💾 Archived View for gemini.spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › messages › BACKWATER › bw860101.txt captured on 2022-07-17 at 09:13:14.
⬅️ Previous capture (2022-06-12)
1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ************************ INSTALLED: 1 JAN 86 *********************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ********************************************* system's benefactor ******* 19 20 WELL, AFTER UMPTY UMP YEARS, I'VE MADE IT TO THE TOP! AH, WHAT A GREAT FEELING! 21 I'VE NEVER BEEN UP HERE BEFORE, THE AIR IS KIND OF THIN, AND THERE IS NOT MUCH 22 TO STAND ON, OOPS, I'M SLIPPING!!, HELP, HELP,,,,,,,, AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH 23 24 25 26 27 SPLAT! ++++++++++++++++++++000000000001TED++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 28 too bad so sad 29 here 30 31 32 33 ========================================================================= 34 here 35 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 36 TO: All offices and agents 37 RE: Impostors 38 We once again seem to have people impersonating NET operatives. These 39 attempts are easily detected by the laughable attempts at using Level 4 40 code. 41 We all know that NET operatives wouldn't put up junk like the msgs from 42 '08' and '13' on the previous disk.. *right*?? 43 A word to the wise... 44 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 45 1 WISHING ALL OF YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR 46 EXIT 47 OFF 48 49 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. 50 Thankyou kindly, folks. I just hope I can keep the story going once 51 classes resume. 52 innocent bysitter: so I couldn't think up any names... I did figure that 53 you, if anyone, would catch on. Next time, wait for the others before 54 giving it away? Give them a chance at least! 55 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu 56 Emu: sorry if I spoiled your fun. I make it a habit to check strange names 57 in stories, ever since I read Sorcerer's World (by Damien Broderick), and 58 the "hero's" name was Yriah Eloh Esra. There were other such names, too, 59 so regretfully, you were not quite original. Nonetheless, it seems a well- 60 written tale so far. Prithee continue. 61 _innocent bysitter_ 62 63 *************************************************************************** 64 what happened to my message? Boy some welcome to Portland I get... 65 Ya see, I've never been lucky enough, coming from a small town in New 66 Jersey, to have all this great fun with computers. Gee whiz what a crazy 67 bunch of people to have a billboaard on a computer. Well now I'm just 68 rambling on, but I have noticed that a lot of people do. Some pretty 69 interesting stuff...They have just asked if they will ever be able 70 to pry me away from this darn computer...never ever ever,,, I've 71 become obssessed. I'll never leave here,I'll just keep typing til the day 72 I die. Oh well...Anyway, it's kinda annoying when you try to call 73 somewhere and it's busy...so I guess I'll go and give someone else a 74 chance to ramble on as I have. See Ya Later.... 75 *************************************************************************** 76 Well, hello hello! Yes, I'm trapped 77 on this piece of trash known as the 78 Commodore 64, but I know more than 79 my computer shows. Oh well, that's 80 the way it goes when you're a hacker 81 that lives poor in the backwater of 82 Forest Grove. All condolences are 83 accepted. So, there isn't much to 84 say presently, so I'll just call 85 Computer Widower, even though I know 86 they'll be busy. Oh well..... 87 88 89 ************************************ 90 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 91 ABOVE FROM NEW JERSEY: ARE YOU THE 92 PERSON STAYING WITH K.S.? IF 93 SO, ****HI**** 94 JCP 95 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 96 *********************************** 97 YES ITS THE SAME-THANKS FOR THE 98 HELLO,YOU OREGON PEOPLE ARE 99 SO VERY KIND. BYE! 100 TREVOR 101 *********************************** 102 *********************************************************************** 103 its the nj girl again. Its two am. and im soooo bored....what does 104 the "c" stand for? ive been sitting at this computer for what seems 105 like forever but im running out of things to do. ho hum. its 106 definately different from nj. Hey, where in calif. did you live. 107 I lived in Anaheim. im planning on going back for a visit when 108 and if i get bored of oregon. i tell my mother, it could be 109 worse, i could be a valley girl.(nothing personal of course-ferr 110 surreee!) well on to other things...... 