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1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ************************ INSTALLED: 20 MAY 85 ********************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************************* 19 20 ================================================================ 21 I ached, oh how my body ached. With a groan I opened my 22 eyes. I was greeted with the garish light of a bare bulb. 23 Sitting up on the edge of the hard shelf that served as a bed, I 24 groaned once more. My head felt as if a thousand Leprechauns 25 were dancing out their joyous humor on it. I then heard a 26 slight snicker. Looking up, I saw that I had been incarcerated 27 in the same cell as Pam. "So, you think it's funny do you? No 28 doubt you are feeling no better then I, so I wouldn't laugh to 29 hard if I were you. But, be that as it may, may I ask for what 30 reason have you been brought here, and why am I locked in this 31 cell with you?" I received no real answer, only a shrug of the 32 shoulder, and then quickly grabed at the remains of her blouse 33 as it slipped down her shoulder. I quickly looked aside, not 34 wishing to embaress her. So, I guess I'll have to put up with 35 your silence eh? Getting up, I went over to the barred window 36 to look out. There was nothing to see outside but more walls, 37 and an overcast sky. Turning back I saw that Pam was busy 38 repairing the remains of her blouse with a hairpin. "So, you're 39 not going to say anything huh?" With a sigh, I sat back down 40 and sat with my head in my hands. A time later, I heard a key 41 rattle in the cell door, moments later to be greeted by a 42 toothless smile, and a horrid little laugh. Oh no, not again.. 43 ======================= Marvin Deepe =========================== 44 45 46 I DO NOT FI^DND THIS EASy TO USE ALSO ALL LYMY CHARICTORS ARE NOT DEACODED RIGH 47 E^D 48 END 49 50 51 52 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (what have we done?) 53 I don't believe it, in the time that I have been here, the mood 54 has turned and has been caught on the bottom of the cycle. 55 56 The prevelance of woe has us trapped, and we will not let go for 57 we enjoy lamenting in our miseries. 58 59 Harlequin, "knife-wielder": We have begun to spin the yarns that 60 are The Truth, and see where it has lead us? They are things we 61 felt just *had* to be said. Please my friends, let us once again 62 return to the lighter times and partake in a fantasy that is not 63 burdened with the sorrow or the doubt that follows those Thruths. 64 Bysitter: How painfully correct... We see others in pain and wish 65 to be of some assistance while we do not see those beside us go 66 without. Something about 'the forest from the trees'? 67 68 But what is not seen is the humor that is shared -away- from the 69 boards. Jokes and pleasant conversaition abounded. No, all these 70 people are not as hurt as they seem for this is only their dark 71 closet, a place to shake off unwanted sorrow. Or is it? 72 ^^^^^lightenup!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->the Guardian 140:15** 73 74 75 /|\ So what is it asked? Those things that we think are too painful to be 76 divulged in the presence of our dearest friends cannot even be spoken here. 77 A comfort that has been found is lost. Those things inside that we are afraid 78 of should not be expressed? We should keep them locked up, further chained? 79 It is a sad thought. Denouncing the freedom once had is a difficult task. 80 Yes. These words are sorrowful. And a pain to read. I shall attempt to 81 re-paste the fake smile I had come to drop. As I see it is unwanted and 82 gives depression. I did not mean for this. I only longed for the expression 83 I cannot seem to hold elsewhere. Sorry if I caused uncomfort. I will try to 84 let my eyes glaze revealing nothing of my true thoughts. Yes. I long for 85 happiness. It is my quest. But falseness is not. It will take me a day or 86 two to become comfortable in the new face. Fret not. After that the 87 security of it will return. And I will rather show off feigned emotions 88 instead of true ones. It is less painful that way, despite all it lacks. /|\ 89 is anyone out there ..... hello 90 what is all this jibber-ish i'm seeing on the screen, i 91 s it suppose to make sense????????? 