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From zzbartonr@acad.winthrop.edu Wed Nov 17 17:15:01 1993 Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1993 16:35:08 -0500 From: Reggie Barton <zzbartonr@acad.winthrop.edu> To: fetherow@lurch.winthrop.edu, eudaleyt@lurch.winthrop.edu, tkyle@delphi.com, galen@csd4.csd.uwm.edu, npc@tenet.edu, falcor@agora.rain.com, trond.Buland@ifim.sintef.no, chris@rigel.efd.lth.se, jonb@isltd.insignia.com, polekat@well.sf.ca.us.com, acc00ltr@unccvm.uncc.edu, slootsky@cu53.crl.aecl.ca, ugu00010@vm.uoguelph.ca, pnet01!psilo@crash.cts.com, mariusw@ifi.uio.no, kendall@mps.ohio-state.edu, kc5@cu.nih.gov, davet@wv.mentorg.com, p30tmr1@niu.bitnet, nate@vangogh.VIS.ColoState.EDU, dj439@cleveland.freenet.edu, true@intacc.uucp, pinpoint@world.std.com, ih3@utepvm.ep.utexas.edu, hhll@u.washington.edu, gadolin@gadox.pulp.nullnet.fi, rg%seta%drc@s1.drc.com, mellswor@firewall.nielsen.com Subject: True Cyberpunk Fall 1993 -----DISCLAIMER----- [Although this is said in a light hearted manner, I mean it. This is to protect the freedom of expression for myslef and those wishing to express themselves here.] By reading anything after this section you are legally saying to the world that You are a disgustingly apathetic net-geek. You refuse to care how other people express themselves as long as they are expressing themselves. You're saying, Hey! I know that this E-Zine probably has cussing, lewd remarks and other stuff like that, but Hey! I live for that and I wouldn't ever sue anyone who uploaded this, printed this, distributed this, or most importantly took any part in publishing this. Okay? Cut Here ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::: :::::.....::::: ::::::::::::::: .....:::::..... ::::......::::: :::::.....::::: ::::::......... .....:::::..... ::::::::::::::: :::::.....::::: ::::::::::::::: .....:::::..... ::::.....:::... :::::.....::::: ::::::......... .....:::::..... ::::......:::.. ::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::: :::::-----::::: ::::::::::::::: -----:::::----- ::::------::::: :::::-----::::: ::::::--------- c y b e r p u n k -----:::::----- ::::-----:::--- :::::-----::::: ::::::--------- -----:::::----- ::::------:::-- ::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::: --------------- --------------- -----:::::----- --------------- :::::-----::::: ----::::::----- -----:::::----- ------::::::::: :::::-----::::: --------------- -----:::::----- --------------- :::::-----::::: ----:::::---::: -----:::::----- ------::::::::: :::::-----::::: ----::::::---:: --------------- --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes the truth is harder to see, but it is always distorted, always truth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -True CyberPunk issue 3 vol-1 FALL 1993- (hide it from the kids) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COVER NOTE: PGP Encryption Will Stil Be Used - HOWEVER; No Longer With Public Keys We Now Use A Coventionally Encrypted File w/ Password. That Password is true cyberpunk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | IN THIS ISSUE! | | | | Welcome to then (Editorial Observation)..................1 | | Activism (Truth).........................................2 | | PILLAR (by Dan Derenthal)................................3 | | Our House in the Middle of the Net (Truth)...............4 | | | \--------------------------------------------------------------/ 1 Welcome to then. ---------------- August 18th...in a club on the smart side of town. Preteen punk grundge wannabees are climbing out of their parent's BMW's to go inside one of the shittiest clubs the world has ever known. Inside are the scum of the earth, the creme of the crop, and the genetic inbred mutants of Catawba (see issue 1). Music and bass blare alternative music while neon lights the faces of all inside. No one dances here, they just sit and listen. Every five minutes like clockwork one of the muties in the corner shouts PEARLJAM. I could only assume it was the only word he could say. The creature wore an old budwiser t-shirt covered in stains. He was basically furless except for a thin patch of red sticking out from under his hat. It was here that I found nirvana. The energy in the room was terrific, why? Because no one was using it!!! Meanwhile a shirtless