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     Come on God. Answer me. For years I am asking you why. Why are
  the innocent dead and the guilty alive? Where is justice?  Where is
punishment?  Or have you already answered?  Have you already said to the
  world, here is justice, here is punishment, here..............in me.

                   spoken word intro to "Punishment"
                           _Urban Discipline_

babybaby       yba       aby      byba       abyb     byba          babybaby
babybaby  bybabyba  babybaby  byb  yba  babybaby  byb  yba  ba  ba  babybaby
babybaby       yba  babybaby       yba       aby       yba  ba  ba  babybaby
babybabybabyb  yba  babybaby  byb  yba  babybaby  byb  yba  ba  ba  babybaby
babybaby       yba       aby  byb  yba       aby  byb  yba  ba  ba  babybaby

                 "Well I Swear That I Don't Have A Gun"

                              May 4, 1994

 |                                                                          |
 |         |    Editor : Blade X       | Back issues found at:              |
 |         |     bladex@bga.com        | etext.archive.umich.edu  ftp       |
 |         |  Neo-Wobblie Node # 269   | Tejas (512) 467-0663     BBS       |

Contents of this issue :

Ediborial : The Dying Throes of an Angry Young Cyberpunk        by Me!
Buzzword Bingo                               by Carl Cut-N-Paste Kadie
Re:views                                                        by Me!
Personality Quiz : K00L, G00ber, or Cyber Chix?                 by Me!
The Slacker Manifesto                                 by Steve Mizrach
Things that I am Ashamed about                           uh, anonymous
Baby Got Back Issues

Ediborial : The Dying Throes of an Angry Young Cyberpunk

It's been six months since the last issue and while these hallways have
been silent, I've been quite rowdy elsewhere.  Six months of experiences
have been condensed to asterisks in the "Re:views" section later in this

But mostly I turned 26.

Much of the Angry Young Cyberpunk stuff which fueled earlier issues no
longer interests me and it gets harder and harder to get riled up over
stuff.  The irony : while I'm reaching the end of the creative spurt
that generated Scream Baby, media coverage has taken off.  I'm reviewed
in the TV Guide to Cyberspace as a "don't miss" and received similar
blurbs in Axcess, the Compuserve monthly magazine, and if I wasn't so
lazy I'd go look up the other references but there's a couple more.

So what does it mean to you?  There won't be any speculations about Kurt
Cobain battling Richard Nixon in hell, or first hand interviews with
"Puppy" -- the Australian aborigine child at the center of the first
Usenet libel lawsuit award.  No, you won't be reading any of those
shameful things in Scream Baby anymore.

Ok, maybe you will.

Tomorrow, is, after all, a new future.

What I want to explore in the next issue is those ideas and expressions
of community, that experience of belonging, that sense of being home.


Categories : Art, Book, Comic, Death, Event, Loony Toons, Movie, Music,
             Police Action, Signs (of the Apocalypse), Technology, Zine

