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--- your death begins with your birth --- |||||| _ _ |||||| _ _ )) (( /\ |||||| /\ )) (( ((________)) /||\ |||||| /||\ ((________)) \ / (- -) (O O) (o o) \ / \ \ / / |)\/(| )/\( |)\/(| \ \ / / \\__// ( __ ) (\/\/) (\__/) \\__// \__/ |\__/| \__/ |\__/| \__/ \/ ||\/|| \/ ||\/|| \/ ...a fucked in the head production... . .:::::. .::::::::. ...:::::::::.. :::::::::::: ..:::::::::::::::::.. ::::: :::: .::: ::::::: :::. :::::. : :: ::::: :: :::::::. : ::: : :::::::::. ::: :::::::: ::: ::::: ::::: : :::: ::::: oxic :::......:::: hock .:::::::. ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::: presents Nihilism And You Part I : A Nihilist's Perspective Toxic File #74 by Bloody Afterbirth Centre Of Eternity : 615.552.5747 12/24 40 Megs 750+ Files Headquarters of Toxic Shock Demon Roach Underground : 806.794.4362 3/24 82 Megs cDc base board Lunatic Labs : 213.655.0691 3/24 Damn good board. Infinity Minus Two : 615.552.7879 3/12 3 Megs +++ATH+++ATH+++ATH+++ATH+++ATH+++ATH+++ATH+++ATH+++ATH+++ATH+++ATH+++ATH+++ATH I was reading over some of the files I gathered in years past (Night Crawler's and Dave Letterman's come to mind) and a nice idea for a nice new file in the nice old style came to mind...You're fixing to read it. How nice. It's soooo esoteric! Can't spread it around! Hush hush! Mum's the word! Silence! Can't let our Big Brothers know these things! Shhhh! The views and opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of anyone, including the author, nor are the thoughts and actions mentioned or suggested necessarily true to life, fictional, healthy, or dangerous to your life or sanity. Everything or some parts or nothing in this file may change your life or leave you exactly as you are. No guarantees as to the validity or falsehood of the information and ideas and knowledge within are made, express or implied. I/We/Gaia take no responsibility whatsoever for anything that happens because of this file, until such time as all currently existing political, social, economic, religious, and moral institutions have been done away with and replaced by something not necessarily any better. If you don't like the attitudes, views, opinions, thoughts, or ideas expressed within and actually think you can do anything about it, Bob Dobbs, Jr. will mystifyingly appear in a puff of putrid green smoke and bean you on the head with His pipe. Until the storm of Chaos rips the fabric of your reality to pieces..... 666TNOTB666TNOTB666TNOTB666TNOTB666TNOTB666TNOTB666TNOTB666TNOTB666TNOTB666 I. Nihilism - What It Is Only a few short years ago, in the exact same galaxy you're in right now, oh fuck that. Annihilate Your Race Communist America Perpetual 1984 .::::::::::::::::::::. :: :: The Death Knell :: Nihilism And You :: 666 Deth 999 :: :: `::::::::::::::::::::' The Christians Are Going To Hell What is Nihilism, and what can it do for you? I have seen many definitions for Nihilism...here are three: 6 : The belief that all currently existing political or social institutions must be overthrown for any improvement. 5 : The rejection of all religious and moral principles as the only means of obtaining social progress. 9 : The denial of all reality in phenomena. To deal with those definitions in order of decending importance to me and this file, let us look at definition 9. If you deny the reality of everything, then this file isn't real, and you must be having one fucking hellacious acid trip right now. Of course, the acid wasn't real, and neither is the trip, so you aren't really tripping, this is unreal reality. But seriously...I have no idea what that definition implies. If it means that what we perceive as physical reality is only an illusion or a shadow, cast by the light of our true, nonphysical, reality, then I suppose I agree with it. But for my purposes in this file, it has nothing to do with a damn thing. Isn't that nice? I propose a new definition. Definition number 11. Why 11? Because if you add 6 and 5, you get 11, unless the values for 5 and 6 and 11 have been changed while I wrote the above paragraphs. Why I propose to combine 6 and 5 to make 11 is because for me and for this file, Nihilism is a combination of the definitions 5 and 6. NIHILISM The Belief That All Existing Religious, Social, Economic, Political, And Moral Institutions/Conventions Must Be Rejected, Overthrown, And Done Away With In Order To Have Any Improvement In The Order Of Things. What can such a belief do to----er, for you? Answering that question is the purpose of this file... If I knew of a real quick answer to give