111 *********************************************************************** 112 off 113 how do I get out of here? 114 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 115 BYE 116 117 118 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$[K][G]$$$$$$$$ 119 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\THE DESTROYER\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\33 120 It was a quiet afternoon at the Hysterisis Bar, five klicks from the Vega stargate. The bar was frequented mostly 121 by Vegans, which could pass for earth humans or Kadanites as long as you didn't X-ray them. Right now, though, the 122 place was almost empty. 123 The slid into the wall to reveal a tall, skinny young man. He walked in tiredly and sat painfully at a table near 124 the door. After about a minute the bartender came out from behind the counter and walked over to him. "Mandell! I 125 thought it was you. I haven't seen you around here for a long time." 126 "Hello, Mak." he sighed. "Just got in. Gonna head out tonight." 127 Mak caught the pain in James' voice. Vegans have strong empathic skills. "What's the matter? You're hurting. I can 128 feel it from here." 129 "Just a few problems. Nothing 240 grains of copper-jacketed lead wouldn't cure. Or some poison. Howsabout fixing me 130 a Fusion Fizzle?" 131 Mak shook his head. "Your funeral, man." he went off to fix the drink. He brought it in a lead-lined, steel cup 132 with a pressure lid. Before he left, he said, "You feel like you want to talk about it, let me know, okay?" 133 "Sure." James said shortly. With his powers, he didn't dare get drunk for fear of losing control and hurting 134 someone that he didn't want to hurt. He was still relatively weak, though, so there was little danger of that. Soon he 135 was quite crocked but he didn't feel any better. In fact, he felt worse. And he was definitely gonna puke soon. He 136 suddenly remembered that that was why he didn't like to drink. 137 Then somebody laid a hand on his shoulder. Real or imagined? Who cared? He looked up unsteadily into a face with 138 three eyes. A grey box lay below the alien's chin, and when it spoke in its own incomprehensable dialect, the box 139 translated. Somewhat. It made for a facinating effect to the more than slightly drunk James. "yOU ArE thE 140 DEstrOyEr?" 141 James looked around. This weirdo had friends. Lots of them. Actually, there were only half as many as he saw. He 142 was definitely drunk. "No. I'm just a dock worker getting fortified for my shift. What are you?" 143 The alien ignored this. "iIi thInk yOU ArE thE DEstrOyEr. yoU ArE InjUrEd AnD dEfEnslEss rIght nOw. iIi hAvE wAItEd 144 fOr thIs OppOrtUnIty fOr A lOng..." 145 He would have had a hard enough time understanding the alien if he were sober. What he heard now was mostly 146 incoherent but he was getting the general idea. He reached under his jacket and whipped out a .44 Mag Smith. "I'm not 147 in a very good mood right now. Give me any crap and I'll give you a third, uh, fourth eye." He held the gun unsteadily 148 on the alien's face (one of them), right between the eyes. All three (six?) of them. 149 Aside from seeing double, James' mind was about ten percent functional at that time. He had honestly forgotten that 150 there was more than one of them. He recieved a reminder in the form of a steel bar applied liberally to the back of 151 his skull. The gun fell from already numb fingers and clattered on the floor. The entire world dissolved in a double 152 shower of stars and he was out cold before he hit the floor. 153 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\THE DESTROYER\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 154 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 155 The sounds of revelry broke through the piper's self-absorbtion. Nearly 156 half of the Innhabitants were joyously celebrating the advent of the Terran 157 new year, while others looked on in incomprehension. A soft whisper reached 158 his ear. 159 "What do they celebrate? What bonds do they reinforce?" 160 Looking about, the piper was unable to discern the speaker, and so replied 161 aloud in a soft voice. 162 "They celebrate the counting of a new year in one of the Terrestrial c 163 cultures. A large porportion of the inngoers have ties to a culture that 164 usually ends a year in a state of intoxication -- under the impression that 165 it is necessary to erase reality to have 'fun'." 166 "How unique!" came the whispered reply. "And this explains their racous 167 behaviour? Is there more to this custom?" 168 "Yes," answered the piper. "Many also take this time to review their lives 169 for the past year, and make solemn resolves to improve themselves during the 170 next year. These 'New Year's Resolutions' often last as long as two or three 171 weeks, during which the resolver makes himself and others around him 172 miserable by the display of virtue he exhibits." 