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??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ?????? ???????? ? Vaginal and Anal Secretions Newsletter ? ? ?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ? ? ? ?? ?? ???????? ???????? ? Issue #100 - December 29, 1994 ? ? ???????? ???????? ?? ?? ? ? ? ???? ?? ?? ???????? ? [ Written By: Milton John Kleim Jr. ] ? ? ? [ Submitted By: Wozzel ] ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? National Socialism Primer ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Subject: Re: Greetings! Date: 94-12-17 12:47:50 EST From: HERMANN@TIGGER.STCLOUD.MSUS.EDU (MILTON JOHN KLEIM, JR.) To: Wozzel@aol.com NATIONAL SOCIALISM PRIMER Updated 12/11/94 What is National Socialism? National Socialism represents the most sound means of assuring the biological and cultural rejuvenation and progression of the White, or Aryan, Race. National Socialism is the product of over a century of political and social thought cultivated in Germanic Nations, popularized and first put into action by its foremost proponent, German _Fuehrer_ and Chancellor Adolf Hitler. National Socialism was at first a progressive political outlook adopted in several European Nations, but evolved quickly into a pan-Aryan Vision of racial rejuvenation and progress. Many rightly view National Socialism as the reemergence of a pre-Christian Nature-based Aryan Faith. Why do you call yourselves "Aryan?" _Aryan_ is derived from the Indo-European root "aryo," meaning noble. _Arya_ has been used as a self-description of Indo-European Peoples from Ireland to India for millenia, and survives today in the country names _Eire_ (Ireland) and _Iran_. Last century, _Aryan_ was revived from the largely forgotten heritage of our ancestors, and has been used since by both academics and laypersons as a synonym for White. _Aryan_ was popularized by Adolf Hitler in his political autobiography, _Mein Kampf_ [My Struggle]. _Aryan_ is the proper designation for the White Peoples of Europe and their descendants across the globe. Why do you use the Swastika? The _Swastika_ (from Sanskrit, "good fortune") is an ancient symbol of the Aryan Peoples representing primarily the positive powers of the Universe which generate and sustain Life, and secondarily good will and good fortune toward the righteous. The Swastika has been used for over four thousand years by Aryan and non- Aryan alike in Asia, Europe, and North America. Aryan racialists reclaimed use of the Swastika from pre-Christian European Faiths as a symbol of racial renewal and progress. What is "Blood and Soil?" "Blood and Soil" refers to the relationship between People and Homeland, and the link of the individual to the natural Order. "Blood and Soil" represents reverence for the origin and miracles of Life, the Ideal of organic lifestyle, and the importance of truly creative work. Aren't you nihilists without morality? National Socialism is a reawakened moral perception, founded upon the ancient and eternal living Truth of the Creator's Will. National Socialists embrace the Divinely-inspired purpose of humanity: the quest for excellence and constant improvement. National Socialists believe the Aryan Race is the premiere guardian of the righteousness of the Divine Will and the vanguard in the never-ending struggle to achieve humanity's ultimate physical and spiritual potential. National Socialists realize the present dominant paradigm, based upon Judaic thought, blasphemes the Creator's Will. Cultural-diversity destroying "universalist" ideologies such as Judeo-Christianity, Capitalism , Marxism, and Internationalism, founded upon the Jewish Ideal of circumvention of the Creator's Will _must_ be rejected by all people who love the Divine Master of the Universe and His Law. No compromise or synthesis is possible between the natural Order's Truth and thoroughly flawed Jewish paradigms. National Socialism has no pretentious religious "law book" purporting to contain "truth." The Wisdom of God is present in Nature for all to seek, understand, and apply in their own lives. What are the "14 Words?" "We must secure the existence of our People and a future for White children." They are a creed defining succinctly the raison d'etre of today's National Socialist Movement, authored by National Socialist revolutionary David Lane. Lane, a member of the armed revolutionary group known as "The Order," was captured and persecuted by the present regime for his Aryan separatist activities, and is now held as a political prisoner in a Federal political dissident institution. Why do you give that "Hitler salute?" The Aryan Salute, the right arm extended forward with open hand turned palm up or down, is an ancient greeting first used by warriors to designate an absence of ready weapons and hostility. The common military salute is a more convenient adaptation of this millenia-old custom. The Aryan Salute has been used by many Aryan Peoples, most notably during ancient times by the Romans, most notably in modern times by citizens of Fascist Italy and National Socialist Germany. The Aryan Salute today symbolizes peace, respect, and good will toward comrades or friendly strangers to whom it is extended. Alternatively, it symbolizes Aryan