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_____________________________________ ^^^ ZMAGAZINE MAY HOT ATARI NEWS AND REVIEWS ISSUE #52 _____________________________________ PUBLISHER/EDITOR RON KOVACS _____________________________________ Xx ZMAGAZINE STAFF: Assistant Publisher: Ken Kirchner Software Reviews: Eric Plent Columnist: Steve Godun Guest Columnist: Mark Knutsen Guest Columnist: Mike Davis _____________________________________ Xx May 18th Zmag <*> ZMAG USER GROUP OF THE MONTH -Jersey Atari Computer Group- <*> MIDI BBS Information <*> PROPOSAL FOR PARALLEL DEVICE BUS For the Atari 8 Bit Line <*> CEBIT 1987 REPORT, PART 1 From Antic Online <*> COMMENTARY---What Atari Should do!- <*> GEnie Zmag Directory <*> Favorite Software Survey <*> TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE -Using the Sony KV-1311CR with The Atari 520ST- <*> Next Week in Zmag _____________________________________ Xx Zmag User Group of the Month ...Jersey Atari Computer Group... _____________________________________ By:Mark Knutsen SysOp - JACG BBS ** ** **** **** ** **** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *** ** ** ****** ** ** ** ** **** ** ** **** **** Bulletin Board System -------- ----- ------ (201) 298-0161 You have reached the NEW JACG BBS, the official Bulletin Board System of the Jersey Atari Computer Group, located in beautiful downtown Roselle (first village lighted by electricity), New Jersey. Hi, my name is Mark Knutsen, and I'm one of the three SysOps who service the JACG BBS and aid its callers. A club as large as the Jersey Atari Computer Group needs a good BBS, to link the club members together, and to advertise the club to the world. The JACG BBS has had several incarnations over the years, as various SysOps have come and gone. As late as mid-1986, SysOp Scott Brause was running the board out of his home, using the BBCS software that he authored and sold through Antic's Catalog. When Scott left the state to attend school, the BBS needed a new home. Scott and Eric Jacoves served a brief stint as SysOps, running a Carina system. Then, one day in October (or was it November?) of last year, I received a call from the then-President of our club, Joe Kennedy. -Would you like to be our new SysOp?- -Sure,- I said, -why not?- Should've known... You see, I'm a college student, and running a Bulletin Board System for a large organization out of a dormitory room simply doesn't work, especially when one has two roommates, only one phone line, and a phone number that will change every May. If this setup was to work, the actual BBS hardware would have to be elsewhere. I spent over a month searching for a location before I discovered that Gary Gorski, our club's Advertising/Sales Manager, had moved to Roselle, just a few blocks from my home. He was ready and willing to take on yet another job for the club, and so one of my problems was solved. At about the same time, a decision was made to use one of the club's 16-bit machines to run the BBS, in the hope of providing a faster, more powerful system to the users. This meant a search for software, as the STs have not been around as long as the 8-bitters, and the range of BBS software to choose from is limited. An ad in the December '86 issue of Analog magazine intrigued me, and I gave Quantum Microsystems, Inc. a call regarding their new -BB/ST- software. It turned out that I was one of the first to inquire, and the JACG BBS became the very first end- user beta-test site for BB/ST. Only one problem now remained. How was I, attending Rutgers University New Jersey, to regularly call the new BBS in Roselle without draining my bank account to pay long-distance charges? The amazing PC Pursuit service came to the rescue here. The system was put on-line in mid-January of this year, running BB/ST version 1.00 on a 520ST with one single-sided drive and a Hayes Smartmodem 1200. Gary and I were soon joined by JACG 16-bit Vice President Tom Shoosmith, who brought his ST expertise and computer programming know how to the team of SysOps. Together, we weathered the first few rough months of system crashes and bug fixes to the still- developing software. Today, BB/ST is in version 1.03, and is becoming very well-behaved. An SH204 20-megabyte hard drive has been