💾 Archived View for gemini.spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › messages › BACKWATER › bw860417.txt captured on 2022-07-17 at 09:14:24.
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1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 ************************* INSTALLED: 17 APR 86 ************************ 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 21 -------------------------------The Rat--------------------------------------- 22 The Rat thought things faster than he could say them. Wheels were always 23 spinning in his head. If he thought about money or women, you could hear the 24 turning. We heard them turning most of the time. 25 Poured cement and forged iron made the basement smell like an alley fire 26 escape. The only thing missing was the garbage cans, and the peeling paint o 27 the fire escape. 28 His little girl was cooking for us in the house upstairs. We were sittin 29 in the basement, around the radio, waiting for the food. The Rat? He was in 30 the pantry on the telephone. Those wheels were about to spin off the axle. 31 The squeals from the radio got on my nerves. I decided to go upstairs, 32 and talk to the Rat's little girl. She was sweet enough to risk getting him 33 mad. And hell, it might have led to something. "Are you about done there?" I 34 asked the girl at the sink. 35 "About, I'll bring it down in a minute," She was skinning potatoes into 36 the catcher in the sink. I walked up behind her, opened the fridge. "I am, 37 going to bring it down in a minute," The girl was afraid to have me behind 38 her like that. Like I wasn't good enough for her. 39 "Are you going to eat too?" Stupid thing to say. It was about the best 40 could do with her there. Wither her hair, her dress. Right there! I walked 41 closer behind her. 42 The Rat hung up the telephone, and came out from the pantry. He saw me 43 next to his daughter. The next thing I knew, I was diving onto the linoleum 44 with him standing above me. His daughter was worried about how mad he was 45 too. She left me on the floor, and took the Rat out to the pantry. 46 I heard them laughing later that night. Laughing at me, probably. Damn 47 little bitch! I had to fix them, fix 'em for good. So I asked the boys if 48 they wanted to go out on their own. One or two of them said no, the others, 49 wanted to get the money from the Rat first. 50 The boys and I decided to get the money from him. His daughter would be 51 enough to get it. Not like we never kidnapped anyone before. The Rat had don 52 it too. One day, when the Rat had driven off, we took her. I was the one to 53 nab her, I did it. And liked it. 54 ------------------------------4-15-1986-------------------------------------- 55 56 Forgot to set the margins! -The Rat- 57 58 Cris H. I got my modem to work. Finally. 59 60 There are laws even Satan cannot break o keeper. Should he try, his 61 punishment will be yours and you both will share the same fate. I did not 62 say my knowledge of you comes from Christ or God. It comes from a source 63 that all must obey. The universe is filled with laws even Christ and Satan 64 must obey, and from the breach of these laws do I gain my power. 65 No, keeper, death threats do not work for I have died only once and can never 66 do so again. I am cursed to assassinate those who break The Laws throughout 67 eternity. You have potential of attaining greater knowledge but a punishment 68 must be extracted for your blatant non-conformity to the laws you MUST observe. 69 70 Your Assassin 71 72 73 DOES ANYONE HAVE A CURRENT LIST OF LOCAL BULLETIN BOARDS? CALL 246-9775 DAN 74 testing what line this will be on. 75 76 *******************j************** 77 Are you saying that * YOU * can 78 bring judgement unto Satan !!! 79 HA HA thats very funy, insted of telling 80 me this Crap, why dont you tell 81 him he has too obay YOUR laws. 82 Im sure he`ll find it pretty amussing. 83 But remember that laws are only 84 made so thy may be broke !!!! 85 You must be one HELL of a fool 86 if you actaully can sit their 87 And say I AM MORE POWER FULL THEN 88 GOD - OR SATAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 89 boy are you confused., Oh and 90 thats too bad youve only died wonce 91 it much more fun 5 or 6 th time. 92 Good luck Scum youll need it too 93 banish my Soul (HA HA) & Satan 94 alon whith me...