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. .:::::. .::::::::. ...:::::::::.. :::::::::::: ..:::::::::::::::::.. ::::: :::: .::: ::::::: :::. :::::. : :: ::::: :: :::::::. : ::: : :::::::::. ::: :::::::: ::: ::::: ::::: : :::: ::::: oxic :::......:::: hock .:::::::. ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::: presents The Fetus by Bloody Afterbirth Toxic File #1 Centre of Eternity - 615.552.5747 3/24 Baud 40 Megs Lotsa Files HQ of The Esoteric Society and Toxic Shock !@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@$%^&* Eons ago...Before Earth...Before the Universe...Before time...Before "I Am"...Yes, even before Cow, there existed a force of unequaled power and destructive force...the mighty Coathanger! Coathanger was a multidimensional entity, existing in all places and in none, for He was all-in-all, all-that-is. He alone could truly have been called an opposite of Creator. Coathanger the Malevolent, Coathanger the Destroyer, Coathanger the Barbarian, Coathanger the Pissed Off...All names given to the Mighty One. He alone had the power to destroy, to pervert, to anger. To Him all feelings against peacefulness were given. Coathanger desired followers. But He was Destruction, not Creation. Only by perversion and rage could followers be gained. Creator, too, desired followers. Shared Omnipotence with Loud Mouth was not the desired existence Creator had in mind. In a vain attempt to impress Coathanger, Creator willed the Universe into existence, a place for his followers to occupy. With a mighty "Uuuuuumph!" Creator brought Man into existence, giving his puppets a small ball of dirt to develop on. With an almighty sigh, Creator lay back to nap, laughing softly at Coathanger's bewilderment. Rage filled The Mighty One's existence. Would that he could only create as Softy could. He looked upon Creation, and said "This is not good. Ahhh, but what is THIS? Man. Creator desires followers... I shall make them my own... I shall corrupt their minds..." --And down on The Ball Of Dirt-- "Aw, C'mon, I didn't mean what I said about you being dickless! Hey, give me another chance! Stop walking away! Wo, man!" The other stopped, pondering the other's statements... "Wo, man? Wo man. Woman. I like that. I'll stay if you agree that I am Woman, and you are but Man." "Oh, alright, whatever..." Woman began to take in her surroundings. They were in a cave, a dirty one at that. Rocks were strewn everywhere...Mess Mess Mess Mess...She suddenly had an urge to remove the clutter. She began picking up the rocks and, with an armful of them, walked out of the cave. As she neared the exit, she dropped a rock, and bent to pick it up. Man sat upon a moss-covered rock, watching Woman clean the cave. Well, actually, he was watching the rounded posterior of Woman cleaning the cave. But when she bent to pick up the rock, Man noticed something ELSE! A hairy mass on the other side, where her dick should have been. Only, when she bent, the mass parted, and Man stared in lustful awe at the delicious looking pink flesh. Hey, there's a HOLE in there! Man suddenly noticed that his dick was erect! Perhaps there is a connection between the two events...Hmmm... Woman finally got the rock, and stood erect once again. Man lost sight of the mound of lust-meat. Slowly he lost his erection, and suddenly the two rock type things below his dick were aching. He rolled off the rock in pain, wondering what it was that Woman's hole was for... Looking for a suitable place to dump the rocks, Woman walked farther and farther from the cave. She spotted a gulley near a copse of trees, and headed towards it. As she came close to the trees, she noticed that they all bore fruit. One fruit in particular appealed strongly to her. It was a glossy red thing, it looked delicious. "NO!" A booming voice echoed through Woman's slightly emtpy head, causing her to drop all of the rocks, which fortunately rolled into the gulley. "What? Who said that?" "NO, CUNT. EAT NOT THE FRUIT OF THIS TREE. I AM YOUR CREATOR. I MADE YOU. IF YOU DISOBEY ME, I SHALL TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHAT HAPPENS. DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU. NOW BE ON YOUR WAY, CUNT." "Cunt? CUNT? You sexist, male-chauvanistic ---" ZZzzzaaaaapBOOOM! As the lightning bolt shattered a nearby tree, she decided that maybe she should ignore the name-calling