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LI FILE ON MARGIN IS 80 STATUS: ENTER ONLY NUMBER OF LINES: 629 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 ********************* REMOVED: 9 JUN 84 ******************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 SORRY ABOUT THAT, NO SPARE DISKS LEFT, AND NO TIME TO FREE SOME UP, 21 SO IT HAD TO RUN FULL FOR A DAY OR SO, BUT WE ARE BACK TO NORMAL NOW 22 (WHATEVER THAT IS.) 23 ************************ CISTOP MIKEY ***************************** 24 P.S. WAS THAT YOU I SAW ON THE BOTTOM OF DRIVE B AARON? 25 YES D, WHERE ARE YOU? AND WHERE ARE YOU PAM, I THOUGHT YOU WOULD 26 MAKE AN APEARANCE BY NOW (EVEN A LITTLE ONE?) <SIGH> 27 ************************************************************** 28 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 29 known of this dark, mysterious creature who inhabits no reality and all 30 realities. This creature is not even flesh and blood. Perhaps it is a "sou- 31 self" that never found a material form. Perhaps it is only an apparition, a 32 dream, or an halucination. Or perhaps it exists in the deepest, darkest 33 recesses of a being's inner self. In any event, it is as real as you or I, n 34 infinitely more deadly and unpredictable than the s ferocious Arcturan 35 Xanbrath-mog. This creature has been seen in all known realities, yet seems 36 not to have the ability to change form. Not that it really needs such an 37 abilitiy. Energy in all forms seems to be sucked in and swallowed by the vey 38 shadowy immensness of this "thing", if "thing" it is. Structures fall, hope 39 fails, life ends in its presence. Weapons and war are useless. It seems no 40 age or change in any way. Yet it comes not unbidden; neither comes it tll 41 unannounced. Only those who are unusually perceptive have even a hint of wht 42 is about to happen, though it is of little value to them. Beware the 43 Nightshade! It comes with utter death and utter death brings it! 44 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 45 46 47 48 "Uh oh, Uncle Buck! It looks like rain!", said Jim-Bob. "Shucks! There 49 ain't no need a'worryin' you lil' fool head 'bout no rain, boy!", 50 chortled Uncle Buck. (Great stuff, eh?) 51 52 53 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 54 It is hereby resolved that all weapons of higher technology then the inn posesed 55 before this altercation are prohibited.motion was made and carried with no 56 dissenting votes. 57 All:I have found an old oratory that I used in a high-school speech tournament 58 (sp?) I think I will share it with you all,then again,you have no choice! 59 THE WHOLLY FAMILY:unknown author. 60 "Baby's got a plastic bottle,plastic pacifyer to chew,plastic pillows on the 61 sofa,plastic curtains frame the view,plastic curlers do up mama,mama's hairdo 62 plastic too!" 63 "Junior plays with plastic modules,sister pins on plastic bows,plastic wallet 64 made for papa,plastic credit cards in rows,plastic ivy in the planter,greener 65 then the real thing grows." 66 "plastic pumpkin for Thanksgiving,plastic beach ball by the sea,plastic snow at 67 christmastime,plastic manger,star and tree." 68 "Plastic used so totaly,keeps us germproow and dirt free" 69 "Praise of plastic thus we sing,plastic over everything,keeps us cool and safe 70 and dry,it may not pain us much to die" 71 72 Some of you who know me might think I wrote this,the Man in Gray didn't 73 but somebody else on this board might have! 74 The Man in Gray 75 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 76 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::O O::::::::::::::::O O:::::::::::::::::::: 77 piper - I think we have discovered one of the problems arising from 78 making important entries on drive B. 79 I had logged on, found that the disks had been shifted, and so 80 read the bottom of drive B. The last thing there was bard's ticky-tacky 81 little boxes. I logged off for a while, thought about what I was 82 going to write, came back on and entered it. You must have been on 83 between those two times and left yours. I am certainly sorry for the 84 mix-up; I would have been more than happy to follow your lead. 85 Fare well. 86 ::::::::::::::::::::::O O:::::::::voyeur:::::::::::O O::::::::::::::: 87 ----------------------------------GURU OF BLIS---------------------------- 88 SOME ENDS JUSTIFY SOME MEANS. 89 NO END JUSTIFIES UNLIMITED MEANS. 90 SOME MEANS CAN NEVER BE JUSTIFIED AT ALL. 91 SOME ENDS CAN NEVER BE JUSTIFIED EITHER. 92 NO MEANS JUSTIFIES IGNORING IT'S EFFEXTS. 93 SOME MEANS JUSTIFY SOME ENDS. 94 NEITHER ENDS NOR(!) MEANS CAN SAFELY BE IGNORED! 