatures, had no such 89 inhibitions. 90 He was looking up the spelling of the word " LUST " for his new book. He had 91 found it, logically, in the " L " section of this particular dictionary. Well, 92 this also happened to be one of those valuable antique dictionaries that you 93 couldn't check out from the library without five pieces of I.D., references, a 94 pound of flesh and a presidential endorsment. But Phil, the optimist that he 95 was, decided to appeal to the librarians sense of literary destiny. 96 She sat, 98 pounds of sheer ugliness, with a face that could bend wood, gave 97 him a look that could curl sheet metal, and responded with a tart and caustic 98 " NO. " 99 Phil abandoned that idea, and for some reason was a wee bit queasy after the 100 encounter. But he knew that he could not commit the spelling to memory: not 101 even with a pnemonic dece. So Phil was in a REAL pickle. What to do, what to 102 do. Suddenly, he resolved himself. In a descicive move, he tore the page bearin 103 the word from the book, tucking it quickly under his trenchcoat. 104 Suddenly, from the sky came crashes of thunder and blasts of light worthy of 105 the apocalypse. Unearthy wails emminated from the floor, Moans of agony issued 106 from bleeding walls. 107 Figuring that he had tripped some expensive and obscure alarm system, Phil 108 tore out of there like a mouse in a slingshot. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't 109 around long enough to hear the message, shouted by an unearthy voice that 110 reverberated off all the walls and shook the very fondations of the old 111 building. It said.. 112 " Uh Oh. " 113 114 We find Phil in the dark hole of a slum tenement that he calls home sweet 115 home. Phil never got rich from writing: In fact, he has to pay the publishers 116 to print them. But he still quested after that elusive American Dream, the 117 promise of liberty and freedom that made the U. S. of A. so Damn great. The 118 dream that had Phil sitting in a hovel, slaving over a REALLY bad book. A book 119 unparallelled in idiocy. A book that, after one reading by a child, would cause 120 the parents of that child ( Now mentally unbalanced and unacceptable by even 121 the broadest minded asylums..) to take Uzi of M-16 in hand and seek out the 122 man who carried ( Wisely) the pseudonym Bozo Billy. This is Our America. 123 124 Anyhow. That is quite enough. Phil checks his swatch. 11:30. Ah. Just about 125 time for a nice little lunch. Putting on his coat, he left for June's diner. 126 127 " Well hello there, June. " 128 " Howdy yoorself, Philly. So What's goin' on? You're usually not here for 129 dinner 'till 6:00. " 130 " I want some lunch." 131 " Lunch? " 132 " Yeah. Lunch. Midday repast. Eats. Food." 133 " At this hour? What a kidder you are, pally. I tell ya, we don't serve 134 dinner till 4:00. Now go on. Beat it. Scram. " 135 " June, I have been eatin' lunch here since I was a kid. What's the deal?" 136 " ZYou are nuts, Philly boy. There is no such thing as..Lunch whateveritis." 137 138 Phil was puzzled by this turn of events. Until suddenlly... 139 140 " HEre! " He pulled the dictionary page from his pocket. 141 " Proof that there is such a thing as lunch!!" 142 She looked the page over carefully. 143 144 LUNCH ( lunch ),n.1) any light meal; esp. the midday meal between breakfast 145 and dinner. 146 147 " You're still a LOON in my book. I've never heard of any of these things. " 148 she threw the page back in his face. " LUMP? Wait just a second..." She took 149 page back and scrutinized one word carefully. 150 " Just a sec.." She said. " I have heard of one of these. " She crumpled up the 151 page and tossed it on the floor. 152 " I HAVE heard of LUNKHEAD! Phil Jones!!"walked away. Phil picked it up and sat 153 down in one of the empty booths. 154 What have I done? He thought, smoothing the page. I must have destroyed all 155 these things simply by tearing out the page. Suddnly, great joy filled his 156 heart. I can destroy Avarice, greed, hatred, war, and poverty! He smiled, 157 looking over what he had done unwittingly before moving on to bigger and better 158 things. 159 LUNA... So we lost the moon. In greek yet. No Sweat. LUNATIC. We still got 160 CRAZY.. 161 162 But as Phil's eyes roamed down the page, his hand suddenly tightened in a 163 clutch at his chest. 164 165 There, on the middle of the second side, was written the word LUNG. 166 167 As the realization crept over him that he had obliterated LUNGS worldwide, 168 the ancient curse took over. Everyone on earth died, except those with gills, 169 who in fact evolved to be the most intelligent and cultivated civilzAtion the 170 universe ever did, does, or would know of. 171 172 The Salamanders. 