💾 Archived View for gemini.spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › messages › BACKWATER › bw840403.txt captured on 2022-07-17 at 09:02:58.
⬅️ Previous capture (2022-06-12)
Note: With this disk, the vandalism started to become a serious problem. The entire group of original messages on this disk had been deleted. The result was that BWMS was placed into protected mode. That means that once a line was entered in the system, it could not be changed. There were still periodic junk (empty lines, and foul language) filling up the disk, but a group of dedicated users were helping to keep things cleaned up. LIST FILE ON MARGIN IS 128 STATUS: ENTER ONLY NUMBER OF LINES: 629 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ******************* REMOVED: 3 APR 84 ********************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privatly owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privatly owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 WELL, IT SEEMS SOMEBODY LET THE CHILDREN OUT. 21 SORRY ABOUT THAT FOLKS, BUT SOMEONE SEEMS TO HAVE DECIDED 22 TO DESTROY ALL OF THE MESSAGES THAT WERE HERE. 23 IF SOMEONE HAS A COPY OF IT, IT WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED IF YOU COULD 24 DOWN LOAD IT TO BW IF YOU CAN. I AM AMAZED THAT ANYONE WOULD BE SO CA 25 UNCARING AS TO DESTROY SOMETHING LIKE THIS. PARTICULARLY SINCE IT IS NO 26 GREAT TRICK TO DO SO, SO IT HARDLY PUTS THEM IN THE HACKERS HALL OF FAME 27 IN CRASHING A SYSTEM. THE SYSTEM WASN'T CRASHED, THEY JUST VANDLIZED THE 28 DATA WHICH ANYONE COULD DO. WOOPEE, I COULD WRITE A PROGRAM TO DO THAT 29 IN 5 MIN, BUT SO WHAT? SIGH.... 30 ********************** CISTOP MIKEY **************************** 31 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXI THINK IT IS TOTALLY IRRESPONSIBLE FOR SOME 32 ONE TO DO THAT 33 I HAVE BEEN GONE ALL DAY AND HAVE NOT SEEN THE MESSAGES. 34 SO IF NOBODY CAN DOWNLOAD IT I WOULD LIKE SOMEONE TO TELL ME 35 WHAT THE MESSAGES WERE ALL ABOUT 36 PHERIC FOERENDER 37 =-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 38 really, I work on such a beutiful day, come home to my computer only 39 to find that I've missed the entry's for today. Life never was fair 40 but this is rediculous. Bo 41 =-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 42 43 44 MENU 45 76 46 47 ========================================================================== 48 Greetings. Sad but true, I guess. I wonder who decided to destroy all the 49 files again. Seems to me that this is somewhat common any more. At any rate, 50 some food for thought: Why is it that people seem to view people who work 51 in gas stations as total idiots? I work in a station, and am hardly illiterate.Just wondering. By the way, Bo. "Who said lif 52 was fair?????" Whiskey Vic 53 ========================================================================== 54 55 56 57 quit 58 WOW- IT HAS BEEN AWILE SINCE I HAVE BEEN ON THE BOARD AND THE ABOVE 59 SORT OF BLOWS ME AWAY-WHAT ARE WE AT-THE TOP[ SO WE CAN MESS WITH EACH 60 OTHER-6 MONTHS LATER TO SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING AND I GET A HELL OF A 61 SURPRIZE-BMS WAS ONE OF THE NEAT OUTLETS FOR ALL OF US AND I HOPE SOME 62 IC CHIPS FRY FOR WHAT SOMEONE HAS DONE THINKING IT WAS A JOKE.HEY MIKE- 63 HANG IN THERE- 64 ==================================================================== 65 66 DOES L-5 STAND FOR LANGRANGE (DID I SPELL THAT RIGHT?) 