💾 Archived View for gemini.spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › messages › BACKWATER › bw840105.txt captured on 2022-07-17 at 09:01:22.
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FILE ON MARGIN IS 40 STATUS: ALL ALLOWED NUMBER OF LINES: 629 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ********************* REMOVED: 5 JAN 84 ******************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privatly owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privatly owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of older messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 ************************************************************ 21 PAM: NO, I DIDN'T SEE IT! 22 ******** CISTOP MIKEY ******** 1 JAN 83 ************************* 23 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 24 A lone stranger approaches a fog shrouded stream and 25 pauses... searching for something... After a moment he spies 26 that which he is looking for, an old well worn bridge. 27 The stream flows grudgingly beneath it, accepting its 28 presence, yet obviously wishing to be free of this construct 29 spaning its banks. The stranger moves to cross the slightly 30 arched span. He stops momentarily to peer down at the water 31 flowing beneath. He watches the sluggish water flow beneath, 32 pondering its source and wence it flows. 33 The stream slowly flowing beneath seems to have a soothing 34 effect on him, for as he peers below the hands that grip the 35 railing slowly relax. After a moment he reaches into his 36 cloak and draws forth a faded and worn brown ribbon. Holding 37 the ribbon before him for a while he looks upon it. Soon a 38 single tear forms and slowly travels down the crease in his 39 face. Holding the ribbon over the railing, he pauses for a 40 moment and then releases it to fall into the flowing stream. 41 He watches as the ribbon slowly drifts down, until finally 42 it touches the water and is quickly swallowed. In a fleeting 43 moment it passes beneath the walkway and is gone. 44 Raising his face to gaze at the fog enshrouded moon, the 45 light glistens off the wet trail on his cheek, the final 46 rememberence of things past. Slowly the face changes from one 47 of sadness to resolve. 48 After a moment he turns and peers thru the fog in the hope of 49 finding a place to rest his weary feet and warm his heart. Then 50 for a second the fog parts and a wavering glimmer of light 51 breaks through. He moves towards the light and soon finds that 52 it shines upon the entrance to an establishment called the Back 53 Water Inn. "What an odd name for an Inn" he thinks. 54 Seeing no other suitible establishment he decides to enter. 55 As he opens the door and looks in, a warm draft of air ladden 56 with the smell of stale beer, soured wine and wiskey drifts 57 out. Hearing an angered shout, he pauses and is about to 58 leave, but then realizes that it was not ment for him. 59 Stepping across the threshold he finds the Inn in shambles, 60 with empty and shattered glasses scattered about. In a dark 61 corner he sees a timid lass attempting to clean off a table to 62 sit at. As he watches a wonderous picture of a dragon slips 63 off the table and drifts to the floor. Quickly the lady 64 recovers the picture and with averted eyes quietly sits down 65 and busies herself with another picture. 66 At another table sits a sailor he looks upon the shambles of 67 the Inn with disaproving eyes, yet is there not something else 68 in those eyes? It is difficult to tell. 69 Looking further he sees several patrons leaning over a table 70 talking in some strange language with manied reference to 71 something called a 'cumpewtor'. 72 Off to one side sits a dark and sinister individual his face 73 hidden beneath a fold of cloth. This individul speaks of 74 strange and fearful things, yet there is a touch of laughter 75 to his voice. 76 The Innkeeper himself stands behind the old worn bar slowly 77 cleaning a glass, worry and sadness on his face as he speaks to 78 a charming woman, whom he calls Pam, about the disarray of the 79 the Inn and other things. While the lovly lady herself slowly 80 sips from a warm steaming glass of liquor and agrees while 81 wondering what can be done about it. 82 At the end of the bar a poor sole sits babeling meaninglessly 83 to himself, apparently no longer in full control of his mind. 84 At the other end of the bar sits a warrior in full uniform. 