guitarist with a Dr. Seuss hat on was yelling Ambulance. Soon the mutant in the corner had learned another word and the band toyed him with it . AMBULANCE.... amboo lance! AMBULANCE..... Ambahl lence!! Ambulance.... Ambull hands!!! The ritual became a song as the band got into the groove of this impromptu jam session. The name of the band was EVERYMAN, a must see. They really know how to toy with a mutie. Anyway it was at this point that I realised what the net was missing! We have no clubs like this in cyberspace. No sound, no music, no culture (or lack of it). How can cyberpunks exsist in the matrix without punk? Wheres the 200,000 whats of kick-ass on the net. When was the last time your adrenaline got pumping in the matrix. Anyway the point to all this is that I thought it was really neat when the guy got up and said... "If you have Xs on your hands then you are being watched and the man at the door has been paid lots of money to cause bodily harm." The mutie just yelled PEARLJAM. S.I.N.ERGY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- That was the story..... moving on to activism...... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 [WARNING-WEAR PARELL SENSITIVE SHADES-TRUTH FOLLOWS] In an interview lately Lord Gibson said that Cyberpunk was changing into something else... what that 'else' is is hard to see. Where are the punks headed. It is time to unite, or at least make sure we are headed somewhere! Ok, issue #1, the "Corp". A.k.a the "system" or the "man". This social operating system is long overdue for an upgrade. We all know that. That's partially why we exsist here (c-space v1.0). So how do we "Shock the System". It has to be a technollogically advanced operation, to suit our style. I believe it should also be PASSIVE ('cause that's more annoying!). I don't think operandi like Froggi's Armi are going to do much good. As we all know any system needs funds, and jobless people don't get funds -unless they are VERY resourcefull. So what do we do? In the mists of the evolution of the net, such as the City interface, and cyberspace.com, the time for action is now. I smell the need for a conference soon, a REAL cyberpunk conference..... Let's see your input. <------------------------------------------------------------------- < \/ |> [_ |] |] | | |\| |< /_ | | |\| | -|- [_ | |> [ |\ | |_| / |_| | | [ -----------------------------------------------------------------> c y b e r p u n k s u n i t e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ And now back to our regular B.S. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 PILLAR ------ Forgotten youth goes untold . The radio plays on . The wipers go back and forth as I hurtle down the eight lane . Back and forth . Jessicca lies beside me in the passenger seat . Her breath is deep and relaxed for the first time in days . The wipers go back and forth . Back and forth . The rain continues to fall from the sky as if a mad god or a forgotten promise . The wipers go back and forth . Angry and agnst ridden figures scream of their fate and the radio plays on . Sitting behind me is Kris, huddled in a thick wool blanket, her eyes shut . She shudders as if cold, then is still again . The wipers go back and forth and the radio plays on . I signal to turn and then begin to slow as I enter the town . Darkness . The pale illumination of neon . The rain pouring down upon us, and the wipers go back and forth . Back and forth . The song from the radio reminds me of the summer . The hopes that once were, are no more . The sun that once filled me with warmth is no where in sight . I pull into a parking lot next to what might have been a movie theatre in a past time . I see no lights coming from the building . Broken glass . I gently wake Jessicca from her slumber . Her pale skin looks grey and blue in the light coming from a flickering streetlamp in the distance . "Where are we Mark ?" "Were safe for now, help me get Kris ." I slip the keys out of the ignition and turn off the headlights . The rain pelts against the car . + --- + Part one of several. Constructive crit. encouraged at: ZZDERENTHALD@ACAD.WINTHROP.EDU ... The past is irrevelant, the future uncertain, and the present goes by with a speed to brillant for any mortal to understand... -DD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAN - Our only outside writer for this iss. just got back from seeing the secret service [really!]