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         ?                                                           ?
         ?                SSSSSS   U      U  BBBBBBB                 ?
         ?               S      S  U      U  B      B                ?
         ?               S         U      U  B      B                ?
         ?                SSSSSS   U      U  BBBBBBB                 ?
         ?                      S  U      U  B      B                ?
         ?               S      S  U      U  B      B                ?
         ?                SSSSSS    UUUUUU   BBBBBBB                 ?
         ?                                                           ?
         ?       SSSSSS   PPPPPPP    AAAAAA    CCCCCC   EEEEEEE      ?
         ?      S      S  P      P  A      A  C      C  E            ?
         ?      S         P      P  A      A  C         E            ?
         ?       SSSSSS   PPPPPPP   AAAAAAAA  C         EEEEE        ?
         ?             S  P         A      A  C         E            ?
         ?      S      S  P         A      A  C      C  E            ?
         ?       SSSSSS   P         A      A   CCCCCC   EEEEEEE      ?
         ?                                                           ?
         ?           N      N  EEEEEEEE  W      W   SSSSSS           ?
         ?           NN     N  E         W      W  S      S          ?
         ?           N N    N  E         W      W  S                 ?
         ?           N  N   N  EEEEE     W  WW  W   SSSSSS           ?
         ?           N   N  N  E         W W  W W         S          ?
         ?           N    N N  E         WW    WW  S      S          ?
         ?           N     NN  EEEEEEEE  W      W   SSSSSS           ?
         ?                                                           ?
         ? Sub Space News        Volume 1 issue 2        Feb 1, 1992 ?
         ? HAILING FREQUENCIES ............................. Page  2 ?
         ? FEEDBACK ........................................ Page  3 ?
         ? WHAT'S NEW? ..................................... Page  4 ?
         ? TRIVIA .......................................... Page  5 ?
         ? STAR TREK: THE SOAP OPERA ....................... Page  8 ?
         ? STAR TREK TECHNOLOGY ............................ Page 45 ?
         ? THE SYRUP ADVENTURE ............................. Page 48 ?
         ? DATA COMPILED BY IAN COLOMBY .................... Page 50 ?
         ? EPISODE LISTS ................................... Page 65 ?
         ? UPCOMING EPISODES ............................... Page 70 ?
         ? IMPORTANT ADDRESSES ............................. Page 71 ?
         ? IMPORTANT DATES ................................. Page 74 ?
         ? SHIPS OF THE FLEET .............................. Page 75 ?
         ? WARP SCALES ..................................... Page 79 ?
         ? COMMONLY USED ACRONYMS .......................... Page 80 ?
         ? CONVENTIONS ..................................... Page 82 ?
         ? STAR BASES ...................................... Page 84 ?
         ? ABOUT SSN ....................................... Page 85 ?
         ? TRI-DIMENSIONAL CHESS RULES ..................... Page 86 ?
         ?                                                           ?
         ?                                                           ?
         ?                                                           ?
         ?                                                           ?
         ?                                                           ?

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 2

                              HAILING FREQUENCIES
                                By W.H. Lambdin

         Hello  again:  I  have  heard several positive comments about
         SSN, and I will try to bring you info and stories  you  can't
         get  just  anywhere,  but  first I must take care of a little

         I received a letter from William M. Mason. Mr.  Mason  is  in
         charge  of  the Star Trek area of America On-line. His letter
         Is located in the Feedback area.

         Also  check out the department WHAT'S NEW?. I will be posting
         five upcoming episodes. If the episode is  new,  It  will  be
         noted  as  a new rpisode. Repeats will be labeled as a repat,
         but with a very brief synopsis of the episode. I will also be
         posting new books, and other material.  Several  people  have
         asked  for the rules for tri-dimensional chess. It will be at
         the bottom of the file.


         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 3



         Just  wishing  good luck to "Subspace News". An pointing out,
         in the spirit of Truth-in-advertizing, that SSN  is  not  the
         first  ST  electronic  ' zine as claimed in the "file_id.diz"
         file  that  came  with  my  downloaded  copy  of  "SSN"   #1.
         "Dateline: Starfleet" has been happily publishing every month
         since  July  1990  on  the  America Online In.  Services.  :)
         (Turns up on other BBSes and services now and then too.)

         Now  that  I  have  massaged  my  bruised  ego, live long and


         William M. Mason

         Editors comment:I did not include  a  FILE_ID.DIZ  file  with
         SSN-9201.ZIP.  However;  Someone  did.  I have appologized to
         Mr. Mason for this.

         I hope everyone  learns  that  it  is  best  to  forward  the
         original  material  unmodified. An appology may not be enough
         next time something like this happens. W.H. (Bill) Lambdin

         Just  read  the  first issue of your magazine Sub Space News.
         I must  say  I  ?enjoyed  it  very  much.   Very  interesting
         reading   and   I  do  hope  there  ?is  enough  support  and
         information for you to publish monthly instead

         I especially liked the essays and compilations by Kasey  K.S.
         Chang.  He  mentions  another  essay  he wrote concerning the
         "Fate of Kirk" and I imagine  he  has  written  many  others.
         Unfortunately I do not subscribe
                                ?Lance Weitzel

         EDITORS NOTE: I'm glad that you liked the material written By
         K.S. Chang. I have a Trek timeline (written  by  K.S.  Chang)
         that  will appear in the next issue. I will try to get a copy
         of the article you mentioned, but I can't make any promises.

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 4

                                  WHAT'S NEW?

         These  dates  are  television  air dates. If you watch TNG on
         Satellite, these episodes will be shown 7 days earlier.

         Hero Worship             New Episode to air Feb  1, 1992
         Violations               New Episode to air Feb  8, 1992
         The Masterpiece Society  New Episode to air Feb 15, 1992
         Conundrum                New Episode to air Feb 22, 1992
         Power Play               New episode to air Feb 29, 1992

                                   TNG NOVEL

         The 20th  TNG  novel  is  available.  Look  for   "Spartacus"
         written by T.L. Mancour.

                              from the back cover
         Answering  a  distress  call,  the  U.S.S. Enterprise finds a
         damaged alien vessel-The Freedom-crewed by a  race  known  as
         the  Vemlans.  Their  Captain,  Jared  asks for assistance in
         repairing  his  ship-assistance   Picard   and   the   U.S.S.
         Enterprise  are  only  too happy to provbide. But once begun,
         their releif efforts are  interrupted  by  thearrival  of  an
         entire  fleet  from  Vemla, who claim that Jared and his crew
         are escaped slaves- and their property!

         As Jared snd his people plea for protection and the right  to
         be  free,  Captain Picard is caught between the demandsof his
         conscience and the  dictates  of  the  Prime  Directive.  And
         whenthe  Vemlan  fleet  threatens  to  fight  if  the  U.S.S.
         Enterprise doesn't stand aside, Picard  must  choose  between
         the  safety  of  his  ship, and the annihilation of an entire

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 5


                            TRIVIA BY KEN AITCHISON

                          Answers to the last trivia

     <N> 1. "Abort Auto Destruct Sequence" RIKER, WILLIAM T. DO YOU
            CONCUR? ? Riker, then the computer from "Where Silence Has Lease"
            Riker: "Yes, absolutely, I do indeed concur, wholeheartedly."

     <N> 2. No, you can't get away...from hell's heart I stab at
            thee! ? Khan, TWOK
            Khan: "For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee!"

         3. I certainly hope so sir, I can't stand this not knowing. ?
            Scotty, Wolf in the Fold.

         4. Not good enough, dammit, NOT GOOD ENOUGH! ? Picard,
            Yesterday's Enterprise.

     <N> 5. Scanning...indications negative at this time (pause)...well,
            did I get it right? ? McCoy (in Spock's voice), TSFS.
            Kirk: "Great, Bones.  Just great."

     <N> 6. Phasers?  You've got 'em.  I had one bank fully recharged. ?
            Scotty, The Doomsday Machine.
            Kirk: "Why, Mr. Scott.  You just earned your pay for the week."

         7. We may be on a road that has no turns. ? Picard, Time Squared

     <N> 8. Computer you will not address me in that manner, compute. ?
            Kirk, Tomorrow is Yesterday.  Computer:  "Computed, DEAR."

     <N> 9. Being your slave, what should I do but tend upon the hours
            and times of your desires... ? Kirk, Plato's Stepchildren
            Kirk:  "I have no precious time at all to spend, nor service to
            do 'till you require..."

         10. And so you die, captain...and we all move up in rank! ?
             Chekov, Mirror Mirror

         11. Even in this corner of the galaxy, captain, two plus two
             equals four. ? Spock, The Conscience of the King

         12. I'll call you the next time I pass through your star
             system. ? Riker, First Contact

     <N> 13. Any man that coulda pulled a feat like that I wouldna dare
             disappoint. ? Scotty, TMP.
             Scotty: "She'll launch on time, sir.  And she'll be ready."

     <N> 14. As a physician, you of all people should appreciate the
             danger of reopening old wounds. ? Kirk, TWOK.  McCoy: "Sorry."

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 6

     <N> 15. I am well versed in the classics, doctor. ? Spock, TFF
             McCoy: "Then home come you don't know `Row Row Row Your Boat'?"

         16. That, Ms. Lincoln, is simply my cat. ? Gary Seven,
             Assignment: Earth

         17. Well, Mr. Spock, for the next 5 or 6 hours, we're gonna
             have the happiest crew in space. ? Kirk, Wolf in the Fold

     <N> 18. Quomodo tua Latinitas est (How's your Latin)? ? Picard, The Game
             Wesley: "Praestat quam prius." (It's better than before)

     <N> 19. This isn't reality.  This is fantasy! ? Uhura, TSFS.
             Uhura: "Now get in the closet!"

     <N> 20. This...is the helm... ? Beverly, Lonely Among Us
             Geordi: "Unless there've been some changes I don't know about."

     <N> 21. WHERE TO?  Transporter room.  THANK YOU. ? Scotty and
             Computer, TSFS.  Scotty: "Up yer shaft."

         22. You know you both could really drive a man to drink.?
             McCoy, TFF

     <N> 23. Geordi thinks he is in command here. ? Data, Deja Q
             Data: "And he is correct."

     <N> 24. Is there anyone on this ship who, even remotely, looks
             like Satan? ? Kirk, The Apple.  Spock: "I am not aware of
             anyone on board who fits that description."

         25. Appropriate ruffles and flourishes, Mr. Spock. ? Kirk, The
             Savage Curtain

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 7

                          TNG TRIVIA BY W.H. LAMBDIN

                          Answers to the last trivia

          1. What ship did Riker serve on prior to the Enterprise?
                U.S.S. Hood
          2. Where does Picard and Wesley first meet (on the Enterprise)?
                Outside holodeck 4J
          3. What episode first used the phrase (Down load)?
                The Naked Now
          4. What episode first mentions "playing cards"?
                The Naked Now
          5. Who calls the Enterprise "baby"?
          6. What is the first episode to show the Holodeck?
                Encounter at Farpoint
          7. Who was weapons officer on the Stargazer?
          8. What was Lwaxanna's valet before Mr, Hohm?
          9. What episode does Picard smoke a cigarette?
                The Big Goodbye
         10. What  episode  reveals  that  Data  has  an  Off switch?

                                  New trivia

          1. What episode does Riker first yell at Data?
          2. Why was DaiMon Tarr shocked in "The Last Outpost"?
          3. What episode does Picard meet his mother (On the Enterprise)
          4. What did the EDO children want Wesley to teach them?
          5. What kind of fruit did Riker ask for in Gropler Zorn's office?
          6. What episode Shows Geordi in his quarters shaving?
          7. What is the first episode for Data to smoke a pipe?
          8. Wesley was killed in an episode. Which one?
          9. What is the first name of Wyatt Miller's mother?
         10. What holiday is mentioned in "The Big Goodbye"?

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 8

                                 STAR TREK

                              The Soap Opera


                    A very unauthorized STAR TREK: THE
                         NEXT GENERATION story by

                               Deborah Bolen
                             Scott Hollifield
                               Judy Ranelli

         I'm very glad to receive permission to repring this story. It
         is rather long, but much better than the  Lust  in  space,  I
         posted in the last issue. I had the pleasure of watching them
         compile this story. ;-)

         Reprinted with permission from the authors. They  retain  all
         rights  to  this  material.  If you want to reprint this, you
         must request permission from Deborah Bolen, Judy Ranelli, and
         Scott Hollifield. They may be contacted  on  the  Matrix  BBS
         (205) 323-2016.


Captain's Log, Stardate 45137.1

We are en route to a rendezvous with the USS Europa, where we will be
acquiring a shipment of much needed medical supplies intended for the
treatment of an unusual fever epidemic in the Kralius system.  Also
transferring from the Europa for a brief time will be one of my former
helmsmen, Ensign Wesley Crusher, who is on temporary leave from
Starfleet Academy.  We will all be glad to see Ensign Crusher again,
and none more so than his mother, my chief medical officer, Dr. Beverly

    The captain's door chirped.
    "Come," the captain snapped crisply.
    Dr. Beverly Crusher entered the room.  She strode to the captain's
desk and stood there with a dangerous fire in her eyes that matched the
flame of her auburn hair.
    "You've heard?"

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 9

    Picard looked up.  "Heard of what, Doctor?"
    "My son," hissed the doctor, "is coming back to the Enterprise."
    "Yes, of course, I'm aware of it, Doctor.  It wasn't my idea, I
assure you."
    Beverly paced around the room, arms flailing around looking for
something to smash.  "Jean-Luc, I thought you finally managed to get
rid of that boy!  I left this ship for a desk job, for God's sake, just
to get away from him!"
    The captain started to say, "I can appreciate your - ", but was cut
    "I come back after a whole year, and he hasn't been shipped off to
the Academy YET!  It's all that kid's been whining about for the past
ten years!  'I want to join Starfleet, I want to join Starfleet and be
an engineeeeer,'" Beverly mimicked in a child-like sneer.  "And he's
still here when I get back!  So I thought, Okay, I can wait awhile.  TWO
YEARS LATER, his application finally gets accepted.  At last I breathed
a sigh of relief.  But now I hear he's coming BACK?"
    Picard stood up and snapped, "Beverly, calm down!  Now listen to
me.  No one wanted to see the boy leave more than I.  I thought making
him an ensign would speed up the process.  It wasn't MY fault his
application to the Academy kept coming back unaccepted.  Letting the
nanites loose, continually interfering with my engineering staff,
missing his transfer to the Bradbury... I had to beg Admiral N'Somok to
take him.  He made me promise to attend a diplomacy consortium on Delos
Two next month - and you know how I loathe social interaction."
    "So why is he coming back?"
    "I'm told that his leave from the Academy is just a recreational
break.  Summer holiday.  That sort of thing.  He requested two months on
the Enterprise, and since this has been his home for the past four
years, Starfleet could hardly refuse."
    Beverly's shoulders hung limp, and a mask of resignation creased
her face.  "Jean-Luc, I don't know if I can stand being around that boy,
even for two months."
    "You'll find some way to cope."  Picard walked over closer to the
doctor and stared at her vulnerable form.
    She warmed to his approach, eyes pleading.  "Oh... Jean-Luc... two
whole months... without being able to..."
    He steeled his gaze.  "I've got an hour or two before my meeting
with Counselor Troi."
    Heavy breaths flowed smoothly in and out of the doctor's windpipe.
"How about Cargo Bay Three in ten minutes?"
    "Make it so," the captain whispered.

                         STAR TREK: THE SOAP OPERA

    Worf shuffled a bit in the command chair, simultaneously enjoying
the rare command and cursing the restrictive confines of the seat.  It
made him appreciate being able to stand and move about as a tactical
officer all the more.

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 10

    Still, it wasn't very often that the crew assignment roster
scheduled a shift where all four officers above him were off duty or
had off-bridge business all at the same time.  The main disadvantage
was the boredom.  While manning a station, one could constantly busy
one's self with the computers.  Sitting in the command chair prevented
    "Ensign Reeves, estimate time of arrival to Kralius Two at warp
seven," he ordered.
    "Five hours, thirty-seven minutes," came the response.
    "Increase speed to warp seven."
    "Aye, lieutenant."
    The doors to turbolift one hissed open and out walked Deanna Troi
in her black-trimmed maroon outfit.  She sat in her usual chair
adjacent to the captain's seat.
    Worf looked at her.  "Counselor.  I was not aware you were
scheduled for bridge duty on this shift."
    She smiled slightly.  "I wasn't, I merely wanted to keep you
company until we reach the Medical Center on Kralius."
    "Klingons do not require... company," he returned.
    "No, but Starfleet officers do occasionally."  She went on staring
at him as he turned away.
    Worf tried to keep his eyes on the viewscreen, but could almost
feel the gaze of the empathic Betazoid.  He glanced back at her.  "Is
there something you wish to say, Counselor?"
    She took in a breath, as if wondering whether or not to say
something. "I sense a certain feeling of apprehension from you,
lieutenant.  You're anxious about something."
    "That is correct," he rumbled.
    "Would you like to share that feeling with me?"
    There was a long silence.
    "Worf, I think that you need to get in touch with your emotions.
They are not your enemy."
    Worf sighed very slightly.  "With...all due respect, Counselor.  I
do not believe the bridge is the proper place for this kind of
    "But.. you ignore my formal requests for an appointment."
    "I was under the impression that the crewman makes the appointment
with the counselor, and not the other way around."
    "But when the crewman refuses to make the appointment, I get the
sense that something is wrong."  Troi crossed her legs and leaned back
as if she'd made some kind of point.
    "Emotional counseling is useless to Klingons.  Some might believe
that your primary duty might be considered 'meddling' ."
    "Is that what you think?"
    Another silence.
    Worf was actually relieved when the aft doors swooshed and Riker
walked onto the bridge.  He stood up.  "En route to Kralius at warp
seven.  We will arrive in just over three and a half hours."
    Riker walked briskly to the center of the bridge, and said, "Very
good, lieutenant.  You are relieved."

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 11

    Worf nodded shortly.  "Thank you, sir."  He looked at Troi.
"Counselor."  He started walking up the ramp.
    Deanna stood up and walked after him.  "Worf...I sense that you are
annoyed and feel confined."
    Obviously, thought Worf to himself.  This was the last straw.
Instead of picking up the aft bridge and tossing it on her, though, he
turned to Troi and directed a single powerful emotional thought at
her.  Even her generally non-telepathic mind picked it up, and it made
her emit a tiny gasp.
    "Sense that, Counselor," Worf said shortly.  He left the bridge.
    Deanna stood still for a moment, wondering if she had indeed
reached the limits of annoyance that seemed to be prevalent among
female members of her family.  She looked at the turbolift doors for a
second, then back at the command chair.  Riker was ignoring her
presence, staring out at the starry void.
    She strode back to her chair and sat down, saying, "Commander... I
sense that you are bored."
    Riker glanced at her very briefly, and then forward again.
    "Ensign, increase speed to warp eight," he sighed.

    Meanwhile, in Cargo Bay 3, Beverly paced behind some packing cases,
awaiting her captain.  Worf strode in just as Beverly began unzipping the
top of her uniform.  Thinking Jean Luc has finally arrived, she purred,
"Over here!  Quickly!  We have no time to lose."
    Worf, grabbing his phaser from its holster, made his way around the
corner, to find the writhing doctor with her uniform jacket unzipped to
reveal the black lace brassiere underneath.
    "Doctor, have you been injured?" Worf bellowed, and swung his hand up
to press the communicator on his chest.
    Dr. Crusher quickly grabbed his hand, saying, "No, no - Worf, this
isn't what you're thinking!"  Worf, pulled forward by her hands clasped to
his arm, couldn't help looking down at her chest.
    "I..........see, doctor" he muttered.  "This has become more and more
of a security problem.  When enlisted personnel hide in these... hard to
reach areas to copulate, I choose to handle their discipline personally.
But as an officer on this ship, you should know that this kind of behavior
is inexcusable.  I will have to present a report on you to the Captain."
    "Jean-L...I mean, the Captain?" Beverly squeaked.  "Oh, Worf, you don't
really need to do that.  I mean, can't we make some sort of compromise?
You know, I have some very exotic alien steroids that I just got in from
Starbase 24."  Bev started to babble.  "I mean, oh, I didn't mean that.  I
just don't want this on my record.  Please, PLEASE, Worf."
    Worf was fed up. "Doctor, I suppose I can let this incident pass.  But I
don't want to ever see you down here for anything other than ship's
business.  If you wish to have intercourse, you should use your quarters.
Or the holodeck."
    Dr. Crusher smiled.  "Thank you Worf, for being so understanding."
    Worf grunted.  "I do NOT understand this, doctor.  Klingons are not
ashamed about their mating. Nor would Klingons bother to be so...quiet...
as would be necessary for covert sex here.  Now out with you, so I can
finish my security sweep.  I can't go to sleep unless I make a final check
each night."

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 12

    Beverly, rather curious after listening to Worf's explanation of
Klingon mating, turned, zipped up her uniform, and walked to the door of
the Cargo Bay.  Just as her presence would have signaled the door to open,
it did, to reveal the striding figure of Captain Picard.  Their eyes met in
    Beverly quickly put a finger to her lips, her eyes shooting silent
danger signals to her Captain.  Jean Luc's mouth opened just as she pushed
him roughly out into the corridor.  When the door swooshed closed behind
them, Beverly let out a gasp of air.
    "Oh, Jean Luc!  You don't know how close we came to being discovered
by Worf!"  As she was explaining what happened, she started to pull
Picard down the corridor to safety.  "He came to the Cargo Bay to do
his security sweep and found me!  I thought it was you!  I even started
to....  Oh, God!  This is horrible...."
    "Beverly!" the captain rasped under his breath, finally able to get
a word in through the doctor's tirade.  "Calm yourself.  Surely he had
no idea why you were there..."
    Beverly started to wail again.  "Didn't know!  I was half undressed!
He even gave me a lecture about where I should and shouldn't...you know...
so I couldn't even make up a good lie.  At least he didn't see you."
    "Don't worry, Bev," Picard said calmly.  "Worf is nothing if not
discreet.  Let's go to my quarters.  We still have almost an hour to kill."