racial solidarity when extended to foes. Why do you worship Hitler? National Socialists do not "worship" Adolf Hitler. National Socialists _do_ offer Hitler deserving reverence for his role in bringing our Race a message of Hope through his leadership of the German People, and as visionary of a new Europe and a new World. National Socialists recognize that while Hitler was an heroic leader, he was human, capable of error. Hitler's example, both through communication with us in _Mein Kampf_, and in the record of his deeds, serves to guide National Socialists in their efforts to initiate Aryan renewal, but his doctrine does not inhibit the positive evolution of National Socialism toward more sound ideas and methods. Unlike the static, lifeless ideologies of the Establishment, such as the "liberalism" and "conservatism" peddled to confuse and divide Americans against themselves, National Socialism is a _living_ philosophy which adapts to new positive trends and circumstances of an ever changing world. Why do you hate Democracy? National Socialists embrace _genuine_ Democracy, but reject the Establishment's false Democracy, where the illusion of participatory government is manifested in a controlled system of "choices" which all invariably lead to the _same_ end. Adolf Hitler presented a legitimate alternative to the German People in his day, and was freely supported by the vast majority of Germans throughout his reign. National Socialists today believe that presented a _genuine_ choice, without our opponents using misrepresentation, slander, and false promises, the American Majority would choose to create a National Socialist political system and social order. National Socialism does not endorse dictatorship; that is, a political apparatus that functions contrary to the Will and best interests of the Majority, as does the present System. National Socialism endorses the "leadership principle," or the idea that a Nation is best governed by those most capable of guiding his or her fellow citizens and providing for their social needs and wants. Why do you hate America? National Socialists love the America founded by our pioneer ancestors, but despise the "New America" of crime and corruption, decadence and degeneracy, lies and lewdness. America's founders envisioned a land where Aryans from every European Nation could build a new life, and by hard work and noble ideals, build a great country. America became a great country because its Aryan men and women _made_ it a great country. Traditional American Ideals of Honesty, Courage, Commitment, Determination, Ingenuity, and Industriousness have been subverted because the American People are one of the last obstacles the World Manipulators must overcome to achieve their "New World Order" of absolute power and unchecked accumulation of your wealth. This ongoing destruction of our People is the sinister work of alien anti-Americans, who pose as Americans, and who are diligently assisted by the treasonous Washington Criminals. Many great Americans, including Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, and Walt Disney believed in National Socialism, and worked to prevent the enslavement of our People. Today's National Socialists demand a return to the Ideals that made this a once great land, and work to restore the prosperity and prestige the American People deserve. Why don't you believe in human rights? National Socialists believe that a People's right to choose how they live with whom they choose to live -- the right of self-determination -- is _the_ most fundamental, inalienable human right. The Aryan Race has been denied self-determination through the actions of both internal and external forces, these forces operating out of hatred and/or self-interest to inhibit the social and economic health of Aryan families worldwide, with the ultimate goal being the extinction of our kind through genocidal social, political, and economic programs. National Socialism's foremost goal is the liberation of the Aryan Race from these genocidal policies, and implementation of alternatives which will assure its perpetual survival and continued positive evolution. Part of this goal is to liberate the mind and soul of Americans from the unjustified guilt complex instilled by the Establishment's schools and churches and perpetuated by the Jewish-controlled media. This undeserved shame inhibits the lives of its victims, and must be replaced by love for one's Race and Nation. The "concern" about "human rights" by the Jewish-controlled media and among Establishment academicians and politicians is a clever sham designed to obfuscate, hiding the _real_ causes of oppression and injustice in the world. The Establishment's fraudulent "United Nations" and other "human rights organizations" are mere comforting facades, used as tools both to divert attention away from the sinister whims of the World Manipulators and to neutralize opposition to their "New World Order." Examination of the record of these "human rights organizations" reveals a very slanted bias toward certain issues and groups serving a _clear political agenda_. Most obvious is the total lack of genuine censure and _effective_ sanction of Israel's decades of murder and oppression