173 "How charming!" came the soft whisper. Then, seeming from a great 174 distance, "Do you not have a resolve to make?" 175 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 176 ****************************************************************** 177 L'homme: Two disks this time, your royalty check will be significantly 178 larger than last time (about 18X). Are you going to be at the pizza 179 meet tonight? I'll bring disks and check. 180 ************************ CISTOP MIKEY ***************************** 181 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 182 ..... Jenny had an absolutely radiant smile, the kind that makes you happy 183 just looking at her. Allen stood up to greet her. She dropped her bag and 184 they held each other tight. 185 "How have you been? I haven't seen you for quite some time." 186 "Oh, I've been around. It's kind of hard to find the time to get 187 everything done these days," she said. "But I do try to keep in touch." 188 "Then I'm honored!" remarked Allen facetiously. 189 "Be still, you know what I meant. I just thought that I'd stop by on 190 my way home from the library. And since your house just happens to be on 191 the way I decided to drop in." 192 "On the way? I live six blocks in the wrong direction for you to have 193 been going home," he corrected. 194 "Would you be quiet! You're ruining my excuses," she said as she 195 began to beat on his chest with her fists. "Besides, I wanted to give you 196 something." She left him to retrieve her bag. From it she removed a paper 197 sack and handed it to him. "Happy seventh day of Christmas Snoopy." 198 "What's this, a gaggle of swans?" he mused. As she handed him the 199 sack the paper tore. He was surprised as to its contents. "Hey, haven't I 200 seen this stuff before Jen? Weren't these up..." 201 "Up in the attic, over my room," she finished. "Yup, I'd noticed you 202 looking over some of the old stuff." Allen fingers carefully traced the 203 lines that embossed the cover of the book that was held within the bag, his 204 eyes were glued to it. "Thought I'd dump some of on you. Do you like it?" 205 "Dump? Jen, I think you've really missed the mark on that one. A 206 sacrifice would be a better word." His eyes lifted to see hers. After a 207 moment they dropped back to the book and the sack he held. "And this. Why 208 did you bring this along too?" he asked. Jenny was silent. 209 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 210 Well, it was the seventh day when I wrote it... 211 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO One on One OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 212 %$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$% 213 John Slivermen; 214 ou were on NONAME looking for a author of a story. Well I am 215 sorry that my story was purged from this system so fast. they 216 have thought it obscenity. In a "Newsweek" article, Memphis 217 osecutor Larry Parrish brilliantly stated, "There is absolutely 218 no question that there is such a thing as obscenity. The Supreme 219 Court has said that there is and Congress has said that there 220 ." I realize it's hard to contain your laughter, but honest, 221 that's a verbatim quote. What's your preference, "Deep Throat" or 222 war? Mr. Parrish evidently believes that Deep Throat is abscene; 223 meone else might think it's obscene for the Government to 224 enslave an individual and force him into a situation where he 225 must either murder strangers or be murdered himself. [called 226 afted into the armed forces and given the opportunity to defend 227 your country] Is this called the eye of the beholder? 228 The people and sysop on this board have agreed with Mr. 229 rish. But as an author I can not help but try and reach some 230 motion in my reader. and it sounds as if I may have, And what 231 stronger emotion then sex. Better Yet,forbiden sex. 232 Maybe that answered some of your Questions, I do hope it 233 e some think as least.....and last but not least.............. 234 ONCE AGAIN 235 <story deleted CM> 236 557 237 $%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$ 238 very interesting...Im starting to actually look forwards to 239 these stories...Hmmmmm 240 "electric look, electric blue, keep one dream that won"t come 241 true..." 242 557: 243 Ah, the obscenity debate. Words of argument just so you can print words about 244 sex. And wherefore does the entertainment value come from such a piece? The 245 titillation factor of course, and sometimes the thrill of danger, of writing 246 (and then reading) words that have often not been allowed. 247 No, yours is not some piece of art, exploring worlds which need to be explored 248 on a system used by young and old, family people and others. 