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?  ??      ?? ?????????? ??????????  ?   Vaginal and Anal Secretions Digest   ?
?  ??      ?? ???    ??? ??          ??????????????????????????????????????????
?  ???    ??? ?????????? ??????????  ?        Issue #6 - October 31, 1994     ?
?   ????????  ??      ??         ??  ??????????????????????????????????????????
?     ????    ??      ?? ??????????  ?  Copyright (C) 1994, VaS Publications  ?

? ?? Introduction ?????????????????? ? Written By: Locust Abortion Technician ?

        Welcome to yet another issue of VaS digest. We actually seem to be
able to put these things out at a somewhat decent pace and keep them somewhat
intersting to read, so hey - we're doing pretty good.
        Anyhow, we here at VaS are considering sort of a VASC0N kinda deal
(yeah we're gonna rip off the old SummerCon/HoHoCon bit). We are looking for
any other major t-file groups that would be interested in joining forces to
undertake this somewhat massive project. If you might be intersted (and don't
write for LeeCH) let us know on the VaS world HQ.
        So enough of the lame ass introduction and on what may possibly be
the most /<-RaD issue of VaS ever...

? ?? Introduction2 ????????????????? ? Written By: The Psychotic Pyrotic      ?

    For all who D/led digest 6 a few weeks ago and were wondering, this is 
 now the official issue 6. LAT must have been really stoned when he released
 this last issue. Anyway, we cut the duplicate articles and added a few more.
 Look for VaS stickrZ and shirts in fy00tChEr issues.

? ?? Mystery Solved ???????????????? ? Written By: Locust Abortion Technician ?

        Anyhow, Just in case you guys were wondering, We here at VaS were
solely responsible for the Holocaust, the failure of the Bay of Pigs, the
assasination of JFK (We think the lamers over at LEECH mag were the ones who
went after Reagan since they fucked it up like usual), the strange crop
patterns in Europe, the mutilation of farm animals in the midwest, all the
floods that have been happening lately (we HaCKed The oCeaNz d00D!), and
for Bill Clinton getting elected.

                          You're welcome.

? ?? Preoccupation ????????????????? ? Written By: Hedbangyr                  ?

THe girl was walking down the street....

The boy right beside her....

Matt pulled up to them...... Using the time honored tradition.. "Want some

The hand reached in for the goods...

His hand reached for the boys...

Donovon heard a scream but figured it was the new lame counting crows video 
on MTV....... He kept on ironing clothes...

The girl dropped her ice cream.... She looked down for it and cried...

Martha was wondering why her kids were taking so long for the ice cream..
She looked out the window for them and encountered a beetle.. This
commands her attention.... Fuck the kids....

Matt was sweating.... He didnt even know that his foot had been starting
to press on the gas..... The boy was resistant....

Jimmy wondered whos bad-ass motor that was out there.. His dad was bitching 
about the dishes.... Couldnt check...

The boy screamed again.... Matt had gotten the girl in the car and she was 
twitching.... No screaming.... Just the boy...

The car kept moving...

Matt grabbed his .357 ....... Blood splattered all over the street and 
door handle... In conciousness the boy slipped on his blood and his head 
fell under the tire......

the car stopped.... The head didnt.....

Martha still busy with the bug...... Donovon with his TV..... Jimmy with his

He never heard the sirens....  

We're all preoccupied sometimes........

? ?? ]<-RaD SCaMz ?????????????????? ? Written By: LeeCH HaCKuR d00d          ?

Hey dudeS!! This is l33ch Hacker man!!! I am here today to tell
you some new scams I learned from the ultimate hackers! LEECH!!!

Scam 1: Mother

Ok go up to your mom and say you will cut the grass... Then ask her for
some money for cutting the grass b4 you do it<Notice the b4! isnt it cool!>
Ok now go and spend the money without cutting the grass!!!! You just scammed!

Scam 2: Coin Trick

Ok what you need is a penny.... I dont know where to get these but The Grim 
Phreaker<Another Cool Leech Hacker!!!> said that they were reallly hard to 
get.. Try scam 1 to get one... Anyway what you have to do is get the penny
and go to some l00s3r!! [Someone who is really big and muscular] say hey man
i bet you 10 dollars that this penny will land on its head... Of course being
the idiot he is he will say ok![If he says no he is a leech Hackur d00d!!]
Then throw the penny in the air..... Let it land on the ground. It will spin 
for awile [I dont know how it works! If anyone has a Tfile on how Coins work
send it to me!] if it lands on heads he has to give you 10 dollars! If it 
lands on tails just say that the coin cheated and make him give you 10$!!

Scam 3: Bank Scam!

This is REAL HARD so watch out [Only L33ch HackuRz think this is easy and 
pull it off without a sweat!]. What you do is go to a bank and go to one
of the real dumb people that have thingies on thier chest [Anyone have a Tfile
on These peeple? They have dumb names like Jenny and Anna! I dont like them!]
Say 'My name is Nick Shitco and I lost my wallet... I was wondering if you 
can give me some money... Say like 7$?'..... Now she has two options

        1] Give the money
        2] Dont give you the money  [Dont ask me how i found out! I had to 
                                     read ToP-SeCReT to get that info!   ]

If she gives you the money you have to thank this person.. You have to pull 
down your pants and then you wave your ===DINGER=== around your nose!! [ I
learned this from a cool l33ch hacker!]

If she dosent then you have to fit through those holes they have in the glass
to get in and get it your self!!! What a scam!!!!!!!

Scam 4: Bullet

Ok you need two people to do this! get a gun and put it in your mouth.. Then 
say 'I bet you that when I pull the trigger i can get more bullets down my 
throat then you! [Dont worry it doesnt hurt! only in the movies! [L33ch mommy
told me]]' He will laugh at you.. [What a dumb-ass he is]. So pull the
trigger three times...!! You are guarenteed to win... After all you have three 
bullets and he has none!!! You are rich!!!!

        Ok i hope this file was a help to all of you loosers trying to lead 
        a life of fraud that only a l33ch hackur d00d can!!!!!! C-U-l8r

        -=L33ch HackuR d00d!!!!!!!! [l33ch/dork/gay/fag/qu33rbh0y/hypergay]

? ?? UseNet Post Of The Month ?????? ? Written By: HaiRY FLaTuLaTeD SPaGHeTTi ?

        Another new feature for VaS. We basically will just be scouring USENET
for the funniest post of the month. This month's particlar post comes off of
the alt.sex newgroup I beleive...

From: chen@csri.toronto.edu (Chen Wang)

    Do you want to know if that special someone has saline implants?
Take her to Colorado, or Mexico City or anywhere that is in a very
different elevation.  Apparently, the saline implants get air bubbles
in them due to the change in air pressure and you can hear a
swishing and popping type sound.  So next time your boyfriend says
he just wants to listen..................

? ?? Serial Killing Made Easy ?????? ? Written By: Da Rapist                  ?

        Well this article will deal with the ins and outs of serial killing.
I know you all watch those fine tv shows like HARD COPY and the NEWS and see
those cool honkey serial killers (weird, you never see black serial killers)
who slice and dice people up for fun. Now you're probably sitting there
saying "hey, that looks pretty cool". Well yeah, it is. And if done right,
you might never get caught.
        The great thing about serial killing is that usually you don't get
caught very easily because you are killing a whole mess of people you DONT
KNOW and usually mutilating them beyond recognition (heh heh mutilation is
cool heh heh). Yes this is truly a fun sport. If you just keep a few minor
guidelines in mind, you will be assured of a fun slaughtering spree.
        First of all, most good serial killers want to target a specific
group to attack. I myself prefer to go after teenage sluts. They are by far
the most fun to degrade, then slaughter. However there's always old ladies,
blind people, retarded people, black people, etc. Although you can usually
be assured of a good time if you have a young attractive blonde singled out
and carry a copy of VaS's "Basic Rape Techniques" in your back pocket.
        Now the next part is deciding on a few murder weapons. In order to
avoid getting the murders linked, its usually a good idea to vary the methods
of killing. For example, you may want to drive a wooden stake through your
first victim's skull, and then peel off the skin on his limbs. Then for your
second victim you might want to drill a 7/16" hole in their chest to stun them,
and then reach down their throat, and pull their internal organs out. This one
always gets a few odd stares from passersby.
        For locations of murder, this one is always tricky. You dont want to
do it anywhere where someone might hear the screams of a person having his
eyeballs removed from their sockets. I prefer to do my killing around lunchtime
in fairly loud places. For example, in the bathroom at a crowded, noisy
resteraunt. After finishing him off, put him in a stall, lock the door, and
crawl out from under to make your escape (after washing your hands well of
course - we do want to be sanitary , eh?). Now it will be a few hours before
someone finds him (usually not until the end of the night when they have the
retard janitors coming in to clean up, and they notice a pile of steaming
entrails laying on the floor.
        Of course finally, in order to authenticate the serial killing, you
will want to leave some sort of sign that it was you. I personally like to
leave a copy of VaS's "Penis News Flash" in their wallet. This way they know
it's me doing it (they just dont know who "me" is, heh-heh). Now I don't
think leaving your home phone number or anything like that would be a good
original idea, but how about leaving maybe a picture of Nick Sitko (The Grim
Phreaker of 810 Lame Fame) or something stupid like that...
        Anyhow I hope you find this information extremely useful and decide
to go on a bloody rampant killing spree. Hey, why not slaughter every lamer
in your area code (I am plotting this one out for 313 AC as we speak). So
go out and have a good time, and save some kidneys for me!

? ?? M0Re oF KaPTaIN ]<-RaD ???????? ? Written By: NoCTuRNaL B0Dy 3MiSSioNz   ?

