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LIST FILE ON MARGIN IS 80 STATUS: ALL ALLOWED NUMBER OF LINES: 577 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ****************** REMOVED: 3 JUL 83 ******************************* 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION PLACED ON 6 THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privatly owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. 10 It is intended that the system be normally used for messages and 11 advertisments by the users. As the system is privatly owned, I retain the 12 right to remove any and all messages which I may find offensive 13 to me. Additionally because of the limited size of the system, it will be 14 periodically purged of older messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 15 The saved information will be cycled to drive 'B' while the information on 16 drive 'B' will be archived, and a fresh disk will be installed in drive 'A'. 17 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out 18 of the enter mode. The message is automaticly stored. 19 If after entering the message you find you made a mistake, 20 use the replace command to replace the line. 21 To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 22 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 23 ======================================== 24 25 To: Whoever told me about Forth From: Tron Re: Forth 26 27 Could you tell me a little bit about Forth? What is it 28 basically based on? Strings, formulas or complex math? I am 29 mostly interested in languages that can be compiled; for speed 30 of course. I do machine language games and it REALLY becomes 31 tedious when I have to save source code, save machine code, 32 run machine code, load EDTASM, load source code and debug the 33 program. 34 35 Tron 36 ---------- 37 To: those who have been following the misadventures of Mikey and 38 his putt-mobile in DEQ land. 39 40 Let's see, it started several months back when the water pump 41 gave its last gasp. This resulted in a boiling mad engine. 42 The engine being of the aluminum type is not one to get mad at 43 you (it seems they hold a grudge forever). A couple of months later 44 after a new water pump and thermistat, that most feared letter of 45 the transportation society winged its way to my door stop; The 46 reregistration request. Knowing full well that it would fail, I took 47 the vehicle to the DEQ station to see ow badly things were. Sure 48 enough it was desperitly ill. I went to Shucks Auto to get a replacement 49 carburator since I knew that it was bad from the last episode of this 50 adventure. Now the fun really begins. The unit I got was so sloppy 51 that the idle would change by as much as 600 RPM every time you would 52 hit the gas. So.. back to Shucks.. Next unit could not get it to 53 stay the same air fuel mixture at idle it was VERY touchy and would 54 drift just looking at it. Oh my.. well, back to Shucks. They were a 55 bit more obnoxious this time "We don't sell bad carburators, Its your 56 engine." This despite me having spent $100.00 trying to get the thing 57 working at a dealership. So after a bit of complaining and screeming 58 on my part, they consended to replace it yet once more. By this time 59 I am become quite adept at replacing the carburator on a '75 Vega! 60 This unit was the most spectacular by far! It showered a fountain 61 of gas all over the engine. Off it comes tearing it open we discover 62 a baddly missadjusted float. Putting it back in after fixing that. 63 We find that the idle won't adjust to lower then 1000 RPM since the 64 max allowed is 1100 by DEQ this barely gets us under that part, But 65 the real problem comes from it pouring an excessive amount of fuel 66 into the engine at high speed. Again it fails. O.K. back to the 67 original carburator. Now another problem shows its head. The steering 68 wheel decides to come loose from its mounting. This being a tilt version 69 is not easy to fix. Cost $80.00. They also say that it will cost me 70 about $1000.00 to rebuild the engine to be able to pass DEQ. Or rather 71 excuse me, replace it (you cann't rebuild aluminum Vega engines). 