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____________ / \ \ \ \ \ | | | | | | _|_|__| | | |\ / |_\\_/\_/\_/ | | _____/ | \ / \ / \ | | | | | | | | | Unite! Unite! October 1991 Welcome to the PREMIER issue of The AlterNet Times. So far its been pretty lame trying to get submissions but maybe this issue will jog your memory! Read on and enjoy.... NOTE: All information contained herein is for the common knowledge of the public. No authors or the SysOp(s) of The Subway BBS or Anarchy INC. can be held responsible for how the information is used. -Shadow Demon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Distributed exclusively by: The Subway BBS SysOp: Shadow Demon Area CoSysOps: 501-847-4471 CoSysOp: The Man Excalibur 1200/2400 Baud Ubiquitous Phantom ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: 1. New and Improved Shotgun Shell Bomb 2. Instant Hand Grenade 3. One Killer Klub 4. Make a Real Cool Dart! 5. The Tried and True Home Production Method for Black Powder 6. Bombs of All Types --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now for our main events.... \ | | | | / /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ -- < New and Improved > -- < Shotgun Shell > -- < Bomb > -- \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ / | | | | \ by: \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/ -={[ el zapo bango ]}=- /@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ and |\ /| |\ | /~~\ |~~\ |Der Mnopen Meister | | | | \| \__/ |__/ | This is a variation we designed from the bomb outlined in Phrack Inc., Vol. 1, Issue 3, phile 3 0f 10. It is simpler, easier to make, causes more damage, and works better because the older design had a tendency not to work all the time because it would not always hit the ground primer first. This sort of bomb is well suited to attacking/defending against large groups, or just for creating a big bang and general havoc. In order to throw to together this fun little toy, you will need the following wacky items: 1>shotgun shell(s) (12 gauge if at all possible) 2>surveyor's tape (if you don't know what it is, just ask at your hardware and they'll get it for you) 3>duct tape 4>cork (preferably from that wine bottle you just finished off) 5>thin nail(s) about 3/4" long, with head First, cut a length of about 2' of surveyors tape. Tape the two ends to the non-primer end (the end without the metal) so that you have a loop of ribbon. This acts as a semi-parachute that doesn't slow the shell down, but it aligns the shell so that it hits primer first. Second, cut a cylinder of cork about 1/2 an inch thick and put the nail through the center of it. Make sure that the nail is not too loose as to fall out, but not too tight. You should be able to slide the nail in and out with your hand. Now, glue the cork with nail onto the primer (end with the metal) so that if you were to hit the nail hard, it would hit the primer of the shell like the firing pin of a gun. Once you have this on, be very careful, and do NOT drop it. To throw, hold by the shell (NOT by the surveyor's tape) and throw high and hard. We highly recommend that you duck behind some sort of barrier. A sheet of 3/4" plywood to duck behind works very well. _______________ / / \___\__________________ / / \__\______________________ _____ | | | || | |---| | | | || | |---|___| | | | || | |---| | \__\________________ |___||____________________|_____|---| /\ \__\______________/__/ /\ /\ | /\ shotgun cork | loop of shell | surveyors nail tape Comments: During the hours of late night bomb testing at mnop's house, we found that the less tape that you put on the body of the bomb, the better the explosion is. We have also contemplated the merits of throwing them at high speeds from a car window at other cars that we do not find satisfactory. Another option is to saw about a quarter inch off the non-primer end and empty out all the bb's out and omit the surveyor's tape. Then walk up to somebody and throw it hard, like a dart, at their feet and watch them piss in their pants. Now, go out and have fun, but don't blow your hands off, okay? %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae fuit. -Seneca %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ / \ *INSTANT* / -- HAND GRENADE -- / (some assembly required) \ / \ \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/ -={[ by Zap Bang ]}=- /@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ Materials: 1. box or two of wooden "strike anywhere matches" (the kind with the white phosphorous tip) 2. tennis ball 3. a heavy ball bearing (about the size of a marble, you can pick one up at your local hardware store) 4. paraffin (also available at your hardware store) This is a great low budget pyrotechnic device, guaranteed to make a great blast. It's easy to get your hands on the material, and simple to make. First, take the tennis ball and cut a piece about the size of silver dollar out of the top. Save this piece! Second, fill the tennis ball "shell" about half way up with match heads that you cut off of the 'strike anywhere' matches. Set the ball bearing in the center. Fill the tennis ball the rest of the way up with more match heads. Get as many match heads as you can fit in the tennis ball, and then take the piece you cut out of the tennis ball and seal it back in place with the paraffin. You should put enough match heads in so that it is tight and everything isn't rolling around inside. DON'T SHAKE IT! To use, either drop it off