       Well after a long vacation, we have finally tracked down the wherabouts
of that famed s00peR haCquEr ]<-aPTiN /<-RaD! We located him somewhere near
Alabama incesting small farm animals and peeing in the slurpee machines in
7-11. After a brief chat, We feel we can fill you in on THE FURTHER ADVENTURES

        Shortly after his rendezvous with Paul Ruebens to save the world from
the evil FBI, KapTaIN KRaD decided that once again it was time to enter that
sacred realm of s00peRhaKeRd0m.
        Firing up his Pie-RaTTeD copy of QmoDem Pr0 For windowz (KaPTaIN KraD,
like ALL LaMerz,  iS uNABlE To USe D0S SuCCEsFuLLY), He StaRteD AtTaCK DiaLiNg
The LoCaL ANsi-HaCkEr BBS. uNaBLe T0 ConnEcT afTer 309 conSecutive tries, he
switched over to FuCKiN HaCKEr v4.SeCT0RediT95.
        He HaD juSt HeaRd AbouT The NeW3Zt C0DeZZ. ThEY WeRe ThE 911-XXXX
CoDEzzzz. So He enTeReD "911-6969" as The nUmBeR t0 HaCK and "422537XXXX" as
the template (ThaTS HACKERXXXX for YoU iLL3TraTe TyPEz). AFtER A Few MiNuTes
oF HaCKiNG HiS PhONe WaS RiNGiNG uNConTRollablee.
        "umm HeLL0?" came KapTaiN KraDS pathetic whiny greeting to the 911
        "Is everythin all right 0ver TheRe M'aam?" was the opeRaT0rz resPoNse
(having that high pitched modem geek voiCe oFtEn CoNFuSed operatorz as t0 his
        "uMMM WOW i HaCKEd The 911 SySTEM!" KaPTain KraD exclaimed. He slammed
the phone down, and PRoCeeDed t0 LoAD uP CsH0w 2000 (PiRaTed ReGisTereD copy,
0f CouRSE) and L0aD up HiS SuPEr diRT-EEE CD R0m GiF FesT.
        AfTeR StiCKyiNg uP HiS KeyboARd a BiT M0re, He StARteD t0 BraG t0 hiS
FriENDs aBout WhaT a S00peR HaCKEr He Was. WoRd GoT AroUNd to The auThORS of
SHiT MaGAZINe (SoMe HaiRy iLLiCiT TeSTACLEs) AnD b00yy WERe tHeY PiZZeD 0ff aT
KaPTaiN KraD! TheY JuST HaD REleaSEd An ARticle 0n h0w T0 haK 911 aNd HeRe ThE
LaMERz WeRE aLReaDy doiNG iT ! H0w un-]<-RaD!!1!!!!11
        S0 The StuDz aT ShIT MaGaZINE haD t0 eXaCT REVEngE oN KapTain KraD.
WhateveR sHouLD ThEY d0? HaCK HiS m0dEM (usiNG vaS DiGeST TechniqueS)? Nah,
too easy. DiScOnnEcT HiS PH0nE Lin3? Nah, he gets that all the time.
        InstEaD tHEy CaRdED SoME PLANe TiCKets t0 go PaY Mr. KraD a ViSiT.
UpON ARRiViNG iN t0wN ThEY sToLE A MaCK [daddy] TruCK And Dr00Ve it oVer
kaPTaiN KraDS HouSE. ThEy HaD The PLAN t0 eLiMiNATe THiS PeSt oNCe AND FoR
        WhEN KapTaiN KraD anSwEred hIs D00r EXPeCTiNG His ShipMeNt oF 23
caRdEd 28.8 moDeMS he was iN FoR a biT OF A sh0CK (no PuN iNTenDed). The SHiT
guYz GraBBeD HiM, anD aTTaCHeD The DreaDeD JuMpEr CABLes 0f d00M To HiS GnaDz.
ThE OtHer ENd WaS CoNNecTeD t0 ThE AlTernAt0r oF The MaCK [daddy] TruCK. The
SHiT PReSiDEnt Fl00reD ThE GaS, INstANtly RemoVing ThE GnaDz of KapTaiN Krad.
        NoW KaPTain KraD wAsnT g0iNG TO Go FoR this. He wEnt iNsIDe, and
LocKed The D00rs. Then He B00teD up His Copy 0f BASiCA (He hasnt goTTen ThAT
n3w WaRe GW-BaSiC Yet). He WroTe The f0LL0WiNG PRoGRam:

10 REM *********************
20 REm ** HaCK MACK ViRuS **
30 REM *********************
40 REm
50 REM GuArEnTeeD t0 HaCK The MaCK
60 REM
80 PRINT "HAHA Y0uR HACKED d00d!!!!!!!"

        He proceeeded to run his New VirUs aND The MaCK got HaCKED! HaRDC0re!
KaPtaiN KRad sat back aNd LauGHed aT THe DeStruCtioN His LaMEr ASS hAd
uNLeaSHed. BuT This WaS NoT T0 LaST...

            TO BE CONTINUED AT A LATER DATE !1!1!!!!1111 KRAD!!!!!!!

? ?? SuIcIdE iN StYlE ?????????????? ? Written By: Mogel                      ?
        Okay, so all my life I've been waking up in a cold sweat having 
dreams that one day I could actually write for VaS!!  That day has finally
come that I can unite with the RaDest guys on 'da scene.  Now don't doubt me,
YES I can be as obnoxious and ignorant as them!  Really I can!!  Fuck the
homos, fuck the blacks, fuck the jews, fuck anything that is or isn't me!! 
You ALL suck and VaS kicks everyone and everything's ass.  
        With that out of the way, I'll begin the file.  This file is not 
about the lates way to get ]<0d3z or the gNu |-|4C/<iNG 4 (_)NiX, no this 
file is for those of you with miserable, fucked up lives and you want to kill
yourself.  I have compiled several methods that you should employ in 
commiting suicide.  Remember one thing here, don't be boring.  Get dangerous.
Get exciting.  How many stupid suicides have you seen or heard about in your
life??  I'll say it once and I'll say it again(huh?): If you're going to kill
yourself then why not do something meaningful while you do it???
        Okay, the first thing that must be done is you must thourghly convice 
yourself that you do, in fact, want to die.  That part is easy...just look
at your pathetic life.  Reflect on it.  Need help still?  Fine.  Chant these
words to yourself: "I am a loser.  I spend every waking minute on a BBS.  
I have no girlfriend.  I'm ugly.  I smell bad.  My mom is a bitch.  No one
loves me.  I have no real friends.  I have no real talents.  I'm worthless."
That should just about do it.  If not, then just watch the Weather channel 
for about 5 minutes (15 if you can take it) and that should finish the job.
        The next part is the fun part that all suicide people should have...
of coarse!  The suicide note!!  What could make a suicide with out the 
suicide note?!  Now you can take the Kobain method and write a lame reason
for killing yourself (such as feeling like shit, having a worthless life),
but let me suggest a few methods...first the funny method.  What better way 
to end your life than with something that will make your loved ones laugh out
loud?  Because I'm so Elite, I have included a few examples:

               |                                           |
               |      t0 wh0m iT M4y K0nS3rN,              |
               |  bY tH3 tiM3 Y0u r34d tHiZ n0t3 i Wi11    |
               |  h4v3 hUnG mYs31f bY /x\y K4b3l 0f mY     |
               |  m0d3M.  y0u m4Y b3 aZkiNg "\x/|-|y dID   |
               |  h3 d0 iT?" w311,                         |
               |                                           |
               |         i DiD iT iN tH3 n4M3 0v           |
               |                W4r3ZZzzZZZzzZ!!!!!1!!1!   |                                        
               |                                           |
               |              p.i.s.s.                     |
               |            m4/<3 sUr3 tH4t mY B04R|>      |
               |            St4Yz a 0-3 d4y ZiT3!!!11!!1   |   
               |                                           |
             |                                               |
             |        Dear Mom,                              |
             |                I'm a little tea pot short     |
             |  and stout.  Here is my penis, here is my     |
             |  spout.  There once was a lady named Venus    |
             |  whose body was shaped like a Venus flytrap   |
             |  Remember the alamo?  Where's my liver?       |
             |  I'm melting...I'm melting.  I wish, I wish,  |
             |  I wish I was a fish.  Mom I think I love     |
             |  you won't you tell me your name.  Haha,      |
             |  tricked you that's a line from a song.       |
             |  I like to call Mogel's board at 2157323413.  |
             |  Well, at least now you know where Dad's      |
             |  shotgun went to.  I really don't have too    |
             |  much to say now that I'm dead.  Oh yeah, I   |
             |  wanted to mention that I always hated our    |
             |  family outings to the forest.  Uncle Jack    |
             |  with nachos and big farts and always hearing |
             |  you and dad scream as you were having sex in |
             |  tent next door.  Please engrave "I'm Coming" |
             |  on my grave stone and best wishes to you.    |
             |  I did it for Drano.  Please excuse the Mogel |
             |  Plug,  Goodbye....                           |
        Another more affective note technique is to be an asshole.  You need
to gather up all that anger and let it loose in a flame note.  Observe:

            |                                                   |
            |   YOU MONEY GRUBBING SACK OF SHIT!  I AM SO       |
            |   AND THIS WORLD AND YOUR PLACE IN IT.  HERE      |
            |   WANNA KNOW WHY I'M HERE?!  I'M HERE BECAUSE     |
            |   YOU FUCKING PUT ME HERE!  THAT'S RIGHT!  IT'S   |
            |   BITCH!  YOU KILLED ME.                          |

        This letter is the best kind.  It's great fun to die knowing you 
have put a kind of guilt on a person that they will never forget.  Hey, you
might even get them to commit suicide too.  But no way will their letter be
better than yours(unless they were reading this great text file).. their's 
will say something like "..i just couldn't live with myself..." That wollows
in lamity compared to yours, huh?
        The next thing I'm going to discuss is the actual methods you can 
commit suicide.  This first part is the list of old, been-done, stupid things
that only lame suicide people do.

                        Suicide For Losers:
                1) Hanging yourself
                2) Slitting your wrists
                3) Shooting yourself
                4) Stabbing yourself
                5) Jumping off a building
                6) Going into the bathtub with a toaster
                7) Overdosing on something

                        /<oo1 Suicide:

  1] METHOD ONE: The Sports Bomb.

        I've always been a strict believer in the philosophy that if you're
  gonna go, you should take as many innocent people with you as possible.  
  Enter: The Sports Arena.  That's right, either that or a Concert.  Any 
  place where you can get real close to as many people as possible.  Then all 
  you do is bring a grenade, a bomb, or some explosive...either stapped across
  your body or hidden away....and here's the kicker: YOU JUST BLOW UP WITH 
  THEM.  That's right, don't like whip it out and say "This is for Allah" or
  any shit like that...then people will all run away and that would suck.  No,
  the best thing to do is just go boom.  
        I'm not going into specific on how to make any bombs... you want to
  get technical shit?  Read Phrack or something.  Besides, you should all be 
  313+3 enough to make a bomb dammit.  

  2] METHOD TWO: Rape Spree.