72 So with this in mind and with a heavy heart I begin looking at possible 73 alternatives (I.E. a new car), but then I decide what the heck I still 74 have a week left to get the thing thru I might as well see what I can do. 75 So out come the tools and a bit of tweeking here and there. A pass at 76 DEQ and wonder of wonders IT PASSED! (I really think they just took 77 pitty on me, but who am I to argue!) So after 10 tries and $250.00 and 78 lots of wasted time, I now have a usable auto again well, sort of... 79 there's this metallic tapping sound under light load....... (sigh) 80 ***** CISTOP MIKEY WONDERING IF IT WILL EVER END *** 22 JUNE 83 ******* 81 MORAL OF ABOVE SAD TALE: 82 ******************@***************************************************** 83 STAY AWAY FROM: IN THIS ORDER: 84 1 VEGAS 85 2 SCHUCKS 86 3 D.E.Q. 87 4 GET A BIKE OR ROLLER SKATES 88 89 #4 IS PROBABLY THE BEST SUGESTION AS WITH ONE YOU DON'T NEED THE OTHER THREE!! 90 ************************************************************************ 91 6/22/83-3:44:05 92 RIGHT ON 93 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 94 To Tron Fm Adam Trent Re FORTH 95 It's hard to describe FORTH in a short space. It's unlike the run-of- 96 the-mill languages you mentioned. I'll quote Bill Ragsdale, one of the 97 original founders of the Forth Interest Group: "FORTH enjoys a 98 synergism of its features. It has none of the elephantine character- 99 istics of PL/I or FORTRAN. It has a density and speed far surpassing 100 BASIC, but retains an interactive nature during program development. 101 Since it is extensible, special words [commands] are easily defined 102 to give it the terseness of APL. Its clarity and consistency result 103 from being the product of a single mind. (as were PASCAL and APL)" 104 That single mind was Charles Moore who invented FORTH in 1969. 105 FORTH is extensible, easily debugged, powerful, transportable, and 106 compact. It can include an interpreter, compiler, assembler, 107 operating system, and editor. It might more aptly be described as a 108 complete computer utilization system rather than just a language. 109 In fact there is a growing family of FORTH-like languages: STOIC, 110 CONVERS, PISTOL, FASL, and some others I can't recall right now. 111 The FORTH computer language builds upon itself. It's extensible. 112 A FORTH program is a set of increasingly powerful commands. Each 113 command is built on those that have been previously added to the language. 114 The low run-time overhead for each command encourages modularity. 115 Changes to a program can be entered and immediately tested. The 116 code produced is a special kind of code ("threaded code") that is 117 interpreted by a supremely elegant threated interpreter. FORTH code 118 can become more compact than even assembly code. Performance is high. 119 Machine control is intoxicating! It's structured. You're in command. 120 It's quite unique. Once you taste it, you'll laugh at people who still 121 plod along in FORTRAN, COBOL, PL/I, PASCAL, BASIC. I program in these 122 only when I have to. FORTH (and more recently STOIC) are my preferred 123 ways to make my computer do things for me and others. FORTH is ideal 124 for games. Many of the big arcade game makers use FORTH. 125 To find out more: Try a book by Leo Brodie called "Starting FORTH". 126 I've seen it at B. Dalton's. You might also send to the FORTH 127 INTEREST GROUP for info. Their address is: 128 FORTH INTEREST GROUP, POB 1105, SAN CARLOS, CA 94070 129 $$$$$$$$$$22JUN83 - ADAM TRENT - 1726$$$$$$$$$$$ 130 To Tron: 131 You ask what forth is. Have you ever used a HP calculator, the ones with 132 no "equals" key, but that use a stack? This is forth. It is small because 133 it is VERY simple minded. Extensible? It has to be, it is useless otherwise. 134 Since it doesn't have named variables, only locations on the stack, it 135 coesn't need the fancy internal arithmatic necessary to find them. Atari 136 people often claim it is great, because for a long time it was the only 137 thing better than BASIC they had. It is faster than BASIC, because it is 138 a partial compiler, but slower than a real compiler as it is a partial 139 interpreter. It works well for writing simple games, or for anything that 140 has only a small number of variables. 