173 174 I would say to be continued, but since this is the handy dandy sure shot one 175 entry short story, well, you will never know what the salamanders were like, or 176 who they were. Tough forks, my dear readers. 177 178 Hope you All enjoyed it. 179 180 Alriphel. 181 182 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 183 The following is *NOT* fake. (And if you thought the above was odd...)= 184 . 185 The Comparmise of 1986 186 . 187 The Comparmise of 1986, Indian say "white man must be stupid he build big 188 fire, and sit way back, Indian build small fire sit real close, who could think 189 a simple quote could mean so much in 1986. A fact Zachary Taylor 1784-1850, 190 12th president of the United States, and few presidents have entered office with 191 less knowledge of what was expected of them. 192 I would like to persuade voters that I am there best choise for Governor of 193 Oregon, and there are three specific reason. 194 Reason one Affirmative Action: any action that is intented to correct 195 effects of past discrimination, to eliminate present discrimination, or to 196 prevent discrimination in the future. 197 Reason two Environment: the coming together of all external and internal 198 condition affecting the existence , groth, and welfare of organisms. 199 Reason three Environmental Affirmative Action: action which deprive an 200 individual of emplyment or educational opportunities. 201 I would like to create adverse impace on environment by using 4/5 rule 4/5 202 rule is 20% White, 20% Black, 20% Hispanic, 20% Asain, 20% Indian American. To 203 house specific people for specific reason in a place as large King Dome full of 204 apartments, and heated by wind power, and buy land from Bonneville Power 205 Administration, for 4 billion dollars. 206 Note: I would get Oregon out of the timber business, and into the farm 207 business, if you want me as you Governor please write friends, relatives, and 208 anyone who want change, ask them to move to Oregon. 209 Forthan in Portland for Governor 210 (Can you believe this????) 211 / / / / / / / / / / / / / ? / / / / / / / / / / / / / 212 ______________________________JD 2446571.5902______________________________ 213 214 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 215 "Ahem." 216 "Er...What? Oh, its you Parity. I must have dozed off. Sorry 'bout that." 217 Fellows looked like he had just woken up from a long winter's nap. 218 "I realize this is the first chance at sleep you've had in almost three 219 days Fellows, but remember NET rule 15a: "NET agents may never doze off." 220 "Ya, sure Parity. Hey! I do believe you cracked a joke there. What's 221 wrong?" 222 "Ah yes, the famous Fellows jocularity. I AM capable of humor, sometimes. 223 And now, since we are about to land, why don't you hit the can and freshen 224 up a bit." 225 "I still can't believe where we are going Parity. Are you sure the plane 226 tickets said Las Vegas?" 227 "Yes they did. And you'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and 228 villainy." 229 "That sure sounds familiar. Have I heard someone say that before?" 230 "I couldn't say for sure. It was first said a long time ago, in a place 231 very far away. Who knows what twists the course of words over time." 232 A crackling voice broke the two agent's conversation. "WE'LL BE LANDING 233 IN TEN MINUTES. PLEASE EXTINGUISH ALL SMOKING MATERIALS AND PLACE ALL TRAYS 234 IN THE UPRIGHT POSITION. PLEASE STAY IN YOUR SEATS UNTIL THE PLANE HAS COME 235 TO A COMPLETE REST. THE TEMPERATURE AT OUR DESTINATION IS 76 DEGREES. WE 236 HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY IN LAS VEGAS, AND MAY LADY LUCK BE WITH YOU!" 237 "Haha. Parity, did you catch that? What a cheery message. 'and may lady 238 luck be with you!' Sure." 239 "Come now Fellows. You sound awfully sore about something. Let me guess. 240 Have you, nah, yes! That must be it. You may have left your heart in San 241 Francisco but you lost your shirt in Vegas." 242 "Very intuitive Parity. But that was a long time ago too. I have changed 243 a great deal since then. And I know now to never try and fill an inside 244 straight." 245 246 Walking from the plane to the terminal, Fellows and Parity soaked in the 247 sun's warming rays. 248 "Parity, do we get to sit around the pool and work on our tans or did 249 those plane tickets bring us here for a better reason?" 