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LI FILE ON MARGIN IS 80 STATUS: ENTER ONLY NUMBER OF LINES: 629 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ******************** REMOVED: 30 APR 84 ******************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 6 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privatly owned 7 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 8 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 9 privatly owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 10 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 11 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 12 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 13 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 14 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 15 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 16 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 17 ************************************************************ 18 19 Hello there what is this? 20 21 Hi,there my name is Fred i am a awesome person! 22 Oh no here he comes.The Big mean Bully!. 23 he is after me what do i do. 24 "SHUT UP FOOL!" 25 "Mr.T.what are you doing here?" 26 "i'm here becuase i want to be fool!" 27 bye now 28 tune in next week!!!!! 29 { 30 above person (?) i killed your +75 lines of text (?) consisting mainly of 31 empty space interspersed with "OFF" "HELP" and "QWERTYUI". Sorry. 32 } 33 && && && 34 The Poet, starting out confused, found the confusion of landing less of a 35 jolt than most of his companions. At first, he merely stared blankly over 36 the gunwales at the rolling brown hills among which their boat had been 37 deposited, but he soon found his attention drawn to the edifice about 1/4 38 mile up the nearest rise. A Henge! What was a Henge doing in a 20C Noram 39 time line? It wasn't quite properly aligned, nor was it made from the pure 40 bones of the earth. Nonetheless there was a powerful enchantment on it, 41 something to do with the sacrifice of thousands of young men. A human 42 sacrifice of hideous proportions, but not here, and not evil in the main. 43 These things confused the already foggy Poet, but something flickered at the 44 edges of his consciousness. What...Of course! This was a thin spot, a place 45 where the reality of the Inn might be within reach. A sudden need to taste 46 a drink without fear of hangover overcame the usually conservative Poet's 47 tendency to let others clear his path, and he began his Transfer Major 48 meditation, sinking cross legged to the deck and drawing forth his Spirit 49 pouch. After a few moments, a blazing blue glow enveloped him, and he 50 vanished. 51 A low rumble as of thunder sounded from the Henge on the hill. 52 && The Mad Actor && 53 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 54 The piper saw his companions leaping off the craft and converging upon the 55 henge. Several performed rituals of one sort or another, faded out and changed 56 realities. After the rumble as The Mad Actor changed realities faded, the 57 piper began to feel rather lonely. 58 Ahh there was the one who could never add up evenly -- or was it odd? Never 59 mind, it looks like someone got some knowlege from this trip, after all. 60 "Over here!" he shouted. When the Man Without Parity arrived, the piper 61 offered the use of his sporran to carry the harvest of 3x5 cards. 62 The main rush had subsided. The piper, feeling somewhat responsible for 63 the party thought # have we missed anyone? # 64 The reply was faint, but there. #ALL YOUR PARTY IS WITH YOU OR ALREADY PASSED 65 FROM THIS REALITY # 66 The piper, hoping that the new bass reed was properly broken in raised his 67 pipes to his shoulder. Inflate the bag. A slight tap to start the drones. 68 Pressure up slightly to get past the double tone on that tenor drone, then 69 down to keep the life longer on the reeds. A quick touch on one tenor to 70 pull out a quaver in the sound -- there. 71 The piper began playing "The Green Hills of Tyrol" and the remaining members 72 of the party faded from the brown hills of Washington, leaving the river bank 73 covered with footsteps and the broken hull of their abandoned watercraft. 