💾 Archived View for gemini.spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › messages › BACKWATER › bw840807.txt captured on 2022-07-17 at 09:05:24.
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LI FILE ON MARGIN IS 126 STATUS: ENTER ONLY NUMBER OF LINES: 629 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ******************** REMOVED: 7 AUG 84 ********************* 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 ******************************************************************* 20 WELL, THE NEXT STAGE OF THE ARCHIVES ADVENTURE HAS BEEN MET, L'HOMME 21 HAS THE DISKS AND SOMETIME IN THE FUTURE WILL BEGIN THE TRANSLATION 22 PROCESS FROM BWMSEES TO I BE AM'EES AND OTHER UNLIKLY TOUNGES... 23 **********************: CISTOP MIKEY ******************************* 24 XRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXR 25 The phone police are at it again, they just grabbed up another BBS in 26 California. The problem? It was diseminating information on how to 27 build pipe bombs and how to bypass the phone companies billing circuits. 28 Maybe someone should write a book about these adventurous folk, and call 29 it 'steal this computer'. <ahem> Ok, how many of you out there understand 30 the aspects behind that joke I just made? As Pam would say, 31 ********* This is a test! ********** 32 XRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXR REX XRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXR 33 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 34 Charles Dickens on measure theory: 35 It was the longest of lines, it was the shortest of lines. 36 It was the acutest of angles, it was the obtusest of angles. 37 It was the least common denominator, it was the most common denominator. 38 It was a right angle, it was a wrong angle. 39 It was the abcissa, it was the ordinate. And so off, and so on.... 40 41 Joyce Kilmer on number theory: 42 I think that I shall never see a number lovely as a 3 43 A 3 that stands so proud and true between the numbers 4 and 2 44 A 3 that times itself makes 9 but doesn't have an inverse sine 45 A number used to triple things and all the 3-dom which it brings 46 Compared to "e" considered high yet can't quite measure up to PI 47 Most other numbers stand for more but very few are less than 4 48 ?????????????????????????????????? QUIZMASTER ?????????????????????????????????? 49 *************************************************************** 50 TIC - TOC 51 *************************************************************** 52 53 Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah 54 RAINdeer (BWBB) - Thousands are expected for the 'Dance of the Dangerfield' 55 festival to be held here in RAINdeer starting this weekend. 56 57 Followers of the world famous guru Rajneesh Dangerfield will be converging 58 on this small town located in Eastern Oregon to celebrate the first 59 anniversary of this establishment, which before the arrival of the 60 Rajneeshies, was a small agricultural community. 61 62 The population is expected to swell to 15 thousand or more, according to 63 Dangerfield's right-hand woman, Ma prem Rivers. 64 65 "Can we talk? OK... Yes we expect at least 15 thousand to come to our 66 celebration. It is our first birthday, and we are very proud to be here.", 67 Rivers told the press corps covering the festival. 68 69 All around the town posters and other festival paraphernalia are being hung 70 in honor of Rajneesh Dangerfield, the ex-Hollywood guru who brought his 71 followers here to Oregon in an attempt to establish a larger following with 72 Northwesterners. It has been rumored that the guru has connections with 73 Leroy Mckane, noted religious leader who recently died, but these rumors 74 have been categorically denied by public relations head Swami Ed-meese. 75 76 Ed-meese re-assured the twenty or so reporters that there indeed was no 77 connection between the Rajneeshies and the Mckane organization, and the 78 vicious rumors were the work of disgruntled ranchers in the area. 79 80 Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah 81 82 83 '/, '/, 84 The darkness of the room betrayed little of its size. Except for 85 the glare of the tensor lamp on the Muvuli desk the only other sources of 86 light were the residual phosphoresence from the many displays surrounding 87 the seated man. His eyes darted from one to the next, never lingering. 88 Absorbing what was pertinent an rejecting all else. These screens were his 89 eyes to the world and few subtleys missed his practiced mind. 90 A faint chime sounded as a small press release was being displayed. 91 As was always the case when ever a project he was involved with hit the press. 92 He scaned the text and smiled inwardly as he read the phrase 93 ......" Festival paraphernalia "...... he thought ; how true ; There is 94 humor in irony . 