. He was bad and wrote bad things to pres. clinton! DO NOT REPEAT HIS MISTAKE! I MEAN IT!!! These guys are nuts!!! Did you know that the SS thinks that the pres and vise-pres addresses are "SECRET"!!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Our House (The White Housw) In The Middle of the Net ---------------------------------------------------- As stated above the White House really thinks that there address is secret, below is a log of how I found it through the governments own MARVEL system. It can also be found in WIRED #4. The EFF also published the address. THE ADDRESS IS REAL! Do not taunt the happy white house! Here's the log- [long] marvel rying... Connected to MARVEL.LOC.GOV. Escape character is '^]'. AIX telnet (rs5) IBM AIX Version 3 for RISC System/6000 (C) Copyrights by IBM and by others 1982, 1991. login: marvel Last unsuccessful login: Thu Jul 8 18:00:56 EDT 1993 on pts/4 from mac10.lib.utexas.edu Last login: Wed Nov 3 14:23:24 EST 1993 on pts/7 from You are outside user number 10 (10 maximum). WELCOME TO LC MARVEL ....................................................................... Library of Congress Machine-Assisted Realization of the Virtual Electronic Library ....................................................................... LC MARVEL is the Library of Congress' experimental Campus-Wide Infor- mation System which uses Gopher software. LC MARVEL offers access to informational files about the Library of Congress, the ability to search and retrieve information in those files, and connections to a wide variety of Internet resources. Initially, only 10 simultaneous connections will be available for direct TELNET connection from exter- nal sites (with the exception of the US Congress). However, it is possible to connect to this system using Gopher client software or through another Gopher server (the 10-user limit does not apply to these access methods). For Gopher access, point to MARVEL.LOC.GOV, port 70. Clearly, the Library of Congress bears no responsibility for the qual- ity of information provided through other sites. ......................................................................... Please forward your suggestions and reports of any technical problems to: lcmarvel@seq1.loc.gov ......................................................................... PRESS <RETURN> TO CONTINUE [CR] 5 LC MARVEL (Under Construction) 1. About LC MARVEL (Please Read First)/ 2. Library of Congress: Facilities, Activities, and Services/ 3. Research and Reference/ 4. Library of Congress Online Systems/ 5. The U.S. Congress/ 6. Federal Government Information/ 7. Services to Libraries and Publishers/ 8. Copyright/ 9. Employee Information/ 10. The Global Electronic Library (by Subject)/ --> 11. Internet Resources/ 12. What's New on LC MARVEL/ 13. Search LC MARVEL Menus/ Press?forHelp,qtoQuit,utogoupamenuPage:1/1 -->Receiving Directory... Internet Resources 1. Internet Guides and Information Services/ 2. Collections of Resources by Type/ 3. Access to Internet File Server (FTP) Sites (via UIUC)/ 4. Archie (FTP Searches on the Internet) via UMN/ 5. Archie Query Service via SURAnet (login as qarchie) <TEL> 6. GovernmentGopherServers(fromNSF)/ 7. HYTELNET <TEL> 8. Other Gopher and Information Servers (via University of Minnesota)/ 9. Other Gophers via University of California at Irvine/ 10. Regional Gopher Servers: DC-MD-DEL-VA/ --> 11. Veronica and Jughead Servers (search gopherspace)/ 12. WAIS at Think.Com <TEL> 13. WAIS at the National Science Foundation (NSF) <TEL> 14. World Wide Web (WWW) <TEL> -->Receiving Directory... Veronica and Jughead Servers (search gopherspace) 1. FAQ: Frequently-Asked Questions About Veronica (1993/08/23). 2. How to Compose Veronica Queries (NEW June 24) READ ME!!. 3. Jughead -- Readme. 4. Search Gopher Directories Using Veronica at PSINet <?> 5. Search Gopher Directories Using Veronica at UNR <?> --> 6. Search Gopher Directories Using Veronica at University of Pisa <?> 7. Search Gopherspace Using Veronica at NYSERNet <?> 8. Search Gopherspace Using Veronica at PSINet <?> 9. Search Gopherspace Using Veronica at UNR <?> 10. Search Gopherspace Using Veronica at University of Pisa <?> 11. Search High-level Gopher Menus Using Jughead at Wash. & Lee U. <?