of an elevated place or throw it. For best results, try and get it to land on a fairly hard surface. If you decide to throw it, remember to accelerate your arm SLOWLY to avoid it detonating in your hand. When it lands, the heavy ball bearing smashes through the match heads, and they all ignite at once, making a great explosion, so make sure your grenade is tightly packed with match heads. Comments: Filling the tennis ball with the match heads is a slow and tedious process, but do not be tempted, when you are halfway done, to drop a lit match in to see what happens. A friend of mine tried this, and spent several weeks with his right hand completely bandaged. Also, make this OUTSIDE! IMPORTANT NOTE: This article is for informational purposes only. I am not responsible for any injuries or damages resulting from the use of this design. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae fuit. -Seneca %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ...how to make a... ++++++++++++++++++ + ONE + + HECKUVA CLUB + ++++++++++++++++++ \@@@@@@@@@@@@@/ -={[ By Zap Bang ]}=- /@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ This simple design that was thought up one day when some of my friends (mnop and his brother) and I were devising some good, easily concealed weapons. This one is great and is guaranteed to smash anyone's skull, and is perfect for any type of fight, as long as the other person doesn't have a gun or something. Remember, only use this weapon if you are planning on REALLY hurting the person, 'cause it will do serious damage. It does about the same amount of a damage as a baseball bat, but it is easier to handle and use, and it is much more inconspicuous. Okay, here's what you need: 1. the biggest pool stick that you can get (you should be able to pick one up pretty cheap at Wal-Mart). If you can't get a pool stick, you can use a broom stick, but it won't be as good... 2. some lead pellets, you know, the kind that some bb-guns use? (also available at your friendly Wal-Mart outlet) 3. an metal cup, large spoon, or even better, a ladle with a spout. 4. a good heating element 5. a drill with the longest drill bit that you can find. Use about a 1/4" drill bit, a little bigger if you want, but no smaller. 6. plastic wood (comes in a tube, at hardware stores, just ask for it and they'll know what you are talking about) Alright, first, take the pool cue and cut off the thick end so that you have a tapering club about the length from your armpit to your wrist, or a little shorter (this is so you can carry under your arm, alongside your body without attracting too much attention). Now you should have a nice club that is heavily weighted on one end (the thick end). Next drill a hole into the thick end of the pool stick. Do it carefully and slowly to avoid cracking the stick. The deeper it is the better (you'll see why in a minute). Try and drill the hole like this: make the hole wider at the top so it easier to pore the lead in | | _ _ | \ / | cross section | | | | of thick end --> | | | | of pool stick | | | | | |_| | | | | | | | | | Now, put a couple of lead pellets in the ladle (or whatever you are using) and heat it up until the pellets are completely liquefied. Do this outside if at all possible because it makes an awful stench. We used a blow torch to heat it up, but you could make a fire in a barbecue grill or something. Now once you have it completely melted CAREFULLY pour it into the hole you drilled in the pool stick. DO NOT HOLD THE POOL STICK IN YOUR HANDS WHEN YOU DOING THIS! Just stick the thin end in the ground or prop it up some how. Continue melting and pouring in lead into the hole until it is filled to about half an inch from the top. At this point just let it cool for an hour or so. When it is completely cooled, scrape away the thin layer of burnt wood, and fill in the last half inch of the hole with plastic wood. This is necessary because the lead will usally come loose and slide out of the hole. Now that you have it, go test drive it on the head of your choice.... %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae fuit. -Seneca %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \\\\\ \ [||||| NEAT LITTLE DART ||||=> ///// / ...that you can make... \@@@@@@@@@@@@@/ -={[ by Zap Bang ]}=- /@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ Materials: 1. few wooden matches (the bigger the better) 2. few small safety pins (preferably very sharp) 3. wire cutter 4. pliers 5. vise (optional) 6. sheet of notebook paper 7. glue (elmer's or wood glue works best) 8. a sharp razor or x-acto knife This little dart is loads of phun! It is stable and strong enough to be thrown accurately from up to 15 or 20 feet with a little practice and still stick in a wall! (or a person for that matter!) Here's what you do: First, take one of the safety pins, and cut as much of the sharp needle part as you can with the wire cutters. You should now have a very sharp little needle. Second, take a match and cut the chemical part off that you light. Secure the match in some fashion (like a vise), and, using the pliers, push the needle into the end of the match (blunt end first, so that the sharp end is sticking out). This takes patience and a few tries before you can get the pin in without splitting the match in two, so keep trying. Next, rub wood glue in around that end of the match to strengthen the wood. It should look something like this: [||||||||||||||||||||||||]--------- /\ /\ match