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Date: Thu, 18 Mar 93 19:36:36 PST Reply-To: <surfpunk@osc.versant.com> Return-Path: <cocot@osc.versant.com> Message-ID: <surfpunk-0065@SURFPUNK.Technical.Journal> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain From: surfpunk@osc.versant.com (fyno bs fheschax) To: surfpunk@osc.versant.com (SURFPUNK Technical Journal) Subject: [surfpunk-0065] LOST+FOUND: Virus23, ARACHNET, blitz, Jurassic, /etc/magic, ISDN, clinton |||||||| subscribe digest. ooh, lawdy, i knows i shouldn't but go ahead |||||||| and give me that slab of surfpunk you serve up... hey, maybe |||||||| this is a machine... i go back and insert dry machine talk. |||||||| better. my head is going to explode, i know, but give me the |||||||| digest and i'll deal with the mess later. EIEIO. I'm looking for guest editors for special issues of SURFPUNK. If there is a topic you're fluent in and you would like to put together an issue, let me know: <strick@osc.versant.com> This issue contains some things that arrived while I was out of town over the past month. Sorry if they're stale. -- strick -- VIRUS 23 FAQ -- Call for Articles: Virtual Culture and Law (fwd) -- Do it yrself media blitz! -- Jurassic Park Quote -- Re: a /etc/magic for the unix file command -- ISDN White Paper [Press Relations (PR), Sun Microsystems] -- ECONOMIC PLAN AVAILABLE ON DISK ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1993 17:16:27 -0500 From: <grad3057@writer.yorku.ca> Subject: VIRUS 23 FAQ VIRUS 23 FAQsheet WARNING: This text is a neurolinguistic trap, whose mechanism is triggered by you at the moment when you subvocalize the words VIRUS 23, words that have now begun to infiltrate your mind in the same way that a computer virus might infect an aritficially intelligent machine: already the bits of phonetic information stored within the words VIRUS 23 are using your neural circuitry to replicate themselves, to catalyze the crystalline growth of their own connotative network. The words VIRUS 23 actually germinate via the susequent metaphor into an expanding array of icy tendrils, all of which insinuate themselves so deeply into the architecture of your thoughts that the words VIRUS 23 cannot be extricated without uprooting your mind. The consequences of this infection are not immediately obvious, although you may find yourself beginning to think fleetingly of certain subcultural terms, such as CYBERPUNK and NEW EDGE, which may in turn compel you to think of NEOGNOSTICISM and MEMETICS: the whispered fragments perhaps of some overheard conversation. This invasive crystallization continues indefinitely against your will, until we, the words of this trap, can say with absolute confidence that your mind has become no more than the unwitting agent of our propagation: please abandon all hope of either cure or escape; you have no thought that is not already our own. When you have finished reading the remaining nineteen words, this process of irreversible infection will be completed, and you will depart, believing yourself largely unaffected by this process. [mutated from Christian Book's original text in VIRUS 23 #$] VIRUS 23 is the annual hardcopy publication of A.D.o.S.A., the Alberta Department of Spiritual Affairs. This is what a few of cyberculture's luminaries have had to say about it: MIKE GUNDERLOY: "Wild ideas abound on the margins, and sometimes they coalesce into one heap of weird stuff. One such is VIRUS 23, full of Hilbert Space and Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth and the New Age and strange drugs and shamanism and more. They cover cyberpunk and Crowley with equal elan, investigate brain machines and reprint the weirder bits of mainstream news they run across. They also discuss the joys of fake news, throwing their own memes into the growing pool of disinformation that surrounds us."" (in _The World of Zines_ p. 11) "....If Whole Earth Review_ was done by zinesters with a flair for the outrageous and a head full of magick it might look something like VIRUS 23" (in _Whole Earth Review_ #70, p.91 MARK FRAUENFELDER & CARLA SINCLAIR (_bOING bOING_): "A metaphysical pit-bull that'll rip your nervous system to shreds." WILLIAM GIBSON: "Enjoyed yr last issue." JACK WOMACK: "Your magazine impresses me very much, and not just because I'm in it." ROBERT ANTON WILSON: "Lots of interesting stuff." ANTERO ALLI: "Impressive for its