against the indigenous People of Palestine. National Socialists believe in _genuine_ human rights for all Peoples. The well-being of the Aryan Race is always our first concern, but as feasible, we support and aid other Nations and Races in their effort to build a society conducive to their happiness and prosperity and appropriate for their unique character. Why are you such male chauvinists? Despite what Establishment academicians and the Jewish-controlled media insist you believe, male National Socialists consider our racial sisters _partners_ in the struggle for racial rejuvenation and progress, as activists, warriors, _and_ mothers. The Creator intends for women and men to be _complementary_, not contradictory. While Marxist and Jewish "Feminists" arrogantly reject women's uniqueness, attempting to "liberate" women from their womanhood, National Socialists accept the slight differences between men and women as _strengths_, and demand an end to the gynophobia which is a consequence of centuries of pervasive Judeo-Christianity. _Relative to the era_, National Socialist Germany had the most truly progressive attitude toward women's issues, making leaps forward to end the contempt of women emanating from Judeo-Christian tradition. Adolf Hitler, among his many revolutionary acts, broke the traditions of the highly androcentric German Armed Forces by awarding heroine test-pilot Hanna Reitsch the Iron Cross. Many capable, talented women, like Realm Women's Leader Gertrud Scholtz-Klink, assumed important roles in helping to rebuild German society, and later in the defense of Europe, often while tending their families in the face of great adversity. Just who do you consider "Aryan?" National Socialists recognize individuals as biologically Aryan if they are wholly of non-Jewish, non-Asiatic European ancestry, descendants of the autochthonous Peoples of the contemporary States of Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Britain, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, and Ukraine. Many persons of Albanian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Georgian, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, and Spanish heritage also qualify as Aryan, their ancestors being pioneers of Aryan communities in those lands. In every Aryan, there is an instinctive drive to rise above mediocrity and decadence. Materialistic "modern living" can suppress or pervert this calling, but nothing can ever fully extinguish this gift from the Creator. The Aryan who begins to feel this energy ceases to wallow in the spiritual wasteland of the Establishment's benighted "religious" seers, and struggles to master his or her own Will, achieve proficiency, alleviate shortcomings, discover wisdom, and while so doing, experiences a "revolution in thought" to attain an unique sense of Being, the _Aryan Consciousness_. To attain the Aryan Consciousness is to fulfill one's Aryan heritage, to complete one's "Aryanhood." Many myths about the criteria of "Aryan" have been perpetrated by the Jewish-controlled media and Establishment academia. An Aryan is not necessarily blond, blue-eyed, and six-feet tall; the blond Nordic is merely the most notable representative of the Aryan Race because he or she differs most significantly from non-Aryans. National Socialism did not and does not preach or practice hatred of non-Germanic Aryans, such as French or Slavic Nations. Adolf Hitler enjoyed the work and friendship of many aides and officers of German citizenship, _but Polish family name and heritage_. Hitler also facilitated the independence of the Slavic Nations of Croatia and Slovakia. Unfortunately, centuries-old, myopic cultural antipathy between Slavic and Teutonic Nations did, and does manifest itself, occasionally resulting in misunderstanding and conflict, including the 1939 Polish-German War. Why do you hate non-Whites? National Socialism is based on love of one's own kind and the Creator's benevolent natural Order, _not_ hatred. National Socialists love their Race above all, and wish to see it thrive and progress. Non-Aryans, in particular Jews, regularly engage in activities which inhibit the life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness of Aryans, and sometimes directly harm individuals of our Race. The effects of these hate-motivated activities provoke deep resentment and sometimes defensive hatred in Aryan racialists, occasionally resulting in unfortunate retributory measures against the perpetrator. Despite this, Aryan racialists strive to avoid conflict with individuals from different racial or ethnic groups, extending due respect to non-Aryans whenever possible. National Socialists support and often work with racialists of other Races, such as Black Muslims, who wish to see their Peoples thrive and progress, too. Because it benefits their self-serving political agenda, the Jewish-controlled media routinely and deliberately misrepresent the ideas of Aryan racialists, National Socialists in particular, and present the highly misleading and inaccurate image of the "violent White-supremacist 'neo-Nazi' extremist," resulting in the popularly-held myths about the National Socialist Movement. Why did Hitler murder six million innocent people? Contrary to