95 The switch had taken place in Yokohama where the " Prem Maru " had 96 stopped for cargo. And soon he thought few of Dangerfield zealots would 97 be without his own brand of enlightenment. 98 Phase 1 had progressed without error. He now turned his thoughts to 99 the future. To satisfy the rage that had burned within him since childhood. 100 How often the scene had been played in his mind. Closing his eyes the familiar 101 memory filled his being. Once again he was in the highlands of the old country 102 watching his father being eased into the grave. He had been too young to 103 understand all that was about him. Yet the last words his father said to him 104 were " Mc Henry". 105 The buzzing of the intercom brought his thoughts back to the present. 106 A familiar voice said " Mr. McEalvain the gentlemen have arrived ". Turning 107 to the set he said " Send them in ". He turned and pressed a button and the 108 curtains parted revealing the panoramic view of the Clarence straits and 109 Timor sea. Walking to the window he heard them enter, without turning 110 he said " Gentlemen, phase one is complete. How do we stand with the 111 opposition ? are they conditioned yet ?" 112 113 '/, '/, 114 115 ^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^ 116 117 L'homme - I appreciate your thoughtful response. I do fear the effects of 118 continued defecit spending. I think the problem will be solved 119 in time by the increased size of the taxable base. That is what 120 most current economists believe also, so I may be wrong. 121 I feel that the defecit in the military area is necessary for the 122 present to permit a return to a strong bargaining position. 123 124 Something that might be distasteful to the general populace of BWBBS, 125 but makes great economic sense would be supporting a conventional war 126 in Central America. It provides a great stimulus to the economy, as 127 shown by history. I am not so cynical as to think that was the reason 128 for historical wars, but I suppose it is possible. 129 130 I am opposed however, to the thought of nuclear war as a winnable 131 option, having been brought up with the concept of MAD. I do feel 132 that it is necessary to provide for the accurate, impregnable 133 delivery methods. 134 135 /.,/.,/.,/., - There is something here for everyone. I spend my working hours 136 as a spy and fighting dragons, so I need the escape from my 137 real world. (Perspective - use it or lose it. R. Bach) 138 139 ^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$ Laissez-faire $^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^ 140 141 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 142 WHAT'S THIS THAT I HEAR? WAR IN CENTRAL AMERICA? WELL, LAISSEZ-FAIRE, I'M WI 143 TH YOU, THAT'S WHAT WE NEED. OH, BY THE WAY, YOU DO PLAN TO GO TO THE LINES 144 BEFORE ME, RIGHT? 145 NO!, WELL NOW I DONT THINK THATS VERY DECENT OF YOU, AFTER ALL, ITS PEOPLE L 146 IKE YOU THAT SPUR US ALL ON TO SUCH GREAT FEATS OF HEROISIM. YOU CANT DO THA 147 T WHEN YOU STAY COWERING BACK AT HOME WHILE PEOPLE LIKE ME GET KILLED, OR MA 148 IMED, OR GET POST TRUMATIC STRESS SYMDROME. WELL I'LL BET YOU VIEW THIS AS A 149 SORT OF ABSTRACT PROBLEM IN MASS GROUP DYNAMICS, DONT YOU? A HISTORACLE PRO 150 FF THAT CONTAINS IRREVOCABLE THREADS OF LOGIC, ONE THAT YOU CAN MUSE OVER AS 151 YOU SAVOR THE AFTER DINNER TALK. A WAR HERE, A DICTATOR THERE AND ALL THE D 152 ETAILS FALL INTO PLACE. WELL, BUSTER, I GOT NEWS FOR YOU, WAR IS NOT SO SCIE 153 NTIFICALLY NEAT, SO PRECISION, SO DELECTABLY DELICIOUS. WAR IS SINGLE MINDED 154 VIOLENCE, AND NOT EVEN THE EXCUSE OF ORDERS ARE ENOUGH TO JUSTIFY THE FACT 155 THAT ANYONE PARTICIPATING IS A MURDERER. YOU LITTLE REALIZE THE ALMOST FRANT 156 IC DIPLOMATIC MANUVERING THAT GOES ON WITH OUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE TO PREVENT YOU 157 R LIKE FROM BEING DISTURBED. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE OCCUPIED BY A FOREIGN 158 ARMY? SUPPOSE SOME SOLDIERS RAPED YOUR WIFE OR GIRLFRIEND JUST FOR A GAG? IF 159 YOU COMPLAINED, THE INVADERS WOULD JUST LAUGH IN YOUR FACE. IF, SUPPOSE, TH 160 ERE WERE A WAR IN CENTRAL AMERICA THE REPUCUSSIONS WOULD LAST FAR LONGER THA 161 N A FEW YEARS. YOU WANT WAR? WELL WHY DONT YOU JUST GROW UP!++++++++++++++++ 162 ++++++++++++++000001TED++++++++++ 163 SORRY MIKEY FOR THE SPACE, BUT THESE ARMCHAIR POLITICIANS JUST BURN ME UP 164 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 165 Stumbling over a few larger-than-normal rocks, the Doctor kept moving in the general direction of the Spire. The 166 light that had outshone all the others was gone, but the afterimage was still burned on their eyelids. Milchar walked 167 deliberately, with machine-like precision as he thought, and thought, and kept thinking... 