💾 Archived View for gemini.spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › messages › BACKWATER › bw850509.txt captured on 2022-07-17 at 09:10:16.
⬅️ Previous capture (2022-06-12)
1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 ************************* INSTALLED: 9 MAY 85 ********************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ***************************************************************** 19 20 L'homme: Thanks for the info, I'll check into the dropped character probelm, 21 One thing I am very interested in is the terminal emulation (VT100/ADM3A/VT52) 22 as I have had one bug report from the field that it gets lost when scrolling 23 down thru a file under EDT on a vax, but I have been unable to duplicate 24 it here. Also, I need to get you a new copy, the one you have has a few bugs 25 such as it appears that the arithmetic processor is processing right to left, 26 instead of left to right. It was recursing to the wrong place. also, the 27 CLOSE and WRITE commands while appearing to work perfectly well actually 28 have a very MAJOR bug. They blowup go someplace in the code and destroy things 29 then somehow a self recovery occurs, and everything runs again, except some 30 random peice of code that gets destroyed. Perhaps that is the cause of the 31 lost characters. What is happening is that the routines are exiting to the 32 wrong place, and poping off 4 more levels of the stack then they should. 33 Also, I would like to know how closly the auto timing came out on the AT. 34 You can check it by giving the command TEST W it should then print a '*' 35 once each second. (use ^X to get back to command mode). The timming should 36 be within 20% and preferably within 10% (but I'm not picky). 37 ****************** 38 John Silverman: Basicly, I follow the accepted norm of social rules here. 39 Yes, they change as time passes, as does society. I try to run BW for the 40 'mainstream' readers. This does mean that there are some limitations, such 41 as language, and sex, and even vilolence in certain aspects. I could pull 42 rank like other sysops do, and say tough, it's my BBS I'll run it the way 43 I feel, but I perfer to explain why I have the rules I do, certainly they 44 don't sit well with everyone, but as I said, I try to fit the mainstream 45 reader, thus certain limitations are required so as to not loose them. 46 Certain words and actions are very disturbing to some people, and if there 47 is no need to say them why say them? All to often people use them to 48 try to prove that they are better then the other person because they 49 can control them thru the use of the words or actions. Yet all they 50 are proving is that they have no concern for the other persons eelings. 51 When you put something here keep in mind that it is a public forum, 52 and think of how you would act if you were talking in front of an 53 audience, because that is what you are doing, it is only delayed 54 slightly in time. An easy way to find out what is acceptable and what 55 isn't is to simply observe what others do and say. If you note, I 56 do allow an occasional 'hell' and such when it is used in proper 57 context, but to use it purly to prove that you can say it is hardly 58 a way to get people to respect you, or read your entries. Also, you 59 will get your works rejected by every publisher I know, there are many 60 ways to express strong emotion and they can be very well written, 61 but all to often the young budding writter does a cop out, and uses 62 the simple language because it is easier. unfortunatly you loose a lot 63 of readers as a result. So please, yes enter stories here, but also, 64 remember the people to are telling them to, and tell the story in a way 65 they can enjoy. Believe me, they will respect you for it, and you'll 66 get a lot more praise and satisfaction as a result. 67 End of tirade. 68 ***************************** CISTOP MIKEY *************************** 69 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (clearly understandable) 129:14 70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Mark and Melissa: I have nothing against sex (unless it is purposeless) 72 written on Backwater. But, I think I liked the story better with the piece. 73 out of it. I thought it ended well, leaving some to one's imagination. 74 I am sure you could not have desribed, "everything that could go on between 75 a man and a women...". In my opinion it was great without it. I am glad 76 you left it out./ -Tanya 77 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 ::::::::::__________::::::::::__________::::::::::__________::::::::::_______ 79 >zNew Poet--> Trying something new? I like. Nice contrast between meanings of 80 words. Also shows how diverse (and often confusing) our language can be. 81 82 Guardian--> I will attempt contact on requested subject this evening (09May). 