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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |o| - |o| - |o| - |o| - |o| - |o| - |o| - |o| - |o| - |o| - |o| - |o| - |o| ________________________________________________________________ \ / \_________ ______________________________ _________/ / \ / \ / \ / \ / _ \ / \ :. . . // \. . // Y \ : .// \ . . .: .`.. .:: ::// \: // ! \ .// \: ::. ..' . ::.:::. .:// \// | \// \: .:::.:: .:::::::::/ \ \ \::::::::. .::::::::::\__________________/_________________/_________________/:::::::::. .::::::::::::::....T.R.i.C.K.S...o.F...t.H.E...t.R.a.D.E...4....::::::::::::::. -[ iNTRODUCTiON ]- Please READ!!!! Please READ!!!! Please READ!!!! Please READ!!!! Please `-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-' This ZiNE which we call tRICKZ oF tHE tRADE is only for informational purposes only, So if you use the info here n get phuQ'd over by a big company or the PiGZ remember i warned you so its your phuQ'n risk not mine.. Ok, but most of all get out their and have PHuN! =] =[ =] =[ = ---+*IT'S YOUR RISK AND YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO SAVE YOUR OWN ASS*+--- ___________ _______________ . /~~~~~~~~~~/` `. / . ( TRiCKz Of ! \ _________, t | \_/ ! H | ____.' | e | // | | / | T | . | R | | a | | d | | E ` ' `--. ' \ : O8/o8/95 . | . . ! | | ! ! |' ' | | | | | / `--|__|__| |-' | | | | !__| ____________ ______ ______ _________ ______ ______ _________ _________ \_____ \ / \ / \\_ ___// \ / \\_ ___// _____/ / / // / // / / / / / / // / / / / / /_ / /___// / // / / / / / .___// / / / / _\__ \ / / // / // / / / / / / // / / / / / / / / / // / // / / / / / / // / / / / / / /95 \______/ \______/ \__/___/ \__/ \______/ \__/___/ \__/ \______/HyPe .----------------------------------------------------. | * = Incompleted article..goes in next issue! | | | | 1.. SCENE NEWZ........................... HyPe | |*2.. BLUE BOXiNG iN 95.................... tHe_fLY | |*3.. NZ PHREAKiNG......................... HyPe | | 4.. 515 DiALOUT.......................... HyPe | | 5.. BULB BURNER.......................... Posca | | 6.. CHEATiNG TESTS....................... HyPe | | 7.. THE MiLLiBUG......................... Posca | | 8.. FONE CALLZ ON ViD.................... Psc+HyP | | 9.. SONiK BOX............................ Posca | | 10. MURDER C.O.D......................... HyPe | | 11. FREE COLA............................ GreyRat | | 12. RiPPiNG OFF CARZ..................... KpT | | 13. BREAKiNG iN.......................... KpT | | 14. GOLD PHONiNG......................... KpT | | 15. CELL FONEZ........................... KpT | | 16. HiT BY TROJANZ....................... KpT | | 17. DiRECT ACCESS........................ BaD L | | 18. ELiTE PiLLBOXiNG..................... BaD L | | 19. BACKDOOR /X.......................... HyPe | | 20. WAREZ SiTE-LiST...................... HyPe | | 21. SUPERMARKET SCAM..................... HyPe | | 22. FAKE MAiL /X......................... BaD L | | 23. HOW TO BREATHE FiRE.................. ANTiC | | 24. HOW TO HACK A SKOOL NET.............. ANTiC | | 25. GREET'Z.............................. HyPe | ! 26. LAST WORD'Z!......................... HyPe ! | | `----------------------------------------------------' -----------------------------------( 1 )------------------------------------ SCENE NEWZ! ----------------------------------by HyPe----------------------------------- This is just kinda like the new's/gossip page of whatz been happenin in the hack/phreak scene.. or whatz been changed etc * KpT has left ToT.. * Pipe II is down.. be back soon (new # and new `puter) * GreyRat was busted for Pbx fraud on 01/07/95 * Piratez Den is presumed to be dead.. * Dansken got busted for re-selling stolen hardware.. He was released after 52 hourz! * New bbs called FaST STaTioN 64-4-5352133 (NuP needed!) SysOp: KryPTonite/pST! * The Hackerz Highway will be up soon! not the #3820173.. SysOp: HyPe/ToT! * Anti Conformist <NZ> has joined ToT! * MiCRo <NZ> has joined ToT! * Red Lion is changin his alias to 'oPium' * All hackers wanted to bust wanganui police 'Super computer'.. Contact ANTiC/ToT * Posca and his drunk mate purposely drived thru a telc0 payphone with an old rusty 1972 austen princess and took off the number plates and ditched the car! They havent been caught yet * XXer has sold his Amiga! and gone to his c64 again =8( He still has his PeeCee * ToT #4 was released the same day as my aSCii pack 'MoRTaL aRT' -----------------------------------( 2 )------------------------------------ BLUE BOXING IN 95 --------------------------------by tHe_fLY!--------------------------------- SoRRy this article will be delayed till ToT #5 ... -----------------------------------( 3 )----------------------------------- NZ PHREAKiNG! ----------------------------------by HyPe---------------------------------- SoRRy! but i didnt get enough info for this article... Maybe next issue it will be finished... Anyone that wants to have a say in this article then let us know soon! -----------------------------------( 4 )------------------------------------ 515 DiALOUT ----------------------------------by HyPe----------------------------------- Ok herez what you can use to call boards from usa.. well ones in the area code of 515 (IOWA). ..Simply telnet to the site below and follow the instruction'z and you'll be there!~ telnet isn.rdns.iastate.edu LOGIN: modem (no passwd needed) type: ~~~~~ ATZ (enter) ATDT8[bbs#] (enter) so to call a number such as 2324078 (example) ATDT82324078 DIALTONE (will appear) (waits..) (then it should come up..) CONNECT 9600/LAPM (or whatever board rate your on) Ok.. easy huh.. now to call a H/P/A bbs in IOWA do ATDT82327631 This board number above is free! once you log in you can Download with a disbled ratio! There isnt that much, but there is a fair bit online.. if you are using this dialout to call here then use Kermit for your protocol.. -----------------------------------( 5 )------------------------------------- BULB BURNER ---------------------------------by Posca!