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 95 OH by the way I have fond your 96 Identity, & all is going well 97 on the western front............ 98 Till we meat (which we have) 99 Ill be sure to walk through the 100 Cow fild so that you may lick it 101 off my FEET... 102 ********************************* 103 KEEPER OF YOUR SOUL SCUM !!! 104 *********************************** 105 P.S. Why is there all these pepole 106 who think D & D have Any thing to 107 do whith the forses of EVIL..!! 108 FOOL`S 109 ********************************** 110 111 112 What would they do to Satan for punishment? Send him to hell? 113 ^*^*^*^**^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^^*^^*^^**^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ 114 Damn good point, that above. Oh, for the scaliwags of this board....Prepare thyselves, BBSers for my 115 in depth review of LEGEND tomorrow, or perhaps the day after. Looks pretty neato, and If it isn't up 116 to snuff, boy oh boy oh boy...... 117 Anyhoo.. that's 'bout all I have to say. 118 119 Dasvidanya.. 120 121 A. Rivania Phelps 122 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.(sigh).-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu 123 DMDMDMDMDM- 124 OH WOW MOM, LOOKIE, ARMAGGEDON 125 ON THE BBS! THIS IS MUST SEE! WHO WILL STILL BE ALIVE ON SUNDAY? (OR WHO 126 WILL STILL BE UN-DEAD?) 127 BACK TO DOUGHNUTLURK 128 DMDMDMDMDM- 129 ______________________________JD 2446538.6178______________________________ 130 JAZZ CONCERT APRIL 25-7:30 131 WEST HILLS COVENANT CH. 132 WARNER PACIFIC COLLEGE VOCAL JAZZ & JAZZ BAND 133 FREE ADM. 134 SPECIAL GUEST PRAISE UNLIMITED. 135 PORTLAND OR. 136 ****************************************************************************** 137 138 THIS OCCULT STUFF IS GETTING BORING. ANYONE FOR CHANGING THE SUBJECT? 139 140 141 NO NOT REALY I FIND IT ENTERTAINING !! 142 143 144 YOU THINK THE TWITS ARE BAD NOW, JUST WAIT TIL THIS SUMMER. OH NO! 145 146 147 WE ALL KNOW THEY (KEEPER OF SOULS AND HIS ASSASSIN) ARE FULL OF IT. 148 149 I KIND OF THOUGHT THEY WERE THE SAME PERSON. 150 151 152 Was that a guy talking to himself? 153 154 155 :::***:::***:::***:::***:::***:::***:::***:::***:::***:::***:::***:::*** 156 Try trying to be good so you can go to heaven or be justified by faith. 157 :5 158 A COMMON MISUNDERSTANDING ABOUT CHRISTIANITY 159 "I am a good person. Of course I am not perfect, but I try 160 o be fair and honest with people, a good neighbor, give to 161 Salvation Army, etc. When it comes right down to it, 162 again christians and I are trying to achieve the same 163 It is just put into different words." 164 is a common mistake among people. Most people do be- 165 e there is a God and He is responsible for the creation 166 the universe and he wants us to be good people and do 167 we can to make it a better place to live (the golden 168 good samaritan etc.). If you take such a view, then 169 ** ** ** ** WELL ???? ** ** ** ** 170 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 171 ** ** ** ** WHUT ???? ** ** ** ** 172 THE KEEPER........ 173 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 174 To anyone and everyone who, on the last disk, suggested we muke lybia: you are 175 a bunch of idiots!!!!! 176 I agree that the U.S. needed to do something, but if a warhead shoots out of the U.S., you can be 177 sure that everyone in Europe is going to assume that they are the target and retaliate... 178 *** STARPATH *** 179 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 180 A COMMON MISUNDERSTANDING ABOUT CHRISTIANITY 181 "I am a good person. Of course I am not perfect, but I try to be fair and ho- 182 nest with people, a good neighbor, give to the Salvation Army, etc. When it 183 comes right down to it, born again christians and I are trying to achieve the 184 goal. It is just put into different words." 185 is a common mistake among people. Most people do believe there is a God 186 d He is responsible for the creation of the universe and he wants us to be 187 eople and do what we can to make it a better place to live (the golden 188 good samaritan etc.). If you take such a view, then Christianity is no 189 ter than any other religion of the world. In fact, if I were going to design 190 y own religion without any knowledge of religion, that's what it would be 191 on. WORKS. Do good. Help other people. Have a good time, but not at 192 one elses expense. 