Howard Rheingold, Virtual Communities,          *****   Book
Mutha's Day Out, My Soul is Wet                  ****   Music
NiN, Toward the Downward Spiral                   ***   Music
Nat Henthoff : The First Amendment               ****   Book
Eden Matrix                                       ***   Comic
Computers, Freedom, and Privacy 1994             ****   Event
Robofest V                                       ****   Event
Robo-Otis collaboration                          ****   Art
bOING-bOING                                        **   Zine
io #1                                            ****   Zine
Beck, Mellow Gold                                  **   Music
Beck, "Loser" single                              ***   Music
Prince -- "Beautiful Girl"                          *   Music
        -- after thinking, damn, this could be    ***   Music
           a BeeGees song
Kurt Cobain                                      ****   Death
Bill Hicks                                      *****   Death
Wavy Gravy Ice Cream                            *****   Food
John Candy                                        ***   Death
FBI trying to detain suspects at a conference
        for civil libertarians (CFP 94)         *****   Police Action
The Fugitive                                     ****   Movie
Richard Nixon                                      **   Death
Government and Technology Conference               **   Event
"Punk Prom Night" at a local lesbian bar/club     ***   Music
Photo-manipulated gif of Rush Limbaugh sucking   ****   Art
Woodstock ][                                        *   Death
                                                 ****   Music
                                                *****   Signs
Too Much Coffeman                                ****   Comic
Watching Senator Leahy on a Big Big Big Screen
        talking about Big Brother Clipper Chip    ***   Event
Soundgarden, "Superunknown"                       ***   Music
Dissemination Network CD                          ***   Music
"It is better to burn out than fade away"
        -- Neil Young                             ***   Music
        -- Def Leppard                          *****   Music
        -- Kurt Cobain                              *   Death
Clipper Chip                                        *   Police Action
new Whole Earth Millenium catalog galleys        ****   Book
Eyore's Birthday Party                          *****   Event
        -- the drums                            *****   Music
Samuel Walker, In Defense of American Liberties,  ***   Book
        The History of the ACLU
River Phoenix                                       *   Death
Ralph Ellison, author of Invisible Man            ***   Death
Mandala system at the Chicago Institute of        ***   Technology
        Science and Technology
Mandala system by Austin Robot Group members    *****   Technology
        Karen Pittman and Jon Witham
HEB's new "Central Market" grocery store            *   Food
                                                  ***   Signs
Coca-Cola's upcoming "OK" drink          coming soon!   Signs
Schindler's List                                *****   Movie
PGP modification that makes encrypted text      *****   Technology
        resemble ordinary unecrypted text
Ed Krol, The Whole Internet Users Guide 2nd ed. *****   Bible
Mike Diana's obscenity conviction                   *   Police Action
General Linda Thompson's "Ultimatum" to           ***   Loony Tunes
        members of Congress et.al.
"The Green Card" postings                           *   Events
"The Green Card" postings author quoted as          *   Signs
        preparing to write a book on Internet advertising
Green Card                                      *****   Movie
Gray Areas Spring 1994 Issue                     ****   Zine
Phrack #45 & the NSA Security Manual             ****   Zine
        -- that Chris Goggans had to type the      **   Technology
           manual, rather than using a scanner
        -- Subsequent news coverage about event    **   Signs
Wired Clipper Chip Archives                      ****   Technology
Cyber Rights Now! Logo                            ***   Art
Big Brother Inside Logo                         *****   Art
CPSR removing Big Brother Inside Logo after      ****   Police Action
        Intel complained
The "Original Rock N Roll McDonalds" (Chicago)    ***   Food
        -- the Peggy Sue Boutique (souvenirs)    ****   Signs
Ben Is Dead "Sassy" parody                       ****   Zine
Clinton being asked about his underwear on MTV    ***   Event
Henry Rollins "Weight"                            ***   Music
Clinton's "constitutionally secure" methods to      *   Police Action
        conduct warrantless searches of public
        housing units
1492 : The Conquest of Paradise                   ***   Movie
Scream Baby being mentioned in
        Axcess                                      *   Signs
        Compuserve monthly magazine                 *   Signs
        Netguide ("the TV Guide to Cyberspace")     *   Signs
        Jon Lebovitz's E-Zine List              *****   K00L
        Forbidden Subjects CD-Rom                   *   Signs
                -- if the rumor that I get a    *****   Signs
                   free CD is true

Rate Yourself : How Many of the Above Cultural Items Did You Know about
before reading this issue of Scream Baby?

60+             Liar
1-59            Above average
0               Perhaps you should stop now and go read CTHEORY.

       |                                                       |
       | "Hey....I'm a loser baby.....so why don't ya kill me" |
       |                     Beck, "Loser"                     |


Here is a list of names of people, most of whom I've either met,
contacted, or otherwise found out about in the last six months or so.

