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LIST FILE ON MARGIN IS 76 STATUS: ALL ALLOWED NUMBER OF LINES: 629 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ******************* REMOVED 24 FEB 84 ********************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privatly owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privatly owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 21 22 HOW IT HAPPENED 23 by Issac Asimov 24 25 26 My brother began to dictate in his best oratorical style, the one which 27 has the tribes hanging on his words. 28 "In the beginning," he said, "exactly fifteen point two billion years 29 ago, there was a big bang and the Universe--" 30 But I had stopped writing. "Fifteen billion years ago?" I said incred- 31 ulously. 32 "Absolutely." he said. "I'm inspired." 33 "I don't question your inspiration," I said. (I had better not. He's 34 three years younger than I am, but I don't try questioning his inspiration. 35 Neither does anyone else or there's hell to pay.) "But are you going to 36 tell the story of Creation over a period of fifteen billion years?" 37 "I have to," said my brother. "That's how long it took. I have it all 38 in here," he tapped his forehead, "and it's on the very highest authority." 39 By now I had put down my stylus. "Do you know the price of papyrus?" I 40 said. 41 "What?" (He may be inspired but I frequently noticed that the inspira- 42 tion didn't include such sordid matters as the price of papyrus.) 43 I said, "Suppose you describe one million years of events to each roll of 44 papyrus. That means you'll have to fill fifteen thousand rolls. You'll 45 have to talk long enough to fill them and you know that you begin to stammer 46 after a while. I'll have to write enough to fill them and my fingers will 47 fall off. And even if we can afford all that papyrus and you have the voice 48 and I have the strength, who's going to copy it? We've got to have a guar- 49 antee of a hundred copies before we can publish and without that where will 50 we get royalties from?" 51 My brother thought awhile. He said, "You think I ought to cut it down?" 52 "Way down," I said, "if you expect to reach the public." 53 "How about a hundred years?" he said. 54 "How about six days?" I said. 55 "He said, horrified, "You can't squeeze Creation into six days." 56 I said, "This is all the papyrus I have. What do YOU think?" 57 "Oh, well," he said, and began to dictate again, "In the beginning -- 58 Does it have to be six days, Aaron?" 59 "I said, firmly, "Six days, Moses." 60 61 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 62 63 -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- 64 - I've read everyone's opinions as to where or what if a god - 65 - existed. I've decided to throw in my 2 bits. This is - 66 - ENTIRELY an opinion. One thing about religion is that when - 67 - it is being "discussed", it soon becomes a big argument. I - 68 - don't want it to get that way: - 69 - I for one do NOT believe in any sort of god or supernatural - 70 - creator for a few reasons: Where did HE/SHE come from? He - 71 - couldn't just have been created out of NOTHING and I don'T - 72 - buy him "being there from eternity" because someone HAD to - 73 - start it. But how? If the god is demanding of his followers - 74 - why doesn't he come down to earth in a 3-dimensional being - 75 - and expalin what he wants done? There is NO PROOF of ANY god- 76 - existing in the entire multiverses. - 77 - I do not believe in Heaven or Hell. No "SIN" could be bad - 78 - enough to send you to hell for