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LI FILE ON MARGIN IS 80 STATUS: ENTER ONLY NUMBER OF LINES: 606 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 ********************* REMOEVD: 23 JUL 84 ******************* 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 ************************************************************************ 21 OK, LET ME ANSWER THE VARIOUS QUESTIONS/STATEMENTS SENT MY WAY; 22 1. COMPLAINT ABOUT HIGH TECH IN THE INN: THE INN IS AN IMAGE THAT WAS 23 CAREFULLY BUILT UP OVER A LONG PERIOD OF TIME BY MYSELF AND SEVERAL OTHERS 24 THE INTENT WAS TO CREATE A RELAXED AND COMFORTABLE ATMOSPHERE THAT DID NOT 25 HAVE ALL THE COMPUTER AND RELATED TALK THAT THE OTHER BBS SYSTEMS HAD AT THE 26 TIME. THIS WAS USED AS A SPRING BOARD TO CREATE STORIES FROM. MY COMPLAINT 27 COMES FROM SEEING THIS CREATION BEING MODIFIED AWAY FROM THE ORIGINAL 28 INTENT. NOTE THAT I HAVE NOT COMPLAINED AGAINST THE MCKANE STORYLINE OTHER 29 THEN THAT IT DOES NOT INTEREST ME AS I AM NOT INTO THAT SORT OF THING. I 30 WOULD HOPE THAT I HAVE THAT PARTICULAR RIGHT TO COMPLAIN JUST AS YOU 31 COMPLAIN ABOUT THE THINGS YOU DON'T LIKE HERE. AND I ALSO HOPE I HAVE THE 32 RIGHT TO DEFEND MY FANTASY WORLD AS DO YOU. I MIGHT REMIND YOU OF THE NEAR 33 TOTAL DESTRUCTION THAT OCCURED BEFORE THE NO TECH OATH WAS TAKEN. 34 2. MORBY: I WAS NOT TAKING A SLAM AT YOUR WRITING, I WAS ANSWERING YOUR 35 QUIRY ABOUT WHY CERTAIN PEOPLE WERE CONSIDERED GREAT. I DON'T REMEMBER 36 SAYING ANYTHING ABOUT THE DEBATE PHASE OF BW TO BE BETTER OR WORSE THAT THE 37 CURRENT PHASE, ONLY THAT SOME MEMBERS WHO HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED GOOD WRITTERS 38 CAME INTO BEING DURING THAT PHASE. INDEED, SOME HAVE CONTINUED THRU TO THE 39 CURRENT CONDITION. I NEVER MADE ANY SORT OF COMMENT INDICATING THAT YOUR 40 WRITTING IS POOR. IN FACT, IT IS GOOD. BUT DOES NEED WORK. ATTENTION TO 41 DETAIL IS WHAT MAKES GREAT WRITTING. SPELLING, PUNCTUATION, GRAMMER, AND 42 MESSAGE CONTENT. 43 3. TO PERSON SAYING THAT D/PAM ARE GOOD ONLY BECAUSE THEY ARE WOMEN. I HAVE 44 TO DISAGREE WITH YOU ON THAT. YOU HAVE AN EXAMPLE ON PAM (NOW ON DB) NOTE 45 THAT AS I INDICATED TO MORBY, IT HAS NO SPELLING ERRORS, PUNCTUATION IS 46 CORRECT, THE GRAMMER IS GOOD. IT IS CONCISE, AND IT DOESN'T RAMBLE. IN 47 SHORT, IT IS READABLE WITHOUT BEING DISTRACTING TO THE READER BY HAVING TO 48 STUMBLE OVER ERRORS AND CONFUSION. NOTE THE ABOVE WRITING BY ME, HERE YOU 49 HAVE AN EXAMPLE OF FAIR WRITING STYLE. THERE IS A SCATTERING OF SPELLING 50 ERRORS, PUNCUATION IS HORID, AND GRAMMER IS POOR. NOT TO MENTION THAT IT IS 51 DIFFICULT TO READ BECAUSE IT IS IN ALL UPPER CASE. ATTENTION TO DETAIL AND 52 TAKING THE TIME TO MAKE SURE WHAT YOU WRITE IS READABLE IS WHAT MAKES GOOD 53 WRITING GREAT. 54 AS I SAID, YOU HAVE AN EXAMPLE OF PAM, NOT A GOOD STORY, BUT A REASONABLE 55 SHORT EXAMPLE. MAYBE YOU CAN PERSUADE D TO LEAVE AN ENTRY TOO. SHE IS STILL 56 AROUND, SHE JUST DOESN'T FREQUENT THE INN AS MUCH. DON'T YOU THINK A REAL 57 ENTRY WOULD BE MORE SUITABLE THEN A HASHED OVER ENTRY FROM THE PAST THAT HAS 58 NO RELAVENCE TO THE HERE AND NOW. 59 ************************************************************************** 60 PAM: WHAT?! NEW BOARDER CLOTHES? WHAT WOULD ANALOG ALAN SAY? BUT THEN I 61 HAVEN'T SEEN HIM AROUND HERE FOR SOME TIME, SO I WOULD SAY YOU PROBABLY HAVE 62 AS MUCH RIGHT TO CLAIM IT AS ANY. GODDESS EH? MAYBE WE SHOULD ERRECT A 63 TEMPLE TO WORSHIP YOU FROM? MAYBE INSTALL A FEW VESTAL VIRGINS TO RUN IT? 64 SERIOUSLY, I AT LEAST DO MISS YOUR STORIES HERE, AND LONG TO SEE THEM AGAIN. 65 I HOPE YOU CAN FIND AT LEAST A LITTLE BIT OF TIME TO OCCASIONALLY SHOW UP. 66 PLEASE? 67 ********************************************************************** 68 [*=*] : SEE WHAT A LITTLE BIT OF ENCOURAGEMENT CAN DO? A COUPLE OF THINGS I 69 MIGHT SUGGEST TO MAKE IT MORE READABLE, TRY NOT TO BREAK WORDS AT THE END OF 70 THE LINE, IT IS DISTRACTING TO HAVE TO TRY TO RECONSRTUCT THEM WHEN READING. 71 ALSO, IF YOU CAN, LOWER CASE IS PREFERABLE TO ALL UPPER CASE LIKE THIS. I 72 REALLY SHOULD USE LOWER CASE MYSELF, BUT IT HAS SEEMED TO HAVE BECOME A 73 TRADE MARK. OH WELL, MAYBE I SHOULD CHANGE. PAM HAS WHY CAN'T I?! 74 ******************************************************************** 75 *)_*@#_%*@#_*%_@!$*^%_$!^+(^_#(^_#%*(^_%*#^_#(+^!(+$(^_#!