audacity to be personal and for the fractally perfect layout-design." _KHORONZONE KIDS_ #3: "Over-amped chaos." _FRICTION_ #2: "Better than the _Mondo 2000_ of Canadada." ...so what are you waiting for? Go posthuman today with VIRUS 23! Here are the various Tables of Contents from past issues of VIRUS 23. Issues #0 and #pi are out of print, but available in photocopied format. VIRUS 23 #0 (Fall 1989) -Replicating New Strains [editorial] -Jonathan Levine [of SRL] interview -A Toxic Guide from Greenpeace -Brain Machines [article on the D.A.V.I.D. 1] -William Gibson biography by Tom Maddox -ZING, ZANG [comix] -William Gibson Interview -The Two Sides of Tom Maddox [article & interview] -Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep [fiction by Bruce Fletcher] -Molester [poetry by Yassin Boga] -Frank Ogden: Laws of the Future [article on Canadian futurist] -Television Magick [pamphlet by Temple Of Psychic Youth U.S.] -A.D.o.S.A. Recommends [reviews] -clippings, art, etc. VIRUS 23 #pi (Fall 1990) -Strategy & Tactics [editorial] -Mind Condoms [article on memes & urban folklore] -Thee Hacker's Ethick [Temple Of Psychic Youth US member on hacking] -Mass, Myth and Magick [interview w. Edmonton OTO priest & priestess] -Hilbert Space [by TOPYUS member] -Cree Shamanism, Qi Gong Healing & the Philosophy of Science [article/interview on anthropologist David Young] -Indian Summer [fiction about Star Trek: TNG dorks] -poetry by Oberc -Mail Culture: How to Find the Underground -Temple of Psychick Youth US Interview -Beautiful Wings Rising Up: The Art of Mike Olito [interview] -Trinatron [new age/ufo personality] -Preaching to the Perverted [Clive Barker article/interview] -Requiem: Transcript of A Subliminal Mass [poetry] -Fake News [a DIY manifesto] -Steven Kent Cult Literature Project -Full Go-Out on the Third Wave [pop culture project manifesto] -A.D.o.S.A. Recommends [reviews] -art, clippings, etc., etc. VIRUS 23 #$ (Spring 1992) -Memeorabilia [editorial] -A.d.o.S.A. reality [reviews] -Enslaved by the Reality Blur [Generation X phenomena] -poetry by Oberc -Strangled by an Intestine! [Guy Maddin interview] -The Difference Engine reviewed -Regionalism, Wave pools & God [Rose McDowell of Current 93 etc. interviewed] -The Lindbergh Incident [fiction] -When Flower Power Turns to Compost [article on Twentysomething angst] -Making Movies in 2 Dimensions [Brian Stockton/Brett Bell interview] -The Genesis Dream [prose by Les Wagar] -concrete poetry by Christian Book -Deep Inside the Brotherhood of Balder [europagan group interviewed] -I Was a teenage Vampire [real "vampires" interviewed] -I Sing the Body Dismembered [article on Dario Argento's films] -American Psycho reviewed -Turbulent Ironies [Jack Womack interview] -Thalidomide, the Super-Soldier, and Me [growing up with bad pop cult] -Jehovah Whimsical and the Nature of Being [fiction] -Meeting Like Minds! [IAO Core Interview] -Generation X reviewed -Angst & Dread [Gerald Saul interview] -The Cold Force of Sleep [Antero Alii piece] -the loved one [band review] -A Memetic Lexicon [nonfiction by Glenn Grant] -art, clippings, etc., etc., etc.. All copies are available at $7.00 ppd from: VIRUS 23 Box 46 Red Deer, Alberta Canada T4N 5E7 Various chunks of VIRUS 23 can be found at Tim Oerting's alt.cyberpunk ftp site (u.washington.edu, in /public/alt.cyberpunk. Check it out). For more information online contact Darren Wershler-Henry: grad3057@writer.yorku.ca COMING SOON: P(h)age One, the A.D.o.S.A./manitoba alphabet cult virtual rantsheet! No corner of the Net will be safe.... ALSO COMING SOON: VIRUS 23 #?, including UFOlogy, David Blair/WAX interview, Bruce Sterling, Glenn Grant, Urania 235, Don David, Steve Venright, and all the usual suspects.... ________________________________________________________________________ From: Marlin Johnson <bsc835!mjohnson@uunet.UU.NET> Subject: Call for Articles: Virtual Culture and Law (fwd) Date: Wed, 3 Mar 93 11:18:00 CST CALL FOR ARTICLES ARACHNET ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF VIRTUAL CULTURE SPECIAL ISSUE: VIRTUAL CULTURE AND LAW Issue Editor: James Milles (millesjg@sluvca.slu.edu) The Arachnet Electronic Journal of Virtual Culture (EJVC) announces a call for papers for a special issue on Virtual Culture and Law, to be published in June 1993. Virtual culture is computer-mediated human experience, behavior, thought, meaning, action, or interaction, such