141 If you can hack assembler, you are already far past it. 142 However, it is also described not as a language, but as a religion. Being 143 an atheist, I must in principal avoid it. (I prefer C, BASIC, assembler, 144 and Pascal to it, in that order)( or even RPG) It is not in the same 145 category as PL-1, FORTRAN< or COBOL, as these are big machine languages, 146 and FORTH is a small machine language. However, try it, you might like it. 147 Good versions exist for trash 80's, including tape machines. 148 If you need extensible, use anything with XTEXT or #INCLUDE, which I think 149 anything except the teaching languages like BASIC or Pascal have. 150 The problem with extensible is called non standard. Look at BASIC, and what 151 happened when it was extended. This is a problem in BASIC, because what you 152 see is what you get. With FORTH, you can replace the whole thing, and 153 usually need to to run anything. (It's easy, though.) 154 Good luck, you might even learn to think backwards, and then you can use 155 FORTH. 156 ..........................................B.A.D.............. 157 PS, who was on BWMS from 5:30pm to 3:30 am last night? I couldn't get on 158 at all> 159 ..................................................................... 160 B.A.D. That's funny, I was on from 7:30pm to 7:53pm. I don't 161 think that I stay up that late. 162 163 Regarding calling a TRS-80 Trash, don't. The old versions 164 suck but the new versions are even better than before. I agree 165 that the old Model I's stink for operations but is has MANY 166 features that APPLES, VICS, COMMODORES and any other computer 167 using microsoft basic doesn't have. If you feel like it, go 168 ahead and call the TRS-80's tras but I'd prefer if you didn't. 169 I am a high supporter of the TRS-80. 170 Where can I get a copy of FORTH for the TRS-80 Model I 171 tape system? I'm really interested in new languages; I'm so 172 limited by BASIC, LISP and Z80 Machine langugage. I do have 173 a LISP interpreter for ALL microsoft machines. If anyone is 174 interested, nootify me. Thanks for all the help........ 175 176 177 Tron 178 179 ................................................... 180 Tron: I'm not sure there is a tape-based FORTH. Lots of luck 181 looking for it. 182 I am curious about the LISP interpreter you mentioned 183 Is it the one that one of the computer mags has been printing? 184 ______________________________Leonard_________________________ 185 ???????????????????? 186 With all the mention of diskless computers, here's my question: 187 Is there anyone out there who 1. Once used a diskless compute 188 r. 2. Has disk now. 3. Considers the disks only a marginal 189 improvement. 190 I ask this because it appears that some people still don't 191 (or won't) admit that tape systems are inherently inadequate. 192 I've use both (though thank heavens, not recently!) and there 193 is no comparison! 194 *************************************************************** 195 What ever happened to the Lady Altair? She came and went so 196 quickly that none had a chance to say hello. There are so 197 few who appear here that expound other then the most boaring 198 of detailed nonsense that it is a sore loss indeed when one 199 of this ilk is gone before there is time to speak a word 200 of greeting. Come fair lady if you still are out there watching, 201 speak up! For there are many here who would like to converse. 202 **** CISTOP MIKEY WONDERING WHAT HAPPENED **** 23 JUN 83 ****** 203 AS DORTHEY SAID; "MY, PEOPLE COME AND GO SO QUICKLY HERE!" 204 ............................................................... 205 Leonard, 206 BINGO! 