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  __ .  __       __      __  .    ___   _    .
 |   | |   |  | |__   / |__  |  /  |   /_|   . RICUS Newsletter
 |   | |__ |__|  __| /   __| | /   |  /  |   . Volume 1, Issue 2
                                             . September, 1992
 Rhode Island Computer Underground Society,  . Knowledge is Power.
 Syndetic Illuminati,                        . Information is Freedom.
 and Telecom Anarchists Newsletter           . Censorship is Evil.
 Table of Contents

 #   Title . . . . . . . . . . .
 1   Introduction               .   Submissions? Leave a public message to
 2   New Damage                  .  'Those RICUS bad b0yz!' on NE-Net-Common
 3   RI K-RAD BBS List            .   or 323-Chat. We are everywhere and
 4   FidoNet Tutorial              .   we'll read it eventually!
 5   Easy Access to NENet/Fidonet   .
 6   Offensive Conservative BBSers   .
 7   Making Fun of a Random User Dept .   My my! This is a BIG issue!
 8   A Guide to Crank Calls            .   Thanks to all the people who
 9   Anarchy Activities                 .   helped make this possible.
 10  The Virii                           .
 11  How to Steal your Favorite BBS 8-)   .  *Distribute this far and wide*
 12  Closing                               . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1: Introduction

    Hello again, and welcome to another issue of the RICUS newsletter. We hope
 to get this issue out to more users than the last issue. Afterall, what is the
 point of writing all this if nobody reads it?

   Over the last few months, RICUS/SI/TA has grown in the number of members
 and supporters. This proves there is some backing for this type of thing.
 Many of the people I once thought of as "lamahz" I was able to reform and sway
 them into a proper train of thought; directing their energy towards where it
 would be useful.

  We have caused a stir with the activity in the local nets over the past few
 weeks. Though this activity is now dying down, it won't take too much effort
 to get it started up once again!

  It's going to be an interesting few months in RI telecom. It certainly was
 an interesting summer, between the Fido attacks, spy scandals, and numerous
 other things.

          >=--- Robin Hood ---=>

PS: Greetings to those who saw my posts on NENet. Also, screw you, to the
    sysop who deleted one of them from one of the larger systems in the
    state. Too bad they got out to the rest of the net first! h0 h0!

[Note: These files are written by many different authors, some of which
       choose not to identify themselves within their files, for one reason
       or another. ]


        "When new damage comes, it's a new faceless poison. A new world order,
         it's new damage done. The wreck is going down, get out before you
         drown. The wreck is going down..."

        Greetings boys and girls. Pull up a chair and listen to me as I give
you an education or three. Learn you a question of four, and who knows!
You might just not want to associate with me any more. Of course, there is the
distinct chance, like moths to a flame, you might just listen and never be the
same. Perhaps.
        As the defacto leader of the SI, I felt it was necessary to comment
on a few aspects of 'The Underground' and it's activities in Rhode Island.
Seems to me that there's just a few too many sysops getting the wrong
impression of said activities, but in certain cases, their concern is indeed
warranted. First and foremost is to address the use of the term 'The
Underground' and how it relates to the Syndetic Illuminati, but before I do
that, perhaps a general description of the SI is in order first. This is a
group that has just bit of history behind it.
        Back in the early 1980's in the Cape Cod area, there was a group of
8-bit based bulletin boards. Various names and sysops that no longer have any
actual importance to you, the lay reader, the fact that they were there is
enough information. Needless to say, as telecomm grew in that area, certain
demogogues of the region began to become unruly. Outright oppressive in
certain instances. They began an attempt at a reign of terror over other area
systems via hacking and blacklisting that was unheard of. Enter a few
concerned system operators who wanted to keep the peace, do away with the
troublemakers, and basically 'live and let die'. It would be hard to simply
attack back at the guilty directly because (as we all well know) it is next to
impossible to prove actual computer crime done directly on a BBS over local
access lines. The sysops did, however, feel it was necessary to keep tabs on
those who were deemed 'a threat' to the hobby in general. This was not
a 'hacker' list, mind you, this was a list of users and sysops who were active
in restricting the freedom of the hobby and going out of their way to try to
inhibit others from enjoying the hobby. Information was (and is) the key. It
hard for the minions of "evil" to do their work when all the dirt on
them was collected and compiled as needed. Message bases and file areas were
dedicated to storing necessary and pertinent data. Regular users were
routinely "leaked" tidbits of information to make them question the authority
of the opressors. In all, the SI became a great annoyance for these
oppressors, and they eventually were all forced to fold under. Telecomm was
once again restored to it's liberal and care-free status.
        Here, in 1992, in our little state of Rhode Island, we have a similar
situation boiling. We have sysop network on top of sysop network dealing in
the information users. Dealing with 'who is a troublemaker' and who isn't.
Where's the general user in this? No where. Several area system operators have
personally seen to the investigation of other sysops for crimes that the prior
party had no involvement in. We have these same operators conspiring with
still OTHER operators in compiling file cabinets full of dossiers on various
users and operators in the area. All marked on an insidious 'hit list'. Adolf
Hilter is alive and well, and living in Coventry, East Greenwich, and
elsewhere. The fact of the matter is the primary players in this scheme are
simply regarded by the general user as a couple of misguided fools, which is
of course the truth, but the fact is a fool can gain power if no one acts
against them when it is appropriate to do so. Do YOU know what you have said
over the past 3 years in your messages on the boards? No, probably not. THEY
DO, however, and the scheme for blackmail has been used once already and I'm
sure these same operators will use it again. The general user needs to open
their eyes just a bit wider, things are not all as well as they seem to be.
While we message to and fro with our friends, there are factions printing out
every last message, looking for materials to use against each and every one of
us. It's not suprising since one of the operators is already a convicted
felon, and the second is the formers business partner, going so far as to
share an office building.
        What does this all have to do with 'The Underground'? Well, first of
all, there are two groups in this area that have assumed the use of the term
to a greater or lesser degree. One group is headed by a sysop in Newport and
is the express business of hacking boards. Hacking is sometimes a means of
revenge, but this group does so simply to do it. Several systems that stood
neutral in all aspects to everyone have been hacked by the proverbial 'RI
HACK' simply because the perpetrator knew he could do it. The Syndetic
Illuminati does not condone such wanton acts of aggression. The Newport-based
operation is a seperate entity and we do not in any way seek to be affiliated
with them. The SI refers to 'the underground' as simply its existing network
of users and sysops who are gathering the information on the despots. When the
time is right, then and only then will we begin our modes of retribution. The
guilty will surely pay for all that they have wrought. It has already been
noted that various elements have placed anonymous calls to various users to
try to scare them, car windows have been smashed, and fake accounts have all
been employed to try to stop the SI. Unfortunately for the Nazi's amongst us,
we do not scare so easily.
        So, gentlereader, we're fighting for you out there in the trenches. As
none of you can really be sure just WHAT you might have said somewhere that
made it to someone's printer dossier file on you. Telecomm should never come
to this, in any event, but unfortunately it has.