    Riker struggled to keep his thoughts focused on the viewscreen.  Deanna
tried wriggling into his right cerebral hemisphere, but became entangled
in warp field permutation calculations.  Fleeing to the less complex area
of the hypothalamus, she settled in to tickle his fancy.  Riker suddenly
had an overwhelming urge to scratch his nose.  Deanna was still ensconced
around his hypothalamus, immensely enjoying the effect she was having on
him.  She watched him squirm in the command chair as she 'tickled' him
    Damn, Riker thought.  First my nose and now my foot.  He dug
into his left boot vainly trying to reach this new itch.  Remembering
his last leave only a week ago on Wrigley's Pleasure Planet, he vowed
to make a visit to sick bay as soon as he was off-duty.  He could still
feel Deanna's eyes on the back of his neck as he leaned forward in his
chair.  "Ensign Reeves, how long before we rendezvous with the USS Europa?"
    "Just under an hour now, Sir," came the Ensign's reply.
    "Great," thought Riker, still frantically scratching his foot.  "In
an hour, I'll have Wonder Weenie to contend with again, then we're off
to save the plague victims on Kralius Two.  What a job..."
    Deanna still couldn't get Will to so much as look at her.  She
narrowed her eyes and refocused her attentions yet again.  "Ignore ME,
will you!" she thought to herself.
    Suddenly, the itch moved slowly up Riker's leg until he jumped out
of the chair, performing a lovely pirouette as he headed toward the turbo
lift door.  "Lt. Tomar!  You...have...the con..." he sputtered as he
wriggled toward the turbo lift.  "That's the last time I ever vacation
on Wrigley's again!" thought Riker as he headed toward sick bay.

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 13

    Riker walked into sickbay scratching his left hip.
    He found Nurse Ogawa studiously examining something on the screen
at the main computer station.  Hearing the doors open, she looked up
and smiled at him.
    "Well hello, Commander.  It's always nice to see you stop by."
    Riker allowed only a modicum of a smile to flash over his face.
"Where's Dr. Crusher?" he demanded.
    "She requested off-duty this shift, sir.  Must've been something
sudden.. she was only here a couple of hours ago.  Is there a problem?"
    Riker's annoyance mellowed a bit.  "Maybe you can help me, Alissa.
I was just on the bridge, and this strange... *itch* came over me."
    She took a hand-held scanner and began taking readings from him.
"Do you feel this 'itch' now?"
    He blinked in surprise.  "No.  No, I don't.  How odd."
    "Well, I can't see anything wrong with you," she admitted, peering
at the scanner readings.  "I could have some tests done..."
    Riker coughed.  "I wouldn't be too worried about it, except that...
well... I thought that maybe... I might have *caught*.  Something.
Recently."  He tightened his jaw and looked at Alissa meaningfully.
    She nodded slowly.  "I... see.  I'll schedule you for a complete
    "I would appreciate that very much."

    In the captain's quarters, the off-duty Dr. Crusher was
refastening her uniform.
    "We've got to stop meeting like this," said Picard.
    Beverly gave a short laugh.  "Is that from Shakespeare too?"
    "I'm serious, Beverly."  He stared at her, eyes still smoldering.
"The next time we're found out, it may be someone other than Worf.  It
is not *appropriate* for the captain of a starship to conduct
clandestine rendezvouses with the ship's chief medical officer."
    She slinked over to him, eyes fluttering.  "Ooh, you just gave me
a good idea... there's a ward in sickbay that's hardly ever used.  We
could -"
    "Beverly, listen to me.  You know how I feel about you.  But we're
going to have to show more... *discretion* in the future."
    "Oh Jean-Luc, I know you're right.  But the thought of having my
son on board again... it's driving me crazy."
    Picard examined himself in a mirror to make sure he looked
presentable.  In the reflection, he saw Beverly approach again.
    "Jean-Luc," she almost whispered.  "There's something I've been
meaning to tell you."
    Picard whirled around and gripped her by the shoulders.  "Yes,
Beverly, yes!  You've been saying that for the last four years and
until now, I've never had the chance to hear it - something is always
interrupting us!  But now that we have the time - tell me.  Tell me
what is it you want to say."
    Beverly opened her mouth to speak, but before she could, Picard's
communicator chirped.
    "Bridge to Captain Picard."
    Picard fumed silently as Beverly bit her wrist in anguish.
    "THIS IS PICARD," he snapped.

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 14

    "Sir," came the suddenly meek voice.  "We're picking up the Europa
on subspace.  She's fourteen minutes from intercept."
    "Very well," said Picard.  "I'm on my way."
    He almost exited the room, but, suddenly realizing something,
stopped to glance back at the forlorn form of Dr. Crusher.
    "Do you mind, Doctor?" he said, beckoning.  "These are my

    On the bridge of the USS Europa, Captain Bruce Lanning tapped his
foot impatiently.
    "Lanning to engineering."
    The mellifluous voice of chief engineer Paula Floyd answered the
page.  "Floyd here, Captain."
    "Commander, is Ensign Crusher there with you?"
    Paula's voice took on a slightly haggard timbre.  "No sir, he left
a short while ago to prepare for transport."
    The officer at tactical spoke up.  "Sir, the Enterprise will be in
transport range within four minutes."
    "Very good, Ensign," said the older man.  "Ensign Wesley Crusher,
report to Transporter Room Two on the double."
    The voice of Wesley Crusher yipped over the communicator.  "On my
way, Captain!"
    Captain Lanning rose and started toward the turbolift.  "Mr. Perez,
you have the conn."
    When the captain left, Perez stood up and looked at the rest of the
bridge officers slowly.  Almost afraid to speak up, he nodded with
barely restrained joy, as a grin worked its way over his face.  "He's
leaving, everyone.  He's *leaving*."
    The bridge crew of the USS Europa burst into applause.

    In the transporter room, Captain Lanning exchanged brief farewells
with Wesley Crusher.
    "It's been an interesting trip, Ensign.  Tell your mother I said
    Wesley grinned in his inimitably maddening way.  "I will, sir."
Then he looked a bit more serious.  "Captain Lanning - I want to
apologize for what I did with the warp coils yesterday.  I know it was
irresponsible -"
    Lanning waved his apology away.  "Think nothing of it, Ensign."
    "And I'm also sorry for the modifications I made to the science
station on the battle bridge when -"
    "Don't worry about it, Ensign"
    "And I also apologize for all the trouble I -"
    "Ensign!" barked the captain.
    "Yes sir?" cheeped Wesley.
    "Dismissed," said Lanning, biting off the word.
    "Yes sir."  Wesley stepped on the pad.  "Goodbye, Captain."
    Lanning nodded to the transporter chief.  "Energize."

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 15

    The blue shimmer of the ship's transporter dumped the Europa's
unwanted passenger onto someone else's ship, at long last.  Lanning
began to smile, and after several seconds, began to laugh.
    The transporter chief glanced at him.  "Sir?  What's so funny?"
    Lanning grinned and patted the officer's shoulder.  "That boy
thinks he's so damned clever.  Well, I know something that he doesn't
    The officer wasn't sure whether to smile just yet.  "What is that,
    Lanning turned to his transporter chief and smiled an evil smile.
"I know who his real father is."

    Beverly wandered back to her quarters in a lackadaisical manner,
sauntered in and let her hair down once again.  How fulfilling it was to
make love to such a lion of a man.  She shook her mane and growled at the
mirror.  The memory of her recent passion almost made her forget about
Wesley coming back.  A frown started to creep across her face.  There was
that other subject.  She wondered if she would ever have the courage to say
it. Oh, not that other thing she never could say.  Jean-Luc knew what that
would be - that's why he so gallantly tried to get her to say it.  If he
only knew what she WAS going to say... Beverly patted her abdomen and
wondered, if she waited long, if she would have to say anything after
    She looked in the mirror, turning sideways to view the profile of her
body.  She imagined how that profile would change over the next few months.
She wondered if Jean Luc would chastise her for not being more 'careful.'
After all, he would say she was a _doctor_, for goodness sake!  She should
have _known_...  Ah!  But she did know.  She planned it, knowing her
captain's potency.  After all, she couldn't go down in history only as the
mother of the GEEK!  What a horrible thought!  It sent a shudder down her
spine.  She wanted a real child, one she could be proud of...one with a
normal intellect...one who didn't smirk and whine...one who's hair didn't
stand up like that.  She suddenly felt the first waves of nausea that would
plague her in her delicate condition whenever her thoughts turned to her
abhorrent offspring.

    Meanwhile, there was a flurry of activity in the engine room of the USS
    Only moments before, the engineering crew were wildly celebrating
the transfer of Wesley Crusher back to the USS Enterprise.  One lone
engineer caught the faint glow of an alarm beacon flashing the warning
that the warp coils were overheating.  The boisterous crowd drowned out
the ensuing alert siren.  The celebrations soon transformed into the
frantic attempts of the crew to repair the damage.  The seconds ticked
away along with any hope of repairing the now critical warp drive.  It was
too late.
     No one could correct the temperature flux adjustments that had
been made by the dastardly tinkerer.  The Captain of the Europa was
informed of the problem mere seconds before the crew of the starship met

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 16

their fate in the dark gloom of open space.  Since the Enterprise had already
proceeded at warp 8 to its next destination, no one was there to witness
the Europa's passing.  The emergency pod, launched shortly before the
explosion, was destroyed in the blast.  The USS Europa would go down in
Starfleet records as missing, her crew presumed lost.
    Only one scrap of the engine's warp coil remained floating in space.
Though charred, if anyone had been there to see it, they would find the
child-like scrawl: "Wesley was here".....

    Wesley Crusher entered the turbolift, barely restraining the urge
to sprint up and down the corridors of the Enterprise.  The doors of
the lift closed behind him.
    "Engineering," he instructed the computer with the gleeful air of
one about to make a happy nuisance of himself.
    "Access denied," returned the voice of the computer.  "That area is
off-limits."  Wesley blinked.  Since when?  Officers generally had free
run of the ship, as far as he remembered.
    Then he had a hunch.  "List all on-board personnel whose access to
Engineering has been restricted."
    The computer spoke again, with its complete list of restricted
officers.  "Ensign Wesley Crusher."  It stopped, having completed the
list.  Wesley seethed quietly.
    "Under whose orders?"
    "Captain Jean-Luc Picard."
    Wesley nodded to himself.  This would not be a problem.
    "Deck Twelve."  The turbolift whirred.

    Picard strode up to the aft tactical station on the bridge.
    "Status of my new uniform, Mr. Worf," he ordered.
    Worf examined the captain's new tunic-coat combination with a
discerning eye.  "Nice jacket," he reported briskly.
    "Thank you, Lieutenant.  Do you believe it makes me appear more
dashing?"  Picard glanced down at the seam of his coat with a slight
sense of appreciation.
    Worf shuffled a bit in the routine way whenever he had a point of
contention with his captain.  "With all due respect, sir... Klingons
are not creatures of fashion.  Perhaps Dr. Crusher - "
    "Yes, yes, the doctor has... already expressed her opinion of my
new uniform to me," Picard replied, thoughts flitting back to one of
his most recent encounters with Beverly.  He stood there for a full minute,
lost in remembrance, teeth lightly clicking, before he was interrupted
from his reverie by Data at the ops station.
    "Captain, we are approaching the Kralius system.  We will achieve
standard orbit in two minutes, twenty-seven seconds."
    Picard nodded, striding down the ramp.  "Hail their medical center
and inform them of our arrival, Mr. Worf.  Bridge to Sickbay."
    "Crusher here, Captain," the voice cooed.
    "Doctor, ready your supply team for transport to Kralius, then have
them report to Cargo Bay Two for departure."
    "Understood.  Crusher out."

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 17

    At his station, Data blinked.  He had detected something different
about Dr. Crusher's voice, almost as if something about her personality
had changed very slightly.  The captain made no mention of it, though,
so he kept silent about it.

    In his guest quarters, Wesley finished unpacking his belongings
with a huff.  No one in Sickbay had been too happy to see him, and his
mother had been almost too busy to even acknowledge his arrival.
    The computer chirped.  "Personal coded transmission for Cadet
    Wesley replied, "Thank you.  On screen."
    On his personal terminal, the image of a gray-haired female
appeared, wearing the uniform of a Starfleet admiral.
    Wesley broke into a smile that was both cordial and menacing.
"Admiral Rose."
    The admiral nodded and returned his conspiratorial smile.  "Glad
to see you made it on board the Enterprise, Cadet.  Is everything
going according to plan?"
    Wesley nodded.  "All traces of my experiments of the Europa have
been... eliminated.  No one suspects a thing.  We are ready to go into
phase two."
    "Good."  The admiral smiled and opened a brown container of food in
front of her.  She filled her hand with a cluster of the live
squirming creatures, and swallowed it with a crunching noise.  "Four
years ago, Picard exposed our invasion and cost us much time and
resources.  Now we are back - and with your help, we are ready to try
    Wesley grinned malevolently, and opened his own container of worms.

    Deep inside Wesley's brain the creature which had taken him over found
itself feeling VERY irritated at having to keep at bay such a consummate
    "Gosh, I still can't figure out why you'd pick *me* to do this to,"
whimpered Wesley.
    "Look, pal, I don't make the decisions.  I'm part of a network and *you*
were my designated host.  I wish you'd stop trying to figure it out."
Their thoughts echoed in the vast grey and white matter that was so bulbous
in the math and science areas and so thin in the relating-to-others area.
    "Well," said Wes, "I don't think what you're doing is very nice at all.
In fact, you won't even let me out to run my experiments, and when you
discovered that peephole I installed in Ensign Bimbo-of-the-Week's shower,
you wouldn't even let me have a peek."
    The creature complained, "I don't *want* to be nice to you!  I'm *not*
nice, we're *not* friends!  I'm trying to help take over your pathetic
    Wesley was silent for a few seconds. "But, uh, if you stay here with
me, we've got to get along for a long time.  So I don't think you should be
rude and impatient.  After all, I am a child prodigy and I know everything
about everything - doesn't that make you like me?  Doesn't it?"

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    Their union made private thought impossible, so Wesley could clearly
hear the creature think in reply: "I hadn't thought of that.  A lifetime
spent with this jerk! Maybe when this is all over, I can pass off this
assignment to someone else.  But what if I can't?"
    In Wesley's room, if anyone had thought to check up on him, they would
have found him crying.

    Meanwhile, Data decided to pay a visit to the doctor and discover the
reason for the curious change in her voice.  He stepped into sickbay to find
her standing in front of a mirror and turning from side to side.
    "Dr. Crusher?" Data said. "Are you well? You appear to be 6.14 pounds
heavier than I last recall."
    Bev turned, startled by his voice, and blushed.  Her mind racing,
Beverly stopped blushing long enough to reply, "I..uh.. that
is...Counselor Troi and I have just been over-indulging in Westle's Crunch
Bars, again.  Time to get back into our routine at the gym."
    Data considered that the doctor was emanating a healthy glow.  As he
was telling her that she would have needed to consume 45.3 pounds of said
candy bars to have achieved such a rapid weight gain, Beverly breezed by
    "Chocolate is powerful stuff, Data.  Sorry I can't chat more right
now, but I'm overdue at Cargo Bay Two."  She disappeared through the open
doors of Sick Bay, but not before she snatched another glimpse of her
profile in the mirror.  Data was left to wonder in solitude about the
prolific qualities of chocolate confections.

    Riker, seething because HE didn't get a new jacket this year, was deep
in thought.  He had put in a request for a red suede jacket of his very own
but was informed by Starfleet that there wasn't enough material in the
galaxy to cover his girth.  Realizing that he had to do something about the
situation, he decided to work out at the gym after his shift was over.  He
was putting in his request for a reservation at the gym as Data returned to
the bridge.
    "Ah!  You must have consumed mass quantities of chocolate, as well,"
Data quipped.  "I have a theory that Westle's Crunch Bars may hold promise
for famine-stricken...
    "Not now, Data," said a baffled Riker, who swaggered in a John Wayne
fashion to the turbo lift as his shift came to an end.

    Meanwhile, as Wesley sat snivelling in his quarters, the creature in
his brain squirmed unhappily.  "As long as I'm stuck here, I might as well
try to get comfortable," it thought.  "Why I had to be put into the
swirling hormonal disaster area of a teenaged boy is beyond me!" Between
Wesley's crying and the creature's complaining, they almost missed the
soft beep emanating from the door to his quarters.  Wesley blew his nose
and answered the hail.  "Who can that be at this hour?" griped the
    "Shut up, Irving!" hissed Wesley (well, he had to name the creature

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 19

    Wesley made his way to the door, surprised to see the figure standing
before him.  "You weren't supposed to contact me until Phase II was
    "But that's why I'm here, you troublesome little man-child," said the
co-conspirator, his eyes glowing in the darkened corridor......

    Meanwhile, in the Medical Prime building in Kralius Two's largest
city, Beverly was overseeing the last of the transfer of supplies and
medicine from the Enterprise.  She and Director Molnoth watched the
final shipment shimmer into reality, after which each container was
carried off by medical technicians.
    "Well, that seems to be the last of it," Beverly remarked.  "Are
you certain that you don't need any of my personnel to stay behind to
help coordinate the relief efforts?"
    Molnoth smiled gratefully but shook his head.  "No, Dr. Crusher, we
can handle things from here.  But I honestly don't know what we'd have
done with the Enterprise.  You and your staff have been a tremendous
    Beverly smiled back; it was nice to win one once in a while.  "In
that case, I'd be getting back to the Enterprise."
    Molnoth stopped her gently.  "Wait one second, Doctor - do you mind
if I ask you a personal question?"  He seemed to be looking her over
with a puzzled expression.
    Her smile bent a little in the way that everyone's does when asked
that question.  "I don't see why not..."
    Molnoth again glanced at Beverly's middle.  "Are you pregnant?"
    Beverly erupted into laughter.  "Yes I am!  Does it show already?"
She examined herself with concern.
    Molnoth smiled.  "Only to someone who's seen about a million
pregnant women.  You're... what, about four months along?"
    "Closer to five," she answered, still looking for any signs of
    "Well, congratulations," said the director.  "Forgive me for
asking, but have you determined the sex of the child yet?"
    Beverly looked up and smiled warmly at the sharing of secret
knowledge.  "It's a girl," she said.
    The director smiled warmly, dying to ask the fateful question but
knowing that would be intrusive.  Surprisingly, Beverly was hoping he
would ask, since it had been so hard keeping quiet about the affair and
the pregnancy to begin with.
    Even Deanna didn't know.  Bev felt bad about that; but she knew that
Deanna would end up telling everyone on the ship just like she blabbed the
secrets her clients told her.  This was highly unprofessional, but expected
with Betazoid genes: just remembering that everyone else didn't sense that
Ensign Michael Hunt was feeling suicidal had been too taxing for her little
brain.  But now, the story could "go public"- right after she told
Jean-Luc, of course. And how to do that.... Beverly smiled to herself,
turning to the director.
    "Well, I'd best be getting back now," she said.
    The director smiled back.  "Of course.  Keep me posted on your
progress, and congratulations, doctor."  She nodded, signaled to transport,
and beamed back on board the Enterprise.

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 20

    Minutes later, on the bridge, Worf's tactical station chirped.  He
looked at it, then up.  "Commander.  We are picking up a distress
signal in the nearby Rulna system."
    Riker considered only a split second.  "Riker to Sickbay.  Is Dr.
Crusher and her supply team on board yet?"
    "We're back, Commander," came Beverly's reply over the comlink.
    Riker nodded.  "Alright then.  Set course for the Rulna system,
warp eight.  Worf, is it a ship?"
    "Yes sir.  It seems to be a Federation shuttlecraft," rumbled Worf
with a puzzled turn in his voice.
    "Life signs?"
    Worf checked the station.  "One human, life signs strong but
    "What's a shuttlecraft doing all the way out here?  Mr. Data, is
there another Federation starship in this area?"
    Data dutifully punched up the information at his Ops terminal.
"No, Commander.  The closest is the USS Challenger, which is over nine
light years away."
    "Play the distress message for us, Lieutenant."
    Worf replied, "The signal is general distress only.  There is no
    The door to turbolift three opened, and Picard walked onto the
bridge, where he took Riker's place in the center seat.  "Status,
Number One?"
    "We're getting a distress call from a Federation shuttlecraft, but
it may be automatic.  There's no mothership in the area."
    Picard's brow furrowed in concern.  "The last time we found a
derelict shuttle in space, Number One, it had a carbon copy of *me* on
board."  Riker couldn't help but smile a bit at his captain's
consternation at the idea of meeting another duplicate.
    Worf spoke up.  "We're close enough to get readings, Captain.  The
shuttlecraft is Shuttle 2 of NCC-9835.  USS Goddard."  He scanned
further.  "The shuttle's warp nacelles have been rendered inoperative,
and the impulse thrusters are burned out.  The shuttle is adrift."
    "Are we in visual range, Lieutenant?"
    "Coming into visual range now, Captain."
    "Open hailing frequencies," Picard ordered.
    "Aye sir."
    Picard stood up and spoke to the troubled shuttle.  "Goddard
shuttle, this is the USS Enterprise.  Can you tell us what has
    The screen flashed into an interior view of a shuttlecraft, with
the dazed face of a pilot staring back, smudges and cuts decorating his
face.  The man wore the uniform of a Starfleet officer of some ten
years past, but Picard didn't notice - he was staring agape at the
man's face.  It wasn't possible.
    "Enterprise," came the weak voice, "this is Lieutenant Jack
Crusher, requesting assistance.  Repeat - Lieutenant Crusher of the USS
Goddard - I need medical attention."

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 21

    Lore stepped into Wesley Crusher's quarters, and immediately slipped on
the archaic glossy pinup magazines scattered all over the floor.  He
quickly fell on his outstretched hands and scampered to his feet in a
gold-faced rage.  "What is this...this...mess?" he growled.
    "The adolescent boy has several caches of this type of material.  I
have been studying them in an attempt to... better understand the species."
    Lore looked at the boy contemptuously.  "You're wasting your time; just
like you've wasted mine.  I don't want you to study humans; I want you to
eradicate them.  They're a waste of matter and energy."
    "Well, historically my kind have sought a cooperative approach.  We
need these host bodies to manipulate their tools.  I think you have
misjudged our objectives."
    "And you seem to have misjudged me, little life-form, a painfully
foolish mistake," Lore said, grinning evilly.

    Picard stood up and stared at him in shock. "Jack...Crusher?" he said,
incredulous. "You... this is impossible!"
    Crusher coughed. "Captain, I'm injured here.  Please help me."  There
was no mistaking the urgency in his voice.
    "Of course... Picard to sickbay."
    Beverly answered immediately, with a strange lilting voice.  "I was
just going to call *you*, Captain.  How conv-"
    "Enough of that - prepare for a direct beam in of a patient.  Bridge to
Transporter Room Three - beam the person in that shuttlecraft directly to
    "Aye, sir" came back O'Brien's voice.
    As he stood there watching the form of his old friend shimmer in the
viewscreen, Picard hoped his bridge crew couldn't see him blushing in
embarrassment at the explanation he didn't want to give Jack about him and
    Hopefully, the one person who WOULD notice wouldn't turn around.... and
as he thought this, he could see Data turning to speak... Merde!
    Thinking quickly to avoid further embarrassment, Picard spoke before
Data had the chance to open his mouth.  "Commander, you have the con. I'll
be in sickbay," he said as he moved toward the turbolift.  Data cocked his
head in puzzlement as the turbolift doors swooshed closed behind the
captain.  As he took a seat in the command chair, Data considered the
question on his mind.  It would have to wait until later.