Your job is to decide what I think about them, whether they are K00l, a
G00ber, or a cyber chix.

I couldn't think of a way to keep track electronically, so get a piece
of scratch paper to keep score. You'll also need a second piece of paper
to cover the screen in case the answers appear on the bottom of your
screen before you have a chance to decide whether the person is K00l,
G00ber, or Cyber Chix!

                                        And yes, it's a trick..........

List of Personalities

 1. Tiffany Lee Brown, WELL customer support
 2. Carl "Cut-N-Paste" Kadie, Computers and Academic Freedom
 3. Simona Nass, President of SEA
 4. Stanton McCandlish, EFF Online Activist
 5. Dan Gannon, Holocaust Revisionist
 6. Netta Gilboa, Gray Areas
 7. Darby, editor of Ben Is Dead
 8. Paco Xander Nathan, Fringeware
 9. Tom Jennings, creator of Fidonet, runs Little Garden
10. Howard Rheingold, Virtual Communities, Whole Earth Review
11. Wavy Gravy, clown, Woodstock I organizer
12. George Bush, Jr., Republican candidate for Texas Governor
13. M. Strata Rose, cypherpunk
14. Monte McCarter, Dissemination Network
15. Dave Banisar, CPSR Washington Office, policy analyst
16. Judi Clark, CPSR national treasurer
17. Janet Murray, K12 Net organizer, librarian, grandmother
18. Julie Petersen, Online Gardener for Wired
19. Beavis
20. Butthead
21. sine nomine, alt.angst who's who

Answers :

K00l : 1,2,3,4,6,7,9,10,11,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21

G00ber : 5,8,12,19,20

Cyber chix : 1,3,6,7,13,16,17,18,21

It's a *TRICK*  ....all of the cyber chix are also k00l....but not
everyone who is K00l is a cyber chix.........

If you didn't see this a mile away then you need to get with the
program.  Perhaps you should stop reading Scream Baby and go for
something safer, tamer, and user-friendly. Like [CENSORED BY

Scoring : 1 pt per correct answer, for a maximum of 32

32                      Liar
0 - 31                  Above average
didn't keep score       Cynic

Why is Paco Nathan a G00ber, you ask? Like, why isn't he K00l?  Ok,
since you ask, I'm going to tell you, and if you didn't ask, then just
play along like you did.  So like, I call over to his house, ya know, to
see if there's anything I could do to help out. He's putting together
the new upcoming issue of Fringeware Review (the Cyber Chix issue) with
Tiffany Lee Brown who had flown in from San Francisco to do this thing.
(She is on vacation for tendonitis and carpal syndrome, a result of
being WELL customer support).  So I'm like, well I'd lost my job the
week before, didn't have much to do, and was tired of watching this
huge, HUGE spider crawling across my ceiling.  So I called over to
Paco's house *TWICE* just wanting to know if there was anything I could
do to help out with the issue.

Doesn't even bother to call me back.

So he gets a g00ber rating until that b0z0head calls me back.

|                                                                      |
| The prototype "13er" exists solely in the minds of the media, and    |
| the rest is done with mirrors. Let's keep it this way. To the rest   |
| of those with the gall to label our individuality, I'll not-so-      |
| humbly ask this : Shut up, put your Powerbooks and cameras away      |
| and listen to us.  One by one by one.                                |
|                                                                      |
|                        -- Melissa Petrek, last writes, io magazine   |
|                                                                      |

             SLACKER MANIFESTO: Talking 'Bout My Generation

                            by Steve Mizrach

         Our generation doesn't even know what to call itself.
"Twentysomethings" is just a descriptive term; a numerical fact, much like
the term "13th Generation," (since America hit the world scene) which seems
to augur something disastrous in the future. The term "Baby Busters" just
signifies that we are the bust after the Boomers, the whisper after the
Youthquake, the great demographic downswing. Douglas Copeland may put it
best when he calls us "Generation X" - not for Malcolm, but because we are
unquantifiable, a complete X-factor, paradoXical. Nobody knows who speaks
for us; what market niches we occupy; what things are closest to our
hearts. We are an enigma to our predecessors, and perhaps will be one to
the generation after us, the so-called Millenials born after 1981.