        You are about to die.  So why the fuck can't you do something that
  you've always wanted to do??  Remember that girl and school with the really
  big tits that ignored you?!  I think it's about time you concocked a really
  intricate plan to GET her...after all, isn't she one of the reasons your
  doing this?  That's right!  Okay, what you need to is have prepared 
  handcuffs, ropes, chains, anything that you can tie her down with...Now
  the part that you are on your own with is getting alone with her in some
  deserted place...(No, Your Uncle Moggie wouldn't leave ya' without ANY 
  tips!  Here's one.. pick some deserted place somewhere and then run up to 
  her and tell her that her boyfriend is making our "BIG TIME" with some 
  chick (it would be wise to pick some bitch she would be envious of) at that
  location.  Then just accompany her there and your are home free.  Make 
  sure it's a deserted place, and make sure you have your matierals either 
  with you or planted at the site.  Remember a gag.  Also, you could brush up
  on your raping skills in the VaS "How to Rape" files.  Anyway, fuck her
  good and plenty.  Make sure you cup a really big feel...do it for me...or
  better yet, do it for VaS!  Then you kill yourself.  Make sure you don't 
  get too excited and kill her too.. remember it's important to leave 
  permanent psychological scars on the people you leave behind!

  3] Method Three: Public Assholes

        This is the most important one in my opinion.  Since you are going to
  just up and murder yourself, why don't you do something useful for humanity
  before you fucking just up and leave?!  Don't be a selfish jH00!  Do you
  know how many motherfucking asshole politicians there are in this goddam
  Capitalistim motherfucking bullshit government we have?!?  Do you know how
  many annoying ignorant obnoxious egocentric relegious leaders we have?!  Do
  you know how many money hungry self-centered entertainers are out there?!
  That says it all.  KILL ONE OF THEM!!  Don't leave without taking out of
  them with you or your a pathetic loser that did nothing with your 
  meaningless life.  I know if I was gonna go, I would take the Power Rangers
  with me!
        In conclusion, I would just like to say something simple.  You are 
  going to seise to exist if you kill yourself.  You might as well do 
  something crazy before you go... be it running away from home or whatever,
  if you plan to do the big "self-fuck", then why not have fun with it?

? ?? SeLLiNg FaKe DrUgZ ???????????? ? Written By: TyRoNe JeFFeRsOn <TPP>     ?

    Say your out of a job and need some money real fast, you just want to
 rake in the dough or you need money to support your guerilla armys takeover
 of the United States government. Well, if so, i have the ultimate, best LEGAL 
 scam here. Basically, what you will be doing is selling look alike common 
 household stuff as drugs to stoopid wannabe stoners. 

 I. Who do I sell to?

    If you go to high school, like me, you can rapidly get millions of clients.
 Look for preppie yuppie scum. There dadsies give them a lot of money for some
 reason and they are not very intelligent. Don't approach them with offers to
 sell because a lot of preppies are total goody-goodys and will nark on you.
 Listen for groups of them talking about "getting wasted", "hydroponic 
 redhairs", etc.. These also tend to be the alternative wannabe type and will
 usually be wearing flannels around there wastes and stussy hats. Try to join 
 there conversation and after a while you should offer to sell them some stuff.
 If you don't go to a high school, then you can find people Raves, Clubs, bars
 (not usually) or Crack Houses(not a good idea). Most schools will expel you
 for selling fake drugs, so be careful. Try to sell it to them out of school.
 However, the school will propably still try to expel you even if it is out of

 II. Making Fake Drugs
   A. Pot
        Since this is the most common drug you will be selling, i will 
   describe it here. Usually, the buyer has never seen real pot before, so you
   can use Oregeno, basil or any mixture of spices. Make shure to grind at 
   least 50% of your mixture up before mixing it. This makes it look a little
   more real. Spices, however, have many disadvantages. They are not cheap
   and tend to have a pacific smell. The best recipe for making fake pot, 
   which will fool anyone but the real stoners is right here..

      Fake Pot

         Green Tea Leaves(Sold in bags)
         Flower buds(Fruit tree buds or flower buds. small)

         1. Get a plastic bag.

         2. Fill it will the desired ammount of tea leaves.

         3. Take buds at a 1:10 ammount to the tea leaves.
            Put theses buds in the microwave for about 30 seconds.
            Depending on the type of bud add more/less time.

         4. Mix together and sell.

   B. LSD

        This is the second most trendy drug today. Usually, the preps will
   have had no contact with it, so you can fuck with them. You will need to
   cut up a peice of plain white paper or more preferably blotter paper. The
   first method involes making a little dot with the tip of a pen in the 
   center of the peice of paper. The second involves a method in LeEcH mag. 
   The thing on microwaving morning glory petals on the paper will probably
   look like acid. You might also be able to drop some of the vile flavored
   non-carbonated mineral water that our cafeteria carries on some blotter
   paper and sell that. 

   C. Cocaine

        I don't recommend that you even bother with this one. You can't make
   as much money and the only people who would buy it would probably shoot 
   you. Anyway, don't use Suger or Salt. Flower would probably be the best
   to sell, but they will test it if you sell it in large quantitys, so don't
   bother. It's not worth it.

   D. Others

        It is to hard and costs more to manufacture fake nitrous, though you
   could give them CO2 cartridges and watch there brain freeze. It still is
   not worth it. You could shit or piss on mushrooms and sell them as ShroomZ.
   Put some vial liquid in a syringe and say it's heroin. They won't know the

 III. Postmordem

    Usually, after you have sold someone something, they will tell you "Man,
 that stuff was great". Try to keep a straight face. Now, you can continue 
 to sell to him and his freinds until the trend changes. The reason most of 
 these people seem so stupid is because they never used the drug. They are 
 not buying the drug for the drug. They are buying it for status and to brag
 alone. However, once and a while, you will run into a prep who actually tries
 it. They will either tell you it was great or nothing happened. If they say
 the later, respond with something like "What are you talking about, i had 
 some of that last night and it ruled.". Usually, they will change there minds.
 If not, then who fucking cares. What are they going to do, call the cops and
 say the pot they bought from you wasn't real. 

? ?? JeW RaNtZ ????????????????????? ? Written By: WoZZeL                     ?
 (As we all know Zionists and media bastards have begun to invade the 
 "information Superhighway". With there krad new windows internet programs
 they have finally been able to understand it. Just about every one here is
 from America Online. heheheheehehe... We will keep you updated.)

Subject: Re: Aryan Singer Murdered
From: alghul@aol.com (AlGhul)
Date: 15 Oct 1994 17:09:04 -0400
Message-ID: <37pgdg$9r@newsbf01.news.aol.com>

In article <37mj86$5f9@newsbf01.news.aol.com>, wozzel@aol.com (Wozzel)

>I'm a  graduate history student. I've written several papers concerning
>the theories of David Irving (a Jew!!! , you should look him up.) and the
>fallacy of the "Holocaust."I've been to Auschwitz ("from sweat" in
>German). This is alt.punk!!!!
>Go to alt.jew if you want to promote Zionism.Never forget that punk rock
>was invented by avid Nazi buffs Douglas (Dee Dee Ramone) Colvin, Ron
>Asheton, et al.I don't hate any Jewish individual, just Judaism as a
>philosophy/political doctrine. 

really, you don't hate any jewish individuals? that's strange because i
distinctly remember a comment along the lines of "just as i thought, i
have an oven waiting for you, you fucking ZOG agent".
And where exactly did you get the idea for ovens if aushwitz was just a
work camp. no one came out but thousands of people were brought in on
trains a day. nazi records document this. now unless aushwitz had massive
underground living faculties along with some kind of self contained food
production facilities (because minimal amounts were brought in), these
people had to be leaving through the chimney.
Wow, of the 16 or something million Jews alive today, 15,999 mourn the
dead of the holocaust, but this David Irving character doesn't think it
happened so i guess it didn't.
and whats this about a philosophical/political doctrine? (hear me out
here) the catholic church had a definite political agenda before the
protestant reformation, just ask the knights templar. and it still does to
a lesser extent, look how it bullied the world around at the population
summit a month or two ago. and i don't agree with its philosophical
aspects. but i don't hate the church, and i definitely don't hate
catholics. i even like some of the hierarchy, bishop tutu and father
aristide along with many unknown parish priests are all beautiful people.
i don't say things like "don't insult thousands of law abiding christians
by comparing them to catholics", but wozzel, the open minded graduate
student that he is wrote "don't insult thousands of law abiding semites by
comparing them to jews".
i agree that punk has some very conservative roots (the whole fuck hippies
mentality) but i don't give a fuck what dee dee ramones says, as far as
i'm concerned anyone in counter culture that advocates the nazis is a
moron. because the first thing the nazis did was crack down on the counter
culture. (after aryan cripples) communists, homosexuals and jazz artists
were the first ones sent to inhale cyclon-b, before the jews or the slavs.

"in the real fourth reich you'll be the first to go"
                                   -jello biafra

So you say.  But most thirty year old TAs I've known wouldn't that easily
be mistaken for 15 year old computer nerds with testosterone-impeded brain
And is Wayne State really a "major university?"  According to your own
reasoning, I should think not; more like Affirmative Action U., with you
there as a token white person. I'd like to see you try to peddle your
garbled antediluvian race theories at a real university like Berkeley or
Harvard or Michigan.

 (Please note: I think Wayne is a fine school, and gives an opportunity
for a college education to many people who might otherwise not get one. 
It's just too bad that its generous admission policies are abused by
people like Wozzel, who go there not so much for an education as to have
their previously existing prejudices confirmed.)


In article <37i8re$9s@newsbf01.news.aol.com>, AlGhul <alghul@aol.com> wrote:
>keep america clean, destroy fascism

that has got to be about the most facist thing i've ever heard!  fuck, 
why don't we just destroy free speech and free thought while we're at it 
and TRULY keep america clean.  nazis (as much i hate everything they 
stand for) have as much of a right to think what they think and say what 
they say as anyone else.  when it crosses over into actual violence, 
that's when you have to draw the line.  let the nazis speak!  they 
usually do more harm to themselves by opening their mouths than any of us 
could do to them by opening ours.


Subject: Re: Aryan Singer Murdered
From: brwi@ix.netcom.com (Brad Williams)
Date: 15 Oct 1994 03:40:11 GMT
Message-ID: <37niur$glq@ixnews1.ix.netcom.com>

In <37mj86$5f9@newsbf01.news.aol.com> wozzel@aol.com (Wozzel) writes: 

>In article <37jk4g$jnd@nermal.cs.uoguelph.ca>, wmercier@uoguelph.ca (Wayne
>Mercier) writes:
>>Go read a history book, go fucking 
>visit Auschweitz, go fucking do something that just might spark off what 
>little brain you have and spare me your pathetic whining and excuse 
>making for your sorry-ass life you brainless piece of shit.
>I'm a  graduate history student. I've written several papers concerning
>the theories of David Irving (a Jew!!! , you should look him up.) and the
>fallacy of the "Holocaust."I've been to Auschwitz ("from sweat" in
>German). This is alt.punk!!!!
>Go to alt.jew if you want to promote Zionism.Never forget that punk rock
>was invented by avid Nazi buffs Douglas (Dee Dee Ramone) Colvin, Ron
>Asheton, et al.I don't hate any Jewish individual, just Judaism as a
>philosophy/political doctrine. 