168 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 169 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 170 Sundownor had finished. The tool was completed. The fool would act at his every whim, wherever he may be. There 171 was a sense-link between them also. The man was just an extension of Sundownor, a proxy. A dangerous proxy. A 172 Dangerfield proxy. 173 "Just let them find Rod now... he won't be as passive as they would think." 174 Written this day of August 3, 1984, Milchar. 175 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 176 +++++++++++++++++ 177 Boy, do I have a gripe: All these unreliable BBS's (I don't include BWMS in this 178 statement) that don't seem to be accessible. Lazy sysops, I suppose. 179 Suggestion to Mikey: How about numbering these disk so that users 180 would know if/how many they missed if they've been away. 181 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 182 ************************************************************************ 183 AH YES, THE OLD ARGUMENT THAT WAR BRINGS ECONOMIC IMPROVMENT. I OFTEN 184 WONDER WHERE THOSE FIGURES THAT ARE PUT FORTH SAYING THAT WAR IS GOOD 185 FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COME FROM. EVERY TIME I HAVE LOOKED INTO THE 186 MATTER, WHAT I HAVE SEEN IS SHORT TERM IMPROVEMENT UNTIL YOU EAT UP 187 YOUR SPARE RESOURCES, THEN THINGS GO IN THE DUMPER UNTIL A RECOVERY 188 CAN BE EFFECTED. AND RIGHT NOW WE HAVE PRECIOUS LITTLE RESOURCES LEFT 189 TO THROW AT A WAR. MOST OF IT HAS BEEN EATEN UP BY THE YEARS OF DEFICIT 190 SPENDING BY UNCLE. NO, WAR WON'T HELP IN THE LONG RUN, IT WILL ONLY MAKE 191 REALITY ALL THAT HARDER TO FACE UP TO WHEN THE TIME COMES. YOU CAN'T 192 CONTUINUE TO SPEND MONEY YOU DON'T HAVE AND GET AWAY WITH IT FOREVER! 193 IT HAS TO COME FROM SOMEPLACE! IT MY BE AN OLD CLICHE, BUT IT IS TRUE 194 NONE THE LESS; THERE AIN'T NO FREE LUNCH! HOW POLITICIANS FIGURE THEY 195 CAN GET AWAY WITH IT IS BEYOND ME, I HONESTLY DON'T THINK THEY CARE 196 ABOUT ANYONE OR THING BUT THEIR OWN HIDES AND HOW TO STAY IN OFFICE. 197 ************************** CISTOP MIKEY ***************************** 198 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 199 It was a typical case of blind justice today in the first of a long series of risk games when L'homme Sans Parity 200 so close to winning, left one tiny army in Japan. Now, at this very moment, Alex is turning in enough cards to 201 probably win the entire game. MiG, as usual, lost early due to stupid mistakes. Voyeur is even now a force in the game 202 being decided. Leonard was reduced to 2 countries early in the game and never had much of a chance. This is the 203 Risk update for now, more later. 204 MiG 205 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 206 Ah..Aspiring politicians, , eh? A welcome chance for me to plug my home BBS, Walmar Computer's BBS 207 in Bend, OR. 503/382-xxxx...6pm-8am Mon-Sat, 24hrs on Sunday. 208 We're playing a game called GEOPOLITIQUE, where we're the US cabinet. The 209 computer plays the USSR. The object: world domination. Currently, the 210 US is in trouble. We've lost a lot of prestige, and this has made negotiations 211 all but impossible. The Secretary of State, under pressure, has recommended 212 invasion of certain minor powers who would not co-operate. Even the UK has 213 turned away from us, and become pro-eastern country. Tune in quickly, 214 because even as we speak, the US prepares to invade UK, and Opec. This pushes 215 us very close to WWIII. 216 /////////////////////////// Blade Runner /////////////////////////// 217 new bbs 649-xxxx 300/1200 baud, 24 hours/7days. 218 CBBS/Aloha 219 APPRENTICE: I HAVE SOMETHING TO DISCUSS WITH YOU. LYSIAS. 220 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 221 Risk update. Alex and L'homme Sans Parity were left in the first game, Alex won. Second game is still being decided 222 Alex, Voyeur and Leonard are still playing. 40 armys down to 35 and we will never know when it ends. 223 this is MiG, the destroyed signing off. 224 MiG 225 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 226 227 UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI 228 Astoria (UPI) - Tradgedy marked the RAINdeer festival when word reached 229 the Eastern Oregon religous group that the ship, the "Prem Maru", 230 ran aground and broke up in rough seas off the northern tip of Oregon. 231 232 The ship, carrying several tons of festival paraphernalia, was trying 233 to enter the Columbia River at a screaming ebb. The ship ran aground 234 and broke up on Peacock Spit. All hands were lost, and none of the 235 cargo was recovered. 236 237 Long Beach Washington residents reported Rajneesh cupie dolls washing 238 up on the shore at high tide. 239 240 The owners of the ship declined comment. 241 242 Replacement festival materials are being shipped in from an un- 243 specified location, a Rajneesh spokesman said. 244 245 UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI UPI 246 :::::::::::::::::::::::O O:::::::::::::::::O O::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 247 MiG: it is 20.0 miles your house to mine, 23 minutes travel time. 248 Leaving your house I discovered that I had a full load of processed coffee. 