92 93 94 95 *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* 96 Many moons ago I came to this place with my 97 people, we needed a new planet to colonize. 98 After many eons of existance, we were met by 99 a new race of beings, ones who meant our 100 destruction. So we..... 101 *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*The Real Me+*+*+ 102 [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] 103 /|\, I hope that you do not take the Guardians words as they might be on first 104 reading. It is not that soul-cleansing is not welcome, for I myself have bathed 105 may a time in the cool waters that this Inn provides. Now is one of those 106 times. I seems that many of us have had the need lately, and we all know that 107 there are times that friends and family cannot fill the holes that life wears 108 in the fabric of our existance. 109 This is a place of joy, with its smiles and friendship. But also this is a 110 place of healing, with pain and loneliness. To often we are required by the 111 real world to wear false faces, here live the masks that speak our hearts. 112 Guardian, do not worry about the dark color of the words as of late. The 113 river (and time) moves slowly but consistantly, bringing fresh water. 114 [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] THE TIN MAN [/] [/] 115 116 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (and the river will flow) 117 Tin Man, I often forget that others do not see me as those that have come to 118 know me do. I sometimes hide too well the cynical bite that is hidden in 119 my words. They do not show the hint of dismay that lurks behind every 120 other word... Always the entendres that are missed. 121 I too have been shring a great deal of my grief with all of you, but have 122 hidden them behind other names while longing for both recognition and 123 anonimity. Shocking would be my new unveilings. Thank you for your 124 understanding. 125 /:\ You will not be forgotten. I have spoken with one that hides in the 126 shadows, and have been given the words that befit you so well. The basic 127 concept of our conversation brought to light the idea that 'even though 128 the words themselves may be of the depressive nature, we still long to 129 hear the words greatly.' It is not out of maliciousness, but out of true 130 concern... (PaPa needs the term for business. Ciao...) 131 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->the Guardian 141:02 132 133 Speaking of PaPa, I think we might be getting along a little better now. 134 It's so difficult to communicate to someone when your lifestyles have shifted 135 completely out of phase. Little is the time we have to even say 'hello'. 136 His words here meant a great deal to me; they were a hand reaching out in the 137 dark. And by God, I'll grab that hand! Hmmm... I don't seem to recall the 138 bad times anymore, just the good times shared. <Whew, what a relief!> 139 So don't think we don't want to share this burden with you, we will if 140 you allow us. It was just that I felt my need for crying in the crowd has 141 passed for the time being. (How about you Tin Man?) If you still hurt, don't 142 block the tears that would flow as a river lest you drown from their cumulative 143 hardships. Let them flow, share the waters, spread the Back Waters... 144 In one form or another, there will always be 145 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->the Guardian 141:++ 146 147 #$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#3:42#$5/21#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# 148 HELLO AGAIN... 149 I'M NOT SURE WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE, (WHAT ELSE IS NEW?) BUT I DON'T LIKE 150 IT. DEPRESSION IS INFECTUIOUS AND I'M STARTING TO FEEL INFECTED. I, MYSELF, 151 COULD ADD A FEW WORDS HERE ABOUT PAIN. BUT I REALLY DON'T SEE THE POINT 152 (FOR ME, ANYWAY) I JUST TRY TO DIRECT MY ENERGIES TOWARD TO MORE POSITIVE 153 ASPECTS OF MY LIFE AND THE PAIN SEEMS TO BA A LITE LESS. I TOOK A COUPLE 154 OF PRETTY HEAVY PERSONAL BLOWS EARLY THIS MONTH BUT I SEEM TO BE DRAGGING 155 MYSELF OUT OF THIS HOLE I PUT MYSELF IN. LIFE'S A BUMMER, 'TIS TRUE, BUT I 156 ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO LET IT GET TO ME. IF SOMETHING BLOWS UP IN MY FACE, 157 I'LL TRY TO COMPENSATE FOR IT IN OTHER WAYS. IT'S HARD AT FIRST, I KNOW, 158 BUT I FIND IT GETS EASIER AS TIME GOES BY. THE SAME MIGHT WORK FOR YOU. 159 OR MAYBE I'M JUST STRANGE. I REFUSE TO THINK ABOUT IT. THERE'S A HUNK OF 160 STEEL SITTING IN MY DRESSER DRAWER THAT I HAVE NO INTENTION OF VIEWING 161 FROM THE FRONT, EXCEPT WHEN I'M CLEANING IT. 162 ANYWAY, ENOUGH OF MY CRAP. LET'S GET TO BUSINESS. 