95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 96 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*DREAMTOUCHER*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 97 "I HOPE SOMEBODY'S GOT SOME IDEA WHAT TO DO NEXT! I DON'T. IF WE WERE 98 ALL GLIDERS WE COULD PROBABLY LIFT OUT OF HERE. AS FAR AS I KNOW, NON OF US ARE 99 MAYBE THE NEXT LINE OVER WILL BE IN SOME SORT OF TUNNEL? BY THE WAY, HOW DID 100 A CREVVAS DEVELOP FROM A LATTERAL(!) FAULT? I GUESS ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN IN THE 101 BLIGHT. NEVER EXPECTED TO END UP HERE THOUGH." 102 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 103 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJTMNXIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 104 THEMNAX HAD TOO MUCH ON HIS MIND TO GO RUNNING OUT AFTER SOME HOLLOGRAPHIC 105 ILLUSION SHOUGHTING EMPTY CHALLANGES. I DID LOOK OUT AND SEE THE 106 SHIMMERING AROUND THE EDGES WHICH THE 'BRAVE' FIGHTER TYPES WERE IN TOO 107 MUCH OF A BLOOD BLINDED HURY TO NOTICE. A SHORT WHILE LATER HE DID NOTICE SOME 108 SORT OF PIECE OF PAPER BEING CIRCULATED FOR SIGNATURES. 109 WHEN HE LEARNED OF IT'S CONTENTS HE ENTHUSIASTICLY SIGNED IT: THEMNAX OF 110 LANANARA; H.U.B.(2), X-21, X^N. 111 HIS REMAINING POSSESIONS HAD UNDERGON SUBTLE CHANGES. THERE FORM WAS BASICLY 112 THE SAME AS IT HAD BEEN AND THOSE FUNCTIONS HE DARED TO TEST SEEMED TO WORK 113 NORMALY, MOST OF THEM AT LEAST, BUT ALL OF THE EXTERNAL CONTROLS AND INDICATORS 114 HAD TRANSFORMED INTO RECCOCO ARTWORK OF ESOTERIC AND GENERALY MEANINGLESS (TO 115 HIM) DESIGN. TO MAKE SOMETHING FUNCTION HE HAD TO THINK AT IT INSTEAD OF 116 OPPERATE SOME MECHANICAL CONTROL. THIS WAS NO GREAT LOSS. THE GRAV-SLED AND 117 MASTERBOT HAD BOTH HAD PSIONIC INTERFACES WITH WHICH HE COMMUNICATED VIA THE 118 PSIONIC AMPLIFICATION OF THE BELT OF XENDU HE STILL WORE. 119 HE COULD NOT BEGIN TO COMPRIHEND ALL THESE SUBTLE CHANGES BUT HE STRONGLY 120 SUSPECTED THAT WHATEVER IT HAD BECOME, HE WOULD BE IN BIG TROUBLE IF EVER HE 121 WERE PARTED FROM THAT BELT. 122 THE MINITURISED NINGIES IN HIS POCKET WERE NOW FLAT, TRIANGULAR COINS OF 123 98 FINE GOLD. HE ASSUMED THEY WOULD STILL SERVE FOR LEGAL TENDER IN THAT FORM. 124 AT ANY RATE THE INNKEPER SEEMED PLEASED WHEN HE HANDED TWO OF THEM TO HIM. 125 HE OFFERED TO TRADE THE SERVICES OF THE MASTERBOT AS WAITER AND ALL AROUND 126 IMPLIMENT FOR LONG TERM LODGING, NO LONGER HAVING ANYWARE ELSE TO STAY IN THIS 127 REALM AND NO SPEEDY WAY OF GETTING ANYWARE ELSE. THE MAGIK CARPET (FORMERLY 128 GRAV-SLED) HE WOULD KEEP FOR LOCAL TRANSPORT. 129 130 INTRODUCING HIMSELF FORMALY TO MORBY, APPRENTICE AND THE REST, HE ASKED IF HE 131 MIGHT SHARE THERE TABLE. PERHAPS THERE WOULD BE LORE FOR LORE HE COULD TRADE. 132 HE REALIZED HE WAS STILL NEW HERE, WHATEVER HE MAY HAVE BEEN AT THE H.U.B. 133 AND THAT HE STILL HAD MUCH TO LEARN. 134 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJTMNXIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 135 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 136 Voyeur -- I left the ms in question near the end of drive A very early one 137 morning. Within several hours, the disk had filled and gone to B! And I 138 was (sob) overlooked. Ah, well, we have escaped from the disaster, I from a 139 crashing wall of water that swept over where I stood with you, you from an 140 earthquake, and we are both in more trouble now. Reality does not *have* to 141 be singular when you travel about in it. It looks like the piper is alone now. 142 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 143 The piper lay unconcious for a very long time. He had been moved by extreme 144 fear at the sight of the tidal wave rushing toward him, and not knowing whether 145 anall of the others had escaped in the automobile, he had exerted every ounce 146 of his mental force to move every living mammal within whatever distance he 147 could encompass. The strain of moving that volume, even on a bleak and 148 apparently dead landscape, with pipes that had not been properly tuned was too 149 much for him. His last thought had been of interest in the surface coming 150 up towards him -- then blackness claimed him. 151 -------------------------- 152 The piper awoke very disoriented and for long moments could not even 153 conciously connect his being with the sensations that were coming in to him. 154 He felt a curious warm hard surface against his cheek, but did not realize that 155 it had anything to do with him. He felt a pain in his mouth, and the saltiness 156 of blood where he had cut his lip on the blowpipe, but had no idea that this 157 was not completely normal. His eyelids fluttered open by reflex, but he made 158 no attempt to move -- he was incapable of such sustained coherent thought. 159 He had no concept of identity, he simply lay -- a sponge absorbing sensations 160 until something caught what little attention he had left. Something warm 161 bumped against his leg and the novelty of the sensation caused him to try to 162 turn his head. The pain brought a groan from his lips and a soft hiss from 163 near his legs. He lay for several moments stunned by thisunfamiliar perception. 