💾 Archived View for gemini.spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › messages › BACKWATER › bw860514.txt captured on 2022-07-17 at 09:14:37.
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1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 ************************* INSTALLED: 14 MAY 86 *********************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 @#$@$#%#$%#%$^%$%^{body}amp;^^&%^&%&^*^&*(^*(&*(&()&(^*%^&*%^&$^$%^#%$^%#$%#@%43 21 22 Well, guess what!!!!!! 23 24 AT THE TOP!!!!!!!! 25 26 #@$!$@#!$!@#$@!%#$^%@#$^$#%^$%#^#% TANK @#$%@#^%$%#^#{body}amp;^$#&{body}amp;#%^&#$^#$^54 27 [*=*] [*=*] [*=*] [*=*] [*=*] DELTA FIVE [*=*] [*=*] [*=*] [*=*] [*=*] [*=*] [*=*] [*=*] [*=*] [*=*] [*=*] [*=*] [*=*] 28 Somewhere in Nicaragua. Friday 00:45 29 Bluefields lies on an inlet of the Caribbean sea, the white sand beaches sheltered from the tropical storms that ravage 30 Central America in the spring. It is swampy, and hot-even at midnight. 31 Hidden under a camouflage net, strung from teak and Balsa trees, a small group om men were chattering casually in 32 Spanish-the occasional silence punctuated by the slapping of hands on faces and arms-already covered with small 33 blotches of red. Mosquito Bay. 34 The red star on the vertical stabelizer accented the silver fuselage of the Soviet cargo plane, against a backdrop 35 of earthy browns and greens. It squatted at the end of the landing strip; cargo doors open; hungrily awaiting its load. 36 Three men and a woman stood nearby, speaking in Russian; smoking American cigarettes. Waiting... 37 "El trucca sera aqui en horas kinsey, si?" The uniformed Nicaraguan could just understand the Soviets crude Spanish- 38 irritated that he did not speak in English. "Si, truck here in 15 hours" And they waited.... 39 40 A light rain was falling over the Pacific northwest, and at ten thousand feet, rime ice was collecting on the leading 41 edges of the wings. Net agent Parity turned the controls over to the rogue agent known as Delta Five, and did some 42 quick calculations on the flight computer. "We have an abundance of fuel. What we do not have is time. Lets get above 43 it." Wordlessly, Delta eased back on the yoke as he touched up the prop pitch and elevator trim.The red and white 44 Dakota climbed slowly above the clouds. 45 Parity switched the Nav-Com to one VOR, then another. More calculations were made. As he started to speak, Leo poked 46 his head into the flight deck, handing cans of cold Bud to the pilots. 47 Delta Five roared in approval;"Hey-you thought of everything!!" The tension was lessened. The six men relaxed. George 48 and Lou had been sacked out for a few minutes; Parity called them forward. "Gentlemen. Flying time is about 14 hours. 49 Given the winds aloft, we may trim an hour off that. Maybe. We'll be at ten thousand-not high enough to require oxygen" 50 Delta cut in-"Only Bud for the pilot..." 51 The flight was uneventful. Almost boring. George and Lou were still awake, and they were playing Poker. Bullets 52 for chips. Parity was studying maps and weather reports, and handling the ComLink. The auto pilot was engaged, and 53 there was little for the pilot to do. His mind wandered, thoughts drifting back...to another time...so long ago. 54 He was with Marie. And Tommy. A picnic in the Maryland countryside. Marie, his wife. The afternoon was warm, they were 55 beside a small lake;Tommy trying out the new fishing rod his father had brought home from his last mission. Three 56 CIA agents lurked in the background. Watching. Protecting. All was peaceful... 57 "Dad. DAD. Help..." In a second the big man was on his feet, yelling at Marie. Then the explosions. Deafening, ear 58 shattering. On and on, and Marie was dead. Tommy was dead. "God, why didn't they kill me too?" The CIA men were gone. 59 The crying, the despair, the liars at Langley. The needles. The escape. The hunt. From Virginia to a Chinese restaurant 60 in Oklahoma to a pizza parlor in Mt. Shasta. The yellow Jaguar. Two men killed in a Seattle hotel. His old friend 61 Wassir in South America. Phoenix, the Lear jet, a small island in the Pacific with the general, and finally Alaska. 62 And now he was closing in. To find McKane. To kill him... And he waited... 63 64 Washington DC Saturday. 14:45 65 The presidents apartment is on the second and third floors; luxiouriously appointed in a curious mixture of the 66 old and the new. It was a place of solace, of escape, for the man whose desk was in the oval office. But today-on a 67 Saturday afternoon, it was his prison. They sat at a small conference table, off the master bedroom. Of the 132 rooms 68 in the White House, this was where the president went to be alone. Today he was not. Across from him sat the Secretary 69 of Defense, and a Brigadier General of the U.S. Army. On the table was a yellow telephone, pads and pencils, and a 70 large aluminum attache case. The lid was open. A yellow light glowed steadily. DEFCON 1. They waited... 71 "Ed, do you really think we did the right thing?" The secretary looked up at the president. "If anyone can pull 72 it off, these six men can" 73 A soft beep; the General lifted the handset, listened, and replaced it. "They're entering Nicaraguan airspace..." 74 Managua. Saturday. 