popular belief, no program of genocide against European Jewry existed during World War II. Unfortunate but understandable deaths resulted from Allied-inflicted acts of war which crippled the German economy and infrastructure, leading to virtual cut-off of supplies to the concentration camps and the starvation or death by disease of tens of thousands of inmates. There simply was no deliberate program of genocide planned and implemented by the German government, nor is there evidence for the existence of gas chambers suitable for mass-murder at the camps alleged to be "extermination centers." A Myth has been constructed through sophistry from the spurious allegations and misrepresented facts regarding the Jewish situation during World War II as a weapon of psychological and political extortion and manipulation of Western Peoples by Zionists and their Judeophile apologists. The Holocaust is an "historical fact" so flimsy it must be supported by force, legislation being enacted in several "democratic" countries, including France, Germany, and Sweden, making it a _criminal_ offense to express doubt in _any_ aspect of its dogmatic "truth." Aren't you right-wing fascists? National Socialists reject the Establishment's misleading left/right political spectrum, and are neither "rightist" nor "leftist." National Socialism favors policies similar to those put forth by both "liberals" and "conservatives" on many issues, and cannot be confined to a philosophical "pigeon-hole," our revolutionary Vision transcending the false stereotypes inherent in the "traditional" political spectrum. Fascism is properly the name of the political and social ideology espoused by Italian _Duce_ and Premier Benito Mussolini. Fascism and National Socialism have many similarities, but are _not_ synonymous. Fascists believe in the supremacy of the State and conformance to a rigid artificial social order, while National Socialism is the manifestation of the Laws of Nature in harmony with the collective spirit of the People, or Folk, who are the highest entity of the Nation, above the State and other man-made institutions. The term "fascist" derives from the Latin word _fasces_, the name of the Roman symbol of legitimate authority, a wrapped bundle of rods with a projecting axe. The _fasces_ can be found today in and on many _American_ Federal and State government buildings, and county court houses. "Fascist" is regularly used by the Jewish-controlled media, Establishment academicians, and misled Americans as a label intended to be severely derogatory to any opponent of the present System's _illegitimate_ power over the American People. Hasn't science proven you're full of it? Dishonest "scholarship" by the clique of politically-motivated social and bio-social scientists has resulted in a body of pseudo-science, its formulators deliberately omitting "undesirable" facts relating to the strengths and shortcomings of each unique human race. This phony "science" is cited ceaselessly by media liars, hopelessly befuddled "intellectuals," and the well-meaning but misled ordinary American. Equally-qualified and educated scientists have challenged the false premises of the Establishment's Lysenkoesque anthropology, and offer a dogma-free alternative which takes into account ignored facts. Orthodox social "science," which maintains as a major tenet the _political_ idea of biological racial equality, allegedly justifies today's social policies that have caused great hardship and despair for millions of both Africans and Aryans. Because the victimization of Aryan and African families _must_ end, National Socialists demand realistic social policy be implemented as soon as possible to relieve the pain and suffering inflicted. National Socialists promote the Scientific Enterprise, which is simply the discovery or understanding through free inquiry of the Laws and processes of the natural Order, and encourage use of scientific knowledge to better the collective human condition and the lives of individuals. Scientific research flourished in National Socialist Germany, with advances occurring in medicine, psychology, environmental science, engineering, and other fields, work by German scientists even leading directly to the success of America's space program and Moon landings. A National Socialist government will help make American science once again the best in the world. Shouldn't we save the Earth first? National Socialists recognize that to survive, the Aryan Race must have a healthy environment, free of the Life-inhibiting poisons Capitalism has brought upon the world. The National Socialist German government promulgated numerous radical Nature conservation programs, including the most progressive and comprehensive legislation to date, the 1935 _Reichsnaturschutzgesetz_ (Realm Nature Protection Law). National Socialism today, maintaining the Aryan tradition of strict reverence for the natural Order and its Life-giving elements, advocates curtailment of the everywhere pervasive Nature-destroying Capitalist consumptionism, the latter's mad quest for profit causing nearly all of the environmental disasters we face, and in remedy, implementation of sustainable, organic agriculture, sound methods of resource extraction