164 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 165 166 They were all, (except L'homme) discussing what to do about the car. 167 It seemed to have nosed into a trench caused by the collapse of a utility tunnel 168 under the street. 169 The bard happened to glance into the car. A shocked look appeared on his 170 face and started to open the door. Realizing that there wasn't enough time 171 he yelled "Grab onto the car AND DON'T LET GO!!" 172 The others barely had time to comply as the car began to shift. 173 When reality stabilized again the bard barely had the strength to reach 174 the console and switch it to OFF. He muttered something about "... quake 175 triggered .... shift..." before he passed out. The others had time to note 176 piper's body off to one side before the effects of the unshielded shift caught 177 up with them. 178 The only movement was that of small animals investigating the 179 "bodies"... 180 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 181 I gotta remember to zero the controls before I leave them! Anyway, we're 182 all in the same place now. All that remains is for Piper to tell us where 183 HERE is. 184 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 185 all: The Hillsboro BBS is now running 186 3:00 P.M. to midnight. The system 187 is much easier to use (Menu oriented) 188 instead of command line syntax like 189 it used to be. NO PASSWORD NEEDED. 190 Several ON-LINE GAMES. COMPUTER ART 191 Download programs etc. number is 192 640-9762. Sysop is Ernie Negus. 193 The old Syntax software is still 194 available through the (X)tended 195 command, but the old data base is wiped out 196 197 *)$#*$)*)!@*)@%_@$%)#$*^)*^%)_$*^)_#(^_(_!^+#$%+(%_(#^*_(_(#(^_#(^_#$%(_(^&($_& 198 Aaron: Are you still around? I had tried to answer before, but alas, the disks 199 were full. You should try to make it to the SF meeting on Saturday, or at least 200 the PC&S Tavern afterwords... Have you come to your senses and decided to sell 201 me your 'extra' computer? 202 *)*$#@)$*@) 203 The last thing on l'homme's mind now was despair. The 'reality shift', 204 as Bard had called it, must have knocked everyone out, (to put it in the words 205 of a 20th century man). 206 L'homme didn't know how long he had been out, but he did know one thing, 207 he wasn't in the same place he was before he blacked out. Yes...this place was 208 definitly different...very strange indeed. And there over on the other side 209 of the car was piper! He tried to call out his name, but for some unknown 210 reason, the words just wouldn't come out. Then L'homme noticed that the party 211 was not alone. He tried to call out to the others, who, besides piper, hadn't 212 recovered from the 'shift', but his vocal cords still refused to obey. There 213 were small animals darting in and around the group. "Now this is really getting 214 strange!", thought L'homme. I better wake the others up. Maybe they know what's 215 going on here. Voyeur was the closest, so he was the first recipient of L'homme' 216 s shaking. "Wake up! Wake up!", L'homme thought to himself. 217 )*$#)@* L'homme sans parity - sans voix, pas de vive voix - pourquoi??? *)$#@*$ 218 219 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj 220 I, the Ninja, do solumnly agree to take my fighting and adventuring 221 elsewhere then the Inn. 222 jjjjjjj 223 The Ninja was stuck at the Inn. He wasn't a reality shifter. Once 224 he had delt with magic. The semi-old patrons of the Inn remembered the 225 Phoenix Egg. He still had it except fear kept him from using it. The only 226 force greater then fear must be boredom. 227 The Ninja slowly reached a shakey hand into the pouch were the gem 228 was imprisoned. It glew with an erie green shimmer. 229 "Take me to the Ninja temple in Japan!" 230 The Ninja 231 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj 232 The lazy one glances at the rest of the group around the table. I suggest 233 that we start a new quest. Specifically, why don't we go look for several 234 kegs of Four Eye Monongahela. That is reputed to be the most exquisite 235 form of drink in the multiverse. 236 **************************************** THE LAZY ONE ******************* 237 PS. PFEIFER'S PRINCIPLE: Never make a decision you can get someone else 238 to make. 239 *********************************************************************** 240 Whisper glances over at The Lazy One and says that seems a good idea. 241 I havn't had much chance to practice my thieving abilities since I 242 started spending my time here. 243 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& WHISPER &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 244 HELLO, MY NAME IS MIKE. I AM CALLING BECAUSE I HAVE TO FIND A CLUB TO BELONG TO 245 AND I WOULD LIKE TO FIND OUT ALL THE POSSIBILITIES OF THIS SYSTEM. 