249 'Readers Digest' wouldn't print a story about two people having sex in explicit 250 detail, it belongs in 'Playboy'. And just as so, your story doesn't belong 251 here, especially considering the fact that there are so many so-called 'adult' 252 or 'free' boards where that kind of writing is desired. 253 Your purpose is only to entertain by way of sexual arousal. While we needn't 254 debate as to whether that itself is obscene or not, you must consider the 255 forum in which it's presented. In my opinion, this is not the proper forum 256 for it. Mikey, keep editing... and thanks for doing so... but since this first 257 entry is not (yet) to the 'bad' parts, perhaps you could leave it to spark some 258 debate and further comments? 259 260 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ THE SELF-STYLED CRITIC @@@@ 261 AH, THE OLD 'OBSCENITY' DEBATES. HO HUM. FRANK, ARE YOU OUT THERE? 262 ____________________________________________________________________________ 263 557: Don't lay your retribution on the users of this system. There is only 264 one person who edits what is placed here and there is only one person who 265 has the right to do so. If you have read the introduction, which I am sure 266 a person of your caliber has done, then you should understand it. Since BW 267 is personal property, it can be cared for and cleaned and trimmed as the 268 owner sees fit. If you disagree with this, then take your stories elsewhere. 269 Besides, who needs 60 lines of garbled upload and inane talk of 'brests?' 270 Come now! 271 French Toast 272 ____________________________________________________________________________ 273 274 275 ************************************************************************** 276 If we deny the existance of the autonomous systems, imagining that we 277 hace got rid of them by a critique of the name, then their effect which 278 nevertheless continues cannot be understood, and they can no longer be 279 assimilated to consciousness. Then they become an inexplicable factor of 280 disturbance which we finally assume must exist somewhere or other outside 281 of ourselves. In this way, a projection of the autonomous systems results, 282 and at the same time, a dangerous situation is created, because the 283 disturbing effects are now attributed to bad will outside ourselves which 284 of course is not to be found anywhere but at our neighbor's-de l'autre 285 cote' de la riviere. This leads to collective delusions, political 286 'incidents,' and revolution, in a word, to destructive mass psychoses. 287 1************************************************************************1 288 #$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ 289 290 One Long Saturday... 291 (Part 5) 292 293 Moments later six dripping aliens stood in front of him. In that same annoying matter-of-fact voice, Amogo 294 explained, "A refreshingly uneventful experience. It was fortunate that our lungs easily convert to breathing liquids. 295 We saw very little water life, though." 296 Jim groaned and buried his face in his hands. After regaining his composure he led them to a spot in the far 297 corner of his property, as far from the house as possible. There was a small drum with two wires running from it and 298 some towels on top. He handed them each a towel and said, "Dry yourselves off. Uh, wait here. I'll be right back. I 299 just remembered my lunch is sitting in the oven." 300 Trying not to appear too anxious, he walked back towards the house. This was his last hope. The wires ran across 301 the field all the way over to his car. Instead of going clear back to the house, he turned and walked to the car, where 302 the hood was up. One of the wires was hooked to the negative terminal of the battery. The other lay on the ground. He 303 picked it up. 304 Jim was an avid black powder shooter. That drum contained his whole stock of black powder (about twenty pounds) 305 and a blasting cap, which the wires were attached to. From here Jim could just see that the aliens were patiently 306 waiting around the drum, like he asked. He just hoped the current would still be strong enough to set off the cap after 307 travelling through all that wire. Crouching low behind the fender, he touched the other wire to the positive 308 terminal. 309 He needn't have worried. First there was a flash that nearly blinded him. Then the ground shook as if God himself 310 had stamped down on upon the earth. A split-second later came a huge BOOM! that almost split his eardrums. They must 311 have heard that for miles. Hopefuly it won't bring the cops way out here. Jim came out of hiding and walked towards a 312 dissipating seventy foot mushroom cloud. 