added to the system, and the number of messages, callers, and download files increases daily. Thanks are due to the JACG Executive Board for having the faith to invest club funds in this new, ST-based venture, and especially to Gary Gorski and Tom Shoosmith, for the many long hours that they spend attending to the system. Without people like them, a computer Bulletin Board cannot survive. Of course, the JACG BBS is a ZMAG board, and is also (surprise) accessible via Telenet's PC Pursuit service. Why not give us a call? Your suggestions for, comments on, and questions about BB/ST are especially encouraged. Our number, again, is (201)298-0161. ...and when you call, don't forget to tell us, -I read about it in Zmag!- _____________________________________ Xx MIDI BBS _____________________________________ :: The Chocolate Pasta BBS :: M I D I & M O R E ! The CPP BBS offers a chance to exchange information concerning the Musical World of MIDI! A FREE system, it supports: Atari IBM MAC Commodore SIG's for Synth Patches, Engineers/ Techs, Programmers & more, for all levels of MIDI-philes... If you've got MIDI questions, The CPP BBS may have the ANSWERS! Running at 300/1200 baud 7pm-7am Monday-Thursday EST 24 hours Friday & Weekends 516-928-4986. Check it Out! You're only a phone call away! _____________________________________ Xx Parallel Device Bus for Atari _____________________________________ Proposal for Parallel Device Bus for Atari Personal Computer Type 600/800 XL and 130 XE -or- The Next Generation of Atari's 8-Bit Computer by Michael T. Davis We are all aware of the popularity of both the Apple IIe and the IBM Personal Computer (PC). A great deal of this popularity is due to the degree of expandability of these systems. This was once a quality of the Atari 8-bit line, with the Atari 800 and, to some degree, the Atari 400. With the advent of the 600/800 XL and later, the 130 XE, it became much harder to expand an Atari computer. Third-party manufacturers have only now started introducing peripherals for the -Parallel Bus Interface- (PBI) on the XL machines and the -Enhanced Cartridge Interface- (ECI) on the XE, but these devices use what is known as a -closed architecture-; that is, there is no way to readily expand these devices. ICD's -Multi-Input/Output- (MIO) device is a step in the right direction, but to expand the RAM in this device, a user must send it in to ICD, as the RAM chips are socketed directly to the printed circuit board (PCB). These chips are supposedly a variation of the -standard- RAM chip, so they aren't readily available to the general user. Furthermore, the MIO does not extend the PBI/ECI beyond itself...it's a -dead end-, so to speak. What I propose is a system that, when connected through the PBI/ECI, adds up to eight slots to the system. By utilizing the built-in Generic Parallel Device Handler (GPDH), each of these slots will be addressed as a separate device. This handler can handle up to eight unique devices, so eight slots is a natural configuration. Using this setup, each slot would carry the usual address and data lines, but also interrupt and device select lines, specific for each slot. All of these lines would be decoded by a buffered interface that lies between the -slot board- (for lack of a better term) and the computer. Among other lines (i.e. address, data, etc.), this interface will decode the interrupt line (IRQ), the device select (DEVSEL) and various other lines used by a parallel device. But the idea is to get slots for peripheral PCBs... Think of the possibilities of having slots on an 8-bit Atari: cardbased hard disks, REAL RAMdisks (as implemented in ICD's MIO), TRUE serial (MODEM) and parallel (printer) ports, parallel floppy drive controllers, video controllers, voice synthesizers, etc. Almost anything you can stick in a PC, you would be able to stick in the -slot board-. Of course, as with any idea, there are potential problems. One of the most serious would be third-party support. The makers of the Prometheus MODEM have been quite good at supporting the Apple and the IBM, but there's a big difference (read: market share difference) between an Atari and an Apple. Another problem, more related to the equipment itself, is that all of these interfaces are going