246 TO THE WANDERING TRIBE OF NEW MUNCHKINS; WHO EVER YOU ARE; THESE DISKS SEEM TO 247 FILL ALL TOO QUICKLY AS IT IS. PLEASE REFRAIN FROM FLOODING US OUT WITH A LOT 248 OF BLANK LINES. 249 END OF UNSOLICITED SERMON. THANK YOU. 250 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*DREAMTOUCHER*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 251 SNOWRUNNER SHOOK HER GREAT SHAGGY HEAD AND LICKED HERSELF HERE AND THERE 252 AS CANIDS ARE KNOWN TO DO. FINDING NO OBVIOS DAMAGE ASSIDE FROM MINOR BRUSES 253 SHE BESTIRRED HERSELF. 254 ALL AROUND WAS LIFE IN NEW AND INTERESTING FORMS. THINGS TO CHASE, THINGS TO 255 TEASE AND MABY GOOD TO EAT? 256 THEY ALSO SEAMED DETERMINED TO TEASE HER. THEY WOULD BOLDLY APPROACH IN TWOS 257 AND THREES THEN SCURRY BACK AS SHE WOULD TURN, SNAPPING TWARD. TO HER IT WAS 258 ALL GREAT FUN. 259 DREAMTOUCHER ADMIRED THE RESILIANCE OF THE SIMPLE MIND OF HIS SIMI-WILD 260 PREDITOR COMPANION. 261 "WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO FOR THE PIPER?" HE ASKED HIS COMPANIONS. "HE GOT US 262 OUT OF WARE WE WERE AND NOW I SENCE IN HIS MIND A GREAT DISORIENTATION. 263 IF IT IS SAFE FOR HIM TO REMAIN SLEEPING UNDISTURBED HERE, I CAN SHAPE A DREAM 264 AND SEND IT INTO HIS SLEEPING MIND WHICH WILL RESTORE HIS ORIENTATION AND IDENTY 265 AT LEAST IT SHOULD. I WONT KNOW UNTIL I START, JUST HOW MUCH THAT KNOCK HE 266 TOOK ON THE HEAD MAY COMPLICATE THINGS. I CAN BUT TRY. 267 IN THE MEAN TIME, CAN SOMEONE IDENTIFY THESE LITTLE CRITTERS SNIFFING AROUND 268 OUR TOES?" 269 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 270 ----------------------------------GURU OF BLISS--------------------------- 271 THERE ARE NO GOOD OR BAD PEOPLE, ONLY PEOPLE WHO DO GOOD AND(!) BAD THINGS. 272 SOME PEOPLE SEEM TO PREFER TO DO A LOT MORE OF ONE OR THE OTHER BUT 273 ALL OF US DO ATLEAST A LITTLE OF BOTH. 274 NATURALY I PREFER THE COMPANY OF THOSE WHOSE ACTIONS SUPPORT CREATION RATHER 275 THAN ENTROPY. 276 WHEN AN INDIVDUAL IS UNWILLING OR UNABLE TO RESTRAIN HIMSELF FROM SUCH ACTIONS 277 AS INCREASE UNPLEASENTNESS AND ENDANGER OTHERS, IT IS NOT UNREASONABLE FOR THE 278 COMMUNITY TO RESTRAIN (AND/OR DISTRAIN) HIM IN SOME MANOR. THIS SOULD NEVER BE 279 FOR VENGENCE WHICH IS UNWORTHY, NOR SHOULD DELUDE OURSELVES THAT WE ARE SOMEHOW 280 IMPROVING THIS PERSONS CHARICTER ('CORRECTIONS') BY DOING SO. NECCESSARY 281 RESTRAINT IS NECCESSARY RESTRAINT. NEITHER MORE NOR LESS. 282 RESTITUTION, APPOLOGIES AND INCARSERATION ALONG WITH UNCOUNTABLE SIMMILAR 283 CONCEPTS ALL HAVE ONE THING IN COMMON. THEY ARE ALL SUBSTITUTES FOR THE SIMPLE 284 CEASATION OF THE UNDESIREABLE ACTIVITY. USUALY THEY ARE RATHER POOR SUBSTITUTES 285 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 286 287 ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` 288 To Lord Morby, Earl of Blackpool 289 This is innkeeper Fig calling, if you have a chance to call the Broken Blade 290 Inn before 10am please do. I think that the Inn is open for the local 291 people to come on in, but I'm not sure yet. 292 Before 10am. 293 Innkeeper Fig 294 295 ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` 296 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 297 Will do, Innkeeper. To all who have been on CBBS ( 775-xxxx ), the number 298 posted for the new BBS is 635-xxxx, and not anything else. Sorry for the 299 rather large oops. 300 ::::::::::::::::::::::::: 301 Morby pushed the corners of the map down. 302 " Gather round, and I shall show you something quite interesting. This is 303 a map to the diferent dimensional realites, known to all inteligent life. 304 This map, in conjuncton with the three reference books kept in my room, 305 dimensional travel of most sorts should be quite easy." 306 He turned to Dawg. 307 " Could you get my my backpack, please? " 308 Dawg trudged inti his room, and moments later came out with the pack. Morby 309 searched through his meager supplies and personal belongings, and pulled out 310 three medium sized hardcover books. Morby looked at the colorful map, and 311 then scanned through the first book, till he found the sub map he wanted. 312 The Lazy One stared at the books, and then asked a question. 313 " Where did you get those books. I have seen similar types, but never 314 those." 315 " They are Blackpool's only real treasure. My grand dad obtained in 316 interesting circumstances ", Morby replied. 317 " You mean he stole them? " 318 " I prefer to say ' pilfered '." 319 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 320 ____________________________________ 321 have a nice day..... 322 323 00000 324 00 00 325 _____________________________________________________________________________ 326 Tell a man there are 100 billion stars in the universe, and he will believe you. 327 Tell a man a bench has wet paint and he will have to test it out for himself. 