This is total flame-bait and a nazi-wet-dream.
I'll let others blast away at the BS, but I can't pass up a chance to say
the Ramones were never punk-rock and had nothing to do with punk except they
not have mainstream appeal. NY Dolls-maybe,but never the Ramones. Look at all
the punk bands in 1976-Sex Pistols/Clash/Damned(1st "punk" album ever)/etc.
all British, don't sound anything like the Ramones, weren't long-hairs,
American. While I like the early Ramones, they'd fit into "new wave" more
anything punk. BTW, Wozzel is right that punk did have nazi-underpinnings-it
wasn't until '79 or so that the political slant went "leftward" and hardcore
bands like the DK's pushed the message.


----------------------- Headers -----------------------
From: brwi@ix.netcom.com (Brad Williams)
Newsgroups: alt.punk

? ?? Wh0 iS DaRk BBSeR ????????????? ? Written By: TPP                        ?
    Lately a person known as the Dark BBSer has been putting out a lame mag
 called Lamer. Many of you have been after this guy and his handle is an
 alias. Well in this issue, you will see who and what he is.
/join #lamer


<Mouse> TGP: I got my hand on your ass.
<SirRoBiN> iTz Tpp!@!@!@@!@@!@!
<DarkBBSr> Hey guys, how do i kick some1?
<TGP> i wonder if kick would work?
<DarkBBSr> Kick tpp
<DarkBBSr> damn!@!@!!@@!
> Try /mode +o #lamer Tpp

<DarkBBSr> DaMn he'z StiLL HeRe!!
/mode -ooo #lamer TGP DarkBBSr

<TGP> TPP! i'm gonna Phreak your computer!@!@!@!@!@!@!
/Kick TGP

/mode +b #lamer TGP
<Mouse> TGP: and i am squeezing...
</<0d3mAn> WhErEz My FuCkiNg CoDeZ dAMMiT!@!@
<SirRoBiN> DaMMiT Mag Never Existed!
<DarkBBSr> TPP: Your going to be lamer #1 in Lamer mag if you don't get off 
<DarkBBSr> our channel!@!@!@!@!
/whois DarkBBSr

>I g0t YeR inPh0 Ph4G!@!@!
/Slay DarkBBSr
/mode +i #hack

/invite hedbangyr

<hedbangyr> d00d, I'm PlAyInG MaGiK.@>#@ WhaT theeeee FucKk iS 1t?
> d00d, i took over there channel
<hedbangyr> oH, YeAh i g0t ThE FiRsT lAdeeZ ViBrAt0r Ph0n3 NuMbEr!@!@@!@
<hedbangyr> lame, ok i'll check that other channel l8r.

/nick arbuckle

/join #lamer2


<DarkBBSr> TPP is s0 LaMe, hE Th1nkZ Hes cool because he kicked us off our
<DarkBBSr> channel.
<TGP> n0, LeTz Bl0w uP hIs InTeRnEt AcCoUnT! ThEn He'LL bE S0rrY!
<hotbuns> That bastard did the same thing to #gaysex
<TGP> HE MUST DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<hotbuns> oh that feels so good, harder!
<TGP> You Cheater!@!@!@!!!!!!
<DarkBBSr> Shutup, Your making me jism on my keyboard and it's getting to
<DarkBBSr> sticky to type.
<SirRoBiN> Yeah, Tpp is a seriously bad problem. You have no idea what vas
<SirRoBiN> can do to you.. Dammit..Dammit never existed though.h.h..

<hedbangyr> ItZ CaPtiAn K1rK KiDDeZZzZz zZ !
<TGP> I'm gonna wrap your dinger around your ugly little nose.
<TGP> Your VMB is going to be phreaked!!@@!
<hedbangyr> ShUt-Up LeEcH f4g.
<TGP> WhAt iS LEeCh, NeVeR HeArD oF iT. NeVeR ExIsTeD, Dammit.
/nick tpp

> hehehheh, i'm baCk!@!@
<SirRoBiN> oh ShIt!

<hedbangyr> th1s iS LaMe! I'M PlAyInG MaGiK l8rs8rh8r

> bye d00dZ
/SlAy all
/names #lamer2


-End of Log-

? ?? ST: National Socializm ????? ? Written By: DJ HiTlEr & ThE KiLL Jh00 KrEw?       ?
 " Did 6 million really die, or was it just a zionist lie.
   Socialised Nazi scares of proof, why did they try to cover up the truth.
   Society cast National Socialism through, organized lies imposed by the jews

   Six Million of the Jewish race
   Evidence, there's not a trace.
   Impossibilitys of zyclon-B,
   They tried to fool, you and me."
                      - No Remorse "Zyclon-B"
    The purpose of this series of textfiles is to uncover the lies and
 cover-ups of history as well as explore systems of government such as 
 anarchism and nazism which have been illegally censored while information
 on subjects worse, yet liked more by our government are encouraged such as
 communism. This first article shall deal with the best example of all:
 National Socialism. I will explain in this article, to the best of my
 ability how the holocaust was made up by the allies and the jewish religion
 to cover-up the fact that the allies were the aggressors in both world
 wars. The principals will also be explored. I have also found in political
 arguements, that my opponents in these arguements have never been able to
 come up with one valid arguement, while i had many. I ask those of you who
 would hate the national socialist form of government to keep an open mind
 as you read this. I am just sick of people who just say lame shit like 
 "thats bullshit" and nothing else after i leave documented facts. And those
 left wing scum out there who claim i am writing this to brainwash people
 can fuck off. The two party system sucks dick. They are the true enemys of 
 the american people and need to be destroyed. All the left wing media has
 tried to do to me for my entire life is brainwash me. That is the medias
 only purpose. Back when i was little, 6th grade in middle school, i was 
 forced to read liberal propoganda mags about how being gay is cool, the
 world will explode in a year because of the rain forests, etc. And for 
 about 2 years i was a flaming liberal. That stopped short after i got a 
 computer. It set my mind free, and people wonder why the US government is
 trying to control the internet now? I have found that the republican party
 is the least of the two evils, at least they don't brainwash children who
 can't defend themselves. Anyway, enpugh politics, on with the article.

 World War I
    To really understand the development of National Socialism and World War
 II, you have to go back to the 1910's. Great Britian and France were the 
 world's major industrial powers and while they gradually lost there power
 around the world, germany, austria and america were gaining power. France
 and England began to grow jealous of Germany, and they found the perfect 
 excuse for an attack when austria invaded Serbia after the assasination of
 Archduke Ferdinand by a serbian national. After a few years, Britian and
 France were loosing the war badly. The French army had been almost destroyed
 and several divisions started a civil war. The British army, though in better
 shape, was taking heavy losses. They appealed to america for help. America,
 which was violating its own neutrality already by aiding the allies, joined
 using the sinking of the lusitania as an excuse. The Lusitania was a 
 passenger ship sunk by a german U-boat off Britian. About 118 americans died.
 However, it was later discovered that the lusitania was smuggling weapons
 to france when the ship was recently explored with minisub. 
    At the end of World War 1, the allies forced the germans to sign the
 treaty of Versailles. This treaty forced the germans to pay costs for 
 everything destroyed in the war as well as all of the allied nations war 
 costs. They even had to pay huge sums of money for dead horses. This treaty
 carved Germany up amungst the allies and seperated prussia from germany. 
 This treaty was one of the main causes of the second World War. 
 National Socialism
    When the German soldiers returned from the front, they faced greater 
 dangers then they had at the front. Communist street gangs tried to 
 assasinate ex-soldiers and the country was in anarchy. A soldier named 
 Adolf Hitler, who had earned several medals fighting on the front found this
 along with the Versailles Treaty disgusting. He was also angry that the jews
 had supported the allies through loans throughout the war. He fought the
 communists in several bar fights. He was eventually thrown in jail for 
 trying to overthrow the government. There he wrote Mein Kampft. People who
 were sick of what was happening to Germany started to support him as his
 fame spread. General Von Schleicher, who was germanys Chancelor at the time
 tried to continue to rule illegally as a Military Dictator. Hindenburg,
 however appointed Adolf Hitler the new Chancelor even in the face of a 
 total military take over by Von Schleicher. The National Socialist party
 had the largest majority in the history of the Reichstag. Thus Hitler was
 legally elected and didn't force Hindenburg into making him chancelor.

 World War II
    Once Adolf Hitler was in office, he stopped the retributions to the allies
 and built the german army back up to the strongest army the world has ever 
 seen to retake German territory taken by the allies in the Treaty of 
 Versailes. Austria, the first country invaded, was originally a part of 
 the Holy Roman Empire. The fight between the Hapsburgs of Austria and the
 prussians of the North for control of the Empire caused the Empire to split
 into Germany and Austria. Now that both houses were gone, there was nothing
 to keep them from uniting. Thus, Czechoslavakia and Hungary were also German
 lands. Poland, which wasn't a state till after WW1, violated its agreements
 at versallies by kicking Germans and Jews out of there country into Germany
 (Nuremburg affidavit XVI 275). The polish jews caused many financial scandals
 which rocked Germanys economy (Nuremburg Affidavit XXI 569). The Germans
 originally offered to pay for the return of the city of danzig to the Reich
 and for a highway and Railway through the polish corridor to East Prussia.
 (X 260-269; 280-281; 367-369). In responce, the poles kicked more Germans
 out and mobilized there troops along the german border. The poles 
 underestimated the germans. They though that if there was a war, that 
 Germany would lose because it had been in chaos for so many years, and the
 Polish Army would march through and capture Berlin. (XVII 520-521; 564-566; 
 XX 607). The poles were also demanding parts of East Prussia. (XII 476-479; 
 XIX 224-232; XX 570-571). Germany had enough with this and took it's part
 of Poland back, along with Russia, which took it's share. France and England
 then declared War on Germany, which means they were the agressors. Belguim
 and the Netherlands allowed Allied planes to use there airspace to bomb
 Germany. They German Government protested this over a hundred times. When
 they failed to respond, Germany marched through Belguim, the Netherlands and
 then on to France. When France was completely overrun, Britian was being
 advised by Russia and Frances exiled Government to invade Germany. To try to
 prevent a war, Rudolf Hess flew to England. He was shot down and thrown in
 jail for no reason. The National Socialist hatred of Commies led to the  
 invasion of Russia. FDR, the most Communistic of all presidents, later used 
 the pearl harbor attack by the japs as an excuse to declare war on Germany. 
 Note that in each case, except for Russia, Germany wasn't the aggressor. 
 After the war ended, the allies accused Germans of several atrocitys to
 cover there own actions up. A few examples would be waging aggressive warfare,
 the holocaust and they accused the SS of Rapeing and pillaging. Britian 
 blockaded Germany, which is aggresive warfare, yet they never defined what
 the germans did, if anything. According to military law, any soldier of any
 army type group raped or pillaged was to be executed immediatly (XVIII 368; 
 XXI 390; XXII 78). SS troops were trained to be honorable as well as perfect 
 warriors. And finally...