74 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 75 `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' 76 As soon as the craft had touched terra firma, the ancient alchemist 77 leaped to the ground. Having a sea going vessel take flight had taken his 78 breath away to say the least. Turning to comment on this to his friend the 79 piper, he suddenly became aware of the Golden symbol, which now circled 80 the neck of that 'master of the musical bag'. No comment was necessary 81 other than a small nod of the head. It had become apparent that the piper 82 was well aware of the import of such a manifestation. Symbol of the great 83 "O" had been well placed. 84 85 A short walk brought the ancient practitioner to the key spot in the 86 great henge. This symbol of times past and all it repesented stirred 87 something inside the alchemist. Suddenly he remembered many of those 88 things which had been placed in the far reaches of his mind. Looking down 89 the long trail of memories a few things were suddenly much clearer, some 90 much too clear. Since he had arrived in this trans-reality there had been 91 an on-going debate about the relative merits of the material vs. the 92 mystical aspects of being. Why, he had even got caught up in the ebb and 93 flow, as the two factions maneuvered for position. (My, My, what would 94 his guide of old think of such a lapse?) How could he have forgotten, 95 even for a moment, that they were merely two aspects of the same thing? 96 Indeed, the primary aspect of the 'Magnum Opus' was to create a blending 97 of the two through the transmutation process. 98 ##WELL LITTLE MORTAL, SLIPPED AND FELL IN THE MUD AGAIN I SEE!## 99 When the ringing in his ears had subsided somewhat he turned and walked 100 slowly back toward the others. As he approached the group he mused to 101 himself and chuckled. Even in this era the two were beginning to merge. 102 As one listened to the 'Quantum Physicists' speak of particle detection 103 and how the existence of the building blocks of material reality are 104 dependent upon the action of the observer; they begin to sound like the 105 ancient mystical teachings. 106 107 Sensing that he was already overdue for a rendevous with his friends 108 in another trans-reality, the alchemist pulled the multi-phase transmuter 109 from his tunic and passed his hand across its face. Slowly he began to 110 become less substantial until he was a mere whisp of fog on the light 111 breeze. Then nothing! 112 `' `' `' `' `' -alchemist- `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' 113 114 The wino observed the boat that was deposited nearby by a green monster. 115 Rubbing his eyes, he looked again, but it did not go away. Then a number 116 of people began to clamber out of the boat and run towards the monument 117 nearby. After they had all assembled at the monument, one of them started 118 to play some bag pipes. After only a moment they all disappered. Looking 119 at the half emptied bottle in his hand, then back to the monument several 120 times, the wino looked quite disturbed. Finally he seemed to come to a 121 decision, and throwing the bottle to the ground, he quickly ran from the 122 area. 123 ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' HIC '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 124 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 125 WHEW!........FINALLY A FEW MOMENTS TO RESPOND. I HOPE YOU HAD NOT GIVEN 126 UP ON ME AARON! 127 FIRST OF ALL I WOULD LIKE TO ADDRESS THE ANTAGONISTIC SORTS, AND SUGGEST 128 THAT YOU DROP DOWN ABOUT 30 OR SO LINES.........THIS IS GOING TO BE ABOUT 129 YOU KNOW WHAT. 130 131 OKAY..........WHERE DO I START.......FIRST OF ALL MANY PASSAGES IN THE 132 SCRIPTURES INDICATE THAT THE ONLY ONES ABLE TO DISCERN HIS COMING OR 133 PRESENCE WOULD BE HIS TRUE FOLLOWERS. (Not Christians in general) 134 FOR INSTANCE ACTS 1: 9 AND 11, EXPLAINS THAT HE WAS TAKEN UP FROM 135 THEIR VISION AND WOULD RETURN LIKEWISE. ONLY THE APOSTLES WERE PRESENT, 136 NOT ALL OF THE CLAIMED CHRISTIANS AT THAT TIME. ALSO HEBREWS 9:28 STATES, 137 ".....AND THE SECOND TIME HE APPEARS IT WILL BE APART FROM SIN AND TO 138 THOSE EARNESTLY LOOKING FOR HIM FOR THEIR SALVATION." 139 IN ANOTHER REFERENCE, REVELATION 1:7, IT SAYS, "LOOK! HE IS COMING WITH 140 THE CLOUDS, AND EVERY EYE WILL SEE HIM, AND THOSE WHO PIERCED HIM.." 141 THIS PASSAGE COULD NOT BE LITERAL. IT WAS AFTER ALL A VISION, VERSE 1 142 SAME CHAPTER SAYS THE WHOLE BOOK IS SIGNS AND PORTENTS. ALSO THE BIBLE 143 CLEARLY STATES THE THE DEAD ARE DEAD. UNCONSCIOUS, UNABLE TO THINK. SEE 144 ECCLESIASTES 9:5, 10, ALSO PSALMS 146:4, AND JOHN 11:1-14. THE LATTER 145 SHOWS THAT JESUS EVEN COMPARED DEATH TO SLEEP, AN UNCONSCIOUS STATE. 