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 Der Weltanschauung Magazine (The WorldView)       Origin: HOUSTON, TEXAS USA
 %                                                                          %
 % Editor: The Desert Fox            T H E                                  %
 % Co-Editor: Cyndre The Grey                                               %
 %                                                                          %
 %                   W O R L D   V I E W    M A G A Z I N E                 %
 %                                                                          %
  February 1, 1992  Volume 2, Issue 1       Distributed In O'er 90 Countries

  Material Written By Computer And Telecommunications Hobbyists World Wide
  Promoting the publication of Features, Editorials, and Anything Else....

  To submit material, or to subscribe to the magazine contact one of the
  following net addresses...

"Let us arise, let us arise against the oppressors of humanity; all kings,
 emperors, presidents of republics, priests of all religions are the true
 enemies of the people; let us destroy along with them all juridical, political,
 civil and religious institutions."

                -Manifesto of anarchists in the Romagna, 1878


            The World View Staff:         InterNet Address:

         The Desert Fox [Editor]             dfox@taronga.com
         Cyndre The Grey [CoEditor]          cyndre@taronga.com
         Rev. Scott Free                     scotfree@taronga.com
         Bryan O' Blivion                    blivion@taronga.com
         Modok Tarleton                      rperkins@sugar.neosoft.com
         The Sorcerer (REV)                  sorcerer@taronga.com
         Brain On A Stick      

                  WORLD VIEW NEWSGROUP:  wv@taronga.com


 If you are getting this publication for the first time, please send mail to
 dfox@taronga.com. Please state whether or not you wish to continue getting
 this publication. Also, send the net-address of any co-workers, friends,
 or associates who may wish to be put on our mailing list. Thanks!


                            TABLE OF CONTENTS

 1) Electronic Publications: The Emergence Of A New Age.....The Desert Fox
 2) Harvard Law Review: Teen Curfews Part 1 Of 3............Harvard Law Rev.
 3) Society As A Fluctuating Process Of Want And Need.......MFactor
 4) EFF Pioneer Awards Nomination Form......................EFF
 5) ISSA Conference.........................................ISSA/Sorcerer
 6) Mail Order Extremism....................................Modok Tarleton
 7) World View Mag. Vol. 1 Index............................Brain On A Stick


           Electronic Publications: The Emergence Of A New Age

By: The Desert Fox

        In a world of media, propaganda, television, and the sovereign
exchange of information, yet another aspect of this boundless resource has
been born.  The formula is not new. However, it has taken precedence as one
of the mainlines of information. We are talking about the up-and-coming of the
electronic publication.
        The numerous types of electronic publications distributed throughout
cyberspace range in topics from intelligence on software and hardware, to
free speech and the legal issues which have a consequence on the ever-growing
telecommunications world. Electronically produced publications have grown
in leaps and bounds in the last year. The number of individuals on the net
requesting this information has al
so increased. And as long as people are
interested in this concept, and need the knowledge that is provided, the
electronic publication concept will survive.
        Such publications as 'Phrack', 'NIA', 'The World View', 'FBI', 'CDC',
'Informatic', and scores of others have published news on major happenings
in the telecom community, as well as worthy information on many different
types of computer systems, operating systems, and security issues.
        The EFFector, a publication distributed by The Electronic Frontier
Foundation, focuses on legal issues in cyberspace. As the telecommunications
community becomes more evolved and complex, the law will come into play.
And The EFFector will be more and more important as time goes on.
        In many cases, some types of issues covered by electronic publications
would not have been addressed by other mediums, such as television, and
newspaper. Therefore, this concept becomes vital due to the lack of attention
given to consequential stories...i
n effect, we take it upon ourselves as
editors of publications to educate the masses...because the dominant mediums
have neglected to do so.
        One cannot put a price on the informational value of these magazines.
We, as editors, take an alternative view of the world, and write about it.
Computers, modems, and telecommunications issues have not yet been accepted
by the populace as 'newsworthy'. However, everyone in cyberspace knows that
we are the frontiersmen of a era that will live in infamy
. We are the
groundbreakers for a new technology. And we report on it with the utmost
urgency and priority. Those who choose to discount the concept of the
electronic publication, and the urgency of the information produced in these
times of electronic suppression, will submit to the vat of electronic
benightedness. At some point in time, the issues covered in today's e-mags
will concern everyone. And those who are an operative part in today's
generation will be able to proudly look back and affirm
, 'I was a frontiersman, ...a groundbreaker'.
        In summation, I hope that you will advocate the electronic
publications of your choice. All of them may not accommodate your taste,
but there is something out there for everyone. Below are some addresses you
might consider contacting in order to get on the mailing list. Thank You.

                                        The Desert Fox [Editor]
                                          The World View Magazine

                The World View: dfox@taronga.com
                Network Information Access: nia@nuchat.sccsi.com
                Phrack: phracksub@stormking.com

        On a side note, I would like to thank Texas Internet Consulting
in Austin, Texas for the efforts put forth in the distribution of Issue 10
of The World View. Our account at The University Of Houston was temporarily
deactivated, and TIC came through.