eternity. Even if you killed - 79 - 10000 people in your time, that would mean that you were a - 80 - "Mental Case", and as religion goes, god created man. So, - 81 - God created a mistake! God's mistakes shouldn't be punished - 82 - That would be like if I made a program that didn'T work - 83 - correctly that I would take it apart bit-by-bit and keep - 84 - doing it until there was nothing left. - 85 - The Bible's "666" I don'T believe in either. The bible said - 86 - that the second coming of Jesus would happen sometime in - 87 - the 20th century. God has only 16 years left to go! - 88 - I do not believe in prayer either. If God is so powerful and- 89 - extremely perfect, he would be able to read our thoughts and- 90 - act accordingly. As you can see, My outline in religion is - 91 - mainly my own beliefs and disbelief in someone "greater" - 92 - than we are. The above is MY opinion and I do NOT claim it - 93 - as a "FACT". Another thing to add to "mistakes" above, GOD - 94 - Doesn'T make mistakes, am I right? If you are interested in - 95 - talking (not arguing) about the above, leave a message and - 96 - I'll be glad to discuss it. - 97 - The return of.... - 98 - TRON - 99 -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- 100 101 102 LJK LETTER PERFECT FOR SALE 103 VERSION 2.1 FOR ATARI AND EPSON/GEMINI 104 OR OTHER PRINTERS WITH SIMILAR CONTROL 105 CODES. TWO DISKS WITH COMPLETE 106 DOCUMENTATION. COMPLETE EDITING AND 107 FORMATTING FUNCTIONS. ALLOWS ASCII 108 CODES TO BE EMBEDDED IN TEXT. $40. 109 CALL SIDNEY SCHWARTZ AT 641-xxxx EVES. 110 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 111 JELLO ALL,MA YUAN IS IN ALL REALITY NOT THAT STUPID(THIS IS 112 HIS MACHINE THAT I AM USING) AS FOR MY HARDWARE THE SYSTEM 113 SHOULD BE BACK UP IN ABOUT 2 DAYS,(THE 21ST) TMA,YOU HANDEL 114 MY DAUGHTER WELL... 115 WHAT IS ALL OF THE CRUD ON THE SYSTEM NOW,HAVE THE KIDS WITH 116 VIC-20S AND ULTRA CHEEP MODEMS FINALY INVADED??? 117 DEBORAH,READ YOUR MAIL ON THE BUCKET.SORRY ABOUT THE ALL CAPS 118 THIS IS VERY VERY LIMITED.(AS MY FAITHFUL AND TRUSTY COMPANION 119 MA YUAN TAKES Off the caps lock key for me) 120 Jonathan Chance,are you still alive...42&69? 121 when is RHPS going down and who will drive(JCS I hope). 122 I shall return(without gosub) later on... 123 The Man in Gray 124 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 125 Mike, I agree with much of your plea for good language in front 126 of children, but you underestimate your public. I someone has 127 grown up enough to use this thing, he (she?, it??) is old enough 128 to understand a few 4 letter words. If he hasn't seen any yet, 129 maybe it will be educational. They are, after all everywhere. 130 But then this is no excuse to use them. 131 132 Rex, and others questioning creation: making something out of 133 nothing is easy, we do it all the time, when we create an idea, 134 a story, a sentence, a thought. All God must do is make the stor 135 y a little "harder". The fact of creation is not testable within 136 the created world. Can a computer program test to see if it is 137 a program? When you dream do you know you are dreaming? 138 Sometimes, not always. 139 140 Yes, the Bible says " in My Father's house are many rooms." 141 This does not say there are many ways to get there, only that 142 there is many rooms (perhaps room for many people) The Bible 143 does say that there is only one way to heaven; Jesus himself. 144 If the Bible is true, it is not interpretable, it can say 145 only one thing. 