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PPiC-PPiC _____ _____ ______ _____ PPiC-PPiC
PPiC-PPiC / _ /\ / _ /\ /_ __/\ / ___/\ PPiC-PPiC
PPiC-PPiC / ___/ // ___/ /_\/ /\_\// /\__\/ PPiC-PPiC
PPiC-PPiC /_/\__\//_/\__\//_____/\ /____/\ PPiC-PPiC
PPiC-PPiC \_\/ \_\/ \_____\/ \____\/ PPiC-PPiC
Contents: Author
Store Shit No Name
Scourge Busted Enigma
High Story No Name
Satan's friend Enigma
1-800-FUCK-ATT No Name
PBP Box No Name
Heather Box No Name (Geeze I do alot)
HeY GuYz! Enigma
35 tips for Havok! No Name
RANDUSER (Program) Duck
10 Reasons ratios... No Name
This issue is dedicated to a couple people that have helped me out greatly
during the last month or so. The people are in no particular order are
The X-Men, Duck, And Mescalito Ted. I'd like to thank you for you assistance.
-No Name
I'm typing in all Caps.. (OOPS)
PPiC is having a rough time.. Scourge is no longer with us, he called to
much LD through a GOLD BOX and got caugh so the cops killed the line..
No more 29A. At least not for a while. See story on the case...
Duck gots a girl, and she's very demending, so he's "TIED" up more.. GO
DUCK! GO DUCK! Enigma.. Shit, He's gone plain fucking crazy and is probably
out mugging nuns as I type.. (In other words, I haven't heard from him in
about 2 weeks.. Maybe he's Dead, Busted, Getting laid, Smoking some weed,
Asshole, He better not be getting high without me, God damn, He probably is.
Well anyways.. I'm failing out.. YEAH! Got four flunking grades.. so much for
Need a god damn home board.. Need some fucking ANSi.. Need to get laid.
I need a lot. Need. Need. Need.
WANT WANT WANT! Thats all anyone ever fucking does.
I'm sick of this.. So its time to bitch.. Scourge requests that EVERYONE
Does him a big ass favor.. Call the following board: (616)962-0860 and
leave some mail to Scourge (Steve Sanders) . This is a NORMAL bbs. So
behave. Tag PPiCApp.* to a message to Steve Sanders. Leave it private,
in the comments to sysop area.
I've been getting kicked off of lamer boards 'cuz I distributed these files.
Go figure.. What stupid Fucks would be offended by this? HUH? TELL ME!
I'm fucking crazy! I'm stressed.. I'm pulling my hair out.. On second thought
Maybe Roberts board isn't the best to do this to. Oh well.. He'll get over
it.. He's stressed also.. Lame. 8 nodes only 3 at once. So.. don't call
(616)962-0860 on second thought. Nah, on third thought, fuck Robert, his
dog, his wife, his kids, and anyone who cares about him. Call the board
have a blast.
We got a new board... Call it at 206-652-3086 Upload your stuff into the
uploads area there.. Its LD for me but oh well.. I guess its our temporary
WHQ!!! Give it a call. It has the worlds largest (Known) collection of drug
files.. So call up, get the PPiC application maker.. (PPICAPP.ZIP in the
PPIC application area) Fill out and upload..
BTW: the Boards name is: Altered Consciousness
__ __ ______________________ ______________
/ \\ /.~\ /__ __/ ~/ __ ~\/ ~/ ~\ ALTERED
//|:\\ // /\\_/. /\/ _/\___/. // / _/\__/ . / \CONSCIOUSNESS
/ . \\ // / / / /./_ / \ // _ _/ . _/ \/ / / /\ BBS
/. |. \/. / / / /// ____ / / / / ____/ / / ///206-652-3086
/ || // /_/_/ /./ / / / / ///| 1.5GIGS
____|__/_______\__///______ /___/ /________/________/ / : 2 NODES
_______\________\__/_______/\__/___/\_______/_________\/; . 14.4
_____ _____ ______ /\____ ____\__\/ _________ /\____ ________________
/ __~//._ ~//. ~// _____\/ __~/ __//._ ~/ /~//._____\/. ~/ _/ __/ __/
./__ // / /// / .//___ \_/./___//_ // / / /.//___ \_// / / _/ /_/ /_
___//____//__/__\_____| /____/___//____/___/_____| /__/_/__/_ /_ ~/
______________________ /_________________________ ./_________/ __/ /
_ _ _Y_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \/_ _Y_ __ _ _ _ /
Y ~ | ~ Y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | ~~ ~ ~ Y ~
| : : Th0usands&ThousaNds Of tExt fIleS >OnLine< ; |
; . Sysops- Mescalito Ted & Datura . ;
. .