        .\lbertus .\.\agnus

 Note, the above article was a submission from
 the fabled Syndetic Illuminati.
3: The RI K-RAD BBS List
| ####               #####                  |  RI K-RAD BBS List v. 1.0
| #                    #                    |  A compiled list of local
| #### Y N D E T I C   #  L L U M I N A T I |  boards worth calling..
|    #                 #                    |       ..and why!
| ####               #####                  |  List conceptualized by:
|        "Who watches the watchers?"        |   .\lbertus .\.\agnus

 BOARD NAME:             NUMBER:   LOCALE:         SYSOP(S):
 ^^^^^^^^^^^             ^^^^^^^   ^^^^^^^         ^^^^^^^^^
 IBM World               272-4739  Providence      Mike Mendillo/Marcy C
        Why: Marcy Crossman is Rh0de IslandZ sex-kitten!

 Modern Technology       333-3451  Cumberland      Fred Barra
        Why: Fasta Bauda is the s0oPer KewLest DeWD w/ K-RaD phiLeZ!

 IBM World II            397-5146  Coventry        Marcy Crossman/Mike M
        Why: You can have seconds on Marcy! W0W!

 Cerebral Babylon        435-3576  E Providence    Todd Rourke
        Why: Take communion with the Telec0mm Messiah! h0 h0!

 Behind Enemy Lines      463-6973  Cranston        Scott Nerney

 Soth's Domain           463-7799  Warwick         Marshall Votta
        Why: Lots of fr0's needing to be slapped.

 Circuit Board           568-7498  Burriville      Matt Goulet
        Why: Matt Goulet uses Trojans! Unlubricated too!

 Eagle's Nest Comm.      732-5292  Warwick         Mike Labbe/Lea Walsh
        Why: Mike Labbe's a PHED! Lea Walsh is a LAWYER! 0h n000!

 Hackers Paradise        732-8622  Warwick         Bryan & Scott
        Why: With a name like "Hacker's Paradise", you had to ask?!

 Channel 15              738-3017  Warwick         Mike Marzilli
        Why: Marzilli deserves some KaLLeRz, even if he is lame. :)

 RI Telecomm             765-7487  Woonsocket      Eric Chew
        Why: Even the h0meLesS can run a BBS! Wh0t a WOILD!

 BVBBS                   769-2055  Woonsocket      James Williams
        Why: JesuZ loves you. Honest. Jim says so. See?!

 Outland                 847-2603  Middletown      Chris Nystrom
        Why: Chris Nystrom (aka Max Cray) is just TOO KEWL!

 Morlocks Tower          884-4520  E Greenwich     Paul Sharpe
        Why: Where you can see 'NOT!' in every 3rd message.

 IDS DataForum           884-9002  E Greenwich     Andy Green
       Why: Andy Green KN0WZ! He KN0WZ! SPIEZ! SPIEZ!! SPIEZ!!!

 The 95Th Floor          941-7851  Cranston        Paul Mallett
       Why: DeaD Po0l kaLLz, that's reason enuFF ain't it?

 WBCS                    943-2581  Cranston        Russell Hull
       Why: It's a Commodore BBS, give it a break.

 Bishop of Battle        943-8181  Cranston        Steve Dunphy
       Why: Dunphy's been ElitE so long, he kan'T be St0ppEd!

 Necropolis              946-4121  Cranston        Frank Faubert
       Why: Greatest assemblence of LaMaH's in the UNiVeRZ!

This list is provided as is, feel free to distribute, alter, screw around
with and laugh at for hours upon end. The compilers of this reserve the
right to add and delete any entry to the list as their whims strike them.
To those left out, consider yourself fortunate. To those included, consider
yourself worthy of SOME note <might not be a GOOD note, however. Ha.>

If you LIKE the "RI K-RAD BBS LIST", leave a note to the SI in any local
common echo (like 323-Chat or NENET-Common) and post your comments! We do
love our fans, you know.

Not to be taken too seriously. If you can't laugh at this, put a plunger in
your toilet and play sit and spin for a few days. Maybe THAT will get you
off in time. Probably not, though.

Brought to you as a service of your friendly neighborhood Syndetic
Illuminati. Special thanks to Mike Labbe and his RIBBS list, which we raped
with AREXX to derive much of the pertinent board information you see.

Peace, and remember: BEHAVE YOURSELVES!
                                                   .\lbertus .\.\agnus

4: FidoNet Hacking Tutorial

 RI Computer Underground Society

       The FidoNet Hacking Tutorial

You know how it is. Some old fools are going off about something semi-normal
in one of the echomail areas on some local boards. You are sick` of
reading these 3 page long messages of endless dribble, when you could
read a far more refined version in the paper or see it on the daily news.

You are also really bored, or just want to cause some havoc for your friendly
neighborhood modem friends and foes.

You also know how these boards transfer mail to one another. Or maybe you
don't. At any rate, that will be the subject of this file, and it will
also tell you how to transfer YOUR OWN messages, under any name you wish,
into the network.

Part I - Network Structure
======   =================

 The structure of a message exchange network usually resembles the

                   Node        Node
                     \         /
                     Hub      Hub--Node
                    /  \      /
                  Node  NetHub   Node
                       /      \  /
                Node--Hub      Hub
                    /  \       /  \
                  Node Node  Node Node

 Each node delivers messages to its hub. The hub, in turn, sends the node
any waiting messages it may have. The nethub recieves messages from all
of the hubs and gives the hubs their waiting mail. This mail will also
contain messages destined for the nodes connected to that hub. The NetHub
is the center of the whole network.

 The structure of this network is not usually apparant to you, Joe User.
You simply notice that you post a message on one system, and by a day or
two later, it has somehow arrived at another system you may call.