----------------------------------- This is probably one of the oldest and the most favourite methods for arsonist to append. its the old bulb burner trick you will require... 100 watt bulb (75watt is o.k.) compressed diesel (from B.P.) Magnessium Chloride (MgCl?) 1 mol/L Sulphuric Acid Drill gun with a 1/10 inch bit First, get the bulb and drill a hole between the metal connections as you can see the diagram below how its done. D1> Hole D2> ____ / |####| .----/. :----: ' / ` : : : ()@() : . . . . . . `-----' : : . . . . . . . . . .. Make a paper funnel suitable for the little hole. Place the funnel on top where the hole is and pour 200ml of compressed diesel along with about 2-3 grams of Magnessium Chloride. Then after that put a table spoon of Sulphuric acid, this is the essential part of the burner as this provides a catalist reaction therefore making it a ready explos- ive. Putty up the hole with Black silly-putty. From now on make sure the bulb connections are always facing upwards SEE D2.. Now Place the bulb in Victims room just by re-placing his light bulb with the bulb burner! MAKE SURE: the switch is off you dont wanna kill ya self! Get away from the room descretly. Now when the victim turns on the light switch..the bulb will blow up and set the house in full blown flames! -----------------------------------( 6 )------------------------------------ CHEATiNG TESTS! ----------------------------------by HyPe----------------------------------- CHEATING IN YOUR TEST/EXAMS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1> Sniff in class continuesly until your teacher tells you to go out and blow your nose (make sure you have some notes in ya pocket for you to read when you get out class) Be quick tho! 2> Listen to your walkman quietly (before the exam have some recorded notes on your cassette tape!) 3> Have some notes (Main points - diagram's etc) on small pieces of paper (keep them in your pencil case or pocket) - get em out quietly and read! make sure the person sittin near you doesnt see your notes, coz then they might nark! 4> Stick a mirror to your palm of your hand then hold it up but do it as if you are holding your head.. hehe and if at all possible angle the mirror to the person on your left/right! 5> Ask to go toilet.. If the teacher says 'no, why didnt you go b4?' then say 'I had cerial for breakfast and orange juice and i feel like im gonna chuck it up!' - if you act right you will make it no sweat out that door! SWAPPING NOTES TO YA MATES IN TESTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1> Pass your calculator to ya mate..if the teacher finds it suspicious just say your mate wanted to borrow it coz he/she forgot their's (Inside the calc put a piece of paper with the notes you wanted to tell your mate!) 2> Sit close.. pass papers to each other.. (best if sittin at the back!) 3> In maths use your calculator with the memory option and just tell your mate how to use it to bring the last answer and bingo 4> Whisper.. (SIT at the back) 5> Put your test sheet on the side of the desk and get a nice piece of paper and pretend that the one on the side is a spare piece of refil WHAT TO DO IF YOU GET CAUGHT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1> DONT PANIC! 2> just lie! dont tell the truth.. otherwise you will get majorly fucked for tryin to cheat! 3> Say 'i did it to get out of the class' i needed to throw up' 4> Try and make the teach feel SORRY for you.. 5> Tell them you thought it was a open-book test (or some1 told you it was a open-book test) ..If the teacher is a reliever then they shall fall for the trick! Thatz it for cheatin test's... Some things explain'd here arent easy to do.. but with a bit of practice and skill shouldnt be a problem! -----------------------------------( 7 )------------------------------------ THE MiLLiBUG! ---------------------------------by Posca!---------------------------------- The Millibug is the cheapest, smallest and has a 14 inch long thing that provides the range to be almost a kilometre! It is powered by a 9 volt Nickel battery and heres what you will require to build this nice Bug! <a> 370 resistor surface mount <b> 22k resistor surface mount <c> 100k resistor surface mount <d> 120k resistor surface mount <e> 990k resistor surface mount <f> 5p6 ceramic compacitor <g> 47p ceramic compacitor <h> 1n ceramic compacitor <i> 33n ceramic compacitor x2 <j> 150n mono block <k> bc647 transistor x2 <l> 5 turn coil .5mm enamelled wire <m> 1 microphone <n> 14 inch antenna wire assemble all components on a veroboard as shown on the diagram below.. (See above to see what varibles are) ______________________________________________________ | | | ____|____ | | <c> <b> <d> | ) | | | | | <g> <l> | | | __<e>_|__<j>__| | _) | | | | | | `---.---' | + | | | | |--<n> <i> 9v Battery | | / | / | | - |-<i>-----<k> |------<k> <f> | | | \ | \____| | | <m> | <h> | | | | | | <a> | | |____________|_______|_________|_____________|_______| You must carefully solder all components especially the surface mounts as they are very sensitive. You must use a very low heat soldering gun (15-30 watts) for these resistors as if the resistors heat up too much you would ruin them. All these components should be able to fit in a 3cm x 4cm veroboard. Once everything is put together make sure the coil is fairly spaced out with a very small gap between each turn. The coil is where the magnetic flux occurs and this determines the frequency to emit. You should be able to pick up the millibug on a FM radio at about 88Mhz, if not play around with the coil just by shifting it a little bit and it should pick up on this frequency. Once you got the bug going, put it in some ones bathroom and you can tune in the radio and record someone having a crap!?!@#! :) Ed: Hahah, i wouldnt put it in a bathroom myself.. rather stick it near the victims phone or under their dinner table! =] hehe -----------------------------------( 8 )------------------------------------ FONE CALLZ ON ViD -------------------------------Posca + HyPe!