249 Do you realize how hard it is to hurry, when it makes evry bump seem that 250 much bigger? Not a fun 23 minutes... 251 A `never used his nuke but still managed to win the second 252 risk game, very tired at 06:23 AM' 253 ::::::::::::::::::::::O O:::::::::voyeur::::::::::O O:::::::::::::::::::: 254 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 255 Coincidence. My border lies on line 256, the magic number! Maybe that is a sign. 256 +++++++++++++++++++++++ 257 Milchar and the Doctor were lying on the top of a low hill, trying to discover the city's weaknesses. It was walled, 258 surrounded by a forcefield, and guards walked around at two-minute intervals. Not too positive. 259 "Doctor,why don't we shift into shadows?", Milchar asked. "Because YOU can, and I can't! ", the Doctor fumed, 260 obviously very annoyed at a weakness being shown in his near-spotless "armor". 261 "Well, then, this shall have to be a concerted effort to get you in. How about...." 262 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 263 Dangerfield. He was pretty hard to control at the moment, the loss of his cupie dolls filling him with sorrow, and 264 nhe nearly broke down into a temper tantrum several times. It was taking up all of Sundownor's energy. He waited for 265 his victims to arrive... 266 Written this day of August 4, 1984 at 8:21 am, Milchar. 267 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 268 V 269 V5V 270 VVVVV 271 272 WASSIR: |~e?r?WHAT IS DRPAG5? 273 WASSIR: I HAVE TR00D TO REASON WITH YOU, BUT TO NO AVAIL. THAT IS WHY I SANK YOUR 274 YACHT. MAYBE NOW YOU'LL LISTEN. DELTA FIVE. 275 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 276 Delta Five; 277 The yacht is of minor importantce. I'll just have to break another 278 one out of mothballs. Now, what was it you wanted to talk to me about? 279 Remember, diplomacy oftens gains more tha n brute force. Or as the old 280 Albanian proverb goes: I don't get mad, I get even. 281 Mohammed Wassir 282 <The Diplomatic Albanian> 283 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 284 285 Martian Man: The exit command is OFF. BWMS will then tell you 286 '>FILE OFF'. That's when you hang up. If you are entering a message, 287 use Control C to end you message, and then type 'OFF', etc. Next time, 288 try reading the 'HELP' file, or at least the first 18 lines of text 289 after you type 'LIST'. 290 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Lurker $$$$$$$$ 291 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj 292 L'Homme: Humble apologies. I've been meaning to write every time I see 293 your entries, but my mind wonders as I reach the bottom. I get 294 paid Sunday and will set aside $26. I'm leaving Monday and won't 295 be back until Saturday. I might make the PorSFiS meeting. If not, 296 PC&S with the money. As for the Net, my character is just wondering 297 around bored and needs a new mission. Will rejoin when I return 298 Saturday. 299 The Ninja 300 Wearing my sunglasses at night. 301 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj 302 <...> 303 ::::::::::::::::::::O O::::::::::::::::::::::O O::::::::::::::::: 304 MiG: I went thru the file, and checked the control codes you asked about. 305 What I found was (decimal): 6, 9, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 25, 26, & 29. 306 My terminal program uses 0, 1, 5, 8, 12, & 31 for other purposes, and 307 so doesn't save them. Ergo I can't tell you if they were included. 308 After deleting all the CRs and junk, this is most of what text there was: 309 310 YEA THIS 311 IS FUN. TOO BAD ABOUT THIS BOARD THOUGH. . . . . . .. . .. .. 312 THAT LOOKS MUCH BETTER!WELL I WONDER WHAT THIS IS DOING TO 313 THOSE POOR FOLK WITH IBM'S OR APPLES? , , , , , 314 YEA SIGNING OFF 315 DATE:8 01 84 316 TIME:11.19.57 317 PARTY:EMERALD 318 SEE YA 319 320 (point of interest: this is uploaded, so if it mysteriously disappears, it 321 can easily be uploaded again and again until MiG acknowledges receipt). 322 :::::::::::::::::::O O::::::::::::::::voyeur::::::::::::::::O O::::::::::::::: 323 V 324 V5V 325 VVVVV 326 327 328 WASSIR: SOMEWHERE, IN MY HERITAGE THERE IS, PERHAPS SOME 329 ALBANIAN BLOOD. AN ATAVISTIC FEELING OF GETTING EVEN, HOWEVER I DO GET MAD.IF WE CAN NEGOTI- 330 ATE WE MAY BOTH BENEFIT. I AM WILLING TO GIVE IT A TRY.HOWEVER 331 I REMIND YOU THAT YOU WILL FIND ME A MOST FORMIDABLE ADVERSARY 332 SHOULD IT COME TO THAT. REMEMBER THAT I WAS ONE OF MCKANES TOP AGENTS. LET US TALK. WHERE WOULD YOU SUGGEST? THERE IS A 333 CAFE IN PALERMO----. DELTA FIVE 334 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*GURU OF BLISS*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=**=* 335 MANY TRUTHS ARE OCCLUDED BY LANGUAGE. 