 As Joe Network Anarchist, you must be aware of this structure. In the 
local 401 area, the topology is as follows:

           323 Network Echomail Topology   Last Update: 07-18-92

  [National Feeds (Source not yet determined)]
      |__(115)[NHVB] Steve Medeiros
          |__(119)[NHVB] Mark Montminy
          |  |
          |  |__(117)[NHVB] Lonnie Watson
          |  |__(128)[N-VB] John Robin
          |  |__(500)[NHVB] Mike Labbe
          |  |
          |  |__(110)[N-VB] Todd Rourke
          |  |  |__(131)[----] Scott Nearney
          |  |
          |  |__(122)[NHVB] George Peters
          |     |
          |     |__(202)[N---] Fred Beaudreau
          |     |__(203)[N---] Bill Pommenville
          |     |__(207)[N---] Ralph Oelbaum    [*]
          |     |__(205)[----] Brent Bosworth
          |__(120)[N-V-] Brad Shipp [*]
          |  |
          |  |__(111)[NHVB] Peter Tarpy
          |  |__(116)[NHVB] Chris Trainor [*]
          |  |__(121)[----] Gene Raymond
          |  |__(106)[----] Prescott Chartier
          |  |__(107)[----] Doug Wilkinson
          |  |__(113)[--VB] Joe Caparco [*]
          |  |__(500)[NHVB] Mike Labbe
          |  |
          |  |__(108)[NHVB] Gil Gomes
          |     |
          |     |__(119)[NHVB] Mark Montminy
          |__(105)[-H--] Stan Weyman [*]
          |  |
          |  |__(110)[N-VB] Todd Rourke [*]
          |__(114)[NHVB] Ron Bouthellier [*]



           Flags: N=National Mail  H=HST  V=V.32  B=V.32bis
                 [*]=NENet Member

 Note: When a node is a NENet member, it apparantly means that it also
connects directly with ENest, the NENet Nethub, in addition to any
systems listed in the topology diagram above. Keep this in mind.

Part II -- Network Software Technology
=======    ===========================

The fidonet networks of course use Fidonet network technology. In order
to successfully post and read messages to this network as a network node,
you require a program to dial the Fidonet system of your choice, and
exchange messages. If you are using an IBM Compat, this means you should
be looking for FrontDoor, D'Bridge, or one of those.

You also need some kind of BBS program or something to allow you to post
messages. Personally, I would recommend setting up Telegard or Renegade
or something, and using that. 

The FrontDoor program will also require a file known as a nodelist. This
nodelist tells you the nodenumbers and equivelant dialups of any fidonet
boards you might want to exchange mail with. These node numbers are
listed in parenthesis in the above diagram. You must append 1:323/ to these
numbers. The 1: signifies the board is in North America, the 323/ signifies
it is in the RI/Southern New England/Telecom Hellhole area. If you wanted
to exchange mail with ChowdaNet, you would tell FrontDoor to call 1:323/120,
NOT simply 120.

For your convenience, I include the 323 area nodelist here:

;A  323 Area Nodelist
;A  Areacode 401 and some 508s
;S  For your havoc causing pleasure!

Some of these phone #'s might've changed. Just look on the RI BBS list or 

You'll need to read the docs for FrontDoor, your BBS program, and junk
to figure out how to set all this up.

When you are calling a hub to exchange mail, it is imporant to impersonate
the node you are calling as correctly. Otherwise, the system will think
you are someone else, and possibly disconnect you. If you wanted to call
1:323/110 (Cerebral Babylon) as 1:323/131 (Behind Enemy Lines), you would
have to set it up in your Trapdoor configuration file to show that *YOU*
are 1:323/131, otherwise, the board you are calling would not recognize this.
You must tell FrontDoor you will be calling 1:323/110 to exchange mail.

In your BBS program, usually known as Areas.BBS or something similar, you
must configure which network echoes you will be carrying. This is signified
by the Fidonet Tag Name.

Some common TagNames are:
Tagname         Description (?)
NENET-COMMON    NENet General Messages, carried by all NENet boards.
NENET-DEBATE    Debate Area, "I don't like aliases. Make him go away."
NENET-MSDOS     MSDOS Area, "how do I list a directory?"
NENET-ENTERTAIN Entertainment, start some of your own here.
NENET-HOBBIES   Hobbies, like network anarchy.
NENET-USERHELP  Help? They want help? Send up this file!
NENET-PROGRAM   Programming? Yeah, right.
NENET-AMIGA     Amiga? Like there's any amiga users in this state. Ok, 5 maybe.
NENET-BBSADS    BBS Ads. Post a nice one for your favorite board.
NENET-GAMES     Games? This whole thing is a game.
NENET-SHAREWARE Shareware? Yes. I like to share my warez!
NENET-SYSOPS    Sysops! Speak to them! They are gh0dz!
NENET-OFS       Old Farts SIG. These people need a good beat down.
NENET-COMEDY    Comedy? Don't bug them. Some of these things are almost funny.
OS_CHAT         Speak to BOTH Fidonet 323 AND NENet boards here!
OS_FORSALE      The Ocean State is ForSale.
SYSOP-323       Speak to those 323 Sysops! They are gh0dz, too.
CHAT-323        Chat with the 401 FidoNet BoReDz
PEACJUST        Peace and Justice? Neither will be found in RI!
MOVIE-323       Movies? Go see reruns of Terminator 2...
MUSIC-323       Music? WBRU is k-rad elite.
REST-323        Restaurants... Can you spare a dime? McDonald's Review?
NUT-HOUSE       Nut-House? I'm already there.
SETTLEIT-323    Settle It? Impossible.
JOBS-323        Jobs? "Do you have any jobs for a 14 year old lamer?" Right.
SPORTS-323      Sports. I don't imagine there would be much activity here.
AMIGA-323       Amiga again? Servicing the 5 users again?  
RISMA-AWAY      The RISMA Away Team? 
RISMA-SYSOP     RISMA-Sysops. Both are the rements of a failed network.

Note, that not all boards carry the above bases. Find out with some type
of account before you go sending them messages.

You must read the BBS docs and figure out how to set up your BBS's area
files, in order to make it so you can post to the areas. Once you post to
the areas configured for fido transfer, you must pack your mail, and then
figure out how to export it using FrontDoor. Again, read the docs included
with FrontDoor, your BBS program, and any mail programs the BBS may requirer
to utilize Fidonet echomail. Also makesure you have configured "your" node
number correctly (in other words, the node number you will be acting as
when you transfer mail.)