250 "We may get some tanning in Fellows, but this is mainly business I would 251 guess. Actually you know just about as much as I do. When the DC branch gave 252 me the tickets before I met you at the airport, they were pretty tight-lipped 253 about the whole thing. You know how those east coast personnel are." 254 The now warmed agents entered the air-conditioned terminal, where they 255 were greeted by loud shouts from the luggage area. A group of people intent 256 on something near the luggage wheel pushed and shoved for a better view. 257 Agents Parity and Fellows made their way to the source of the commotion. 258 "What in blazes? All this because someone's luggage was lost? That's 259 as American as apple pie." 260 "Not this time Fellows. I think this is a bit more serious. Watch 261 yourself." 262 "As always my friend." 263 As the agents got near enough to the congregation to hear what they were 264 saying, they also saw for themselves what all the bustle was about. 265 "Do you see what I see Fellows?" Going round and round between pieces 266 of Samsonite was the body of man, a rather large man. His face was down, 267 but the agents could make out a shock of dark black hair. Hair so black 268 that... 269 "I see it. Oh Hell, there's only one man I know who looks like that." 270 "Me too." said Fellows, as the agents pushed their way though the 271 crowd, weapons drawn, to take a closer look. 272 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 7E1 273 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940 274 275 *%)_#@*%!)_*%!)_@*%)_!#*%)#_@%*)_#%*!+#%*+!%(@#)_%*@)_#*%)_@#*%_@*%@_*%@_#%*@%%*@#_)%*@#_)%*)_*!)_%*+_%*_@#)*%_@#%*@_%*@%@*#% 276 5/21/86 - Lem Sysop - Message received. Thank you. Will do. 277 Cistop: Sorry I have not called. Much is happening which I will fill you in when I do call. I hope the 68k stuff is 278 going well. Found any hardware bugs yet? :-) 279 Leonard: Your disks are done. I'll deliver ASAP. 280 [*] : I thought you were dead. 281 Petrov: I hope to never lock horns with your type. May a bucket of sheep dip fall on your head. 282 (*)_#@%)_@#*%)_@#*%)_!*%)_!#%*)_!@*%! L'homme sans Parity - not related to that agent %*@#)_%*@#)%*@#_)%*#@)_*@_#@)_*!_%*@#_*@ 283 284 HOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHYOLYHOLY 285 The brown-robed figure hesitated for a long, silence filled moment. 286 The only sound that filled the room was the harsh breathing of the assembled 287 figures and the slow drip of sweat from brother Bob's closely shaven face. 288 "You have not curbed your appetites, 289 the low voice was icy and emotionless. "You have achieved much. You have 290 a national following, your face and voice are well known. Revenues from 291 your activities are second highest in the nation. Your followers are 292 malleable and responsive. This alone protects you. Last week, you accepted 293 an offer to dedicate a new church in a small town in Ohio. People came from 294 miles around to hear your invocation. The next day, you indulged yourself. 295 You were caught in the act. Extraordinary measures were necessary." 296 The brown-robed figure moved quietly and a thin local newspaper appeared 297 on the polished tabletop. 298 299 PLEASANTVILLE MOURNS LOSS 300 The Pleasantville Guardian joins the families and friends of those who 301 grieve after Monday's terrible tragedy. Words cannot express the horror of 302 the scene at the Holyville disaster. Nearly half of the inhabitants of that 303 small community were destroyed in the explosion of the fertilizer truck that 304 leveled the newly built Holyville Fundamentalist Church and destroyed most 305 of the buildings in this, our neigboring community. Loss of life was high 306 and authorities are at a loss to explain the explosion. 307 308 HOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLYHOLY 309 ----==============-----------------============-----------================ 310 FULL-SCREEN 311 OFF 312 313 pppppppppppplurking now, be gone for a whileppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 314 A message a day keeps psychosis away. 315 cute one liner 316 ##################################################### 317 318 Hey, Holy..... What is this guys indulgence, anyhow? Or is it too perverse and sick to speak of? I like your stories. 319 I would like the Parity/fellows stories, but I joined them in the middle and have NO idea what is going on!! That's 320 what prompted my sure shot short story. 