-------------------------------- Convenient, Versatile, Handsfree, Fone callz on video method! All it requires is.. Male Phono socket plug Male Telephone Plug For the telephone system in NZ hook up pins 2 and 6 from the Male telephone plug to the Male phono socket plug... (Pin 2 on centre and 6 on ground within the phono socket) See Diagram below.. Male telephone Plug Male Phono Socket ___ pin2 centre ____ = |------------------------------------------| |__ =___|------------------------------------------|___| pin6 ground The wires can be as long as up to 2metres. We arent too sure about pin configurations for anywhere else overseas but we are pretty sure it would work as all you have to do is find out which two wires are for the phone line. If you are not using the telephone plug and decide to do it direct to your phone line make sure it is connected in parallel form, NOT in series! ok once you got your plugs ready, just plug in the phono plug to AUDIO IN in your tv or video and set what channel you like. Now use your phone and you should be able to hear yourself on tv! You can tape your voice on video, or play around with Super woofer and get surround phone sounds in ya room! -----------------------------------( 9 )------------------------------------ SONiK BOX ---------------------------------by Posca!---------------------------------- The SoNiK box is a way to listen on peoples phone linez without having to use a phone whenever you do pill boxing! Its fairly simple to construct, You will need the following items... 2 alligator clip wires <a> Female mini headphone plug <b> Red LED (any colour ya want) <c> 330 ohms Varible resistor Ok, just basically wire all components as shown below.. (See above to see what varibles are) .------------<b>---------<c>--------------<===^ Alligator clip 1 | | | `------------<a>--------------------------<===^ Alligator clip 2 Once you have assembled the circuit above, you can put it in a match box, make sure you can easily turn the varible resistor and be able to plug in your headphones through the female socket. Bingo and thats your SoNiK box! Basic instuctions are.. Is that you treat it just the same as a biege box, but you're only able to listen with your headphones, and the person on the phoneline wont be able to hear you at all! :) you can adjust volume just by adjusting the varible resistor and the LED light is there to indicate that your hooked on the phoneline. Ed: This is a useful tool for pillboxing.. =8) -----------------------------------( 10 )----------------------------------- MURDER C.O.D ----------------------------------by HyPe!---------------------------------- Whatz Murder C.O.D? Ok this is a MOVIE i recommend you phreak'z out there to see! It is packd with alot of technique's ppl would do in the ole dayz.. Such as bug plantin in someone's house.. Phone phreakin from a hotel! ETC! Just get it out.. I saw it on CH2 in NewZealand a while ago.,. it was like 2hr long movie.. i wont explain what its about but i will tell you that this is gotta be the BEST phreakin movie ive seen! The bad dewd even lives in an underground hideout.. See it to believe it -----------------------------------( 11 )----------------------------------- FREE COLA! ---------------------------------by GreyRat--------------------------------- Im not sure if this really worx.. Hype told me but he wanted me to write the article for him,... Get two 10cent coins and SUPER-GLUE them togther so one side is showin head's and the other is tail's now (if you want get a posca GOLD and colour it in) just go up to a cola machine and flick the double 10c coin really quick! it will go past and give you a drink.. How to make money from this.. Instead of pressing a button for the drink you'ld like.,. pull down the thing that give's you your change! you will get $1 in return.. it picks randomly so it can always choose the double 10c coin you used in the first place! Have phun dewd -----------------------------------( 12 )----------------------------------- RiPPiNG OFF CARZ -------------------------------by Kryptonite!------------------------------- There's many ways to break into cars depending on what the car is that ya gonna do over. When i started the game i was mainly into just honda cars as all ya need is a table fork. You get the two ends and bend them in then just use that as the key. Since then cars have been upgraded in securty a bit tho eh, so now you gotta get with the new class of car thief. You have to get the blue ropey thingees uzed to hold bunches of newspapers together. With these you bend them in half and slide it down the side of the window. Holding both ends ya just move it round till it catches on somfin then you pull it up. Nine times outa ten it's the lock that you pull up. Now you can just open the door. If your not looking for a joy ride then just check out all the car for $ and don't forget to check unda the seats and unda any cloths. If you are planning on a joy ride then you need to have a screw driver. I read some other Anarchy mags before i wrote this so i had a bit of an idea on how to write it. In these mags i saw to do hot wiring. Let me tell ya fella's now, it duzn't fucken work, it's shit, everyone has tried it, and noone has done it. Anyway bak to the insturctions, you use the screw driver to unscrew all the screw around the egnition and stearing wheel and open it up and you shuld find a little fingee next to the key hole fingee and turn it, this will doing the same job as what the key duz, the car starts, and your off. -----------------------------------( 13 )----------------------------------- BREAKiNG iN! -------------------------------by Kryptonite!------------------------------- Easy enuf really, this is just one of my many handy things that you can do with a table fork. You first select the fork, for this one you need a fork with four spikey thingees, and they need to be as thin and sharp as possible. You rip off three of them, and use the fourth one as your lock pikker. This trick is made mainly for the ranch sliding doors that most offices have. You shove the little thing into it and fiddle it around. Eventaully it'll open up for you to go in. Once your in the same key will usually pick the lock on the till too. If there's a padlock on the door then you just need a screw driver and just rip off the padlocks by shoving the screw dr- iver in the ring thingee. -----------------------------------( 14 )----------------------------------- GOLD PHONiNG -------------------------------by Kryptonite!