193 Let's look at this in a logical manner. Most people would agree that the 10 194 mandments are a good thing to try to live by but do we live up to it? In 195 e Sermon on the Mount, Jesus expanded on the commandments and got down to the 196 motive of the heart. "You have heard it said 'do not murder'. But I say to you 197 any one who hates his brother (fellow mankind) will be judged." Put your- 198 lf in a degraded society where it is an accepted practice to kill someone for 199 any wrong to you. Now you take away society's pressure: consequences, 200 tion, or possible retaliation. So what would you do if someone threw you 201 the corporate ladder to get points with upper management at your expense? 202 he point that Jesus is making is the keeping of the law is deeper than just 203 rd actions. The law must be kept on the inside as well. It would be good 204 read the 10 commandments in Exodus 20 looking at the heart of each issue. 205 ou shall not covet your neighbor's house, wife, standard of living or any- 206 that is his." This is 207 rly a commandment directed to the heart and not specifically to outward 208 tions. At this point we need to take a look at our own hearts and see if we 209 e up to the standard of Gods intentions for us to live. We need to 210 ize that we are going to stand before the creator of the universe and tell 211 to let us in heaven because we did all that is required for us to do and 212 ur lives measure up to His standard. To realize the importance of this we must 213 stand the holiness of God. There are two main aspects of His holiness. 1. 214 is a just God and must punish sin. 2. God is a loving God and will not let 215 s creation die hopelessly in their sin but WILL provide a solution to the 216 ring condition of mankind. The just punishment of God for the sins of 217 ind has been poured out on His willing Son Jesus Christ, the only perfect 218 n who kept the law in all parts. John 3:16 says: "For God so loved the world 219 He gave his only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will not die, 220 ave everlasting life." When one believes in Him, he will stand before the 221 ator with no explanation of his actions, no excuses, realizing that on his 222 wn, he has no hope, and say "Your Son has been punished for my sins". God will 223 ze that His holiness (justice and love) has not been compromised in the 224 t and will open His arms to you! Now we see that God is not going to judge 225 e believer by how well he kept the 10 commandments, not by anything the per- 226 s done but by whether or not he has believed and trusted in Jesus. 227 God is not looking for people who want to try to 'get their life together' or 228 le who think they are good enough without Him, He is looking for people who 229 alize they are not good enough on their own, who come - as they are - to Him 230 mit their sin, ask Him for forgiveness, and give Him permission to change 231 r life, change their heart, their motive for doing 'good'. This person 232 ld be you. 233 ------------------- 234 Some people say that you're crazy if you talk to yourself. But I'd point out 235 to the various users of this system, including the 'two' twits who have been 236 leaving loony messages, that while it is bad enough to talk to yourself, it 237 must be even worse to argue with yourself.... 238 ------------------- 239 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 240 Destroyer, where art thou? This religeon/satanist BS is driving me nuts! Oh, for the good ol' days.. 241 TETS TEST TSET TSET TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST 242 YEST TSET TSET TSET STEST TSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTST 243 TSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTST FSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSG 244 GDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDG 245 HDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDG 246 GDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDG 247 GDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDG 248 OF 249 ******************************* 250 SATAN --> A MYTH, A FALSE STORY, A LOAD OF CRAP. 251 252 GOD --> A MYTH, A FALSE STORY, A LOAD OF CRAP. 253 254 COLONEL KHADAFY--> AN IDIOT. 