13:45 75 Managua center Whiskey Echo niner four reporting leaving Vera Cruz at seven. Request PRC and clearance" 76 "Niner four, we have PRC. Welcome to Managua. Turn right to 165, you are 25 miles out, report at 15.." 77 "Roger Manag.. enr.. Ma.g uh...yday ..Mayda.. ..ner four.. ing down..." 78 Leo worked the frayed cord back and forth as Delta spoke into the microphone. 79 "Niner four, are you declaring an emergency?" silence... 80 "NOW!" The cargo door was pulled open, and as the lumbering DC-3 approached stall speed, three small wooden crates 81 and the chunks of wreckage were thrown out. They exploded in a fireball of orange that sent clouds of acrid black 82 smoke into the afternoon sky. Leveling off at treetop level, the pilot turned right, and headed for Bluefields... 83 The hatch was secured, and the team of men gathered at the flight deck door for last minute instructions. Parity 84 spoke;"We'll be setting down in about 50 minutes. Just before we stop rolling, get the planks out, and under the 85 wheels, or we may not be able to get out.Then the nets-do the best you can. Use branches, leaves, whatever. Now-every 86 one got their equipment checked?" 87 And again, they waited... 88 "How do you feel, Eric?" 89 "Huh?" 90 "Your'e about to destroy the man who killed your family... What then?" 91 Delta Five looked at agent parity for a long moment, and replied "Here we go" He was not known for raising his voice, 92 but this time he veritably screamed-"Hang on, we're goin' in" 93 A tight right turn, the starboard wing dropping sharply, and the big Dakota flared back, and plopped onto the ground 94 braking sharply, as five commandos threw out the heavy planks and dived after them, onto the grass. Parity-radio in 95 hand trotted alongside the slowly rolling craft.."Goose it", he yelled into the radio. He was answered with a mighy 96 roar from the big radial engines, and the DC-3 rolled onto the wooden beams, the n coughed to a stop. they were in. 97 98 Delta leaped out the cargo door, holding a parabolic microphone in his hand. He scanned the area, and announced softly 99 "We're alone" The camouflage nets were quickly draped over the big plane, and the team crawled under the port wing 100 for a quick rest. Parity was scanning NET frequencies on the COMM-LINK. "Nothing. No one even knows we're here" 101 A sigh of relief, a few more minutes rest, and they were off. 102 They fought their way through some of the densese jungle on planet Earth, Delta Five taking the lead. He knew the 103 jungle. It was his friend. Mosquitos were everywhere, biting exposed arms and faces. They were ignored. Vines tuggd 104 at feet. They were kicked away or slashed with machetes. Tempers flared in the opressive heat, but trained minds were 105 controlled. Delta raised his hand. They froze. A Fer de Lance slithered along the ground in front of them. Then on 106 again, thorns ripping at their arms; strange shriekink birds protesting their presence. And the relentless mosquitos. 107 Again they froze at the signal from Delta. His hand stayed up, fingers motioning them forward, slowly... Then the 108 finger pointed ahead and to the right. They all knew. The truck. They could hear the laboring engine a hundred yards 109 or so, around a curve in the rutted dirt road. "Lets GO!". They crashed through the last few yards of ferns and vines 110 to the road.Parity, Delta, and Lou dashed across to the other side, and dived into the dense foilage. Fellows, George 111 and Leo sprinted up the road, and rolled under a clump of bushes. The truck approached... One shot from Leo's M-16 112 took out the driver, and before anyone could react, Delta was on the running board, and pumped one round from his 113 Walther into the guards head. Parity dove thru the window and took control of the rolling six-by, braking sharply. 114 A curious face arreared fron behind the canvas back-quickly followed by empty hands, as he was four automatic weapons 115 pointed at his face. Leo barked orders in stacatto Spanish, and a dozen Nicaraguans piled out, hands high in the air. 116 "Alto. Attencion. Aqui, andele andele, "pointing to a small clearing at the edge of the narrow road. "Get their guns 117 look for a radio. Get their jackets. MOVE!" 118 Fellows looked at the others;"What do we do with them?" George Kellerman stepped forward and answered the question. 119 120 Fellows felt sick. He showed it. Delta Five felt sick. He didn't show it. "Let's go. Get the rest of those jackets. 121 Check out the truck, we're moving out" Thirty seconds later they did. 122 123 the impact of what they had just done-of what they were about to do- overcame all other emotions. they were a team. 124 a well oiled machine with a mission 125 126 Delta Five was in the passenger seat, Parity was driving, the others in the back, yelling above the rush of the wind 127 as the six-by skidded along the rough road. Ther had donned the jackets of the slain Sandinistas, and again, checked 128 their weapons. A few minutes later, the truck rolled to a stop alongside the Soviet aircraft. Six men leaped out, the 129 Nicaraguan guards were cut down before they realized what was happening. The four Russians were reaching for their 130 weapons, but were too late. Leo had an M-16 pointed at them. The weapons were dropped to the ground. Parity yelled at 131 Lou" hey-look at this! Uzis! The damned Ruskies were carrying Uzis. Anyone got a camera?" 