 --==[PART 1 Of 3]==--

 The following submission is PART 1 of a 3 part series on teen curfews.
 This law has been enacted in Houston, as well as other cities around
 the country. It is only fair that we give equal time and space to those
 under the age of 21...as they are not considered 'active agents' in our
 infamous society. The law that this submission refers to and the
 opinions that may be expressed herein, are not necessarily those of the
 World View Staff. This curfew does not in any way apply to the
 editorship of
 this publication, however, as editor(s), we are against
 this police action. Thank You!
                                     The Desert Fox / Cyndre The Grey

                           Harvard Law Review
                              MARCH, 1984
                         97 Harv. L. Rev. 1163

                      CURFEWS AND THE CONSTITUTION

     Although there is no longer any doubt that children are "persons
under our Constitution" whose "fundamental rights the State must
respect" (1), it is also clear that the rights of children are not
coextensive with those of adults.  The unique developmental and
emotional characteristics of childhood give rise to special state
interests that in some cases may justify restricting children's rights
more severely than the rights of adults.  The tension between state
interests and the rights of the "child as person" reflects conflicting
and unclear visions of the role that the gove
rnment should play in the
lives of its minor citizens, and manifests itself in the uneven
development of the law of juvenile rights.  With regard to juvenile
curfews -- laws that ban only minors from streets and public areas
during certain nighttime hours (2) -- courts have often struck the
balance between children's rights and state interests in favor of the
state.  The result has been the substantial curtailment of the liberties
of children.

     The rights infringed by curfews -- freedoms of movement,
association, expression, and other liberties that contribute to social
and intellectual growth -- are rights that minors as well as adults
possess.  Courts have nevertheless upheld juvenile curfew ordinances (3)
on the basis of the often cited but seldom clarified principle that the
rights of children are subject to greater restrictions than are the
rights of adults (4). But the courts' failure to examine critically the
scope and legitimacy of this principle in specific instances has
stripped the principle of its justificatory power and transformed it
into a mere restatement of conclusions reached without reflection.

     The courts' failure to articulate specific rationales for affording
less protection to the rights of minor citizens than to those of adults
is indefensible.  The state may have special interests in protecting and
guiding children, but if the fundamental rights of minors are to have
any content, the state's power to override those rights by asserting
special interests cannot be plenary.  Rather, the state's special
interests should extend only to a relatively narrow band of concerns
that relate to the unique developmental and emotional vulnerabilities of
children.  Only if courts require a strict correlation between the
child's special needs and the actions of the state can the state's
unique interests be served with minimal infringement of minors'
fundamental rights (5).

                         I.  CURFEW ORDINANCES

     The differential application of curfew ordinances to minors and
adults in this country strikingly exemplifies the law's special
treatment of children.  Whereas curfews affecting adults have generally
been struck down as unconstitutional (6) except when temporarily imposed
during a state ofemergency (7), some permanent curfews applying only to
minors have been upheld as valid exercises of the police power (8).
Moreover, although they are usually enforced only sporadically if at
all, juvenile curfew ordinances -- in contrast w
ith curfews aimed at adults -- are widespread (9).

     The Supreme Court has never addressed the constitutionality of
nonemergency juvenile curfews, and the federal and state courts that
have confronted the issue have failed to reach a consensus (10). Courts
have frequently sidestepped equal protection objections to juvenile
curfews by striking down challenged ordinances on grounds of vagueness
or overbreadth (11).  In addition, some courts have invoked notions of
substantive due process or equal protection to invalidate curfews as
impermissible limitations on the fundamental rights of minor citizens
(12).  Other courts, however, have given far less weight to the rights
of minors and have upheld juvenile curfew ordinances (13). Relying on
the established doctrine that the "state's authority over children's
activities is broader than over like activities of adults" (14), such
courts have found that general prohibitions of minors' presence in
public areas between certain hours are reasonable in light of cities'
interests in protecting children, reducing juvenile crime, and promoting
parents' knowledge of their children's whereabouts.

     This reasoning was adopted in Bykofsky v. Borough of Middletown
(15), the first federal case involving a constitutional challenge to a
juvenile curfew, in which the Third Circuit affirmed without opinion the
district court's finding that a narrowly drawn curfew ordinance was
valid.  Although recognizing that such a curfew would have infringed the
fundamental rights of adults (16), the trial court balanced the
borough's interests in the safety of the children and the community
against the liberty interests of the children and held that the affected
rights of minors were not fundamental (17).  Because the court believed
that fundamental rights were not at stake, it applied only rational
basis scrutiny and upheld the ordinance (18).

     Although the Bykofsky court noted that the Supreme Court had not
articulated a framework for analyzing differences between the rights of
children and adults (19), it offered no such framework of its own to
justify its conclusion that the rights of minors merited nothing more
than rational basis scrutiny.  The court instead relied upon generalized
assertions about children's immaturity and vulnerability -- assertions
that cannot alone justify wholesale infringements of the rights of
children.  Although greater restrictions of children's rights may be
warranted in some cases, the state should not be permitted to dilute the
rights of a citizen simply because she is below the age of majority. The
relevant inquiry with respect to any restriction on the rights of
children is whether the restriction is truly justified by state
interests pertaining uniquely to children.  Such an inquiry entails not
only an analysis of the overall scope of minors' rights and the state's
special interests, but also an assessment of the weight courts should
accord those rights and interests in each particular case.


