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The Merciful Father
Bloody Afterbirth
Toxic File #46
The Centre of Eternity : 615.552.5747 12/24 40 Megs
Headquarters of Toxic Shock and The Esoteric Society
Tudor Nightmare Village : 615.928.6071 3/24 ?? Megs
To get in touch with me - Dissident (#75) Good Board
From one hellaciously long dry-spell of January until now (April), I
have returned. Whoopie fuck, eh? I think the whole damn group's kinda
slacked off, but hell, 30+ files in a little over one month ain't too damn
bad, even if it does burn everybody out...
So, here is at least one person's glorious return to the realm of
Toxicity, and oh what a return it is! Have a warm death...
- ^*$*@*$*^&%&#&!&#&%*^*$*@*$*^&%&#&!&#&%*^*$*@*$*^&%&#&!&#&%*^*$*@*$*^
In from the harsh, cold, winter air at last. Bob walks in, hugging
himself for warmth. He looks around the cathedral. Good, noone else in
here, noone to hear.
A slight smell of frankincense and myrrh fills his nostrils, relaxes him.
He walks towards the man near the altar, the man in black with the white
collar, the priest.
"Well hello, Bob! What brings you by here today?" He knew very well
why Bob was here. There was only one reason why anyone came to the church
during the day on a Tuesday...not like the old days.
"Father," he kneels, "I have need of confession. I have sinned, oh how I
have sinned!"
"Arise, my son, and let us go to the confessional. No sin can be so bad
as that, to escape the loving forgiveness of our Father above."
Bob, with obvious great effort, held back a sob. He was in pain,
emotional, no spiritual, pain. The priest took it as a sign of the times.
Probably ran a red light and is having a nervous breakdown over a sudden
sense of morality...not like the old days.
Into the small 'room'...each of them in a seperate side. The priest
opened the small little window that was between them. Seeing Bob finally
giving way to his tears, he closed the opening somewhat.
Patience...he would speak when he was ready...
"Father, what I have done is terrible...I cannot expect forgiveness!"
"My child, God is merciful. It shall be His divine pleasure to lift the
burden of sin from your soul! What is it that you have done?"
Sobs wracked his body. Bob tried to speak, but could not find his voice.
He cried; the priest waited, somewhat patiently.
"I...I m--m--molested my..the..our baby, father! I looked upon its
flesh, and I did lust! Oh father I did so many unspeakable acts! I have
commited perversion! Oh dear GOD forgive me! I couldn't control myself!
I..I made it..I had oral sex..and..and anal...Oh father can I be
The blood drained from the priest's face as Bob spoke. A baby! Their
baby was no more than a year old! And he had MOLESTED it? How DARE he---
but..he had come for confession..
"My son, I must admit, this is a most grevious sin... But it was the
devil, Satan himself!, that made you do this terrible act! Do you repent of
this sin?"
"Oh YES dear God I repent I repent yes oh Jesus I'm so sorry!"
Bob was bordering on the hysterical..he had to get this over with quick
before Bob snapped on him..
"By the power given unto me by God in Heaven who sayeth "whatever thou
shalt loose upon the earth, so shall it be loosed by me in Heaven", I free
thee of this sin, my son. God forgives you, for His mercy is limitless."
For a long while, Bob simply sat and mumbled gibberish, sobbing.
"I..Th..Thank you, father. Thank you very much... God forgives me. You
are sure? I have done it before, father! This wasn't the only time!! Does
He still forgive me? Does He still love me?!?!?"
Not like the old days.
"Yes, my little lamb, His love is unconditional. Nothing you do or say
can seperate you from His love. Repent of they sin and ye shall be
forgiven thy iniquities." Disgusting! Perversive!
"Oh thank you God oh thank you Jesus dear God thank you! Father, oh
thank you father. I will make a bigger contribution to show my thanks! Oh
thank you so very much!" He exits and leaves the cathedral, walking as if a
great weight has been lifted from his shoulders.
The priest wrings his hands, the palms sweaty, his body trembling ever so
slightly..sorrow? rage? disgust? The priest knows not, cares not.
Bob whistles a short tune as he drives home. The priest was probably
right. It wasn't really THAT bad now that he thought about it. Besides,
he'd add a little extra to the contribution, since it wasn't the average
sin, and everything'd be taken care of.
Ahhh, the house. He comes Lori, out of the house to greet him, holding
their darling little baby boy. They both wave at him. He smiles and waves
"Honey, where have you been? I called the office but they said you had
left hours ago!"
"I wasn't feeling all that good, so I just took a little drive out to the
country. You know, kinda take my mind off work and everything."