336 THE SAGE AVOIDS EXCESS, EXTRAVIGANCE AND ARAGANCE. 337 DEMAND CULTURAL DIVERSITY - ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. 338 EINSTINE, AND THE MAHATMA ARE MY KIND OF HEROS! THE MORE ASERTIVE, DYNAMIC,'ROMANTIC' TYPES 339 ARE NOT NECESSARILY 'BAD' PEOPLE. THEY ARE HARDLY AS DESERVING OF THE MANTLE OF HARROWISM, 340 HOWEVER BRAVE OR 'MIRACULOS' THAIR DEEDS. 341 EVEN THE WARRIORS CRAFT IS SOMETIMES CALLED UPON AT LIGITIMATE NEED; BUT IT IS NOTHING TO BRAG ABOUT AFTERWORDS! 342 PEOPLE DONT NEED TO BE TRAINED TO BE SENSITIVE - JUST DEPROGRAMED OF 343 THE AMBIENT ENCULTURATION NOT TO BE! 344 ENLIGHTENMENT IS NOT SELF-SUPERIORNESS. IT DOES HOWEVER ENCOMPASS 345 A CONSIENCIOSNESS OF THE SPIRITUAL AMBIANT. 346 THE SANCTITY OF THE MIND IS SACRED; AS IS THE DIGNITY OF THE PERSON! 347 THESE ARE TIMES CALLING FOR THAT BOLDNESS BORN RESTRAINT; THOUGHTFULLNESS 348 AND GOOD SENSE. 349 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 350 Question: Does this system store/retrieve 8-bit characters, or only 7 bit? 351 I mean, does the MSB get typed the way it was entered? 352 353 ------------ 354 *%)#@*%_+@#(%+@(%+@%@*%+!#%+@%+#(_*^$_#*^_#$^@+(^@_*^+!+@#*^_*^_#* 355 No upload yet, entering from TRS80, and file is on IBM, and I have 356 not the time to xfer between the two right now. 357 Ninja : Great! We will be expecting you. We can also discuss 358 possible plans for your character. 359 voyeur : Thanks for the big favor. Sorry I didn't call you today. 360 I got home from Chuck's around 5:30 and promptly had another 361 RHC employee over for more work on the latest project. Maybe 362 Sunday. I will make the BEST copies you have ever seen. I promise. 363 Alex: Thanks again for having our motly crew over. I am only sorry 364 I overlooked that little island off the coast of China in the 365 first game. Nuclear Risk is fun, I think I enjoyed that one more, 366 even though I was one of the first ones wiped out. (thanks mig) 367 I hope our incredible lateness didn't mess up your body clock too 368 much. Again thanks...You are a fine opponent and host. 369 (and never, never, let be drink that orange stuff again. I mean 370 that stuff is mean!) 371 QUIZMASTER : Mind if I leave some stuff about randomness? I am 372 going to compile a small file on the subject, but I don't want 373 to barge in to your territory if you object. 374 Ted: Well, what can I say. You have managed to ruin any respect 375 I had for your personna here on backwater, with your uncalled for 376 personal insults towards LF. I am not trying to stick up for him, 377 nor am I defending his point of view, I am defending backwater 378 from incipient messages like yours. You managed to move from the 379 level of friendly thoughtful debate, to the level of insulting 380 abusive name calling. Take a look at the CISTOP's message. Did 381 he utilize name-calling? Did he use personal attacks as a form 382 of rebuttle? No, you did. It seems like you have something good 383 to say, so say it, and leave out the other junk. One of the best 384 tools and good writer and debater can have is an open mind and some 385 amount of tolerance for the opinions of others. 386 *)%$*%)*#)%@# L'homme sans parity *%)*%@%_@#*%@#*%_@#%_@#*%_#@%@# 387 IS THE NUCLEAR RISK GAME A BOARD GAME BASED ON THE PARKER BROS RISK, ANOTHER BOA 388 RD GAME, OR A COMPUTER GAME PLAYED IN PERSON OR BY TELECOMMUNICATIONS? 389 WHAT CITY IS THIS BBS LOCATED IN? 390 WHAT GAME DO THE DIPLOMATIC MESSAGES REFER TO? 391 392 MESSAGE DATED SUNDAY AUG 5 AT 12:45 AM 393 ***************************************************************************** 394 395 IS THERE A VOICE PHONE NUMBER? IS THERE ANY WAY TO LEAVE A PRIVATE MESSAGE? 396 IF SO I WOULD LIKE TO LEAVE MY PHONE NUMBER<<<<THE DOCTOR>>>> 397 *************************************************************************** 398 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 399 L'homme, 400 I hope to have the body clock back in sync by monday...I was so 401 wound for sound after the second game, sleep was a remote instinct at best. 402 I puttered around the kitchen...cleaned up ... made arrangements to send 403 the empty container of that vile orange liquid to Hanford for study, perhaps 404 it might be the cause of so much UN-RANDOMNESS. In any case I didnt want 405 it laying around here. 406 407 Anyway got to the reclining postition around 6:30 or so....only 408 to have Barbs alarm clock go off at 6:45...got up made breakfast & got her 409 on the way to the coast by 8:00...Died by pool and rejoined reality already 410 in progress at 3:00 in the afternoon... 411 Bet you never forget Japan again... 412 voyeur, 413 Well done second game ... Such restraint, never using your nuke. 414 That make the second time the winner never deployed " The Bomb "..... 415 any comments ?....If this trend continues an adjustment to the rules 416 might be in order. 