💾 Archived View for gemini.spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › magazines › PUD › pud_3_12.txt captured on 2022-07-17 at 07:19:26.
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.TOPIC:MAIN .COMMENT: Entitled: Indubitably Questionable ASCii by [MaF] ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????? ? ?MaF???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ? ? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??? ? ? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ? ? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ? ? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ? ? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ? ? ?? ??????????? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ? ? ???? ??? ??????????????????????????????????? ??? ???? ??? ? ? ?? ??? ~Introduction~ ? ??? ?? ??? ? ? ???? ???? ~Button:Eleven Reasons why Huntsville is so Huggable Text:From 3/6~ ? ???? ???? ???? ? ? ?????? ^^^---Color Selection by [MaF] ? ????? ????? ? ? ????????? ~Damn, We Suck~ ? ????? ????? ? ? ?? ???? ? ~The CyberFarce Movement Explained~ ? ???? ?? ???? ? ? ???? ??? ?? ? ??? ???? ??? ? ? ?? ??? ????????????????~Making Yourself Heard~ ? ??? ?? ??? ? ? ???? ???? ???? ???? ????? ~PuD GLe3 III!~ ????? ???? ???? ???? ? ? ????? ????? ? ? ????? ????? ? ? ????? ????? ? ~Addresses~ ? ????? ????? ? ? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ? ? ?? ???? ?? ???? ? ? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???????????????????????????? ??? ???? ??? ? ? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ? ????????????????????????????????"I've got that o/DaY feeling again"????????????? .END:MAIN ------------- .TOPIC:Eleven Reasons why Huntsville is so Huggable .WINDOW:2,3,5,7,8,9,1,1,70,17 (In no particular order<Sitting under a streetlamp reference<inside joke>>). 1. Everybody knows C and ASM in Huntsville 7. Mortal Kombat is Huntsville's favorite pastime 4. Messages are always on-topic 3. BBS's are fast-paced, original, and fun 9. You can drink a lot of it, and it tastes cool 11. Tooth counting is a very valiant skill 24. I don't live in Huntsville ?. It's snuggly-soft after every wash 2. It's snuggly-soft after every enema 60. It's snuggly-soft after every Never-Ending story 10. It's less filling than concrete, and tastes better than trichinella-infested raw pork. .END:Eleven Reasons why Huntsville is so Huggable ------------------------ .TOPIC:Introduction .WINDOW:4,0,9,0,5,0,5,2,72,20 This PuD has been written for one reason: It was time for another. That's it. Period. As far as I'm concerned, the issue is finished. Out of the kindness of my own heart, I'll give you something to read so you don't have to bring those Little Golden Books to EFF meetings. The following was written with the intent of being included and published with PuD 3/6. As we all know, NC died unexpectedly and the issue was never finished. Most of the work was lost in the fire. We managed to find this, and the 11 Reasons why Huntsville is so Huggable. These are the only things that can be shown for PuD 3/6. Lets us keep in mind that the TEXT version of 3/6 WAS released, but it was only about 50 lines of ranting and raving over the fact that those who read the txt versions are too sad to use HyperText. This came from 3/6: We at PuD find it necessary to 'fill you in' on things you need to know, and opinions you must partake in. This is a key element of our master plan to in finality rule the world. This devotion; dedication to the modeming fools' right to know and be misinformed, is what drives us to tell you that what you have read so far is old and outdated, and what you will read when you commence to PuD 3/6 will also be quite... stale. This is no fault of ours. This is all your fault. We expect you losers to say something, no matter how much you hate us (and I know most of you do). We expect you to voice your opinion; make public your thoughts; seek the reaction of others when you speak what you feel. There have not been many submissions. There have not been many really sad, despicably lame messages to crack on. All in all, Huntsville is almost lacking in its daily wallowing of lameness. This will not happen. I know it won't - It's only a phase... a V/X board went up; even a Celerity BBS <Running under VBBS, of course> has come to HSV. Wow. Is Huntsville too elite for us? Anyway, anything beside lack of correspondance could, when viewed from the wrong side of the glass, be viewed as possibly - maybe - just maybe our fault <just a wee little bit.