    Beverly was miffed at being cut off like that by the captain.  "Must be
something critical or he wouldn't have..."  Her thoughts ground to a
halt as she saw the figure shimmering into view on the floor.  Her face
lost all color as she gazed into the eyes of her dead husband.  Jack Crusher
turned his face toward her with a groan, as Ensign Almas walked into the
room.  The ensign gently moved the patient to the nearest biobed while
Beverly looked on, utterly paralyzed.
    "Wha...what kind of trick is this?" she said finally, her voice no
more than a raspy whisper.
    "Beverly!  Help me..." said this man who looked and sounded so much like
her Jack.  She moved toward him, due more to her training as a doctor than
by her own free will.  She moved over him as if in a dream, checking his
vital signs and issuing orders to Almas.  This couldn't be her husband!  She

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 22

didn't know who or what he was, but he was injured and in her care.  She
wouldn't let herself believe it was Jack and she wouldn't let herself lose
control.  He needed help and she was the only one who could give it.
    The patient's condition was stabilized by the time Captain Picard
arrived.  Jack had lapsed into unconsciousness, but he was no longer
critical.  Jean-Luc looked at Beverly, her face a mixture of puzzlement,
joy and... did he detect sadness?
    "Beverly.  Can this really be Jack?" he asked as he looked down at the
familiar face of his old friend.  "I saw him die with my own eyes!  How can
this be?"
    "I was going to ask you that question, Jean Luc," said the doctor.  "I've
already started to run comparisons on the genetic material we have on file.
We'll know in a moment."  Beverly hesitated as she looked at her patient.
"If this IS Jack, then how did he get here? If it isn't Jack, then

    "I want some answers," Picard said tersely from his seat at the
head of the conference table.  "Data, tell me about the USS Goddard."
    "The USS Goddard," began Data, as if someone had suddenly turned
him on, "was a Federation science vessel whose last assignment, eight
years ago, was a xenological study done on the planet Gamma Hirashi Two
and its indigenous life."  He turned to address the others seated in the
room.  "The primary intelligent species on the planet were said to be
very helpful in assisting the science teams from the Goddard in the
survey, and were formally admitted to the Federation soon thereafter.
Unfortunately, the Goddard experienced an unknown systems malfunction
while en route out of the Hirashi system; all crewmembers, as well as
all ship's logs, were apparently lost."
    Picard nodded.  "Yes, I remember hearing about that.  Please
continue, Mr. Data."
    "Yes sir.  All Starfleet knows about the destruction of the Goddard
is what nominal information was obtained from the Hirashans.  Although
they denied any part in the incident, the people were said to be deeply
affected by the ship's destruction, and in a gesture of goodwill, the
government contributed resources toward the building of a new USS
Goddard, NCC-9835-A, which has been out of spacedock for just over two
    "What about my husband, Data?" insisted Beverly urgently.  "Was
Jack ever on board the Goddard?"
    Data glanced at her.  "No, Doctor.  Starfleet records show that
Lieutenant Crusher served on four active tours of duty including the
Stargazer, but none of them were on the Goddard or any other ship
devoted primarily to scientific study."
    "How is your patient, Doctor?" inquired Picard softly.
    Beverly sighed very slightly and didn't look at him.  "He's still
unconscious.  Aside from minor abrasions and contusions, the only thing
I can find wrong with him is an odd neural jump in his nerve endings
- kind of like having high blood pressure, only in the nervous system
instead of the circulatory system."
    Picard sat in thought for nearly a full minute before speaking
again.  "Mr. Data, how long would it take us to reach Gamma Hirashi
Two at warp seven?"
    "Three hours, seven minutes," answered Data immediately.

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 23

    "Very well.  Number One, you have the con - arrange to have the
Goddard shuttle brought into Shuttle Bay Two, then take us to the Gamma
Hirashi system, warp factor seven.  Dr. Crusher, please alert me the
minute your...patient regains consciousness.  Commander Data, please
gather all available information on the mission of the first USS
Goddard.  Dismissed."
    The officers stood up and began leaving the room.  Riker turned to
his captain before exiting, and asked, "Sir, if I may - what will you
be doing?"
    "Pondering, Number One," returned Picard gravely.

    Lore advanced on the trembling Wesley/Irving amalgamation, grabbing
him... them, uh...whatever, by the arm.  Just as Lore was attempting to
twist off Wesley's head, he heard the boy squeak.
    "No, Lore! You can't do this!"  Wesley was so frightened, even his hair
promised to behave.
    "Oh, but I can, little man!"  Lore cooed into his ear.  "And I'll
derive such pleasure from it, too."
    "But you need me and I need this wretched boy," Irving reasoned.
"We're your best hope for revenge against these petty humans. Do you think
you can destroy the whole human race by yourself?"
    Lore hesitated but kept the boy's head fully immobilized.  "I probably
could, given enough time.  But...you have a point."  With that, he released
the boy who immediately crumbled in a heap at his feet.  Lore looked down
his nose with contempt at the figure below him.  He would let the creatures
do his work for him.  Then, when the time was right he would deal with THEM.
    "As long as you keep this little geek in line, I'll spare his scrawny
neck," he said.  Wesley/Irving nodded emphatically.  "You can start by
making him clean up this mess," Lore said as he picked up one of the
magazines off the floor.  "Disgusting!" he grumbled as he tore out the
centerfold of Miss Orion and stuffed it into his shirt.
    Lore plopped down into a chair and eyed Wesley, still frantically
tidying up. "OK, kid. Tell me more about Plan B...."
    Wesley started to speak when the door chirped.  Wesley gulped while
Lore raced toward the adjoining bathroom.  "C-come in," he croaked.
    Data entered Wesley's quarters, brightening at seeing the teenager
again, particularly since it meant he could keep Wesley out of trouble.
    "Hello, Wesley.  If you have the time, I thought that you might be
interested on assisting me with a project assigned to me by the
    Wesley gaped at Data's appearance.  He glanced back at the entrance
to the bath, then back at Data.  Out of the side of his mouth, Wesley
snarled, "Not now, Data!  I'm not interested in doing any projects.
    Data tilted his head slightly and examined Wesley's strange
behavior.  Was it possible he had somehow managed to smuggle a female
companion on board the Enterprise?  "I do not understand, Wesley.  You
always seemed to enjoy assisting me when you lived onboard."
    "Look Data, just leave, okay?  I don't want to deal with you right
now," hissed Wesley, but it was too late.  A voice came floating out of
one side of the quarters, as a figure strode into view.

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    "Well, well, well," sneered Lore.  "How I have been waiting for
this moment."
    Alarmed, Data reached for his commbadge, but before he had the
chance to say "Data to Security", Lore was suddenly in front of him
grabbing his arms.  The two struggled for a few seconds.
    Straining, Data said, "I do not know how you came to be on the
Enterprise, but your presence must be reported to Captain Picard."
    Lore's mouth twisted into his trademark malicious grin.  "No, I
don't think so, brother."  He surprised Data by letting go of one of
his arms, and snatching the badge off Data's uniform.  "You see, I've
progressed past our petty sibling rivalry.  I'm going to kill every
human on this ship, and your little friend is going to help me."  He
paused menacingly.  "And that's just for starters."
    Data looked in his brother's eyes, and saw something he hadn't seen
before.  "The chip," he breathed.  "It has caused you to go insane."
    Lore took advantage of Data's momentary vulnerability, and flung
him against the wall.  He walked over.  "Yet another brilliant
innovation by daddy dearest.  If he weren't already dead, I'd kill him
again."  He put his booted foot on top of Data's crumpled form on the
floor.  "And now, my dear dear brother, since you want so much to be
like them, you get to be the first to die."
    Faster than humanly conceivable, information was whirling through
Data's consciousness.  Faced with his ultimate rival, he knew that his
existence was about to end.  Why now, when his brother had spared him twice
    As the pressure from Lore's strong body began to press upon his
'skull', Data watched the store of files in his memory spin in a great
vortex brought on by the utter futility of his situation.  A tenth of a
second went by.  He felt his head flatten and elongate under the pressure.
Chaos.  Another tenth of a second.  The information seemed to slow, thicken,
lock up.  Another tenth.  His last thoughts would fix on the odd file that
chance picked to set before him.  Another tenth, and his skin creaked,
preparing to crack.  The file!  Data mustered up the ability to speak,
using this last group of information he was focused on.
    "Lore... your hair looks particularly silky tonight."
    The pressure eased up a fraction. Surprise? Or something else?
    "I am the most fortunate sentient in this sector of the galaxy for
having such an attractive relative," continued Data.
    The pressure stopped.  Lore was merely resting his foot on Data's head,
though Lore's body was much heavier than a human's.  Still in danger, he
pressed further. "I have wished you would let me share in your... beauty
secrets.  The Packled clothing looks so good on you."  Data shut up.  Do
not babble! he thought.  The foot was lifted, and a hand reached and sat
him up.
    "Brother!" Lore said, turning his head queriously and looking at him.
"I am, curiously, touched by your sentiments."  He turned to Irv/Wes.  "Go
to the bathroom, and bring something to read!" he barked.  Irv/Wes jumped,
grabbed up some Andorian pinup magazines, and scrambled into the bathroom.
    Lore turned to Data. In a strange, coy whisper, he said, "You and I are
all alone, Data.  In all of the universe, you and I are unique.  No one
understands that.  Your chip has given me... loneliness... and despair."
He stared into Data's eyes.  "Give me more, Data.  Give me everything, dear
brother."  He stroked Data's cheek, while Data smiled crookedly and thought

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that it was a good thing he happened upon a debunked program that would
allow him leeway with his brother... but for how long?

    The chirping sound at the entrance to Bev's quarters rang out for four
times before she murmured "come in".  Picard stood in the entranceway,
staring down at her sitting up in her bed.
    "I am sorry to disturb you, but I can't get your patient out of my
mind.  When will he be able to give us some answers?"
    Bev shook her head. "Soon... I think.  I am letting him take his time in
recovery, hoping his anomalous symptoms will go away.  I will try to revive
him before anyone has to beam down to the Hirashans."
    Picard took in a deep breath, stood there in confusion.  What to say?
How awkward he felt.
    Beverly looked up at him.  "Jean-Luc... I really don't know how to tell
you this, but I can't put it off any more."  Her heart jumped as he looked
at her quizzically.  "Oh, Jean-Luc, I didn't mean you any harm.  Or Jack, of
course.  How could this happen?" she mourned.  "I'm.......going to have a
baby.  Your baby.  OUR baby."
    Jean-Luc heard these words in a vacuum.  He wanted to turn and run out
of the room, go somewhere alone to digest their meaning.  He looked at
    "Harm...me?" he said.  "You... I mean I... I mean... it's wonderful!"
    At this point, violins in the score rose to an impeccable height,
humming a sound to make one's heart melt like a chunk of oleo.  Jean-Luc
sat on the bed, took Beverly's hand, and kissed it, while behind them the
stars in the window over them sped past in rainbow hues.

  With one easy movement, Lore raised Data to a standing position and
stood silently gazing into his brother's eyes.  "Yes, brother," whispered
Lore, "you must share everything with me!  And I with you.  Think of all
the things I can show you!"  Lore clasped Data by both arms and veered
him toward the bedroom.
    Data's eyes grew wide but he said nothing, knowing he must play along
with his demented sibling in order to survive.  Lore pushed his brother down
on the bed as he said, "I don't have to be alone any more.  We'll share
everything!  But we'll have to get rid of this first..."
    He ripped Data's tunic off in one motion before turning toward Wesley's
closet.  "I need a change of clothes myself.  I had that uniform of yours
but I couldn't keep it on for another minute.  At least I had this change
of clothes on board my Pakled ship, but I need to dump them.  Pakleds don't
smell so hot," he said as he made a face.  "And we wear the same size!  This
will be great!"  Lore flung open the closet door to see what he could find.
He rifled through the clothing and made a sound of disgust.  "There's
nothing here but drab cadet clothing!  Doesn't that little creep have
anything decent?"
    Data found himself exhaling a breath.  Interesting, he thought, since
he did not need to breathe.  "The clothing replicator is in the corner of
the closet," he said finally.  "The computer can make any design you wish.
I find this most intriguing, Lore.  I own no recreational clothing, outside
of my Starfleet issued uniform."

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    "Stick with me, Data," said Lore, as he tossed Data a brightly colored
shirt.  "I'll show you how to dress.  No, no!  You don't wear it like
that!  Here, let me show you."
    "You definitely have a flair for fashion, Lore," said Data as he examined
his new attire.  "Pity you waste such talents."
    "What do you mean, waste?" asked Lore as he donned his new boots.
    "You spend all of your energies plotting revenge or hiding from the
authorities," Data said as he gazed at the reflection of his brother in
the mirror.  Side by side, the identical androids were virtually indis-
tinguishable, save the haunted, unhinged look in the eyes of the 'elder
brother.'  "Is that the way you wish to live your life, Lore?  What there
is left of it..."
    "What are you babbling about now?  You know I'll live forever," said
Lore as he looked at Data out of the corner of one eye.
    "Not if you continue in your current endeavor, Lore."
    "What are you driving at?" said Lore slowly, suddenly on the defensive.
Surely, he thought, Data couldn't know about his affiliation with the
conspiracy to take over the Enterprise.  "Just what do you think you know
about my 'current endeavor'?"
    "I know that you have sworn to 'get even' and that you wish to destroy
all humanity for what the colonists did to you.  You were not created to
destroy, Lore.  That is not what Dr. Soong had planned for you."
    "Soong!" spat Lore in disgust as he plopped down on the corner of the
bed.  "That old quack didn't have ANYthing planned for me except for a
space on some dusty shelf!  He disassembled me, remember?  He wouldn't even
take the time to correct his mistakes.  Instead, he created you and left me
in pieces.  He could have repaired me, but no!  He had to listen to those
damned busy bodies at the colony!  Well, I made them pay...I'll make all of
them pay!"
    Data watched the anger well up again in his brother's glowing eyes.
The look on Lore's face made Data stiffen imperceptively.  He was on thin
ice now.  Lore's violent mood swings were something that must be dealt with
smoothly, delicately.  Drawing on the one program that had reached Lore
when he thought everything was over, Data drew near his brother and knelt
on the floor before him.
    "I know how unfair it was of our creator not to repair you.  He was wrong."
    Lore, who had been clenching the blanket in his hands, stopped momentarily,
eying his brother in surprise.  Data continued, "It was illogical not to
deal with your problem before constructing a new android.  I should not have
been created before you were restored to normal functioning.  But I am here,
and I am your only hope."
    "You?" said Lore, caught off guard.
    "Yes," answered Data.  "Dr. Soong is dead and there are no other
cyberneticists who understand his theories.  Though I, too, am without
the full comprehension of his techniques, I believe I am the most
qualified to restore you to your full capacity."
    "Ha!" laughed Lore.  "I suppose you'll restore me the way you did your
daughter?"  Data's brows rose a notch at Lore's astonishing statement.
Anticipating his brother's question, Lore spoke up, "Never mind how I
knew about Lal.  Let's just say I have my sources.  I know all about that
fiasco.  You'll have to do better than that, little brother.  I'm not
going to let you go poking around inside ME!"

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    "I believe I have remedied the cause of Lal's deactivation," continued
Data calmly.  "Further, I believe that without my help, the chip that you
stole from me will cause your destruction.  And if the chip does not
destroy you, the humans will.  You know how I can help you.  In turn, you
have knowledge and understanding of humans that I lack.  You are all alone
now, Lore, as am I.  Only together can we pursue our lives fully.  Will you
trust me?"
    Lore sat in silence as Data knelt patiently before him.  Finally, he said
in a whisper, "If only it could be...."  His eyes, pained, though perfectly
sane only moments before, changed suddenly and dramatically.  "You want me
to be like you!  I won't let you do that!  I won't be confined to this
kind of life, I..."
    Data, whose hand had been resting on Lore's shoulder, knew that the
time for talking had ended.  There was no way to reason with Lore while he
was in this state.  As quickly as the blink of an eye, Data's hand moved
down Lore's back and found the object it was seeking.  With a small 'click'
Lore slumped forward into Data's opened arms.  A small smile of
satisfaction played across Data's face.  "How do _you_ like being turned
off, brother?" he said aloud.  But the momentary feeling of retribution was
replaced by Data's determination to keep his promise to his only living
relative.  He would repair Lore.  At least, he would try...
    Wesley peeked out from the lavatory in his quarters, having heard
everything.  Data noticed his movement.
    "You may come out now, Wesley," Data told him.  "Lore has been
    The cadet slowly inched out of his hiding place and approached
Data, who was examining the still form of his brother android on the
floor.  "What happened to him, Data?  What was all that stuff about?"
asked Wesley.
    "Lore has been made increasingly unstable by a foreign programming
chip meant for my systems," answered Data.  "But if I can get him to
Engineering and explain the situation to the captain, perhaps I can
repair his faulty circuits."  Data reached down to pick Lore's body up,
but was stopped with Wesley grabbed his wrist with a superhuman grip.
    "I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Data," said Wesley with a new
menacing rasp in his voice.
    Data looked down at his wrist, then up at Wesley.  "Wesley - I do
not understand."
    Wesley nodded.  "It's okay," he said.  "You won't be destroyed,
since you can still be useful to us.  But right now, you can't be
allowed to interfere."  With startling speed, Wesley's other hand
reached out and turned Data's off switch.  Data slumped to the floor on
top of Lore.
    Wesley looked at heap of turned-off androids.  Now all he had to do
was make sure he could tell them apart.
    An ancient Terran chant came out of Wesley's lips, borrowed by Irving
as an appropriate response to the situation.
    "Eeenie meenie miny moe" Irving repeated.  The situation did not
    "How could you get them confused?" Wes echoed to Irving.  "And what
are you going to do with them?"

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    "Stack them in the closet, of course," Irving replied.  "Stop
distracting me.  When you distract me, things like this happen.  I'll have
to store them somewhere until I find a way to restrain them during...
convincing Lore that his position is wrong, while making Data another ally
of us."
    Wes/Irv grimaced with the weight of each android as he dragged them
into the closet.  Even with enhanced strength, he had to be careful not to
crack any bones from over-use.  He bent their knees so that both were
curled in the corner of the closet with the replicator.
    "Now back to our plan," Irving said, glowering.
    "But Lore IS a major part of the plan!" wailed Wesley.  "How can we
proceed without him?  He'll have to be reactivated!  The problem is,
now I can't tell them apart..."
    "Stupid child!" growled Irving.  "You were supposed to be paying
attention to that!  It was all I could do to muster some strength into
your scrawny body to carry them to the closet!"  Irving swore to himself to
get even with High Command for assigning him to this incompetent.  "We'll
have to proceed without Lore for now until you can find a way to discern
one android from the other.  I never did think working with that android
was a good idea. It's too unpredictable."
    "You mean 'he,'" Wesley offered helpfully.  "He's a 'he,' not an 'it.'"
    "Don't start humanizing a machine, brat," grumbled Irving.  "You'd
better not be getting sentimental on me.  Not now.  We're wasting
time....we have to get to Sickbay to implement the next phase.  Come on..."

    Jack Crusher let out a slight groan.
    Beverly rushed over to his sickbed.  She put her hand on his cheek
and shook very gently, keeping one eye on his readings.
    "Jack," she said softly.  "Jack, it's me, Beverly."
    Jack's eyes opened, and lolled a bit, straining to stay open.
"Beverly," he murmured.
    "Jack, you're going to be all right.  You're on the Enterprise,
with me," she said, fighting to keep tears back.  She still had no idea
how her dead husband came to be here, but for the moment, she decided
to buy into the illusion or impostor, if that's what he was.
    The man's eyes gradually focused on her.  "Beverly.  How did you
get here?"
    Beverly laughed despite herself.  "That's a question I should be
asking you - and I will, once I convince myself I'm not dreaming.  How
do you feel?"
    "Lousy," replied Jack weakly.  "I ache all over."
    "That's normal for what you've got," said Beverly.  "I'm going to
tell Captain Picard you're awake now." She raised her hand to tap her
communicator, but Jack grabbed her hand with a sudden start.
    "Jean-Luc Picard?" he asked.  "Here?"
    She nodded.  "That's right.  You're on the Enterprise."
    Jack shook his head violently.  "You don't understand.  One of the
last things I remember was watching Picard die.  I saw it happen."
    Beverly looked at Jack in horror.  She was about to reply when without
warning, she felt the fetus in her twist violently, not just normal
movement. She backed up into a medical panel, clutching her abdomen.

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    "Beverly, what is it?" Jack said.  "Help! Anyone!" he yelled, turning
his head to see a teenaged boy standing in the door.

    On the bridge, Picard was growing increasingly edgy, and it wasn't
just because of the Jack Crusher mystery.  There seemed to be a multi-
faceted air of tension all over the ship, and Picard had the dread
feeling that something was horribly wrong.
    Worf broke the silence with his resonating tenor.  "Approaching the
Gamma Hirashi system, Captain."
    "Thank you, Lieutenant," replied Picard.  "What do our sensors pick
up, Mr. Seleman?"
    Ensign Seleman tapped at a few of his ops controls, then responded.
 "There are two vessels in the area, sir.  One of them appears to be
firing on the other."
    "Confirmed," came Worf's acknowledgement.  "Both of the ships are
Federation," he added with surprise.
    Riker whirled to face Worf's tactical station.  "What?"
    "Hail both starships, Lieutenant," barked Picard crisply.
    "Aye sir," he responded.  "They are ignoring our hails."
    "Can we get a read on either one of the ship's registry?" asked
    "Yes, Commander.  Coming into visual range now."
    "On screen," ordered Picard.  The star system burst into view,
with a distant battle being fought off in the distance.
    "One of the ships is NCC-9835.  USS Goddard," said Worf with
considerable surprise in his voice yet again.
    "That's impossible," insisted Riker.  "That ship was destroyed
eight years ago."
    "It seems that rumors of its demise may have been exaggerated,
Number One," said Picard, staring intently at the viewscreen.  "Enlarge
the view."
    The view enlarged, and the outlines of the ships became clearer.
The Goddard, a Nebula-class science vessel, was being battered by
phaser fire from the larger ship.
    "That's a Galaxy-class ship," declared Seleman.
    Picard stood up and approached the screen.  "Registry, Mr. Worf,"
he said, eyes not wavering.
    Worf checked his readings, and then checked them again.  He took a
breath before speaking.  "This is not possible," he muttered.  "My readings
indicate that the other ship is NCC-1701-D.  USS Enterprise."
    "My God," said Picard.
    At that moment, the smaller ship exploded in a cloud of fire,
destroyed by the larger one.

    As glowing particles of the smaller ship sped out in all directions,
Guinan dropped a patron's drink and slumped to the floor, curled up in a
fetal position, and trembled as though in a fever.  People crowded around
her, one pausing to page Sick Bay. No response came to the page.

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    "No, no....this shouldn't be!" she mumbled as her eyes rolled.  Those
gathered around her shook their heads in confusion at her barely audible
moaning.  They tried to comfort her as best they could, but they could not
give her the help she needed.  She uttered one final word before she lost
consciousness: "Picard."