this time. "Ah well... Since the rocks are dumped, guess I may as well go back and dust the cave now..." "Psssssssst...Hey, you. Cm'here." Woman looked around in confusion, trying to find the source of the voice. She didn't SEE anyone...Hmmm...Oh! There, in the tree with that delicious red thing in it...She saw something, a shadow... "Eeeeeeek! A SNAKE! A SNAKE! A SNAKE! HELP!" "Shaddup! be quiet! Ssssssssshhhhhhh! I ain't a snake, lady, look!" That which was speaking dropped from the tree, and woman looked down upon it in bewilderment. "Hey, you AREN'T a snake....You're a....a...a dick!" "Yes, all-knowing Woman, you are correct. But this is only a shape, a shape for guidance." "Guidance? What the HELL good is a DICK?" "Eat the fruit...Yesssss, eat the fruit! It shall give you KNOWLEDGE, knowledge of what is good and evil...IT shall provide you with all the answers..." "Hmmm...Well, I dunno, Loud Voice In My Head told me NOT to, don't think I WANT to..." "It'll give ya equal rights!" Woman leaped for the nearest tree, climbing up it in search for the biggest fruit she could find. Ah, at last, she found what she was looking for, and jumped back to the ground. She turned to thank The Dick-Shape, but it was gone. "Hmmm, oh well, I'll find him later." She nibbled the fruit...There was a wet sweetness in her mouth as cool juices flowed in. She took a bigger bite...This time, though, it was different...It was salty and hot...But she LIKED it! It was GOOD! Oh, she had to have MORE! She began taking huge bites out of the fruit. She picked more of the fruit, eating it all, gorging herself on it! A tingling sensation spread throughout the mound of hair-covered flesh between her legs! A wetness developed, a soft itching feeling started. Oh, she HAD to have something inside it! Oh Oh Oh! The Dick! It would be perfect! She MUST have it! But it was gone! Oh, she WANTED it! She NEEDED it! MAN HAD ONE! Woman ran as fast as she could, trailing a stream of hot pussy juices as she neared the cave. "MAN! COME!" She burst into the cave, Man lying on the floor. As She entered, he looking up, and his Dick suddenly took on the shape of the one that had spoken to her! She mounted! A warm tingling sensation spread over Man's cock, the muscles of Cunt pulsating and vibrating and working at Cock. Man rolled her over and mounted Doggy-Style. Moans of ecstacy came from Woman's throat, Man began to pump his hips. "Fuck me Alex, errr Adam! FUCK me Adam! FUCK ME ADAM! FUCK ME ADAM! FUCK ME! HARDER! HARDER FASTER FASTER HARDER FASTER PUMP IT BABY FUCK ME FUCK ME HARDER FASTER RAM IT DOWN OH ALL THE WAY IN ME OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" The hot juices of love burst from Cock, mingling with the flood of Cunt Love-Juice, Man and Woman stunned by the feelings, too awed to move. Man unmounted and laid on the floor, looking at Woman's Hole, knowing now what that was for. He was tired, oh so tired, this was exhausting... "Adam... Do it again... I want MORE! I NEED IT! GIVE IT TO ME!" "No babe, I'm tired, can't we wait?" "NOW!!!" She leaped through the air and slammed her Venus Mound down onto Man's still throbbing Love Muscle. If he was too tired to fuck her, she'd just have to fuck him. She rammed him, rolled him over and suddenly he too got involved. Both their hips bucked in passion, and once again they came together. "OOOooooh that was Good! Don't stop, let's do it MORE! Up my ass this time! RAM me up my HOT PULSATING ASS!" Adam rolled his Partner over, and mounted her ass from behind, rammed his Cock DEEEEEEEEEP into her Shit Hole. He fucked her harder and faster, he'd never known anything this TIGHT would feel so GOOD! He didn't hear her screams of pain, all he knew was that THIS BUTT'S FOR HIM! "OOoooohhhh!!" Adam came all in Eve's ass, oozing his love-gum all inside her, which seemed to ease her pain a little... She pulled away from his ass, and laid down on an animal skin... Dick was right...She now knew the difference between Good and Evil, and ass-fucking was definitely EVIL. "Don't ever do that again, Adam... I can't take that again..." "I know what you mean...Look, you shit on my dick!" Coathanger looked upon his work with satisfaction. Woman had partaken of the Aphrodisiac Apple... With the lusts of sex, and what would soon follow, He would soon have the followers he desired... The next day Adam and Eve again mounted in the