            The X Generation is made up of Slackers, Hackers (a.k.a.
Phreakers, Cyberpunks, and Neuronauts), and New Jackers, those
ever-disposable urban youth prophets of Hiphoprisy. We are Ravers and Atari
Wavers, Stuck-in-the-70s-ers, and Particle Men, zooming to and fro without
a place to go. According to most demographers, we are more street smart and
pop-culture literate, and less versed in the classics, ethics, and formal
education (especially in areas like geography, civics, and history: areas
where we appear to be, in short, an academic disgrace.) Many of us do not
read, do not vote, and make sure not to care. Polls show us to be greater
risk-takers, more likely to do things that would result in self-harm, and
more materialistic than our predecessors, the Boomers. We are said to have
less ambition, less idealism, less morals, smaller attention spans, and
less discipline than any previous generation of this century. We are the
most aborted, most incarcerated, most suicidal, and most uncontrollable,
unwanted, and unpredictable generation in history. (Or so claim the authors
of 13th Generation.)

                If you look at the political organizations that define our
generation, you don't see Yippies, SDS, the Diggers, or the Weathermen.
Instead, we have groups like Lead or Leave! and Rock the Vote!, which do
the radical things of registering people to vote against censorship and
asking politicians to sign pledges to reduce the deficit or leave office.
Ho hum. This is the most socially conscious, radical stuff our generation
can do? Blaming retirees and the elderly for the deficit crisis they didn't
create? Pitting the young against the old? Surely we can do better! There
are 20+something groups out there, fighting homelessness, working for the
environment,  and attempting to reform education (U.S. PIRG, SEAC, USSA)
but the media never seems to notice them. Why do we allow groups like
Lead or Leave to define us? If we really wanted to solve the deficit
problem, we need to deal with entitlements, but we also must take on
the omniverous appetite of military spending as well... something Lead
or Leave seems to ignore.

                The good news is that we are a generation that believes
little in talk and much in action. We shun ideology and dogma for a basic
pragmatism in all areas of life. We are less prejudiced and less sexist
than any previous generation, yet polls also show us strangely to be more
likely to commit acts of bigotry. As a generation, many of us feel that it
is our job to clean up the messes left by the ones before us - a spiralling
budget deficit, a decaying environment, or national "malaise" and decline.
We are more focused on the future than the past - we are tired of all this
"retro" nostalgia crap. Most of us detest our childhoods and the junk
culture of that time (though it seems to continually get recycled into
movies and plays, like the Brady Bunch) and are hesitant to look on our
family life as something idyllic or "the best years of our lives." We are
fiercely independent and self-motivated, able to get whatever we need
whatever the circumstances.

                 We despise the "retrohippies" and New Agers of our time -
bot for holding up strong ideals, but for never living up to them. We are
partisans of the New Edge - willing to explore new places, transcend old
boundaries, and think bigger than anyone else. Despite the fact that as a
generation, we seem to have accepted that we will have a worse standard of
living than our parents, individually our members express an almost
incredulous personal optimism that "I'll make it no matter what." We HATE
to be categorized, to be lumped together or labelled. Even this long list
of generalizations are only approximations - trends and tendencies that
some Xer somewhere is fighting to buck. Nobody know what music we like -
is it rap, punk, progressive, industrial, acid house, Eurotrash,
technorave, hiphop, world beat, or none of the above? Nothing defines us
the way rock n' roll did the boomers. Our consumer demographics drive
marketers up the wall; their ads always claim that they know what we like
and what we are like, and they are always wrong.