85 None dare approach to closly for he staunchly defends his 86 position. A formidable figure indeed. 87 Elsewhere sit several other patrons adding their voices to 88 the general flow of conversation. 89 To this does the stranger find he has entered. Though it is a 90 shambles, it is apparent that the Inn is well known and in 91 better times a most respectable and comfortable establishment. 92 The stranger sits and becons to the Innkeeper to bring him an 93 ale. Perhaps he thinks I will tary for a while and learn more 94 of this place called the Back Water Inn. Perhaps long enough 95 to no longer be a stranger in this most strange land. 96 As he accepts the drink from the Innkeeper and flips him a 97 coin in payment, he can feel the eyes of the patrons upon him, 98 and wonders what they think of this stranger who has intruded 99 himself in their midst. 100 * Tarn * 101 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 102 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 02 Jan 84 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 103 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 00:20 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 104 In a light-faded corner she loiters, intent upon the work of her 105 hands and paying no mind to the surroundings. A mug of cider, long 106 since cooled, sits unnoticed by the delicate lines of a new sketch, 107 and her hair tumbles about her face as she tilts it to gain fresh 108 perspective on her drawing. Suddenly she tenses, though she does 109 not look up, and her demeanor takes on an appearance of listening... 110 Very still she is for three slow throbs of a heart, and then her eyes 111 lift and begin to wend their way through the milling crowd, fixing 112 each individual with a burning, penetrating gaze in turn. There, where 113 the Innkeeper has just placed a foaming glass of ale, there is where 114 the ever-so-familiar voice resides! She fastens her eyes on his face, 115 and a tiny wrinkle of puzzlement appears between her brows. "Where 116 might a stranger find lodging?" asks he of the Innkeeper. "Stranger?" 117 The words escape her lips unintentionally, but they are low enough to 118 be drowned in the leisurely roar of mixed conversations. Several from 119 the bar gather nonchalantly around this man Tarn's table, and when he 120 happens to glance back in the corner, only the breeze-stirred papers 121 give evidence that she had been there. 122 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> d <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 123 124 TRADE JEWELRY FOR TUTORING 125 RAY ELSEY WISHES TO TRADE CUSTOM JEWELRY FOR TUTORING IN BASIC 126 PASCAL AND CPM LOGIC AND GOOD FILE MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUE 127 LEAVE MESSAGE HERE OF WITH CBBS 128 .............................................................. 129 WOW. WHAT GREAT FICTION YOU TWO RIGHT. YOU GOTTA COLLABERATE, OR SOMETING. 130 CAN YOU WRITE ABOUT REAL THINGS AROUND YOU TOO? MY TEACHER SAYS THE 131 SIMILIES AND ALEGORIES SO MANY WRITERS USE ARE HIDING THIER FAILURE TO COPE 132 WITH THIER REAL PROBLEMS. DO YOU GUYS BELIEVE THAT? 133 ................................ Sunny .......................... 134 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 135 ANYONE OUT THERE HAVE A DECENT TERMINAL PROGRAM FOR THE TRS-80 MODEL 3? 136 I AM IN DESPRATE NEED OF ONE. CONTACT ME HERE, OR ON CBBS, BIT BUCKET, KGON, 137 OR PAC. THANX? 138 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-JODY-%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 139 140 !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 141 WELL, d I SEE YOU CAN WRITE BETTER THAN YOU CAN PLAY CHESS! OR SO I'VE HEARD. 142 IMAGINE THAT BEING SOMEWHAT CHASED OUT OF THE INN. 143 ANYHEY, DOES ANYONE OUT THERE HAVE A COMPUTER AND MODEM FOR SALE? I'M NOT 144 PARTICULAR ABOUT MAKES OR MODELS, BUT I HAVE AN ACQUAINTANCE THAT IS LOOKING 145 FOR SOMETHING FUNCTIONAL. LEAVE MESSAGE FOR DEBORAH. 146 !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!DEBORAH!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 147 P.S. SUNNY, NO I DON'T BELIEVE THAT. 148 !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 149 THIS IS A CONTINUATION OF THE ABOVE. I LEFT FOR A SPELL, RETURNED AND STILL NO 150 NEW NEWS. SO.......................IT'S 1984. 151 AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH NEW YEAR PEOPLE TEOND TO THINK SOMEWHAT OF THE FU- 152 TURE. HERE ARE SOME THOUGHTS CONCERNING MY VIEWS. 