It is highly suggested you post under an alias or someone that isn't you.
These people are fairly anal rententive, and get upset at very small things
done against them. Remember, unless you tell them it was you, they can be
none the wiser -- they simply cannot prove anything.

When transferring mail, you may also recieve mail. *I* personally don't
promote the idea of importing the mail packets you recieve, but they may
include an important note, like "This node is passworded. You did not send
the correct password, therefore your mail will not be processed..." If you
recieve a message like this, or the mail fails to transfer, you are 
impersonating a node that has passworded mail sessions, meaning that passwords
are required to transfer mail. Many nodes have begun using passwords lately,
after the latest stunts. But about 50% of them probably aren't using them, so
just make sure you find one that isn't. Beware, after you get through with
them, they'll probably add passwords. Probably, though it's not always the

If you're reading this file, you must have some type of brain. So figure it
out on your own. It's not that difficult, and you've had more help than
we first had when we messed around with this stuff.

So, get to it. Any comments, questions, or complaints? You're probably
pretty sure by now how to contact "us."

Remember, RI BBSes are FUN!!

[Note: some of the stuff (topology and nodelist) may be outdated by now.
       We will acquired updated copies as soon as possible. ]
And to the person who ULed that to every fido board around here, thanks,
you've saved us the trouble! hah hah!

"Looks like someone spent lots of time on that..." -MM 

5: Easy Access to FidoNet/NENet
	 __________  __________  __________  __________  __________
	 |~ I C U S  |~ I C U S  |~ I C U S  |~ I C U S  |~ I C U S
	 ~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~

Easy access points to FidoNet in the 401 area code.

463-6973      Behind Enemy Lines                                  Online games
 Cranston      Scott Nerney	  IC,NE,FI			  and messages

-| SysOp has lack of full knowledge of BBS software, fake account creation
-| is easy, outgoing messages are not always checked.

-| Special Note : [Fake Acct Info Removed, -Eds] for
-| access. You don't even have to bother making your own fake account!
-| Courtesy of ?h? ??m?l?$ ???.

463-7799      Soth's Domain      Q                                 Interactive
 Warwick       Marshall Votta                                         RP games

-| Once he gains a FidoNet Node (Forthcoming, I believe) easy access.
-| Marshall is in the same category as Scott Nerney, only with a much
-| better knowledge of the software.

726-8186      Horses Head                                                Adult
 Central Fall  Prescot Chartier   FI				      material

-| Inatentive SysOp, Easy access, Fake Account creation is ridiculously
-| easy.

751-3831      Bloom Beacon       HST,32b,42b,CD,CB                     General
 Johnston      Montminy & Watson  FI(NEC),NE                          Interest

-| Sleeping SysOps.

821-1457      WME/Roadrunner     HS3,32b,42b,CB,Q                       Ansi &
 W Warwick     Ron Bouthillier    FI,NE                            Avator only

-| This BBS runs SPITFIRE! Spitfire accepts a handle as the real name of
-| the user, and again, any fake acct. with a touch of authenticity will be
-| accepted.

823-0176      Fleet Headquarters CB,Q                                  Science
 Coventry      Chris Trainor      NE,FI,IC,RF,TR,BG                    fiction

-| Handles allowed, SPITFIRE! once again, easy access, unfortunately,
-| Caller ID is active, so be careful what you do from here.

826-3789      JMC Telecom	 32b,42b,Q,V,CB 	     Computer&Communi-
 W Warwick     Joe Caparco        NE,FI,IC,DN,K1,WI,RS         cations support

-| Sympathetic SysOp. Joe would have handles in 323 if he could. If you
-| to post with a REAL acct. this is the place (ex. Jarret k0bek)

934-2575     MicroChip BBS      FI
 Warwick       Howard Bishop

-| The sysops are little kids with _VERY_ little knowledge of their
-| software. These kids are serious no-brainers.


                        R I C U S  News
-| Rumor has it that someone has created a VERIFIED fake acct on IBM
-| World. [Fake Acct Info Removed -Eds]
-| It was supposedly pulled directly from the phone book.
-| Marcy is a fool, she is not half as smart as she would like to think
-| certainly no match for *ME*, let alone "all of Teleanarchy."

-| The next stage is too build up a small army of fake accts ... and once
-| we have acquired many accts able to post to fido/nenet/etc ... then
-| we can use them. 

-| Another note: Howard Bishop has fired off a message or two in 323 
-| sysop about `TeleAnarchist Imitating Area SysOps'. Indeed, indeed.

Thanks go out to :

Mike Labbe ? Thank you and all at Eagle's Nest for your RIBBS List which
	     I raped with my friendly neighborhood text editor.

Stan Weyman, Andy Green, Marcy Crossman, All you other Fascist Net LaMaHs
To You, this is specially dedicated. Without you, this would never have
been necessary. Now we must rise up, opression is not a viable way of
life, BBS life or not. I fully realize the BBS world is not real, why
can't you?


Too all who are upset by this file - Lighten up a little. What can you
do to me anyhow? Assuming, of course, that you could find me...

Seriously, what could you do? I'm only doing ONE thing here ?

                E D U C A T I N G  T H E  M A S S E S

Don't try to stop me, and NEVER forget ?

"You can put a bullet in my head, But you can't kill a word I've said."

                                ?h? ??m?l??? ???