you, I'd give it to you, but I'm answering the question as much for your sake as for my own, so blow it out your vapor hole. II. The Problems With Existing Religious/Moral Conventions ..as they relate to S-E-X.. First, let's talk about the homosexuals in the world. I think if a guy can get turned on by the sight of another man's flat harry ass or by the thought of having a throbbing slab of meat slammed down his throat or up a passage that is only meant to expel substances, F-I-N-E. I also think if one of them tries to pull any queer shit on a straight person, they should have their sweet little nuts ripped off and shoved so far up their asses that they choke on them. Now, if a woman wants to get wet by the thought of licking someone ELSE'S lips, hey, FINE by me! If a woman wants to strap on a cute little plasti-prick and pretend to dick a cunt, FINE by me! I also think if two or more of them would like to perform such terrible things in front of me and possibly allow me to engage in their festivities, that I'd be a stupid FUCK if I turned them down. What this means, in simple terms, is this... It is considered wrong for someone to be gay, by most popular standards. If a guy wants to change the "u" to an "a", it's his dick. If a woman wants to lick clit, damn if I'm going to interfere with one of the best spectator sports I've ever seen. The whole concept of gays spreading AIDS is fucking stupid. If two guys stay with EACH OTHER, with NO other sexual 'partners', they will spread AIDS about as far as two straight virgins will. A `straight' person who has more than one partner will spread it as easily as a fag with more than one partner. What that would seem to imply is that people shouldn't have more than one partner, no matter what their persuasion. That is what Christianity would have one think. Bullfuck. What it means is someone who is diagnosed with AIDS shouldn't go fucking anybody unless THEY have AIDS, TOO! Why should *I* stop fucking just because some bozo in Zambabwe Egypt just lost his immune system? If a record is kept of who the spud fucks, what's to worry about? They want mandatory drug testing (more on that later), why not mandatory AIDS testing? Why let worrying about a virus interfere with your pleasure? If all the AIDS people were known, they could all fuck each other, and we could all fuck each other, and everyone would be fucked. Now, about this "commitment" shit that people, mainly Christians, tag onto sex. Pfffffft! I have a dick. Michelle has a cunt. They go together. Ooooooh, but it's a reproductive process, and designed for making babies! It also feels damn good and is wonderful for releaving stress and anxiety. It is one of the best things, psychologically and phyiologically speaking, that the human body can do. It's better than walking upright! Why limit it to a reproductive process when we've got mega-tons of shit like condoms (remember when they were called RUBBERS?), The Foam (resounding gong), the pill, diaphragms, sponges, etc.? Babies are not a necessary side effect! If you can fuck safely, FUCK! Commitment my asshairs. So what that the girl loses her hymen when she gets poked the first time? She also (usually) hurts the first time. It's the end of the pain, the beginning of a wonderful line of experiences! And stay with someone for the rest of my life because I put a piece of my body in her? Yeah RIGHT! I suppose french kissing qualifies you for marriage, too, eh? Or is that different because nothing is sent from your tongue? Hell, does that mean I have to marry a girl if I sneeze in her mouth? I bang, she bangs, we probably both enjoyed it. If we liked it we'll do it again, if not we won't. Where does commitment come in? I know a lot of women I would fuck without question, but damn if I'd let the bitches spend MY money for the rest of my life! Hangups over sex cause you to miss out on a lot of wonderful experiences. You get a guilt complex and Nothing Ever Comes Up, if you know what I mean. Women don't climax, guys don't get hard. Guilt nags at you and bugs the fuck out of you and you make your whole life miserable because of something that feels great. Isn't it better to feel great about feeling great? ..as they relate to D-R-U-G-S.. Christianity (you'll see that word a lot when I'm bitching) is right. Marijuana and LSD are two VERY dangerous drugs. You smoke grass, and you know EXACTLY what your REAL morals are. None of this Sunday-smiley-face-be-a-good-Jew moralistic on-the-surface SHIT that you spread around to all your Church-People. You may THINK you're against sex-before-marriage, but after you smoke a