5, THE 67 GRAVITATIONAL NULL POINT IN LUNAR ORBIT? 68 69 =============================================-EVAN-================= 70 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 71 Deborah -- I still haven't gotten to back issues, but sometime!!! L-5 is 72 one of the interesting points in the moon's orbit about the earth. In the 73 erased messages, the bard explained it quite well, i'll try to repeat it as 74 best i can. In the earth-moon system there exist 5 points where the gravity 75 of one is EXACTLY balanced by the gravity of the other. These are the 76 Lagrange points ... L-1 through L-5. L-1, L-2, and L-3 are arranged on a 77 line through the centers of the earth and moon. L-4 and L-5 are in the 78 moon's orbit -- ahead and behind by 60 degrees. If you think of the earth 79 and moon as being holes in a smooth surface, the gravitational forces around 80 sorry, depressions in a smooth surface -- the force of gravity is the 81 depth of the depression. L-1, L-2, and L-3 are the tops of hills. If you 82 leave something there, it will continue to drift and move away from that 83 point. L-4 and L-5 are at the bottom of wrinkles in the cosmic blanket. 84 They are points of positive stability and anything left near them will drift 85 into them. This makes L-4 and L-5 desirable building points in space. 86 The L-5 society is dedicated to building a colony at the L-5 point. They 87 have done exhoaustive research and planning on this and it is possible NOW! 88 The investment is enourmous -- and the payback even more so. I'll try to 89 get you an address (any help from anyone?) so you can send for their 90 information. These are LARGE scale dreams! 91 Mikey -- even though I appreciate the necessety, it sure is hard not o be 92 able to go back and change mistooks in the previous line. Oh well... 93 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 94 95 SORRY, I ONLY DID IT AFTER THE SECOND ATTEMPT. UNTIL SOMEBODY OUT THERE 96 LEARNS A LITTLE BIT OF RESPONSABILITY, IT WILL REMAIN THAT WAY. 97 ****************** CISTOP MIKEY ************************************** 98 THIS BBS WILL NEVER CHANGE.'GOOD'!!!! 99 ................................... 100 Now I see why some people want less gun control, so next time the Inn 101 is zapped,,..... 102 Of course, stiff gun control would reduce the number of people hurt with 103 guns, since most of it is due to accidents; however it would have very 104 little effect on what people are afraid of: criminals using them. For 105 proof of the efficacy of gun control look at New York, which has one of 106 the stiffest gun control laws around, yet their crime rate using guns is 107 still rather high. (Except for murders commited "in heat of passion".) 108 Texas has a very high rate of murders using guns, but such things as 109 armed robberies aren't much more common, even if their gun control laws 110 are the most lax in the US. In London the crime rate using guns is 111 steadily rising, until even Bobbies now are often armed; this in the 112 face of very stiff laws. 113 But let's admit it, the arguements about gun control have very little 114 to do with safety, and a lot to do with POWER, or more expilcitly, who 115 will have it over another person. It is such a nice feeling to be able 116 to tell someone else what he MUST do. A