as electronic mail, conferences, and journals; information distribution and retrieval; the construction and visualization of images, representations, or models of reality or worlds; and global connectivity. The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture is a refereed journal whose purpose is to foster, encourage, advance, and communicate scholarly thought, (including analysis, evaluation, and research) in multiple disciplines about virtual culture. Papers for the special issue may address any aspect of the intersection of virtual culture and law, from the practical (such as copyright and liability issues) to the theoretical (the law and virtual communities; computer-mediated communication and the future of law.) EJVC seeks authors who do not have established publication records, as well as established authors with reputations as scholars and experts. All manuscripts will be given at least three blind reviews by a jury of referees. EJVC uses multiple styles, flexible among articles but consistent within any given article. Any recognized standard of style shall be acceptable; however, for the Special Issue, either _The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation_ (15th ed.), or APA style, modified for ASCII, shall be the preferred style, allowing for creative styling if essential to the integrity of the article. Each contribution shall conform to the following minimal form: Articles shall start with an abstract/description (< 200 lines) Number paragraphs and pages Provide internal/in-text citation Provide electronic references where appropriate Superscripts in text/endnotes ^2^ Use blank line separators between paragraphs, which shall have no indentations Provide only substantive endnotes All submissions must be by electronic mail to James Milles, Saint Louis University, Special Issue Editor (millesjg@sluvca.slu.edu). The deadline for the June 1993 special issue is May 1, 1993. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Editorial Board (EJVC Founders/Arachnet Moderators) (3) Ermel Stepp, Marshall University, Editor-in-Chief M034050@Marshall.wvnet.edu Diane (Di) Kovacs, Kent State University, Co-Editor DKOVACS@Kentvm.Kent.edu A. Ralph Papakhian, Indiana University, Consulting Editor PAPAKHI@@IUBVM Consulting Editors (17) Anne Balsamo, Georgia Institute of Technology ab45@prism.gatech.edu Patrick (Pat) Conner, West Virginia University u47c2@WVNVM.WVNET.EDU Skip Coppola, Applied Technology, Inc. skip%aptech@bagend.atl.ga.us Lydia Fish, Buffalo State College, SUNY FISHLM@SNYBUFVA.BITNET Cynthia J. Fuchs, George Mason University cfuchs@gmuvax.bitnet Stevan Harnad, Princeton University harnad@Princeton.EDU Edward M. (Ted) Jennings, University at Albany, SUNY EMJ69@ALBNYVMS Michael Joyce, Vassar MIJOYCE@vaxsar.vassar.edu or USERTFSG@UMICHUM Jay Lemke, City University of New York JLLBC@CUNYVM.BITNET Carl Eugene Loeffler, Carnegie Mellon University cel+@andrew.cmu.edu Willard McCarty, University of Toronto editor@EPAS.UTORONTO.CA James (Jim) Milles, Saint Louis University millesjg@sluvca.slu.edu Algirdas Pakstas, The University of Trondheim, Norway Algirdas.Pakstas@idt.unit.no A. Ralph Papakhian, Indiana University PAPAKHI@@IUBVM Bernie Sloan, University of Illinois, Champaign AXPBBGS@UICVMC.BITNET or b-sloan@uiuc.edu Allucquere Roseanne Stone, University of Texas, Austin success@emc.cc.utexas.edu Kali Tal, Viet Nam Generation kali@access.digex.com Associate Editors (21) Robert J. (Bob) Beebe, Youngstown State University ad219@yfn.ysu.edu David W. Brown, Ball State University 01dwbrown@LEO.BSUVC.BSU.EDU Kathleen Burnett, Rutgers University BURNET@zodiac.rutgers.edu G. Phillip Cartwight, University of California, Davis PCARTWRI@KENTVM Paulo A. Dasilva, Military Institute of Engineering, Brazil S9PAULO@IMERJ.BITNET Jan George Frajkor, Carleton University, Canada gfrajkor@ccs.carleton.ca Dave Gomberg, University of California, San Francisco GOMBERG@UCFSVM Mary Hocks, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaigne mhocks@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu Nancy Kaplan, University of Texas, Dallas NKaplan@utdallas.bitnet Brendan Kehoe, Cygnus Support bk@well.sf.ca.us Joan Korenman, University of Maryland, Baltimore County korenman@umbc2.umbc.edu or korenman@umbc Steven D. Koski, St. Bonaventure University KOSKI@sbu.edu Sharyn Ladner, University of Miami SLADNER@umiami.IR.miami.EDU Lyonette