163 164 UNDERCOVER (Conclusion) 165 by John Silverman 166 167 At his own insistance, Frank walked out unaided. The arm and head wounds 168 they let him. His muscles felt like rubber but the act of just trying 169 seemed to make them stronger. He went through the fire door (which was now 170 eight feet in diameter) and out. The raw sunlight that hit him almost made 171 him faint but he was caught by a medic who was standing by. Frank didn't 172 protest as they put him on a stretcher and lifted him into the waiting 173 ambulance. The medic climbed in and they closed the doors. He decided not 174 to tell Frank that he was the only survivor of the worst massacre in modern 175 U.S. history. The news would make headlines around the world tomorrow, to 176 shock people reading them safe in their homes. Frank would probably be 177 pestered by reporters for a week at least. Right now, though, what the guy 178 needed was rest. Frank had closed his eyes and appeared to be sleeping 179 peacefully. 180 181 He was back in the cart, surrounded by his dead co-workers. Bright blood 182 glistened on their mangled uniforms. They held him down while Chuck took a 183 blood drenched pillow and put it over Frank's face. He was helpless. He 184 was smothering. And they were laughing, laughing... 185 186 Frank jerked awake. The ambulance was moving, siren screaming. The medic 187 had a hand on his shoulder, trying to soothe him. 188 189 "Hey, calm down, calm down. It's over, buddy. It's all over." 190 191 Frank laid back down but kept his eyes open. Over? 192 193 In his mind it would never be over. 194 195 The End 196 197 BYE, BYE, FRANK. HAVE A NICE LIFE. AND NOW, I SHALL GO INTO PASSIVE LURK 198 MODE WHILE I THINK UP A NEW ONE. THANKS LOTS FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT. I WANT 199 TO START A STORY OVER AT TANIS OT A.W. BUT NEVER FEAR, I WILL BE HERE, AND 200 I WILL BE BACK ON THE AIR AS SOON AS I HAVE SOMETHING INTELLIGENT TO WRITE 201 (UNLIKE MY PRELUDE TONIGHT). YOU ALL TAKE CARE AND DON'T LET IT GET YOU 202 DOWN TOO MUCH AND I BE AROUND. 203 BYE... 204 205 JOHN SILVERMAN 206 207 #$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$4:18#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ 208 209 LIST 210 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 211 After a long silence, the piper rose and went outside. The afternoon 212 sun bathed his face in warmth as he rounded the corner of the inn, heading 213 back to the stables. He did not even notice the animal scent of the stables 214 as he walked in the open door. In the dark interior all was quiet save the 215 frantic bumbling of a bluebottle fly droning its rounds from dungheap to 216 pile. Entering an empty stall, the piper crouched and picked up an object 217 from the stall's floor, then turned and walked back out into the bright-lit 218 afternoon. He walked for a few minutes into the woods, following no 219 particular path, then sat in a patch of sunlight near the base of a large 220 tree. He sat for a few moments, then dropped his face into his hands and 221 wept. Unnoticed, the feather that he carried spun down from his fingers 222 and landed on a patch of emerald-green moss where it lay in perfect display 223 -- the pure white of the feathers given golden overtones by the afternoon 224 sun, the clump of hair growing from the feather's shaft looking like some 225 strange object created by an infinitely skilled craftsman. 226 pppppppppppppppppppppp 227 ch /feathers/feather 228 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 229 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 230 People react to emotional pain in many ways, 231 some simply refuse to accept delivery. Yet 232 for others, the pain is something that has 233 developed deep inside. For them to hold it 234 in, to denie its existance is not good. 235 It is a canker that eats at their sole. They 236 must find a way to release the pain before 237 the damage done is too great. The tearful 238 release is good, not bad. It allows them to 239 release the pain, to let it fly free so that 240 they can get on with their lives. Yes, it 241 is depressing for a while, but the end result 242 is even greater joy, for the wound has been 243 allowed to heal, and the pain is silenced. 