313 All that was left was a smoking crater of respectable size. No aliens. He'd blown 'em to smithereens. Finally! He 314 allowed himself a relieved sigh when he realized it was all over. 315 And sucked that sigh back in when he heard grass crunching from behind. Spinning on his heel, he saw a blackened 316 alien walking up to him, a little unsteadily. Looking around, he saw another one about twenty yards away coming from a 317 different direction. It took almost half an hour, but eventually they all found their way back. 318 Surrounded by six diminuative aliens staring at him accusingly, the only thing left he could think of doing was 319 breaking down and crying. He was out of ideas. He was doomed. 320 And so was the earth. 321 322 (To Be Continued...) 323 324 #$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# J.D. SILVERMAN $#$#$#$#$#$ 325 PHEWWW! 326 SOME VERY INTERESTING MATARIAL ON THE BOARD TODAY! I AM ENJOYING THIS 327 BBS VERY MUCH. ESPECIALLY THE STORY ABOUT THE 6 INVADING ALIENS 328 ############################################################################^^^^ 329 557: Please either get an upload routine that is compatible with BW or take 330 the trouble to enter your work *by hand*. It is extremely annoying trying 331 to read something when the first 1-8 letters of each line are missing. 332 Did it ever occur to you to *read* your material after posting it? 333 ______________________Leonard_JD 2446432.9171____________________________ 334 557: Allow me to get my licks in too. Although I have no problem with 335 sexually explicit material.... I find it extremely boring unless it is 336 written within the context of an *interesting* story. The age is long 337 past when sexual material in itself will hold a reader's interest. Or 338 perhaps I'm showing my age, eh? 339 Dr. Frankenstupe 340 +_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_ 341 342 343 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 344 I am another person who uses colons for a border. I have done it for some 345 time now and would like to keep using so in the future. I hope there is no 346 confusion about this. 347 From Prometheus; Nefarious 348 Margins are a difficult personal decsision sometimes. Always use a margin 349 of eighty columns if you want it to be nice to read for most people. Use some 350 other length if you screen shows more or less characters, and you want to use 351 that length to make things easier on you. 352 Though you should never use less than 63 columns and never more than 126. 353 354 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 355 356 I HAVE A DISK ][ FOR SALE!! IT IS ONLY 2 YEARS OLD AND IS IN PERFECT CONDITION.THE DISK DRIVE (APPLE) HAS NEVER HAD ANY 357 PROBLEMS. I AM ASKING ONLY $200.00 FOR IT ( A STEAL). IF BOUGHT I WILL ALSO 358 THROW IN AN 80 COLUMN CARD FREE OF CHARGE. IF INTERESTED PLEASE CALL 359 (503) 760-xxxx. ASK FOR MIKE. IF THE LINE IS BUSY, PLEASE 360 KEEP TRYING!!! THANKS 361 CHIPSTER 362 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 363 As the door to the Inn opened, a friendly individual walked quietly in and 364 shut the door. As he looked around the Inn, he found the usual amount of 365 Inngoers taking in the seasons delights. Suddenly, a large, friendly fellow 366 with long ponytail type hair jumped up and charged toward the man at the 367 door. "PaPa Smurf!!" he exclaimed, "How have you been." Most of the 368 people turned to take note of the individual (wearing a blue shirt, blue 369 pants and blue shoes) that looked alot like a 'man in blue' but who was 370 really, PaPa Smurf. "Well, Leonard", PaPa began "my story style maybe 371 just the same, but I'm really glad to have stopped by." "After a week 372 like this one, my, oh, me." "Tell me more", Leonard prompted. "Well, 373 I have had encounters with a Vegan, the strong empathic skills type. I 374 should see if Mandell knows him. Hmmmm. Ah, it was generally a very 375 interesting New Year's. Let's sit down and chat a few." So PaPa and 376 Leonard sit a chat. The Inn seemed not to change much at all since the 377 last visit. Nice debates about obscenity and old references to FRANK 378 being drawn up again from the deeps of the cellar. Frankenstupe putting 379 in his two cents (2 pennies that I agree with). And a Doctor Who 380 reference that looked interesting. Hmmmm, yes the Inn does continue one 381 now then doesn't it. "It does indeed", says Leonard. "Well I must 382 be going, sleep awaits. Hope to see you all again sometime, and may the 383 blessing be with each and everyone one of you." The blue man walked to 384 the door and closed it behind him. Some woundered how long he would be 385 gone this time, but everyone knew that he was indeed still alive, and 386 always fond of the Inn. 387 Seasons Greetings 388 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ from PaPa Smurf ~ 1/2/86 23:15 389 .-.