[Note: RICUS is not responsible for the use of fake accts.
       If they're dumb enough to verify em, we're damn right gonna use
       'em! ]
6: Offensive Conservative BBSers
Suposedly A RICUS phile, But I doubt it will make it.
RICUS       RICUS       RICUS       RICUS       RICUS
      RICUS       RICUS       RICUS       RICUS       RICUS
Let me tell you a story of a bunch of conservative shitheads, 
with the dick up each other's asses. 
In no way, shape or form are any of the Names mentioned real, 
if you think they are, then you've got shit for brains.
This file is worth about 30 cents. 
This story is about the current goings on over at Danger Zone.
Offender #1 "Mr. Perfect" 
This fucka claims to be perfect, when any  fool who looks at 
his face knows otherwise(this isnt a cheap shot, i know him, 
he's an ugly son of a bitch). Probably the biggest goverment 
sucking little asshole on all the boards, he is a brand new 
type of lamah, the conservative lamer.   
Offender #2 "2Pac"
Actually A rather nice guy, just really bad political views, 
and a bit over active. Not that bad, but anyone who takes his 
handle after a *ugh* Rap group deserves to be shit on. 
Offender #3 "Robert Kircher" 
The least offensive of all the conservative lamahs, but still 
a bit of an annoyance, I'm getting sick of him telling me to 
leave the country... I really cant complain about him, 
considering he is the sysops son.. heh..
Offenders #4 "The Facless Ones"
Not actually one lamah, but a group of them, Not worth their 
own offender spot. These are the ones who post stupid "Get Ur 
Un-AmeriKan A$ out of MY country" messages. These are the 
second worst of the conservative lamahs..
Ok, now that we have that setled with, I'll get to the main 
part of the story. Oh yes, to all those offended by this phile 
fuck off and die.
Now, back around the mid-June, some one posted a 
"pro-amerikan" statement of some sorts.. Really annoying as 
hell. Unfortunatly, it brought out the conservative lamahs, 
who of course had to post "Yeah! Right On, People like you 
make this country great!" or "Man do I love amerika".
  These messages provoked me into posting un-Amerikan 
messages, such as "Get your head out of your asses and take a 
look around, what's so fucking great?". This brought to me an 
onslaught of "Amerika's great messages(with no reasons for why 
its great)", which in response got a "No it sucks(with reasons 
for why it sucks)". So this went on for a few weeks, until 
about August 7th or 8th. Then Mr. UnPerfect and his goon 2Pac 
showed up. 
  Not exactly the most horrible thing to happen to a board, 
but it ranks up there when two of your top posters have such 
shitty views. Well anyways they go around posting "Clinton 
Sucks" messages in the main (before they had left it to the 
music sig, which is another horrible story which will probably 
not end up in a text phile) area. So of course this draws in a 
couple of the facless ones, who say "Right On!" and the like. 
It also brought in Robert Kircher, who actually posted "Right 
On!" but made it seem intellgent, so not many people picked up 
on what he meant, and dismissed it. Well, I log on and see all 
these fuckin "We Love AmErikA" and "We HatE Clint0n" messages. 
This of course, draws me in with messages of "Anti-Amerika", 
and the every vesent "Fuck Republicans, hell, fuck democrats 
In review for all those who cant follow, we have the 
conservative lamahs posting "We LoVe Amirika" and me posting 
"PolItiCians ArE eVil, Repent SinNerS". 
  Soon The Daver himself entered the scene, and started 
posting basically the same stuff I was. Well, Now these fucks 
start real shit, running around yelling "Ur UnEdUcatEd, Ur 
Ruining AMeRiKa". Yes, I'm the uneducated one, the one who 
dosent blindly follow athourity, and let it fuck me up the 
ass. Well now, sQuinky is not one who takes this shit lightly, 
although I should, I'll probably end up getting shot or 
something. Oh well, anyways, so Of course I respond with 
brillance and cunning, only to find them respoding with "LovE 
it or Get Da phUck 0Ut!". Damn conservative lamahs. So I have 
now basically given up making these butt fuckas understand 
what our government is shoving up their orrifices, it seems 
they canna undahstan it cap'n. They're not stupid, just 
inbred. Hmmmm, one lives on the street behind me, maybe I 
should pay him a visit?
Squinky says "Can we fuck our catz now?" 
Mr. Perfect says "No, I'm too buzy eating out my Mom."
Robert Kircher says "Get da PhuCk 0ut!"
The faceless ones say "Sorry, were too buzy smoking flagz"
2Pac says "NO! I ONLY FUCK OTH!"(heheheh)
This probably wont make it into the RICUS newsletter for lack 
of a point, and for lack of content. So dont be suprised if 
you dont see this phile. heh. 
I Have since been CENSORED from the main area over at Danger 
Zone, which just goes to show, these fucks are everywhere, 
willing to crush us at the slightest sign of rebellion. Yet 
for those who agree with them, Ca$h and Gift$. Well, this is 
one little rebel who aint gonna take it.

Special thanx to ---------
Mike Labbe
Stan Weyman
Andy Green
Marcy Crossman
and of course,
Ren Hoik.
Nooooooooow, back to our show.. I suppose I could try and 
"Educate the Masses" about these butt fucking f00ls, but why? 
Are they really a threat to any of us? Perhaps, Perhaps not. 
But I would like to say, that these people are racists, brain 
dead, and fucked up(and I meand fucked up in a bad way). But 
the scary part is, they are most likely are next elected 
officals, not people such as me, or daver. Nay, we will be 
merely classified as "Political Heretics" and tossed to the 
side while morons like Mr. Perfect will become canidates for 
public office. Look around folks, it's a perpetual cycle, 
those who dont ask questions get into office. Those who do get 
imprisoned or worse. These "people" will pass for "Great 
Minds" of our time, get high paying government jobs and then 
fuck us over. There is no escaping it, it will happen until 
real change takes place. I'm not talking "voting out the bumz" 
`cause they're all bums, they have no leader, no loyalty, no 
honor except to one thing, money. Sad but true. Even sadder is 
that they think they are great for having this obsession for 
paper with green dye. Make a real change, vote with a bullet. 
Squinky --- Queen Of Maggots --- RICUS Secretary of Offense
Soon to be dead, killed by the government, or my girlfriend.

7: Making Fun of a Random User Dept.

 ***** THE *****

      Fun of

This week...

