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NUMBER OF LINES: 547 1 PLEASE TYPE 'HELP' OR 'LIST' TO SEE MESSAGES 2 *********************** REMOVED: 14 MAY 82 **************************\ 3 WELCOME TO BWMS (BACKWATER MESSAGE SYSTEM) MIKE DAY SYSTEM OPERATOR 4 TO GET OUT OF THE ENTER MODE I SUGGEST THAT YOU LOOK AT THE COMMAND TABLE 5 WITH REFERRENCE TO THE STOP/EXIT COMMAND. IF AT ANY TIME YOU TYPE A 6 CONTROL 'C' OR A 'BREAK', THE SYSTEM WILL STOP WHAT IT IS DOING AND 7 RETURN TO THE 'COMMAND MODE' TO AWAIT YOUR FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS. 8 ##################################################################### 9 =========================================================== 10 a few comments from the insurance records: 11 i thought the window was open. i found it was closed when i put my head through 12 i pulled away from the side of the road, glanced at my mother-in-law, 13 and drove over the embankment. 14 i had been driving for 40 years when i fell asleep at the wheel and had 15 the accident. 16 coming home, i drove into the wrong driveway and collided with a tree 17 i don't have. 18 the other car collided with mine without giving any warning of his 19 intentions. 20 a pedistrian hit me and went under my car. 21 i collided with a stationary car coming the other way. 22 in my attempt to kill a fly, i drove into a telephone pole. 23 the telephone pole was approachig fast. i was attempting to swerve 24 out of its path when it struch my front end. 25 an invisible car came out of nowhere, struck my car, and disappeared. 26 the guy was all over the rod. i had to swerve a number of times before 27 i hit him. 28 there were plenty of lookers-on, but no witnesses. 29 30 so, don't be surprised when they say they didn't see you. 31 32 good luck, and beware 33 ******(******************************** 34 HELLO THERE, THIS IS YOUR SYSTEM OPERATOR SPEAKING.... 35 AS YOU MAY HAVE NOTICED TO YOUR LEFT, THE 'B' DRIVE HAS BEEN EXPERIENCING 36 SOME DISK ERRORS. WHILE THERE IS NO REASON TO BE ALARMED, IT SHOULD BE 37 MENTIONED THAT THE DISK WAS OVER ONE YEAR OLD AND WAS IN CONTINUOS USE 38 THROUGHOUT THAT TIME PERIOD. IN FACT THE DISK THAT WAS IN DRIVE 'B' 39 WAS THE ORIGINAL DISK THAT THE BWMS SYSTEM WAS BROUGHT UP ON, AND HAS 40 BEEN IN USE EVER SINCE. (HOW'S THAT FOR A LONG PLAYING DISK........... 41 THAT WAS A PUN.. COME ON PEOPLE I KNOW YOUR OUT THERE, I CAN HEAR YOUR 42 MODEMS WISTLING.) 43 I MIGHT ALSO NOTE AT THIS TIME THAT NO BACKUPS ARE MADE OF THE DATA STORED 44 ON THE BWMS SYSTEM (WHICH IS WHY IT DISAPPEARS IN LARGE SECTIONS AT TIMES 45 BUT ON THE SAME TOKEN IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO COMPLETELY DESTROY THE DATA 46 FROM THE USER STANDPOINT (IT IS RECOVERABLE WITH A LITTLE BIT OF WORK). 47 SO THERE IS NO REAL NEED TO DO SO. BESIDES ANYBODY THAT PUTS ANYTHING 48 OF ANY IMPORTANTS ON THIS SYSTEM IS PROBABLY STRANGER THAN THE REST OF THE 49 USERS!!!! 50 ANYWAY, THE DEFECTIVE DISK HAS BEEN RETIRED FROM SERVICE, AND A BRAND SPANKING 51 NEW ONE IS NOW IN ITS PLACE (MEANING IT PROBABLY WON'T LAST A WEEK!). 52 SO HAVE A GOOD TIME AND ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT (OF FANTASY). CIST OP MIKEY 53 **************************************** 54 DOES ANYONE KNOW OF ANY GOOD DOWNLOADABLE SYSTEMS? IF SO LEAVE THE 55 SYSTEMS #'S ON BWMS THANK YOU MIKE.. 56 **************************************** 57 ************************************************************ 58 Hello out there I wish that I had something to say that is 59 truely meaningfull but I don't so I Won't. 60 I must really be crazy to be up at 2:30 am using a box to 61 pass the time away. 62 Anyway the above came from a newly brought up modem and it 63 seems to be working very well (PCS 103). My system is an 64 OSI C8P DF. 65 Does anyone have a 6502 program for modem transfer of data. 66 If so key the mesage with "%MODEM%" thank you. 67 the mad programer 68 ************************************************************ 69 HEY MAD PROGRAMMER YOU 70 ARE TRULY WEIRD TO BE UP 71 AT 2AM IN THHE MORNING!! 