-.My 2 cents: obscenity elsewhere, thank you.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu 390 (wow! online editing! what a concept!.-.-.Emu) 391 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 392 DE 391 393 394 (sorry, I was fooled) 395 .................................................................................. 396 #$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# 397 557: But why didn't you leave me a private message on Noname, like I asked? I was hoping to hear from something besides 398 a number. For all I know you just may be grabbing credit for someone else's work. C'mon, leave me a letter. 399 #$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# J D SILVERMAN #$#$#$#$#$#$# 400 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 401 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 402 For some time the piper sat in deep thought, interrupted only by the entrance 403 of a blue-clad man who talked briefly with some old cronies and left. He 404 still knew nothing of who authored the whisper; his attempts to find him or 405 her had failed. Did he, indeed, stand in need of a "new year's resolve?" 406 He suspected that he did, but was unsure of what it should be. 407 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 408 666666666666666666666 409 ANYONE OUT THERE INTERESTED IN A GAY CBBS? 410 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@too tired to keep tapping... 411 412 Hey! I think we've got a great ol' gay BBS right here! Everyone is so happy 413 all the time, most of the comments are positive and based on learned material 414 (often recently, allowing for the fact that there seems to be many college 415 students bounding in and out), and everyone indeed already has a gay old time! 416 So sit back and enjoy it! Be happy! Be gay! Why look elsewhere! 417 418 ... 419 Mr. Silverman, since you keep peeking in and out, presumably interested in what 420 others have to say about your story, as we all are when we write but it is 421 seldom obliged unless it totters on either the brink of genius or the brink of 422 completely inaninity (is that a word? Inane, inanity? Could be...) so I will 423 offer my words to oblige you thereof and because although I don't believe your 424 story totters on the brink of genius it is certainly, without a doubt, one of 425 the few stories I can actually find myself smiling at when it begins, and just 426 as much so by the end. 427 Hope you can keep it up, paradise would be if it would stay amusing, but reality 428 tells us the fun wears off after a bit (ref: Destroyer) and gets tedious, if 429 you can wander on that fine line and wrap it up sometime in the distant future 430 with a sock 'em up ending this deserves, 431 why, I'll just be so gay! 432 (the happy kind that it....)- 433 434 (is) 435 436 Who came up with using a dumb word like that to indicate sexual preference 437 anyway? 438 439 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ME @@@@@@@@@@@ TSSC @@@ 440 441 whoever thought of using the word gunsel for a gangster? - Bogart Reference Two 442 443 Yah, and the Flinstones were all a bunch of queers. "We'll have a gay old... 444 We'll have a gay old... We'll have a gay old tiiimmmeee!" Don't blame 'who' 445 for coming up with a word to indicate sexual preference. Blame yourself for 446 being so sensitive to its use. Guns don't kill people, people kill people, 447 etc etc etc 448 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ me three $$$$$$$ 449 450 what about ill-gotten gays? 451 452 &'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'& 453 454 The chrome and black car sped through the fog and over the asphalt. 455 The man on the running board lept off as the car sped away. 456 His shoes touched the wet cement. He slipped as his shoes skidded 457 across the wet sidewalk. 458 He regained his balance and straightened himself. Testing the grip of 459 his shoes, he walked on. Still straightening his tie. 460 The shoes made little noise as he ran up the stairs. The red carpet 461 disappeared behind him and a dark marble floor took it's place. 462 "Table for two," Murmered the man with wet shoes. 463 "Will you be waiting long?" Inquired the oriental concierge. 464 "I said, 'For two'," Demanded the man slipping a ten spot over to the 465 conciierge. 466 The guy in the tux led the way to a small table, over another red 467 carpet. The top of the table was black marble and trimmed in gold. Even the 468 red candle fit into the color scheme. 469 "What? You want more money?" 470 The guy in the tux stopped smiling and turned on his heel, walking off 471 the carpet, his heels now clicking on the marble. 472 "Lousy son of a," He stopped to select a cigarette from his silver 473 case. Without lighting it, he put it in his mouth, then continued to curse, 474 tucking the case slyly into his breast pocket. 