                  A. The Rights of Children as Persons

     As courts have recently begun to recognize, children possess
fundamental rights and enjoy constitutional interests shared by adults
(20).  Indeed, the Supreme Court has forcefully declared that "whatever
may be their precise impact, neither the Fourteenth Amendment nor the
Bill of Rights is for adults alone" (21). Despite this pronouncement,
however, the Court has declined to consider the "impact of these
constitutional provisions upon the totality of the relationship of the
juvenile and the state" (22).  The Court instead has continued to
maintain that, although "[m]inors, as well as adults, are protected by
the Constitution and possess constitutional rights" (23), the state
nevertheless has greater power to restrict the rights of children (24).
Thus, the Court has held that a state may legally create different
obscenity standards for minors and adults (25) and that a minor's right
to privacy is not necessarily violated by a statute requiring a doctor
to notify a minor's parents before performing an abortion on her (26).
Yet although it is clear that children's rights are not coextensive with
the rights of adults, confusion persists as the Court continues to
determine the scope of children's rights on a case-by-case basis without
constructing a practical, comprehensive framework for analysis (27).

     Restrictions on the fundamental rights of children are typically
justified by reference to the unique characteristics of childhood.  The
primary characteristic cited in support of such restrictions is
developmental immaturity, or the child's lack of intellectual and moral
capacity to exercise her rights so that she harms neither herself nor
others (28).  Although children's rights advocates and legal scholars
alike have repeatedly challenged this underlying assumption of
incompetence (29), the assumption continues to pervade the law and
profoundly affects the social and legal world in which children live
(30).  Unique concerns about the developing minor not only serve to
rationalize state intrusions, but also motivate them and often result in
substantial restrictions of liberty -- restrictions usually cloaked in
beneficent terms.

     Such restrictions are justifiable in certain cases: there can be
little doubt that children are, in some respects, different from adults.
Because their capacities of reason and emotion are not yet fully formed,
children are more likely, in certain situations, to make decisions or
take actions that may cause serious damage to the children themselves or
to others or may even alter the course of their entire lives.  But the
danger in recognizing differences between adults and children is that
this recognition can easily become the end of analysis.  Children as a
class are necessarily different from adults, but the differences need
not always be constitutionally significant, and the mere fact of
childhood should not be a sufficient justification for differential
treatment in a given case (31).  Although the state, when restricting
the rights of minors, may claim to be acting in the minors' best
interests, this claim of paternal concern should not deter the courts
>from critically examining the state's actions (32).



By MFactor

    It has been said that our society as a whole has no goal, and that we're
quickly going down The Tubes because of this very fact.  Individuals are
becoming more and more dissatisfied with what they are getting out of life,
and are complaining to the wind about their "terrible hardship", which in
fact is little more than a mild inconvenience in comparison to the strife
occurring worldwide.

    They suffer, because they are in a service network (READ: Society) that
is not allocating satisfaction to them in return for their labor.

    A society, by definition, is a dynamic system of personal interactions.
When those personal interactions are meeting the needs of a majority of
individuals, then a society is said to be "successful".  The Soviet society
has proven unsuccessful because it suddenly admitted to itself that it had too
many bombs and not enough bread on the shelves.  It also lacked the freedom
of spiritual expression, which *IS* a human necessity.

    The Democratic Capitalist society has proven successful so far, 
but for two main reasons:
        a) There's a whole world out there to take advantage of
        b) There's plenty of people willing to bring in new riches.

    I'm not slamming our current social structure, but I have to say THIS:
We have a lot of sharks in our bathwater.  we cross-feed on ourselves and we
regurgitate more than we originally bit off.  That's Capitalism -it's like
Alchemy, where you create more that what you originally had.

    But just as alchemy can be explained away with chemistry, Capitalism as
a Magickal society where everything is alright forever is debunked by the
fact that we've been TAKING from the world outside our borders and adding to
our internal wealth.  This is why we as a nation have been getting richer and
richer for the past several decades.

    But the planet is a closed system, and we eventually WILL NOT be able to
allocate others' wealth into our borders.  When that happens, this country
will be in as big a heap of trouble as the Soviet society h
as been in these
past few seasons.

always in flux and when the needs of a reasonable number of people are no
longer met, society changes.  This is the way of revolution, the way of
secession, and the way of a true democratic election (in its pure form).

    Tides turn, things change.  Social purpose is inconsequential.

    But I know a LOT of people who are saying that society's not meeting
their needs, and the fourscore and seven homeless folk I see every day
suggest to me that a change is in order.

                                        - The Mfactor


 (Attention: Please feel free to repost to all systems worldwide.)