255 256 BELIEVING IN EITHER OF THE ABOVE THREE 257 SHOWS ONLY ONES STUPIDITY. 258 THE IDEAL OF A RED DUDE WITH HORNS RULING 259 AN INFERNO IS PRETTY RIDICULOUS. HOWEVER 260 THE IDEAL OF AN ALL POWERFUL DUDE THAT 261 CAN CREATE UNIVERSES OUT OF NOTHING, AFTER 262 BEING CREATED HIMSELF FROM NOTHING, IS EVEN MORE RIDICULOUS. 263 TAKEING THE CAKE FOR RIDICULOUSNESS IS THE IDEAL OF A COMPLETE IDIOT WITH 264 A NAME OF MULTIPLE SPELLINGS LEADING 265 A WEAK AND POOR COUNTRY AGAINST 266 THE U.S.A. 267 268 UNFORTUNATELY THIS BBS IS FULL OF PEOPLE 269 WHO BELIEVE IN SATAN, GOD AND THE POWER 270 OF COLONEL KHADAFY AND HIS DAFFY 271 COUNTRY. 272 273 274 ***********P.D.RAT********************** 275 PORTLAND DEMOCRATS FOR REAGAN AGAINST 276 TERRORISM 277 ***********P.D.RAT********************** 278 279 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-++-+--++-++-+--+--+--+--+-+ 280 281 Starpath..... YEA!!!!!! I agree WHOLEHEARTEDLY!!!! 282 283 Moan, groan, agony. Much as I dislike the occult stuff..( It isn't that bad: At 284 it's worst it's irritating, at it's best it's rather amusing) I HATE the 285 christianity/satanism debate EVEN MORE!!!!!!!! 286 If you BBSers don't change the subject, and Darned quick, you won't have the 287 priviledge of hearing my movie reviews!!!!!!! Yes, I can hear you all shaking 288 in your boots RIGHT THIS VERY INSTANT, so SHAPE UP! 289 Now that I, like REAGAN, have gotten TOUGH..I think that it falls on my 290 shoulders to reconstruct civilization from this smoking mass. 291 NEW DEBATE TOPIC........................ 292 Should Euthinasia ( Questionable spelling) be legalized? 293 294 ........................................ 295 Euthinasia, for those who do not know, is " Mercy Killing": Killing terminally 296 ill patients with no hope of recovery. Like pulling the plug of an artificial 297 lung if the patient has no hope of ever breathing normally. 298 299 WHAT DO YOU THINK?????? 300 301 Hoping for a brighter day.... 302 303 A. Rivania Phelps. 304 305 OK!!! 306 307 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 308 TO RIDICULE OTHERS IS FOOLISH 309 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;' 310 ______________________________JD 2446539.6398______________________________ 311 DMDMDMDM- 312 BUT A. RIV. PHELPS, I WAS *HOPING* FOR YOUR REVIEW OF LEGEND. REALLY. 313 NOW I DONT KNOW IF ITS ANY GOOD. AND YES, EUTHANASIA SHOULD BE LEGALIZED, 314 AS SHOULD MARIJUANA, ABORTION (IN THE LATE TRIMESTERS) AND OTHER SUCH 315 LIBERAL THINGS. A SATANIST, 316 DOUGHNUTMAN. 317 DMDMDMDM- 318 I THINK THE DESTROYER SHOULD UNDERGO UTHANASIA (SP?). HE'S ABOUT GONE, 319 ANYWAY... 320 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 321 060606060606..................................................................................................0606060606 322 [VWDC HDDD_ VFNOU [LD_V FNOU[ \DD_F DPTXG ZTPDP TCPDL AP[E_ EDIAN XIAJE DNXGR IDSXJ ODXLD CLUPT FLZ[\ HK_\U [KD_V 323 (dratted line noise) 324 [forget it. line keeps putting ^C in my upload.] 325 0606060606060606............................................................................................0606060606 326 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 327 328 **** THE REEL THING **** 329 330 331 Dum da da dum dum dum daaaaaaaaaa..... 332 333 Now, the moment you've all been waiting for.................................... 334 335 ( Or maybe nott ) 336 337 Well, here I am again, fresh from seeing the new flick LEGEND.. and Tom Cruise fans beware. I am sorry to say, that 338 what looked to be a promising fantasy film turned out to be rather trite and dull. THe plot is dull, contrived, and 339 mostly just an excuse to show pretty pictures. And that is not to say that the 340 pictures aren't pretty.. For ten minutes at least. The big problem is EVERYTHING 341 sparkles!! At least in the land of good.I estimate four tons of glitter was used in the first half alone. Not to 342 mention the thousand bags of rose petals, fifty pounds of confetti, and twenty acres worth of soundstage. And after 343 evil suceeds in plunging the land into a season of eternal death: Another truckload of VERY fakey looking, glittery snow 344 Anyhow.. The plot is this. The