and use, and reduction and eventual elimination of toxic substances in our nourishment and throughout the environment. Why should I support something my grandfather died to destroy? It is terribly painful to realize our grandparents' generation was _used_ by the Roosevelt regime and the shadow string-pullers behind that cabal, but the facts demonstrate that indeed the American People were deceived -- abused -- by traitors, to compel them to fight their brothers and sisters in Germany during World War II. Are the American People happier today than before the war? Are American schools better, streets safer, cities more beautiful today than before the war? The American People fought not to save their traditional Way of Life, but to destroy America's potential ally in order to increase the wealth and power of the World Manipulators. Adolf Hitler sincerely sought alliance with the American and British Peoples, as the record shows, but the criminal Roosevelt and Churchill regimes violently rebuffed his hand of friendship. Ironically today, it is the Vision we share with Hitler that will save the American People from the gruesome end gleefully planned for us by the World Manipulators. We _cannot_ condemn the millions who fell in the Second World War, American and German, to a vainful death by refusing to do what is _right_ today because our forebears mistakenly thought it wrong yesterday. Who are skinheads? Skinheads are young Aryan men and women who having been bluntly exposed to the tragic realities of today's "New America," consequently become disillusioned with the Establishment's "multicultural" deathstyle and turn to a sounder Way for individual development and racial progress. Contrary to the image of Skinheads portrayed in the Jewish-controlled media, National Socialist Skinheads possess virtuous character and have realistic yet positive attitudes about life in today's corrupt society. Skinheads form tight-knit social groups where camaraderie prevails. They regularly express themselves through powerful, stirring music, poetry, and visual artwork, and celebrate racial kinship with social gatherings amongst comrades. Skinhead women have an integral part in the struggle for racial survival, earning admiration from their male counterparts. A broad spectrum of personalities and backgrounds are represented among Skinheads, but their Ideals of Honor and Love for Folk bind them together to courageously confront the crime-infested society we endure and the hoodlums that threaten their communities. Aren't you tools of the wealthy and powerful? National Socialism is diametrically opposed to monopoly Capitalism and all its exploitive manifestations. The World Manipulators and other socio- economic elitists have hated and feared National Socialism since its in- ception, for the National Socialist Vision represents a viable alternative to the Tyranny of Money's inequitable compensation for productive labor and its criminal usury-debt-based finance system, which oppresses working people of _all_ racial and ethnic backgrounds. Not the Democrats, not the Republicans, not the Marxists, but _only_ National Socialists expose the usury-debt finance racket, vowing to destroy it, replacing its rape of the worker with a more equitable economic system based on _genuine_ wealth and a sound currency. National Socialism is dynamic and progressive, encouraging all types of cre- ative work which contribute to the health, happiness, or safety of the Race and Nation, and requires proper compensation in living wages, prestige, and social services for farmers, artisans, and laborers. National Socialism rigorously sanctions with correction or expulsion parasitical elements which selfishly exploit the Nation and Race and refuse to contribute for the bene- fit of the entire Folk community. A National Socialist government will protect the National economy from a flood of goods produced through Capitalist exploitation of foreign slave labor, guaranteeing American farmers, artisans, and laborers a _fair_ trading market. Will you dare try to legislate morality? _All_ governments legislate morality. That's the purpose of legitimate gov- ernment, to provide for the order, stability, and justice which guarantees citizens opportunity for happy, productive lives. The difference between a legitimate government and a dictatorship is not a matter of methods, but of _motives_ in legislating and governing the Nation. A legitimate govern- ment legislates morality -- law -- which benefits the People and their live- lihood and happiness. An illegitimate government legislates morality that serves special interests, most often a wealthy economic minority, usually leading to spiritual and social sickness for the Nation. The Jewish-controlled media and Establishment academicians and politicians strive to deny the present regime's legislation of _perverse_ morality. By deceiving the American People, awareness of the perversity of the legis- lated morality is lessened, and opposition to it stifled. A National Socialist government will legislate and govern in the best inter- ests of the American People. National Socialism will put an end to U.S. Government-sponsored pictures of Jesus Christ in urine purported to be "art," Establishment-promoted and -defended "rap songs" advocating murder of police officers purported to be "music," Establishment-glorified filthy acts like anal sex purported to be "constitutional rights," and the domina- tion of the American Majority by a bigoted religious minority who places a tax on _all_ Americans' food in keeping with their "dietary laws." Why did Hitler have total gun control? Misinformed individuals, deriving their false premises from the Jewish-con- trolled media and Establishment academia, wrongly claim the German People were deprived of firearms during the Third Reich. While it is true the National Socialist German government did enforce many firearms regulations, the Hitler Administration in fact moderated the _more_ strict gun control regulations of the "democratic" Weimar Republic, and encouraged ordinary German citizens to obtain firearms. National Socialists support the inalienable right to individual and collec- tive self-defense, both from common thugs and corrupt regimes that function contrary to the Will and best interests of the Majority. Therefore, National Socialists support the right to possess, and use whenever neces- sary, _effective_ firearms and proper ammunition, free of the unreasonable regulations and taxes intended to deprive the citizenry of self-defense weapons. Who are these "World Manipulators?" The World Manipulators are an international network of highly resourceful fanatics who believe it their rightful destiny to be Lords of the Earth. This network of organized crime has become a de facto, quasi-secret "super- government," exercising near absolute power over the world's banking sys- tem, and tremendous influence over the world's mass media and most of the world's ostensibly legitimate governments. Jews, members of a People who have chosen themselves to rule the World, comprise a majority of the World Manipulators, with substantial numbers of Aryans and Asians intoxicated with Judaic thought also participating in this obscene racket. Through their masterfully managed mass media, and with the aid of their apologists and "true-believers" in the Establishment's "Ivory Towers" of Ignorance, the World Manipulators have created a spectrum of "permissible" thought, not unlike the "goodthink" in Orwell's dark world of _1984_, which "right thinking" people are expected to adhere to, with admonishment or even criminal punishment for transgressors. Obviously, National Socialism lies outside this "politically correct" spectrum of "permissible" thought. The World Manipulators recognize strong, healthy, free Nations and Races are unbreachable obstacles to their insane lust for _unlimited_ power and wealth, and seek to enslave or obliterate through concocted "no-win" wars, planned economic calamity, and crazy but calculated social policy _all_ Nations and Races, _especially_ the Aryan Race. What is "ZOG?" "ZOG," an acronym for _Zionist Occupational Government_, is a popular euphe- mism for the alien anti-Americans, the Washington Criminals and their will- ing collaborators within Federal, State, and local government agencies that dictate directives to the American People and force our compliance. The Zionist Occupational Government, or alternately, Jewish Occupational Government, is an entity under the hegemony of the World Manipulators who stealthily coordinate the policies of the several occupation governments wielding power over the Aryan Nations to provide an uniform tyranny as well as an united front of the "international community" against any potential threat. ZOG is an _occupation_ government because it is commanded by in- filtrators _from a foreign power_ who gained entry to the United States for the real purpose of sabotage of America's legitimate authority, armed for- ces, and economy leading to our unavoidable capitulation as a sovereign Nation. What do you call your party? Because today's political world has changed phenomenally since the days of Hitler's National Socialist German Workers' Party, the American National Socialist Movement of 1994 is multi-faceted, without a centralized organi- zation and with a diversity of tactical approaches to achieve our most im- portant goal. Since the World Manipulators have a "golden grip" on the political systems of Western Nations, National Socialists have little or no chance of imple- menting the Will of the Aryan Majorities through conventional means at this time. To diminish or neutralize the oppression and subversion by the Es- tablishment against National Socialists, diversification of guidance and resources has occurred within the Movement, and although a few small, rep- utable and effective NS organizations exist, this diversification has cul- minated in a form of "leaderless resistance." Leaderless resistance means that the National Socialist takes responsibility in his or her own commu- nity for directing localized activities and dissemination of the Good News of National Socialism. The time for direct action and a national organization has not yet arrived. A National Socialist is defined by inner substance, not by outer appearance. Attention-desperate clowns dressed in Hollywood "Nazi" costumes parading around with German flags in childish imitation of a past era who