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From: pmsc13sg@smucs1.umassd.edu (Stephen Grossman) Subject: ZIG-ZAG 1.1 Message-ID: <C4rnto.8y3@umassd.edu> Organization: UMASS DARTMOUTH, NO. DARTMOUTH, MA. Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1993 18:39:22 GMT Lines: 235 ================================================================================ ZIG-ZAG 1.1 Mar. 31, 1993 Tracking the Marxist dialectical strategy of advance-retreat-advance or unity-split-unity in international revolution. Stephen Grossman, pub./ed. weekly? Internet _______________________________________________________________________________ "Dialectics is living, many-sided knowledge." [Lenin] "Dialectics is the soul of Marxism." [Stalin, _Problems of Leninism_, 1940] "Communists the world over are wiser than the bourgeoisie [because].... they understand dialectics and they can see further." [Mao, _Selected Works_, 1961] "In this world, friendship exists only between one cat and another, not between a cat and a mouse." [Mao] "LENIN ABANDONS STATE OWNERSHIP AS SOVIET POLICY.... Lenin has thrown communism overboard." [_NYT_, Aug. 13, 1921] "GORBACHEV BURIES THE COLD WAR" [_NYT_, MAY 7, 1992] "Formerly top-secret documents released this week to _The Washington Post_ and the Russian popular magazine _Ogonyok_ make clear that a worldwide Communist 'conspiracy' really did exist for much of the past seven decades, with the Kremlin secretly funding client parties from India to El Salvador." [_Wash. Post_, Mar. 1, 1992] "...Secretary of Defense Cheney's stated concern that the Soviet missile fleet continues to be upgraded and aimed at American targets..." [_NYT_, Dec. 3, 1991] "...Russia still controls the second most powerful navy in the world, one that is modernizing even as it shrinks, and the only one outside NATO with an effective nuclear missile stockpile....'It is very difficult to find out where their submarines are, and how many are out there from other sources [other than reconnaissance near the Soviet shore]....Soviet Navy is still sending out four to six ballistic missile submarines on patrol at any given time....Soviet Navy test-fired a ballistic missile from a submarine....In December, the only large-deck aircraft carrier built by the former Soviet Union sailed from the Black Sea to join the Northern Fleet off the Kola Peninsula....an Oscar and an Akula attack submarine are under construction, a Typhoon clas sub us being modified to accept more accurate ballistic miussiles, and a nearly finished Delta sub, which also carries ballistic missiles, may or may not be completed after work was apparently halted last year..." [_NYT_, Feb. 23, 1992] "Thousands of nuclear weapons were intended to deter such a war or to prevail[!] in war if deterrence failed." [Gorbachev aide Igor Malashenko _NYT_, Oct. 18, 1991] "The deployment of rail-mobile SS-24 and road-mobile SS-25 has continued....[By] 1 January 1991....36 launchers had been mounted on 12 trains which were deployed at three sites. It is estimated that about a further 54 SS-24 have been deployed in former SS-19 silos. SS-245 deployment has probably now reached 300; the missile was seen for the first time at the October Day Parade held on 7 November 1990. It is reliably claimed that follow-ons to both the SS-24 and SS-25 are under development. While the deployed numbers of SS-18 remained at 308, more have been modernized with the ten-warhead Mod 5 and a new single-warhead Mod 6 replacing older Mod 2, 3, and 4 missiles." [annual book, International Institute of Strstegic Studies, Oct. 1991] "...the U.S.S.R. Institute of the U.S.A. and Canada recently wrote that military spending would rise from 26 percent of the Soviet budget for 1990 to 36 percent in 1991....the Director of Central Intelligence, William Webster...said [the Soviets] launched a new Delta-4 ballistic misisle submarine in 1990, with more under construction, and are continusingf to develop three additional strategic missiles....The C.I.A. assessment concluded that the Soviet's modernization of strategic weapons will substantially improve their strategic capability....the START treaty...will allow the soviets to have 1,100 warheads on mobile ICBMs, up from 660 in current inventory." [Hoover Institution's Richard Staar, _NYT_, Aug. 19, 1991] "U.S. CONSIDERING SHARP CUTS IN MULTI-WARHEAD MISSILES, CORE OF THE NUCLEAR FORCE" [_NYT_, Jan. 1992] "A note informing the Far Eastern Democratic Republic of Siberia that it has been recognized by the Russian Soviet Government was sent today...