 The Holocaust
    The Holocaust was total Bull shit. There is NO evidence at all that it 
 happened, yet there is lots of evidence it didn't. Most of these holocaust
 survivor writers are a bunch of Racist jews who's story changes daily and
 a few have talked about being freinds with other famous holocaust survivors
 who later turned out to be ghost names for fiction authors. In most of these
 books they also talk about hating the germans as a race, for example Ellie
 Wiesle's book "Legends of our time". No gas chambers were ever found in the
 camps, nor any facilitys that were able to burn, freeze, electrocute, bake,
 etc. The vast majority of concentration camp prisoners were Common Criminals
 (XVII 535-536; XXI 516-521; 607-614). Today, if anyone believes the holocaust
 never happened, they will be immediatly laughed at and made fun off. Why?
 because the jews control EVERY tv network, and are in charge of the news 
 which is the biggest spreader of propoganda in the world. They have spread
 rumors through media about how jews are smarter than normal people. There 
 own religion says they are gods chosen people and will rule over the world
 for about 4 years before "judgement day". The majority of skinheads i have
 met also happen to be extremely intelligent people, despite the media's
 steriotype of nazis being shaved gorillas. The jews lately have been whining 
 about how Farakahn of the Nation of Islam is a racist because he started 
 talking about killing jewboy instead of just whitey. Notice, that he WASN'T 
 a racist when he was just bashing whites. Notice also, that the Jewish 
 religion FUNDED farakahn when he was just bashing whites. The Nuremburg 
 trials to punish all the evil nazi war criminals were a total and complete
 miscarriage of justice. The defence had over 300,000 avidavits and 120 
 witnesses and the prosecution beat all of it with 9, count them 9 avidavits.
 It was more of a "kill a few people to act righteous" trial. Some of these
 people such as Rudolf Hess, were jailed for trying to make peace between
 Germany and the allies. Yeah, jews don't got any power. No.

    Since WW2, the nazis have been the scapegoat for everything evil in our
 society. Several myths emerged, and i will explain the reality of them

   Nazis made human soap and Jackets out of Skin
    The Human soap and jackets lie came from the Russians who claim to have
  the soap at the peace palace at Haque. They have never forensically tested
  it and even after the cold war, they won't allow anyone to test it. The 
  jackets and clothes were never found. How the fuck do you make soap out of
  humans? Human skin is to brittle and too thin to be used in making any 
  clothes. Anyways, why would these "racist" nazis use products made out of 
  an "inferior" race?

   German Citizens were beaten and killed during WW2
    This one is another one spread by movies mainly. Unfortunently, Americans
  believe what they watch too much. The National Socialist party brought 
  there nation out of a depression larger than any this country has faced
  to becoming the most powerful nation in the history of the world. If they
  were being oppressed, than why did english ambassators to germany claim the
  people were happier than they were in years.

    This part is boring the hell out of me and i have a deadline so i'll 

 Organizations and cool stuff
    Heres some cool things you can order and stuff.

    Send 30 bux for a years subscription to WaR's Newsletter and/or
    send 3.00 for complete catalog to

      P.O. BOX 65
      Fallbrook, Ca 92088

    White Aryan Resistance Aryan Update- (619) 723-8996
    W.A.R ? Line (619) 723-1666
    WAR FaX Line (619) 723-9817

   No Remorse
    No Remorse Merchandise and tapes
      Send SAE to:
       BCM BOX 5103,
       London WCIN 3XX.
   American National Socialist Party
    They got lots of neat stuff. Too much to list here. I will cover the
   basic things they have to sell. Mail them for there current price list.

   The New order- This is there newsletter

   Mini Edition- 4 page news letter, real cheap so that you can spread them 

   Stickers- Mass order stickers that you can spread around over buildings,
      phone booths, etc. design is swastika with a message and address for
      NSDAP/AO. The messages include Want oil, nuke isreal; White Power; 
      fight crime, deport niggers and deport race mixers.

/<-RaD oRdEr foRm. CliP hErE

  ( ) I want to order an INTRODUCTORY PACKET with assorted literature.
      Enclosed is US $2.00

  ( ) I want a Free Sample copy of your newsletter!

  ( ) I want to suscribe to the newspaper THE NEW ORDER. Enclosed is
      US $10.00 (outside of US and Canada US $20.00, surface mail) for the
      next 12 issues.

  ( ) I want to order ______ copies of the SPECIAL MINI-EDITION.
      Enclosed is $_________. (10/$1, 100/$5, 500/$20).

  ( ) I want to order ______ swastika stickers. Enclosed is $_________.
      (100/$3, 500/$10, 1000/$15)

  ( ) Send me your newest price list

  Name _______________________________________________________________
  Street _____________________________________________________________
  City ________________________________ State _____ Zip ______________
  Country ____________________________________________________________

                   Make Checks payable to: NSDAP/AO
                             Mail to:
             NSDAP/AO, PO Box 6414, Lincoln, NE 68506 USA

  TeLL em' VaS SenT yA!

? ?? A Drug Against War ???????????? ? Written By: Nobody iN Particular       ?

        This particular list appeared on alt.drugs a while ago, and I though
some of you that may have missed it might be interested...

So you're sick of the "War on Drugs"?  Here's an international
list of over 200 organisations which support drug law reform, 
although most of them are in the US.  Look for one in your area.  

Please distribute this list widely, and send in any groups 
which are not listed already.

There's an active group here for almost any taste.  Joining
your favourite organisation is best, though if you're worried
about persecution, just send anonymous money or a letter of
appreciation.  Take advantage of your democratic rights while
you still have some!

If you're already in a law reform organisation, you can use
this list to contact others with similar interests, and share
information or facilities.  Just knowing that there are others
working on these issues can be a big morale booster.  

The power of pro-liberty organisations can be multiplied many
times by fast and efficient communication, which spreads news
and promotes co-ordinated action.  Electronic mail and 
conferencing is the most efficient way to achieve these necessary
abilities.  For example, this list doubled its size in eight
months of circulation over the Usenet.  I strongly encourage
active groups and individuals to use this powerful technology.

This listing was originally kicked off with a list of groups
reproduced _with permission_ from the February, 1992 issue of
_High Times_ magazine (contact details at the end of the list).

Since then, it has grown considerably through the kindness of
those who have contributed additional entries, including Chris 
Klausmeier, Macca Macpherson and Dave Thomson.  Please reproduce
and distribute widely with this acknowledgment.  Post it on 
bulletin boards if you can.


I don't know any more about most of these groups, than what
appears here.  If you know about other active groups not
listed here, or if any entries need correction, please e-mail
me at "aldis@kralizec.zeta.org.au" or "aldis@peg.apc.org",
or mail to the address below, for incorporation in future
editions of this list. 

Aldis Ozols
GPO Box 127

                     * * * * *

PO Box 768
Potts Point
NSW    2011
Fax: (02) 358 1332
Notes: Sells clothing made of hemp, and distributes information
about the uses of hemp for paper, fuel, etc.

Flinders NORML
c/- Clubs and Societies Association, Inc.
Flinders University
Bedford Park, SA 5042

Hemp For Paper Consortium
c/- Harmsens
430 Tinderbox Road
TAS      7054
Phone: (002) 29 2063

Mullers and Packers Union,
C/o Clubs and Societies,
Monash University,
Clayton,  Victoria  3168
Notes: President is Tony Carden.
Last Contacted: 2/93

New South Wales NORML
GPO Box 91
Sydney, NSW 2001
Email: ausnorml@peg.apc.org

Nimbin HEMP
PO Box 177
Nimbin, NSW 2480
Phone: (066) 89 1602

West Australia NORML
P.O.Box 907
Morley, WA 6062
(Carl Turney)

International Anti-Prohibitionist League (Europe)
97 Rue Belliard, Rem.512
1040 Brussels
Phone: (32 2) 230 4121
Fax:   (32 2) 230 3670

Hemp Canada
500 PallMall St.
London, Ontario
N5Y 2Z4
Phone: (519) 433 9570
(Peter Miller)

International Anti-Prohibitionist League (Canada)
c/- Marie-Andree Bertrand
PO Box 6128
University of Montreal
Criminology Dept.
Montreal, Quebec H3C 3S7

Patriotic Canadians for Hemp
Box 293
Ucluelet B.C.
V0R 3A0
Phone: (604) 726 7239
Last Contacted: Jan 93

Society of Free Thinkers (SOFT)
P.O. Box 327
Newfoundland and Labrador (NfLb)
A1L 1C7
Notes: Not solely dedicated to drug law reform. Methods 
include Posters, Letters and Leaflets. Anonymity is granted
to members, upon request).
Last Contacted: Jan 93

SFU League for Ethical Action on Drugs
c/o SFSS Clubs Administration
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, B.C.
Email: chil@sfu.ca
Notes: Will be active during Spring semester 1993.
Last Contacted: Jan 93

Suomen kannabisyhdistys
PL 20
SF-00770 Helsinki

H.A.N.F. e.V.
Hanf als Nutzpflanze foerdern
c/o Gecko Headshop
Osterfelder Str. 2
D-5600 Wuppertal 1
Phone: (0202) 304295
Fax:   (0202) 316795

PO Box 19467
Auckland 7
Phone: (09) 828 4707 (Mike Finlayson)

Verein Schweizer Hanf Freunde
(Swiss Association of Hemp Friends)
Postfach 323
9004 St. Gallen
Last Contacted: Jan 93

CODD (Committee for an Open Debate on Drugs)
BCM Entwine,
London WC1N 3XX

Legalise Cannabis Campaign
BM Box 2455
London WC1N 3XX

Note: This portion of the list is currently being revised
by Chris Klausmeier.