> Like any red blooded American, I'm lazy and I like being that way. The only way I like to apply energies is when trying to find a way to be more lazy. Baphomet is worse about this than I am. We just sort of... cruise... with PuD when we want to. It just sits around while we go about normal everyday Northern Peruvian life, and we get back to it later. Sometimes, we get back to it a little bit too much later. In any event, the response to and demand for PuD has been overwhelming - for Pierce the Pokeable Potato <dig> especially. Thanks a whole shalooqua for your support or whatever you call it. We would like to give you more, but as a whole you idiots don't deserve even this much. Let me go over some of the PuDrific things you can do for your native South American country, and how to do them: If you want PuD, E/Mail WWiV 2506@36 or 2506@14. If you want to call a BBS and get PuD, call Project X at 205-883-0894. If you want to speak with a sysop, E/Mail Digital Saint 2506@1 WWiV. If you want to do your thang via InterNet, mail Crfisher@nyx.cs.du.edu. If you would like to make an anotomical gift, call 1-205-351-0829. If you would like to know the current time and temperature in Decatur, Alabama, call 1-205-355-3131. If you have reached this recording in error, press 1. If you would like to be an official PuD DiQQQst SiTe, just proclaim such on your BBS, and everybody will believe you. If you want to be honest, E/mail 2506@36 or 2506@14 and we will probably tell you to do what you don't want to. If you want to submit to PuD, write something and send it in via WWiV Email to 2506@36 or 2506@14. If this is an emergency situation, dial 911. Baphomet the Limbo King 2506@14 NC 2506@36 **<DEAD>** ^^--THIRTY-SIX! Update: Baphomet the Limbo King 2506@14 WWIV crfisher@nyx.cs.du.edu Amanda Marie Fisher 2506@36 WWIV Hymie <Baphomet Jr.> 2506@86 mpruitt@nyx.cs.du.edu mpruitt@uahcs2.cs.uah.edu God@Mount.Olympus.com Hymie@Hymies.Hidey.hole.org Crowe <SToEN> 2506@240 WWIV BBS: 205-881-2554 NUP: Docile Squinky Still Dunno .END:Introduction ------------------------- .TOPIC:Making Yourself Heard .WINDOW:4,0,6,0,7,0,2,2,75,16 NC was a great guy. He was swell - cool. He was really cool with the way he would log on to a VBBS board just to crack on the sysop. He was swell with the way he made everybody disagree with whatever he said. He was swell the way he was so widely hated and mistrusted. PuD Self-Help: How to make yourself heard - Sadly, a lot of people would remember word for word what NC would say to them. They would also go over every aspect of the message simply to find loopholes to dwell in and manipulate in order to try and wrong NC. People remembered what he said - about SuperBBS, about warez, even about his dislike for Axl Rose <Who does like him?>. Here's how to make yourself heard - and remembered - like NC did when he was still alive: Be an asshole. .END:Making Yourself Heard ------------------ .TOPIC:Damn, We Suck .WINDOW:2,0,4,0,6,0,1,1,45,18 THe PuD GLee KLuB INSTaLLMeNT II: J0Ze BaR N GRiL 4eVeR by fReD LeT Me TaKE U DoWN 'CuZ Im GoIn To J0Ze BaR N GRiL w/LeMMiNGz 2 KiLL AnD EVeRY 1's GoT AN ACCoUNT J0Ze BaR N GRiL 4EvER LeeCHiNG iZ E-Z W/ EyEz CL0zED It's D0WNL0AdInG All U SeE It"S GeTTiNG HaRD 2 UpLoAD WaReZ "CuZ itz All RiGHT THeRE It DuZ InT MaTTeR MuCH 2 Me dU0D! ThATZ AlL! U THuT DeR WuZ MooR! Hoo HaA! .END:Damn, We Suck ------------------ .TOPIC:The CyberFarce Movement Explained This article goes out to all of those self-proclaimed CyberPunks that you see on BBS', on TV, at the grocery store, and in your computer science class <asking how to run a program>. This article is for those you see holding "Will Neuromance for Food" signs, and for all of those bullshit broadcasting networks that think they keep up with the techno times <That's YOU, ~MTV~. That's YOU, Billy Idol.>. This is The CyberPunk: The CyberPunk works at some low-paying part-time loser job, making just enough cash to pay for his InterNet account and tickets to "The Crying Game." The CyberPunk can be seen clearing tables at "Denny's", and waiting for comic book shipments at the local bookshop. The CyberPunk thinks he has some literary knowledge. The CyberPunk tries to act and seem more intelligent than he really is. The CyberPunk likes to gather enough information on many subjects to make it look as if he knows it all. The CyberPunk likes to make you think that he is experienced with mind-altering stimuli and maybe even explosives. The CyberPunk is a reject of the human race who tries to make up for this mishap by theorizing the advent of armageddon. The CyberPunk doesn't care to know anything. The CyberPunk just wants you to think he is really