$*(_#$(^_(^_+(%(^_#(^ 76 Gee Mikey: I don't know what to say. Since you talked to our old friend 77 Hrothgar the A$, I hear that the CPMulator may not be the GodSend 78 I thought it might be. I guess this ADM3A terminal emulation 79 might be a hinderance considering Hrothgar will want to use 80 it with mainly with Kaypro software. But...pause for dramatic 81 effect, I may still have two IBM PC customers for you. 82 Regarding the McKane organization adventure, I sure didn't realize 83 you disliked spy stories. When our little group decided to re-start 84 an adventure by going after freedom's old nemesis, Leroy McKane, 85 we thought it might be a pleasant change from the fantasy 86 adventures that seemed to die out after a few weeks. We thought 87 that maybe people were interested in a change of pace, which the 88 spy novel certainly offers. If you look back at the infamous 89 "Kolumbia" adventure, and its terrible demise, and then at the 90 "Amber" series, and see how it quite quickly went down in 91 flames, you can start to see a pattern. Again we hoped that with 92 a well defined villian such as McKane, and a well known history 93 such as the McKane organization has, we might get some of the 94 closet Ludlums to come out and take part in a hopefully successful 95 venture. After talking with another common friend, who shall 96 remain nameless, even though we both know who he is, I learned 97 about both his and your distaste for "cheap dime store detective 98 novels". Our unnamed friend thought BW at its best when embroiled 99 in a debate. And looking back at our famous schooling, taxes, 100 and of course the multiple religious debates, I can see his 101 point. It was a time when thoughtful contributions ruled the 102 roost, and the now-coined twits were few and far between. I 103 think BW has changed from that time. As you can see with the 104 "Frank" episode, people aren't ready to take opposing sides and 105 have a good old debate of old. Considering the subject though, I 106 and others I have talked to thought the entries by Alex and Piper 107 especially, while certainly establishing their points of view, were 108 just as good as ANY of the entries of old. I think it is unfair to 109 constantly compare the new users of BW to the old. The comparisons 110 do little to encourage new users, and certainly don't improve things 111 any, but instead make people mad, and possibly drive them away, which 112 I think is both unfair to them, and unfair to those who might want 113 to read and enjoy what these new comers have to offer. Where does 114 all this lead, well like many who enter long narratives, the 115 original purpose may have been lost, but I think a point had to 116 be made. To change the cliche a bit, "write and let write...". But 117 if my explanation of the McKane story is not sufficient, and we 118 continue to read complaints about how the "Inn is being taken 119 over" (don't you dare Aaron), I have a feeling it might die like 120 the other adventures, and I think that will be too bad. End of 121 another diatribe... I hope you responde with the same thoughtful- 122 ness I am accustomed to. And on a more somber note, we are 3/5ths 123 of the way there, and Aaron is going to try and contact the famous 124 Dragon Lady in order to secure funds. Aaron and I will be shooting 125 for this weekend to pay you. Thanks very much for your time and 126 effort on the 33 disks! 127 )*)#*%)#@*%)@# L'homme sans parity - J'ai son mot a dire *)%*)*%)*_(_)__*#%@% 128 :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:--:-:--:-:-:-:--:-:-:-:-:-:--:-:- 129 DAVE SIMPSON, S.A.I.C., MCKANE INDUSTRIES, OROVILLE: MR. SIMPSON: THIS IS TO 130 INFORM YOU THAT I AM RESIGNING MY POSITION AS A MCKANE OPERATIVE EFFECTIVE IMMEDIA 131 TELY. MY CONSCIENCE WILL NOT ALLOW ME TO CONTINUE TO FURTHER THE EFFORTS OF LEROY 132 MCKANE. I AM FULLY AWARE OF THE PENALTY FOR 'DESERTION'. HOWEVER-BEFORE YOU GIVE 133 THE ORDER TO TERMINATE WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE, LET ME REMIND YOU OF THE VOLUMINOUS 134 FILES I HAVE AMASSED OVER THE YEARS, WHICH WILL BE MADE PUBLIC IN THE EVENT OF MY 135 DISAPPEARANCE. I HAVE BUILT UP SOME VERY SECURE CHANNELS FOR THE RELEASE OF THIS 136 INFORMATION. I SUGGEST THE USUAL MIA REPORT TO MCKANE, AND THAT THIS BE THE END OF 137 IT. YOU KNOW MY TALENTS, AND YOUR LIFE IS IN MY HANDS. BETRAY ME, AND IT WILL BE 138 ONLY A MATTER OF WHO KILLS YOU FIRST-MCKANE OR ME. A CHANNEL WILL BE OPENED TO YOU 139 IN THE FUTURE, AN INVITATION TO JOIN ME. YOUR CONTACT WILL MAKE HIMSELF KNOWN. HE 140 WILL BE CARRYING A BOOK ON GREEK HISTORY WITH A RED AND BLUE COVER. IF YOU ARE 141 READY, APPROACH HIM. HE WILL SAY "ERATOSTHENES WAS THE GREATEST OF THE GREEK PROSE 142 WRITERS, DON'T YOU THINK? YOU MUST ANSWER "UNTIL HE WAS DEBATED BY LYSAIS". 143 F.Y.I.: MY REASON FOR "DESERTING THE COMPANY": I HAVE DISCOVERED A LITTLE CORNE 144 R OF THE WORLD, AN ANACRONISTIC SOCIETY THAT HAS LIVED HAPPILY FOR A GREAT MANY 145 YEARS IN IGNORANCE OF THE TENETS OF CONTEMPORARY LIFE-UNTILL MCKANE INTERFERED, 146 AND NECESSITATED DEALING WITH MCKANE ON HIS OWN LEVEL-SUBTERFUGE. THE LEARNING OF 147 HIGH TECHNOLOGY WEAPONRY, KILL-O-ZAP GUNS, SOPHISTICATED COUNTER ESPIONAGE METHODO 148 LOGY, ETC. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THESE PEACE LOVING PEOPLE. REMEMBER THAT "HE WHO 149 FIGHTS TO PRESERVE HIS OWN LIFESTYLE MUST ULTIMATELY PREVAIL OVER THEY WHO WOULD 150 CHANGE THE LIFESTYLE OF OTHERS. (SUN TZU, THE ART OF WAR) 151 ERSTWHILE OPERATIVE DELTA FIVE.:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:--:-:-:- 152 JoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshua 153 We seem to have several new contributers here, all of whom are definite 154 improvements over what has been common lately. Laseter and M'Lan both 155 have good styles. They pay attention to the details that Mikey mentioned in 156 the first part of this disk. They have good use of adjectives, their grammar 157 and spelling is correct, in essence the type of entry I like to see. 158 [*=*] : the above applies to you also. I would have to request that you 159 refrain from splitting your words at the end of lines. It is distracting. 160 Do you have a name or pseudonym we can address you by? 161 Morby: ignore the critics. Your writing is good. You have few spelling/grammar 162 errors, and your entries in defense of your style were well worded and showed 163 a good command of the language. I have no problem with your offerings. 164 (except - since you compose your stuff off-line and upload it, justified, 165 could you set the line length to 64 instead of 65? I have a 64-column 166 screen, and that last stray character is annoying. Thanks.) 167 L'homme: you seem to have stated our case fairly well. You covered the 168 topic well enough that I now have to rewrite what I was going to say. 169 My next entry into the "McKane" saga will have to wait until I can review 170 what has been happening. Also have to figure in Ian's rescue. 171 Ian: thanks for rescuing us. I am sure McKane appreciates your method; 172 your style seems to fit in with the type of writing he likes. 173 Grand D.: One nice thing about BW (when it works, anyway) is that everyone 174 gets to do it their way. I am going to take that to heart, and continue to 175 make my 'Joshua' entries as I have. I like the long narratives. They allows me 176 to make the points I want to make, and reveal the detail I wish to show. 177 The use of news bulletins and such is an interesting adjunct, and I may toss 178 a few into my stories, but I plan to depend primarily on the style I have used 179 to date. It would serve no useful purpose to try to bend my writing to match 180 yours. What enjoyment would there be if everyone wrote the same? 181 In fact, whether you interact with us or not is really irrelevant. We have 182 managed to have fun getting to our present predicament without much assistance 183 from you, and I am sure we can continue to do so. Don't take this as a 184 rejection, it's not. I am merely stating that as long as there are a few 185 people making contributions to the story, it will continue. The actual identities 186 of the contributors are not really important. (a sort of communist viewpoint, 187 I suppose, but then, communism in its pure form is not a bad idea.) 188 All: The last two disks seem to be doing quite well; there are few twits, and 189 several new contributors. Let's hope that it will continue this way. 190 Looking around, notice something. Many of the best writers are not members 191 of a story, but rather make their entries as a kind of soliloquy. Piper sits 192 there and makes comments and plays his pipes, but rarely participates in any 193 adventures. When he does, he is still on his own. Pam and d also 194 have earned their fame from their entries per se, rather than how well they fit 195 in with some story or other. Leseter, M'Lan, and [*=*] are so far solitary. 196 I think some of the best writing comes from people not having to worry about how 197 well their entries fit in with what someone else has said. 198 I enjoy writing as a way of interacting with others; my skills do not stand up 199 to the challenge of being admired for their own sake. Fortunately, others 200 are different. That is what makes BackWater so great when it works, and 201 so sad when it doesn't. 202 I won't apologize for the length of this entry; it's something that I felt 203 a need to say, and since it is relevant to most of the users of BW, I feel that 204 it is appropriate here. 205 (I do apologize for the undoubted disjointedness of it, however; a consequence 206 of on-line composition). 207 Good night. 208 JoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshua 209 [*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*] (RATHER SNAZZY BORDER, NO?) 210 IN MY CRAFT OR SULLEN ART 211 BEING 212 AN ESSAY ON THE ART OF WRITING 213 THERE ARE TWO ESSENTIAL INGREDIENTS THAT CONSTITUTE GOOD WRITING. THE FIRST AND 214 FOREMOST IS TO HAVE THE ABILITY TO COMMAND (NOT DEMAND) THE READERS ATENTION. 