> 12. The Australian Veronica Server <?> 13. VeronicaDirectoryfromtheUniversityofMinnesota/ 14. Veronica Directory from the University of Nevada, Reno/ 15. Washinton and Lee U. -- Finding Gopher Resources/ 6 ++++++++Search Gopher Directories Using Veronica at University of Pisa+++++++ ++ ++ ++ Words to search for:[ clinton ] ++ ++ ++ ++ [Cancel ^G] [Accept - Enter] ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Searching Text... Conecting Search Internet Gopher Information Client v1.12S Search Gopher Directories Using Veronica at University of Pisa: clinton 1. Remarks by President Clinton & Lee Brown, NDCP Director 7/1/93. 2. Press Conference by President Clinton 1/29/93. 3. President Clinton in Q & A Session w/Press 6/1/93. 4. President Clinton & Various Cabinet Members in Q&A Session 7/1/93. 5. Clinton letter to Pres. of Natnl. Corn Growers - 11/1/92. 6. Clinton/GoreNationalTalkingPoints-10/1/92. 7. bill.clinton-1.29.93. 8. [*] Clinton? 1.1. --> 9. 1092 Want to Reach Bill Clinton? Try president@whitehouse.gov Jun... 10. ClintonandMaastricht-2-in-1specialoffer. 11. RE: Clinton and Maastricht - 2-in-1 special offer. 12. MoreonClinton1/26/93. 13. MoreonClinton1/26/93. 14. 6.0401 Clinton, the FCC, and Information Policy (1/122). 15. 6.0401 Clinton, the FCC, and Information Policy (1/122). 16. 6.0403 Clinton at the Folger -- Closure dates (1/33). 17. Conference on Clinton's Service Agenda-April 1,2. 18. Clinton's Inaugural Address, 1/20/93. Press ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up Receiving Information... This section is from the document '/comp/bench/HPC.select_news'. >From more@hpcwire.ans.net Mon Jun 7 09:08:40 1993 Received: from hpcwire.ans.net by finsun.csc.fi with SMTP id AA18446 (5.65a/IDA-1.4.2 for sbs); Mon, 7 Jun 93 09:08:38 +0300 Received: by hpcwire.ans.net id AA04081 (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for sbs@finsun.csc.fi); Sun, 6 Jun 1993 23:06:59 -0700 Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1993 23:06:59 -0700 From: More Select News <more@hpcwire.ans.net> Message-Id: <199306070606.AA04081@hpcwire.ans.net> To: sbs@finsun.csc.fi Subject: 1092 Want to Reach Bill Clinton? Try president@whitehouse.gov Jun 1 Status: RO 7 Want to Reach Bill Clinton? Try president@whitehouse.gov Jun 1 Washington, D.C. -- The Internet community now possesses one of the most direct methods of contacting President Bill Clinton: electronic mail. The White House Tuesday said it is now receiving e-mail through the Internet. The president can be reached at president@whitehouse.gov; Vice President Al Gore's address is vice.president@whitehouse.gov. Clinton and Gore notified the public about the new service through a letter posted on the Internet as the president traveled to Milwaukee, Wisc., to sell his economic program. "Today, we are pleased to announce that for the first time in history, the White House will be connected to you via electronic mail," the letter said. "Electronic mail will bring the presidency and this administration closer and make it more accessible to the people. "As we work to reinvent government and streamline our processes, the e-mail project can help to put us on the leading edge of progress," Clinton and Gore said in the letter. According to the Washington Post, Clinton staffers have said they were appalled to find after Inauguration Day that the White House still used operators plugging lines into switchboards -- a technology tht is considered hopelessly outmoded by many. Clinton first made use of the electronic mail system as a candidate, aides said, but this was the first time the White House had been connected to the electronic mail system. In making the announcement, Clinton also indicated that connections will begin soon in the House of Representatives, as well as at various government agencies. The White House will be accepting the letters, acknowledging their receipt and keeping track of the subject. But so far there will be no electronic response to individual letters. "We must be realistic about the limitations and expectations of the White House electronic mail system," the letter said. "This experiment is the first-ever e-mail project done on such a large scale." Messages will be read by the White House correspondence staff, with the same priority as paper letters. A sampling