[_NYT_, May 19, 1920] "FREE FROM SOVIETS, GEORGIA PROCLAIMS....Independence of Moscow Is Unanimously Declared by Republic's Parliament" [_NYT_, Apr. 10, 1991] "In order to placate the deaf-mutes, proclaim the (fictional!) separation of our government and governmental institutions (the Council of People's Commissars, etc.) from the Party and the Politburo and, in particular, from the Comintern, declaring these latter agencies to be independent political groups which are tolerated on the territory of the Soviet Socialist Republics. The deaf-mutes will believe it." [Lenin's notes copied by Yury Annakov and published in "Lenin and the 'Deaf-Mutes,'" _Bulletin: Institute for the Study of the USSR_, May 1962] "The revolutionary will accept a reform in order to use it as an aid in combining legal work with illegal work and to intensify, under its cover, the illegal work of the revolutionary preparation of the masses for the overthrow of the bourgeoisie." [Stalin, _Foundations of Leninism_,] "SOVIET REFORMISTS DECIDE TO CREATE OPPOSITION GROUP" [_NYT_, JULY 2, 1991] "You will have to go through fifteen, twenty, fifty years of civil wars and international conflicts..." [Marx, in Marx and Engels, _Works_ (Soviet?)] "...the transition from capitalism to communism [is] an entire historical era..." [Lenin] "Who has not heard of that disease of narrow empiricism and unprincipled practicalism which has not infrequently caused certain 'Bolsheviks' to degenerate and to abandon the cause of the revolution?" [Stalin, _Foundations of Leninism_] "America remains an open society in which opposing forces can surface and clash, a necessary precondition for their solution." [Gorbachev, _NYT_, May 28, 1992] "...our country, (where a phase of history well known to us took its start and ran its course)....the society and civilization we are now creating should be understood in their full complexity, with all their many facets and contradictions. That precisely[!] is the point of intellectual and political freedom and of pluralism....representatives of socialist parties and members of the Socialist International are in the governments of countries where the market dominates the economy." [Gorbachev, _NYT_, Feb. 24, 1992] "War Foe to Oversee Military in House....Ronald V. Dellums, almost certain to be the new chairman of the House Armed Services Committee..." [_NYT_, Dec. 24, 1992] "After the U.S. invasion of Grenada, U.S. forces retrieved a letter from [a] Dellums aide...to the Communist strongman Maurice Bishop...'Ron, as a political thinker, is the best around and Fidel will verify that in no uncertain terms....[Ron] is really hooked on you and Grenada and doesn't want anything to happen to building the Revo[lution] and making it strong....the only other person that I know of that he expresses such admiration for is Fidel.'....Medical Aid to El Salvador...has more than a dozen congressional sponsors, among them...Dellums....According to a laudatory article in the May 28, 1983, [far left] _Gaurdian_, donations to Medical Aid funded 'various projects in liberated[!] areas of El Salvador, each supervised by the Farabundo Marti National Libertation Front/Democratic Revolutionary Front (FMLN/FDR)." ...House Democrats in activities sponsored by the Soviet-front World Peace Council, and its U.S. affiliate, the U.S. Peace Council....Dellums [among them]." [_National Rev._, July 31, 1987] "Hillary [Clinton] served in 1987-88 as director and chair of the board of directors of the New World Foundation....In 1988, New World gave $5,000 to the Committee in Support of the People of El Salvador (CISPES) education fund. CISPES was founded at meetings in New York City in 1980 by Farid Handal (brother of El Salvador's Communist party chief Shafik Handal), who had come to the United States to mobilize American support for the FMLN, the major Communist guerilla organization in El Salvador....In 1988, Hillary lavished $20,000 on the Christic Institute, the far left [at least] crackpots who flacked the 'secret team" theory [and who]....were assessed $1.1 million in court-ordered sanctions for filing a frivilous lawsuit against...supposed secret teamsters. Hillary doled out $15,000 in 1987 to the National Lawyers Guild, founded in the 1930s as an adjunct to the American Communist Party and retaining party ties to this day. Support also went to the Center for Constitutional Studies...and [its ally and/or parent organization,] the [Marxist] Institute for Policy Studies." [_Am. Spectator_, Aug. 1992] Gennadi Yanayev lead the "coup" which "ended" Soviet Marxism. The _NYT_, in almost the first thing it reported about him, said, "Likes ice hockey and has been described as having an earthy sense of humor..." The _NYT_ also