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 Der Weltanschauung  (The WorldView)               Origin: HOUSTON, TEXAS USA
 %                                                                          %
 %   Editor: The Desert Fox                * FTP: chsun1.spc.uchicago.edu   %
 %   Co-Editor: Cyndre The Grey            * pub/cud/worldview              %
 %                                                                          %
 %              T H E   W O R L D   V I E W    M A G A Z I N E              %
 %                                                                          %
  April 9, 1992  Volume 2, Issue 3              ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY ISSUE

  Material Written By Computer And Telecommunications Hobbyists World Wide
  Promoting the publication of Features, Editorials, and Anything Else....
  To submit material, or to subscribe to the magazine contact one of the
  following net addresses...

"Let us arise, let us arise against the oppressors of humanity; all kings,
 emperors, presidents of republics, priests of all religions are the true
 enemies of the people; let us destroy along with them all juridical, political,
 civil and religious institutions."

                -Manifesto of anarchists in the Romagna, 1878


            The World View Staff:         InterNet Address:

         The Desert Fox [Editor]             dfox@taronga.com
         Cyndre The Grey [CoEditor]          cyndre@taronga.com
         Rev. Scott Free                     scotfree@taronga.com
         Bryan O' Blivion                    blivion@taronga.com
         Modok Tarleton                      rperkins@taronga.com
         The Sorcerer (REV)                  sorcerer@taronga.com
         Brain On A Stick                    brain@taronga.com

                  WORLD VIEW NEWSGROUP:  wv@taronga.com
                    FTP Site: chsun1.spc.uchicago.edu
                              ftp.eff.org  - pub/cud/wview


                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

1) Teen Curfews [3 of 3]....................................Harvard Law Review
2) The World / New Company That Provides Access.............The Sorcerer (REV)
3) Irony, Or What...........................................riddle@rice.edu
4) Minutes Of EFF Director's Meeting........................eff-a@tic.com
5) Cyberspace And The Phoenix Effect........................Chuck U. Farley
6) Editorial O' The Month...................................MFactor
7) Politically Correct Terms For 1992-1993..................Anonymous
8) Editor's Comments........................................DFox



     Juvenile curfew ordinances have been challenged on numerous
constitutional grounds. Although  curfews  are often attacked as
violations of the first amendment rights of speech, religion, and
assembly (49), they affect these rights only indirectly.  Moreover, a
narrowly drawn curfew ordinance ordinarily contains exceptions for
attendance at religious, educational, or other organized functions.  But
no matter how narrowly they are drawn, curfew ordinances directly
curtail the freedom of social association (50).  To be sure, there are
opportunities for social association during daylight hours, but the mere
fact that a right may be exercised during some hours does not justify
banning its exercise during others (51).  And although curfews are
typically envisioned to affect only lawless gangs of roaming teenagers,
the ordinances also hold the threat of legal sanctions over a child who
wishes simply to walk home from a friend's house, attend a late movie or
show, or participate in any number of social activities that are harmful
to none and are beneficial to the child's development.  Children
subject to curfews are denied, at least in part, the opportunities for
personal and intellectual growth offered by association with their peers

     Beyond freedom of association, however, the primary fundamental
right that a curfew inhibits is freedom of movement (53).  Although this
essential element of liberty is not specifically enumerated in the
Constitution, the Court has long recognized that freedom of movement is
"basic in our scheme of values" (54) and that when it is limited "all
other rights suffer,... as when a curfew or home detention is placed on
a person" (55). The Court has extolled the right to move about freely,
not only as a necessary means to the exercise of other protected
activities, but also as an end in itself (56). There can be little doubt
that a law that in effect imprisons children in their homes for many
hours each day substantially infringes this right.

     Because curfew ordinances clearly implicate fundamental rights,
courts should examine the specific justifications for such ordinances in
light of the Bellotti criteria to determine whether curfews serve any
interest "compelling for children." The first possible justification,
the special vulnerability of children, initially appears to be a sound
basis for allowing a juvenile curfew.  Children generally are smaller,
weaker, and less able to take care of themselves than are adults.  But
if children's mere physical vulnerability sufficed to justify curfews,
similar concerns could easily support barring the elderly or handicapped
from the streets or even excluding women or members of particular racial
groups from certain areas of some cities.  Such measures are clearly
forbidden: the importance of the individual's fundamental liberties
overrides the need for paternalistic controls (57).  Because it is not
an interest that sufficiently distinguishes children from adults, the
goal of protecting vulnerable persons from physical harm by banning them
from the streets cannot justify otherwise impermissible curfews when
they are aimed solely at children.

