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SHORT TALK BULLETIN - Vol.XI   January, 1933   No.1


by: Unknown

The tenderest of Masonic affections cling around this phrase; men 
away from home have a longing for their Mother Lodge, indefinable in 
words, as etherial as a flower-scent, as actual as the good standing 
cards they carry in their pockets.
But what is this that men call Mother Lodge?  Ritual-istically, a 
Lodge is a legal number of brethren, assembled with a Charter, or 
Warrant of Constitution, and the Three Great Knights of Masonry 
properly arranged.  Legally, it is all the brethren whose names are 
carried on the rolls, formed into an organization by recognition from 
the Grand Lodge which gave them -or those they succeeded - life as a 
part of the Grand Lodge family of Lodges.  Physically, a Lodge seems, 
to the brethren who compose it, to be the room in the Temple in which 
they meet.  Yet none of these definitions satisfy the thoughtful as 
While a Charter, or Warrant of Constitution, and the Three Great 
Lights are necessary for holding a Lodge, the destruction of the 
Charter, the loss of the Three Great Lights does not destroy the 
Lodge.  Duplicate Charters may be issued; new Great Lights may be 
obtained . . . Read the words of Brother J.C. Stewart, Cannongate 
Kilwinning Lodge No.2, Edinburg, Scotland:
Time?s ravages does Time repair,
Time?s deepest wounds are healed by Time;
The Master passes from the chair,
The Warden to the Chair doth climb.
Master and Warden soon are gone,
The Lodge lives on, The Lodge lives on!
The torch of light is handed down
The ages that so swiftly flee;
Out of our frailty comes renown
And life from our mortality;
The pomps of yesteryear are gone,
The Lodge lives on, the Lodge lives on!`
The Lodge cannot be ?only? the brethren who compose it, as these 
continually change.  A brother may be removed from the vicinity in 
which his Mother Lodge meets, remain away fifty years, and return to 
find every brother he knew when he first saw Masonic Light, gone to 
the Grand Lodge Above.  Yet, his Mother Lodge remains.
The Lodge cannot be ?only? the room in which meetings are held.  
Temples are temporary, Lodges move from room to room, sometimes from 
town to town, or even State to State.  California Lodge No. 13, 
District of Columbia, moved to California in 1849, and became 
California Lodge No.1 in the Grand Lodge of that State; many Army 
Lodges have traveled far.  Yet these are still Mother Lodges to those 
brethren who are their sons.
The difficulty of defining just what we so love as our Mother Lodge 
is increased by the word ?Lodge? having more than one meaning.  The 
Church is an organized body of worshippers who meet in a church; burn 
the edifice, the Church remains.  Used in this sense the Lodge is 
that indefinable organization that meets in the lodge room.  The word 
has come down to us from operative days, when workmen erecting a 
Cathedral built a hut, or lodge, in which to keep the plans, meet and 
talk over the work, use as a recreation hall in bad weather, even to 
sleep in.   ?Lodge? is a legitimate descendent of the good old Anglo-
Saxon word ?logian? meaning ?to dwell.?  Spelled ?logge? it is 
mentioned in our oldest document, the Regius Poem, 1390. 
When the word means an organized body of Freemasons, it is in 
contradiction to a ?Chapter? of Royal Arch Masons, a ?Council? of 
Cryptic Masons, a ?Consistory? of Scottish Rite Masons, a 
?Commandery? of Knights Templar.