gun is a symbol of power, and 117 being able to deny someone else the right to have one is power. All the 118 other arguements for gun control also imply the restriction of all 119 dangerous tools, or dangerous games, like cars, or worse car racing, or 120 maybe mountain climbing, or high school sports (which kill more people 121 than guns do), or ... But if enough people do it, even if logic says 122 otherwise, it is OK, or if it feeds our egos (like the local team 123 winning) it is OK. 124 =================================== 125 126 127 128 More people get killed by high school sports than by guns? Hmmmm, I 129 didn't know that. Max 130 ######################################################################## 131 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 132 Hmmmmm... It seems someone's mother didn't breast feed them when 133 they were a baby. Or maybe they still are in diapers. The first time 134 I don't check the board for a day or two and everything gets 135 erased. Must be April Fool's Day. Now where did that fool go? 136 Dr. Frankenstupe 137 +_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_ 138 ----------------------------------------------- 139 Hi, I'm new here. Is this just for messages 140 only? 141 Rachel B. 142 143 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 144 I HAD NO IDEA 69,000,000 WERE KILLED IN HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS SINCE 1914. 145 THAT'S ABOUT HOW MANY HAVE BEEN KILLED IN ARMED FIGHTING SINCE THEN. SO 146 WHOEVER MADE THAT STATEMENT NEEDS TO DO A LITTLE RESEARCH. 147 PIPER: A RECENTLY OBTAINED A BOOK THAT IS ON A SIMILAR TOPIC. BUT IT' 148 CLAIMS THAT THE BUILDING OF SUCH A PLACE BEGAN PRE 1979. I HAVE NOT 149 EVALUATED IT'S AUTHENTICITY YET, NOR HAVE I FINISHED READING THE BOOK. 150 IT'S ENTITLED " ALTERNATIVE 3 ", EVER HEARD OF THE BOOK? IT'S A COMPI- 151 LATION OF EVIDENCE, NEWS AND OTHERWISE, SUPPOSEDLY PROVING THAT THIS 152 COLONY ALREADY EXISTS. WHO KNOWS? 153 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!DEBORAH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 154 HOW IN THE WORLD DO YOU EXIT THIS SYSTEM? MAYBE THAT'S THE REASON 155 THINGS GOT ERASED. I'VE TRIED TO EXIT SEVERAL TIMES AND FIND IT 156 IMPOSSIBLE TO DO SO. EXIT DOESN'T WORK WHEN I TRY. MAYBE IT'S MY 157 SYSTEM, BUT IF I CAN GET ON AND NOT GET OFF EASILY, ONE MIGHT BE TEMPTED 158 TO TAMPER WITH THE OTHER MESSAGES ON THE SYSTEM. SYSOP, PLEASE TELL ME 159 OTHER WAYS TO EXIT THIS SYSTEM WITH OUT UNPLUGGING THE LINE. 160 SIHM 161 162 163 ======================================= 164 Gensyn med Danmark 165 166 Forunderligt, saa soedt et smil 167 ej smiler nogen anen strand, 168 som naar en soldag i april man ser igen det danske land. 169 170 Et stille land! 171 Den gamle jord med groensvaer klaedt i havets skoed! 172 En venlig slaegt ved soeen bor. 173 Her gjorde regnen kinden roed. 174 175 En koelig yndig flora gav de danske lave kyster lae. 176 Jeg laegger ned min vandringsstav og kommer, kaere, til dit knae. 177 178 179 God dag! 180 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 181 How many were killed?...... 182 Whisky Vic: I thought you were going to quit your job anyway a fairly 183 long time ago. I've still got my job (for better or worse). 184 Rachel: this system is for just about anything you want, from fiction to 185 debate to whatever. 