244 For some, repression is the worst thing to do. 245 ++++++++++++++++++++++ fred ++++++++++++++++++ 246 247 God, I think I7m gonna pukk~e with all theis mushy stuf floting around here. It's enough to makk~e me 248 want to gagg. el yucko. ya know barf what's with these people cant they run there lives without go 249 <o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o> 250 251 Firefly 252 253 A tiny spark of incandescence explodes in the night, 254 It shines with all the fire of my heart. 255 What is this power that draws me so near? 256 What magic engulfs me by this light? 257 258 Its blinding brilliance has shattered the darkness. 259 That darkness I had drawn as a cloak to hide my fears. 260 261 The old fears rise in my throat, 262 The burning and blackened scars begin to throb. 263 Yet a power beyond my control draws me towards it, 264 And I am bathed in the cool white radiance. 265 It washes away my fears, and sooths the hurt. 266 267 I open my hands as I open my heart to this spark, 268 this flame deep within. 269 An acceptance of being and love fills my heart, 270 As the brilliance alights and enfolds me. 271 Yet I dare not hold tight, 272 For to capture would shut out the light. 273 And once again would I be lonly in my darkness. 274 275 Now I fear the dark even more then the light, 276 I only need try to hold tighly the light. 277 And I shall loose that which I so dearly love. 278 279 Oh firefly, dear firefly, I can only give you my love. 280 Never would I attempt to cage you. 281 You have brought light to my life, 282 And healed old wounds. 283 With the light of your love that surrounds me. 284 285 Though the scars remain, the hurt is gone, 286 And the blackness is replaced by the dawn. 287 My life is renewed, the light has returned. 288 289 I am as a phoenix arisen from the ashes of my past. 290 291 BH 292 293 <o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o> 294 295 ////////////////////////////// OM ////////////////////////////// 296 "I need a smaller screwdriver! Get me the smaller one, will you?" 297 The man was quite small for his age but he knew what he was doing when 298 it came to electronics and AI. "Where is that 'driver, for gosh darn?" 299 "Hold on to your breeches Paul, it's coming, it's coming..." Ralph. 300 "How long is it going to be for you to re-calibrate that synthesizer 301 anyway? The forman makes a joke and you take him seriously... Really!" 302 "Just give it to me, ok? I won't be much longer. It's not as easy 303 as it looks, you know. I've got to reset the durations on certain areas 304 as well as the pitch if I'm going to make it sound believable." Paul 305 reached for the inner mechanisms that were hidden between the back seat 306 and the data unit that was in the trunk. "Just give me a little more 307 light and I should be finished with this part of it. Ah, er, um... 308 Yup, that does it. The voice has been completly altered. All we have to 309 do is flick a switch and presto! The old becomes the new!" Paul wiggled 310 his way back out and returned the screwdrivers to Ralph. Ralph just 311 stood there with his open mouth, a sign of his mentality. 312 "Gosh Paul, you never fail to amaze me." 313 "That's why I get paid more than you do." 314 "Huh?" A major portion of Ralph's vocabulary. 315 "Never mind. Just get over here." 316 "Yeeea, right... Whatever you say." 317 Ralph followed behind Paul as he went to the trunk to contend with the 318 next segment of the 'operation'. Being more of a programmer than a 319 toaster repairman, this part went along with fewer commercial 320 interuptions. 321 "Hand me that probe... no, that one. I need to make sure that this 322 is all aligned correctly before I start to make the alterations here as 323 well. Now that it sounds different, I'm going to make it think 324 differently as well." Paul gave a devilish chuckle under his breath. 325 "Yup, once this puppy is back on the road, we're going to have some fun/" 326 "Paul, the forman wants to know if we should rebroadcast that 327 announcement again yet. How's it coming?" Ralph was biginning to head 328 back to the forman's office with the reply. 329 "Go ahead with the broadcast, this shouldn't take me much longer." 