sophisticated. The CyberPunk knows nothing about computers. The CyberPunk knows nothing about computer telecommunications. The CyberPunk knows nothing about modern culture, and definately does not know how to distinguish culture from fad. These are The CyberPunk Believers: The CyberPunk Believers are those who wish only to cash in on the latest fad. The CyberPunk Believers believe the words 'Fashion' and 'Counterculture' are interchangeable. The CyberPunk Believers wish to inform you that The CyberPunk is more than a product of personal failure and low self-esteem. The CyberPunk Believers, misinformed themselves, want to shed this warped and twisted view of modern society upon you. The CyberPunk Believers wish to spread their inability to distiguish between True and False unto you. What is the cause that lies behind The CyberPunk? The CyberPunk did not spring up overnight. The CyberPunk was not created by technology. The CyberPunk was not created by abstract literature written by authors of no talent. The CyberPunk was not created by Dr. Timothy Leary. CyberPunk is the product of failure. CyberPunk was created not by role playing games and books, but by losers seeking a bandwagon to hop on. CyberPunk is the bandwagon. Failures hop on this bandwagon and head for the future. Too bad. The wagon is headed the the wrong way. .END:The CyberFarce Movement Explained --------------------------------- .TOPIC:PuD GLe3 III! .WINDOW:3,0,6,0,4,0,1,1,68,12 BaBe E G0T WaReZ I LiKE THeM LeMMiNZ n' I CANN0T LiE. n OtHER dU0Dz CaN"T DENy cuz' WhEN COURiERS STaRT TO RaCE aND UPLoAD LeMMINGz TO YOuR PLaCE YoU GeT STRuNNNNNNNNNg! WaNNa' LeeCH iT QWK CuZ U NOTiCE THAT MeSS WaS ZiPPED!!1! LEMMiNGZ DiSK 2 JuST CAMe In I;m H00KeD An' I CAn't ST0P PLAYiN! Oooohhh ???\/\/?S??/\/?! U GoT NiNJa GADiN!!1!1 LeT"S Do S0ME TRaDiN'~!`1 My MoMMy TriED To DiSS U, BuT \ShE D0N'T N0 U GoT K-K00L DESQViEW! B0000MM! EaT My GRaPE JaM! U SaY U WaNNa MeG MoRE RaM? WeLL BRuZe ME, PuNCH THeSe! I G0T SPeAKErZ ANd CDS! I SeEN 'EM LeeCHiN' 2 HeLL WiTH reCeiViN' He'S NeAT PeTitE WiTH CReDITS AnD A RATi0 To MeeT! I'm TIrED Of MAGaZiNEz SAYiN VGA WaReZ Is THE THiNG! WiTH 2 K0LoR K-KooL CGA ThE OnLY GaMEz WE PlAy. Sooo... SIGHSOPS!@! YHEA!~ SIGHSOPS!1! YHEA!1! YuR VNeT G0T ThE WaReZ?/? HeLL YHEa!!11 ThEN LeeCH It! LeeCH It! LeeCH It! LeeCH iT!!1 LeeCH THAT RS WaReZ! BABe E G0T WaReZ. <Rest of Transcript Determined Unreadable.> .END:PuD GLe3 III! ------------------ .TOPIC:MTV .WINDOW:1,6,4,0,7,5,1,1,76,17 We're not very nice. Will you dub us as a Neo-Nazi Marxist White Supremecist Hate Group now? I think you will. Do you know why I think you will? Because you SUCK, everything about you SUCKS, GET OVER IT. [Quote originate by Baphomet, and is the expressed copyrighted PROPERTY of Oooga, Incorporated. We at PuD reserve all rights to all statements and literature released by us, and may take affirmative legal aciton via fReDz WHoLESaLE LeGaLZ-r-Us WArEH0Wz if you use this material without sending us a lot of money.] .END:MTV ------------- .TOPIC:Addresses .WINDOW:5,0,4,0,9,0,1,1,78,23 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? ASCii by [MaF] ? ??????? ????????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????????????????????????? ? ? ????? ? ?? ?? ? ? ???? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? Baphomet the *.* ? ? ? ??? ? ?? ?? ? ? ???? ? ? ? ? ? ? 14@2506 WWIV ? ? ? ??? ? ????? ? ? ???? ? ? ? ? ? ? crfisher@nyx.cs.du.edu ? ? ? ????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ???? ? ? ? ? ??????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ????? ?????? ? ??????????????????????? ? ????? ? ? ???? ???? ???? ??? ? ? ?? ???????????????? ? ? ???? ??? ? ? ? ?? ??? ?? ??? ? ? ? Mandy Fisher ? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ???? ??? ???? ???? ? ? ? 36@2506 WWIV ?? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? VMB: 205-351-0829 ? ? Hymie 84@2506 WWIV ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????? ? mpruitt@nyx.cs.du.edu ? ?? THAT'S USER NUMBER THIRTY-SIX, NOT 25!!11! ? ? mpruitt@uah2.uah.cs ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ? god@mount.olympus.com ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ? sheeza@brick.house.org ? ? ? ? ? ? SQUINKY ? ? ? ? <unknown> ? ???????????????????????????? ? *************************************** ? ??????????????????????????????????? TO GET PUD AND TALK TO LIVE SEX NYMPHOS ? ? CrOWe 240@2506 WWIV ? WHO WANT YOUR SHAWINGIE, CALL: ? ? BBS: 205-881-2554 NUP:Docile ? Project/X by Digital Saint 205-883-0894 ? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????