215 ENGROSS HIM. THRILL HIM. SCARE HIM. (OR HER). MAKE HIM LAUGH. MAKE HIM WEEP. MAKE 216 HIM FORGET HIS MOTHER IN LAW. MAKE HIM REMEMBER HIS MOTHER IN LAW. STIR HIS 217 EMOTIONS. CAPTIVATE HIM. IDENTIFY WITH HIM SO THAT HE'D RATHER READ WHAT YOU HAVE 218 WRITTEN THAN, SAY, WEED THE RUTABAGA PATCH, OR FIX THE ROOF. IT IS THIS QUALITY 219 THAT PUTS THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION AT THE TOP OF THE BEST SELLER LIST, RATHER 220 THAN GROZAS THIRD EDITION OF ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 221 THE SECOND INGREDIENT IS TO USE THIS ABILITY, WHICH REQUIRES A REASONABLY GOOD 222 COMMAND OF THE LANGUAGE. ENGLISH, GREEK, WHATEVER. TO ARTICULATE. TO BE COMFORTABL 223 WITH WRITING AND EXPRESSING FEELINGS. TO FLOW, LIKE THE GENIUS WHO WROTE THOSE 224 MAGNIFICENT STORIES ABOUT A MEDIAEVAL 'TRAVELS WITH CHARLIE', THE ANONYMOUS [*=*] 225 TRAVELER WITH THE LOVABLE RACCOON COMPANION. 226 THIS ABILITY CAN BE INHERENT, OR IT CAN BE LEARNED. IN MY ENGLISH COMP CLASS, I 227 LEARNED SUCH THINGS AS DICTION, VERBOSITY, (I PLEAD GUILTY), REDUNDANCY, CLICH'ES 228 GRAMMAR, SENTENCE STRUCTURE, SYNYAX, INAPPROPRIATE METAPHORS, PUNCTUATION, ETC AD 229 NAUSEUM. 230 IN MY WRITING EXPERIENCE, I LEARNED TO UNLEARN MOST OF THIS DOGMA, BUT ALSO TO 231 ADHERE TO CERTAIN PRINCIPLES THAT I CONSIDER IMPORTANT. THE FIRST OF THESE IS 232 SPEALENG. IF YOU ARE A TERRIBLE SPELLER, THEN FORGET ABOUT WRITING, AND GO BACK 233 AND LEARN TO SPEAL, OR TAKE UP SOMETHING LESS DEMANDING SUCH AS LAW OR BUILDING 234 CHAIN LINK FENCE. 235 THERE IS AN INSTITUTION IN N.E. ILLINOIS CALLED THE SNICKERING SYCAMORES REST HOME 236 IT IS SUPPORTED BY THE WRITERS GUILD OF AMERICA, AND ASCAP, ( THE AMERICAN SOCIETY 237 OF COMPOSERS, AUTHORS, AND PRODUCERS). IT IS AN ASYLUM FOR EDITORS, PROOF READERS 238 AND TYPESETTERS WHO HAVE TORN OUT THEIR HAIR, GROUND THEIR TEETH TO THE GUM LINE, 239 AND FINALLY GONE STARK RAVING STRAIT JACKET THEY'RE COMING TO TAKE ME AWAY MAD 240 TRYING TO SALVAGE AN OTHERWISE EXCELLENT MANUSCRIPT THAT WAS FRAUGHT WITH 241 MIS SPEALED WORDS. 242 ANOTHER PRINCIPLE IS PUNCTUATION. A GOOD WAY TO LEARN THIS IS TO TAKE UP 243 TOBACCO CHEWING. (THIS HAS SOME BUILT IN INCENTIVES- YOU'LL DRINK LESS[DEMON RUM 244 BEING THE NEMESIS OF CREATIVE PEOPLE], AND YOU'LL FIND THAT PEOPLE WILL START TO 245 AVOID YOU, GIVING YOU MORE TIME TO STAY HOME ALONE AND WRITE. BEFORE YOU START, 246 FIND YOURSELF A COUPLE EMPTY BEER CANS.(LOOK UNDER THE SOFA).SET THEM BESIDE YOUR 247 TYPEWRITER. THEN BREAK OFF A CHUNK OF PLUG, POP IT IN YOUR MOUTH, AND MUNCH. THEN 248 START TYPING. WHENEVER YOU NEED TO SPIT, TYPE IN A PERIOD. WHEN YOU START TO CRAVE 249 A BEER, DO NOT-REPEAT-DO NOT-REACH FOR THE NEAREST BEER CAN. INSTEAD, TYPE IN AN 250 EXCLAMATION POINT. TYPE IN QUOTATION MARKS WHENEVER THE PHONE RINGS. 251 THAT IS ALL THERE IS TO PUNCTUATION. CONTINUED LATER. 252 SYSOP: I DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN BY "SEE WHAT A LITTLE ENCOURAGEMENT CAN DO" IF 253 I DO TRY TO END EACH LINE AT THE END OF A WORD. AN EXCEPTION WAS MY ENTRY AT THE 254 BOTTOM OF THE LAST DISC- I WANTED TO FINISH THE THIRD CHAPTER BEFORE I RAN OUT OF 255 SPACE. I WILL NOT APPOLOGIZE FOR BEING TOO POOR TO AFFORD A COMPUTER THAT HAS 256 LOWER CASE. I WILL ADMIT TO BEING TOO STUPID TO FIGURE OUT WHETHER THIS TRS-80 257 COCO DOES OR DOES NOT HAVE LOWER CASE. WHEN I BOUGHT IT, THEY GAVE ME THIS BOOK, 258 BUT I LOST IT ON THE WAY HOME. EN BEUA COUP FAUX PAS, C'EST NO?[*=*][*=*][*=*][*= 259 :::::::::::::::::::::O O:::::::::::::::::::::::::O O:::::::::::::::::: 260 To the above anonymous author: you appear to be someone we would like 261 to see more of (in more ways than one). Have you heard about the 262 PorSFiS/PC&S every-other-week get-together of many of the Backwater 263 Irregulars? We would be most happy to see you there weekend after next. 264 (more details later). 265 This disk seems to be devoted to soap-boxing. Breath a sigh of relief - 266 I'm not going to join in right now; my contacts are getting fuzzy so 267 I figure it must be time to go to bed. 268 ::::::::::::::::::::O O:::::::voyeur::::::::O O::::::::::::::::::::::: 269 SAY-YOU, VOYEUR-WHADDYA MEAN BY THAT KRAK ABOUT IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE? YOU TRYIN 270 TO TELL ME SUMPTUN? HEY WHAT? I BETCHA YUR OUT TA GIT ME LIKE THAT MIG DUDE. TRYIN 271 TO OUT FOX ME HUH? DYA THINK IM STUPID OR WHAT. SURE, GO TO DA MEETIN AND GET 272 BLASTED HUH? YEH SURE, SUCH A DEAL. DUHHHH, I AINT SO DUM. 273 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 274 The piper suddenly looked up from the table, then noticing the time 275 stood up to address the other patrons of the inn. 276 "Ahem... If I could please have your attention ... 