    "Mom! Somebody help us!" yelped the boy as he rushed to her side.
    Beverly was pale and unconscious.  "Help me get her off the floor," he
said to the nurse who had responded to his cry.  Irving struggled for
control of the boy's body, but Wesley's concern for his mother blocked his
efforts.  Wesley ignored the man lying on the bed nearby, too intent on
trying to understand the tomographic readings visible on the screen before
him.  Plainly visible was a fetus, obviously in distress.  Wesley and Jack
gasped simultaneously at the sight of it.  It was only then that their eyes
met.  Jack tried to take it all in: the sight of his grown son, Beverly's
collapse, the fetus on the monitor before him...it was all too much.
Somehow, he managed to struggle off the bed and started toward Beverly's
side.  As he approached, the condition of the fetus worsened.  Alarms
sounded as the unborn child contorted in Beverly's womb.

    Captain Jean Luc Picard sank slowly to his chair as he watched the last
of the particles left from the explosion of the USS Goddard twinkle past
the view screen.  "Mr. Worf, continue to hail the....the Enterprise," he
said finally.  "Monitor their every move."
    "Aye, Sir," snapped the Klingon as he continued to hail the ship that
should not have been there.  Worf eyed the sensor read out intently,
daring the other Enterprise to make a move without his knowledge.  Suddenly
he barked out, "Captain, the vessel has changed course and is on an
intercept course with our own."
    Picard did not need to be told this.  The feeling of dread that had only
tickled his spine just moments before was now overwhelming him.  The lights
seemed to dim as the bridge swirled around him.  Riker leapt to his captain's
side as Picard slumped to the floor.

    O'Brien strode down the corridor and stopped just outside the door to
Data's quarters.  Odd...the door was wide open.  O'Brien stepped through
the doorway, calling Data's name.  He was met only by Spot's mewing.
The cat was so happy to see someone, it happily ran figure-8's around
and around O'Brien's legs, purring contentedly all the while.  "Hello,
Spot!  You act like you're lonely.  Where IS Data, anyway?" he said more
to himself than to the cat.  O'Brien tapped his comm badge and spoke,
"O'Brien to Lt. Cmdr. Data."  No answer.  Frowning, O'Brien then asked the
computer for his friend's location.
    "Lt. Cmdr. Data is in the guest quarters of Wesley Crusher," the
computer voice intoned.
    "Hm.  Wouldn't be a bad idea to pay Wesley a visit," he thought.  "I'll
catch up with both of them that way."  Off he went through the doorway,
unaware that Spot had slipped through the opening on his way out.
    A few moments later, O'Brien arrived at Wesley's quarters.  His hail was
unanswered.  "Something funny going on here," he said aloud and fiddled
with the panel to the side of the door.  It swooshed open to reveal an

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 31

empty room.  O'Brien noticed a pile of clothing in the corner.  For any
normal teenager's room, this would be nothing special.  But Wesley was
always neat.  Too neat.  O'Brien stepped over to the pile of clothes and saw
that it was Data's uniform.  Alarmed, he slapped his comm badge again and
discovered Wesley's last known location: Sickbay.  Surely, Wesley would
know what happened.  Why wasn't HE answering his hail?  Had everyone
disappeared?  O'Brien notified Security to meet him in Sickbay and rushed
out of the room, the doors closing behind him.

    Spot meowed forlornly at being deserted in a strange room.  He quickly
busied himself exploring his new surroundings, as cats will do.  He soon
spied the partially open door of Wesley's closet and squirmed inside. Much
to his delight, he found his master and....another.  Spot jumped on top of
the slumped androids, purring and rubbing against them happily. His paw
accidently touched the switch on the back of one of the prone figures.  A
pair of yellow eyes fluttered open and a pale hand reached for the cat
curled up nearby.
    The android picked up Spot and rose to his feet.  He petted the
cat, who purred contently in return.
    "Thank you, my furry friend.  And now we must deal with my android
brother and the trouble he has caused me."  He smiled, but whether it
was in benevolence or menace, Spot could not tell.

    In Sickbay, the Enterprise's expert team of medical personnel had
managed to stabilize Beverly Crusher's condition.
    Dr. Selar, who was summoned from her quarters, shook Beverly's
still form gently.  "Doctor," she said.  "Doctor Crusher."
    Beverly's eyes fluttered as she came to.  "Selar," she breathed
weakly, recognizing her number two.  "My baby, how is it?"
    "The fetus is in stable condition.  Both you and it were overcome
by some kind of unusual nerve seizure.  Dr. Hill believes that the
seizures were simultaneous, rather than one causing the other."  Selar
paused, then beckoned to someone out of Beverly's line of sight.
"There is someone who wants to see you, Doctor."
    Wesley walked up to the bed, and smiled at his mother.  "Hi, mom."
    Beverly smiled back.  "Wesley."
    The cadet held up a small medical specimen pouch with between two
gingerly raised fingers.  "When you're on your feet again, you might
want to take a look at this."  Inside the bag was the crumpled form of
an alien parasite who had finally vacated his despised host.  Wesley
looked inside as if to make sure it was still there.  "I stomped on it
with my foot," he told Selar.
    "Indeed," responded Selar.
    Something suddenly caused Beverly to stir somewhat.  "My God, I
just remembered," he said.
    Selar and Wesley leaned in.  "What is it, mom?" asked the boy.
    "Jack?  What happened to Jack?" she asked, struggling to get up.
    Selar and Wesley looked at each other, puzzled.  "Jack?" they said
in unison.
    Selar shrugged, taking the bad from Wesley's hands and running a
tricorder on it.  "Fascinating," she murmured. "You appear to have crushed

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 32

it sufficiently to make it immobile, but it is still... barely alive.  It
will be an interesting subject for study.  Until it's mother host carrier
is clear of the infection, I believe it will remain alive for a time."
    Inside Irving's consciousness, part of him felt through the agony that
it was definitely better than staying with the boy.

    Lieutenant Jack Crusher bravely limped through the corridors of an
Enterprise he had decided was NOT the one he knew.  The crew's uniforms
were all different, for one thing.  Another thing was that Sickbay
seemed to be in a different location than on the Columbia-class
starships he was accustomed to.  And Beverly... there was something
different about Beverly.  He hobbled into a turbolift and leaned
against the interior wall.
    "Main bridge," he instructed the computer, and after a short ride,
the doors opened.  He stepped onto the bridge.
    Somehow it didn't surprise him that the bridge was all different.
There was a Klingon at tactical, the position he was used to seeing
filled by the genial Romulan expatriate Lt. Nordan.  The arrangement
of the stations was different; the lighting was a bit brighter.
    Only two things surprised him: seeing Jean-Luc Picard in command,
and seeing the Enterprise, *his* Enterprise, on the main viewscreen.
    "Captain Picard," he said.
    Picard, tensely standing in front of the screen, whirled, as did
Riker.  Upon seeing Jack, Picard stared for a brief moment, unsure of
what to say.  Jack used the moment to speak again.
    "Permission to come aboard, sir."
    Picard and Riker looked at each other, and the captain nodded
slowly.  "Permission granted, lieutenant.  Please, have a seat."
    Jack took a chair to the left of the captain, but didn't sit.
    "The ship in front of us has just destroyed a science vessel we
thought to be already destroyed nine years ago," Picard told him, eyes
still leveled at him as if trying to ascertain his identity.  "Can
you shed any light on what we may be facing... Lieutenant?"
    Jack nodded.  "I think so, Captain.  I need to speak to the captain
of the other Enterprise."
    Picard nodded.  "Open a channel, Mr. Worf."
    "Aye sir."  Worf entered the necessary commands.
    "Attention... Enterprise," said Picard unsteadily.  "We have
someone here who would like to speak with you, and whom we believe you
would like to see as well."
    The viewscreen flashed, and the next view was of the interior of a
ship which Picard found familiar, yet completely different.  Sitting in
the chair was a man whom Picard almost didn't recognize.  The hair was
a little longer, and the uniform was totally different, but there was
no mistaking him.
    It was Data.

    The android turned, and proceeded to quickly ascertain that
Wesley/Irving wasn't in the room anymore.
    "That brat!" he thought. "He must have put us in this closet."  He
looked down at his brother.  What to do?  The options were simple; turn him
back on or go on with his plans.

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    Yes, Data must have turned him off; how could he do that?  Or was
turn-about fair play?  And then there was Data's promise to help him.
Another lie?  Was his brother intending to leave him on another shelf... an
exhibit of 'parts', lifeless?
    Lore looked down at his brother's lifeless form curled in the closet.
Rage filled him for an instant at the thought of being disassembled,
reduced to separate components again. Then he heard a sound... the cat! It
purred, rubbed against Data's quiescent body.
    "That creature... loves him," Lore thought. "Nothing... ever... loved
me."  Perhaps it was envy, hope, some strange effect of the alien chip that
caused him so much difficulty to focus on a subject or form sentences
without effort, but a golden hand reached around his brother's back and
flipped a familiar switch.

    Data's eyes flew open and he straightened.  After a moment of disorien-
tation, Data peered into the golden eyes of his brother standing over him.
Wary, Data immediately sprang to his feet.  "You were not the one who
deactivated me," said Data, looking around the cabin.  "Where is Wesley?"
    "You're welcome, Lore," smirked the brother.  "Do someone a favor and
you don't even get a nod or a pat on the back!  On second thought, don't
come anywhere *near* my back..."
    Data studied Lore's face, looking intently for any signs of instability.
Surprisingly, Lore appeared quite calm.  "Why did you re-activate me, Lore?
You and Wesley could have carried out your plan without my interference."
    "That little cretin turned on me and down I went!  I knew he couldn't be
trusted...  Of course, I trusted you and look what *you* did."
    "I had to deactivate you, Lore," reasoned his brother.  "You were in an
uncontrollable state and..."
    "I know, I know," interrupted Lore.  "I'm having more and more difficulty
controlling myself these days.  It's this damned chip, Data!  I...I need
help.  Maybe you _are_ the one who could do something about it."  Lore
paced the floor as he continued, "I thought I'd never need anyone.  I don't
WANT to need anyone..."
    Data placed a hand on Lore's arm.  "I promised I would help you and I
will.  We should proceed to my cybernetics lab as soon as possible."  Data
opened the door to Wesley's quarters and peered out into the corridor.
Quickly, they made their way to Data's lab, miraculously without detection.
    As Data led Lore into his lab he spoke, "The emotions chip which was
meant for me seems to have amplified your emotional responses and
increases your instability.  It needs to be removed as soon as possible."
    Lore looked at Data warily, but he knew he was right.  The chip had not
repaired him as he had hoped.  "Get it over with," he said, shrugging.
    The procedure was simple and quick.  Lore felt an odd sensation: a
mixture of relief and....loss.  He and Data looked down at the tiny chip
held in Data's hand.  Here could lie Data's future, if he chose it.  "But
not now...not yet," Data thought to himself.

    "Mom!  Wait!" yelped Wesley, as he grabbed the bag containing Irving
from Selar's grasp.  "I think these parasites may have something to do
with all this!"  Wesley's memories of the past few hours were hazy at
best, but somehow he thought the parasite was the key.  "We've got to
show this to the captain."  Wesley helped his mother into the turbolift.

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    "Bridge," said Beverly in a weak but determined voice.
    Selar watched her patient's progress toward the turbolift with a shake
of her head.  She had tried to stop Beverly, knowing that it was a waste
of time.  "Humans..." she mumbled under her breath, with a lift of one
    Then, Worf burst into the room just as Guinan was being wheeled in on a
gurney from Ten Forward, complaining loudly.
    "I keep telling you I'm all right!" she grumbled to her attendants.
"Let me off of this thing!"
    Selar tried to calm her as best she could while Worf barraged the
doctor with questions about Data and Wesley.
     "Data and Wesley...yes!" said Guinan as she shrugged off Selar.
Straightening her hat, Guinan burst out of the room mumbling something
about talking with Picard.  Worf and Selar just looked at each other.

    The unfamiliar Data, staring at Picard from the bridge of the other
Enterprise, tilted his head very slightly.  "Intriguing," he said.
"Greetings, Captain Picard... Commander Riker."
    Picard stared back, refusing to let his gaze waver.  The
other-dimensional Jack Crusher stood at his side, also staring, but in
determination, not in confusion.
    Before either of them could find words, the other Data spoke
again.  "I regret that we do not have the time to become acquainted,
Captain.  The gate to our own universe is only temporary, and we are
on an urgent security mission for our Federation.  Lieutenant Crusher
is a fugitive from Starfleet, and I must insist that you return him to
us immediately."
    Physically, he resembled Picard's android second officer, but in
some unmistakable way, he was also very different.  This was a Data who
was familiar with command.  As Picard's eyes searched him, he realized
that this Data had a kind of roughness over him.  A not quite human
level of haggardness, the stress was there nonetheless, and it was
an intimately familiar feeling to Picard; he found himself thinking of
the Stargazer. He's battle-weary, Picard thought.  My God, what have
they done to him over there?
    "Captain Data", Picard said, trying to make the words sound
natural and failing, "I would like nothing more than to assist you in
this matter.  Unfortunately, the circumstances under which we came to
find Lieutenant Crusher demand that we learn more information before
taking any action."
    "I see," said the ersatz Data.  "I am sorry."  Turning his head
only a fraction of an inch, he issued an order to an unseen crewman:
"Weapons officer, lock full phasers on the other Enterprise and prepare
to fire."

    At that moment, Beverly Crusher entered the bridge.  She stopped
just outside the doors when she saw the other Enterprise on the screen
and when she noticed the muting tension in the air.
    "Wait!" interrupted Jack Crusher.  He turned to Picard.  "I will
beam over."
    "Lieutenant..." began Picard dangerously.

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    "Captain Picard, this is a decision I must make.  I don't belong
here." Jack looked at the viewscreen.  "Captain Data, I request a few
minutes to explain some things to Picard.  After I am through, I will
willingly transport to the Enterprise."
    Data paused very slightly, as if in contemplation.  The very act of
Data stopping to think was uncomfortably foreign to Picard.
    "Very well," said Captain Data.  "You have five minutes."
    Jack turned back to Picard and said, "I don't have the time to
fill you in on all the details of what's going on in my universe,
Captain.  But I will say this much.  The life we have is filled with
struggle and anxiety, in which people's loyalties are twisted and their
hopes dimmed.  I...don't hold out a lot of hope for the times ahead.
Please realize what a wonderful and miraculous existence you have here."
    "What happened to the USS Goddard?" asked Picard softly.
    "About nine years ago," Jack explained, "an unusual quantum-level
distortion appeared in the vicinity of the Goddard in our universe.
The Goddard was pulled by something resembling an enormous tractor beam
or force field.  The field pulled the Goddard into the rift, and
Starfleet sent another ship to investigate.  They determined that the
rift led to an alternate universe, but they also discovered that the
Goddard hadn't made it all the way through - that it was stuck in
between dimensions."
    "So it appears that someone - either the Gamma Hirashans or someone
else - intended to replace the destroyed Goddard from this universe
with a duplicate from another dimension," said Picard thoughtfully.
    "Not exactly the way I'd go about making amends," said Riker.  "If
it was the Hirashans, they used a power that the Federation never knew
they possessed."
    "Indeed, Number One," Picard replied.  "However it happened,
though, the transfer must have been a failure, and the Hirashans
apparently felt forced to resort to merely paying for the Goddard with
their own world's resources, covering up knowledge of their failed
attempt to replace it.  Please continue, Lieutenant."
    Jack nodded.  "Nine years passed, and finally, through some unknown
means, the Goddard escaped the rift and emerged on your side.  Our
Enterprise was sent to retrieve it."  Here he paused, and shifted
uncomfortably.  "I.. took the opportunity to leave the Enterprise
unauthorized, and beamed over to the Goddard.  I hoped to find asylum
in this dimension.  The Enterprise engaged the Goddard in battle, and I
escaped in a shuttlecraft."
    "I see," said Picard.  "There are still a great many questions
which I wish you could answer."  He emitted a small sigh.
    "I realize that, sir," answered Jack.  "But you can understand why
I can't.  I must return to my ship, and my universe, to face the
consequence of my actions."
    There was a movement at the aft of the bridge, and for the first
time, Jack noticed Beverly's presence.  She walked down to face him.
    "I have to go," Jack said.
    Beverly nodded slowly, numbly.  "I know," she said in a barely
audible whisper.
    "I'm not the same Jack Crusher you know," he said, as if trying to
make one last explanation.
    Despite herself, Beverly smiled.  "I never even got the chance to
get to know you."

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    Jack smiled back.  "You saved my life.  I won't forget that."   He
turned to Picard.  "Request permission to leave the ship, sir."
    Picard nodded gravely.  "Permission granted, Lieutenant.  Bridge to
transporter room, prepare to lock onto Mr. Crusher's signal and
transport him to the other Enterprise."
    "Aye, sir," came the transmitted reply.
    "Captain," interjected Riker.  He was about to make a formal
complaint, but found that all he could say was, "I object to this."
    "Noted, Number One," said Picard not unsympathetically.
"Energize, Mr. O'Brien."
    The blue shimmer of the transporter engulfed Jack Crusher and
removed him from the bridge of the Enterprise.  After briefly
confirming the transfer, the commanding Data on the other ship spoke
to Picard.  "Thank you, Captain.  I appreciate your assistance.  Data
    The screen winked out, and the alternate Enterprise left the area.
    At tactical, Worf reported the departure of the other ship.
"Shall I lay in a course of pursuit, sir?" he inquired, as if expecting
automatic approval.
    "No, Lieutenant," said Picard, still staring out at the void.  "Let
them go."  The other Enterprise vanished from sight, but whether it was
the dimensional rift or just distance, Picard couldn't tell.  He sat
down in the center seat.
    "Captain," said Riker, who sat down also.  "We don't know what
they're going to do to him."
    "Agreed.  But we can't let ourselves assume responsibility for
another universe.  We must allow them to chart their own fate."  He
thought for a moment about the other Data.  "I don't know who the
villains are in this story, Number One, or indeed if there is a
perceivable course of moral action.  What I do know is that we must let
men like Captain Data and Lieutenant Crusher discover that for
themselves."  Mentioning the name Crusher seemed to jar him for a
second, and he looked up at Beverly, who was still standing.
    "Are you going to be alright, Doctor?" he asked.
    She nodded slowly.  "Yes, Captain." She sat down in the remaining
chair.  "You know," she reflected.  "Seeing that other Jack didn't
really cause me pain.  I knew that he was a different person, almost from
the moment I laid eyes on him.  But seeing his bravery... his
conviction... it caused me to cherish Jack's memory even more."
    Picard glanced at her.  "Sometimes, Doctor, the memory of a loved
one can be the healing of the very emptiness that created it."
    She nodded, and looked down, smiling wistfully.  "Wesley never
even got a chance to meet him.  He missed both Jacks."
    Picard smiled, and said to the helmsman, "Set course for Starbase
    "Aye sir."
    "It's a shame that Wesley never knew his real father either,"
Beverly remarked.
    In the chorus of "What?" was the squeaky sound of Wesley's voice as he
stepped a little out of the turbolift where he had waited when he saw the
other Data (or possibly Lore) on the viewscreen. Dr. Crusher turned,

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walking towards her son, to put an arm around his shoulder and guide him
back on the turbolift.
    "Never mind," she said nonchalantly, and bent to Wesley's ear. "I'll
explain later," she whispered as her thoughts drifted back to med school
days and a much older, special doctor who taught her about more than

    Meanwhile, in Ten Forward, Guinan stared down any curious patrons and
tried to get her bar back in order after the Ensign Bimbo-of-the-week
who had took her place had been 'dismissed', so to speak. Ensign Grant
from engineering leaned over with a quizzical look in his eye.
    "Come on, Guinan," he muttered. "Out with it. You look ready to
strangle an Orion slaver."
    She smiled.  "Grant, I love being on this ship, except every other week
they're flying though some time/space hole and it gives me awful
indigestion.  Only I DON'T want my internal... problems the talk of the
crew.  It's... personal, y'know?"
    Grant laughed. "Understood. Give me another one of these... whaddaya-
callits.  Tastes like... ground up cockroaches."
    Guinan nodded. "Who told you my secret ingredient?"

    Wesley started to say something to his mother as she turned toward
the turbolift, but was interrupted by Worf.
    "What is THIS?!" growled the security officer as he snatched the bag
containing Irving out of the boy's hand.
    "Uh...oh!  That!  Uh...that's..."
    "This is one of the creatures involved in the Starfleet conspiracy
several years ago.  How did you come to have it in your possession,
Wesley?" Worf rumbled.
    "It's a long story, Worf," said the cringing cadet.  "Most of it I
don't even remember...  But I do know that it's no longer a threat.
This one was their contact and as you can see, it's not in a condition
to contact much of anything."  The smashed Irving, who still wore the
imprint of Wesley's boot heel, sighed silently.
    "Who else was involved in this?" growled the Klingon, his voice
rattling Wesley's teeth.
    "Uh...nobody!" squeaked Wesley.  "At least I don't think so..."
    "You will have plenty of time to remember the details, boy."  Worf
turned his attention to the captain.  "Sir!  Permission to use your
ready room for the interrogation!"
    Picard nodded his agreement and said with a wry smile, "Try to be
gentle, Mr. Worf."
    "As always, Sir," came the Klingon's sardonic reply.

    Meanwhile, in the cybernetics lab, Data continued to stare at the
emotion chip still cradled in his hand.  Lore finally broke the silence.
"Well...what are you waiting for, Data?  An engraved invitation?  You've
got the chip.  Do something with it!"
    Data looked up from his reverie to reply, "This can wait, Lore.  You
still have not told me about your involvement with the parasite creatures.
There seems to be a new conspiracy here and you are in the middle of it."