146 Again, a challenge to those who claim the Bible is the source 147 of all religious truth: who chose the present contents of the 148 Bible, and rejected the rather large remainder of similar 149 writings? And why? The so called apochrypha are part of some 150 Bibles, and not of others. Who is correct and why? There is 151 much more, much has been lost. Would a newly rediscovered 152 gospel become part of the Bible? 153 154 Back to creation: time makes our world 4 dimensional, in a 155 five dimensional world the concept of 'before might have no 156 meaning, any more than the start or end of a line segment 157 bent into a circle. (Which has no end, but a finite length.) 158 We cannot test for something outside our reality, only take 159 it on faith, or take on faith that it isn't. 160 //////////////////////////////bad\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 161 To the man in grey (no caps.) 162 I was not aware that there was an age limit fothis 163 board. Horrors!! Was I wrong all this time ?!? young 164 to speak up ? What is your age limit ? 165 Is it also true that you must have a computodema 166 certain value before you are allowed to speak t Boys' ? 167 If so, please let me know and if I don't qualify Icourse, 168 rush right out and invest in a grown-ups system. 169 170 to bad: 171 Is there any proof that God does not exist ? 172 173 Concerning 'rooms in mansion' 174 sorry about the above line, something seems to have happene 175 happened to my cheap computer. 176 Any way, Jesus was, I beleive, answerin abouther 177 non-christions could go to heaven when he used that phre. 178 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXSNKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 179 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 180 ^ I HOPE THAT IT ISN'T NECESSARY TO HAVE A COMPUTER ^ 181 ^ BECAUSE I DO VERY WELL WITH OUT ONE! (SO FAR). ^ 182 ^ ^ 183 ^ IF THIS SYSTEM IS FOR OPEN DISCUSSION, THEN LET IT ^ 184 ^ BE OPEN. NO ONE IS FORCED TO USE THIS FORUM SO ^ 185 ^ THERE IS VERY LITTLE POINT IN BEING OFFENDED (OR ^ 186 ^ ABUSIVE EITHER). ^ 187 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ CAYENNE ^ 188 *********************************************************** 189 THE POINT I AM TRYING TO MAKE ABOUT LANGUAGE, IS NOT THAT 190 PEOPLE OF ALL AGES HEAR (OR READ) THEM, BUT RATHER THE 191 TRUE UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT IS BEING SAID WHEN THEY ARE USED 192 MOST TEENAGERS (INCLUDING ME WHEN I WAS OF THAT AGE) LIKE 193 TO USE STRONG LANGAUGE FOR ITS SHOCK VALUE. IT GETS THEM 194 NOTICED BY BRINGING ATTENTION TO THEM. WHAT THEY DON'T 195 REALIZE IS THAT IT IS A NEGATIVE ATTENTION. YET TYPICALLY 196 THEY ARE SO STARVED FOR ANY KIND AT ALL, THEY DON'T CARE, 197 AND DON'T EVEN TAKE IT INTO CONSIDERATION. CHILDREN DO 198 LEARN BY EXAMPLE, AND IF THE USE OF FOUL LANGUAGE IS 199 ALLOWED TO PROPAGATE WITHOUT RESTRAINT, THEY WILL AND DO 200 PICK UP THE USAGE. THE UNDER TEEN YEAR TYPES ARE EVEN LESS 201 AWARE OF THE TRUE VALUE AND MEANING BEHIND THE WORDS THEY 202 SPEAK, TO THE VERY YOUNG IT IS NOTHING MORE THEN A NEW WORD 203 THEY HAVE LEARNED WITH NO REAL MEANING AT ALL. 204 JUST AS EVERY CHILD AT ONE TIME OR ANOTHER HAS GONE OUT AND 205 PLAYED IN THE STREET, I WOULDN'T ENCOURAGE THEM TO DO SO, 206 NIETHER WOULD I ENCOURAGE THEM TO USE LANGAUGE THAT THEY DO 207 NOT FULLY UNDERSTAND. YES, IT DOES HAVE SHOCK VALUE (AND 208 INDEED I HAVE USED IT MYSELF FOR THAT VERY PURPOSE), BUT 209 UNTIL A PERSON IS MATURE ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND THAT WHAT 210 YOU SAY MEANS MORE THEN THE MEANING BEHIND THE WORDS YOU 211 SPEAK, THAT IT ALSO TELLS THE WORLD WHAT KIND OF PERSON YOU 212 ARE, I FEEL THAT A RESTRICTION OF SOME SORT IS NEEDED. 