light of the world is contained in, and guarded by, two unicorns. For Darkness to 345 suceed and triumph, it must kill these unicorns by way of cutting off their 346 horns, in which the power of light is contained. Pretty banal stuff. Well, the 347 owers of evil cannot draw the unicorns to them, so they have to follow after a 348 pretty, pure yong princess named Liy, who delays the unico, in which time thepowers of evil drug it with a dart, so 349 that they can get it's horn. The princess feels understandably responsible, 350 and tries to amend her deed. Well, she along with the remaining, living unicorn 351 get captured by the forces of evil, and it is up to her lover ( TOmmy Cruise ) 352 to rescue her. 353 354 Well, once the film moves into the huge.. ( And I mean HUGE ) tree that serves as the headquarters of evil, things get 355 progressively better. Tim Curry, almost indistinguishable under massive mounts of makeup, is the best of the bunch. But 356 that is to be expected: evil characters are always more fun than good characters. Tommy is helped by some sundry sprites 357 most of whom ( especially two obnoxiously cute dwarves) serve only to muddle the plot. 358 One pet peeve of mine is when they make a horse look like a unicorn, but they cant quite glue the horn on tight enough. 359 when the unicorn/horse gallops, the horn bounces. A breach of credibility, whatsay? And at times, the makeup Tim curry 360 wears sways suspiciously. 361 362 In summation, I would say that this film is muddled, good in places, quite good in others, but not really worth seeing 363 unless you can get in on economy hour. It think the problem is.. LEGEND needs more matter, with less art. 364 365 P.S. If someone else had seen it: I would welcome a viewpoint in contrast, or even in agreement, to mine. 366 367 See ya at the movies (_stolen!) 368 369 A. Rivania Phelps. 370 .-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=- 371 WHILE THIS BOARD HAS NO RESTRICTIONS PUTTING UP 50 LINES OF BIBLICAL QUOTE 372 IS GOING TO DRIVE THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE HERE CRZY OR MAD 373 I CARE LESS WHETHER OR NOT YOU PEOPLE EXIST OR NOT 374 STARGUARD, SILVERMAN, PIPER, BEAR(WHERE EVER YOUARE), RIPPLE, ARE EXCEPTED 375 THE RELIGIOUS DEBATE IS BAD LOOK PEOPLE I HAVE NEVER SEEN EXCEPT WHEN 376 CHRISTIANS TALK ABOUT THEIR RELIGIONSUCH STUPIDITY AND BLIND FOLLOWING TO 377 TRADITION YOU PEOPLE ARE NOT DISCUSSING IT INTELLIGENTLY YOU PEOPLE ARE 378 AN EXAMPLE OF WHY THERE IS SATANISM DON'T PUT AWAY YOUR "GOD" GIVEN 379 INTELLIGENCE WHEN YOU TALK ABOUT HIM IT'S A SLAP IN HIS FACE LET ALON R THE 380 PERSON YOU'RE TALKING TO I AM GOING TO STOP BEFORE I GET MAD 381 PRINCE DRAGON 382 .-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-. 383 384 385 KISS OFF PRINCEY 386 **** *** ******* 387 388 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 389 "Whoa, Frank, get in here, NOW!" 390 "What-in-the-Hell is it Tom? What's all the yelling about?" 391 "Shut up and take a look at this readout. I have never seen anything like it. I didn't think the filters could handle 392 such extreme input." 393 "Holy crap, I see what you mean. The twit-meter has gone right off the scale. What could be causing such an odd 394 reaction in the detection devices." 395 "Only one thing I know of could come close to causing a reading like this. Teenagers talking 'bout politics and 396 religion." 397 "You mean..." 398 "Yup, Backwater again. Tune in the the correct frequency. Tie the hyper-link up to the trunk line and see if you can 399 get a reading." 400 "Done. Hey Tom, there you are. And boy, what a crazy one. We have ourselves a couple of real winners on here. The 401 machinery is having a difficult time calculating identity probability because the intelligence/capacity readings are 402 too low to detect without removing some of the low-pass DFT's." 403 "Don't bother, it isn't worth it. I'll log the occurrence and send a memo on the readings to command. They'll know what 404 to do about the situation." 405 "What do you think they'll do Tom?" 406 "I don't know exactly Frank, it's not our job to prescribe, only to report. Command knows what they are doing. I am sure 407 these outlandish figures will be bannished soon enough. Go ahead and disconnect the link before their drivel shorts out 408 our equipment. We are protected but this waste material can be very corrosive." 