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    Lore slouched lower in his chair as he answered with a lift of his
shoulders, "What conspiracy?  I saw a chance to get even, that's all.  I
thought those creatures could help me gain my revenge, but they're as
inept as humans.  Besides, that's not important now.  You have your chip
and good riddance!  I feel in control of myself again, so I guess it's time
for me to bid you adieu."
    "Not so fast, Lore," said Data as he gently but firmly pushed Lore back
into the chair.  "There is still much to do about your condition."
    "Ohhh no!  You're not going to do any more poking around inside me,
Data.  You've done enough as it is!" exclaimed Lore.  Softening, he
added, "Look.  Don't think I'm not grateful for what you've done.  I'm
glad to be rid of that chip.  Taking it was a mistake...in more ways
than one..."  Lore's eyes lost their focus as he remembered Soong's lab.
    "Lore, I promised to attempt to repair you.  I intend to keep that
promise," said Data softly.
    Lore looked up at his brother and smiled.  "I know you do, brother,
but there just isn't time.  Do you think you can hide me in this lab
indefinitely?" he said with a wave of his hand.  "Soon I'll be discovered.
Considering the things I've done to your precious Starfleet, they'll
disassemble me.  I won't let that happen again," he said dangerously.
    Data knew that Lore was right.  Grasping at any idea that might offer
a solution, he offered, "If you give yourself up voluntarily, I am sure
they will show leniency."  Speaking faster and faster, Data seemed to be
trying to convince himself more than Lore.  "You would end up as a great
asset to Starfleet.  I could oversee the repairs and help with your
training and..."
    Lore shook his head and backed away. "Data, you can't be that naive!
They wouldn't let you have anything to do with it, no matter what your
level of cybernetics expertise.  I'd be a new toy for their amusement.
They could do anything with me they wish, without your interference.
Those idiots would probably botch the job and I'd end up some mindless
chunk of metal."  Lore sighed and looked deep into his brother's eyes.
"Besides, Data, even if you could conduct repairs with Starfleet's
blessings, it still wouldn't work.  You're assuming I want the same kind
of life you do.  I don't."
    "Lore," began Data, "how could you want a life without purpose?  Why
would you choose the life of a fugitive?"
    "Because I'm free, Data.  I'm not confined to rules and regulations
like you.  True, I'd rather not have to look over my shoulder the rest
of my life and maybe one day I'll be prepared to come to terms with
Starfleet, but not yet.  I'm not ready to be owned by the Federation."
Data started to interrupt him, but Lore waved him off, knowing what he
was going to say.  "Yes, OWNED, Data.  Just like you.  As I told you
before, I know all about what happened to Lal.  How much input did you
have in that situation?  None.  I can't live that kind of life, brother.
I can't stay here and I know you can't go with me.  Starfleet has become
too much a part of you."
    Data opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.  He could not
refute Lore's view of their situation.  Data felt a strange sensation,
not unlike what he felt when Admiral Haftel wanted to take Lal from him.
He knew he had a responsibility to Starfleet concerning Lore, but his
responsibility to Lore was there as well.  What was he to do?

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    Lore didn't give Data time to come to a decision.  He grasped Data's
shoulder and said softly, "I will not forget this, brother."  He flipped
his thumbnail and was about to press the button that would activate the
transporter on his vessel, still cloaked nearby.
    "Take care of yourself, Lore," said Data, resigned to the situation.
    With a curl at the corner of his mouth, Lore winked and was gone in a
shimmer of particles.

    Data stepped through the open doors of the turbolift, onto the carpeted
floor of the bridge.  Picard watched him carefully as Data took his seat
at OPS.  "Data, is everything all right?" asked the captain, concerned.
    "Fine, Captain," said the android as he turned to face his superior
    Captain Picard couldn't help but shiver slightly at the look he had
seen on Data's face a moment before.  It was the same haggard expression
he had seen on the android captain of that other Enterprise.   Yet, now
that look was gone, replaced by the innocent, bland expression Data
usually wore. "I see," said the captain.  "Well...carry on."  "Must be my
imagination," thought Picard to himself.

    Worf exited the captain's ready room with an unhappy expression
and an equally unhappy Wesley Crusher in tow.  Worf turned to the boy
and said brusquely, "You are confined to your quarters until further
notice, Cadet."
    Wesley's head drooped.  "Yes, sir," he said, and slinked off into
the turbolift.
    "A problem, Mr. Worf?" asked Picard curiously.
    "Yes, sir," answered Worf immediately.  He considered a moment, and
then said, "No sir.  The situation is under control.  I will have a
full report for you next shift."
    "Of course, Lieutenant.  At your earliest convenience." Picard's
eyes narrowed as he looked at the doctor, who's face offered no new
insight. "Doctor, may I speak with you privately?"
    Beverly nodded submissively, and the two entered the ready room.

    Riker took the center seat.  "Now what do you suppose all that was
about?" he wondered aloud.
    Data turned from his station and answered, even though the
question was meant for no one in particular.  "I cannot be certain, but
it is possible that the captain wishes to question Dr. Crusher
concerning her pregnancy."
    All eyebrows on the bridge raised simultaneously.
    "Pregnancy?" demanded Riker.  "Dr. Crusher is pregnant?"  His brow
furrowed in worry as he began counting back the months to Ambassador
Odan's visit.  "How far along?"
    "Approximately four months, seventeen days.  That is a rough
estimate, of course."
    "Of course."  Riker was relieved; the estimate fell during his time
of shore leave between missions.

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    "Commander," rumbled Worf, "We are receiving a message from the USS
Chennault, which is on an intercept course.  They wish to transfer a
    "A visitor?" queried Riker.  "We aren't scheduled for any such
    Worf checked his station again.  "The visitor is a retired
Starfleet admiral, sir - and he refuses to beam over."
    Riker sighed.  "Alert Shuttle Bay Two."

    "Beverly," said Picard softly, after he had replicated two glasses
of tea, "I know you're pregnant, and that you and I are going to have
to figure out what we're going to do about it.  But for right now, I
would very much like to know what information you have concerning
Wesley's father."
    Beverly sat down, troubled.  "Jean-Luc, I.. well, I don't want you
to think that I'm loose or anything -"
    "Oh no, never that," the captain was quick to interject.
    "Well, there was this man who was one of my instructors at the
Academy.. It was my last year, and Jack had just been commissioned as
an Ensign."  She sipped her tea, and seemed reluctant to go on.  "This
teacher and I, we... we had a relationship."
    "I see," murmured Picard.  "Where is this man now?"
    "I'm not sure," replied Beverly.  "I haven't seen him since he
visited the Enterprise over four years ago."
    "And you're absolutely certain that this man is Wesley's father?"
asked Picard.
    "Well... reasonably certain."  Beverly shifted in her seat.
    Picard took a breath.  "Are you going to tell Wesley?"
    Before the doctor could answer, the captain's commbadge chirped,
and Will Riker's voice was transmitted from the adjacent room.  "Riker
to Captain."
    Picard tapped it.  "Yes, go ahead Number One."
    "Sorry to bother you, Captain, but we have an unusual visitor on
    Picard sat up straight.  "A visitor?  Why wasn't I notified?"
    "Well, I knew that you were in a private conference, so I tried to
hold back until the admiral had arrived.  He's on his way to the
bridge now, sir."
    "The 'admiral'?  Understood, Commander." Picard rose, as did
Beverly.  "We'd better see who this 'visitor' is."
    Beverly and Picard entered the bridge from the ready room just as
one of the aft turbolift doors swished open.  The man who emerged was
old, wrinkled, and being assisted by a young gold-uniformed ensign,
but still had the twinkle in his eyes of a young deer.
    Picard blinked and stepped forward.  "Admiral McCoy," he said, not
bothering to hide the surprise in his voice, but before he could
continue with a formal greeting, he heard Beverly's voice behind him
squeak, "Leonard?"

    Admiral Leonard H. McCoy, retired, hobbled slowly toward the couple.
"Captain," he greeted tersely.  He turned his eyes onto the doctor,
whereupon they softened like melted candy.  "Beverly," he said warmly.

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    Beverly tried to avoid smiling, but couldn't suppress it.  "Len -
er, I mean Admiral.  What are you doing here?"
    "Well, I heard about your pregnancy, and I decided that I couldn't
wait any longer to talk to you.  I'm an old man.  And there's something
you need to know."  McCoy looked Beverly up and down.  She blushed
    "How did you find out?" hissed Beverly, after a quick glance around
the bridge.
    At that moment, Data turned.  McCoy looked at him gratefully, and
said, "Let's just say that I've been keeping in touch with your android
friend here ever since we met four years ago."
    Picard intruded, justifiably he thought.  "Admiral, forgive me -
but Dr. Crusher has told me of your... 'relationship' ".
    McCoy's eyes snapped back to Picard.  "Yes, yes.  I'm getting to
that."  He looked at Beverly as the whole bridge watched.  "How's Wes?"
he asked curiously.
    "He's fine," responded Beverly unsurely.
    "Good," said McCoy.  "I'm glad.  But I need to tell you something,
and it's something I should've told you way back then."
    Beverly nodded impatiently but reassuringly.  "Yes, Leonard - I
know.  I know that you're Wesley's father."
    "No," said McCoy, determinedly.  "No I'm not.  That's what I wanted
to tell you."

    "What?" said Beverly.  Her world seemed to spin a bit.
     McCoy reached out a hand to steady her.  "I know you've been thinking
that all these years, Beverly, that I was the father.  And I want you know
that what we shared goes beyond words, and that I'll never forget it.  But
I am NOT Wesley's father."
    "How do you know?" she whispered.
    "I had an operation," he explained simply.  "It was a long time ago.
Beverly, you don't know how it feels being treated as a hero.  After I
returned to Earth from the Enterprise's first five-year mission, well... I
was the most popular doctor in the galaxy.  Everyone wanted a piece of me -
of all of us."  He paused, as the memories slowly dripped back.  "Women by
the dozens wanted to have my baby.  Well, I couldn't fight them off - so I
had the treatment.  Most of us did."  He chuckled.  "Of course, some of us
had the process reversed later," he said, thinking particularly of his
legendary captain, "but I never did.  I'm sorry that you never knew."
    Beverly shook her head wistfully.  "You know, I think I really did
know, deep down.  It's all coming back to me now," she said, smiling.
"I did wonder why Wesley was three months late."  Then a thought seemed
to strike her.  "If it wasn't you, then..."  She looked up at McCoy,
    "Don't ask me," said McCoy.  "We both know it wasn't Jack.  Where were
you three months after graduation?"
    Suddenly Beverly's eyes widened in enlightenment.  "I remember!  Now I
know who it was!"
    "It was me, wasn't it... Beverly?" said a voice.  Beverly turned
    Riker approached her and put his hands on her shoulders.  "You never
knew it was me."

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    "You?" said Beverly, with a most confused expression.  "But I -"
    "Don't you remember?" said Riker.  "We were in the same graduating
class at the Academy, although we didn't know each other until we were
transferred.  The USS Kinkaid.  It was my first transfer - *our* first
transfer."  He smiled.  "It *had* to have been me.  You were pregnant
with Wesley only a few months later."
    "It would explain many things," muttered Worf from the aft bridge.
    Beverly pushed herself away from Riker very slightly, smiling at
the absurdity of it all.  "Will, you may not believe this, but I am
sure - I am *positive* - that you weren't the father."
    Riker blinked.  "How can you be so sure?"
    Beverly grinned at him.  "Come on, Will.  It was my first starship
assignment...I was a young intern... I *expected* to, well, you know."
    Riker still looked confused.  Beverly pinched his arm, and spoke
again.  "I used *protection*," she said.
    "Ah," said Riker.  He wasn't quite sure what else to say.  "Then
    Still smiling, Beverly walked up to the Ops station at the front
of the bridge.  Data turned in his seat, puzzled.
    "Data?" she inquired softly.  "You were designed to be *fully*
functional, correct?"
    "That is correct, Doctor," replied Data, still uncertain at what
she was getting at.
    "And am I correct in guessing that your design also includes...
reproduction?"  Beverly leaned down and stared into his yellow eyes.
    Data glanced around.  "That is also correct," he murmured.  "It is
a little known fact, but Dr. Soong did supplement my systems with a
reproduction mechanism which operates similiar to the human male
prostate gland.  It is designed to release a series of micro-
genetically engineered cyber-cells, which are programmed with the
information usually found in human chromozomes."  He turned to the
others on the bridge, who were suddenly incredibly interested.  "The
process is theoretically quite similiar to human reproduction."
    "Well I'll be damned," said McCoy, grinning.  "Data, you son-of-a-
    Riker looked quite lost.  "Now let me get this straight, Doctor.
Are you saying that Data... and you...."
    Beverly nodded.  "It was a routine mission on the Omicron Theta
colony, not long before the Crystalline Entity attacked," she said.
"The Kinkaid's chief medical officer was ordered to help treat a fever
outbreak among the colonists.  I was part of the team; we stayed about
a week."  She massaged Data's shoulder affectionately.  "And that's
when I met Data.  At the time, I had no idea he could, well,
    Data stared in one direction for a couple of seconds, and then
another.  He looked up at Beverly.  "Doctor, while I do have a personal
record of the USS Kinkaid's visit to Omicron Theta, I regretfully do
not possess such a record of ever having met you.  I am afraid you are
    Beverly tilted her head.  "But, Data... it *had* to be you.  Wesley
was conceived while I was on Omicron Theta - I'm sure of that now.  And
it would make so much sense.  I'm surprised I've never thought of it
before."  She shook her head.  "Your records must have a gap, Data -
I'm certain that you're Wesley's father."

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 43

    Then, suddenly, there was a flash of yellow light just a few feet
from where everyone was standing, and when the light dissipated, it
left a tall smiling figure whom Data had seen just a couple of hours
    "Data is correct, Doctor," said Lore.  "*I* am the boy's father."

    Beverly was speechless.
    Riker took a step forward.
    Data turned all the way around.
    Worf reached for his phaser.
    Picard strode into the middle of the small crowd, to face Lore.
"You??  Do you mean to stand on my bridge and claim that you and my..
my.. my chief medical officer -"
    Lore nodded.  "That's right."  He glanced at Beverly, who was
trembling slightly.  He took her hand.  "I never told you who I really
was, during that wonderful visit," he whispered.  "I was afraid you'd
heard the stories about me, from all the jealous colonists.. so I told
you I was Data."
    Beverly jerked her hand away violently.  "I don't believe you," she
said, but it was her own words she disbelieved.
    "It's true, Beverly," said Lore.  "Think about it.  It makes

my confidence... after all, why do you think I called him 'my
troublesome little man-child'?"  He stared at Beverly intently.
"Wesley is my natural son."
    Picard stood firm.  "Listen to me, Lore.  I don't care what
personal relationships you've had with members of my staff in the past,
but right now, you are answerable to several crimes against the crew of
the Enterprise and against the Federation.  I demand that you submit
yourself to Starfleet custody so that we may deal with these charges."
    Lore smiled, and shook his head, with a small glance of regret in
Data's direction.  "I'm truly sorry, Captain, but I'm afraid I can't do
that just yet.  I still have much to do.  However, I expect to live
a long time - so one day," he said, nodding knowingly, "one day, perhaps
I will answer for my past sins.  I only wanted to clear up a thing or
two for now, though.  And while it has been fun, Data... Beverly... I
fear I must say... 'au revoir'."
    He lifted his thumbnail and pressed the button, and as mysteriously
as he'd arrived, Lore vanished.
    There was a heavy silence on the bridge for a few seconds, and
then suddenly Picard barked, "Stations."  The other officers went about
their business.  Beverly returned to sickbay.
    Admiral McCoy shook his head and muttered to himself, "Nothing ever

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 44


    On Risa, Geordi LaForge entered his room with an exhausted but happy
smile, panting as he threw his towel to the side.  He had just finished an
energetic game of hoverball with some new friends he had met on the beach,
and wanted time to get ready for his dinner date.
    Her name was Larina, and she was like all the other girls he seemed to
run into: not overflowing with intelligence, but extremely attractive and
extremely willing to spend time with a Starfleet lieutenant commander who
had a a Galaxy-class expense account.
    Entering the shower - Risa was thankfully equipped with real running
water, which Geordi missed every time he took a sonic bath on the
Enterprise - he laughed gently to himself at the fantastic time he was
having, and wondered if his friends on the ship were experiencing even a
fraction of the excitement.

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 45

                    S T A R   T R E K   T E C H N O L O G Y
                                by Milan Rezac
                              The Cloaking Device

                           Reprinted with permission

  On stardate 1709.1 the Bonhomme Richard class MK-IXa heavy cruiser U.S.S.
Enterprise NCC-1701 responded to a distress call from the satellite outpost
4023 made by Commander Hansen.  Apparently the outpost, one of 14 along the
UFP Neutral Zone border, picked up an intruder coming in from Romulan Space.
Suddenly, it vanished from the sensors, reappeared directly in front of the
outpost and fired what later came to be called a "plasma torpedo".  The
torpedo obliterated the outpost's deflector screens, nearly destroying it.
A second shot finished the intruder's job.  Then the ship simply disappeared
from view.

  That was the first encounter with the Romulans after almost a century
since the battle of Cheron.  The vessel that destroyed S-4023 (and also
S-4024 and S-4025) was a Romulan P-1A Bird of Prey with a first generation
cloaking device. Later, third generation cloaking device has been obtained
by the aforementioned U.S.S. Enterprise in an espionage mission. The
Klingons gained the technology from their alliance with the Romulans in
exchange for their D-6 Raxor and D-7 Klolode battle cruisers.  Thus the
three major powers in this part of the galaxy came to posses what proved to
be one of the most formidable weapons ever.

  The cloaking device is a modification of the deflector shield.  The
deflector shield is a zone of highly focused spatial distortion within which
an energetic graviton field is maintained.  This field is highly resistive
to impact due to mechanical incursions ranging from relativistic subatomic
particles (like electrons) to more massive objects at lesser velocities
(i.e. a derelict vessel incoming at .1 c).  When such an intrusion occurs,
field energy is concentrated at the point of impact, creating an intense,
localized spatial distortion.  In effect, the field "bends" space around the
object, like a natural gravity well.  The object continues to follow a
straight path, but in a curved space-time, which takes it away from the
field.  A good analogue is the change of a photon's path by a strong
gravitational source, like a star or a black hole.   Although photon
travels, by definition, in a perfectly straight line, it appears to change
direction because it is travelling in a distorted space-time.  Similarly,
the deflector shield also blocks EM radiation, redirecting it back into

  The cloaking device must block all EM radiation from the object it
envelops, and redirect all incoming EM radiation to go around the object and
emerge on the other side as if it were completely unaffected. Additionally,
the cloaking device must nullify spatial distortion created by the object
due to its mass.  To accomplish the first, a double sided shield is
required.  The cloaking device reflects back any radiation emitted by the
cloaked object.  Any incoming energy (such as visible light) is conducted
through the graviton field around to be re-emitted at the other side without
any measurable effect on the energy itself.  To do this, the cloaking device
usually takes the form of a large sphere surrounding the ship, instead of
closely following the hull shape like most shields do.  A photon which

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 46

impacts on the cloaking device's outer surface is redirected to follow a
path in the graviton field taking it to the opposite side in the same plane,
there to be re-emitted.  To nullify the spatial distortion created by the
object the cloaking device must contain an additional anti-graviton field.
This field is just within the double sided shield.  All of this takes up a
tremendous amount of energy.  The amount is equivalent to twice the amount
required to maintain full shielding through the entire EM spectrum without
frequency rotation and EM windows plus an additional layer of shielding to
block gravitational distortion.

  The cloaking device has also many disadvantages:

1 ? It is very difficult to maintain conventional shields.  The power drain
of the device doesn't permit any other significant energy expenditure,
especially on a large ship.  The shields must be maintained within the
cloaking device otherwise they would be detectable.  This means that
anything that approaches must first go through the cloaking device.  Since
the first layer will attempt to redirect it 180? about, it will probably be
shortened out by full phasers.  The rest of the energy will pass through the
anti-graviton shield layer, and finally impact on the shields.  Hence, for
the shields to be of any help, the cloaking device must first be destroyed
or turned off.

2 ? No weapons can be fired from the cloaked object, because is a double
sided shield.  It blocks all energy (i.e. phasers) from the object by
redirecting it back at the object.  Although it could be useful in certain
situations, most starship commanders tend to avoid this effect.  Similarly,
it is resistant to mechanical intrusions from the inside, like photon

3 ? Sensors become extremely limited as no EM radiation enters the cloak and
no active sensors may be used.

4 ? In large ships like the Romulan D'Deridex class warbird or the Klingon
K'Vort class battle cruiser the power drain of the cloaking device is too
great to allow any other large energy drain.

5 ? The cloaking device, like shields, interferes with the warp drive due to
the space-time distortion it creates.  Note that the D'Deridex class
warbirds, though having a drive comparable to the Galaxy class starships,
are far slower when cloaked.

6 ? The cloaking device cannot block incoming FTL particles, i.e. tachyons.
Tachyons have imaginary mass (their mass is a multiple of ?-1) and thus are
not affected by either gravitons or anti-gravitons.

  Of course, for some types of missions the disadvantages are far outweighed
by the main advantage -- invisibility.  Additionally, the cloak acts as a
weak type of deflector shield, although a very inefficient one.  It is
capable of redirecting small amounts of energy, but cannot withstand large
amounts of energy, like full phasers, simply because it overburdens the
graviton field which attempts to take it half the perimeter around.

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 47

  Star Fleet, which used the cloaking device on its vessels in the late
2200's and early 2300's, has decided that the peaceful (mostly) mission
definition of the Explorer type of starships precludes its use.  Further-
more, the overall shape and hull materials used in the Galaxy, Ambassador,
and Oberth class starships would interfere with the cloaking device.
Although it is still possible to cloak them, the energy necessary increases
beyond reasonable limit.  Today, only specialized scouting, stealth, and
battle ships use cloaking devices.

  The Klingon Empire has used the cloaking technology ever since their
technology exchange with the Romulans in 2263, and continues to do so.
Nearly all of its Bird of Prey type ships are equipped with it as are the D-
6, D-7, D-8 (K'T'Inga), and the new K'Vort class battle cruisers.

  The Romulan Empire naturally still uses the cloaking device.  Although
much about them is now unknown due to the fifty-year contact breach after
the Tomad incident, it is certain that their newest vessels, the D'Deridex
class warbirds, are equipped with a new generation of cloaking devices which
have so far defied all Federation attempts at detection without the use of

  The events surrounding the Khitomer conference, classified until recently,
have brought to attention the fact that one of the main disadvantages of the
cloaking device, the inability to fire a photon torpedo, has been nullified
by the renegade Klingon vessel Dakronh.  Although it was destroyed, and it's
schematics have not survived, it appears that the cloaking device would be
useless today due to the vast improvement of sensor devices used by Star
Fleet.  The vessel was designed reduce the cloaking power shortly before
firing, just enough to fire a specially designed high-velocity photon
torpedo thorough it.  However, this resulted in a momentary emission of
radiation from the ship and the leak of impulse engine products (plasma)
through the cloak.  The vessel was destroyed by homing a photon torpedo on
those plasma traces.  The momentary radiation burst from the ship as the
cloaking power was reduced was too small to be detectable by the instruments
of that era, but would be sufficient to pinpoint the ship's location today.


  Special thanks to James Dixon for providing technical and historical facts
in his "Chronology" and to Jorj Strumolo for a most informative discussion.

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 48

                              THE SYRUP ADVENTURE
                                by Paul Bobbit

                          Re-printed with permission

Crumpets... crumpets... an idea is taking shape in my mind.  A group of
wild intergalactic crumpets take over the Enterprise and drown everybody
in Aunt Jemima's Butter-Flavoured Imitation Maple Syrup!

Geordi> "Captain, the syrup has broken through the lower level decks
        and is approaching the Bridge through turboshaft 2.

Picard> "My God, will the containment fields hold?"

[Maple syrup pours in through the turbolift doors...]