  In every field of human endeavor, there are those dedicated to
 expanding knowledge, freedom, efficiency and utility. Along the
 electronic frontier, this is especially true. To recognize this, the
 Electronic Frontier Foundation has established the Pioneer Awards. The
 first annual Pioneer Awards will be given at the Second Annual
 Computers, Freedom, and Privacy Conference in Washington, D.C. in March
 of 1992.

  All valid nominations will be reviewed by a panel of outside judges
 chosen for their knowledge of computer-based communications and the
 technical, legal, and social issues involved in networking.

  There are no specific categories for the Pioneer Awards, but the
 following guidelines apply:  1) The nominees must have made a
 substantial contribution to the health, growth, accessibility, or
 freedom of computer-based communications.  2) The contribution may be
 technical, social, economic or cultural.  3) Nominations may be of
 individuals, systems, or organizations in the private or public
 sectors.  4) Nominations are open to all, and you may nominate more
 than one recipient. You may nominate yourself or your organization.
 5) All nominations, to be valid, must contain your reasons, however
 brief, on why you are nominating the individual or organization, along
 with a means of contacting the nominee, and your own contact number. No
 anonymous nominations will be allowed.  5) Every person or
 organization, with the single exception of EFF staff members, are
 eligible for Pioneer Awards.

  You may nominate as many as you wish, but please use one form per
 nomination. You may return the forms to us via email at:
 pioneer@eff.org. You may mail them to us at:   Pioneer Awards, EFF,
 155 Second Street   Cambridge MA 02141. You may FAX them to us at:
 (617) 864-0866.

  We're looking for the Pioneers of the Electronic Frontier that have
 made and are making a difference. Thanks for helping us find them,

     -------EFF Pioneer Awards Nomination Form------

  Please return to the Electronic Frontier Foundation via email to:
 pioneer@eff.org or via sur
face mail to EFF 155 Second Street,
 Cambridge,MA 02141 USA; or via FAX to USA (617)864-0866.




  Contact number or email address:_____________________________________
 Reason for





  Your name and contact number:______________________________________


  Extra documentation attached: _______


          Announcing the 9th Annual Working Conference
             for Information Security Professionals
                       March 22 - 27, 1992
                         Houston, Texas

     In the latter part of March the Information Systems Security
Association (ISSA) will be holding their conference in Houston
Texas at the Adam's Mark Hotel.  This year's conference theme is
"Information Security Solutions in the 1990's" and will be bringing
together specialists in the field of information security from
government, industry, banking, commerce and others.

Who should attend?

     Anyone responsible for the confidentiality, integrity and
availability of their organization's information, as well as
educators, EDP auditors, contingency planners, consultants, law
enforcement officers, developers of information security products
and anyone else who has an interest in and desire to gain an
advantage in the information systems security field.

What does ISSA'92 have to offer ME?

o  Strong, comprehensive & practical conference program.

o  World-renowned speakers discussing the latest advances in
   information systems security.

o  In-depth presentations at all levels of expertise.
   (Presentations have been designed for four different target
   audiences: Beginner, Technical, Management, and Government)

o  Unparalleled value in information systems security training.

o  Vendor exposition demonstrating state-of-the-art products
   and services. (There will be more than 50 vendors attending
   ISSA'92 and demonstrating the latest advances in information
   security products and services.)

Okay, what about the Conferences?

The conference sessions will be divided into six different tracks
and a series of workshops.  These sessions will cover a range of
issues, procedures and techniques.  According to the preliminary
program, they will be organized in the following manner.

Track A - Current Events & Special Interests

"Are current trends only techno-hype and buzzwords, or will they
have a profound and long-reaching affect on information security?
Is it tomorrow's trend or yesterday's trivia?  This track lets you
judge as it examines late-breaking events in today's technology and
their impact on the future."

Track B - Information Security Management

"What does management want and how can you best manage their
expectations?  Speakers will answer these and other questions
concentrating on the implementation and management
 of an effective Information Security Program."

Track C - Network Security Issues

"An oxymoron?  This series of sessions will cover a wide range of
network concerns including definitions of networks and their
components, 'hidden' networks, and securing today's complex network

Track D - Systems Access

"This track provides the very foundation of information security.
This series of sessions is essential for the novice and useful for
the experienced practitioner."

Track E
 - Business Resumption Planning

"This track offers a curriculum built on a logical progression
covering the many facets of the information recovery arena."

Track F - Government & Aerospace

"This specialized track is designed for policies, restraints and
conditions unique to the government security practitioners."

The following is a list of a few of the more than 50 vendors who
will be displaying their latest products and services.

Anchor Pad International
Arcus Data Security
Baseline Software
Braintree Technology
Clyde Digital Systems
C & K Software
Comdisco Disaster Recovery Services
Computer Associates International, Inc.
Computer Security Consultants
Computer Security Institute
Countermeasures, Inc.
Crisis Publications, Inc.
Cylink Corporation
Deloitte & Touche
DEMAX Software
Digital Pathways, Inc.
Eberhard Klemens Company,
Enigma Logic
Fischer International Systems
Goal Systems
Jones Futurex, Inc.
LJK Software
LeeMah Data Security Corporation
Microframe, Inc.
Millidyne, Inc.
MIS Training Institute
PYRAMID Development Corporation
R.G. Software Systems, Inc.
Security Dynamics, Inc.

