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_____________________________________________________________________________ __ . __ __ __ . ___ _ . | | | | | |__ / |__ | / | /_| . RICUS Newsletter | | |__ |__| __| / __| | / | / | . Volume 1, Issue 3 . October, 1992 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Rhode Island Computer Underground Society, . Syndetic Illuminati, . and Telecom Anarchists Newsletter . . --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Title ........................... 1 Introduction . Want to comment? 2 RISA Information Packet . Send Feedback to those 3 Telecom Gh0dz . 'RICUS GuYz' 4 Warning to the Masses . in Chat-323/NENet Common! 5 323Song! . 6 An RI BBS List, RICUS style . 7 School BBSes? . 8 Closing . They just LUV hearing about . us! . <grin> . ................ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: Introduction --------------- Welcome to Issue 3 of RICUS! Rumors of our death have been greatly exagerated. <grin> Thanks to a few textfile couriers, the last issue was distributed far out of the intended audience, to places far and away, and even into the hands of the very "net tyrants" themselves. In this issue, we present a look at RISA, RI Sysops Association, in other words, the Anti-RICUS. We even include the very RISA information packet itself. Have fun... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2: RISA Information Packet -------------------------- Okay, RISAFORM.ZIP was acquired... What follows is a critique of it. RISAFORM.ZIP contained the following files: read.me - a file containing a plug for Microchip BBS risa992.doc - a file, which we will see later, containing info about "RISA", the RI Sysops Association. infoform.exe - an program which generates a "RISA application" (40k in size, by the way. We will examine it later.) infoform.me - a "sample" RISA application Risa992.doc contained the following text, for those who have not acquired it through other means: [note, my comments have been added between the square brackets] ----------- Start of RISA992.TXT ---------------- R.I.S.A : Rhode Island SysOps Association ----------------------------------------------- Written By Howard Bishop [^You forgot an apostrophe after Sysops! <bg> Table Of Contents ----------------- 1.......................................................About RISA 2.......................................................Leadership 3........................................................Info Form 4.......................................................Prejudices ----------------- [Insert 20 or so useless linefeeds here] 1 --- About The RISA Association -------------------------- The RISA Association is an association which created in order to stop hackers and keep news around about whats going on in the state and what to watch out for. This is an emergency group which is avaliable to you through a one networked conference. This conference is networked and echoed through a front end mail system called Front Door or any other Fido Compatable mail system. We have chosen to use the front end mailer so that in the event of an emergency or if there is CRASH mail sent out, it would just bounce from system to system. The mail routing will be very similiar to the mail routing used in 323 Net. 323 Net ive found to be very stable. Mainly this organization was brought together to monitor hackers and there every move. This is made to help the rate of Tele/anarchists decrease over the next couple of months. Anyone who would like to join this unique network should run INFOFORM.EXE so you can find out how to join. [Hrumph, Howie, I thought you got KICKED OFF 323 net? You found it to be "stable"? Hmm? Do the alias messages ring a bell? On another note, the entire risa992.doc file was poorly written and expressed very little knowledge of spelling, grammer, or advanced vocabulary. Not only is Howie a m0Dem FeWl, but poorly educated, as well. <big grin> -ed] -------------------------- 2 --- Leadership -------------------------- I have created this association and I want it to grow strong against the hackers. As you know, most organizations have a leader or a president, vice president, and it is voted on. I would like to get this organization moving so that we can stop the busting of hackers throughout the state. If you would like to join, on your Info. Form / Registration Form, There will be a box; and if you would like to be a president of this, mark the box and the voting campaign will be held at my voting booth at 401-934-2757. [ First off, "stop the busting" means you DON'T WANT THEM TO GET IN TROUBLE. Sure, neither do I; we agree in this regard. <g> However, I don't think that's quite what you meant. You seem to be opposed to hackers and getting them in trouble would be