132 A hidden smile, a flash of light. "Yup" 133 The pressure was off, the men at ease. Lax. Laughing, cheering. Lax. "WHOA" "Lets get some guards posted, and get 134 those crates on board" Parity was yelling as he listened to the voice from the portable radio. "We got company coming" 135 Within minutes, the heavy crates were aboard the aircraft. "What do we do with the Russians?", asked Fellows? 136 Delta replied;"We take them to Disneyland. They're defecting; right Ivan?" 137 The furious Russians, hatred on their faces could only acquiesce; they clamored aboard, as the plane started to roll. 138 Delta Five had many years flying experience, and with Fellows help figured out the controls. The soviet jet raced 139 along the hard earth toward the free world...Ahead, they all saw it-the winking orange lights of automatic weapons 140 firing at them. George and Lou were returning fire from the open cargo doors as the jet streaked past the jungle 141 fighters. George screamed at them, questioning their ancestry as he emptied a clip in their midst. Leo cheered- "You 142 got em, Ge---" and as he looked at Lou, fell silently out the door as the Earth dropped away beneath them... 143 Calmly, sadly, he crawled forward. "We lost Leo..." He, Lou and Delta strapped on parachutes and prepared to jump. 144 The silver craft with the huge red star on the tail climbed swiftly to 2000 feet, and circled the open field where 145 was hidden the old Dakota. A quick farewell, and wishes of good luck, and they were gone. The stolen Soviet craft 146 streaked into distance. Toward Puerto Rico. And freedom... 147 Three men plopped onto the ground a dozen yards from the hidden Dakota, and-discarding the harnesses, geabbed their 148 gear and sprinted to the plane. No time to hide the parachutes... The nets were pulled away, their gear stowed, and 149 as Delta started the engines, they piled in and secured the hatch. 150 Delta firewalled the throttles. Boosters on. Carb heat on. Mixture full rich. The mighty engines strained, shaking 151 the craft violently. With maddening slowness, the big Dakota started to roll, slowly gathering speed. It slipped off 152 the ends of the heavy planks, shuddered, and continued to roll. "C'MON baby, c'mon, they urged, and finally the Dakota 153 was skimmimg along the field and was airborne, climbing and turning right to 165 degrees. 154 Delta keyed the PA and announced;"Well be over the target in sixteen minutes. Get ready". 155 The others worked swiftly, wrestling heavy drums of gasoline toward the now closed door. A stack of small wooden 156 crates sat beside the drums. 157 "Target it sight. Get ready..." the PA barked. The door was pulled open, Lou and George poised... "NOW!". The five 158 drums were thrown out, and crashed into the south end of the large white Stucco complex. They burst on impact, soaking 159 the walls with high octane aviation fuel. Delta whipped the DC-3 into a tight turn, and skimmed over the trees from 160 the north. "NOW!" The las three barrels were rolled out, smashing into the north end. "Bullseye!" cried the pilot, as 161 he again manhandled the big Dakota into it's final chandelle. Climbing, then easing back the yoke and dumping flaps 162 to slow the craft... "NOW!" And the stack of wooden boxes fell earthward as the pilot firewalled the throttles. 163 There was an enormous 'whump' that hurled the DC-3 a hundred feet into the air. Below-the entire complex was in flames. 164 There were explosions everywhere, and gigantic clouds of black smoke filled the sky. 165 The red and white DC-3 climbed swiftly, heading out over the Caribbean Sea. George came up with the few last cans 166 of Budweiser, and the three man crew gulped long swallows, washing the dust from three dry throats. Everyone was 167 strangely calm, exhillerated, exhausted...For several minutes no one spoke. Then George looked up, sniffing the air. 168 "What the..OH MY GOD, his eyes riveted on something in the hold... One small wooden box had been overlooked. Grey 169 smoke seeped from the corners. Lou saw it and the two men dived into to hold, trying frantically to get it out the 170 hold door... 171 172 173 174 AGENTS PARITY AND FELLOWS STOOD SILENTLY BEFORE THE PRESIDENT. "RECONNAISSANCE FOUND NOTHING. NO TRACE... 175 "NO PARACHUTES?" 176 THE PRESIDENT LOOKED AWAY FROM THE TWO MEN;"I'M SORRY..." 177 HE CONTINUED;"WHAT YOU HAVE DONE FOR THE FREE WORLD MAY WELL HAVE SAVED THAT WORLD. THIS OFFICE, THIS COUNTRY OWES 178 YOU ETERNAL GRATITUDE...I ONLY WISH THE AMERICAN PEOPLE COULD KNOW OF YOUR HEROISM..." 179 180 Parity and Fellows walked through the wide ornamental iron gates of the White House, and onto the boulevard. 181 Birds were singing; the Cherry trees blosomming. Fellows spoke;"Well, let's go find Ian... 182 183 [*=*] [*=*] [*=*] [*=*] DELTA FIV [*=] [*=*] finis [*=*] [*=*] [*=*] [*==*] 184 185 THIS IS AN AD!!!!!!!!!! 186 TRASH-80 COCOWITH PRINTER AND CASSETTE RECORDER, $150. FOR MORE INFO CALL 233-4172.PEOPLE ONLY. 187 ______________________________JD 2446565.5541______________________________ 188 GREAT! 189 ?????????????????????????????????????????? 190 Whoa!!! That above is what I call an entry and a half! A failsafe plot: kinda like Chuck Norris Mmeets Rambo, only 191 with a better storyline. But PLEASE try to remember that Soviet people are not intrinsicly evil.. They are people, like 192 everyone else. I get tired of every Soviet person portrayed in the media as being fat, bombastic or stupid, sadistic, 193 dense, blind followers. They are humans.Oh well. Off mysoapbox for a while. Never can seem to just LURK can I? 194 195 A.R. Phelps. 