Registration Information

Registration Fees:

                       3Day   4Day     5Day    6Day

Paid Before  Feb 15th  $600   $800    $1000   $1200
Paid After   Feb 15th  $700   $900    $1100   $1300
Paid After   Mar 23rd  $800   $1000   $1200   $1400
(Non-ISSA Members add $100)
(Fees include all beverages, foods, and conference proceedings.)

The Conference will last for three days (March 23-25,1992), and
then be followed by three days of optional workshops.

Discounted Lodging:

Houston Adam's Mark Hotel
2900 Briarpark Drive, Houston TX  77042
$95 Single - $105 Double

Discounted Airfare:

American Airlines has agreed to provide ISSA'92 conferees a special
40% discount on all round trip coach fares.  Valid March 17-29.

For questions, call ISSA Headquarters - (714) 250-ISSA

-Detailed information provided by ISSA


                      Mail-Order Extremism

By Modok Tarleton

     Give me a stamp and I'll give you the world. For your
"information", here is a list of people and organizations which
will send you free and interesting materials in the mail. This is
obviously not a new idea (High Weirdness) but one can be
surprised at how few people enjoy this wonderful pastime. This
list will put you in contact with satani
sts, neo-Nazis, mass murderers, racists, Christian bigots and various other
interesting people. Its entertaining, fun and often times its
downright frightening. 95 percent of these addresses are current
and by writing them, you will get on mailing lists of other
wackos. If you enjoy this hobby, send me the name and address of
your favorite organizations for later additions.

PO BOX 90087
Los Angeles, CA 90087

     These are the people notorious for their sale of extremist
literature. The fourth Amok dispatch is a gigantic catalog of
extreme books.  Get both the "Turner Diaries" and "The
Autobiography of Malcolm X" from the same place. Be warned that
several people have complained of poor service when ordering
through this catalog. Its still worth having if just for a
reference guide. $8.95

Aryan Nations
Box 362
Hayden Lake, ID 83835

     The Aryan Nations was organized by the Rev. Richard Butler,
one of the main progenitors of the Christian Identity religion.
Formerly known as Anglo-Isrealism, this "religion" says that the
chosen people of the Bible are white Anglo-Saxons and that the
Jewish "race" are descended from Satan. The Aryan Nations camp is
20 acres of forest and land complete with bookstore, printing
press, church and all other elements necessary for the coming
white revolution. Cross-burnings and target practice with Yitzhak
Shimar cut-outs are just a few of the activities available to
whites vacationing on Reverend Butler's land. Jews and those with
passing complexions are especially encouraged to drop in.

Blast Books
Cooper Station
New York, NY 10276

     In addition to publishing its own titles, Blast publishes
books for Amok Press. Blast titles include "Guillotine: Its
Legend and Lore" by Daniel Gerould and "Venus in Furs and
Selected Letters" by Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch. Amok Press titles
include "The Manson File" edited by Nikolas Schreck and
"Apocalypse Culture" edited by Adam Parfrey (which is now
available in an expanded edition from Feral House, PO BOX 861893,
Los Angeles, CA 90086-1893).

Chick Publications
PO BOX 662
Chino,CA 91710

     The original. Christian hatred in comic book form. Mean,
vicious, unrelenting. A perfect form of expression. They also
publish books about the evils of Catholicism, rock music, and
Wiccans. A catalog is free for the asking (free pamphlet too).

Christian Anti-Communist Crusade
227 E. Sixth., Box 890
Long Beach, CA 90801-0941

     Rabid, anti-communist hysteria meets Christian bafflegab.
Heavily financed, highly-professional. They publish books, videos
and a newsletter. They will send you tons of free materials.

Christians Awake
PO BOX 3513 West End Station
Birmingham, Al 35211

     Christians Awake is a 21 year old newsletter ministry out of
Birmingham, Alabama. According to Bob Livingston, "head" of the
organization, National Socialism and Judaism are one in the same
thing. Freemasons, homosexuals, the Feds and the water
companies are all out to destroy, poison and mongrelize the white
race. Free newsletter on request.

Church of Satan
PO BOX 210082
San Francisco, CA 94121

     Satan is a social darwinist. The original Satanic church
headed by Anton Szandor LeVay. Learn the truth about LeVay and
his organization. Send a SASE if you want a reply. Read the
Satanic Bible for wisdom and hard-core misanthropy.

Cosmic Corps of Engineers
1500 N. Texas Blvd.
Weslaco, TX 78596

     Decipher the strange symbols on their picture of the 4DO
(UFO in Earth terms) and win special prizes; see Armageddon in
progress and travel the world at 50,000 MPH.  Armageddon started
on Sept 3, 1966 and the 6th Seal of Armageddon will open when
someone deciphers the symbols off the 4DO into English (I want
the trip instead). Starting at 6:00 A.M. that day you will be
able to "Watch The Manasseh Complex (North American Continent)
Shrink and Shred in 1 hour!" Free fliers and information. Hurry
before someone figures out the code.