Store Shit
-No Name
How to make the most out of your trip to the store..
These following tricks can be used and/or adapted to be used in any store.
I know that everyone has drilled Kmart.. But this doc has a few new things
to do.
Stapler (Optional)
Black marker (Any large marker will do)
Guts (A MUST)
A store. (Wow those are hard to come by)
And some other things I'll mention later.
While walking through the parking lot, grab a cart, Most stores have them.
Sit it directly in front of the door. Place a sign on the door saying
"Please use other door". This is great to get all the people heading the
same way, and if the store only has one door, the people will quickly leave
And I suggest you do to if a store employee catches you posting the sign.
Once in the store head for the magazine rack. rip all the covers off of all
the mags and switch them. It helps if you bring a stapler but you can always
open one up and use it.
Now go and get so,e white food product. Open the container and pour it right
in front of all the ADULT mags.. (If any) If no adult mags are to be found,
do it in front of te lusty novels section. Then shout, "GROSS, SOMEONE CUMMED
OVER HERE". (I do this gag often. After about the fifth time people start
to figure out that its me pouring it out).
Now get a cart.. Shit, get two carts. Fill one full of toilet paper, the
other full of cartons of eggs, Now sit them somewhere near other displays.
Place a sign saying something to the effect of "Friday Night Special. Just
for all you teenagers" on the cart.
Now bitch out the manager, saying that he's encouraging kids to cause
problems, maybe he'll pay you off. <If your lucky>
now, if your lke at target, or some place that has a nifty scanner for
normal customers to use, rip off a upc code from a product, and tape it
to the bottom of the scanner, now it'll read whatever that upc says..
Loads of fun at target.
Wow, this sure is a shity doc huh? Oh well, I'm under pressure.. Stressed.
Oh fuck it.. BTW: if you can do better, which I am sure you can, get the
PPICAPP.ZIP (the application for ppic) and fill it out.. Then you can help
by writing a bunch of stupid fuck dox like this.. :) <OH JOY>
Scourge Busted
Heard the other day my close bud and friend, Scourge was busted.
He's up for trial on the following:
1) Gold boxing *
2) Illegal use of any outdial (don't know the term for it)
3) Possesion of stolen property (CC'S) *
4) Credit card fraud
5) Possesion with intent to deliver *
6) Many other minor charges
- this is what I have heard, has not been verified.
How he got caught:
Scourge was caught removing a gold box from a telephone company bucket,
it seems that the people who's line he put it on got a hold of Mr. phone
company and told them there was a problem, since other problems had been
arising from the area the phone company staked out the bucket. When Scourge
walked up they got him. Got a search warrent, Searched his house, confiscated
his computer, found his sheet of CC's next to the computer, took his sack of
weed that he had laying on the desk, when they checked his phone company
recored they found that he made many many calls to Hewitt associates, who
promptly pulled his code (311020200224). I've heard several conflicting
stories about other minor crimes (tresspassing, illegal use of the phone
lines, being dumb, Etc)
Story Wrote when I was High
-No Name
Professor X has landed. The beach head is exploding.
OH OH OH, SHOUTS the pregnant Sea hag named Nicki.
Ride my rump, ride it ride it! OH.. Bay-bee.. CUM.