277 Hey your guys in the back! Pipe down! (sorry) 278 279 Tonight, July 20, in the mundane world, a piobareached competition 280 will be held at David Douglas school in east Porland. It will take 281 place at 7:30 PM. If anyone wishes to hear what classical bagpipe 282 music consists of, and a selection of excellent pipers, I encourage 283 you to go. Just show up in the parking lot. You'll have no trouble 284 hearing where the competition is held. (It does take place indoors 285 in an auditorium -- quite pleasant and the pipes sound good in the 286 space that they chose) 287 Tomorrow, the Highland Games will take up most of the day. They 288 are usually a lot of fun, and I hope to see many of my old comrades. 289 This is one event that I can play my pipes and remain almost entirely 290 unnoticed! I encourage you all to come to one or the other event. 291 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 292 PIPER -- THAT COMPETITION IS AT THE HORNER PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 293 AT DAVID DOUGLAS HIGH. SEE YOU THERE 294 --DUSTY 295 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 296 ********************************************************************** 297 L'homme: Ok, Let's see if I can answer some of your querries and such. 298 First, as for the Mckane thing; No, I didn't say dislike, I said I wasn't 299 interested. (Some of the side issues I didn't care for though.) In fact, 300 much of what GDM wrote I thought was good. It just isn't of interest to me. 301 As I said sometime earlier, I get enough of the violence and power trip 302 thing in real life, and would just as soon get away from it when I can. As 303 far as the Kaypro/ADM3A thing, ahh well, as they say; "That's life". Let's 304 see, what else. Oh yeah, the "Frank" thing, while I found the writing by 305 piper and Alex OK, I would disagree with you about it being equal to the 306 best seen. But that is because I don't feel that things like "You should be 307 put away" ect. is a proper form of argument. They were simply dropping 308 themselves to the same emotional level as the Frank person was on. The 309 'because I don't think it is proper' is however as good an argument as any 310 when the issue is basicly an emotional one as it was, though it does lack 311 substance. When I complain about the Inn, I am complaining about the 'Inn', 312 (you know, the one with the buildings and roads and trees.) and not BWMS. 313 BWMS is a whole 'nother matter, and I always have and always will leave it 314 open to full use (within the guide lines you know and stated in the 315 opening.) Just as you would take umbrage to someone missusing your 316 character, I get uptight when someone missuses the Inn that I am comfortable 317 with. What else? Oh yeah, the debate times at the Inn. While they were 318 interesting, I too like a change of pace thus I also enjoy the fantasy side 319 as well. I am just not into the my gun is bigger then your gun stuff. As far 320 as 'twits' and 'juvies', I think you'll find when you get the back issues 321 that they have always been with the Inn (and probably always will be) they 322 come and go in cycles. Some of the more distastful stuff you won't see since 323 it was removed before archival (ahhh...). Comparison to the 'greats' (yuck! 324 that sure has become a badly miss used word around here of late!) I would 325 agree with you. The refferances I gave were simply in response to a quiry, 326 and not ment to be a weapon to hold over others that they must somehow 327 emulate these people. That is a most rediculous prospect to be sure. 328 Let's see, finaly we come down to the disks. They are here waiting for when 329 ever you're ready. If Aaron has trouble getting hold of d, have him give me 330 a call, I have a bit more direct method of getting in contact with her. 331 (though only during work hours.) 332 I guess that's it. I might add that much of what I have said in the last 333 few days is in direct response to inquires. And the responses given were my 334 true thoughts and feelings. I realize that some of them may not be what you 335 want to hear, but that's what you get when you ask. Perhaps I shouldn't air 336 my dirty laundry in public? Oh well... 337 Did you know that 'Caucus' is an Indian word for PowWow? It is derived from 338 'Cau-Cau-a-su' meaning advisor. 339 340 C'est magnifique, mais ce n'est pas la guerre! 