83 ::::::::::__________:::::::::: The Jiz /// __________::::::::::_______ 84 It was a Tuesday evening. I went to sleep. Goodnight! 85 86 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 87 Hey: 88 I second John S.'s curiousity in wondering how to back up over a line 89 already entered to correct a mistake. Also, do most users here really 90 manually enter their work? I gots to know. 91 92 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ the mechanic @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 93 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 94 95 The polarized viewing windows began to darken as the orbiting station 96 aproached the daylight side of the Earth. Ian Goldburg put down his pipe into 97 a half-filled ashtray as a group of travellers walked towards the comstations 98 that would transport them to the outer solar system in a matter of minutes. 99 Several men in three peice suits went to Ian's comstation number twelve. They 100 were young, much younger than Ian and obviously much better off. Ian returned 101 the pipe to his mouth. 102 "Where are you fellas headed?" 103 "Titan." answered one. 104 "Umm, Titan, just a sec." Ian checked his computer. "The next open 105 connection to Titan will be in thirteen hours and twelve minutes." The man 106 sighed and suggested to the others that they rent a movie or two. He then 107 made the necessary arrangements with Ian. 108 "Five for Titan, billed to Softcom, Inc." 109 "Gotcha. Okay, I'll be expecting you." Ian gave a polite smile and the man 110 left. He looked at the people from his comstation and thought about what it 111 must have been like to travel before transcom. People would spend months 112 travelling the short distance from the Earth to Titan, sometimes hibernating, 113 sometimes not. Now people didn't have to travel at all. Every single bit of 114 their body chemistry would be digitized and sent to Titan's station, where 115 they would be reassembled from the binary signal. Even after all these years 116 working the Comstations, he still found it amazing. He put down his pipe and 117 glanced at his watch. It was already 12:10. He left his station and went 118 home for the night. 119 When he returned the next day, the five men were already there. The first 120 man went into the small chamber. He went through the digitzing cycle quickly. 121 Everything went smoothly. Ian received an OK message from Titan and he 122 elementized the man's body. He ran the rest of the men through. The last 123 man, obviously his first time through, asked Ian about the dangers of cancer. 124 "Oh, don't worry about that. True, when Transcom first came out, there was 125 a high incidence of cancer, but now we send the signal through t7ice and Titan 126 compares the two. If there are any differences between the two, we start the 127 process again. Believe me, there's nothing to worry about." The man seemed a 128 bit reassured, but still rather shakey. He went through. The five men had 129 been put through in only an hour. 130 Ian reached for his pipe, and realized that he had left it in his cabin. 131 He went back through the thin, bright passages to his cabin, but when he 132 returned something seemed very strang----------- 133 Ahhhh, able to upload at last! Part 2 soon. 134 Darn, there are a few transfer errors in it. Oh, well, such is life. 135 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Walrus 00000000 136 =!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!= 137 138 SHIFTIN' PLANES (PART 3) 139 FLIP WATCHED AS THE CLOAKED FIGURE MADE HIS WAY THRU THE TREES, WORMING 140 HIS WAY UP THE HILL. IT WAS ABOUT AN HOUR OR TWO BEFORE DAWN, AND FLIP 141 WAS WIDE AWAKE, READY FOR THE NEW DAY IN THIS STRANGE WORLD. THE STRANGER 142 SLOWLY ENTER THE CAMP, HIS HANDS IN THE OPEN SO ONE COULD SEE THAT HE 143 DID NOT HOLD ANY WEAPONS. "HELLO, MY I WARM MYSELF BY YOUR FIRE?" HE ASKED 144 STANDING JUST OUTSIDE THE CIRCLE OF LIGHT. "SURE, I COULD USE SOME COMPANY 145 ON THIS COOL MORNING." REPLIED FLIP, AS HE MOTIONED THE STRANGER CLOSER. 146 "WHAT MIGHT YOU NAME BE?" HE ASKED. "MY NAME IS TRILON, AND I COME FROM 147 THE VALLEY BELOW. ARE YOU ON YOUR WAY UP TO THE PRAYER STONE?" HE ASKED. 148 "ME, NO I AM TRAVELING DOWN TO THE VALLEY..." FLIP BARLEY SAID THIS WHEN 149 HE NOTICED THE STRANGERS FACE GO PALE. "NO ONE COMES DOWN FROM HERE, THE 150 GODS TAKE THOSE WHO CLIMB THIS HOLY MOUNTAIN!" WITH THAT SAID TRILON 151 STARTED RUNNING UP THE HILL AWAY FROM FLIPS CAMP AS FAST AS HE COULD. 