196 197 198 DELTA FIVE IS TERRIBLE WRIGHTER & SHOULD NOT BE IN 199 AND CONSUME AT LEAST A HUNDRED LINES OF BULL ABOUT 200 HIS FANTACY LAND HE MUST LIVE IN ?! 201 202 203 Wanna make something of it, punk? 204 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. 205 DV, Parity, Fellows and Company: Congrats on a job well done. But the 206 question remains in my mind: did you really get McKane... 207 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu 208 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 209 "Parity?" Fellows tendered the name in question form. Both men, despite 210 their years of training and conditioning, where just one notch above shock 211 after all that had happened in the last 36 hours. 212 "Yes Fellows?" The plane trip to Puerto Rico, the depositing of the 213 defecting Russians, the delivery of the prize, the congratulations from the 214 local NET representative, the radio message: George, Lou, and Delta V: contact 215 lost, NET search parties turning up nothing, the red-eye to Washington, a talk 216 with the President, and now, the realization of ramifications of the actions 217 during the past day-and-a-half. 218 "I was just wondering... thinking about everyone, especially Delta. I 219 liked him, rogue that he was. He thinks, er, thought like we do. Action is the 220 name of the game. The shakers and movers live at the crest Parity. We live 221 at the crest." 222 "And sometimes the crest bucks Fellows, like this mission. Four good 223 men lost. Great men, gone, in the service of something greater. It may be 224 a crest Fellows, but it has the qualities ofn abyss too. I don't care 225 what the NET books say, I am hurting right now. We nabbed the laser. We 226 torched McKane's HQ and he was 85 percent likely to be inside. And we lost 227 Delta and the others. Who won?" 228 "Parity, you know I hate statistics. As for who won, I can't say. I 229 know we lost a lot, but the other side lost something too. They suffered." 230 The talk had led them to a corner. Instead of answering, Parity hailed 231 a cab. As the big yellow cut two lanes to reach them, Parity turned to 232 Fellows and said, "We are going to HQ. We've got to figure out what has 233 happened to Ian." 234 "Where to boys?" the burly taxi hearder asked. 235 "To the airport James. And there's an extra sawbuck if you can make 236 it in 15 minutes." Fellows countered. 237 "No problem, but my name's not James, it's Eric." 238 "Eric?" Fellows and Parity exchanged a glance. 239 "We suffered too Fellows." 240 FFFF FELLOWS FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 241 BorderBorderBorder. 242 IN *TENSE* Writing, damn good, pats on the back. 243 BorderBorderBorder 244 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppnice! good climax!ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 245 <*><*><*><*><*> 246 A.R. Phelps 247 248 ______________________________JD 2446566.5398______________________________ 249 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 250 LEONARD, NO-NAME BEING DOWN DUE TO A CRASHED HARD DRIVE (TWIT CAUSED?), GIVE ME A VOICE CALL AT YOUR CONVIENENCE. 251 -=* S.S.*=- 252 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 253 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[DK: I STILL CAN NOT GET IN TO YOUR BBS ! SO 254 GIVE ME A CALL HIPPOGRIFF ARMOURY 255 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 256 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 257 Whoever that Delta Five person is, he should consider writing books for sale. 258 He is very good. That was a very good story, but I missed part of it. Is is 259 on another disc? Id like to read all of it. The Wanderer. 260 020202 to the person who transposed the 3 and the 5: are we set up on that board? If so, what do we do at the logon? 02 261 262 070707 The board works thanks to a qualified operator. It helps to have friends at the top, n'est ce-pas? (sic) 070707 263 Here's my beef here's my beef 264 Most writers on this board wouldn't make a story unless they're throwing 265 tirades to the Russians, Nicaraguans and Libyans. I say Whooa, too. The 266 Russians and Nicaraguans are yet to sink a U.S. destroyer or a battleship. 267 What I'm driving is at is that there are countries who has dstroyed 268 U.S. naval vessels and yet adored by lot of people here in the US. 269 Israel for example, and the Japanese empire. Yet, no one dare to 270 call them terrorists. 271 Where's your beef where's your beef 272 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 273 274 DV (and friends): 275 Good entry, but like another I have to wonder if Leroy is really gone, 276 rumor has it that he was spotted somewhere in Uganda selling microwave 277 ovens to the natives. One can never tell about Leroy, eh? 278 Mohammed Wassir 279 <The Lurking Albanian> 280 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 281 282 To: all agents who want to get on the board (the one that had the 5 & 3 283 transposed in the #). You do remember what was running on that equipment 284 before it's present owner got it? Just use your logon from that board! 