Rick Staton

c/o Grindhouse Graphics
10018 Mollyea Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70815-4622

     Grindhouse Graphics now handles the sale of paintings for
John Wayne Gacy, mass murderer and artiste. Gacy does pictures of
clowns, birds and if you want, he will even do pictures of you
and your family. One particular painting has the Seven Dwarves
holding bloodied knives.

Institute for Historical Review
PO BOX 1306
Torrance, CA 90505

     Did the Holocaust happen or was it just a hoax? Have we been
fooled by a gigantic conspiracy into thinking that Hitler ordered
the extermination of millions of people? Anyone with any sense
would laugh at such absurd claims but some people insist. In
IHR's pamphlet "66 questions and answers on the Holocaust", they
give definite evidence of their claims:


     Is that proof or what? Check out the alt.conspiracy feed on
Internet for the latest in Revisionist silliness.

John Birch Society
395 Concord Ave.
Belmont, MA 02178

     The John Birch Society is one of the most well-known
rightist organizations in the world. They are known for their
fantatical anti-Communist stance and its heavy conspiracy
weaving. The group was founded in 1958 by Robert Welch and named
after a WWII army officer. Their conspiracy theories are well-
outlined in "None Dare Call It Conspiracy", a book by
Trilateralism "expert" Gary Allen. This is shit you get warned
about in college government courses. The Birch Society also
publishes the American Opinion magazine. If you look in your
local phone book, you might be able to find the phone number of
an American Opinion bookstore in your town. Since many of these
are located in people's homes, you probably won't be able to just
drop in.

Liberty Lobby
300 Independence Ave. SE
Washington, DC 20003

     Liberty Lobby was founded in 1957 by Willis Carto. He also
founded the Institute for Historical Review (see above) and the
contemporary Populist Party. The Liberty Lobby has a newspaper
called The Spotlight which supposedly has around 100,000
subscribers. Don't worry though, according The Spotlight's own
statistics, most of these are elderly people. They say that there
main views are that of "populism" and "nationalism". This is true
since they are vocal about their support of both Pat Buchanan AND
David Duke. A whole lot of Israel-baiting and some rather
suspicious classifieds in the back. They even publish a book by
CNN news correspondent Wolf Blitzer. I wonder...

Lighthouse Publications
2402 E. Denmar Avenue
Lufkin, TX 75901

     Lighthouse Publications releases cassettes on many bizarre
and paranoid topics. This description of the "The Coming World
Government" cassette album says it all:
     "This Six Tape Audio Cassette Album covers all aspects of
the future New World Order: The coming Crash, The New States of
America being formed, Subdermal Implants, Crime Deterrent
Transponder system (implanted in Americans), T.V.'s Fibre Optics
to watch you in your home, Subliminal Messages in Advertising to
promote 666, etc.- it's all here, plus much, much more!"

National Federation for Decency/American Family Association
PO Drawer 2440
Tupelo, MS 38803

     Christian zealot Donald Wildmon runs both of these
organizations. These organizations are probably the most
frightening examples of how much pressure Christians can exert on
business and government. The AFA Journal is one long list of
boycotts and protests all organized by Christians in the United
States. Their latest targets include Kmart (who also own
Waldenbooks) and Stop And Go. The Journal also provides lists of
television episodes which the AFA finds offensive complete with
name and addresses of their commercial sponsors. True power.
Write to receive all of this free.

Southwest Radio Church
PO BOX 1144
Oklahoma City, OK 73101

     An interesting organization that publishes cassettes, books,
magazines and a syndicated radio program. Of particular interest
is a magazine called "Bible in the News". This contains
explicitly researched news articles mixed up with biblical
prophecy. Very bizarre. Write and you will we get tons of free

Tara Center
BOX 6001
North Hollywood, CA 91603

     New-age flakes that await the coming of Christ who,
according to them, has been living a normal life in the Asian
community of London since 1977.  They don't use the term Christ,
though. They call him "Maitreya". They explain it best when they
say that "Maitreya (pronounced my-tray-uh) is the personal name
of that Individuality Who is known to the world's major religions
variously as the Christ, the Messiah, Krishna, the Imam Mahdi,
Maitreya Buddha, and to esotericists as the World Teacher. His
reappearance is expected in this time period, in one way or
another, by millions of people throughout the world." They will
send you newsletters and fliers forever.

Truth Missionaries' of Positive Accord
PO BOX 42772
Evergreen Park, IL 60642-0772

     Biblically proves the Jesus Christ was NOT celibate. "Most
of our literature is devoted to theology about the real Goddess.
Biblically, She is the female of two original persons, Who are
God. Much Later, She resurrected Jesus Christ with Her special
Divine Energy ("Holy Spirit"). After doing this, She initiated
Jesus for ascension to Godhood (Although born human, Jesus had
the Divine hereditary Components. These were inactive, and Jesus
was not God before being initiated)."