152 "STRANGE..." THOUGHT FLIP AS HE WATCHED THE STRANGER DISAPPEAR INTO THE 153 TREES. "I MUST REMEMBER NOT TO TELL ANYONE I HAVE BEEN UP HERE...THAT 154 COULD ALSO EXPLAIN MY PREDICAMENT". 155 AFTER CLEANING UP THE CAMPSITE (LEAVING LITTLE TRACE OF ITS BEING) 156 HE ADJUSTED HIS PACK AND SETOFF DOWN THE MOUNTAINSIDE AND TO THE LEFT, TO 157 FOLLOW A STREAM THAT SEEMED TO FLOW INTO THE VALLEY. THE STRANGER AT THE 158 CAMP THE MORNING DIDN'T SEEM TO CARRY ANY WEAPONS, WHICH WAS ODD FOR ONE 159 HIKING AT NIGHT. NO MATTER, HE THOUGHT AS HE PICKED HIS WAY THROUGH THE 160 THICK UNDERBRUSH BY THE STREAM, LOOKING FOR TRACKS OF ANIMALS OR MAN, 161 WWHICH MIGHT HELP IN IN HIS JOURNEY. STOPPING ONLY FOR A LIGHT SNACK THAT 162 MORNING, HE CONTINUED ON DOWNSTREAM, LOOKING FOR A SUITABLE SITE FOR A 163 CAMP. THE STREAM HAD WIDEN ENOUGH FOR A SMALL RAFT TO PILOT ITS WAY DOWN 164 TTHE VALLEY. SETTING ABOUT TO MAKE HIS RAFT HE NOTICED THAT THERE SEEMED 165 TO BE ONLY BIRDS AND INSECTS ON THIS WORLD, BESIDES THE FISH IN THE 166 CREEK, FOR HE HAD NOT SEEN ANY TRACKS OF SIGNS OF ANY AMINALS AT ALL 167 DURING THE MORNING. "THANK GOD FOR FISHHOOKS" HE THOUGHT AS HE DRAGGED 168 THE LOGS TO THE PILE. RUMMAGING THRU THE KIT HE PULLED OUT HIS TRUSTY 169 ROPE AND STARTED TO LASH TOGETHER THE LOGS FOR HIS RAFT. LATER, AFTER 170 HE FINISHED, HE FOUND A LONG BRANCH AND TRIMMED IT TO LENGTH FOR HIS 171 'PUSH POLE' TO HELP IN HIS JOURNEY DOWNRIVER. 172 THE JOURNEY THAT DAY WENT UNEVENTFUL ACCEPT FOR THE RAPIDS HE 173 ENCOUNTER IN VARIOUS PARTS ON THE CREEK, WHICH HE ALMOST LOST ALL 174 THE GEAR HE CARRIED. FARTHER AND FARTHER HE WENT BUT STILL NO SIGN 175 OF HABITATION, WHICH SEEMED RATHER ODD ON THIS BEAUTIFUL CREEK (WHICH 176 WAS SLOWLY TRANSFORMING INTO A RIVER THE FARTHER HE WENT). THE SURROUNDING 177 COUNTRYSIDE LOOKED THE SAME, TREES AND LITTLE BRUSH, MORE TREES AND MORE 178 TREES, THERE SEEMED TO BE NO END. LATER AT NIGHTFALL HE POLED THE RAFT 179 INTO A COVE AND BROKE CAMP. SINGING TO HIMSELF WHILE GATHERING WOOD, 180 AN OLD BOY SCOUT BALLAD CAME TO MIND. THIS BALLAD HELPED HIM TO REMEMBER 181 HOW TO BUILD A FIRE THE EASY WAY, AND IT ALWAYS WORKED. SINGING, HE 182 BROKE OFF THE DEAD LIMBS OFF THE TREES NEAR HIS CAMPSITE FOR HIS FIRE 183 WHEN HE SUDDENLY FELT A PRESENCE BEHIND HIM. SLOWLY TURNING HE LOOKED 184 UPON THE NEW VISTOR... 185 186 (TO BE CONTINUED) 187 188 =!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!==! 189 190 Down with Cory Brunish and cliff-hangers! 191 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 192 Bigfoot - fyi: you MAKE camp when you set it up, you BREAK camp (in the morning) 193 when you pack up your gear and move on. (bitch bitch bitch...) 194 _innocent bysitter_ 195 #$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$1:22am$#5/10/85$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# 196 Okay, let's give it a try... 197 UNDERCOVER by John Silverman 198 (c) 1985 John Silverman 199 200 Frank still couldn't believe this was happening. He stood against the 201 wall of the laundry room, shivering in his damp dishwasher's uniform, 202 with the rest of the surviving members of the hotel staff. Facing 203 them were a dozen men dressed in olive-drab uniforms complete with 204 black ski masks, all armed with various sorts of submachine guns. 205 They were waiting. 206 207 208 From the events of the last hour, Frank had arrived at one inescapable 209 conclusion. He, and all his fellow co-workers, were going to die. 210 It was just too logical, given the situation. His heart thundered as he 211 furiously thought of some slim hope to cling to. Right at the edge 212 of the crowd, by the washing machines, was a large yellow laundry 213 cart, about as tall as Frank's waist, filled with filthy linen. It 214 was just large enough to hold him and was out of the gunmen's direct 215 line of sight. 216 217 218 He moved towards the cart, using the crowd to mask his movements. 219 The gunmen weren't watching too closely right now, anyway. Finally 220 he had his hands on the edge of the basket. nobody was looking his 221 way at the moment and the gunmen were out of sight. He gripped the 222 edge tighter and vaulted in, pulling several layers of smelly shets 223 over him. The lack of space forced him to curl up into a fetal 224 position. He settled down and waited. 