321 322 HEY EVERYONE!!!!! SCHOOL I IS OUT!!!!! ( for seniors at Wilson, that is) 323 324 Bye for now, all... 325 326 327 ALahna RIvania PHELps ( Alriphel ) 328 329 ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., 330 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 331 HOHUM ***ST ARPAT H***L URKHO HUMAN DOTHE RTHIN GS... 332 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 333 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu 334 :::::=====::::: 335 Lurkin' Legamorph! 336 :::::=====::::: 337 338 en 339 ______________________________JD 2446574.8171______________________________ 340 ^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^2^"^""^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^2^"^""^"^"^"^"^"^" 341 WELL,WWWWWWWEEEWELL, HELLO THERE......WELL, HELLO THERE..... 342 O.K. I'M SORRY ABOUT THAT.... I HAD MY TERM ON CBM MODE.... UMM HAVE ANY OF 343 YOU SEEN ANYTHING ABOUT THE AUTO-MODEMS THAT COMB'S GOT FOR SALE? $19.00 IS NOT BAD AT ALL..... ANYWAY, NOW THAT I'VE WASTED 344 A FAIRLY OKAY AMOUNT OF YOUR VALUABLE MODEM TIME, I'LL ASK ONE MORE THING... IF YOU WANT SOME INFO ON THIS MODEM, LEAVE 345 ME A MSG ON T-COMM <636-xxxx>. 346 BYE NOW-+- 347 348 ^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^" 349 DIGITALIAN 350 ^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^"^" 351 352 353 131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313 354 355 It worked, it's done. Now I feel sensational. I've got it now, it's 356 mine, this is it. They won't see it again all too soon either. And when they 357 do they won't know what to make of it. Grand, I'm on top of the world. 358 Just a second. Relax, settle down. This is only the beginning of the 359 plan. Actually this is but a stepping stone of the plan. In order to have all 360 the events fall in place these matters must be taken cautiously. Having been 361 so daring as to attack the top man in the group, especially my own, was asking 362 for trouble. 363 I wanted to change things long ago but too many stipulations existed 364 to keep me from doing so. No one man could possibly remain in charge of a 365 group and stay as free from internal strife as did the one person that stood 366 in my way. 367 Didn't it all seem so simple to get things done the way I'd like? All 368 I had to do was remove the element restraining my objective and I'd be 369 in-like-Flynn. So to speak. But what was I to do since that element was the 370 top man? Remove him? Oh sure, right. Easier said than done, fella. This was 371 one big man, in more ways than one. And he wields more power than I first 372 thought. But remove him I must. 373 Alright, think. I know what I have to do. Before I can do it I must 374 watch my my target, my element. And I did. I saw that he was getting fed up 375 with the hassles and of the daily rigor attributed to being in the front. and 376 there was also one other thing I knew. Yes, I remembered. This great leader 377 has the ability exhibit the facade of sheer calm in the presence of a chaotic 378 situation. It takes a strong man to do that, to bottle up all desires to just 379 throw hands in the air and give in. And he is strong. But there is one small 380 flaw I've found. He will give in. 381 Once, in the formative years of his group, he took a vacation. This in 382 itself is of no import except that it was not a scheduled one. He simply 383 vanished. It was no chore to cover it up. Any office, given the time, can make 384 ends meet. They're doing it even now. Except this time it's not being handled 385 so smoothly. I knew he'd leave, he was bound to do it again sooner or later. 386 Later finally arrived. 387 I'll be turning off the dictaphone now. I have a plane to catch for 388 Montegomery and I wouldn't want to have this contraption as part of my 389 carry-on luggage. Oh yes, that and my newly acquired top level identity badge. 390 391 131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313 392 393 ln 388 : ch /my my/my/ : do : ch /. and/. And/ : off : exit EOT 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 hi everyone this is 401 how is everyone??? 402 403 404 405 /c 406 ______________________ 407 ______________________________JD 2446575.3837______________________________ 408 [][][][[[[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 409 TO: ANYONE WHO HAPPENS TO BE SOBER ENOUGH TO PAY ATTENTION 410 FROM: ARTHUR DENT 411 412 HEY YOU GUYS, IT SEEMS THAT MIKEYS SYSTEM HAS A PROBLEM. I AM USING THIS 413 ON A DEC PRO-350 AND IT SEEMS THAT EVERY LOWERCASE CHARACTER ON THE SYS 414 COMES OUT AS JIBBERISH ON THE SCREEN. ANYONE GOT ANY GUESSES??? 