409 "Got ya. And.... finished. I'm changing the regulating freq back to normal scanning mode." 410 "Fine, thanks for the help Frank." 411 "No problem Tom, always glad to help out." 412 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" day at the office """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 413 414 (00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00) 415 Riviana: Thanks for the review. 416 I do think that Mercy killing should be allowed.Even for people who aren't terminally ill.But only after going through 417 a program to see why first. 418 Doughnut: Hope you will be voting in November. The Oregon Marijuana Initiative will be there. 419 (00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(Madwand)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00) 420 421 :::::=====::::: 422 Rabbitlurk.`*sigh* 423 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==Zephyr::=====:::::====<:::::=====:::::===== 424 $*##%@)*#%@^&_)*)@^&_^*^)@^*!%)!+%(#+!_%*!)*%+@#_$#^*&%_^&*_)#!++|%)+_(@+^*(@+^*(|^(*$*^_$^*+@^*+@_^@($_*#$)*^+@^*+!#+^ 425 Ah, the first boarder on a new computer is *always* something special. 426 Milch: Message about party received on Aloha. I don't know if I'll be able to attend or not. I assume it is on for sure 427 now? Do I bring beer or pretzels or Chateau Lafeet '86? 428 Emu: Not me but thanks for the words. 429 Mikey: So many things to discuss. I haven't been out to USD yet, the long arm of the law finally caught up with me but in 430 a good way :-). I have been kept busy, not much time for reading or running a around downtown. Will call soon. 431 Voyeur: Filter program and BW disks - I still need them. Trade? 432 Leonard: Did you ever get that disk drive working? If not I may buy back. I am putting together another computer system 433 and I need some cheap dd/ds disk drives. 434 Guardian: Don't worry, someday we'll connect. You must miss your Club Ninja tape? 435 LEGEND people: How could the same lady who is protecting the unicorns have a lover too? I thought there was some rule about 436 such things? :-) 437 %*&(#%*@%&_)%&!%!@!!+(#*%)@_*!)%*!_%*%&!_%)!%&! L'homme sans Parity %*)_*!_)%!%*!_%*_%)!&%_!)*!_)!*%*!_%*#%_*@%@#%*@_%# 438 **************************************************************************** 439 Now L'homme...when did you ever see a movie bother with rules??? They'd 440 prefer to insult your intellegence (what little you have seeing as how you 441 went to the movie to begin with :-) har!) and do things because they are 442 artistically correct. Whatever it s that they have determined to be such 443 this week. P.S. I still have that check for you. 444 Regarding Legend... I miss Walt Disney.. now there was a man who knew how 445 to make a good fantasy film. Make it for all time, not just a quick buck 446 at the box office. I think that is what is so wrong with the movie industry 447 today, they don't care about bringing you back for a second viewing 448 several years down the road. They just put in a bunch of glitter and hype 449 to get yo in the theater that first time and don't care about anything 450 else. Whatever happened to the dedicated directors and actors who cared 451 about what they were doing? Now everyone seems to be out for the fast buck. 452 ***************************** CISTOP MIKEY ******************************** 453 I vote for mandatory post-natal abortion up to age 21. 454 ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 455 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. 456 L'homme: Welcome to the wolrd with your new hardware! My cursor (and other 457 things) is green with envy. If I make it to Milch's tonight, hope to see 458 you there. 459 Milch: I'll try to make it, but it depends on how far I get on my expression 460 parser today. 461 Mikey: You said it! Fantasia the eighth time is still *far* better that most 462 of these new ones the first time! 463 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu 464 Well, one day I was walking along this neat road, and I came upon this bridge. 465 Well, something happend, a force drawed me to the bridge.... 466 I stood on the edge looked down at the rushing water below... 