225 226 227 An hour later he was beginning to fel like an idiot. A cramped one. 228 It was hot and stuffy in there and it didn't smell very nice, either 229 These sheets were pretty rank and he hoped he wasn't going to catch 230 some kind of disease off them. He was about to admit he was a hopeless 231 and climb back out when he heard the door open. A hushed silence fell 232 across the room and then the high, nasal voice of the terrorist's 233 leader rang out. 234 235 236 "This is the greatest day of your lives! All that we are doing, we are 237 doing for you! No more uneven distribution of wealth! No more poverty 238 and crime! No more restriction of personal freedoms by authority!" 239 240 241 Frank thought, this guy is totally off his rocker, or stoned. probably 242 both. 243 244 245 The leader continued, "The new revolution is beginning right now! And 246 your role in it shall be the most honorable of all! Since there are far 247 too many of you to be effectively contolled by the few of us, we must 248 find an alternative." Frank felt a chill run through him. the crowd was 249 beginning to catch on, too, as 250 frightened mutterings reached his ears. 251 252 253 "Your names will go down in history as the first to give their lives 254 up to our great cause. You will be remembered with honor. GOD BLESS 255 AMERICA!!" 256 257 258 And then they opened fire. 259 260 261 Unlike in the movies, where sounds are toned down for viewer comfort, 262 twelve 9MM machine guns being fired simultaneously in an enclosed space 263 creates a noise beyond description. Frank jammed his fingers in his 264 ears and still felt as though his eardrums were about to burst. The roar 265 covered everything, including the screams of the dying. The awful noise 266 went on and on until Frank thought he couldn't takey more. Then 267 it stopped. 268 269 270 He didn't know how long he had lain there, waiting for his hearing to 271 return. When it finally did, he tried to listen. Eventually, he decided 272 he was alone. There was an emergency fire door in the back of the room 273 He could escape that way, with a little luck. Tensing up, he tried to 274 ready himself. As he was about to make his move, he was frozen by the 275 sound of a bootheel scraping on the concrete floor nearby. They had left 276 somebody, probably to watch that fire door. Frank had just narrowly 277 missed revealing himself. He relaxed his muscles and tried to keep 278 from shaking. He was trapped. 279 280 (To Be Continued....) 281 282 JEEZ, WHAT A CHORE! IS THERE ANY WAY AT ALL OF DELETING LINES ALREADY 283 ENTERED? IF SO, THEN I COULD DOWNLOAD FROM MY WORD PROCESSOR AND DO 284 ALL MY TYPING OFFLINE. IF THE DOWNLOAD SCREWS UP, (LIKE IT DID BEFORE 285 THEN I COULD DELETE THE WHOLE MESSAGE AND TRY AGAIN, OR NOT TRY AGAIN. 286 ALSO, ALL MY WORK IS WRITTEN TO BE READ AND I KEEP THAT IN MIND WHEN 287 I WRITE IT. (DID THAT COME OUT RIGHT?) ANYWAY, I NEVER USE 288 GRATUITOUS SEX, VIOLENCE, OR LANGUAGE IN MY WRITING (WELL, ALMOST NEVER) 289 ANYWAY, I'LL JUST KIND OF TAKE IT EASY ON THE HEAVY STUFF FOR A WHILE. 290 291 I HOPE MY STORY MEETS WITH GENERAL APPROVAL FROM MY READERS. 292 ANYWAY, IT'S LATE SO I'LL LEAVE YOU FOR NOW... 293 BE COOL. 294 295 JOHN SILVERMAN 296 297 $#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#2:30AM#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# 298 ************************************************************************* 299 john s: i liked it very much, you had me gripping me seat, hoping they 300 would not find your hero. 301 *************************************************************************** 302 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 303 John S -- Excellent! The upload problem is solvable if you are a competent 304 programmer. Most seem to go through some sort of personal crisis while 305 getting their programs to work with BW. Most commercial programs seem not 306 to work. (with the exception of one sold by our esteemed host doing business 307 as U S Digital -- did I get that right, Mikey? or does copylink indeed work 308 with BW?) About half of the partons seem to use some sort of uploading 309 program -- usually a home-brew of some sort. I type my things in "raw" 310 and limit rewrites to a single line. Some horrible things happen if I let 311 my fingers get ahead of my head, but we go through spates of "read only" 312 often enough that any other tactic often gets mangled. When we're in 313 "all allowed" as lately, you can do a lot. Try "help". 314 Walrus -- nice start. Keep going, I'd like to see more. 315 Bigfoot -- I'm caught up in your story too. 316 All -- it seems that the cycle is turning again. We seem to be moving to 317 individual rather than multi-author stories. It's easier to plot out, but 318 misses some of the rather bizzare twist that the multi-author tales 319 sometimes take. 320 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 321 322 ............. ............. ............. ............. 