475 His eyes surveyed the crowd. They all ate strangely. A pair of girls 476 tried to use chopsticks, their mother tried to stop them. One old man was 477 staring at the girls, stabbing his cheek with his fork. A youngg man was 478 staring at the mother, a pepper dangling stupidly from his mouth. 479 His eyes caught one of th girls. She stared at him. He gglanced away 480 but found himself staring back. How old could she be? 481 "Down boy," Said a woman, arrannging herself at the table. Her purse 482 in front of her, her boxes off to the left and right. 483 "Anyone ever call you a perfectionist?" He asked sarcasticly, 484 forgetting the girl, now appraising the woman. How old could this one be? 485 She wore a low cut dress and a fur over her shoulders, which she pulled 486 across her shoulders and tucked away in one of her boxes. 487 "I said 'Down boy', not 'Beg'," She said as cynically as he had ever 488 heard anyone say anything. Is she as cold inside as it is outside? 489 "Right," He matched her cynicism. "Why'd we have to met so damned 490 early in the morning?" 491 "I'm paying, that's why," 492 "Right," He was willing to bet she was that cold inside. "So, talk," 493 494 &'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'M'U'R'D'E'R'&'&'C'O'N'S'E'Q'U'E'N'T'I'A'L'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'& 495 496 okay, nyou. who was asking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497 There IS a gay BBS out there. It's national & costss $40 per year. 498 Interested? 499 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 *********************************************************** 501 "unruly boys who will not grow up must be taken in hand 502 unruly girls who will not grow up must be taken in hand 503 a slap on the hand is what you get for not asking 504 a slap on the hand is what you get for asking..." 505 SMITHS 506 507 Generation X>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 508 ************************************************************************* 509 . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510 To you who's asking . . . 511 Leave a private message for Leslie Waygren over on Aloha BBS. 512 The number for Aloha is 649-xxxx 513 . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514 __________________------------------|\/~~\/|------------------_________________ 515 516 GOD, I hate these BBSs!! Everytime you call one, it's busy, it doesn't answer, 517 or it's in another state and is for the COMMODORE 64, of all things! As a ded- 518 icated TRS-80 enthusiast, that isn't too thrilling. Say, anyone out there a 519 TRS-80 Model I buff? 520 521 Also--where can I find a political BBS (I am a staunch radical & proud)!! 522 523 If you have any help and a subscription to CCompuServe, send me EMAIL. 524 525 \/~~\/ Slugslime 526 ]]]]]]]]] HIGH THERE[[[[[[{[[[[[[ 527 ENTER 528 HELLO OUT THERE !!ANYTHING CONTERVERSIAL? HUH? DONT JUST STAND THERE TYPE 529 530 ______________________________JD 2446434.7585______________________________ 531 532 Slugglime (!). Try Portland Area Users Group, a BBS for TRS-80 computers. 533 236-xxxx. Lennerd: stop criticising people so much. That's about all you ever 534 do. You guys that go on about the things you do with your colons-remember, 535 this is not an 'X' rated board. 536 If I 'gaze' at a sunrise, does that mean I am a -----? BACKWATCHER 537 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 538 MIKEY: WHY DO YOU STOOP SO LOW AS TO DEIGN TO OFFER COMMENT TO 577? I ENJOYED 539 YOUR CRACK ABOUT THE FIRST 19 LINES, BUT TRYING TO EXPLAIN YOURSELF TO PEOPLE 540 SUCH AS THAT ONLY INVITES MORE. JUST EDIT AND BE DONE WITH IT, THAT WORKS THE 541 FASTEST. 542 I JUST SPENT CHRISTMAS VACATION PUTTING BACK TOGETHER A PRECIOUS FRIENDSHIP 543 WITH MY FORMER GIRLFRIEND, ANNE, WHO I STILL LOVE VERY MUCH, LESS THE SEXUAL 544 RELATIONSHIP. I, AS MANY UNDOUBTEDLY ARE, AM REVOLTED BY THE DEBASING OF SEX, 545 SEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS, MAN-WOMAN, WOMAN-WOMAN, MAN-MAN, AND WHATEVER OTHER 546 RELATIONSHIPS POSSIBLE. THIS DISK SEEMS TO HAVE BEEN FULL OF THIS. WE'VE ALL 547 BEEN OVER THE OBSENITY ARGUEMENTS SO MANY TIMES THAT PEOPLE ARE SICK OF THEM. 548 ALL THAT'S NEEDED TO JUDGE A PERSONS STAND, AND POSITION, IS TO READ THE 549 MATERIAL HE OR SHE PUT'S OUT. AND THAT GRAMMATICAL AND VISUAL MESS THAT WAS LEFT 550 EARLIER LEAVES NO DOUBT IN MY MIND AS TO WHO HAD THE WEAKEST ARGUEMENT. 551 (((((((((((((( 552 SLUGSLIME: IF YOU ARE IN TO POLITICAL ARGUEMENTS, START ONE. I'LL GLADLY 553 PARTICIPATE. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++0000001TED+++++++++++++++++++++ 554 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 555 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 556 TO: ALL 557 RE: THE DESTROYER 558 559 I READ WHAT "TSSC" SAID EARLIER ABOUT SAID STORY AND AUTHOR AND JUST WANTED 560 TO SAY THAT I AGREE COMPLETELY. I HAVE BEEN ON THIS BOARD SINCE BEFORE HE 561 BEGUN THAT TURKEY AND WHILE IT WAS WELL WRITTIN AND INTERSTING AT THE BEGINNING 562 IT HAS SINCE DEGENERATED TO A BORING, TEDIOUS MESS. I AM SURE OTHER'S AGRE WITH 563 ME AND WOULD LIKE TO SEE A SHOWING OF HANDS: 564 HOW MANY THINK THE DESTROYER SHOUD EITHER END OR SIMPLY TERMINATE HIS STORY? 565 I WOULDN'T SAY ANYTHING BUT HE IS TAKING VALUABLE SPACE THAT OTHER, MORE INTER 566 ESTING WRITIERS COULD BE USING. WRITERS LIKE EMU AND PIPER, TO NAME A COUPLE. 567 LET'S SHOW MR. D WHAT WE ALL THINK AND MAYBE HE WILL TAKE A HINT AND A POWDER. 568 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxDEAD ANTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 569 i egree completly 570 Well, let's not be so harsh... at least we could say it nicely. He's been try- 571 ing hard and has after all provided at least a partial time of good reading. 572 The message should not be "get lost!", it should be, "hey guy, we've liked your 573 writing, but, either a little spice or something new, we're not excited anymore! 574 Oh, what a fickle public we are... 575 Political debate? Sounds good to me! Obscenity, creation and AIDS debates are 576 too hashed and rehashed. That's what we need, a good political debate. My guess 577 is that most of these college whiz kids out there have learned to be pretty 578 liberal from their teachers (the ones who can't make it in the free enterprise 579 system, so they become teachers and condemn it), so I'll take the conservative 580 point of view. We're near the bottom here, so on the next disk, let's get one 581 started. Like, why we should let South Africa work out its own problems and we 582 should stay out of it, or Star Wars or 583 whatever. We need some fierce dialogue 584 to start the new year!!!! 585 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ TSSC @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 586 (I love teasing college students. Nothing personal.) 587 588 (especially when the disk is at the bottom and people call in and then can't 589 enter in their reply... 590 tee hee) 591 592 Lefties are losers! Especially black lefties! Especially black lefties who have 593 converted to Judaism! Especially black lefty Jews who are shorter than six feet! 594 Especially black lefty Jews who are shorter than six feet and are gay! 595 596 Boy I hate those guys.... 597 598 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 599 600 Last 8 lines are all yours!: 601 How about white, leftie cops who are atheists? 602 603 *************************************************************************** 604 TED: Actually, I haven't said anything on this disk. There was only one 605 line of comment, and that was the editorial remark in the indicated message 606 that I removed. Perhaps you confused someone else with me, many people 607 use the "**" seperation border, so just seeing it doesn't mean that I 608 left the message. I have only two characters on this system, The Innkeeper, 609 and CISTOP MIKEY. Both of which I always sign the name within the bottom 610 border (see below). Normally I would remove all references to said message, 611 but I felt it had merit enough in the opening argument that I decided to 612 at least leave that. And, there certainly were a lot of people interested 613 given by the response on this disk. At least the individual seems to have 614 gotten what he was after, attention. Personally I don't care about the 615 existance of such writing, but, it belongs in its proper place, and that 616 place is not here as is clearly spelled out at the top of each disk (not 617 that anybody READS the thing). As for the individual, he was writing for 618 himself, not anyone else. If he had truly been interested in the people 619 he was writting for, he would have first determined what they liked or 620 objected to. Not that that in itself is good or bad, having something that 621 is objected too be written can be good as it stirs up the old brain cells, 622 but a person shouldn't get all upset when others express their dislike. 623 As for first amendment rights, as the old saying goes, your rights stop 624 where my property line starts. When you are a guest, you play by their rules 625 and you shouldn't be surprised or offended that you are asked to leave when 626 you don't play by those rules. 627 Hmmm, it looks like I went and rambled on about the subject anyway doesn't 628 it? Oh well, someone had to fill the disk up! 629 ************************* CISTOP MIKEY ******************************** TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 629