80-MICRO has been publishing a 3-part article on LISP. 207 If you don't have a subscription to 80-MICRO, you are really 208 missing out on something big! The LISP interpreter 80-MICRO 209 published is really good. Does good housekeeping chores and 210 Believe it or not, It's quick! Tell me if you'd like a copy. 211 212 Tron 213 ---------- 214 Tron, not being a Radio Shack user, I don't keep up with 80-Micro. Is that 215 Lisp useable with other machines , e.g. CPM z-80's? You said "any Microsoft" 216 machine"; does this mean it is written in BASIC, or does it use direct calls 217 to the innards of the interpreter? How complete is it? Does sound interesting. 218 As to calling the TRS-80 machines by their nickname "trash 80", RS 219 worked hard for that, it's common, and it's understood. Do you have a 220 better way to pronounce "TRS"? The model 1 may be obsolete, but there 221 are still more of them out there than just about anything else, and it 222 is to this that the name applies. I only wish I could afford a model 100. 223 //////////////////////////////////B.A.D.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 224 I'm glad to see that someone else out there appreciates LISP. While 225 I never use it anymore (lack of an interpreter) it is quite 226 useful and fascinating. 227 ///////////////// 228 Hi, B.A.D...I still refer to my first system, and fondly so, as simply "the 229 Model One." My 72-year-old dad and his bride have it now, having mastered 230 since Christmas the intricacies of the original Electric Pencil as they write 231 magazine articles of travel and special people they have met. The EI is ol' 232 number 116; the twin Shugarts pre-date 40-track days...but they hain't seen 233 a Tandy test bench yet! "Trash" if you choose, but not to me. 234 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) Dave (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) 235 B.A.D., 236 Yes, the LISP interpreter is in BASIC. It has 48 different 237 commands. I don't know about it being "COMPLETE", but I'd call 238 it quite complete. All articles impress meV VERY much. With very 239 little modification (input/output and errors), It can run on 240 ANY microcomputer running in MICROSOFT BASIC. If you are 241 interested, give me a buzz on any of the Bulletin Board Systems. 242 Thanks...... 243 244 Tron 245 ---------- 247 322 ,S,I don't know why I keep 248 coming back to you, 249 Sigfrid 250 323 IRRAY .WHY. 251 324 ,C,I remind you Mikey, 252 you've already used up 253 three stomachs and let me 254 see, nearly five meters 255 of intestine. 256 325 ,C,Ulcers, cancer. 257 326 ,C,Somthing appears to be 258 eating away at you, 259 Mike 260 ----------------------------------------- 261 507 IRRAY .MATURITY. GOTO 262 *M88 263 508 ,C,Maybe maturity is wanting 264 what you want, 265 instead of what somebody 266 else tells you you should 267 want. 268 511 XTERNALS @ IF @ GOTO && 269 512 ,S,Maybe, Sigfrid, dear old 270 tin god, but what it 271 feels like is mature is dead. 272 ------------------------------------------- 273 1316 ,S,It's very healthy that you 274 view your breakup 275 with Drusilla as a learning 276 experience, Mike. 277 1318 ,C,I'm a very healthy per- 278 son, Sigfrid, that's 279 why I'm here. 280 1319 ,C,Anyway, that's what life 281 is, just one learning 282 experience after another, 283 and when you're though 284 with all the learning experi- 285 ences you graduate and 286 what you get for a diploma 287 is, you die. 288 ----------------------------------- 289 ...huh? 290 ---------------------------------- 291 tron, 292 hi. how's life? I just finished re-formatting 293 most of my old disks that i never use. i now have about forty 294 blank 45-track disks to use for anything i please. when i get 295 another drive (about two weeks from now) i'll be happy. i 296 think i'm gonna get rid of the one i have now and replace it 297 with two of the new 1/2 height tandon drives. 298 ----------------------------------ag------------------------ 299 speaking of which, does anybody have an opinion on these 300 drives? they look nice, and at the computer show at the 301 coliseum i noticed a lot of manufacturers using them in 302 their products. if anybody knows anything about how they 303 compare to normal sized drives, please say something because 304 if they suck i don't wanna blow $200 on one. can you really 305 stick two of 'em in a regular single drive case? what about 306 a power supply; can you run two of them off one standard 307 power supply, or what? what's the scoop here? 308 what step rates, seek times, stuff like that? 309 in short, are they as good or better than standard size drives? 