said, "Made his way to the top through...the trade union movement..." "There is mounting evidence that [he] now has become Gorbachev's chief of staff and the key man in charge of Soviet active measures [political war or political influence operations]....He is also probably the chief planner and coordinator of Soviet active measures in the West....made his career in organizations that are central[!] to Soviet active measures." [_Political Warfare_, Spring 1991] Yanayev has been a top official of the CPSU-controlled All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, which controls the World Federation of Trade Unions and other international Marxist labor fronts. He then sat on the Politburo and was Central Committee secretary for the International Affairs Commission. Soon after, he was "elected" "vice-president" of the SU. The International Affairs Commission controls the International Dept, the revolutionary, non-state, organization which coordinates the various national Marxist and allied parties, national liberation movements, guerilla and terrorists groups. This is the institution of the international communist conspiracy, as described by the Radio Liberty Research Bulletin Supplement ("Foreign Depts," Oct. 27, 1980), _Problems of Communism_ ("International Dept_, Sep. 1984, p.47), and _International Journal_ ("International Dept.," Winter 1976-1977, p.41). In _Breaking With Moscow_, defecting Soviet UN Ambassador Arkady Shevchenko said the state Soviet Foreign Ministry was controlled by the International Dept., an observation consistent with the Marxist view of the state as the dialectically temporary agent of revolution. "Gorbachev Names Top Liberals As Advisors....former Foreign Minister Eduard A. Shevardnadze...[,] Aleksandr Yakovlev...[,] an architect of...glasnost and perestroika[,]...the new liberal[!] head of the KGB[!!],"...and the new liberal[!] head of state television, Yegor Yakovlev." Shevvardnadze was identified as KGB by the House Subcommittee on Terrorism. Yakovlev was International Policy Commission secretary before Yanayev. Soviet state television is controlled by the International Information Subdepartment, an important agency of Marxist "active measures," of the Ideological Commission of the Central Committee of the CPSU. In 1989, the (Soviet) Novosti Press Agency (of the International Information Subdepartment) published _The Problem of Compromise in Politics as Seen by Lenin in the First Post Revolutionary Years (1918-1921)_ by Alexander Lebedev, described as a journalist. Lebedev is head of the International Information Subdepartment and deputy head of its controlling Ideology Dept. The conventional Western meaning of compromise as an end to conflict radically differs from Lenin's meaning, as quoted by Lebedev, "truth turns into error [when] we recognize only one road, only the direct road, and...will not permit tacking, conciliatory manoevers, or compromising[!]." [ZIG-ZAG is seeking the English edition] Soon after publication, Marxism dialectically ended in the SU. "A report in _Tass_ [on Dec. 7, 1992]...quoted [First Deputy Russian Defense Minister Pavel] Kokoshin as saying that the Russian military would give acqisition priority to strategic nuclear forces and space-based intelligence- gathering equipment as well as communication, command, and control and mobile technologies. He said, 'Emphasis will be laid on the creation of scientific and tecnical facilities for the development of advanced armaments and through modernization of existing weapons." [_Wash. Inquirer_, Jan. 1,1993] "The anticipated reductions sketched out in the proposed START II Treaty really mean that if, Russia, has heretofore enjoyed better than a 5 to 1 advantage in deliverable megatonnage as many experts believe, ikt can logically still retain the same advantage after making the putative radical cuts. Moreover, it is untrue to suggest, as is being done in the media, that multiple-warhead (MIRVed) missiles will be altogether eliminated." [_Wash. Inquirer_, Jan. 8 1993] "...HITLER IN SPEECH KEEPS PEACE DOOR OPEN" [_NYT_, Sep. 27, 1938] "...GERMANS TO ENTER SUDETEN AREA TOMORROW" [_NYT_, Sep. 30, 1938] ================================================================================ "The existential atmosphere of [the pre-WW1 West] (which was then being destroyed by Europe's philosophical trends and political systems) still held a benevolence that would be incredible to the men of today, i.e., a smiling confident good will of man to man, and of man to life." Ayn Rand ________________________________________________________________________________ STEPHEN GROSSMAN PMSC13SG@UMASSD.EDU