  -=-=-=-=----[ Omar's First Lay ]----=-=-=-=-

     U Al1 kn0w that La/\/\ah, 0mAh? \/\/311, wE are h3re to w1tniss
hizZ 1st /_ay !!!!!111!!!! /\/0w, I beg1n to te11 my ta1e...
     1t wuzz l8 0n /\ h0t & hy00mid sumMah n1te. 0mAh wuzz at h0me, lyi/\/
0n hizz co|_|ch, gherk1n 0ff, th1nk1n of h1z wh/\le, er, g1rlfri3nd, 0mAheTtE!
\/\/hen al1 uv a sud|)en, da' d00rbel1 rang... H3 went an' push3d the 1nter<om
butt0n. "Who is in front of the primary entrance to my domicile?" 0mAheTtE 
wuz the/\h. "You have the code to my Brookstone electronic doorknob stored in
your brain. Use this knowledge to turn the knob, starting in a counterclockwise
direction, when the L. E. D. panel displays the letter 'A', then you know you
have gained entry. At this point, turn the knob to either direction, while
pushing it in." 0mAheTtE d1d jus daT. 5he cam3 1n an' saw her lu\/, 0mAh, 
sitt1n on the co|_|ch, stil1 beet1n' hiz meeeee3t. "Oh, Omar. Your penis
is so miniscule. Let me attempt to enlarge it." 0mAheTtE s/\t d0wn, ha1f 0n
t0p 0f hi/\/\, an' staht3d to /=ren<h h1m. "Omar, I am now placing my tongue 
into your throat, therefore causing your penis to become erect." /\ftah do1ng
thi5 foah a fyo0 m1nitts, 0maHeTtE \/\/uzz re/\dy t0 bee satisf1ed. "Omar, I
now wish for you to use your tongue to lick my vagina, while stimulating my
clitoris. I also wish for your fingers to do the same." 0maHeTtE staht3d t0
get re/\l eks1ted when 0mAh d1d dis. "Oh. Oh. Omar, you are arousing me
sexually. I am now ready for intercourse." /\n' s0 wuzz 0mAh. "I will not 
utilize a condom at this point. I have taken tests, and carry no sexually
transmitted diseases. With your consent, I would now like to concieve a human
being." "Yes, Omar, you have my consent." /\n' wid th/\t, 0mAh r1pped off hiz
p/\ntz and h3r sk1rt. "Now commencing intercourse." /\n' 0mah stahted t0 stik
h1z c0k r1te in her. An' m1ssed. "My aim was not acceptable. Attemp number
two commencing." Dis t1me, he m/\de 1t! "Insertion complete. I am now going to
attemp to release my sperm cells, whereupon they will travel up your vagina,
into your uterus, and fertilize your egg cell." /\n' 0m/\h /=uckd h3r g00d.
"Intercourse complete. Beginning extraction." 3mpty & 5pent, 0mAh \/\/ent
0ff to the /<itchen fur s|_|m f0od.

        Th3 E/\/d!

[Disclaimer: Christ, that's perverted... Sorry Omar, but no offense or
             anything. You won't get to read this anyways :-(         ]
8: Crank Calls

The /<-K0\/\/ E31eeeeeet guide to crank calls!

      By the one and only... 
 BBS Renegades Against Geekzz


     Ok, ok, ok... It's time to learn about crank calls from an expert. First
of all, you must know. Do NOT call them prank calls!!! It just sounds STUPID!
Now, I will begin. First of all, one of the best ways to make crank calls is
through AT&T's Alliance Teleconference. The number for that is 0-700-456-1000.
Do NOT call that from home. If you are stupid enuff to, then don't continue,
cuz you will get in a lotta trouble. Alliance costs like $475/hour, so use
a PBX or a beige box, mega box, etc... 

   THINGS TO DO WITH ALLIANCE (Some apply to two line phone/3 way call people)

     o Call up several Radio Shacks, Applebees, McDonalds / etc. They'll say   
       "Can I help you?" and they will argue... "You called me.. No you called
       me... But you called me, my phone was RIN-GING!"

     o If you want to harass someone who would recognize your voice, get
       a friend of yours who they haven't met. Then just have your friend
       call. It's only gratifying to listen in... So conference is necessary!

     o Call up a 900 sex line and a 900 party line... Conference them. Need
       I say more? Laphs galore...

     o Call up some government figures, and a psychiatrist. Tell the shrink
       that you have someone on the line who is suicidal/depressed, and
       needs immediate care. Say that they do some weird thing. The shrink
       will try to figure out why! HAHHA!

     o Connect two neighbors lines... Always good for a laugh.

     o Really wanna scare someone? Call up the police/secret service/InterPol/
       FBI and call up Joe Lamah. Mr. Lamah will answer. "Hello?" They'll
       say "Yes? May I help you?" He'll say "Who's this?" When they answer
       "The Providence office of the U.S. Secret Service" Joe Lamah is bound
       to shit his pants.

     o Connect a church with a South Providence "massage parlor" or "motel"


     o Classics: Call a convenience store and ask Do you have Dr. Pepper in
       a can? Ya better let him out. They still fall for it.

     o Dial a random number, say you are from the Publisher's Clearing house,
       and they have won 10 mil!

     o Call a convenience store and say "Do you have condoms?" They'll say
       yes. Then say "Do you have a fitting room to try them on?"

     o Believe it or not, some bars actually fall for Hugh Jass, Ben Dover, 
       et cetera...
     o Call Radio Shack and ask if they have vibrators...
     o Call Radio Shack and ask if they have some ungodly rare electronic
       part in stock. They'll go check and say no. Insist that you saw it
       there, and they should go check the shelves. Then say oops, wrong 

     o Call Radio Shack (one of my FAVORITE targets) and ask if they will
     repair your VAX 9000.
     o Call Radio Shack and ask if they stock L size batteries. Once again,
       insist. Hey, they have a service. They'll get ya any battery for free.
       They'll call up every battery company asking for these things.

     o Call Radio Shack and ask if they have any Tandies that will run VMS!

     o Call Radio Shack and ask if they sell "sex change cables" of course,
       you meant gender changers, but were slightly confused.

     o Call up Applebee's and ask if they want a nice hot bowl of chowda'.
       Trust me on this one.

     o Call up a travel agent and ask them for info on some country such as
       Tuvalu, Outer Mongolia, Andorra, etc...

     o Call up a church and say that you are satan.

     o Call up the Kingdom Hall (Jehovah's Witnesses) and ask exactly who
       Jehovah is and exactly what they witnessed about him. And why do they
       give you those stupid magazines when ya tell them to go away?

     o Call up a drugstore and ask if they will sell you morphine.


    o Call the overseas operator and ask them to book a call to Outer Mongolia.
      You are Joe Lamah, and your number is 401-884-9002 and you want the call
      booked for 3AM, thank you very much.

    o Order Joe Lamah a pizza.
    o Order Joe some flowers from Bill (or if it's Josephine Lamah, use Big
    o Get him a taxi or a tour bus.

    o Order some furniture/computer equipment COD.

    o Get a LOT of catalogs from either computer companies or places like
      New England Tech, or weight loss clinics.

    o Try to get a grocery delivery service to bring a shitload of groceries.

    o Courier service?

    o Meals on Wheels is a nice orginization.

    o Get an insurance salesman to come.

    o Get a house call (do ANY doctors do those anymore?????), because Joe
      is sick in bed!!! 

    o You are Joe at a payphone. Your house is burning down!