Alabama TEACH
Rt 3 Box 620
Blountsville, AL 35031
(Johnny Bynum)

Alaskans for Hemp Awareness
1013 E. Dimond Blvd. #227
Anchorage, AK 99515
Phone/Fax: (907) 248 HEMP
E-Mail: 73237.422@compuserv.com [73237,422 via CompuServe]
(Len Karpinski)
Notes: Since 1990
LC: 12/92

Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics
PO Box 21210
Washington, DC 20009
Phone:  (202) 483 8595
Notes: Working to reform laws which prevent medical access to cannabis.
LC: 12/92

American Anti-Prohibitionist League
3929 SE Madison
Portland, OR 97214
(Floyd Ferris Landrath)

American Cannabis Research Experiment
PO Box 3240
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Email: jeg5s@uva.PCmail.virginia.edu

American Cannabis Society
PO Box 9208
Madison, WI 53715

American Civil Liberties Union
132 West 43rd St.
New York, NY 10036
Phone: (212) 944 9800
Notes: While not explicitly a drug law reform group, the ACLU
promotes human rights and supports alternatives to current laws.

American Hemp Council
PO Box 71093
Los Angeles, CA 90071-0093
Phone: (213) 288 4152

American Medical Marijuana Movement
(San Francisco Headquarters)
3745 Seventeenth Street
San Francisco, CA 94114
Phone: (415) 864 1961

Ann Arbor NORML
PO Box 6014
Ann Arbor MI 48106
Phone: (313) 663 9048 [RB]; (313) 453 8840
(Rich Birkett)

Antiochans for Hemp Awareness
Antioch College
Community Government
Yellow Springs, OH 45387
Phone: (513) 767 6427

Arizona NORML
703 W 12th Place
Tempe, AZ 85281

Arkansas NORML
PO Box 191031
Little Rock, AR 72219
Phone: (501) 562 3868 [GS]; (501) 371 0701 [WD]
(Glen Schwarz - President; Wayne Davis - Legal Sponsor)
Notes: Victory for Hemp!
LC: 12/92

PO Box 50434
Phoenix, AZ 85076
Phone/Fax: (602) 491 1139
BBS: (602) 921 2878 [Hemp Pipeline]
(William R. Green)
LC: 12/92

Bill of Rights Society
PO Box 44485
P.C., CA 91412

Boulder Hemp Initiative Project
P.O. Box 729
Nederland, CO 80466
Phone: (303) 369-1782
(Blair Wilson, Laura Kriho)

Bryan / College Station NORML
PO Box 9077
College Station, TX 77842
Phone: (409) 268 HEMP
(Craig Edge)
LC: 12/92

Buffalo BACH
336 Esser Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14207
Phone: (716) 873 0255
(Marilyn Craig)

Business Alliance for Commerce in Hemp (BACH)
PO Box 71093
Los Angeles, CA 90071-0093
Phone: (213) 288 4152
(Chris Conrad)

California Marijuana Initiative
23342 Angeles Forest Hwy.
Palmdale, CA 93550

California NORML
2215R Market St. #278
San Francisco, CA 94114
Phone: (415) 563 5858
(Dale Gieringer)

Cannabis Action Network (National Office)
PO Box 54528
Lexington, KY 40555
Notes: Currently relocating, telephone disconnected

Cannabis Action Network (Western Regional Office)
2560 Bancroft Way
Berkeley, CA 94704
Phone: (510) 486 1779
Voice Mail: (800) 942 9304 X 21513
(Debby Goldsberry)

Cannabis Action Network (Southern Regional Office)
4428 South Carrollton
New Orleans, Louisiana 70119
Phone: (504) 482 4094
(Kevin Aplin)

Art L.
PO Box 1612
Bellflower, CA 90706

Cato Institute
1000 Massachusetts Ave.
Washington, DC 20003
Phone: (202) 546 0200
Fax: (202) 546 0728

41 Sutter St., Suite 1688
San Fransisco, CA 94104

# Chapel Hill NORML
# PO Box 5122
# Chapel Hill, NC 27514
# Phone: (919) 932 5345
# (Rick Ramirez)

# Christians for HEMP
# 4550 N Springfield Ave
# Chicago, IL 60625-6318
# Phone: (312) 287 HEMP

Christic Institute
8773 Venice Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90034
Phone: (310) 287 1556
Fax: (310) 287 1559
E-mail: christic@igc.org
(Bill Davis)
Notes: Write to contact local campaign organiser
LC: 12/92

Citizens Advocating the Protection of Privacy
12611 Research Blvd. #121
Austin, TX 78759
Phone (512) 448 4804
Notes: Specifically concerned with employer drug testing,
especially by Motorola and Texas Instruments.
LC: 12/92

# Citizens Against Prohibition
# 1825 I Street NW #400
# Washington, DC 20006
# Phone: (202) 429 6827

Claremont Hemp Council
c/o Chris Klausmeier
Platt Campus Center
Harvey Mudd College
Claremont, CA 91711
Phone: (909) 398 4831 [CK]; (909) 624 3306 [MH]
E-mail: cklausme@jarthur.claremont.edu
(Chris Klausmeier, Mark Hornaday)
Notes: Registered 5-college organization at Claremont Colleges.
LC: 12/92

Clergy for Enlightened Drug Policy
St Luke's Methodist Church
Wisconsin Ave. and Calvert St., NW
Washington, DC 20007
Phone: (202) 333 4949

Coalition for Personal Rights
PO Box 73
Des Moines, IA 50301
(Carl Olsen)

Community for Creative Non-Violence
425 Second Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 393 1909

Community Improvement, Inc.
104 E.Fowler Ave., Suite 203
Tampa, FL 33612
Phone: (813) 931 8028

# Concerned Citizens for Responsible Drug Policies
# 3601 S Noland Road #32
# Independence, MO 64055

Dallas/Fort Worth NORML
PO Box 280586
Dallas, TX 75228-9186
Phone: (214) 502-4211
(Dana George)

Daytona Beach Hemp Awareness Council
PO Box 10384
Daytona Beach, FL 32120

# DC Metro NORML
# PO Box 10384
# Washington, DC 20013
# Phone: (703) 660 WEED, (301) 540 TOKE
# (Gary Jones)

# Delaware Valley NORML (1)
# 4387 Swamp Road Suite 275
# Doylestown, PA 18901
# Phone: (215) 672 5567
# (Bob Pabst)

Delaware Valley NORML
154 Uploand Ave
Horsham, PA 19044

Drug Policy Foundation
4801 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20016
Phone: (202) 895 1634
Fax: (202) 537 3007
E-Mail: 76546.215@compuserve.com [76546,215 via CompuServe]

# Drug Reform Coalition
# 225 Lafayette St., Ste. 911
# New York, NY 10012
# Phone: (212) 995 1245

Student Government Office
DUC -- North
2055 East Evans
Denver, CO 80210
Phone: (303) 778 7574
(Todd Hall)

End Drug Crime
PO Box 1623
Albany, NY 12201
Phone: (518) 434 3279

# Environmental Resources Through Hemp
# 8480-M Baltimore National Pike
# Suite 268
# Ellicott City, MD 21043
# Phone: (301) 461 1862
# (Alan Kicondale)

Fairbanks NORML
2990 Davis Road #E-29
Fairbanks, AK 99709

Families Against Destructive Drug Rehab (FADD)
4654 Dower Drive
Ellicott City, MD 21043

Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM)
1001 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 200-S
Washington, DC 20004
Phone: (202) 457 5790
Fax: (202) 457 8564
(Julie Stewart - President)
Notes: National grassroots network working to overturn mandatory sentencing.
LC: 12/92

Family Council on Drug Awareness
PO Box 71093
Los Angeles, CA 90071-0093
Phone: (213) 288 4152

Farmville BACH
c/o Peter Gillis
Longwood College
Farmville, VA 23909
LC: 12/92

PO Box 513
Franklin, NJ 07416-0513
Phone: (201) 827 2177
Notes: While not specifically a drug law reform organisation, FEAR
opposes the Civil Forfeiture laws which have been imposed in the
name of the "War on Drugs".

Flint Hills NORML
SGS Union PO Box 70
Kansas State University 
Manhattan, KS 66502
Phone: (913) 532 5254
(Terry Weber)

# Florida Association for Intelligent Hemp Reform / Tampa Bay NORML
# 5364 Ehrlich Road, Suite 223
# Tampa, FL 33625
# Phone: (813) 265 8084
# (Gregory Courson)

Florida Legalization Organization
c/o Michael Geison
PO Box 350
LaCrosse, FL 32658-0350
(Mchael Geison)
Notes: Working to relegalize cannabis through public education, Voter
registration, and statewide hemp rallies.
LC: 1/93

# Freedom Education Outreach 
# PO Box 34077
# Bethesda, MD 20827

Freedom Fighters of America
235 Park Ave. So., 5th Flr.
New York, NY 10003

Friends of Hemp
PO Box 981
Mars Hill, NC 28754
Phone: (704) 652 8919

Fully Informed Jury Association (1 - National HQ)
PO Box 59
Helmville, MT 59843
Phone/Fax: (406) 793 5550 or (800) TEL JURY
(Don Doig, Larry Dodge, Kathy Ballard)
Notes: Not explicitly a drug law reform group, the FIJA promotes
awareness of the rights of Juries to judge the law itself.
LC: 12/92

Fully Informed Jury Association (2)
4730 W Northern #1063
Glendale AZ 85301
Phone: (602) 930 1268

Fully Informed Jury Association (3)
PO Box 16193
Des Moines, IA 50316
Phone: (515) 262 4660
(John Hartog)
LC: 12/92

The Future of Freedom Foundation
PO Box 9752
Denver, CO 80209

Gainsville NORML / Florida Legalization Organization
PO Box 350
La Crosse, FL 32658-0350
(Michael Geison)

Gatewood Galbraith for Governor
163 W Short Street
Lexington, KY 40507
Phone: (800) 866 HEMP

Georgia NORML (aka St Petersburg NORML)
PO Box 821
Lithia Springs, GA 30057
Phone: (404) 739 1870
(James Bell)

# Green Democrats of Kentucky
# PO Box 760
# McKee, KY 40447

Green Panthers!
1718 M St. NW #322
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: (202) 363 0068
Fax: (202) 265 1078
(Loey Glover, Terry Mitchell - National Coordinators)
Notes: We are the ONLY militant resistance to the War on Drugs.
LC: 12/92

Student Activities Office
Kirkhof Center
Grand Valley State University
Allendale, MI 49401
(Dave Speas)

Hawaii NORML
P.O.Box 2056
Pahoa, Hawaii 96778
Phone: (808) 965 8600
Fax: (808) 965 6242
(Roger Christie)
Help Eliminate Marijuana Prohibition
5632 Van Nuys Blvd.
Van Nuys, CA 91401