415 416 FLOOTNOTRHING GOBBLEBLATCHITS, 417 ARTHUR DENT. 418 419 ============================================================== 420 Yeah, get a decent terminal. There's nothing wrong with the system. 421 ========================== remur ============================== 422 423 THORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHOR 424 Mr. Dent remur is correct. You most likely need a different terminal program 425 THOR has many and has run into that same malady. THOR has visited many 426 different lands and places where one terminal program is not the same on each. 427 It is always best to have a few backups in your napsack so that you can 428 communicate when visiting different INNS and lodges. 429 THOR wishes to say hello to GUARDIAN for it has been many seasons since last 430 his words have been read by him. Also if he has seen kathyd, please say 431 hello to her from THOR. 432 THORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHOR 433 434 U.S. A.R.M.Y 435 N A R E A O 436 I T M B R U. 437 T A A E K 438 E N G L S. 439 D I E L 440 C D I 441 I O 442 C N. 443 444 Swell, just as long as the IRS doesn't mark me. Thor, you might be surprised 445 to find out that kathyd is already aware of your presence and has already 446 been told 'hello' from you. Please be patient Thor, the almighty terminal 447 works in strange and sometimes slow ways. 448 French Toast 449 ____________________________________________________________________________ 450 Thor: Please note that he said "terminal", not "terminal program". There 451 are many people who use terminals, which pieces of hardware that can ONLY 452 be used for telecommunications. It is much more expensive to change one 453 of those than to change a program. 454 ARTHUR DENT: CHECK YOUR SWITCH SETTINGS. YOUR TERMINAL MAY SUPPORT THE APL 455 CHARACTER SET. THIS MEANS THAT ALL YOUR LOWERCASE IS MAPPED TO A BUNCH OF 456 GREEK/MATH/WEIRD SYMBOLS. 457 ______________________Leonard_JD 2446576.2677______________________________ 458 THOR HAS BEEN MISSED!!!!!! 459 <*><*><*><*><*> 460 ~~^^(*)^^~~^^(*)^^~~^^(*)^^~~^^(*)^^~~^^(*)^^~~^^(*)^^~~(*)^^~~^^(*)^^ 461 TO:THE NET 462 FROM LOGAN WOLF COMMANDER OF WPF ABOARD HIMS MINERVA TO: ALL ZHODANI I 463 N PORTLAND AREA. I CHALLENGE THEE TO A DUEL. I WILL TAKE ON ANY AND 464 ALL COMERS UP TO TWENTY THOUSAND TONS AT A TIME. 465 LEAVE MESSAGE HERE TO REPLY ON SYSTEM. 466 LOGAN WOLF 467 CAPT. WPF WOLFSHEAD 468 ============END==================END=============END================== 469 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 470 Look out, or he'll come down on you like twenty tons of ugly! -4U- 471 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 472 473 _ ^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^> 474 NEOHAMA 475 ^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^> 476 Balnk faces stare at me as I walk down the street. Slaves for some 477 one. Working with no hope for a better life. Past a white, well kept-up 478 house. "Hey you, get to work. And take off those clothes," says a man 479 who appearently doesn't like anybody in anything but rags. "Sorry, I'm 480 not one of your slaves. You can't, and won't, controll me." "Get to work 481 befor I kill you." I pay no attension to him and keep walking. "BANG!!" 482 A bullet passes through me with no effect. Confused, I should be dead. 483 No effect? I turn around in anger. The man melts in my glare. 484 Now I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. Hot, burning, fire shoots through 485 me and I fall to the ground. A screen echos within me which, had it been 486 vocal, would have shaken the Earth to dust. 487 The sun is glaring at me and I glare back. One explosion, far out in 488 space, and the planets fly out in every which way. Thoughts and planets 489 fly as one, far away, to be lost. They may become parts of other solar 490 systems or they may fall into stars and be gone. 491 The Earth is black and cold. No sun to heat it. The heart freezes. 