------------------------------- Theres quite a few articles going round on how to do this and after trying all the techniques for ages I finally got it to work for me just yesterday, so I thougt, might as well let all you other dudes in on the secret. If you are not to sure on what Gold Phoning is, it's when you use the small red pay phones and you play around with the buttons to get yourself a free call, thats right, no putting in money. Anyway, this is how I did it. You pick up the phone and then hold your finger on the follow on button (you know the button you press when you have credits left and you want to make another call)..then you push down on the reciever for about 10 secs plus. If it's gonna work it will keep a tone, now you take your finger off the follow on button, and dial away. I have been warned that it does- nt work on some phones due to the follow on button being disable. Plus I have tried the technique about 25 times and only once didnt get it to work. Other techniques that didn't work for me where keeping your hand on the hook. Oh and when It did work for me, the mate that I called up said that the reception was really bad. Hope it workz for you. -----------------------------------( 15 )----------------------------------- CELL FONEZ -------------------------------by Kryptonite!------------------------------- Well, this is just a pretty logical basic article on a method of free calls that a mate of mine told me and claimed he had done it. It does work, it's just I bettcha the dude who told me about it hadn't done it :) .. All it involves is buying a stolen cell phone from a black market near you or if you have criminal contacts. The phone rental takes one month before you can close it so if the cell phone is within one month of being stolen then you can make as many calls on it till the month is over and all of the tolls get charged to the owner of the cell phone. When the month is over and he's cut off the rental of the phone then you take it to the police and say you just found it and your likely to get about a $20 + reward for it. Pretty easy eh?. Well I though so but I still can't find someone to sell me a stolen mobile phone, hope you have better luck. Oh, and my mate reckons his one cost him $75.. So you still get a bit of a cost for the calls but if you're smart you'll make a good amount of tolls all nite and day. -----------------------------------( 16 )----------------------------------- HiT BY TROJANZ -------------------------------by Kryptonite!------------------------------- Around New Zealand at the moment theres a huge amount of trojans going round and most of them are made by the same person. You've probably heard of him, known as Merlin, and with thousands of other id's. I don't really wanna go and name them all as I owe him a favour. But in this article I'll give ya most of his id's, a short story of his trojan life, and how to stop him. He first started using the handle Merlin for his trojans, after having an identity change from Nostradamus. He now uses - Merlin, Psycho therapist, KOD3, and Ace. He also uploads most of his trojans using other peoples accounts, such as Gambit - using the password of either PLUME or PISSANT. And he logs on as people who he aint before they logon to boards. Such as his logging on as Homicide! to about 5 public Auckland boards. His first main trojan was "Phun mag"..and electronic hpa magazine that is meant to have many kewl properties such as back doors to Remote Access. This Trojan took out Maximum Carnage, The Tinny House, and Adrenilan Over- dose. Quite a failure really considering the purpose in the trojan was to take out High Voltage. The trojan was poorly made with just a bat to com file and was easy to identify due to the extreme smallness of the trojan. Then he upgraded himself a bit as he planned to code an ultimate trojan in Pascal and was to format your hardrive in less than 1 and a half seconds. As he worked on this trojan there was another trojan being made by "Slain" that was a member of Merlin's Lords Of Destruction. This trojan was another not so well made trojan that was kalled "kracker.zip" and was meant to register all doors and programs for you. This trojan managed to take out Sepultura and a few modemers but nothing to major. Finally Merlin had finished his best trojan yet. Searches and formats all you disk drives and does it all in less than 2 seconds. It was made to be a game, "HELL" This took out a few modemers and Tinny House and Maximum Carnage (again!). However Maximum Carnage had learnt something after the first trojan and had all his files backed up, Tinny House was not so lucky. So how do you stop this loser or some other loser thats making these hdd killers?.. Its quite simple really, download a file called UNP or something, and use it to remove the protection on it, then use a good hex editor to look thru the file first. I recomend Hexscaliber or Hacker View. Or even keep a back up every nite run by an event or something so that all your stuff is backed up onto a tape drive or something. Oh, and the big question, whats this dudes real name, scene as every body wants to kill the guy I though I'd be carefull on what stuff I give out bout him as sometimes it's the family the get punished more by prank calls to him all the time, or people lighting his house on fire. So I'll give you this, he's a member of Auckland Institute of Technology and is about 18 years old. He is an ex pupil of Selwyn College and real name is B. Jack. You figure the rest out for yourself. _______________________________________________________________________ |ED: hehe, this merlin dewd is bad! there was a trojan called NZTONE.ZIP |that he designed.. it was supose to give you free calls from nz to any- |where in the world, i upped it to morpheus since i couldn't get it to |work on my 286 (cheap) laptop and then morph called me up tellin me the !tone file killed half of the filez on his HD! hehehe -----------------------------------( 17 )----------------------------------- DiRECT ACCESS! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --- ----- ------- ----------- -------------- ----------- ------- ----- --- F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T. F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H F.i.T.H 95! F.i..---------------------------------------..T.H 95! F.i.T. F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T| |T.H 95! F.i.T.H F.i.T.H 95! F.i.| hACKING dIRECT aCCESS v5.o |.T.H 95! F.i.T. F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |T.H 95! F.i.T.H F.i.T.H 95! F.i.| bY bAD lANGUAGE / F.i.T.H 95! |.T.H 95! F.i.T. F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |T.H 95! F.i.T.H F.i.T.H 95! F.i.`---------------------------------------'.T.H 95! F.i.T. F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T. F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H - --- ----- ------- ----------- -------------- ----------- ------- ----- --- ----=(iNTRO)=--------------------------------------------------------------- Alot of small businesses and home users of the ugly peecee type computers use a proggy called Direct Access! (WoW) This is basically a menu system that also provides password protection for your computer by a logon GUI, when the right login names/passwords have been entered it logs you on and will display a menu of the available options. The reason why this particular program is used alot is, because it is very easy to install, to maintain and keep the average computer user out of there system. I will tell you how to majorly fuck these people off with simple instructions on how to hack and get around the password protection. The reason why i started fucking around with it was i wanted to gain access to (hmm lets call the person BITCH) Bitch's computer, although i already had access to the system, i didn't have the particular password to windows so i couldn't play the games! ----=(hOW i hACKED dIRECT aCCESS)=------------------------------------------ After installing direct access onto a peecee i start to fuck around with it... first of all i did a 'dir' of the direct access directory and made a note of all the filez and sizes. Then i put some passwords on the options and made a few login accounts and passwords for them. after saving the configuration i did another 'dir' and checked to see if any file sizes had changed. Fuck none had. So then i studied all the filez and guessed which one/s would most likey be data filez. after about 2 minutes i guessed that 'menu.cnf' was the password data file (althought the name suggests something else. so then i made a directory and moved that file to the new directory. then i rebooted the computer and sure enough no logon gui or passwords came up (kewl!). but thats all very well having access to dos through the main menu, but on the bitchs menu configuration the option to go to dos is passworded (shit). but i thought of a way around that so i could get into dos.. terminate batch job and then i will get a dos prompt so i then can do my stuff! hehehe... The fucken lame arse's at delta technology who wrote direct access should feel so fucken stink as i hacked this mutha in 10 mins! fuck and that was my first attempt at it to! ----=(hOW tO hACK tHE bITCH!)=---------------------------------------------- 1) While the computer is booting hold down the key 'CTRL' and hit the key 'PAUSE' (underneath PAUSE on the verical side of the key are the words 'BREAK') several times until the computer says Terminate batch job (Y/N)? hit 'Y' for yes and then you will get a dos prompt, you will most likey get a 'C:\>' prompt as nearly all hard drives these dayz are called 'C' drive. 2) Once in dos type 'cd DA5' and you should be in the direct access 5 directory. if not the person who installed it must think they are smart and they probably installed it in another directory or under a different name! if that is so type this 'dir c:menu.cnf /s /b'. Now the computer will search the whole of c: for a file in the direct access directory. After you have typed that line (you may need to change the name of the drive if they have formatted the hard drive under a differnt name eg d:) a path/filename will be displayed eg: 'C:\UTILS\DA5\MENU.CNF', make a note of it and 'cd' into that directory. (make sure you only type 'C:\UTILS\DA5' in this partcular case, as you will fuck up if you include the filename 'menu.cnf' 3) Now you are in the Direct access 5 directory type the following 'MD SHIT' the computer will now make a directroy called shit. now type 'MOVE MENU.CNF SHIT' now the computer will move the file 'menu.cnf' into are new directory. now you can reboot the computer and no password bullshit will come up and you can now access the whole system. ----=(oNCE yOU aRE iNSIDE tHE sYSTEM)=-------------------------------------- Now do not stay to long in here becuase you don't want to be caught red handed unless you know for sure the person whos computer you are hacking won't be back for an hour or 2. do the following things for future access to there system without having to go through this whole process again. => How to obtain your own login account: 1) go into maintance by hitting the key 'F1' and now a new menu with four options will appear. 2) Hit 'C' and then 'F2' 3) Now you will get a list of users, the title is 'VALID USER NAMES'. use the cursor (arrow keys) to select a name from the list and then once selected hit 'F8' and now the password will be displayed! 4) Make a note of the user name you selected and the password to that particular login, so you can use this login account for future access. 5) once you have finished hit ESC to go back to the main menu. If the proggy asks you to 'save' configuration hit 'N' for no as you must have changed the data while finding out passwords and you don't want it changed as the owner of the system will know someone has been sn00ping around! => How to find out the passwords to password protected menu options: 1) Go back into the maintance menu, by hitting 'F1' from the main menu. 2) Hit 'A' and now a new configuration screen will be displayed. 