     As the language in Bellotti makes plain, however, the Court is
concerned primarily with children's mental, not physical, vulnerability
(58).  The Court noted that the state is free to adjust its legal
institutions to account for the child's special need for "concern,...
sympathy, and... paternal attention" (59).  Our system of separate
juvenile courts embodies this view in the recognition that the criminal
trial process may be emotionally damaging to the child. The concern for
children's vulnerability -- a concern that accords with the underlying
societal assumptions about the intellectual and developmental
incapacities of children -- justifies the state's attempt to protect
children from severe and potentially damaging emotional turmoil.

     The efforts of juvenile courts to shield individual children who
would otherwise face criminal process, however, are a far cry from
blanket restrictions on the liberties of children who face no such
predicament (60).  Banning children from the streets is not an attempt
to adjust the legal system in order to shield children from some
specific emotional trauma to which they may be especially vulnerable.
Rather, it is an attempt to shelter them from some unspecified future
harm -- an attempt that simultaneously forecloses many beneficial

     The second of Bellotti's justifications for restrictions on
children's rights is the inability of children to make crucial decisions
in an informed, mature manner.  In elaborating this point, the Court
noted that the state may "limit the freedom of children to choose for
themselves in the making of important, affirmative choices with
potentially serious consequences" (61).  The Court cited Justice
Stewart's concurrence in Ginsberg v. New York (62), which had suggested
that "in some precisely delineated areas" children may lack the capacity
for individual rational choice that is a presupposition of first
amendment guarantees (63).  In light of the potentially grave emotional
effect of the decision to undergo an abortion, the Bellotti Court
suggested that the state may in some cases restrict the right to privacy
of an immature minor by requiring her doctor to notify her parents of
her decision to have an abortion (64).

     A juvenile curfew ordinance, unlike a statutory requirement that
parents be notified of an abortion decision, does not serve the
"compelling for children" interest of protecting children from the
potentially serious consequences of a critical decision.  As the Fifth
Circuit noted in Johnson v. City of Opelousas (65), the liberties of
movement and association that a curfew broadly curtails do not typically
confront children with choices having potentially grave or long-lasting
ramifications (66).  A minor who merely wishes to move about freely
after dark, unlike a pregnant minor contemplating an abortion, does not
face an unavoidable decision in which either choice may result in
serious emotional consequences.  Although certain situations that may
arise during the curfew hours could present children with serious
choices, other statutes offer more specific protection against the
consequences of such choices -- statutes, for example, that prohibit the
sale of liquor or pornography to minors and the admission of minors to
adult entertainment establishments.  Far from addressing a "precisely
delineated" (67) set of activities that require children to make
critical choices, a curfew prohibits all activities -- even
nondisruptive and nonharmful ones -- in public areas during certain
hours (68).

     A city could argue, however, that because of their inability to
make rational, mature decisions, children are more likely than adults to
get into trouble, and that a curfew is therefore justified as a means of
reducing juvenile crime (69).  But the basic choice between right and
wrong is hardly what the Supreme Court in Bellotti had in mind when it
spoke of serious decisions with grave consequences.  Moreover,
developmental psychologists generally credit even very young children
with knowledge of right and wrong and some sense of social
responsibility (70).  Absent evidence that juvenile crime has reached an
emergency level, children, like adults, are entitled to the presumption
that they will behave in accordance with the law (71). Curtailments of
liberty based upon anticipation of criminal activity have been soundly
rejected by the Supreme Court (72).  The state's interest in preventing
crime cannot serve to distinguish juvenile curfews from anticipatory
curtailments of liberty that affect adults; barring all citizens from
the streets would no doubt reduce the incidence of crime, but such a
measure would indisputably be unconstitutional.  A juvenile curfew
places "unfettered discretion... in the hands of the... police" (73) to
stop individuals arbitrarily absent any sign capable of generating a
reasonable belief of wrongdoing other than the violation of the curfew
itself (74).  Once crimes such as vandalism or disturbing the peace have
occurred, they may of course be grounds for disciplining juveniles, but
the state should not restrict the liberty of all in an attempt to reduce
the illegal activities of a few (75).