to produce a large amount of RF interference. To this end, it would be a good idea to get everything in one case. An IBM-type motherboard case would do quite nicely, with enough room for up to four disk drives (floppy and/or hard). The advantage of using an IBM-type case is that almost all of them are made out of metal, and they would make excellent RF cages. Naturally, the easiest way to get this done would be to have Atari market it. They could then define the entry-level system as the 130 XE, and the expert system as the 190 (?) XE. (Why not use the unused bit on PORTB of the PIA, right?) This expert system would have a separate keyboard, and a system unit. The monitor, as with any personal computer, would be optional. The system would also include one disk drive with a floppy controller board in one slot (which could handle up to eight drives: four internal and four external). The motherboard should be modified to automatically handle a truly parallel printer port, and the Operating System (OS) should also be likewise modified. The OS should also be modified to automatically recognize the extra RAM as a RAMdisk, unless a flag byte is (not) set (presumably by an AUTORUN.SYS file). The keyboard should also be enhanced: Besides the present keyboard, 20 function keys, dedicated cursor control keys and a keypad (preferably with four PF keys, for easy VT terminal emulation) should be added. All of these keys, with the exception of the keypad, would generate keystrokes that can already be generated by the current keyboard. Ten of the function keys will produce the same hardware keyboard code as pressing <Control> and a number key. The other ten will produce the codes usually interpretted as a <Shift>- <Control>- [Number key] keystroke. In this way, such programs as Keith Ledbetter's -SuperKey- will still be compatible with the machine. The keypad and PF keys should generate codes that are loaded into a 128-byte RAM buffer (installed somewhere in the I/O region of the OS) from ROM during ColdStart. This way, if the user needs to modify the codes generated, (s)he can merely change the buffer, without having to sacrifice user memory. And of course the cursor control keys should merely produce the usual <Control>-[Cursor direction] keystroke. There should also be four additional keys, which produce the same keystrokes as the now-discontinued 1200 XL function keys. These four keys should be grouped into the same area of the keyboard as the cursor control keys, since they are, for the most part, editing keys. Well, this started out as a description of a comparitively simple addition to a computer, and turned into a definition for an entire computer. Either of these proposals would be fine, but of course, most users would prefer the latter suggestion, since it doesn't involve so many separate pieces of hardware sitting out on his (her) desk. Lately, there have been some major concerns raised about the future of the Atari 8-bit line. If the Atari computer should survive into the next few years as a sellable product, it will only be through some such enhancement to the computer as has been described (including an altogether improvement to the computer system, itself). It would surely be a sorry day for many computer users if Atari decides to abandon its 8-bit users. Let's all hope the 8-bit Atari user will live on for a long time to come. _____________________________________ Xx 1987 CEBIT Report from ANTIC ...ANTIC PUBLISHING INC., COPYRIGHT 1987. REPRINTED BY PERMISSION. _____________________________________ PART #1: HARDWARE BY CHRISTIAN SCHMITZ-MOORMANN What is CeBIT? The CEBIT fair at Hanover supposedly is the world's largest show in bureau and information electronics. CEBIT stands for: Computer, Electronics, Bureau, Information and Telecommunication. On an area of more than 205,000 square meters in 12 halls more than 2200 firms showed their products. This year's show had snowstorms causing chaotic traffic situations so even the usually reliable Bundesbahn (federal train service) had delays of up to 6 hours. For this reason the show was nicknamed 'Schnee-BIT' (Schnee is German for snow). But anyway, though we arrived late, we finally got there and it became a very interesting day. HARDWARE... ATARI presented itself in