492 Am I dead yet? 493 ^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^>^> 494 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milchlurk, 26 May 86 1:14 495 496 GOD, I HOPE SO........ 497 498 The early sky beckons my soul 499 come forth, see the dawn 500 Cast up your face upon the 501 Giver of life 502 Light resounds resplendant 503 as golden swords 504 divide the darkness 505 Cast up your gaze on the giver of life 506 as purple becomes gold 507 as shadows die 508 cast down your eyes and stsnd in awe 509 of the beauty that surrounds you 510 then cast up your face 511 and see the dawn. 512 513 JoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJosuhua... entry coming Tuesday evening ...JoshuaJoshuaJoshua 514 515 N A S S A 516 A D A O D 517 T M T C V 518 I I A I E 519 O N N T R 520 N I I Y S 521 A S C A 522 L T R 523 R Y 524 A S 525 T 526 I 527 O 528 N 529 530 531 ---------------------------------------------------------- 532 533 Lord, what fools these mortals be.. 534 535 ( Not The Keeper, just a Shakespeare fan...) 536 537 Bye now!! 538 539 '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' \ 540 The year is 1995. The place, New York City. 541 542 As I walked up to the door, I pulled out the poster and the nails to put 543 it up. The poster says : 544 545 W A N T E D 546 ===================== 547 548 Jay Wire. A muscular white man. Age 29. 549 Stands about 6'2". about 200 lbs. Long 550 black hair, a little longer than hiois 551 shoulders. Hazle eyes. Nick names he 552 goes by : 553 Smack, Waysted, Exciter, Impaler 554 555 556 I walk into the bar and ordered a martini. I am 6', 196 lbs. Shoulder 557 langth light brown hair. Green eyes. I am weiring black lether pants and 558 a black leather biker's jacket. I have a lazer sited 9mm in its holster, 559 on my right lag. 560 I walk over to a table were six men are sitting. One ask, "What the hell 561 do you want?" 562 "I need a six good bountyhunters. I am willing to pay 1/2 a million dollars 563 to the person that find this man," I hand them each a poster, like the one on 564 the door. I put a brifcase up on the table, and open it to show them that I 565 havee half a millon dollars. "If you are intressed then call me @ 824-6842. 566 My name is Mr. Lawless." 567 568 -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- Mr. Lawless -=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=- 569 smallham albino - albino hamster - albanian hamster - smallham albino is 570 small albanian hamster. What do you call a big albanian hamster? 571 572 ___________________________________________________________________________ 573 Well, tomorrow I find out how much Pascal I've picked up over the last week 574 and a half. I get to write an entire program module for the system.... 575 should be *real* interesting... 576 L'homme: how goes the drive? 577 ______________________Leonard_JD 2446579.5422______________________________ 578 I think Mr. Lawless got his name from ignoring the rules of spelling. 579 580 - A. Poindexter - 581 JoshuaJoshuaJoshua... one of these days this disk will get filled up for real, we'll get a clean disk, 582 and I can upload my entry. One of these days.... JoshuaJoshuaJoshua 5/28/86 22:27 JoshuaJoshau... 583 #$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$# 584 A few hours later, Farley and Garret were straining the eyes of NET (and 585 their own) looking for any clue to Mr. MacHinery's whereabouts. Eugene's face 586 seems grim and he perhaps is clutching a bit tightly on the steering wheel. 587 James idly polished his semi-automatic while whistling out of tune; he wonders 588 about "what's eating Farley". 'Must be he's nervous about the importance of 589 this mission. He'll get over it.' 590 As if on cue, the COMSET beeps demandingly for attention. Garret taps in his 591 id sequence. 592 <Agents J.Garret and E.Farley: a body closely resembling Mr. MacHinery has 593 been found. Parity and Fellows are handling it. Your revised instructions 594 are to continue investigating locally in search of the CD files, which have 595 not been found on the body. -A.Lovelace> 596 The COMSET fell silent. 597 "Poor Ada. I think she somehow blames herself for this. She feels she must 598 supervise the whole recovery operation personally." -Farley, at the wheel. 599 "Yah, I think you're right. This mess is rough on everybody." 600 The agents pass by a popular music store, one of the largest in the region. 601 "Hey, Eugene. Park over there and let's look in the store. I've been 602 thinkin' about how a stack of CDs could be hidden and moved, and I can't 603 think of an easier way than to include them in a store shipment. Or put 604 them on a "foreign music" rack and let the carrier buy them, one at a time..." 605 #$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$# Farley #$##$##$# 86:05:28:23:40 #$##$##$# 606 #$##$# please ignore shifts in past/present tense- I'm nearly comatose. EFF #$# 607 APON GOD`S THROGHN I SHELL SIT 608 AND SPIT ON YOU MISRIBLE TWIT`S 609 AND DOOM YOUR SOULS TOO BURN AWAY 610 INTELL ETERNITY HAS SLOWLY DECAYED. 611 612 *** *** the KEEPER of SOULS *** *** 613 ** 614 ** 615 ****** TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 615