will be shown to Clinton and Gore, who made White House e-mail a personal priority. "It just depends on who has a lucky day that day and gets picked," Lynda Rathbone, coordinator of public access e-mail, told the Post. The White House hopes to be able to respond to individual letters electronically by the end of the year. "We eagerly anticipate the day when electronic mail from the public is an integral and normal part of the White House communications system," Clinton and Gore wrote. "This is an historic moment in the White House, and we look forward to your participation and enthusiasm for this milestone event." The White House already had addresses with three commercial e-mail services. Through them, it was receiving as many as 5,000 messages a week. But it wasn't truly an electronic connection. The services collected messages on computer floppy disks, which they sent by mail or courier to the White House. The new system provides for electronic delivery the whole way. There is some concern in the administration that Clinton's own computer will be an inviting target for hackers. "We do not want people constantly bombarding our system with attempts to break in," Rathbone told the Post. "We're taking the necessary security precautions." 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDITOR'S NOTE: Should you decide to send a message to President Clinton, this is a sample the response you will receive: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >From postmaster@whitehouse.gov Wed Jun 2 09:09:23 1993 id AA26122; Wed, 2 Jun 93 13:09:23 -0400 Apparently-To: <burnsm@hpcwire.ans.net> Thank you for sending in your thoughts and comments to the President via electronic mail. We are pleased to introduce this new form of communication into the White House for the first time in history. I welcome your response and participation. As we work to reinvent government and streamline our processes, this electronic mail experiment will help put us on the leading edge of progress. Please remember, though, this is still very much an experiment. Your message has been read, and we are keeping careful track of all the mail we are receiving electronically. We will be trying out a number of response-based systems shortly, and I ask for your patience as we move forward to integrate electronic mail from the public into the White House. Again, on behalf of the President, thank you for your message and for taking part in the White House electronic mail project. Sincerely, Marsha Scott, Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Correspondence -EOF- Wow! For a government that seems to be concerned that the President's address is public they sure fo publisise it well!!!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 9 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- My apologies to all subscribers! This issue is horribly late and that's uncool. My curses to the VMS system we have to thank for <most of> it all.. WHY IS KERMIT ITS ONLY PROTOCOL!!! WHY WONT KERMIT RECEIVE FILES!!!!! Also -=Special Release note ::: The opinions and actions of Dan Derenthal are completly disjunct from TCP - TCP in NO WAY encourages his actions!!! The SS did come after him! DO NOT MAKE HIS MISTAKE!!! AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH! (editor's blues...) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cover GIF will be shipped shortly! Happy Holidays! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINERGY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TCP is a publication of "bull shit." All rights reserved unless otherwise noted. You are being noted otherwise, please don't confuse the two. All syringes found inside this E-Zine should be considerd either a legitimate conspiracy to introduce a deadly disease to all the world, or as we like to think of them.. collectors edition bonus prizes! Any names places or events are to be considered names places or events. Any assumption otherwise was not intended or was intended. Thank you for buying our bull shit. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- __________________________ / \ | MOOve over Mondo!! \ | TCP returns in the Winter | :: \_____________________________| __.::.__ |\___ / :: \___/| \___| (O)__(O) |___/ | /00\ | \__ |--| __/ ___/ \__/ \____ \ /B| \ \ |S/ BullShit productions. 1993