341 *************************** CISTOP MIKEY ********************************* 342 P.S. [*=*] : The comment about encouragement was in response to your comment 343 about not putting anything on here because you thought no one would be 344 interested. I was not compaining about your upper case, only inquiring 345 as to if you could use lower case instead. If you don't like the right 346 margin setting, you can change it with the 'MA 76' command (where 76 is the 347 desired position of the right margin. For readability on about 50% of the 348 terminals/computers set it to 76. For readabliity on about 60% of them 349 set it to 63. If your worried about eatting up too much disk space and 350 aren't as concerned about readablity, set it to 126. Alternately, set it 351 to what ever you feel like. 352 ************************************************************************** 353 060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606 354 TO :NET CENTRAL 355 FROM :NET JUNIOR AGENT 06 356 REG :MISTAKEN IDENTITY 357 358 THIS COMMUNIQUE MAY BE A LITTLE DISJOINTED, BUT I AM SURE YOU WILL SEE 359 WHY AFTER YOU READ WHAT I HAVE TO SAY. 360 361 I WAS VISITING MY SISTER IN TULSA WHEN I GOT YOUR COMSET MESSAGE. MY 362 BROTHER-IN-LAW SEEMED QUITE INTERESTED IN HEARING ABOUT SOME OF MY 363 ADVENTURES FOR THE NET, AND SINCE I HAD BEEN CLEARED TO RELATE ALL OF 364 THE OPERATIONS I HAD BEEN INVOLVED IN SO FAR, I THOUGHT NOTHING OF IT. 365 HE SEEMED ENTHRALLED BY MY EXPERIENCES. WHEN I WENT A BIT TO FAR AND 366 TOLD HIM I WOULD BE GOING ON ANOTHER OPERATION SOON, HE PRESSED ME FOR 367 MORE INFORMATION, BUT I DID NOT YIELD. UNFORTUNATLY, HE FOUND THE 368 PRINTOUT THAT I HAD MANAGED TO FORGET TO DESTROY. REMEMBER, MY COMSET 369 ISSUE HAS A BUILT-IN EPSON PRINTER. ANYWAY, TO MAKE A LONG STORY SHORT, 370 HE SLIPPED ME A MICKEY IN MY FAREWELL PUNCH, AND ASSUMED MY IDENTITY. 371 SINCE HE HAD THE DECODED MESSAGE, HE HAD NO TROUBLE GETTING HIMSELF IN 372 A HEAP OF TROUBLE. MY SISTER TRIED TO WAKE ME, BUT WHATEVER HE GAVE ME, 373 IT HAS JUST NOW WORN OFF. I AM STILL A BIT GROGGY. SHE SAW THE 374 ARTICLE IN THE PAPER, ABOUT THE NET AGENT BEING FOUND NAKED, AND WENT 375 INTO COMPLETE HYSTERIA. I AM RETURNING TO NET CENTRAL, TO AWAIT 376 PUNISHMENT, BUT I PLEAD WITH YOU TO GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE. I AM SURE 377 I CAN GET RID OF THIS WASSIR CHARACTER. I WILL BE VERY CAREFUL, AND I 378 WILL BE SUCCESSFUL. <END OF XFER> 379 380 060606060606060606 July 20th, Year of our Lord 1984, at 10:20 and 5 sec 06060606 381 *)*%@)_#*%_@#*%_!*%_#!%_!#*%_*&!#_%*#_^*_%^_&*^_(^#_+@(^%@*^$_&^@_^*(@_*^_#$*^#$ 382 Mikey: Thanks for your response. I don't mean to argue a point, but I remember 383 many times in the past when the facade of the great debaters took a 384 break and angry pure emotion took its place. But, as we have both 385 indicated before, those are times gone by. 386 I will try to have Aaron contact you. I apologize for the delay, but 387 let me assure you that the NET members of the BW buy were all prompt 388 with their payments, it is these OUTSIDERS who are delinquent! 389 Joshua:Another good entry, and considering how it came about! Online...shudder 390 All :Some people seem to think that the PC&S get-together offers a chance to 391 the otherwise somber group of writers of BW to get blasted. We assure 392 you this is entirely up to the individual. No liquor is forced, and 393 pain rendering devices are not used to garner information from 394 possible McKane operatives. All is quite friendly, peaceful, and fun. 395 The management has assured us quick and complete ejection if the 396 contrary should ever occur. 397 Piper :I lived next door to David Douglas for one year, and one thing has 398 always puzzled me. Where do all those cats come from, and why do they 399 keep coming back each year? (just kidding...actually I enjoy a good 400 bagpipe. By chance do you know someone by the name of Dean Forbes? 401 He works at the same place I do, and every sunny day he practices out 402 on a little grassy area. He has worn circles in the grass where he has 403 walked in a circle too much. 404 *%)$_*%)$#*%$)# L'homme sans parity - ensemble a la fois *%)$*)%*)*)@*%)@#*% 405 406 070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707 407 GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS TO PERSON KNOWN AS : OPERATIVE DELTA FIVE 408 FROM : NET 07 AND RECRUITMENT OFFICES 409 REG : POSSIBLE EMPLOYMENT 410 411 PLANTS IN THE MCKANE ORGANIZATION HAVE RELAYED YOUR RECENT DEPARTURE. 412 THE NET WOULD BE MORE THAN WILLING TO ACCEPT YOU INTO OUR ORGANIZATION, 413 WITH FULL BENEFITS AND SALARY. WE APPRECIATE THE SKILLS YOU HAVE TO 414 OFFER, AND I AM SURE THAT WE COULD COME TO SOME AMICABLE AGREEMENT. WE 415 AWAIT YOUR RESPONSE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME. 416 417 0707070707070707070707070707 no date given 070707070707070707070707070707070707 418 419 **************************************************************************** 420 BACKWATER CLASSIFIEDS 421 422 Grand D.