72 I HAVE A FRIEND WHO HAS 73 A 6502 PROG FOR A MODEM. 74 HE HAS BEEN USING IT FOR 75 3 MONTHES NOW! 76 *************************************************************** 77 That is very well and good but I do not know who your 78 friend is or who you are. Thank you anyway for the reply. 79 I would also like to say that the code I am loooking for is 80 for a "Smart" modem program. I would still like to know 81 more. 82 the Mad Programer 83 PS If you wish to speak to me as a person call 84 Ask for C.W. 85 4-30-82 00:30 86 *************************************************************** 87 I'll admit that the great moral majority of the massages left on this 88 system certainly have no fundamental importance to the teeming masses. 89 However, it would really be nice to append a date to your BWMS entry to 90 give some vague notion of the epoch represented in the stream of time. 91 I'm certainly guilty of shooting from a glass house, but I promise to mend 92 my ways! ........Analog Alan 1may82 2155 pdt 93 {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} 94 Have you seen those clever Mutha Bell ads in the oRAGonian? I called to 95 "LET'S TALK" at 800-555-5000. I wound up in a conversation with a SYT here 96 in Portland. She had a lot of answers that went "maybe it will be this way 97 and maybe it will be that way". I guess the deal is for LOL's that are 98 afraid they won't be able to afford phone service after the Justice Dept. 99 surgery. That was 3 days ago... Today a guy from some survey outfit called 100 to find out how I felt about my discussion and about the BS (Bell System) in 101 general. I really felt sorry for the guy. What a bunch of dumb questions 102 to have to read off to some unsuspecting clod half-way across the US. 103 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY Analog Alan 1may82 2208 pdt RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 104 Dear Mr. Analog: 105 I agree with what you said two messages ago, but I doubt 106 I can remember to do it (I will try.) 107 DBBS Sysop - 01-May-82 22:49:36 108 **** ***** ** *** ** ** ** ** 109 Wheee! Anyone with a 16K level II trs-80 should try out the 110 Holmes Engineering IM-2 RAM board! It plugs into the RAM 111 sockets and gives you 48K of memory INSIDE THE KEYBOARD! 112 And it works... my term software loads from DEF6H to FFFFH 113 and it stays there! 114 Me. 2-may-82 12.48.35 pm 115 ******************************************* 116 * ALL DA PEOPLES ON DIS HERE SISTEM * 117 * SHOOD REELY LURN TO SPELL! MAY BE YOU * 118 * ALL SHOOD GO BACK TO YUR SKOOL AND TAKE * 119 * A SPELLING CLASS OR SUMPTHING. I CAN'T * 120 * BELIEVE THE ROTTEN SPELLING I SEE HERE. * 121 * I WILL SAY ONE THING...THIS SYSTEM HAS * 122 * BEST READING ON IT! OTHER BBS'S ARE * 123 * SOOOOOOO BORING! * 124 ******************************************* 125 * RB 02-MAY-80 03:18:25 PM * 126 ******************************************* 127 The reason for the bad spelling is that we all don't 128 care enough to think when we use the BWMS. 129 Besides the reason I became a programer was that I hated 130 english classes. 