its newly adopted white-and-blue look and on 50 1040s the software-houses presented their new products. Before looking at the software I was pulled to the new MEGA-STs and that experience was great. The design was appealing and the keyboard a lot better than my 1040's. Helas, the MEGAs won't hit the stores before May or even June due to a slight timing- problem with the shifter-chip. This error results in small vertical black lines on the display. The delay in the MEGAs will probably also affect the PC since ATARI said they would only put out the PC after the MEGAs to show their preferences. But with Jack Tramiel one never can be certain. The last all new product was the laser printer. Connected to one of the MEGAs it was turning out page after page. The quality was as can be expected from such a machine. The printer emulates a Diablo 630 and supports GDOS. According to a German ATARI representative they are working on post- script. Naturally ATARI was not the only to show new products. On the hardware side there was also HEISE, a German publishing-house, that showed its new version of the real-time language PEARL/RTOS system which was developed at Hanover university. It was simultaneously showing a graphic (a more sophisticated version of the only too-well-known jumping-ball) and controlling a robot that balanced a glass of water. BASIS-O, who formerly built APPLE compatibles, showed an interesting new integrated scanner-printer /plotter and telecopier. Within 4 minutes it is possible to send or receive a letter in handwriting or with graphics on any public or private telephone. The device incorporates an acoustic coupler and can be run on rechargeable batteries. The resolution is is 4096 pixels per line and 1125 lines per page. PRINT-TECHNIK presented its 3rd- generation digitizers. Their new Realtizer digitizes a picture with up to 16 gray-levels in less than one second. It now plugs into the ROM- port. Its big brother, the PRO 87,digitizes 1024 pixels in 512 lines and 128 gray-levels. Both digitizers come with a toolbox-software and the PRO 87 also includes the necessary hardware for real-color images. PRINT -TECHNIK also offers a Genlock- interface for the ST. Other products are a Meteosat weather satellite receiver, a sound digitizer and a memory-oscilloscope. GTI, a Berlin-based society, presented a VMEbus-interface that plugs into the DMA-port and includes a full bus-arbitration-logic and supports interrupts. The DMA-port is pulled through so that a hard-disk can still be used. Another bus that opens your ATARI is produced by RHOTRON. It is plugged onto the CPU and has eight slots. Since installing the bus voids the warranty RHOTRON also offers a PC-like case in which the ST and the bus and a stronger power supply are incorporated. Rhotron offers several cards to fill the slots, from 2-Meg RAM to multifunction-cards they have just about everything, or how about a math-coprocessor? A barcode-reader can be obtained from CDS in Freiburg/Rhine valley. Barcodes invade our lives, they tell you what is in a specific product, which film you just rented and with such a reader you can find out yourself. LINDY, a maker of printer-cables and other computer add-ons also presented an oscillograph. It can be used as a sound-sampler or as a digital oscilloscope. The last interesting hardware I wish to present was not on the show, but since Desktop Publishing is becoming more and more important, I feel it should be mentionned. HEIM-Verlag, another young publishing house, that was the first in Germany to have a magazine purely dedicated to the ST-line (STcomputer-mag), offered a program and interface to connect an ST to a CompuGraphic-MCS -layout station called 'transmit'. They use it to make their magazine. And as far as I can tell it seems to work pretty well. [Ed.] Next Zmag will present PART 2 of the three part CEBIT Report. _____________________________________ Xx Commentary .....