153 YOUR FUTURE CONSISTS OF MORE THAN JUST THE TIME THAT REMAINS OF YOUR PRESENT 154 LIFE. IT ALSO INCLUDES HOW YOU USE THAT TIME, THE PLANS YOU HAVE MADE, THE 155 GOALS YOU HAVE SET. AS ONE NOTED INVENTOR OBSERVED:" WE SHOULD ALL BE CONCERN- 156 ED ABOUT THE FUTURE BECAUSE WE WILL HAVE TO SPEND THE REST OF OUR LIVES 157 THERE." 158 WHY IS IT THOUGH THAT SO MANY GIVE SO LITTLE THOUGHT TO THE FUTURE? THERE ARE 159 A NUMBER OF REASONS FOR THIS. HERE ARE SOME OF THEM: 160 *THE ANXIETY AND STRUGGLE OF LIFE STIFLES THOUGHTS OF THE FUTURE. 161 *THE "NOW GENERATION" PHILOSOPHY PROMOTES THE VIEW, LIVE FOR THE MOMENT AND 162 THE FUTURE WILL TAKE CARE OF ITSELF. 163 *THOSE PURSUING THE"WHATEVER WILL BE, WILL BE" WAY OF LIFE BELIEVE DESTINY 164 ALONE SHAPES THE FUTURE. 165 *THE "WHATS THE USE" FEELING RESULTS IN DESPAIR AND DETERS SETTING GOALS 166 FOR THE FUTURE. 167 I AM NONE OF THE ABOVE. 168 SOME WONDER, "HOW CAN I HAVE A REALISTIC AND MEANINGFUL VIEW OF THE FUTURE?" 169 THE ANSWER MAY LIE IN WHAT NOBEL PRIZE WINNER JOHN GALSWORTHY WROTR 170 "IF YOU DO NOT THINK ABOUT THE FUTURE, YOU CANNOT HAVE ONE." GIVE SERIOUS 171 THOUGHT FIRST TO WHAT THE FUTURE COULD BRING. NEXT THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU WOULD 172 LIKE TO BE AND DO IN THAT FUTURE. THEN TAKE THE NEEDED ACTION TO DIRECT YOUR 173 STEPS TOWARD THAT GOAL. MORE LATER. 174 !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?DEBORAH!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 175 ........................................................................ 176 Smokers - 1 : Leonard - 0...just kidding leonard. 177 Aaron...school starts tommorow(at least nite classes), are you ready? 178 To all new BW Inn patrons...Hail and well met! Welcome to the Inn, I hope 179 your visits are enjoyable. 180 d...I see a Dragons of Pern book has finally made it to the Top-ten list 181 for Fiction... Just thought I'd mention it... 182 .............tHE dROPPED bIT............................................. 183 PS To the futrure Doctor, while your lengthy message about smoking was indeed 184 interesting, prose like that rarely changes anyones mind(especially smokers!) 185 The best anti-smoking device I have seen was a film showing autopsys on long- 186 time smokers. Quite graphic, but quite effective. 187 ......................................................................... 188 189 ******************************************************************* 190 WHY DO I FEEL LIKE I AM IN A TWILIGHT ZONE? DRIFTING BETWEEN TWO 191 WORLDS. ONE OF BEAUTY AND WARMTH, THE OTHER OF HARSH REALITY. IT IS 192 AS IF THE WORLD OF THE INN IS STRIVING DESPIRITLY TO GET THROUGH 193 AND EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE A PEICE POKES THROUGH ONLY TO BE RAPIDLY 194 CONSUMMED BY THE HARSH REALITIES OF THE TRUE WORLD. BUT THEN WHAT 195 IS REAL? WILL THE WORLD OF THE INN EVER BREAK THROUGH THE BONDS OF 196 REALITY AND FIND PEACE WITH THE REAL WORLD, OR WILL IT BE FOREVER 197 BANDED TO STRIVING TO SHOW EVEN A SMALL PEICE OF ITSELF TO THOSE 198 WHO WOULD WATCH? A NEW INDIVIDUAL HAS FOUND THE STRENGTH TO AT 199 LEAST FOR A BIT TO BREAK THROUGH THOSE BONDS. IS HIS STRENGTH DEEP 200 ENOUGH TO PREVALE AS DOES THE MAGIC OF d? ONLY TIME CAN TELL. 201 ***** CISTOP MIKEY ***** A VICTIM OF THE TWILIGHT ZONE ********** 202 DEE DO DEE DO DEE DO DEE DO DEE DO DEE DO DEE DO DEE DO DEE DO 203 204 GREETINGS ALL. I AM NEW TO THE SYSTEM AND A NEW USER ALSO. HAVE BEEN 205 FOLLOWING YOUR DISCUSSIONS WITH INTEREST. WILL WELCOME CONVERSATION 206 AND DISCUSION. HAPPY NEW YEAR. 207 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PROSPERO'S APPRENTICE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 208 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 209 -G.T.- 210 Our Our Atari broke. OnThe left plug in that you plug the joystick into 211 has a wire loose or something. The right plug in still works though. 212 On the left ft plug-in when you're playing a game you cant move the object 213 up. 214 It sure is hard to get on this system. Its always busy. 215 216 ///////////////////////////////////////////JEN//////////////////////// 217 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 218 To Tarn and d, 219 To call it simply beauty would not be enough. 220 Bo 221 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 222 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< It might be too much.......