---Come back, all is forgiven. I return to the Inn and you 423 disappear. Don't tell me I get to handle these Bozo's alone. M.W. 424 425 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 426 PORTLAND (AP) Units of the Portland Police Vice Squad and Army National 427 Guard announced a daring midnight raid on Darcelle's XV last night. 428 Arrested was the notorious Russian drag queen, Petrov. Police state that 429 Petrov will be charged with Flashing to Persons of Indeterminent Sex. 430 Also arrested was a French speaking person known only as L'Homme sans 431 parity. Mr. Parity is charged with First Degree Sheep Abuse. Capt. 432 Henry Macho of the Portland Police said, "It was the most disgusting 433 thing I've ever seen. The worst part was when that French guy jumped 434 up on stage and attacked that poor little lamb." Trial for the arrested 435 persons will commence before hanging judge Wilbert Hardcase on July 26. 436 When contacted at the Sunnyvale Rest Home, the victim sheep, Fluffy, 437 could only bleat mournfully. 438 **************************************************************************** 439 440 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 441 I now take space to appoligize for any offensive work that I have 442 entered, especially of late. My outcry was not meant to come across as 443 a angry one, but only of thoughtfulness. My problem is that I write in 444 such a manner that is not agreeable with the set limitations of the Inn. 445 Comedy really doesn't go over well, and it will take a little doing for 446 me to alter my entries to poetry/prose. Because of this, I will have 447 to stop my efforts and planning of the quest to save Blackpool. 448 Already, two of the adventurers have expressed that they do not wish 449 to be included, and I have not heard from the others. Therefore, I 450 will devise a clever way to end the storyline, and Morby will find a 451 unused corner of the Inn to haunt. Maybe I will continue to upload short 452 stories, or work another character into the framework of this system. 453 Either way, this is my last entry under the assumed name of Lord Charles 454 Morby - Earl of Blackpool. I just no longer wish to make the effort to 455 establish a storyline of my own, or even be involved in one. 456 Just out of interest, the vital statistics posted on drive B, are 457 correct, although they are a tad on the harsh side. Now I am just 458 wondering who put them there... 459 With my real name and a new border Andrew 460 ^~~~^~~~^~~~^~~~^~~~^~~~^~~~^~~~^~~~^~~~^~~~^~~~^~~~^~~~^~~~^~~~^~~~^~~~^ 461 Hope Eyrie (words & music: Leslie Fish) 462 Worlds grow old and suns grow cold 463 And death we never can doubt. 464 Time's cold wind, wailing down the past, 465 Reminds us that all flesh is grass 466 And history's lamps blow out. 467 Chorus:But the Eagle has landed; Tell your children when. 468 Time won't drive us down to dust again. 469 Cycles turn while the far stars burn, 470 And people and planets age. 471 Life's crown passes to younger lands, 472 Time sweeps dust of hope from his hands 473 And turns another page. 474 CHORUS 475 But we who feel the weight of the wheel 476 When winter falls over our world 477 Can hope for tomorrow and raise our eyes 478 To a silver moon in the opened skies 479 And a single flag unfurled. 480 Chorus:For the Eagle has landed, ... 481 We know well what Life can tell: 482 If you would not perish, then grow. 483 And today our fragile flesh and steel 484 Have laid their hands on a vaster wheel 485 With all of the stars to know 486 Chorus:That the Eagle has landed, ... 487 From all who tried out of history's tide 488 Salute for the team that won. 489 And the old Earth smiles at her children's reach; 490 The wave that carried us up the beach 491 To reach for the shining sun. 492 Chorus:For the Eagle has landed, ... 493 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 494 Fifteen years ago a man stepped onto another world... 495 How many remember? 496 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 497 "Eye of bat and toe of dog..." 498 "NO!", his master shouted, "You've got it backwards AGAIN! I want you 499 to get it right. At the rate you're going you'll poison someone. And it 500 might not be yourself!" 501 The apprentice sighed and opened the tome once more. At this rate he would 502 NEVER get back to the Inn. 503 Spells were easy, but he just couldn't seem to remember potion lists. 504 .................................the apprentice............................. 505 UPI- Washington- The Justice Department today filed suit against McKane 506 Enterprises for violation of the Equal Opportunity Employment Act. 507 "They are engaging in religious discrimination. If they wish to continue 508 with their 'Rent a Miracle' service they will have to meet our quotas for 509 religions represented." stated a department spokesman. 