                          Der Weltanschauung
                            Volume 1 Index

By Brain On A Stick
World View Distribution Manager

        Well, here it is.  After a couple of days of rereading all ten of
our past issues, I've finally put together this index.  Due to space limitations
I couldn't go into alot of gory detail about each article;
besides, I wouldn't want to bring that much work on myself anyway!  The
main reason I compiled this index was to let all of you readers know what
you missed in past issues so that you can use it as an aid in requesting
back issues.  For those of you who are interested in requesting back
issues, contact me at BRAIN@TARONGA.COM.  Let me know if there is a size
limitation on the files you can receive.  I've included the size of each
issue for this purpose.  For those of you who requested back issues in
the past and never got them, sorry.  My old account at the University of
Houston died and I was unable to get back to you.  I'll be sending you
letters shortly to see if you're still interested.

Issue 1 - size: 328 Kbytes
 1)"The Shockwave Rider" - A mini biography on Robert T. Morris, the
   creator of the Internet Worm, part 1 of 3.  Author unknown.

 2)"Wordless" - An editorial concerning an imminent change in the way
   we see society.  By Homer Mandrill.

 3)"The State of National Security - How Much We (Don't) Know" - Government
   control of media and its use in cover ups.  By The Desert Fox.

 4)"The Complete Explanation of BEER*NET"  By Toxic Shock.

 5)"The Law of Torts" - Some handy information on laws governing the world
    of communications.  By James J. Spinelli.

 6)"HR 4070 - The Drug Crime Emergency Act" - Includes full text of the
   resolution and comments from several writers.

 7)"Editor's Comment" By The Desert Fox.

Issue 2 - size: 75 Kbytes
 1)"Censored Books in the USA" - A list of books that have been
   challenged, burned or banned and the reasons why.  Author unknown.

 2)"The Shockwave Rider" - Part 2 of 3 in the Robert T. Morris biography.

 3)"Information Age Conspiracy:  Adventures in Creative Paranoia" - A look
   at the information age and those who would suppress it.
   By Rev. Scott Free

 4)"Baud, What is It?" - A technical description and analysis of baud
   rates and what they mean.  Author unknown.

 5)"A Message from Your Local Pig Station" - A satirical look at law
   enforcement.  Author Unknown.

 6)"Reader's Comments"

 7)"Editor's Comments"

Issue 3 - size: 41 Kbytes
 1)"Life in Amerika" - Power plays and the control of the masses by the
   government.  By Nuclear Gerbil.

 2)"Split Personalities on Electronic BBS's" - An article by a Soviet
   reporter from TASS on the "dysfunctional" American modemer.
   By Rangatt Spliekin.

 3)"The Shockwave Rider" - Part 3 of 3 of the Robert T. Morris biography.

 4)"Effectively Imposing Political Will (A Modest Proposal)" - A primer
   on using psychological mind games to control the masses.
   By Rodney Perkins.

 5)"No More Censorship" - an excerpt by Jello Biafra of Dead Kennedy's

 6)"More Adventures in Mental Masturbation" - More ravings from our
   beloved Rev. Scott Free on the erosion of our rights.

 7)"Editor's Comments"

Issue 4 - size: 59 Kbytes  (Dedicated to the history of modeming)
 1)"Editor's Note" By The Desert Fox.

 2)"Revenge of the Thought Police - The Assault of Our Constitutional
   Freedoms" - An informative and somewhat scary look at how the
   government handles cases concerning computer users.
   By Brian O'Blivion, The World View's very own cyber-lawyer.

 3)"The Retirement of Sector 17" - A prelude to the following article.
   By The Sorcerer (Rev.)

 4)"The Letter of Retirement of Sector 17" - A letter from a software
   pirate detailing the reasons why he dropped out of the pirate scene.
   By Sector 17.

 5)"What Ever Happened to the 'Real' BBS's ?" - A historical look at the
   growth and decline of the original BBS subculture.
   Contributed by The Sorcerer (Rev.).

 6)"A Houston BBS List from February, 1985" - By Judy Scheltema

 7)"Word's of Caution:  A First Person Perspective" - A jaded view of the
   BBS community as it stands.  By Modok Tarleton.

Issue 5 - size:  31 Kbytes
 1)"Steve Jackson - Taking the Secret Service to Court" - An article about
   the EFF and its involvement with the Steve Jackson case.
   By Mike Godwin.

 2)"We the People of the Telecom Community" - An editorial concerning
   the need for grass roots support of computer users and their rights.
   By The Desert Fox.

 3)"Random Thoughts from the Garbage Can" - A look at the phony moral
   contract of our leaders.  By Modok Tarleton.

 4)"America, Where Are You?" - Speaking out about the Steve Jackson case
   and government repression of citizens.  By Rev. Scott Free.

 5)"Final Comments on This Issue" - By The Desert Fox.

 6)"Freedom Infringement Alert" - A comment on HR 4079, a resolution
   calling for the suspension of the Constitution so that drug users can
   be persecuted without regards to their civil rights.
   By Rev. Scott Free.