throes of passion, fucking each other's brains out... They did it in the cave, on the cave, in the trees, on the ground, in the river, everywhere. For weeks, the pair engaged in the kinkiest sex-rites that the human mind can devise, and a few that they had to borrow from some of the animals. Such a Fuck-Fest has never been equalled in all eternity. And the reason for this soon made itself clear. . . "Hey bitch, I want your cunt, give it to me." "Not now, I have a headache." "Headache my ass, I ain't fucking your ears, I want a piece and I mean to have it!" Adam made a move to force himself on his Woman and promptly receive a blow in the balls. Woman felt sorry for what she had done, she had no idea that simply kneeing him would have caused such pain... She must keep a note of that, but she felt she must also make up for it... "Want me to kiss it and make it better?" "Uuuuuuuuuhhhhhh....Like that's...gonna...do a lot...of good...<GASP>" Eve knelt down beside Adam and kissed the head of his dick. Man's eyes lit up. "HEY, that felt GOOD! Do it some more, hey, use your whole mouth!" Woman wrapped her full lips around Man's cock and licked and sucked the whole shaft. It didn't take long for the expected Cum to blow from Adam's prick. The taste was familiar...Where had she tasted it...The apple...Apple? Where had that come from? Oh well, the name would do... ---Many Months Later--- "You know, you sure are getting FAT. And I know WHY, too. We haven't been banging as much as before, you're out of shape! Maybe we could--- "No, I don't think thats it, Adam... I feel like I'm eating for two, like I'm trying to provide nourishment for another... You know, I've been wondering how we got here, you don't suppose. . ." "Nah, surely not... Can you imagine what it would do to you if one of US was to try to come out of your cunt? Well, hmmm, you HAVE been getting kinda loose!" >>SMACK<< "I am NOT getting loose! I think your DICK is getting SMALLER! And I know WHY too! I'm not putting out for you so you're using your HAND, and you're squeezing so hard you're making it SHRINK!" "Get out! Just get the FUCK OUT bitch! I don't have to put up with that shit in MY cave!" "Fine...See if you ever get any pussy from ME again..." With that, Woman turned to leave... "Awwww, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it... I'm just a little uptight, my hand's nowhere near as good as you are..." That apparently made Eve feel better, as she came back and laid down beside Adam... "Honey... You know, I really think that what we've been doing has made something inside of me... I feel like I'm two people in one... And you've seen how the other animals have smaller versions of themselves when they do what we've been doing..." "You may be right. Well damn't, I don't want any fucking offspring. Get rid of it." "What?" "Get rid of it! Kill it or something." "HOW can you SAY such a TERRIBLE thing?" "Its my fucking baby, kill the son of a bitch." "Are you calling me a bitch? And what if its a GIRL?" "You know, you've been awfully bitchy the past few months. You've gotten fat, loose, you constantly complain, and now you want to bring another damn person into our lives. If its a girl at least I'll be able to get some use out of it, but I ain't willing to take the chance. Kill the fucker before its born, I can't afford to feed another damn mammoth." "Are you calling me a mammoth? I think I'll just go home to MOTHER! Oh, I don't know who mother is... I'm leaving. I'll have the baby WITHOUT you, I'LL take care of it MYSELF you selfish bastard." And with that, Eve left the Cave and headed for the trees where Dick had been... Coathanger smiled...He was soooo close...Their anger strengthened Him, soon He would have what He needed, if everything went as planned...Woman was being pigheaded, though...He must take care of that situation... "Oh Diiiiiiiick! Where AAAAARRRRREEEEE you? Oh Diiiiick!" "Here I am, at your sssserice....What is it that you need?" "Well, what's wrong with me?" "Hmmm, you are a little loose, putting on a little weight--" "No no no no no! Not that! WHY am I getting fatter? Why am I eating so much?" "Why, all-knowing, didn't you know you that you are pregnant?" "Oh, yeah, I knew that...