417 MiG, 418 Your nomadic existance seems to have spilled over into the game... 419 Next time the odds favor you having some place to call continent... 420 providing L'homme refrains from bringing that anomaly producing orange 421 substance. By the way did you receive any response ? 422 423 Leonard.......Siam will rise AGAIN.....I do admit it was a well placed 424 strike.(grumble). I think you may have been in a stronger postition to repel 425 voyeur if you had remembered europe sooner. By the way did you have any of 426 that orange brew ? momentary brain death seems to have been side effect. 427 428 All in all GOOD FUN ! .....I look forward to the next round 429 ::::::::::Alex:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 430 **************************************** 431 ****************************************TO: All 432 FROM: Mike 433 Date: Aug. 5, 1984 434 435 Can anybody offer advice on the 436 best Terminal Program to buy for the 437 C-64, 1541 Disk Drive, and 1600 Modem? 438 I have heard that VIP Terminal and 439 Vidtex are good. 440 441 Thanks, Mike 442 **************************************** 443 ::::::::::::::::::O O::::::::::::::::::::::::O O::::::::::::::::::::::: 444 Alex: I enjoyed both games much. Probably because I had a better idea what 445 was going on. Also because I made a better showing both games. 446 (I hope to restrain any inclinations towards over-enthusiastic hack & slash 447 next time around - if I had gone North East and taken (MiG's?) cards instead 448 to West in the first game, I would have been a more serious contender rather 449 than a rapid has-been. Like L'homme & Japan, it was a definite learning 450 experience. Second game - If I had had a target as good as Leonard's (Siam), 451 I would have used it. All I had most of the time was Western Europe, which 452 had only 8 or so men. After I turned my cards in the second time (for men) 453 I lost that target, and subsequently my targets were only occupied by 1 or 454 2 men, and didn't offer the secondary benifit of creating a bottleneck 455 for troop movement. If I still had Europe targeted when I started taking 456 it over, you bet I'd have used it. 457 (plus I have a 'if I use it now, I might need it more later' bent. 458 For instance, I still have fire crackers from 10 years ago, because I never 459 found the 'right' time to use them.) 460 {Now you have a psychological insight into what motivates the enemy, and 461 a better idea of how hard you can push. Use it carefully - it is of 462 course consciously suspendable}. 463 L'homme: I've got 40 disks formatted with files allocated. My first 464 use of DO files was a definite success (after I got the file set up, 465 it needed only one keystroke to treat each disk.) When shall we 466 make the transfer? 467 Mikey: I deleted 26 lines of CR's etc following Alex's msg - you may 468 want to compress the file before moving to drive B, so all that space 469 isn't wasted. 470 ::::::::::::::::::O O:::::::::::voyeur::::::::::::O O:::::::::::::::::::: 471 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 472 DUALISM IS THE ROOT OF ALL PARADOX. 473 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 474 MIKE - MIGHT TRY SPEEDTERM FOR THE C-64 - CAN UPLOAD AND DOWNLOAD FILES 475 AND USE ALSO AT HIGHER RATES IF USING RS-232 INSTEAD OF COMMODORE MODEM 476 AND ALSO TRANSLATES ASCII TO COMMODESKI AND BACK IF DESIRED. HAS A CRUDE 477 FACILITY FOR TOKENIZING TEXT BASIC FILES AND ALLOWS LOTS OF DIFFERENT 478 PROTOCOLS. AVAILABLE AT COMPUTRON ON SW 11TH, PORTLAND. 479 ------------------------BATPOOP, THE RESURGENT MENACE--------------------- 480 No Border Yet.. No Border Yet.. No Border Yet.. No Border Yet.. No Border Yet.. 481 The 1984 Dance of the Dangerfield festival promised to be the most 482 important event in Rajneesh history. Known to many outsiders as the annual 483 "Unnatural Acts Festival," local ranchers seem to agree that it would be wise to 484 lock up their sheep for the duration of the affair. 485 With humble pride (?) Rajneesh Dangerfield watched as the little town of 486 RAINdeer underwent preparations for the coming event. Ma Prem Rivers, his 487 constant shadow, oversaw many of the details. "Several of the special guests 488 have just arrived, oh spiritually enlightened one--ye who sees all, knows all, 489 and can squeeze the blood of love from the turnip of humanity." Rivers was 490 prone to using long, descriptive titles. 491 Dangerfield smiled faintly. The leaders of the most powerful religious 492 communes and prayer groups in the world would attend this festival. He set out 493 to greet the two new guests. 494 495 Ma Prem Rivers introduced them. "Oh holy of holies, exalted commander of 496 all that has ever existed in the center of a collapsing supernovae and lived 497 to tell about it.." Dangerfield signalled her to speed up a little. She did so. 498 "I give you the honorable Reverend Luna. Well-known leader of the Lunies." 