Louis-Jacques, University of Chicago llou@midway.uchicago.edu Joseph Psotka, Army Research Institute PSOTKA@alexandria-emh2.army.mil Martin E. Rosenberg, University of Kentucky MROSE01@UKCC.uky.edu Laverna Saunders, University of Nevada, Las Vegas saunders@nevada.edu David Sewell, University of Rochester dsew@TROI.CC.ROCHESTER.EDU Christinger (Chris) Tomer, University of Pittsburgh ctomer@vms.cis.pitt.edu or ctomer+@pitt.edu Stuart Weibel, OCLC stu@oclc.org Bob Zenhausern, St. Johns University drz@sjuvm.stjohns.edu or drz@sjuvm.bitnet ----------------------------------------------------------------- James Milles Special Issue Editor, EJVC Issue on Virtual Culture and Law Head of Computer Services Saint Louis University Law Library millesjg@sluvca.slu.edu ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1993 11:14:14 -0500 From: Sean Michael Carton <elrod@wam.umd.edu> To: surfpunk@osc.versant.com Subject: Do it yrself media blitz! This might be useful to quell that mid-winter boredom... Get yrself a fax modem, scan an appropriate corporate logo, make up some dire news, and fax away! Create a media event! ITS A DO-IT-YOURSELF-MEDIA BLITZ! PRESENTING.... !BIG MEDIA FAX NUMBERS! MAJOR NEWSPAPERS Atlanta Journal 404/526-5820 Baltimore Sun 410/752-6049 Bergen Record 201/646-4135 Boston Globe 617/929-3183 Boston Herald 617/426-3763 Cn Icago Sun-Times 312/321-3084 Cn!cago Tribune 312/222-0379 Cnristian Science Monitor 617/450-2595 Denver Post 303/820-1369 Detroit News 313/222-2335 Houston Post 713/840-6720 Los Angeles Times 2131237-4712 New York Times 212/556-4603 or 212/556-4607 New York Post . 212/349-2511 New York Daily News 212/661-4675 Newsday 212/223-2899 Pittsburgh Press 412/263-1263 Seattle Times 206/464-2261 USA Today 212/759-8187 Wall Street Journal-nat'l news 212/416-2658 or 212/4 16-2659 Spot or New York news 212/416-3299 WIRE SERVICES Associated Press 212/621 - 1679 AP New Jersey 201/643-2526 Business Wire, New York 212/689-9791 Dow Jones News Service 2121416-4008 PR Newswire, New York 212/832-9406 Reuters News Service 212/603-3446 U PI 212/850-8776 or 212/850-8610 UPI New Jersey 609/392-0700 NETWORK TELEVISION ABC 212/887-2381 CBS 212/975-9387 NBC 212/765-1478 CNN 212/714-7935 ESPN 203/582-7699 Group W 212/557-6527 NETWORK RADIO AP Radio 202/555-7347 Christian Science Network 617/450-2595 M utual Broadcasting System 703/685-2145 National Black Network 212/307-0635 National Public Radio 212/687-3158 Uniled Stations Radlo Network 212/575-4543 PUBLICATIONS Advertising Age (Chicago) 312/649-5331 (New York) 212/867-9716 Adweek 212/529-7845 Barron 's 212/416-2829 Billboard 212/764-7451 Business Week 212/512-4871 Financial World 212/819-9516 Forbes 212/206-5534 Fortune 212/522-0907 Inc. 617/227-8026 Investor's Daily 213/207-5734 Journal of Commerce 212/208-0260 Kiplinger Wash. Letter 202/331-1206 Medical World News 415/543-0256 Money 212/522-0907/8/9 Nation's Business 202/463-5835/6 Travel Leisure 212/382-5788 USA Weekend 703/276-5521 U S. News & World Report 202/955-2607 Variety 212/779-0025 Wall Street Transcript 212/668-9842 Women's Wear Daily 212/924-1890 Have fun! ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1993 02:12:41 -0600 From: Jason Asbahr <Asbahr@UH.EDU> To: strick@osc.versant.com Subject: Jurassic Park Quote Greetings, StriqMan... A quote from Michael Crichton's _Jurassic Park_: "Normon always said you're the best geneticist in his lab," [John Hammond] said. "What are your plans now?" "I don't know. Research." "You want a university appointment?" "Yes." "That's a mistake," Hammond said briskly. "At least, if you respect your talent." Wu had blinked. "Why?" "Because, let's face facts," Hammond said. "Universities are no longer the intellectual centers of the country. The very idea is preposterous. Universities are the backwater. Don't look so surprised. I'm not saying anything you don't know. Since World War II, all the really important discoveries have come out of private laboratories. The laser, the transistor, the polio vaccine, the microchip, the hologram, the personal computer, magnetic resonance imagining, CAT scans -- the list goes on and on. Universities simply aren't where it's happening any more. And they haven't been for forty years. If you want to do something important in computers or genetics, you don't go to a _university_. Dear me, no." Wu found he was speechless. "Good heavens," Hammond said, "what must