213 YES, I USE THE LANGAUGE MYSELF IF THE SITUATION IS SUCH THAT 214 I FIND IT APROPRIATE, BUT I AM ALSO QUITE AWARE OF THE 215 RFLECTION IT PUTS ON ME IN THE PROCESS, AND IN THE CASE 216 OF BWMS THE IMPRESSION PEOPLE HAVE OF THE SYSTEM. 217 THIS IS WHY I FEEL THE WAY I DO, NOT BECAUSE OF THE SIMPLE 218 SMATERING OF FOUR LETTERS THROWN ACROSS THE SCREEN, IT 219 IS ALL THE IMPLICATIONS AND ATTITUDES THAT THOSE WORDS 220 REPRESENT THAT I AM CONCERNED WITH. 221 ******************** CISTOP MIKEY ************************** 222 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 223 Creating something from nothing is not possible. 224 nNeither is making nothhing out of something. 225 226 When you create a sentence, you make it from 227 words, letters and many other things. 228 An idea comes from electric pulsed in the 229 brain. Any one else want to try and 230 prove that something can be created 231 from nothing? 232 233 234 My knowledg of computers was not created from nothing. 235 IT WAS CREATED WITH THE HELP OF A LOWLY, CHEEP, KIDDY MACHINE> 236 YES, A VIC-20. Yet for some reason 237 I know more about 238 computers than most of my friends that own 239 hundred of dollars more. 240 I SUPPOSE that the MAN IN GRAY teaches advanced computer 241 intelligenc at a major college. And owns a multi-zillion 242 dollar machine. 243 244 I am not saying that the VIC-20 can keep 245 pace with the more expensive machines 246 but a computer is only as good as the user. 247 You can put down my kiddy machine person in gray, but I'M 248 A VERY HAPPY VIC-20 OWNER! 249 250 251 FOTI 252 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 253 Cistop Mikey: I think you've got it all wrong, saying that the use of "dirty" words should be limited for reasons 254 of insufficient maturity on the part of the audience. They should be limited because overuse takes away from their 255 power. Violent words have their place in our language, as appropriate markers of severe emphasis. Overuse dilutes 256 their ability to provide this emphasis, leaving us without a verbal "safety valve" in times of stress, just as if 257 you were to put hot pepper in all your food you would soon cease tasting it entirely. 258 && The Mad Actor && 259 260 261 Dear Abby: 262 I enjoy frequenting a trans-reality inn when time allows. It is by 263 and large a pleasant place, and oft one can find stories and excellent 264 debate at this inn. But as of late people are acting strangely. People 265 who have impressed me with their rationality are throwing the cheapest 266 shots imaginable. Are the russians beaming us like my uncle says? 267 wearing a lead suit till your reply 268 Mr. Tim 269 270 DEAR TIMMY; 271 YES, THE RUSSIANS ARE BEAMING US.WEARING A LEAD SUIT IS A GOOD IDEA, HEAVEN KNOWS I NEVER GO OUT WITHOUT MY 272 LEAD UNDIES. 273 ABBY 274 275 !|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|! 276 277 Enough discussion.....It's religious joke time!!!! (yah...flags waving behind hill) 278 279 Two rabbis are out walking one day, when one says to the other, "I have 280 a big problem. My son has just converted to Cristianity." 281 "Yes," says the other rabbi, "So has my son." 282 So they discuss it for a while and finally decide to consult the Lord 283 on this matter. They go to the tallest mountain they can find and meditate 284 at the top for several days. Suddenly, the clouds part, and a hollow 285 voice booms out, "Yes." 286 The rabbis answer, "Sir, It's our sons, they have converted to 287 Cristianity." 