467 and then I jumped.... and the next thing I knew , I was dead. 468 The Dead 469 #$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# 470 Now there's something you don't see every day; a story with an ending that's final... 471 #$#$#$#$#$#daring to be stupid#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#and succeeding#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ 472 The folks at Walt Disney came up with one of my favorite words... 473 Imagineering. 474 French Toast 475 ______________________________________________________________________________ 476 477 ATTENTION, ATTENTION PLEASE: THERE IS A BIG BASH AT MICLHAR'S TONIGHT. BE THERE 478 OR B^2. THE ADDRESS IS _{k 479 NO CARRIER 480 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 481 The Dead: I hope you did!!!!! 482 *** STARPATH *** 483 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 484 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 485 Hi. This is joe. I am not here. I am elsewhere, preferably Libya. I don't know what! Put something. Bye! If you have ay 486 ideas, keep them to yourself. 487 JOE-THING 488 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 489 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 490 All: Indeed there was a 'party' here tonight (the word 'party' in single quotes 491 because there was a total attendance of three- including myself. Four, after 492 my roommate arrived). L'homme and Voyeur arrived shortly after 7, mainly 493 to discuss a possible (highly probable) storyline. L'homme also took the 494 opprotunity to pass his critical eye over my collection of cassettes. Pizza, 495 potato chips, apple juice, and various other consumables were promptly disposed 496 of. If for some reason *you* couldn't make it, well, perhaps another time. 497 Net 06 was kind enough to encipher my phone number and address for the agents 498 in that organization. 499 Now my home-away-from-parents is offically "housewarmed". 500 +++++++++++++++++ 501 "Yes, man in blue clothing. That is a polratscha, a common edible plant." 502 "Edible for you," I replied. At last I knew why the alien affected Cragmore 503 so. The cellophane cactus must be related to the crystal trees in the 504 Diamond Valley! 505 Argentium lay at the heart of those plants. The silver metal was a natural 506 source of energy of all sorts, but in living beings, usually boosted psi-level 507 tremendously. In natural psi-talents, that is. In a being with no such 508 talent, Argentium produced mental static. No wonder Cragmore was in such pain! 509 And why I was recovering at a fantastic rate. Being what I am, I may restore 510 myself directly using the silver metal. Now, how to be rid of it....? 511 "Straxi, inside that plant is a silver substance. Is it vital to your 512 metabolism?" 513 The alien thought for a few moments, his face-analog twisting strangely. 514 "No, it is a... useless substance that must be consumed with the rest." 515 Thank Amigc! This might just work... 516 I put away the 3x5 cards, and instead brought out my travel book. How I manage 517 to put all of the things I do into my robes is a story of itself, to be told 518 another time. In a few moments, I had located the spell for which I searched. 519 "Polyandi Uhgdur Basomku Zilgend..." I began, motioning with my hands as I did 520 so. A dim white glow flickered between my palms as I formed a little ball of 521 silver material out of the clorine atmosphere. Or seemed to. 522 When I finished, a small sphere of silver lay in my palm, and the Argentium 523 within the plants and the alien was gone. This is what Cragmore had sensed. 524 Sharp pain showed in his face when he gazed at it. Now, how to dispose of 525 this gleaming sphere of pain? 526 I studied Bard, who poked through the wreckage of his transport. 527 "Bard," I said quietly with my palm extended, "With this I can move your 528 transport to where it can be repaired, and perhaps what remains will pay for 529 the repairs, as well." 530 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milchar ++++++ 11:04pm, 19 Apr 86 ++++++++++ 531 ************************* 532 533 TO WHOME EVER UPLOADED THE ABOVE LOAD OF CRAP, PLEASE YOU ONLY KEEP THE 534 LINES BUSY! I BELIEVE YOU CALL YOURSELF MILCHAR? WELL 'MOOCHER' OR 'MULCHER' 535 WHAT EVER IT IS, DON'T WASTE TIME AND SPACE WITH JIBBERISH. 