Oh yes.. Oh yes.. Fuck it harder.. I'm sorry my
dick is to small to fuck anything, Shit, i have
to use a magnifying glass to find it sometimes.
The end.
See the above example? I thought it made complete and total since when I
wrote it.. geeze.. wondering if I'm losing my touch... Oh well.. Going
bald is gonna be fun..
Lets all go dance on the coffin of Nixon.
Piss in the park. Play alone in the dark,
And inject Doom into our vains.
Raptor till three, Trick inbetween my knees.
But I wish I was pissing in the park.
on the park benches, then I sit back and
laugh when stupid people sit down, in the
urine, I laugh a good full body laugh, you
know the ones where your side starts to hurt
and you feel that if you laughed any harder
that your eyes would pop straight outta your
face. I dance with the devil. Shit on a shovel
and sing happily about better days.
DAMN.. What the hell is wrong with me?
-No Name
Once upon a time, I started a little itty bitty war dialer up and started
scanning the 1-800-222-XXXX exchange (Which by the way was a bad idea since
many of the AT&T operators direct numbers are in this range..). Well, I got
probably about 9000 numbers through it, when suddenly all the tones quit
appearing.. And I was rather surprised since the tones normally pick up in
the high ranges. I tried to call a known working number, and was suddenly
greeted by a wonderful intercept message stating that "1-800-555-1212" was
not available from my calling area.. Since 1-800-555-1212 (last time I checked)
was the number for information I began to wonder what was going on.
I called my local phone company, they sent me to AT&T, they said call local
repair. Local repair told me to call AT&T repair. Called them they said that
the number I was trying to dial was not available really (I gave them a 1-800
222 number instead of information) The Kind operator then told me to call her
direct over an 800 number, I hung up dialed it, and got the intercept message.
I guess this just goes to show that if you fuck with AT&T they'll be real dicks
and cut your calls to FREE numbers that you can call for anywhere. Even though
they never say that you CAN'T call all the 800 numbers you want, when it gets
down to it, they get pissed and yank your access.. (Hmmm.. is that
unconstitutional?) Dunno.. Oh well.. But untill I get full access back and an
explanation of why I am not able to call 800 numbers I'm switching to MCI.
AT&T said they will give me my 800 numbers back after an all day run around.
Said there computer figured something weird was going on when my line
dialed over 79 1-800 numbers between 3:30 and 5:00 in the morning.
(Hmm.. Now I need a new wardialer that slows down in the early morning)
Here is a copy of the letter sent to me and recieved on the date of 06/21/94.
<Begin Letter>
June 17, 1994
<Name Withheld>
46 N. Somewhere Ave
Somewhere, FU 49666
(212) 781-6012
Dear <Name Withheld>,
AT&T has reason to believe that the telephone list to you has been used
in violation of Federal Communications Commission - AT&T Tariff F.C.C.
No. 2 Sections 2.2.3 and 2.2.4.C. These tariff sections prohibit using
WATS to harass another, using WATS to interfere with the use of the
service by others and using WATS with the intent of gaining access to a
WATS Customer's outbound calling capabilities on an unauthorized basis.
Accordingly, AT&T has temporarily restricted your telephone service's
ability to place AT&T 800 Service calls in accordance to Section 2.8.2
of the above tariff. If the abusive calling reoccurs after AT&T lifts
the temporary restriction, the restriction will be reimposed until AT&T
is satisfied that you have undertaken steps to secure your number
against future tariff violations.
You should also note that unauthorized possession or use of access codes
can constitue a violation of United States Criminal Code - Title 18,
Section 1029, which carries a penalty of up to $10,000 fine and up to
10 years imprisonment for first time offenders. Any future activity from
telephones listed to you may be referred to federal law enforcement
If you wish to discuss this restriction, you may do so in writing to
AT&T Corporate Security, Dept. 19, P.O. Box 6735, Bridgewater,
N.J. 08807-9998, or you may call 908-725-6973. *(What? No 1-800 number?)*
<Official hand signed signature of K. Tapaz> *(Who the fuck is he anyways?)*
AT&T Corporate Security
(Lame recycled paper symbol in lower left hand corner>
<End Letter>
And just to be a nice guy.. I'll publish my results.. See end of file..