328 _____ 329 A women must do her job twice as good as a man does to get the same credit, 330 fortunatly, this is not difficult. 331 _____ 332 How can you tell when a marketing man is lying? When his mouth is open. 333 ____ 334 The dead president's body in the back of the car...The engine runs on glue and 335 tar, we aren't going very far, just East to see the czar... 336 ______________________ A WORD FROM THE WISE - PART I __________________________ 337 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 338 I,pheric foerender, do solemly swear not to carry battle of my own busines to t 339 e beloved INN. 340 /// 341 i also do swear by the beloved inn theat i shall not bring in high-technol 342 ogy weapons. 343 //// 344 pheric foerender looked at lord morby's map.he didn really understand it, but 345 he was trying to. 346 "so where ever we go, is it to get wine, or something else???? 347 pheric, also had a magic item stowed awayin his pouch. it was a wand, however 348 every time he said the command word, the out come would be totally random. 349 it could do anything unexpectedly. 350 its original purpose is unknown to pheric. 351 for its randomness he hated to dig it out of his pouch. he had dicovered that 352 15% of the time it would do what he wanted it to do, but the other 85%, who 353 knows????? 354 ///////////////////PHERIC///////////////////////////////////////////// 355 ############################################### 356 I wonder what happened to PAM? she use to be a consistant entrant here. 357 Are you still out there PAM? Hello? 358 I miss your floral input too d, have you forsaken the Inn as well, 359 you the very creator of same? 360 It is sad indeed to see these precious resources wilt away to nothing. 361 I know Debroah is out there as I have seen her quiry here recently, 362 but it seemed more a plaintive cry then her strong voice of old. 363 <sigh> I miss the old times <sigh>... 364 ################### I. S. ##################################### 365 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 366 Aaron:I hear you, now just start SAYING something. 367 To all:I would like to hear about the Inn's beginnings, about the people who used to frequent here, and more about 368 yourselves. To start, in another reality my name is Shawn Instenes. I am a poor student who had to pay for his C-64 369 in blood, including ALL of my perheprials (not many). I did enjoy the reference to the 'Commodore Death Field'. 370 ++++++++++++++ 371 Rising quickly, Milchar puts on the robe he had dug out of his chest earlier. "Operation Pandora's Box now underway! 372 Four, three, two, one..." Milchar gestures with his hands, and Gizmo's machine and it's contenets are enveloped in 373 silvery flame, gone as the flame disappears. "Well, now to wait. Six, five, four, three, two, one, Put on your gas 374 masks, we're going in!" 375 Gesturing wildy, Milchar spins a colorful wave of light around The Doctor, Psycho, Gizmo, and himself, which tightens 376 around them and squeezes them into another place... 377 A sound of hundreds of people laughing hsyterically comes to the ears of the group. "I see that the 'box' was opened, 378 just as you predicted, Doctor. Psycho, get the sceptre, and we'll detain any guards that come this way.", Milchar 379 said. #Yes, how did you know that?# "Well, it's quite simple. They scanned it for toxic substances, scanned it 380 probably a dozen different ways before they came to the conclusion that they couldn't find out what was in it before 381 they opened it. You see, a Timelord's greatest weakness is his curiosity- that'll get him every time." 382 A small patrol of guards, only half awake, stumbled into the room. Milchar, without a side glance, mutters a few 383 powerful words under his breath and the men suddenly stop cold, and fall asleep. "Hmm... without this Nitrous Oxide 384 cover, someone would have tripped the alarm by now. I think that we may not have much trouble after all." Just then, 385 Psycho runs up to the three, with a long pointed object in one hand. "Hugtebo Yggstan Reposnugce!", he says. (Trans: 386 'Let's get outta here!'). "I quite agree, let's not push our luck.", The Doctor says. Milchar brings out the Amulet, 387 and all fall though a square hole in the floor..... to fall on a mattress, inside the Tardis. Above them, through a 388 hole, they can hear the sound of a siren. Milchar mutters something about 'noise pollution' before he waves his hand 389 to close the opening. A guard, wearing a gas mask, take his rifle and aims it down through the hole. The Doctor, 390 acting quickly, summons his will and forces the gap closed. The gurad disintergrates a 5-foot patch of the 391 palace's marble floor. 