>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 223 224 George Orwell was a fink 225 Happy new-years!!!!! 226 ********************************************************************** 227 :**************************************************************: 228 229 HELP WANTED 230 231 Pilot with mechanical ability to fly 232 C-30 transport over difficult terrain. 233 Experience with low altitute flying at 234 night a must. Mult-lingual Islamic 235 Fundementalist conversant in Iranian 236 tribal dialects prefered. 237 238 LeRoy McKane 239 240 ========================== 241 242 MOHAMMED WASSIR: 243 244 I appreciate your concern but I am in no danger from Petrov, 245 the mustachieod KGB drag queen, and his thugs. Petrov is my 246 personal body guard and hair dresser. He is no danger to me. 247 248 None-the-less, I appreciate your concern. I take care of my 249 friends and you will be hearing from me. 250 251 LeRoy 252 253 :*************************************************************: 254 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 255 DEAR JODY: 256 EVER HEAR OF A COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM CALL "ST80-III"? I HAVE ACCESS TO 257 IT FROM MY PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT, BUT CANNOT LET IT GO FOR FREE, 258 MUCH AS I WOULD LIKE TO. I DO HAVE MY JOB TO CONSIDER. 259 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, LEAVE A MESSAGE FOR ME 260 JONATHAN CHANCE 261 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 262 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 263 LEROY! I HAD A PHONE CALL FROM THE FBI TODAY. THEY WANTED TO 264 KNOW IF I 265 KNEW WHERE YOU WERE. I TOLD THEM I DIDN'T. WHAT SHOULD I DO NEXT TIME THEY 266 CALL?? I TRIED TO LOOSE THEM BUT THEY SAY THEY HAVE BEEN MONITORING 267 MY HOME, PHONE LINES, THE WORKS. I AM AT A FRIENDS HOUSE NOW, SO MAYBE THEY 268 WONT TAKE ME BY SURPRISE. I AM (I THINK) THE PILOT YOU MAY BE LOOKING FOR. 269 BUT I AM NOT SURE IF I HAVE THE GUTS FOR THE MISSION (IF THERE IS ONE). MAYBE 270 YOU SHOULD KEEP SEARCHING. HANG IN THERE. I WILL TRY AND NOT LET THEM KNOW 271 WHERE YOU MAY BE FOUND. THE CIA IS IN ON IT TOO. 272 273 GOOD LUCK LEROY- 274 275 -------------------------MYRDDIN EMRYS-------------------------- ------------- 276 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 277 JONATHAN CHANCE- 278 I AM INTRESTED I THINK. HOW MUCH MONEY ARE WE TALKING ABOUT 279 AND WHAT ARE THE CAPABILITIES OF THIS BEAST? 280 281 /////////////////////////////////////////////JODY///////////////////////////// 282 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 283 LEROY: 284 GREAT STUFF!!!! 285 MOHAMMED WASSIR 286 <The Awesruck Albanian> 287 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 288 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 289 Rommel: I am reminded of a Quote from Robert Heinlein about government. 290 "If the horse can't jump the hurdle, shoot the horse. Keep on doing this 291 and eventually you will find a horse that CAN clear the jump --- IF you 292 don't run out of horses. This is the sort of plausible pseudologic that 293 most people bring to political affairs. It causes one to wonder if mankind 294 is capable of being well governed by ANY system of government." 295 +++++++++++++++++ the Inn Sane Scientist +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 296 297 ===================}=============}============================================ 298 The inn's lights flicker smokily as a vagrant breeze slams the door open. 299 The fire gives a burst of smoke, causing the patrons of the inn to cough 300 and curse. A burly patron abandons a tarred leather jack of ale on the 301 rough-hewn counter to close the door, then pauses briefly in the opening 302 his eyes searching through the roiling mists. Faintly through the 303 moon-shrouded mists he heard a distant thrumming with an eerie wailing rising 304 through and around it. 305 ======================}======================================================= 306 :*************************************************************: 307 308 LeRoy: 309 310 I am monitoring this board. Are you alright? 