330 331 (Crackle) "...broadcast later with instructions. Repeating. Farley, we..." 332 ////////////////////////////// OM ////////////////////////////// 333 334 I assume you received the note on PCS already? Professionaly yours, OM/ 335 336 /|\ Gaurdian. I realize that those around me are human when I see the feelings 337 that betray their humanity. It is depressing sometimes. Often it's an exiler- 338 ating thought. I don't mind the words. I can identify with them. The pain that 339 I express is an outlet for the mask which is afraid. To realize others are here 340 is a comfort. I'm not that foreign. Look to the similarities. You know who I 341 am. The words I find here distill the facade and erase the lonliness. 342 Tin Man, quietness gives no lies. /|\ 343 -=><--=~<=--=><=--=><=--=><=--=><=--=><=--=><=--=><=--=><=--=><=--=><=--=><=- 344 Poor Babys, 345 Remember.... 346 347 Life is what you make it. 348 Try to make the best of it. 349 350 Or anything else that you were told when you expressed any- 351 thing that gave the slightest hint that you were dis 352 satisfied(sp) 353 354 ` <=--=><=- Phase-Shifter (Double-Sharped Lydian Trio Ro#k'n'Roll -=><=--=> 355 *_*%_@)*^_)*^#)*^_$%)*&*#$_)*^_)*^_)#$*^_)#*^_#*^_)#*^_)#*^_)&*_)&*_&*_@&*$ 356 Mikey: Scripts do work! Simply amazing! Also, I managed to play a complete game of Rogue (that is until I got killed 357 by some un-named beastie!) and the VT100 emulation appeared to work fine throughout the game. I will be doing some 358 more testing, and I will let you know what happens. Oh, I was going through the archives recently and ran across 359 a few old memories. Remember the good old days of D.O.M., CYM, ShIfTy, DINDINGY, Analog Alan, The sysm, 360 Luke, Jody, and Hrothgar? Oh yes, the names of yesteryear. What insight they give even now. Just reminiscing...... 361 Kosta: Ya know, I think you may be right! 362 Fellows: Calm down will you! Oddities and Delights will be returning with another exciting episode soon. 363 *_)*%@#_*_)^*_)*^)_*@#_)%*@)_%*@)_ L'homme sans Parity *_*@#_%*@_)%*_%*@)_*%*_)*_*^_)*@_^**^_)*@_)*^_@)^@)_*@_)*^@^ 364 365 Er... That should be DINGY not DINDINGY! 366 367 --> Depression mode ENABLED. Spomeone PLEASE tell me that suicide isn't painless. 368 - TJ/// 369 TJ, it depends on how you do it. Some ways will entail much suffering, some just 370 a little, and some are relatively pleasant (so I've heard). Try carbon monoxide. 371 LET'S KNOCK THE SUICIDE *CRAP* OFF, OKAY? 372 J.S. 373 #$#$ 374 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 375 Nope, me thinks you should OD on coke, it's the real thing! 376 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 377 378 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*X^n*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 379 nosr nos no n on son rson erson person Phew; another quick transfer. I think 380 I'll splash-down into that roman pool! 381 I have to aggree with my old friend Guru of Bliss: 382 Gregariosness is an obsession! 383 Life is a blank sheet of paper. Your will is a pencil. Now if someone would 384 just quit jogging my elbow... This is why some artist paint with a wide brush. 385 The little jiggles are no longer quite as disasterous. Aaarrrggghhhhhh??; 386 I said THAT? wellllll Life isn't realy THAT simple for me either. 387 Shure do wish certain people would show up in the flesh for eyebal to 388 eyebal. Some I haven't seen in a while and some I might never have 'seen'. 389 My comm mode in realtime doesn't always work all that well so most of you 390 probably don't realize that I feel that way. I suppose the presence of each 391 other might be too painful for some but 392 there's getting to be not so many of us showing up at the saturday multiplex- 393 ings. 394 Is it alright to like a few people, and everybody, AND my solitude. 395 There are realms ware the air is sweet. friends, inner happiness, w/o 396 mucking about in the dregs, or pasted-on false hilarity. 