just what you WANT. Again, your lack of writing skills shows. One day you will be able to write high quality, professional documents such as this one! -ed.] 3 --- Info Form --------------------------- Run at INFOFORM.EXE [Well, duh, like I couldn't have figured it out? You're really scraping the bottom of the telecom barrel here, aren't you? That's no surprise, the finest minds in RI telecom are already with US. Also, what the heck is this "run at"? It's again readily apparant you haven't even the most basic grasp of English. -ed.] --------------------------- 4 --- Prejudices --------------------------- I know that most sysops do not favor teens. I am a teen sysop and do not like prejudice people. I know a few people who run BBS's who are prejudice to teens. I know alot of you think that im just a kid fooling around. But im really not. I also realize I won't get hardly any adults to join this because they think that im to inmature; Which I call prejudice. If you want to be prejudice and not join, thats ok. Im just asking. I have a sense of humor as most sysops do with a few exceptions. [ GoSh! I hope you have a sense of humor about this and don't go and try to kill us or something! I'm just shaking in my booties... On another note, who CARES if most Sysops "favor teens" or not? Obviosly, we don't care. Many of the best Sysops are in their teens (or atleast under 25. Hah hah!) I think you just want to try and be "professional." We called your board a few times, "anarchy supported in the message bases." What a crock! You want to "support anarchy", and then you come out with this? That seems slightly contradictory, IMO. -ed. ] Thank You Howard Bishop RISA Chairman [ No, thank you!11!] Anti Hack (tm) <--- Not. "RICUS (tm)" (c)1992 RISA Corperation --- Hack The Hackers [what's a hacker? I don't see any in THIS state!] [^CORPORATION, fool. Get a spell checker! This is an embarassment to 13 year old m0d3m g33kz! <bg> BTW, that Hack the Hackers is really ingenious. (Not!) Oh, and a corporation implies a corporate entity of some type, a company, a business... get the point? Do you see us having RICUS Inc. and The RICUS Corporation at the end of every file? No, of course not! RICUS - Rocking the Telecom World. -ed. ] ---------- End of RISA992.TXT --------------- Ok, well guys, that was an informative document, wasn't it? At the very least, it was amusing. Ok... now for the analysis infoform.exe, a 40584 byte MS-DOS executable (duh!) I examined the file with my handy hex editor, (you all really should get one, you can do neat things like modify any program of your choice to reflect your name instead of the company who produced it, change text in the program, edit BlueWave packets <BIG grin>, the usual chaos.) and determined it was written in MS QuickBasic (presumably version 4.5) Now, upon running this program, it puts up a s0oPer KeWl RISA logo, made out of slashes and shaded blue and white. It's really a site to see (yeah,right!) and adds some much needed glory to the RISA name. It then puts if a neat little application, asking things such as "Your Name", "Your Voice #", "Your BBS Name", "Your BBS #", "Your Sex", "Your Age", and the highlight of this exe... "Be President Check Yes? [ ] No? [ ]" This is his way of asking you if you would like to run for "President of RISA." What an esteemed title that would be! Oh, how I desire to be known as "President of the Rhode Island Sysops Association." I can see my name in lights... Well, if this thing goes anywhere, it's fairly obvious one of the larger "professional" ego maniacs will proclaim this title for themselves. Now, lets do some further analysis on WHY he's attempting to form RISA. To remove "hackers" (or, as he wrote, to STOP them from being removed! heh heh!) Hackers? I don't see any hackers. I see some rather odd individuals who get kicks out of "disturbing the peace" (?) on BBSes, but certainly no evil, malicious hackers, as he would like to make it seem. RISA is an attempt to be at the "Anti-RICUS." He sees dozens of people flocking in our direction and is getting jealous of it all. Thanks for the attention, Howie, I'm sure RISA is a force to be reckoned with. <yaaaaaaawwwn!> 'til next time, >-RH-> I was just informed that RISA has changed its name to MANS. Microchip ANarchy Support group. aHa! Call Microchip for more info. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3: Telecom Gh0dZ ---------------- ---------------------------- The TeLec0m gh0d ---------------------------- "You take a mortal man, and put him in control Watch him become a god, watch people's heads a roll..." - Megadeth Aren't you sick of annoying users/sysops who think they are gh0d? You know, the LaMaHs who post messages like, "You suck cause you're not me, I know eVeRyThInG ab0ut your b0ard, and I can cRaSh it uSiNg my gh0d knowledge of s00per KeWl backdoorz!" Don't ya hate that? I know as a sysop, it tends to be a TAD bit annoying for some little shit to tell you that basically you know nothing and you are "out of your league". So I've devised this file to help my fellow sysops to determine what to do with a TeLec0m gh0d... First you have to be able to tell if you have a TeLec0m gh0d on your hands or not...so here's a little list... 1) The user leaves messages (public or private, usually both) threatening you if he/she doesn't get high access, they'll crash the board. 2) The user leaves messages (public) saying, "Kiss my ass, I am here! I will run this board, or challenge it to a war!" or something along those lines 3) The LaMaH tries to convince you he knows all these s00per KeWl backdoors and that he/she is best friends with the author of your BBS program 4) He tries to humiliate (usually failing) users or the sysop... 5) And of course, the LaMaH actually tries crashing your board If you have a user who matches anyone of these, or all of these, or maybe just some. Most likely you have a TeLec0m gh0d on your hands...and with that gh0d comes his/hers HUGE gh0d eg0! So here's what you can do to "cut that eg0 down to size" 1) Find out where the gh0d lives and cut his/her phone lines...I personally like this one! 2) Take squinky's course on Stealing a Sysop's computer, of course it can be anybody's computer in this case... 3) If the gh0d is a sysop, call his/her board, find out what program gh0d's using, find out as MUCH as you can about that program (including s00per KeWl backdoors) and crash it 4) If he's a sysop, and you have connections with authors of BBS's (like you call Alpha sites or whatever) Hex edit a few messages and start a Author war, where your gh0d's board will definetly get taken away by that program's author 5) Or you can just lock the gh0d out, and make sure he/she never calls ANY boards in the state again! All these choices will most likely cut down that huge eg0 of that gh0d's. Make up your own plan, or use something up there. Choice is yours. And if all fails, just find out where the gh0d lives and pummel 'em...heh Good luck! /\/\orloc|< ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4: Warning the Masses --------------------- Squinky Phile # 5 -=-=-=-=- Warning the Masses ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well folks, it appears our little hobby has once again been raped by ignorance and stupidity. A certain local area sysop, who shall remain nameless, has started an Anti-hack group, calling RICUS a hack/phreak/pirate group. I can not speak for the individual memembers of RICUS, but I can speak for the group in saying that RICUS(as a group) has never in ANY shape way or form, hacked, phreaked, or pirated software. Lies like this can ruin reputations, cost people jobs, and other nastyness. I do not believe that any RICUS memembers are involved in any illegal computer fraud activites. Nor do I believe that the Anti-hack group which has formed has any HARD evidence. Most likely rumors and just jealousy have spawned such lies. I certainly hope the BBS comunity can see the falsehood in these tales. Otherwise Telecom is in a sadder state than I thought it was. I personally challenge those who makes these accusitions to show evidence of them. Show me where you have seen a RICUS release of pirated software. Show me where you have seen RICUS take claim for hacking. Show me where you have seen RICUS release K0dez and other phreaking information. Truth is, you CAN NOT. You have no evidence what-so-ever. I have heard that *I* am being blamed for hacking the board of the head of this new group. I would like to say in response for this, that, *I* have no idea what-so-ever on how to go about hacking a bbs, let alone crashing one. If such an activity was done under my account, I would like to be informed. Otherwise, keep your acusations where they belong, in the trash can. -sQuinky- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I think you all know how to get in touch with me ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5: 323 Song ----------- `We've Got a NeT Pr0bLem Now' (c) ?H? ??M?L?