3) This new screen will have a list of all the menu options (you will prob- ably reckonise them). with the cursor select one of the program names (eg. select the menu option such as WINDOWS), i mean the ones that have passwords, Hit 'F8' once selected and then the password will be displayed. make a note of this. 4) when you have got all the passwords you won't hit ECS a few times until you are back to the main menu. ----=(oNCE yOU hAVE fINISHED fUCKING aROUND)=------------------------------- 1) Go back into dos (hit 'F10' from the main menu to get into dos) and cd into the direct access directory (remember i told you how to find the directory and told you to make a note of it earlier on!!!!) then type 'MOVE C:\DIRECT ACCESS PATH\SHIT\MENU.CNF C:\DIRECT ACCESS PATH' here is an example below: 'MOVE C:\DA5\SHIT\MENU.CNF C:\DA5' What this does is 'moves' the password data file back into the direct access directory so when you reboot all the password prompts come up and everthing looks like normal. 2) Then type 'RD SHIT'. this will delete the directory we made earlier on that we used to store the password data file 'MENU.CNF' 3) YOU NOW MUST REBOOT OR TURN THE COMPUTER OFF!!!!!! DO NOT DO ANYTHING ELSE!!! if you want to re-logon read the shit below as a tracking option built into the software could be watching and recording your every move once you have copied the password data file back into the directory! ----=(iF yOU wANT tO lOG bACK iN)=------------------------------------------ if you want to go back into the system the best way is to login with someones account (remember i told you to find out what the login names were and to take down the passwords?), use one of the USER NAMES and PASSWORDS to gain access to the computer. once you have successfully logged in do whatever the fuck you want! if you decide to logon again a few weeks later and you can't because all the passwords have been changed you will have to hack them again! after you have finished screwing around you need to check to see if the owner of the computer has set the 'Usage Tracking' option ON! if it is on all your moves have been recorded to a file and if the owner looks in that Log they can tell that you have logged on and what you have accessed. So this means you have to delete these records, i will tell you how in the next section. ----=(hOW tO eDIT tHE uSAGE tRACKING lOG)=---------------------------------- Some people use the option of tracking all users moves and actions, they do this either becuase they are nosey or to keep a sense of (lame) security of what MR USER has been doing and to see if anybody has been trying to logon as other users and try to guess their passwords. now we must see if the usage tracking flag/option has been set by the follow- ing method. 1) Go back into maintance (You should know by now that you do that by hitting 'F1' from the main menu) and once in there hit 'C' for PROGRAM CONFIGUARTION. 2) once in the PROGRAM CONFIGUARTION configuartion screen look near the bottom of the screen for the following line/option Usage Tracking........................................................[ ] ^ | in the little box at the end of the line will either be the ->--->--' word 'off' or 'on'. If it is set to OFF you are lucky as they don't have the tracking option on so you can just leave the system un-detected (KeWL), otherwise if the option is 'on' we have a bit of work to do! ----=(eDITING tHE uSAGE lOG)=----------------------------------------------- once we have found out that the flag has been set we need to edit the apropiate file and remove our actions/moves 1) go into dos and type 'EDIT' this will load up the edit program that comes with MS-DOS. 2) now once in the editor program select OPEN program and then open the file 'USAGE.LOG' in the Direct Access directory! 3) after it has been loaded you will probably get a list of shit like this Note: this is only a cut of a log, the real thing will probably be a few pages long. BOB V5.0 Creation Date 14/05/95NONE 9 NONE BOB Qbasic 14-05-9514-05-9517:1017:10 NONE BOB Maintenance 14-05-9514-05-9517:1117:11 NONE BOB Maintenance 14-05-9514-05-9517:1417:18 NONE LAMER Microsoft Windows 27-05-9527-05-9519:5419:55 NONE LAMER Maintenance 27-05-9527-05-9519:5519:56 NONE LAMER Test Drive 2 27-05-9527-05-9519:5619:56 NONE HACKER Qbasic 04-06-9504-06-9519:5719:57 NONE HACKER DOS Activities 04-06-9504-06-9519:5720:05 4) the basic format of this log is this: ???? USERNAME ACTION THEY DID LOGON/LOGOFF DATE LOGON/LOGOFF TIME 5) say that we logged on as the user hacker (as we can see in our above log) and we went into qbasic and dos, we can see that our actions have been recorded. just move the cursor keys around and delete our records 6) an example of the above list after we have deleted all recorded actions. BOB V5.0 Creation Date 14/05/95NONE 9 NONE BOB Qbasic 14-05-9514-05-9517:1017:10 NONE BOB Maintenance 14-05-9514-05-9517:1117:11 NONE BOB Maintenance 14-05-9514-05-9517:1417:18 NONE LAMER Microsoft Windows 27-05-9527-05-9519:5419:55 NONE LAMER Maintenance 27-05-9527-05-9519:5519:56 NONE LAMER Test Drive 2 27-05-9527-05-9519:5619:56 7) Now save your changes and once that is done DON'T EXIT THE PROGRAM JUST TURN THE COMPUTER OFF! otherwise your actions after will recored! ----=(tHiNGS tO bEWARE oF)=------------------------------------------------- be very careful when logging in when the 'usage tracking' option is set as they can tell that someone has been using others User Names. don't spend to long in the system as you don't wanna get snapped! ----=(hINTZ aND tIPS)=------------------------------------------------------ since direct access is quite a widely used program with the average computer user you could quite easily obtain a copy of it and i would reckomend that you do so you can practice hacking it. it takes me under a minute from turn- ing the computer on until i am in the main menu. tHE eND -----------------------------------( 18 )----------------------------------- ELiTE PiLLBOXiNG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --- ----- ------- ----------- -------------- ----------- ------- ----- --- F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T. F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H F.i.T.H 95! F.i.