146 THEREFORE THIS SCRIPTURE IN REVELATION 1:7, THAT SAYS EVEN THOSE WHO 147 PIERCED HIM WOULD SEE HIM, CANNOT POSSIBLY LITERAL, FOR THEY DIED 148 CENTURIES AGO. ALSO A DISCUSSION ON THE GREEK WORD "PAROUSIA" IS IM- 149 PORTANT IN UNDERSTANDING THIS........BUT I DO NOT HAVE TIME TO FINISH 150 THIS AT THIS POINT.....SO LOOK FOR MORE LATER. SORRY IT HAS TAKEN ME 151 THIS LONG TO EVEN PARTIALLY REPLY. 152 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?DEBORAH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?? 153 ======================================================================= 154 155 I SEE NO REASON WHY PATRIOTISM SHOULD BE THE LAST REFUGE OF THE 156 SCOUNDREL. I CAN THINK OF OTHER LAST REFUGES. WHAT ABOUT THE 157 PLACE WHERE THEY PUT POLYESTER RINGS AROUND YOUR NECK AND TELL 158 YOU IT'S A GOLD DRAGON? 159 IJR 160 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 161 ====================================================================================== 162 BOY THAT SOUNDS NEAT! I'D GIVE ANYTHING FOR A POLYESTER GOLD DRAGON RING. CAN YOU 163 GET THOSE AT FRED MEYERS? PROBABLY NOT. I SUPPOSE SOMETHING THAT WONDERFUL CAN ONLY 164 BE PURCHASED THROUGH A SPECIAL T.V. OFFER THAT'S NOT OFFERED IN STORES. I'M GOING 165 TO WATCH LAVERNE & SHIRLEY RERUNS ESPECIALLY CLOSE SO I DON'T MISS OUT. THANKS 166 FOR THE TIP. MAX 167 ===================================================================================== 168 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 169 170 I think the gerbils are a bunch of lowlifes. Anything coul beat them. I vote for the cat!!!! 171 172 HEDRA HELIX 173 174 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 175 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 176 TO: THE MASTER 177 178 So I see that your Chamelion Circut is still working!!! Disguising 179 yourself as a BBS must require a lot of energy!!! 180 181 I still want to get even for your pushing me off that radio tower in 182 "Logopolis". It's hard to believe that you actually survived our recent 183 encounter in "The Five Doctors". 184 185 By the way, who is 'The Ninja'? 186 187 188 The REAL AND ONLY Doctor 189 190 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 191 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 192 It has been over a year since the great upheaval destroyed 193 my home. I can't be too sure of the time, since I have nothing to 194 keep track of it by, I can only go by the passing of the seasons. 195 The time was most distressing for me. When the great upheaval 196 destroyed my homeland, the sea came rushing in to cover the 197 reminants that were left. How I managed to survive, I'll never 198 know. Yet somehow thru shear will power I have managed. Awash in 199 the ragging sea, I grabbed at what debries there was that floated 200 close at hand. Slowly as the days passed I built a raft from the 201 wreckage that was left. I was alone in the ragging sea now. My 202 friends and family left behind beneath the furious waves of the 203 disaster. As the days passed, I searched for a new land in which 204 to start anew. Yet always when I thought I had found land at last 205 it turns out to be but another piece of floatsome or a barren sea 206 washed reef. Nothing that could even offer as much as the raft I 207 had built. Living off the offerings of this storm filled water, I 208 find myself growing ever weak and frail. I must find stable 209 ground and comfort. If only I could actually be warm for even a 210 little while... Then it had finally happened, during the middle 211 of the night while I slept the raft had run aground upon an 212 island. A solid mountain amidst the waves. It seemed to be fairly 213 recent, as bits of sea plants and animals still lay about in 214 various forms of decay. Draging the raft a bit higher, I had 215 decided to explore this island further in the morning. Morning 216 came late, and what light there was had filtered thru very heavy 217 storm clouds. Worry crossed my face as I looked about. It would 218 not be good to be caught aground if this storm breaks loose. Then 219 I looked about for the first time, and to my amazment there 220 pearched upon the highest part of the island was a house! It was 221 surounded by a heavy wall to keep out the stormy seas inside this 222 was a sturdy fence, though why this was needed I failed to see. 223 The windows were shuttered fast so as to not let the storm enter 224 this lonly abode. Standing before this wonder, I feel many things 225 coming from this place. Fear and sorrow do I notice first, and 226 yes, concern too. Yet overriding it all is concern and a power of 227 will the like of which I have not known. As the storm approches, I 228 make my decision, and leaping over the fence with its tightly 229 fastened gate I approach the front door and tentitivly grasping 230 the ornate knocker with a shaking hand, I raise it to strike. 