💾 Archived View for gemini.spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › magazines › VAS › vas0099.txt captured on 2022-07-17 at 08:38:38.
⬅️ Previous capture (2022-06-12)
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ?????? ???????? ? Vaginal and Anal Secretions Newsletter ? ? ?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ? ? ? ?? ?? ???????? ???????? ? Issue #99 - December 18, 1994 ? ? ???????? ???????? ?? ?? ? ? ? ???? ?? ?? ???????? ? [ Written By: CaPtIaN /<-RaD (TPP) ] ? ? ? ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ThE ReTuRn oF ThE LeEcH HaCkuRz! ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The Return of The LeEcH HaCkuRz by TPP y0 d00dz, wE FiNaLLy G0t oUr CoMpUtErZ bAcK fRoM ThE FBI. WhOeVeR iT wAs ThAt tOlD EvErYoNe iT wAs oUr MoMmY iS a LaMuR!@!@! VaS LaMeRz, WeRe GoNNa PhReAK yOuR COMpuTerZ!@!@! NoW wE aRe GoInG tO TaLk aBoUt GeTTiNg c00l h/p StUpH. tO GeT a.. BlUe BoX -------- PiCk uP YoUr PhOnE(c00l ThInGz uS /<-RaD d00dz HaVe. GeT oNe LaMuR!) aNd DiAl 1-800-BlUeBoX. ThEsE GuYz ObViOuSlY HaVe tO GiVe YoU a BluE BoX. HeRe iS dA TrAnScIpT.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BlUeBoX- Thank you for calling the jewish National Front. Me- hEhEhE! JeW! hehehe! ThAt'S c00l, SeNd mE a BlUe BoX! BlUeBoX- If you know your partys extension enter it now. Me- I AiN'T gIvInG yOu No FuCkiNg ExTEnSiOnErZ, ThOsE aRe t00 /<-RaD! BlUeBoX- If you would like to plant a tree, press one now. Me- oH c00l, I wAnT tO PlAnT a TrEE! WiLL YoU gIvE Me A BlUe BoX 4 iT? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ThEsE GuyZ aRe ReAllY LaMe ThOuGh BeCaUsE ThEy WoN'T giVe uS a BlUe BoX BeCaUsE OuR El33tnEsS FrIgHteNz ThEm. wE WiLL CaRd 1800-Bluebox FoR ThIS! ReD BoX ------- LaMeR! YoU ObViOuSlY HaVe To DiAl 1-800-ReDbOx!@!@!@ BuT ThEsE GuYz WoUlDn'T GiVe uS oNe, ThErE LaMe tO. HeReZ Da ScRiPt.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Me- hello, hello, hello Me- hello? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WiRED MaG --------- WiReD iS ThE c00lEsT MaGaZiNe fOr uS kEwL HaCkErZ, bUt YoU GuYz aRe LaME aNd PrObaBlY ThInK iT SuX! ThE gOt a WWW ThInGy ThAt wIlL GiVe YoU XXX GiFz oF CyBeRsEx!@!@!@ t00 BaD i DoN'T KnOw HoW tO uSe ThE iNtErNeT, BuT I aM GeTTiNG MS InTeRnEt FoR WinDoWz VeRsIoN 5.3434535 FoR ChRiStMaS! I'm c00l, YoUr NoT! ThEy g0t StOrYz aBoUt OtHeR /<-RaD HacKz aNd PhReAkz LiKe mE (t00 BaD NoNe oF tHeM KnOw a ThInG aBoUt CoMpUtErZ oR PhOnEz). U cAn GeT ThIs FrOm ThE HoMe Of /<-RaDnEsS, RaDiO ShAk! AcCeSS oN c00l BoArDz --------------------- YoU GuYz ArEn'T NeAr mY LeVeL oF kRaDnEsS, s0 I WiLL TeLL YoU h0w tO GeT oN aLL ThE c00l BoArDs. FiRsT, ChAt WiTh ThE LaMe SySoP aNd FoLLoW DiS TrAnScRiPt. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Me- GiVe Me AcCeSS oR I'll PhReAk ThIs BBs! TPP- Heh, really.. Ok dood, I just coded this new issue of VaS that has a lot of c0dez and XXX gifz. You seem to be elite enough to get it. Me- c00l!@!@! HoLd oN a SeC. I HaVe tO ClEaN uP My BuGlE BoYz. Later... C:\vas>vascodez St00pId GrUnT-4 DrOppEr Me- ThAt LaMeR CaN't c0de!@!@! ?2 Me- TPP, If YOu R r SREaDiN gd ThIs???7 You?r L??aMe. ?- "2 232VD 8?5O 2 13 ArrgGHH<rG1 1213 3441 5$#%@%@$231144 1324 1412 411 4 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ???????????????? ]<-RaD Places To Find ALL The VaS Issues ????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? /<-RaD ]<0dE KiDZ WHeReZ WoRLD WHQ (810)348-0421 14.4k bps ? ? The Terrorist's Playground (404)394-3080 14.4k bps ? ? PHaRM R0aD 666 2 (510)540-0342 14.4k bps ? ? PHaRM R0aD 666 1 (713)855-0261 14.4k bps ? ? Mogel-land (215)732-3413 14.4k bps ? ? Lunatic Labs, Ltd. (213)655-0691 2400 bps ? ? The Undercity (209)683-3673 14.4k bps ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? If you're interested in being a distribution site, contact KKK BBS. ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? [VaS]- DoMiNaTiNg ThE WoRlD iN '95 (C)opywrite If YoU RiP ThIs OfF wE WiLL FuCk YoU uP!