186 Bo 187 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 188 HELLO, IAM NEW HERE TOO.I HOP I 189 CAN GET OUT.BY THE WAY WHOSE BEEN WRITING IN SWEEDISH OR WHAT 190 EVER THAT STUFF IS. 191 I DONT KNOW MUCH ABOUT DE 192 STATISTICS SO I CAN'T BE OF 193 MUCH HELP THERE BUT DID YOU 194 KNOW THAT MORE PEOPLE ARE 195 KICKED TO DEATH BY DONKEYS THAN 196 DIE IN AIRPLANE DISASTERS. 197 THIS IS THE BEST BBS I 198 FOUND SO FAR SIMPLY BECAUSE 199 YOU DONT HAVE TO DO THIS,THAT 200 AND THE OTHER THING TO F 201 MESSAGES.HERES ANOTHER ODD FACT. 202 THE OLDEST KNOWN INSECT IS A 203 TERMITE QUEEN AND SHE IS OVER 204 50 YEARS OLD.AND THIS QUEEN 205 USUALY LAYS 300,000 EGGS A DAY. 206 SO FAR SHE HAS GIVEN BIRTH TO 207 (JUST A MINUTE I HAVE TO 208 ACTUALLY FIGUIRE OUT THIS STUFF)WELL OVER ONE HALF MILLIONLITTLE BUGS 209 210 I MADE A MISTAKE THAT 300,000 211 BUGS IS ACTUALLY 30000 BUGS. 212 213 BYE.LETS SEE NOW HOW DO I GET 214 THIS THING SAVED AND ME OUT OF 215 THE SYSTEM. 265 ******************************* 266 TRRKKIES,TREKKERS,AND OTHERS! 267 STAR TRE]I[:THE SEARCH FOR 268 SPOCK PRIEMIERS JUNE FIRST.IF 269 WHEN I CHECK AGAIN IT LOOKS 270 LIKE ANY BODY CARES I HAVE TONS 271 OF DOCUMENTATION ON THE LONG 272 AWAITED THIRD STAR TREK MOVIE. 273 ****************HAWTHORNE****** 274 THIS IS THE STRANGEST BOARD I HAVE EVER SEEN. WHAT IS ITS PURPOSE? WHY 275 IS IT MADE THIS WAY? THE CONFERENCE SOFTWARE SEEMS LIKE IT WOULD 276 BETTER FIT THE NEEDS THAN THIS ONE, WHAT KIND OF SOFTWARE IS THIS 277 ANYWAYS? BYE 278 ******************************* 279 YEAH,I LIKE THE SYSTEM TOO.HOW 280 CANI GET MY GRUBBY LITTLE HANDS 281 ON THE SOFTWARE?BY THE WAY, 282 WOULD A PLANET WITH MORE THAN 283 ONE MOON HAVE AN EQUIVALENT OF 284 THE LAGRANGE POINTS?IF SO WOULD 285 NOT THE NUMBER OF POINTS BE IN 286 DIRECT PORPRTION TO THE NUMBER 287 OF MOONS ORBITTING THIS PLANET? 288 ******************HAWTHORNE**** 289 I DONT THINK THAT A PLANET WITH 290 MORE THAN ONE MOON WOULD HAVE L 291 POINTS UNLESS THE PLANET WAS SO 292 LARGE THAT IT COULD SHIELD THE 293 OTHER MOON FROM ANOTHER MOONS 294 GRAVITATIONAL PULL.THAT MIGHT 295 HAVE BEEN WHAT YOU WERE GETTING 296 AT WITH THAT 'WOULD' PART.I 297 JUST GOT MY MODEM TOO.AND I AM 298 A TREKKER-EXTRAORDARILY A 299 TREKKER.I HAVE FOUND OUT TO 300 MUCH ABOUT STAR TREK iii THE 301 WAY IT IS.IF YOU DO LIST SOME 302 OF THE STUFF YOU HAVE ABOUT IT 303 PUT A WARNING ON THE FILE 304 SO I CAN TURN AWAY FOR A MINUTE 305 I WOULD BE INTERESTED IN LISTEN- 306 ING TO ANOTHER FAN'S RAVING ON 307 OTHER ASPECTS OF IT THOUGH.BY 308 THE WAY JUST CALL ME ZIPSTER,OR 309 AT LEAST SOMETHING THAT SOUNDS 310 REASONABLY LIKE THAT ANYWAY O.K 311 GLAD TO MEET YA. BYE. 312 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 313 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 314 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 315 Ah yes - the constitution specifically enumerates the right of every 316 idiot to own a gun. Let me dig out my copy. There we go, a little 317 dusty but none the worse for neglect. Of course you all have a copy 318 of your own, don't you, so you can just follow along. Here we are, 319 the bill of rights. I think the second amendment is what we want. 320 Now, just in case someone doesn't have a copy, I'll quote from mine. 321 "A well regulated MILITIA, being necessary to the security of a free 322 State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be 323 infringed." Caps mine, of course. 