285 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 286 *************************************************************************** 287 288 Hippogryph: I noticed you logged on earlier today.... 289 Anyway, to Delta Five. I agree with whoever it was that said you are a very good writer. I was wondering though, 290 what I'd have to do to join in this story writing. I play Top Secret if that helps any.... 291 -Dark Knight- 292 by the way, what was the name and number of the BBS you're talking about? 293 <*><*><*><*><*> 294 0406040604060406040604060406040604060406040604060406040604060406040604060406 295 An enciphered message for us on DB. Don't think I shall read it, it could 296 only say one thing 297 DV: Whew! Now _that_ was a finish. Or was it a beginning? Good work, either 298 way. 299 0406040604060406040604060406040604060406040604060406040604060406040604060406 300 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 301 Max: Remember that 1200 baud modem, the 1670, that I was talking to you about? 302 Well, It's here attached to my 64. Very nice, to be able to ATDT2301041 at 303 300, or ATDT7711370 at 1200... 304 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milch ++++++ 7:11pm 5/16 305 020202 01: I never called that number, so I probably don't have an old logon. 306 se le vie (sic), eh? 020202 307 THORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHOR 308 Just a note to thank the writer who painted a complete picture in THOR's 309 mind. Congratulations and keep up the good works. Your story kept my interest 310 enough to read it from start to finish without the desire to have the lines 311 scroll by aimlessly. 312 THORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHOR 313 314 315 EXIT 316 020202 never mind, I finally figured it out. I guess Ian's absontion momentarily disrupted my finely-tuned thought processes. 317 318 319 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 320 The following agents have not made recent reports and may be missing in 321 action: 03, 08, 09, and 67. 322 There may be someone impersonating 13. 323 ******END TRANSMISSION**************** 324 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 325 **+**+**+**+**+ My thanks to agents 03, 08, 09, and 67 then, for notadding 326 to all the code that we have had to put up with recently. **+**+**+**+**+ 327 Hello, there! This is cabel sasser, a new modem user. 328 Does anybody know any more numbers? 329 HELP HELP HELP HELPHE LPHE LPLpejlkdho:ohvivryuy:vt??? 330 ass 331 332 333 334 C E R T I F I C A T E 335 336 337 For your outstanding performance 338 YOU ARE AWARDED 339 340 " one (1) ATTABOY " 341 One thousand "ATTABOYS" qualifies you to be a leader of men, work overtime with 342 a smile, explain assorted and complex problems to management, and be looked upon 343 s a local hero, without a raise in pay. 344 345 346 NOTE: One (1) "AWSHIT" cancels all previous "ATTABOYS" 347 ******************************************************************************* 348 349 350 351 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 352 OI I HATE IT TWHEN I CALL RIGHT AFTER SOMETHING LIKE THE ABOVE. IT MAY GE 353 T DELEDTED, AND ME WITH IT...SIGHT... 354 I SUPPOSE THAT I SHALL ALSO SAY 'GOOD JOB'. I ENJOYED IT. HOWEVER, THE S 355 ILVERMAN ARGUMENT MAY BE USED AGAIN XERE. I DIDN'T AGREE WITH IT BEFORE, AND I 356 DON'T AGREE WITH IT NOW, BUT IT APPLYSIES... 357 *** STARPATH *** 358 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 359 360 361 362 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 363 1986. Another year. A growing uneasiness. The feeling has been coming on for several years now. Mostly since 364 1980. It was only last year that I finally figured it out. I realized that I was only a mortal, wi 365 weaknessess, vulnerable to many things hidden and unseen. It's hard to realize that you aren't a god anymore. 366 Another year without a job. These part time fill in jobs are the pits. At least the last job lasted 7 years, 367 giving a false sense of permanency. Unfortunately, the company moved out of Oregon, following many other 368 companies on a mass exodus to greender pastrues. The other jobs were never permnent, but at least they usu 369 lasted 1-2 years. Now, if a job lasts 1-2 weeks, I feel lucky. If I were the 370 quiting type, I guess I would have checked out of here and moved to parts unknown long ago. Seems like nothing 371 makes much sense anymore. But the thought of quitting makes me ill. Before I do something like that, I plan 372 to be on top again. I don't want people to be able to say that I couldn't handle it. 373 1969. A fresh idealistic teenager emerges for the coocon of high school and makes a choice. He may 374 understand the reasons for a 'police-action,' but he knowns that his duty is clear. Down to the enlis 375 office. The recruiter says don't worry, only the draftees go to Nam. December 1969, "I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane" 376 makes it to the top of the charts. How appropriate. January 1970 am in a foreign country, at war with i 377 Due to a striving for excellance in everything I do, have had training in 4 different schools. Cooking fo 378 rating, S.E.R.E. school, S.E.A.L training, and a political indoctrination school tht has no name and isn't ever 379 mentioned in records anywhere. I excell in all of these things, as I believe. I believe that God is on the side 380 of righteouness, that I am fighting for my country. The Domino theory is sound,and the Communist threat must be 381 met head on and defeated. 