joint or two, you'll know EXACTLY how you feel about sex. I know *I* did. I thought I thought sex was a major commitment, for husband and wife only, and then for making kids. Buh-HAHAHAHAHA! What I REALLY thought came to the surface after flying to the moon a little bit. If you don't know how I feel about it now, you haven't been reading the file! Ooooooh, but MARIJUANA MADE ME think in a NEW WAY!!!!!!!!!!! Oh bite my Satanic ass, you cry baby bible thumping fundy fuckwad! I think the way I do, I don't need to blame ANYTHING for my views. I got high and it made me think, really THINK, about what I am REALLY like. What tried to make me think in a new way was the Christian Moralistic Hype that tells me everything fun is wrong. Geez, I'm not a fucking Greyface at heart, never was! Kids like to have fun, until Serious-Greyface-NoFun propaganda is fed into them by Society. Having Fun in life is NORMAL. GASP! Drug use opens your mind up so you can truly see what is inside of you. Not only that, it expands your horizons. You see things from a new perspective (about 500 miles up if you smoke what *I* smoked!) and get a new grip on life. Someone (The Mad Alchemist's girlfriend, the co-sysop of Lunatic Labs, I can't remember her name right now) told me : "One of the side effects of using acid is an increase in intelligence." She couldn't have spoken more truly! The people I know who have used drugs intelligently and responsibly are some of the most intelligent people I know. Come to think of it, the people I know who bake their brains just to bake their brains and be fucked up are also among the most intelligent people I know, when they want to be. Those who do drugs (speaking of the reasonable and intelligent users, mainly) are usually the ones concerned about the environment and the political/social/economics/moral/religious corruption on this planet. No wonder the Greyfaces don't like drug users, they see between the lies! Drugs are an experience, a very valuable experience. They grow you in many ways. Sure, some damage your brain, but fuck, it's YOUR brain to melt if you want to! They're fun and their thought provoking. Why should you have a paranoid streak about using things that can be found NATURALLY on the planet? Hell, they were put here for a REASON. Nature or God or Goddess or Fetus or Cow or whatEVER put mushrooms, marijuana, and all the other natural drugs there, and not because they look pretty. Nothing is done in nature just to do it. The physical world just doesn't behave that way. But S-A-T-A-N put the drugs there!!!!!! If *I* was God, and some little fuckup put shit on MY planet that *I* didn't want, I'd wipe the BOTH of them out. If I was such a powerful entity, I wouldn't even let the little fuckup competition EXIST. Satan makes anything Christians don't like. Until they like them, then they're God-given. Bullshit. Ignore the propaganda and hype that the Christian and Government controlled media pumps into your brain! Find out what drugs do, for YOURSELF! Don't let such restricting concepts as morals or laws hold you back from experiencing life to the fullest! If you're still living, you haven't lived fully! ..as they relate to D-R-I-N-K-I-N-G.. I didn't include this in the D-R-U-G-S section because I didn't fucking feel like it. I know alcohol is a drug. I also know caffeine is a drug. Did I talk about how bad it is to drink Pepsi in the D-R-U-G-S section? NO. So I'll talk about it now. Pepsi sucks. Drink Jolt if you're going to have a non-alcoholic bloodstream. Why not drink? Who makes it socially wrong? Who gives a fuck about socially? Drinking with some friends is a damn good way to spend some time...You get a little buzzed and you have a good time. You're not out shooting Panamanians...you're not buildingnuclear warheads (well, SOME of you. . .!) you're not out living a lie and forcing bogus views on people...you're just drinking... And so the fuck what if you want to get PLASTERED? I may think drinking and driving is stupid as fuck, but what's wrong with DRINKING? Who's brain cells are you zilching out of existence? Your own! Hell, our brains are rrreeeaaallly big. We don't use most of them. Everything is done for a reason, so fuck, our brains are so big so we can destroy some of it by drinking! Goddamn, didn't you know that? Getting DRUNK is a SIN!!!!!! Everybody needs to just get the fuck away from reality for awhile. Running from problems is just fine if you're fast enough. There is no problem so big that it cannot either be run away from or blown all to hell. People think it's a SIN because you can forget about all the