cannot offer a coherent expression of the National Socialist Vision -- favorite spectacles for Jewish-controlled television -- are _not_ National Social- ists. What does National Socialism offer me, the ordinary American? National Socialism means the opportunity of a happier, more fulfilling life for the ordinary American working man and woman. A National Socialist government will work _for_ you and your best interests, using your hard-earned tax dollars for the benefit of _your_ People's well- being, _not_ for "foreign aid" parasites like Israel. National Socialism means that the American worker's productivity -- his or her hard work -- will work _not_ for international bankers, millionaire Capitalist racketeers, and their politician-stooges, but to build a better today for American families and an even brighter tomorrow for Aryan children. National Socialists support: - opportunities for all to have a rewarding, productive career, suitable to individual ability, talent, and needs. - affordable opportunities for all families to _truly own_ a home or a food- and fiber-producing homestead. - opportunities for creative entrepreneurs to establish or sustain produc- tive businesses supporting their families and the National economy, free from the crippling taxes, usury-bondage, and corrupt anti-entrepreneur tactics of today's monopoly Capitalist system. - physical and spiritual health maintenance programs for all ages, empha- sizing holistic nutrition and fitness awareness. - free, comprehensive medical services for all, with special concern for children, mothers, and the aged. - free, universal quality education, primary through university level, stressing excellence, practical knowledge, and love of wisdom. - enjoyable leisure and social activities for workers inside and outside the workplace, including family vacations, participant sports, and Nature appreciation activities. - replacement of Establishment-directed soul-destroying mindless "enter- tainment" and degenerate "art" with government-supported programs empow- ering all to express themselves through healthy culture, including music, literature, visual arts, theater and dance, and festivals. - replacement of the Establishment's mechanistic, inorganic, money-driven law code with a People's Law system upholding the principle of justice for individuals regardless of wealth, gender, or age. Question not _how_ National Socialism will build a better life, but _how it can once again_. How can I help? Collecting Third Reich memorabilia is a hobby, not activism. Discussing today's problems while not working for the solution is whining, not activ- ism. Painting swastikas and screaming racial slurs is juvenile stupidity, not activism. Activism means commitment. Activism means you dedicate yourself to Aryan survival and progress, and work daily for its realization. Activism means you think, act, and look like an Aryan. "Thinking like an Aryan" means constantly having thoughts constructive and beneficial for oneself and our Race. "Acting like an Aryan" means upholding Honor in all you do, working for the best interests of the Aryan Race, and _never_ doing anything sense- lessly harmful to oneself or our Race. "Looking like an Aryan" means pre- senting oneself in a respectable manner at all times, with cleanliness and sobriety. Therefore, drug addicts, alcoholics, sexual deviants/perverts, "thrill-seekers," Charlie Manson fanatics, and the mentally and morally unstable are not welcome in the National Socialist Movement. Begin by contacting the organizations below, and READ their publications. Read and deeply ponder the ideas and information in the works offered by National Socialist booksellers, and in the following bibliography. Most importantly, TELL OTHERS about the Good News of National Socialism. As your knowledge, ability, and means permit, organize appropriate activities for your own community. The Aryan Race is backed against the wall. There is no time to fear for one's comfort. YOU would see the death of the Aryan Race and _all_ you value, were we to fail in this greatest endeavor of all time. We have but one option, and that is _forward_. The alternative is for Aryan men to serve the "New World Order" on their knees, and for Aryan women to serve on their backs. YOUR efforts, no matter how small or great, in concert with those of your racial brothers and sisters across this Nation and around the world shall result in The Triumph of the Aryan Will. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When writing to the addresses below, please enclose a minimum of $1.00 to cover postage costs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL ACTIVIST ASSOCIATIONS Heritage Front * National Alliance P.O. Box 564 Station R PO Box 90 Toronto, ON M4G 4E1 Hillsboro WV 24946 CANADA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAITH ASSOCIATIONS Asatru Alliance of Independent Kindreds NS Kindred PO Box 961 PO Box 256 Payson AZ 85547 North San Juan CA 95960 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITICAL- & CULTURAL-ORIENTED PUBLICATIONS _National Vanguard_ _Remarks_ PO Box 90 PO Box 234 Hillsboro WV 24946 Aurora NY 13026-0234 _Up Front_ * _Vanguard_ P.O. 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