     The final justification offered by Bellotti for restricting the
rights of minors is the need to preserve a guiding role for parents in
the upbringing of their children. This rationale is a two-edged sword.
In cases in which a minor faces a serious and potentially damaging
decision, the objective of preserving the parental role justifies the
state in overriding the minor's right to privacy and compelling parental
participation in the decision making process.  But as was discussed
above (76), exercising the rights that are affected by curfews -- rights
of free movement and association -- does not ordinarily force children
to confront grave and irrevocable choices.  When such choices are not at
stake, the principle of protecting the parental role cuts against the
exercise of state power and requires the government to defer to parents
on issues that merely involve authority over children.  A long line of
cases has established the Court's view that child-rearing is the role of
parents, not of impersonal political institutions (77). Absent signs of
abuse or neglect, the state generally permits parents to raise their
children as they see fit (78). The principle of minimal state
interference with parental guidance serves not only to preserve family
autonomy but also to legitimate state authority.  Juvenile curfews
undercut both of these goals by allowing the state to usurp parental
authority over children's liberty.

     One may argue that trust in parental authority is misplaced because
it reflects an ideal vision of the family that bears little resemblance
to reality in many cases.  Nevertheless, the assumptions that family
autonomy is of primary importance and that parents act in the best
interests of their children persist.  Until society has reached a
broader consensus that the relationship between the state and the family
structure should be altered, the state should not be free to ignore the
ideal of the family in a given case simply because it is convenient to
do so. Family autonomy is as much a right of children as of their
parents.  This notion is expressed in decisions in which the Court
observes that parental consultation is in the best interests of the
child (79).  The child's need to identify with a loving and
authoritative caretaker (80) suggests that if the child's rights are to
be limited, the child is entitled to have her activities directed by her
parents rather than by political institutions (81).  If the state leaves
guidance in the hands of the parents, they can monitor their child's
development and gradually increase her liberty and responsibility by
allowing her to experience new situations and to make choices as she
develops into an adult (82).  By contrast, state control disregards
personal differences and restricts the activities of all individuals
below a certain age.  The state exerts such control when it enacts a
juvenile curfew, which restricts the liberty of all minors regardless of
their maturity of the desires of their parents.

     The second goal served by the principle of parental guidance (and
undercut by juvenile curfews) is the legitimation of the state itself in
the eyes of children.  If children are to grow up appreciating and
cherishing the liberties and privileges enjoyed by citizens of this
nation, the government must grant them those liberties to the greatest
extent possible (83).  Underrestriction by the state, even in cases in
which parental control varies from the ideal (84), may cause children to
perceive a disparity between the liberties they are supposed to enjoy as
citizens and those they do in fact enjoy. Minimal restriction of rights
by the state is essential if we are to avoid "teach[ing] youth to
discount important principles of our government as mere platitudes"

     The concern for the parental role therefore suggests a presumptive
right of minors to be guided by their parents and not controlled by the
state -- a right that serves interests of both state and family.  A
juvenile curfew ordinance plainly violates such a right.  Although
purporting to facilitate parental responsibility, a curfew in fact
denies parents responsibility and forces upon them and their children
the state's conception of the liberties children should be granted. Such
an ordinance is precisely the centralized imposition of orthodoxy that
the Court has attempted to avoid by deferring to parental authority
whenever possible (86).  The general right of children to family
guidance and autonomy weighs heavily against any such ordinance.

                             IV. CONCLUSION

     Juvenile curfews protect no significant state interest pertaining
only to children.  The unique developmental characteristics of childhood
fail to justify the limits that curfews place on the exercise of the
fundamental rights of movement and association.  There is thus no
"compelling for children" state interest, and no legitimate basis for a
curfew that differentiates between children and adults. The "compelling
for children" strict scrutiny analysis serves the dual goal of
protecting the rights of children as persons while recognizing the
special state interests that pertain to this unique class of citizens.
In cases in which minors face truly grave or critical decisions or in
which the emotional and mental immaturity of minors demands special
treatment, the analysis will allow for greater protection by the state,
generally in the form of laws that require parental participation in
decision making or enforce parental goals (87).  In general, however, a
"compelling for children" test assumes that children are endowed with
the rights and fundamental human liberties of other members of society,
and that the burden of justification is on the government when it seeks
to limit those rights by invoking the label of childhood.