-WHAT ATARI SHOULD DO-..... _____________________________________ By Steve Godun I know that I'm no computer whiz, business genious, or electronics engineer, but I'm always thinking of things that would make life in Atariland more interesting and less expensive. This opinionated article tells what I feel Atari SHOULD do for the common users like you and me. First off, I suggest that Atari release those long-awaited 8-bit peripherals, namely the SX212 1200 baud modem and the XEP-80 video display card. As for other 8-bit peripherals, how about a 3.5- disk drive for under $175, a 20-meg hard disk for under $500, or a redesigned 1050 disk drive to match the appearance of the XE line? Other 8-bit ideas: A portable 130XE setup consisting of a 5- color monitor, 5.25- disk drive, detached keyboard, and all of the standard 8-bit ports that can fit inside a briefcase for user group members who hate carrying all that heavy Atari equipment to and from each meeting (and sell it for under $350). Maybe create an add-on 850 interface that will also fit inside the briefcase? Or how about a disk drive that can link up to the parallel port on the XL (or the ECI port on the XE) for super-fast disk access? Or a BLITTER type chip for the XL/XE line? Why not? Of course, it would have to maintain compatability with the -old- graphics system. Or maybe making the AMY sound chip a reality by making it into a $40 upgrade to XL/XE owners? While you're at it, create an 8-bit GEM and install it in physically switchable ROMs; One way, it's a standard Atari, the other way and you get GEM. Maybe make a complete single-unit XE computer (like the fabled 1450XLD) for under $250? OK, so some of those might sound a little outrageous. But who knows? Those tech wizards at Atari are quite amazing at times. Let's take a look at some interesting (and possible?) ST stuff. Remember that portable XE I had mentioned? How about making a portable ST? Slap a meg of RAM, 5- color monitor, 3.5- disk drive, detached keyboard, and moveable mouse table into a briefcase and you're ready to go. Put an under-$600 sticker on it and you're all set to go. Want more? OK. How about taking all the good stuff in the Amiga 2000 (hi-res color graphics, speech synthesis, IBM compatability, over 4,000 colors, etc) and stuffing it (along with previous ST compatability, 10-meg hard disk, GEM desktop, and at least 4-megs of RAM) all into a new ST model; maybe call it the -Atari ST-II-? And don't forget to use the now-famous styling of the ST along with a detachable keyboard, two DS/DD 3.5- disk drives, BLITTER, and/or one 5.25- floppy drive in the CPU box. How about some software for the ST line? Make a disk with software that emulates the most popular 8-bit computers around today (Commodore 64/128, Atari 130XE, Apple //GS), place them on a disk with some healthy documentation, and price it for under $100. A guaranteed seller. Well, that's all I can come up with right off the top of my head. I'm always thinking of new things, so look for an upcoming article with more -new- stuff to play around with. Atari, are you listening? _____________________________________ Xx GEnie Zmag Directory _____________________________________ No. File Name Address Bytes 1321 ZMAG0920.TXT KHK 34020 Desc: The online Atari magazine 1363 ZMAG1003 KHK 22680 Desc: October 3, 1986 edition of Zmag 1377 ZMAG1011 KHK 23940 Desc: October 11, 1986 edition 1407 ZMAG1018.TXT KHK 23940 Desc: Zmag issue of October 18, 1986 1422 ZMAG1025 KHK 28980 Desc: Zmagazine for Oct 25, 1986 1431 ZMAG1101.TXT KHK 30240 Desc: Zmagazine for November 1, 1986 1442 ZMAG1108.TXT KHK 30240 Desc: November 8, 1986 edition 1459 ZMAG1115.TXT KHK 31500 1483 ZMAG1122.TXT KHK 28980 Desc: Zmag issue for Nov. 22, 1986 1499 ZMAG1129.TXT KHK 31500 Desc: ZMAG For Nov. 29, 1986 1505 ZMAG1206.TXT KHK 37800 Desc: December 6, 1986 issue of Zmag 1532 ZMAG1215.TXT KHK 18900 Desc: December 15,1986 issue of Zmag 1610 ZMAG33.TXT KHK 28980 Desc: Zmag issue 33. January 5,1987 1614 ZMAG34.TXT KHK 25200 Desc: Zmag January 12, 1987 1651 ZMAG35.TXT KHK 26460 Desc: Zmag Jan 19, 1987 1693 ZMAG36.TXT KHK 26460 Desc: Zmag issue 36. January 26, 1987 1714 ZMAG37.TXT KHK 26460 Desc: Zmag issue 37. Feb. 2, 1987 1735 ZMAG38.TXT KHK 27720 Desc: Zmag issue 38. Feb 9, 1987 1756 ZMAG39.TXT KHK 25200 Desc: Zmag issue 39 - Feb. 16, 1987 1792 ZMAG40.TXT KHK 31500 Desc: Zmag issue 40 - Feb. 23, 1987 1802 ZMAG41.TXT KHK 23940 Desc: Zmag issue 41 - March 2, 1987 1819 ZMAG42.TXT KHK 25200 Desc: Zmag issue 42 - March 9, 1987 1829 ZMAG43.TXT KHK 34020 Desc: Zmag issue 43 - March 16, 1987 1852 ZMAG44.TXT KHK 37800 Desc: Zmag issue 44 - March 23, 1987 1922 ZMAG45.TXT KHK 23940 Desc: Zmag issue 45 - March 30, 1987 1949 ZMAG46.TXT KHK 22680 Desc: Zmag issue 46 - April 6, 1987 1964 ZMAG47.TXT KHK 22680 Desc: Zmag issue 47 - April 13, 1987 1970 ZMAG48.TXT KHK 21420 Desc: Zmag issue 48 - April 20, 1987 2003 ZMAG49.TXT KHK 23940 Desc: Zmag issue 49 - April 27, 1987 2029 ZMAG50.TXT KHK 22680 Desc: Zmag issue 50 - May 4, 1987 2059 ZMAG51.TXT KHK 21420 Desc: Zmag issue 51 -May 11, 1987 1349 ZMAG927.TXT KHK 20160 Desc: Sept. 27, 1986 issue of Zmag This list is current to May 11, 1987. Starting in June, The Compuserve Data Library will contain ARC'd editions of all issues. In the fairness of equal time. Issues 48-51 are available in the 8-bit SIG in ComuServes ATARI8 Data library 7. GO ATARI at GEnie GO ATARI8 at CompuServe. _____________________________________ Xx Favorite Software Survey _____________________________________ This is a survey to determine which types of software are actually the most popular with the users. Please answer as many of the questions as you wish. Please answer honestly. The data obtained from this questionnaire will be used in a club newsletter and posted on this bulletin board. Please return this questionnaire to the address at the bottom by June 1, 1987. If a question does not apply to you or you do not use one particular type of software, just put n/a. Thank you for taking the time to download this and answer the questions. Any additional comments will be read, taken into account, and appreciated. 1. Do you purchase or pirate software? 2. Please name your one favorite software package (commercial, public domain, or shareware) for each of the uses listed below. Please feel free to add any other additional information about the software. Also include the company or person by which the product is marketed or produced if at all possible. Communications: Database: Word Processor: Outliner: General Graphics Program: Specific Graphics Program: Spelling Checker: Spreadsheet: Personal Finances: Accounting Package: Utility: Entertainment: Programming Language: Clip-art (Package): Music: Desk Accessory (Package): Font (Package): Integrated Package: Font Editor: CAD Package: Network File Server: RAM Disk: Print Spooler: Educational Software: Statistical Package: Desktop Publishing (Page Layout): 3. Please indicate how you obtained this questionnaire. 4. Please describe your computer configuration (i.e. type of computer, printer, modem, hard drive, and any other accessories. Please include brand names where possible). 5. Do you have any additional questions or comments about the software or this questionnaire? If so please feel free to enter them here. When completed, please send this to: Justin Connor 317 Manchester Road Binghamton, New York 13903 Thank you very much for completing my questionnaire! I will post the results in one month. Also, Please mention you received the survey from Zmag and the BBS System you downloaded this from. As soon as the results are in, we will publish them here. _____________________________________ Xx Zmag Technical Assistance ..USING THE KV-1311CR SONY TV/MONITOR WITH THE ATARI 520ST.. _____________________________________ By:Henry Katzmarek Since having uploaded my last article I have had numerous questions regarding making a passive interface hinted at in the description instead of the active one described. (A passive interface requires no components that need power). This article will attempt to describe how to hook-up the KV-1311CR Sony monitor to the Atari 520ST with all passive components. Before I start the description, I want to remind you that you are making the interface at your own risk! I have made the interface myself and it is currently working just fine on my own computer; however, I cannot vouch for any problems due to changes in the computer and/or monitor, or omissions I might make in this article. In any case, I would appreciate any feedback so I might update this article as needed. Also, two related notes. The circular DIN connectors you might need for this and related projects are available from: Alpha Products, Inc. 5740 Corsa Ave., #104 Westlake Village, CA 91362 Telephone: (818)889-9304 Alpha products has both plugs and jacks of the 13 and 14 pin DIN variety. The