392 The object in Psycho's hand begins to shimmer, and in a rainbow accompaniment, vanishes. A gathering of light to 393 The Doctor's hand shows that he now holds an object, much different than the scepter- The Key to Time. 394 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milchar, The Doctor, Psycho, and Gizmo making up for lost time +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 395 396 xXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX 397 What an incredible odyssey! re-counting the events of the 398 last few weeks.... 399 A BEAUTIFUL day! Glancing out the peep-hole I had gnawed in a 400 decaying side-wall of the inn, I could see that this was THE day 401 for a dashing young hamster to take fate in hand and find his 402 fortune outside the comforting walls of the inn. Packing what 403 little belongings I have, a quick goodbye to my new friends, and 404 with a cheek-full of the innkeeper's best ale, I set off to seek 405 my fortune. The smell of damp earth! The blue sky, dew-covered 406 moss, birds singing a heavenly chorus! LIFE! Ahh, the beauty of 407 it all. With such excellent weather, and pleasant atmosphere, I 408 should make several kilometers by nightfall, then, (hamsters are 409 night people) with some luck, locate a young female hamster also 410 on the fast track for some serious backgammon, cognac, and...??? 411 A good 1200 meters. I'm pooped! Time for a break, maybe nibble 412 on a little fenugreek growing nearby. Yawn, I am SOOO tired, I 413 think I'll just settle down for a (yawn..) little nap. Day 414 travel just does not suit me! Well, I'll make much better time 415 after nightfall, anyway. G'night. 416 "Beep." 417 "Beep? I don't think I brought my alarm clock, (yawn) It's 418 still light out! what gives? nap time again." 419 "Beep, beep" 420 "What the....oh no! not the.." I was cut off by a particularly 421 long (and loud) 422 "BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!" issuing from the BOLO ECM field 423 kit in my duffle. No rodent would be caught dead without his 424 BOLO alert, but, too late........... 425 426 427 "Oooh!" I groaned to no one in particular.. "My head!" I tried 428 to sit up, only to fall over into a crumpled heap. 429 "Easy now!" a voice rang out "Those stun fields always leave 430 you a little skittery for a while, take it easy!" 431 "Whose there?" I said, not having yet opened my eyes. 432 "Names Larry. Larry Lemming." "You must have just arrived." 433 434 Larry Lemming told me the whole sordid tale.... 6000 small, 435 loveable, furry rodents such as myself and Larry... had been 436 ruthlessly hunted, captured, and imprisoned in a small brick 437 building, with no toilets. Rodents were totured. Experiments 438 performed. Prisoners executed. Questions asked. No one had any 439 idea why we were being held in this strange place, some no 440 longer cared. There was always food. Lots of food. Strange, 441 though, for a prison....the building was air-conditioned. 442 443 It was a late Saturday night when we found the method behind 444 this madness. The building was warm that evening, everyone was 445 complaining about the heat. We had all grown an off-season coat 446 of long, warm fur...plenty of food, the air-conditioning kept 447 the air temperature in the low 30's. But not tonight... it was 448 hot! Air-conditioner had gone out. Seems some field mice gnawed 449 through an exposed piece of cabling protruding from the cabinet. 450 We couldn't find enuogh of them to bury.......... We wern't warm 451 for long, as the air-conditioner was removed and replaced. But 452 this was a new unit. "Arctic-Air 830" said the nameplate. Our 453 last was a "820", perhaps this prison was some sort of insane 454 Air-conditioner Beta test site...... 455 "hey, Habitrail, come look at this" a juvenile oposum called. 456 (I should explain that I was elected as the "commander" of the 457 colony...for the week) "How odd, it seems to be an engraved 458 metal plate...lesse..." 459 "PROPERTY CONTROL #A63411, McKane Industries, EARMUFF DIVISION" 460 461 We planed our escape the next morning, it was actually quite 462 simple. They fed us through a sort of grill, which they removed 463 every day, so as to have access to the food tray, which they 464 refilled. Tomorrow, they would have quite a surprise. Our oldest 465 bandicoot will scurry out the access hatch, up the unfortunate 466 feeder's body, and plant his teeth firmly into his juglar. 467 It went beautifully. 6000 liberated rodents swarmed over the 468 countryside...... 469 Just hours after the "coup", I was already kilometers away. My 470 little hamster legs can really move when the need arises! In 471 a grassy gnoll, I was relaxing..sipping a mint julep. What an 472 experience! Now, time for a nap.... 473 "BOOM." 474 "no, no... no alarm clock, remember?" Then it hit me. Alarm 475 clocks don't go "Boom".... then I saw them. Mini-BOLO's coming 476 over the hill. This time, they weren't firing stazers..those 477 were half-ton/sec sub-nuclear cannons firing! So, if McKane 478 can't have earmuffs, he'll have bar-b-que rodent! Run little 479 legs, RUN! 480 I was too slow, and too tired. I dropped to the ground. I 481 could see two BOLO's converging their turrets on me now. Oh, 482 why did I have to leave the inn! Though it wasn't as exciting 483 as this, my life at the inn was safe! The BOLO's fired. 