231 Worry crosses my face. Will I be rejected to face the storm on my 232 own once more? Or will I finaly find an end to this drifting 233 carried to who knows where by the stormy seas? Not being able to 234 stand any longer, I bring the knocker down striking the plate 235 three times. As the sound reverberates thru the house, I drop my 236 arm to my side and I turn to sit down on the front step, for my 237 weak legs could no longer hold my body errect. As my eyes moved 238 across the doorway, I saw a small box attached to the wall beside 239 the door with the ledgend 'PAM' emplaced upon it. I only hope 240 that this PAM will not turn me away, I truly need shelter and a 241 friend to talk to, it has been so long... As I sink down to sit 242 down on the front step, I hear movment within the house. I can 243 only hope... Could it only be the chill wind that causes me to shiver? 244 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Elger EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 245 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 246 Doctor (which?): 247 No, no..the chamelion circut is running quite cool, just popped the 248 dimensional stabilizer on-line and violia! BBS! 249 What, you're not upset just because you lost ANOTHER regeneration, are 250 you? Surely you forgive me.. 251 Well, must run. Promised Atilla the Hun I would shrink a few of his 252 more tenatious rivals. Until next TIME. 253 The Master 254 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 255 |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+ 256 This seems to be the place for creative writing, and as this is something 257 of a hobby for me I would like to post some of my better (?) efforts, the 258 only problem is, is that they tend to be rather long, relative to most 259 messages here. I was wondering if there would be any problem uploading 260 100+ lines of text. I'd hate to break them up, but I will if everyone 261 feels that 100+ is hogging to much of the space. 262 NEX 263 |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+ 264 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 265 266 Over doing it a little much, aren't 267 you ELGER!!!!!!! 100+ is a bit much!!! 268 Well I see 'The Master' burned the 269 'Third Doctor' again. Way to go!!!! 270 271 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$HEDRA HELIX$$$$$$ 272 273 TODAY I HAVE LIED TO SOMEONE I LOVE,BEEN HUMILIATED BY THOSE I RESPECT 274 MOST,AND TO TOP IT OFF WITH A BANG I HUMILIATED HER TOO.GREAT I WANT TO 275 SEE MY ENCORE 276 SIGNED, 277 JERRY'S KID 278 (THE ONE THAT 279 NO ONE EVER 280 TALKS ABOUT) 281 282 283 TO ALL YOU NORMALS OUT THERE 284 I JUST REMEMBERED THIS A HUMI- 285 LIATION THAT WILL BE AND IS F- 286 ORTHSTANDING FOR YEARS TO COME 287 .A HUMILIATION THAT WAS HERAL- 288 DED BY MCENROE AND ONE THAT M- 289 CENROE WILL BE PUNISHED FOR.P- 290 ERMANENTLY. 291 JERRY'S KID 292 ************************************************** 293 AS I COUNT IT, IT WAS ABOUT 54 LINES... 294 *****************************************************] 295 TO: THE MASTER 296 297 If you really are the Master, you wouldn't mind explaining about 298 your Chamelion Circut, would you???? 299 300 Yes I am still angry at you for my 5th regeneration!!! That was the worst 301 one yet! I still wear my 24' long scarf around friends, but with the new me 302 it looks kind of strange!!! 303 304 If you really are the Master, what episode did you first appear in, and 305 which regeneration was I in? 306 307 The Doctor 308 309 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 310 TO: THE NINJA 311 312 Who are you??? 313 314 The Doctor 315 316 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 317 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 318 319 To: THE NINJA 320 321 You sound like a real lowlife to me! 322 Why do you call yourself a NINJA? Do 323 you think you are tough or something!!! 324 You sound like a real DRONE to me!! 325 Maybe we will meet some day (if your 326 lucky). See ya soon? 327 328 329 THE POWERFUL FIGHTER 330 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$HEDRA HELIX$$$$$ 331 $#"($)#"($)"!#*(%)#+&>()#