"Bad day at the company, dear?"
"Yeah, you could say that.. No bother, I'm over it now. What's for
damn that accursed phone...
it's fucking 3am, who's calling?
"Hell-the-fuck-o, this better be important!"
"Child molestor!" The whisper is harsh, but soft. Apparently from a pay
phone. Wait...how did this guy know?
"Who is this? Who the fuck IS this?"
"Bastard son of the devil! Sinners are cast into the fire for eternity!"
"What do you want?" A whimper crept into Bob's voice. He had only told
the priest, but he wouldn't be doing this. Someone must have heard, he must
have told, oh God no, if this got to his co-workers he'd lose his job!
"I want you like you want your little baby, lust-monger! <CLICK>"
The dial tone split through his skull.
Someone knew what he had done.
The calls continued for several nights. Never did they awaken Lori, for
he was never asleep. He knew the calls would come and answered the phone as
soon as it began to ring. He lost sleep, and when he did sleep, his dreams
were nightmares, filled with scenes of what he had done to his child.
Then suddenly, they stopped. The calls simply stopped.
But the next day, the letter came. It was written in crayon, with a
painful color scheme and sloppy writing that only a child could love.
"I know what you did. I'm going to tell your wife and your boss. I'm
going to report you to the police. Vilest of devil spawns, you deserve to
die for your acts!"
He burned the letter and flushed the ashes. Now it was coming in the
mail. If Lori happened to open a letter addressed to him..or if it was
addressed to her! Oh Jesus, his whole life could fall apart!
More letters came. All said basically the same thing. Someone, somehow,
had known what Bob had done, and apparently wanted to avenge the child.
But, like the calls, the letters eventually stopped coming. Two weeks
passed. Never did the priest act any differently than normal, so it was not
him. Who? Perhaps it was no matter..he had changed his number and the
calls no longer came. The letters no longer appeared in his mailbox. Maybe
his tormentor was going to leave him be.
"Oh SHIT I'm late!" Bob hurriedly gathered his briefcase together and
grabbed a cup of coffee. He rushed to the door, kissing Lori on the way
out. "I'll be late tonight, I've got some paperwork to finish before the
meeting tomorrow."
He quickly got into his car and drove off, heading for the office.
He headed for the highway. Luckily there wasn't much traffic now; he was
racing along at optimum speeds.
A red light! Damn! He pressed down on the brake pedal. It gave a bit.
No brakes! They were working a bit ago! Oh shit, if he'd been paying
attention! He had noticed they were getting worse and worse!
Frantically he pumped the pedal, a big truck was coming, its horn
blaring. His car didn't slow, the brakes were totally gone. Into the
intersection - the truck smashed into the rear of his car spinning him
wildly around down the highway - he slammed on the emergency brake and the
car skidded some more - sliding to a stop in the middle of the road.
"Are you a fucking IDIOT?!? You goddamned son of a bitch! Look what you
did to my truck! I had the fucking light you pig shit!"
"M..my my brakes went out! I..I'm sorry!"
"Yeah! You better fucking be sorry! I'm gonna sue your ass, mister!"
Bob unconsciously scribbled down his insurance company onto a business
card and gave it to the raving truck driver and drove away as best he could,
slowing down with the emergency brake.
Eventually he made it home.
He sat in his driveway, stunned into silence.
This was no coincidence. Whoever had been harrassing him was now trying
to kill him. Should he report it to the police? COULD he report it to the
police? The person could easily turn him in for molesting his baby if he
went to the police! Would they believe any story he could come up with?
Bob came to a sudden realization. He was fucked.
Lori had begun to worry about Bob ever since the accident. He had been
very jumpy, and very paranoid. He started at the slightest noise, and
always looked behind him wherever he went. He was afraid to be alone, and
yet afraid to have anyone around him.
And he would not explain what was wrong. He would change the subject
whenever she brought it up. Something was bothering him, and he did not
want her to know. Well...he must know best.
"Yeah, I've noticed it, too! He's been a real nut case lately!"
"Hey, I heard Jim's thinking of--"
the conversation was interrupted as the subject of the discussion walked
into the office. Bob.
Everyone at work had noticed his strange behavior of late, and quite
frankly had begun to think maybe the job was getting to him. Must be his
nerves, or so everyone had come to think.
Bob worked as best he could, trying to keep his mind focused, yet
constantly wondering if his tormentor and would-be assassin was in this same
room with him. They stared at him, all of them. Maybe they already knew.
Maybe all of them knew what a terrible thing he had done. Whoever it was
that tormented him must have told them. It would be in the papers. He
would lose his job, then the police would arrest him and he'd spend the rest
of his life in prison.