     Well, lamahs, have phun with all these /<-/Zad ideaz. Just don't do them
to me. Coming next ish: List of Telephone Nums to terrorize, and some more

Brief preview of next ish number list:
 [had to take out the #'s cause some lamahz would accuse
  of us of slander. Even I have limitz...h0 h0!
  Just imagine some #'s for the less popular BBS figures
  and politicians here!]

Til then!
Reach me on Babylon, Ministry, Cerebus, 95th, or Cellar.


9: Neighborhood Anarchy

 It is a Sunday afternoon, you are bored. In any single neighborhood,
there are always numerous sources of entertainment and opportunities for
chaos and anarchy in general.
 We will list some of the more popular activities below:
 . Sign removal: Frequently, you will find "for sale" signs up on
   empty lots/houses/etc. I suggest removing them and starting your
   own collection. 
   If you see a For Sale sign with a little "Sold" sign tacked above it,
   on it, whatever I suggest removing the SOLD sign and the SOLD sign only.
   This will create further confusion for both the buyer and the seller.
 . New Houses: When you notice a new house in your neighborhood, there is
   always a new opportunity for phun! Once the house is partially 
   constructed, it can usually be entered safely. First off, check to
   make sure there are NO WORKMAN around! Make sure the Neighbors aren't
   keeping watch. It is highly suggested that you enter an newly constructed
   house from the back side, by going throw the woods if at all possible.
   Entering from the street will make it much more likely that you will be
   Once inside the house, you can see what they've done, look for blood
   stains, whatever. I don't suggest destroying anything, I'm just not that
   kind of person. It is fun just to explore, however.
 . Manholes: also a great source of entertainment. You can easily remove the
   cover of a sewer/drainage manhole with the help of a friend. Once it is 
   removed, you can enter the sewer/drainage system for whatever reason you
   may desire. It's kind of smelly down there, so I wouldn't advise it. 
   What WE usually do is put the Manhole on backwards. It makes passers-by
   give it that kind of "what the fuck!" look.
 . Look for weird crap: If you live in a heavely wooded area, you will usually
   find an abundance of weird wacked out crap in the woods. Old stoves,
   potential landfills, barrels of toxic waste, I've seen them all...
  After you become bored with exploring and modifying minor things, you
 can resort to more "active" tactics.
  . Ring the doorbell of some neighbor and run off. This is always good for
    laughs -- try doing it more than once if you're daring.
  . When some people are visiting a house across the street or a lot next
    door (potential buyers), kindly point your speakers out the window
    and blast some music, preferably some type of offensive rap tape, as 
    loudly as possible. Try to point the speakers out a window WHERE THEY
    WILL NOT BE SEEN -- you may notice it is difficult to determine the 
    source of a sound if it is loud enough outdoors.
    At any rate, this will decrease the likelyhood that the people will
    actually move in.
  . Cordless phones. Find out what type of cordless phone your neighbor
    uses and acquire a similar one, you can then listen in on and terrorize
    his/her conversations.
    On a grander scale, purchase a radio scanner and start scanning for
    cordless and cellular frequencies (cellular are in the 800Mhz and 
    greater freqs...)
    You can listen to all sorts of weird wild shit. Why? Why not? It's great
    Well, that's all the ideas I'll give you. See the other file on
   Crank Calls for more ideas.
   Have fun and don't burn down any buildings!

10: The ViRi

                        The ViRi-

        Ok... It is time for me, Roger Graham, AKA DeaD Pool, To clear up
   a little incident that seemed to have happened in the summer of '91.
   The summer started out as a normal one. (at this time I wasn't into what
   I am now) I was calling boards downloading and shit... Anyhow.. There
   was this little problem with a battle of the boards.. One being
   The Warehouse, the other being WiZaRdS Realm. (All of you might remember
   the warehouse) Above all mine was better... Now this Realm board was a
   fuckin shit board run my this fat ass named Jim Reynolds, Adam Shelton
   Co'ed it before he got fucked up with his AciD trips.. (yea no kidding)
   Now as tensions flared.. I got so very upset. I was also in a heated debate
   with Gil Gomes..(we all know him)..and Chuck Bare (sysop of Communcation's)
   401.739.4010 (give him a call tell him Roger sent you) anyhow.. I got a hold
   of this neat little program called Jeruslam B.. I thought it was a bible
   game..(it wasn't it is a virus for all you beginners).. I acquired this
   from Danny Reiche AKA The Admiral (god knows where he is)Then all of a
   suddon I start getting VOICE calls saying that I am giving away HARDWARE!
   Why the fuck would I give away hardware! Well it seems that Adam posted
   a message on Gil's board saying that I was. Then I got fuckin death threats
   from people saying they were gonna come down to my house and kill me! ok..
   Then the Sysop Net echos started lighting up with mine and Danny's name..
   Saying that we have been uploading viruses to the bbs around Rhode Island.
   These were the boards hit my the Juru B Virus...
   Communcations - It wiped his whole board!
   Data Express - Nothing Happened
   E-Nest - Nothing
   Road Runner - Nothing
   Fleet HQ - Nothing
        I think that's about it.. Now.. It seems that adam shelton and Jim..
   got a hold of this virus! Beats me how.. And they were uploading it!
   Now Gill Started and investagation on me, my co-sysop Jeff Santos
   AKA Fire Minion, and Danny Reiche.. Now nothing ever was made of this
   investagation.. And I am still not on ANY Public Rhode Island Board with
   a real account..(fake accounts abound) Well and that's the last I know about
   thses things.. Let me sum things up in a nutshell.. I didn't, Jeff didn't,
   Danny didn't upload those viri! Jim and Adam did! I don't know how they
   got everyone to believe it was us. Altho I think that the sysop's DID know
   that we didn't do it.. But that we would be the first to be blamed because
   of past incidents... So it was the easiest to blame us. And no one would
   question them. But if they said that Adam and Jim did it they would
   get loads of questions.. They were in good standing with the sysop's of
   RI.. Oh well.. Well that's my story and that's how I got into underground

                                                        DeaD Pool
                                                        Roger Graham

   If you have any information on the true account described to you above
   you can contact me on one of the following boards.

   Cerebus 401.438.2878 14.4k v.32bis (best bet!)