311 I've been so worried. Please let me know what's 312 going on. I love you. 313 314 Natasha 315 316 :*************************************************************: 317 318 Myrddin Emrys: 319 320 You are in terrible danger. If the FBI and CIA knew you were 321 one of my people you'd be safe...but you're not. 322 323 The Feds and the trench coat boys are under terrific pressure 324 to get a conviction on an arms deal I dabbled in a few years 325 back. They're looking for a scapegoat. Since you're not on my 326 payoff list you appear to be it. 327 328 Tell you what I'll do. I'll put out word, for now anyway, that 329 you're one of my "special friends". That'll take the heat off 330 until you can prove how good a friend you really are. 331 332 But remember, pal, you owe me one and LeRoy McKane always 333 collects his debts. Meet me in Ashkhabad on January 6th at 334 three O'clock. Carry a red dagger in your teeth so I'll know 335 who you are. 336 337 338 LeRoy 339 340 :**************************************************************: 341 As he sits at a table sipping his cider (Ah, wondrous nectar!) and watching d 342 create yet another of her wondrous creations, he hearshis name. Then, 343 listening further he realizes that he was mistaken. There is another 344 apprentice in the inn. 345 But what is this? He says he is apprenticed to one Prospero by name. Can it 346 be? This will indeed bear further investigation. 347 ......................................the apprentice.......................... 348 What?!!! Prospero the garbage man (oops, sanitary collection engineer) of SE 349 Portland's Italian neighborhoods can't have two apprentices? Heresy. 350 ###########$$$$$$###########$$$$$$#############$$$$$$$# 351 As the hot vapor of a patron's pipe swirls around in my nostril, I notice 352 a small group of vibrant chap's slapping one-anothers back and chorteling. 353 I wonder if those are the people I was sent to meet? Could that raven 354 bunch of men be the one's I have journeyed so long to see? Could those be 355 the men who are responsible for all I have gone through. There is only 356 one way to be sure...I must bait a trap, and lure them into it. If they 357 are the ones, then they will taste my mettle, but if they are not, then 358 they will not even realize they are being tested. The Inn is the perfect 359 place for my test. It is crowded, but the overall condition of most of the 360 patrons, and the dark, smokey qualities of the Inn, and the obvious non- 361 commital attitude of the 'I don't care, I only work here' Inn keeper make 362 the Inn the perfect place. So now I will steal away to an empty corner of 363 the Inn, and lay my trap, un-noticed by everyone... 364 Beware fellow patrons of the unleashed vengence of a man who seeks to even 365 up past deeds done. You may think nothing of me now, but in a few sweeps of 366 the system clock, you will know such furry as you have never known before! 367 A stranger for now, but not long... 368 ############$$$$$$###########$$$$$$############$$$$$$$# 369 370 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 371 372 373 McKane: 374 375 We met in Marakesh, but you do not know me. The man who took 376 the knife intended for your back was one of mine. Davbble in the 377 East if you must, but leave my oil alone. 378 Well met, stout heart. 379 380 381 Contremon Valerius. 382 383 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 384 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 385 ASHKNABAD, EH? 386 TURKOMEN IS A DANGEROUS COUNTRY, EVEN FOR THOSE WITH KGB PROTECTION. 387 BUT A CONVIENIENT PLACE FOR COVERT EXCURSIONS INTO EITHER IRAN OR 388 AFGHANISTAN. BEWARE LEROY DANGER IS YOUR SHADOW AND NATASHA PINES FOR 389 YOU. 390 MOHAMMED WASSIR 391 <The Albanian Firebrand> 392 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 393 394 [][][][][][][][][][][] 1411 01/03/84 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 395 396 PAM: IT WILL BE UP TONIGHT, BUT I HAVE NOT FOUND THE LAST BUG, SO LEAVING 397 A MESSAGE WILL NOT WORK. LEAVE COMMENTS AT THE END OF SESSION, THAT DOES 398 WORK. 399 400 MIKEY: WHAT IS GOING ON HERE, IN THIS DIMENSION OF SIGHT, SOUND AND MIND? 401 I AM FEELING STRANGER BY THE CONTACT! 402 403 GT: FIXING 2600 JOYPORTS IS A SNAP. DITTO JOYSTICKS. 