Hemp Advocates
PO Box 10176
South Bend, IN 46680

The Hemp Coalition
PO Box 2382
Albany, NY 12220

Hemp Environmental Activists
PO Box 4935
East Lansing, MI 48826
Phone: (517) 484 8287
(Don Patterson)
Notes: We work for industrial uses of hemp, marijuana for medicine,
and personal privacy rights.
LC: 12/92

Hemp Hemp Hooray!
c/o Craig Howard
PO Box 1912
Mason City, IA 50401
Phone: (515) 696 5755

Hemptek Industries Inc
PO Box 27809
Dept HT-4C
San Diego, CA 92198-1809

PO Box 11
Hollidaysburg, PA 16648-0011
(J.S. Vipond)

Hoosier Cannabis Relegalization Coalition
PO Box 5325
Bloomington, IN 47407
Email: hagerp@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu
(Paul Hager or Dennis Withered)

Houston NORML
PO Box 1952
Bellaire, TX 77402
Phone: (713) 465 8418
(Rich Potthoff)
LC: 12/92

Human Environmental Mandate Proponents
1004 E. Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: (410) 547 6706
Modem: (410) 685 2894
(Larry Monoghan)

Idaho BACH
3310 Driftwood Dr.
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
Phone: (208) 773 3974
(Tom Klein)

Indiana CAN
PO Box 20028
Indianapolis, IN 46220
Phone: (317) 638 ICAN

Indiana NORML, Inc.
3601 N. Pennsylvania St
Indianapolis, IN 46205
Phone: (317) 923 9391
Fax: (317) 924 2920
(Dana York, Steve Dillon)
LC: 12/92

Indianapolis NORML
3746 North College Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46218

Illinois Drug Ethics Alliance
PO Box 4205
Urbana, IL 61801
Phone: (217) 367 3963
(Joshua Sloan)
Notes: Pro-relegalization.
LC: 12/92

Illinois Marijuana Initiative / Illinois NORML
PO Box 2242
Darien, IL 60559
Phone: (708) 859 0499
Email: mrosing@igc.org, mmonningh@igc.org
(Dr. Mike)
LC: 12/92

Institute for HEMP
PO Box 65130
St. Paul, MN 55165
Phone: (612) 222 2628
Email: insthemp@igc.apc.org
(John Birrenbach)

International Society for Individual Liberty
1800 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (415) 864 0952
Fax: (415) 864 7506
E-mail: 71034.2711@compuserve.com [71034,2711 via Compuserve]
(Vince Miller, Jim Elwood)
Notes: Promotes liberty in 80 countries.  Produces literature series
including "Ending Our Drug Nightmare" and "Looting of America".
LC: 12/92

Iowa Grassroots Party / Ames NORML
PO Box 1136
Ames, IA 50010
Phone: (515) 233 6081
(Dr. Derrick Grimmer)
Notes: Iowa's largest vote-getting 3rd party since its inception in 1990.
LC: 12/92

Kalamazoo Cannabis Action Network
420 S. Burdick
Calamazoo, MI 49007

PO Box 3677
Lawrence, KS 66044
Phone: (913) 842 2980 (David Cook)
Fax: (913) 832 1734 (David Almquist)
E-mail: KUNORML@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu

# Lazy Nichels
# John Musters
# 2695 Victoria Drive
# Laguna Beach, CA 92651

Legalize? SIG
PO Box 3240
Charlottesville, VA 22903
E-mail: jeg5s@uva.PCmail.virginia.edu
Notes: This is a MENSA Special Interest Group, open only to MENSA members.

Libertarian Party
1528 Pennsylvania Ave. SE
Washington, DC 20003
Phone: (202) 543 1988 or (800) 682 1776
Notes: USA's 3rd largest political party, pro-legalization platform.
LC: 12/92

Little Sisters of the Mother Herb
Route 1 Box 2142
Crewe, VA 23930
(Sandy Hayer)
Phone: (804) 645 1038

The Lone Reefer
PO Box 515
Harmony, PA 16037
Phone: (412) 766 1842

Los Angeles NORML
8749 Holloway Drive
West Hollywood, CA 90069
Phone: (213) 652 8654
(Bruce Margolin)

# LSU Box 16266
# LA State University
# Baton Rouge LA 70893
# Phone: (504) 769 6669
# (Pat O'Neill)

Maine Vocals
PO Box 189
Anson, ME 04911
(Don Christen)

Mankato State NORML
PO Box 3663
Mankato, MN 56002-3663
(Ed Kroce)
Notes: Active NORML chapter at a southern Minnesota university.  Working
on informing the public, elected officials, and making marijuana
relegalization a public debate.
LC: 12/92

Marylanders for Drug Policy Reform
2499 Davidsonville Road
Gambrills, MD 21054
Phone: (???) 721-0129

Massachusetts Cannabis Reform Coalition (MASS CANN)
1 Homestead Road
Marblehead, MA 01945-1122
Phone: (617) 944 CANN
(Bill Downing, Steven Epstein)
LC: 12/92

Medical Marijuana Restoration Association
3745 17th St.
San Francisco, CA 94114
Phone: (415) 864 1961
(Dennis Peron)

Michigan Hemp Coalition
PO Box 4935
East Lansing, MI 48826
Phone: (517) 484 8287
(Dan Patterson)
Notes: MHC is a coalition of all the hemp groups in Michigan.
LC: 12/92

Mid-South Tennessee NORML
PO Box 254
Pulaski, TN 38478
Phone: (615) 565 3898
(Kenny Breeding)

Milwaukee NORML
207 E Buffalo Street
PO Box 92251
Milwaukee WI 53202
Phone: (414) 273-HEMP
(Tom Scannell)
LC: 12/92

Minnesota Grassroots Party
PO Box 8011
Como Station
St. Paul, MN 55108
Phone: (612) 822 3396 or (612) 773 9683
Fax: (612) 777 4853
(Tim Davis)
Notes: Minnesota's largest vote-getting 3rd party since its
inception in 1986.
LC: 12/92

Minnesota NORML
PO Box 80522
Minneapolis, MN 55408
Phone: (612) 822 3396
Fax: (612) 777 4853
(Tim Davis, Spencer Orman)
Notes: Affiliate of national NORML, active in public outreach, lobbying,
and relegalization agitation.
LC: 12/92

Missouri NORML
15 N. 10th Street
Columbia, MO 65201
Phone: (314) 443 6866
Fax: (314) 443 1413
(Dan Viets)
LC: 12/92

Movement Support Network 
Center for Constitutional Rights
666 Broadway, 7th Floor
New York NY 10012

National Drug Strategy Network
2000 L St., Ste. 702
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: (202) 835 9075

National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML)
1636 R St. NW
Washington, DC 20009
Phone: (202) 483 5500
1-900: (900) 97 NORML [$2.95/minute]
(Richard Cowen - Executive National Director)
Notes: Oldest and most active drug reform organization.
LC: 12/92

New Age Patriot
PO Box 419
Dearborn Heights, MI 48127
Phone: (313) 563 3192
(Bruce W. Cain)

New Jersey NORML
PO Box 680
Navesink, NJ 07752
Phone/Fax: (201) 827 4780 [(800) 742 2002 in New Jersey and Philadelphia]
(Ken Krug)
LC: 12/92

New Options Inc
PO Box 19324
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: (202) 822 0929

# New York City NORML
# 6 West 18th Street #4B
# New York, NY 10011
# Phone: (212) 727 7500
# (Todd A Bierman)

No More Drug War Foundation
PO Box 18780
Denver, CO 80218

NORML Colorado
137 W. County Line Rd. #500
Littleton, CO 80126
Phone: (303) 470 1100
(Mark Culverhouse)
LC: 12/92

NORML Green Bay
PO Box 22081
Green Bay, WI 54305
Phone: (414) 498 0648
(Bobbie Brien)
Notes: Working for the legalization of hemp/pot.
LC: 12/92

Northcoast Ohio NORML
PO Box 771154
Cleveland, OH 44107-0049
Phone: (216) 521 WEED
(John Hartman)
Notes: Promotes annual freedom festival to benefit NORML, conducts rallys,
offers legal referrals and drug test info.
LC: 12/92

North Idaho NORML
3310 Driftwood Drive
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
Phone: (208) 773 3974
(Tom Klein)

North Iowans for Cannabis Education (NICE)
PO Box 1912
Mason City, IA 50401
Phone: (515) 696 5755
(Craig Howard)
Notes: We found the "Grow Hemp for the War" poster.
LC: 12/92

Ohio Hempery
14 N. Court Street #327
Athens, OH 45701
Phone: (614) 593 5826, (800) BUY HEMP [Info Hotline]
(Donald Wirtschafter)
Notes: Sells a variety of legal hemp products, e.g. paper, linen, twine.
LC: Sent flyer to Australia, 12/92.

PO Box 36
New Plymouth, OH 45654
Phone: (614) 385 4167
(Cliff Barrows)

Ohio University NORML
415 Carriage Hill Drive
Athens, OH 45701
Phone: (614) 592 5118
(James Davis)

Oklahoma NORML
PO Box 12545
Oklahoma City, OK 73157
Phone: (405) 840 4367
(Michael Pearson)

Oklahoma Tulsa Chapter NORML
1023 West 23rd
Tulsa, OK 74107
Phone: (918) 583 9041
(C. Rabon Martin)

Omaha Hemp Movement
3144 N. 57th Street
Omaha, NE 68104

PARTIE Party / Save Our Constitution!
PO Box 46853
Mt. Clemens, MI 48046
Phone: (313) 463 3486
(Marvin "Marvin Marvin" Surowitz)
Notes: People's Alliance to Reform, Transform, and Improve Everything
LC: 12/92

Partnership for a Free America
c/o Sameer Parekh
829 Paddock Lane
Libertyville, IL 60048-3743
Phone: (708) 362 9659
E-mail: pfa@ddsw1.MCS.COM

Partnership for a Lie Free Government
PO Box 29
Fairfield, KY 40020
(Chuck Porter)
Notes: Supports Gatewood Galbraith for governor, and all politicians who
will speak the truth.
LC: 12/92

Partnership for a Responsible America (Texas) [Part RATEX]
PO Box 926042
Houston, TX 77292
Phone: (713) 683 9639
(Richard Lee)

Partnership for a Responsible Drug Policy
792 8th St.
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Phone: (503) 697 3974
(Anthony Taylor)

The Patriots of Truth for United Earth
Bob and Peggy Ross
Po Box 262
Rose Lodge, OR 97372

Penn State University NORML
529 South Pugh Street
State College, PA 16801
Phone: (814) 867 2266
(Robert Kampia)