288 A pause, then the voice booms again, "Don't worry, I have the same 289 problem." 290 291 It's over...(YAHHH!!!...People dancing, singing), but look for more. 292 (Sudden explosion engulfing keyboard and screen, funeral dirge) 293 \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Friar Tuck \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ 294 !|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|! 295 HAVE YOU EVER STOPPED TO THINK: JESUS WAS JUST A GOOD JEWISH BOY WHO GREW UP AND WENT INTO HIS FATHER'S BUSINESS? 296 !|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|___THE SILVER GHOST___!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|! 297 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 298 299 The piper sat at the oaken table, scarred by long usage, staring at his new 300 companions. The gentleman who called himself the mad actor (was there really 301 a hint of madness behind thos eyes?), a lady named Lynn, and a man in grey 302 called Greymalkin -- a strange group, but not one to go out of one's way to 303 avoid. The scent was there for adventure. A pulse pounded in the sidee of 304 his throat as he replied: 305 306 "I for one am interested in learning more of what you have in mind. However, 307 you must not mistake my willingness to listen for aquescence to your wishes. 308 For suitable rewards, men can be found to face most dangers, however -- there 309 are situations that cause me to behave like an arrant coward, and rather than 310 embarass myself in front of this company, I would decline to place myself in 311 those situations." 312 313 So saying, the piper took a pull from the drink in front of him. 314 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 315 316 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 317 Is there another subject out there? It seems that no matter what view you 318 take on the current subject, someone will take offence. There's enough 319 fighting in the world, lets switch to some somewhat friendly conversation. 320 Bo 321 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 322 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 323 SORRY TO GO BACK......BUT.......ALL MATTER IS BASICALLY MADE OF ENERGY 324 PARTICLES, WHICH BY THEMSELVES ARE INVISIBLE TO THE NAKED EYE, BUT 325 WHEN GROUPED TOGETHER THEY ARE MATTER. THERE ARE MANY THINGS WHICH ARE 326 INVISIBLE THAT CAN EXERT MUCH FORCE. AIR, ETC. SOME HAVE MASS OTHERS 327 DON'T. GRAVITY, ETC.........SO MATTER CAN BE SAID TO BE TRANSFORMED 328 ENERGY............SEEMINGLY SOMETHING FROM NOTHING. 329 330 J.P. VETZ: INTERESTING ACCOUNT, TO ME SINCE I AM AN IDAHOAN. I KNEW 331 THAT THE WORD IDAHO HAD NO ENGLISH MEANING, BUT I THOUGHT IT WAS 332 AN INDIAN WORD, EE-DA-HOW, WHICH MEANS "SUN COMING DOWN THE MTN." 333 AT LEAST THAT'S WHAT THEY TAUGHT US IN SCHOOL IN IDAHO. I WILL 334 HAVE TO RESEARCH THIS. 335 336 DID I MISS SOMETHING? WHO GOT OFFENDED? 337 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!DEBORAH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 338 d, HOW LONG SHALL YOU LURK? 339 MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME 340 An interesting concept, Deborah. Are you then saying that something that 341 is invisible to your senses can logically constitute nothing? Consider your 342 example of gravity: like gravity, your existance has an effect upon me, but 343 you personally are invisible to me. Does that mean that you are nothing? 