404 405 ALL: CURIOSER AND CURIOSER !!!! l. carroll 406 407 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][] DJJ [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 408 409 >>----------------------------------------------------------------------------<< 410 411 With eyes afixed to the dank surface of the harbour...a salior stands at the 412 at the end of the quay...regarding the overstressed and rotted timbers that 413 speak of many years use. Looking down the well traveled channel he sees his last 414 ship making way to its final destination. Inwardly he smiles knowing soon his 415 spirit will be abord another. A grander vessel to be sure .... his minds eye 416 frames the thought .... a beam reach , all canvas aloft with her shoulder to 417 the sea leaving but a pale effervescent ribbon to mark her passage.... 418 The quay rocks slowly responding to yet another outbound ships wake. 419 With the motion so goes his thought...he begins his trudge wharfward .... 420 To the west he spies a small inlet, a cool stream that flows into this harbour, 421 In the remaining twilight he decides to inspect this unique feature. 422 In his childhood these streams that ebbed and flowed with the tides were sources 423 of hours of curiosity and wonderment ...from where did they come ... 424 who as well took solace in their passage...what secrets could they tell.... 425 Arriving at the inlet he views the remains of all manner of refuse. He scorns 426 disposal in this way. He thinks of the many miles of hard travel the stream 427 undertook to come home only to have its arrival choked. 428 Amongst this debris he sees at the high tide mark a small swatch of brown fabric 429 walking towards it and in the fading light he stoops to retrieve it. 430 .......satin ribbon........... 431 faded and well worn but satin none the less. His mind awash with questions 432 " How did something of such nobility come to rest in such squalor ? " 433 Was it around some young lovers scroll and cast by accident or design into this 434 stream ? Was it the last remaining evidence of some carnal atrocity ? Did some 435 servant drop it while washing ? 436 Suddenly he laughs out loud .....Remembering .........his childhood 437 He tucks the damp ribbon into his breast pocket and walks back towards the pier 438 mentaly arguing with himself ......as a child he always wanted to follow a 439 stream to its origin and was never allowed but now being between pasages 440 the opportunity had arisen ........Would he ?? He had the time and no other pressing engagements .................. 441 It was decided He would enquire as to what lay upstream ............ 442 443 >>-------------------------------------------------------Brendan--------------<< 444 :**************************************************************: 445 LEROY MCKANE IS A PIG - NATASHA 446 447 :**************************************************************: 448 hello there how you all doing today staying boosed up 449 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 450 No. but I think you are 451 452 Jen. 453 Well are you going to get that other atari ??? 454 I only had to call once before I got on here. Lucky I guess. 455 There seems to be a few people writting books on here. 456 457 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::G.T.:::::::::: 458 459 *?**************************************************** 460 DJJ: YEAH, BUT LOVING EVERY CHARACTER OF IT! 461 *********** CISTOP MIKEY INNKEEPER OF THE BACKWATER INN ***************** 462 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 463 JODY: 464 THE PROGRAM IS QUITE A GOOD ONE. 9 USER-DEFINABLE MACROS, FULL CONTROL 465 OVER THE TRANSMISSIONCS. FILES WITH THESE SPECS CAN BE LOADED FOR EACH 466 INDIVIDUAL HOOKUP. PULSE OR TOUCH-TONE DIALING. TIME DELAYED SEND/RECIEVE. 467 DOCUMENTATION IS A BIT SKIMPY, BUT IT HAS EXELLECENT HELP FEATURES. 468 AS GOOD OR BETTER THAN MANY PROGRAMS I HAVE SEEN. DO YOU HAVE ANY SPECIFIC 469 QUESTIONS? I CAN EASILY GET THE ANSWERS FOR YOU. AS FOR PRICE, MAKE ME AN 470 OFFER, AND WE WILL GO FROM THERE. 471 JONATHAN CHANCE 472 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 473 P.S. THANKS FOR THE INFO, 'OLD TIMER' AND PAM. THE REFUSE OF ONE MAN CAN 474 BE ANOTHER ONES GLORY! J.C. 475 ************************************************************** 476 TO: SUNNY THE CONCEPT YOU INDICATED THAT WAS PROPOSED BY YOUR TEACHER 477 THAT THE SIMULARITIES OF A WHAT A WRITER WRITES AND THE REAL WORLD IS 478 A RESULT OF THE WRITERS INABILITY TO COPE WITH THE REAL WORLD IS NOT A 479 WHOLELY VALID CONCEPT. FOR A WRITER TO BE ABLE TO CREATE A REALISTIC 480 CHARACTER THAT THE READER CAN IDENTIFY WITH, THE WRITER MUST PROVIDE 481 THAT CHARACTER WITH THE SAME THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS AS ANY OTHER INDIVIDUAL. 