323 Piper: It's not as if we're trying. Although, you are quite correct. 324 The ammount of new stories appearing does seem to have a fresh scent 325 about it. Something is missing though... namely, You! 326 I have also noticed that a few others have faded from our sight. 327 The Advocate: An interesting tale! Where have you gone? Or do I know? 328 runner: Intrigue. I hope that chat didn't scare you off, it would most 329 definitly be a waste for you to not continue. Please, do! 330 IAN: The routine for the COMSET data retrieval won't work if it won't 331 give me ANYTHING at all. All that sits before my eyes are eight lines 332 of the following: " ". 333 And to quote a familiar source, "Arrrgh!" Tis off to the labs I go... 334 ............. ............. ............. ............. 335 All things are being taken into consideration. The eyes are now dry... 336 KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA 337 338 /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\ 339 I wish I was with the stars. The stars are flaming like distant 340 explosions of light sprawled across the midnight sky. I wish I was lying among 341 this burning light. I wish I could embrace the heavens. 342 There's a mysterious darkness hanging on the night. It gives hope, 343 knowing that there's still some unknown and that there's something beyond the 344 day. The blue sky seems finite, but the night is expansive. It's a sense of 345 insured existence to think that there are no boundries. The thought that beyond 346 my sight there's nothingness is depressing. Nothing beyond does not put what's 347 here on a pedestal of importance, it makes everything seem valueless. Also... 348 the night is terrifying. It scourges comfort and security. It hold dangers, 349 enemies, and pain. 350 But, now the dark is calm and neutral. Inside the prison, the shield, 351 I'm cold and lonely in the night. 352 /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\ eidolaz /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\ 353 354 ^__________^_________^________^_______^______^_____^____^___^__^_^05-10-85^^ 355 Salazar's fingers slowly applied pressure to his eyeballs. He pushed 356 and then rubbed them as if that would relieve the stress that caused them 357 to blur. His head pounded from lack of sleep and too much coffee, and the 358 muscles of his lower back and shoulders were tight from sitting too long. 359 "A curse on the family of whoever invented these private jets," he thought. 360 "Can't stand up straight, can't stretch out, but at least there aren't any 361 distractions when you need to get some work done. Well, not too many." 362 His eyes drifted to his current distraction, busy in the back of the cabin 363 preparing a meal of sorts. Salazar wondered again why Rommel had this 364 woman come with him on what looked to be an extremely dangerous job. 365 Granted she was efficient, and seemed to have a good grasp of what would be 366 needed, but once the arrangements had been made and the supplies purchased 367 she didn't seem to have a purpose. At least an obvious purpose, Salazar 368 thought wryly. 369 "You're here to keep an eye on me, aren't you?" Salazar asked Anna as 370 she returned and spread the light meal she had prepared on the table. 371 "Whatever you say, Mr. Salazar." Anna answered. "What would you like 372 to drink with your meal?" 373 "Just water, thank you, I've had enough coffee for now. You didn't 374 answer my question. Why are you here? Doesn't Rommel trust me? He knows 375 I have a personal interest in this affair too. I'm not likely to just run 376 off with his money." 377 "We're aware of that, Mr. Salazar. I may be of more use to you than 378 you think. Don't judge me based on what you think you see. You were 379 fooled the first time, too." Anna finished with a smile. 380 Salazar smiled also as he remembered the middle-aged and rather 381 matronly woman he had first seen. This woman, the same woman Salazar 382 reminded himself, was quite young and rather attractive in a quiet way. 383 Could be very attractive, he thought, if she'd only use a little make-up. 384 But then, could he trust what he saw even now? As she had said, he'd been 385 fooled the first time too. But Anna had noticed his frank appraisal of 386 her, and the smile had vanished as quickly as it had come. Her cheeks 387 reddened slightly and she looked away. 388 "I know a great deal about you," she said angrily, "so I will thank 389 you to keep your leering to yourself!" 