Remember they said specifically: FROM YOUR LINES.. <Evil Grin>
Moral of this stupid fucking story: AT&T gets very angry when you wardial
9000 1-800 numbers.. So be sure to do it from a friends.. And BTW: I never
had used a code.. Not an AT&T one.. An out dial a few times.. But not AT&T..
The PBP Box
No Name
Hey was up all ya phreaks? I was sitting looking thru all my old ass boxes
(mostly built in 85-87). Nonw of them really fit what I was out ta do..
I felt in the mood to nail my buddy Nick Silkworthe's phone line for about
3 grand.. :)
I had no idea how to do this.. so I sat own and thought for.. oh about 15
seconds and had the perfect idea.. since I know that if the current in the
line is low enough the phone is considered off hook, So I built my fun little
box.. It REALLY easy.. If you can piss, then you can build this box..
Buy the following:
About 4-8 inches of wire
2 aligator clips (Optional)
1 BIG resistor. (Not really HUGE but a decent size.)
cut the wire into to parts (Wire A and B). Solder the resistor onto one end of
wire A, and one end to wire B. Add aligator clips to the free ends of wires if
>----WIRE A----[Resistor]----Wire B----<
/\ /\
|| ||
Aligator clip 1 Aligator Clip 2
Open up the little box that has there phone lines in it.(Commonly on outside of
house) <NOTE: You can also do this in a bucket>
Now hook up a beige, dial a 900 number, perferably a sex line.. Or something.
you can call a computer automated sports hotline for the hell of it if ya want
explain to any live people htat you just wanna sit and listen.. Hook up
aligator #1 to the red line/screw and hook aligator #2 to the green line/screw.
Now shut the box, lock it, whatever.. They are seriously fucked and will have
a huge phone bill...
Hope ya like the box..
The Heather Box
-No Name
I hate the idea of having to pay for local phone calls.. So I sat and
fucked with a payphone till I got it to give me free outgoing calls...
Then I devised a little box (Switch) that I could install so I wouldn't
have to get down and fuck with the wires.. All you have to do is install
once flip the switch (the way that it makes noise) and then dial..
flip the switch back and your all set.. FREE PHONE CALL!! YEAH!
BTW: THIS IS A PPiC Original!! Amazing ain't it?
How to put together:
Open up the payphone's base (if possible)(See diagram #1) If not accessible
locate the wires coming outta the phone somewhere. Strip the yellow wire
attach to the middle post of the switch. Run one side of the switch to the
black wire And the other side to the green wire.. Toggle Switch, when you
hear distortion dial your number, flip back and your done..
Diagram #1
|\ /|
| \___________________/ |
| | | | <---- Phone Booth
| | ____________ | |
| | | Phone | | |
| | | __ | | |
| | | ( ) | | |
| | | || | | |
| | | (__) | | |
| | | \ | | |
| | | ?? \____| | |
| | |____________| | |
| |_________________| |
| / \ |
| _____ |
|| ||
|| R ||
|| e ||
|| m || <-------Important wires kept in here.
|| o ||
|| v || Ground
|| e || /
||_____|| V
Heres the great diagram of the box.. Drawn by Duck..
(Don't hold me responsible for any probs arising from use of this.
This box is for informational purposes only and I'm to poor to sue.)
Brown & Blue -=- Self-Supplied.. Inside of base
Yellow -=- Comes from the Phone Pole... ? ?
? ?
/??Brown???\ ? ?
/ \ ? ??? ??? ?
? / /??Yellow? \ ? ??? ??? ?
? / / \____??? ??? ?
? /~~~~ / ? ??? ??? ?
?? ??___/ / ? ??? ??? ?
Switch ???> ??????????????/ / ??? ??? ?
??~~~\ /???Blue???/ ? ?