Geordi> "Guess not.  Brurble....burble....blachk"

Picard> "I'm not impressed, Mr. LaForge.  There's only one thing that
        has the power to save us.  Computer, flood the ship with
            Tea - Earl Grey - Hot.  Hold the cream.  If I'm going to
            be drown in edibles, I might as well enjoy myself."

Riker>  "Perhaps we should initiate Auto-Destruct, Captain."

Picard> "We're up to our necks in maple syrup.  ISN'T THAT DESTRUCTIVE
        ENOUGH FOR YOU?"

Data>   "Captain, I believe I have a solution."

[Data beams a tribble onto the bridge]
[Three minutes later, the Bridge, and the Enterprise in general, is
one huge, seething, purring mass of fur.]
[Commotion at the aft Bridge area...]



Picard> "Data, we're really going to have to talk about your

Troi>   "I sense great containment from them sir.  Great contentment
        and happiness.  Except for the ones Worf is stomping on..."


Wesley> "Captain..."

Picard> "Oh, God, he's BACK."   [Breaks into uncontrollable sobs...]

Wesley> "All I have to do is alter the laws of physics as they apply
           to Quantum molecular warp field alterations, and we should
           have no problem."

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 49

Data>   "Intriguing.  That would take several years, though."

Wesley> "Why?  Just see it in your head."

Data>   "Stupid little arrogant #$##%&*! # TWERP....  That
           `screaming torch' idea Lore had is looking better and
           better with each episode."

Beverly> "What was that, Mr. Data?"

Data>    "Just commenting on what a wonderful idea Wesley had..."

Wesley>  "Oh nooooo....  the tribbles have eaten the isolinear
               optical chips.  My idea won't work now."

Picard>  "How did this happen?  What did I do to deserve this?  I'd
               give anything to have my ship back."

[Bright flash of light...]

     Q>  "Anything?  Ha Ha Ha Ha...."

Picard>  "Oh waves of bliss....  All we need now is the Borg to
               reeeeaaalllyyyy make my day."

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 50

                         DATA COMPILED BY IAN COLOMBY

                              Aliens - Categorized by Race

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Ambassador Odan                           1. The Host
Ardra                                     1. Devil's Due
Armus                                     1. Skin of Evil
Barash / Jean-Luc Riker / Ethan           1. Future Imperfect
Beata, the Elected One                    1. Angel One
Captain Dirgo                             1. Final Mission
Crystalline Entity                        1. Datalore
First Electorine Valenda Innis            1. Haven
Gomtuu (Tin Man)                          1. Tin Man
Governor Leka Trion                       1. The Host
Hayne                                     1. Legacy
Ian Andrew Troi                           1. The Child
Ishara Yar                                1. Legacy
Junior                                    1. Galaxy's Child
Kalin Trose                               1. The Host
Lathal Bine                               1. The Host
Mickey D                                  1. The Royale
Misstress Ariel                           1. Angel One
Mr. Homn                                  1. Half a Life
                                          2. Haven
                                          3. Manhunt
                                          4. Menage a Troi
Nagilum                                   1. Where Silence Has Lease
Nellen tore                               1. The Drumhead
Palor Toff                                1. The Most Toys
Portal                                    1. The Last Outpost
Professor Samuel Estergon                 1. Captain's Holiday
Q                                         1. Deja Q
                                          2. Encounter at Farpoint
                                          3. Hide and Q
                                          4. Q Who
                                          5. Qpid
Q2                                        1. Deja Q
Rishon Uxbridge                           1. The Survivors
Rita                                      1. The Royale
Riva                                      1. Loud as a Whisper
Salenite Miners                           1. Final Mission
Sarjenka                                  1. Pen Pals
Texas                                     1. The Royale
The Traveler                              1. Where No One Has Gone Bef
Traveler                                  1. Remember Me
Vanessa                                   1. The Royale
Varria                                    1. The Most Toys

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 51

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Sovereign Marouk                          1. The Vengeance Factor
Yuta                                      1. The Vengeance Factor

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Duana                                     1. When the Bough Breaks
Radue, First Appointee of Aldea           1. When the Bough Breaks

Rashella                                  1. When the Bough Breaks

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Anya                                      1. The Dauphin
Salia                                     1. The Dauphin

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Debin                                     1. The Outrageous Okona
Yanar                                     1. The Outrageous Okona

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Lal                                       1. The Offspring
Lore                                      1. Brothers
                                          2. Datalore

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Prime Minister Nayrok                     1. The Hunted
Roga Danar                                1. The Hunted

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Kyril Finn                                1. The High Ground

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Groppler Zorn                             1. Encounter at Farpoint

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Premier Bhavani                           1. The Price

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 52

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Mordock                                   1. Coming of Age

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Mendora                                   1. Devil's Due

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Andrus Hagan                              1. Night Terrors
Lwaxana Troi                              1. Half a Life
                                          2. Haven
                                          3. Manhunt
                                          4. Menage a Troi
Reittan Grax                              1. Menage a Troi
Sabin Genestra                            1. The Drumhead
Tam Elbrun                                1. Tin Man

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Devinoni Ral                              1. The Price

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Locutus                                   1. The Best of Both Worlds I
                                          2. The Best of Both Worlds I

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Langor                                    1. Symbiosis
Sobi                                      1. Symbiosis

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Brenna Odell                              1. Up the Long Ladder
Danilo Odell                              1. Up the Long Ladder

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
One One                                   1. 11001001
One Zero                                  1. 11001001
Zero One                                  1. 11001001
Zero Zero                                 1. 11001001

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 53

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Leyor                                     1. The Price

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Glinn Daro                                1. The Wounded
Glinn Telle                               1. The Wounded
Gul Macet                                 1. The Wounded

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Esoqq                                     1. Allegiance

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Kevin Uxbridge                            1. The Survivors

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Torak                                     1. Devil's Due

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Liator                                    1. Justice
Rivan                                     1. Justice

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Consul Kol                                1. The Price
DaiMon Bok                                1. The Battle
DaiMon Bractor                            1. Peak Performance
DaiMon Goss                               1. The Price
DaiMon Taar                               1. The Last Outpost
DaiMon Tog                                1. Menage a Troi
Dr. Arridor                               1. The Price
Dr. Farek                                 1. Menage a Troi
First Office Kazago                       1. The Battle
Kayron                                    1. The Last Outpost
Letek                                     1. The Last Outpost
Mordoc                                    1. The Last Outpost
Nibor                                     1. Menage a Troi
Sovak                                     1. Captain's Holiday

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 54

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Brull                                     1. The Vengeance Factor
Chorgan                                   1. The Vengeance Factor
Penthor-Mul                               1. The Vengeance Factor
Volnoth                                   1. The Vengeance Factor

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Anne Jameson                              1. Too Short a Season
Ard'rian MacKenzie                        1. The Ensigns of Command
Clare Raymond                             1. The Neutral Zone
Col. S. Richey                            1. The Royale
Dr. Harry Bernard Sr.                     1. When the Bough Breaks
Dr. Noonian Soong                         1. Brothers
                                          2. Datalore
Dr. Paul Manheim                          1. We'll Always Have Paris
Dr. Sara Kingsley                         1. Unnatural Selection
Gosheven                                  1. The Ensigns of Command
Haritath                                  1. The Ensigns of Command
Harry Bernard Jr.                         1. When the Bough Breaks
Helena Rozhenko                           1. Family
Ira Graves                                1. The Schizoid Man
Jake Kurland                              1. Coming of Age
Jake Potts                                1. Brothers
Janice Manheim                            1. We'll Always Have Paris

   Jeremiah Rossa / Jono                     1. Suddenly Human
Jeremy Aster                              1. The Bonding
Kareen Brianon                            1. The Schizoid Man
Kentor                                    1. The Ensigns of Command
L.Q. Sonny Clemonds                       1. The Neutral Zone
Louis                                     1. Family
Marie Picard                              1. Family
Oliana Mirren                             1. Coming of Age
Perrin                                    1. Sarek
Ralph Offenhouse                          1. The Neutral Zone
Ramsey                                    1. Angel One
Rene Picard                               1. Family
Robert Picard                             1. Family
Sergey Rozhenko                           1. Family
Steven Miller                             1. Haven
Thaddeus Okona                            1. The Outrageous Okona
Vash                                      1. Captain's Holiday
                                          2. Qpid
Victoria Miller                           1. Haven
Willie Potts                              1. Brothers
Wyatt Miller                              1. Haven

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 55

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Dara                                      1. Half a Life
Dr. Timicin                               1. Half a Life
Science Minister B'Tardat                 1. Half a Life

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Ambassador Kell                           1. The Mind's Eye
B'Etor                                    1. Redemption I
Captain K'Nera                            1. Heart of Glory
Captain Kargan                            1. A Matter of Honor
Captain T'Kemoc                           1. The Emissary
Duras                                     1. Reunion
                                          2. Sins of the Father
Fek'lhr, Guardian of Gre'thor             1. Devil's Due
Governor Vagh                             1. The Mind's Eye
Gowron                                    1. Redemption I
                                          2. Reunion
J'Ddan                                    1. The Drumhead
K'mpec                                    1. Reunion
                                          2. Sins of the Father
K'Tal                                     1. Redemption I
Kahlest                                   1. Sins of the Father
Korris                                    1. Heart of Glory
Kunivas                                   1. Heart of Glory
Kurn                                      1. Redemption I
                                          2. Sins of the Father
Lieutenant Klag                           1. A Matter of Honor
Lieutenant Konmel                         1. Heart of Glory
Lorgh                                     1. Sins of the Father
Lursa                                     1. Redemption I
Mogh                                      1. Sins of the Father
Targ                                      1. Where No One Has Gone Bef

   Toral                                     1. Redemption I

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Alexander                                 1. Reunion
Ambassador K'Ehleyr                       1. Reunion
                                          2. The Emissary

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Hagon                                     1. Code of Honor
Lutan                                     1. Code of Honor
Yareena                                   1. Code of Honor

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 56

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Chancellor Avel Durken                    1. First Contact
Dr. Berel                                 1. First Contact
Dr. Nilrem                                1. First Contact
Minister for Internal Security Krola      1. First Contact
Minister of Science Mirasta Yale          1. First Contact
Nurse Lanel                               1. First Contact
Rivas Jakara (Riker's alias)              1. First Contact

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Captain Walter Granger                    1. Up the Long Ladder
Victor Granger                            1. Up the Long Ladder
Wilson Granger                            1. Up the Long Ladder

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Captain Bela Tyken                        1. Night Terrors

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Fento                                     1. Who Watches the Watchers?
Liko                                      1. Who Watches the Watchers?
Nuria                                     1. Who Watches the Watchers?
Oji                                       1. Who Watches the Watchers?

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Kova Tholl                                1. Allegiance

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Governor Karnas                           1. Too Short a Season

   Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Romas                                     1. Symbiosis
T'Jon                                     1. Symbiosis

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Grebnedlog                                1. Samaritan Snare
Reginod                                   1. Samaritan Snare

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 57

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Admiral Jarok / Setal                     1. The Defector
Admiral Mendak                            1. Data's Day
Ambassador T'Pel / Sub-Commander Selok    1. Data's Day
Bochra                                    1. The Enemy
Commander Tebok                           1. The Neutral Zone
Commander Thei                            1. The Neutral Zone
Commander Tomalak                         1. Future Imperfect
                                          2. The Defector
                                          3. The Enemy
Movar                                     1. Redemption I
Pahtak                                    1. The Enemy
Sub-Commander Taris                       1. Contagion
Taibak                                    1. The Mind's Eye

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Alexana Devos                             1. The High Ground

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Benzan                                    1. The Outrageous Okona
Secretary Kushell                         1. The Outrageous Okona

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Captain Endar                             1. Suddenly Human

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Chief Investigator Krag                   1. A Matter of Perspective
Dr. Nel Apgar                             1. A Matter of Perspective
Manua Apgar                               1. A Matter of Perspective
Tanya                                     1. A Matter of Perspective

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Ariana                                    1. Haven
Wrenn                                     1. Haven

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Kareel                                    1. The Host

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 58

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Acost Jared                               1. Devil's Due

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Azur                                      1. Captain's Holiday
Baratas                                   1. Captain's Holiday

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Ki Mendrossen                             1. Sarek
Sakkath                                   1. Sarek
Sarek                                     1. Sarek

                                Vulcana Regarian
Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
T`Shanik                                  1. Coming of Age

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Sirna Kolrami                             1. Peak Performance

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
John Doe                                  1. Transfigurations
Sunad                                     1. Transfigurations

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Kivas Fajo                                1. The Most Toys

                                 Holodeck Characters

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Comic                                     1. The Outrageous Okona
Cyrus Redblock                            1. The Big Goodbye
Detective Bell                            1. The Big Goodbye
Detective McNary                          1. The Big Goodbye
Dr. Moriarty                              1. Elementary, Dear Data
Felix Leech                               1. The Big Goodbye
Jessica Bradley                           1. The Big Goodbye
Madeline                                  1. Manhunt
                                          2. The Big Goodbye
Minuet                                    1. 11001001
Rex                                       1. Manhunt

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 59

                                     Other Stuff

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Aceton Assimilators                       1. Booby Trap
Altarian Encephalitis Virus               1. Future Imperfect
Anbo-Jyustu                               1. The Icarus Factor
Argus Array                               1. The Nth Degree
Atlantis Project                          1. Family
B'nar                                     1. Suddenly Human
Ba'ltmasor Syndrome                       1. The Drumhead
Barzan Wormhole                           1. The Price
Bat'telh                                  1. Reunion
Battle of Cheron                          1. The Defector
Bendii Symdrome                           1. Sarek
cha'DIch                                  1. Sins of the Father
Clan Lornack                              1. The Vengeance Factor
Clan Tralesta                             1. The Vengeance Factor
Corellium Fever                           1. Hollow Pursuits
Cosmic String                             1. The Loss
Crimson Force Field                       1. Samaritan Snare
Custodian                                 1. When the Bough Breaks
Darnay's Disease                          1. The Schizoid Man
Daystrom Annex                            1. The Offspring
Diomedian Scarlet Moss                    1. Clues
Elanin Singer Stone                       1. Pen Pals
Felicium                                  1. Symbiosis
Horga'hn                                  1. Captain's Holiday
Hytritium                                 1. The Most Toys
Ico-spectogram                            1. Pen Pals
Invidium                                  1. Hollow Pursuits
Iverson's Disease                         1. Too Short a Season
ja'chuq                                   1. Reunion
Jewel of Thesia                           1. The Outrageous Okona
Klingon Age of Ascension                  1. The Icarus Factor
Kosinski Warp Field Equations             1. Remember Me
Krieger Waves                             1. A Matter of Perspective
McKinley Station                          1. Family
                                          2. The Best of Both Worlds I
Molecular Decay Detonator                 1. Reunion
Oo-mox                                    1. Menage a Troi
Parrises Squares                          1. 11001001
                                          2. Future Imperfect
Parthenogenetic Implant                   1. Samaritan Snare
Phyrox Plague                             1. Allegiance
Picard Maneuver                           1. The Battle
Plasma Plague                             1. The Child
R'uustai                                  1. The Bonding
Rop'ngor                                  1. Up the Long Ladder
Sonchi Ceremony                           1. Reunion
Strategema                                1. Peak Performance
Synthehol                                 1. Too Many to List
Tarsian War                               1. The Hunted
The Phase                                 1. Manhunt

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 60

The Resolution                            1. Half a Life
Thelusian Flu                             1. Unnatural Selection
Tkon Empire                               1. The Last Outpost
Tox Uthat                                 1. Captain's Holiday
Triceron Derivative                       1. Reunion
Trillium 323                              1. The Price
Tyken's Rift                              1. Night Terrors
Ultritium                                 1. Manhunt
Varon-T Disruptor                         1. The Most Toys
Visual Acuity Transmitter                 1. Heart of Glory
Warp Bubble                               1. Remember Me
Wormhole                                  1. Clues
Zaterl Emerald                            1. Devil's Due

                      Planet, Star System & Other Stellar Stuff

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
'aucdet Nine                              1. The Child
Acamar Three                              1. The Vengeance Factor
Alpha Onias Three                         1. Future Imperfect
Altec                                     1. The Outrageous Okona
Angel One                                 1. Angel One
Archer Four                               1. Yesterday's Enterprise
Benzar                                    1. A Matter of Honor
Berussian Cluster                         1. Devil's Due
Beta Agni Two                             1. The Most Toys
Beta Cassius/Haven                        1. Haven
Beta Renner                               1. Lonely Among Us
Beta Stromgren                            1. Tin Man
Beta Thoridar                             1. Redemption I
Betazed                                   1. The Drumhead
Boradis System                            1. The Emissary
Braslota System                           1. Peak Performance
Bre'el Four                               1. Deja Q
Brekka                                    1. Symbiosis
Bynarus                                   1. 11001001
Celebi Asteroid Belt                      1. The Offspring
Cerberus II                               1. Too Short a Season
Chalna                                    1. Allegiance
Cor Caroli Five                           1. Allegiance
Cuellar System                            1. The Wounded
Cytherian System                          1. The Nth Degree
Daled Four                                1. The Dauphin
Delb Two                                  1. The Drumhead
Delphi Ardu System                        1. The Last Outpost
Delta Rana IV                             1. The Survivors
Deneb                                     1. Encounter at Farpoint
Denkiri                                   1. The Price
Dytallix B                                1. Conspiracy
Endicor System                            1. Time Squared
Epsilon Mynos                             1. When the Bough Breaks
Epsilon Pulsar Cluster                    1. Samaritan Snare
Evande Four                               1. Clues

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 61

Gagarin Four                              1. Unnatural Selection
Galen Four                                1. Suddenly Human
Galor Four                                1. The Offspring
Galorndon Core                            1. The Enemy
Gamelan Five                              1. Final Mission
Gamma Quadrant                            1. The Price
Gamma Tauri IV                            1. The Last Outpost
Ghorusda                                  1. Tin Man
Gravesworld                               1. The Schizoid Man
Guernica System                           1. Galaxy's Child
Hromi Cluster                             1. The Vengeance Factor
J 25                                      1. Q Who
Jouret Four                               1. The Best of Both Worlds I
Kaelon Two                                1. Half a Life
Kavis Alpha                               1. Evolution
Kazis Binary system                       1. The Neutral Zone
Khitomer                                  1. Redemption I
                                          2. Reunion
                                          3. Sins of the Father
Klavida Three                             1. The Dauphin
Krios                                     1. The Mind's Eye
Kriosian System                           1. The Mind's Eye
Lambda Paz                                1. Final Mission
Lappa IV                                  1. Menage a Troi
Legara Four                               1. Sarek
Ligon II                                  1. Code of Honor
Lunar Five                                1. The Hunted
Malcor                                    1. First Contact
Manu 3                                    1. Legacy
Mar Oscura                                1. In Theory
Maxia Zeta                                1. The Battle
Minos                                     1. The Arsenal of Freedom
Mintaka III                               1. Who Watches the Watchers?
Miridian Six                              1. Future Imperfect
Mordan IV                                 1. Too Short a Season
Nahmi Four                                1. Hollow Pursuits
Narendra Three                            1. Yesterday's Enterprise
Nelvana III                               1. The Defector
New Providence                            1. The Best of Both Worlds I
Ngame Nebula                              1. Clues
Omicron Theta                             1. Datalore
Orelious Nine                             1. Booby Trap
Ornara                                    1. Symbiosis
Outpost 23                                1. Future Imperfect
Pacifica                                  1. Conspiracy
                                          2. Manhunt
Parliament                                1. Lonely Among Us
Paulson Nebula                            1. The Best of Both Worlds I
Pegos Minor                               1. We'll Always Have Paris
Peliar Zel                                1. The Host
Pentarus Five                             1. Final Mission
Pentarus Three                            1. Final Mission
Persephone V                              1. Too Short a Season
Praxillus System                          1. Half a Life

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 62

Ramatis 3                                 1. Loud as a Whisper
Relva Seven                               1. Coming of Age
Risa                                      1. Captain's Holiday
                                          2. The Mind's Eye
Rubicun Star System                       1. Justice
Rubicun Three                             1. Justice
Rutia 4                                   1. The High Ground
Sarona Eight                              1. We'll Always Have Paris
Science Station Tango Sierra              1. The Child
Selcundi Drema                            1. Pen Pals
Setlik 3                                  1. The Wounded
Sigma III                                 1. Hide and Q
Solais 5                                  1. Loud as a Whisper
Star Station India                        1. Unnatural Selection
Starfleet Personnel                       1. The Hunted
Straleb                                   1. The Outrageous Okona
Strnad Solar System                       1. Justice
Styris IV                                 1. Code of Honor
Surata IV                                 1. Shades of Gray
T'llli Beta System                        1. The Loss
T-tauri System                            1. Clues
Tagus Three                               1. Qpid
Tanuga                                    1. A Matter of Perspective
Tarchannen 3                              1. Identity Crisis
Tarod 9                                   1. The Neutral Zone
Tau Alpha C                               1. Remember Me
                                          2. Where No One Has Gone Bef
Tau Cygna V                               1. The Ensigns of Command
Theta Eight                               1. The Royale
Torona Four                               1. The Big Goodbye
Turkana 4                                 1. Legacy
USS Stargazer                             1. The Battle
Vagra Two                                 1. Skin of Evil
Valara III                                1. Home Soil
Vega Omicron                              1. The Icarus Factor
Ventax Two                                1. Devil's Due
Vulcana Regar                             1. Coming of Age
Wolf 359                                  1. The Best of Both Worlds I
Zalkon                                    1. Transfigurations
Zed Lapis sector                          1. Skin of Evil

                                 Starfleet Personnel

Name                                      Episode
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
Admiral Aaron                             1. Conspiracy
Admiral Anthony Haftel                    1. The Offspring
Admiral Connaught Rossa                   1. Suddenly Human
Admiral Gomek                             1. The Emissary
Admiral Gregory Quinn                     1. Conspiracy
Admiral Greogry Quinn                     1. Coming of Age
Admiral Haden                             1. The Wounded
Admiral Hanson                            1. The Best of Both Worlds I
Admiral Henry                             1. The Drumhead