                                The World

                       ACCESS / Internet / Services

By Rick Jenkins (sorcerer@taronga.com)

Greetings & Salutations all,

Just thought I'd drop you all a line about something I ran across the other
day.  For those who are looking for Internet access with Telnet and FTP, the
following service is available.

                              The World

A public access UNIX system:

        - Sun Microsystem Sparc Server
        - 19200, 9600, 2400, 1200 baud modems
        - over 3 GB disk storage
        - international network connections
        - nationwide access via Compuserve's Packet Network

To sign up for public access, dial 617-739-WRLD and type "new".  The
basic rates are $2/hr 24 hrs/day and a $5 monthly account fee.

The 20/20 Plan is $20 paid in advance for 20 hours of online time
during a one month period.  This includes the monthly account fee and
an additional 1500 blocks of disk space.  After your first 20 hours,
the hourly rate is $1/hr.

The World is managed by a staff of professionals, all of which have
UNIX and international networking experience.  We are committed to
providing you reliable, cost effective network access.  Our full time
job is the support of The World and its software in order that you,
our customer, can exploit the power of today's electronic community.

Software Tool & Die  1330 Beacon Street  Brookline, MA  02146  617-739-0202

                Services offered by The World

Electronic Mail -  access to numerous networks including Internet,
        UUCP, BITNET, EUNET (Europe, Soviet Union), JANET, JUNET
        (Japan), Fidonet, BIX, Compuserve, Applelink, and MCImail
        We have all the popular unix mail programs, such as, mail,
        elm, mh, much, GNU's RMAIL, dmail, and mm.

USENET - the international bulletin board system called USENET. A
        collection of over 2600 newsgroups.  More than 1,000,000 people
        are reachable and over 100,000 are regular subscribers. The World
        carries the largest distribution of USENET topics. Among the
        newsreaders are rn, nn, trn, tass, and GNUS.

ClariNet - UPI, AP, and satellite news services formatted and organized
        into a USENET compatible hierarchy

Modems - The modems support 19.2k, 9600, 2400 and 1200 baud
        connections with most standard modem features.  All modems
        support MNP/5 protocols.  Recommended modem settings are 7, E, 1.

Electronic Mailing Lists - Rather than trying to carry on focused
        discussions in a newsgroup you can join and form mailing lists with
        kindred souls devoted to specialized topics.

Chatting - Two interactive discussion programs exist.  One is the
        Internet Relay Chat (irc) and the other is Forumnet (fn).  Both
        provide interactive, real-time access to people around the
        globe.  IRC includes some channels for discussions in foreign

UNIX Software - Many of the common utilities and programs which have
        become an integral part of the UNIX environment are available.
        Unix shells include sh, csh, ksh, bash, tcsh, zsh and rc. Also
        most popular unix utilities are available.  If it is not here
        and you want to use it, ask us and we will do our best to
        provide it for you.

Archie - Direct access to an archie server for software index
        retrieval is available. Archie contains indexes for most
        anonymous ftp sites available on Internet.

GNU Software - The basic GNU components, like EMACS, GCC, G++, GDB,
        GAS, BASH, GAWK, are available.  This is particularly useful
        for customers who are interested in software development.

Games - Most games common to the UNIX environment are available.
        These include hack, moria, nethack,adventure, omega, robots,
        and tetris.

Online Book Initiative - The purpose of the OBI is to create a
        publicly accessible repository for freely re-distributable

        of textual information, a net-worker's library.

AlterNet Access - Users have access to AlterNet via ftp/telnet. Dedicated
        high speed connections are available for sites that wish to join
        the world wide Internet.

Internet - Due to NSFnet policy, not all Internet networks will allow
        ftp and telnet connections.

Compuserve Packet Network - To access The World via CPN, you first
        need to find your local CPN number.  Dial direct to Compuserve at
        1-800-848-4480 using your modem.  Enter the command "phones" at the
        prompt or call us direct at 617-739-0202 and our staff will provide
        your local number.

        After you have your local number, dial it and enter "world,domestic"
        at the "Host name:" prompt.  Use the password "notobvious" to
        gain access to The World.