344 By your definition it would, but I think that you might not agree. But I 345 don't agree with the statement that "something cannot be created from 346 nothing" unless it is qualified with the statement "according to currently 347 accepted laws of thermodynamics." 348 MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME 349 Gary: Why add a laser or atomic missiles when you already have the mass 350 driver? If you don't get what I mean read Heinlein's "The Moon Is a Harsh 351 Mistress". I don't remember the exact figures, but 100 tonnes of rock 352 launched from Luna to Terra will cause an explosion on impact equal to 353 several HUNDRED kilotons. And NO radiation! 354 355 As for the "something from nothing people", Asimov once did an essay 356 "showing" how all you need is the laws of physics. An "empty" universe 357 will not be empty long! (Actually, how do you measure time in an empty 358 universe?) 359 _____________________________________Leonard________________________________ 360 The Pope entered the assemblage of Cardinals. "I have some good news, & 361 some bad news." 362 "The good news is: Christ has returned. I just talked to him on the 363 phone." 364 365 "The bad news is: He was calling from Salt Lake City...." 366 ............................................................................ 367 368 ****************************************************************** 369 370 371 372 ****************************************************************** 373 DID'NT HAVE MUCH TO SAY 374 ======================================================================== 375 SOMEWHERE ABOVE MENTION WAS MADE TO THE INVASION OF CHEAP 376 "VIC-20'S AND VIC MODEMS". WHAT TYPES OF COMPUTERS ARE BEING USED 377 TO ACCESS THIS BOARD? (I AGREE, THE QUALITY OF THE COMPUTER HAS 378 NO RELATION TO THE QUALITY OF THE MIND RUNNING IT.) 379 380 AN APPLE AND HAYES MICROMODEM USER 381 EVAN 382 ======================================================================== 383 I usually use an Atari 800, but at the moment I'm using an HP-75 384 with a portable modem. How's that for different? 385 && The Mad Actor && 386 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 387 WOW,ONE LITTLE COMMENT ABOUT SOMETHING AND THE WORLD WANTS TO HAVE YOUR HEAD 388 ON THE NEAREST PLATTER! 389 TO ALL:I WAS TALKING ABOUT MENTAL AGE,vHAT OF THE MENTAL KIDS WHO ARE USING 390 A COMPUTER THC\ EITHER IS CHEEP OR DOES0NOT BELONG TO THEM.I HAVE NOTHING 391 AGAINST THE VIC-2p,I WOULDN'T MIND HAVING ONE RIGHT NOW.MY PRESENT SYSTEM IS 392 A 50 BUCK RS MC-10 WITH A MODEM OF DUBIOUS ORIGIONS(NO`SERIAL #'S) THAT COST 393 35 BUCKS AT A GARAGE SALE.IT'S ALL HOOKED TOGETHER _ITH BELL WIRE AND NO 394 SHEALDING,SO CRAPY VIDIO IS THE NORM. 395 FOTI:Y ZUW\ EXPFANED THE0"MULTI-ZILLION DOLLAR" SYSTEM,AND I ~EACH AT AN 396 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. 397 I GAN ONLY READ ABOUT 4p% OF THE CARACTERS SO`I DO FOT KNOW HOW THIS IS 398 TURNING OuT vYPO WISEpD.TOMMOROW I7LL HAVE SOME CABLES \HA\ WORK. 399 THE MAN IN GRAY(ALL CAPS FOR NOW)9 400 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 401 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 402 Man in Gray: Didn't mean to get so mad. 403 404 FOTI 405 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 406 Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 407 One last adress at something from nothing: All matter and energy is made 408 from the same "stuff." We have already figured out how most energy fits 409 into this model. Even gravity has a particle aspect. (the graviton) You 410 can never actually create matter or energy, just change its form. It's a 411 basic theory that all matter and energy are conserved. 