Pittsburgh NORML
PO Box 4839
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Notes: Affiliated with Pennsylvania NORML.
LC: 12/92

Pot 'o Gold Newsletter
PO Box 5448
Evanston, IL 60204
Fax: (708) 328 1922
E-mail: pfraterdeus@igc.org
LC: 12/92

Prisoners of Conscience Campaign / Iowans for Medical Marijuana
PO Box 4091
Des Moines, IA 50333
Phone: (515) 243 7351
(Carl Olsen)
Notes: Organization of those who don't use marijuana to reform
marijuana laws.
LC: 12/92

Progressive Economic Alliances Cultivating Energy
PO Box 623
Kula, Maui, HI 96790-0623
Phone/Fax: (808) 878 3630

Project for a Calculated Transition
Green Haven Correctional Facility
Drawer B
Stormville, NY 12582

Quad Cities Hemp Coalition
Box 3592
Rock Island, IL 61201

Religious Coalition for a Moral Drug Policy
3421 M St. NW, Ste. 351
Washington, DC 20007

# Republicans for Hemp
# PO Box 7644
# Torrance, CA 90504
# (Michael Scott)

Rhode Island Crusade Against Marijuana Prohibition
PO Box 1538
E Greenwich, RI 02818

Rocky Mountain HEMP Network (also Green Democrats of Colorado)
1090 S Wadsworth Blvd #D
Lakewood, CO 80226-4308
Phone: (303) 838 1235

Saint Paul NORML
PO Box 2865
St Paul, MN 55102
Phone: (612) 776 5467

# San Antonio NORML
# 2138 Austin Highway
# San Antonio, TX 78218
# Phone: (512) 654 8720
# (John Gibbs)

San Diego NORML
4895 Guymon St.
San Diego, CA 92102
Phone: (619) 263 5733
(Joe Cravotta)

San Diego County NORML
PO Box 171396
San Diego, CA 92197
Phone: (619) 281 8586, (619) 571 0088 
(Charles Blue)

Sanduski County NORML
PO Box 282
Freemont, OH 43420
Phone: (419) 334 8215

Save Our Constitution (1)
PO Box 3079
Ann Arbor, MI 48106
Phone: (313) 746 9670

Save Our Constitution (2)
PO Box 4935
East Lansing, MI 48826

Save Our Liberties
[Address Unknown]
Mountain View, CA
Phone: (415) 964 3655

Office of Student Development
Student Center, SIUC
Carbondale, IL 62901
Phone: (618) 529 4821
(Drew Hendricks, Jerome Handler [anthroplogy] - Campus Advisor)
Notes: Campus-based education about civil rights aspects of marijuana issue.
LC: 12/92

Sonoma Civil Rights Action Project
PO Box 410
Cazadero, CA 95421
Phone: (707) 847 3642
(Carol Miller)

South Bend NORML
PO Box 10176
South Bend, IN 46680
Phone: (219) 233 6581 [SG]; (219) 287 9809 [PS]
(Sean Gloster, Pete Szaday)

Southern California NORML
PO Box 71093
Los Angeles CA 90071-0093
Phone: (213) 288 4152
(Lenny Shaw)

# St Lawrence NORML
# PO Box 201
# Potsdam, NY 13676
# Phone: (315) 265 5150
# (John Poupore)

Stop Forfeiture of Children's Homes
PO Box 91
Waterbury, VT 05676
(Dr. Kathleen DePierro)
LC: 12/92

Students for Drug Policy Reform
University of Washington
HUB 207 Box 121 FM-25
Seattle, WA 98195

Students for the Legalization of Marijuana
(aka University of Illinois NORML)
PO Box 4205
Urbana, IL 61801
Phone: (217) 352 4367
(Joshua Sloan)

Susquehanna Valley NORML
PO Box 10505
Harrisburg, PA 17105-0505
Phone: (717) 697 4255

SVA Freedom Fighters
209 E. 23rd St.
New York, NY 10010
Phone: (212) 679 7350 ext. 206

Tampa Hemp Council
PO Box 273764
Tampa, FL 33688-3764
Phone: (813) 979 9527

Texas Hemp Campaign (aka Texas NORML)
PO Box 13549
Austin, TX 78711
Phone: (512) 441 4099, (512) 837 4674
Email: thc@hitex.austin.tx.us
(Joe Ptak)
Notes: Branches at Corpus - (512) 882 3009, Houston - (713) 683 9639,
and San Antonio - (512) 654 8720.
LC: 1/93

Therapeutic & Ecological Applications of Cannabis Hemp (TEACH)
PO Box 1297
Youngstown, FL 32466
(Robert Lawrence)
LC: 12/92

Tide Water NORML
PO Box 8861
Virginia Beach, VA 23450
Phone: (804) 425 9978
(Karen Trimper)

RR 1 Box 47A
Goodspring, TN 38460-9801

Tree Free EcoPaper
121 S.W. Salmon, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Phone: (1-800) 775 0225
Email: treefreeeco@igc.apc.org
Notes: Wholesale suppliers of hemp paper and hemp pulp.  Samples and
analysis certificates available.

Truth In Marijuana Education (TIME)
PO Box 7036
Chico, CA 95927
Phone: (916) 345 1154
(Ed Ostler)
Notes: Not for profit, hemp info. publisher/distributor.
LC: 12/92

Tucson Hemp Coalition
Box 78093
Tucson, AZ 85703-8093

SUNY at Buffalo Student Association
111 Talbert Hall
Amherst, NY 14260

UMSOM (aka Michigan NORML)
11280 McKinley
Taylor, MI 48180
Phone: (313) 287 9077
(Chuck Kyle)

Union County NORML
271 Indian Trail
Unionville Road
Indian Trail, NC 28079
Phone: (704) 821 8478
(Jerry Morse)

University of Massachusetts at Amherst Cannabis Reform Coalition (UMACRC)
SAO mailbox #2, 415 Student Union Building,
UMass, Amherst, MA 01002
Phone: (413) 546-3413 (Aaron Wilson)
Email: verdant@titan.ucs.umass.edu
Notes: Non-students welcome... drop in!

University of Minnesota NORML
CMU 235
300 Washington Ave. SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Phone: (612) 673 9412 [MF]; (612) 331 908 [MN]
Fax: (612) 777 4853
(Marni Frish, Matt Neis)
Notes: Promotes marijuana legalization.
LC: 12/92

3131 Adams NE F35
Albuquerque, NM 877110
Phone: (505) 888 4263
(Jon Bell)

# PO Box 2032
# Richmond, VA 23284
# Phone: (804) 358 1042
# (Christina Newton-Fletcher)

Vermonters for Pot Peace
PO Box 237
Underhill, VT 05489
(Sandy Ward-Wells)
LC: 12/92

Vermont FEAR (Forfeiture Endangers American Rights)
PO Box 537
Waitsfield, VT 05673
(Denny Lane)
Notes: Community awareness, public forums, grassroots organizing.
LC: 12/92

Vermont Legislative Liason
RR #1 Box 638
West Charleston, VT 05872
(Daniel Shea)
Phone: (802) 895 4173

Vermont Vocals
19 Bay St.
Newport, VT 05855
LC: 12/92

Virginia BACH
Route 1, Box 2142
Crewe, VA 23930
Phone: (804) 645 1038
(Lennice Werth)
LC: 12/92

PO Box 654
Blacksburg, VA 24063
Phone: (703) 951 2013
(Susan Anderson)
Notes: Registered student organization; an affiliate of NORML
LC: 12/92

Washington Citizens for Drug Policy Reform
P.O. Box 1614,
Renton, WA 98057
Phone: (206) 622 1456
Fax: (206) 682 9937
E-mail: 3281350@mcimail.com
Notes: Executive Director - Hal Nelson; Attorney - Jeff Steinborn;
Business Manager - Tom Cluck; Technical Director - Gerald X. Diamond.
LC: 12/92

Washington Coalition for a Reform of Marijuana Laws
PO Box 1731
Woodenville, WA 98072
Phone: (206) 622 5117
(Jeffery Steinborn)

# Western Colorado Freedom Fight
# 1039 Chipeta 3
# Grand Junction, CO 81501

West Virginia HEMP Inc.
700 Kanawha Dr.
Sutton, WV 26601
Phone: (304) 765 7444
(Roger Belknap)

William Patterson College NORML
300 Pompton Road
Student Government Association Office
Wayne, NJ 07470
Phone: (201) 473 2452
(Darrin Feder)

Wisconsin NORML
PO Box 3481
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: (608) 257 5456, (608) 257 HEMP
Email: bmasel@igc.apc.org
(Ben Masel)

Wisconsin Grassroots Party
PO Box 3182
Madison, WI 53704
(Celeste Gibson)
Notes: Formed in 1992, running local and national candidates to challenge
and end drug prohibition.
LC: 12/92

Viking Union Box E-9
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA 98225
Phone: (206) 671 8921
Email: norml@henson.cc.uwu.edu

Carol Moore
PO Box 65518
Washington, DC 20035
LC: 12/92

Larry Rowland
PO Box 4392
Danville, VA 24540-0107
Phone: (804) 793 9509
LC: 12/92

                      * * * * *

_High Times_ is a monthly magazine produced in the US, devoted
to psychedelic drugs and alternative culture issues.  Their
address is:

c/- Trans-High Corporation
235 Park Avenue South
New York
NY  10003

Phone: +1 212 387 0500
For subscription details, call 1-800-827-0228 within the US.

                      * * * * *

? ?? Conclusion ???????????????????? ? Written By: Locust Abortion Technician ?

        Well this has been yet another amusing issue of VaS digest. We hope
you are enjoying reading this as much as we enjoy ragging on the lamers in
313/810. Anyhow we are still looking for some /<-RaD authors, so if your
interested, let us know somehow (mAYbE fAx Us S0Me NaKEd PiCTuReS oF YoU aND
Y0uR MoM eNGaGiNG iN SliPPeRY BuTT SeX).

? ???????????????? ]<-RaD Places To Find ALL The VaS Issues ????????????????? ?
?    /<-RaD ]<0dE KiDZ WHeReZ WoRLD HQ       (810)348-0421       14.4k bps    ?
?    The Terrorist's Playground              (404)394-3080       14.4k bps    ?
?    PHaRM R0aD 666 2                        (510)540-0342       14.4k bps    ?
?    PHaRM R0aD 666 1                        (713)855-0261       14.4k bps    ?
?    Third Stone From The Sun                (313)885-8088       14.4k bps    ?
?    Lunatic Labs, Ltd.                      (213)655-0691       2400  bps    ?
?     If you're interested in being a distribution site, contact KKK BBS.     ?