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?                                ?                                            ?
?  ??    ??   ??????   ????????  ?   Vaginal and Anal Secretions Newsletter   ?
?  ??    ??  ???  ???  ??    ??  ?                                            ?
?  ??    ??  ????????  ????????  ?          Issue #127  - 2/26/1998           ?
?  ????????  ????????  ??    ??  ?                                            ?
?    ????    ??    ??  ????????  ?-[ Written By: Bleeding Penile Negro Fuzz]- ?
?                                ?                                            ?
?                         What Not to submit to VaS                           ?
Hello loyal VAS readers... Welcome to the Year of our LoRD 1998...  A
special tribute goes out to Chris Farley for ridding himself off this
planet.  We could do without his Fat ass.

Recently a reader sent us his contribution to the VAS epic.  While the
editors of VAS strongly encourage submissions, we kindly ask that they not
be as self-loathing and poor as this one that was sent to us.

Please Enjoy.

Its a nigger thing.
AKA The reason monkey bars were invented.
By: Su1d

Child Rape and Abuse

    Now before I go to far into this and you thinking im the bigest
bigot on the face of the earth, allow me to explain somthing. Not every
african american person in my perspective is a nigger. A nigger is an
ignorant, unknoligable, gangsta type persona. The type that treats
women like shit and their friends like dirt. That is a nigger.

   Remember that.  African Americans are simply the first ones to be
   bestowed such a magnificient title.  Some of the finest people in the
   world have been niggers (Easy-E, Melle Mel, Rush Limbaugh)
   Vas believes in one Nigger World culture where all sorts of children wear
   Tommy with pride.

    There was this nigger named Stephan, whom had a freshman art
class in which I guess he had to take in order to pass.
  **Please do not sumbit essays that borrow heavily from Old English
    structure and pronoun usage.

Well since I had all my credits, I spend baiscly the whole day as the teachers
helper, she would sit there and input grades, while I show the
uncreative faggot students how to draw.

alcohol, sex, and fine negro culture.  Please do not help the mongloid
teachers with any part of thier job.  Remember thier job is to make you

Well stephan, in order to
make him self look cooler (I guess becuase he looked alot like webster)
liked to run his big liped mouth to everyone in the classroom.
    What the hell? I hate it when these niggers go up to women and
be all 'man Id fuck dat ass' RIGHT IN THEIR FUCKING FACE! Im sure that
women is going to be all 'oh yah lets do it right here' NO NIGGER, IF


Well ol' stephan made the mistake of saying
'man id fuck dat ass' in front of my friend beth. Beth having 1)a
hate for any man 2)more self respect then even I, courtiusly took a
pottery wheel (heavy mo'fuckaz) and prompty threw it at him.

    ONE NIGGER DOWN, that bitch was in the hospital for 3 days
mad stitches in his head.

"MAD" to describe magnitude I laugh and remember a morphine addict who had a
penchant for that word.

Beth was expelled, yet the sexual harrassing
self richous nigger got to come back. I guess its a nigger thing.
    **Good, we need more negros in school to get rid of the morons such as

    I would walk down the halls, and just see so many niggers doing
such monkeyish things, for example, one nigger is walking down the hall
singing (or rapping or whatever its called) that damn woo ha song at
the top of his lungs. Like anybody wants to hear that bullshit. Well as
soon as the monkey said 'I GOT JEW ALL IN CHECK' the whole fucking
nigger population of that hallway yelled 'W00 HA' it made me sick to
my stomach. I mean you didnt see me walking down the halls singing
'FUCKING HOSTILE@#!#@!#@!#@!' as loud and as obnoxious as I could. Its
a nigger thing
    **I guess "FUCKING HOSTILE!@#!@#" is a white trash thing then.  I enjoy
Busta Rhymes.  In fact he is one of the most insane negros.  When the race
war comes I hope Busta Rhymes leads the 15% gradient-tinted negros to
Victory.  I think that Black People have more of a clue about music than
White People.  Most of the music that is popular in America right now is
awful.  Pantera does not denote Musical Taste.  Niether does ChumbaWumba, or
Busta Rhymes.  But Id rather listen to Rap than Pop or Anally Grinding

    There was this one faggot ass nigger named 'Skeeter' In my
world history class, and all the way through the class he would
CHEW ON A GODDAMN STRAW and twirl his nappy hair untill he had all
these little NAP balls on his head. Why is it that every nigger you
see need somthing to chew on in order to remain cool. Imagine, they
are slobbering and biting on a peice of material for what? I have no
clue!!! Mabye its a nigger thing.
    **Why are you staring at Skeeter?????  And was he really gay?  If so
please do not dedicate more than 2 lines in your submission about a
slobbering negro faggot.