484 485 ... 486 487 "Am I dead?" 488 #No, in transit. Be patient, small one.# 489 "Who are you?" 490 #I am ..... 491 Suddenly the lights went on. Shimmering into existance, I could 492 see who it was. An old friend from the inn........ Piper. 493 He was exausted. Curling up by his legs, I would protect him 494 until he was rested, and feeling stronger. Just so long as he 495 didn't roll over on me... 496 Habitrail Harry 497 xXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX 498 499 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 500 The piper lay for a few moments, then forced himself up. That sound -- 501 he turned round trying to orient himself and saw an automobile surrounded by 502 several familiar looking figures. A movement next to his leg brought the 503 piper's attention closer. "Ah, little friend -- did you escape then?" The 504 piper lifted the small hamster and let the animal burrow into the folds of 505 his plaid. Looking around, the piper approached his friends near the car. 506 "Bard -- I don't really know what sort of reality we have ended up in this 507 time. I left in a hurry, the pipes were not in tune, and I was trying to 508 save all mammalian life in the area. Since Harry here did not escape the 509 same disaster as either of us, I suspect some sort of meta-reality disaster 510 that is spreading echoes throughout the multiverse. What is a tidal wave in 511 one reality is a massive earth-shock in another. Harry escaped from a nuclear 512 explosion, and I suspect many of the animals here escaped from other natural 513 and man-made disasters." The piper looked around him. The group seemed o 514 be on a level green plain, some artificial substance of some kind -- 515 the auto and the group were standing on a silvery pathway that was flush with 516 the surroundings and covered with the same transparent green plastic coating. 517 In every direction were regular shapes of one sort or another. Large black 518 buildings, much longer than they were high had metallic flying buttresses 519 reaching down, each to a path. Nearby, a path led to a circular hole in the 520 surface -- the plastic coating was missing in a circular area around the hole. 521 The path came up to the hole, then seemed to surround it and then flow through 522 to somewhere else. The exposed area around the hole seemed to have almost a 523 woven texture where it was not covered with plastic. Looking up, the piper 524 could see no light source, just a uniform glow. Looking back around, he 525 suddenly felt a shift in perspective. He turned to his friends and said, 526 "We're on a circuit board!" 527 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 528 529 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 530 A loud mental voice 'attracted' our attention. #Well done, my friends. Milchar, you have definitely learned the 531 lesson of KISS... your plan was elegant in its simplicity. I beleive that you are worthy enough to receive this. 532 A tremendous b,alast of mental energy spwept over the group- pictures, places, things that were in dreams but never 533 thought of in waking. Milchar's eyes go glassy for a moment... then it is done. #Goodbye, my friends, I have some 534 work to do and a person to see..# Everyone only half-hears, their minds nearly short-circuited by the blast. 535 Milchar's eyes widen, and gain additional sparkle as he says, "The wine..." 536 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milchar, The Doctor, Gizmo, andPsycho ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 537 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 538 I am a visitor to this reality. I have many humanly interesting stories 539 for you all. Here's one. 540 CHCOLATE ON TRIAL- HOW BITTER OR BITTERSWEET THE EVIDENCE? 541 All the testimony had been entered. The attorneys for the prosecution 542 and the defense had made their final summations. The jury had been dis- 543 missed to consider the evidence and reach their decision. For hours the 544 interested spectators crowding the coustroom had watched a steady stream 545 of witnesses offering testimony for and against the defendant. Now they 546 were waiting for the verdict. 547 The accused waited with them. Whether heat or from anxiety, the defen- 548 dant looked as if he would melt. As he waited, his mind raced back over 549 the hours of testimony. He thought of his own account of his earlier years. 