bullshit corruption and lies that those same people are spreading. When someone totally gives not-a-fuck about ANYTHING you have to say, you can't very well convert them to Dead-Jew-On-A-Cross-ism. ..as they relate to T-E-R-R-O-R-I-S-M.. If someone fucks with you, return the favor. If someone tries to fuck up your life, return the favor. What comes around goes around, that's what I've always said since I heard that fucking song by Ratt and can't seem to get myself to say it the right way and I really don't even give a shit so there. Why should you let this "do unto others" bullfuck get in the way of returning favors? If someone wants to rip your arm off, rip off theirs so they see what it feels like and think twice before fucking with you again. When some cunt sucking bimbo tries to make your life hell, remove her boyfriend from her...then her friends...and then her family...When she has nothing in life to live for and kills herself, that bitch will know what it feels like to have a life of hell, like she tried to give you. Why have guilty hangups over giving people what they deserve? You have a conscience, and you start thinking, "But oh...I wouldn't want THEM fucking up MY mind!" Well, they weren't so fucking CONCERNED about YOU, now WERE they? And destruction of property...hey, it's against the laws of the fascist police-state-government we have, so do it! Would you rather I beat the fuck out of your mailbox, or your face? Everybody needs to blow off steam. There's almost nothing quite as relaxing as the crunch of a mailbox being run over in a car. Smashing a mailbox, or a car, with a baseball bat releases sooo much anger and anxiety and frustration......it is really really helpful. You shouldn't hold bad feelings in, it can hurt your mind really bad. So why worry about the damage you're doing to someone's property? Does it make YOU feel good? Then FUCK IT! If the dude who's care you just smashed really gets bummed out, he can go return the favor, or smash someone else's, or get really fucked up and forget about it! Damn, no need to feel like you're going to burn in hell for blowing off some steam, shit. . . ..as they relate to M-U-S-I-C.. Music sets the mood for fucking, getting fucked up, fucking up, and fucking again. That's why Greyface bastard communistic dickweeds that want to spend their mundane and boring lives running other people's lives and spreading mental dis-ease don't like music. It's fun and sets the background for fun. It can also open your eyes to reality. Like drugs, you are put into an alternate state-of-mind if the music is good...when you see things from that perspective, you see things as they really are. Serious music, too, like Metallica, talks about the serious issues and the bullshit that the Government and Religions are spreading. Can't have the truth being spread, now CAN they? Fuck them! If your mind is so fucking easily twisted and warped by listening to MUSIC that you automatically convert to Satanism and kill little doggies and children for Your Lord Ozzy, then axe your dead grandmother and fuck her mother's corpse then kill yourself, hell, you're fucked anyway, it's not the music! Damn, be fucked! What's to stop you from living out the purpose you think your life is set for? Do you need some fucks telling you what you can't listen to? What is pornographic? I personally don't find anything pornographic. I could get a kick out of watching a guy fucking a sheep because it is unusual and off the wall. I could get a kick out of watching a woman getting fucked like hell by a PIG. It would be NEAT. I don't find it pornographic and I don't need anybody telling me it is. Do you? Can't you just be told "Woman Fucking Pig In Movie", and then decide whether or not you want to watch it? NOBODY makes you watch something, or LISTEN to something. "Warning : Lyrics Are Offensive" Bullfuck. I have yet to find a tape that has lyrics offensive to me, except maybe Strypers. "Worship Our God Because Yours Is Wrong" is offensive to me. "Fuck your dead mother till her dried blood flows" does not offend me at all. I don't need a fucking censor bureau telling me what I can and cannot listen to. My tastes in music are different from that fat sagging wrinkly bimbo on the censor board. I don't care to listen to Handel's Messiah EVERY FUCKING MINUTE OF THE DAY!!! I like to hear "Death Die Kill Fuck Shit Eat Pussy Cock Fuck Bitch Bimbo WHORE!!!!!" occasionally. What right does anybody have to tell me what's offensive or pornographic to me? And if you get fucking moralistic and think that songs about sex are degrading to your humanity, DON'T