324 I can see that at a quick glance, especially if taken last in 325 the sixth grade, It would appear that our venerated founding fathers 326 had wished us to be able to indescrimanently own the firearm(s) of 327 our choosing. But a literal interpretation, the kind the NRA loves 328 to espouse, ties the ownership of arms directly to an organized 329 militia. No where do I read that all citizens are guaranteed the 330 right to kill whomever they choose, or any othe interpretation 331 equally as silly. And as to the earlier comment that cars should 332 be outlawed, when was the last time you drove you gun to work ? 333 I don't care what anyone says, A handgun is only good for killing 334 poeple. Rifles are a different matter, but no one is trying to get 335 rid of them for justifiable reasons. If one is able to buy an item 336 that is made expressly for killing other people, and do this with a 337 clear conscience, then that fact alone should preclude their abilty 338 to own a handgun. 339 So there; nyah,nyah. 340 Mr. Tim 341 Greetings again. Bo, just how is it that you happen to know me???? Hmm? 342 Interesting. At any rate, as for guns, little needs to be said that if 343 Guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns, no? (Author unknown). 344 A little aside: Methinks that Mr. Jackson (You DO know who he is, don't 345 you????) has shot himself in the foot with his many and varied comments 346 ranging from derogatory comments on Jewish people to preaching style. 347 Will be an interesting thing to see how many votes he ends up getting. 348 Why is it that I turn on my tv and someone is asking for MORE MONEY? 349 Doesn't Uncle Sam have enough to go around, or are guns more important 350 than people? Yet another telethon was on last night with pitiful attempts 351 to beg, borrow and steal money from the American public. ENOUGH ALREADY! 352 When will we see the end of this?????? Until later, then. Fgrep Whiskey 353 ############################################################### 354 Mr. Tim, Suggest you study both the Constitution AND history a little 355 more. Also, you shouldn't pick out only those parts that you like. It 356 must be taken as a whole, and considered in the intent in which it was 357 originaly written, not a definition to fit your own desires. First the 358 term Militia; Shall we look up the definition? 'An army composed of 359 CITIZENS called out in time of emergency.' Agreed that the 360 Constitution does not say which types of arms are allowed, but if you 361 were to study it further, you would find that it says that if 362 something is not indicated within the constitution, that does not mean 363 that it is not allowed, but rather the opposite. I noticed that though 364 you capitalized the word MILITIA, you convienently ignored the rest of 365 the statment "the right of the 'people' to keep and bear arms shall 366 not be infringed." Note that it speeks of the people, not of just a 367 conscript army. Also, though the handgun is used to kill people, so 368 is a rife. When was the last time you heard of someone using an M16 369 to shoot a dear? On the other hand, it is a very uncommon thing for 370 someone to kill somebody with a blackpowder pistol. 