                 Our politics transcend definition as well. Most of us live
by the maxim "all politics is local." We feel that we were born after two
big revolutions began, ended, and rolled back. The Sexual Revolution left
us with divorce, AIDs, herpes, date rape, and skyrocketing teen
pregnancies. Instead of sexual exploration, we are left with sexual chaos.
It almost seems like none of us date anymore. We still have sex, to be
sure, but never fall in love. The Drug Revolution left us with crack, PCP,
and heroin. Today's gangbangers are too worried about their turf to want to
"turn on and tune out." We are more "conservative" than our parents only in
the sense that we feel that they went about their revolutions the wrong
way. Some of us are still searching for free love, and the true head trip,
but we want to do it Better than the Boomers: that's our motto.

                 Some of us are predicting eventual generational warfare
between us and the Boomers. Personally, I don't see it. We may slug it out
over a vanishing Social Security fund and exploding deficits. But
ultimately I think that our hatred toward the Boomers is concealed
jealousy. Imagine: a generation that thought it could change the world!
We're lucky to do what we can to survive, let alone believe something as
amazing as that. I admit to Boomer envy. The things I am concerned about -
consciousness expansion; human liberation; a truly just, fair, and equal
society; a unified world, at peace; and the humane development and
dissemination of technology - seem like reruns of 60s slogans. The goals do
remain the same; but the tactics are ever so different. We are cleverer
than they: they wore their slogans on a shirt sleeve. We hide ours, not
because we don't want anybody to know them, but because we know
invisibility is a weapon.

                 Some demographers have assigned to our generation some
pitifully "retro" roles. They say we will restore "family values" - you
know, Ward Cleaver, et al. - after the "attacks on the family" of the 60s
and 70s. We're to restore the "communitarian" ethos of the 50s - you know,
when everybody trusted their neighbors and left doors open for them to stop
by - after the crime and civil distintegration of the following decades.
We're to restore the "self respect" of those years - you know, when people
were clean, neat, disciplined, uniform, etc. NOT! In fact, we children of
the 70s are not going to bring the 50s back to America. Instead, we are
going to make the chaos of the 60s look like kid stuff - 'cause it was. We
are here to bring change - suddent and shocking, if we have to. We are
ready to bridge gaps: between people and nature, people and technology, and
most especially, people and each other.

           |                                               |
           |  I think we're in an age where someone goes,  |
           |   I want to hear someone talk to me instead   |
           |         of trying to sell me something        |
           |                            -- Henry Rollins   |

                          NII BUZZWORD BINGO!

                             by Carl Kadie

============ a card =======
NII Buzzword Bingo!

Buzzword bingo is inspired by a Dilbert cartoon.

While in meeting, a conference, or watching C-Span, mark your card
every time you hear a word on your card. (The "bingo" square is
premarked.) When you get 5 in a row, in any direction, yell "Bingo!".

                    |  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |
                    |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  10 |
                    |  11 |  12 |BINGO|  13 |  14 |
                    |  15 |  16 |  17 |  18 |  19 |
                    |  20 |  21 |  22 |  23 |  24 |

Your words (ordered randomly) are:
 1. drug dealers
 2. child porn/pedophila
 3. legitimate needs of law enforcement
 4. Minitel
 5. smart enough to <commit some crime>, dumb enough to use Clipper
 6. the net routes around censorship
 7. information haves and have nots
 8. knowing how to program your VCR
 9. we are not asking for new wiretapping capabilities
10. Mafia
11. Saddam Hessein
12. the information superhighway
13. tollbooths (on the information superhighway)
14. who holds the keys?
15. cybercops/net police/net cops
16. you can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater
17. David Sternlight
18. metaphor(s)
19. Mosaic
20. 500 channels
21. World Trade Center bombing
22. global village
23. when encryption is outlawed, only outlaws will have encryption
24. on the Net no one knows you are a dog