FUCKING LISTEN TO IT. Just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean someone ELSE doesn't like it... GEEEEZ. I find Christian Gospel Music to be offensive. If I EVER get the power to take it off the shelves, you can bet your ass that screechy hypocritical fundy fuck organ shit is going to be burned up and never heard AGAIN. What would you think of THAT, Jimmy Braggart? ..as they relate to religion.. Gasp! Bloody's going to insult religion some more! Goddamn! Isn't that such a bad word? If my god was so stupid as to be insulted by saying what means "God damn" which has no negative connotations to God at all then I'd change my god! If my god was going to blame me for something my father or grandfather or whothefuckever-did-besides-me, I'd change my god! What kind of just god sends people to hell forever? What kind of just god allows people to be born with physical handicaps, then says that is because of something that person's ancestors did? What kind of god allows his followers to do the same things that the people who crucified the main figure of that religion did? Christians today are crucifying Christs all the time. They persecute people for what they say and think, just for being different. Sounds very like what some people supposedly did to a MAN named Jesus. Oh, and can't have a MAN be the Saviour of the world, now CAN we? Fuck. Do you need a religion? Do you need anyone telling you the way things REALLY are? Can't you honestly find that out for yourself if you REALLY FUCKING CARE AT ALL? Do you need ANYbody telling you what is and is not wrong for YOU to do? Do you need anyone or anything telling YOU how to live YOUR life? Do you need to believe in something you cannot see? Do you need to believe in something that doesn't allow you to ask questions? Doesn't allow you to have FUN in life? Doesn't allow you to grow up and be mature and experience life to it's fullest at your OWN discretion? I don't. II. The Problems With Existing Political Institutions ..as they relate to politicians.. Politicians are nothing more than paid liars. ..as they relate to governments.. You don't need a RELIGION telling you what you can and cannot do with your body, mind, soul, or life. Do you need the fucking GOVERNMENT telling you? Do you need people who have never been in your situation and probably don't even give a FUCK what you're going through telling you how to handle yourself? Do you need an oppressive group of Greyfaced money-driven communistic bastards setting up laws that won't let you live or even fucking DIE? Do you need them setting up whatever laws the corporations and the larger political groups (Christianity) force them to set up? Can't you GOVERN your OWN life? We've got a fucking government that spreads the "cause of democracy", when we don't even HAVE a democracy! This is a REPUBLIC. That means we pay some fuckheads to run our lives for us. *WE* the People is the way a certain document begins. The rest of the sentence is NOT "turn over all our rights to an oppressive money driven political machine." Our money is spent on waging wars and building bombs and researching the sexual habits of hermit crabs in space...stuff NONE of us give a FUCK about. Our fucking great government "cracks down" on those terrible people we call HACKERS. Why? Because they are CURIOUS and INTELLIGENT and do not normally put up with the SHIT that we call Corporations, Big Brothers, Oppression. The government tries to force conformity on all of us. Do you need that shit? Can't you think for yourself? Do you want a government that would rather set up a police-state than be reasonable and objective? America wastes gazillions of dollars fighting a modern-day Vietnam..The Drug War..what's the fucking sense in it? Economically speaking, it is not very good for the economy. It is COSTING money, whereas legalization and taxation would bring in revenue. MORE money. Increased government in-come. But it would rather try to run everyone's lives and tell them what they can't do. Not what they can do, but what they can't do. How many times do you hear of Congress passing a bill ALLOWING something? Do you need patriotic moralistic pigshit keeping you from standing up for your RIGHTS? Ohhhh, I'd fight back, but it wouldn't be RIGHT to tell the leaders placed above me by !G-O-D! that they're totally screwing everything up even though that's exactly how I really feel!!! Disgusting, isn't it? III. The Problems With Existing Economic Institutions/Conventions ..as they relate to corporations.. The Telcos charge like 6 bucks an hour to 25 bucks an hour for a service