? \_______________/ ? ?
? ?????????????
Its that Simple...
HeY GuYz I'm TriPPen!
10:23 and nothing to cum on.
I woke up.. Brushed hair out of my teeth. Went downstairs to find something
to eat.. Uh.. Then there was like a naked chick standing there, and she was
playing with her self or something.. And like then she licked her finger, and
I shouted "Hey look, there is a chick who tastes herself! KEWL ASS!". she then
like freaks out and starts urinating on the floor, then like this dog or
something comes along and starts to drink it, and she just stands there going
"DUh, I'm easy fuck me or something" and so I walk up to her, with my little
fag ass MC donalds hat on and say "Excuse me miss, would you like frys with
that?" she says "No, but thanks anyways. Got any hot grease or something?".
I tell her no, but that inside all the pink backpack wearing fags have them.
So we go in, sit down.. and then I look into the corner. And its that kewl
ass guy, whats his name? Nowhere Man? And he's throwing frys at the Dark
Avenger.. And they sit there writing killer ass code on napkins and then they
ask me if I have a compiler in my pocket. I tell them why yes I do and hand
over Tasm version 999.999 Beta.. They like start cum'in on me.. so I start
shouting "CUM AS YOU ARE" and that chick is still fingering herself, and the
devil pops up and he joins in.. Pretty soon we have fried all the fags with
the pink backpacks and start chanting psalms and shit and then Satan joins
our T-file group and starts teaching us religious stuff like how to sell your
sole for the most money.. (See later article by Satan himself).
Santa Claus (Satans cousin) brings us all 486 dx2/66's just for the hell of
it and then gives us all the new tones (just incase we call a trunk line)
and then go's off and like does kewl stuff like helping us hook up gold boxes
all over the country so that we never have to pay LD again. And with all the
jumps and switches the phone company has a hard time tracking us.
But Thats all I feel like telling ya right now so wait for a further issue.
(Editors note: I think our group gets high to much.. HEHEHE)
The Day the Mother Fucking World Blew the Fuck up!
No Name
The first day of summer was a fucking blast. Fuck it if its a hole and
breaths. Went to like five tricks houses.. Couldn't get none.. Lit up a J
but didn't get to high.. I'm gonna kick some shit to ya.. Its two in the
fucking morning. My phone is wardialing about 5000 numbers.. (BTW: Call
and hack the following number, send all positive results to a PPiC board in
a file. Call it 4NONAME or some shit. The number is 1-800-222-0150 have fun)
Carl Clawson has my penis in his hand.. But back to the point of the file..
<What the hell am I talking about?>
No Name's "35 QUICK" tips on causeing havok and shit..
1) Hook up your beige onto a bucket.. call 911 disconnect, repeat on another
set of plugs, repeat till no more plugs are left.
2) Pour Piss on the greeen boxes and in the slots of pay phones..
3) Call your women, and tell her she's a fucking bitch. that your thru. this
is good to distract and confuse them. and also will piss you off so you will
do more stupid ass things in return..
4) If you find a guy named Harvey, kick his ass!
5) Touch yourself.
6) Etc. and shit.... BTW: Ameritech sucks dick.. They don't leave as many
wires in the buckets as michigan bell.
7) Open the part of the grey box on the outside of your house. That is only
For "Telco employees" and rip all the fucking wires out and cross them and
shit. And be sure to attach them to your testicles. <for Martin>
This like gives you free calls and shit (Or something)
8) Walk around NUDE! Freaks the shit out of old people.
9) Pee on poodles.
10) Fuck poodles..
11) Fuck poodles then give them a real hair cut.
12) Jump in puddles.
13) Make big.. BIG puddles in Martin/Harvey/Carl's front yard.
14) Put poodles in puddles.
15) Make puddles of poodles.
16) Make about 200 PBP boxes.. Call 1-800 collect and leave it.
17) Get a bunch of CC's and post how to use instructions on pay phones.
18) Social engineer shit you don't need.