131 132 The Mad Programer 133 05-03-82 21:35 134 TO LYLE FM MIKE 135 TRUE, BUT THEN I WAS DOING THE PAPER WORK ALL AT THE SAME TIME. SO THERE 136 WAS NO REAL PROBLEM. OF COURSE AFTER THE FACT WHO CARES! BUT ANYWAY 137 AT LEAST IT'S LEGAL ... SORT OF.. I HOPE?..... AHHHHHH.......... 138 ************************************************************************* 139 TO : CPM USERS FM CISTOP MIKEY 140 SORRY ABOUT THE SYSTEM GOING DOWN , I LOST ANOUTHER DRIVE (MOTOR SIEZED) 141 WILL BE BACK UP AS SOON AS I CAN FIX IT (GOD ONLY KNOWS WHEN ). 142 I CAN'T BELIEVE THE PROBLEMS THIS SYSTEM IS HAVEING OL' BWMS JUST KEEPS 143 PLUGGING AWAY AND THE CPM SYSTEM CAN'T STAY UP 2 MONTHS RUNNING GAD!!!!! 144 WELL IF I CAN GET IT TO STABLIZE MAYBE.. WHO KNOWS (ONLY THE SHADOW DO..) 145 ****************************************************************** 146 UPDATE ON THE CPM DRIVE PROBLEM . IT TURNS OUT THAT THE MOTOR BRUSHES 147 WERE WORN OUT (PROBABLY THE REASON IT WAS REMOVED FROM SERVICE IN THE 148 FIRST PLACE!) SO IT HAS BEEN REPAIRED, AND IS BACK ON LINE. MIKE.. 149 *************************************************************** 150 \|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\ 151 HEY R.B. YOU REALLY MAKE A BIG 152 DEAL OUT OF NOTHING. IF THIS 153 ROTTEN SYSTEM WOULD ALLOW US 154 TO CORECT OUR MISTAKES THEN 155 MAYBE YOU WOULD SEE LESS MIS- 156 TAKES, YOU DIG?! WHY DON'T YU 157 BUZZ OFF 158 \\\\\|||||\\\\STARDATE 8205.04 159 |||||\\\\\||||STARTIME 11.18.20 160 ............................................................. 161 Brainstorming still doesn't help me come up with 162 more original pieces what I have already seen! One thing 163 that DOES set me apart, though, is that (1) I can spell--oh, 164 shouldn't I have said that? It alienates me, does it not-- 165 and (2) I am female. No, really! Every message on here smacks 166 of a masculine hand on the keyboard: I just KNOW that no female 167 influences among you; why, what WOMAN would be interested in 168 computers?? Intrigued? I should leave my phone number--but 169 shrill tones calling me up in the middle of the night aren't 170 what I would call inspiring. Nevertheless, what an insane group 171 this is! ... Just my kind of people. Don't worry, I'm not 172 prejudiced against you just because you're all males! 173 Now lets hear some radical replies, eh? 174 my old alibi: Dragon Lady 175 05 MAY 82 22:17:33 176 ................................................................ 177 \\\\|||||\\\\\\|||||\\\\\|||| 178 HEY LADY I AM VERY GLAD TO SEE 179 THAT A LADY IS USING THIS SY- 180 STEM. BELIEVE ME A WOMAN IS 181 THE BEST SPELLER AND TYPIST 182 COMPARED TO US MEN! WE COULD- 183 N'T PASS SPELLING IN SCHOOL 184 SO YOU LADIES HAVE ALL THE 185 SKILL IN THIS DEPT. I WOULD 186 LIKE TO HAVE YOUR PH NUMBER 187 HEH, HEH !! DO YOU GET ON 188 TO GAMES PEOPLE PLAY OR 189 CONNECTION 80 ??? 190 \\\\\\\\\\\\\STARDATE 8205.05 191 |||||||||||||STARTIME 11:13:53 192 *************************************************************** 193 What is connection 80 ? Does it have a phone number? 194 If so what? Also what is it? 195 So many questions. Anyway why is the person above 196 yelling about not having any way to correct mistakes? 197 Does not the system have a CH (Change) command? 198 Come on get with it man!!! 199 The female above used my box to voice herself and if 200 youare looking for her ph #, you most likely will be old 201 and out out of memory by the time you get it. 202 Not that I would discourage you from tring. 