$ ??? `92' All Rights Are Sheep Entrails ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I AM MIKE FLABBEEE! Born AGAIN WiTh FaScIST CraVINgS!!!' Still, you made me syyyys-ad-min! BBS rights will soon go 'way I'm your NET HUB today.. Now I command All of you Now you're gonna pay for axs that's kewl I'll make sure you're my users too! ENest Uber ALLES Uber ALLES ENest Stan Weyman will control you Still you think it's natural RICUS knockin' for the Master race Still you butkiss to save face You close your eyes, can't happen here The FCC with beurocracy is comin' near Censorship won't come back, you say Be professional or you will pay Be professional or you will pay! FidoNet Uber ALLES Uber ALLES FidoNet Welcome to 1994 Are you ready for BBS war? You will meet the RICUS police They'll speak their minds and fr0 slap your neice You'll quietly plot against them `Let's take his modem away from him!' Don't you worry, it's only a phase They'll submit when they've aged Die on our new verbal death Rot your eyes, make you deaf Making money for Mike Labbe And All the friends of Mike Labbe! Marcy Crossman Uber ALLES Uber ALLES Marcy Crossman ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Thousand Pardons To : Jello Biafra And The Dead Kennedys : Well, errr No-one else... Special Thanks To : DaV, Spartacus Greets To ??????? SQUiNKY, H0w1E, DaVaH, All you other wonderful people. ??????? All Associates of RiCUS/SI/TA ??????? ?H? ??M?L?$ ??? ??????? ??????? RiCUS/SI/TA/KeWL ??????? ???? `92' ???? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? [ Note, any similiarity in the names mentioned above to actual people, BBSes, or things, living, dead, or otherwise is *purely* coincidental.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6: RI BBS List -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- __ . __ __ . RI Computer Underground Society . The RIBBS list, | | | | | |__ . 401 NPA/Surrounding Area BBS List . sans the *BS*! | | |__ |__| __| . October, 1992 Edition . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Springboard 232-0088 Smithfield John Flood Crossroads 252-4035 Rehoboth,MA Tom/Renee Croome Our House 254-0848 Bristol Bill/Angel John EarthWorld 254-1262 Bristol Heidi/Marc Agin IBM World 272-4739 Providence Mike M/Marcy C Tom & Chris's BBS 272-7822 Providence Tom Desillier Lair- Lizard King 294-5949 N Kingstown Michael Smith Opportunity Knocks 295-2342 Exeter Brian Scott Omega Concern 295-2725 N Kingstown Scott Glynn Elvis & UFO Sights 322-7568 Richmond Ron Massee Chowdanet 331-0334 Providence Brad Shipp MacStation 331-4212 Providence Charlie Walker Rhode Warrior 331-6079 Providence Rob Hurst Modern Technology 333-3451 Cumberland Fred Barra Gambit 333-6424 Cumberland Bill Pommenville Prime Cut 334-3096 Lincoln Peter Tarpy Data Express 336-3868 Seekonk,MA Gil Gomes S.A.S.S 351-2305 Providence Royal Preston Progress. Resources 351-5997 Providence Birkin Diana Cloneware Sales 353-3331 N Providence Michael Walsh E-Nest Providence# 353-3359 Warwick Mike and Lea Necropolis 364-0524 Charlestown Frank Faubert Razor's Edge 364-6343 Richmond Chris Arnold South Shore 364-9788 Wyoming Jack Gordon Computer Work$hops 397-3966 Coventry Jeffrey/Janelle IBM World II 397-5146 Coventry Marcy C/Mike M Prometheus 397-7522 Coventry Stan Weyman Computer Clinic 421-3452 Providence D Manchester ACME 421-9614 Providence Giachelli/Lewis Death's Doorstep 423-2964 Jamestown Ed Beaulieu Cerebral Babylon 435-3576 E Providence Todd Rourke GAYtway Commun. 435-6544 E Providence Blind Faith IEEE 454-2977 Providence Doug Wilkinson Anomaly 455-0347 Providence Mike Deignan J&W University 456-4634 Providence Students Mise En Place 461-2605 Warwick Ralph Oelbaum Behind Enemy Lines 463-6973 Cranston Scott Nerney Soth's Domain 463-7799 Warwick Marshall Votta Pilgrim Highschool BBS 463-9928 Warwick School Board Stiff 521-2851 Providence Stephen Knudde Info Exchange 521-6456 Providence Robert Gregory Jason's Lair 539-0344 Richmond Al Simone Flatline 567-0915 Glocester Louis Grossi Dragnet 568-2343 Pascoag John Mehrtens R.I.A.C.E. 621-5359 Providence Mike Burgio Tiverton 624-1748 Tiverton Paul Menard Tiv. High School 624-5209 Tiverton Ed Fernandez Sakonnet 624-6107 Tiverton Tim Watters Meet House Tiv. # 624-8744 Newport John O'Donnell Bridge 625-5845 Tiverton Paul Terceiro RI Tel Cumb. # 658-2033 Woonsocket Eric Chew Connections 658-3465 Cumberland Eric Robichaud Rebel Outpost 683-3218 Portsmouth Ron Jakubisyn Mac Shop 683-3460 Portsmouth Mitch Mallett Ups and Downs 683-5961 Portsmouth G + J Barrett RI TI Pro 683-6954 Portsmouth Bill Collins Comstar 722-1468 Pawtucket Takam South Seas 723-0725 Pawtucket Bill Dryer Fly By Night 724-1209 Pawtucket Martin Haggarty Custom Concepts 724-4332 Pawtucket Scott Bousquet Horses Head 726-8186 Central Fall Prescot Chartier Total Coverage 727-4124 Pawtucket John Mota Bloom Beacon Pawt# 728-1107 Johnston Montminy & Watson Nite Moves 728-5796 N Providence George Peters Cyber Zone 732-0258 Warwick Moorehead/Fayne Eagle's Nest Comm. 732-5292 Warwick Mike and Lea Danger Zone 732-5687 Warwick Robert Kircher Hackers Paradise 732-8622 Warwick Bryan & Scott Master BBS 737-4119 Warwick Tom Gallaghan Barbarian 737-5103 Warwick Clark & Woodwar S/W Connection 737-9774 Warwick Louis Levasseur Channel 15 738-3017 Warwick Mike Marzilli Communications 739-4010 