Getting an Account - At The World's login prompt, use the login "new"
        to begin the account request program.  You will be asked a few
        questions necessary to create your account. Visa or Master
        Card is accepted for billing purposes. The World will allow
        you to select your login name.  Most people select their name,
        their initials, or a combination of both.  Your login name will be
        your electronic mail address.  Your initial password will be
        provided by the account creation software.  For customers with
        credit cards, the account is available immediately upon completion
        the request.  Customers who request postal billing must contact our
        office for account activation.

If anyone else has knowledge of other such services, post them here.



                            Irony, Or What...

By: riddle@rice.edu

[Maybe this is a good place for a trivial anecdote, since we're talking
about spies and Bruce Sterling: my wife and I drove to Austin a few
weeks ago to visit friends and indulge in a bit of nostalgia for our
college days.  Our first stop was brunch at the Ommeletree, which is
always a good tonic against the pessimists who continually claim that
Austin is now indistinguishable from Dallas or Houston.  Who should we
find sitting at the next table but Bruce Sterling, holding forth on EFF
and SF and other topics in a voice which we couldn't have avoided
hearing if we'd wanted to.  Eavesdropping on Bruce made for an
entertaining meal, and I recommend it highly.  His most memorable
comment was that he didn't want to be an L. Ron Hubbard, whose fans
actually believed all the things he said.

If you're reading this, Bruce, my apologies, but I guess you're used to
people you don't know recognizing you in public places by now.  I tried
to make it up to you: when I saw the paperback of "The Difference
Engine" on the shelf at Europa Books, I took it as an omen and bought a
copy. :-) ]

-- Prentiss Riddle ("aprendiz de todo, maestro de nada") riddle@rice.edu
-- Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of my employer.



   Held at 7:30pm at Matt Lawrence's. Directors present were Jon
Lebkowsky, Matt Lawrence, Smoot Carl-Mitchell, Steve Jackson, Ed
Cavazos. Observing: Dick Anderson, Gavino Morin.
Minutes of the last meeting were approved w/o reading.

   Recommendations on organization and our official status - Ed
presented his first draft of a charter and by-laws. He and Gavino
had collaborated on these. Lots of discussion; some blanks filled
in, others debated but not filled in, more blanks discovered. Decisions

   We will ask Cambridge for a copy of their charter in order to
make language of purpose, etc., identical where possible.

   There will be 9 directors and an undetermined number of advisory

        Local dues will be $10/year, or $5 per students, but we won't set
a corporate structure yet.

        Individual members will be strongly encouraged to join the national
EFF, but not required.

   Meetings and publicity - We still don't have any commitments. Jon
and Dick will try to get something definite from MCC.

   We need to prepare a membership package for the local group, once
the first meeting is set. SJ will do DTP and printing, Smoot will take
care of postage.

   Jon is now keeping a separate stock of literature, to make it
easier for him and others to get material without going by SJ's office.

Local activities since the last meeting:

   The GTC finished as well as it started; we got lots of names of
people interested in information. Bruce participated in a panel and was
reportedly the hit of the show.

   Steve Jackson, along with Mike Godwin, went to Kansas City to the
ACM meeting to take the negative in an ACM debate on the proposition
(stated briefly) "Should the states license software professionals?"
Audience of about 100; it went well. John Barlow was at the same event,
participating in another panel.

   SJ also passed out EFF literature and answered questions at OrcCon,
a very large (2,000-plus attendees) gaming convention in Los Angeles.

Local activities, upcoming or proposed:

   The Austin Peace Festival takes place April 25. Jon reports that we
can reserve a booth for $20. He has not yet done so due to lack of Board
response to his postings on the subject.

   The UT College of Communication is interested in having an EFF speaker
at their Communications Week, April 1-4. It looks as though Steve Jackson
and Mike Godwin will both participate.

   When Bruce's HACKER CRACKDOWN book is published, EFF-Austin
should sponsor a signing. Maybe at a local bookstore . . . maybe at a
computer store. Bruce is willing. The book will be released in September.

   Mailing list - Jon was going to meet with Earl Cooley to discuss
this. Earl may be out of communication; Jon hadn't gotten back with
him, but will do so before next meeting.