310 ----------------------------------ag-------------------------- 311 TO TRON: RE "TRASH" 80'S 312 313 AS I UNDERSTAND IT TANDY GOT THAT NICKNAME FROM THE QUALITY OF THEIR SUPPORT AND 314 THEIR ROTTEN SALES POLICYS, IE THE THIRD DEGREE EVERY TIME ONE ENTERS ONE OF THE 315 IR STORES. THEY STILL DO THIS AND I FOR ONE WILL NOT TRADE WITH THEM CAUSE MY 316 NAME AND ADDRESS IS NONE OF THEIR BUSSINESS!! 317 FINALLY THEIR ARE OTHER SOURCES FOR EQUIPMENT OTHER THAN RS AT MUCH BETTER 318 PRICES. THANK GOD!! (ALSO THEIR FIRST COMPUTERS DID AND DO SUCK!) 319 Their first computers weren't all that bad, seing that they were 320 the VERY first computers available to the public. I can understand 321 why the TRS-80 was called rash. Radio Shack's policies and 322 warranties suck rotten eggs! 323 ---------- 324 Andy, 325 Sorry about not giving you a call Tuesday. I was gonna download 326 that 6502 to Z80 program to you but I had to finish my CASCOM. 327 I'll promise you that I will give it to you though. 328 DON'T SELL YOUR DISK DRIVE!!!!!! If you are going to sell 329 your disk drive, sell it to me! I need one BAD!!!! My father 330 needs it mostly for his mailing list and the printer he was 331 gonna buy. If you are selling your drive, how much? Call ya 332 later..... 333 334 Tron 335 ---------- 336 Radio Shack's policies on service, outside software support etc. 337 have improved greatly (mostly in the last year!). On the other 338 hand Apple seems to be trying its best to alienate dealers & users! 339 .............................................................. 340 Tron: I may be interested in the LISP interpreter (I HATE typing 341 long listings!). I would like to take you up on the offer for 342 the lowercase driver but first I gotta explain a few things! 343 1. It's for my roommate's machine 344 2. He is NOT a computer whiz. 345 3. It's a "MEMORY SIZE" machine. 346 4. It has DEFINITE keybounce. 347 A few ideas you might add to your driver... 348 (All taken from a Mod 3 driver patch I wrote. Source available 349 on request). 350 CTRL-1 (^1) redefined as \, ^2 as ], ^3 as ^, ^4 as _, ^5 as {, 351 ^6 as |, ^7 as }, ^8 as ~, ^9 as ASCII DEL (chr$(127)) 352 also Mod 3 uses ^, as ^\ (1CH), ^- as ^] (1DH), ^. as ^^ (1EH) 353 and ^/ as ^_ (1FH). 354 I have also defined ^; as a "super-shift", hit it and you change 355 mode from regular to graphics, graphics to special, or special 356 to regular (depending of course, on what mode you were in). The 357 cursor changes appropriately (so you don't have to remember 358 which mode you're in), it is an _ in regular, a graphics block 359 in graphics, & an inverse ? in special. I suspect that this 360 would be a bit difficult to implement on a Mod 1 since they 361 don't have the special character set OR a programmable cursor! 362 _______________________Leonard________________________________ 363 Tron -- if you get a copy of Brodie's "Starting Forth" and find it 364 interesting, you might drop by the next meeting of GOFIG -- the Greater 365 Oregon Forth Interest Group. We meet the second Saturday of each month 366 at 1 p.m. at Bldg. 58, Tektroniks. All levels of skill are represented 367 as well as MANY different machines. Forth is NOT just a small computer 368 language -- it has been implemented on virtually EVERY computer currently 369 in use. Once you get used to it, it is the easiest of all computing 370 environments in which to work -- and the major drawback of less speed 371 than machine code is obviated by the ease of dropping into assembler. 372 I can only suggest to all you skeptics, try it -- and stick with it long 373 enough to get past its "different" look/feel, and you just may like it. 374 375 GOFIG is planning to have a booth at OMSI's Computer Fair this fall, so drop 376 by and take a look. Pann McCuaig 632-xxxx (for more info) 377 378 Adam Trent -- aven't seen you at GOFIG meetings lately. Group is getting 379 somewhat more vital, and we even have a newsletter again. Next meeting 380 will be July 9. See you then? 381 382 You really like STOIC better than Forth? Are CODE words as easy? What 383 about speed? I heard it's only half the speed of FIG-Forth. Also, is it 384 still 8080-specific? 