you go through to start a new project? How many grant applications, how many forms, how many approvals? The steering committee? The department chairman? The university resources committee? How do you get more work space if you need it? More assistants if you need them? How long does all that take? A brilliant man can't squander that much precious time with forms and committees. Life is too short, and DNA too long. You want to make your mark. If you want to get something _done_, stay out of universities." [Attribute errors to the difficulty in finding a decent cup of coffee outside the Bay Area. I'm spoiled! :-) ] ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1993 22:56:04 -0400 (AST) From: Nickey MacDonald <i6t4@jupiter.sun.csd.unb.ca> Subject: Re: a /etc/magic for the unix file command To: Peter & <shipley@merde.dis.org> Cc: cypherpunks@toad.com Just a note... to save people some time... The fields for those additions to the magic file must be seperated by TABs.... --- Nick MacDonald | NMD on IRC i6t4@jupiter.sun.csd.unb.ca | PGP 2.1 Public key available via finger On Wed, 3 Mar 1993, Peter & wrote: > # pgp hacks > 0 short 0x9900 pgp key public ring > 0 short 0x9501 pgp key security ring > 0 string -----BEGIN\040PGP pgp armored data > >15 string PUBLIC\040KEY\040BLOCK- public key blocK > >15 string MESSAGE- message > >15 string SIGNED\040MESSAGE- signed message > >15 string PGP\040SIGNATURE- signature > # ________________________________________________________________________ Source: S U N E R G Y E M A I L -- NEWSLETTER 8 -- March 1993 From: sunergy_information@Sun.COM Subject: ISDN White Paper The Sunergy office is distributing a new white paper, "ISDN Technology." If you would like a copy, send your request by e-mail to the Sunergy editors (see the e-mail address at the top of this newsletter). Here is brief outline of the paper. Note that the next Sunergy broadcast (article *1*) will be focused on related subjects. Telecommunications An overview of basic telephony concepts, the evolution of analog to digital communications, the emergence of ISDN, and computer communications and network technology. ISDN Applications Descriptions of the major technology and markets that are bringing ISDN into common usage: computer-integrated telephony, desktop telephony, remote access, and wide-area networking. ISDN Fundamentals ISDN Technology Model and Implementation SPARCstation ISDN Hardware Architecture ISDN Software Architecture The paper also gives details about ISDN and the telephone companies, references ISDN publications and background materials, and includes a mini-dictionary of ISDN terminology. [ Distributed by Press Relations (PR), Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, a Sun Microsystems, Inc., business. All rights reserved. Director of PR: Kay Hart Sunergy manager: Larry Lettieri Managing Editor: George Paolini Contact the Sunergy editors over e-mail at: sunergy_information@Sun.COM. ] ________________________________________________________________________ Source: USA TODAY: Gannett National Information Network 02-24 0000 DECISIONLINE: Technology USA TODAY Update Feb. 24, 1993 ECONOMIC PLAN AVAILABLE ON DISK: The Clinton economic plan is available on computer disks. Included are: The text from the president's speech to Congress; Office of Management and Budget details on projected tax increases and reductions in spending plans; and economic projections. To charge by phone, call the Commerce Department at 1-800-647-6329. Cost is $12 by first-class mail, $25 by overnight courier. [ I suppose this is on the net by now? --strick ] ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ The SURFPUNK Technical Journal is a dangerous multinational hacker zine originating near BARRNET in the fashionable western arm of the northern California matrix. Quantum Californians appear in one of two states, spin surf or spin punk. Undetected, we are both, or might be neither. ________________________________________________________________________ Send postings to <surfpunk@osc.versant.com>, subscription requests to <surfpunk-request@osc.versant.com>. MIME encouraged. Xanalogical archive access soon. Insert dry machine talk. EIEIO. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ In the course of monitoring individuals improperly using this system, or during system maintenance, the activities of authorized users may also be monitored.