-----------------------------------------.T.H 95! F.i.T. F.i.T.H 95! F.i.| |.H 95! F.i.T.H F.i.T.H 95! F.i| tHE cOMPLETE lAMERS gUIDE tO pILLbOXiN' |T.H 95! F.i.T. F.i.T.H 95! F.i.| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |.H 95! F.i.T.H F.i.T.H 95! F.i| bY bAD lANGUAGE / F.i.T.H 95! |T.H 95! F.i.T. F.i.T.H 95! F.i.| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |.H 95! F.i.T.H F.i.T.H 95! F.i`-----------------------------------------'T.H 95! F.i.T. F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T. F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H 95! F.i.T.H - --- ----- ------- ----------- -------------- ----------- ------- ----- --- ----=(iNTRODUCTiON)=-------------------------------------------------------- Have you ever got a text file on pill-boxing that is fucken technical, crap or doesn't explain things in enough detail???? well here is your answer. I am writing this for you mutha fuckers who wanna learn to have fun and also this is an easy way to start phreaking. In this guide i will tell you how to do everything from making a begie-box and wiring it up to the pill-box and making some callz (for you fucken big lamers i will explain what a pill-box and begie box are!). NOTE: To all of you experienced HP^ dudez who think that pillboxing is lame and old, who cares!!!! it is the easist way for newbies to learn to phreak safely and i bet you that you have been pillboxing before when you just started out. ----=(mY gUARANTEE)=-------------------------------------------------------- i guarantee you that this is a complete guide of how to pill/beige box, everything contained in here really works unlike some articles that look good and when you go to try them they don't fucken work! please enjoy my hours of typing and remember i am not responisbe for you getting into trouble.... ----=(iNFOZ)=--------------------------------------------------------------- What is a pill-box? A pill-box is one of those grey bits of pipe about half a meter high Sticking out of the ground near every 3rd house or so and has Telescums name stuck over it in black! some of them have a sticker which says something like 'you will be prosocuted if caught tappering with the network!'. Inside these wonderful things are heaps of fucken wirez Which i will later tell you how to connect your beige box to. What is a begie box? A beige box is an adaptor which enables you to connect a normal phone into the wirez of a pill box. It is very simple and doesn't require any electronic knowledge to make! ----=(hOW tO mAKE a bEGIE bOX - wHAT yOU wILL nEED)=------------------------ 1 Phone extension socket - you know those little white boxes that you plug your phone into? It doesn't matter if you get a Master or extension socket. a master socket contains a few capcitors and shit, and if you use one of these you can hear if call is coming through the line, by a ringing sound of course! but with an extension socket you can't. 2 lengths of wire - make sure they are differnt colors so you can tell them appart at a glance. make them about 2 meters long each. 1 soldering iron and solder (not neccessary, i'll tell ya how to get away without having one) 2 alligator clips - you can get these fuckers from dicksmith electronics just ask for them by name, if you don't know what the fuck they are then fuck off and delete this file! 1 flathead or philipshead screwdriver 1 pair of pleirs electrical tape ----=(hOW tO mAKE a bEGIE bOX - mETHOD)=------------------------------------ Open the extension socket with a screwdriver, you do this by unscrewing the screws that hold the box together. you will see a brown or green piece of PCB board (PCB is just a fucken name for the bitch), right in the middle is the socket were the phone normally goes into. .------------------------------. | | | **.--.********************** | Key | * |##|4 .--. * | ~~~ | * | | 3|##| * | | * |##|5 | | * | **** PCB board outline | * | | 2|##| * | | * |##|6 | | * | .--. | * `--' 1|##| * | |##| | * .__________. `--' * | | | the 'blocks' i wil be | * | ________ | * | |##| talking about in the | * || || * | | | instructions | * || || * | |##| | * || |||||| || * | `--' | * || |||||| || * | | * |`--------'| * | ## The cuts/groves in | * `----------' * | the blocks | * |||||| * | | * |i|i|i * | | * | | | * | Big mutha in the middle of | * i i i * | the diagram is well i hope | * * | you can tell it is where | * * | the phones plugs in!!! | **************************** | | | | | `------------------------------' Above it on the left and right are 2 blocks which have 3 cuts in them and beside the cuts on the PCB board are numbers 1 to 6, 1-3 on the right hand block and 4-6 on the lefthand side, as showen in the above diagram. Get one bit of wire and put it between the cut/slot which has the number '2' beside it. you know in a fruit shop how when the dude seals the bag by putting it in between that device and it comes back out with the tape around it all nicely sealed off? use that same action to put the wire into the slot but leave it in there for a nice secure easy connection. now get the other piece of wire and put it into the slot with the number '5' beside it. Now on the other half of the box, the back part which you screw the piece we have just been playing with onto. Look at it and you will see 2 holes drilled right through it (i'm not taking about the holes which the screws go into, if there are none, drill a hole into the case about 5 mm in diameter). Thread the wirez through the holes in the back of the case, and then screw the extension socket back together. You will now have an extension socket with two wirez sticking out the back of it. With the pair of pliers strip the ends of the wire to remove the plastic insulation and expose the metal wire. Now take one of the aligator