482 THIS IS COMPOUNDED BY HAVING TO DO SO IN A VERY LIMITTED SPACE AND WITH 483 WORDS THAT CANNOT TRULY EXPRESS THE FULL EMOTIONAL BEING OF THE CHARACTER 484 INVOLVED. THIS MEANS THAT TO FULLY FORM THE CHARACTER IN THE READERS MIND 485 THE WRITER MUST DRAW UPON EXISTING LIFE EMOTIONS THAT THE READER KNOWS 486 AND UNDERSTANDS. SO BY DRAWING A PICTURE WITH WORDS THROUGH REFERENCE TO 487 EXISTING EMOTIONAL CONCEPTS THE CHARACTER IS BUILT IN THE READERS MIND. 488 OFTEN THE WRITER DOES INDEED DRAW THESE PICTURES BY PULLING THESE EMOTIONAL 489 CONSTRUCTS OUT OF THEIR OWN PAST AS IT IS FAR EASIER TO WRITE ABOUT SOMETHING 490 YOU KNOW THEN NOT. BUT A WRITER WILL NOT RESTRICT THIS TO THEIR OWN LIFE THEY 491 PULL THESE EMOTIONAL CONSTRUCTS FROM ALL AROUND THEM. THUS A WRITERS WORLD 492 WILL INDEED REFLECT THEIR OWN LIFE, BUT NOT BECAUSE THEY CANNOT COPE WITH IT, 493 RATHER BECAUSE IT IS CLOSE AND EASY TO TRANSLATE TO WORDS. LOOK AT THE 494 WRITING ABOVE OF THE CHARACTER TARN. IN A VERY SHORT FEW WORDS TARN HAS 495 BEEN CREATED AS AN INDIVIDUAL WITH A PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE SUFICENTLY 496 THAT YOU KNOW WHO AND WHAT HE IS. THIS WAS DONE THRU REFERENCE TO A VERY 497 STRONG EMOTIONAL PAST YET IT WAS NOT DESCRIBED IN DETAIL INSTEAD IT WAS 498 LEFT TO THE READER TO CREATE THAT PAST IN THEIR HEAD WITH THE TOOLS GIVEN. 499 IN FACT, LOOK AT THE TARN CHARACTER HIMSELF, ALMOST NO DESCRIPTION WAS 500 GIVEN AS TO HIS APPEARANCE. THE ONLY THING THAT IS CERTAIN IS THAT HE 501 IS MALE, AND HE WAS WEARING A CLOAK. YET IN THE MIND HE HAS BEEN 502 TRANSFORMED INTO A REAL ENTITY. NOW LOOK AT THE ONE THAT FOLLOWS BY d, AGAIN 503 THERE IS LITTLE DESCRIPTION OF THE INDIVIDUAL HERSELF, ONLY ENOUGH TO 504 PROVIDE THE NEEDED FRAMEWORK FOR THE REST OF THE DESCRIPTION. HERE THOUGH 505 LITTLE RERFERENCE IS MADE TO THE INDIVIDUALS PAST IN DESCRIPTIVE FORM, ONLY 506 BY A VAUGE REFERENCE DO WE SEE A PAST CAUSE AT ALL, INSTEAD THE INTENT IS 507 ON THE PRESENT, SO ONLY ENOUGH OF THE PAST IS PROVIDED TO SUPPORT THE PRESENT. 508 NOW LOOK AT THE LATER WRITING OF THE SAILOR 'BRENDAN', AGAIN WE HAVE THE SAME 509 ELEMENTS, A REFERENCE TO A PAST THAT IS DEVELOPED THRU EMOTIONS RATHER THAN 510 WORDS. IN FACT, HERE WE KNOW EVEN LESS ABOUT THE PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE 511 INDIVIDUAL ONLY THAT HE IS MALE, AND THAT WAS WRITEN SUCH THAT IT COULD EASILY 512 BE CHANGED TO FEMALE WITH A MINIMUM AMOUNT OF FUSS. THIS IS THE POWER OF 513 EMOTION, IT IS WHAT MAKES THE INDIVIDUAL, NOT WORDS ON PARCHMENT. 514 THAT IS WHY WRITERS USE EMOTIONAL REFERENCE. IT IS WHAT CREATES THE PICTURE. 515 THIS IS NOT TO SAY THAT IT DOESN'T HAVE A ROLE IN HELPING THE WRITER COPE WITH 516 THIER OWN PROBLEMS, IT CAN HELP, BUT THEN SO DOES ANY OTHER FORM OF EMOTIONAL 517 RELEASE. THE SAME EFFECT CAN BE ACHIVED BY KEEPING A DIARY, OR DRAWING 518 PICTURES, OR SCUPTURE, OR HELPING OTHERS, OR ANY OTHER MEANS OF DIVERSION 519 THAT CAN ALLOW THE INDIVIDUAL TO PROVE TO THEMSELF THAT THEY ARE NOT THE 520 ONLY PERSON IN THE WORLD WITH THESE PROBLEMS. THOSE WHO DRINK TO TRY TO 521 DO THIS ARE THE TRULY SAD INDIVIDUALS, FOR THEY DO NOT PROVIDE A RELEASE 522 FOR THIS EMOTIONAL PROBLEM, THEY ONLY HIDE IT WITH ALCOHOL. THEY ARE YOUR 523 EXAMPLE OF THE INABILITY TO COPE WITH THE PROBLEMS OF LIFE. 524 ****** CISTOP MIKEY NOT A WRITER NOR A DRINKER (BOY AM I IN TROUBLE) ****** 525 NAW... 526 ***************************************************************************** 527 HA! ANOTHER APPRENTICE. WE MUST COMPARE NOTES. THE TRIP DOWN THE RIVER WAS 528 RESTFUL. A BADLY NEEDED VACATION. EXPLORING THE DUNGEONS OF AGNATH IS EXHAUS 529 TING, AND DANGEROUS. AH, BUT THE REWARDS. GOLD MORE GOLD AND EVEN A COPY OF 530 TRUE NAMES. COME SHARE A MUG OF THE INNKEEPERS GOOD ALE WITH ME AND WE MAY 531 SHARE OUR TALES. 