========= the program ===========
#! /usr/bin/perl

# History
#  Mar 30, 1994 - more words suggested in email
#  Mar 29, 1994 - initial development Carl Kadie

# Must have at least 24. Having more is OK.
@word = (
     "Dorothy Denning",
     "child porn/pedophila",
     "legitimate needs of law enforcement",
     "Saudi Arabia bans satellite receivers",
     "France bans encryption",
     "we are not asking for new wiretapping capabilities",
     "drug dealers",
     "Saddam Hessein",
     "cybercops/net police/net cops",
     "tollbooths (on the information superhighway)",
     "the information superhighway",
     "information haves and have nots",
     "global village",
     "(virtual) community",
     "the net routes around censorship",
     "the Home Shopping Network",
     "500 channels",
     "on the Net no one knows you are a dog",
     "knowing how to program your VCR",
     "on ramps (to the information superhighway)",
     "pothole (to the information superhighway)",
     "roadkill (on the information superhighway)",
     "killer app",
     "David Sternlight",
     "Dave Hughes",
     "Santa Monica",
     "who holds the keys?",
     "you can have my encryption algorithm... when you pry my private key ...",
     "child porn",
     "World Trade Center bombing",
     "smart enough to <commit some crime>, dumb enough to use Clipper",
     "when encryption is outlawed, only outlaws will have encryption",
     "with rights, come responsibilities",
     "freedom of the press is only for those who own one",
     "you can't yell \"fire\" in a crowded theater",
     "civilizing the electronic frontier");

for ($i=0;$i<=$#word;$i++){
    local($r) = int(rand($#word+1));
    $t = $word[$i];$word[$i]=$word[$r];$word[$r]=$t;

print "NII Buzzword Bingo!\n\n";

print "Buzzword bingo is inspired by a Dilbert cartoon.

While in meeting, a conference, or watching C-Span, mark your card
every time you hear a word on your card. (The \"bingo\" square is
premarked.) When you get 5 in a row, in any direction, yell \"Bingo!\".\n\n";

print "-------------------------------\n";
print "|  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |\n";
print "-------------------------------\n";
print "|  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  10 |\n";
print "-------------------------------\n";
print "|  11 |  12 |BINGO|  13 |  14 |\n";
print "-------------------------------\n";
print "|  15 |  16 |  17 |  18 |  19 |\n";
print "-------------------------------\n";
print "|  20 |  21 |  22 |  23 |  24 |\n";
print "-------------------------------\n";

print "\n\nYour words (ordered randomly) are:\n";
for ($i=0;$i<=23;$i++){
  print $i+1,". ",$word[$i],"\n";

========== end of program ======

                     THINGS THAT i AM ASHAMED ABOUT

By confronting my inner daemons, I hope to look them head on, and have
power over them, rather than permitting them to have power over me, and
in the process, shattering the chains of shame and humiliation that
enslave me now.

boring, banal, and stupid, but when I read Q: What do you call two black
motorcycle cops?  A: Chocolate CHiPs, I involvuntarily laughed out loud.
I quickly stifled it, but the damage had been done, my inner racist soul
exposed for the world.

About six months ago, I thought that if I turned my clock radio to the
B-Hits Station (there's one in your town, I know it) that it would jar
me out of bed and kickstart my day.  What I've discovered is that out of
every 10 songs, there is 1 or maybe 2 that I actually like, and that I
am *WILLING* to wait through 8 or 9 songs until the ones I like come on
the air.  I also find myself thinking, hey, that cover song by Mariah
Carey isn't as evil as I originally thought, or like when K-7 comes to
Austin (come baby baby baby come come), I consider going to the concert.

You can't count on them, all they ever do is let you down.  But then I
think that, you know, you really can't make it in this world without
other people.  Humans needs communities to survive. So I get sucked into
this vortex feeding frenzy of just-do-it-all-by-myself-individuality and
cant-we-all-just-get-along-community.  Back and forth, back and forth.

friend of mine, and I go around stabbing him in the back in front of
hundreds, thousands of people, over some petty little thing like not
calling me back.

