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PPiC-PPiC                                                        PPiC-PPiC

                               Issue 15

PPiC Members List:

Scourge                 <-kewl
No Name                 <-kewl
Duck                    <-kewl
Frenchman               <-so so
Overkill                <-Lamer
Scorch                  <Haven't met the dude :)
Chicago                 <-Dunno.  Changes his fukn alias every 2 weeks
Ground Zero             <-kewl
Enigma                  <-kewl
StormShadow             <-new
Prophet                 <-major dumbass
Charles Manson          <-new
C-4                     <-what lighter?
                               Editors' Note

        Well, here we are with another BIG issue of PPiC.  All of our
readers decided that they didn't like us writing lots of articles and
releasing them separately.  So, we're back to this format.  If you have
any other suggestions\complaints\hot women who love sex\text then write
to Scourge, Ground Zero, or No Name at any good 516/616 BBS.

                               Taking Over the World

       So you're a Terrorist-Wannabe?  Well, after reading Scourge's "How
to be a REAL Wacko" you'll know all the secrets that Hillary Clinton lies
in bed dreaming of.
        First, you'll need a brain.  I know, for some of you this is tough,
but if you don't have one, go borrow one from your local nerd.  Nerds as a
rule are smart ('cept for Silkworthe), but generally are goody-goodies and
their lives are devoted to math and shit.  They are smart, but not intelligent.
Now.  Take this brain, and figure out exactly how  much capital you'll need.
Money is important, but even more important is finding out where you're going
to steal it from.

        Ok, you have your money.  Now, go spend it on cocaine.  Take this
cocaine and give it to your dean.  That's right.  The college hires deans, and
gives them cocaine to keep them working.  Otherwise, they crack and leave.
Then they have to find a new one. (This is even more true in the case of the
principal.  The ones that stay are so addicted it isn't even funny).  Now.
Get him to destroy your name in all school records.  This is the first step
in becoming non-existant.  Then, kill him.

        Now, you have to build a giant bomb.  BUT, you are going to need help
hope a demon appears.  If one doesn't, you didn't do it wrong, you just
summoned Satan and have about 4 seconds of a real life left before he takes
you to hell and tortures you for eternity.   If one does appear, tell him
you want an SR-71, 4 Patriots, 10 tons of RDX, and a small uncharted island
in the middle of the Pacific if something is to go wrong.  Take this SR-71,
and have the demon get you a suicidal pilot (easy to find in the Air Force
now that Billary is President).  Have him fly the SR-71 straight into
the Pentagon, and dump 2 tons of RDX into it.  Once it and it's computers
are gone, send him to the FBI, CIA, KGB, and all other powerful agencies.
Then have him crash into the White House and end the reign of
Sata- I mean Bill Clinton once and for all.  Then, fire the 4 Patriots at
random locations around the world, causing havoc and riots (for good measure)

        Now comes the part of getting the militia on your side.  The demon
will have withered and died by now, so that's not an option. (No, you can't
summon another one!)  Just tell them that they've seen what you can do, and
if that doesn't work, tell them you work for the Secret European Republic and
you've been sent. Tell them they have a choice between you and Dan Quayle.
That will cow them if anything will.  Now, take the Army and crush all of
Asia in one quick blow.  Then, send everyone else after Barney.  That's
right.  Who do you think REALLY runs the world?  Barney does.  Baby Bop
screws all the world leaders, and gets into power, then gives it to Barney.

        After all that, you will pretty much run the entire world.  You better
run it well or I'll have to come and kick your ass.


       Bashes and Bad-Asses
       ---by Ground Zero

Nobody's BBS    (616)962-0860   /  Both BBSes I've been kicked off of.
Dave's Planet   (616)968-1792   \  Send 'em your favorite polymorph today!
A great number to prank (616)962-7438  <-Ask for Nikki
No Explanation Required (800)ABCDEFG
A REAL BITCH    (616)781 1104  <-- Ask for Shannon Holt.

No really good BBSes I recommend...


    Since Ma Bell is so nice, and loves to please us phone phreakers,
they have changed (at least in the 616 area) the way calls work. If you call
them, and they hang up, you get an annoying error message.. Now, if you want
to take advantage of a extender, or even a Cocot you can't..  This seems to
ruin all our fun right? Well, It doesn't.  what you do is have someone call
you at a cocot, Then you answear, have them hang up, now you have the dial
tone, White box off of it and your all set..

This has been tested on two differnent brands of cocots, and I never had
to hiss in the phone.  But sometimes it is necassary.         -NN

No Names Remote Detonator
Real simple one hear...

Construct a bomb, that must be lighted by a fuse...

Take a remote control car, Unscrew the screw(s) holding it together,
Take the two wires leading to the engine, connect to an everyday
rocket engine ignitor, Place ignitor in explosive device..

When you push up on the remote control, A charge is sent to the
ignitor, setting off the bomb.. to make this where you don't even
have to be around, make above stated device, put NEW batteries
into the remote. mount the inards of the remote control car, and
the bomb and attach to the Person you hates car.
Place one end of a rubber band around the joystick of the remote,
and wrap the otehr end around something else..
Place this remote in a tree that is on the way to the guys work..
When he drives by BAM! See ya...

                        Anarchy @ School (#2)
                            By No Name

ANARCHY". So I'm gonna do another installment on the subject.