382 It is is 1970 that I find out that I am a god. We are all gods. We have te power to create, to save, 383 to destroy. The earth teaches us the 'human' virtues. The long night, deep in no mans land, alternately hunted 384 and pursued after a successfull mission teaches fear. The days of waiting, waiting for the one shot to complete 385 the assignment all the while watching the jungle creatures and insects going about their destinies, ignoring the 386 god in their midst, teaches humility. The wounded and the damned (natives) teaches pity and compassion. It 387 hard not to have feelings after looking at napalm victims, or the left-overs after a VC recru 388 a small village during the night. After watching a two-stepper finally crawl away from your warm leg afte 389 hours of waiting teaches relief. The sound of blood gurgling out of a friends sucking chest wound teach 390 hope, and hate. This must be a cheap lesson, as it is taught over and over again. My one trip into Saig 391 teaches shame. The amount of thieves, black marketers, drug pushers, pimps and hookers amazes me. The migh 392 US Military can sure make changes where ever it goes. 393 I am the best. I have more successful missions than anyone in IV Corp AO. I become the Spade Ace, 394 minor legend. A full division hunted me for a month, but couldn't catch me. I left them with no officers when 395 I finally made it back to my unit. 396 I have taught medicine and sanitation to villages, prevented wholesale deaths from plague, diptheria, and 397 cholera. I have saved more children from death and starvation then could go to a grade school. 398 Worry was one object lesson I won't forget. March 18th, I was hooking up wth a platoon for extraction 399 made it, but the platoon is ambushed and nearly wiped out 20 minutes later. Two weeks as a POW, I make my 400 escape. An unexpected Arc Light mission nearly kills us all, but five of us make for the hills. We le 401 and 10 VC dead. Sick, weakened, and bleeding from the ears and nose, we make our way back, followed by the 402 (Opps)--for the hills. We leave 4 US and 10 VC dead. Sick, weakened, and bleeding from the ears and nose, we 403 make our way back, followed by the 15 VC survivors. The worst thing (for me) is that we are all quite d 404 For the army boys, the worst thing is our situation. No food, no radio, no medicine, no friendles in our ar 405 I wish the US Army would give better training to its own. These guys are completely defeated. After 4 weeks 406 we make it back. Only lost one boy, to dysentery. 407 I get a vacation, 3 days rest and real food, and then out again as a village advisor. But I guess t 408 enough for now. If I get drunk enough again, and feel like this, maybe I will 409 continue, maybe not. Sorry to whine in public. 410 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 411 ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()//////////////////////////////////////// HELLO THERE! 412 Who ever wrote the strange but wierd delta five article? It is a nice piece of writing, but how long did it take you? 413 414 *LORD BRITISVH 415 OOPS! errrrror up there. 416 *LORD BRITISH* 417 418 Beep...Beep...Beep...Beep... 419 Beep.Beep.Beep.Bepp.Beep.Beep. 420 421 422 423 line #920-- The killer beep! 424 YOU MAY NEVER SURVIVE! 425 Yours truly, 426 GIGGLE BEEP! 427 <sigh> ????: please try to pay more attention. Around 1/4 of your lines 428 got chopped.... If you were uploading, try a different upload program (and 429 use *short* files for your tests. Better yet, enter by hand... 430 ______________________Leonard_JD 2446568.6105______________________________ 431 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 432 Leonard: I did enter by hand, sorry. Here are the corrections if you wish to make them. (I didn't 433 realize it was that bad. Again, sorry) 434 Line 364--mortal, wi(th nortal) 368--they usu(ually) 373--He may (not) 374--the enlis(tment) 435 376--with i(tself.) 387--VC recru(iting team visits) 388--leg aft(r 7) 389-- wound teach(es) 436 390-- into Saig(on) 391--The migh(ty) 398--extraction(. I) 401--delete completly 403--quite d(eaf.) 437 404--our ar(ea.) 405--4 weeks(,) 407--I guess t(hat's) 438 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 439 ?????Line 364/nortal/mortal/ 388 aft(r 7)/afte(r 7) Sheesh, next time I try this, I won't! ????? 440 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 441 WHUT A PITTIFUL EXCUSE FOR LIVING 442 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 443 444 indeed you are! 445 a powerful person. 446 447 #$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$# 448 Farley was struggling to forget that his other mission was postponed. He was 449 also trying to drive at the same time. It was difficult for him, just then, 450 to do both at the same time. James might have noticed, but didn't say a word. 451 Streets flew by, turns taken, signals obeyed, all while Farley sat in 452 something like a trance. At last, they arrived at a downtown parking structure 453 somewhere near Ione Plaza. On the lowest level underground, a portion of 454 a wall pivoted to provide a one-lane tunnel under the city. 455 Later, both agents were in the regional headquarters of NET. Farley went to 456 his desk and tapped a sequence on the COMSET mounted there. 