397 person 398 erson rson son on n no nos nosr nosrep osrep srep rep ep p 399 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 400 401 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (life, the revolving door, and you) 402 - TJ///, You know, I really wish the job I had provided me with some REAL 403 hours off. That way I could be around when you and the other have your 404 little chats. I just wish that I had some time available to discuss these 405 things with you. 406 Isn't it odd when you seem to be ahead of the crowd? I'm on my (believe it or 407 not) up-cycle just as the rest of the world is heading for their downward half. 408 How can I express a part of the joy that I know feel? I guess it is true that 409 poetry and the like is alot easier when in a blue mood, buyt there's gotta be a 410 way to pass on the glee as well. Ok, maybe not glee, but I am feeling better 411 than just a couple of days ago. 412 /|\ (Well, there goes the glee) I don't know. You say to look, but I don't 413 know where. Real names flash in my mind, but who? Maybe you are the one 414 that has told me "No I'm not". Maybe you are the one from the shadows 415 with whom I spoke. Maybe you are the one I sent the timepiece message to. 416 Maybe you are the one that asked for a friend to join them on some far 417 away, improvised escape from the city. But all I see are words that want 418 to be familiar, but aren't. From you I see not a face, but only green 419 letters. The public forum is never the best way to clear these matters up 420 while maintaining the facade. 421 But keep the facade, it is something we would all enjoy. I reclude in 422 mine, and you in yours. Some don't even talk to me for they say I am 423 one not to be trusted, that I am nothing but a spy. Alas, not so... 424 They fear that I am not who they may longer call 425 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->the Guardian 142:06 426 ^^^^^ p.s.: TJ, How's Monday? I'll call before then to see if I may see. 427 428 ? ? ? ? ? ? 429 /|\ is not the time-piecer, Guardian. 430 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 431 [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] 432 433 Not quite asleep 434 Just lying on 435 Smooth sheets 436 Eyes wide 437 Letting in 438 Only dark 439 440 A cool night 441 Washes over 442 Smooth sheets 443 It touches 444 A memory 445 And I stir 446 447 My hand reaches 448 Finding only 449 Smooth sheets 450 No impression 451 No depression 452 Just empty 453 454 I get up 455 Fluff pillows 456 Smooth sheets 457 Find towels 458 Shower alone 459 Another day 460 461 The clock ticks 462 So slowly 463 Smooth sheets 464 Stay smooth 465 Too long 466 Without you 467 468 [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] THE TIN MAN [/] [/] 469 Guardian--> It is hard to talk of such things, even with others we trust so 470 highly. And with respect comes trust, no doubt? So you must understand that even 471 though I highly respect and trust you, as well as the other and others, I cannot 472 seem to find the words to open my internal struggle to the rest. Maybe soon I'll 473 find a way... - TJ/// 474 475 be sure to visit the computer & Electronics expo 476 may 31 thru june 2 at the portland memorial 477 coliseum, 10pm - 5pm! it should be an excellent 478 show this year with even more game software for 479 your commodore 64 and atari 2600 machines than 480 ever! don't miss it! 481 482 #$##$##$##$#lurk now, enter later#$##$##$##$# Farley #$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$# 483 just got on system and would like to see any messages people have left, but dont 484 <- 485 <-------- 486 ------- 487 ------S O Fm---- 488 FRED: XHOW DOES ONE` C_OME _OUT OF A "SHELL" TXTHAT 489 THEY HAVE BEEN FOR YEARS? YOU CAN'T JUST LET OUT ALL 490 THOES TEARS. 491 -----k------------k -M-> 492 493 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 494 Weeping is for some a catharasis. It burns out the pain and quenches the 495 coals with the tears. For others it seems to have no real purpose other than 496 display -- some form of coercing others into acknowledgement of their feelings. 497 The piper had not worried about others -- he sought solitude for his 498 emotional pain, just as a wounded animal seeks solitude to heal physical 499 wounds. Humans have a unique capability -- emotional exhaustion. After 500 several hours, the piper collapsed into a deep sleep. A small grey 501 squirrel inched its nervous way down a nearby tree, and with nervous jerks 502 worked its way near the piper. A spasm twisted the piper's body and sent 503 the small animal in a panic up the tree while the piper's face twisted 504 with the intensity of his dream. 