    Okay, since last time I tought you how to put CLOSE to unbreakable security
on the macs I'm going to teach you how to combat if someone did this to the
machines, like they did in my area (The folder bolt, At Ease combo).
Hopefully the person that set this up is stupid, and didn't know what the fuck
they were doing.

(BTW: to my knowledge the new version of folderbolt is immune to this sorta

Okay.. Since startup items suck, We are going to have to stop them.

When the computer turns on and you see that little ugly computer, hold down
the shift key. Then insert a system disk. Rebuild the desktop by pressing
Shft-Cmnd-Opt-Ctrl, Select yes. HOPEFULLY you have just gotten folderbolt
disengaged and you have also bypassed at ease.. NOW if this all doesn't work
Password prompt, At Ease still comes up, etc, don't worry. HOPEFULLY you have
disengaged folder bolt, then all you must do is either go into the system folder
and delete the At Ease preferences, At ease itself, Or whatever. OR you
could always overwrite the preferences with your favorite word processor.
Then go into the Startup folder and delete or move the programs (if it boots
into a finder quiter, REDO the At Ease preferences so that only you know the
password. (like the people who installed it know how the fuck to get through..)
then you can lock them out! haahha..

Okay. Now that you've ruined/gotten past any protection on the systems,
have tons of fun.. don't do a diskwipe yet.. Be sure to copy all useful
things off of the system. also do an Unerase and find all the shit they used
to have. (Shit stays on macs for years!).

Now heres a little trick.. Many larger schools have networks.. If its a
Mac network then you can have a lot of fun.. Since its real easy to rip
shit off of the other peoples stuff. And thats because Mac protection sucks.

Go to Apple share, Log on to your favorite computer as administrator.
If the person who set up the network is stupid, this account will be
unpassworded. heheh. Full access with out ripping it off..

Okay.. Next step.. Now the computer lab should be getting a littel dull.. So
walk out (being sure to rip/cut/steal every cable that is on the machines),
]now go to the first classroom in the hall.  Noe this takes a lot of balls, so
you might wanna go to some other school and do it.  Go into the class, Ask
th teacher for the attendance sheet. They'll hand it over probably without
asking any questions.  now you must go and burn this. rip it up, mark every
one absent, and then leave it laying in the hall so the real office assistant
will be sure to find it.

Now if your school is like the one I used to go to, they have a pay phone.
now if they don't, I'm sur they have plenty of phone lines just laying around
waiting to be used.. bring a laptop to school, Call LD. DL adult gifs, Beige
off of the telephone.. I did it. Not hard.. Just remember the red and green
(or purple and green) are used for phone calls.. on the school liens you
usually have to dial a "9" first..

Next place to visit is the storeage room. Go right up to a janitor, say,
"I need 100 jars of rubber cement and the office doesn't have that many".
When he asks you why, tell him thats what the art teacher told you to go get.
CAUTION: Some schools buy rubber cement in BIG containers, so if you see
some containers that look kinda like gas tanks (hand help metal ones) be sure
to ask for only a couple.

Now that you have cement you can cause a lot of problems.. Now if the janitor
knows you, don't do this.. you'll get caught.. And getting caught REALLY sucks.
so have some drop out come to school and do it. Trade him a carton of cig's
for it. Its well worth it..

If you have the big containers go through the hall ways with it open, pouring
it all the way. If oyur a real asshole, and a pyro, light the shit on fire..
Its truely wicked.. Now if you only got a 100 glass jars.. now think for a
moment, what kinda things can you do with glass and glue? well lets list them:


1. Drop them
2. Throw them
3. Drop them from the highest floor
4. Wait till class cahnge and throw at someone you don't like.
5. Glue fronts of lockers.
6. Glue the locks.
7. Glue the edge of the locker.
8. Put glue on the handles.
9. Make a funnel and pour into the locker.
10. Throw at doors.
11. Place under tires of teachers car.
12. Throw at cars.
13. Throw in parking lot.

Thats enough to get you thinking.. Have fun.. <BTW: if you come up with more
Send them in, I want more things to do, I still got 40 or so bottles left>

Whew.. Thats enough for this installment of anarchy at school.

Oh yeah.. heres a another one (a real quickie):

Take two 9 volt batteries, hook them end to end. Place in some nerds locker.
Boy are they happy when they find out.. :) Hahahah..
How to unleash a trojan or Stealth bomb past Virii detectors.
By No Name

Make a zip, label it zip1.zip (for example purposes) In this zip have
a hidden file, Called pkunzip and a file containing a stealth virus.
Zip zip1.zip along with a few others, trick someone into unzipping them all.

What PKUNZIP (that hidden file) must do.

It must shell and execute the real Pkunzip (With all it parameters), and
unpack the virus and execute it, and delete its self.

Thats all. If you wanna bypass security ue a polymorphic virii, stealth,
Mutating, Choas-engine, Etc Virii.  Also Pklite (With a pkfool) of the
virii's data file with also help it get past all the security. :)

Have fun

Update: By C-4

        If you know the guy runs PKUNZIP.EXE, make a batch file and change it
to a .COM, saying:
@echo off
pkunzip zip1.zip
del zip1.zip
         Then, since .COMs are run before .EXEs.... It will unzip your program.

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PHOSE and PHREE are trademarks of PHOSE international and PHOSE incorperated.
Blah blah blah and a bunch of other small print shit.

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    |   :   : Thousands&Thousands Of obscure files >OnLine<  ;        |
     This file has been for educational and informational purposes only
    ;   .           Sysops- Mescalito Ted & Datura        .        ;
    .                                                              .