457 <Agent E.F. Farley: Report to Conference Room 10B at 1700. A. Lovelace has 458 your instructions.> 459 James asked, "May I?" and tapped his own sequence. 460 <Agent J. Garret: Report to Conference Room 10B at 1700. A. Lovelace has 461 your instructions.> 462 "Hey, looks like we're gonna work together this time 'round, Eugene. I 463 Wonder who else'll show?" 464 Farley glanced at his watch. 4:46pm. "We'll find out. 'Further up, 465 Further in!'" he said as he moved toward the lift. 466 #$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$# Farley #$##$##$# 86:05:18:11:26 #$##$##$# 467 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 468 "Sex is something to be enjoyed. I don't like commitments -- they make me 469 feel so... committed. Do you know what I'm saying?" 470 "Baaaa." 471 "No, you're just saying that. You're just like all the rest. Tomorrow 472 you'll cook my breakfast, the next day you'll rearrange my closet, and after 473 that I'll find Purina Sheep Chow in the refrigerator." 474 "Baaaa." 475 "I understand. One night stands make you feel cheap, dirty, used. But 476 believe me, I'll still respect you in the morn-" 477 "Baaaa." 478 "Oh, I get it now. It's because I'm a human isn't it? Well I can't help 479 these things! I can't change what I am! Lamb chop, if it would make you feel 480 better we could do the Little Bo Peep thing, I saved the suit." 481 "Baaaa." 482 "Now listen up, ewe. I'm getting tired of all this talk. I brought you 483 here for one thing. Sex. I want sex. Pure, unadulterated, hardcore sex! 484 Some serious Tarzan-Jane is-that-a-banana-in-your-loincloth-or-are-you-just- 485 happy-to-see-me sex. Some doughnut-hot dog plumps-while-you're-cookin' sex. 486 Comprendo sheepo? I've got the oils and ointments, shackles and shears, and 487 I'm ready to go. You can walk out that barn door if you like, but I warn you, 488 there's plenty of other sheep in the pasture. I can always get it someplace 489 else." 490 "Baaaa!" 491 "I knew you liked it when I talked rough like that..." 492 493 -excerpt from "In and Out Again" 494 by Petrov 495 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 496 040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404 497 ERG[J ETHKY EBKHN RYKLT PEBGW RHENG TOKEN WBFHU WW[FM DBC/L EHT[K WBFRY RHTSE 498 GG[EF HNTJU ABRJT G/[TJ FNDGP DNG[T ANDRF GR]DT RHSNE /TH[G EFGBH THY[U EF/HT 499 ENGYT HM[UY ADN/N WDYF[ EBTNR WDBTT EKT EE WGGRT RHDRT NS[F/ ABDRT SNFUU EBSHT 500 040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404 501 FOR SALE 502 503 TRS-80 Coco II full system & software 504 64K Coco, 2 Drives 1 ss40track 1 ds80track,13"monichrome monitor,300baud 505 modem,OS9 op.basicO9.over 400 programs 506 ALL FOR 500.00 507 TRS-80 MODEL-100 24K with multiplan, casset and cabls new 300,00 508 for info. call 626-xxxx ask for Chuck 509 ======================================== 510 exit 511 512 <*><*><*><*><*> 513 514 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 515 For sale: one broken record player that will call up various bbs's and post for 516 sale signs for you. GIt will positively call so often that it will make people 517 sick. Refund possible if you don't like it. Call 230-1041 for details. Ask fo 518 *** STARPATH *** 519 520 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 521 Petrov, that was baaaad, really baaaaad. 522 523 PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS 524 525 WANTED: Native speakers of Spanish, French, and German in the Portland 526 area with IBM (or compatible) hardware to "correspond" 527 electronically with advanced high school language students 528 during 1986-7. Software required for communication in the 529 target language will be provided. To learn more about this 530 unique project, contact VeAnna Morgan, Foreign Language 531 Specialist, Portland Public Schools, at 280-5280 Ext. 71. 532 533 GRACIAS! MERCI! DANKE! 534 535 PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS PPS 536 ______________________________JD 2446570.6254______________________________ 537 That WANTED: from the PPS is sure on the wrong board. Most people here have 538 a hard enough time handling simple English. 539 +Dante- 540 --=--==--===--====--=====--======--=======--========--=========--========== 541 Hi All, Tuck here. It looks like things are too quiet here. Let's 542 stir things up. (Call me a twit if you want to, but all I want is some 543 interplay of ideas.) What do you think about PRAYER IN SCHOOLS.? 544 1) Is in morally correct to brainwash young minds with this religious prattle? 545 2) Can America survive this governmental support of immorality? 546 3) Will the greatest nation on Earth rot because the government has taken 547 away the moral support that prayer can offer? In the one place where 548 children are ready to learn. 549 4) Can the Supreme Court continue in their stuggle to uphold the rights of 550 the people, even with several possible new appointments? 551 Anybody willing to take the challenge? Have I offended you? 552 Well, your only chance to fight back is right here. Let's here what you 553 have to say. I want your opinion. 