    Why is it every goddamn nigger feels the need to wear some of
the stupidest goddamn clothing? I know this is a stereotypical view
ICON OF FASION? I dont know, Im pretty sure its a nigger thing.

it fails to capture the poetic essence of our own REV. FOOLBERT STURGEON.

    Lets face it, it wasnt cool of us crackers to have enslaved
the monkeys back in the good 'ol days, but uhm...We let them free

about slavery tell them to thank you for freeing them.  MAKE IT A POINT THAT

Why the hell do the niggers keep on reverting back to 'HATE
GRANPAPPYS ENSLAVED US!' Uhm, not they didnt enslave you, silly
nigger they enslaved your ancesters! And how the fuck do you know
my greatgreat, blah blah grandfather enslaved yoru goddamn un-evolved
peices of shit? Lets look at this from a historical point of view.
Hey niggers, what was the civil war? Hmm...not only a fued over land
but it was a fued over slavery! Who was the north you flat nosed

a dusty shit in your eye.

Did you niggers know that even black people owned slaves?

to enjoy debating that.  Lets debate whether the world is flat next issue

yes the free niggers from the north would go and own slaves in the
south, so before you start talking about us honkeys look at yourselves
Get an education better then what kind of crack is the best for
listning to puff daddy with, But then again, its a nigger thing.
    Every nigger thinks that any word is a racist slur, that is
directed specificly twards the african americans! For example, I was
in a drama class (still in high school) and since I really wasnt into
drama, I would sit there and draw in my schech book. Well one day,
this nigger chick was all ( I guess, but I wasnt paying attention )
was all talking about how white people enslaved her and shit. My friend
in front of me turns around, looks at what I'm drawing and asks 'What
you drawin man?'. It was a picture of kermit the frog holding up ms
piggy's bloody head with a bucher knife in the other hand. I didnt
like it that much, and it didnt look all that great so I said in a
normal tone 'Fuckin muppets man' AND THE NIGGER BITCH GOT UP AND WAS
ALL 'YOU CALLIN ME A MUPPET BITCH?' I was truely shocked, I had no
clue what was going on. So this nigger all started to talk shit, all
fast like the nigger bitches do. I just sat there wide eyed, and all
'wtf'. WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO?? HIT THE BITCH? Im not into that, but
lucky for me, my friend known as 'Crazy Jason' got up and smacked her
in the back of the head, and was all 'shut up nigger'.
    So this bitch was really pissed at me, so I thought I better
turn this wrong into a right, and after class I promptly went up to
this girl and told her how sorry I was for offending her and blah blah
and how I meant nothing racist out of it. She smiled and said it was
a big misunderstanding and that its all cool.
    So here I am thinking everythings cool, and I go on home..The
next morning I go on into school STILL thinking everything is cool. I
go into the lunch room where we all congrigate in the mornings and
sit with a few of my friends. Told them the whole story, as they
laughed their ass's off at the ignorance of the young girl whom thought
I called a muppet. The bell rang and I was off to the art room to finish
up a project I started on a few days before. As I was walking I noticed
that many o niggers were starting to follow me. When I arrived at the
door of the art room, I then noticed that they were not circling around
me, the faint scent of the monkey room at the zoo accumilated around
my nose. In the mornings the hallways were all dark, I guess to save
energy or some shit, but anyway, all I could see was a bunch of eyes.
Like monkeys they started pushing me around in a little circle saying
A FUCKIN MUPPET Y0' then one of the niggers swung at me and hit me
right in the eye. I fell down, and they all started kicking me OH WOW
THESE NIGGERS ARE COOL. So I got up again, still a little woosy from
the mass kicks to my groin, I took one nigger by the nappy head and
just started ramming his head into the locker, while the other niggers
beat the shit out of me! The point is, why cant a nigger fight man
to man? Why must they gang up 10 to 1? You got me, its definatly a
nigger thing.

dork.  Out of the people you mention
    A Pottery-Wheel wielding Dyke
    A Slobbering Negro Faggot
    Hordes of Rapping Jumping Gangstas
    A Nigger Muppet
    Moo-Lah fRo FuCk duh NIGGY UP!

    Only one of them was your so called friend and the rest were niggers.
Most of them wanted to kick your ass.  GET OUT OF THAT FUCKING SCHOOL!
If its a  public school tell your nigger parents to get a job and sent you
somewhere worth realizing a goal at.

I assume that the rest of the school shuns you as well?  If so, i strongly
suggest turning your 8088 512k 10 MB WaReZ MaCHiNe off and going out there
to revive your reputation.  Maybe even get a girlfriend.

We wont publish the authors name unless he really wants us too. But for now
we will leave that information cough(su1d)cough for a later date.  Again
thank you for reading.. Oh By the way make sure you real the classic VAS "HOW
TO GET FREE DISKS" available at many of the fine sites listed below.

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[VaS] '98 - "Allright Fiji, it's time to see if you guys really do bleed
             purple." - Ubermensch/TPP