385 Leonard, 386 Yes, the TRS-80 doesn't have a definable cursor but one 387 program I wrote allows you to have blinking/non-blinking 388 user-definable cursor. But that used the expansion interfaces' 389 interrupts. 390 There is only one problem with the above you said. When 391 you print a chr$(8), it backspaces. But, the keyboard input 392 routine uses a chr$(8) for a backspace, not a DELETE. Also 393 the chr$(9) will be a problem also. Since the chr$(9) tabs 394 , that function must be deleted. So, why don't you just tell 395 me what ASCII codes mean what and I will assemble a nice 396 little keyboard/video lowercase driver with definable cursor. 397 I will also include a short debounce delay in it, if you wish. 398 Could we talk on the CBBS instead? This system has to have you 399 type a CTRL-C and my terminal program is temporarily out of 400 commission. I am using Radio Shacks ULCBAS, which doesn't 401 produce control codes. Also, the lisp interpreter is not very 402 long if you look at it. Complex it is but it works like a 403 charm. What kind of machine do you own? If you own a Model III 404 could you tell me what address tells the cursor to blink/not 405 blink? Just a simple example would be sufficient. See ya.... 406 407 Tron 408 P.S. My real name is Chris Bradley 409 ----------- 410 To: Bad From: Tron Re: Kitty names 411 412 Sarah and Fang? Love thoes names!!!! Here's another suggestion. 413 Take a few nice juicy cans of wet cat food and put it in a blender. 414 Take the amout of pills that you have cans and put it in the blender. 415 Put it on puree. Pour the food (crap) out of the thing and feed 416 it to the kitty. It worked on my Ambusher and I'm sure it'll 417 work on Sarah or Fang. Or you could givem' shots! My cat i 418 named Ambush. I named him that because thaT's exactly what 419 he does. When he was a kitten, I held out my hand towards him 420 and said" KITTY?", he looked up. I hissed and simulated a claw 421 with my hand. He pinned back his ears, arched his back, curled 422 up his tail and ran sideways at me. The cutest thing I ever did 423 see! If Sarah or Fang are kittens, try it! 424 425 Tron 426 ---------- 427 428 To clear the air about the LISP interpreter, tron, you obviously have not 429 used it. It is not fast, and it is not complete. It is a nice way to 430 learn a little about lisp, but it is definitly not very useable for anything 431 big. A real LISP interpreter has well over 150 built in functions, and 432 as interpreters go, extremely fast. Hey tron, stop saying stuff about 433 something you know nothing about! 434 435 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 436 WHAT A STARNGE SYSTEM THIS IS! 437 BYE. 438 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 439 440 441 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 442 WHAT A STRANGE E PERSON THAT WAS! 443 BYE. 444 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 445 446 ****************************** 447 448 What system 449 What person? 450 451 ****************************** 452 off 453 454 g 455 To: Someone above From: TRon Re: LISP 456 457 Okay, then, I must rephrase myself. It is fast for me. I 458 never have used LISP itself, nor tried to program it. I simply 459 typed in the listing that I had on hand and ran a few tests. It 460 does a remarkable job (especially in BASIC). 461 When I say complete, I mean it is complete with ALL of the 462 standard commands. No frills or extra crud that an expert 463 programmer will need, but is good for learning. Sorry to anyone 464 I may have misleaded. Also, to someone above, don'T talk so 465 hostile to me. I didn't step on any toes. Why didn't you just 466 tell me I was making a mistake? I would have admitted my errors. 467 468 Tron 469 ---------- 470 Why does this sytem bring out the hostile in people? Is it because we 471 can hide under our non-names? 472 Tron: ignore the hostiles (or just say what you think of them). 