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 63

Admiral Mark Jameson                      1. Too Short a Season
Admiral Nakamura                          1. Measure of a Man
Admiral Norah Satie                       1. The Drumhead
Admiral Nsomeka                           1. Final Mission
Admiral Savar                             1. Conspiracy
Ambassador Hawkins                        1. Too Short a Season
Arthur Malencon                           1. Home Soil
Assistant Chief Engineer Singh            1. Lonely Among Us
                                          2. The Naked Now
Captain Benjamin Maxwell                  1. The Wounded
Captain Donald Varley                     1. Contagion
Captain Iso Telaka                        1. Unnatural Selection
Captain Paul Rice                         1. The Arsenal of Freedom
Captain Phillipa Louvois                  1. Measure of a Man
Captain Rachel Garrett                    1. Yesterday's Enterprise
Captain Rixx                              1. Conspiracy
Captain Taggert                           1. Unnatural Selection
Captain Tryla Scott                       1. Conspiracy
Captain Walter Keel                       1. Conspiracy
Chief Engineer Bjorn Bensen               1. Home Soil
Chief Engineer Lynch                      1. Skin of Evil
Christy Henshaw                           1. Transfigurations
Commander Bruce Maddox                    1. Data's Day
                                          2. Measure of a Man
Commander Quinteros                       1. 11001001
Commander Susan Leijten                   1. Identity Crisis
Crewman Hennessey                         1. The Dauphin
Darson                                    1. Tin Man
Director Mandl                            1. Home Soil
Dr. Barron                                1. Who Watches the Watchers?
Dr. Dalen Quaice                          1. Remember Me
Dr. Howard Clark                          1. Devil's Due
Dr. Leah Brahms                           1. Booby Trap
                                          2. Galaxy's Child
Dr. Palmer                                1. Who Watches the Watchers?
Dr. Paul Stubbs                           1. Evolution
Dr. Warren                                1. Who Watches the Watchers?
Engineer Costa                            1. Hollow Pursuits
Engineer Duffy                            1. Hollow Pursuits
Ensgin Davies                             1. Pen Pals
Ensign Allenby                            1. ???
Ensign Allens                             1. Pen Pals
Ensign Hilderbrandt                       1. Pen Pals
Ensign Janet Brooks                       1. The Loss
Ensign Locklin                            1. Clues
Ensign Mendon                             1. A Matter of Honor
Ensign Prixus ??                          1. Pen Pals
Ensign Sonya Gomez                        1. Q Who
Jack Crusher                              1. Family
Judge Aaron Satie                         1. The Drumhead
Keiko Ishikawa                            1. Data's Day
Keiko Ishikawa O'Brien                    1. The Wounded
Kyle Riker                                1. The Icarus Factor
Lieutenant Ballard                        1. The Offspring

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 64

Lieutenant Commander Argyle               1. Where No One Has Gone Bef
Lieutenant Commander Dexter Remmick       1. Coming of Age
                                          2. Conspiracy
Lieutenant Commander Hester Dealt         1. The Child
Lieutenant Commander Shelby               1. The Best of Both Worlds I
Lieutenant Dean                           1. We'll Always Have Paris
Lieutenant Jenna D'Sora                   1. In Theory
Lieutenant Marla Aster                    1. The Bonding
Lieutenant Reginald Barclay               1. Hollow Pursuits
                                          2. The Nth Degree
Lieutenant Richard Castillo               1. Yesterday's Enterprise
Lieutenant Selar                          1. The Schizoid Man
Lieutenant Torres                         1. Encounter at Farpoint
Lit-Historian Whalen                      1. The Big Goodbye
Luisa Kim                                 1. Home Soil
Marc Brooks                               1. The Loss
Medic Martinez                            1. Who Watches the Watchers?
Mendez                                    1. Identity Crisis
Mendoza                                   1. The Price
Mitena Haro                               1. Allegiance
Mr. Kosinski                              1. Where No One Has Gone Bef
Odin                                      1. Angel One
Paul Hickman                              1. Identity Crisis
Pilot Ben Prieto                          1. Skin of Evil
Simon Tarses                              1. The Drumhead
TAC Officer Chang                         1. Coming of Age
The Admiral                               1. Encounter at Farpoint
Vigo                                      1. The Battle

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                                 EPISODE LISTS


No.  Date     Episode                          Brief desc
---  ------  --------------------------------- -------------------------------
  0          The Cage   (Pilot)                Enterprise to Talos IV

  1  1513.1  The Man Trap                      Salt vampire
  2  1533.6  Charlie X                         Teenage boy raised by aliens
  3  1312.4  Where No Man Has Gone Before      crew menbers become god like
  4  1704.2  The Naked Time                    water molecules acts on the brain
  5  1672.1  The Enemy Within                  Transporter Malfunction.
  6  1329.1  Mudd's Women                      Harry Mudd and three women
  7  2712.4  What are Little Girls Made Of?    Roger Korby and clone exp's
  8  2713.5  Miri                              Enterprise helps children
  9  2715.1  Dagger of the Mind                Kirk inspects penal colony
 10  1512.2  The Corbomite Maneuver            Kirk bluffs aliens
 11  3012.4  The Menagerie (Part One)          Spock faces court Martial for
 12  3012.4  The Menagerie (Part Two)          hijacking the Enterprise
 13  2817.6  The Conscience of the King        Kirk investigates an actors past
 14  1709.1  Balance of Terror                 Enterprise chases Romulan ship
 15  3025.3  Shore Leave                       McCoy killed by black knight
 16  2821.5  The Galileo Seven                 Spock commands shuttle & crashes
 17  2124.5  The Squire of Gothos              Kirk & crew held by Trelaine
 18  3045.6  Arena                             Kirk must fight the Gorn
 19  3113.2  Tomorrow is Yesterday             Enterprise thrown back to 1967
 20  2947.3  Court Martial                     Kirk faces court martial(Finney)
 21  3156.2  The Return of the Archons         Kirk and crew confront Landru
 22  3141.9  Space Seed                        Crew find Botany bay with Kahn
 23  3192.1  A Taste of Armageddon             Planets that war with computer
 24  3417.3  This Side of Paradise             Kirk Fights Spock to cure Spock
 25  3196.1  The Devil in the Dark             Crew fight the Horta on Janus 6
 26  3198.4  Errand of Mercy                   Organians stops Klingon Fed. war
 27  3087.6  The Alternative Factor            Lazrus fights his anti-mater twin
 28  3134.0  The City on the Edge of Forever   McCoy Kirk Spock go back to 1930
 29  3287.2  Operation - Annihilate            Kirk kills one celled aliens

 30  3372.7  Amok Time                         Spock to marry T'Pring
 31  3468.1  Who Morns for Adonais             Kirk meets alien Adonais
 32  3451.9  The Changeling                    Kirk destroys the probe NOMAD
 33          Mirror, Mirror                    Crew visit visit paralell universe
 34  3715.0  The Apple                         Crew find and destroy Vaal
 35  4202.9  The Doomsday Machine              Kirk fights planet killer
 36  3018.2  Catspaw                           Kirk & crew meets shape shifters
 37  4513.3  I, Mudd                           Harry Mudd on planet of androids.
 38  3219.4  Metamorphosis                     Zephram Cochrane and companion
 39  3842.3  Journey to Babel                  Sarek & Amanda aboard Enterprise
 40  3497.2  Friday's Child                    Kirk provides weapons to planet
 41  3478.2  The Deadly Years                  crew experience rapid aging
 42  3619.2  Obsession                         Crew fights a gaseous creature
 43  3614.9  Wolf in the Fold                  Scotty accused of brutal murder
 44  4523.3  The Trouble with Tribbles         tribbles on Station K-7 & ship
 45  3211.7  The Gamesters of Triskellion      Race of aliens bet on fights

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 66

 46  4598.0  A Piece of the Action             a planet modeled after a book
 47  4307.1  The Immunity Syndrome             Space amoeba that eats ships
 48  4211.4  A Private Little War              Klingons supply weapons to a planet
 49  4768.3  Return to Tomorrow                Three aliens take host bodies
 50  2534.0  Patterns of Force                 John Gill brings Naziism to planet
 51  4657.5  By Any Other Name                 Kelvans take over the Enterprise
 52          The Omega Glory                   Paralell of Earth with United states
 53  4729.4  The Ultimate Computer             Richard Daystrom invents M5 computer
 54  4040.7  Bread and Circuses                Captain Merik of the USS Beagle
 55          Assignment: Earth                 Gary Seven and Roberta Lincoln

 56  5431.4  Spock's Brain                     Spock's brain is removed
 57  5031.3  The Enterprise Incident           Kirk & Spock get Cloaking device
 58  4842.6  The Paradise Syndrome             Kirk looses his memory and marriage
 59  5027.3  And The Children Shall Lead       Children take over the Enterprise
 60  5630.7  Is There In Truth No Beauty?      Blind doctor with Medusan
 61  4385.3  Spectre of the Gun                crew have a gunfight at OK Corral
 62          Day of the Dove                   An alien that feeds on emotions
 63  5476.3  For The World Is Hollow,          Star ship run by computer Oracle
             And I Have Touched the Sky
 64  5693.4  The Tholian Web                   Thoians weave a web around ship
 65  5784.0  Plato's Stepchildren              Aliens with kinetic powers
 66  5710.5  Wink of an Eye                    Scalosians to kidnap men
 67  5121.0  The Empath                        An alien Empath named GEM
 68  4372.5  Elaan of Troyius                  Crew educate Elaan for her marriage
 69  5718.3  Whom Gods Destroy                 Donald Cory tries to take ship
 70  5730.2  Let That Be Your Last Battlefield Race of half white half black aliens
 71  5423.4  The Mark Of Gideon                planet of disease free aliens
 72          That Which Survives               Alien image that kills people
 73  5725.3  The Lights of Zetar               Mora Romaine and energy storm
 74  5843.7  Requiem for Methuselah            Flint an imortal being
 75  5832.3  The Way to Eden                   23rd century hippoes and Eden
 76  5818.4  The Cloudminders                  Troglites mine Zienite
 77  5906.4  The Savage Curtain                Kirk meets Abraham Lincoln
 78  5943.7  All Our Yesterdays                planet that is nearing supernova
 79  5298.5  Turnabout Intruder                Janice Lester takes Kirk's body


Order Air Date  PCode Stardate Title
===== ========= ===== ======== ===========================================
   1. Sep 15 73    3A  5373.4  Yesteryear
   2. Sep 22 73    7A  5371.3  One Of Our Planets Is Missing
   3. Sep 29 73    6A  5483.7  The Lorelei Signal
   4. Oct  6 73    1A  5392.4  More Tribbles, More Troubles
   5. Oct 13 73    5A  5143.3  The Survivor
   6. Oct 20 73    2A  5554.4  The Infinite Vulcan
   7. Oct 27 73    9A  1254.4  The Magicks Of Megas-Tu
   8. Nov  3 73   14A  5591.2  Once Upon A Planet
   9. Nov 10 73    8A  4978.5  Mudd's Passion
  10. Nov 17 73   15A  5577.3  The Terratin Incident
  11. Nov 24 73   10A  5267.2  Time Trap
  12. Dec  1 73   13A  5499.9  The Ambergris Element
  13. Dec 15 73   11A  4187.3  Slaver Weapon

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 67

  14. Dec 22 73    4A  5521.3  Beyond The Farthest Star
  15. Jan  5 74   16A  5501.2  The Eye Of The Beholder
  16. Jan 13 74   12A  5683.1  Jihad
  17. Sep  7 74   19A  6334.1  The Pirates Of Orion
  18. Sep 14 74   17A  7403.6  Bem
  19. Sep 21 74   20A  3183.3  Practical Joker
  20. Sep 28 74   18A  5285.6  Albatross
  21. Oct  5 74   21A  6063.4  How Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth
  22. Oct 12 74   22A  6770.3  The Counter-Clock Incident


No. T  Date     Episode                        Brief desc
--- -- -------  ------------------------------ ---------------------------------
  1  1 41153.7  Encounter at Farpoint          Q puts the crew on trial
  2  1 41153.7  Encounter at Farpoint          Q puts the crew on trial
  3  1 41209.2  The Naked Now                  Narcotic.
  4  1 41235.25 Code of Honor                  Lutan abducts Tasha
  5  1 41386.4  The Last Outpost               Away team meet Portal
  6  1 41263.1  Where No One Has Gone Before   The Traveller
  7  1 41249.3  Lonely Among Us                Picard and energy beings
  8  1 41255.6  Justice                        Wesley held by the IDO
  9  2 41723.9  The Battle                     Picard and Star Gazer
 10  2 41590.5  Hide and Q                     Q gives Riker power of Q
 11  2 41294.5  Haven                          Wyatt Miller to wed Deanna
 12  2 41997.7  The Big Goodbye                First Dixon Hill appearance
 13  2 41242.4  Datalore                       Data meets his evil brother
 14  2 41636.9  Aangel one                     Crew to find survivors.
 15  3 41365.9  11001001                       Binars hijack Enterprise
 16  3 41309.5  Too Short a Season             Jamison and youth drug
 17  3 41509.1  When the Bough Break's         Children kidnaped
 18  3 41463.9  Home Soil                      Silicon Life form
 19  3 41416.2  Coming of Age                  Wesley tests for academy
 20  3 41503.7  Heart of Glory                 Worf and fugitive klingons
 21  4 41798.2  The Arsenal of Freedom         All life on Mynos dead
 22  4          Symbiosis                      Drug addicts
 23  4 41601.3  Skin of Evil                   Armus kills Tasha
 24  4 41697.9  We'll Always Have Paris        Picard meets old flame
 25  4 41775.5  Conspiracy                     Little parasites (sick)
 26  4 41986.0  The Neutral Zone               People from the 20th century
 27  5 42073.1  The Child                      Deanna and Ian (Her son)
 28  5 42193.6  Where Silence Has Lease        Enterprise in void
 29  5 42286.3  Elimentary Dear Data           Data portrays Sherlock Holmes
 30  5 42402.7  The Outrageous Okona           The life of a rogue
 31  5 42477.2  Loud as a Whisper              Riva the mediator
 32  5 42437.5  The Schizoid Man               Data meets Ira Graves
 33  6 42494.8  Unnatural Selection            Pulaski (Rapid aging)
 34  6 42506.5  A Matter Of Honor              Riker serves aboard the Pach
 35  6 42523.7  The Measure of a Man           Data on trial
 36  6 42568.8  The Dauphin                    Wesley meets Selia
 37  6 42609.1  Contagion                      Crew discover Iaconia
 38  6 42625.4  The Royale                     Trapped in a cheap Novel
 39  6 42679.2  Time Squared                   Picard meets Picard
 40  6 42686.4  The Icarus Factor              Riker meets his father

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 68

 41  7 42695.3  Pen Pals                       Wesley and team save a planet
 42  7 42761.3  Q Who                          Enterprise and Borg (J25)
 43  7 42779.1  Samaritan Snare                Geordi held by Pacleds
 44  7 42823.2  Up the Long Ladder             Send in the clones
 45  7 42859.2  Man Hunt                       Lwaxanna looks for husband
 46  7 42901.3  The Emissary                   Worf meets K'Ehleyr
 47  7 42923.4  Peak Performance               Battle simulation
 48  7 42976.1  Shades Of Gray                 Riker relives his past
 49  8 43125.8  Evolution                      Wesley frees Nanites
 50  8          The Ensigns of Command         Sheliak
 51  8 43152.4  The Survivors                  Old people on destroyed Planet
 52  8 43173.5  Who Watches the Watchers       Primitive Vulcans
 53  8 43198.7  The Bonding                    Worf and Jeremy Astor
 54  8 43205.6  Booby Trap                     Geordi creates Lea Brahms
 55  8 43349.2  The Enemy                      Geordi and Romulan
 56  8 43385.6  The Price                      Wormhole for sale
 57  9 43421.9  The Vengence Factor            The Gatherers
 58  9 43462.5  The Defector                   Admiral Jarock defects
 59  9 43489.2  The Hunted                     Crew hunts for war criminal
 60  9 43510.7  The High Ground                Picard and Beverly held hostage
 61  9 43539.1  Deja Q                         Q reduced to a mortal
 62  9 43610.4  A Matter of Perspective        Riker accused for murder
 63  9 43625.2  Yesterday's Enterprise         NCC 1701-C meets NCC 1701-D
 64  9 43657.0  The Offspring                  Data creates Lall
 65 10 43685.2  Sins of the Father             Worf before High council
 66 10 43714.1  Allegiance                     Picard held prisoner with 3
 67 10 43745.2  Captains Holliday              Picard finds the Tax Utat
 68 10 43779.3  Tin Man                        Tam Elbrun rescues Tin Man
 69 10 43807.4  Hollow Pursuits                Barclay's Holodiction
 70 10 43872.2  The Most Toys                  Data Kidnaped by Fagio
 71 10 43917.4  Sarek                          Sarek unstable
 72 10 43930.7  Menage a Troi                  Troi, and Riker kidnaped
 73 11 43958.8  Transfigurations               Beverly and John Doe
 74 11 43989.1  The Best of Both Worlds        The Borg return
 75 11 44001.4  The Best of Both Worlds 2      Picard altered by the Borg
 76 11 44012.3  Family                         Picard visits his home
 77 11 44085.7  Brothers                       Data, Lore, and Soong
 78 11 44143.7  Suddenly Human                 Picard stabbed by Jono
 79 11 44161.2  Remember Me                    Beverly trapped (Warp Bubble)
 80 11 44215.2  Legacy                         Tasha's sister Ishara.
 81 12 44246.3  Reunion                        Worf, K'Ehleyr, and Alexander
 82 12 44286.5  Future Imperfect               Borash captures Riker
 83 12 44307.3  Final Mission                  Picard. Wes, and Dergo crash
 84 12 44356.9  The Loss                       Deanna looses her powers
 85 12 44390.1  Data's Day                     24 hours of Data's life
 86 12 44429.6  The Wounded                    Ben Maxwell starts a war
 87 12 44474.5  Devils Due                     Picard faces the devil
 88 12 44502.7  Clues                          The crew looses their memory
 89 13          First Contact                  Riker hurt in mob
 90 13 44614.6  Galaxy's Child                 Geordi and the real Lea Brahms
 91 13 44631.2  Night Terrors                  Crew has mass hysteria
 92 13 44664.5  Identity Crisis                Geordi Metamorphosizes
 93 13 44704.2  The Nth Degree                 Barclay turned into computer
 94 13 44741.9  Q-pid                          Picard, Q, & Vash love triangle

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 69

 95 13 44769.2  The Drumhead                   Admiral Seti conducts a trial
 96 13 44805.3  Half a life                    Picard's risk to save scientist
 97 14 44821.3  The Host                       Riker lends his body to parasite
 98 14 44885.5  The Mind's Eye                 Geordi captured by Romulans
 99 14 44932.3  In Theory                      Data falls in love
100 14 44995.3  Redemption                     Worf regains honor
101 14 45020.4  Redemption 2                   Sela helps Duras family in war
102.14 45047.2  Darmok                         Picard with alien captain
103 14 45076.3  Ensign Ro                      Enterprise to save Bjoran people
104 14 45122.3  Silicon Avatar                 Dr. Mara destroys Silicon entity
105 15 45156.1  Disaster                       Deanna controls the Enterprise
106 15 45208.2  The Game                       Wesley stops addictive game
107 15 45233.1  The Unification, Part 1        Picard & Data search for Spock
108 15 45245.8  The Unification, Part 2        Unify Vulcan and Romulus
109 15 45349.1  A Matter of Time               Historian from the future
110 15 45376.3  New Ground                     Alexander to stay with Worf
111 16          Hero Worship
112 16          Violations
113 16          The Masterpeice Society
114 16          conundrum
115 16          Power Play
116 16          Ethics
117 17          The Outcast

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 70

                               UPCOMING EPISODES

#    Week Of        Title
--   --------  ---- ----------------------------
      1/11/92  208R 45233.1     Unification: Part I
      1/18/92  207R 45245.8     Unification: Part II
111   1/25/92  211              Hero Worship
112   2/01/92  212              Violations
113   2/08/92  213              The Masterpiece Society
114   2/15/92  214              Conundrum
115   2/22/92  215              Power Play
116   2/29/92  216              Ethics
      3/07/92  209R 45349.1     A Matter of Time
117   3/14/92  217              The Outcast

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 71

                              IMPORTANT ADDRESSES

                Star Trek episodes
         Columbia House Video Library
         Dept. LK3
         P.O. Box 1112
         Terre Haute, IN 47811
         800 544-4431

                Star Trek Chess set
         The Franklin Mint
         Franklin enter, Pa. 19092-2496
         $29.50 for each peice

                Star Trek uniforms
         Johnson Smith Co.
         4514 19th Court East
         P. O. Box 25500
         Bradenton FL 34206-5500.
         (813) 747-2356 for credit card orders

              Star Trek uniforms, books, posters, etc
         Intergalactic Trading Company
         P.O. Box 1516
         Longwood, Fl. 32752
         (407) 831-8344
         (407) 332-0142  FAX
         Send $2 for catalog.

         Star Trek books and other merchandise. Write for a catalog.
         Intergalactic Trading Company
         PO BOX 1516
         Longwood FL 32752-1516

         Paramount Pictures
         5555 Melrose Avenue
         Hollywood, CA  90038-3197
         (213) 956-5000

                Writing to cast members
         Cast Member's name
         C/O Star Trek office
         Paramount Pictures
         5555 Melrose Avenue
         Hollywood, CA  90038-3197

         Creation Conventions
         145 Jericho Turnpike
         Mineola, NY 11501

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 72

                Books on diskette
         S3 Enterprises
         137 Golfview Drive
         Glendale Heights, IL 60139.

         Klingon Recipes
         1231 Garfield
         Havertown, Pa, 19083
         Book $6

         Tom's Sci-Fi Shop
         P.O. Box 56116 DPI,
         H. Hts, Il. 60656-0116
         $3 for 75 page catalog. refundable on first order.

              Star Trek 25th aniversary game
         3701 S. Susan, Suite 100
         Santa Ana, CA 92704

              Star Trek Calander $5.98.
         The Science Fiction Book Club
         6550 E. 30th Street
         P.O. Box 6325
         Indianapolis, IN  46206-6325

              TOS, TNG, and all film scripts
         Hollywood Book and Poster Company
         6349 Hollywood Boulevard
         Hollywood, CA  90028
         (213) 465-8764 [voice]
         (213) 465-0413 [fax]

              Books, Scripts, etc
         Script City
         8033 Sunset Blvd.  Suite 1500
         Hollywood, CA  90046
         (213) 871-0707 for phone orders

         Catch A Star Collectibles, Inc.
         1951 Old Cuthbert Road
         Cherry Hill, NJ 08034

              Star Trek: The Next Generation magazine
         Starlog Press
         c/o Star Trek: The Next Generation magazine
         475 Park Ave. South
         New York, NY 10016
         $25 per year (4 issues)

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 73

              Pocket Books Press
         Pocket Books
         1230 Avenue of the Americas
         New York, Ny. 10020

              General Trek related items.
         PO Box 24590
         Denver, CO 80224   (303) 671-8735

              Comics, Games, Fandom, etc
         Dan Keene
         c/o I'M GAME
         102 W. Pine St.
         Warrensburg, MO 64093

              T-Shirts, and general merchandise
         OVER THE EDGE
         1504 Country Ridge Lane
         Baltimore, MD.  21221
         Write for a catalog.