371 Also, the point being made with the car earlier, was that it is the person 372 behind the wheel that kills, and not the car, just as it is the person 373 behind the gun that kills, and not the gun. 374 ########################################################################### 375 ******************************* 376 IT SEEMS TO ME THACONT- 377 ROL WORKS.BUT NOT IN AMERICA.I 378 CITE NORTHERN IRELAND A CITIZEN 379 IS ALLOWED ONLY A RIFLE FOR HIS 380 OR HER PROTECTION.IT WORKS FOR 381 THE MOST PART.BUT THE IRA AND 382 I IMAGINE SOME CITIZENS STILL 383 GET OTHER WEAPONS.BUT USUALLY 384 THOSE WEAPONS COME FROM NATIONS 385 THAT HAVE NO GUN CONTROLLS.THE 386 ANSWEPEARS TO BE SIMPLE.GET 387 GUN CONTROLL IN EVERY NATION, 388 INCLUDING AMERICA.THE REASON 389 THAT I TERMED THE SOLUTION AS 390 APPEARING SIMPLE IS BECAUSE IT 391 IS NOT IN ACTUALITY SIMPLE. 392 GUNS,RIFLE,SMG'S, ETC. ARE 393 VERY HARD TO DESIGN AND BUILD 394 THE REQUIRE MONEY,TALENT,MACHIN- 395 ERY ET CETRA.THE PLACES TH 396 MAKE WEAPONS THEREFORE SHOULD 397 BE EASY TO FIND AND CLOSE DOWN 398 ,RIGHT,WRONG. 399 A GUNSMITHY CAN BE VERY SMALL. 400 AND CERTAIN NATIONS(AMERICA INC- 401 LUDED) GUARAUNTEE THE RIGHT OF IT'S CITIZENS THE RIGHT TO BEAR 402 ARMS.THIS RIGHT IS ONE OF THE 403 BASIC RIGHTS IN AMERICA.TO EVEN 404 OVERTHROW THIS RIGHTWOULD MOST 405 LIKELY RESULT IN THE OVERTURNING 406 OF OTHER RIGHTS,JUST AS SOON AS 407 THOSE RIGHTS BECAME INCONVIENENT 408 .THAT IS SOMETHING I WOULD MOST 409 STRONGLY DEFEND AGAINST. 410 THE SIMILIE OF THE GUN TO A 411 CAR IS CLICHE.FOR THE COMPARISON 412 IS BAD.YOU MIGHT AS WELL COMPARE 413 THE OWNING OF KNIVES TO THE 414 OWNING OF CANDLES.BUT WHAT I 415 THINK THE MESSAGE WAS IS MORE 416 ADEQUATELY TERMED AS OWNING 417 KNIFE AS COMPARED TO OWNIG A GUN 418 BOTH OFTEN ARE USED TO KILL.BOTH 419 OFTEN HAVE VERY LEGITAMATE USES 420 THE KNIFE,AS A BASIC TOOL,AN 421 ONE OF MANS OLDEST.THE GUN AS 422 A TOOL OF SPORT(NO,I'M NOT IN 423 FAVOR OF HUNTING BUTSPORT 424 IS POPULAR AND ADEQUCOTRO- 425 LLED)AND AS PROTECTIO- 426 N. 427 *****************HAWTHORNE***** 428 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 429 I AGREE WITH HAWTHORNE,A GUN IS 430 ONLY A TOOL.RESPONSI- 431 BLE FOR IT'S ACTIONS THE USER 432 IS.BY THE WAY HAWTHORNE,WHAT 433 DI YA THINK ABOUT STAR TREK:THE 434 MOTION PICTURE,AND STAR TREK: 435 THE WRATH OF KHAN? 436 ++++++++++++++++ZZZZIPSTER++++ 437 ******************************* 438 I LIKED STAR TREK:THE MOT 439 PICTURE BUT ONLY IN IT'S BOOK 440 FORM.THE REAL STORY DOES NOT 441 TRANSLATE WELL TO THE BIG 442 SCREEN.AND IT ESPECIALLY DOES 443 NOT FIT IN WITH THE NEW EQUIPM- 444 ENT THAT PARAMOUNT WANTED DESI- 445 GNED. 446 I LOVED SAR TREK:THE WRATH 447 KHAN.THE WHOLE THING WAS GREAT. 448 IT WAS EVEN A BETTER BOOK. 449 *******************HAWTHORNE*** 450 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 451 452 NOTICE: VITAL INFO. 453 454 IT SEEMS THAT BACKWATER USERS 455 HAVE BEEN HARRASSING(HOWEVER 456 ACCIDENTALLY) THE PERSON WITH 457 THE PHONE NUMBER 230-xxxx.WHEN 458 EVER SOMEONE REVESES THE LAST TWO NUMBERS OF BACKWATERS PHONE 459 NUMBER HE GETS CALLED.AND WE 460 ALL KNOW HOW LATE SOME PEOPLE 461 CALL BACKWATER. 462 WHAT REALLY SADDENS ME IS THAT 463 HE SAYS THAT WHEN BACKW 464 USERS SCREW UP AND GET HIS 465 HOME PHHONE NUMBER,THEY VERY 466 ABUSIVE. 467 LOOK ALL IT TAKES IS A SLIP OF 468 THE FINGERS AND THIS GUY GE 469 WOKEN UP AT 3:45 AM.SO, LETS 470 BE CAREFULL OUT THERE. 