second point I wish to make is that I have received a message from Mark Sloatman of Prac. Sol. on Compuserve, his ID is 74206,356. Mark tells me he currently has available for sale cables to connect your Sony KV-1311CR to your Atari. So if you don't mind spending a few bucks and/or are not electrically inclined, you may wish to check out this source rather than proceeding on building your own cable. First, I wish to define the pinout present on both my Atari 520ST and my Sony KV-1311CR monitor, as a number of people have stated they have different signals on different pins. Atari 520ST Monitor Connector Pin Signal Name ------------------------------------ 1 Audio Out 2 Reserved 3 General Purpose Output 4 Monochrome Detect 5 Audio In 6 Green 7 Red 8 Ground 9 Horizontal Sync 10 Blue 11 Monochrome 12 Vertical Sync 13 Ground ------------------------------------- Sony KV-1311CR Monitor Analog RGB Input Pin Signal Name ------------------------------------- 1-3 Not in use 4 Ground 5 Not in use 6-16 Ground 17-22 Not in use 23 Composite video output 24 Audio input 25 Red input 26 Green input 27 Blue input 28 Not in use 29 Fast blanking input 30 Composite sync input 31,32 Not in use 33 RGB/Normal mode select 34 Audio select ------------------------------------- During this description I will refer to the pin and signal name as described here, you can judge whether yours is the same or not. The parts you will need are as follows: 1-470 ohm resistor, 1/4 watt or higher, 5%, quantity-2 2-general purpose diode, 1N4001 or equivalent, quantity-2 3-connector for analog RGB input on your sony monitor 4-connector, male, DIN 13 pin for your computer 5-wire, solder, etc for making the actual cable Parts 1, 2 and 5 can be bought at almost any electronics place, Radio Shack, etc. Part number 3 I am not sure of a good source, I know AMP makes the appropriate connector. Part number 4 can be obtained from Alpha Products. Actual Description of Wiring Follows: ------------------------------------- Atari signal/pin Additional circuitry Monitor signal/pin ------------------------------------- Audio out/1 None Audio input/24 Monochrome detect/4 None None (Note: Ground this pin for monochrome operation only) Green/6 None Green input/26 (Note: I did NOT use any dropping resistors in the R,G,B lines) Red/7 None Red input/25 Ground/8 None Ground/4 HorizontalSync/9------->CR1--------> -------->R1------------->Comp. sync in./30 (Note: CR1 is the first of the diodes listed above) (Note: The non-banded side of CR1 goes to the computer, pin 9) (Note: R1 is the first of the resistors listed above, no polarity) Blue/10 None Blue input/27 Vertical sync/12-------->CR2-----> ----->R2------------->Comp. sync in./30 (Note: CR2 is the second of the diodes listed above) (Note: The non-banded side of CR2 goes to the computer, pin 12) (Note: R2 is the second of the resistors listed above, no polarity) Ground/13 None Ground/6 +5 volts DC None Fast blanking/29 +5 volts DC None Mode select/33 +5 volts DC None Audio select/34 Note that I do not have +5 volts DC present on either my monitor or my computer connectors, and yet it is needed for pins 29,33,34 on the monitor. My solution was to install a +5 volts DC voltage regulator (7805 type, Radio Shack) in my monitor and bring the +5 volts DC out on an unused pin, thereby providing me with +5 volts DC as needed. Newer ST computers may have a +5 VDC output to use for these signals; if not, the decision whether to modify your monitor (voiding warranty) or to use some external source (power supply) is yours. I would not suggest trying to use a battery as it may wear out at the most inopportune time (Murphy's Law). Please advise me of any updates and/or corrections to this article, and I will update it as needed. Good luck, and may the force be with you! Henry Katzmarek CIS ID#---70735,664 PLINK ID#---OLS606 _____________________________________ Xx Next week IN ZMAGAZINE <*> CEBIT Part 2 from Antic Online <*> Antic's review of the 80 column card, to be released this month. <*> Part 1 of a Dan Rhea article. <*> ST-IBM??? <*> JACG User Group Article <*> and more!! _____________________________________ Zmagazine Headquarters:(201) 968-8148 Issue 52, May 18, 1987 (c)SS Please Contribute!! _____________________________________