clips and connect it to one of the wirez. the best way to do this is to thread the wire through the hole in the clip (the hole is on the end of it, it maybe covered by the plastic surrounding the top half of the clip, just pull back the plastic and thread the wire through). thread it through a couple of times and/or twist the wire together to make a nice connection. Now get a piece of electrical tape (or similar) and wind it around the wire where you have connected it to the aligator clip so it holds the wire to the clip. (Soldering the connection is better as you have a good solid connection holding the wire to the clip.) now do the same to the other piece of wire. Ok if you have successfully done that you have your beige box. ----=(hOW tO mAKE a bEGIE bOX - aDVANCED mETHOD)=--------------------------- To make this more compact and less bulkier beige box you will need to have some experience in simple electronics and have to know how to use a soldering iron confidently! open the extension socket with a screw driver and take the half of the box which has the PCB board attached to. unscrew the PCB board from the white plastic extension box. look at the number '2' slot in the block and turn the PCB board over and see where the number '2' pin is soldered into the PCB baord. follow the circuit that it is soldered on until you reach the pins from the phone jack. now keep a mental note of where it is positioned and turn the PCB board over again and note which pin from the modular jack is solidered onto the circuit with the '2' pin. mark it some how, with some paint/pen etc!! you might have to flip the PCB board over a few times to make exactly sure you have the correct pin from the modular jack. Now do the same thing with the number '5' slot and mark that pin from the modular jack. here are the number '5' and '2' pins already marked out for you but check them just in case some strange reason they are different! .------------------------------. | | | **.--.********************** | | * |##|4 .--. * | | * | | 3|##| * | | * |##|5 | | * | | * | | 2|##| * | | * |##|6 | | * | | * `--' 1|##| * | | * .__________. `--' * | | * | ________ | * | | * || || * | | * || || * | | * || |||||| || <------------- this is the modular | * || |||||| || * | jack just in case you | * |`--------'| * | don't know what i mean | * `----------' * | | * |||||| * | | * |i|i|i * | | * | | | * | | * i i i * | | * * | ^ ^ | | | `---------- this is the number '2' slot | this is the number '5' slot ---' now cut out the modular jack from the PCB board, i did this with a pair of wire cutters and clipped the PCB board away from it. now desolder or clip/ cut the pins from the modular jack out of the PCB board to free it completly. now strip 5-10 mm of plastic insulation from one of the wires and solder it to the number '2' pin and with the other piece of wire do the same to the number '5' pin! now tape the pins and wire with the electrical tape to seal everything off nicely. now solder the aligator clips onto the 2 wirez. pull off the plastic insulation from the aligator clip and you will see a 1 mm hole at the top which you can insert the wire in. well that is it and now you have your begie box!!!! yeah, now you just need to know how to connect it to a pill-box! ----=(nOW yOU nEED a pHONE)=------------------------------------------------ the best type of phone to use is one that is just a handset ie: it has the buttons in between the speaker and microphone (i mean the piece you hold up to your ear). You can get these suckers from 'the warehouse, were everyone gets ripped off' for about $20. When you actually go phreaking you plug the phone into the 'beige box' we just made up (like you would normally plug the phone into the wall) ----=(hOW tO fIND tHE bEST pILL bOX tO pHREAK fROM)=------------------------ when you are walking home from school (if you don't go to school go for a walk every night) look at every single pill box on the way home and when you see one look around to see how close it is to the house and if there are any thick bushes around it for hiding in/under. Never pick one while you are new to this that is on a main street! The best sight to phreak from is on a little street that is really dark at night and has heaps of trees in it. its good if the trees are in front of the house so it makes it hard for people in the house to see you if they look out the window. a bush beside the pill box is good as you can hide behide it, so no cars that might go past can see you easily. here is a birds eye view of a good sight.. --| : ** |------------------| | : ** | | | : ** | | #### | : ** | | #### TREES | : ** | | #### | : ** | HOUSE | | : ** | | | F ** | | % PILLBOX | E ** | | | N ** | | --| C ** |------------------| **** E ** **** BUSH/SHRUBS : ** : ** : ** #### #### #### $ : ** #### #### #### $ YOU (HEHE) : ** #### #### #### : ** : ** $ : ** $ : : % ************************ : ************************ : ---------------------------------------------------- F00TPATH ---------------------------------------------------- This kind of setup is hard to find but when you do you will be laughing! Once you think you have found your ideal setup, every day for about a week when you are walking home look at it and think of all the ways you can be seen. Also think of how you might get caught from there if the pigs or Tele- scum decide to drive past. if you think of too many wayz then find another spot. Once you have found the perfect/good spot you have done most of the hard work. ----=(wHEN iS iT bEST tO gO pILL bOXING?)=---------------------------------- Night time of course. Pick a night that is right for you ie: warm, no wind etc You can feel if it is a good night for you or not. Once you have choosen a good night, you should go out and do your stuff between these hours 1am-4am, these are the best as most people are in bed asleep at this time, and they won't be on the phone or likey to pick it up and find some dudez on there line and phreak out! ----=(oN tHE nIGHT oF mISCHIEF!)=------------------------------------------- just before you leave get a bag and put your :-)