203 The Mad Programmer 204 ************************************************************ 205 A few system seconds with andy rooney 206 DID YOU EVER REALIZE WHAT A GENIOUS PERSON THE CAN-OPENER 207 IS??? 208 DID YTOU EVER STOP TO THINK HOW HE ENDLESSLY BRINGS US THINGS 209 WE THINK WE DON'T NEED TO KNOW, BUT SUBCONSIOUSLY DO??? 210 BY THE WAY, DRAGON LADY, YOU SOUND LIKE ONE HECK OF A LADY!!! 211 HOW ABOUT GETTING TOGETH... 212 this has been a few system seconds with andy rooney 213 requestsmallog user 26615276 priority 0 2Kl frommusr882919200019201920001920192 214 {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} 218 What I really want to know is there anyone out there (in here?) that 219 has their computer set up to autoanswer the local loop and accept incoming 220 electronic mail? I'd be interested in the software to do it, too. Only a 221 rudimentary capability would be of great value. 235 {}{}{}{}{}{} Analog Alan {}{}{}{}{} 11 May 82 {}{}{}{}{} 1835 pdt {}{}{}{}{} 236 DRAGAON LADY YOU HAD BETTER 237 COME BACK SO WE HAVE SOME- 238 THING TO TALK ABOUT!!!!!!!! 239 \\\\\\\\\\\\STARDATE 8205.07 240 |||||||||||STARTIME 11:52:02 241 hallo! This is Rodney McTiffe! I am a new user on your system. 242 I hope i will get something (not much from the look of things) out of it, but ev 243 en if I don't then I suppose I can just funk it!!! 244 245 Oh, by the by, I am a system operator in Dubin, Ireland! 246 In case you want to call, 247 Just call me THE DISK DRIVER 248 THank you all. 249 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 250 HI ANALOG!!! 251 This is the can-opener! I do have a sy3tem (not up) but if you call you 252 might just get a ! 253 SDee ya! 254 Can-opener 255 5/6/82 256 15:31:00 257 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 258 (Oh, thsi is to mike, is it not???) 259 Dragon Lady 260 Dri-up can opener! 261 Andy Rooney 262 ********************************************** 263 * WELL, I GUESS MY LITTLE GRIPE SESSION * 264 * ABOUT THE ROTTEN SPELLING ON THIS SYSTEM * 265 * DID MAKE A DIFFERENCE, OR MAYBE IT WAS * 266 * JUST THAT EVERYONE IS STRAIGHTENING UP * 267 * THEIR ACT 'CAUSE OF "DRAGON LADY". GOTTA * 268 * MAKE A GOOD IMPRESSION, YOU KNOW!! OH, * 269 * WELL. ISN'T THERE ANYTHING INTERESTING * 270 * GOING ON ON THIS POOR WRETCH OF A SYSTEM? * 271 * ACTUALLY, IT IS A LOT MORE INTERESTING * 272 * THAN ANY OF THE OTHER BBS'S AROUND. MUCH * 273 * MORE COLORFUL TOPICS AND PERSONALITIES! * 274 * SO MUCH FOR NOW. RB. * 275 ********************************************** 276 * 05/07/82 10:19:24 PM * 277 ********************************************** 278 ================================================ 279 Where are you Dragon Lady ???? we miss you !!! 280 281 do the majority of you only get on this system? 282 do you even know what Conn-80, CBBS, or GPP is? 283 it seems as if all you anonymous people are 284 new persons who i have never heard of before. 285 that must be what makes this system so weird 286 and crazy!! everyone is trying to give the 287 other guy a bad time. 288 ============== 5/7/82 10:45 =================== 289 ######################################################################### 290 TO: ANALOG ALAN FM: CISTOP MIKE RE: STUFF AND SUCH 291 As to the ringer equivalance number, it tell the phone people what kind 292 of a load the device presents to the line. This can be either an AC type 293 load or a DC type load, or both. the number following the letter is how 294 much of a load with the standard bell in a telephone being equal to a load 295 of '1'. 