412 Dr. Buck 413 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 414 \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \ 415 About the matter=energy concept. If you ever played around with 416 the matter wavelenth equation, the energy frequency equation and use a 417 mass of "m", and assume photons conform to the matterwave theory. I 418 used these equations and found out the energy to create a photon on m mass. 419 you have to mass times speed of light squared. Or more formiliarly, 420 E=mc^2. 421 I have heard that electromagnetic waves are a disturbance. If so, 422 a disturbance in what, a vast pool of energy, push photons in one end, 423 and get other ones displaced at the other end. If they travel by 424 compression, like sound waves in air, they should have a certain speed 425 such as the speed of sound, but called the speed of light. This would 426 explain why you can't travel over the speed of light, an "electromagnetic" 427 boom, distroying matter. But you can bypass this by steamlining the 428 ship electromagneticly. 429 (A pause whilst I gather breath) 430 Tell me more about gravity waves. 431 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 432 \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ Friar Tuck \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ 433 -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- 434 - Something can't be created from nothing... and I can prove - 435 - it. A thought... something we have LEARNED. We can't imagine- 436 - something or put something together unless we KNEW what it - 437 - was before we put it together! If you took a newborn baby - 438 - and left him in a dark room for 30 years and suddenly - 439 - exposed him, he wouldn't know what to do or how to act. You - 440 - can't "THINK" up a story... you only piece experiences - 441 - together that you've had or dreamed about in your life. - 442 - To FOTI: - 443 - Take a good guess as to how old I am. Make it good... - 444 - The return of.... - 445 - TRON - 446 -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- 447 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 448 MIKEY: I AGREE WITH YOU IN PRACTICE, AND I LIKE A POINT YOU MADE- NAMELY 449 THAT A WORD MEANS WHAT YOU WANT IT TO MEAN. EXAMPLE 450 451 BITCH: A FEMALE DOG 452 BUTT: THE END OF A RIFLE 453 ASS: A QUADROPED SIMILAR TO A DONKEY 454 455 AS YOU SEE, WORDS MEAN WHAT YOU WANT THEM TO. 456 P.S. "LOVE" IS A FOUR LETTER WORD 457 458 459 ALL THIS SOMETHING FROM NOTHING STUFF! WHY MUST GOD GO BY THE RULES OF 460 OUR UNIVERSE? 461 RECIPE FOR A UNIVERSE: 462 (1) INFINITE VACUUM 463 (1) ALTERNATE REALITY 464 TAKE 1 TEASPOON OF MATTER FROM THE ALTERNATE REALITY AND PUT IT IN THE 465 VACCUM. CREATE NEW PHYSICAL LAWS. AND PRESTO! A NEW UNIVERSE! 466 467 GOD DOES NOT HAVE TO EXIST IN OUR(OR YOUR) REALITY, SO IT IS NOT SUBJECT 468 TO THE LAWS OF THE PLACE. READ "THE GODS THEMSELVES" BY ASIMOV FOR A 469 REFERENCE ON WHAT I MEAN. 470 471 ON RELIGION- A RECENT "TOWN HALL" DISCUSSION. WHICH IS SUPREME: 472 THE FREEDOM OF RELIGION OR THE RIGHTS OF AN INDIVIDUAL. 473 A YOUNG CHILD WAS BEATEN TO DEATH BY HIS MOTHER, BEACUSE THE RELIGION 474 DEMANDED THAN PHYSICAL PUNISHMENT WAS THE WILL OF GOD. A PERSON IS DEAD. 475 HE HAD NO CHOICE IN THE MATTER. UNDER ANY OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES, THIS WOULD 476 BE 'MURDER MOST FOUL'. BECAUSE IT WAS DUE TO RELIGION, PEOPLE ARE CLAIMING 477 THAT THE STATE CAN'T INTERFERE(IE PRESS CHARGES). 478 THIS CANNOT BE RIGHT! (OR CAN IT)? 