510 "They have NO Jews, Moslems, Hari Krishnas,... In fact they only seem 511 to have Christians employed at the monasteries. And from only ONE sect 512 at that!" 513 So far there has been no reaction from Leroy Mckane or his counsel. 514 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 515 Somebody was here! 516 :*************************************************************: 517 Mohammed: Forgiven? Give me a break. I humbly offer my 518 apologies because my intentions are misunderstood and I'm told 519 I'm not needed. So be it. I've other things to do. Grand D. 520 :************************************************************: 521 (*)(*)(*)(*) 522 Archer and whiteliner have left the Inn. 523 They are traviling to a place called the Dale. 524 There they can find peace among~ peers and others. 525 This was short and got right to the point. 526 (*)(*)(*)(*) 527 .........>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>,m<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,,,,,,..... 528 Gaudy Minsky is trapped in the McKane Spiritual and Financial 529 Organization and will mafe a fast break tonight. 530 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::: 541 542 543 544 exit 545 546 [*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*] TO: ALL. FROM [*=*]. I DID 547 OT REALIZE I WAS BREAKING UP WORDS. I GUESS I JUST ASSUMED THAT 548 SINCE MOST LINES ENDED IN A COMPLETE WORD ON MY SCREEN, THAT 549 THIS WAS TRUE OF ALL OTHER SCREENS. I APPOLOGIZE FOR MY 550 IGNORANCE. MIKEY: THANKS FOR MAKING ME AWARE OF THIS. I HAVE 551 TAKEN YOUR ADVICE, AND SET THE MARGIN TO 63. I WOULD APPRECIATE 552 553 SOMEONE TELLING ME IF THIS IS BETTER, OR PERHAPS SUGGESTING 554 ANOTHER WIDTH. IF I COME TO THE END OF A LINE WITH AN UNFINISHE 555 D WORD (LIKE I JUST DID WITH THE WORD 'UNFINISHED'), OR IF I 556 SHOULD HAVE REASON TO TYPE IN REALLY LONG WORDS SUCH AS 557 CONSTANTANOPLEISHHIPPOPOTAMUSES (VERY FAT TURKISH WOMEN), THEN 558 SHOULD I BACK UP AND ENTER, AND THEN START THE WORD ON A NEW 559 LINE? P.S. I WENT TO RADIO SHACK AND THEY GAVE ME A NEW BOOK. 560 TO ABOVE. YOU MAY BE STUPID BUT AT LEAST YOUR WILLING TO LEARN 561 :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:---:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: 562 NET 7: MESSAGE RECIEVED. ANSWER DELAYED.COMING VIA COMSETMES. G 563 OING FISHING INDEFINETLY. EMERGENCY CONTACT C. LOVONOVITCH FREE 564 BOOTERS. EOM DELTA FIVE 565 ________________________________________________________________________________ 566 CASE OF MISTAKEN IDENTITY 567 BY 568 STAN D. READY 569 570 Portland - The recent story regarding the arrest at Darcell XVI of one L'homme 571 sans parity was in part, incorrect. When contacted at a telephone booth in the 572 vicinity of the Oklahoma City Fine Arts Centre, L'homme, as he prefers to be 573 called, denied all charges against him, and relayed to this reporter a bizzare 574 story involving a foreign imposter using his name, a bottle of sheep dip, 575 a tattered copy of an old Woody Allen film, and several copies of the PlayBoy 576 interview with Jimmy Carter. The story is currently being serialized for future 577 publication in the Oregonian. 578 "I just don't know why this keeps on happening to me!", L'homme said. 579 "I have been in Oklahoma City taking care of some business interests, and was 580 recently tied up in some important meetings with a group of oriental importers. 581 I wish who ever was doing this would stop. I don't cater to some of the sexual 582 perversions that my countrymen are known for. And I hated 'La cage aux folles'", continued L'homme. 583 As more facts are brought into view, this reporter will continue this 584 interesting story. 585 _______________________________________________________________________________ 586 To the above: 587 Nice Stuff! M.W. 588 To Grand D. 589 Don't get your nose out of joint because some jerkwater doesn't 590 appreciate fine craftmanship. M.W. 591 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 592 593 [*=*]. SOMEONE ASKED HOW I MAY BE ADDRESSED, IE IF I HAVE A NAME. I DO NOT W 594 MA 63 595 596 [*=*] SOMEONE ASKED MY NAME, HOW I MAY BE ADDRESSED. IT WOULD B 597 E INCONSIDERATE OF ME NOT TO ANSWER. I DO NOT WISH TO BE KNOWN 598 BY ANY NAME. I DO NOT WISH TO REVEAL MY IDENTITY. NOT YET. WITH 599 OUT ANY INTENTION OF TURNING THIS ANONYMITY INTO A GUESSING GAM 600 E , I WILL SAY THIS: THE GURU OF BLISS KNOWS ME AS "COOKIE". AS 601 HE AND I HAVE BEEN IN THE SAME PLACE. MIG KNOWS ME AS "TWIT". 602 L'HOMME KNOWS ME AS MICHELLE, BUT THAT IS NOT MY NAME. I PREFER 603 TO WRITE ABOUT THE ADVENTURES OF A SOLITARY TRAVELLER WHO HAS A 604 LOVABLE RACCOON AS A COMPANION, AND A MISSION IN LIFE.[*=*][*=* 605 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 606 >