   CyberTex was discussed again. Consensus that it can't happen this
year - tentatively, about this time next year sounds right. Jon and Ed
will call a meeting specifically for those interested in CyberTex;
the convention committee needs to start meeting separately. Important
decisions needed: Basic committee structure, basic agenda, preferred
date. SJ volunteered to call hotels once preferred date is set.

   Computer display program - No progress.

   Logo - we now have a working graphics file of the star, cannon and
"Come And Take It" image. The EFF logo has been completed, but we have
not yet seen it.

   Dick Anderson discussed a case, reported in the newest issue of
AMERICAN RIFLEMAN, of a gun owner who was subjected to an intrusive
and destructive surprise search by BATF (Treasury Department) agents.
He suggested that the EFF should contact the NRA and offer to share
information on Fourth Amendment issues, since the case sounds very
similar to the SJ Games and Sun Devil raids. For instance, the raid
was made in great force, on a sealed "no comment" warrant, but
nothing was found.

   Susan Cisco sent some searches done on SJ's name in the Nexus/Lexis
database. Consensus: Nothing new here, but the search is a good thing
- it just happens that this time we had all the data already. Susan
was not present, and sent word that she will not have time to be a
director but is interested in serving as an advisor.

   Jon's suggestion for a retreat was discussed. Reaction were mixed.
No action was taken.

   We have gotten no further data on the bust of "Archaic Illume." Ed
will make some calls and see if he can find anything further.

   Still awaiting discussion is the "Interactive University" proposal
from Dick Cutler at UT. Is this something we are able and willing to
support in any way?

   Our next directors' meeting will be Tuesday, April 14, at 7:30
at Matt's house. Note that the agenda for the March 10 meeting said
the next meeting would be April 7. This was wrong.


                    Cyberspace and The Phoenix Effect
                             An Editorial

By Chuck U. Farley

     Why are you here?  Why are you reading this?  Why do you give a damn
about this movement and it's destiny?  I can't answer for you, but I'll tell
you why I'm here.

     I'm here because I care. I care enough about the rights and ideals behind
the Cyberpunk movement to put forth a little effort and stick my neck out a
little bit.  I don't want the FCC or the PUC deciding what I can or cannot
transmit, what I can or cannot THINK!  The original writers using the name
`Der Weltanschauung" died in Nazi concentration camps.  We may suffer like
or worse fates for what we do now.  It's doubtful, but nothing is impossible.
Even if we do die, something can be left and continue on after our deaths,
like the name and spirit of the original "Der Weltanschauung" lives on now,
with us.
     If one copy of this or another E-mag survives and is kept and cherished,
or kept and used as an example, it's power will survive!  If one copy is read
by one parent who laughs and tells his/her child about the insanity of "The
Rev. Scott Free" or the worthlessness of "Merlin the Idiot Magister", maybe,
just maybe, we will hit a note in that child, cause him or her to change, to
begin to question the "state", to seek the truth of freedom!  If we don't
succeed this time, even if we lose in the most horrible way, we will still
win, for if this a movement leaves it's mark, then the processes we work for
will begin again!
     Every time the movement is "reborn" it's a little stronger, a little
faster, a little better.  Like a phoenix, it has always existed and always
will, but also like a phoenix, it's getting better every time.
     If we do lose, I will not worry. Maybe we will win the next time,
or the time after that. Eventually, somewhere and sometime, the system will
actually work for us, eventually we will gain those rights and freedoms we
deserve as men and women, those rights we deserve as human beings.  Don't take
me wrong, I do fear death, I fear it with a passion, but I do take
solstice in religion.   I don't fool with any wimpy god like Yaweh-
Jehova, or Buddah, or even the mighty Bob! ( I do owe him for helping me see
my point in life, though...)  I worship a set of gods that has been around
since the first reproduction in the primordial seas, I worship the Gods of
Change, and my friend, their winds are blowing.  Thank you and good-night.


                          Editorial Of The Month

By MFactor

        (Excerpt from INdigest, Feb 1994, Interview with
        the Elusive and Unintelligible Mfactor)

    IN:  In your most recent book, "I Don't Want My Children To Grow Up
Around Those Filthy UNIX", you seemed to display a sense of farce that isn't
too commonly seen amongst the Great Internet Poets of the Apocalypse.  Tell
us, why do you see the 21st century as the Golden Age of Lunacy?