471 ++++++++++++ZZZZZZZZIPSTER+++++ 472 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 473 I AM NEW HERE SO I WOULD LIKE 474 KNOW JUST WHAT THE HISTORY OF 475 BACKWATER IS. 476 . 477 . 478 SIGNED, 479 SARA M. 480 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 481 ******************************** 482 TO ALL ROLE PLAYING GAMERS OUT 483 THERE IN CRT LAND.LEAVE A MESSA- 484 GE TO HAWTHORNE ABOUT A FREE PBM 485 PLAYTEST.SORRY,NO PRIZES. 486 *****************HAWTHORNE****** 487 488 489 490 491 492 WHY DONT PEOPLE PUT SPACES IN BETWEEN LINES ANY MORE,HUH? 493 494 495 496 497 498 BOTTOM 499 U 60 500 TO HAWTHORNE 501 FRO DRENNON 502 RE P B M 503 504 WHAT IS IT CALLED,WHEN ARE 505 DECISIONS DATELINES,WHAT ARE 506 THE RULES?I WANNA PLAY!!!!!! 507 508 509 510 UP 40 511 AW SHUCKS IT HAPPENED AGAIN 512 spaces between lines waste disk space.-- Your Mother 513 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 514 ALL: please forgive me (for the gun control) (i didn't know it was loaded) 515 Piper: if L-4 & L-5 are gravity "wells", then why arn't they full of space 516 junk? in fact, why don't they have an atmosphere? over the eons, one would 517 expect to have to satellites (natural) in those positions... 518 One might also observe that since those points are availiable in limited 519 quantities (2) (except Morrison), why would a planet wish to clutter them up 520 with fixed objects? These points would obviously make excellent "holding" 521 areas for spacecraft, yes? 522 We can even get creative: Some advanced planet, eons ago, spotted our 523 humble planet, and realizing that earth would, some day, support an advanced 524 culture (such as our own?), zoom off through the void of space to meet space 525 ship earth as sort of a cosmic welcome wagon. Before departing, a quick 526 neutrino scan of our neighborhood revealed 2 PERFECT places to park their 527 space cruiser.....so perfect they set the co-ordinates into the guidance 528 system before they leave Grekotznik (name of advanced planet). Imagine 529 their dismay at finding an expanded version of sputnik in their parking 530 space (pun). They have to park the space cruiser SOMEWHERE......the 531 trip has been VERY long (next rest area: 1.2 light-years).....the 532 photon cannons ARE charged up......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I wouldn't want 533 to be in L-4&5 THEN, now would you? 534 Aaron 535 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 536 ******************************** 537 HECK NO!!BUT WHAT ABOUT KLINGONS 538 AFTER ALL WE ALL HAVE A BIT OF 539 KLINGON IN US.THEN AGAIN WE ALL 540 HAVE A LITTLE BIVULCAN IN 541 US.I GUESS THAT'S WHAT MAKES US 542 HUMAN.I THINK. 543 MR.DRENNON CALL ME AT 1-503-283- 544 xxxx FOR DETAILS AND A MAILING ADDRESS. 545 AND BY THE WAY THAT WAS 'BIT OF 546 VULCAN' NOT BIVULCAN. 547 ZZZZZIPSTER.TRIVIA QUESTION-WHAT 548 IS THE GRAVITY ON VULCAN'S THIRD 549 MOON AT A HEIGHT OF 5 METERS? 550 **************HAWTHORNE********* 551 552 ******************************** 553 WHAT!?!?!?! NO ANSWER YET! 554 **************HAWTHORNE********* 555 556 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 557 TTRIVIA QUESTION ANSWER:THAT ISN 558 'T FAIR.VULCAN HAS NO MOON, 559 DIDN'T YOU KNOW THAT? 560 TRIVIA QUESTION:AT WHAT TIME,ON WHAT DAY,IN WHAT MONTH,DURING 561 WHICH YEAR DID STAR TREK'S FIRSR 562 EPISODE PREMIER? 