390 "I apologize, no offense was intended," Salazar said quietly, "and I 391 hope none was given. Now, on to business. It appears that we made a 392 serious mistake. I was under the impression that the McKane organization 393 was involved, but sworn testimony to the contrary has eliminated that 394 possibility. It now seems that what we're dealing with is a resurgent Nazi 395 or fascist organization, working together with some revolutionary left-wing 396 group composed of local Indian tribes. I'm not sure whether to be relieved 397 or worried. McKane's group was well funded and highly technological, but 398 it was not single minded. They had a basic ethical and moral stance." 399 Salazar sighed and waved the documents he had been studying for the last 400 three hours. "These people don't seem to have any morals at all, and their 401 ethics are based on simply getting whatever they want." 402 "Yes, and it looks like they're involved in genetic experimentation. 403 But why would they want Pam?" Anna said, looking troubled. "She doesn't 404 seem to have anything that would indicate a genetic makeup that they'd find 405 interesting. Could it be something else?" 406 "That seems likely. But finding out why she was taken isn't what 407 we're here for. Getting her back is." Salazar looked out the window and 408 saw nothing but cloud cover. "Love the view." 409 "Anna, we'll be beginning descent in fifteen minutes," the voice of 410 the pilot said through the nearby speaker, "please prepare the passenger 411 area for landing." 412 Anna stood up and began clearing the table of the empty dishes. 413 Salazar looked at them in surprise, he hadn't paid the slightest attention 414 to his food as he ate it. Oh well, Anna didn't seem to be the type to need 415 empty compliments on her cooking. 416 Salazar decided to use the head while he still could, and as he stood 417 up he cracked his head against the roof of the cabin. "Damn tiny private 418 jets!" he mumbled. 419 ^__________^_________^________^_______^______^_____^____^___^__^_^^^Anna^^^^ 420 421 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 422 I gag with each stroke 423 That my hand struggles to make 424 A creative word 425 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPTIMIST 426 __________:8::::::::__________::::>::>::__________::::>::<::__________::::::: 427 (Hmmm.. that was different) 428 John S.--> I agree with the others, a very promising start for a good story. 429 I really was gripped with suspense, and the violence scene was tastefully and 430 artistically handled. Can't wait for the next ones. Bravo! 431 __________::::::::::__________ The Jiz /// ::::::::::__________::::::: 432 433 =!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!= 434 JOHN S: GOOD! I CAN'T WAIT TIL THE NEXT PART!! 435 INNOCENT BYSITTER: HAHA! I THANK YOU FOR THE COMMENTS. I CAN 436 USE THEM. WILL TRY TO CORRECT MORE ERRORS (IF I EVER GET ENOUGH SLEEP!) 437 ALL: KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! 438 =!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=! BIGFOOT !=!=!=!=!= 439 Well, I have spent a while trying to think of a story that I could write 440 and then upload onto Backwater. I would realy like to write something, but 441 I can't figure out what it is going to be... 442 Maybe later my little mind will come up with something that I can share 443 with everyone. -swede 444 445 446 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< * >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 447 potpourri... 448 449 CISTOP -- Chuck has a file on his system called YMODEM.DOC (dqc) that is a 450 compendium of documents about XMODEM and its variations, including 451 1K packets & CRC. 452 453 The May '85 PC Tech Journal has a good article on MSDOS Device 454 Drivers & related information. (Where were they when I was diggin' 455 it out the 'old fashioned way'?) 456 457 ALL -- If you've been wondering about the name of the symbol in the middle 458 of my top border <*> it's called a Nathan. Why?, you might well ask. 459 It's named for that famous american who said: 460 "I regret that I have but one as-te-risk for my country!" 461 462 Question: What sound does a robot frog make? 463 Answer: 're-boot' 're-boot' 're-boot' 464 465 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< capt'n barefoot >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 466 467 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*Dreamtoucher*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 468 somuch chainges .. somuch stays the same .. 