    Mf:  [wearing pajamas and Mickey Mouse ears]  Well, it's like this.  In
the early 80's we perfected the concept of an international communications
database.  It was populated solely by research personnel.  MIT grads,
military, Elvis.  Purely serious study going on.  Then, in the late 80's and
mid-90's, there was a practical applications boom, where savvy businessfolk
rolled up their sleeves and sank their elbows into the datastream.  Now, as
we near the End Times, we find that the greatest structure ever created by
man -the Internet- is being vacated by its corporate and research personnel
and a whole buttload of social misfits and weirdos are moving in by the
droves.  Look at me for instance.  No, you better not.  Wanna jawbreaker?

   IN:  No, thank you.  Are you saying that the new computer literacy is
making this once rich and fertile forest of intellect and commerce into a
vast mental wasteland where the only thing that stirs is an occasional,
barbed, tumbleweed of a pun based on bathroom jokes?

   Mf:  Well, yes, and I'm thankful for it!  I mean, have you SEEN what
happens to the human body when the brain is used too much?  Glasses,
unsocial behavior, a goofy voice, and insatiable masturbatory compulsions
become the trademark of the computer genius.  Why if I had to choose between
looks and brains,  I'd sure as hell pick looks, cause looks can get you
brains, and the corollary is not as true.  I feel very lucky to have both.

   IN:  In the book, you mention a few extreme cases of individuals who have
no business on UNIX and who yet not only live in it, they can't do without

   Mf:  Indeed, there seem to be many odd cases.  Take for example Cherry,
the erotic dancer from Norway who has an Internet Address.  She works out 36
hours a day, dances every night, goes out with friends, HAS FRIENDS!!!  And
yet she still finds time to moderate a newsgroup, cherry.pop.tart, I mean,
how does she do that?  Then there's the Internet node for the Eskimo Len
Terrorist With Teret's Syndrome Association.  What does THAT have to do with
worldwide communications?  Then of course, there's
alt.binaries.pictures.bestiality.  Need more be said???  The freaks are
moving in as the contractors and architects move out.  Isn't it beautiful?

   IN:  What's your plan in life, Mr. Mfactor?

   Mf:  In this day and age, making plans is dangerous.  That's why I have

   IN: Please, share with us your most visionary.

   Mf:  Moving to Norway and finding Cherry.  Soon.  Like NOW.


              New Official Politically Correct Terms For 1992-1993


        old                             new
conservative                    reactionary
The Establishment               White Power Elite
hearing person                  temporarily aurally abled
sighted person                  temporarily visually abled
blind                           visually challenged
mute                            vocally challenged
dead                            metabolically different
alive                           temporarily metabolically abled
ugly                            aesthetically challenged
rude                            politically correct (tm)
psychopath                      socially misaligned
bald                            follicularly challenged
non-white, non-male             oppressed
white                           melanin impoverished/genetically oppressive
white male                      oppressor
black                           african-american
asian                           asian-american
afro-american                   african-american

pregnancy                       parasitic oppression

janitor                         sanitation engineer
dish washer                     utensil sanitizer

dairy                           where cows are raped
ranch                           where cattle are murdered
egg ranch                       where hens are raped

biology department              where animals are tortured and then murdered
                                to fulfill the sadistic fantasies of white
                                male scientist lakeys of the imperialistic
                                drug companies

fishing                         raping the oceans
farming                         exploiting mother earth

paper bag                       processed tree carcass

Many of the labels from the 80's are now passe.  Here is a partial
list of the denotations that are now acceptable (all labels are subject
to change without notice).

old                     80's                    90's
---                     ----                    ----
deaf                    hearing impaired        aurally challenged
blind                   sight impaired          visually challenged
retarded                mentally handicapped    mentally challenged
queer                   gay/homosexual          queer [strange but true]
fat                     big boned               alternative body image


                       -=-( EDITOR'S COMMENTS )-=-

    One year has passed since the first issue of The World View. As I look
back on that old, crude issue, I can't help but to be 'satisfied' with our
progress. We are still accepting submissions. Please mail them along with
any questions to: dfox@taronga.com

    We have a new FTP site to add to the list... FTP.EFF.ORG
Most issues can be found there. All issues can be found on
CHSUN1.SPC.UCHICAGO.EDU in pub/cud/worldview.