So for penance, I'm going to take the unusual request of asking the
Scream Baby subscribers to practice an act of random kindness and
senseless beauty.

You probably don't know this, but Paco is a *HUGE* fan of Star Trek :
The Next Generation.  We were at his house, just the two of us, debating
the Picard/Borg cliffhanger episode of a couple of seasons back.  I was
like, man, he's toast, and repeating "resistance is futile...prepare to
be assimilated" like it was a personal mantra.  Paco didn't give up,
like I did, or stop believing.  He spoke elegantly, movingly, about
humanity's capacity to confront adversity, to create dignity and
compassion in the hearts of man, where hatred, injustice, and cynicism
reside now.

I saw where my spoken words and actions were not living up to my
cyberlicious ideals, and was moved greatly.  So while Paco doesn't talk
about it much, he just *loves* the show, and frequently confides to me
privately how much it inspires him, intellectually and spiritually, and
is a source of many of his ideas.

So, as you can imagine, he is greatly saddened by the imminent season
finale at the end of May.

This is where you come in.

If you have any fan memorabilia that you could send him, it would be

(.gifs, scripts, QuickTime movies, alternative stories/scenarios written
by fans, etc.) please send them to pacoid@io.com.

And even though this is too much to ask, if you have anything physical
that could be delivered by snail mail (ex: posters, action adventure
figures, trading cards, key chains, maybe even badges or something so
that Paco can hit his chest and say, "One to beam up"), send those to
2118 Guadalupe, Suite 195, Austin, TX 78705.

Please limit yourself to just the Next Generation information; Paco has
just finished editing the upcoming issue of Post Modern Culture, which
is a special theme issue exploring the homoerotic tensions between Kirk
and Spock.  Needless to say, he is a little burnt out.

Whether you decide to send Paco something or not, I feel a whole lot
better now.

Sometimes I think being on the Internet is simply a substite for
therapy, but like, if you had 25,000,000 people in your group.

Till next time, see you in cyberspace!

babybaby       yba       aby      byba       abyb     byba          babybaby
babybaby  bybabyba  babybaby  byb  yba  babybaby  byb  yba  ba  ba  babybaby
babybaby       yba  babybaby       yba       aby       yba  ba  ba  babybaby
babybabybabyb  yba  babybaby  byb  yba  babybaby  byb  yba  ba  ba  babybaby
babybaby       yba       aby  byb  yba       aby  byb  yba  ba  ba  babybaby

                         "Baby Got Back" issues

There are so many fun, exciting, and easy ways to secure a copy of
Scream Baby that it is a shame if you didn't have all of them. I can be
slightly unfulfilled enough for the both of us, so here is how you can
own your own set.......

                       BUNS of STEEL -- 11/21/93

Reviews of n6, a print magazine sent free to those who responded to
electronic advertisements.  This issue : Gutter-Tech. Information about
the return of Unplastic News, Henry : Portrait of a Serial Killer, and
for those who want Christmas shopping suggestions, The Johnny Marr
Murder Can Be Fun Calendar 1994.

              Find Out Why They Call Me Stumpy -- 11/14/93

AXCESSerpt : ICE-T, on his new book, _The Ice Opinion, Who Gives A
Fuck?_; parental guidance warnings, and interactive subscription
information where potential subscribers answer essays to questions like,
"Henry Rollins : Savage street poet or heavy metal butthead?" and
alternative literary history : Suppose that Gabriel Garcia Marquez
replaced William Gibson as the co-author of _The Difference Engine_.
Describe the outcome of a literary coupling with Bruce Sterling.