505 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 506 *************************************************************************** 507 L'homme: Sounds great, glad to hear you have been having fun with CL. 508 I'm very interested in the results of using it with EDT, since that 509 is a rather common usage when running on DEC equipment. Have you tried 510 it on the PCjr yet? (I know, who cares? IBM doesn't!) 511 *************************** CISTOP MIKEY ********************************* 512 _______________________________________________________________________________ 513 514 Voyage 515 Part 1 516 517 The sun, now high in the sky, beat down on the landscape below with 518 its incessant drumming of `eat. No portion of the pa2ched surface could 519 520 Arg! Too much line noise to send with ENTER ONLY. I'll try later from a different location. 521 A Story Teller 522 ________________________________________________________________________________ 523 524 #$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$# 525 Hmmm, nearing the bottom. I'll wait for the next rotation before making an 526 entry. Saturday, perhaps? 527 Guardian: I like your dating system. I was wondering about it when I stumbled 528 across a particular entry in my 529 "Standard Mathematical Tables" book. 530 #$##$##$##$##$##$# Farley #$##$##$##$# 143/85 - 22:01 #$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$# 531 *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* 532 So we went to ask the Elder what to do about 533 these invaders. He thought long and hard until 534 he told us of a secret power my people had millions 535 of years ago, which was abolished because of 536 its terrible consequences on our people. The Elder 537 informed us that re-gaining this power was the only way 538 to rid ourselves of this new foe. So, the Elder began 539 his research right away to find all that he could 540 on our ancient power. After five long weeks, we were 541 being wiped out by the invaders and the Elder finally found 542 a way to regain our ancient powers, but it would take 543 a long tedious training period for the chosen few to get 544 this awsome power. The trainees were chosen, 5 of them,..... 545 *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+the real me*+*+*+*+*+*+* 546 547 548 549 550 THIS IS BIZARRE, WHAT IN THE WORLD DOES THIS ACCOMPLISH FOR ANYONE??? 551 as the mugger patiently waited for another victem in the park late that night an 552 an inoscent old lady, on her way home from the post office, decided to take a 553 shortcut through the park. Little did sshe know of the terror awaiting her. 554 As the old lady exited the underpass the mugger saw an opertunity to make a 555 score and a few bucks. Slowly he stealthed his victom, the moonlight glistned 556 off of his axe. With lightning speed he struck, but the old lady, knowing of 557 the dangers, pulled out her .44 magnum and said "go ahead, make my day." 558 Needless to say he did make her day. 559 The moral of the story is stay away from old ladir ies with 560 large purses because one of them could be dirty harrys mother. 561 562 563 Written by Eric Strickland 564 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*Guru of Bliss*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 565 It takes a strong spirit to be brave enough to cry! 566 (on the other hand; wallowing in it can get just a tad tedius (no ?)) 567 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 568 WKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWK LURK WKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWK 569 570 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 571 From Prometheus; Disguising 572 I wonder why this disk is already cycled. 573 I mean, it still has plenty of spce to use. Oh well, isn't as if I 574 was upset at all. I am enjoying myself, and think it is time to go 575 off and read the other disk. Disk A for all you attention payers. 576 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 577 578 579 <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+<+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+> 580 oh no.....I thought id heard the last of the bells a few years back.. 581 but it seems that dingy is back bells and all! 582 Do a also detect the signs of a Varley fan out there?? 583 <+><+><+><+> long time lurker <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+> 584 >>>>>>>------------------------------- The Sentry ------------------>>>>>>> TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 584