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FILE ON MARGIN IS 128 STATUS: ALL ALLOWED NUMBER OF LINES: 629 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ********************* REMOVED: 6 JUL 83 ***************************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION PLACED ON 6 THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privatly owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. 10 It is intended that the system be normally used for messages and 11 advertisments by the users. As the system is privatly owned, I retain the 12 right to remove any and all messages which I may find offensive 13 to me. Additionally because of the limited size of the system, it will be 14 periodically purged of older messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 15 The saved information will be cycled to drive 'B' while the information on 16 drive 'B' will be archived, and a fresh disk will be installed in drive 'A'. 17 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out 18 of the enter mode. The message is automaticly stored. 19 If after entering the message you find you made a mistake, 20 use the replace command to replace the line. 21 To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 22 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 23 ======================================== 24 25 ********************************************************* 26 I just read an article in The Newscientist which says that 27 I'm a parisite on the female of the sex. Woe is me... 28 Is it not enough that I am continually bandied with the 29 concept of me being nothing more then a figurehead without 30 having to hear my sex being called a parisite as well? 31 To be more specific, it is calling me a Geonomic disease 32 sort of like a virus. It's bad enough being called a disease 33 but to be put in the same catagory as the common cold! That 34 is a low blow! 35 As they put it; 36 Primitive sexuality is a contagious disease. Bacteria 37 normally reproduce asexually, by splitting in two. But when 38 Escherichia coli becomes infected with a segment of 39 parisitic DNA - a plasmoid known as the F factor - the bug 40 begins to mate (Oh great now they are calling me a bug as 41 well - tisk tisk) It grows sex pili and uses them to inject 42 the F factor and bits of its own DNA into other bacteria. 43 Parisitic DNA may have invented sexual reproduction simply 44 in order to spread itself around between lineages. 45 *** A VERY DEPRESSED CISTOP MIKEY *** 8:00PM *** 26 JUN 83 *** 46 Sorry, Mike, we all gotta come from somewhere, but lay off that parasite 47 bit; it still takes 2 to make babies. Of course, one man and a lot of 48 women (or should that be ladies?).... 49 For all you forth freeks: in the latest Creative there is a review of the 50 Jupiter Ace, the first(I do beleive) computer that comes with forth in 51 ROM, so it starts up in forth, not basic. The price is only $150. It is 52 sort of like an improved Sinclair. 53 However, for rather less money you can buy a VIC-20, and the VICFORTH 54 cartridge, get FORTH, more memory, a far better keyboard, color graphics, 55 and when you want to write a program, can unplug forth, and run BASIC. 56 We'll have to wait and see what it actually sells for, the VIC is still 57 being advertised as "less than $299", but last I saw it was nearer $85. 58 When will we have a small Pascal in ROM? 59 60 Oh, by the way Mike, why did you switch discs so soon, there is still 61 good room on DB? 62 //////////////////////////////////B.A.D.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 63 DISK DRIVES .....LOW COST... 64 DOUBLE HEADED 40 TRACK $299.95 65 15 MEGABYTE INTERNAL WINCHESTERS LESS THAN $1250.00.... 