                           The Hum-Drum Issue

So like R. Patrick Jones puts out this hip e-zine called Drum, a cut-up
collage involving the medical effects of psychopharmaceuticals,
Generation X revolution rants, images, magik, mescaline, and mdma, all
under the general homage of information as drug, information as altered

So like there is a space at the bottom for people to insert their own
text and then ship it off, so I'm like, yeah, gonna do it. So the first
thing I include is this shameful exploitive blurb pimping a porno film.
Go figure.  Another parody of software licensing restrictions,
subscription information, tips for wanna-be ezinesters, Reservoir Dogs,
Fringeware Review, and the usual litany of disturbing, fragmented,
pull-no-punches quotes and sayings.

                           You Are Number Six

includes a Legal Disclaimer, Subscriber Information, ediborial on
cyberpunk e-zines, Interview with David Blair (creator of _Wax_), news about
Agrippa : The Book of the Dead, and reviews of Stephen Seagal's Under Siege,
the Cyberart Gallery in Sin magazine, Sound Photosynthesis catalog, Neal
Stephenson's Snow Crash, the video arcade game Lethal Enforcer, and the zine
Gray Areas.

I also was struck by some sort of virus that attached shameful and degrading
text to the end of this issue: information about Apartmentopia, a New Edge
apartment complex and a Q&A column by Blade X Lax, "the cyberpunk's cyberpunk"

                              Leri-L Issue

By day Scotto is the list moderator of the Leri-L Mailing List. By night, he
secretly aims for net.personality.dom.  As guest editor of Scream Baby, his
wildest fantasies are unleashed. In addition to Scotto's writings, we have
contributions by @rez on Hypertexture, an excerpt from Rheingold's _A Slice of
Life in the Virtual Community_, Andy Hawks, and many more little mind altering
blips of information interspersed throughout.

                      The Talking Raven Re:review

Starts with a review of Antero Alli's Talking Raven : The Journal of
Imaginative Trouble and then it just kinda........decays.  Frankly, I
don't know what the hell I was talking about or meant to say, but am
quick to cover my ass by labeling it "experimental" and "gonzo".
<shrugs shoulders>  Shotgun splatter approaches to reality sometimes end
up....messy.  I apologize for nothing.

                             The Torn Issue

The master copy of this issue was accidently left unguarded in the same room
as a small four year old child who had access to a pair of scissors. I taped
it back together, best I could, but could only find electrical tape. In
between you'll find such things as K-Mart Stocks Fractals, Transmission Error,
Baby Got Back Issues, an X-change with Paco Xander Nathan (Technology and
Consciousness Editor for bOING-bOING & Mondo, owner of Fringeware, all-around
groovy guy), and a new subscriber information / poll.

                     The Andy Hawks Interview issue

Software License Agreement, Subscription Information, an ediborial, review of
Public Enemy, _Greatest Misses_, and an interview with Andy Hawks, creator of
the Future Culture mailing list and FAQ, conducted by Jagwire X, creator of
the Autopia project and soon-to-be-started zine, Sun Dog.

                        The September 26th, 1992 Issue

Every word written in a 24 hour period, fueled by rage, nervousness, and
caffeine.  Ediborial, Subscription information, Software Licensing Agreement,
A Tribute to Isaac Asimov, A Tribute to Isaac Asimov part 2, List of Cultural
Artifacts, and reviews of bOING-bOING, Bruce Sterling, Ministry, NiN, Malcolm
X (audio-tape), Mark Leyner's _Et tu, babe_, Negativland, and the Cop Killer


Send e-mail to bladex@bga.com stating that

        * you are over the age of consent in your localspace
        * you are not an employee of the US Postal Service Child
                Pornography Division. (All other Postal Service
                employees need not identify themselves)
        * you are not a government official from Singapore and
        * you voluntarily concede any and all rights to sue for
                damages due to your contact with Scream Baby.



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CD-ROM "Forbidden Subjects" (by Walnut Creek, I think)

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    when I'm home and copy it DIRECTLY FROM MY COMPUTER SYSTEM.  Bring your
own disks. Please, no virii.  You could bring some food for me, though.