473 How long is that LISP interpreter? I would like to try it. 474 Sara and Fang are not kittens, but have many years and several batches 475 of kittens behind them. They are both neutered (Sara just). There is no 476 hiding the flavor of Sara's pills;they will spoil anything! 477 Perhaps CBBS is right in not allowing aliases, or do they just police it 478 better? 479 A real cheap way to get into FORTH is in the Oct 1981 DR.Dobb's Journal. 480 It's a simple forth interpreter written in BASIC. SLOW. About 200 lines 481 of basic code, I think. I have a copy if you have a way to get it off 482 Heath discs or tape.(modem, prehaps) 483 Dr. Dobb's is a good source for enough forth to get a feel for it, though 484 you really need Brody to get the hang of it. 485 ((((((((((((((((((B.A.D.))))))Berney Dunn(((((((((((((2248pm,jun24 1984))))) 486 *****************************************FROM A MAN OF* 487 *SHIBUMI * 488 ****************************************Hello there all, 489 I just witnessed the most barbaric phenomenon... 490 the tough man contest at the Tigard Armory on this night 491 of 6/23/83. The contestants had little monetary gain. 492 The crowd was jeering the losers and cheering the 493 heaviest punches. And you know what? several of them 494 were "laid out". And you know what else? It was great!! 495 This was for real...no games...it is hard to explain... 496 but let's have some input on this obviously barbaric 497 debabcle blow to morality....not for one side or the 498 other as always...Shibumi 499 *************************************** 500 B.A.D, 501 Lemme see.... The LITHP interpreter is about 300 lines long the 502 way it looks from my viewing. It has atoms and complete basic 503 operation. I'd really be interested in that FORTH interpreter. 504 If It's so slow, I'd turn it into machine language. Is it in 505 MICROSOFT basic? If so, could you type it into this system? 506 or would you rather just download it to me? Talk to ya later.... 507 508 509 Tron 510 511 4051 OWNERS OR ONES WHO WOULD LIKE TO BE, I HAVE AN EXTRA KEYBOARD 512 FOR ONLY $35.00, WHAT I PAID FOR IT. IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT A 4051 513 IS YOU PROBABLY DON'T WANT THE KEYBOARD. CALL 503 635-xxxx EVES 514 OR WEEKENDS, ASK FOR WILL. 535 The way I have gotten the most recalcitant cat to take medicine: 536 1) hold cat by throat 537 2) force cat's mouth open with thumb andfinger, 538 3) toss pill to back of mouth, force down with finger if ness. 539 4) have cat declawed and hands sutured. 540 ---------Max Grody-------------------------------------------- 541 ----- 542 Shouldn't you have the cat declawed BEFORE you try to get it to take medicine? 543 ----- 544 Same old question, Tron: 545 Does the Lisp run under CP/M or TrashDos? Hmmmmmmmm? 546 -------------------- 547 **************************HELLO HAROLD*********************************LARRY 548 doesn't anyone ever quit gripping about trs's lets see something new and int 549 intelligent !!!! 550 551 552 SMURF, 553 break 554 Having had experience with a new Mod 4 and TRSDOS 6.0, I can't 555 say enough good stuff about it. Ya think Tandy is finally 556 getting their act together? I've heard nice things about the 557 Mod 16 and Xenix, too. Isn't is a true UNIX system licensed 558 by Bell Labs? 559 Anyway, one question about the mod 4: 560 Why didn't they use a green phosphor screen? 561 :::::::::::::::****************::::::::::::::::::************** 562 Yes, the LITHP runs under ANY DOS. To sumone above: 563 Raido Shack likes to spend as less money as they can. Since the 564 green screens cost more, they didn't want to do that. But, In 565 the near future, they will be putting out a green screen to fit 566 over the top of the screen they currently have now. Yes, the 567 XENIX is an EXCELLENT prototype of UNIX. Does a mighty fine job 568 if you ask me. I kinda wish I had a model 16 myself. That's the 569 next computer I'm gonna buy. 570 571 Tron 572 ---------- 573 TO: ANYONE 574 I AM IN NEED OF ANY LOCAL BBS 575 SYSTEMS. IF YOU KNOW OF ANY, PLEASE 576 LEAVE A MESSAGE........BRETT JOHNSON 577 *********************************************************