550 THE DEFENDANTS TESTIMONY 551 In 1519, he had told the court, the Spanish explorer Hernando Cortes 552 led an expedition into the heart of Mexico to capture gold and silver 553 treasures from the Aztec Indians. The emperor, Montezuma, along with his 554 Aztec subjects, thought Cortez and his soldiers were "white gods" risen 555 from the sea. They were welcomed and feasted and served a cold, bitter 556 drink, that was very popular with the Aztec hosts. It was called CACAH- 557 UATL. 558 They believed by drinking liquor from the seeds that universal knowledge 559 and wisdom were acquired. Montezuma himself believed that it not only gave 560 him strength and energy but stimulated his waning sexual powers as well! 561 Also, the cacao beans served as money. 562 Cacahuatl was to bitter for the European taste of the conquistadores, 563 but by adding sugar it was immensely improved. In Spain it was an immed- 564 iate success. Fashionable ladies liked it so much that they would bring 565 steaming cups to church with them. The secret of how to prepare it was 566 guarded "religiously" by Spanish monks for some time. But soon it spread 567 like wildfire to 568 Italy, France,England, and all of Europe. More to come, later! 569 570 :*************************************************************: 571 Habitrail Harry: I must formally request that you discontinue 572 spreading lies about the McKane organization. You are only 573 making our recent public relations difficulties worse. If you 574 don't desist, appropriate action will be taken. M. d'Autun 575 :*************************************************************: 576 ******************************************************* 577 PIPER: YOUR GETTING ESCAPE CHARACTERS IN YOUR TEXT AGAIN. I LEFT THEM THERE 578 SO YOU COULD SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING. (STARTS AT LINE 500. USE CC N TO SEE 579 THEM '^['.) ONE IS INFRONT OF EACH CAPS SHIFT IT APPEARS. 580 ***************************** CISTOP MIKEY ****************************** 581 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 582 I was wondering why my screen kept homeing and my cursor style changeing! 583 MiG 584 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 585 ---------------------------------GURU OF BLISS--------------------------- 586 THE AUTOMOBILE IS AMERICA'S SACRED COW. 587 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 588 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*DREAMTOUCHER*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 589 THE PIPER SEEMS TO BE RESTORED TO SOMETHING LIKE HIS FORMER SELF. HE'S 590 TRYING TO GET DREAMTOUCHER TO GET SNOWRUNNER TO QUIT HARRASSING 591 HIS FRIEND THE HAMPSTER FROM THE INN AND HIS FRIENDS; LARRY LEMMING, 592 HABBITRAIL HARRY ET. ALL. 593 THIS IS EASIER SAID THAN DONE. SHE DOES WHAT I ASK OF HER GENERALY ONLY 594 WHEN SHE FEELS LIKE IT. THE BEST I CAN DO IS TRY TO CONVINCE HER THAT THEY 595 ARE NOT LUNCH BEASTS. 596 THIS IS FURTHER COMPLICATED BY THAIR NOT APPEARING TO BE ANYTHING ELSE FOR 597 HER TO CHAISE. THE NEW SCIENRY IS CERTAINLY AESTHETIC, BUT WHAT DOES IT DO? 598 UNDER THE BUTRICES THERE IS A BIT OF SPACE BETTEWEEN THEM AND THE WALL OF 599 THE ODDLY FEATURELESS STRUCTURES THEY EXTEND FROM. 600 USING HIS FORREST SKILLS, DREAMTOUCHER CLIMBS TO THE TOP OF ONE OF THESE. 601 "WHAT ARE THESE STRANGE MARKINGS ON TOP?" HE CALLS DOWN. "THIS ONE SAYS 602 6809E". 603 SNOWRUNNER IS CHAISING ONE OF THE LARGER OF THE SMALL FURRY CRITTERS 604 AROUND AND AROUND IT. AT ONE END HE RUNS PASSED A DISK, SET ON EDGE RESTING 605 ON TWO STOUT METAL LEGS. ON ONE SIDE IS PRINTED ".1 M TPC". 606 FROM HIS PERCH, ALL DREAMTOUCHER CAN SEE IS A VAST EXPANCE OF MORE OF THE 607 SAME AS THERE CURRENT SURROUNDINGS. HAVING MADE THIS ASSESMENT HE RETURNES 608 TO THE GROUP. 609 "THIS IS TRUELY THE ODDEST PLACE I'VE SEEN YET. THERE APPEARS TO BE NO 610 WEATHERING OR ERROSION EFFECTS. COULD WE BE INSIDE OF SOME SORT OF VAST 611 UNDERGROUND CAVERN?" 612 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 613 I HOPE I GOT THAT RIGHT, I WOULDN'T BET ON IT THOUGH. LETS SEE... 614 WATERSHIPDOWN MEETS DYNACHROME MEETS TRON WORLD. 615 OH PUCKERNUTS; I FORGOT THE (MINI(?)) BOLO'S ARE THEY ABOUT TO PUT IN 616 AN APPEARANCE OR ARE WE INSIDE OF ONE????? 617 OR IS IT TIME TO PAY THE PIPER?? (COULDN'T RESIST) 618 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJTMNXIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 619 A QUEST, A QUEST. WERE'D THAT FAST FRED FELLA GET TO? HE WAS SAYING 620 SOMETHING LIKE THIS HIMSELF THE LAST I SAW OF HIM." 621 "HE ISN'T A SHAPE CHANGER IS HE?" 622 "SO ANYWAY LORD MORBY, YOU WERE SAYING WHERE/WHEN/ALT WE HAD TO GO TO 623 FIND THIS SUPPLY OF EYE MONONGAHELA? WHAT WILL WE TAKE TO TRADE WITH, OR DO 624 WE HAVE A REQUISITION NUMBER?" 625 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJTMNXIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 626 GADS BUT THINGS HAPPEN FAST. GO AWAY FOR 12 HOURS AND THE WHOLE WORLD IS 627 REBUILT. 628 <><><><> One line left. Pam, where are you? --Aaron <><><><><><><><> 629 >