needle, sharp end facing out Third, take the match out of the vise, turn it over, and put it back in the vise so that the other end of the match is sticking up. Carefully make a quarter inch long cut with the x-acto knife into the other side of the match (as if you were going to cut the match in half lengthwise). Fourth, cut two 1" by 1/4" pieces of paper from the notebook paper, and slide these into the slit you made. Bend the sheets apart and put a drop of glue in the slit. Pinch it together until dry. Here, maybe this will help: ____ | | | | side view: ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||--------- | | |____| here, if you can figure this out, this is looking at the END of the match: \ / 11 represents the match \ / 11||11 / 11||11 | represents pieces of paper 11||11 \ used as fin / \ / \ That's it! And remember what Mommy said..."Don't go and poke your eye out." %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementia fuit. -Seneca %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This is a recipe no self respecting Anarchist should be without.... The Tried And True Home Production Method For Bootleg Black Powder In Three Easy Steps By: Shadow Demon This is cheaper to make than to buy at the store and may help you out if the store won't sell it to you. THIS IS VERY DANGEROUS! Please don't work around open flame (!), be careful, and this takes a long time if you are making a large batch. Bootleg Black Powder 75% Sodium Nitrate (Saltpeter) 15% Charcoal 10% Sulfur Water (or urine) Sodium Nitrate can be found in most high school chemistry labs. You can also get it from a chemical supply house. If all else fails, dig around a graveyard. The white crystals found around the graves is sodium nitrate. Charcoal can be gotten at any store that sells fish tank supplies. Look for the charcoal that's used in the filters. If you want to make it, use SOFTwood (pine, willow, redwood) as opposed to HARDwood (oak, maple). It makes less ash. Seal the wood chips in a metal can with a tiny hole in the top (to vent the smoke). Light a fire under the can and when smoke stops coming out of the hole, rake the fire from under the can, plug the vent, and let it set over night. Sulfur can be found in schools, supply houses, or probably in a drug store. You can get this stuff in a chemistry set. Step 1: Powder all the ingredients SEPARATELY! A mortar and pestle works best but if you don't have one, improvise. Only use wood (preferred) or glass. Metal and other surfaces (like two rocks) may cause the sodium nitrate to blow up. Step 2: Mix all of the finally powdered ingredients together in a bowl of some sort and add a little water till you get a biscuit dough type mix. (Note: If you substitute stale urine for water it'll boost its performance because it gives it more oxygen). Be sure you mix it VERY well. Roll it out on a flat surface and let it dry completely. (If you store it before its fully dried out, you'll get a lot of dud shots). Step 3: Break the dried dough up (be careful here) and put it in an air tight container and store it in a cool, dry place. This is potent stuff! The slightest spark can set it off! Flashburn isn't too nice... There you go... This makes usable powder for bombs, zip guns, and what ever else you want to blow up or set on fire. NEVER mix it with other explosives or other ingredients if you plan to use it in a gun! It could turn the muzzle into a grenade! If you really want to make a mess mix up some magnesium shavings (REAL bright, hot fire), or iron fillings/copper powder (splatters sparks everywhere). Dip some stiff twine (not the nylon type if you can help it) in white glue and then in gunpowder for a nice stiff fuse thats hard to put out (great for those pipe bombs!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bombs of All Types! By: Shadow Demon Know of any really GOOD bombs? I got a few good ones here... Maybe somebody else can expound on it? Molotov Cocktail: EVERYBODY knows how to make a cocktail right? Well in case you don't... Take a nice big GLASS bottle and fill it up (around 2/3 full) with gas or any other flammable liquid. Stuff a rag soaked with the same liquid in the bottle, light it, and chunk it at something you want to see BURN! Flash Bomb: Fill a small bottle (again glass) with gun powder and tape a fuse to it (run the fuse inside but put tape to keep it from falling out. (How to make a fuse is above)). Again light it and chunk it at something.... POOF! A small cloud of smoke... Makes a nice distraction if your trying to get away... Pipe Bomb: Get a small pipe with threads at both ends. Get two caps (also with threads) that will fit the pipe. Pack the pipe with gun powder and drill a hole in one of the caps. Assemble the pipe, run a fuse down the hole, light it and run like hell! Makes a good grenade if there is enough powder and the pipe is thin enough to blow up. You'll have to experiment to see what combination works best. (This should work with any kind of metal piping.) Flash Bomb II: This is like the first one but use a plastic medicine bottle packed FULL of powder. Put a hole in the lid and stick a fuse in it. This makes a nice BIG mushroom cloud. (You should be able to string up a row of these connected by a string of blasting caps and a battery for nice special effects!) Does anybody know how to make nitroglycerin? I know you cook glycerin with some kind of acid?? (Hydrochloric or sulfuric?) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------