532 WHISPER 533 PROSPERO'S APPRENTICE 534 **************************************************************************** 535 ================================================================================ 536 Oblivious to the shouts of other patrons to "close the damned door" the burly 537 man stands in the partly open doorway listening intently. Could it be...? 538 Stiffening, he glances down at the top of his right boot, and winking back 539 from the darkness is the amber gleam of a cairngorm set in the handle of his 540 last rememberance of his heritage. Tucked neatly into the top of his sock 541 is a skean dubh -- the "black knife" of last resort. This much has he kept. 542 Stepping into the fog-dank night, he lets the door slip closed behind 543 him, yet keeps hold of the rough-carved frame. Out of the curly mist throbs 544 faintly but distinctly, the sound of the piob mor, the great pipes, calling, 545 luring, pleading and cursing him in turn. 546 One scarred hand grips the frame of the door. An even more scarred heart 547 yearns toward its home. 548 ======================r==========}============================================= 549 (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 550 Cistop Mikey 551 I agree with you that the evolution of the story that has 552 recently appeared on Backwater is interesting. I, too, have 553 enjoyed watching to see where it will go. 554 I also agree that it's not particularly fruitful to a 555 analyze a persons problems from a persons writing. I think 556 that writing can be a way to work through, or excape from ones 557 day to day problems. But I don't see any advantage to try to 558 draw conclusions about anothers personality from what they 559 write. 560 Where I disagree with you is on your thoughts on 561 characterization. Though I've enjoyed the descriptive passages 562 thus far presented I've been disappointed in the lack of 563 characterization. 564 Of the characters presented so far I can't say that I know 565 much about any of them. Reading in a past, present, and future 566 from their emotional content isn't enough. Not for me anyway. I 567 If a story is to hang together, and if I am to understand that 568 I am reading the same story as everyone else, I need to know 569 more about who they are, what their past is, why they are t 570 there, maybe even what they look like. 571 I also feel the prose would flow smoother if there were 572 fewer fireplaces, fewer opening doors, and fewer adjectives. 573 Of course, it's easy, and unfair, for me to be critical 574 since I have not contributed to this evolving saga. Perhaps a 575 contribution should be required before one is allowed to 576 criticize. I don't know. What-ever-the-case, I thought I'd 577 offer my opinion. 578 My final unsolicited opinion. Perhaps the tale would flow 579 better if each segment ended with something left hanging, some- 580 thing that is anticipated but not resolved. Like those old 581 movie serials like Buck Rogers. 582 So much for me shooting off my mouth (or fingers). All in 583 all I'm enjoying the novelette and am looking forward to seeing 584 where it will go from here. 585 586 Wufus Penfield 587 ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 588 589 THEY WHO WOULD COMBAT GENERAL 590 AUTHORITY WITH PARTICULAR OPINION 591 MUST FIRST ESTABLISH THEMSELVES 592 A REPUTATION OF UNDERSTANDING 593 BETTER THAN OTHER MEN. 594 595 DRYDEN, 1677 596 597 =============================================================== 598 599 THE FUNCTION OF THE IMAGINATION 600 IS NOT TO MAKE STRANGE THINGS 601 SETTLED, SO MUCH AS TO MAKE SETTLED 602 THINGS STRANGE. 603 604 G.K. CHESTERTON, 1963 605 606 =============================================================== 607 #############################################END############### 608 Wufus, this you may enjoy: 609 It was a dark and stormy night. Suddenly, bad writing rang out... 610 . . . . . . 611 Imagery is one thing; direction is another; mental escapism is a third. 612 .............................. Sunny ................................ 613 614 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 615 616 AARON, HOW IS UNICOM COMING? I HAVEN'T HEARD ANYTHING FROM YOU FOR 617 SOME TIME, AND I AM GROWING VERY CURIOUS. YOU SAID IT WOULD BE UP AROUND 618 THE FIRST OF THE YEAR, AND I AM LOOKING FORWARD WITH GREAT ANTICIPATION TO 619 IT. YOU MAY NOT SEE THIS MESSAGE, DUE TO THE FACT THAT DA IS NOW AT LINE 620 599 AND THIS DISK WILL SOON DISSAPEAR, SO I WILL TRY TO ENTER IT AGAIN. 621 622 I LOVE THE CURRENT RUNNING STORY! IT REMINDS ME OF OTHER TIMES HERE AT 623 THE INN, BEFORE I EVER HAD THE COURAGE TO ENTER INTO THE FRAY. I ONLY WISH 624 I HAD THE NERVE TO ADD TO THE CURRENT STORY LINE, BUT I DON'T TRUST MY OWN 625 WRITING ABILITIES ENOUGH TO ATTEMPT TO BECOME PART OF IT. BUT PLEASE, KEEP 626 IT GOING, NO MATTER WHAT THE DETRACTORS MAY SAY. REMEMBER DETRACTORS, YOUR 627 REMARKS MEAN NOTHING WHEN ALL YOU CAN DO IS CRITICIZE. SHOW US A BETTER WAY! 628 629 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]PAM.[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] >