296 As to the CPM system number, you already have it if you are reading this 297 The CPM system sits in behind BWMS and is accesable with a special pass word. 298 Access to the system is restricted as it is very easy to bring it down destroy 299 things, ect. As a result if you wish to use it you must be able to prove that 300 you are responsable enough to not purposly do that sort of thing, as well as 301 haveing a need to use the system. This is usally done by interview or 302 recomendation from an exsisting user. There does have to be a real need, 303 and not just a desire, since the system is very touchy as stated befor. 304 I am not trying to say that you are amoung the nasty sort, I am just stating 305 the requirements to get on (just the facts, only the facts!) I have to be 306 very carefull, as I have enough problems keeping BWMS clean without haveing 307 to wory about the CPM system too. (One easy way to find out if you quaulify 308 is if you have a pass word to Lyle's system since he is more restrictive 309 then I am this automaticlly gives you validity to access to my system, and 310 in fact the password sequence is often provided thru his system if no other 311 means is available to provide it with.) 312 Any more questions? I will be more then happy to try to answer them. 313 **************************************************************************** 314 To: Dragon Lady Fm: Cistop Mike Re: Female types not on system. 315 I agree with you that there is a great deficiency of persons of the 316 feminine gender useing these facilities. (Or at least making themselves 317 known.) Indeed, I have often wondered why this is so, since it tends to 318 cause this and the other BBS's (which do not seem to be a whole lot better 319 off in this respect) to degenerate into the wholly masculine communicative 320 structures which can get rather monotonous at times. It is very refreshing 321 to observe the writings of another which does not have this structure and 322 provides a break from the often borishness of the usual talk on this system. 323 As such I beg of you to not forsake us and leave forever barren the 324 video screens and printers of the users of this system of your marvelous 325 and wonderously communicative printed word. 326 The handle of Dragon Lady while not wholly uncommon has been used by 327 more then one, as such I know of several. However, there is always the 328 possibility that I know of you if not directly, at least indirectly in one 329 way or another. 330 The question that comes to mind is NWSFS ? 331 Ah, that I would be so lucky to be graced with such virtuosity on this 332 lowly BackWater Message System. Even so it is with great pleasure and 333 enjoyment that I read your marvelous versification that is presented 334 in this backward vernacular system. 335 Forvala! 336 **************************************************************************** 337 To: All users Fm: Cistop mike Re: Drive 'B' 338 It has been requsted that some stuff be removed from drive 'B' so 339 that other things can be placed there. This is a valid request, and 340 the purpose of this message is to ask those of you out there as to 341 what you would like to see done with drive 'B'. Would you like to see it 342 continue to be enter only? (This means that you can enter stuff into it, 343 but once there it cannot be changed or deleted.) or would you prefer it 344 to be fully open as is this one.) Which things on drive 'B' would you 345 like to see removed, and what would you prefer to remain. Leave your desires 346 in regard to this here, and on May 15 or 16 as a result of the answers I 347 will modify drive 'B' to fit your requests. 