499 "I'm honored to meet you. It's unfortunate about your Cupie Doll shipment," 500 Luna said diplomatically. 501 Dangerfield stood calmly as Rivers responded. "That was all part of the 502 grand design, I assure you." Moving to the next visitor, she introduced him 503 as Carlos Sagan, leader of the Spanish Church of Spyentology. Sagan claimed to 504 have "billions and billions" of followers, but it was well-known that he only 505 led about a thousand. 506 507 Excitement was sure to be the order of the week at this festival. Rajneesh 508 Dangerfield considered his position. Surrounded by fifteen thousand adoring 509 followers--all clad in the characteristic green clothes. Visitors from the most 510 powerful religious organizations were gathering in RAINdeer Oregon to watch 511 the spectacle--and local ranchers threatened to do violence. Word was reaching 512 Dangerfield's ears that the original inhabitants of RAINdeer were practising 513 various military maneuvers, and were aided by a group called 1001 Pals of Oregon. 514 Internally, Ma Prem Rivers carried on her own game--a quest for power. She 515 was unaware that Dangerfield knew of her covert activities. Indeed, Rivers 516 had a great deal of power in her position as the "gaping mouth of Rajneesh 517 Dangerfield." Also, her private ring of spies was a force certainly to be 518 reckoned with. 519 520 Woe to the unwitting individual who interferes with this powder-keg. 521 R.D. 522 No Border Yet.. No Border Yet.. No Border Yet.. No Border Yet.. No Border Yet.. 523 524 525 \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 526 \\\\\\\\\\\\**\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 527 \\\\\\\\\\\* *\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 528 \\\\\\\\\\* '*\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 529 \\\\\\\\\* '*\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 530 \\\\\\\\\** '*\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 531 \\\\\ \\\** '*\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\ 532 \\\\\\\\\** '*\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 533 \\\\\\\\\** '*\\\\\\\\.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 534 \\\\\\\\\\** **\\\\\******\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\@@ 535 \\\\\\\\\\\** **\\\\****\\**\\\\\\\\\\\\\****\\\\\\\\\\\\\\@@@@@ 536 \\\\\\\\\\\\** *******\\****\\\\\*****'' *\\\\\\\\\\\\@@@@@@@ 537 \\\\\\\\\\\\** *::.: : *********' ***\\\\\\\\\\@@@@@@@ @@ 538 \\\\\\\\\\\\\** *:::: . * ***\\\\\\\\\\\@@@@@@@ @ 539 \\\\\\\\\\\\\** *::::.' **'\\\\\\\\\\\\@@@@@@ 540 \\\\\\\\\\\\\** *:::: . ***\\\\\\\\\\\\\@@@@ 541 \\\\\\\\\\\\\** *::;:.' ***\\\\\\\\\\\\\\@@@@@@ 542 \\\\\\\\\\\\\** *::::,' ** *\\\\\\\\\\\\\\@@@@@@@@@ '' 543 \\\\\\\\\\\\\** *:::: , ** *\\\\\\\\\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ''' 544 \\\\\\\\\\\\\** *::':. * ** "*\\\\\\\\@@@@@..@@@@@@@@@@''''' 545 \\\\\\\\\\\\\** *::::.. * **" ' *\\\\\@@@@@@@.@@@@@@@@@@''''' @ 546 \\\\\\\\\\\\** *:::: , * ' ' *\\@@@@@@.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'' @@ 547 \\\\\\\\\\\\** *::::.. * ' ' *@@@@....@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'@@@ 548 \\\\\\\\\\\*** *:::''. *' ' ' * @@@@...@@@@@@@@@@@@@'''@@ 549 \\\\\\\\\\\*** *::::.. * ' ' '' ' ' * @@......@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'@ 550 \\\\\\\\\\**** *:::: . *' ' ' ' ** @@@@@....@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 551 \\\\\\\\\\**** *::::". * ' ' ******* @@@@@@@......@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 552 \\\\\\\\\\******::::. *' ' ******** @@@@@@@@@@@@........@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 553 \\\\\\\\\\*****::::.. * *******@@@@@@@@@@@@@@............@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 554 \\\\\\\\\\****:::: " *****\\@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@..............@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 555 \\\\\\\\\****::::.. ****\\\@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@...............@@@@@@@@@@@@ 556 \\\\\\\\\***::::.. **\\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@..................@@@@@@@@@@@ 557 \\\\\\\\\**::::.. *\\\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@...................@@@@@@@@@@@@ 558 \\\\\\\\\*::::.' *\\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@@@............. ........@@@@@@@@@@@@ 559 \\\\\\\\**:::: " *\\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@@........... .......@@@@@@@@@ 560 \\\\\\\***:: ' *\\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@........ ....@@@@@@@@ 561 \\\\\\****** *\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@... @@@@@@@ 562 \\\\\******* *\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .@@@@@@@ 563 \\\\***** . *\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ....@@@@@@ 564 \\\***** :::: *\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@@ ..........