Issue 6 - size:  41 Kbytes  (Special issue:  The Wrath of the SS)
 1)"The Wrath" - A report of the surveillance of the World View Staff by
   the Secret Service.  By The Desert Fox.

 2)"The Manifesto of Der Weltanschauung" - By Brian O'Blivion.

 3)"The Electronic Frontier Foundation Membership" - The EFF and what its
   all about, includes a membership form.  Contributed by the EFF.

 4)"We the People" - A reprint from Issue 5.  By The Desert Fox.

 5)"Time to License Those Evil Programmers" - An article on the New Jersey
   bill that would require the licensing of all programmers.
   By Neuromancer.

 6)"The Austin, Texas EFF Meeting" - Steve Jackson's meeting report.
   By John Quarterman and Steve Jackson.

 7)"Editor's Comments" - By The Desert Fox.

Issue 7 - size:  27 Kbytes
 1)"You're Invited!  Cyber-Lunch '91" - An invitation to a lunch gathering
   sponsored by The World View that was held on 10/12/91.
   By The Desert Fox.

 2)"They Are Out to Get You!" - A post logical view of the conspiracy.
   By Modok Tarleton.

 3)"On the Subject of Government" - A warning about the New World Order.
   By Cyndre the Grey.

 4)"Fight the Power!" - Another critical view and call to arms about the
   government's infringement on our way of life.  By Brain on a Stick.

 5)"Pocket Law Quick Reference Card" - A short, handy paragraph of what to
   say to the Feds when they come knockin' at your door.
   By Brian O'Blivion.

 6)"The True Significance of the Zodiac Sign" - Comic relief!  A horoscope
   to break up all this seriousness.  By Elrond.

 7)"KPFT BoB Dobbs Promo" - An ASCII pic of Rev. BoB and promos for two
   local slackful radio shows.

 8)"On the Subject of Purists" - The anti-smoking campaign from the view
   of a smoker.  By Cyndre the Grey.

 9)"Electronic Frontier Foundation Application" - The EFF, what it's
   about, how to join.  Contributed by the EFF.

Issue 8 - size:  49 Kbytes
 1)"Cyber Lunch '91" - Another plug for Cyber Lunch.  By The Desert Fox.

 2)"Common Sense Security" - Do's and Don'ts concerning any movement
   you're involved with and possible investigation by the FBI.
   By Sheila O'Donnel.

 3)"Profits Speaks" - A rant by the Rev. Bob Profits.  Transcribed by
   The Sorcerer.

 4)"The Pledge of Allegiance" - A cynical interpretation of the pledge.
   By Lord MacDuff [NIA].

 5)"Loneliness (A Cyber Short Story)" - Fictional piece on artificial
   intelligence.  By Elrond.

 6)"Visions of a Disturbing Future" - A critique of the films of David
   Cronenberg.  By Modok Tarleton.

 7)"On the Subject of...Invasion of Privacy" - Employers dictating the
   the lifestyles of employess outside of the workplace.
   By Cyndre the Grey.

Issue 9 - size:  47 Kbytes
 1)"The Perils of Liberty" - The maintenance of freedom and the imposition
   of standards.  By Gipson Arnold (Atheist Network Interim Director).

 2)"CPSR Conference Videotapes" - How to obtain videotapes of the CPSR
   conference on Computers, Freedom and Privacy.  By The Desert Fox.

 3)"Castration of the Innocent" - Words from the telecommunications
   frontier zone.  By The Adversary.

 4)"On the Subject of Computer Vandalism" - Speaking out against viruses
   and the crashing of BBS's.  By Cyndre the Grey.

 5)"Ho Ho Con" - An invitation to the 2nd annual XMASCON held on the 27-29
   of December 1991.  Sponsored by NIA/PHRACK/dFx.

 6)"Recent Updates" - Important information on local cyber events in the
   Houston/Austin area.  By Brian O'Blivion.

 7)"Computers and the 2nd Amendment" - A comparison between the right to
   bear arms with data encryption.  By Jacque Shellacque.

 8)"Editor's Notes" - By The Desert Fox.

 9)"A Call to Arms" - A request for article submissions from the readers
   of this magazine.  By Cyndre the Grey.

Issue 10 - size:  47 Kbytes
 1)"Redefining the Modem User" - How the media took the words "hacker" and
   "cyberpunk", stripped them of their original meaning and used them to
   cast a dark outlook on modemers.  By Polekat.

 2)"On the Subject of Religion" - Speaking out against imposing one set of
   religious values over another.  By Cyndre the Grey.

 3)"Rambling Thoughts from the Long Absent" - Thoughts about the shape of
   our country and the liberal scapegoat.  By Rev. Scott Free.

 4)"Southwestern Bell Rates (Missouri)" - The plan by SW Bell in Missouri
   to start charging all BBS's (free and pay access) business rates.
   By Biker Dude.

 5)"Ho Ho Con PSA" - A plug for XMASCON.  Sponsored by NIA/PHRACK/dFx

 6)"Power Users Guide to Power Users" - A funny look at today's power
    users.  By Brad Templeton.