19) Call NASA and crash its crays.. Cuz crays suck..
20) Beat up anyone named Ned.
21) Drink urine.
22) Drink other peoples urine.
23) Drink nothing but urine.
24) Hold on.. Thats rather sick.
25) Kick nun's ass's.
26) Kick cops.
27) Wake up real early and buy all the donuts in town and sit in front of the
police station and eat them all!
28) Steal someone elses phone service..
29) Shove condoms on the outside of all the phone mouth pieces.
30) Play Throw the bag ladies bag into the intersection.
31) Borrow your friends uniform (any store will do) And go to that store,
pick up stuff hand it to people and tell them that your giving it away today
for free.
32) Go to hell.. And have fun there.
33) Volunteer to do a field trip for jr. high students and teach them all
how to phreak..
34) Teach a bunch of old people how to phreak.
35) Hook every place you go up with free cable.
Thats enough for now.. I'll add another hundred later..
RANDUSER (Program)
By Duck
Randuser- Randuser is a program that helps you create fake identities with
the greatest of ease.. All you must do is type "Randuser" and a area code
and a two number prefix. Randuser generates the rest.. Later Randuser will
possibly generate liscence info, Credit card info, and Social Security card
numbers. If any other features are needed or requested we will add them to.
<Just send a message to No Name on what you want added, please include info
on how these are generated such as checksums, number/letter placement etc.>
No Names top ten reasons why ratios suck
10) They always have crazy ratios, making you upload a gig for a 10k file.
9) I don't have any files
8) I don't have any files they want.
7) The files I have, that they wouldn't kick me off the board for sending
are 2K big.
6) I'm LD from anywhere kewl.
5) Ratios show how big a leech I really am.
4) Ratios just plan out suck
3) They remind me of math, and I hate math, and I failed the part on ratios.
2) They are a part of math, which I promised myself long ago that I'd seperate
myself from completely (Actually I used to tell my math teachers that I'll
never even see a ratio in real life unless I was building a bomb in which
case I'd think it was kewl enough to use even math for it)
1) I end up writing PPiC issues which just cluter up the HD's of poor
defenseless sysops that allow people with my name upload..
? ? ?? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ? ?
New Members
? ? ?? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ? ?
Special greets to the following new members
Galaxy Ranger [PPiC] (Courior)
Sloppy Z [PHaD] (Nice having ya with us)
Contarton [PHaD] (Nice Gif)
? ? ?? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ? ?
Other Greets
? ? ?? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ? ?
Duck [PPiC] (Thanx for The help with shit)
Bishop [X-MEN]
Magneto [X-MEN]
Iceman [X-MEN] (Not the guy that got busted)
Wolverine [X-MEN]
To all the -=Gremlins=- (Ya know who ya are)
Mescalito Ted (Thanks for being our WHQ)
And to all the other people that have been kewl ass that I forgot about.
? ? ?? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ? ?
? ? ?? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ? ?
Carl C. (You shouldn't touch other peoples shit.)
JUSTIN CASE of Columbia, MD (Phone number: 301-776-0304)
Martin H. (Fuck you and your faggy Co-SysOps.. I don't get gifs made of me)
The Lamer Nick (You know what I'm shouting)
Ma Bell/Ameritech (SELLOUTS!)
AT&T Security (You can go fuck yourself! Don't call me and harass me!)
TCI (Catalina Salley sucks a big ass dick! <About as good as Morissa Wood>)
? ? ?? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ? ?
Member List
? ? ?? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ? ?
No Name Contarton
Sloppy Z Galaxy Ranger
Enigma Prophet
Duck Frenchmen
? ? ?? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ? ?
Call PPiC WHQ: Altered Consciousness @ 1-206-652-3086
? ? ?? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ? ?
A Sneak Preview of Issue 18:
? ? ?? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ? ?
Two more useful programs from Duck.
Two more boxes (SPPBP and an unnamed box)
An update on whats happening in our neck of the woods
A list of stuff.. (You'll have to wait to find out)
The members of PHaD take a stab at T-files and VGA art.