479 JONATHAN CHANCE 480 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 481 482 I, like Evan, have a IIe with a hayes modem. 483 Unfortunately I have a kiddy mind. 484 P.S. The lead undies are great, but I have serious doubts about my 485 ability to procreate..... 486 Mr. Tim 487 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 488 DIG FOR THIS; RECURSIVE IS NOT A WORD. AT LEAST NOT IN ANY OF MY DIC- 489 TIONARIES. 490 SOMEONE MADE A SEMI-VALID POINT ABOUT EXISTANCE EARLIER. I DO EXIST. BUT 491 ONLY IF I RESPOND. IF I SAY NOTHING................. 492 AS TO THE LANGUAGE DISCUSSION....SOME OF US DO NOT HAVE TO RESORT TO 493 PROFANITY TO EXPRESS OURSELVES. ESPECIALLY SINCE NONE OF THOSE WORDS 494 EXPRESS INTELIGENCE,IDEAS, OR OPINIONS TO AN UNDERSTANDABLE DEGREE. I 495 PERSONALLY FIND NO USE FOR THEM,BECAUSE THEY ARE UNNECESSARY. I CAN BE 496 AGITATED AND COMMUNICATE WITHOUT THEM, AND SO CAN AT LEAST 3/4 OF THE 497 PEOPLE I AM ACQUAINTED WITH. AND YET BE VERY EFFECTIVE. I HAVEN'T 498 BEEN A YOUTH FOR ALMOST ...............TEENAGE WISE ANYHEY......... 499 FOR OVER A DECADE, AND I STILL FIND PROFANITY OFFENSIVE, THO I, TOO 500 WENT THROUGH THE EXPERIMENTAL STAGES. 501 502 JONATHAN CHANCE: WHETHER THE BIBLE IS VALID OR NOT, YOU REAP WHAT 503 YOU SOW. AND THE PEOPLE YOU SPEAK OF ......................... 504 ONE REASON WHY THOSE THINGS GO ON, IS EVERYONE SITS ON THEIR BUTTOCKS 505 SAYING, "EVERYONES ALLOWED, ALLS COOL, DO YOUR OWN THING, "ETC. 506 IF PEOPLE REALLY FELT LOVE FOR EACH OTHER, THEY WOULD STOP SUCH 507 THINGS. I MUST DEPART.....I'M FALLING ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL! 508 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?DEBORAH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 509 TMA: WHILE I DO AGREE THAT EXCESSIVE USE OF A WORD THAT IS NORMALLY USED 510 FOR VERY INTENSE IMPACT WILL REDUCE THE IMPACT OF IT, I DON'T FIND THAT A 511 REASON TO RESTRICT SOMEONE FROM USING IT, AS I SAID I DON'T REALLY CARE 512 WHAT OOTHER PEOPLE USE FOR LANGUAGE, BUT I DO CARE ABOUT THE VALUES IT 513 TEACHES TO OTHERS WHO DON'T UNDERSTAND IT. I FEEL PERSONAL RESTRAINT 514 SHOULD BE USED IN REGARD TO NOT SPEWING FOUL WORDS ALL OVER THE PLACE. 515 BUT ONCE IT HAS OCCURRED, IT MUST STILL BE LOOKED UPON AS TO THE LASTING 516 EFFECT IT WILL HAVE AND CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN WHERE NEEDED. 517 DR. BUCK: THE GRAVITRON IS NOT AN ACCEPTED FACT. IT IS A CONCEPT THAT HAS 518 BEEN POSTULATED TO SEE IF IT CAN HELP EXPLAIN SOME THINGS, BUT IT SO FAR 519 HAS NOT BEEN MUCH HELP IN EXPLAINING AWAY THE OPERATION OF GRAVITY. 520 BASICLY, THEY STILL HAVEN'T GOT ANY IDEA OF WHAT GRAVITY IS. 521 DEB: YOUR RECURSIVE REMINDS ME OF A FAVORITE WORD OF MINE, "IRREGARDLESS". 522 NOT ONLY IS IT A REAL WORD, BUT YOU WILL FIND IT IN THE DICTIONARY AS WELL, 523 YET IT IS AMAZING THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE THAT GET UPTIGHT OVER ITS USE, WHICH 524 IS ONE OF THE REASONS I LIKE TO USE IT. AND I DO USE IT PROPERLY WHEN I 525 DO. YOU CAN EASILY TELL WHEN SOMEONE IS REALLY LISTENING TO WHAT YOU HAVE 526 TO SAY BY THE RESPONSE YOU GET TO THE VARIOUS WORDS YOU USE. 527 PAM: NICE TO HAVE YOU BACK CLEANING UP THE INN AGAIN. HMMM REMINDS ME 528 OF AN OLD SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE SKIT.. "I CLEAN UP , OK?" 529 BUT I STILL WANT TO HEAR OF YOUR ADVENTURES WHILE YOU WERE AWAY, I AM 530 SURE THEY MUST HAVE BEEN EXTREMLY INTERESTING. BESIDES I AM GETTING BORED 531 LISTENING TO THE CONTINUED DEBATE OF PROOF OF GOD WHICH NEVER SEEMS TO 532 GET ANYWHERE. IT'S TIME FOR SOMETHING DIFFERENT! 533