554 --- Friar Tuck --- 555 ==========--=========--========--=======--======--=====--====--===--==--=-- 556 To the Fried Turkey above: Perhaps if you were willing to assert something 557 in particular with the intention of eliciting comments, you might have more 558 success. But when you attempt to antagonize people with a collage of contra 559 dicting generalizations that obviate your lack of committment, you only attempt 560 to initiate eternal ambiguity amongst modemers who have long ago learned to 561 ignore neophytes who have no convictions. Grow up, sonny, and when you have 562 something to say, perhaps Daddy will let you borrow the keys to the modem again. 563 THORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHOR 564 The day had been hazy and THOR had felt sluggish throughout his trip. 565 Finally finding a place to rest, he walked into the Inn called Backwater. 566 Here he found tale makers and sooth sayers galore but also THOR was troubled 567 for he found many who spoke in tongues unfamiliar to him. THOR had been most 568 everywhere on this blue planet but he had never seen the likes of what he saw 569 at the BACKWATER. What was wrong with these travelers that they did not want 570 to share their tales? Why must they cover their words with codes and gibberish 571 when all that THOR could see were as himself, travelers wishing to speak with 572 the others.Setting his great frame down into a chair, THOR put down his bag 573 and the great hammer. I will watch and see what will be, he thought to him 574 self. THOR looked about the INN for a friendly or familiar face. 575 THORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHOR 576 ====-- : Wow, colledge words form a kindergarden mouth. What will they think 577 of next? Maybe when *you* grow up Daddy wil let YOU borrow the keys again. 578 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Remus %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 579 580 Slurs on the juvies? Oboy, this is going to end up in a mud slinging match 581 isn't it? There is now way, however, that I am not going to get my licks in 582 about prayer in schools. If there is a little Jesus freak in school, there 583 are so many times a day he could enact his rites that there is no need for a 584 mandated prayer. 585 The only reason I can see for this official event is to bring the United States 586 in line as a Religious State. Something candidate for senate Joe Lutz and the 587 (Im)Moral Major(Minor)ity are all in favor of. What do you think, should we 588 live in an echo of the Spanish Inquisition, with Christian cops beating up the 589 aagnostics, and the Jews, or should we have a nation free of jihad stained 590 politics? 591 Malcom `Mal' Continnt 592 593 Well, here it is, DB again, so, Starpath, this it for you! "Something!" 594 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 595 I thank you. 596 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 597 / / / / / Nothi ngfor twoda ys.th isisg ettin gpret tysta lebac khere indb!/ / / / / 598 Ah... I remember the days when Pam would clean the tables up back here. Now she's not even seen in the Inn these days. 599 I wonder what has happened to her, why has she given up on BW? though I guess I can understand what with all the twit activity 600 in the past year, I'm amazed that as many of the good partrons have stuck around that have. Yet even so time has taken its 601 toll. Even the venerable Piper seems to be in permenant lurk mode these days. Perhaps it is no longer possible to have an 602 open and free forum of this type. BBSing seems to have become discovered by the great unwashed masses, and as a result has 603 deteriorated to the level of bickering, slander, abuse of the english language, vandlism, vengful spite, and just plain twitish 604 behavor in general. Not that it was free from such activities in the past, but it seems like that has become the only activity 605 that has grown in the last year, while the marvalous stories, debates, and generl communications have deminished. 606 Perhaps it is that BBSing has lost its glamor to those who are in the vangaurd of such things and they have moved on to other 607 activities. But where are they? Where have they gone...what activities holds their intrest now? The Innkeeper is here, I saw him 608 coming out of the wine celler the other day. The piper has been noding in front of the great fireplace for some time. Some of 609 the more adventurous types have swaped tales with each other at the main tables. Yet the tellers of great fantasy have long been 610 absent from the system. Will they ever return? Has that part of the life of BW come to an end? Has it come to this, to be 611 discarded, given to the children to play with and be crumped and tossed aside as nothing? Is this the end of BW? 612 ============================= remur =========================================== 613 .-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-. 614 K'ELEBRON 615 HI THIS IS PRINCE DRAGON 616 A.EASTLAND CALL 617 TO NET .WTFO 618 .-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=- 619 3 days later 5/29/86 620 a.eastland try from 11am to 10pm /n.keep 621 leonard call voice 622 ------------------- 623 Why not just call aaron, or leave him a note on cbbs/nw. much faster. 624 ------------------- 625 Boy, I tell 'ya I get no respect. Now I have to endure jokes about 626 Albanian hamsters. Must be those NET guys again. Leroy, are you listening? 627 M.W. 628 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 628