Occasionally the Lodge is a piece of furniture.  In the beautiful 
ceremonies of consecration, Dedication and Constitution of a new 
Lodge, the symbolic corn, wine and oil are sprinkled upon an actual 
object, representing the Lodge.  Usually it is an oblong box, covered 
with white cloth.  This use of an object called ?The Lodge,? to 
visualize the formation of the new organization, is very old; Preston 
speaks of it in his ?Illustrations of Masonry,? first edition. 1772, 
as follows:
?The Grand Master, attended by his Officers, and some dignified 
Clergymen, form themselves in order around the Lodge, in the center; 
and, all devoutly kneeling, the preparatory prayer is rehearsed.  The 
Chaplain produces his authority, and being properly assisted proceeds 
to consecrate.  Solemn music strikes up, and the necessary 
preparations are made.  The first clause of the consecration prayer 
is rehearsed, all devoutly kneeling; and the response is made, Glory 
to God on High.  Incense is scattered over the Lodge and the Grand 
Honors of Masonry are given.?
The Mother Lodges of all men now living are Lodges of Master Masons.  
They may, indeed, be ?open on the First Degree? or ?called off to the 
Second Degree? but, according to Mackey, in these modern times no 
?Lodge of Entered Apprentices? or a ?Lodge of Fellowcrafts? can 
A Charter or Warrant which empowers them to work as a Lodge is given 
to a certain number of ?Master Masons.?  No Lodge can work without a 
Master or Wardens.  A Master and his Wardens ?must? be Master Masons.  
All Lodges, then, are Lodges of Master Masons.  The phrase often 
written in lodge minutes:  ?The Lodge of Master Masons was closed and 
a Lodge of Entered Apprentices opened? cannot be a statement of fact.  
When a Lodge of Master Masons is ?closed,? there is an end to the 
work of the evening.  As a matter of fact the Lodge is ?not closed? 
when ?work? is to be done on either of the first two degrees; it is 
reopened ?on the Entered Apprentice (or Fellowcraft) degree? either 
by actual ceremony, or ?calling off to? or ?calling on to? the 
appropriate degree.	
Many modern Masonic jurists dispute this, and reference is made in 
more than one Book of Constitutions and Code to ?opening a Lodge of 
Entered Apprentices,? as for a corner stone laying.  The general 
practice of Grand Lodges, however, regardless of how their laws are 
worded, is to open first on the Master Mason?s Degree, and then 
either re-open,  or ?dispense with labor on the Master Mason?s Degree 
to call to labor on the entered Apprentice?s Degree.?
In Operative days, Lodges were composed of Fellows of the Craft.  
Attached were a certain number of Apprentices who became ?Entered? 
when they passed the novate and were enrolled on the books of the 
Lodge.  At the heads of such Lodges were Master Masons - architects 
and planners of great buildings.  These received and judged the 
?Master?s Piece? made by Entered Apprentices who had served their 
seven years and who desired to become Fellows.
At the revival of Masonry in its Speculative form in the first Grand 
Lodge (1717) Lodges worked only the Entered Apprentice?s Degree.  The 
Fellowcraft Degree and the ?Master?s Part? were conferred only in 
Grand Lodge.  At that time all Lodges could truly be called Lodges of 
Entered Apprentices,? from which date our custom of laying corner- 
stones while open in the First Degree.  Shortly after the formation 
of the Mother Grand Lodge, the degrees were written into their 
present forms by Anderson and Desaugliers and, later, Preston.  All 
Lodges were then given the right to confer all three degrees.  Since 
that time - which also saw the beginning the practice of issuing 
Warrants, - all Masonic Lodges have been made up of Master Masons.
Lodges are created by Grand Lodge.  Seven or more brethren who desire 
to form a new Lodge petition the Grand Master; if he so desires he 
issues a Dispensation to hold a Lodge.  A Lodge U.D. can make Masons, 
but do little else, and its Dispensation lasts only until Grand Lodge 
meets, when it may or may not grant a Warrant to the U.D. Lodge to be 
a regular Lodge.  Even after the granting of the Charter, or Warrant 
of Constitution, the Lodge is not :duly constituted? and does not 
become so until the Grand Master (or a brother he deputizes for the 
purpose) and Grand Officers (or their representatives) perform the 
ceremonies of Consecration, Dedication and constitution.