Warwick Charles Bare IDS World Prov# 751-1067 E Greenwich Andy Green Meet House Prov# 751-1606 Newport John O'Donnell Bloom Beacon 751-3831 Johnston Montminy & Watson CommPort USA 761-9812 Seekonk,MA John Robin Country Store 761-9831 Seekonk,MA Glenn Britland Computer Exchange 762-4293 N Smithfield Fred Beaudreau X-Men 765-4244 Woonsocket Dan Sokoloff Eyestrain 765-6205 Woonsocket Brent Bosworth Arcade 765-8597 N Smithfield Michael Theroux Chickenbone Place 766-8751 Lincoln Mark Smith BVBBS 769-2055 Woonsocket James Williams Aldrich Jr. High BBS 781-1998 Warwick School Bob's Iron Room 781-5822 Warwick Bob Nordin CPT Journal 781-7024 Providence Gene Lyles Mystic Illusion 782-4264 Wakefield Mark Schieldrop Information Resour 783-7559 Wakefield C Jacques/J Dargi Rose Garden 789-0646 Narraganset Rose Medeiros Bristol Hotel 821-1017 Coventry La Fazia WME/Roadrunner 821-1457 W Warwick Ron Bouthillier ImageNet 822-3060 Coventry Steve Medeiros Fleet Headquarters 823-0176 Coventry Chris Trainor Colossus 823-0979 Coventry Andrew Bent Signals 823-3038 Coventry Larry Celani The Parthenon 823-8859 W Warwick Ray & Lea Walsh Total Perspective 826-2943 Coventry Adam Gerard Advantage V/Data 826-3789 W Warwick Joe Caparco Naval Justice 841-3990 Newport John Sawyer NCC386 846-1763 Newport Bill Fink Nightline 847-8946 Newport Jeremy Dennis Meeting House 848-2200 Newport John O'Donnell Palace of Exile 848-7225 Middletown Jason Caminiti Flightline 848-7936 Newport Dan Haller Terminal Madness 848-9069 Middletown Chris Mathis Imperium 849-1536 Middletown Alex Beckers More 849-2215 Middletown Howell/Akin Twilight Zone 849-4346 Middletown David Kahan Gateway 849-9205 Middletown David Todd PC Upgrades 861-2261 Providence Jim Stravato Outer Limits 883-5255 Bellingham,MA Off Broadway 884-4967 N Kingstown Hank Bookman IDS World Network 884-9002 E Greenwich Andy Green Microchip 934-2757 Chepachet Howard Bishop 95th Floor 941-7851 Cranston Paul Mallett WBCS 943-2581 Cranston Russell Hull Ministry Knowledge 943-3446 Cranston David Costantino Talk of the Town 943-7093 Johnston Bob Centracchio Bishop of Battle 943-8181 Cranston Steve Dunphy ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, looks like there's a LOT of systems in this little state of ours. Have fun, and remember... The RICUS Motto: It's only a hobby! (Seems we take that motto more to heart than those other guys!) I took the RIBBS list, ran it through a program, and made this. Great, isn't it? We know lots of the systems up there suck, but we're not gonna say which ones. We leave that to you, the caller, to decide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7: School BBSes --------------- Lately, we've been informed of numerous BBSes, run by schools. Primarily these are junior high and high schools. Take a look at the BBS list above for the numbers to some of them. Now, this wouldn't be bad in itself. Afterall, getting more kids involved in telecom is great. However, take a look at the software these boards are run on. Yes, that's right... Procomm Plus Host Mode! It is truly sad. I mean, if you're going to dedicate a phone line to a BBS, atleast put it up on something usable. Put it up on Telegard, Renegade, anything.. but not the host mode to a term program! Then, these boards are being used for rediculous things like sending messages back in forth ("pen pal letters") for a French class. Now, come on people, if they're going to put up a public BBS which ANYONE can dial into, atleast use it for a decent purpose. You can write pen pal letters in a word processor, even. Why not try and give these people recommendations on how to improve, what software to run, how to set it up, etc.? These boards and the potential users they could provide could be an asset to the BBS community in general. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8: Closing ---------- The next issues of the RICUS t-file may take on a new format. Instead of one large text file, it may be split into many small ones, like those great Cult of the Dead Cow text files, who we all greatly admire! Why? Well, it saves the effort of putting them into one large file. Besides, having lots of small ones looks better than having a few large ones. Still, this new format isn't definite yet. As Squinky said, RICUS as a GROUP does very little. ALL it does is make the text files that are in the RICUSxxx.TXT. What individual members do are *not* done in the name of the group and are not of our concern. If you have a problem with an _individual_ in the group, take it up with that INDIVIDUAL and not the group as a whole. Remember, it's only a hobby! <grin> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RICUS103.TXT | October, 1992 | Volume 1, Issue 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------