469 BIGFOOT: your doing fine so far that i can tell 470 For three days the wary elf had been tracking the solitary human. Early 471 on he had almost walked up and greeted him, till he remembered ware he was. 472 Others of his kind had died for less. Still not all humans represented 473 fear and danger. Even on this, Dreamtoucher's home world, there were rumors 474 of elvish holts and human tribes liveng in peace and harmony. 475 Snowrunner had brushed forcefully up against his side on that occasion, 476 a warning which knowing cation to be the better part of valor, he was thankful 477 for. For part of a day another human joined this one. Dreamtoucher watched 478 quietly from concealment. 479 Time, though, had finaly proven this one a streinger to the world of two 480 moons. Not a streinger to living of the land however. He was well fed and 481 healthy. He was now alone. 482 The elven mystic and his four footed companion steped forward into the 483 clearing. The human looked up. His eyes showed neither fear nor enmity. 484 The human held his hands open, palm forward. Dreamtoucher did the same. 485 'A fine night full of stars' He spoke in the human's tounge, by way of 486 greeting. Beside him Snowrunner sniffed every olfactory neuance but showed no 487 sign of anxiety. Noting this the elf relaxed perceptably himself. 488 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 489 [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] 2 tired [/] THE TIN MAN [/] [/] 490 $#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#5:24AM#$#5/11#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# 491 UNDERCOVER (Part 2) 492 By John Silverman 493 494 Frank didn't know know how long he had been there, but he did know one 495 thing for sure: he had to go to the bathroom. As far as he knew, the 496 guard was stil there, watching the door. Frank had no choice. He shuddered 497 as he felt the warm wetness soak into the sheets. He hadn't done that 498 since he was a little boy. From all indications, things were going to get 499 a hell of a lot worse before they got any better. At least his cramped 500 muscles were beginning to go numb. That was a blessing. 501 502 The fear had faded to a low level tension that allowed him to assess 503 his situation rationally. His options, at the moment, were none. He tried 504 to figure out why this had to happen to him. 505 506 The day had started out normal enough. He came in at four and was greeted 507 by the biggest pile of dirty pans and dishes he had seen in a long time. 508 This was compounded by the news that his help had called in sick so 509 Frank would be working the night alone. Crap. Cursing the lazyass morning 510 crew, he punched his timecard and started in on the mess. 511 512 By six he was almost caught up when the machine ran out of soap. Still 513 grumbling, he stomped into the storeroom to get more. A new shipment had 514 come in and it took ten minutes of rummaging to find where the morning crew 515 had put it. They enjoyed finding imaginative hiding places for the stuff, 516 driving the night crew nuts in the process. 517 518 As he walked out he was grabbed roughly by the collar and pushed against 519 the wall next to the door. The entire kitchen staff was lined up along 520 that wall, hands on heads, covered by three very big guys with guns. 521 Moments later a fourth one came up and said, "That's all of 'em." One 522 of the gunmen started motioning the captives towards the service entrance. 523 524 Frank's department head, Chef Bob, was not known for his discretion. He 525 went up to the lead gunman and started to chew him out. "Now just a minute! 526 I demand to know-" was as far as he got before being cut almost in half by 527 a burst of 9MM slugs. Blood spattered the gleaming kitchen instruments. The 528 body fell to the floor and twitched a few times before becoming still. 529 530 Bob had made an excellent example. Nobody made the slightest resistance as 531 they were herded out the door. They were taken down to the laundry room 532 where they were greeted by the rest of the night staff and more gunmen. 533 534 Frank was jolted out of his reminiscing by the sound of that boot scraping 535 again, a little closer this time. How could the guy stand it down here 536 with all those bodies? Frank wondered what would happen if he was caught. 537 Probably shoot him on the spot. Or maybe take one of those big hunting 538 knives they carried and use them, taking time to enjoy themselves. He 539 didn't doubt they would do that. He shuddered and tried to think of 540 something else. 541 542 (To Be Continued...) 