536 537 DOWN WITH SOCIALIST ECONOMY! 538 539 P.D.RAT 540 ******* 541 P.D.RAT 542 *************************************** 543 PORTLAND DEMOCRATS FOR REAGAN AGAINST TERRORISM. 544 *************************************** 545 P.D.RAT 546 ********* 547 How about Portland Dummies and retards against talent. Ignore this obvious 548 twit milchar. The last ten lines are simply a minus epsilon value over tau. 549 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]][[]][[[][[[][[[][[[][ 550 551 Dear L'homme: They are lovers not in the crude, modern sense, but in the pure 552 sense of an innocent world. The unicorn is trapped by the princess simply 553 because she, a mortal,dares to touch it.As for good old Walt: Some may be out to 554 make a fast buck, but he has secured much more. He has secured immortality. Did 555 you know that Fantasia was a box office flop, as well as Alice in Wonderland? 556 Did you know that critics panned Sleeping Beauty? Things that can survive trial 557 and adversity must nessecarily be strong to begin with, and as a result of such 558 treatment, grow stronger. 559 560 A. Rivania Phelps. 561 562 ( By the by: I support Euthinasia only if the patient desires it and is in his/ 563 her right mind. ) 564 ************************************************************************** 565 566 *********************************** 567 HELL`S BELL 568 *********************************** 569 570 From the deepest darkness of Hell 571 I shell Tell - 572 The story of the big Black Bell, 573 which sits in pits of Hell. 574 So it may be told, 575 that it is not gold 576 that makes it`s mold. 577 But t`is the Evil one - So I am told. 578 who casted it`s mold... 579 to ring it`s Toll- for the burning soul 580 which screems at God, from days of old... 581 Into the pits you shell Go, 582 for that is what I am told. 583 Upon that Day- you walk away 584 from his throughn remember whut you must say 585 if you wish not too pay, His way.. 586 587 For you may ring the big Black Bell 588 that sit`s in Hell - if all is well 589 You shell not fail. 590 Fear not your Soul - if you pay his Toll. 591 And fear not the red rain 592 that drives men insane . ] 593 And fear not the Lightning - 594 that seems so frightning - 595 for t`is the King, who shell make you screem - 596 If you pay not His Toll - from Days of Old 597 Your soul shell never hear it`s Toll, 598 from th big black Bell 599 that sits in the midst of HELL. 600 601 ***************************4/20/86* 602 KEEPER OF SOUL`S 603 *************************** 11:Am * 604 605 #$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#`#`#````(I can do `em too!)#$#$#$#$ 606 How about mandatory euthanasia for Keeper`of`Souls and P.D. Rat? I think it 607 should be allowed by popular vote in some cases...````` 608 #$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#just a thought#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#```````````(I like this#$#$#$# 609 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 610 I thought that this stupid theology discussion ended days ago. But no. I 611 return to find that it has srted again. Shaking my head in disgust and 612 returning to lurk mode 613 ........PENDRAGON........ 614 OH PENDRAGON WHEN YOU GO YOU PUT ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^UP 615 IF YOU DO NOT WHEN I CAN NOT LOVE YOU ANY MORE!!!!!!!!! 616 KILEU-UI 617 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 618 .-=-.*#@='/\`~HI 619 ::::::::::::::::O O:::::::04/20:::::::::::::::::::::::::17:26::::O O::::::::::: 620 CISTOP: I got Archive #73 from L'homme last night. While looking the files over 621 preparatory to deflowering them, I noticed that they contained CR/LF 622 instead of the previous LF/CR. Was this done by L'homme, or did you do 623 it? If you, is it going to be a permanent feature? (it would make my 624 archive-processing program a lot simpler, but I don't want to make the 625 changes if this was a fluke). Or am I just (as usual) confused... 626 :::::::::::::::O O::::::::::::::::voyeur::::::::::::::::O O:::::::::::::::::::: 627 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP(WHY PUT A MARKER AT THE END OF THE DISK?)PPPPPPPPPPPPPP 628 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP(I DON'T KNOW)PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 628