563 +++++++++++++++++ZZZZZZZIPSTER++ 564 UP 10 565 EXIT 566 OUT 567 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 568 Aaron and Deborah -- Celestial mechanics is a little bit over my head, 569 so most of the stuff I'm quoting you is from popularizations-- but here goes 570 nothing. The case of the earth-moon-third object is the well-known 571 (in circles that compute orbits of bodies) three-body problem. For th 572 rest of us -- simple solutions for more than two bodies orbiting one anoher 573 in free space do not exist. Add a third body and a simple set of equations 574 accurately describe the orbital motion of three or more bodies, exept in 575 one particular case -- where the third body is small in comparison to te 576 other two and occupys the L-4 and L-5 positions. An L-4 and L-5 position 577 should occur for each pair of bodies in our solar system -- for the 578 sun-earth combination, for the sun-venus, for the sun-mars, for the 579 sun-jupiter and so forth. In fact a group of asteroids known as the 580 Trojans occupy the L-4 and L-5 points in the sun-jupiter system. The forces 581 at these points are INCREDIBLY SMALL. The gravity wells at these points 582 are more of the magnetude of cm/week2. However, the earth-moon points do 583 contain small amounts of debris. One of the main proponents of the L-5 584 society is a man called ??? O'Niel (first name got lost) thus in some of 585 our present science fiction the presence of O'Niel space habitations, his 586 contribution to the movement. Aaron -- yes, I agree that these points are 587 the logcal staging areas for inter and intra-stellar traffic. When th 588 Whimseys from planet Whim drop by for a visit, they most likely will wait 589 there for an invitation to descend. In fact ... ever think about how big 590 that area of the sky is? And just how small and insignificant a sperical 591 craft a mile in diameter would be at that distance? Now if I wanted to 592 keep an eye on a bunch of primitives, I'd use an asteroid, hollow it out, 593 paint it black, and set it at either the L-4 or L-5 points. When they 594 became civilized enough to come out and talk, then we'd think about contact. 595 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 596 597 598 ******************************** 599 THERE ARE MANY SCIENCE FICTION 600 (SCIENCE FACT?)STORIES ABOUT 601 THAT SORT OF IDEA.I WOULD LIK 602 TO KNOW IF(JUST IN CASE)THERE IS 603 ANY BODY OUT THERE WHODOES NOT 604 BELEIVE IN EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE 605 ,I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW,ALSO,HOW YOU SUSTANCIATE YOUR CLAIM. 606 ***************HAWTHORNE******** 607 EXIT 608 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 609 I THINK THAT THOSE LAGRAN 610 POINTS WOULD PROBABLY THE BEST PLACE TO BSTATIONS. 611 NATIONALLY OWNED SPACE STATIONS 612 WHICH IS WHAT IS MOST LIKELY 613 WHAT WILL HAPPENSPACE 614 STATION IS PERMANENTLY LOCKED IN 615 TO AN L-? ORBIT THAT PLACE CN 616 NOT BE INFRINGED UPON,CAN IT. 617 IF THE UN BUILT AN INTERNATION 618 AL STATION IT COULD BE A GREAT 619 SYMBOLIC FEAT.THE BALANCING OF 620 EARTH'S POWERS. 621 . 622 . 623 SARA M. 624 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 625 To my unsigned critic: 626 I'll get back to you with a little constitutional history when I 627 have some space. Why do I feel so vindictive??? Mr. Tim 628 629 REPENT! THE END IS AT HAND! >