This ancient ceremony differs as to ritual in the several 
Jurisdictions, but the intent is the same in all, and the general 
form very similar.  Proceedings are opened with a prayer.  The 
Dedication is accomplished when the Grand Officers pour upon the 
piece of furniture representing ?The Lodge,? the ?corn of 
nourishment, the wine of refreshment and the oil of joy.?  
Consecration is accomplished by a prayer to the Great Architect, and 
Constitution by pronouncement from the Grand Master.  Comparatively 
few brethren have an opportunity to see this ceremony; all should 
read it in the Code, Ahiman Rezon or Book of Constitutions of the 
Grand Lodge.
The Entered Apprentice is informed that the form of the lodge is that 
of an ?oblong square.?  The apparently contradictory words come from 
an antiquity to which the memory of man runneth not.  The ?oblong 
square? is the shape which our ancient progenitors imagined the world 
to be, probably because the swing of the sun across the sky was 
longer from east to west than its movement from north to south 
between winter and summer.  Masonically, the words are not 
contradictory, since the ?oblong? is formed of four squares, no less 
so that one leg of each is longer than the other.  The Pythagorean 
Problem (forty seventh problem of Euclid) is usually, and always more 
beautifully demonstrated with a square which has one leg longer than 
the other, than with the familiar Master?s square with legs of equal 
To us the Lodge is a symbol of the world, just as the ?oblong square? 
symbolized the shape of the world to our ancient brethren.  
Ritualistically, a Lodge has the ?vast proportions? of extending 
indefinitely ?from East to West? stretching ?from earth to heaven,? 
encompassing both center and circumference.  It is universal; not 
located necessarily in one spot, confined to one room, one Temple, 
one city.  In San Francisco a New York brother is still a member of 
his Mother Lodge; in China the visitor to Peking Lodge (Massachusetts 
dispensation) is still a member of his Boston Lodge.  Precious the 
thought to many a wanderer that, wherever he is, there also is a bit 
of his Mother Lodge. 
Extending the idea of the universality of the Lodge is its covering, 
the clouded canopy.  Our ancient brethren, holding their meetings on 
high hills and low vales, knew no other roof.  Jacob envisioned his 
ladder from earth to heaven, the rungs of which we name with the most 
precious teachings which come from the Lodge - faith, hope and 
charity.  Truly, the brother in a far city who thinks loving-ly of 
his Mother Lodge has reason to carry her sacredly in his heart, since 
size and extent, covering and lessons, are so great.
Nor need for any sojourning brother, even if he be where there is no 
Lodge for him to visit, to be without those appurtenances of every 
Lodge - the furniture, the lights and the jewels.  Great Lights are 
to be found the world over - in every hotel room is a Gideon Bible.  
Square and Compasses hang from millions of watch chains, are on 
countless rings, and their images are in the minds of every 
Freemason.  He may keep three Lesser Lights burning in his heart, 
though years may pass before he sees them around the Altar of his 
Mother Lodge; and as for Ashlars, the Trestlboard, Square, Level and 
Plumb; he is a poor Freemason indeed who does not keep them in his 
memory, for use in everyday life.
?My Mother Lodge!  What tenderest associations cling about the 
phrase; with what veneration do loving Freemasons speak of ?Old 
Number 17? or ?The Old Lodge? with ?old? as a term of endearment.  
With what pride do we think of the achievements of our Mother Lodge; 
the brethren who went forth from her to war, the money she has given 
to the Masonic Home, the square work she has done, the good men and 
true she has selected to be her sons, the good times she has supplied 
in innocent gaiety for her children, her tender care of the sick, 
feeble and helpless; her comforting in grief those who have loved and 
(?Foreign Countries?)
Tenderest of sentiments, loveliest of memories, dearest of 
associations cling about the Mother Lodge.  While men cherish so much 
on the intangibles of the hidden land of the spirit, earthy, none 
need fear that Freemasonry will pass away!