<PAUSE> What's 'pregnant'?" "Oh brother...It means you are going to have a ---er...It means you have developed a SERIOUS health risk. What's growing inside of you is BAD, it is EVIL! Remember what Evil feels like?" Eve remembered all to well how sore her ass had been and still was. "Well this is MUCH worse....Shall I show you how it will feel in a couple of months?" "Oh no, no no, that won't be necessary. So it isn't a child, then?" "Of course it is---not. No, wherEVER did you get such a foolish idea?" "Adam told me that, *I* knew it wasn't, but you know how MEN are..." "Well, I can help you rid yourself of such a terrible thing, if you are but willing to allow me to perform a small operation on you..." "ANYTHING to keep me from feeling Evil again..." And so it was that Coathanger performed His first abortion, an operation that would become much more popular in milennia to come. Coathanger removed the child from Eve's womb... But before he could hide the remains---er, the Fetus, Eve saw her dead child... The pain of Evil started again, but this time it was in her soul, not a phsyical pain. She knew that what she had done had been a grevious sin, and she would never do it again... But Coathanger had what he needed... A pissed off Fetus. Fetus was madder than hell, only Coathanger was capable of feeling a worse rage than Fetus felt at having Life snatched from it. It blamed Adam and Eve. It offered to serve Coathanger in any way that would hurt those that had cheated It of its youth. ---Back on Dirtball--- It was many months before Eve was willing to sex Adam again. She knew that taking a life was the worst thing she could do, and she deeply regretted it. Many sheep-asaureses were thankful that she got somewhat over it and was willing to fuck again. Adam was also thankful, because Eve's pussy was 10 times better than sheep-asaureses' were. When they were at last ready to commence Sexing again, they gathered baskets and baskest of Apples. They ate their fill of them, and soon they began their horny and kinky sex rituals again. They fucked all day and all night, determined to fuck till they passed out. On the 8th day, a dark cloud surrounded the Lusters and a booming voice halted their frenzied fucking. "THE CRIES FROM THE GROUND HAVE PENETRATED MY SLUMBER. THOU HAST OUT SEXED EVEN THE LOWLIEST OF THE ANIMALS OF THE FIELD. THE SEMEN OF THY VERY TESTES, MAN, CRIES OUT TO ME FOR AID. THOU HAS PERFORMED MANY PERVERSIONS. THOU ART EVICTED FROM THY CAVE AND MY GARDEN FOREVER. THOU SHALT NOW WORK IF THOU DESIRE TO EAT. MAYBE THAT SHALT STEM THY SEXUAL CRAVINGS. THERE ART STRICT DRESS CODES FOR HUMANS OUTSIDE OF EDEN. COVER THY NAKEDNESS. BE THOU REMOVED." Creator was not as angry as He had seemed... Indeed, He was worried. His puppets had had their strings pulled by The Trickster. Coathanger and Fetus were well on their way to taking over the Show. Adam and Eve would people the earth. Would their offspring be as easily influenced as they had been? ---A Time Times And Half A Time Later--- Adam and Eve did, indeed, produce others of their ilk. Two males were quickly manufactured, much to the depression of Adam who was hoping to have a tighter pussy to bang. The males were given the names of Cain and Abel. Abel was liable to pork his mother, and Adam would use Cain as a crutch when he got old, so the names suited them well. What the Parents did not know, though, was that Fetus' spirit had entered the body of Cain as it formed in the womb. Cain was to be a stillbirth, but Fetus kept it alive, made it strong, and took it over. The story of Cain and Abel is well known to all. Cain, through the guidance of Fetus, killed Abel when Eve decided that she would only fuck Abel and Adam. Cain went on to people the earth with a race of followers of the mighty Fetus. And as Fetus' followers grew in numbers, It became stronger, It decided It would not be a follower of Coathanger any longer. Coathanger stood no chance against Fetus, and fell quicker than He would have had Mike Tyson fought him. The Followers of Fetus live today. We are they, they are we. We proclaim The Fetus' doctrine to the world. We are the future, We shall survive the holocaust that We shall initiate. We are the World...We are the Children... We are the ones who make a sadder day, so let's start Killing. Fetus shall rule all of Creation. Hail...The Flaming Fetus... !@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&* (c)1989 Toxic Shock The Followers of Fetus Gross Genitalia Fetal Juice Bloody Afterbirth Twisted Testicles Tasty Abortion