He had begun to chain smoke.
The phone rang.
"Bob Peterson's desk. Bob here."
"Hi Bob." It was the same whisper.
"H-hello. W-who are you? What do you want from me?"
"You better come home Bob. Something's wrong with Lori."
Bob felt his heart stop as he heard the muffled scream of his wife. That
bastard was in his house! Lori!
He hung up the phone and ran from the building - as quickly as he could
he got into his car and raced home, hoping he would not be too late - oh God
do I deserve this? I repented oh Jesus why is this happening to me?
Slide into the driveway - jump from the car and run into the house -
screaming for Lori, but no answer - up the stairs and to the bedroom
In the middle of their bed, soaking up a puddle of her own blood, lay the
corpse of his beloved, Lori, an ice-pick through her heart.
"Oh God Lori! Lori Lori Lori Lori!!!" He went to the bed and picked her
body up, held it close and rocked back and forth, repeating her name over
and over. "Oh please be alright please be ok oh God help her help her!"
He knew she was not breathing. Her heart was not breathing. She did not
move. She was dead, and he knew it very well.
Shock settled into his mind, when suddenly he realized something that
horrified him even more! She was nude! Oh God she must have been raped
too! Oh Jesus why did this happen?!?!?
Then the shock left him; the sorrow left him.
He was angry.
He had been tormented and harrassed, someone had tried to kill him and
had now killed his love. Someone would pay.
"You will PAY!!! Do you hear me?!?!?!? YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!!!!!!!"
He screamed as loud as he could, releasing everything he felt inside into
the words.
"I think not, baby fucker."
Bob turned around to face the bearer of the voice, behind him and in the
doorway. There stood the priest. Shock once again settled into Bob's mind.
A priest? The father he had confessed to! The father that had listened to
countless confessions! A vigilante priest?
"Your baby is dead, too."
"You bastard!" He somehow got those two words out before he choked up.
"How does it feel to be the victim of a great evil, Bob? Does it hurt?
Imagine how that baby felt. You, its FATHER, doing the sin of sins to him!"
Bob could only stare.
"Do you want to live, Bob? Do you want to continue living, perhaps turn
me in and avenge the death of your family? Or would you prefer to die now,
Bob? Do you want me to kill you now?"
It was too much for his strained mind to take. Bob passed out.
When he awoke, he found that he was having difficulty breathing.
Oh, his face was in his pillow. Must have been a dream, he must have just
been sleeping. What a nightmare!
Then he realized that he was strapped to the bed.
The voice of the priest broke through his panicky thoughts-
"Good mourning Bob. This is the last one of your life."
"Oh God please save me from this madman! What have I done? What can I
do? I'll do anything, please oh please just don't kill me!" His voice was
shaky; he found that he could not control his bladder any longer. Pissed in
his pants...no...he wore no pants...he was nude.
'I want you like you want your little baby.'
The words came back to him, words spoken to him by the priest, on the
phone one night when all this had started. Suddenly he knew what he must
endure soon.
"As you do, so shall it be done unto you."
He felt the manhood of the priest enter his rectum and drive deep. His
asshole screamed in pain as the shaft broke open the walls of his hole. He
screamed, it hurt, it hurt so bad.
"Think of how the baby felt, Bob! Feel how the baby felt!!"
The priest banged away at Bob's ass, a small trickle of blood joining
with the semen from the father's lovemaking.
He tied Bob's hands and feet, unstrapped him, then rolled him over and
strapped him down again.
"That wasn't all you did to the baby, was it Bob? Was it?!?!"
The priest took Bob's cock into his mouth and sucked it, sucked it hard.
Bob could not keep the erection down. Slowly his dick grew to its full
size, the priest giving him head all the time.
Then suddenly Bob felt teeth sinking into his rod! The priest bit down
hard below the head of Bob's dick! Bob roared in agony, the pain! Fire
spread through his groin, blood running over his balls, and the priest spit
the head of Bob's dick into his face.
Scream after scream ripped through the air, Bob knowing a pain worse than
any he had ever felt. The priest just stood there, at the foot of the bed,
watching with some kind of grim satisfaction as his victim knew the
vengeance of the Lord.
"He does not hear the prayers of the wicked, Bob. But I do. I hear you.
And I follow the example of my saviour, for I am indeed merciful, Bob."
Bob choked off his screams, an uncanny calm filling his entire being.
The priest brought forth the shotgun he had laid at the foot of the bed.
Bob watched as the merciful father brought the gun up, aimed, somehow heard
the shot, and knew release from the pain.
(c)1990 Bloody Afterbirth/Toxic Shock