              Assorted Trek items. Send SASE for catalog
         Greg Stone
         P.O. Box 508
         Lakewood, CA. 90714

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 74

                         IMPORTANT DATES FOR STAR TREK

Jan 20  Deforest Kelley              Leonard (Bones) McCoy
Feb 2   Brent Spiner                 Data, Lore, Dr. Noonian Soong
Mar 3   James Doohan                 Montgomery (Scotty) Scott
Mar 22  William Shatner              Captain James T. Kirk
Mar 26  Leonard Nimory               Mr. Spock
Apr 1   Grace Lee Whitney            Janice Rand
Apr 20  George Takei                 Mr. Sulu
Jul 13  Patrick Stewart              Jean-Luc Picard
Jul 29  Wil Wheaton                  Wesley Crusher
Aug 12  Jane Wyatt                   Amanda
Aug 17  Harve Bennett                Star Fleet Chief of Staff
Aug 19  Diana Muldaur                dr. Katherine Pulaski
Aug 19  Gene Roddenberry
Aug 19  Jonathan Frakes              William Riker
Aug 28  Gates McFadden               Dr Beverly Crusher
Sep 8   Star Trek anniversary
Sep 14  Bruce Hyde                   Kevin Riley
Sep 14  Walter Koenig                Chekov
Oct 15  Mark Lenard                  Sarek
Oct 24  John Winston                 Transporter Chief Kyle
Oct 24  Gene Roddenberry's death 1991
Nov 24  Denise Crosby                Natasha Yar, Sela
Dec 9   Michael Dorn                 Worf
Dec 29  Nichelle Nichols             Lt, Uhura

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 75

                              SHIPS OF THE FLEET

         Enterprise America
         Suite 271
         12439 Magnolia Boulevard
         North Hollywood, CA  91607
         $12 payable to Jim Lyon

         Star Trek Fan Club of California
         P. O. BOX 7094
         COTATI, CALIF 94931
         $8.00 YEARLY, 12  Newsletters,  Attends  3  or  4  Star  Trek
         Convensions  yearly,  and  has  tables at More than 2 con's a
         year..  Dues Payable to Chris Kren.

         Star Trek The Official Fan Club
         P.O. Box 111000
         Aurora. Co. 80011
         1 yr  $ 11.95/USA, $14.00/CANADA, $23.95/FOREIGN

         P.O. Box 430
         Burnsville, NC 28714

         Starfleet Academy
         P.O. Box 2312
         Evansville, IN 47728

         Data Entries: A Brent Spiner Newsletter
         1853 Fallbrook Ave,
         San Jose, CA  95130
         Quarterly zine focusing on Brent Spiner  and  TNG.   $5/year,
         single  issues $1.50.  Edited by Jim and Melody Rondeau. This
         was the first regular TNG publication.

         IAAPS: The International Audience Alliance For Patrick Stewart
         1411 Colonial Ave #B-5,
         Norfolk, VA  23517
         Patrick  Stewart  fan   organization.    $18/year   domestic,
         $20/year  Canadian, $22/year foreign.  Publishes "Stargazer",
         bimonthly, a zine dedicated to the career of Patrick Stewart,
         zine  reviews,  articles   and   other   information.    Very
         member-oriented.   Edited  by  Kate  Maynard  and  the  IAAPS
         Committee.  Checks payable to IAAPS.

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 76

         Imzadi: The Marina Sirtis Newsletter
         3084 Chastain Park,
         Atlanta, GA, 30342
         Marina Sirtis  and  STAR  TREK  fan  organization.   $6/year.
         Publishes "Imzadi," three times/year, dedicated to fan input,
         talks  with Marina, current news and more.  Edited by William
         S. McCullars.  Very chatty, newsy fanzine.

         The Electronic Male
         7914 Creek Trail,
         San Antonio, TX  78250
         Brent Spiner / TNG  review/update  zine.   SASE  for  current
         prices.   Pub-  lished  quarterly;  zine  features updates on
         Brent's career plus reviews and TNG nostalgia.  Edited by  K.
         Joyce McDonald.

         2116 W. Garfield Blvd,
         Chicago, IL  60609
         Beverly  Crusher  / TNG correspondence zine.  $10/six months,
         $20/thirteen   months.     Published    monthly,    featuring
         correspondence     primarily     oriented     toward    Gates
         McFadden/Beverly Crusher, as well as  current  TNG  conversa-
         tion.  Edited by Kimberley Junius.

         Klingon Assault Group
         NasToj Squadron REC.DEPT.
         245 Citation Dr.
         Henrietta, NY 14467
         I  don't  have  any information on this one. Send SASE

         The Michael Dorn Appreciation Organization
         P.O. Box 185,
         Ellicott City, MD  21043
         Michael Dorn fan  newsletter.   $18/year.   Publishes  "Dorn"
         bimonthly;  zine  focuses  primarily  on  Mr.   Dorn  and the
         Klingons. Edited by Marc B. Lee.  Slick publication.

         Barbara Walker
         17 Gateway Dr.
         Batavia, NY. 14020
         Leonard Nimoy's only  officially,  personaly  authorised  fan
         club. Send SASE to address above for flyer.

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 77

         The Picardian
         Contact Marilyn Wilkerson on Compuserve 72371.2517
         If  you know the address for this fan club, please post it so
         I may update  my  list.
         Patrick    Stewart/Picard-oriented    newsletter.    $6/year.
         Published monthly, focusing on the character  of  Picard  and
         the actor, inclined toward the more fannish aspects.

         The Star Trek Welcommittee
         P.O. Drawer 12
         Saranac, MI  48881.
         I don't have any information about this fan club. Send SASE.

         24th Century News
         RR #3 Box 4-B
         Port au Port, Nf. A0N 1T0 Canada
         Atlantic  Canadian  NEXT  GENERATION  Fanzine. For info. send

         15 Letter Dail
         Cairbbaa, Lochgilphead, Argyl PA31 8SX, Scotland
         IDIC ST CLUB: covers all TREK, bi-monthly  60-84  page  n/ls.
         SAE + $1 to Janet Quarton.

         P.O. Box 1031
         Carthage, Tx 75633
         The    United   Trekkers   Of   Planet   Earth   is   a   fan
         communication/news exchange group, dedicated to the  original
         crew. newsletter published monthly.

         Tribbles Fan Club
         P.O. Box 543
         Mendocino, Ca. 95460
         Send SASE.

         Inside Trekkers Fan Club
         Edgar B Schodde
         5215 Powhattan St.
         Pittsburgh, Pa. 15224
         Dues  $7. Make checks payable to Edgar B. Schodde. Membership
         includes Starship  diagrams,StarFleet  Officers  regulations,
         Club roster and membership card. Quarterly fanzine

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 78

         c/o Gabriele M. Wrubel
         P.O. Box 365
         A-1211 Vienna
         Dues  Austria  AS 250, Europe AS 300, Ask for U.S. Membership
         rates. Monthly Fanzine. Everything is published in German.

         Trek Guide
         P.O. Box 2522
         Renton. Wa. 98056-0522.
         Send SASE.

         East Coast Trekkers
         c/o Richard Brown
         2 Rowan Road
         Martham, Norfolk
         NR29 4RY England
         Send SASE

         Star Trek Toronto Inc.
         Suite 0116, Box 208
         65 Front Street West
         Toronto, Ontario
         CANADA      M5J 1E6
         Holds monthly meetings for members and mail  out  newsletters
         each month as well. Send SASE for more info.

         2753 Fourth Street
         Wyandotte, Mi. 48192
         Here  is a Fanzine for all loyal Q fans. It is authorixed and
         recognized ny John "Q" Delancoie. Write for info. Please send

         3RD FLT HQ
         P.O. Box 710219
         Santee, Ca. 92072-0219
         Starships of the Third Fleet $11 for 6 months.

         177th SINDARI
         R.R. 3 Box 107,
         Egg Harbor, NJ. 08215
         in care of Admiral Tomianus or Commander S'Letya.
         Romulan Fan club $12.50 per  year.  $25  to  include  Tshirt.
         Make checks payable to Neil T. White.

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 79

                                  WARP SCALES

                                TOS WARP SPEEDS

                    Warp 1              the speed of light
                    Warp 2      8 times the speed of light
                    Warp 3     27 times the speed of light
                    Warp 4     64 times the speed of light
                    Warp 5    125 times the speed of light
                    Warp 6    216 times the speed of light
                    Warp 7    343 times the speed of light
                    Warp 8    512 times the speed of light
                    Warp 9    729 times the speed of light

                                TNG WARP SPEEDS

                    Warp 1              the speed of light
                    Warp 2     10 Times the speed of light
                    Warp 3     39 times the speed of light
                    Warp 4    101 times the speed of light
                    Warp 5    213 times the speed of light
                    Warp 6    390 times the speed of light
                    Warp 7    652 times the speed of light
                    Warp 8   1017 times the speed of light
                    Warp 9   1506 times the speed of light

                               TRANSWARP SPEEDS

                    Warp 1              the speed of light
                    Warp 2     16 times the speed of light
                    Warp 3     81 times the speed of light
                    Warp 4    256 times the speed of light
                    Warp 5    625 times the speed of light
                    Warp 6   1296 times the speed of light
                    Warp 7   2401 times the speed of light
                    Warp 8   4096 times the speed of light
                    Warp 9   6561 times the speed of light

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine           Page 80


         c - The speed of light (186,000 miles/sec (300,000 km/sec))
         G - Grin
         LA - Laughing Aloud
         RA - Richard Arnold
         SD - Star Date
         ST - Star Trek
         WF - Warp Factor
         ;-) - Smiley face. There are many variations
         BJO - Bjo "Bee-joe" Trimble, author of Concordance
         BOP - Bird Of Prey
         BTW - By The Way
         FTL - Faster Than Light
         IDF - interial dampening field
         ILM - Industrial Light and Magic
         IMO - In My Opinion
         KHP - Klingon Home Planet (since TPTB refuse to give it a name)
         LOL - Laughing Out Loud
         MIE - main impulse engine
         NCC - Naval Construction Contract
         O&S - Okuda and Sternbach (authors of TNG Technical Manual
         POV - Point of View
         RPG - Role Playing Game
         SFA - Star Fleet Academy
         SFX - Special Effect
         TAS - The Animated Series
         TFF - The Final Frontier (Star Trek 5)
         TNG - The Next Generation
         TMP - The Motion Picture (Star Trek 1)
         TOS - The Original Series
         TUC - The Undiscovered Country (Star Trek 6)
         TVH - The Voyage Home (Star Trek 4)
         UFP - United Federation of Planets
         USS - United Space Ship
         W10 - Warp 10 infinite speed
         YAR - Yet Another Rumor
         FASA - FAntaSimulations Associates
         GMTA - Great Minds Think Alike
         IDIC - Infinite diversity in infinite combinations
         IMHO - In my humble opinion
         LLAP - Live Long And Prosper
         OTOH - On The Other Hand
         TPTB - The Powers That Be (usually referring to GR or Paramount)
         TSFS - The Search for Spock (Star Trek 3)
         TTFN - Ta Ta For Now
         TTYL - Talk To Ya Later
         TWOK - The Wrath of Kahn (Star Trek 2)
         YATI - Yet Another Trek Inconsistancy
         BOBW1 - Best of Both Worlds part 1 (Season Finale for third season)
         BOBW2 - Conclusion to Best of Both Worlds
         CANON - what Roddenberry/Paramount decides is "real" Trek. Gene has
                 already declared every novel (including the one(s) he
                 wrote) to be non-canon.

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 81

         IMOGR - In Memory of Gene Roddenberry
         ROTBA - Reality On the Blink Again
         ROTFL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing
         TNGTM - The Next Generation Technical Manual
         VISOR - Visual Instrument and Sensory Organ Replacement
         VISOR - VIsual Sensory Optical Reflector
         TEASER - the short scene that comes before the opening credits.
         TGBOTG - The Great Bird Of The Galaxy (Roddenberry)
         TRAILER - previews (commercials) for the next EXCITING episode.

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 82


         Feb.  1  &  2  -  Starcon  '92  at  the Sands Hotel Casino in
         Atlantic City, N.J., with guests George Takei, James  Doohan,
         Walter  Koenig,  John  de  Lancie,  Dave  McDonnell  (Starlog
         editor), DC comics letterer Bob Pinaha  and  DC  artist  Arne
         Starr.  Call (609)485-0644 for information.

         Oklahoma  City,  OK.  February  7-9  .  Central  Plaza hotel.
         Psurealcon with guest authos Tad  Williams.  For  more  info,
         call Psurrealcon at 800 -233-2219

         Hollywood,  FL. February 14-16. Castlegate Hoteh. Vulkon with
         guests Patrick Stewart,  Mike  Okuda,  Richard  Arnold,  J.M.
         Dillard, and Laura Banks

         Atlanta, Ga  February 22-23 Patrick Stewart, Michael Okuda,
         Jeanne Dillard, Richard Arnold, Laura Banks, Cheryl Mandus.

                             CREATION CONVENTIONS

         If yot want information about the following conventions. call
         (516) SHOWMAN.

         Los Angeles: Feb 2. Quantum Leap Convention. Universal City
         Hilton. With Scott Bakula, and Dean Stockwell.

         Manhattan: Feb 16-27. Ramada Hotel Abual show with Jonathan
         Frakes, amd Peter David.

         Valley Forge: Feb 16-17. Convention Center.

         Tucson: Febuary 22-23. Convention Center with Marina Sirtis.

         Pittsburgh: March 7-8. Pittsburgh Sheraton Square with Marina

         Montreal: March 21-22. Montreal Sheraton Downton.

         Los Angeles: March 27-29. Los Angeles Bonaventure Hotel. 5th
         Anniversary Salute to Star Trek The Next Generation with
         Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner, Jonathan Frakes, Gates
         McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Levar Burton, Wil Wheaton, Michael
         Dorn, Majel Barrett Roddenberry.

         Edmonton: March 28-29. Coast Terrace Inn with Nichelle

         Regina, Canada: Apr 11-12. Hotel Sasketchewan with Nichelle

         Boston: April 11-12. Hynes Center with Patrick Stewart.

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 83

         New Haven: April 12. Park Plaza Hotel with Patriock Stewart.

         San Francisco: April 25-26. Cow Palace.

         Dearborn: April 25-26. Dearborn Civic Center.

         Los Angeles: May 16-17. Fango Weekend of Horrors. Hyatt Hotel
         with guest Dario Argenta.

         Minneapolis: May 16-17. Convention Center. (Tentative).

         Cincinnati: May 23-24. Convention Center with Gates McFadden.

         Valley Forge: June 20-21. Convention Center.

         Buffalo: June 20-21. Radisson (Formerly the Ramada
         Renaissance) with Gates McFadden.

         Manhattan: June 27-28. Ramada Hotel.

         Manchester, NH: July 11-12. Holiday Inn.

         Portland, Oregon: July 11-12. Holliday Inn Airport with
         Jonathan Frakes.

         Dearborn: July 25-26. Civic Center.

         Reno: Aug 8-9. Pioneer Center.

         Manhattan: Aug 29-30. Ramada Hotel. Annual Show.

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine           Page 84


              Granite Cities Best          Higher Powered BBS
              (612) 654-8372               (408) 737-9447
              St.  Cloud, Mn.              Sunnyvale, Ca.
              SysOp Christine Blount       SysOp Bob Jacobson

              Intelec  Online              The Rat Trap
              (516) 867-4447               (801) 561-5025
              Baldwin, NY.                 West Jordan, Utah
              SysOp Cliff Watkins          SysOp Marty Greenlief

              Strawberry Patch             America Online
              (606) 432-0879
              Pikeville, Ky.
              SysOp Terry West

              Cyber Space
              (206) 248-7647
              Seattle, Wa.
              SysOp Michael Brunk

         I  will  be  selecting  one more official distribution points
         during the coming months.  I need  an  official  distribution
         site in the central Portion of the U.S.

         If you are the SysOp of a  BBS,  and  would  like  to  be  an
         official  distribution  site  for  SSN,  please  send me some

                      Geographic area         Modem type
                      Storage space           Networked mail
                      Fee's                   Additional nodes

         P.O. Box 118
         East Bernstadt, Ky. 40729

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 85

                                   ABOUT SSN

         Sub  Space  News is not affiliated with Paramount, nor any of
         the actors  within  Star  Trek,  and  Paramount  retains  the
         copyrights to any registered logo I may use.

         I have been a fan of Star Trek since 1967, and I am a serious
         trekker. In fact, I read 6 Star Trek  conferences,  and  host
         three of them.

         I  host  the  Intelec,  Smart  Net,  and  Lite Link Star Trek
         conferences. I participate in the U'NI net, Ilink,  and  RIME
         Star  Trek  conferences as well. If you have access to any of
         these nets, leave a message to Bill Lambdin, and I  will  get
         back to you. If you have access to America Online, my  screen
         name there is "Geordi1701"

         I   am   dedicating   this  publication  in  memory  of  Gene
         Roddenberry, and to his ideals for the future.

         I hope to publish this publication on a bi-monthly  basis  to
         start. If the Trekkers support this, it may move to a monthly

         Live long and prosper.

                          HAILING FREQUENCIES CLOSED

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 86

                             TRIDIMENSIONAL CHESS

Excerpts from original article by Andrew Bartmess. in the "Star Trek
Giant Poster Book" Issue 14, October 1977 Published by Paradise Press

A STANDARD tri-dimensional chess set consists of three main boards and
four moveable attack boards. The lowermost board holds White's chessmen
at the opening of the game and is termed "White's Board (W)". The middle
board is the "Neutral Board (N)" and the top board is "Black's Board
The attack boards start the game on the rear pegs of the Black and White
boards, and are referred to as "Queen's Level (QL)" and "King's Level
depending upon which level holds the King and Queen at the start of the

                       I   I   I   I   I
                       I   I   I   I   I
                       I P I P I P I P I
        ---------      -----------------      ---------
        I P I P I      IKT I B I B IKT I      I P I P I
        ---------      -----------------      ---------
        I R I Q I                             I K I R I
        ---------                             ---------

                       STARTING POSITION

The easiest way to learn Tri-D chess is to begin by looking at the chess
board from the top. The three main boards form one board eight squares
long and four squares wide, with the attack boards overhanging at the
corners. Imagine this overview as one flat board; any move you can make
in a standard chess game (flat board) you can make in Tri-D chess, but
you have the option of deciding which level you wish to land on. Since
every overlapping square is the same colour, you can land on either.
Two chessmen of the same (or different) colours can occupy the same
square (on different levels). For notation purposes, the main board
is listed in four files (Queen's Knight, Queen's Bishop, King's Bishop
and King's Knight from left to right) and eight ranks, followed by the
board which the piece lands on (ex: Queen to QKt6, N)

         SUB SPACE NEWS; Star Trek information zine           Page 87

                       Queen's             King's
                       Level               Level

                       ---------         ---------
                       I 4 I 2 I         I 2 I 4 I
                       I 3 I 1 I    I    I 1 I 3 I
                           I   I    I    I   I
                           -------------------  Black
                           I   I    I    I   I  Board
                           Io  I    I    I  oI
                           I   I    I    I   I
                           ------------------- Neutral
                           Io  I    I    I  oI Board
                           I   I    I    I   I White Board
                       I 4 I 2 I    I    I 2 I 4 I
                       I 3 I 1 I         I 1 I 3 I
                       ---------         ---------
                        Queen's           King's
                        Level             Level

                             ^    ^    ^   ^
                             I    I    I   I
                            QKt  QB   KB  KKt
                           File File File File

The attack boards, when occupied by a pawn or less, may move to any
pin position and such action constitutes one move. The attack boards are
fantastic devices; in three quick moves you can move your pawn into your
opponent's "Queening Zone" (the last rank of the B or W boards, or the
attack boards) and reclaim a captured Queen.
  The levels have their own notations; Queen's Level One is the square
on which the Queen starts the game, QL2 is the Queen's Pawn's starting
position, QL3 is the Qr, and QL4 is the QRP. Reversely, KL1 holds the
King, KL2 is KP, KL3 is KR, and KL4 is the KRP. This notation is like
the ranks; when looking at your opponent's attack boards, you number
exactly like your own.
   There are three ways of opening a Tri-D chess game: you may open with
a Knight (ex: Kt-QB3, N) or with one of the four pawns on the main board

   There are three ways of opening a Tri-D chess game: you may open with
a Knight (ex: Kt-QB3, N) or with one of the four pawns on the main board
s of each board are listed in this manner:
all pins on the King's side of the board are "King's Pins" and all those

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on the Queen's side are "Queen's Pins". On each board the closest pin is
designated One, the one fathest away is Two. Thus, the attack boards
the game on QP1 and KP1.
   After three pieces have left the QL or KL you are left with one pawn
which overhangs the main board. To free it, you may move (for example)
QL-QP1, N and in your next move cross to the other side of the board;
QL-KP1, N thus placing the pawn over the board. Once the attack boards
have left the opening position, they become capturable pieces. An attack
board (let's say White's) can be captured in this manner: the attack
board is occupied by *one* of white's pieces. If one of Black's
chessmen can capture White's piece, and becomes the only piece on the
attack board, the board is considered to be Black's property. Black
would control three attack boards instead of the two he started out
White can recapture the Level in the same manner, and so it goes. If you
can capture the attack board with a pawn, you can begin moving it
Empty Levels are effectively "neutral" and remain the property of the
original owner, free to maneuver. To be captured, an attack board must
occupied by a chessman.
  Any time after the first move a King may "castle" by exchanging places
with the King's Rook. To castle on the Queen's side you must move the
Queen out of QL1. Once this square is clear, you move K-QL1 and QR-KL1,
thus castling.
   A piece may *not* drop down a level to the same square. Such a move
when viewed from above would be the same as standing still. When making
a move that remains on one board, all moves are the same as on a regular
chess board. When in doubt on a move that crosses a level (ex: moving
a Queen from QL1, B to QKt8, W) you must look down from above the board.
If a piece is blocking your move (just as if the squares were on a flat
board) you can't make the move. You can, however, move your piece onto
the square just above or below the block and attempt the move in more
than one turn.
  The strategy of Tri-D chess is simple: by deploying your men all
over the levels you increase the the possibility that you opponent
will overlook one of your key men. Conversely, you must check out
your moves carefully before making them, or you may discover that your
Queen has been taken by a Pawn that was hidden three levels down.
This is also the main reason for moving and inverting (ex: QL X) the
attack boards, which counts as one move. Just one more out-of-the-way
square to be overlooked by your opponent. Although looking at the
game from the top is a good way to learn how to play, by the time you
have played a few games you should be able to play without standing
up, just envisioning the moves in your mind.

Well, that's it. A few notes are in order: you should have a good
knowledge of standard chess before attempting this game. Also, if
you are a good chess player you can probably come up with some
good modifications to improve playability (as some of my friends
did). For example, the "blocking rule" could be modified so you can
move "through" a piece in your way if that piece will be above
(or was it below?) you during the move.

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Making the board should be no problem; my friend used 1/4" clear
plexiglass for the boards and used a router to put a grid of
channels on them to make the squares; the frame can be made out of
welded metal. I suggest making the attack boards as light as possible
so you can invert them, else you'll have to hold them in place.