11: How to Steal Your Favorite BBS 8-)
Legal disclaimer: This phile's purpose is to give you all a laugh. It does not
mean I'm encourging people to go out and rip off BBS's by the dozen. It also 
does not mean, I have ever stolen a board in my life. --- Squinky
Ok, we all have boards we dont like, correct? Well we'd like to see these 
boards down, but we just dont know how to do it. Well, we could crash them,but
most SIE SOPS have backups upon backups. We could just get the SIE SOPS so 
fustrated that they pack it up and leave, but that takes a while. Well here is
the ultimate way to get your least favorite board to go down, STEAL IT. 
I know what you are thinking, that it's too risky, that if you get caught you 
go to jail and all. Well here I have written a phile which will teach you how
to steal your least favorite bbs, and not get caught. 
=============Part 1 -- getting the SIE SOP out of the house===================

If the SIE SOP is a minor I would suggest calling up his parents/guardians and 
saying you are the police/his teacher/gh0d/whatever. Also say to take the kid
with them(unless you wanna scare him shitless, which i'll deal with later). 
Give them a real address, but one that is far away, so it gives you enough 
time to get in, rip it off, and get out. Something like 15 miles away. 
 If the SIE SOP is a owner of a store/establishment/whatever, burn it down. 
That way you will have plenty of time, he'll be crying and filling out police 
reports till his dick turns purple. ALSO, if the BBS is run in the 
establishment, you kill two birds with one stone. If you do decide to burn it
down try not to get caught. As getting caught will definatly put a hamper on 
 Now if you dont feel like commiting arson for whatever reason(jerking off, 
eating out your mom, whatever), the next best thing to do is call and say your
a hospital in another state, and that one of his/her relatives are there, and 
that they are dying and requested him/her to be there. It's not the nicest 
thing to do, but it's less risky/more effective than setting fires. Make sure
you give a real hospitol. And if he asks if he can call back, say something to
the extent of "000h n000! Y0u're <insert relative> has just g0ne into cardiac
arrest!!!!!!! WE NEED Y000 HERE N000W!!!!!!!". That should get them there real
============Part 2---- HOW NOT TO GET CAUGHT==================================

If he/she has a security system, cut the power to the whole neighboorhood. 
This might even do some damage to his EL1te comPuTeRZZ! I would suggest 
cutting the power anyways, as the darkness will help blanket you. I would 
suggest you take along a "friend" that you've been trying to get rid of. If 
you get caught you can blame the whole thing on him. If you dont get caught
this "friend" is a good way to carry all the equipment. If you DO get caught,
throw yourself on the mercy of the cops and say that it was all his idea. Or
if you get surronded, you can shoot him in the foot, push him outside the door
and start firing from behind him. This will make the cops think he is firing 
on them, and they will systamticly kill him, and you get rid of someone you 
hate. Then when the cops come in the house, try to look innocent and say he 
took you hostage, or some bullshit line. 
 IN ALL CASES, if you are caught, be nice to the cops. They may be pigs, but
depending on how much you coporate, you may get charged with lesser than what
you deserve. 
============Part 3---- Pulling the Job========================================
Just break in, find the computer, take it, leave the house, load the computer
onto your car, and leave. Also if you see anything worth stealing besides the 
computer, take it. You never know when you'll have to black mail the EX-SIE 
SOP. Read some text philes on picking locks and breaking and entering before
you try this too. Also make sure no one else is home. (P.S. MAKE SURE YOU 
STEAL HIS BACKUPS AS WELL, we dont want it going back up on new equipment do 
================Part 4---- Afterwards=========================================
First, kill whoever you took along. No good having witnesses who can testify
against you. Secondly, wait until the dipshit gets home, and call him from a 
pay fone and say "Hi <insert shithead's name>, I just stole <insert board 
name> and I'm going to destroy it. You'll be able to find it <insert bogus 
spot>. You know what I found on your keyboard? (from dipshit: WUT?) A lot of
orgasmic fluids, you really should masturbate upon your computer equipment, 
you never know who's gonna steal it" <CLICK>. Now, he'll go looking for his
computer in wherever you told him to find it. 
 Now you have a few options, you can (A) keep the computer and use it, (B) 
rent out a store and run the board from it, making it a private payboard,  
(C) Totally destroy the equipment and send it back to the SIE SOP peice by 
peice, or (D) Sell the equipment. I would personally go for (C), that seems
to be the more fun of them. 
==================The end=====================================================
Until later, Squinky --- Your telecom gh0d. 
If you need to get in touch with me and dont know how, you're fuckin stupid.
Special thanks to : Elvis and Oderus Urungus
Special Fuck off to : Marcy Crossman(bitch, bitch)! Stan Weyman(I wannabe like
stan...)! and of course, The United States of America.
Extra Special thanks to : Andy Green for teaching me how to steal computer 
equipment and for the enema the other night.

[Note: RICUS is in no way responsible for the use of this file.
       If you use it to do something you regret, it is entirely YOUR problem
       and we will have nothing to do with it. ]
12: Closing Statements 

 I would like to make a note that we are IN NO WAY associated with those
 Underground BBS guys in the Southern RI area. We are NOT associated with
 any "Max Cray", "Digital Free Press", or any of those (contrary to what
 some others may believe.) 

 If you would like to submit something for the next issue, please feel free
 to do so. By now, you have probably established the boards associated with
 us. Simply leave a message to "RICUS Editors" in a networked base, we
 will read it and try to contact you.

 If some of the things in the file have offended you, well.. what can I 
 say? Tough!
 And thanks guys! Over the last few weeks RICUS/SI/TA has really grown in
 the number of members.
   'Til next time,
        >=---  Robin Hood  ---=>
[Disclaimer: RICUS is not responsible for the use of this information
to promote evil activities. The text contained above is stricty for
informational purposes only. We are not responsible for the validity of
ANY of the above information. Unless stated otherwise, take everything
with a grain of salt. Thank you and may the f0rce be with u!]
[Submissions? Upload them to wherever you got this. Odds are your Sysop
 will delete it or forward it to the proper people. ]
     >> Issue 3? No doubt...! The question is simply "when?" <<  

 This has been an official...
  __ .  __       __      __  .    ___   _   . 
 |   | |   |  | |__   / |__  |  /  |   /_|  . Volume 1, Issue 2               
 |   | |__ |__|  __| /   __| | /   |  /  |  . 


 Remember, accept no substitutes.