543 544 WHEN I FINALLY MANAGED TO GET ON THIS BOARD, I WAS SO TIRED THAT I 545 INTENDED TO JUST LOOK OVER THE MESSAGES AND GO TO BED. HOWEVER, WHEN I SAW 546 THE SYSTEM JUST WENT FOEEY ON ME AGAIN. I DON'T ENEN KNOW IF WHAT I AM 547 TYPING IS LEGIBLE. I GUESS I'LL HAVE TO CUT IT SHORT. AT LEAST I GOT ALL 548 MY STORY DOWN THIS TIME. THANKS MUCH FOR THE PRAISE AND I'LL CHECK BACK 549 TOMORROW. 550 551 CATCH ME LATER... 552 553 John Silverman 554 555 #$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$6:10#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# 556 557 558 ppppppppppp Saturday mornin' lurkin beats cartoons pppppppppppppppppp 559 _^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_ 560 Well thanks for all the comments and I'll write up another good story 561 as soon as I get Back. From where you ask... From California. 562 Hear from you all as soon as I get back 563 Marc. 564 __^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_ 565 <<:*********************************************************:>> 566 Aaaaargh...the writing talent has returned and I haven't time 567 to play. It ain't fair. It just ain't fair. 568 <<:*********************************************GDM*********:>> 569 570 There is nothing that quite compares with having an arguement with the boss 571 and then having to wait three whole days to talk with him again. Add to 572 that, he is a PhD in Ed. Psychology. AAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!! 573 Anonymous 574 575 && && && 576 God is a hypothetical construct. But then again, so am I, so I feel quite comfortable worshipping God. Has everybody 577 missed me? I know I have... there's a new cult at the airports of the world, made up of enlightened CPA's. They stand 578 at next to the people selling flowers, selling antihistamines... Shade And Sweet Water, 579 && The Mad Actor && 580 ........................................................................... 581 I don't believe it! No one has entered anything in HOURS! I'll have to fix 582 that.... 583 ................ 584 "I have now reigned about 50 years in victory or in peace, beloved by 585 my subjects, dreaded by my enemies, and respected by my allies. Riches and 586 honors, power and pleasure, have waited on my call, nor does any earthly 587 blessing appear to have been wanting to my felicity. In this situation I 588 have diligently numbered the days of pure and genuine happiness which have 589 fallen to my lot: they amount to 14." 590 Abd-er-Rahman III of Spain, c. AD 960 591 ..................................the apprentice........................... 592 5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5% 593 Greetings and good day to all callers from 594 ------>>>> Blue Beard the Benevolent Pirate. 595 05/11/85 23:45 596 5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5% 597 Stuff to enter, but no room right now, sigh... 598 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 599 While I enjoy visiting my friends 600 in distance places, it also makes 601 going "home" all the harder... 602 603 Max... 604 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 605 ............. ............. ............. ............. 606 As I have said, the function we perform is not unlike that of a surgeon. 607 We attempt to remove the disease in order that the patient may live in 608 peace. We operate for the patient as well as ourselves. Correct? 609 ............. ............. ............. ............. 610 611 *=*=*=*=*but we are the patiant .. AND .. (usualy) the surgeon*=*=*=*=*=*(no?)* 612 though there are other surgeons - and - other patiants*=*=*=*=*and...*=*=*=*=* 613 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PaPa 614 Gee, at the bottom again. Once again I have found the time to visit 615 but the room is limited. I think the french say it best: 616 "Such is life", which of cource is quite a statement in itself. 617 I am sorry toward the orange juice and cheese muffin people who came 618 over the other night, I was not in a very reseptive mode since I was not 619 prepared for any company, let along at that time of night when I have to 620 be at work at 6:30am. I've not been getting much sleep on this schedule 621 due to unexpected foils like that but then, whatelse is new? The play 622 in Oregon City HS was nice. I do like musicals like that. Boy next week 623 will be an interesting weekend. But then, only about half of the people who 624 are coming over are backwater people so nuff said. Well, I had better go 625 find something to do, Its MOTHERS DAY you know. With my moms and my 626 bithdays so close no time to party. Bye all, until later ~~~ PaPa Smurf TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 626