that, say, Tymnet charges $1.50 an hour for. If a little rinky dink fuck like Galaxy Telecomm can make a profit with relatively few people using their service, don't you think the NATIONWIDE-IN-ALMOST-ALL-HOMES-IN-THE FUCKING-COUNTRY-TELCO-SYSTEMS could make a profit, too? They charge way too much for service that could be almost FREE. but NOOOOOO, gotta make more profit, more money, more cash more capital more revenue more fucking bytes in a bank's computer just WAITING to get nulled. Exxon, ignoring the fact that they deal in one of the most harmful things we 'manufacture', has some seriously LAX maintenance programs because they want to make more money. You can bring in a lot more money if you don't pay for maintenance costs. IBM and other big corps like that could put MINICOMPS in EVERYBODY's home, sharing technology with even the average joe on the street. But it wouldn't be ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE and Not Profitable. FUCK profits! Do you need a Big Brother telling you what you can and cannot use? They develop new technology, AI code, etc, and hoarde it and keep it for themselves, letting only those who can afford their MegaBuck prices. They have fucking networks all over the country, but you can't use them without them watching your ass (legally, that is) and your every move to make sure you don't do something unacceptable, like try to LEARN or GAIN INFORMATION. God forbid that you should gain intelligence. People work on new fuels, new engines, new all-kinds-of-shit, but because things like the petrochemical industy, the tobacco industry, the alcohol industry, etc, have SOOO much money and power, anything that could compete is bought out or in some way shut out through very underhanded tactics. Should you feel in any way hampered by moral constraints in fighting back and kicking those corporations in their nuts? Why let morals get in the way of JUSTICE? If the corporations are going to take your rights away, give them a taste of their own medicine. The only way they'll EVER change is if they find out what it's like for their own rights to be taken away. And if you're so fucking hung up on what's-right-and-wrong-because-society-says-so you'll never be able to fight back against them. ..as they relate to money.. Money drives everything in this society. Teachers demand more money even though they aren't providing an education worth a cumstain on a virgin's bedsheet. Someone comes up with a way to help out the environment (we'll die if it gets really fucked up, like it is now, in case you didn't know), and what that person is asked is "How much will it cost?" Corporations and the governments and mass groups of people are all motivated entirely by money. They do what they do to make more money. Money is such a fucking wonderful concept. It spawns greed and lies and corruption. The Great American Dream..to be able to work for your own money and not be able to spend it on anything because all the money-driven corporations take their share then the money-drive government takes its share and then when you want something it costs too fucking much. What a dream. Why do we need money? Farmers grow food (mainly). What incentive could they have to produce food without being paid? They could be given farm equipment and maintenance. Those big corporate types are eating the food, they can return what they do for what the farmers do. Teachers could provide an education, contractors could provide housing and maintenance... Everything could be provided with NO money involved. Make people hold their own weight and CONTRIBUTE to society, and we won't NEED money. I'd gladly work my ass off if I knew I would get a great car and a system and house for doing so. I can program. Should I not then be able to write programs for new systems as they come out? That is SOME payment! As long as I write, I get a new system from them when I need it. They get code, I get a machine. The whole fucking society could be based on "you scratch my back I'll scratch yours" Money is fucking bullshit. We don't need it. All it does is create divisions among people and make them bend to conform to society's oppressive standards and rules. Gotta have money money money more money do anything for money money money gotta have it oh oh oh I neeeeeeed it. It's as bad a fucking drug as TV is. Those are the real drugs, the real brain damagers. TV and money. Religion and government. Those are the things that do the true destruction to your individuality and person. Do you need them? I don't. (c)July 1990 Bloody Afterbirth/Toxic Shock It's a fucking series, man!