348 *************************************************************************** 349 Hi Mike! Sorry about the explosive reply I gave you but I was really angry when 350 I couldn't enter anything on drive 'b'... 352 Yes please!!! CLEAR IT UP!!!!! 353 ENTER ONLY! so that our messages cannot be vandalized by users (no names named). 356 Thanx 357 CAN OPENER 358 5/8/82 359 10:32:31 360 -- -- -- 364 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 365 From: Dragon Lady To: Everybody 366 367 Hello people! 368 I hope you're happy I decided to come back... 369 If you dont believe I'm a woman, then you can get off my back! 370 I'll be keeping an eye on things. Bye 371 372 Dragon lady 373 5/8 374 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 375 ============================================ 376 hello beautiful dragon lady!! i agree with 377 mike, i like to hear or rather read the 378 worrd of a woman for a change. do you live 379 in portland ?? take care. 380 ========= 5/8/82 11:43 ===================== 381 !"#$%&'()*!"#$%&'()*!"#$%&'()*!"#$%&'()*!"#$%&'()* 382 What a change of personalities has occured on this 383 fine system. We have a Can Opener, a Mad programmer, 384 a RB, an Analog Alan, a cistop, and last but not 385 least a Dragon Lady. I must say...What a motley crew! 386 But the more motley the better. 387 When will the subject matter also become interesting? 388 With so many diverse personalities, there must be 389 some good ideas floating around. How about the 390 old standards like Love, Sex, Money or Power? 391 Any takers? 392 It'll be interesting to see what the reply to this 393 editorial is... 394 !"#$%&'(*!"#$%&'()*05/09/82 20:27:15 !"#$%&'() 395 396 397 400 <[S][D][H]> 403 * To err is human. * 405 * To really * 406 * foul things up * 407 * requires a * 408 * COMPUTER ! * 411 ********************************************* 412 Don't forget the rest of us personalities!!!! 413 some of us have been around for quite awhile 414 and are just as strange as ever!!!!!!!!! 415 Namely: ShIfTy, DBBS Sysop, and me! 416 ****** - DINGY - 11-May-82 16:48:16 - ****** 427 Dear Mike. Thanks for your comments about the ringer equivalence. I knew 428 about the ratio of load impedances, but never have seen anything that 429 explained the A and B suffix. For instance, at work we have some 212 modems 430 that are ringer equiv 0.8A unless there is a 2565 phone attached - then 431 it is 1.4A. Obviously the load is higher (more current) with the phone 432 hooked on, but why does the letter change? 433 I'm sure I don't have any pressing need to use your CP/M system, but 434 it's nice to know what people are talking about. 435 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Analog Alan 1842 11MAY82 436 ============================== 437 HEY IS IT NECESSARY TO NOTIFY 438 THE PHONE COMPANY WHEN YOU 439 USE A MODEM WITH YOUR COMPUTER 440 ?? I HEARD THAT IT IS AGAINST 441 THE LAW TO NOT TELL THE BELL 442 COMPANY. ANYONE KNOW ANY 443 DIFFERENT ??? 444 |||||||||||||10:46 5 11 82||| 445 !"#$%&'()*!"#$%&'()*!"#$%&'()*!"#$%&'()*!"#$%&'()* 446 Yes it is necessary to notify the phone company if 447 you connect any foreign equipment to the phone 448 lines, such as a modem. 449 If you fail to notify them, and they find out about 450 it, they will send two burley servicemen to 451 castrate you without anesthesia. If you have any 452 male children, the same will be done to them. 453 Why they pick on the males is unknown at the 454 present. 455 It is much easier to simply inform them of the 456 extra equipment. Besides, do you want to go 457 around for the rest of your like with a voice 458 that would get you into the Vienna Boys Choir? 