66 40 TRACK MPI FLIPPY JUST $ 249.95 67 BOB MCKNIGHT 777-xxxx 68 TRS SPECIALIST REPAIRS AND MODS.LOWER CASE MOD I $40 69 COCO LOWER CASE $100.00, 64K $85 TRS-80 EXPANSION INTERFACE $350LIKE NEW 48K 70 BOB MCKNIGHT 777-xxxx IBM CLONE THE CORONA IS A FANTASTIC MACHINE...CALL 71 72 OFF 73 SAVE 74 OFF 75 .............................................. 76 TRON: What was that bit about CHR$(8) & CHR$(9)? I intercept 77 the KEYBOARD driver at the RAM vector, thus things get changed 78 BEFORE the video driver can mess them up! When would be a good 79 time to call you and exchange programs? (I'm leaving msg here 80 because CBBS is not responding to me. I get carrier and then 81 nothing......) 82 _________________________Leonard___________________________ 83 p.s. the U of O has a LISP for the TRS-80! 84 ___________________________________________________________ 85 \|/ 86 -|- 87 / \ 88 * 89 +++ 90 ++ 91 ++ 92 ++ 93 *** *** 94 ***** ***** 95 ************** 96 ************* 97 ************ 98 ************ 99 ************* 100 ************** 101 ************ 102 ********** 103 ******* 104 KKKKKKKBBBBBAAAAANNNNNGGGGG!!!!!!! 105 Happy fourth of July from Shibumi... 106 ======================================= 107 To the person who wanted the BBS numbers on the the other 108 disk....the # to call to find a very complete BBS listing 109 is (206) 693-xxxx. That is the vancouver BBS and he has 110 a very good listing of all the BBS's around the Oregon 111 and Washington area. (and beyond) Anyway..if you have 112 not called there before, when the system asks you for a 113 users ID type "NEWUSER" and for a password type "FIRSTIME". 114 (without quotes) When you get to a system ready prompt type 115 "BBLIST" and thats all there is to it. 116 Be patient. His system operates a little slower than the 117 others but he has a very complete setup and is worth 118 checking out. Bye. 119 ======================================= 120 UP 25 121 ---------- 122 To: Leonard From: Tron Re: Video and keyboard 123 124 Yes, that's what I meant. I meant to say that the keyboard 125 driver routine is intercepted at the KEYBOARD DCB, and same is 126 true with the Video. Okay, now the sticky stuff. Where does he 127 want it located? Below BASIC storage area? Protected in high 128 memory? Where? Also, what does he want, say character codes 9 129 and 127 to do? Does he want special characters to do special 130 things like 7 will produce a bell out the cassette port? Tell 131 me EXACTLY what he wants and I'll write it just for him. You 132 don't need to tell me EVERY code and what it does, but simply 133 what ones are different from the ones ordinarrily displayed by 134 the TRS-80. 135 136 Tron 137 ---------- 138 Mikey: 139 Who cares what that magazine says? Apparently that guy has a 140 lot of nerve publishing that thing! 141 ---------- 142 TO: Berney Fm: CISTOP Mikey 143 The real reason I changed the disk was that I was getting 144 Intensively bored with the goings on of late and was hopeing to 145 inject some new blood with a fresh disk. This was also my reason 146 for implanting the above article refferance in the hopes that I 147 would get a response of some sort out of it. I must say that 148 I am surprized at the ho-hum response so far. As strongly as it 149 was worded I had expected to get a much stronger reaction. 