@@@@ 565 \\***** :::: *"\\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@@ '' " "........@@@@@@ 566 \******** ::::**\\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@ '''' """""" ......@@@@@@@@ 567 \********* "**\\\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@.. 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''.................@@@ 570 \\"***"\\\\\\\\\\@@@@@@@@@@...............''''''''"""''......................:: 571 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\@@@@@@@@@...................''''''""""'.....................@@@ 572 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@..................'''''''''........................@@ 573 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@....................'''''''.......................@@@@ 574 \\\\\\\\\\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@....................'.........................@@@@@ 575 \\\\\\\\\\\\@@@@@.@@@@@@@@@@@...........................................@@@@@@@ 576 \\\\\\\\\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@...................@@...................@@@@@@@@@ 577 \\\\\\\\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@..............@@@@@@................@@@@@@@@@@@ 578 \\\\\\\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.@@@@@@.........@@@@@@....................@@@@@@@@@@ 579 \\\\\\\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.......@@@@@@@@@@...................@@@@@@@@@ 580 \\\\\\\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@........@@@@@@@@...................@@@@@@@@@@ 581 \\\\\\\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.@@@......@@@@@@@@@@.................@@@@@@@@@@@ 582 \\\\\\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.@@@@@@@@@.......@@@@@@@@@@@................@@@@@@@@@@ 583 \\\\\\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@....@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.............@@@@@@@@@@@ 584 \\\\\\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.@@@@@@@@@@@@@...@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@......@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 585 \\\\\\\\@@@@@@@.@@@@@.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@..@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 586 \\\\\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 587 \\\\\\\\@@@@@@@@@@@@@.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 588 \\\\\\\\@@@@@@@.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 589 590 CHALLENGER 591 ********** 592 593 CHALLENGER: IF THE DOCTOR FINDS OUT YOU'VE BEEN DOING THIS, HE'LL 594 MAKE YOU GO BACK TO THE HOSPITAL 595 596 I'm an art lover, but that was ridiculous. What was it, and who was that 597 turkey? Herman-- 598 599 IF YOU WERE TO PRINT IT OUT SO THAT YOU CAN SEE IT PROPERLY, YOU MIGHT 600 GET A BETTER IDEA OF WHAT IT IS. HINT, THE NAME AT THE BOTTOM IS NOT 601 THE AUTHORS SIGNATURE. 602 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*? HELLO AGAIN ?*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 603 SO DRIVE 'B' LIVES?!? I DON'T KNOW IF THIS IS REAL BUT THE OTHER DRIVE 604 SAID FULL AND SOMETHING SEEMS TO BE HAPPINING. 605 TO COMENT ON WHAT I SAY THERE; YESS MUCH OF WHAT WE THINK WE SEE IS ILLUSION 606 HOWEVER(!) THAT DOESN'T MEAN THERE ISN'T SOMETHING(!) THERE AND WE SHOULDN't 607 ACT ACCORDINGLY. 608 DREAMTOUCHER THOUGHT HE HAD EXPERIENCED ODD PHENOMINA BEFORE; BUT 609 NEVER ANYTHING LIKE THIS. 610 AS THE INN'S ROMAN BATH FAIDED OUT INFRONT OF HIS EYES, THE STRAINGEST ROOM 611 HE HAD SEEN YET FAIDED IN TO REPLACE IT. THEMNAX WAS THERE, AS WAS SNOWRUNNER 612 THE WALLS THOUGH SMOOTH VIRTICAL PLANES, WERE MANY AND SET AT ODD ANGLES. 613 OTHERWISE THE ROOM WAS COMPLETELY FEATUR. A LANANARAN 614 FEMALE WHOM HE ASSUMED TO BE ELXTIA WAS STANDING BY THE DOORWAY EMBRACING 615 THEMNAX AND THEN SOME. BEHIND THE ROOM'S ONLY FEATURE, AN ODDLY ANGULAR 616 CONSOL OF SOME SORT, STOOD A SUPREAMLY SLENDER AND SMOOTHLY FORMED HUMANOID 617 WITH SKIN A UNIFORM IRRIDESCENT PURPLE. 618 ELXTIA DISENGAUGED FROM THEMNAX AND CAME OVER TO DREAMTOUCHER. 619 SNOWRUNNER SKITTED BACK, CRINGING WITH UNCERTAINTY. 620 "WELCOME TO THE BLIKTRANFA; A VERMILON SHIP OF SPACEWE ARE IN OUTER 621 ORBIT IN EARTH'S SOLAR SYSTEM. THE BLINKTRANFA IS NOT A H.U.B. VESSEL 622 NOR OF LANANARAN REGISTRY. SHE IS A VERMILON TRAMP FREIGHTER, CHARTERED 623 ON SHORT NOTICE. WE ARE HERE BECAUSE OF AN INTERCEPTED TRANSMISSION 624 TO 61-SIGNI-4 FROM A SOURCE, AS YET UNIDENTIFIED, APPEARENTLY FROM WITHIN 625 THAT WHICH CALLS ITSELF THE MCKANE ORGANIZATION. AS YOU MAY OR MAY NOT 626 KNOW, EARTH IS IN SOME WAYS AN INTERDICTED WORLD. LEASTWISE THE IMPORT 627 OF SUBEITHA TRANXEPTION EQUIPMENT IS NOT AUTHORIZED. WE HAVE SUSPECTED 628 FOR SOME TIME THAT THIS MCKANE BUNCH IS EITHER A FRONT FOR, OR AT LEAST 629 ...AT THIS POINT; DREAMTOUCHER UNEXPECTEDLY PASSED OUT... >