459 !"#$%&'()*!"#$%&'()*!"#$%&'()*!"#$%&'()*!"#$%&'()* 460 461 ======================================================================= 462 are you sure you want to tell ma bell about your illegal 463 modem? 464 if it isn't approved by the fcc (to ma b's spec) it isn't 465 legal to connect it anyway. 466 ======================================================================== 467 yeah, mikey, 468 there is something that 469 could go,succh as the 'programmer's ten commandments'. 470 it's getting a little old, and does eat up a lot of space. 471 472 a user 473 are you kidding? 474 my name ???????? 475 476 477 478 479 `````````````````````````````````` 480 Ma Bell monitors this system with a wire 481 tap at 300 baud. Everything you say 482 can be held against you ! 483 You with the modem, we know who you are 484 and we know where you live. 485 Bad karma awaits you ! 486 `````````Your Caring Ma``````````` 487 488 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 489 WELL OK! I GET THE MESSAGE!! I BET 490 TER CALL UP THE PHONE COMPANY TO 491 DAY.. I WOULDN'T WANT TO HAVE BEE 492 N TAKEN OF A VERY IMPORTANT PART 493 OF ZEE BOD!! I WONDER WHAT MA 494 BELL WOULD DO TO THOSE OF THE 495 FEMALE GENDER ?? IT IS TOO MUCH 496 TO BEAR! THEN THERE WOULD REALLY 497 BE A LOT OF FLAT CHESTS OUT THE- 498 RE!!! WELL THANX FOR THE INFOR- 499 MATION. 500 \\\\\\\\\\\\\11:30 5-13||||||||| 501 WHY AM I GETTING DOUBLE CHARACTERS? 502 WHAT A MESS THIS VIDEO IS... 503 WHAT GOES ON HERE? THIS IS CRAZY... 504 IM CALLING BACK WHEN THIS SYSTEM FEELS BETTER! 505 ============================================== 506 ********************************************** 507 ** CLACKAMAS APPLE BUL. BOARD SYS. ** 508 ** UP AND RUNNING .... 509 ** HOURS-6:00PM -6:00AM WEEKDAYS ** 510 ** 24 HOURS A DAY WEEKENDS ** 511 ** ** 512 ** THESE HOURS ARE NOT FIRM YET SO IT ** 513 ** COULD VARY ON THE ONLINE TIME ** 514 ** GIVE US A CALL AT xxx-xxxx ** 515 ********************************************* 516 A MESSAGE FROM YOUR CABBS SYSOP 517 ********************************************* 518 ********************************************* 519 OK, I GOT one vote FOR THROWING away the TEN COMMANDMENTS. Anything else 520 YOU SINERS want thrown OUT? 521 Maybe if I stated it in a different way howabout I wipe everything 522 but what you ask me to keep on disk 'B' ... How about it, anything you 523 want to see kept on the disk??? 524 ***** YOUR EVER LOVIN' CISTOP MIKEY ***** 14 MAY 82 ***** 12:48 AM ***** 525 KILL THE CISTOP! 526 ******** DINGY ******** 527 528 **************************************************** 529 * I CAN HEAR IT NOW...THE PHONE COMPANY IS GOING * 530 * TO BE DELUGED WITH CALLS FROM PEOPLE WHO HAVE * 531 * MODEMS, SCREAMING RINGER EQUIVALENCE NUMBERS, * 532 * AND FCC REGISTRATION NUMBERS...I WONDER IF THEY * 533 * REALLY KEEP TRACK OF ALL THAT STUFF?? ANYWAY, * 534 * I AM IMPRESSED. THE SPELLING IS LOTS BETTER ON * 535 * THIS SYSTEM. I DO THINK THAT DRAGON LADY IS A * 536 * DEFINITE REASON WHY IT (SPELLING) HAS IMPROVED * 537 * SO DRAMATICALLY. NOW, ALL THAT HAS TO BE DONE * 538 * IS TO FIGURE OUT WHETHER DRAGON LADY IS REAL OR * 539 * NOT, FOR IT WOULD BE A SHAME TO WASTE GOOD * 540 * SPELLING ON 'JUST ANOTHER MALE'.... ALSO, I * 541 * HAVE NO RECOMMENDATIONS ONE WAY OR ANOTHER ON * 542 * WHAT SHOULD BE DONE WITH THE STUFF ON DRIVE B.. * 543 * A LOT OF HELP I AM, HUH? SO MUCH FOR THIS * 544 * SESSION OF DRIVEL! 'TILL NEXT, RB. * 545 **************************************************** 546 * 05/14/82 11:54:44 PM * 547 ****************************************************