150 Hmmm, Maybe it was too strong? I do have to say that the extrapolations 151 of the ideas were mine, I was simply taking things to their logical 152 conclusion based on the presented thought pattern. The last 153 paragraph however is almost verbatim from the article with the 154 exception of my comment in (). P.S. don't take my comments or 155 ramblings too seriously, I generally inject them just to see what 156 kind of response I'll get! 157 *** CISTOP MIKEY (NOW THE TRUTH IS KNOWN!) *** 27 JUN 83 *** 2:21PM *** 158 ---------- 159 Does anyone know of a straight line-draw routine for the TRS-80 160 model I computer? I'd like it so it would hold the first x,y 161 coordinate in DE and the second x,y coordinate in HL. You call 162 a routine and it would draw the line. Could anyone do this or 163 does anyone know of a routine that will? PLEASE respond. I need 164 this routine bad........ 165 166 167 Tron 168 Any help would be appreciated. 169 ---------- 170 TO TRON**** 171 IN MY VAST LIBRARY OF "PIRATED" I MEAN DONATED..PROGRAMS I HAVE A COUPLE THAT 172 DRAW LINE SKETCHES. i'M NOT INTO ASSEMBLY SO i DON'T KNOW HOE THEY WORK. 173 ASSEMBLY LESSONS WANTED..CALL BOB MCKNIGHT .... 174 175 MODEL 1 EXPANSION INTERFACE R/S 176 WITH 32K JUST $350 177 MODEL 1 L AND W EXPANSION INTERFACE ...COMPLETE BOARD $250 BOB MCKNIGHT 178 179 WELL MICKEY, YOU TRIED, BUT IT SEEMS YOU PICKED A BAD DAY TO START A NEW SESSION 180 SEEMS CBBS IS HAVING PROBLEMS TODAY SO ALL THE NON ALIASES ARE CALLING HERE TODA 181 GUESS THAT HOW IT IS SOME TIMES. 182 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 183 To Pann, Fm Adam Trent, 184 Hi, Thanks for mentioning the meeting. Last time I tried to go to 185 the meeting (at the Aloha Computer&Things) the building was vacant. 186 Did they move or go out of business?? I'll try to make the one at Tek. 187 I like STOIC over FORTH because, as a high-level language, it offers 188 a more symetric model for handling strings and string literals. It 189 has a compile buffer which allows for more flexibility in "immediate" 190 testing of routines. Haven't used CODE word defining in STOIC (ie, I 191 haven't dropped into the STOIC assembler). It has one though. Speed 192 is definitely comparable to FIG-FORTH if you assemble STOIC with-out 193 stack boundary checking (I like stack boundary checking, tho). 194 STOIC is 75% 8080 ASM and 25% in itself. FORTH is usually 75% in 195 itself and 25% in ASM. This generally leads to pretty good 196 performance for STOIC as compared to FORTH. The STOIC vocabulary 197 stack is a more rational mechanism than the static vocabulary 198 tree of FORTH. The FORTH disk access model is more primitive and 199 thus more flexible than the CP/M file access provided with stock 200 STOIC. HOWEVER, line numbers (ala BASIC) and screen numbers 201 (ala FORTH) are absolute references and are DUMB in my opinion. 202 $$$$$$$$$$27jun83 - 1835 - Adam Trent$$$$$$$$$$ 203 Ok, someone believes that men are a disease of women. Well, as 204 a member of the contagious army, I have a proposition: 205 Any women out there who want to get infected? 206 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 207 Caution:the working Heath EBH BASIC version died in a system crash; this 208 is an earlier version partly converted to Microsoft:::1 CLEAR 1000 ' THIS REPLACES DIM(I$(800) 209 2 DIM S(40),R(20),L(10),L0(10):3 DIM B$(80) 'This should be part of "clear"??:4 PRINT "BASIC-FORTH V 3":5 ?"by C.H.Ting 210 6 ?"Dr. Dobb's Journal #60,Oct 81;vol 6,iss10, pp12:20 rem N is SP,M is RP,K is IP,L is W:24 ON ERROR GOTO 29:28 GOTO 30 211 29 PRINT A$;" ?"; "ERROR ";ERR; "IN ";ERL:30 M=0:32 N=0:50 REM *** TEXT INTERPRETER ***:60 K=1:62 INPUT I$:64 L1=0 212 70 L(K)=L1:72 L0(K)=LEN(I$):74 L1=L0(K):100 IF N<0 THEN 106:101 IF XZ THEN PRINT 101:104 GOTO 110:106 PRINT "STACK EMPTY" 213 108 GOTO 30:110 L(K)=L(K)+1:112 IF L(K)>L0(K) THEN 132:114 B$=MID$(I$,L(K),1)'text was B$=MID$(L(K),L(K)) 214 116 IF B$=" " THEN 110:118 A$=B$:120 L(K)=L(K)+1:121 IF L(K)>L0(K) THEN 130:122 B$=MID$(I$,L(K),1)'SEE 114 215 124 IF B$=" " THEN 130:126 A$=A$+B